
konradbActionParsnip: /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart?00:00
konradbbut i dont have /etc/rc.d/ lolz, i have only rc0-6 and rcS.d00:01
ActionParsnipkonradb: sudo service ssh stop; sudo service ssh start00:01
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konradbit will be hard to do on vps :DDD00:02
apersonhello.  I just migrated to some new hardware (i5, nvidia gpu, etc) and I now find that I can only boot when I select recovery mode and then hit resume.  Ubuntu will not start otherwise.  Any ideas?00:03
ActionParsnipkonradb: the commands will run fine, there is enough redundancy to keep the link up00:03
konradbi made service ssh restart00:03
ActionParsnipkonradb: remember the old connections around when SSH was being made00:03
konradbthanks for help :)00:03
ActionParsnipkonradb: all ok now?00:03
ActionParsnipkonradb: you MUST restart ANY service after editting the confoig00:03
ActionParsnipkonradb: this makes it reread the file, changing it and not restarting doesn't change the running service on the fly00:04
konradbouch, small question more, how can i use bash "clear" in motd?00:04
konradbis it possible?00:04
konradbby /etc/modtd00:05
ActionParsnipkonradb: do you want motd to show at all?00:05
konradbi want to clear console after connection00:06
konradbU know, connect konradb@host.com etc etc etc00:06
konradbthen clear and motd00:06
ActionParsnipkonradb: you could add the clear command to the bottom of ~/.bashrc00:07
kszkszhello. 11.10 - dealing with network card rtl8139 for half day, cant get it work -8139too and 8139cp are loaded, tried rmmod for 8139cp, deleting file from  /lib/modules/kernel 3/kernel/drivers/net/, but still both modules are loaded and card is not working, any tips?00:07
konradbActionParsnip: hm, good idea :D00:08
konradbwhere is bash configuration file  for all users?00:08
puffI'm trying to install skype via folowing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype00:09
LinoSPI have a Toshiba Satellite 1555CDS and a DWL-G650+ wifi (which is a pita) I cannot install any lubuntu version newer than 10.04 because of cmov boot fail and DWL-G650+ doesn't work with 10.04 any ideas?00:10
kszkszcard worked when i installed it before with ubuntu00:10
BlueProtomanAnyone here know why Synaptic (Ubuntu 11.04) can't fix this broken package?  I can't install new software until I get this fixed.  http://pastebin.com/RaFii4ts  Here's my list of package sources.  http://pastebin.com/HTReL7zL00:10
JoshManders_Hi guys, I'm having problem with installing Ubuntu. First time this has ever happened to me.00:10
JoshManders_I have an HP Pavilion a1630n Media Center, and I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on it00:11
kszkszblacklisting wont work either00:11
puffHowever, a) after adding the ppa, aptiutde update too forever on extras.ubuntu.com, ended up ctrl-c'ing out of it a couple of times but finally it updated... with some errors:  http://pastebin.com/Bptrxn6s00:11
konradbBlueProtoman: try sudo apt-get install gimp00:11
puffb) even after updating with no errors, aptitude can't find a skype package00:11
JoshManders_It gives a black screen just before it gives the menu for install or run live cd00:11
puffDoh, looking more closely at the errors, I see it ended up skipping extras.  Well.00:12
BlueProtomankonradb: No luck.  http://pastebin.com/np5EAUgG00:12
ActionParsnipJoshManders_: what GPU are you using?00:13
konradbBlueProtoman: You really have good repository?00:13
puffHm, I wonder if the 32 bit version of the skype .deb is worth trying.00:13
ActionParsnipJoshManders_: thought about using Oneiric too?00:13
JoshManders_ActionParsnip: nvidia gforce 6150 le00:13
BlueProtomankonradb: What do you mean?00:13
ActionParsnipJoshManders_: add the boot optoin:  nouveau.blacklist=100:14
JoshManders_ActionParsnip: I have a live cd of 10.04 LTS so I figure I'd upgrade from there00:14
konradbdidn't you add any new repository?00:14
JoshManders_ActionParsnip: how do I do that? I can't even get anywhere with it00:14
ActionParsnipJoshManders_: you can update to precise (12.04) in one jump if you want (it prerelease but will get you there quick)00:14
BlueProtomankonradb: Yes, I posted the list.  http://pastebin.com/HTReL7zL00:14
ActionParsnipbootoption | JoshManders_00:14
BlueProtomanI gotta go real soon, so any tips?00:15
JoshManders_Sec, let me hook my monitor up to the thing and see what I can do.00:15
kszkszis this 8139 issue fixable or i need to reinstall ubuntu? :S00:15
m_fulderhow can I remove a kernel module?00:16
konradbBlueProtoman: im not boss in linux, but i was trying to help by default problems :D. Meaby install from *.deb?00:16
m_fulderrmmod seems not to work :S00:16
vnhi, when a directory is created inside another, it usually heritates from its permissions...how can I change those default permissions upon creation of a subdirectory?00:16
BlueProtomanWell, thanks anyway.00:17
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dajhornvn: Try the `umask` command.00:18
YurimHi folks! Do you know who starts the gnome-keyring-daemon? I'm wondering where i can switch off the gpg-agent emulation.00:18
JoshManders_ActionParsnip: do I just add it after quiet splash --?00:18
vndajhorn: thanks00:19
dajhornvn: Welcome.00:19
Acidcoreis Ubuntu 11.10 using acpi by default?00:20
ActionParsnipJoshManders_: yes00:21
JoshManders_Okay, it's at the Ubuntu screen with the dots going red as a progression00:22
ActionParsnipAcidcore: could also try:  nomodeset   too :)00:22
ActionParsnipJoshManders_: strange is that I use a 6150LE in my desktop and its faultless00:23
ActionParsnipJoshManders_: sometimes they just don't like the nouveau driver, the boot option makes the kernel block the driver and the nv driver will be used. You'll need to do the same on the installed OS til you can install the proprietary driver00:24
JoshManders_ActionParsnip: I found this, thanks > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9195971&postcount=1400:24
inashdeen_Hi. Is there a way to have clocks of different time (say 1 is uTC, the other is US times) on my ubuntu desktop?00:25
AcidcoreActionParsnip: what is the nomodeset for?00:25
vndajhorn: is there something such as umask to designate default owner/group?00:25
dajhornvn: You can set the group sticky bit on a directory so that group ownership is inherited.00:26
ActionParsnipAcidcore: it makes the kernel not set video modes and refresh stuff in side the kernel afaik, keeps it outside the kernel. Some GPUs don't like it00:27
vndajhorn: in fact I don't want it to be inherited00:27
dajhornvn: Can you give an example of what you want?00:27
ActionParsnipAcidcore: its something like that, the exacts escape me00:28
AcidcoreI think I understand. Although the question now occured why that should be used?00:28
AcidcoreLike in which cases?00:29
ActionParsnipAcidcore: some GPUs will not show an image as it can cause issues with some, so the boot option is there to tell the kernel to not do it00:29
Acidcoreaah thank you but I don't see what that has to do with ACPI00:30
ActionParsnipAcidcore: its common for intel GPUs00:30
ActionParsnipAcidcore: acpi is a different boot option to do with power management00:31
JasonGriffeeHow do I make a xRandR mode permanent?00:31
AcidcoreI am using nvidia gefore (gygabite) gtx 48000:31
konradbhow can i change motd to motd.sh?00:31
Acidcorealthough my question was if Ubuntu uses ACPI00:31
Acidcorewhich if I know right have nothing to do with gpus00:31
amd123hello, can any1 help me with my code in java, i got date to work as in todays date by using java.util.date and declaring as : licenceRenewal = new Date() which sets todays date but how do i increase the year by 1?00:32
ActionParsnipAcidcore: yes acpi is default00:33
Acidcorethank you ActionParsnip00:33
ActionParsnipamd123: I'd ask in #java00:33
ActionParsnipAcidcore: sorry for wafflin00:33
Acidcoreaa np00:33
Acidcoreactually ty00:33
Acidcorei mean it wasn't related but I learned something new :)00:33
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vitamin{is there a particular reason that 10.04 still runs firefox 3.6.24 by default00:36
ActionParsnipvitamin{: there are ppas for newer ones, which version do you want?00:38
puffHow likely is it that a 32-bit .deb will work on 64-bit ubuntu 11.10?00:38
ActionParsnippuff: it should work, you will pull in all the deps you need, is there no 64bit deb?00:38
humamiazsome kind soul to help a nooob?00:39
mongyJasonGriffee, I found adding all the commands used to .xprofile worked00:40
ActionParsnipvitamin{: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade00:40
ActionParsnipvitamin{: will gove you firefox 9 in Lucid00:40
ActionParsniphumamiaz: ask and see00:40
cozmooplease for the love of god i need help00:40
humamiazhelp install my ralink usb00:41
vitamin{ActionParsnip, oh yea I no that. I just wanted to know the reason, just stability?00:41
ActionParsnipcozmoo: ask away00:41
bazhangcozmoo, ask a question00:41
humamiazi need intense help00:41
cozmooi am so lost its not even funny00:41
richif i diconnect form internet to go to friends, will my downloads resume where they left off00:41
humamiazthe helper must be paciente00:41
rich(non torrent downloads)00:41
ActionParsnipvitamin{: probably, not sure personally. I don't use firefox00:41
cozmoofirst i need to get pptp running on my ubuntu virtual machine00:41
trismvitamin{: generally stable releases only get security updates, however 9.0.1 is currently in lucid-proposed, so it will probably land in updates soon (it just arrived in oneiric)00:42
vitamin{ActionParsnip, ah kk well thats for your help, think ill got give FF9 a try00:42
ActionParsniprich: if you use a download manager and the server supports resuming then yes00:42
cozmooi thought everything was configed properly but i cant connect to it00:42
richso if something is downloading through firefox, im geussing thats not a download manager? ActionParsnip_00:43
vitamin{trism, thanks for the info!00:43
cozmoowhat is localip what is remote ip when setting up a vpn00:43
cozmoocan i pm one of you guys for help pleasE?00:44
tuxGentoohola a todos voy a pedirles una gran ayuda a todos ustedes estoy realisando una encuenta y necesito gente que pueda llenar esa encuenta la puedne encontrar en esta direccion http://www.encuestafacil.com/RespWeb/Qn.aspx?EID=115893800:45
cozmooActionParsnip  bazhang  ?00:45
wajeembaso I have an interesting hardware situation; my CPU fan doesn't seem to always like to run. It works on Windows, and must have worked during ubuntu-server setup, but the ubuntu desktop live cd and the completed install of ubuntu-server freeze after about 30-60 seconds once booted.00:46
wajeembaIs there a way I can manually set the fan to always run without doing a hacky "hardware mod"?00:46
Rookie407can someone pls help? im trying to add java and android sdk to my environmental variables, i have the .bashrc file open but it seems the info ive been given fails to tell you exactly where to input it...00:46
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puffActionParsnip: I got an odd error when I tried to "dpkg -i" the .deb I manually downloaded.   When I tried to add the partner repo via aptitude, aptitude update choked on updating extras AND on security.  Somebody elsenet suggested using synaptic and letting it pick a better mirror, that seems to work and it found skype i386 so I'm trying that.00:46
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puffRookie407: What shell?00:47
ActionParsnipcozmoo: its not something I've used or know of, or I would have replied00:47
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cozmoook well00:47
Rookie407puff i dont know what you mean by shell =\00:47
cozmoogeneral question00:47
puffRookie407: This is really more of a ##java or ##android-dev question, but...00:47
cozmooand remoteip?00:47
FloodBot1cozmoo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
puffRookie407: Ah... okay, well.  Bash is the default shell, I think.00:47
ActionParsnipRookie407: you will need to add:   export PATH=$PATH:/extra/path/folder00:48
overcluckerRookie407: a good place would be the end of bashrc00:48
Katronixhi all, is there a precompiled section of PHP I can install to include xmlrpc commands? or would I need to compile my own php?00:48
ActionParsnipKatronix: there may be a ppa00:48
Rookie407ActionParsnip, overclucker so after the fl then???00:48
puffRookie407: In unix type OSes, including linux, you have the kernel and the shell.  The kernel is the heart of the OS and everything that needs to use resources goes through the kernel.  The shell is the program that you run as a user, it interacts with the kernel for you, hence you can think of that program as a shell around the kernel.00:48
puffRookie407: I am, of course, oversimplifying :-).00:49
ActionParsnipRookie407: no idea, that is how you add folders to your PATH variable00:49
puffRookie407: What envrionment are you using to develop?00:49
puffRookie407: Also, the shell == command line, it's linux's equivalent to windows CMD.EXE.00:50
puffRookie407: or rather, it's what MS-DOS/Windows was copying when they came up with CMD.EXE :-).00:50
Rookie407puff ah ok00:50
alien2050Got a question: When I ssh to another machine, from 11.10 to another 11.10, sometimes (not always) the slash character for some reason on my (remote) keyboard is now a question mark.... ne1 knows why00:50
puffRookie407: So, answer my question about your development environment.00:50
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alien2050I figure it has to do with locale00:51
Guest36305hi all00:51
alien2050but precisely what... not sure00:51
rypervenchepuff: Wow...I just now understood the meaning for the word "shell" thanks to you...haha00:51
puffRookie407: When you log into unix/linux, the first thing it does is run a shell for you.  With modern X-windows GUIs, the first that shell does is run a Xwindows session for you.00:51
superlouso, um, this is embarassing.  I dd'd an image to an SD card via a usb sd card reader/writer, and now ubuntu won't automount the SD card.  Is that normal/fixable?00:53
cozmoowhats my locla ip?00:53
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alien2050superlou: depends, but should be fixable00:53
cozmoolocal ip00:54
puffRookie407: for all of these things, there's a somewhat standard sequence of events for how things happen.  Each linux process has a set of "environment variables" associated with it.  It starts off inheriting the environment variables of the process that started it.  Then when it's a shell process, there are standard files it looks at and runs, and these can in turn set more environment variables.  This is what you are trying to00:54
KatronixActionParsnip cool, I found one :-)00:54
cozmoowhats my local ip?00:54
alien2050if its a device that formatted it, try to format it again with the device, for example a digital cam00:54
alien2050cozmoo: try ifconfig -a, search for an ETH string, usually eth0 or eth100:54
superloualien2050, thanks.  It was a USB card reader, not a camera (since i've had trouble doing that in the past)00:55
superloualien2050, trying to mount it via that same reader00:55
overcluckerRookie407: it's probably easiest to just add your environment variables at the end of the bashrc file.00:55
cozmoodoes a virtual machine have the same local ip as its host?00:55
alien2050superlou: so the SD card will in the end be used only by the usb reader ?00:55
alien2050if so, then go with fdisk or gparted, it should go fine00:56
coolstar-pcI'm installing updates, and apt is stuck at system-config-printer-common. Anyone can help?00:56
superloualien2050, the goal's for the SD card to be used in a nook e-reader, but for this set of steps, I'm using the PC to set up the image.  The tutorial i was following said that once dd is performed with the image, you should be able to see a set of files on it after mounting, so i assumed they were using something standard like fat32 that ubuntu would automount00:56
puffI'm seeing super-slow performance from synaptic, it says "10 hours 27 mins 2 s remaining."  How do I tell it to use a different mirror?00:56
alien2050sometimes, embedded digital devices need to use their own format but that applies to files not format type, i.e. FAT32 usually should be fine00:57
alien2050but if you only need it as an external device, you can format it however you like00:57
pp7is there a reason why google-chrome sometimes gives me a big white blank window which cannot be removed unless i restart unity?00:57
alien2050superlou: not necessarily, sometimes, these tricky devices can create multiple partitions to use00:57
superloualien2050, i can see it in the ubuntu Disk Utility so i guess i could just format and try again00:57
coolstar-pcApt is stuck unpacking system-config-printer-common. Should I kill it?00:58
superloualien2050, i would have assumed it would be unreadable in the PC except the instructions said otherwise00:58
alien2050superlou: yeah.... but it all depends on what format type the device will read00:58
pp7coolstar-pc: got other disk intensive stuff running?00:58
alien2050superlou: again it depends what your DD image is00:58
superloualien2050, yeah00:59
coolstar-pcpp7: I only am running firefox and the Software Updates00:59
pp7coolstar-pc: kill it00:59
superloualien2050, Oh wow.  I'm an idiot.  I just imaged a gzipped file onto the sdcard00:59
alien2050you are DDing a file, but what is the format of that file? iso?00:59
superloualien2050, should've probably unzipped first00:59
superloualien2050, i'm an idiot00:59
alien2050hehehe no prob, try again with unzip, should be fine00:59
alien2050whats the format of the file inside?01:00
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superloualien2050, .img file.  makes more sense01:00
xcyclistLooking for place to set my login screen graphic01:00
mueddibhello all01:01
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coolstar-pcI killed it and ran sudo apt-get -f install01:02
coolstar-pcshould I be good now?01:03
icerootcoolstar-pc: any output on "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc"?01:03
coolstar-pciceroot: I'm still running apt-get -f install. I guess I have to wait for it to finish before I run dpkg01:04
icerootcoolstar-pc: yes01:05
ubuntu_fanaticHELLO EVERYONE???01:06
ubuntu_fanatichi doctor...01:06
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cozmooi fucking hate linux01:07
ubuntu_fanaticanybody here who could help me regarding ubuntu 11.10?01:07
cozmoonow i know why microsoft owns this shit01:07
DoctorDask, someone will help you01:07
coolstar-pccozmoo: Then you shouldn't be here01:07
pangolin!language | cozmoo01:07
DoctorD@cozmoo - why you hate linux ?01:07
ubottucozmoo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:07
* coolstar-pc kicks cozmoo01:08
cozmoofucking complicated beyond necesary01:08
synrathi. does anyone know how to send f8 ( safe mode )  key to virt-manager guest  ?01:08
coolstar-pc!language | cozmoo01:08
ubottucozmoo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:08
pangolincozmoo: Please stop cursing01:08
SVNDRIs my USB drive supposed to be mounting and unmounting while im installing Ubuntu? By installing i mean after i burn the files to my USB using Universal USB, i restart my laptop and it boots into Ubuntu setup, but as it is setting up/installing my USB drive mounts and unmounts? Any Ideas?01:08
pangolinbecause it is our channel rule01:08
bazhangcozmoo, thats enough01:08
DoctorDhe finds himself attractive and he isn't.01:08
pangolin!guidelines | cozmoo01:08
ubottucozmoo: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:08
cozmooi asked for help like fucking 20 times no one answers, i curse once and the entire room gets on me01:08
icerootcozmoo: stop it01:09
coolstar-pcShould we call the ops?01:09
DoctorDwhat's your problem cozmoo01:09
alien2050try asking and you ll see01:09
DoctorDask again, i will try to help you01:09
cozmooi asked 20 times01:09
cozmooim setting up pptp on vmware on ubuntu01:09
DoctorDcopy/paste please and we will help you01:09
cozmoowindows is host01:09
pangolincozmoo: ask again, you have our attention now01:09
iceroot!enter | cozmoo01:09
ubottucozmoo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:09
bazhang!vpn > cozmoo01:09
ubottucozmoo, please see my private message01:09
icerootcozmoo: just post usefull details instead of your flaming here01:10
cozmootrying to install pptp on ubuntu which is on a vm which is on a windows host01:10
puffDammit.  http://pastebin.com/xstYbgzJ01:10
alien2050which pkgs did you install01:10
coolstar-pccozmoo: VMWare, Virtualbox, KVM, Qemu, or what?01:10
cozmoofor the love of god i cant fixz this01:10
ubuntu_fanatichey guys..im having a problem with my graphics..the resolution is not good..its kindda dark..im using ubuntu 11.10..and my video driver is NVIDIA Geforce 9100mg...anyone here care to help me?01:10
pangolincozmoo: getting errors?01:10
cozmooi dont know where to check if these errors01:10
pangolincozmoo: so what exactly is the problem?01:11
cozmooi configured everythign according to this guide http://blog.idarkside.co.uk/?p=1901:11
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DoctorD@ubuntu_fanatic - right click -> change desktop background -> visual effects01:11
cozmooi cant connect to the vpn01:11
coolstar-pciceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/795551/01:11
cozmoothe local ip of the vmware shows to be how is this possible when my router onyl lets me forward ports to ranges 192.168.1.xxx01:12
icerootcozmoo: everything fine then01:12
icerootcozmoo: put your details on line please01:12
cozmoohost is
synrathi. does anyone know how to send f8 ( safe mode )  key to virt-manager guest  ?  I have a guest 2003 server on 10.04 LTS, which won't boot, but I can't even try to fix it, because the boot sequence is too fast and no f8 key doesn't catch it in time.01:12
Geraldhi...when i install: sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev ...which qt version will be installed?01:12
icerootcoolstar-pc: everything fine then01:12
icerootGerald: apt-cache show libqt4-dev01:12
cozmoowell any suggestions?01:13
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pangolincozmoo: all I can say is to check this out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN01:13
SVNDRIs my USB drive supposed to be mounting and unmounting while im installing Ubuntu? By installing i mean after i burn the files to my USB using Universal USB, i restart my laptop and it boots into Ubuntu setup, but as it is setting up/installing my USB drive mounts and unmounts? Any Ideas?01:13
GeraldVersion: 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu801:14
MonkeyDustcozmoo  kust in idea: in vbox, the network type must be set to 'bridged', in order to obtain an IP in the same same network range01:14
cozmooim just vmware01:14
MonkeyDustcozmoo  it may be similar01:14
alien2050"how is this possible when my router onyl lets me forward ports to ranges 192.168.1.xxx"01:14
alien2050A lot of consumer routers are blocked on a specific C class domain01:15
coolstar-pccozmoo: it's possible because of NAT01:15
alien2050coolstar-pc: you beat me to it :)01:15
MonkeyDustcoolstar-pc  that's what i mean01:15
Oeralien2050, did you read the omments with the solutions to the mistakes in that howto ?01:15
cozmooi need to forwatrd traffic to my virtual machine for vpn, so should i forward it to my host pc or str8 to my virtual machine?01:15
* coolstar-pc just got his firefox updated, and needs to restart it.01:16
alien2050Oer: I was quoting our friend here01:16
cozmooi need to forwatrd traffic to my virtual machine for vpn, so should i forward it to my host pc or str8 to my virtual machine?01:16
Oeralien2050, sorry, reply was for cozmoo indeed01:17
alien2050cozmoo: I think what you need to do (it works fine usually) is create a bridged network01:17
cozmooits in settings set to NAT01:17
cozmoochange it?01:17
coolstar-pcalien2050: Anything happened when I was gone?01:18
alien2050yeah, if you bridge your VM instead of natting01:18
MonkeyDustcozmoo  to bridged, if possible01:18
cozmoo"replicate physical network connection state"   should i check this or leave it unchecked?01:18
MonkeyDustlike i said a few lines earlier :p01:18
coolstar-pccozmoo: Check it01:18
hydruidare most of you running unity or gnome-shell ?01:19
alien2050MonkeyDust: yeah I didnt see you there but thats right01:19
cozmoook i think that changed my local ip01:19
coolstar-pccozmoo: Unless you want to be able to host a private network between windows and ubuntu when wifi is off, or ethernet is disconnected01:19
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cozmoonot sure what that means but i dont think so01:19
coolstar-pchydruid: Neither01:19
coolstar-pchydruid: I'm using KDE01:19
hydruidcoolstar-pc: what are you running01:19
hydruidi haven't been able to find an environment that I like01:20
coolstar-pchydruid: I'll probably use Unity when it's fixed up to run properly. I used to use it, but then hated it.01:20
puffI had synaptic choose the best mirror and did reload and it's failing to update a bunch of stuff.01:20
wajeembahmm, I tweaked BIOS settings to make the fan run constantly, but the system still freezes. Any idea what's causing this to happen on Ubuntu and Crux, but not Microcore or Windows?01:20
alien2050bridge is the way to go definitely, but be advised that youll need to set up a new IP for that VM, dont set the same IP as your host machine01:20
cozmooso now my router can send traffic str8 to the vm, bypassing the host?01:20
puffAnd it's taking forever, trying.01:20
hydruidcoolstar-pc: i hated it initially too, however the way that maximized windows integrate into the top panel is awesome......but it doesn't out weight all the other annoyances01:20
coolstar-pchydruid: The way Unity multitasks..........It's not as productive as KDE, Xfce, Gnome 2, or even Windoze01:20
ActionParsnippuff: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update01:20
longcatvideo card...hard drive (bad sectors)01:21
puffActionParsnip: Sure, I'll have to cancel synaptic's update though.01:21
ActionParsnippuff: let it finish, then we can continue01:21
SVNDRIs my USB drive supposed to be mounting and unmounting while im installing Ubuntu? By installing i mean after i burn the files to my USB using Universal USB, i restart my laptop and it boots into Ubuntu setup, but as it is setting up/installing my USB drive mounts and unmounts constantly? Any Ideas?01:21
alien2050cozmoo: actually the driver now allows traffic to be passed directly to the ethernet layer, so the VM is hooked to your NIC, as is your host01:21
kszkszhow can i initialize automatic network configuration similiar to that from installer? or exact?01:21
puffActionParsnip: waiting for aptitude to finish now...01:21
cozmoook ty01:21
alien2050is it working?01:22
hydruidcoolstar-pc: i agree, and i'm in IT so I always have a lot of stuff open01:22
Akiyama-sanhello, i've recently update my shell to 3.3.3 through ricotz/testing ppa. After the system reboot, i've noticed there's no more space between the icons on my top bar, they're all together, almost one over another, like in this screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10354702/Sem%20t%C3%ADtulo.jpg.  Is there a way to fix it? If no, how can I downgrade to 3.3.2 (where i didnt have this problem)? Could someone help me, please.01:22
wajeembalongcat: could they really make a difference? I have the feeling it's not the hard drive, because it happens on Ubuntu Desktop liveCD's too01:22
hydruidcoolstar-pc: I work on a laptop and want the screen real estate, just can't find an environment that fits my needs01:23
=== oolala is now known as lala
coolstar-pchydruid: I talked to someone who claimed to work at canoical. I told him about the problems I am having, and my hardware. He said he'd pass it on to the others.01:23
longcatwajeemba: ah, nice deduction of variables there.01:23
wajeembalongcat: should I try swapping the video card?01:23
hydruidwajeemba: sounds like your video card is over heating01:24
longcatit might also be a bug related to compiz or something01:24
longcatim not sure how, but try using a non-compositioning wm or whatever01:24
wajeembaI did notice it was running hot- but why would it be ok on windows and not ubuntu?01:25
wajeembadifferent drivers?01:25
cozmoodamn still not luck01:25
ActionParsnipwajeemba: different acpi support in each OS01:25
wajeembaok, so any suggestions?01:25
ActionParsnipwajeemba: do you have the latest BIOS?01:25
wajeembamobo? can you update a video card's bios?01:26
ActionParsnipwajeemba: are there any bugs reported for your make and model system regarding acpi?01:26
ActionParsnipwajeemba: sometimes you can (msi video cards can have bios updates if you use an msi motherboard in windows)01:26
SVNDRActionParsnip: i have a question if your not to busy?01:27
aBoundHas anybody been getting disappearing window buttons such as: x, minimize and maximize in the unity gui?01:27
kszkszrelly looking for help with network card 8139, tried blacklisting, deleting file 8139cp, removing it from modules.pcimap, solutions from '2003 and still no effect. ubuntu 11.10, realtek 8139D01:27
wajeembathis is a custom built pc, pretty old, but the motherboard does have the latest BIOS (tho I think ABIT stopped making updates after 2006)01:27
ActionParsnipSVNDR: sup01:29
Oerwajeemba, remove the ppa and use ppa purge to go back01:29
ActionParsnipwajeemba: are there any bugs reported?01:30
ActionParsnipwajeemba: have you cleaned out the vents of the cooling hardware?01:30
SVNDRActionParsnip: Is my USB drive supposed to be mounting and unmounting while im installing Ubuntu? By installing i mean after i burn the files to my USB using Universal USB, i restart my laptop and it boots into Ubuntu setup, but as it is setting up/installing my USB drive mounts and unmounts constantly? Any Ideas?01:30
=== kitebot is now known as acidfrost
wajeembappa? where would I look for bugs? I will take a dry cloth to it though.01:30
kszkszhow to completely reset/remove network configuration?01:30
wajeembaI think I can also try swapping in an old PCI video card01:31
hayloSVNDR, it doesnt usually do that for me01:31
hayloSVNDR, sounds like that usb connection is sucky01:31
Oersorry, wajeemba,> Akiyama-san  remove the ppa and use ppa purge to go back01:31
SVNDRhaylo: yea, im guessing its not supposed it.. its USB 2.0, and 16GB hardrive.. so i dont understand why it would though..01:32
MonkeyDustkszksz  /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces01:32
SVNDRnot supposed to**01:32
hayloi have done a ton of ubuntu installs and never seen this SVNDR01:32
marcushi room01:33
marcusanyone from melb aus?01:33
hayloi suggest you make the usb in a linux control enviornment: a live cd, usb01:33
bazhang!au | marcus01:33
ubottumarcus: The Australian Local Community Team has channels here on freenode. They are #ubuntu-au for technical discussion, and #ubuntu-au-chat for social chatter.01:33
haylomake a live cd, then run start up disk creator inside of it01:34
ActionParsnipSVNDR: is the device healthy? Is it old?01:34
onelinerAnyone got updates on the realtek wired ethernet driver fiasco? the backport ppa is really broken if barely functional with still myriad timeouts, anyone tried for example wrapping the original win drivers ?01:34
haylomake a usb that isnt tainted by your previous system01:34
=== fr0stbyte is now known as ericmuyser
SVNDRActionParsnip: its not even 2 months old, brand new practically01:34
haylodid you format yo FAT?01:34
SVNDRhaylo: do you have a url to a guide i could use.. newb to linux01:34
marcusthanks for the info earlier01:34
SVNDRhaylo: yes01:35
haylonah im not an admin sorry01:35
puffActionParsnip: *still* waiting for aptitude to finish updating.01:35
haylostay on parsnip i think he is01:35
SVNDRmarcus: from NSW here...01:35
marcushi SVNDR01:36
marcusim from melb01:36
slipknothi i am trying to compile the ardrone sdk on ubuntu 11.10 and i get this message http://pastebin.com/bEqtzX5d01:36
haylobut i made a lot of live cds and usb as a newb and a lot of them failed, but alot worked as well - good luck :)01:36
marcusfirst time on here...totally newb01:36
ActionParsnipSVNDR: is it plugged directly to the PC or to a USB hub?01:36
puffActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Bia7U6zq01:36
SVNDRhaylo: thanks, i think ill need it.. i also think im just going to try from CD when i can01:36
SVNDRActionParsnip: connected to the USB directly01:37
JasonGriffeeI'm in the middle of making a "xorg.conf" file, and am not sure if I made it right. Could someone look it over so I know I won't mess up my display when i reboot?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/795575/01:37
SVNDRActionParsnip: USB Port**01:37
hayloSVNDR, cd and dvd is what ended up really working for me :)01:37
hayloonly from that control enviornment could i really tell all the silly usb mistakes i was making01:38
SVNDRhaylo: might be my way to go then ;p01:38
alien2050JasonGriffee: looks weird, esecially if you have a LCD display01:38
slipknothi i am trying to compile the ardrone sdk on ubuntu 11.10 and i get this message http://pastebin.com/bEqtzX5d01:38
gh0strideranyone here use gpsdrive ?01:38
haylodid you get unibersal usb installer for your windows system SVNDR ?01:38
alien2050sound like youre trying to specify old analog values, is that the case ? (frequencies, etc)01:38
JasonGriffeealien2050, it's a vga out01:38
SVNDRhaylo: yea sure did01:39
ActionParsnippuff: tried switching to the main server?01:39
hayloActionParsnip, i think he can use unetbootin in windows as well is this true?01:39
alien2050vga cable or vga screen (CRT) ?01:39
ActionParsniphaylo: yes, its also available in WIndows01:40
JasonGriffeealien2050, vga cable, to a 1080p tv01:40
ActionParsnipSVNDR: also try the 1-2-3 app from pendrivelinux01:40
alien2050Then, I wouldn't fiddle too much with frequencies if I was you01:40
Ben64JasonGriffee: theres a good chance 1920x1080 isn't the resolution you want01:40
hayloyeah that is universal usb installer i think01:40
alien2050Youll most likely end up with : display not recognized... on your TV01:41
Jonii_Hey, is there a way to stop Ubuntu 11.10 recording everything I do?01:41
alien2050is it NVIDIA GFX?01:41
JasonGriffeeben64, why?01:41
hayloyou guys recording him?01:41
hayloActionParsnip, ? lolz01:41
almoxarifeJonii_: recording?01:41
Ben64JasonGriffee: every tv i've hooked up to isn't the resolution like that01:41
ActionParsnipJonii_: what is it recording exactly?01:42
alien2050yeah it will most likely be blurred a lot01:42
ubuntu_fanatichi guys...can anyone care to help me ...im having a problem with my screen resolution everytime when i started ubuntu 11.10 i always have this not vivid color in my screen and also the fonts are not that vivid...i already installed the NVIDIA Geforce 9100mg but its still the same..the only thing that i have to do is to always adjust the brightness of my screen...so anyone here can help me?! it will be greatly appreciated..01:42
Jonii_almoxarife: at least files i've downloaded or viewed and programs i've been using01:42
kszkszMonkeyDust i made them default, and i still have some eth1 after reboot ;o and no eth0. there's even no config for eth101:42
ActionParsnipJonii_: and where does it record them to?01:42
almoxarifeJonii_: you talking about zeitgeist?01:42
JasonGriffeeAlien2050, what frequencies?01:42
Jonii_I have no idea01:42
ubuntu_fanatichi guys...can anyone care to help me ...im having a problem with my screen resolution everytime when i started ubuntu 11.10 i always have this not vivid color in my screen and also the fonts are not that vivid...i already installed the NVIDIA Geforce 9100mg but its still the same..the only thing that i have to do is to always adjust the brightness of my screen...so anyone here can help me?! it will be greatly appreciated..01:42
SVNDRActionParsnip: haylo: i think i may have just read something on the pendrivelinux website that might be my problem, but before i try, do you rekon it will solve the mounting issue? (from your exsperience).. it says: If you're running a Windows Vista or 7 (which i am) Installer from your USB, after the first reboot, remove the flash drive and let the pc complete from the hard disk.01:42
Jonii_ActionParsnip: how should I know?01:42
Ben64!patience | ubuntu_fanatic01:42
ubottuubuntu_fanatic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:42
ActionParsnipJonii_: so you don't know what's recorded or where to, you need to chillout dude01:43
hayloPM  me if you think i can help you SVNDR01:43
almoxarifeJonii_: the only recorder of personal stuff is zeitgeist, and that can be disabled01:43
ActionParsnipJonii_: it doesn't record anything01:43
Jonii_I mean, i just want it to stop. If I knew all the places that data goes, it would be really easy to stop it, but I don't01:43
ActionParsnipJonii_: there is no recording, there is internet history like ANY OS01:43
alien2050THAT ----- 138.50  1920 1968 2000 2080  1080 1083 1088 1111 +hsync -vsync01:43
ubluntuJonii_: the fbi will still find those files...01:43
zorklatI chose "hibernate" from lightdm while I had an account logged in, and now my main HD is kind of messed up.01:43
puffActionParsnip: I started with the main server.01:43
ActionParsnipJonii_: there are logs for dpkg and udev which are lost on reboot and are useful for debugging issues01:44
alien2050unless your TV manual says to put these values01:44
alien2050but I would worry.... if its nvidia its easier to run nvidia-settings and letting it detect everything01:44
ActionParsnipJonii_: there isn't anything to stop, there is no recording of any sort01:44
Jonii_ActionParsnip: sure it does. Press windows-button to enter dash, and view programs or files&folders tab. Giving that blatantly false advice is weird and dangerous and creepy, mind you01:44
almoxarifeJonii_: as stated, your online trail is being kept by the people you pay for internet, so good luck01:44
puffActionParsnip: Saw the same problem, trie to fi it by having synaptic select the best mirror, same problem.01:44
Ben64JasonGriffee: if ATI has something to change resolution, try using that, otherwise use ubuntu's resolution changer01:45
ActionParsnipJonii_: those are the recent docs, then file suggestion based on the contents of your home folder01:45
ActionParsnipJonii_: I don't use unity, hitting windows key brings up my lxmenu01:45
Jonii_ActionParsnip: yes. I know. And why are recent docs recorded? Why are commonly used programs recorded?01:45
zorklatJonii_: b/c a lot of users like that.01:45
almoxarifeJonii_: you are a candidate for 'tor-browser', then only the US Navy tracks you, you do like the US Navy dont you?01:46
ActionParsnipJonii_: convenience, so you can run them faster, windows does that too in the 2 bar start menu style...01:46
Akiyama-sanOer, i've tried to ppa-purge the ricotz/testing, but it gave a hell of conflicts and aptitude was trying to remove gnome-shell and all other gnome programs01:47
Jonii_i don't really care about me being tracked all that much, i just find it really objectionable that theres simply no documentation on ubuntu about what of stuff you do is recorded without your own consent, in spite of it being your own computer01:47
Ben64Jonii_: its only local01:47
Ben64don't give anyone your computer and they can't see your recent documents01:47
ActionParsnipJonii_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34592/how-to-clear-recently-used-files-without-using-a-terminal   may also clear the apps list, Ive never met anyone as paranoid as you. I bet you walk the streets with tinfoil on your head01:48
alien2050Jonii: Actually, everything is in your home directory, if you remove that before selling the computer for example, its all  gone.01:48
slipknothi i am trying to compile the ardrone sdk on ubuntu 11.10 and i get this message http://pastebin.com/bEqtzX5d01:48
Jonii_Ben64: it could be stolen, or hacked into. I'd rather have it not-record me unless I explicitly tell it to01:48
almoxarifeAkiyama-san: yeap, purge then re-install the original01:48
ActionParsnipJonii_: you can use gnome tweak tool to make it not record the recent docs01:49
Jonii_alien2050: oh, thats good news01:49
Ben64its not really "recorded" anyway01:49
Akiyama-sanalmoxarife, the problem is that aptitude will remove all my programs with gnome-shell01:49
Ben64if someone hacks into your computer, theres bigger problems for you than your recent documents01:49
puffActionParsnip: The aptitude udpate finally ended, with an error: http://pastebin.com/SQmRWm9p01:50
synrathi. does anyone know how to send f8 ( safe mode )  key to virt-manager guest  ?  I have a guest 2003 server on 10.04 LTS, which won't boot, but I can't even try to fix it, because the boot sequence is too fast and no f8 key doesn't catch it in time.01:50
subcoollil help because im stupid-01:50
ActionParsnipJonii_: people can hack in or steal your password and then access your system at any time, recent docs list or not01:50
alien2050yeah its there to help if you forget stuff or dont know how to use a computer usually... but in linux, unless you start copying stuff everywhere its very tidy and all in your home directory01:50
almoxarifeJonii_: its all cute and all but you are asking not to be seen by a system that tracks your movements(internet), hello? snail mail is still safe, ii think01:50
subcooli just downloaded two vmware packages.. but they are in TXT??? - how do i install them. and y the hell isnt there a deb01:50
ActionParsnippuff: do you have software centre open or are updates running?01:51
jmghi all01:51
alien2050I know because since ubuntu 8 Ive been copying my home directory to a new install, and everything (including icon placement etc) is ported over.... WAY easier than M$01:51
jmggnome shell looks terrible01:51
puffActionParsnip: Nope.01:51
jmghow do i use the launcher from jolios?01:51
ActionParsnip!aptfix | puff01:51
ubottupuff: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:51
Jonii_ActionParsnip: its a netbook. It can easily be stolen, and it has ridiculous amounts of sensitive data about me, exact nature and extent of data is unknown to me, and i really don't like diving into finding out all the ways this data could be used against me01:51
ActionParsnipJonii_: then use encryptfs and keep a backup, no need to worry then01:51
almoxarifeAkiyama-san: yes, it might, let it, then when done have it all re-install, re-installing 'ubuntu-desktop' after you system is stripped clean will leave you with a fresh system01:52
Jonii_Lots of unknowns and lots of risks, so why not just try to reduce the amount of unnecessary tracking of files01:52
zorklatJonii_: if you're that worried about your data, you OUGHT to be using CentOS or Scientific or Fedora, with LVM and full disk encryption01:52
ActionParsnipJonii_: using encryptfs will mean that if the drive is removed or such, the data will be garbage01:52
Jonii_zorklat: i've heard about fedora, but not about the two other oses you mentioned01:53
puffActionParsnip: hm, no visible output, but... trying aptitude update again.01:53
ActionParsnipzorklat: why and how are their securities 'better' than ubuntus?01:53
Jonii_ActionParsnip: yeah, i've thought of using that01:53
ParkerR\o ActionParsnip, How's it going?01:53
almoxarifeAkiyama-san: but it will need to be done at the terminal, maybe, because stuff may dis-appear as you progress01:53
alien2050ActionParsnip: +101:53
jmghow do i get rid of gnome shell? it's terrible01:53
ActionParsnipJonii_: you should if you are THAT paranoid01:53
Akiyama-sanalmoxarife, my configurations will not be erased?01:53
ActionParsnipjmg: its a package like any other01:53
zorklatJonii_: CentOS and >Scientific are clones of >RH>~EL.01:53
Jonii_ActionParsnip: I know. It embarrasses me a bit that I haven't done that :/01:53
slipknothi i am trying to compile the ardrone sdk on ubuntu 11.10 and i get this message http://pastebin.com/bEqtzX5d01:53
almoxarifeAkiyama-san: no, dont touch your /home/ folder01:54
OerJonii_, use bleachit to remove any trace on your laptop, little drastic, imho01:54
alien2050zorklat: so ?01:54
Akiyama-sanill restart and do it01:54
zorklatActionParsnip: LVM and encryption of the full disk as opposed to just the /home directory.01:54
almoxarifeAkiyama-san: dont restart01:54
zorklatalien2050: Jonii_ asked me.01:55
Jonii_I'd want to have an OS that I can trust to not do stuff I find objectionable. Its just that i'm not that good with computers, so its gonna be a long road for me :/01:55
jmghow can i configure it to be less crap? why are the icons so huge?01:55
ActionParsnipzorklat: you can have full disk encryption in ubuntu01:55
almoxarife!ot | Jonii_01:55
ubottuJonii_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:55
puffActionParsnip: Hm, similar errors so far.01:56
ActionParsnipjmg: set smaller icon size in configs01:56
zorklatActionParsnip: that's new.  >What about lvm, which I have learned(the hard way) makes it more difficult to recover data?01:56
ItalianStallioni have question im looking to install ubuntu on 2nd hard drive i have inside my computer and i have windows on the other hard drive as my main os, it wont mess with my windows right?01:56
ActionParsnippuff: tried a reboot?01:56
ActionParsnipzorklat: get a backup and data recovery isn't even a thing01:56
Jonii_How did I go offtopic? :o01:56
ActionParsnipzorklat: if you have no data backup then the data is diposable to you01:56
almoxarifeJonii_: your likes and dislikes are not a support issue01:56
zorklatItalianStallion: it shouldn't.  Make sure that your Ubuntu drive is the first boot device.01:57
alien2050ItalianStallion: nope it won't. The other way around will. If you need to reinstall M$, it will scrap the boot sector, but even then it's easily recoverable. So no, you can install no worries01:57
almoxarifeJonii_: you want chat, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic01:57
ItalianStallionno i want to keep my windows on my main hard drive and install ubuntu on my second hard drive01:57
onelinerin the land of dual boot, ladies go first01:58
ItalianStallionso like when i boot the computer up, it gives me the option of what i want to load..windows or ubuntu01:58
ActionParsnip ItalianStallion there is no 'main hard drive'01:58
zorklatItalianStallion: you can do that.  Just make sure your second hard drive is the one your computer boots from, and no worries.01:58
alien2050ItalianStallion: Ubuntu will ALWAYS allow you to choose01:58
ItalianStallion(C:) is my main hard drive with windows01:58
ItalianStallioni would like to install ubuntu on my (E:) hard drive01:58
ActionParsnipItalianStallion: irrelevant which drive letter has windows on, neither is 'main'01:59
alien2050Just ensure you've got unpartitioned space01:59
ItalianStallionwhat you mean unpartitioned?01:59
ItalianStallionthe one i want to install on it is NTFS01:59
alien2050Nah that's not how it works... you will need to find some unused partition, remove it entirely, then install ubuntu there01:59
alien2050Because Ubuntu uses EXTx format, not NTFS02:00
ActionParsnipItalianStallion: you will need to resize the ntfs and install there or you may be able to tell wubi to use the ntfs space to install to02:00
alien2050or other formats, but usually...02:00
ItalianStallionso what do i do, i put the iso on the usb stick and load the usb stick and install that way?02:00
jmgall of the posts i find about unity are either "It's horrible" or "lah lah lah im such a fanboy unity roolz, i dont actually use computers but i love it anyway LOL" and nothing about how to make it suck less02:00
alien2050you need to ask yourself: how much space do I have, and in that space ubuntu will go02:00
ActionParsnipItalianStallion: you can do it that way, remember to MD5 test the ISO you have02:01
zorklatjmg -- go to webupd8.org02:01
jmghow do i install this http://news.softpedia.com/news/Introducing-Ubuntu-11-10-Without-Unity-228425.shtml on my ubuntu?02:02
ActionParsnipjmg: use what you like, it doesn't affect out PCs ;)02:02
Jonii_almoxarife: the question was "what and where does ubuntu record stuff about me, and how to get rid of all those records I deem unnecessary". I thought that would be an ubuntu issue02:02
zorklatMe, I'm acclimated to unity.  I tend to prefer lxde, but unity 2d is ok with enough ubuntu tweak & config.02:02
jmgActionParsnip: it affects mine02:02
ActionParsnipjmg: that gives a 40402:02
almoxarifeJonii_: you talking about zeitgeist? it records and it can be stopped from doing it02:03
zorklatjmg -- consider lxde, xfce, kde, razor-qt, openbox+tint2 panel.  you have plenty of options.02:03
ActionParsnipjmg: if you dont like Unity, don't use it. I use LXDE more these days and Xubuntu and Kuuntu exist, doesn't use any Unity or Gnome shell02:03
Jonii_And it can be safely removed? And there are no hidden records elsewhere that I should know about?02:04
ActionParsnipjmg: Gnome is not the only desktop, ther is lots of choice02:04
almoxarife!who | Jonii_02:04
ubottuJonii_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:04
zorklatjmg:  heck, try Bodhi.02:04
regeyaI hated Unity when it first became the main Ubuntu desktop.  I recently gave it another try...surprise, it's gotten a lot better.  I still don't like the autohiding menu bar, but that's one of my few gripes. ;-)02:04
Ben64Jonii_: using a computer, ANY computer will leave traces of you being there, unless it is a read only system, just don't worry about it02:04
jmgit's still horrible.02:04
zorklatregeya: check webupd8, and I think you'll find a fix for that.02:04
jmghow do i make it look like this? http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntugnomeshellremix-large_001.jpg02:05
* regeya checks02:05
puffActionParsnip: Yeah, though I guess I could reboot again.02:05
ActionParsnipjmg: that's gnome-shell   that's all I know02:05
ParkerRjmg, that is the new gnome 3 default theme with some tweaks02:05
S0LIDUSregeya, I to hate Unity! It really does need some serious polishing.02:06
jmgand unity is what?02:06
jmggnome shell made crap?02:06
zorklatregeya, google something like ubuntu unity launcher autohide disable and you're like~ly to find something.02:06
ParkerRI am on Ubuntu 11.04 Ubuntu classic and am loving it02:06
Jonii_UI of unity is the best I've ever tried, ever02:07
jmgyou havent tried windows 3.1 then02:07
jmgor anything other than unity02:07
Jonii_Its kind of a shame its so unstable and full of bugs and whatnot02:07
regeyaI still think next had the best ever ;-)02:07
ParkerRJonbo, sad thing is it's geared more towards netbooks and tablets. Doesn't work well for full desktops or better laptops.02:07
ParkerR* Jonii_02:08
jmgit is HORRIBLE on my netbook02:08
jmgParkerR: what resolution netbook?02:08
Jonii_ParkerR: well, true. I would be hesitant to use that on my desktop computer02:08
Ben64unity might be good for touchscreen02:08
regeyayep, that's what it was originally geared toward.02:08
Jonii_But 11.6" notebook + unity is an absolute bliss02:08
skypentWhat's the best music creator for ubuntu?02:08
Aliv3hey i tried to drag a tab from one gedit window to another, it screwed up my computer, im in console (CTRL ALT F2) right now using epic502:08
zorklatjmg, that's almost trolling.  I suppose you could go full >CLI console cowboy, and use irssi for IRC and w3m for browsing.02:08
regeyasome of the new ultrabooks will apparently have touchscreens.02:08
skypentlooks like FL is win/mac02:08
Aliv3i cant mouse click or enter02:08
ParkerRjmg, I haven't actually used it on one. I was just saying it started out in the Ubunut netbook remixes02:09
regeyaa ui, being forward-thinking?  say it ain't so!02:09
alien2050skypent: what type of music? electronic/live ?02:09
jmgit was crap there too02:09
Aliv3in gnome i mean02:09
jmgi just want a decent gui for 1024x76802:09
skypentalien2050; Electronic, not midi sounding.02:09
alien2050I'd say you should have a look at ubuntu studio02:09
jmgwhere windows actually fit on my screen02:09
zorklatjmg:  kde, xfce, razor-qt, lxde.  take your pick.02:09
alien2050it's really cool and has a lot of bundles, but in ubuntu you can also install02:10
jmgand 3/4 of it isnt taken up by an ugly launcher02:10
Aliv3ill try reboot02:10
jmgkde are you kidding?02:10
Jonii_jmg: unity?02:10
skypentalien2050; looking for something that can make shoegaze type of sounds; deep distortion02:10
S0LIDUSI tried the new Ubuntu distro's with Unity and found it to be less functional, it seem's harder to get to the stuff you need. SO I fell back to the good old 10.04 LTS.02:10
alien2050definitely zynaddsubfx02:10
zorklatjmg:  that leaves 3 other choices.02:10
alien2050but it takes a bit of time to get used to it02:10
skypenti'll check it out; thanks02:10
Jonii_jmg: It works  pretty well. Though, you should tweak the launcher so that the icons are as small as you like02:10
skypenti have time02:10
jmgJonii_: you seem to live in a twilight zone where unity isnt crap. how do i get there?02:10
zorklatjmg:  consider also bodhi and madbox.02:10
alien2050otherwise I would say supercollider and puredata but it's complex02:11
regeyaI think it depends on what you define to be 'crap', jmg.02:11
alien2050Had a course at university on it actually, it is really really cool02:11
jmgzorklat: i prefer gnome. im going to try gnome-shell now02:11
skypentalien2050; do you know if it requires an input instrument?02:11
skypenti don't have a synth atm02:11
zorklatjmg:  then look into cinnamon.02:11
Jonii_jmg: download compiz tools and set launcher icons smaller. Sit back and enjoy. Learn to navigate with alt+tab and super+number keys, and set the launcher to autohide02:11
alien2050no requirement, you can generate sounds by signal processing02:12
zorklatjmg:  and/or MATE.02:12
regeyaeverything is subjective.  some people, no joke, think that kde4 with the oxygen theme is perfect.  some people think that the default windows XP look is the best ever.02:12
alien2050no midi device/guitar/etc needed02:12
alien2050but it can complement and make nice stuff of course...02:12
chuck1I don't like Unity but I think It will be cool on smartphone, tablet and futur mobile devices. But for my pc I had liked Gnome 3, I found it very convenient02:12
jmgzorklat: cinnamon isnt available in ubuntu02:12
alien2050ubuntu has a lot of music software in its repos02:12
skypentsweet, thanks alien2050; i..... i ... i love you02:12
zorklatjmg:  point apt at mint's repos, and you can have it, neh?02:13
alien2050you'll have fun for sure with these tools02:13
regeyagnome shell is awesome in its own way, but it too seems to be focusing on touchscreens and, um, copying common tablet annoyances02:13
Jonii_By the way, how do I change the system keyboard layout to dvorak?02:13
Jonii_So that its used as a default layout everywhere, including the first login and those virtual terminals you can access with ctrl+alt+fn02:14
alien2050That's actually one of the things that hooked me hard on Ubuntu, the way it integrates nicely for music composition, sound cards, etc02:14
S0LIDUSI miss Warty Warthog! lol02:14
skypentsweet; I was getting discouraged when i saw most of the called out ones were win/mac only02:15
skypent...but maybe that's why their so called out.02:15
alien2050oh I forgot audacity and lmms02:16
alien2050great tools also02:16
alien2050I'm doing studio recording with audacity and puredata, they're just great02:17
puffActionParsnip: I started trying to install skype client from the deb from their site; it was installing but when I tried to run it I go ta wierd error (something about the file not being there, but of course /usr/bin/skype *was* there).  So I rebooted, then remove/purged skype, then downloaded the deb again, but when I tried to run the deb I got an odd error.  I tried adding the Canonical Partner repo to install skype that way02:17
puff(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype) and that's where I started having this prob lem.02:17
Jonii_Is there a way to do that?02:18
alien2050puff: try to install the 32 bit of skype it should work fine02:18
alien2050there are also a couple of deps02:18
Jonii_Per-profile layout can be changed from system settings, that much I know02:18
alien2050to watch out for but it works fine on 11.1002:18
ActionParsnippuff: try:  sudo apt-get -f install02:18
jmganyone know what launcher jolicloud uses?02:18
ActionParsnippuff: remember to match the arch of the deb to the arch of your ubuntu install (this isn't always the arch of your cpu as you can run 32bit OS on 64bit CPU)02:19
ActionParsnipjmg: jolicloud is offtopic here02:19
jmgActionParsnip: not if i want to get the same launcher in ubuntu02:19
ubuntu_fanatichi guys...can anyone care to help me ...im having a problem with my screen resolution everytime when i started ubuntu 11.10 i always have this not vivid color in my screen and also the fonts are not that vivid...i already installed the NVIDIA Geforce 9100mg but its still the same..the only thing that i have to do is to always adjust the brightness of my screen...so anyone here can help me?! it will be greatly appreciated..02:19
zorklatubuntu_fanatic: the proprietary driver can adjust that sort of thing; you'll have to invoke it as root for changes to persist.02:21
ubuntu_fanaticzorklat: how can i do it to make it as a root?02:21
ubuntu_fanaticzorklat: how ??02:23
zorklatubuntu_fanatic: you'll probably have to invoke it from terminal -- ctrl-alt-T to launch term, sudo nvidia-settings (I think that's what it's called) to launch as root.02:23
=== root is now known as Guest27490
jmgis Unity just a theme for gnome shell?02:23
puffActionParsnip: Yeah, I'm running 64 bit oneiric, I tried the 64 bit skype deb, now with using the canonical partenrs repo, all I see is i386.02:24
alien2050puff: install the 32 bit pkg, it works02:24
alien2050even on 64 bit02:24
ubuntu_fanatici already configured the nvidia settings but im having the same problem02:25
ubuntu_fanaticzorklat: i already configured the nvidia settings but im having the same problem02:25
zorklatubuntu_fanatic: then I am out of my depth.02:26
cordovalhi how can i upgrade to php5.3 .8 i am on latest ubuntu02:26
alien2050puff: have a look here02:27
alien2050I am assuming you have 11.1002:27
ParkerRHas anyone got pianobar working under Ubuntu. The newer versions seem to fix login issues but they break some dependencies like libgnutls.02:30
puffalien2050: Thanks, yeah, 11.10 running ubuntu.02:30
alien2050puff: is it working now ?02:31
ActionParsnippuff: yeah the repos install 32bit, grab the 64bit deb from skype site02:31
puffalien2050: Still catching up.02:33
puffActionParsnip: the URL alien2050 linked seems to suggest it's not good to install the 64 bit from the skype site.02:33
puff". However, the Skype website currently directs users to download a package for 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10 systems which is not compatible. Users are instead recommended to install the skype package via the Canonical partner archive using Software Center"02:33
alien2050puff: yep that's right. that's how I got it to work.02:34
puffalien2050: Thanks, I'm using synaptic to reset to the main united state server first.02:35
alien2050puff: np02:35
puffalien2050: Also, earlier I used this line: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"02:35
puffI'm thinking that I should undo that...02:35
alien2050puff: I didn't have to do that, but if I remember correctly there were a couple of deps needed02:36
puffDangint, synaptic is taking forever to reload and having all sorts of problems.  Is there a convenient way to reset apt/sources.list to the defaults?02:36
alien2050sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list02:37
puffWell yah.02:37
alien2050that's convenient :)02:37
zorklatI hibernated from lightDM while logged in, and now my disk spawns endless I/O errors.  I don't even know what to look at to diagnose the issue.02:37
guest009there is an option to restore original settings02:38
FreezingCold Hey guys, in the middle of resizing my LUKS partition, and I'm reading the Ubuntu guide to do it.  I just resized the partition using resize2fs and everything went well.  Now, I'm being told by the guide to resize my volume with LVM, but I never used LVM.  What should I do?02:38
L3d_1hi folks ,im on fedora now ,and cant seem to get my ati drivers ,can someone tell me the cmd for the terminal ?02:39
puffHm, here's my apt sources: http://pastebin.com/Qab5PTGs02:39
zorklatL3d_1: you need to ask the fedora people.  we ubuntu people just use jockey-gtk.02:39
L3d_1okm whats a .run file btw ,cause i have the ati one in .run ?02:40
alien2050it's an autoextract file02:40
bazhang#fedora L3d_102:40
frankguanHi,guys,does anyone know why installing the gtk could make the gnome enviroment unwork?02:40
L3d_1im allready there and thers like 4 pps02:40
alien2050works on ubuntu also, but since you're on Fedora, you're in the wrong channel...02:41
pangolinthat doesn't change the fact that fedora is not supported here.02:41
bazhangL3d_1, there are way more. it's not supporte d here02:41
zorklatL3d_1: check the fedora FORUMS, then.02:41
skypentalien2050: did you ever try zynsub on 11.10?02:41
L3d_1want to place an order ..02:41
alien2050Fedora people will be better equipped to help with your issue, and the ones you may have afterwards with gfx drivers02:42
alien2050skypent: yep! but I running 11.10 studio02:42
skypentalient2050; what do you mean by that?02:42
skypentis there a bundle you can just download for all of these?02:42
alien2050Well, I have a realtime kernel enabled because zynaddsubfx uses a LOT of CPU02:43
L3d_1well thanks for the help annywasus , good thing this server is a ok, laters02:43
alien2050and sometimes it lags if it's not enabled02:43
alien2050since it generates such rich and complex sounds...02:43
skypentah; i'm just wondering if you had any issue with  not getting any sound.02:43
frankguanwhy when i reinstall the sqlite3 and ZLIB the gnome desktop is gone?02:44
alien2050skypent: could be related to that... what is your sound card ?02:44
skypentlemme check, back in a moment02:44
alien2050I run it on a XFI Audio Creation card02:44
alien2050XFI Fatality also works fine I've tested it02:44
alien2050ooooooops.... I forgot something important (just running it now).... you need to have jack for it to work really smooth02:46
alien2050try install the JACK driver, i.e. apt-get install qjackctl02:46
alien2050otherwise it will need the precise HW device id of your sound system and can be difficult02:47
alien2050JACK is another sound server, it will disable ALSA while it's running... but it's worth it02:47
=== L3dDude is now known as L3d
skypentYeah i installed that a bit ago.  An extremely novice question, but... is there a quick way to see the sound card on my system?02:49
puffDangit... it's doing the same thing as before, getting very, very slow for no discernible rason.02:49
alien2050try "lspci"02:49
alien2050as root02:49
skypentthat gives me a list of all my hardware?02:50
alien2050with jack, you need to "plug" the applications with the sound system02:50
bazhangskypent, try sudo lshw02:50
const_antinetry lsusb02:50
const_antineif its usb card02:50
ActionParsnipalien2050: lspci can be ran by users02:52
alien2050true... old habits :)02:52
frankguanDoes anyone know how can I add terminal to the panel?02:53
ActionParsnipfrankguan: try guake :), much easier if you use terminal a lot02:53
acerimmerfrankguan: right click, add this launcher to panel02:53
BlueProtomanAnyone here know why Synaptic (Ubuntu 11.04) can't fix this broken package?  I can't install new software until I get this fixed.  http://pastebin.com/RaFii4ts  Here's my list of package sources.  http://pastebin.com/HTReL7zL  Re-installing doesn't help.  http://pastebin.com/np5EAUgG  Purge doesn't work.  http://pastebin.com/9HDSkMi4  Neither does apt-get install -f.  http://pastebin.com/fEj1tpTs02:53
frankguanBut I use xubuntu :)02:54
hayloActionParsnip is clearly having alot of fun02:55
ActionParsniphaylo: sometimes, at work now but ssh'd using putty :)02:56
skypentsorry i don't quite know what i'm looking for, i put the contents of lspci into http://pastiebin.com/?page=p&id=4f07b42eb8e44 could any of you take a look to "decode" it for me, where exactly it tells me my card.02:56
hayloah thats cool :)02:56
ActionParsnipfrankguan: xubuntu uses GTK, which is why you use gksudo like in Gnome.02:56
haylodid you go to school for linux adminstration?02:56
ActionParsnipfrankguan: for a light alternative, use tilda02:57
hayloor self taught?02:57
skypentmaybe this one Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01) (is this my sound card)?02:57
ActionParsniphaylo: no, just been using it a long while02:57
hayloah cool :)02:57
ActionParsniphaylo: so self taught, but got the LPI 101 & 102 book, might as well get some creds for what I know :)02:57
ParkerRHey haylo02:58
puffHm, not that speed tests are all that reliable a gauge, but speedtest.net claims I've got 1.21Mbps download.02:58
puffAnd .16Mbps upload, wow that sucks.02:58
ActionParsnipfrankguan: yakuake is the QT (KDE) eqiv. They let a terminal drop down from the top like the tilde console in Doom/Quake/Wolfenstein etc and hide again on the same press, very useful02:58
puffat least G, might be N.  As I understand it02:59
ActionParsnippuff: have you disabled IPv6? Did you run speedtest 3 times?02:59
puffI really hate linu cut 'n paste :-(.02:59
puffActionParsnip: No, and no.02:59
ActionParsnippuff: speedtest is your WEB speed, not LAN speed. You could have N speed wifi to a 2Mbps internet link and speedtest would show you with 2Mb connection02:59
roadfishWhich Ubuntu package is best for making LAN between two Ubuntu PCs? I am connecting with an ethernet cable and without a router.03:00
ActionParsnippuff: always run speedtest 3 times, makes for better results, disabling ipv6 can help speed a little03:00
ActionParsniproadfish: you have the LAN already then if you have the wires connected and a router03:00
puffActionParsnip: I'm not too worried about LA?N speed, just about how fast my pipe is.03:00
roadfishAre packages like xorp or quagga appropriate.03:00
puffActionParsnip: How do I disable ipv6?03:00
haylohey ParkerR ! :)03:00
FreezingColdCan somebody PLEASE help me resize my LUKS partition? :/03:00
puffHm, second test showed .48 Mbps.03:01
ActionParsnippuff: add the boot option:  ipv6.disable=103:01
frankguanThank you03:01
roadfishActionParsnip: what about when I am connecting with a wire ... but NOT using a router?03:01
ActionParsnipfrankguan: sweet isn't it :)03:01
bf4648if Google Chrome doesn't natively support the playing of mp4s...is there a plugin I can get to play mp4s?03:01
puffroadfish: ?03:01
alien2050puff: for the cut and paste, there is a tool, like gclipboard or something that lets you manage it03:01
ActionParsniproadfish: as long as there is a logical connection, you have the LAN03:01
puffroadfish: By definition you're usinhg a router, just not necessarily yours :-).03:01
ActionParsnipfrankguan: I suggest you symlink /usr/share/applications/tilde.desktop into ~/.config/autostart to make it run at boot too :)03:02
puffDamn, third test got me .27Mbps03:02
puffAnd fourth test .24 Mbps.03:02
puffI think I've found the problem, wtf is going on with comcast?03:02
Ben64you have fios, not comcast03:03
roadfishok, to rephrase my question. I want to transfer files between to PCs that are connected with an Ethernet cable ... but not with a router. What program do I use to preform the connection. For instance, can I just do "ls /path-to-second-pc/"?03:03
Ben64roadfish: rsync works really well03:03
alien2050roadfish: I say scp03:03
puffBen64: no, I have comcast, verizon's involvement is just because that's where speedtest is downloading stuff for the test.03:04
Ben64[puff] (~steven@static-108-32-33-25.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net)03:04
Ben64you have fios.03:04
puffBen64: Oh, that, no, that's just where my colo is coming in from.03:04
ActionParsniproadfish: transferring files is not "making a LAN"03:04
puffBen64: I'm running my irc client on a debian box hosted by a friend.03:04
ActionParsniproadfish: you will need to set the IPs on both sides as there is no DHCP server03:05
puffBen64: The speed issues are with my local connectivitiy.03:05
deepuvci need help badly03:05
roadfishOk, so I am using the incorrect terminology. I guess this has been making my google searches harder.03:05
puffroadfish: It's really a whole lot easier to grab a cheap router and plug both boes into it.03:05
dankohello guys, i'm currently trying to download vmware palyer from vmware.com, and after login downloading not starting, but appears [Message ID: 621] Is the vmware palyer became not FREE ?03:05
puffActionParsnip: Do you still need a crossover cable to do the sort of thing roadfish is trying to do?03:05
deepuvciam not able to download any thing from ubuntu market03:05
ActionParsnippuff: yes as it is p2p03:06
aberreally? I don't believe you...03:06
puff_umm what has no dhcp03:06
roadfishpuff: one webpage said this: if it is an older ethernet port it may not be auto sensing, and then you would need a crossover ethernet cable.03:06
deepuvci am not able to download any thing fromm ubuntu market place03:07
deepuvc i am not able to download any thing fromm ubuntu market place03:07
dankocan some one resolve my problem?03:07
bazhangdeepuvc, no need to repeat so soon03:07
roadfishpuff: so I guess this issue is if I have auto-sensing ... and I guess only really old cards (NICs?) lack auto-sensing03:07
ActionParsniproadfish: I'd get a crossover, just in case03:08
deepuvc i am not able to download any thing fromm ubuntu market place pls help me03:08
bazhang!helpme | deepuvc03:08
ubottudeepuvc: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:08
ActionParsniproadfish: or re-head one side and make it a crossover cable, assuming you have heads and a crimper03:08
deepuvcokok but need help badly03:09
puff_geebs I got boxes of straight and x03:09
puffroadfish: I'd go with ActionParsnip's advice, he's alot more up to date on this stuff than I am.03:09
JasonGriffeeI am having issue with VGA output not being 100% center on the x axis. How might I solve this?03:09
deepuvci am not able to download any thing from ubuntu market place03:09
aberif you have Gigabit ethernet you don't need a crossover cable.03:09
bazhangdeepuvc, repeating every five seconds wont get you help faster. try 15 minutes or so03:10
deepuvcbazhang can u help03:10
puffActionParsnip: One possibility with my troubles, I replaced the apple airport with a mikrotik rb751u (http://routerboard.com/RB751U-2HnD) so there may be some problem with that.03:10
puff_I'm trying to figure out what marketplace he means03:10
JasonGriffeepuff_, software center03:11
puffActionParsnip: Blah, it's 10pm now, I've been wranlging with this for hours, I think it's time to sleep on it and take a fresh look in the morning.  Much thanks for your help.03:11
deepuvcsoftwaare center03:11
puffpuff_: Hi, btw :-).03:12
deepuvcpuff iam not able to download anything from ubuntu software center03:12
FreezingColdCould you help me convert 170393600 blocks (4K) into sectors?03:13
puff_I got that part deepuvc what I am trying to do now is figure out why03:13
puff_you are obviously connected to the net03:13
JasonGriffeedeepuvc, is there any error message?03:13
puff_just wanted to see how03:13
puffdeepuvc: open up a terminal. In the terminal, type:  sudo ifconfig -a03:13
deepuvci dont know puff its showing check my connection03:14
deepuvcbut iam connected alays03:14
puff_mm there are other reasons it may say tHAT03:14
deepuvcyes jason03:15
puffdeepuvc: Then, select all of that output, copy it, open up a new browser window at paste.ubuntu.com, paste the stuff you copied in there, click the button labeled "Paste!", copy the URL of the resulting page and paste the single line URL here.03:15
deepuvcno commands found03:15
puff_you got some serious issues then03:15
deepuvciam now connected to internet03:16
deepuvcpuff and jason iam now connected to the net03:16
puff_Looking up IP number for deepuvc..03:17
puff_ Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)03:17
deepuvci hadnt done any thing to cause any error03:18
deepuvcjason and puff03:18
puff_you are connected03:18
puff_you are in kerala india03:19
puff_want me to give ya your address?03:19
deepuvckerala trivandrum03:19
puff_then it has to be a repository issue03:19
pksadiqdeepuvc: wow, trivandrum? I'm at malappuram ;)03:19
pjkaiserHi all... first timer and general Linux n00b here. I'm trying to get Lubuntu 11.10 going on a P3 500 (yeah, I know, I know) and having some problems. Anybody able to help?03:20
puff_hang on a sec we can fix this03:20
deepuvcyes puff i did install a code of respitory for the prozgui03:20
JasonGriffeeI am having issue with VGA output not being 100% center on the x axis. How might I solve this?03:21
deepuvcand some other too03:22
deepuvci did it in terminal03:22
deepuvcjason puff pksadiq u gone03:22
puff_tell dinesh I said hi rofl he knows me03:22
FloodBot1deepuvc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
puff_no we need to check the sources deepuvc03:23
deepuvccan u do that03:23
puff_can you pull up dash home?03:24
deepuvcdash home whats that03:24
elisa87 http://labs.stanford.edu/ipad/6b3dd88603:24
puff_unity thingy03:24
deepuvcdid u mean erminal03:24
deepuvcyep that ubundu icon03:25
puff_type in source03:25
puff_it should pull up software sources03:25
deepuvcit came03:25
puff_what is checked03:25
deepuvcexpect source code all other are ticked03:26
deepuvcit says download from india03:26
puff_click authentication03:26
urlin2uelisa87, this anything like the prison study.03:27
puff_should have keys03:27
deepuvcpuff does download from servers from india make this problem03:27
puff_I dunno maybe try somewhere else03:28
deepuvcit has 6 keys03:28
pksadiqdeepuvc: nope, I uses server from india03:28
puff_try usa03:28
elisa87urlin2u by clicking on the link you will just help in improving social networks03:28
deepuvcpuff no usa i clicked and selected the main server03:28
PatrickCi installed kde, and told ubuntu to boot to kde, but it didnt03:29
PatrickCit booted back to unity03:29
puff_then try download03:29
puff_unless you got a fw it should go03:30
deepuvcpuff that was the problem u must have selected main servers03:30
pksadiqPatrickC: Why are you trying to compile emacs from source? it is already available in repo03:30
wajeembawhat is the command to get X to regenerate it's config file? I'm trying a new graphics card.03:30
puff_no problem03:30
deepuvcpuff dont go03:30
PatrickCpksadiq, i didnt ask that question here, lol, but i didnt know that...03:30
StepNjumpAm I going crazy or what.. I was just trying to move some files from an external hard drive to a different dir winthin the same external hard drive.. Unfortunately, I used one of those scripts to find the mp3s and then move them but I didn't notice that the script was starting with find / as soon as I saw that, I did a ctrl C. When I searched for my files, they were all gone! I know ext4 is really03:30
deepuvcits not orking03:31
StepNjumpsmart but in these situations, it really sucks.. Where does it put the files in the middle of doing a move? I'm trying to understand.. Was everything in the memory? What happened. Did it just delete mp3s or it destroyed more than that.. I like Linux but something has to be done about this clever sytem that doest fragment.. I was JUST about to back up.. It's always like that!!!!03:31
FloodBot1StepNjump: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
puff_lol I haven;t gone anywhere for days03:31
deepuvcits showind can download respitory03:31
puff_I still gotta get bind9 configged waiting for authorization03:31
puff_forwarders etc03:32
puff_bind9 is definitely different from what I am used to03:32
puff_geez deepovc there is no reason that should not be working03:33
synrathi. does anyone know how to send f8 ( safe mode )  key to virt-manager guest  ?  I have a guest 2003 server on 10.04 LTS, which won't boot, but I can't even try to fix it, because the boot sequence is too fast and no f8 key doesn't catch it in time.03:33
deepuvcpuff can u tell how to chanege  colours offolders03:33
puff_you don't have a fw do ya03:33
deepuvcwhat fw03:33
puff_any fw03:34
deepuvcu can ask any thing hich covers ccie security03:34
deepuvcwhats that03:34
puff_k lemme see what ports you need open03:35
rhizmoewhat's the tiniest audio player I can use to preview .wav files in nautilus?03:35
deepuvcpuff how can i change he colours of the folders03:35
deepuvcin ubundu 11.1003:36
bendonhey i'm new to linux...  is there a way i can access newtwork share folders (ie smb://server/folder) at the command line.  its easy in gui, i know, but i wanna access media from a windows share drive and use ffmpeg to converti it (on an ubuntu computer).  How do I reference network share folders, or is the question, where are they mounted when I access them through gui file manager.  I'm guessing03:36
bendonmy problem is the same reason you cant just drag files from a network share folder into vlc, you have to double click them to open.03:36
rhizmoedeepuvc: icon set03:36
zakkbendon: http://www.linux-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1404-how-to-mount-a-windows-share-with-smbmount/03:36
bendoncheers mate03:36
deepuvcwhere is that03:36
urlin2usynrat, that must be a windows server you have the install iso?03:36
rhizmoeoh you'll probably want to make it a static mount, too03:37
rhizmoethe double-click thing is probably automount getting woken up03:37
waldenhi, how do i remove twitter accounts from gwibber?03:38
bendonda,m thought it would be easier than that.  will be using the flash drive.  thanx every103:38
waldenoh nevermind i got it03:38
rhizmoewalden: probably the accounts thingy03:38
waldensilly gwibber UI makes the + - icons look grayed out03:38
TomHuaHello. anyone knows how to get the XChat alert sounds?03:39
puff_man I can't get a straight answer to the ports question03:39
TomHuahey puff_03:40
D_Russanyone know anything about nvidia drivers?03:41
hayloi think your ubuntu install should detect them in "additional drivers"03:42
waldenis there a plugin for Thunderbird that will make it easier to save notes to your IMAP server?03:43
waldeni'm thinking of something like apple's notes feature for iphone03:43
D_Russwas trying to get steam and team fortress to work on 11.10 with wine, but i am having some graphics issues. it will start and all but there is no color on the characters03:43
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ActionParsnipD_Russ: did you check the wine appdb?03:44
hayloi like my games with real high graphics quality and have heard that wine cant really do this03:44
D_Russnvidia has drivers for ubuntu on there site but i cant get them to install03:44
D_Russso you just use windows haylo?03:44
ActionParsniphaylo: I've played doom3 at some fairly high settings..03:44
haylobut i do want to try windows sauerbraten on linux in wine03:44
ActionParsnipD_Russ: the drivers are in the repos, you don't need the nvidia site03:44
alien2050D_Russ: should be fairly easy to install nv drivers03:44
ActionParsnip!info sauerbraten03:45
ubottusauerbraten (source: sauerbraten): 3D first-person game engine. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.0.20100728.dfsg+repack-3 (oneiric), package size 951 kB, installed size 2204 kB03:45
haylomayeb il do that tonight and compare the fps03:45
almoxarifeD_Russ: listen to ActionParsnip03:45
ActionParsniphaylo: why need wine, its a native app...?03:45
D_Russso the drivers that i have should be good enough?03:45
haylojust curious what fps i would get03:45
hayloi get 200- 600 in ubuntu03:45
puff_deepuvc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Handling_a_broken_apt_cache03:45
ActionParsnipD_Russ: just run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     and you will have nvidia's driver installed..03:46
haylowonder what windows version would pull in wine03:46
puff_that may be it03:46
puff_it's stuck03:46
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:46
ActionParsniphaylo: 200fps is pretty sweet03:46
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D_Russthanks ActionPArsnip03:46
puff_Wine is a delightful fermented grape drink that will make you weak and silly.03:46
blackshirtMy cheese not detected my webcam..it says no devices found.how to fix this?03:46
ActionParsnipblackshirt: run:  lsusb   and use the 8 character hex id to find guides03:47
ActionParsnipblackshirt: yes, all in lowercase in a terminal03:49
g0thhow do I remove the damn realtek audio driver?03:49
waldenanyone know how to use Xnote for thunderbird?03:49
D_Russyeah i already have the nvidia drivers installed as per the terminal. So i guess it just wont work with my PC. i have seen people getting it working on youtube, must be diffrent graphics cards in there PC03:49
waldeng0th: is it in restricted drivers?03:49
hayloD_Russ, what is your Nvidea GPU ?03:50
ActionParsnipD_Russ: of course it will work03:50
hayloi mean what is the make?03:50
D_Russgt230 i beleive03:50
ActionParsnipD_Russ: what gpu do you use?03:50
D_Russlet me double check03:50
g0thwalden: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsCheck.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#High%20Definition%20Audio%20Codecs03:50
g0ththis one?03:50
ActionParsnipD_Russ: and is it part of some optimus crap (dual gpu)?03:50
D_Russno its a seperate unit03:50
haylosysinfo is ok tool for getting some system info03:50
ActionParsnipD_Russ: lspci | grep -i vga   will show you03:50
D_Russits a gt 23003:51
ActionParsnipD_Russ: ok then run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    and reboot, may help. If you get no desktop you can delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and reboot to be back where you  are now03:51
D_Russif i get no desktop. i wont know how to delete xorg.cong03:52
puff_that's easy sudo  rm -f xorg.conf03:53
ozzloywhat's the name of the tool that allows you to select different installation profiles, like "desktop" or "mail-server" or "lamp" etc. ?03:54
puff_from console03:54
puff_then startx03:54
Flannelozzloy: tasksel03:54
g0thwalden: so how do I remove it?03:54
dexter_hi guys , , , i just installed lubuntu , , one question is can i install unity on it?03:55
D_Russim goin to come back to this issue another time. i already deleted steam from my ubuntu box, i have just been using it on my work PC. So no rush.03:55
wiggmpkalright, so my log files are becoming enormous in size, this is the second time I have receive 'low disk space on root' notifications. what is going on?03:57
ubluntuwiggmpk: read the logs ?03:58
FreezingColdIs it safe to edit my mbr while running a distro on the same drive?  Or must I do it from a LiveCD?03:58
wiggmpkubluntu: it's not just 1 particular log file, nothing looks wrong, but why are they getting this large without any size constraint?03:59
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SVNDRDoes Ubuntu11.10 create its own partitions.. i dont have to create them myself do i?04:02
blackshirtHow to change keyboard layout or config on ubuntu through terminal?04:02
theoneguyit is safe to overwrite the MBR.04:02
acerimmertheoneguy: more info04:03
escottSVNDR, can be done either way. you can manual partition or just tell ubuntu to use the whole disk or install alongside windows and it will choose a default partition setup04:03
theoneguyubuntu will create its own partitions.04:03
oneliner35% packet loss on my ethernet currently, any advice on driver applications?04:04
SVNDRescott: yea i figured as much.. well ive tried about 4 times not to install ubuntu using USB and i have no succeeded once..04:04
theoneguysince the mbr is not used/being accessed while any operating system is booted, it is safe to overswrite it.04:05
almoxarifetheoneguy: it is if grub replaces mbr and grub sees your win partitions , the good news is that either way, mbr can be replaced04:05
escottSVNDR, if you want to tell us more details we might be able to offer a suggestion04:05
blackshirtHow to change keyboard layout?04:07
ActionParsnipblackshirt: which deskrop / shell do you use?04:08
ActionParsniponeliner: tried a different cable?04:08
SVNDRescott: well i was in here earlier today, and yesterday and the day before lol i thinks its my USB to be blunt.. but a new face is a new idea.. I get to the point where i have burnt the image to USB, using Universal USB Installer, i then restart my laptop so it can boot into the setup, i get to the screen that offeres option like Install To Hard Drive, Chech Disk For Errors ect.. Wether i select04:08
SVNDRinstall or check.. my USB drive will start to mount and unmount over and over again until the setup bring up a fail screen..04:08
escottSVNDR, sounds like a bad usb04:09
onelinerActionParsnip: hardware issues ruled out by means of dual boot, win7 internet functions on same box/setup is flawless04:09
ActionParsniponeliner: have you disabled ipv6?04:10
ActionParsniponeliner: how much RAM do you have?04:10
blackshirtAction. Unity desktop04:10
SVNDRescott: yea, it does everything else a USB should, just not this.. its annoying i tell you what04:11
onelineram pretty sure i saw all settings for ipv6 disabled, but i can double check, cant remeber conf file name for network sys04:11
ActionParsnipblackshirt: press tab after you type action ;)04:11
ActionParsnipblackshirt: its under system settings.04:11
onelinerActionParsnip: 8gb ram04:11
ActionParsniponeliner: add this to /etc/sysctl.conf    http://paste.ubuntu.com/795664/04:11
ActionParsniponeliner: then run:  sudo sysctl -p04:12
ActionParsniponeliner: assigns more RAM to network caches, can help04:12
blackshirtActionParsnip..how do this on terminal?04:12
onelinerok will try04:13
JWFoxJrrunning 11.10 - can someone point me to a good how-to for configuring the resolution of the console framebuffer04:14
ActionParsnipblackshirt: search dash for system settings, its in there04:14
wiggmpkquestion about command, make sure I have it right, if I use "rm -rfv /var/log/*" that will remove all files & subdirectories of /var/log but not the parent correct?04:15
JWFoxJrwiggmpk: that's correctg04:15
wiggmpkJWFoxJr: thnkx04:16
SVNDRhas anyone in here ever sucsessfully installed Ubuntu11.10 using iPhone4 (jailbroken) running 'USB Drive' - Or any other application for that matter??04:16
onelinerActionParsnip: should i allow packet forwarding for ipv4?04:16
ubottuThe Australian Local Community Team has channels here on freenode. They are #ubuntu-au for technical discussion, and #ubuntu-au-chat for social chatter.04:18
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onelinerActionParsnip: no apparent change04:22
onelinerconnection "freezes" at regular intervals04:22
JWFoxJrrunning 11.10 - can someone point me to a good how-to for configuring the resolution of the console framebuffer04:26
ActionParsniponeliner: your system isn't a router so forwarding isn't needed. Are there any bugs reported for your driver?04:26
ActionParsnipmanuel_: its also offtopic and not supported here04:27
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escottJWFoxJr, you just modify /etc/default/grub and put in a modeline. many are specified by number like vesa768, but that whole kernel framebuffer resolution mechanism is deprecated is my understanding04:27
ActionParsnipJWFoxJr: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/04:27
onelinerthere is one with a backport solution provided04:27
ActionParsniponeliner: worth a shot I guess04:27
onelineri implemnted that solution currently is the "least ugly" functionality i am using04:27
telloneI followed a tutorial but missclicked something in CCMS, everything seems to be working now. But is there anyway to reset default just to be safe?04:28
onelinerfetching bug ml04:28
JWFoxJrescott ActionParsnip Thanks!04:28
wiggmpkJWFoxJr: what are you having trouble with? recently installed ATI or Nvidia drivers?04:28
ActionParsniptellone: maybe:    gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1 unity --reset04:29
JWFoxJrwiggmpk: no - just never configured it before on ubuntu - used to run gentoo and they still use grub, not grub2 by default04:29
onelineralso, every dns resolution takes 20 secs apiece04:30
escottJWFoxJr, there is nothing different about the process. its the same kernel options, you just need to put them in /etc/default/grub04:30
wiggmpkJWFoxJr: I just ask because reasons (typically) for changing framebuffer is because of ugly splash screens04:30
ActionParsniponeliner: install and configure dnsmasq   and it will make that take 0ms04:30
JWFoxJrwiggmpk: I could care less about splash screens - I just want a VT with a reasonable (workable) resolution04:31
guest-Sqfoddhelp please i cant logim with my username it says password incorrect how can i solve it please04:31
wiggmpkJWFoxJr: right, which is the only other reason hehe, I was getting there04:31
fisixguest-Sqfodd, username for what?04:31
ActionParsniponeliner: just edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf   line:  #listen=    to listen=     then set your first DNS server to be    set your interface in network manager to DHCP (address only) then make your DNS be:,,
onelinerActionParsnip: related bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-backports-modules-3.0.0/+bug/83939304:32
JWFoxJrescott: using VGA=xxx or vesafb:mtrr,ywrap,<resolution@depth> ?04:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 839393 in linux-meta (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Network problem with the driver r8169" [Medium,Fix released]04:32
ActionParsniponeliner: is it ok in precise live cd?04:32
xmanehello, i think i have a virus on linux04:32
escottJWFoxJr, the kernel is the kernel. its a kernel option. use whatever one is correct.04:32
guest-Sqfoddfisix,  when i start the pc and i have to login i forgot the password04:32
JWFoxJrescott: nevermind - I hadn't scrolled far enough in the article - I know it was a kernel option, just wasn't sure which method it was going to use04:33
fisixxmane, what makes you think that?04:33
fisixguest-Sqfodd, is your drive encrypted?04:33
wiggmpkJWFoxJr: you can achieve a prettier VT with the info on this site http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen04:33
guest-Sqfoddfisix,  no04:33
escottguest-Sqfodd, boot to single user rescue mode and you can type passwd username and set your password04:33
xmanewell, every time i go to firefox, it says that i haven't got the latest version and then it redirects me to a ubuntu antivirus04:34
JWFoxJrwiggmpk: I don't nouveau enabled - I'm using vesafb for framebuffer. :)04:34
SVNDRhas anyone in here ever sucsessfully installed Ubuntu11.10 using iPhone4 (jailbroken) running 'USB Drive' - Or any other application for that matter??04:34
wiggmpkJWFoxJr: should work just the same, the info on what you need is there04:34
guest-Sqfoddescott,  how coz i a, using guest login now04:34
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onelinerActionParsnip: precise live cd?04:35
fisixguest-Sqfodd, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword04:35
escottguest-Sqfodd, reboot. hit esc (just after bios post) to bring up the grub menu select single, you will get a root terminal a bit later. type passwd yourUsernameHere and put in a new password04:35
wiggmpkJWFoxJr: you basically just need to change GRUB_GFXMODE= to whatever resolution you want and then follow the updates04:35
escottwiggmpk, why does everyone suggest GRUB_GFXMODE? what relationship does that have to the kernel framebuffer?04:37
guest-Sqfoddescott,  ok i try thanx04:37
wiggmpkescott: it does the same thing, and is easier to do04:37
JWFoxJrBRB - rebooting... <crossing fingers>04:38
escottwiggmpk, not according to the documentation: #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480... The entry sets the resolution of the graphical menu (the menu text size). ... The setting applies only to the boot menu display, not the resolution of the operating system that boots.04:39
wajeembahey, is there a good way to tell ubuntu desktop to NOT start an X session on boot?04:39
escottwajeemba, add "text" to the boot options04:40
wajeembaescott: "text" to the boot options in grub?04:40
onelinerwajeemba: alter the default grub entry to text where it says quiet splash04:41
escottwajeemba, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub04:41
escottwajeemba, then run update-grub04:41
bahaafirefox keeps crashing and I suspect the problem is with ubuntu04:42
ActionParsnipwajeemba: in tne quotes with: quiet splash04:42
bahaaI have ubuntu10.10 on the box04:42
bahaahow can I know what's the problem?04:42
ActionParsnipbahaa: run it from a terminal, the output will be useful04:42
wiggmpkescott: well it was the only way I was able to achieve the size & display I desired04:42
ActionParsnipbahaa: also try disabling addons (if you have any), one by one to ssee if it makes it ok. Then you know the addon is to blame04:43
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scotty^bahaa - Having a problem with Firefox?04:43
bahaaActionParsnip, it gave nothing, but in the report it wanted to send to mozila I notice it says there is a segmentation error04:43
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bahaascotty^, yes but I suspect it's made by the OS, cause it's a fresh firefox and the previous one used to make the same problem04:44
wiggmpkescott: I am not a good person to discuss the pros or cons with it, I just gave a solution that worked for his needs04:44
fenrisHi everyone ^_^04:45
scotty^bahaa - is it crashing repeatedly on the same web page?  Or on random webpages?04:46
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escottwiggmpk, im just puzzled because i wouldn't think it would work04:46
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guest-NAWBkwescott,  back nothing done with esc, if i do shift after boot it shows gnu loading and it appears another screen sync out of range...04:46
bahaascotty^, repeatedly on random webpages04:47
Guest46554can anybody help with UEFI and Grub? or help with Grub2 GPT and Grub2 MBR??04:47
bahaascotty^, "SecondsSinceLastCrash: 6" from the report04:47
wiggmpkescott: the website I linked and it's suggestion worked for me, a tighter looking VT and higher resolution splash screens and lightDM display04:47
aleximhi, i'm plugging in a wonky usb hard drive to Ubuntu 11.10, and it automatically mounts it as read-only (that's fine), but the mount point (at /media/foodrive) doesn't allow everyone read and exec, it's set at drwxrwx---. how can i add rx to everyone?04:47
wajeembahmm, now all I get on reboot is "Failed to send power mode. Command timed out."04:48
scotty^bahaa - I could be an addon, like ActionParsnip said.  Also, try disabling Javascript in Firefox's preferences.04:48
escottguest-NAWBkw, sounds like you figured out how to bring up the grub menu but the grub graphics mode is no good. two approaches (1) guess at the position of the recovery boot option (it should be the second or third maybe?) so shift down arrow down array enter. or boot a livecd/install cd and fix things up from a chroot04:50
ActionParsnipalexim: you will need to remount it with better options04:52
guest-NAWBkwescott,  please help and tell me what can i do04:52
escottguest-NAWBkw, do you have a install cd on you?04:53
lordlimecatI just ran ecryptfs-user-migrate on a user, and logged in, but was not prompted to generate a passphrase, and the data does not appear encrypted from a root shell, but it was moved to a user.random folder.  Help!04:53
lordlimecatwhat do i need to do to finish the process?04:53
guest-NAWBkwescott,  yes04:53
slipknot hi i am trying to compile ardrone sdk on linux ubuntu 11.10 and i get this error http://pastebin.com/JyykmDqk any idea04:54
escottguest-NAWBkw, boot that, go to the livecd, and log back in to irc from there. we can give you chroot instructions from that point04:54
_jami'm using kubuntu 11.10. upgraded FF to 9 today. Now firefox will not accept external links.04:55
_jamhas anyone else seen this behavior?04:55
Guest46554Im trying to triple boot in UEFI mode, w7, Linux and MacOS04:55
ActionParsnip_jam: external links in what way?04:55
guest-NAWBkwescott,  i have ubuntu 10.10 live cd not the 11.10...04:55
trismslipknot: sudo apt-get install libcwiid-dev04:55
escottguest-NAWBkw, thats fine04:55
_jamif I click on a link in irc or whatever, firefox pops open a window "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."04:56
guest-NAWBkwescott, ok04:56
bahaaActionParsnip, scotty^: I disabled all the plugins and it crashed again04:56
ActionParsnip_jam: is firefox already running?04:56
aleximActionParsnip: i tried a "mount -o uid=1000,gid=1000", but the mount point is still owned by uid 9904:56
const_antinecan someone explain the concept of system time vs user time? according to time manpage, system time is cpu time used by system on behalf of process, while user time is cpu time used by process directly... isn't it all cpu time for process?04:56
_jamusing the terminal, i get the error with "firefox -P default "http://google.com"" also -new-tab, -new-window, -browser04:57
trismslipknot: in fact, it seems like none of those packages were installed, so install all of them04:57
ActionParsnip_jam: maybe your old profile from the previous version is causing an issue, if you close firefox and rename ~/.mozilla/firefox    is it ok?04:57
trismslipknot: except libcwiid1-dev since that package doesn't exist anymore04:57
_jamwell, I've tried using my "clean" profile which changes nothing and has no addons and it has the same behavior04:57
_jamchanges no settings*04:57
escottconst_antine, the accounting is separate for a number of reasons but in part because system time is affected indirectly by other processes running on the machine, but user time is not04:58
scotty^bahaa - try disabling Javascript in Firefox's preferences04:58
slipknottrism, i installed i get the same error04:58
ActionParsnip_jam: what is the output of:  file `which filefox`04:58
bahaaconst_antine, maybe this means that when the process uses the cpu it user time, but when cpu works something for the process it's system time, (like if the cpu makes some stuff ready for the process)04:58
_jamActionParsnip: /usr/bin/firefox04:59
trismslipknot: libavutil/avutil.h is in libavutil-dev so not all of them04:59
pksadiq_jam: he asked to do    file `!!`05:00
ActionParsnip_jam: what is the output of:  ls /usr/bin/firefox*05:00
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slipknottrism, ok i will try05:00
const_antinebahaa, if i understand multitasking, cpu runs processes and threads, it is not "aware" of relation between one process and other05:00
ActionParsnip_jam: use a pastebin to host the text05:00
_jamfwiw, /usr/bin/firefox is a symlink to ../lib/firefox-9.0.1/firefox.sh05:00
trismslipknot: there is a list at the start of your pastebin 'You should install the following packages...'05:00
_jamthere is only one firefox executable in /usr/bin05:00
ActionParsnip_jam: ok cool05:00
scotty^_jam - Have you updated ubufox and xul-ext-ubufox to 1.0.2-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 ?  That should help.05:01
ActionParsnip_jam: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc05:01
const_antinethough maybe CPU is not purely process based05:01
Emerlinggnome-shell starts as classic, I uninstalled an apt-get purge re install and does not begin as before,05:01
escottconst_antine, system time is in kernel kernel-mode time, user is non-kernel user mode code05:01
_jamActionParsnip: oneiric05:01
Guest46554so ... anybody feels like trying a challenge?05:02
_jamubufox is not installed, xul-ext-ubufox is 1.0.2....05:02
Emerlingi need rreescue gnome-shell as before. :( help05:02
lordlimecatis there a way to undo a half-finished ecryptfs home migrate command?05:02
ActionParsnip_jam: may help http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/how-to-fix-firefox-is-already-running-error/05:02
ActionParsnip_jam: remove the lock and/or parentlock file and it should be ok05:03
* ActionParsnip hates firefox05:03
pksadiqGuest46554: ???05:03
const_antineescott, so picking a memory page to allocate or free, for example, would be system time?05:03
_jamwell, firefox is running. it should be! ok, just tried moving .mozilla and it works with a clean folder05:03
pksadiq_jam: does it says firefox is already running, then do sudo kilall firefox   and rerun firefox. thats all05:04
Guest46554Im dealing with UEFI here, and its kind of hard as there isnt much documentation pksadiq05:04
_jampksadiq: yea, i've tried restarting firefox, doesn't work05:04
pksadiq_jam: did you did sudo killall firefox  ?05:04
ActionParsnip_jam: ok then use that and port your bookmarks over and such. Looks like the old version profile  is the issue, the new profile created by the new version is obviously the key :)05:04
_jamthere are no firefox processes running05:04
pksadiq_jam: do ps aux | grep -i firefox  and find its ecxact name05:05
escottconst_antine, yes. but the accounting gets weird, because if your app requests a page and that triggers a LRU walk to find pages to write out to swap who gets assigned that time? so often that gets done in another thread and the time is lost, but it can appear as real wall clock time, hence the reason for the separation.05:05
_jampksadiq: there are no firefox processes running05:05
pksadiq_jam: k05:05
slipknottrism, the packages is installed the makefile bash script file show always routine checking library from begin05:05
pksadiq_jam: I do get the same error, and do the above fix, so I said05:06
Guest46554pksadiq: basically triple booting (linux, w7, mac os x) (chainloading either grub2 uefi to grub2 mbr or grub2 uefi to chameleon)05:07
slipknottrism, http://pastebin.com/mDubLMEQ05:07
_jamok, trying the lockfiles05:07
trismslipknot: yes, libcwiid1-dev doesn't exist anymore, install libcwiid-dev instead (but keep all the rest on that line)05:08
Resistancecan unity be uninstalled on natty?05:09
Emerlinghelp me, my gnome-shell starts as classic, I uninstalled an apt-get purge ...re-install and does not begin normal as before,05:10
escottResistance, not advisable. if you dont want to use it just dont use it05:10
_jamok, removing the lockfiles did not work, and I just tried opening a link after removing the lockfile of a running firefox process. i'm pretty sure that was stupid05:11
Resistanceescott:  why is it unadvised05:11
Resistanceits in a VM05:11
escottEmerling, try gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session session-name 'gnome-fallback'05:11
bahaascotty^, I'll disable javascript, but there's something strange that it crashes even before opening anypage05:12
slipknottrism, i now it is installed for this reason i am confused why the make file show again that he need this file http://pastebin.com/bVLNViAT05:12
hendausescott:  i am back from live cd05:12
escottResistance, its too easy to get carried away and remove too many things and then end up without a working desktop05:13
_jamand yet, it seems to have worked05:13
escotthendaus, open a terminal and type "sudo -i" then we need to know a couple things: (a) was ubuntu the only os on the system? (b) do you know how the disk was partitioned05:13
trismslipknot: just say no when it asks you to install the package, and it should move on with the compile05:13
trismslipknot: if not the code may need a bit of patching05:14
_jamso, that really makes no sense. removed the lock files while no processes running. start process. lock file gets recreated (of course) things still fail. remove lock file while process is running. try to open link from external source. things go CRAZY. quit processes. restart. works.05:14
Emerlingescott, thanks,  i try again05:15
Resistanceescott:  its in a VM.  It cant handle Unity, and is limited on disk space.  its a special-case test situation (hence the VM)05:15
hendausescott:  yes just ubuntu os and i have not partition the disk i have one hd that i am using ubuntu and the second hd is sata05:15
_jamthanks for your help05:15
escottResistance, then ubuntu-server would probably be a better choice than the desktop os05:16
grammyhi all, I'm new to unity and can't find the hotkey to minimize all the open ap's and to show the desktop...does anyone know how to put a shortcut to the launcher that will bring up the display for the desktop?05:16
bullgard6[Synaptic > description of  »streamripper«] Are the terms »online stream« and »radio stream« synonymous?05:16
slipknottrism, http://pastebin.com/YSVrBKQq i typed no and the same problem05:16
escotthendaus, in that case your ubuntu system is probably /dev/sda1 but since you have multiple disks you might want to open the disk utility and identify what device is the ubuntu device05:17
NotJimCarreytrying to cross compile for arm and installed codesorcery, but getting "Error: Missing 32-bit libraries on 64-bit Linux host"05:17
NotJimCarreyanyone been through this before?05:17
pksadiq grammy: ALT+CTRL+D? not sure05:17
urgodfatherwill someone help me configure my capture card05:18
grammywow, will try it, didn't even think of a keyboard entry!!!05:18
escotthendaus, in particular we are looking for the "Device: /dev/sd??" that appears in the second column under the Volumes rectangle once you click on the disk and then on the correct partition05:18
hendausescott:  /dev/sda05:18
escotthendaus, so assuming since you have only one partition it is /dev/sda1 then run the following commands: "mkdir /ubuntu" and "mount /dev/sda1 /ubuntu"05:19
grammycontrol-alt-D does it, many many many ty to you and all who maintain and contribute to this media outlet.05:19
escotthendaus, then run "ls /ubuntu" and you should see some things like "bin boot lib media sbin usr var"05:20
NotJimCarreyyes, ia32libs is installed05:21
hendausescott:  /dev/sda1 looks like swapspace - not mounted mount: you must specify the filesystem type05:21
trismslipknot: so you installed libavutil-dev? if so I am out of ideas05:21
escotthendaus, try sda2 then05:21
urgodfatherwill someone help me configure my capture card? its a phillips pci tv tuner and im on natty.05:21
ActionParsnipurgodfather: run:  lspci    I assume its a pci device, use the line identifying the device to find guides05:22
hendausescott:  yes done05:23
urgodfatherActionparsnip: thanks. brb05:23
escotthendaus, and does "ls /ubuntu" list the normal contents of a "/" partition ie "usr bin sbin etc"05:23
hendausesc escott  yes05:24
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escotthendaus, ok then "chroot /ubuntu /bin/bash" you may get some warnings because we havent done any bind mounts, but they shouldnt be needed here05:24
escotthendaus, then "passwd fillInYourUsernameHere"05:24
hendausescott:  chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error05:25
urgodfatheractionparsnip:02:02.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11) 02:02.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 11)05:25
ActionParsnipurgodfather: ok, nice and generic05:25
ActionParsnipurgodfather: you will find lots of guides for it05:26
urgodfatheractionparsnip: 2 lines?05:26
escotthendaus, is your livecd a 32bit live cd? is your installed system a 64bit system?05:26
Ben64that capture card should "just work"05:26
urgodfatheractionparsnip: i pulled from powermac g405:26
ActionParsnipurgodfather: search for:  Bt878 Video Capture ubuntu05:26
hendausescott:  how can i know?05:26
Ben64urgodfather: try installing/running tvtime05:27
urgodfatherBen64: will do in a sec, dont i need drivers of some sort?05:28
escotthendaus, "uname -i" will tell you the version of your livecd. "ls /ubuntu/lib64" will indicate if the installed system in a 64bit system (if it give a no-such file error then you have a 32bit installed system, otherwise it is 64bit)05:28
pksadiq!mythtv | urgodfather05:28
ubottuurgodfather: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv05:28
Ben64urgodfather: should already have em05:28
urgodfatherBen64: ok thanks05:28
hendausescott:  unknown05:29
escotthendaus, what is the full "uname -a" output05:30
hendausescott:  ld-linux-x86-64.so.205:30
AlexRamalloI have 2 cards in my computer: 1 ati and 1 nvidia. 4 monitors connected (dvi+vga on ati, and hdmi+vga on nvidia). However, only dual monitors are working. The other two monitors on the nvidia card just show a purple screen with the word "ubuntu" in the middle05:30
AlexRamallohow can I get 4 monitors to work?05:30
bullgard6[Synaptic > description of  »streamripper«] Are the terms »online stream« and »radio stream« synonymous?05:31
hendausescott:  Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux05:31
escotthendaus, oh weird. sounds like you are in the chroot already. not sure why it complained about bash05:31
AlexRamallodoes anyone know? :\05:31
slipknottrism, finaly it work05:32
escotthendaus, nevermind. yep. you have a 64bit installed system and a 32bit livecd. that wont work. we need a 64bit install cd05:32
hendausescott:  ok wait05:33
escotthendaus, we could try something fancy if you dont have a 64bit install cd, but im not 100% sure it would work05:33
ActionParsnipAlexRamallo: its waaaaay easier to match manufacturers, you may need to go back to the old days and make an xorg.conf.  Xrandr may also be able to do it05:33
hendausescott:  i have 64 bits live cd05:36
hendausescott:  can u wait ..05:36
escotthendaus, then thats the easiest approach05:36
escotti need to get to sleep soon. but its just going to be "sudo -i; mkdir /ubuntu; mount /dev/sda2 /ubuntu; chroot ubuntu /bin/bash; passwd yourUsernameHere"05:37
rooshthe rt73usb driver that came with ubuntu is not working, any help?05:41
const_antinesudo rm -Rf /.05:41
rooshum, don't be silly05:41
rooshyou shouldn't post stuff like that05:42
rooshsomeone's gonna actually try it05:42
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:42
rooshanyways, anyone will to help out?05:43
rghoshI'm creating a Maverick-based live USB image that boots in text mode.  What is the best way to have it run a program at startup instead of presenting a shell?05:44
hendausescott:  back05:44
escotthendaus, so "sudo -i" then "mkdir /ubuntu" then "mount /dev/sda2 /ubuntu" then "ls /ubuntu" and verify it has the root directory contents then "chroot /ubuntu" then "passwd yourUsername"05:45
urgodfatherwill someone explain "bootable" flag to me? i thinki i misht be misunderstanding it.05:46
totesmuhgoatsurgodfather: it sets which partition is bootable05:46
ActionParsnipurgodfather: its not needed if you are using grub05:46
totesmuhgoatsoh, lol i didn't even realize i was in a linux channel05:46
escotturgodfather, its required by some bioses http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/23560/what-is-the-bootable-flag-option-when-installing-a-distro05:47
urgodfatherok, well lemme specify.... i have two ntfs partitions that i want to mount at startup and unmount at shutdown05:47
ActionParsnipurgodfather: then add them in /etc/fstab05:48
hendausescott:  yes done\05:48
puff_weird I got 106.9Gb of freespace in my home dir yet for some odd reason it wouldn't write my downlos of the earth3D zip file which is only 1.1Gb05:48
hendausescott:  now what05:48
urgodfatherlooked at pysdm but one one was fvisible05:48
puff_folder limit for Download?05:49
escotthendaus, thats it05:49
urgodfatheractionparsnip: so gedit fstab and what command would i add?05:49
escotthendaus, you are done. if it didnt give an errors your password is now changed05:49
hendausescott:  so let me try05:49
hendausescott:  thanx escott  brb05:49
puff_see if that had been porn it would have worked05:49
ActionParsnipurgodfather: I suggest you search for examples online, its well documented05:50
ActionParsnipurgodfather: you'll need:  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab     too, it is owned by root05:50
bullgard6How to determine if the current Ubuntu release is a result of a release upgrade or a fresh install?05:51
urgodfatheractionparsnip: ok thanks. im reading the fstab now05:51
ActionParsnipurgodfather: the folder you mount to must exist and is an empty folder05:52
puff_woot I got it, just jacked in to the MODIS satellite05:54
urgodfatheractionparsnip: now you're confusing me... lol... folder?05:54
ActionParsnipurgodfather: yes, folder. Like a windows folder, you mount partitions to folders05:54
puff_lol now let's see what kind of resolution I can get05:55
ActionParsnipurgodfather: the folder will then be the access point to the data on the partition, linux doesn't use restrictuive drive letters, it has a file structure and you simply attach data storages where you want05:55
urgodfatheractionparsnip: ex. when i mount my media part. i see in disk util. that its mounted to /media/media partition05:55
ActionParsnipurgodfather: its a lot more flexible05:55
puff_tell your girlfriends to put there tops back on I am definitley looking05:55
hendausescott,  back05:55
escotthendaus, did it work?05:56
ActionParsnipurgodfather: /media/media is simply a folder created by udev, the partition is then mounted there so that when you access that folder you will be shown the contents of the partition you mounted05:56
hendausescott,  yes sure :) thanx friend05:56
escotthendaus, fix your grub resolution with /etc/default/grub (uncomment the grubfx_mode05:57
urgodfatheractionparsnip: yeah i think i get the concept now. however, i still dont know why pysdm didnt show my partitions when i installed it /:05:58
escotthendaus, you will want your grub menu to work in case anything ever goes wrong during the boot process (or you need to get to the recovery console). so uncomment the #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 line and run update-grub then reboot and check that the grub menu is visible when you press shift05:58
ActionParsnipurgodfather: if you have existing partitions, if you use the custom partitioning, you can specify the partition to be mounted and put in fstab during install (if memory serves)05:59
titaneso hai06:00
titanesI NEEDZZ HALP!!!06:00
hendausescott,  #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x48006:00
titanesI was banned from #ubuntu-women for no apparent reason whatsoever06:01
escotthendaus, remove the # you will need to run gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub to be able to edit the file06:01
ActionParsniptitanes: ask in #ubuntu-ops06:01
hendausescott,  done06:02
abhi_i'm using ubuntu 11.1006:02
abhi_and installed gnome306:02
puff_abhi_: most of us are06:03
abhi_is it safe to install ATI restricted driver under gnome3?06:03
abhi_will it work?06:03
escotthendaus, update-grub will regenerate your grub.cfg config file. then when you reboot and press shift you should see some options06:03
ActionParsnipabhi_: gnome3 is default in Oneiric, unless you install xubuntu, Kununtu etc (or minimal)06:03
ActionParsnipabhi_: yes, install away06:03
abhi_currently using opensource driver (gallium)06:03
puff_so far I haven;t found too much it won't do I am currently viewing the entire world from space via satellite :)06:04
hendausescott,  ok brb06:04
abhi_but i heard that fglrx driver cause problem under gnome306:04
abhi_is it true?06:04
urgodfatheractionparsnip: yes, i have existing partitions. 1 is ext4 2 is logical with 5 ntfs inside 3 ntfs 4 swap06:04
abhi_i.e. under Fedora 16 it causing problem06:04
urgodfatheractionparsnip: so the layout looks like    1      4      4     2 +506:05
BullSharkwould somebody crontab -e and pastebin the commented lines (ones beginning with #06:05
urgodfatherin the middle is 306:05
BullSharkwould somebody crontab -e and pastebin the commented lines (ones beginning with #06:05
BullSharkwould somebody crontab -e and pastebin the commented lines (ones beginning with #) please?06:06
abhi_how to install ATI restricted driver under ubuntu?06:06
BullSharksorry about that06:06
FlannelBullShark: month hour day-of-month month day-of-week command06:07
puff_it's almost a shame what we have done to this planet06:07
FlannelBullShark: usually that's abbreviated as 'm h dom mon dow command'06:07
abhi_which one to install?06:07
abhi_plz someone inform me06:08
BullSharkFlannel ☠ i know whats in it, but i do not have it on my distro and would like to add it. mind adding it to pastebin for me?06:09
bullgard6[Synaptic > description of  »streamripper«] Are the terms »online stream« and »radio stream« synonymous?06:09
FlannelBullShark: Put a pound sign in front of those, replace the spaces with tabs.... that's the whole file.06:09
BullSharkFlannel ☠ -.-06:10
hendausescott,  it shows gnu loading and then it appears another screen that says sync out of range and after seconds the monitor switch on starting ubuntu06:10
puff_your xorg.conf is off then06:10
ActionParsnipurgodfather: use UUIDs and you'll have fewer issues06:10
ActionParsnipurgodfather: run:  sudo blkid     then look at your fstab file, you'll see what I mean ;)06:11
abhi_which one i should install? fglrx-updates?06:11
escotthendaus, thats annoying you may have to play around with the GFXMODE to get it to work. but what is sync out of range is the grub menu, so you can't select what kernel to boot or what boot options to use, which is not good. it means you have to have the livecd handy to rescue any boot issues or lost passwords06:12
escotthendaus, you might go years without needing it, but there are also nights like tonight where it would have saved you an hour or so06:12
IceheartQuestion, just updated to ubunto 11.1006:13
Iceheartnow my battery is refusing to charge06:13
Iceheartbut at the same time it does not appear to be discharging06:13
IceheartAnybody have any ideas?06:13
IceheartReally could use help here, if my laptop dies I don't have a backup computer atm...06:14
hendausescott,  can i install the os from live cd but without deleting any of my important things ;ept on my hd?06:15
Ben64Iceheart: how do you know its not charging06:15
IceheartBattery icon shows discharge06:15
Iceheartsays in power management that it's discharging06:15
Ben64shutdown laptop, take out battery, turn back on06:16
Iceheartabout an hour after I did the install, it stop charging all together and is now at 23%06:16
Iceheartok I'll try it...06:16
urgodfatheractionparsnip: is this right? www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLIUJdP1hY06:16
Ben64urgodfather: thats a slightly strange way, but yes that should work06:17
escotthendaus, there are some ways to do that (see !clone for one part of that process) but its usually easier to rescue a working system. you are at the mercy of having a working livecd at the moment as your bootloader is not fully functional06:18
urgodfatherben64: whats strange about it? b/c the guy uses auto and defaults?06:18
Ben64because he copies the uuid from nautilus06:18
urgodfatherben64: ohh i see06:19
JWFoxJrescott: Thanks for the help earlier - took your suggestions on configuring the framebuffer, but after reboot X wouldn't start - do you have that link? I forgot to bookmark it06:19
Ben64"sudo blkid" in terminal lists all the UUID's06:19
IceheartUnplugged the laptop, removed the battery and put it back in06:20
IceheartStill not charging06:20
Ben64i meant turn the computer on with no battery06:20
urgodfatherben64: since one of my partitions is contained in a logical.... do i need to mount the logical /dev/sda2 also?06:20
Ben64it should work without one06:20
IceheartHasn't before but ok lol06:20
lordlimecatdoes anyone have experience with ecryptfs?06:21
Ben64urgodfather: no you can't mount the logical06:21
urgodfatherben64: didnt think so, just wanted to make sure before i reboot06:21
nubuntuHello, I am having a problem with NFS on mint12/ubuntuserver11, things seems to be working based on tests online in walkthroughs but when I do a exportfs -ra I get the error: exportfs: scandir /etc/exports.d: No such file or directory06:21
escott!log | JWFoxJr it wasn't my link06:22
ubottuJWFoxJr it wasn't my link: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/06:22
hendausescott,  ok another thing, my pc is freezing too much and i have not installed the nvidia driver06:22
ActionParsnipurgodfather: looks like a good how to, use UUIDs instead of raw device names.06:22
escottJWFoxJr, quiet enough channel its up at the top of my scroll window http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen06:22
JWFoxJrescott: Thanks!06:23
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escotthendaus, i dont have too much experience with nvidia06:23
haylohendaus my ATI freezes when i run it with out the driver06:24
nubuntuanyone here know basic NFS config?06:24
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ActionParsnipnubuntu: for server or client?06:25
puff_nubuntu: pretty sure there is step by step howtos06:25
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:25
const_antinewhat's the difference between task (in tasksel) and package?06:25
hendaushaylo, where u got the driver from?06:26
nubuntuAction&Puff: FOllowed the walkthroughs, and things seem to be working as stated above, but get error above and google shows people in the last feww weeks with 3 or four posts with error but no replies to be an issue with Ubuntu06:26
haylohendaus use "additional drivers" tool if you are using ubuntu06:27
hayloit should auto detect alot of propriatary drivers06:27
hendaushaylo,  i try from there and no activated for me06:28
haylobut look up your GPU make and research it a bit hendaus i am sure the maker of the gpu has a driver for it that may help you understand whats going on06:28
puff_which error are you seeing?06:29
haylowhat is your GPU hendaus ?06:29
hendaushaylo whats that gpu?06:30
hayloit is the graphics processing unit06:30
nubuntuwhen I do a exportfs -ra I get the error: exportfs: scandir /etc/exports.d: No such file or directory, even though services start OK06:31
hayloit is the main type of product made by Nvidea06:31
bartjrwas -e or --exec removed from nc (aka netcat)06:31
puff_mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format06:31
hayloa video card hendaus06:31
hendaushaylo so whats yours?06:32
haylomine is called ATI radeon mobility 5850 or something like that06:32
hayloit auto detects in the ubuntu additional drivers tool06:33
puff_128.251.xxx.xxx:/var /home/coreyf/uslonsweb003 nfs rw,hard,intr, 0 006:33
puff_128.251.xxx.xxx:/var  /home/sadmicrowave/uslonsweb003  nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0 <-- proper06:34
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nubuntupuff: Is that what the /etc/export looks like on the server side?06:35
puff_ //var *(rw,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)06:36
puff_should look like this /var         *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)06:36
puff_exportfs -av06:38
nubuntutrying now06:39
puff_edit fstab then mount -a06:39
puff_128.251.xxx.xxx:/var  /home/sadmicrowave/uslonsweb003  nfs default 0 006:39
haylowhen i run lm-sensorsin ubuntu it is not detecting my gpu temp. but the crunchbang install on the same computer does with lm-sensors??!!06:40
puff_should clear it up06:40
hayloshould i just run sensors-detect agian? or has anyone heard of this problem?06:40
hayloeh il figure it out myself06:41
jason404I have a ubuntu server where I cannot see lines in midnight commander, tree, and TUI interfaces in general. What is the problem with it? Unicode not set or something?06:42
jason404I get random ascii characters instead06:42
tensorpuddingwell, i guess it could be a corrupted ncurses library06:43
tensorpuddingwhat kind of terminal is it?06:43
tensorpuddingwhat is your shell?06:43
jason404I'm using putty from windows06:43
jason404my debain server looks fine06:43
tensorpuddingputty should be totally vt100 compatible06:43
tensorpuddingbut i guess it could be an issue with encodings then06:44
jason404well, it is only this particular server with this probem06:44
tensorpuddingis your server doing utf8?06:44
jason404I don't know06:44
tensorpuddingthe locale command tells you all your localization stuff06:45
tensorpuddingthe part after the . is the character encoding06:45
ActionParsnipjason404: are you useing the latest putty?06:45
tensorpuddingi don't know but i don't think you should have to set the encoding special in putty06:45
tensorpuddingwindows does not use utf-8, it uses utf-16, iirc, but that should not be an issue in mc06:46
tensorpuddingor ncurses in general06:46
tensorpuddingunless it thinks you're using those ibm style drawing thingamajigs that's part of the ISO set06:46
jason404ActionParsnip: yes. I am actually accessing this ubuntu server in a windows from tmux, which is running an ssh session on a debian server. could that be a factor?06:46
upslaCan anyone suggest me a working light parental control for ubuntu 11.10??06:47
ActionParsnipjason404: don't think so...06:47
ActionParsnipupsla: like for keeping kids off porn?06:47
jason404ActionParsnip: yeah, I just connected directly and I see the same problem06:47
tensorpuddingupsla, there's the nanny project06:47
jason404locale says all utf-806:48
tensorpuddingbut it was for gnome 2, it might not have been updated06:48
upslatensorpudding:it does not work06:48
tensorpuddinglast updated in may 2010, good chance that it is dead06:48
ActionParsnipupsla: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/03/parental-control-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/06:48
ActionParsnipupsla: hmm, not really content, more time allowing06:49
tensorpuddingyeah, that's nanny06:49
upslaActionParsnip:id does not work in ubuntu 11.1006:49
tensorpuddingit's dead06:49
tensorpuddingthere might not be another solution06:49
ActionParsnipupsla: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/gnome-nanny-parental-control-takes-care.html06:49
ActionParsnipupsla: should be the same deal06:49
tensorpuddingit's entirely probable that it won't work06:50
tensorpuddinggnome 3 broke things06:50
upslaActionParsnip:i asked or ubuntu 111.10 and it must be workable.06:50
ActionParsnipupsla: yes the package is the same..06:50
pksadiqupsla: wait a decade more for its release :)06:50
upslaActionParsnip:sorry typo err :)06:51
dadinckhendaus: I had nvidia and Ubuntu 11.3 and it froze up all the time. I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 and it never freezes.06:51
upslaActionParsnip:ya i know the package is same but it does not work06:51
tensorpuddinggenerally speaking, it sounds like you want a filtering proxy06:51
Docdhi there, anybody here using gnome 3 fallback/classic mode?06:52
ActionParsnipupsla: or try dansguardian06:52
ActionParsnipupsla: http://www.instructables.com/id/Set-up-web-content-filtering-in-4-steps-with-Ubunt/?ALLSTEPS06:52
ActionParsnipDocd: omgubuntu has a hack tyo make Gnome3 look like Gnome206:52
dadinckI am using gnome 3 classic. Things work better, so it seems.06:52
tensorpuddingsome kind of system that filters your internet traffic and redirects pages by a blacklist06:52
DocdActionParsnip, thanks, but i already did that06:52
Docdproblem is, alt-tab is really slow06:53
tensorpuddingunfortunately finding one that is cross-platform and configurable will be hard, getting it to work with your network would be as hard06:53
jason404anybody have any ideas my font problem?06:54
ActionParsnipDocd: try changing alt-tab anim, or set the speed under ccsm to be faster06:54
tensorpuddingand of course, there's the simple matter that you need a blacklist06:55
ActionParsnipDocd: as in, lees time to run06:55
tensorpuddingbut then again06:55
DocdActionParsnip, i tried that, but i think compiz is not running06:55
tensorpuddingdo you trust some random company to come up with a blacklist for you?06:55
Docdprobably due to the video drivers06:55
Docdor lack thereof06:55
upslaActionParsnip:any GUi one??06:56
tensorpuddingah, danguardian looks pretty sane06:57
tensorpuddingupsla, sorry, not likely06:57
tensorpuddingupsla, this isn't really designed as a personal solution06:58
deerdancercan anyone please post the contents of /etc/lsb-release.06:59
tensorpuddingupsla, it's designed for corporate firewalls and such06:59
upslatensorpudding:so it os no use to me then??.06:59
tensorpuddingrun by people who understand what a web proxy is and how to use one06:59
zivesteranyone know how to extract multiple SOMEDIR*/*.rar into a destination.... `7z e SOMEDIR*/*.rar -o/DESTINATION` doesn't work06:59
tensorpuddingupsla, it can do what you want, it just requires some know-how07:00
upslatensorpudding:i lack that.07:00
tensorpuddingwell, i think it can do what you want07:00
tensorpuddingyou didn't say what you wanted07:00
deerdancercan anyone using ubuntu 11.10 please post the contents of /etc/lsb-release. my linuxmint repo update changed it, and i can't modify anything thence!07:00
tensorpuddingwhat it does seems to be to filter websites based on heuristics and a blacklist07:01
tensorpuddingit doesn't do program lockdown or surveillance07:01
const_antinewhere do i ask hardware related questions?07:01
tensorpuddingso it's like a corporate firewall or the isp firewall of a censorship regime07:02
const_antineabout pci bus07:02
ActionParsnipconst_antine: if its hardware relating to the ubuntu OS, here. If its hardware in general then try ##hardware07:02
const_antineok ty07:02
ActionParsnipupsla: just because there isn't a GUI to the filtering doesn't make the OS no good to you, it means you should learn to take on new challenges in life and try learn sometyhing new to better yourself.07:03
tensorpuddinghe left07:03
tensorpuddingit's a decent point though07:03
ActionParsniptensorpudding: I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23735507:04
tensorpuddingif dansguardian were under a less restrictive license it could probably be modified to be the backend of some kind of integrated solution07:04
ActionParsniptensorpudding: took me like zero seconds07:04
tensorpuddingit's from 200607:04
tensorpuddingit almost surely won't work07:04
tensorpuddingand is likely to break things07:04
tensorpuddingthough there's a codicil from 2010 with a link to a nascent project07:05
tensorpuddingwhich is probably still nascent now07:05
ActionParsnipsome people just need to not throw the towel i as soon as there is any sort of challenge/difficulty/something new07:07
puff_rofl exactly I have yet to see a problem we couldn't figure out07:08
r4yI have a question for anyone who has heard my problem before about my mp3 player07:09
ActionParsnipr4y: ask away07:09
r4yI opened configure wine and rca_mp3 is shown as D:07:09
r4yI can't get into it07:09
r4yso I did gksudo nautilus07:10
ActionParsnipr4y: does it not show in rhythmnbox etc?07:10
r4yit's empty07:10
r4yThis is why I asked for someone who has heard my problem07:10
Docdwell, can't find anything07:10
r4yNot that you don't understand things07:10
ActionParsnipr4y: what is the make and model of the device?07:10
Docdany idea how to configure the alt-tab speed?07:10
Docdnot the compiz one, the standard one07:11
r4ywell it's th1814wm-a but th1814 is easier to search on Google07:11
ActionParsnipr4y: or any other search engine ;)07:11
tweetI have some serious networking issues with 11.10 - 64 bit07:12
urgodfatherben64: ran into a booting problem but i got it working right now07:12
r4yRight, I like Google over say Bing because I thought Google has more results then Bing, Where as Bing is for selling or something like that. Search Engines for different results. Though the web is the web07:13
VIPER-IIgood morning.07:14
=== jibM is now known as silentM
VIPER-IIWhich application does ppl use to control a Ubuntu desktop from remote?  Like PcAnywhere or Teamviewer?   I know that it is possible to use VNC, PcAnywhere and Teamviewer. But doesn't Ubuntu bring its own?07:15
bullgard6[Synaptic > description of  »streamripper«] Are the terms »online stream« and »radio stream« synonymous?07:15
r4yI am going to go. Take care07:15
elisa87Stanford Online Study - Win an iPad 207:20
elisa87))PLEASE SHARE((07:20
elisa87Our research team at Stanford University is inviting participants to a simple online study.07:20
elisa87As a token of appreciation we will hold an Apple iPad 2 raffle at the end of the study.07:20
elisa87 http://labs.stanford.edu/ipad/6b3dd88607:20
FloodBot1elisa87: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
tweetHello there - can any one help me solve the networking issues with 11.10 - I tried installing a new driver from leann ogasawara's ppa on Ubuntu forums07:22
VIPER-IItweet: u having problems installing the driver or u need help picking IP adresses etc?07:27
oscalationhow do i increase the mouse pointer size in ubuntu 11.10?07:30
AreEssayIs it me, or does the latest version of ubuntu have terrible wireless support?07:35
=== dragonslay is now known as pksadq
=== pksadq is now known as dragonslay
Sebastienits bad07:35
tweetVIPER-II: Sorry for the delay.. I tried installing linux-backports-modules-net-3.0.0-14-generic  - and it blew up my machine..07:37
VIPER-IIsorry mate. Can't help you with that one.07:38
VIPER-III'm more of a network professional...07:38
oscalationit looks like there is no easy way to edit the mouse point size from ubuntu 11.10, can anyone confirm?07:38
VIPER-IInot hardware/linux profesional.07:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 786325 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Unable to change mouse cursor theme and size" [Low,Triaged]07:39
ActionParsniposcalation: no setting in dconf or gnome tweak tool?07:40
oscalationHey ActionParsnip, do you mind if i PM you?07:40
ActionParsniposcalation: go ahead :-)07:41
tweetit would not restart.. I had to use the Lice CD to update grub2 and make it show the previous kernel versions - I am on 3.0.0-13 kernel now - the network still is urghh07:42
tweetLive CD - sorry not Lice07:42
tweetit would not even start in recovery mode for 3.0.0-1407:42
tweetIs it only ethernet on ubuntu or wireless as well that's giving problems?07:42
FloodBot1tweet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:42
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xhacksup yall07:44
bmani heard ubuntu was getting bought by microsoft to become windows x07:44
bmanthats a fucked up ripoff name07:44
bmanwindows x come on07:44
ActionParsnipBman: its a lie07:44
aBoundI highly doubt it Ubuntu uses the Linux kernel which is open source software.07:44
aBoundMicrosoft doesn't breath on free/open source software.07:45
ActionParsnipBman: its also offtopic here. This is support only07:45
bmanyeah the thing i heard was that they were just going to slap w32 gui on it07:45
bmanlike macosx style07:45
bmanwould you support it ActionParsnip ?07:45
xhacklmao bman damn str807:45
elkybman, tell whoever told you that they're a troll and stop believing anything they say. meanwhile, this discussion is offtopic for this channel07:45
ActionParsnipAbound: i believe they helped get samba sorted but i could be wrong07:46
ActionParsnipBman: do you have an ubuntu support question?07:46
VIPER-IIquestion guys. If i play a movie in Ubuntu and i see that it is not playing fluently, is it for sure my VGA-card that is weak?07:46
xhackoh geez theres so much derp in this chan it hurts a real admins brain07:46
bmansure, how do you make the new gui go away07:46
VIPER-IIdoes ubuntu automagically enable my VGA hardware acceleration?07:47
aBoundActionParsnip, It's a possibility but probably not. :P07:47
elkyxhack, please take the time to review the channel guidelines linked in the channel topic.07:47
bmanVIPER-II: depends on if your card is supported07:47
bmantake my time xhack, i have plenty of it07:47
ActionParsnipBman: there is a guide on omgubuntu to make it look like gnome2, or simply install an alternative de like xfce07:47
VIPER-IIehh... bman what was that command again to see my videocard type in CommandLine of Linux?07:47
xhackplz take the time to kiss my azz07:48
aBoundActionParsnip, I can't say if you're using 11.10 but if you are do you experience your minimize/maximize and X buttons disappearing about your window?07:48
aBoundSeems like a bug.07:48
tweethow to do this - You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-backports-modules-net-generic meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed.07:48
Mr_QueueOh this is a interesting night..07:48
bmanActionParsnip: you seen those new extensions for gnome3 that look like mozilla plugins page07:48
bmandoes that mean netscape won?07:49
robdehello, how can I check if the swap partition is working?07:49
aBoundHA! With Linux you either have stability with old packages or instability with newer packages can't seem to have em both.07:49
ActionParsnipaBound: i don't use gnome desktop, unity or desktop effects. I don't have those issues as openbox is solid07:49
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Mr_Queuerobde: working?07:49
xhackplz take the time to kiss my azz07:49
xhackand dont try to kick me bitchez07:49
robdeMr_Queue: free returns this: Swap:            0          0          007:49
bmanaBound: you can install linux mint and have both07:49
Mr_Queueif you want to know if swap is working, get the machine swapped out...07:50
ActionParsnipaBound: I'm on precise pre release and its fine...07:50
aBoundbman, Isn't Linux mint based on debian testing?07:50
bmanyeah its what ubuntu said it was to begin with07:50
Mr_Queuerobde: grab some kernel source code and run... 'make -j 256'07:50
aBoundActionParsnip, Precise is an LTS release. :P07:50
bmancompletely compatible with debian07:50
ActionParsnipBman: mint isn't supported or discussed here07:50
aBound10.04 LTS uses older packages but is stable.07:50
bmanit just was07:50
bmanim not supporting it07:50
bmanjust mentioning it07:50
ActionParsnipaBound: its still in alpha though..07:51
robdeMr_Queue: is this also possible without recompiling the kernel?07:51
aBoundI like LTS 10.04 but firefox tends to crash with 9.0.107:51
Mr_Queuerobde: You're not 'recompiling' a kernel you're just compiling one...07:51
bmanyeah firefox support is offtopic in here07:51
aBoundActionParsnip, I know but they do have daily builds.07:51
bmandoes suck tho07:51
Mr_Queuerobde: It will never finish.07:51
Mr_Queueit will swap out as you run out of memory07:52
glebihanActionParsnip, precise isn't supported or discussed here either ;)07:52
ActionParsnipaBound: yes but its officially unstable but runs fine here, just like all the other releases.07:52
aBoundActionParsnip, Other than that the alpha tends to continuously updates the system.07:52
ActionParsnipglebihan: gotcha07:52
Mr_Queuerobde: So... Open a pair of shells, run it and watch it swap out and die.07:52
bmanalpine should come with ubuntu07:52
aBoundActionParsnip, I had issues with software center running on Alpha.07:52
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=== vragnaroda is now known as smw
ActionParsnipaBound: its offtopic here ;-)07:53
Mr_Queuerobde: Why do you need the swap anyways?07:54
bmanwhats the best way to download and view porn using stock ubuntu?07:54
bmanftp and GET seem to work for me07:54
bmani still dont like transmissioo07:54
Mr_Queuecurl my toes07:54
aBoundWell, here's my issue anyway. Can I somehow fix these disappearing buttons on top of my xchat on 11.10 without logging off to get it back? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/577/topbuttonsgone.png/07:54
bmanhrmm aBound i have a form of xchat you chould use07:55
robdeMr_Queue: it's a very small vserver and it runs out of memory really fast. so a fried suggested to do something about the swap. I'm very new to this.07:55
bmanbut you would have to log out07:55
bmanit supports magnet torrent links and xmmp and muc urls07:55
bmanworks on ubuntu07:55
robdeMr_Queue: 128m RAM07:55
Mr_Queuerobde: If you're running out of memory having swap isn't going to save the server.07:55
* bman keeps it on topic07:55
ActionParsnipBman: there are flash downloaders for web browsers and you can download flash vids from the various sites I'm sure you know of07:55
aBoundbman, Isn't xchat in general it does it for every window I open.07:55
Mr_Queuerobde: You need more ram that's it... Or figure out what's eating it and fix that..07:56
aBoundThe buttons on top even in my file manager tend to disappear and the only way to get it back is by logging out of ubuntu.07:56
bmanActionParsnip: always helpful thanks much07:56
bmandoesnt work on any urls like blah:blah except email07:57
ActionParsnipaBound: just press Alt+F2 and run: unity --replace     does that work?07:57
luis46Hi, new to ubuntu. cannot manage to install libdvdcss.so.207:57
Mr_Queuerobde: swap won't fix it.. It will hit swap, contact switches will stack up, the loads will hit 500 and you'll lose it to a reboot.07:57
bmanluis46: get the non-free repo07:57
bmanand get rid of US repos07:57
luis46Would there be someone to guide me , please?07:57
Mr_Queueluis46: man -k problem07:58
aBoundActionParsnip, I'd be scared to run that I remember Compiz broken Unity last time. :P07:58
ActionParsniprobde: I'm guessing it uses sd ram which is hard to come by and/or expensive07:58
bmanwhat do you know07:58
bmanubuntu can actually guide you in this case07:58
aBoundActionParsnip, I'll try it though.07:58
bmanBe sure to take a look at the bottom of this message for a chance to win $5007:59
ActionParsnipaBound: you can always log off or reboot just as you are now and fix it...07:59
aBoundI'll give the unity --replace a go.08:00
aBoundActionParsnip, it fixed it thankies.08:00
Mr_QueueBe sure to take a look at the bottom of this message for a chance to win $50.... I see your $50 and raise you a free reboot08:00
Enricodemediciunix rulez08:00
bmanhrmm how about we charge $50 for reboots08:01
bmanwe will restart your server, shine up the metal, clean out the caches and start your services $5008:01
aBoundbman, I want 15%. lol08:01
robdeMr_Queue: but isn't swap exactly for a case like this where the system doesn't provide much RAM?08:01
ActionParsnipaBound: dumb stuff like that is why i don't use compiz/unity. So many annoyances for so little gain08:02
Mr_Queuerobde: nope08:02
Mr_Queuerobde: It's supposed to save it from a quick brush from death..08:02
aBoundActionParsnip, Compiz works flawlessly in 10.04 LTS.08:02
aBoundBut 11.10 is more bleeding edge.08:03
ActionParsnipaBound: not had an issue in lxde :-)08:03
aBoundActionParsnip, While using compiz?08:03
mmm4m5mHi all. A little help or advice please. There is small laptop (no CD drive) with ubuntu 10. I see "(initramfs)" prompt and some crash (call stack) above - looks related to mount hdd (ext4). What is the best I can do? I do not find many "recovery" tools inside initramfs (image)08:04
theconfuzzedis anyone in here familiar with using zenity?08:04
ActionParsnipaBound: i could but i prefer openbox08:04
aBoundActionParsnip, On my box not using it would be an issue in itself given my hardware is two weeks old.08:04
theconfuzzedi'm trying to do a file selection dialog, and its documented syntax for filters is "--file-filter=NAME | PATTERN1 PATTERN2" but no matter what i do I can't get it to list multiple filetypes08:04
ActionParsnipmmm4m5m: boot liveUSB and you can reinstate grub to the mbr08:05
ActionParsnipAbound: not using what?08:05
aBoundUsing the nifty effects compiz provides.08:05
bmandid i win?08:07
mmm4m5mActionParsnip: I was thinking ext4 fs is damaged somehow... If grub is the problem, I can edit manually probably?08:07
ActionParsnipaBound: openbox will run on nearly anything. Its one of the lighter WMs. I fail to see how new hardware makes that an 'issue'08:07
mmm4m5mI mean edit grub menu or give proper boot command?08:07
Mr_Queuerobde: Ram is like a F-18 traveling at the speed of sound... disk (swap) is like a slug with a fast food problem. No joke. Add more ram.08:07
glebihanmmm4m5m, grub is not the problem, it is very likely a damaged file system08:08
Intranickevery once in a while, on one of my computers (and that computer only) my desktop stops working after entering my password to unlock.  all it displays is the mouse and background08:08
ActionParsnipmmm4m5m: livecd can fsck the partition as it will be unmounted08:08
glebihanmmm4m5m, you could try booting on a live CD/DVD and running fsck08:08
Intranickif i go to a terminal and type in sudo service lightdm restart -- it will do the same thing, unless I reboot the computer08:08
Intranickanybody have any clue whats up?08:08
mmm4m5mok, thanks a lot! live USB in this case - not CD in this laptop. Thanks again08:08
melinatehello all, I am having some trouble setting up 11.10 on a Toshiba Tecra M2 laptop.  The problem is that the screen is busted, so I have to use the external monitor.. Live CD worked, install worked, startup and shutdown show graphics on the monitor, but once unity loads the monitor doesn't receive a signal and I have to Ctrl-Alt-F1 to do anything useful....08:09
robdeMr_Queue: I don't care if its slow. but it shouldn't stop installing processes etc. because of insufficient memory08:09
Mr_Queuerobde: You're on a VPS and hitting the bean counters then...08:09
Mr_QueuePastebin the following..... cat /proc/user_beancounters08:10
Mr_QueueNot a dam thing you can do to fix that but upgrade.08:10
aBoundActionParsnip, Does openbox have compatibility with compiz?08:10
glebihanaBound, openbox is a window manager, so no08:11
Mr_Queuerobde: Don't really even need to pastebin it.. Look at the fail count. anything with *mem* in it and you'll know why..08:11
ActionParsniprobde: i suggest you use slitaz, tinycore or puppyLinux.08:11
aBoundActionParsnip, It'll be a waste for me not to use compiz and it's effects due to my nVidia 1.5GB GTX 580M.08:11
ActionParsnipaBound: why is it a waste?08:12
bmani would kill before giving up my compiz  fishtank behind my desktop08:12
glebihanaBound, how would it be a waste ?08:12
aBoundglebihan, If openbox can't use compiz than it can't really utilize my card.08:12
aBoundThis laptop is a $2,000 machine.08:12
glebihanaBound, and ?08:12
aBoundUsing my nVidia 1.5GB GTX 580M without compiz is a waste due to the fact it won't be utilized.08:13
glebihanaBound, I'd rather have a really working system that doesn't use all my available resources rather than one that crashes regularly...08:13
aBoundSeeing as I'm not a PC gamer the whole point of having the machine would be a waste in itself.08:13
aBoundBecause the video card isn't being used.08:14
ActionParsnipaBound: it will be utilized in gaming and video playback..08:14
glebihanaBound, if you don't mint, what's the point of such a machine anyway if you're not a gamer ?08:14
aBoundI could careless about resources with 16GB it won't mean anything.08:14
Mr_Queuebman: I chmod 1 your fish bro08:14
aBoundQuad-Core 2.20Ghz processor who cares about resources.08:14
ActionParsnipaBound: if you aren't a gamer you have wasted your money08:14
aBoundNot exactly it can that's why I stick to a GUI that can use compiz.08:15
glebihanaBound, so basically you're using compiz in order to justify having $2000 for your computer ?08:15
ActionParsnipaBound: openbox replacea compiz (in reply to you earlier question). So it is not compatible08:16
aBoundglebihan, Mint what's the point it's the same thing as Ubuntu without the out of the box design goal.08:16
kroonrsmelinate: I also have a laptop with a busted screen, but don't use unity. the problem may be that unity is booting into a higher resolution on your laptop than your external monitor supports (while the startup and shutdown resolutions are lower)08:16
robin0800aBound: gnome classic can use compiz08:16
aBoundActionParsnip, That's all I needed to know if it were compatible with compiz.08:16
glebihanaBound, that was a typo : I meant "if you don't mind"08:16
ActionParsnipaBound: mint isn't supported here08:16
kroonrsmelinate: if you can find someway to reduce the resolution to something low like 1280x1024 or something and test that, then you might be able to get the external monitor to display08:17
aBoundActionParsnip, glebihan  was referring to mint so I replied to his sentence.08:17
glebihanaBound, except that I wasn't...08:17
ActionParsnipaBound: i think you mean 'comparable' not compatible08:17
aBoundYou did say if you don't mint I suggest you meant mind.08:17
melinatekroonrs: good thought, but the monitor (1920x1080) in this case supports higher res than the laptop (1400x1050)08:18
glebihanaBound, yes and I corrected myself twice already ;)08:18
ActionParsnipaBound: so what do you use your system for if its not gaming?08:18
aBoundIndeed, but beforehand. :P08:18
melinatekroonrs: I'm trying to set up an xorg.conf file now, to see if I can force anything to work...08:19
melinateI'm just not too familiar with it, so hoped someone here had some references or something ;)08:19
VIPER-IIany ideas how to run Teamviewer as a service? Which starts with Linux?08:20
aBoundActionParsnip, I didn't buy it for gaming purposes. Didn't see the reason for it I was going to use compiz and a bunch of virtual desktops and use various apps at one time. But 11.10 has some instability issues. Nonetheless I should of asked If the graphics card for "Intel HD 3000" was compatible with compiz.08:20
aBoundActionParsnip, I wasn't expecting Linux to use such little RAM.08:20
aBoundActionParsnip, By the way wanted to future-proof my Linux box.08:20
ActionParsnipaBound: so you have a huge system and you web browse and email basically?08:21
aBoundActionParsnip, Nonetheless I tend to experiment here and there with vbox.08:21
aBoundActionParsnip, I said to use various apps other than the basic usage.08:21
kroonrsmelinate: good luck - unfortunately, I won't be able to help with xorg.conf :(08:21
aBoundSomewhat like vim and anything else I'm opted to grasp.08:21
aBoundOr eclipse which is known to be heavy on RAM usage.08:22
ActionParsnipaBound: dude. I have old systems from 2003 that can run vbox and all the video playback you can need and today probably cost 50 quid..08:22
=== mohammad is now known as Guest42598
Swathehow's it handle 1080p?08:23
aBoundActionParsnip, I had an old system but was more of a family laptop and it did have overheating issues couldn't say if it were due to the heat sink or the power cord in itself.08:23
bazhanglets get back to ubuntu support please08:23
aBoundIt ran on 2GBs of RAM which wasn't crap but every time would overheat drove me nuts.08:24
ActionParsnipLook at me in my Ferrari. Its super fast and super awesome and I drive it to the supermarket and back which is half a mile away08:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:24
loincan anyone help me make a bootable usb from a iso for ubuntu server?08:24
melinatekroonrs: thanks for the well wishes...  Hey, what do you know... I got it to show me the login08:25
bazhangloin from unetbootin ?08:25
ActionParsnipLoin: use unetbootin08:25
aBoundActionParsnip, a bit off-topic there isn't it. :P08:25
loinbazhang, didnt work08:25
mash_loin: unetbootin08:25
loinActionParsnip, didnt work08:25
bazhangloin describe what did not work08:25
loinbazhang, i got boot error08:25
ActionParsnipaBound: its your pc in 2 sentences08:25
aBoundActionParsnip, Nothing wrong with having better things in your life.08:25
melinate(just used the "skeleton" xorg.conf  file from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config08:26
ActionParsnipLoin: can you expand on that please. It tells us nothing08:26
bazhangaBound, ActionParsnip lets compare computers in #ubuntu-offtopic please08:26
aBoundActionParsnip, I definitely should of gotten the cheaper machine though.08:26
lointhats all the laptop said "boot error" when it was supposed to show the splashscreen08:26
ActionParsnipLoin: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded08:26
loinyes ActionParsnip08:26
bazhangloin try to "reburn" also md5 the iso08:26
loinActionParsnip, i also tried to dd it, that worked until the "loading files" screen where it said that no cdrom unit was found08:27
aBoundbazhang, Understood.08:27
ActionParsnipLoin: which OS did you make the stick in?08:27
loinActionParsnip, arch08:27
ActionParsnipLoin: are you intending to install a gui on the server or keep it text based as it should be08:28
loinActionParsnip, text, of course08:28
ActionParsnipLoin: good lad :-)08:28
loinwhy would you need a gui for?08:28
kroonrsmelinate: cool!08:28
ActionParsnipLoin: does arch have usb-creator or similar?08:29
loinActionParsnip, i tried usb-creator which failed as well08:29
=== WindPower is now known as WindPower_
ActionParsnipLoin: seen too many people install server then a desktop metapackage. No idea why08:30
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
melinatekroonrs: looks crappy, but at least it is something... so now I can get it working "right" ;)08:30
bullgard6[Synaptic > description of  »streamripper«] Are the terms »online stream« and »radio stream« synonymous?08:30
aBoundloin, What happens when you use Unetbootin?08:30
ActionParsnipLoin: does ram test as ok?08:30
loinActionParsnip, i didn't bother trying it, im pretty sure their fine as its running arch without an problems08:31
loinaBound, as far as i recall i just get a black screen with "boot error" but i'm redumping the iso on the usb to check again08:31
urgodfatheris anyone aroud in here?08:32
urgodfatherim having trouble installing xbmc for some reason08:32
aBoundloin, I noticed I had some issues with using a usb flash drive 2.0 and inserting it into a 3.0 usb port. But I fixed some unetbootin issues with using the 2.0 usb port and 2.0 flash drive by downloading a distro directly from using unetbootin.08:32
loinaBound, i don08:34
almoxarifeurgodfather: check with these folk #xbmc08:34
loinaBound, i don't recall unetbootin having the option for ubuntu server on it08:34
loinaBound, ok, i redid unetbootin and i get blank screen with "\nBoot error\n" and the blinking cursor08:35
aBoundloin, I can't say if it does but it does allow you to download various distros.08:35
glebihanloin, you can use any iso file with unetbootin08:36
aBoundloin, I noticed there has also been some issues with older versions of ubuntu and unetbootin.08:36
aBoundloin, Depending on the flash drive being used.08:36
loinglebihan, thanks08:37
loinaBound, well, i'll try usb-creator-gtk again08:37
Humpkinzhey guys, my laptop failed to boot up today (gpu died) and I switched it's hdd to my PC. They have almost different hardware (I got nvidia on laptop and radeon on PC, it also has different cpu), everything looks working except usb webcam and 3d accel08:37
Humpkinzcan you tell me how to install radeon on it?08:37
byerleyHi, my updater seems to have corrupted itself at some point and now hardware drivers don't seem to be working (stuck in low-graphics mode). I've tried reinstalling the drivers without much luck, any suggestions?08:41
aBoundbyerley, Which version of ubuntu are you using?08:43
alexxanderhi guys, i'm a newb with linux, trying to get boxee installed on xubuntu 11.10. first off, how i find out if i need 32 or 64 bit?08:43
alexxanderand second- can i install direct through terminal?08:43
melinatealexxander: you need to know what hardware you have to know 32 or 64 bit, do you konw what CPU you have?08:44
byerleyaBound: 10.0408:44
alexxanderno ideea, bought this off ebay, struggling with linux to be honest!08:44
aBoundbyerley, Which video card are you using: ati, nvidia or onboard video?08:45
codemonkey1337Hi everyone, I was hoping I could get some help. I've asked for help on the forums but I've been getting really crappy relpies08:46
glebihanalexxander, did you install 32 or 64 bits version of ubuntu ??08:46
alexxanderi didnt, the guy i bought it off was all "hey i installed linux for you"08:46
glebihanalexxander, open a terminal and run "uname -p". What does that show ?08:47
VIPER-IIguys. Where in Ubuntu do i define which applications it should start automatically?08:47
codemonkey1337I'm having an issue with virtualbox and netflix, the video is kinda choppy. Anyway, what I did to "fix" this is increase my monitor framerate from 60hz to 75 hz and decreased the windows xp (guest OS) resouliton to 800x600. What else can I do to pick up the framerate in the guest OS?08:47
glebihanalexxander, then it's 32 bits08:47
alexxandercheers. any tips for boxee install?08:48
codemonkey1337I've tried googling and googling, but I can't find anything about increasing frame rate for a guest os in ANY virtualization software package!08:48
byerleyaBoud: nvidia, the nvidia_current and nvidia_173 drivers show up but claim not the be in use (the actual card is GeForce G0 7900GS if it matters)08:48
VIPER-II-_-      nvm found it.  Had to ask in here before finding it.08:48
mmm4m5mglebihan: damage restored, this was fast. Thanks again.08:48
glebihanmmm4m5m, you're welcome08:48
glebihanalexxander, sorry, don't know what boxee is08:48
melinateVIPER-II: funny, I just found that too08:49
alexxanderworldwide television streaming.08:49
alexxanderno worries. google is pretty poor for finding linux related info.08:49
byerleyaBound even08:49
codemonkey1337alexxander: dude are you talking to me?08:49
aBoundbyerley, Even? :P08:50
alexxanderno, i'm trying to get boxee. pure coincidence your issue is with virtualbox08:50
VIPER-IImelinate: yeah for some annoying reason you have to 'ask' the question first, look like an idiot, before your computer automagically shows you the answer.   :S08:50
byerleyaBound:  nvidia, the nvidia_current and nvidia_173 drivers show up but claim not the be in use (the actual card is GeForce G0 7900GS if it matters) -- typoed your name, sorry08:50
codemonkey1337I guess my question is here, is it POSSIBLE TO increase the refresh rate in a guest OS under ANY virtualization sottware?08:51
melinateVIPER-II: been there on more than one occasion (only once so far tonight ;) )08:51
VIPER-IImelinate: the night is still young.08:51
VIPER-IIyou're still on 6 januari, heh?08:52
VIPER-II7 jan 09:52am here.... I'm from the future.    (weird feeling)08:52
SeveasVIPER-II, do they have hoverboards in the future?08:52
melinateI'm in 7 jan 12:52 am08:52
aBoundbyerley, Have you tried to open a terminal and run: sudo nvidia-xconfig than restarting X?08:53
aBoundbyerley, Or rebooting.08:54
overcluckercodemonkey1337: have you already tried enabling 3d acceleration, and installing guest additions?08:54
VIPER-IIhahah... i can tell you that the sun is coming up pretty nice at the moment. So i can only tell you that you will see some sun in the future.08:54
aBoundbyerley, By the way it may be best to grab the latest driver for your card.08:54
codemonkey1337overclucker: dude, first off COOL NAME. I've enabled 3d and 2d accel (that helps a bit), I don't really know what the guest addtions are, can you explain to me what they are and how to install them?08:55
byerleyaBound: Yes. I don't mean to be rude, but if you're just googling I've tried everything I could find.08:55
melinatewell crap... now I'm stuck on the purble Ubuntu  startup screen, and everything seems to be unresponsive...08:55
* melinate just learned not to randomly change xorg.conf08:57
codemonkey1337overclucker: googling the guest additons08:57
aBoundbyerley, I would suggest removing the binary driver and than reinstalling it if you haven't done it. Or test the open source nvidia driver but you can also grab the updated nvidia drivers through a PPA.08:57
overcluckercodemonkey1337: hostkey + d should download and mount guest additions on a running guest os08:59
byerleyaBound: I'm not positive the underlying issue is the driver. The updater was throwing errors for the a while and then magically seemed happy around the time this started.08:59
overcluckercodemonkey1337: guest additions are optimized drivers for virtualbox guests09:00
r3zahi , i have a hp laptop with ATI Radeon 6470 1GB DDR3 Graphic Chipset , i had several bug in ubuntu 11.10 , after that i got that suggestion to install catalyst 11.9 , after i install catalyst 11.10 , i got this error when i booting ubuntu , please help http://goo.gl/2j1nW09:00
codemonkey1337overclucker: Trying it09:00
codemonkey1337overclucker: Dude will this install an nvidia driver? Because I apprently can't install an nvidia driver in windows because my card isn't detected (I know it's emulated in the guest OS)09:01
codemonkey1337overclucker: okay dude, I installed it what do I do now?09:02
r3zahi , i have a hp laptop with ATI Radeon 6470 1GB DDR3 Graphic Chipset , i had several bug in ubuntu 11.10 , after that i got that suggestion to install catalyst 11.9 , after i install catalyst 11.10 , i got this error when i booting ubuntu , please help http://goo.gl/2j1nW09:03
bindihow can i connect to a server using ubuntu with unity?09:03
aBoundbyerley, If the drivers currently aren't in use does it appear that they're in use through hardware drivers?09:03
codemonkey1337overclucker: Okay dude I installed the guest addons and restarted and now the silverlight plugin keeps crashing!09:04
r3zahi , i have a hp laptop with ATI Radeon 6470 1GB DDR3 Graphic Chipset , i had several bug in ubuntu 11.10 , after that i got that suggestion to install catalyst 11.9 , after i install catalyst 11.10 , i got this error when i booting ubuntu , please help http://goo.gl/2j1nW09:04
overcluckercodemonkey1337: since it's a virtual machine, the guest os won't be able to see your physical hardware, the best you can do is install drivers in the guest that work well with the virtualized hardware.09:04
byerleyaBound: They show up as "activated but not currently in use" under the Hardware Drivers interface.09:05
codemonkey1337overclucker: Does that mean I can't get real 3d/2d acceration? is that whats casuing the sliverlight plugin to keep crashing?09:05
aBoundbyerley, I assume you tried the command I suggested previously before you got in here.09:05
aBoundbyerley, By the way if the driver is currently activated the driver may not necessarily be supported for your currently used video card.09:06
[deXter]codemonkey1337, You can, but not all functions are accelerated, so complex 3D stuff, say like the latest Crysis game will not work09:07
[deXter]However, older, simpler games like Quake III will09:07
icerootits not a matter of "complex stuff" just a matter of native support09:07
byerleyaBound: I had, I gave it another go but the config file didn't change at all09:08
aBoundbyerley, But than again the only way to verify that is checking if the older driver supports it even if it's supported it had to be configured. 10.04 LTS does have a few issues with new cards I can't say for older cards using the suggested command: sudo nvidia-xconfig. Fixed it for me with my new card on 10.04.09:08
mnewtonhey whats a good website where I can take a poll on what activities people want to do?09:08
aBoundmnewton, I think that's a bit off-topic. :P09:09
icerootmnewton: can you be more specific? i guess you are talking about development-activities or support,translation and so on?09:09
byerleyaBound: I know this driver has worked for me previously unless they change the binary without updating the name.09:09
overcluckercodemonkey1337: there do seem to be a lot of people experiennceing this same problem with silverlight and the 3d experimental drivers09:09
codemonkey1337overclucker: dude I tried installing the drivers and enabling accelration and it crashed the plugin09:10
mnewton@iceroot - just in general, like where to go biking on a biking trip09:10
icerootmnewton: that is offtopic here, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic with that09:10
codemonkey1337overclucker: netflix is still choppy , but it works without accelaraton enabled09:10
byerleyaBound: Would a version update be likely to help? I've been avoiding Gnome3 like the plague in all honesty.09:12
aBoundbyerley, A version update as in ubuntu or as in the nvidia driver?09:12
genjixhow do i stop my system spamming my email? my email registrar complained that my system is spamming root@riseup.net09:13
jiltdilAny game better than Nexuiz in ubuntu?09:13
byerleyaBound: unbuntu, sorry09:13
aBoundbyerley, I have some stability issues with Unity in general whereas the 10.04 LTS is far more stable. Given 11.10 is more bleeding edge and is probably based on Debian testing.09:14
codemonkey1337overclucker: dude, I enabled 2d accel but not 3d accel and it works WONDERFULLY09:14
codemonkey1337THANK YOU!09:14
codemonkey1337I'll update my post on the ubuntu forums09:14
auronandacejiltdil: define better, i like wesnoth (different genre to a fps)09:15
byerleygenjix: generally you'd have to find the process sending the emails09:16
jiltdilauronandace,  is wesnoth like nexuz , means quality game, i want some fighting one09:16
aBoundbyerley, By stability issues I'm referring to 11.10 whereas compiz tends to break and unity tends to sometimes hide my top left window buttons.09:16
auronandacejiltdil: no, its a turnbased strategy09:16
jiltdilauronandace,  oh i need better fighting game than nexuiz :)09:16
genjixbyerley: failed logins?09:17
hilarieHello, I am trying to get a desktop going on my ubuntu vps, I apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, then when I go to startx, it tells me Fatal server error:xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory) but when I look in /dev/ tty0 exists09:17
auronandacejiltdil: you still haven't defined "better"09:17
auronandace!best | jiltdil09:17
ubottujiltdil: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:17
aBoundbyerley, I would say it's best to stick with the version you have. But that's depends on you. If you want the latest and greatest without the stability sure. But otherwise no.09:17
jiltdilauronandace,  in the sens of quality and complexity09:17
liznick ATamira09:17
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apersonI checked mount on one of my systems, and ubuntu is no longer mounting /dev/shm as a tmpfs.  What happened?  I threw tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 in my /etc/fstab, but it's still not mounting it as a tmpfs09:18
byerleyaBound: I really just want some terminals + vim + web browsing =/09:18
aBoundbyerley, Stick with what you have is more ideal but I'd say if you want to give 11.10 a run you can always try it.09:19
aBoundSeeing as 11.10 will have new packages for the latest software.09:19
auronandace!games | jiltdil09:19
ubottujiltdil: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/09:19
jiltdilauronandace,  thanks a lot :)09:20
aBoundbyerley, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS provides stability without the latest packages whereas Ubuntu 11.10 provides the latest and greatest without the stability.09:21
auronandaceaBound: 11.10 is pretty stable for me09:21
aBoundbyerley, Ubuntu 11.10 might also install a newer version of your nvidia binary driver.09:21
aBoundauronandace, Hasn't been so far for me.09:21
AreEssaywireless is a piece of crap on 11.1009:22
aBoundauronandace, Probably cause I'm using Unity. :P09:22
auronandaceaBound: oh yeah, i'm using xfce09:22
aBoundauronandace, When I change a few compiz settings compiz breaks.09:22
aBoundUnity breaks**09:22
auronandaceaBound: i've always found compiz itself to be rather buggy09:23
aBoundauronandace, Worked flawlessly on 10.04 LTS.09:23
aBoundBut than again Unity is still a bit new.09:23
codemonkey1337guys, I have a question for you all. Is it possible to install GNOME2 on the new versions of ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 LTS when it comes out?09:23
auronandace!gnome2 | codemonkey133709:24
ubottucodemonkey1337: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.09:24
anonymous229 i just made upgrade ubuntu 11.04  to 11.1009:24
anonymous229and there is problem with skype icon09:24
anonymous229in applet09:24
anonymous229anyone know what to do ? :(09:24
codemonkey1337ubottu: okay so you're saying it's not possible to hack the OS into using it and forcing the installation of older packages made for previous versions of the opearting systems?09:25
ubottucodemonkey1337: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:25
aBoundannoymous229, In what way it isn't appearing?09:25
anonymous229there is no icon in notification area09:26
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anonymous229i tried to find way to fix it on google09:26
anonymous229but nothing09:26
codemonkey1337auronandace: okay so you're saying it's not possible to hack the OS into using it and forcing the installation of older packages made for previous versions of the opearting systems?09:27
aBoundanonymous229, Possibily the notify icon exist within Skype's options?09:28
anonymous229i dont know , but i think no09:28
anonymous229i can't enter in skype options right now09:28
anonymous229because i minimalized it09:28
GhostWolfhi all. i've come across an issue, it happened before but i don't remember how to fix it, the problem is i have a brand new hard drive and when i try to install ubuntu on that hard drive it gives me an error can't remember the error like there is no partition or anything. even in windows it hasn't shown up as a drive. it is reconized in bios tho but i don't know what i need to do can someone please help thanks09:28
anonymous229and now its not possible to run skype again09:28
anonymous229i've to  close opened skype but i can't do it because there is no icon in notification applet09:29
overcluckercodemonkey1337: take a look at gnome fallback09:29
aBoundanonymous229, You tried logging out and logging back in for Ubuntu?09:30
GhostWolfanonymous229, try restarting but i don't know the issue you having besides that09:30
anonymous229i'll try but i  think it wont help09:30
codemonkey1337overclucker: Is that the "classic" version of gnome in ubuntu 11.10? If so, I tried it and hated it, there was no point in me using it because I hated the interface, and it didn't have the sticky windows on the side pannels things09:31
loincan anyone help me?09:32
codemonkey1337overclucker: so dude, is it possible to install gnome2 on 11.10 and have it work if I force the package to install or not09:32
overclucker!notunity | codemonkey133709:32
ubottucodemonkey1337: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:32
loini used usb-creator to make a bootable usb  and the pc says "this is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy and press any key to try again . . ."09:33
codemonkey1337I don't want the gnome fallback!09:33
theconfuzzedgreets everyone09:33
overcluckercodemonkey1337: it's not the samee as classic09:33
theconfuzzeddoes anyone know what the "print to file" option available throughout ubuntu uses as a backend?09:33
Abhi_fglrx-updates not working in gnome309:34
codemonkey1337well thanks anyway guys, I'll just google it and see if I can find a hack to make it work09:34
aBoundloin, Is this when you rebooted the system if so is the BIOS set to boot from the flash drive.09:34
Abhi_how to fix this?09:34
theconfuzzedi want to use it in a bash script09:34
loinaBound, exactly09:34
byerleyaBound: I feel silly. Manually changing the driver field of the config file from "nvidia" to "nvidia_173" did the trick. No idea how it got fubbared in the first place though.09:34
Abhi_after i install fglrx-updates and reboot pc, only a black screen appears09:34
Abhi_not even log in screen coming09:34
aBoundbyerley, Glad you fixed the issue. :P09:35
anonymous229ok thanks i found problem09:35
sattu94theconfuzzed: I think, it depends on the application itself. Some applications supprot printing to multiple formats, while others only support postscript and pdf.09:35
Abhi_someone plz help09:35
anonymous229after relog i opened skype again09:35
aBoundanonymous229, Yay...09:35
anonymous229then in options i found something like " use minimalized option "09:35
anonymous229and it works now , thanks :P09:35
sattu94theconfuzzed: also, you can try redirecting the whole thing to a file like,  "command > file_name", it might just work out.09:36
theconfuzzedsattu94 i have a program that drives a multifunction printer's fax machine (so that you can print from your computer and have it go out over the mfp's fax), but it only accepts postscript files09:36
aBoundloin, So the BIOS is set to boot from the flash drive in the first order of the boot sequence I presume.09:36
theconfuzzedso what i'm doing is writing a script that will convert anything that can be printed to .ps09:36
VIPER-IIAnyone has any experience running Teamviewer under Ubuntu?09:37
sattu94theconfuzzed: so you want to mass convert to postscript.09:37
byerleynow... If I could just get chromium to stop overwriting my chrome versions of flash and pdf everytime it updates =/09:37
loinaBound, nope, i just boot menu'ed it '09:37
theconfuzzedsattu94, yes. i'm working with pdf files right now, which you'd think (since they're basically postscript with some extra info) they'd be easy to convert, but using pdf2ps or pdftops they come out horrible09:38
melinateVIPER-II: I have used TeamViewer to support my Mom's computer, but I have only been able to get it to work by her clicking on it when she needs help (no service to allow remote admin)09:38
aBoundloin, giving you errors eh.09:38
trijntjeHi all, I have installed texlive-full, and want to switch to texlive-base, which is a subset of -full. Is there a smart way to only remove the packages that are in -full, and keep those that are in -base?09:38
theconfuzzedideally what i'd like to do is set up a dummy printer -- just like the print to file thing -- that would just save whatever is sent to it to a .ps file09:39
theconfuzzedthat's one part09:39
theconfuzzedbut the other part is to be able to convert a lot of different file types to .ps so that they can go out over the fax09:39
aBoundloin, What was the error posted for it again?09:40
lointhis is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy and press any key to try again . . .09:41
Mr_Queuewhat did  you hose?09:41
sattu94theconfuzzed: this is more than what a bash script could easily handle..You might want to look into perl or maybe ask on #bash..09:42
theconfuzzedsattu94, i'm not having any trouble doing anything except converting the files. i'm using zenity to do all the file selection and GUI stuff09:43
sattu94theconfuzzed: oh. Good luck then.. :)09:43
theconfuzzedjust need to figure out the back end of that print to file thing09:44
aBoundloin, Haven't tried changing the BIOS yet to boot from the flash drive yet? I remember you used start up disk creator I know it has a few known bugs for creating iso's for Debian. If you use a 3.0 USB port with a 2.0 flash drive it won't work I know hmm...09:45
aBoundloin, This is for Ubuntu 10.04 right?09:46
loinaBound, 11.10, it doesnt work, the only thing that works is dd and that only works uo until the point of "loading installer compononents from cd-rom"09:46
loinit fails to understand that its not in the cd rom09:46
Abhi_plz someone inform me how to get fglrx working under gnome3?09:47
Abhi_i installed fglrx-updates and finished up with only black screen09:47
loinAbhi_, wait until ati developpers finish fixing important stuff09:48
lointhen they'll have time for less important stuff09:48
aBoundAbhi_, I know gnome-shell uses mutter and can't use compiz.09:48
Abhi_aBound: hmm, not even log in screen is coming after install fglrx-updates09:49
aBoundloin, I'm stumped I can't think what it might be.09:49
Abhi_aBound: it's only a black screen09:49
aBoundAbhi_, Proprietary drivers are known to have issues over open source ones.09:49
Abhi_aBound: then what should i need to do?09:50
anonymous229again same with skype :/09:50
Abhi_aBound: currenly i fall back to opensource one09:50
Abhi_aBound: uninstalled restricted one09:50
loinaBound, i can, this used to happen to debian long time ago, it expects to find a cd rom but since there is no cd rom it fails, in debian this could be fixed after the "failed to copy from cd-rom" there was a field "manually enter source drive" where you could just /dev/sdb but here it wont do it09:50
devianshey, i installed php5 from a ppa on my lucid box. through continual issues i decided it simpler to update. i'm now on maverick, and i cant seem to remove the ppa from the package management system. ie i can install php5 fine, but php5-fpm fails due to a broken dependency pointer to the ppa version09:51
aBoundAbhi_, I'm not saying not to use the binary driver but we'll have to gather information on how to go about fixing it.09:51
aBoundAbhi_, By the way if you want those nifty effects compiz isn't compatible with gnome-shell.09:51
aBoundloin, No such existance in ubuntu?09:52
Abhi_aBound: i actually need restricted one for wine, wine can't render windows applications under gnome3 with opensource driver09:52
Abhi_aBound: distorted graphics09:52
loinaBound, sadly, no09:52
aBoundAbhi_, Before you installed the driver did you check if it were supported by your card?09:53
devianshow can i purge the reference to the ppa from my system?09:53
deviansppa-purge fails, btw09:53
Abhi_aBound: yes, i already used that driver before, under ubuntu 11.0409:53
hydruiddevians: how about sudo apt-get fix missing command?09:53
Abhi_aBound: it was working flawlessly there09:53
deviansfix missing command?09:54
Abhi_aBound: problem starts with gnome309:54
devianshydruid im not sure what you mean09:54
hydruiddevians: yes google it u will find it09:54
[deXter]devians, remove the ppa from your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  then do a dist-upgrade; that will sync your version numbers to the rest of the repos you have on your system09:54
aBounddevians, If you're using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS click on software center and click on edit next go the the second tab next to the first tab.09:54
deviansaBound no gui09:55
hydruiddevians: sudo apt-get update --fix-missing09:55
aBoundAbhi_, Every new version of Ubuntu always had it's bugs.09:55
Abhi_aBound: even ATI restricted driver not woking under Fedora 16 as well, it's also gnome309:55
Abhi_aBound: seems only gnome3 has that issue09:56
hydruiddevians: and possibility sudo apt-get -f install09:56
aBoundAbhi_, Could be a related gnome-shell issue.09:56
aBoundAbhi_, Linux as far as I know has better support for nvidia cards.09:57
Abhi_aBound: i have a ATI mobility Radeon HD 4250 card, using laptop09:57
Abhi_aBound: ATI restricted driver working for kubuntu though09:58
aBoundAbhi_, Using the latest version of Ubuntu I presume. Have you tried Unity or just gnome-shell.09:58
mongyI use an ati hd4650hd with fglrx in xubuntu, works flawless09:58
Abhi_aBound: yes, ubuntu 11.10, only gnome-shell, no unity09:58
aBoundAbhi_, Kubuntu uses KDE whereas Ubuntu uses Unity and unity uses the compiz plugin if you want 3D acceleration but also uses Unity 2D.09:58
devians[deXter] i removed the files and did a dist-upgrade, hydruid i did the fix missing and tried install with -f, still says it has the unmet dependency09:58
deviansany other ideas?09:59
Abhi_aBound: i don't actually like unity much, i'm using gnome-shell09:59
hydruidpastebin the entire message plz09:59
[deXter]@ devians ^09:59
aBoundAbhi_, I know nobody really does I don't mind it. Well I can't say for certain if it's a GUI related issue or a driver issue.10:00
hydruiddevians: wrong command10:00
hydruiddevians: sudo apt-get -f install10:01
hydruiddevians: and thsts it no package name10:01
Abhi_aBound: i actually need that for wine issue, no other problem though10:01
aBoundAbhi_, I can't say if this will work. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver#Problem%3a__Need_to_fully_remove_-fglrx_and_reinstall_-ati_from_scratch10:02
devianshydruid well php-fpm doesnt exist but php5-fpm at least gives me that broken dependency, although im stumped as to where and how its still pointing there?10:02
VIPER-III'm trying to get teamviewer to startup in the "system / preferences / startup applications" menu. But i dunno how to figure out which 'command line' to start Teamviewer.  Any ideas?10:02
hydruiddevians: sudo apt-get -f install, did u try this?10:02
[deXter]VIPER-II, it's just "teamviewer"10:02
deviansi did, same thing10:02
Abhi_aBound: thanks for link, checking10:02
hydruiddevians: without specifying the package name?10:03
deviansi did10:03
VIPER-IIthen why isn't it starting when i write it in 'ssh' manualy then?10:03
aBoundAbhi_, No problem.10:03
devianssorry, i could be clearer. yes, i ran the command without the package name10:04
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[deXter]devians, Well for now I suggest removing php5-fpm php5-common and other related php packages10:04
[deXter]you can re-install them from the official repos later on10:04
ilter_Hello i've a problem could you help? I use external monitor for my laptop. When i don't make any activity on Ubuntu, it suspend itsellf. Then i come again and press power button to continue my activities. But screen doesn't show anything. How can i fix it?10:05
Abhi_aBound: it saying about purging fglrx, i already did that10:05
devians[deXter] ok i ran remove across everything, should i attempt another install?10:05
deviansor do something in the meantime?10:05
Abhi_aBound: now using opensource driver, but i need to get fglrx working10:06
aBoundAbhi_, Above the sentence is saying to purge it below is saying to completely remove it and reinstall it from scratch.10:06
=== matt_ is now known as Guest89803
ViperXL75sorry... disconnected. i hope u didnt write enything else Dexter10:06
[deXter]devians, just remove those php packages for now, and then do an apt-get autoremove and clean10:06
overcluckerVIPER-II: teamviewer isn't capable of starting with the system, as it requires a logged in xsession10:06
Guest89803can any one help w i am haveing with ubuntuith a issue10:07
devians[deXter] ok done, anything else?10:07
bazhangGuest89803, what issue10:07
[deXter]devians, autoremove and clean10:07
ViperXL75dexter it worked. Thanks mate10:07
deviansi said, done, anything else?10:07
[deXter]thats it10:07
[deXter]ViperXL75, cool :)10:07
Guest89803i dont like the new gui i got after update10:07
ViperXL75overclucker it doesn't have to start as a service. i'm happy enough that it starts after login in.10:07
sunniboihell good morning ehat must id o her ? [FYI] / etc/apache2/conf.d/gallery ist ein Link auf / etc/gallery2/apache.conf   I'm just not there more, I'm building a gallery of images on server! Is this a hint or what to do?10:08
bazhangGuest89803, which one? unity?10:08
ViperXL75dexter: funny how sometimes the most difficult things are possible by just simply 1 command.  :D   Went looking for the path.. script... bla bla bla... lol10:08
aBoundAbhi_, Haven't a clue could be various issues within the driver itself but may need to be configured properly.10:09
Guest89803natty narwal or some thing like that in this gui i dont even know were to look for the name of it but i can try to look if u like10:09
oCeansunniboi: it's not very clear what your issue is. You can use German chat in #ubuntu-de10:09
Abhi_aBound: so far i learn that ATI restricted driver has some issues with gnome-shell10:09
bazhangGuest89803, what does lsb_release -a say from the terminal10:10
Abhi_aBound: so suggestion said that i need to stay with opensource driver (gallium)10:10
aBoundAbhi_, Well I know gnome-shell is still new and actively developed so figures it's still in it's beta transition.10:10
overcluckerViperXL75: have you considered using rdp?10:10
ViperXL75overclucker: yeah, but i'd need to setup port-forwarding... connection isn't encrypted etc.10:11
Guest8980311.04 natty10:11
bazhangGuest89803, and what is the gui you don't like, what have you selected in the login window10:12
sunniboiThe problem is I do not know what to start with this clue [FYI] / etc/apache2/conf.d/gallery is a link to / etc/gallery2/apache.conf should I laughed it left or is it a clue10:12
oCean!de | sunniboi10:13
ubottusunniboi: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:13
oCeansunniboi: it's really not clear what you are talking about10:13
sunniboiexcuse me what language I speak now?10:13
oCeansunniboi: your question/issue is not clear, please elaborate (context, details etc)10:14
Guest89803bazhang ubuntu10:14
bazhangGuest89803, what gui are you talking about Ubuntu is not a gui10:15
ilter_Hello i've a problem could you help? I use external monitor for my laptop. When i don't make any activity on Ubuntu, it suspend itsellf. Then i come again and press power button to continue my activities. But screen doesn't show anything. How can i fix it?10:15
devians[deXter] that seems to have done it, thankyou very much for your help10:15
[deXter]devians, glad it worked10:16
anonymous229better than nothing10:17
Guest89803the home screen i cant think of any other way to put it i upgraded from a later ver of ubuntu and kinda new to linux    ok better way to do this how would i go about down grading to a perves verison10:18
aithoxhi i'm sure that i've installed the correct nvidia dirver... but it doen't work (ubuntu 11.10 : nvidia GT 520M : Acer)10:19
aBoundaithox, Did you check your additional drivers section to see if it's activated?10:19
anonymous229there is a lot bugs in 11.10 :/10:20
anonymous22910.04 is much better10:20
aithoxit's not activated..10:20
Guest89803bazhang the home screen i cant think of any other way to put it i upgraded from a later ver of ubuntu and kinda new to linux    ok better way to do this how would i go about down grading to a perves verison10:20
[deXter]Guest89803, On the login screen you should be able to see a settings icon, from which you should be able to choose a different desktop environment.. try Gnome Classic10:21
aithoxi had to set " no mode set " on installation..10:21
Guest89803dexter ok thanks i will try that10:22
aithoxis there an alternative dirver?10:23
aithoxto download10:23
aithoxi got that from nvidia.com10:23
[deXter]you aren't supposed to install random stuff from random sites; this isn't windows10:23
[deXter]certainly not for drivers anyways10:23
[deXter]aithox, http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-install-nvidia-2750907-driver-in.html10:24
sunniboisry ia have phone10:25
bajirutany boby here..?10:25
eFfeMhi, i want to set up a small sw repository (initially only two packages), any suggestion on a good place to host it (preferably for free) ?10:26
=== greentux|xutneer is now known as greentux
svndrFinally i got Ubuntu installed from a USB!!! 5 attempts later lol10:27
sstaeFfeM: launchpad?10:27
guest009but mine will get the smallest io10:27
eFfeMssta: hm, yeah, didn't think of that, thanks10:28
guest009and faster than yours10:28
[deXter]eFfeM, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA10:28
eFfeM[deXter]: thanks for the link!10:28
aBoundBlah, I'm going back to 10.04 lts.10:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:28
bajirutasa yang tau apa yang aku katakan..?10:28
bajirutaku g bisa bahasa inggris10:29
oCean!id | bajirut10:29
ubottubajirut: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia10:29
oCeanbajirut: this channel is English only10:29
guest009what language is this?10:30
matt__bazhang and dexter thank you so much you have saved my sanity10:30
TzunamiiAnyone tried LXC containers here on 11.10, please? Just curious of the success10:38
svndrHow do i change my hostname so that when i restart it doesnt revert back to the default?10:43
oCean!hostname | svndr10:45
Kartagissvndr: edit /etc/hostname10:45
ubottusvndr: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.10:45
svndroCean: i do it that way and it reverts back..10:46
mrd_any one pls help me with how to add themes in ubundu10:46
svndrKartagis: thanks ill try it that now10:46
oCeansvndr: "that way" includes editing /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname10:46
mrd_any one pls help me with how to add themes in ubundu  can any one help10:46
svndrAlso, what file do i edit to create an alias for the SSH command?10:46
oCeansvndr: you can edit ~/.bashrc to add aliases10:47
mrd_how can i change themes in ubundu 11.1010:47
Kartagissvndr: .bashrc and source it afterwards10:47
svndroCean: thanks.. and yea sorry i didnt read the full line ubottu printed10:47
mrd_how can i change themes in ubundu 11.1010:47
samba35how to find all files by some installed package10:48
KartagisI sometimes take screenshots and save. however, if the destination directory has a file of the same name and I say to replace it, I get the error at http://home.ozses.net/error.png10:48
mrd_how to change themes in the ubuntu 11.1010:48
Kartagiswhat needs to be done?10:48
svndroCean: actually there was a file with the name blahblah_alias or something arather that that i created.. i just cant remember the name..10:48
=== jack is now known as Guest62579
Kartagismrd_: right click on the desktop and point to 'Change background' or similar (not English here). then you'll find the theme settings at the bottom10:50
kevorWhen I setup a wireless connection (for computers to connect to) with Ubuntu 11.10, it works without encryption, but with WPA, it does not work. Any idea what the problem might be?10:51
ViperXL75for some stupid reason my Ubuntu machine keeps defaulting back to the resolution of 1368xblablabla instead of 1920xblablabla.  Cuz it's "preferred" on 1368. How do i tell ubuntu to stop messing around and keep 1920 as default setting?10:52
xgt001 hello , what's the difference between xv video output vs gl video output? which is better? any pointers?10:53
almoxarifexgt001: if your system can handle the gl without intermittent crashing use it, its faster10:55
almoxarifexgt001: hence xv is the slower cousin10:56
xgt001almoxarife: I have ati radeon 6370 with 512 vram and core i3 ,think its enough for smooth gl?10:56
xgt001and also if I play in gl would there be no need for vaapi accelaration?10:57
almoxarifexgt001: try it, my HTC has a nvidia and never complains about gl, my laptop not so well at gl, it craps x often10:58
xgt001almoxarife: is it okay if I use vlc?10:58
almoxarifexgt001: i am thinking you dont need xv10:58
almoxarifexgt001: asked your mother?10:59
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xgt001almoxarife: lol11:00
=== ViperXL75 is now known as VIPER-II
lotuspsychjeim looking to repair xvidcap anyone know howto?11:03
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
gartralhello all, how do i reload .bashrc without logging out?11:06
oCeangartral: on commandline  . ~/.bashrc  or source ~/.bashrc11:06
gartraloCean: Thank you11:08
lotuspsychje!info xvidcap11:09
ubottuxvidcap (source: xvidcap): Screen video capture for X. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.7-0.2ubuntu12 (oneiric), package size 1145 kB, installed size 2808 kB11:09
lotuspsychje!bug xvidcap 32 depth11:14
wildc4rdrunning a ubuntu desktop box as a media player, what is the best/easiest way to change tracks, play/pause etc at a distance?11:16
SVNDRHow do i find C: drive when im in Home Folder11:16
lotuspsychjei have an error on xvidcap recording, the movie image freezes closing xvidcap with 32 depth error11:17
oCean!dirs | SVNDR in Linux we don't use drive letters11:20
ubottuSVNDR in Linux we don't use drive letters: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier11:20
SVNDRoCean: i should have also included that i have wine installed..11:21
oCeanSVNDR: oh, that :)  Sorry, I never used wine..11:21
SVNDRoCean: lol my fault not urs11:22
SVNDRoCean: i can find it by searching for it in dashboard but i cant actually find the dir when going through the files11:23
swamychi was not able to install ubuntu on my hard disk11:23
swamychit was not showing my windows partions during installation11:23
oCeanSVNDR: there is a #winehq channel, if no one here can help, maybe they can11:24
sanedSVNDR: I think C: is somewhere in ~/.wine/drive_c or something like that11:24
SVNDROk thank you both11:24
lotuspsychjewhats a good package to password protect an usb stick folder so any Os cant access it?11:26
cyfilotuspsychje: zip11:27
lotuspsychjecyfi: without compressing the archive?11:28
mongylotuspsychje,  install cryptsetup and use disk-utility to make an encrypted partition.  asks for passphrase when plugged in (wont work on windows tho)11:28
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
lotuspsychjemongy: thanks ill try11:28
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oCeanlotuspsychje: there's a wikipage which describes the cryptsetup (it's an example to save gpg keys on encrypted usb) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GPGKeyOnUSBDrive11:29
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
foo_i was not able to install ubuntu on my hard disk it was not showing my windows partions during installation11:31
lotuspsychjefoo_:ubuntu should auto partition an ubuntu layout next to windows, didnt you use that layout?11:31
RomokuSo Ubuntu people, put the git server with the Samba shares or on the web server?11:32
foo_lotuspsychje: it is not showing my partions11:32
foo_it is displaying my hard disk as single disk11:33
lotuspsychjefoo_: did you choose manual partitioning?11:33
=== foo_ is now known as swamych
swamychyes i have used it11:33
swamychsame problem in fedora too...11:33
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.11:34
swamychi have never experienced this in previous versions of ubuntu and fedora11:34
SVNDRoCean: you seem to know a good deal.. just wondering if youd be help me with an overheating problem im having when i run ubuntu on my lenovo laptop?11:38
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:39
PhoenixSTFSVNDR, wich version of ubuntu are you installing?11:39
PhoenixSTFSVNDR, try to install Jupiter its not about overheating but its about power-management, it can help...11:41
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SVNDRPhoenixSTF: 11.10, ive been trying for the last 4-5 days to get it fixed with no luck..11:41
SVNDRPhoenixSTF: whats jupiter about?11:41
oCeanSVNDR: Unfortunately, there are several open bugs for overheating laptops, such as bug 751689 - You can install lm-sensors package to get/discplay some more information on temperature, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto11:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 751689 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Thinkpads overheat due to slow fans when on 'auto'" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75168911:42
PhoenixSTFSVNDR, http://www.jupiterapplet.org/11:42
SVNDRoCean: yea already got lmsensors.. ill have a read of that bug link though dont think ive seen that one yet11:44
anandwhat is strip count in patching a kernel11:44
SVNDRoCean: wait yea i have.. lol i know there is a way to control the fans manually with lmsensors, but when i try it gives me an output that it cant detect and fan sensors..11:44
trijntjewhy does the software center show that the game Ryzom is released under GPL, while their terms of use forbid all republishing?11:47
SVNDRoCean: also none of the modules named in that post excist on my laptop..11:47
Culiforgesomewhere along the line, kernel 2.6.32-37 (I think) got added to my grub. It's set as default kernel before 32-33 but it doesn't boot correctly. How can I remove/reinstall/fix it so I dont break anything?11:48
zgrhello I have nvidia 8400M GS on my laptop, ubuntu shows 4 NVIDIA strings in "Additional drivers" last line says to see /usr/share/doc/* where * are nvidia-current,nvidia-173 and same with "-updates" Which one I shall install?11:48
zgron nvidia.com NVIDIA-Linux-x86-290.10.bin is available for my gpu11:49
almoxarifezgr: install -current11:50
anandhello what is strip count meaning while patching a kernel?? any one ?11:51
zgralmoxarife: thanks, but why it shows 4 packages instead of 1 or 2 (173 and current)?11:51
lotuspsychje!info eidete11:55
ubottuPackage eidete does not exist in oneiric11:55
almoxarifezgr: not sure what 'it' is , am sure you need nvidia-current and you should get the ppa that keeps nvidia updated11:58
robin0800zgr: driver, patch, configuration and a fourth one not sure what it is11:58
Humbedoohoh he quit11:58
SVNDRHow do i find the name of my Chipset?11:58
Guest453just loaded xubuntu absolute new to linux  can u tell me how to check the space on my drives12:00
Humbedoohrun "df" from a console? :>12:00
Guest453would this be from Terminal12:01
almoxarifeHumbedooh: hes new and you throw a terminal in his face12:01
Humbedoohthat it would12:01
Humbedoohalmoxarife, you gotta learn it at some point :p12:01
almoxarifeGuest453: look at your systems admin12:02
almoxarifeHumbedooh: no, you want to help, you learn the basics of a gui, thats help, you want me to be impressed with your teminal skills, i can get that in #linux12:03
Humbedoohgot out on the wrong side of the bed today, eh? I wasn't being snide, df is just the first thing that popped into my head12:03
Humbedoohso excuse me for suggesting it12:04
Guest453so whats the simplist way .sorry to cause arguments guys12:05
sanedGuest453: system>administration>system monitor >file system of you are in classic mode12:06
magpiii am getting this error when i boot my laptop> pxe-e53: no boot filename received i have no idea what this is it just started this morning for no reason12:15
swamychubuntu was not able to detect my windows 7 partions during installation12:16
magpiii googled it but it has something to do with network and my lptop has never booted to network12:16
swamychi was not able to install ubuntu12:16
SVNDRanybody know how i can find the name of my chipset? or why my chipset name doesnt show up in sensors-setect?12:17
sanedSVNDR: sudo lshw -c cpu       ?12:19
SVNDRsaned: nah that didnt work?12:20
magpiii am getting this error when i boot my laptop> pxe-e53: no boot filename received. i am not running windows, i am running ubuntu and have been for some time. please help12:20
SVNDRsaned: wait yea it worked.. but what line in that is the name of my chipset?12:21
eXpanderAnyone would like to help me chose between two logos?12:21
sagaci!info wvdial12:23
ubottuwvdial (source: wvdial): intelligent Point-to-Point Protocol dialer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.61-4 (oneiric), package size 83 kB, installed size 344 kB12:23
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:23
overmindthere's an app that does cpu scaling, but i forgot the name... anyone knows the name?12:24
eXpanderLinux kernel12:24
overmindnew guy... dumb question :/12:25
sanedSVNDR: it shows the CPU, do sudo lshw   to see complete configuration most probably the contents that have "bridge"12:26
Milosshis there any way to make terminal show username and current folder in fedora-style?12:27
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Francuasimple question guys, is there a way to start terminal maximazed?12:27
eXpanderFrancua, depends on what kind of WM you use12:29
MilosshFrancua, if it's gnome-terminal, then change shortcuts to: gnome-terminal --window --maximize12:29
lotuspsychjepretty handy for browsing on links2 Francua12:30
makaraSVNDR: lspci12:31
SVNDRmakara: if i pastebin the output would u be able to tell me what the chipset is? lol i wont be able to find it12:33
makaraSVNDR: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family ??12:35
Francuaty works perfectly ))12:35
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: did you doublecheck your BIOS settings for overheating?12:35
SVNDRmakara: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)12:35
SVNDRlotuspsychje: yep, nothing in there for controlling fans, or cpu freq12:36
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: are you sure its overheating and not system freeze?12:36
SVNDRlotuspsychje: well its overheating thats for sure.. whats system freeze?12:36
almoxarifeSVNDR: did you remove acpi support?12:37
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: what Os came default with your lenovo?12:37
makaraLenovo, oh crikey12:37
SVNDRlotuspsychje: windows vista..12:37
almoxarifeSVNDR: or perhaps overclock?12:38
SVNDRalmoxarife: no, i wouldnt even know how..12:38
SVNDRalmoxarife: maybe?12:38
HSarenaHi! I need to start a program with wine but it shows "wine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables". WHAT IT MEANS???12:38
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: some laptops/netbooks need networking 'enabled' in BIOS to not crash in ubuntu12:38
SVNDRHSarena: fine the .exe file, right click on it, go to open with, and then select wine12:38
almoxarifeSVNDR: maybe? did you forget to mention that nugget?12:38
oCeanHSarena: for help with wine, /join #winehq channel12:38
makarais it Pangolin when Banshee  and .NET support get removed?12:39
SVNDRlotuspsychje: theres nothing in the bios about that either.. ive read through 50 pages in the last 5 days about this and cannot fix it.. my computer doesnt crash, it just gets really hot12:40
SVNDRalmoxarife: ive tried throttling my cpu aslow as possible, doesnt help.. unless you know a better way?12:40
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: did it overheat in vista too?12:40
makaraSVNDR: I had a Toshiba with a fan that wouldn't shut up. Tried installing all sorts of fan control software and nothing worked12:41
SVNDRlotuspsychje: nope, vista it ran pretty damn cool, slight bit of warmth, but nothing really12:41
SVNDRmakara: yea, seems to be how its happening for me, though i have read that 11.10 has a bug in the kernel, so many different solutions, none work12:41
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: did you clean install or update to ocelot?12:42
SVNDRlotuspsychje: clean install12:42
almoxarifeSVNDR: which process is taking up the most cpu time? look12:43
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: anything to find in ubuntu logs?12:43
almoxarifeSVNDR: system monitor12:43
SVNDRalmoxarife: at the moment from running 'top' i see Xorg taking up 6%, but thats on and off12:44
SVNDRlotuspsychje: how would i check the logs?12:44
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: /var/log12:44
SVNDRlotuspsychje: file doesnt exist?12:45
lotuspsychjesyslog.1 in /var/log12:45
SVNDRalmoxarife: actually at the moment in system monitor, gnome-system-monitor is taking up about 30-50%12:46
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: did you install all drivers successfully too in ocelot? like graphics drivers?12:46
SVNDRlotuspsychje: syslog.1 also doesnt exist lol.. um im not sure one ocelot is?12:47
lotuspsychjeSVNDR: try das home button and search logs12:48
SVNDRlotuspsychje: nah nothing there either..12:49
makaraimage viewer crashes X11 when I view a pic 6640x8837. It won't uninstall without taking Gnome with it. How do I set Shotwell as the default?12:49
almoxarifeSVNDR: that number seems high12:49
SVNDRalmoxarife: yea but thats only why System Monitor is running.. other then that everything is either sleeping, or below 10%12:50
makarasysmon gobbles between 8% and 48% on my i512:51
almoxarifeSVNDR: that is still high, what other gnome process have high values?12:52
=== bastidra1or is now known as bastidrazor
SVNDRalmoxarife: none other then that one12:53
akpkChances for Virus at Ubuntu.....??12:54
almoxarifeakpk: very slim12:54
makaraSVNDR: what the problem again?12:54
quiescensuncommon as a result of expected userbase, at least12:54
SVNDRmakara: overheating12:54
akpk<almoxarife> : but i find a virus scanner @ ubuntu software center12:55
aBoundakpk, It's unlikely even if one is in the wild a patch will usually be delivered quickly.12:55
busybyeskihey why do some people entering the irc have ipv6 and some ipv4? technically, doesn't everyone have both addresses? which does it choose?12:55
almoxarifeakpk: for checking share docs with a windows system, for being nice to them12:55
makarafans software my vote12:55
SVNDRmakara: know any good ones?12:56
akpk<almoxarife>  do u want me to install that ??12:56
almoxarifeakpk: did i bring it up?12:56
makarapray to Linus12:56
SVNDRmakara: yea and what ive been trying to do doesnt work12:56
akpk<almoxarife>  ??12:56
almoxarifeSVNDR: tell the nice people you overclock12:56
Sidewinder1akpk, Perhaps you may wish to have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081212:57
almoxarife<akpk> <almoxarife>  do u want me to install that ?? <-- no, not right now12:57
rhin0can't figure out how to make a symbolic link to a directory -- I type "ln -s /home/username /home/username/mount and I get a directory "mount" (fair enough) but it contains just "username" - I would expect it to contain the CONTENTS of /home/username13:03
aaron__Hello, I got a problem with my mouse. Sometimes my touchpad will stop working (like right now), however my touchscreen and usb mouse is unaffected.13:04
MonkeyDustaaron__  there's a program called gpoint something in the repos, use that, for a start13:06
_jasonrhin0: pastebin: ls -ld /home/username/mount13:06
aaron__MonkeyDust is that spelled right? package not found in a repo.13:07
=== SVNDR is now known as pastebin
m_fulderIm trying to do scp -r myFolder user@IP:"myDest"  and I get No such file or directory .. though Im 100% sure that there is a folder (myFolder) in myDest :S what could be the fault here??13:09
dragonslaysaned: hi13:09
MonkeyDust!info gpointing-device-settings | aaron__13:10
ubottuaaron__: gpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 62 kB, installed size 600 kB13:10
DoctorDWho knows similar games to XBoing II?13:12
rhin0_jason: here you go --- bit scrappy but you can see and I have described what I am trying to do http://pastebin.com/qWd02d9S13:12
llutz_m_fulder: and local "myFolder" exists/correct path given?13:12
Lhack9hi all13:12
Lhack9Merry christmas13:13
rhin0I just don't get it -- I#m sure i've made a link to a directory before13:13
rhin0merry christmas13:13
Lhack9can some113:14
samhuis this the irc channel for ubuntu user??13:14
aaron__thx, I unchecked the disabled touchpad. But why was the touchpad disabled in the first place?13:14
Lhack9can some1 tell me about some good native games13:14
rhin0if you like puzzles try "sobokan" (warehouse manager) Lhack913:15
_jasonrhin0: lines 27 and 28 show  /home/dan/mount is not a symbolic link13:15
=== pastebin is now known as SVNDR
MonkeyDustLhack9  http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html13:15
Lhack9btw how do you write something for @ someone13:15
samhuWhat app are you guys using for online TV shows?13:15
rhin0i think -- that I should remove /home/dan/mount13:15
m_fuldernvm I solved my problem before13:16
m_fulderbut now .. is it somehow possible to copy over a folöder shortcut via scp??13:16
Lhack9@ rhin0 lol13:16
Lhack9rhin0 .13:16
Lhack9how do i13:16
samhuit seems that spotcast-player is no longer available?13:16
Lhack9say something red13:16
Lhack9like you did to me13:16
Lhack9in irc13:17
rhin0i dunno13:17
llutz_!enter | Lhack913:17
ubottuLhack9: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:17
MonkeyDustLhack9  just type a name (use tab to complete) and then your line13:17
DoctorDWho knows similar games to XBoing II?13:17
Lhack9MonkeyDust, like this13:17
Lhack9MonkeyDust, Am i doing it right?13:18
aaron__anyone know what would be a good irc chat for programming help?13:18
MonkeyDustLhack9  ok13:18
Sidewinder1! who | Lhack913:18
ubottuLhack9: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:18
MonkeyDusto/ Sidewinder113:19
Sidewinder1Mornin' Monh.13:19
Sidewinder1Monk, even.13:19
samhucome on no one watch online TV shows under ubuntu??13:19
mx8anyone know where can i found soure code of "ufw" ?13:20
ubuntuHello in here. we have troubling starting this computer. We are running Linux Ubuntu 11.04 (natty) 32 bit on a laptop HP-Pavilion13:20
llutz_mx8: apt-get source ufw13:20
rhin0_jason -- stupid was creating a link over an existing directory13:20
rhin0ty for help13:20
MonkeyDustmx8  sudo apt-get source ufw13:20
Lhack9MonkeyDust, please tell me some massively played online fps games.13:20
ubuntuCan anyone in here till us how to format the harddisk so that we can reinstall ubuntu.13:21
rhin0the absolute coolness of linux13:21
MonkeyDustLhack9  i'm not a gamer, cant help13:21
samhuwell this channel is too big for me bye bye13:21
MonkeyDustubuntu  you can format during installation13:21
Lhack9Who's a gamer here?13:21
ubuntuWe have to format first because we have tried to reinstall bu it sais we only have about 23 GB left. But the harddisk is a 500 GB13:21
MonkeyDustLhack9  ask DoctorD in #ubuntu-offtopic13:22
Lhack9tnx man13:22
mang0Hey, with Wubi, does it run Ubuntu as an actual windows program, i.e you can switch back to windows etc, like a VM, or is it like a dual boot kinda thing?13:22
ubuntuWe do not running windows at all13:22
mang0ubuntu: Do you not get pinged all the time by people saying the word "ubuntu"? lol13:23
aaron__!mang0 wubi, is just an assist to setup a dualboot13:23
llutz_mang0: more the latter, it will start linux from an image-file. you migh have access to windows-files, but its not running inside windows13:23
mang0aaron__, llutz_ : Great, thanks. I've got some windows programs that I need to install and don't work under wine properly, but I really don't wanna leave linux behind :( so Wubi might be useful for setting up a dual boot13:24
llutz_mang0: better to use a real dual-boot with linux on an own partition than wubi13:24
* Sidewinder1 Sighs13:24
mang0llutz_: And why is that?13:25
llutz_mang0: wubi might cause some trouble which are hard to fix because you cannot easily boot a live-cd and access13:26
mang0llutz_: I see. Is there a record of that happening? If so, what sort of errors, and why?13:26
ubuntuWe have a CD to install from13:26
llutz_mang0: idk, its just the experience from reading here for a longer while13:26
ubuntubut we still have to format the harddisk first. But how???13:27
mang0llutz_: I see, thankyou.13:27
llutz_mang0: so if you can create an own linux partition, do it. you'll be on the safer side13:27
mang0llutz_: Sure. I was just hoping to get around that with Wubi :(13:29
duhtem alguem on /13:30
duhpreciso de um help13:31
xangua!pt | duh13:31
ubottuduh: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:31
Dakkusubottu: Well put :)13:32
ubottuDakkus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:32
DakkusYour coder is, anyway.13:32
chmacOn a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being totally dementedly crazy and 10 being absolutely 100% safe, how sensible would it be to upgrade to precise now, on my main, personal / work laptop?13:33
Oerchmac this is not the proper place to poll13:33
_jasonchmac: depends on what you will use it for...13:33
zipacechmac, considering the new auto-upgrade option shipped on ubuntu cds, perfectly fine13:34
llutz_chmac: #ubuntu+113:34
sattu94chmac: Exactly what I am planning on doing now to my 11.04... xD13:34
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Dakkus11.10 does its best to force you to Unity.13:34
chmacsattu94: I'm in the same boat, thinking I might skip 11.10 and go straight to precise...13:34
Knorrewhy doesn't wine do anything when i run it?13:34
_jasonchmac: if you don't care that everything will be destroyed (have backups) and can live with downtime while things break (maybe even not being able to use computer at all until you fix it) then precise is ok.  If you want to work on your computer, stick with stable releases13:34
DakkusGnome has been quite thoroughly crippled and is now unusable.13:34
zipacechmac, but you only want to upgrade to 11.10, right? otherwise, you might as well pour water in your CPU13:34
DakkusI definitely prefer 11.04 over 11.10.13:35
MonkeyDustDakkus  i use Gnome in an abubtu-fork, works fine13:35
chmac_jason: I was reading mark shuttleworth's blog, which sparked the idea, maybe precise is stable enough now for daily use... :-)13:35
_jasonchmac: maybe now.  But it changes until release.13:35
zipacethe new name of ubuntu, huh :-)13:35
llutz_chmac: #ubuntu+1 for discussion about precise, not here13:35
_jasonchmac: yes, let's move to #ubuntu+113:36
MonkeyDustzipace  ubuntu 27.04 :p13:36
duh_hello guys, I need a lot of help with boot gentoo in order to know that here is the channel of ubuntu, I'm using it right now, but takes a lot of gentoo install, does anyone could help me please?13:36
zipacehehe :-)13:36
cloudgeekbest network analyzer for network !!???13:36
zipaceduh_ you want to boot gentoo, or ubuntu?13:36
MonkeyDustcloudgeek  wireshark13:36
cloudgeekfor traffic !!13:36
llutz_!best | cloudgeek13:36
ubottucloudgeek: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:36
zipacecloudgeek, master netstat, and you'll be happy forever13:37
zipacemastering it will be a serious PITA, though13:38
duh_gentoo .. to install it to find matching does not access the boot comes into visual interface, as the test of ubuntu, need to enter the boot even geento, to install it on your PC13:38
cloudgeekthanks to all13:38
cloudgeektry to follow all advise from guys on here13:38
zipaceduh_ ¿Ha intentado pedir en un canal de habla español? por desgracia, el idioma principal en # ubuntu es el Inglés13:39
zipace(^^^^^^^^google translate :P)13:39
cloudgeeki visit bot channel , how ask bots !13:40
duh_zipace - No tengo problemas con el lenguaje en sí mismo, porque hablo español e Inglés, ya que estoy omtem la noche tratando de encontrar a alguien que me pueda ayudar,13:42
=== iqpi is now known as exterminator
duh_zipace - I have no problems with the language itself, for I speak espanol and English, since I am omtem the night trying to find someone who can help me,13:42
zipaceduh_ veo13:42
zipaceic :-)13:42
cloudgeekno Bestbot there !!13:42
MonkeyDustyo no soy marinero, soy capitan, soy capitan13:43
duh_zipace - en el extremo usted me puede ayudar mi problema13:43
=== _Craig is now known as MrCraig
llutz_!es | duh_ english here pls13:44
ubottuduh_ english here pls: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:44
zipaceduh_ por desgracia yo no soy un usuario de Gentoo13:44
zipacealso, what llutz_ said13:44
duh_zipace - aquí está el problema también no uso gentoo, yo soy usuario de Ubuntu, Gentoo y la necesidad de instalar un cliente,13:46
duh_pero no puede bootalo,,,13:46
zipacepero por favor, cambiar a Inglés (nada personal)13:46
Arizona_Baydoes changing torrent clients varies the downloading speed?13:49
ontoHi, I just installed Pinguy on a laptop and when booting, it is stuck at "Starting CUPS spooler/server"13:49
ontodoes anyone know what's happening?13:49
Oeronto, is pinguy Ubuntu ?13:50
MonkeyDustpinguy is ubuntu with an overkill-GUI13:50
sstaunity/compiz isn't already overkill GUI? :P13:51
awaadWhat is the difference between "ps aux" and "ps -aux" ?13:51
ontoOer: yes, I think so13:52
xanguaonto please ask on pinguy channel/forum/stack exchange13:52
sanedawaad: answer is in the man page13:52
llutz_awaad: man ps13:52
=== _Craig is now known as MrCraig
awaadsaned, llutz_: In which part ?13:53
DragonslaySANED: on mobile!13:53
llutz_awaad: right at the top13:53
=== vincent is now known as Guest93125
llutz_awaad: line 23ff.13:54
sobczyk_hi, anyone knows why there is no moonlight in the repositories?13:56
morf77I need some advice about partitions/dual boot13:56
morf77I have dual boot win7/ubuntu13:56
morf77ubuntu partition is getting too small, I need to enlarge it13:56
S0LIDUSmorf77, How can we help13:57
morf77hi S0LIDUS13:57
S0LIDUSmorf77, Howde13:57
morf77I would like to know what the culprits are13:57
MonkeyDustmorf77  backup important files and use gparted to resize partitions13:57
morf77okay that seems good practice13:57
morf77and I know gparted13:57
morf77but I understand there is a risk my win7 boot will get corrupted by doing so?13:58
S0LIDUSMonkeyDust, Couldn't of said better myself. :-)13:58
stowodahi. I am running ubuntu and win7 on the same machine. Grub is my bootmanager. since win7 crashed I wish to install it again. How to do that without loosing my ubuntu system. I am aware of the fact to not owerwrite my linux partitions. The question is how to handle the reinstall of win7 without destroying grub...13:58
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:58
llutz_stowoda: ^^13:59
stowodallutz, thx13:59
stowodaone thing yet13:59
stowodahow to find out the version of ubuntu13:59
llutz_lsb_release -s13:59
llutz_lsb_release -sc14:00
morf77one more thing about my partition question14:00
morf77I have a ssd which contains my grub and ubuntu14:00
morf77windows is installed on another hdd14:00
morf77what is more safe enlarging the ubuntu partition on the ssd or creating an extra ubuntu partition on the windows hdd14:01
llutz_morf77: you could easily create a partition on the 2nd drive and move /var or /home to it14:02
riclashi guys14:02
_jophi reclas14:02
awaadllutz_: Thanks14:03
riclasmy ubuntu livecd crashes because of nouveau14:03
morf77thank llutz_14:03
riclasi've managed to install ubuntu 11.10 through recovery mode with nomodeset14:03
riclasbut then it doesn't boot ubuntu because of the same nouveau crash14:03
riclasif i blacklist nouveau ubuntu loads through sandy bridge graphics driver14:04
riclasbut i wanted to use my nvidia card :\14:04
=== Stanley001 is now known as Stanley00
riclasit's a gt555M, nouveau says it is supported..14:04
riclasi don't know what to try next :(14:05
robin0800riclas: you need bumblebee I think14:05
riclasit does have that optimus technology14:06
thiagohi everybody14:06
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sobczyk_so, anyone knows where is moonlight? is the preferred way to install it via the plugin?14:09
LaykeI just installed Opera, but realised I installed the wrong package. How do I remove it? I tried dpkg --remove <package.name>14:09
stowodahow to find out if /home is mounted to sda1 or 2 or whatever?14:09
MonkeyDuststowoda  mount14:09
riclasbut from what i read bumblebee is an optimus mirror utility. why can't i use the nvidia card only?14:09
stowodahttp://nopaste.info/289479f6a0.html  <-- what is sda1 and sda3?  sda2 is my corrupted windows7 filesystem. sda5 and sda6 are swap and home respectively.14:12
MonkeyDuststowoda  sda1 = NTFS = Win partition14:16
DJonesstowoda: I would guess that sda1 could be a windows recovery partition, sda3 could be your "/" partition, if you type "mount" in a terminal, that should give you some more detail14:16
stowodathe output of mount ^^14:18
robin0800riclas: https://launchpad.net/~mj-casalogic/+archive/bumblebee/14:24
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:25
=== Psychoholic is now known as Guest70419
SVNDRone of the level 1 nubs went a pressed the red button14:27
riclasthank you14:28
JasonGriffeeIs anyone else experiencing issues with ubuntu one?14:34
xangua!anyone | JasonGriffee14:36
ubottuJasonGriffee: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:36
xanguathere is also a ubuntuone channel i believe JasonGriffee14:36
=== vincent is now known as Guest11305
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:40
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:40
JasonGriffeeI can't get my files to sync, it times out, won't load account info. What could cause this?14:41
xanguaubottu: tell anand about msgbot14:43
ubottuanand, please see my private message14:43
JohnQHandleHi. I've been dual booting Oneiric(upgraded from 11.04) & Win7 on my barebones pc hooked up to an LG TV via VGA. Everything was good until I decided to fresh install 11.10. Now I don't see grub on boot(tv says "invalid format").14:46
JohnQHandleI see the BIOS screen, then the message, and then the log in screen.14:47
antaranianhi there14:48
antaranianhow can I connect my Android phone to Ubuntu desktop via usb, so the phone will use PCs internet14:49
=== gabriele is now known as Guest20968
xanguaantaranian: you need the android sdk i belive14:49
Balthazarantaranian: http://www.droid-life.com/2012/01/02/koush-releases-clockworkmod-usb-tethering-application-for-mac-linux-and-pc-users-no-root-required/14:54
Balthazarantaranian: opps, nevermind, iread your question wrong14:54
antaranianBalthazar: actually I need something like reverse-tethering14:55
NewBHi! my ubuntu 11.10 installation is freezing :/ (last actions: compiz config manager and lm sensor for temperature but i remove both)14:59
mrd_which is the best video converter14:59
mrd_which is the best video converter for ubuntu 11.1014:59
mrd_which is the best video converter for ubuntu 11.1015:00
mrd_which is the best video converter for ubuntu 11.1015:00
djazzwhy is ubuntu eating battery? down on 87% after 10 min15:00
djazzso fast*15:00
hatebbecause bateries are yummy15:00
mrd_any one to help15:00
mrd_iam not able to connect the tunnel to my pc does ubundu support sha encryption on ipsec15:01
mrd_iam not able to connect the tunnel to my pc does ubundu support sha encryption on ipsec15:01
venluckeyhello room15:02
mrd_tacasa+ server will it suport15:02
mrd_tacasa+ server will it suport15:03
NewBMy pc is freezing ramdom... i have ubuntu 11.10 amd phenom ii x6 / ati hd4200 / ssd15:03
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
venluckeyif its freezing, is it doing it after you start programs, or just sitting there15:05
=== sguy is now known as sharperguy
Caillouxhey  =)15:11
AlanBellantaranian: best way is probably to do it via wifi, but if you really want to do it -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=121254815:12
sharperguyAnyone know if theres a way I can make an application search for a .so file in a local directory (e.g. in my home folder)?15:12
antaranianAlanBell: thanks, I'll check it now15:12
mx8sherperguy  find / -name *.so15:13
mx8or / change to /home directory15:13
sharperguymx8: What I mean is I'm getting a "no such file or directory" error because the .so file the application is looking for isn't in the standard location15:13
llutz_sharperguy: set LD_LIBRARY_PATH15:13
sharperguyllutz_: ok but do I have to recompile the application for that to work?15:14
llutz_sharperguy: no15:14
sharperguyah sweet15:14
sharperguyllutz_: ok that seems to have worked!15:15
llutz_sharperguy: you also could add the path to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*15:15
sharperguyllutz_: yeah I don't really need to for now but thanks for the help15:16
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
NewBhow i reset ubuntu to it default configuration... ?  (don't want to reformat)15:17
djazzHow can i make ubuntu to be less battery-hungry? using 11.10 on an Aspire TimelineX 3830TG15:23
Teratogenturn off the computer?15:24
aberturn of the monitor15:24
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.15:24
WLUdoes 11.10 ignore xorg.conf even if I manually put it in /etc/X11/15:24
SVNDRHow do i show hidden folders?15:27
AlanBellNewB: depends a bit on what you want to reset, perhaps you could create a new user for yourself?15:27
AlanBellSVNDR: in nautilus ctrl+h15:27
AlanBellSVNDR: or view-show hidden files15:28
SVNDRAlanBell: cheers mate, found it15:28
allu2Tell me, is update manager slow and bit unresponsive for everyone or is it just me? Eeepc 1001px ubuntu 11.1015:28
robin0800WLU: no15:28
AlanBelldjazz: turn off bluetooth and wifi, tweak the time for the hdd to spin down perhaps, lower screen brightness on a laptop. There should be power management improvements in 12.04 in April I think.15:29
WLUrobin0800: it seems that is is actually doing this unless it is now automated to fall back on a safe xorg.conf if there are mistakes15:30
AlanBellallu2: works OK for me on various atom powered computers, perhaps you could quantify the problem a bit as it is hard to compare15:30
chmacHow do I create a ramdisk as a partition, without mounting it? `mount -t tmpfs` doesn't work, because I don't want it mounted, I want it as a raw partition to extend an lvm onto.15:32
allu2AlanBell: say i press "check" button to fetch new changes, takes 10 sec before the dialog showing its updating the catche appears, then after it finishes update manager doesn't respond and turn to gray for maybe 5 seconds.. if i upgrade it first takes a while before upgrade dialog appears and then the dialog gets gray time to time too15:32
JohnQHandleHi. I've been dual booting Oneiric(upgraded from 11.04) & Win7 on my barebones pc hooked up to an LG TV via VGA. Everything was good until I decided to fresh install 11.10. Now I don't see grub on boot(tv says "invalid format"). I see the BIOS screen, then the message, and then the log in screen. Ideas?15:33
AlanBellallu2: sounds about right, it is doing a lot of checking. Generally you can ignore it until it pops up and when it does it should be ready for you to hit the button, then you can minimise it15:33
limeagechmac, probably  zram module will help you. This is not tmpfs  but   it will create block device in ram15:34
limeagechmac, moreover it will be compressed15:34
robin0800WLU: there are now fallback modes and safe recovery but I don't know how they work only what they do15:35
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
allu2AlanBell: still, the fact it turns gray just seems so depressing, also i don't understand how its faster if i open terminal and run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade then if i press "install updates" on the update manager :S15:35
chmaclimeage: Ok, sweet, compression probably isn't necessary in this case. I'm looking into zram now, thanks.15:35
allu2AlanBell: in the end doesn't the update manager do the same thing?15:35
AlanBellallu2: it does similar stuff, not sure how much of it is processed in python though15:36
AlanBellJohnQHandle: that sounds like something to do with kernel mode setting15:36
AlanBellJohnQHandle: you could try turning off KMS temporarily to see if that is what is putting the display into a mode the TV doesn't support https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting15:38
allu2AlanBell: i hope this kind of minor glitches will be fixed in 12.04, if the problem is with the update-manager and not the upgrade being slow it self i think it should be possible to improve responsivness :)15:38
otak                                                            15:38
JohnQHandleAlanBell, I'll check that out. Thanks15:38
djazzAlanBell: I dual-boot with Win7 and there the battery can last for about six hours, with wifi15:40
semslieHi. I've repurposed an old laptop as an ubuntu server. Ideally I'd like it to connect wirelessly to the network but I'm unsure about how a couple of things. 1st, once I've got the restricted drivers installed to detect my wireless card, can I run wpa_supplicant and/or network manager without the gui frontend?15:43
AlanBelldjazz: so how long does it last on Ubuntu then? and is it just the *warning* that is sooner or is it really running out15:43
_jasonsemslie: you can use nmcli to interact with network manager15:43
llutz_semslie: wpa_supplicant needs no gui15:44
djazzAlanBell:Not using ubuntu much when on battery, it's already down on 55%. Haven't tested until it dies though15:52
djazzSame with my netbook with ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix, it can be on for about an hour before it dies15:53
xubuntu5how old is the netbook?15:55
semsliellutz:  thanks, I couldn't see any clear documentation that mentioned that15:55
semsliedjazz:  wonderful - thanks15:55
semsliedjazz:  do you perhaps know the recommended way of installing and activating restricted drivers via the command line as well?15:56
=== luke is now known as Guest58407
djazzxubuntu5: 3 years15:57
djazzit wasnt very good back then either15:57
djazzcame with Linux Linpus Lite15:57
djazz8Gb SSD15:57
djazzsemslie: obviosly not15:57
semsliedjazz: thanks anyway15:58
AlanBelldjazz: there is a tool called powertop which can be used to track down power hungry applications15:59
otaksemslie: use aptitude or apt-get for installing15:59
djazzpowertop says im using about 20 W15:59
djazz23,7 W atm16:00
semslieOtak: thanks, but my question is more about whether there is a "best practice" path similar to the "install network drivers" option from ubuntu's desktop version16:01
thiago_hey, firefox too slow on a celeron computer :(16:01
AlanBellerr, different tool to the one I am thinking of perhaps. Mine doesn't show watts16:01
Androguythiago_: try chromium16:01
thiago_Androguy, chromium its a google chrome browser?16:02
djazzAlanBell: also, im using "powersave" on all CPU cores16:02
djazzAlanBell: PowerTOP says on the Tunables tab: "Enable SATA link power management for /dev/sda"16:05
thiago_Androguy, i'll try16:05
AlanBelldjazz: yeah, I just turned all the bad to good on the tuneables tab16:06
AlanBelland I realised it only reports the watts when not plugged in to AC16:06
djazzdown on 47%..16:07
=== boss is now known as Guest37063
=== lili is now known as lala
Guest37063is thise mean i should out and comein by that name you give me it16:09
AlanBelldjazz: I am down to 15w discharge rate on a core i3 laptop, I shut down firefox as that was using a lot of power16:09
waldendoes suspend work less well on ubuntu 11.11 than it did on 10.04?16:10
AlanBellGuest37063: the name you started with was already taken by someone else you can do "/nick anothername" to choose your name16:10
Guest37063no request16:10
janderson91zwhat's the difference between the 12.04 alpha and the daily builds? if you upgrade the alpha daily is it the same as a recent daily build?16:10
waldensuspend seems to always cause my filesystem to become unwriteable until i reboot16:10
AlanBellwalden: generally things get better, but if you have a specific regression it might be related to your hardware only16:11
llutz_janderson91z: #ubuntu+1 for discussion about precise, not here16:11
Guest37063i need my ubuntu ask for password every mount to a drive16:11
Guest37063can i16:11
AlanBelljanderson91z: yes, if you upgrade then it becomes the same as the dailys16:11
waldenAlanBell: i don't suppose booting from an SDHC would make the filesystem less reliable compared to booting from a USB drive?16:11
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janderson91zthank you alanbell. i was curious16:12
waldeni wonder if it's the transcend SDHC card i've be using16:12
proozHave anyone gotten sound via hdmi on geforce/nforce working?16:12
proozI've tried several versions of ubuntu and several different drivers, but no luck16:12
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almoxarifeprooz: what version you on now?16:13
AlanBellwalden: depends on the card, probably a good one (class 10) should be fine, I have a machine that boots from SDHC and that works fine (I don't reboot it much though)16:13
WLUis there any way to output an xorg.conf file that is currently in use from ubuntu 11.10 .16:13
proozalmoxarife: Atm, i've got 10.10 with the 270-drivers16:13
waldenAlanBell: hmm, thanks. it seems to work fine until i reboot16:14
llutz_WLU: stop X, run "sudo Xorg -configure" and check the resulting xorg.conf.new16:14
AlanBellGuest37063: how are you mounting the drive and what is it?16:14
pksadiqllutz_: he just requires to output the *current* used one, not a new one16:15
almoxarifeprooz: does the sound hardware show up?16:15
WLUllutz_: thanks will try that16:15
llutz_pksadiq: which should be identical16:15
pksadiqllutz_: may be no, its harder, cat path/to/xorg is easy :)16:16
proozalmoxarife: Yeah, i'ts card 1 and there's device 3,7,8,916:16
llutz_pksadiq: there is no xorg.conf by default16:16
Guest37063I want to raise the level of safety have16:16
Guest37063I want Ubuntu to request the password when i open any disk16:16
llutz_pksadiq: so what path do you want to check?16:16
almoxarifeprooz: and which device is highlighted/chosen?16:17
pksadiqllutz_: sorry, I didn't know that :O, but there is one in 10.0416:17
llutz_pksadiq: not by default16:17
proozalmoxarife: Where? You mean i alsamixer?16:18
almoxarifeprooz: no in the sound setup menu16:18
Guest37063please eny one help me16:18
proozalmoxarife: What sound setup menu?16:19
Guest37063I want to raise the level of safety have16:19
Guest37063I want Ubuntu to request the password when i open any disk16:19
proozalmoxarife: This machine has no window manager16:19
pip__newbie question:  I've seen a reference to this: $> ifup wlan0.  What in the world does the ">" refer to.  I get the $ is a standard terminal line & not # (root?)  I understand that the rest is about wireless interfaces.  I'm trying to work out how to use ifscheme.16:19
llutz_pip__: i'd guess its just a different prompt16:21
mran777hi there, can someone help? i'm trying to compile a C++ program and it says 'iostream: no such file or directory'16:21
pip__okay, I think....16:21
pip__you know what I'll just try16:22
AlanBellGuest2384678: I guess you should be looking at doing encrypted disks or something then16:22
pip__if it breaks I'll torment you all some more :)16:22
llutz_pip__: "ifup wlan0" is just a command and the leading ">" wouldn't make any sense16:23
llutz_as part of the command16:23
pip__I get the command bit, was wondering about the >16:23
AlanBellmran777: what is it you are trying to do?16:23
mran777compile a c++ program16:24
llutz_pip__: ask the author about his $PS116:24
AlanBellmran777: you are missing some kind of dependency that the thing you are trying to compile wants16:24
pip__his what?16:24
mran777yeah, its the standard iostream file16:24
mran777it cant find it16:24
llutz_pip__: the var defining the prompt in bash16:25
heinzmran777: pastebin your code and state the commandline you tried16:25
hceylanHello I have Ubuntu 11.10 on Sony VPCF116:26
hceylanI am missing sound input devices16:26
hceylanCan anybody help?16:26
mran777its quite a long program16:26
heinzmran777: let's start with the command line16:27
heinzdid you say 'gcc' or 'g++' ?16:27
pip__okay, I think I'm understanding it.16:28
Olafurgood afternoon, does anyone know how to get the sound going on ubuntu 11.10?16:30
bullgard6'~$ streamripper http://www.kdfc.com/pages/11695633.php; Connecting...; error -10 [SR_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_HEADER: Server is not a shoutcast stream]; bye..; shutting down.'  - I infer that is an unsuitable program for this purpose. What Ubuntu program will record this stream on a hard disk?16:33
r3zahi guys , i want to reduce the space between notification window and menu bar in ubuntu 11.10 , how can i do that ?16:33
bullgard6r3za: What desktop environment?16:34
r3zabullgard6: Gnome , Unity16:34
bullgard6r3za: I do not use Unity, sorry.16:35
r3zabullgard6: ok thanks BTW16:35
r3zahi guys i use Gnome/Unity and i want to reduce the space between notification window and menu bar in ubuntu 11.10 , how can i do that ?16:35
OlafurI have a problem with my sound, there isnt any. The terminal finds the sound card but still no sound, what can i do?16:35
xanguano idea if it works with oneiric r3za http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/configurable-notifyosd-bubbles-for.html16:36
bullgard6!sound | Olafur16:36
ubottuOlafur: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:36
Olafurbullgard6: what do you mean?16:36
r3zaxangua: ok i'll check it , thanks16:36
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Olafurseriously, my speakers are on, not on mute, volume high enough, the computer finds the sound card, but still there is no sound16:39
AlanBellOlafur: does a live cd play the drum noise?16:41
Olafurwhat drum noise?16:41
Sidewinder1Guess that answers that. :-(16:42
OlafurAlanBell: no sound at all16:42
OlafurAlanBell: youtube, cd, mp3, does not matter, no sound :(16:43
AlanBellwhat sound card?16:43
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:45
AlanBelland check again that the speakers are not plugged in to the mic port. we have all done that at some point!16:46
OlafurAlanBell: yesterday I was working on the sound, and someone here told me to remove pulseaudio, but then he/she had to go off line and w didnt finish what we started16:46
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AlanBelldid you test a live cd and hear no login sound?16:47
OlafurAlanBell: I have checked that few times now, but then the sound should come out from my screen, which it doesnt16:47
OlafurAlanBell: no log in sound16:47
OlafurAlanBell: when i run this computer on windows i get sound16:49
Olafurso it cant be miss plugged16:49
AlanBellwhat sound card?16:49
OlafurAlanBell: nVidia16:50
Olafurstill looking for the name of the soundcard16:50
AlanBellcan you do lspci and show us just the *one* line that is your soundcard, or pastebin the lot16:50
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Guest27611ya quelqun qui parle francais là ?16:50
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:51
OlafurAlanBell: udio device: nVidia Corporation Device 0bee (rev a1)16:51
OlafurAlanBell: Audio device: nVidia Corporation Device 0bee (rev a1)16:52
AlanBellOlafur: is this over hdmi?16:52
v3n0wHello guys. Im having a problem with linux serial communication. When I connect a serial device (arduino) on usb, linux appears to connect to the device and send some data. This behavior busys the device, so I cant communicate with it. What are the commands that cant help me debug this problem and/or to modify this behavior?16:52
OlafurAlanBell: yes it is over HDMI16:52
=== as456fgt is now known as dury
duryhi there channel )16:53
magnetronhi, i need a command-line tool for joining pdf pages that i can use in my script16:53
AlanBellhttp://kirichkov.com/707/getting-audio-through-hdmi-with-ubuntu-11-04-and-nvidia-ion-chipset/ perhaps16:54
llutz_!info pdfjam | magnetron this might help16:54
ubottumagnetron this might help: pdfjam (source: pdfjam): collection of PDF document handling utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.05-2 (oneiric), package size 43 kB, installed size 228 kB16:54
duryI did install google earth but it has ugly fonts in it16:55
magnetronllutz_: thx, i'll look into it16:55
duryI've got and I did   sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer but still with ugly fonts16:56
limeage!info pdftk | magnetron or this16:57
ubottumagnetron or this: pdftk (source: pdftk): tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.44-3 (oneiric), package size 925 kB, installed size 2772 kB16:57
OlafurAlanBell: I cant find sound preferences on the new ubuntu 11.10 sorry, but im going to get alsamixer16:57
owenllmagnetron: PDFTK is available http://www.pdflabs.com/docs/pdftk-cli-examples/ and also has a gui called pdf chain in the sortware center16:57
magnetronlimeage, owenll: thanks16:57
OlafurAlanBell: where is sound preferences on ubuntu 11.10?17:00
mkjackson_mobileI've been using a live usb installation to run oneric for a few months now and it's great!17:01
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mkjackson_mobileI've been wanting to put the installer ISO's on the drive as well so that after I diagnose I can then install it to the machine I'm running on17:02
mkjackson_mobilehowever, this only seems to work with the 32-bit install17:02
mkjackson_mobilewhen I try to put on the 64-bit version I get errors about "exec format error"17:03
owenllOlafur: when you click sound icon top bar there should be  sound settings option?17:04
mkjackson_mobile"Begin: regenerating SSL certificate... ...chroot: can't execute '/usr/sbin/make-ssl-cert': Exec format error" to be exact17:04
Olafurowenll: I was missing pulse audio17:05
owenllOlafur:  ok sorry17:05
mordofIf my grub gets messed up, can i use gparted to fix it or do i need an actual ubuntu live disk?17:07
salvatoretotisalve a tutti17:08
Olafurowenll: still missing my audio :S17:08
bullgard6'~$ streamripper http://www.kdfc.com/pages/11695633.php; Connecting...; error -10 [SR_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_HEADER: Server is not a shoutcast stream]; bye..; shutting down.'  - I infer that is an unsuitable program for this purpose. What Ubuntu program will record this stream on a hard disk?17:09
Olafurowenll: missing the sound icon in the top right corner,,, any idea what to do?17:09
agentgasmaskHi all. I built a raid 10 with mdadm specifying raid-devices=5 when I ment to have it =4 and leave one for a hot spare. Can I take one out? Or can I just reissue the create command with the =4 part substetuted?17:09
mkjackson_mobilemordof: gparted won't fix grub configs17:10
mkjackson_mobile(as far as I know)17:10
kroq-gar78Hey everyone. I just installed maven using Synaptic because it logs which packages are installed. How can I completely remove maven along with its dependencies? Do I just do "sudo apt-get autoremove maven2"?17:10
tweetHi all ! Anything on Ubuntu 11.10 networking issues ?17:10
agentgasmaskThe line to create was: mdadm -v --create /dev/md0 --level=10 --raid-devices=5 /dev/sd{d,e,f,g,h}17:10
zivesterwhere is the users crontab stored in ubuntu 11.10 ?17:11
Olafurthats for all who can help, missing sound icon in the top right corner, no sound, very annoying :)17:11
llutz_zivester: /var/spool/cron/crontabs17:12
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sstaagentgasmask: you're doing raid10 with an odd number of drives?17:12
mcsmurfrandom rant: Sometimes I hate Linux :( updated from 9.10 to 10.04 and now some Java app (using 3D graphics) does not work at all anymore over FreeNX17:12
mcsmurfwith the fglrx driver the app crashes, with radeon driver it says 3D not supported17:13
zivestereek... why is this empty17:13
mcsmurfthanks for listening ;)17:13
agentgasmaskssta: not intentionaly. I ment to have a raid 10 with 4 drives, and have a hot spare as the 5th.17:13
sstaagentgasmask: ah.  Thought it looked strange :)17:14
kroq-gar78zivester: you used "ls" as root? It says permission denied for me if I don't17:14
kroq-gar78ziverster: oh wait nvm17:14
zivesterwell i had a cron to backup all of /etc/ and /var/  and i was trying to look at the crontab i backed up.... but it doesn't seem to be there17:15
zivesterso i can't even check if my commands were even right, oh boy17:15
kroq-gar78zivester: wait yeah you have to sudo with ls17:15
zivesterwhere is the root cron stored?17:16
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prodigiusdid you run your cron as root?17:16
sstazivester: which?  There are (potentially) two17:17
prodigiusthe backup job that is17:17
zivesteri can't remember, hopefully i did because my user crons aren't in my backup17:17
sstazivester: there's /etc/crontab and /var/spool/cron17:17
sstausualy root cronjobs go in /etc/crontab17:17
prodigiusif you didn't use root to back it up or a sudo for another user running it, you won't get the /var/* either.17:17
ziga555Hay all17:18
prodigiushiya ziga55517:18
duryhi there again channel :)17:18
llutz_zivester: check /etc/cron.d/ and /etc/cron.[hourly|daily|weekly...] too17:18
sstayeah, those too...I always forget them.  Generally it's packages that puts stuff there though17:19
durydid solve ugly fonts after installing google earth17:19
prodigiusllutz_, are the entries in /etc/cron.d etc links to the crontab in /var/spool... ?17:19
durysuccess :)17:19
sstaprodigius: no17:19
prodigiusdury, did google earth mess up all desktop fonts too when you installed it?17:19
llutz_prodigius: not here17:20
duryprodigius: no17:21
kroq-gar78Hey everyone. I just installed maven using Synaptic because it logs which packages are installed. How can I completely remove maven along with its dependencies? When I try "sudo apt-get autoremove maven2", it only says its removing maven2, not its dependencies (which I only needed for maven)17:21
sstakroq-gar78: if packages are only there because of dependencies, you can remove them with: sudo apt-get autoremove17:21
durysudo apt-get install xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi  that's what I did and success17:22
magesingHow do I configure how my trackpad behaves under ubuntu? I would like to enable two finger scrolling and tap to click17:22
sstakroq-gar78: with no package name specified17:22
zivesterwell i suck.. i messed that up... whats a proper command to rsync backup /home/ /etc/ and /var/ ... i luckily found the commands i was using in the logs17:22
prodigiusssta, a theoretical question... would the apt-get autoremove screw up another package that was installed subsequently and used those dependencies?17:23
llutz_zivester: rsync -haux /home /var /etc /target       as root17:23
kroq-gar78ssta: I'll try that. Shouldn't doing "sudo apt-get remove maven2" and then "sudo apt-get autoremove" have the same effect as simply "sudo apt-get autoremove maven2"?17:23
zivesterhmm.. i was using -ah --delete17:23
sstakroq-gar78: no, you need to do it in two commands17:23
sstakroq-gar78: remove maven2, then autoremove17:24
zivesterllutz_ will that keep all permissions for /home/myuser and whatnot?17:24
ziga555what is the name of python-dev package ?Im trying to find, but without succes.17:24
kroq-gar78ssta: so I tried what you said, seems like it wants to remove _most_ of the packages it installed, then some of its dependencies it wants to remove on autoremove. Should I keep running autoremove or what?17:25
llutz_zivester: you have to run it as root to preserve permissions. i always use -Hx to make sure hardlinks are copied and no stuff from other filesystems (bind-mounts/links) is backuped17:25
dannelwhy would you need a developer packager? it's an interpreter, so no build toolchain needed17:25
azrielMy computer freezes at seemingly random intervals, I've found discussions about this online but not a direct and obvious way to fix it, I run Ubuntu 11.04 on a compaq presario cq5717:25
kroq-gar78ssta: I ran autoremove again after removing the 1st unnecessary packages, but it didn't uninstall all of the things it installed automatically during maven2 install. why and how do I fix it?17:26
sstakroq-gar78: maybe they're needed by something else17:26
sstakroq-gar78: in general, unless you're very short of diskspace, leave it be.  Remove stuff aggressively is liable to break things unless you understand why they;re there17:27
kroq-gar78ssta: but nothing else needed it before; I just installed maven2 ~10 minutes ago. No package upgrades since. Why can't I remove it?17:27
nobitanobihi. I've been trying to make my Ipod Touch to work in Ubuntu 11.04 but even though it charges through the USB, I can't find it with any music player. When I plug it in and I do a dmesg | grep usb, I get the following error: http://friendpaste.com/y6f1CoyG7tiTkilvUhgFH -- Please, any thoughts?17:27
zivesterso it's -Haux ?17:27
llutz_zivester:yes, its what _i_ prefer. but i'd suggest using rsnapshot for those backups, it uses rsync and you have kind of a version-history17:27
azrielnobitanobi: first is it jailbroken?17:28
nobitanobiNo, it's not17:28
kroq-gar78ssta: ok then. I'm not really low on space (not a lot of space taken), so I guess I'll leave it be. Thanks!17:28
=== bahaa is now known as bahax
brendan10211hey all17:28
kroq-gar78hey brendan1021117:28
brendan10211horray for 11.10 with xchat and docky17:28
nobitanobiazriel: why is that important?17:29
azrielit really does make it easier, but not always nessasary17:30
nobitanobiok, good to know... it's being pretty  a pain.. I can see the Ipod device by doing:  lsusb | grep Apple17:30
nobitanobibut there is no way it is being mounted :/17:30
JustMozzyhi guys. I'm having a weird problem with bluetooth. from my mobile phone I see a bluetooth device that carries my laptop's name, however bluetooth doesn't seem to be enabled in ubuntu. anyone any ideas?17:30
azriel*necessary,  banshee is what i use to put media on my Ipod so if you use that it should work without jailbreaking17:31
nobitanobiI've tried banshee too :/17:31
azrielthats odd :/17:32
nobitanobibanshee, clementine, gtkpod,17:32
nobitanobinone :!17:32
nobitanobiI believe that error I shown is the cause of this...17:32
azrielwhat have you done with your computer? any changes? you didn't do an upgrade did you >:|17:32
nobitanobiI'm under 11.04 and I do upgrades of Ubuntu of course17:33
zivesterthanks llutz_ running it now17:33
azrielok see that can cause alot of problems, you would be better putting your home folder on a seperate partition and jsut installing hte new version from a burnt disk17:34
azrielI'm looking over the error right now17:34
nobitanobithanks azriel17:34
g0thhow do I change the number of desktops in ubuntu/unity?17:35
azrielg0th: seriously?17:36
g0thI tried to change them in ccsm (setting virtual horizontal to 6 and the rest to 1)17:36
g0thsomehow it doesn't work :(17:36
azrielright click on the desktop changer and click the settings17:36
g0thit does not work17:36
g0thno menu opens17:36
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
azrielxfce is your friend17:36
g0thare you saying it is impossible to change the number of desktops in unity?17:37
azrielunity, thats why17:37
azrielumm i don't know i used unity just long enough to know how badly it sucks17:37
g0thI mentioned unity in my first post17:37
azrielsorry eyes glossed right over it17:37
nobitanobiazriel: sorry, I got disconnected.17:38
JackRelishDoes anyone know if installing kernels for later versions of Ubuntu (e.g. Precise, Oneric) on older versions (natty) could have adverse effects? I have been installing the latest versions from the kernel-ppa mainline to get fixes for a very specific iwlagn bug, and was worried about it causing other incompaibilities. Is there any risk of the kernel changing significantly enough for there to be issues? Thanks.17:38
azrielnobitanobi: it's all good, but i can't figure it out, for some reason your computer just seems to not register it, and the error doesn't seem to indicate what the exact problem is just where it occurs17:40
nobitanobiok azriel, no worries.17:40
azrielit could be the ipod or your computer, try a different ipod and a different comptuer17:40
nobitanobiI will keep fighting :P17:40
azrielgood luck to you man17:40
nobitanobiit works in mac os17:40
g0thanyone lese: how do I change the number of desktops in unity?17:40
g0thhmm, I meant the number of workspaces17:40
azrielanyone know how to fix the freezing problem on ubuntu 11.04?17:40
LinuxNoobhaha lol jk17:41
azriellinuxnoob >:|17:41
JackRelishg0th: I never switched to Unity, so can't say for sure, but if it still uses compiz you can install compizconfig-settings-manager and chang it there.17:41
g0ththat's what I did17:42
azrielanyone know how to fix the freezing problem on ubuntu 11.04?17:42
g0thand it had no effect17:42
JackRelishIs compiz running? In a terminal, run 'px ax | grep compiz'17:42
JackRelishI mean 'ps ax | grep compiz'17:43
anonymous229azirel , what you mean ?17:43
DJonesg0th: Have you tried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/34572/how-can-i-reduce-or-increase-the-number-of-workspaces-in-unity17:44
Krim404hi. i have aproblem with screen, looks like a bug in the binary. http://nopaste.info/a940888e9f.html - can someone tell me if i'm just stupid or is the bin really f**ed up17:44
g0thtried but it had no effect17:44
anonymous229azriel : your system stopping after 30-1h running?17:44
g0thcompiz is not running17:45
azrielit's random17:45
VolisWhat does "chmod 555 /dev/ttyS0" do?17:45
g0thJackRelish: I thought ccsm was not only for compiz but also for unity17:45
llutz_!permissions| Volis17:45
ubottuVolis: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:45
VolisDoes 555 stand for a user here?17:45
anonymous229azriel . i think you should install drivers to graphic card17:46
llutz_Volis: no for the permissions (-wx-wx-wx)17:46
azrielanonymous229: it will run for ten seconds and freeze sometimes, and some times for the whole day17:46
jolarenHow does one exchange keys with blowfish?17:46
tweetIs anyone using 11.10 64-bit desktop ?17:46
JackRelishg0th: As far as I know, ccsm only affects compiz. If compiz is not being used, it will have limited effect.17:46
llutz_rx not wx,17:46
jolarentweet: yup17:46
azrielanonymous229: how could i do that?17:46
Volisllutz, That is read and execute permissions for all, i guess?17:47
llutz_Volis: yes17:47
anonymous229try to find on google , drivers to your graphic card17:47
anonymous229its radeon ?17:47
llutz_Volis: nonsense to have executable-bit set on serial-devices17:48
Omerhi. i'm having a bluetooth problem. can anyone help me?17:48
=== hzhozo is now known as babalu
tweetHi Jolaren! I am having a nightmare with 11.10 64bit desktop - networking is killing me17:49
tweetethernet that is... I have a desktop here17:49
rakshasaAny SimpleScan users present?  Nobody's in #simple-scan ATM.17:49
rakshasaI need to figure out how to force simple-scan to scan in black and white.17:49
azrielsweet how could i get to know what what my card is?17:49
Volisllutz_, My USB modem's software was saying it cannot access serial port and needs permissions.17:49
llutz_Volis: sudo adduser youruser dialout17:50
Volisok trying that. I'll have to disconnect to try.17:50
llutz_Volis: you have to logout/relogin17:51
g0thJackRelish: I think that's not the case, it also effects unity/other wm17:51
g0thmy intereest is how to change the number of  workspaces in unity17:52
VolisXllutz_, I was already a member.17:54
VolisXllutz_, It still has the same error.17:54
VolisX"Cannot access serial port, make sure you have appropriate permission"17:54
llutz_VolisX: ls -l /dev/ttyS017:55
VolisXcr-xr-xr-x, 1 root dialout 417:56
VolisXllutz_, ^17:56
Omerhi, can anyone pls help me with bluetooth problem?17:57
llutz_VolisX: sudo chmod 660 /dev/ttyS017:57
JasonGriffeeOmer, just ask your question17:57
=== LinuxNoob is now known as Haylo
Omerprobook 4520s, ubuntu 11.10, Ralink Motorola BC4 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Adapter17:58
Omerlaptop doesn't recognize cellphone, and vice versa17:58
JackRelishOmer, set phone to discoverable and run hcitool scan17:59
tfhlapare there viruses on Ubuntu? I am using Chrome on Ubuntu 11.10 and it seems that I keep getting redirected to facebook apps and games, specially cityville and others18:00
find_92can someone help me?18:00
tfhlapalso I can see some facebook posts in my name, that I never did, (chrome, Ubuntu 11.10) ..18:00
jutnux!ask | find_9218:00
ubottufind_92: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:00
Volisllutz_, Doesn't work still.18:00
jutnuxtfhlap: There are certainly less viruses on Ubuntu than Windows.18:01
JasonGriffeeI am having a problem with ubuntu on not loading anything in the control panel, has a problem been reported?18:01
find_92i have a problem with trasmission it make down my connection18:01
jutnuxfind_92: I don't understand?18:01
tfhlapare there viruses on Ubuntu? I am using Chrome on Ubuntu 11.10 and it seems that I keep getting redirected to facebook apps and games, specially cityville and others18:01
tfhlapalso I can see some facebook posts in my name, that I never did, (chrome, Ubuntu 11.10) ..18:01
JasonGriffeetfhlap, never heard of one18:02
jutnuxtfhlap: Then you have been click jacked.18:02
OmerJackRelish, hcitool scan didn't find anything18:02
find_92jutnux after a while that i'am downloading with trasmission (torrent) my pc disconnect itself and i must restartXD18:02
JasonGriffeejutnux, click jacked? what is that?18:03
tfhlapjutnux, what is click jacked? how can I fix that?18:03
jutnuxJasonGriffee: You must have clicked on a link on Facebook.18:03
jutnuxfind_92: You mean the Internet disconnects?18:03
JackRelishOmer, Is bluetooth enabled? lsmod | grep bt && rfkill list18:03
PlizzoHi! I have a server running Ubuntu Server 11.10, and I wish to install some kind of DNS server so I can get name resolution to work over DNS, and also so I don't have to write lumen.local, but just lumen to reach the server.18:03
dr_willisPlizzo:  for a small set of machines. you could just edit the hosts file. assuming they have static ip18:04
PlizzoRight now I have Avahi installed, but this only gives me accesss to the name lumen.local, and it won't help me with name resolution when I'm connected to the server through VPN18:04
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GNUtoo|laptophi, I saw that ubuntu requires 5G of free space and xubuntu 4.4G of free space, I have to install ubuntu on an eeepc 701, what edition+livecd should I pick for installing?18:05
Plizzodr_willis: I do have a rather small home network, but editing the hosts file seems to be a bad option, given that installing a DNS server is probably the best one, and it would work cross-machine18:05
Guest86443evenin all18:05
Plizzodr_willis: I also connect to my server through VPN, and I can only reach the machines in my network through their ip-adresses, and I would like to get name resolving working18:06
dr_willisPlizzo:  assuming you can get the dnsserver working right. :) i just set my home router to do static ips and have about 8 lines in my hosts file.18:06
dr_willisPlizzo:  no idea on vpn. i dont use it.18:06
Guest86443hello earthrise18:06
dr_willisPlizzo:  i just use dyndns and port forwarding to get to differnt machines when away from home.18:06
dr_willisGNUtoo|laptop:  how much hd space do you have total?18:07
Plizzodr_willis: Have you ever set up a DNS on Ubuntu, I found some tuturials, but they all talk about zones etc, and I don't know what that is18:07
GNUtoo|laptopthe hdd is 4G18:07
dr_willisPlizzo:  now you know why i dont use dns. :) and use the hosts file.18:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:07
GNUtoo|laptopdr_willis, the xubuntu website says the alternate install cd requires only 2G of free space....18:08
dr_willisI think theres some samba-feature? that can help in resolving hostname to ip for the local lan. but i forget what it was called.18:08
GNUtoo|laptopdr_willis,  but what's the difference18:08
dr_willisGNUtoo|laptop:  lubuntu may need even less space.18:08
Plizzodr_willis: I use my server as a file storage, webserver and media machine, and the reason why I run VPN is because I don't want my files to be accesible if someone would get my password. VPN with certificates is much safer18:08
Plizzodr_willis: I do have Avahi, for bonjour broadcasting, which works, but not over VPN18:08
dr_willisPlizzo:  i just ssh to my machine. i dont get files from it across the internet.. So thats about the extent of my experience.18:09
dr_willisunless you count scping via my android phone. :)18:09
PlizzoIs there anyone who could help me set up a simple DNS server on Ubuntu server 11.10?18:09
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html18:09
jutnuxPlizzo: For how many domains?18:09
llutz_Plizzo: look at dnsmasq without the dhcp-part, it should be sufficient for a small network and easier to configure than bind918:09
jutnuxIf it's just one, use CloudFlare.18:09
Plizzojutnux: I'm unsure of what you mean, because I just need the DNS locally18:09
JackRelishPlizzo, install isc-dhcp-server and check out http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DHCP/x369.html18:10
dr_willisdnsmasq sounds like what ive heard from befor. :) never tried it.18:10
dr_willis!info dnsmasq18:10
ubottudnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): A small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.57-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 13 kB, installed size 120 kB18:10
GNUtoo|laptopdr_willis, it's the same they require more than 4GB but they have an alternate18:10
GNUtoo|laptopI'll try xubuntu alternate then18:10
Plizzollutz_: Is this easy to set up?18:10
jutnuxPlizzo: For how many domains?18:11
llutz_Plizzo: define "easy". read the documentation and decide yourself18:11
dr_willishttp://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html      Dnsmasq will serve names from the /etc/hosts file on the firewall machine: If the names of local machines are there, then they can all be addressed without having to maintain /etc/hosts on each machine.18:11
dr_willisso you just need to alter one hosts file - on the dns 'server'  :) that makes it a bit easier then a host file on each machine on the lan.18:11
Plizzollutz_: Because my problem is domain and zones, which I don't understand, I just need to have a local DNS running so that I can get a correct name resolution inside my network as well as when I am connected through VPN18:11
GNUtoo|laptopdr_willis, can I make the alternate iso go on an usb key like with kde-usb-installer or something like that?18:12
dr_willisGNUtoo|laptop:  i belive so. i rarely use the alt-installer.18:13
GNUtoo|laptopbecause the eeepc 701 has no cdrom drive18:13
dr_willisGNUtoo|laptop:  for 11.10+ you can 'dd' the iso files to flash also.18:13
GNUtoo|laptopok nice18:13
mcsmurfomg, I found a solution for my "java3d app crashes after update from 9.10 to 10.04" problem :D18:13
mcsmurfsetting LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 helps (using that program via FreeNX)18:14
GNUtoo|laptopI guess the installer is the ncurse-interface18:14
mcsmurfthis only took me 5 hours...18:14
GNUtoo|laptop*alternate installer18:14
GNUtoo|laptopwith more advanced options like encryption....18:14
tfhlapjutnux, what is click jacked? how can I fix that? I am using Chrome on Ubuntu 11.10 ... I installed and ran chkrootkit .. I didn't find anything18:14
IdanSuperhey guys! I really need help please abut Ubuntu on my new laptop model.. thank you!18:14
jutnuxtfhlap: Google it.18:15
Plizzollutz_: Can I just run sudo apt-get install dnsmasq?18:15
IdanSupersomeone here who could help me please?18:15
lewowpardhewow, room18:15
Plizzollutz_: It found the package, but there is no good documentation, do you happen to know where the config file is placed?18:15
llutz_Plizzo: " read the documentation and decide" if you think it will do what you want, yes18:15
tfhlapjutnux, is there any removal tools available on ubuntu?18:15
dr_willisPlizzo:  i imagine setting up a dns server is not going to be a '2 clicks and its done' thing.. you will have to do a little bit of configuring.18:16
ikoniatfhlap: that is not a virus18:16
ikoniatfhlap: it will be a facebook application exploit18:16
llutz_Plizzo: dr_willis already gave you a link to the documentation18:16
tfhlapikonia, this is only affecting chrome18:16
Plizzollutz_: I need something to be able to resolve names in my network, and a DNS should do that18:17
dr_willislooks like you set up  dnsmasq on a server. and sets its host file.18:17
ikoniatfhlap: yes, so the cookie or whatever application you enabled was probably enabled while you where using chrome18:17
GNUtoo|laptopif so I'd rather start adding internet forwarding trough ethernet (not wifi) using dnsmasq and friends18:17
dr_willisthen set the other pcs to use it as a dns server18:17
Plizzollutz_: But I do not know the difference between a DNS Forwarder and a DNS Server, or are they the same?18:17
llutz_Plizzo: have you even read what we wrote for you?18:17
Plizzollutz_: Yes, I'm reading everything now18:17
gbear14275hey guys... hoping to get help with 2 issues today...  1.  Flash player not letting me click on the (needs more storage space) thing, 2.  Backup (deja-dup) always displays an error when I find it's tried to run a backup18:17
A-KO|laptSo how do I nuke network manager or control it properly via the CLI? It's a pain in the ass to manage the network config remotely.18:18
Plizzollutz_: I'll try it out, thanks18:18
gbear14275anyone ran across these issues before?  I've heard the flash one involves flash corrupting its own folders and the permissions being messed up... but don't know how to fixx it18:19
ikoniagbear14275: you've not explained the problem18:19
gbear14275ikonia:  the basic problem is when flash pops up a request for more storage... you can't click on the box18:19
dr_willisperhaps a deep cleaning of the browser/flash cache/settings files..18:19
gbear14275completely unresponsive18:20
ikoniagbear14275: flash should not be asking you for more storage18:20
eduardoalguien habla español18:20
ikoniagbear14275: what is the exact error message18:20
ikonia!es | eduardo18:20
ubottueduardo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:20
dr_willisgbear14275:  ive heard of 'shift clicking' or 'right mouse button held-then clicking' fixs for similer flash issues.18:20
dr_willisbut ive never heard of flash asking for more storage either18:20
A-KO|laptSo how do I nuke network manager or control it properly via the CLI? It's a pain in the ass to manage the network config remotely.18:21
Bruce_WayneI created partition of my Portable HDD through windows... But in linux, I'm not able to edit current directories/files, for that I have to enter into root... How can I change permission for entire partitions?18:21
GNUtoo|laptopdr_willis, thanks for the help, I'll let you know if it fails or succed, currently wget says I need to wait about 10 min for the download to finish18:21
dr_willis!info nmcli18:22
ubottuPackage nmcli does not exist in oneiric18:22
dr_willis!find nmcli18:22
ubottuFile nmcli found in network-manager, network-manager-dbg, plasma-widget-networkmanagement, plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dbg18:22
eduardobueno, de todas formas os saludo a todos18:22
gbear14275ikonia:  http://tinypic.com/r/f4fkv7/518:22
gbear14275flash player requesting more storage.... is not an unusual occurence18:23
gbear14275now that window though is completely unclickable...18:23
Oergbear14275, try TAB and Spacebar18:24
gbear14275Oer, tried... even when I get to the accept box and use spacebar... it's not responsive18:24
lewowpard*oot* listen to steve jobs. never, ever use flash for your own good.18:24
gbear14275the button graphic appears to "click", but nothing happens18:24
gbear14275lewowpard, that doesn't help18:24
przemek_hello everybody18:25
gbear14275lewowpard, it's ok... you may be right :)18:25
Bruce_WayneHow can I change the permission of whole partitions of Portable HDD from root to normal user?18:25
lewowpardhi przemek18:25
przemek_I've got a problem with apache and userdir mod. When I enabled the mod apache started to list directories and options -idexes doesn't work any more18:26
dr_willisBruce_Wayne:  what filesystem is on the hdd?18:27
Bruce_Waynedr_willis: NTFS18:27
dr_willisBruce_Wayne:  you set proper options when mounting it.18:27
gbear14275ikonia, dr_willis:  I found this... But doesn't explain what permissions to fix and I'm not sure where the bug details are...http://forums.adobe.com/thread/57750518:27
dr_willisBruce_Wayne:  via ntfs-config tool is one way.18:27
harleydudeWhere do I change screen resolution? Version 11.04 Gnome Ubuntu18:27
dr_willisBruce_Wayne:  or setup a entry in /etc/fstab for the devive to use what options you want.18:27
Oergbear14275, i read flash wants to put a cookie, you block , maybe settings manager will help > http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager.html18:27
gbear14275Oer, I'll look into it but nonresponsiveness doesn't sound like a cookie issue to me18:28
Bruce_Waynedr_willis: Actually with NTFS config tool I created mounting point in /media/ for two of my partitions. But Ubuntu was unable to mount it and was showing some error.. So I googled up and wrote this code into terminal18:29
Bruce_Waynesudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sde2 /media/CYBER-BEAST18:29
dr_willisBruce_Wayne:  that is a one time mount..18:29
dr_willisyou can use exctra options to ntfs-3g to allow all users to access it.18:29
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:30
gbear14275looks like I'm not the only one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=978212&page=418:30
=== Acory is now known as FreezingCold
Omerlsmod | grep bt && rfkill list18:30
iToastI am wondering, whats more important for virtual machines on ubuntu server.18:31
iToastRam, or cpu18:31
iToastIm thinking of adding a hdd and freenas.18:31
FreezingColdHi, I seem to be unable to resize my LUKS partition, although it's probably that I am misunderstanding it.  After running "sudo cryptsetup -o 4096 -b 1363359000 resize crypt1 -v" it says command successful, but when I close it with LUKS, reopen it and show the size with LUKS status, it shows the old size still18:31
gbear14275ikonia, dr_willis, Oer :  Any ideas?18:31
Bruce_Waynedr_willis: DONE! there was umask specified to 0222 in /etc/fstab...! Thanks.. Got it. :)18:32
FreezingColdI am wondering why the size isn't sticking18:33
dr_willisBruce_Wayne:  dmask is also commonly used.18:33
gbear14275this might be the correct bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin/+bug/86567218:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 865672 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) "Adobe flash settings 'allow-deny' dialogue does not respond" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:33
FreezingColdI ran it as root, and it say it was successful18:33
=== phantom is now known as Guest11587
lorddeltaWhowever writes these things is a genius: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization the mkisofs command parameters here WORKED. :) Saved me time reading up on all the filesystem quirks.18:35
gbear14275Anyone had any problems with deja-dup?18:36
gbear14275or could someone point me to where the log for deja-dup is?18:37
OmerI have a bluetooth problem. laptop doesn't recognize cellphone, and vice versa. probook 4520s, ubuntu 11.10, Ralink Motorola BC4 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Adapter18:38
otakiToast: have you tried #vbox18:40
austinybhello, can anyone help me out with installing ubuntu on my netbook?18:42
rooti configured xinet tftpd on my computer18:42
=== root is now known as Guest11437
jajangaustinyb: i assume you would like to install it with flashdisk?18:42
austinybi have tried installing it by usb to no avail, and now using wubi i can only access non gui18:42
lewowpardaustinyb: it's easy. i myself am using netbook hp mini now :)18:43
austinybi have tried to install ubuntu-desktop and it says its already installed18:43
Guest11437i configured xinet tftpd on my computer ..when i access this server from localhost fetching of file is done18:43
=== erkan^ is now known as zippo^
jajangaustinyb: which program did you use to create usb bootable?18:43
Guest11437but when i try to access this server from some other computer it says permission denied18:43
Guest11437coudl someone help18:44
austinybuniversal usb installer18:44
austinybbut now i'm using wubi18:44
jajangfrom windows?18:44
mksogdnei can help18:44
gbear14275does canonical still sell desktop support plans for individuals?18:44
Guest11437mksogdne: me?18:44
KlojumI'm having an FSTAB problem. I'm trying to mount the Windows XP C-drive on a dualboot system using Ubuntu 11.10. The partition is mounted (/dev/sda1 /media/250GB_WINXP ntfs defaults 0 0), but Ubuntu applications like FreeFileSync still see the mounted partition as read-only... Anyone got a clue?18:45
=== zippo^ is now known as erkan^
lorddeltagbear14275: http://www.canonical.com/consumer-services/support18:45
=== Guest70419 is now known as Psychoholic
gbear14275thanks lorddelta18:46
jajanghmm, I'm not really familiar with that. I personally use unetbootin, works perfectly for me so far.18:46
=== Psychoholic is now known as Guest17685
austinybthis is the one caonical recommended18:46
austinybbut i think i might have figured it out18:46
jajangaustinyb: how?18:47
austinybjajang: well it had just finished installation and was in command line mode, so i just restarted haha18:48
jajangwell, good for you. And have fun!18:49
iToastotak this is running on ubuntu server..18:52
rodrigo-pchi personal18:57
rodrigo-pcMy 3G not work in KDE18:58
rodrigo-pcsomeone has a solution?18:58
rodrigo-pcHello mksogdne18:59
rodrigo-pcMy 3G not work in KDE [ Ubuntu for KDE, Kubuntu, etc]18:59
rodrigo-pcYou know a solution?19:00
mksogdnewhat type of modem u r using?19:00
ana_vorbeste cineva romaneste?19:00
rodrigo-pcI am live in Brazil19:01
rodrigo-pcMy modem is ZTE19:01
rodrigo-pcSorry my bad english19:01
mksogdnei ask by mobile or using any particular network modem19:01
derpellaHello. If I'll do sudo nautilius and remove some files, how can I remove them finally? Root has no trashbin, but the files are stuck somewhere, taking space...19:02
jc-2good day, i want to join to wine support19:03
otakrodrigo-pc: #ubuntu-br ?19:03
duryderpella: are you there?19:05
durygood question the one you asked19:05
otakjc-2: /join #winehq19:05
jc-2thank you19:06
duryderpella: you've deleted files sudo nautilus?19:06
derpellausing nautilius as root, yes19:06
derpellaI needed to clear logs19:07
duryderpella: so... you think those deleted files are somewhere19:07
derpellawell, the space wasn't freed19:08
duryderpella: in logs?19:08
derpellano, deleting logs19:08
=== bruno is now known as Guest21748
ubluntuwhats the approved way to reboot alsa + pulse audio ?19:09
duryderpella: don't understand... :(19:09
austinybis a fresh install of ubuntu supposed to be this unresponsive?19:10
derpellaI deleted logs which took much disc space using nautilius as root, and they are not removed, but ":trashed". Root doesn't have a trash, where are the files?19:10
ErenI'm using maverick and the official repository has gtk+2.0, version 2.22.019:10
=== Guest21748 is now known as Nikko
ErenI need gtk >= 2.2419:10
Erenis there any way that I can update gtk+ to 2.24 only?19:10
Nikkodo you know a good programm to convert rmvb to avi?19:11
nobody_ffmpeg :)19:11
JoeGazz84Hey guys, I've got a 12-cell battery that lasts 5-7 hours on windows but it always gives me a 6min warning on ubuntu after only like 5 minutes. What is causing this?19:11
mx8Nikko: Try ffmpeg19:11
JoeGazz84I have 78% battery left.19:11
Nikkothank you mx819:12
jpmshello, my ubuntu server is now stopping at grub after a shutdown -r now19:12
jpmsI need it to go straight up to the OS, any idea?19:12
durycan someone help derpella, please19:13
GNUtoo|laptopdr_willis, it's installing....I hope it goes until the end19:13
mx8jpms: sudo reboot 019:13
savidI'm looking for a good password management solution.  I'd like to start using randomly generated passwords for my websites, and then have them all encrypted.  More importantly, I need it to be portable, so that I can use it on multiple devices.19:13
jpmstnx mx8 lemme try19:13
durydeleted logs which took much disc space using nautilius as root, and they are not removed, but ":trashed". Root doesn't have a trash, where are the files?19:14
nobody_Guys, I need bluetooth PAN, so I compiled a kernel with bnep module. When I try to use pand it says "pand[3846]: Failed to connect to the local SDP server. Connection refused(111)"19:14
MarderIIIsavid: try keepass19:14
meerkatsim using 11.10's fallback, how do I activate unity? are there other options beside fallback and unity?19:15
mx8dury: root does not have trash it deletes directly19:15
=== zsp is now known as zloisop
derpellamx8: no, the disk space wasn't freed19:16
jpmsmx8: I was trying a bash script to wakeonlan the server and ssh once a ping was successful, so I was constantly halting the machine as root (~#halt). What could cause grub to stop like this?19:16
jpmsmx8: btw, reboot 0 worked19:17
elsidhow can I give user permission to change wifi networks?19:17
nobody_why does pand give me this error "pand[3846]: Failed to connect to the local SDP server. Connection refused(111)" ?19:17
mx8jpms: i do not know :(19:17
jpmsmx8:thnx a lot19:18
durymx8:  derpella said no19:18
aiutubuntuHi I'd like to run a dual boot and I don't want to erase ubuntu, using gparted what I have to do? I have 300 giga in all19:18
austinybwell ubuntu is too slow on my hardware, what version of ubuntu would you recommend for netbooks that have really low specs19:19
sstaaustinyb: lubuntu?19:19
duryderpella: I don't know... maybe you will notice when you restart the machine19:20
mx8derpella: hm . intresting19:20
otakaustinyb: there's lot's; xubuntu and crunchbang are good19:20
GNUtoo|laptopssta, there is also xubuntu with alternate install which I will try when it has finished installing19:20
GNUtoo|laptopah failure19:20
derpellano, dury19:20
duryderpella: all right sorry19:20
durymx8: then?19:21
=== z is now known as Guest47079
tomasm-i just did a system update and now firefox keeps on crashing.... is there a way i can revert my version to something more stable? it's really annoying19:21
GNUtoo|laptopdr_willis, it failled at the "choosing and installing software(translation from french)"19:21
derpellanah, you needed to ask :)19:21
GNUtoo|laptopit didn't say why tough19:22
mx8derpella: try cd /root19:22
austinybis kubuntu faster than ubuntu?19:22
austinybi saw something bout the unity gui or something being slower than previous versions19:22
derpellanothing is there19:22
otakaustinyb: doubt it19:22
mx8derpella: cd /root ; ls -a19:23
zgrHello, is it safe to install ubuntu from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ? Are those official images (haven't seen them in http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download) ?19:25
mx8zgr: http://www.ubuntu.com/download its safe19:27
edbianwhen's the next LTS?19:28
xtreamerI could use a help is this a support channel?19:29
derpellaFound them :) root/.local/share/Trash19:29
derpellathank you very much19:29
mx8xtreamer: yes19:29
zgrmx8: so, minimal cds are not official?19:30
duryderpella: good on you :)19:30
edbianWhen is the next ubuntu LTS?19:30
xtreamerso It is a bit complicated... i have an wubi installation19:30
xtreameron my c drive among with xp19:30
JasonGriffeehow do i speed up the xorg ati driver?19:30
mx8zgr: you can found them :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD#A64-bit_PC_.28amd64.2C_x86_64.29  here19:31
xtreamerand i've heard wubi is kind of slower19:31
edbianshould I install 10.04 LTS or 12.04 LTS ?19:31
duryderpella: did you do by terminal or nautilus as root?19:31
xtreamerso i would like to move from wubi to real ubuntu19:31
xtreamerbut keep xp19:31
xtreamerjust like installing ubuntu on a dualboot with xp, but i would like to keep the current settings from wubi19:32
JasonGriffee!poll | edbian19:32
mx8xtreamer: download ubuntu from : http://www.ubuntu.com/download19:32
ubottuedbian: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:32
Onepamopaguys, anyone knows why ip alias with mask doesnt work ?19:32
Onepamopa"cannot assing requested address"19:32
Onepamopaubuntu 11.1019:33
goozll`hello, i made a wifi adhoc network on windows and i was able to access it with another windows pc. however i'm failing to connect to it with my kubuntu computer (with network-manager). could someone help me please?19:33
urlin2uxtreamer, you have a wubi install now?19:34
OnepamopaC'mon guys Im on a clock here ...19:34
Onepamopawhy the f?cking ip alias eth0:0 does not allow mask
xtreamerand i like to make a real ubuntu install on a separate partition19:34
xtreamerfrom that wubi installation19:34
mx8Onepamopa: no19:34
duryubuntu 11.10 is it possible to keep classic gnome desktop in that release?19:34
Onepamopamx8 ?19:34
mx8Onepamopa: i do not know why alias does not work19:35
xtreamer@dury yes, when you logon you can select from there classic gnome desktop19:35
urlin2uxtreamer, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151935419:35
duryxtreamer: thanks indeed :)19:35
xtreamerno problem, hope you'll make it19:36
SeveasOnepamopa, because that netmask makes no sense whatsoever.19:36
duryxtreamer: I will no problem at all :)19:36
xtreamerurlin2u but, if i follow that tutorial, will i be able to boot both xp and ubuntu?:D19:37
xtreamerand transform the wubi installation into an usual ubuntu installation?19:37
duryxtreamer: by the way what are the differences between 11.04 and 11.1019:37
xtreameryou see i'm kindof new round here i don't know, i was just trying to find answers for me;))19:38
xtreamergoogle it19:38
duryok, sorry19:38
urlin2uxtreamer, apparently so I have not used it, you may have to put grub in the mbr, but I suspect the script to move it does al the voodoo.19:38
Seveasxtreamer, you cannot turn a wubi install into a normal install19:38
Seveasoh, that thing promises otherwise. YMMV19:39
xtreamerok, but can you tell me if is there any slight difference between wubi install and normal install19:39
urlin2uSeveas, yes you can read the link.19:39
xtreameron performance i mean19:39
Seveasxtreamer, I'd advice backing up before running code from the forums. But give it a try :)19:40
urlin2uxtreamer, a wubi is ubuntu without all the grub files basically the same.19:40
mx8xtreamer: i think no .19:40
urlin2ualways back up19:40
xtreamerwell, then i don't see why should i make the move;)) txs anyway19:40
xtreamertxs mx819:40
urlin2uxtreamer, you might read wjht the wubi designer says before considering keeping the wub.  http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/i.19:41
xtreamer@urlin2u the link changes when i click it i get something about inside-out open source19:43
urlin2uxtreamer, wubi may be pretty much the same but the difference is it is a file in windows not in its own partition, there is more difference then just the missing grub as far as stability.19:43
Doodie1hi, i need to know how to reset my irc password, please.19:43
xtreamerok then is there any way to save the settings from wubi and then install a clean version of ubuntu on a formatted partition and install the settings form wubi on it?19:44
urlin2uxtreamer, try this http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/19:44
xtreamerok now it works19:45
LmAtHow do I turn off TTY7?19:47
=== Guest17685 is now known as Psychoholic
ssta"turn off"?19:48
xtreameri don't think you can19:49
sstatty7 is generally where X sits19:49
sstayou want to turn off X?19:49
LmAtssta; Yeah, turn off X (I think it's gnome)19:50
urlin2uDoodie1, go to #freenode and request a change19:50
sstaLmAt: remove (or disable) the window manager package (lightdm, gdm, or xdm probably)19:50
LmAtssta; So to turn it off, I would disable it?19:51
LmAtssta; Is there a kill that I can do?19:51
otakLmAt: maybe service gdm stop ?19:51
sstathat works temporarily19:51
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sstaif you want to disable it always, edit /etc/init/gdm.conf19:53
LmAtssta; Hows come "service --status-all | more" doesn't work as expected?19:53
mksogdnehow i can copy my wallpaper to background folder in filesystem ?19:53
LmAtssta; But William McCann wrote that!  I can't modify it!19:54
=== kevin is now known as Guest97411
urlin2umksogdne, /usr/share/wallpaper read some links on the web with this19:54
sstaLmAt: because someone is an idioty.  For xsome reason it outputs to stderr ratehr than stdout.  Do: service --status-all 2>&1 | more19:55
LmAtssta; goodness...19:55
LmAtssta; I don't want it that badly ;)19:55
dr_willismake an alias ;)19:56
sstaLmAt: umm, why can't you modify it?  just add "never" to the "start on" stuff19:56
LmAtssta; uh-huh.19:56
xtreamerurlin2u i visited the link. so if they were planning to make a software on ubuntu 9.10 then there must be one software to upgrade from wubi 11.10 to a clean ubuntu 11.10 install on an empty partition:) is that right?19:56
urlin2umksogdne, when you say background you mean like the grub menu or login?19:56
LmAtdr_willis; you're an alias!19:56
sstanever and filesystem and ....19:56
LmAtssta; What is 'md'?19:56
sstaumm, metadisk maybe? I'm not sure19:57
urlin2uxtreamer, I doubt it we would know if there was one.19:57
manuel_hello, does someone know where does ubuntu locate the fax port? i mean the directory19:57
urlin2umksogdne, I don't PM19:57
xtreamerit is strange it isn't because i suppose i am not the only one with this issue19:57
kasiihi all19:58
manuel_hello, does someone know where does ubuntu locate the fax port? i mean the directory19:58
urlin2uxtreamer, most go to a straight install thats what it is designed for.19:58
kasiihi all19:58
dr_willisfax   old skool. ;)19:58
LiteApplewhat's the command to mount and unmount iso's?19:58
mksogdneno , i mean i want to copy my all my favorite wallpaper and pictures to /usr/share/background so it does not require to mount my hard disk!19:58
ravendo you know an electronic circuits realtime simulation tool?19:59
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:59
urlin2uLiteApple, sudo mount /dev/sdXX /mnt19:59
kasii i have a problem in  my ubuntu 11:1019:59
manuel_dr_willis: !fax what?19:59
kasii i have a problem in  my ubuntu 11:1019:59
LiteAppleany other commands?19:59
kasiianybody to help19:59
kasii me19:59
urlin2u!ask | kasii20:00
ubottukasii: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:00
douglkasii, explain your problem20:00
ravendo you know an electronic circuits realtime simulation tool?20:00
urlin2uLiteApple, I don't PM we keep it in the channel20:00
dr_willisraven:  spive and its varients20:00
kasiiit fails to shut down safely  even to restart20:00
urlin2uLiteApple, no biggie we want everybodies help. :D20:00
robbbieno up to date drivers for magic mouse?20:01
mksogdnei have a problem with simple lightdm manager ?20:01
LiteApplethe command i Use is mount -o loop file/game.iso /mnt/cdrom20:01
suzieq9302hi! My wireless won't enable lenovo B575. everytime I enable my wireless driver, my computer freezes - 11.04. RT3090 driver20:01
LiteAppleHow do I unmount?20:01
DaZumount /mnt/cdrom ? :f20:01
dr_willisnote no n in umount20:02
LiteAppleno n??20:02
LiteApplewhy no n?20:02
dr_willisi just said... no n20:02
LiteApplecrap come on guys20:02
sstathere was a shortage of n's that year20:02
LiteAppleI need a command20:02
dr_willishistorical reasons20:02
urlin2ukasii, I don't PM we keep it in the channel for everybodies help20:02
mksogdnecan anybody help me  , i have a problem with simple lightdm manager ?20:02
dr_willismksogdne:  give details20:03
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount20:03
urlin2u!pm | kasii20:03
ubottukasii: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:03
kasiimy ubuntu 11.10   fail to shut down safely it need me to press and hold the power button until it switch off20:03
kasiiso what  can i do20:04
suzieq9302hi! My wireless won't enable on a lenovo B575. everytime I enable my wireless driver, my computer freezes - 11.04. RT3090 driver. read many, many hours on internet and everything freezes my computer.20:04
kasiimy ubuntu 11.10   fail to shut down safely it need me to press and hold the power button until it switch off20:04
urlin2ukasii, for the record I woud not know where to start, and be careful about PMing without asking.20:04
kasiiurlin2u help me20:05
urlin2ukasii, okay get a big sledgehammer and put it out of your misery.20:05
suzieq9302My wireless won't enable on a lenovo B575. everytime I enable my wireless driver, my computer freezes - 11.04. RT3090 driver - online one person fixed it by moving the boot order of my network driver before their ubuntu started, how would I do that?20:08
kasiiurlin2u it was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:08
=== gabriele is now known as Guest10565
kasii urlin2u it was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:09
=== Guest10565 is now known as gabriele_0100
urlin2ukasii, I don't know thweanswer do you understand that.20:09
kasiiurlin2u so to help me20:09
jutnuxkasii: Your rudeness will not encourage anyone else to help.20:10
suzieq9302My wireless won't enable on a lenovo B575. everytime I enable my wireless driver, my computer freezes - 11.04. RT3090 driver - online one person fixed it by moving the boot order of my network driver before their ubuntu started, how would I do that? Any other ideas?20:10
kasiiurlin2u aint rude20:10
mksogdne i want to copy my all my favorite wallpaper and pictures to /usr/share/background so it does not require to mount my hard disk!20:10
jutnuxI was talking to you.20:10
kasiiurlin2u aint rude20:10
urlin2ukasii, what20:11
kasiiaint rude urlin2u20:11
suzieq9302My wireless won't enable on a lenovo B575. everytime I enable my wireless driver, my computer freezes - 11.04. RT3090 driver - online one person fixed it by moving the boot order of my network driver before their ubuntu started, how would I do that? Any other ideas? Please, I don't want to go back to windows20:11
mwdecaviamksogdne: what is stopping you?20:11
=== Guest47079 is now known as faux_sho
jutnuxsuzieq9302: Have you tried unetbootin?20:11
kasiiurlin2u aint rude20:11
ikoniakasii: please stop saying every thing 3 times20:12
suzieq9302thank you jutnux! no, what is that and how do I?20:12
kasiiit was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:12
jutnuxNot unetbootin20:12
jutnuxI mean ndiswrapper.20:12
kasiiit was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:12
mwdecaviamksogdne: how are you trying to copy?20:12
kasiiit was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:12
jutnuxThank-you Ikonia.20:13
mksogdneby right click20:13
suzieq9302no, I haven't... what do I do?20:13
jutnuxThere are some guides on Google, basically it allows you to use Windows drivers on Linux.20:14
kasiiit was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:14
douglHi kasii20:14
kasiihow do u do dougl20:15
douglsame thanks = you?20:15
kasiican u help me my problem20:15
suzieq9302alright, I'm going to look around on the net, thank you, maybe that will help. on my windows side, the wireless is always disabled, and I have to enable it. when I do that (fn-f5) on my linux side it freezes (:( ). maybe ndiswrapper is the trick20:15
mwdecaviamksogdne: from a terminal window would definitely work, saying "cp -R -p olddirname /usr/share/backgroun20:15
mwdecaviad "20:15
mksogdneplz elaborate ?20:16
kasiiit was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:17
mwdecaviamksogdne: do you know how to get a terminal window?20:17
ikoniakasii: stop repeating the same thing over and over20:17
kasiiit was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:17
bs_can i make desktop effect in ubuntu 11.10 gnome?20:17
jutnuxkasii: Just ask once, jesus.20:17
mksogdnei am asking about the command !20:17
suzieq9302meerr, I can't install ndiswrapper because I can't get on the internet, bummer20:18
ikoniajutnux: it will end now, if he comes back please give him a chance20:18
jutnuxOf course, I did sign the Ubuntu CoC ;)20:18
mwdecaviamksogdne: cd to the directory above the one containing all your backgrounds, then type "cp -R -p (the name of the directory holding the backgrounds) /usr/share/background", it will copy everything including subdirectories to /usr/share/background20:20
guntbert!askthebot > manuel_20:20
ubottumanuel_, please see my private message20:20
manuel_how can i fax with my hp officejet 5615 in ubuntu?20:21
bs_what is the best download manager for files?20:21
austinybdoes anyone know why i'm receiving the message "No root file system is defined" after installation of xubuntu from wubi20:21
jutnuxbs_: jDownloader is good, as is FatRat.20:21
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
bs_jutnux, is it fast in downloading files from the internet?20:21
jutnuxIt speeds up your download20:22
manuel_fax fax fax20:22
FloodBot1manuel_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
jutnux!spam | manuel_20:22
jutnuxbs_: But it is only as fast as your Internet.20:22
bs_jutnux, how about uget and kget?20:22
mksogdnei want to change my splash screen ?20:23
sjtestgood day all :)20:23
douglgood day20:23
sjtestthis seems to work \o/ sorry for the noise! bye20:23
bs_jutnux, how about uget and kget?20:24
dwigtonLooking for a solution to being stuck in unity 2d. I only get a wallpaper in 3d mode.20:24
suzieq9302does 11.10 have a lot of issues or should I not upgrade from 11.04?20:26
bs_which is better uget or kget as file download manager?20:26
sstasuzieq9302: 11.10 works fine.  Especially if you like Unity.20:26
suzieq9302i don't like unity, sorry, but I do want to upgrade20:27
dwigton11.10 is great for me at home. I am having a little graphics trouble at work, but I think it is an outlier problem20:27
sstasuzieq9302: there's a bazillion guides on the internet about how to switch from unity to gnome.  Why not try it in a VM first and see if you have any issues?20:27
dwigtonUnity gets a bit more polished in 11.10 but still requires compiz configuration manager.20:27
rujarunity to gnome: change session to gnome classic right?20:28
Q-collectivehey all, I was wondering if anyone was interested in giving this idea a shot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1905352 (cloning the OSX backup software, called Time Machine, to Linux as open source software)20:28
sstarujar: you have to install it first...it's not installed by default in 11.1020:28
manuel_dieeeeeee bitcheeeeeeeeeees20:29
magmaI have a user that is not admin, and ubuntu is always asking for admin password when he tries to change the wireless network (i.e. connect to other network)... why does this happen20:29
gorgon25Sorry to be a pain, can anyone read this post20:29
TeratogenI installed VLC, but I don't see the VLC icon on the desktop20:29
rujarssta, install it through the package manager (call software centre there in the system part) you install (reinstall) the gnome-base.. it's in there20:29
g0thhow do I change the number of worspaces in unity/ubuntu?20:29
Teratogenwhat did I do wrong?20:29
faux_shogorgon25: yep20:29
manuel_suck my dick20:29
bs_which is better uget or kget as file download manager?20:29
dwigtongorgon25: no one can see it.20:29
faux_sho!poll | bs_20:30
ubottubs_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:30
gorgon25thanks buddy :)20:30
dr_willisTeratogen: coyuld be you need to logout/back in. or some how get the menus to reload. Or just run from a terminal. and pin it to the panel20:30
rujarssta, the gnome package in total I mean ofcourse20:30
Teratogenwell, the standard desktop has a top task bar and some icons running down the left side20:30
Teratogenwouldn't the VLC icon be added to those?20:31
sstarujar: I know how it's done, I was telling suzieq :)20:31
Teratogenis there a menu like KDE for programs?20:31
dr_willisTeratogen:  they may need to get refreshed/reloaded...20:31
dr_willisTeratogen:  'like kde' ?20:31
rujarssta: lolled20:31
sstaTeratogen: not usually, no.  You have to add it.20:31
Teratogenssta, ok20:31
dwigtonhas anyone had experience getting unity to display in 3d mode. I am only getting a wallpaper.20:31
dr_willisTeratogen:  theres classic gnome type menu indicator applets also20:31
Teratogendr_willis, KDE has a "start" menu, from which you can launch most if not all graphical apps20:32
frxstremhello, I have just rebooted my computer and suddenly the screen resolution dropped to 1024x768 for no apparent reason; can anyone help me, please?20:32
dr_willisTeratogen:  list of them at the askubuntu.com (i may have it bookmarked at delicious.com/dr_willis )20:32
Teratogenok thanks20:32
rujarfrxstrem, can you manually change the resolution back?20:32
g0thhow do I change the number of worspaces in unity/ubuntu?20:33
frxstremrujar: no, I only have the options for 1024x768 and 800x600 (my usual resolution is 1600x900)20:33
dr_willisg0th:  ccsm tool can do that.20:34
dr_willisg0th:  but i think with unity it has to be a 2 x X mutiple.20:34
OliveGreenHi all.20:34
g0thdr_willis: at the moment I have 4 horizontal and 1 vertical20:35
g0thand any change in ccsm doesn't do anything20:35
rujarfrxstrem, what does lspci say?20:35
OliveGreenIs there a way I can uninstall Firefox, along with all the extensions I installed on it, and not just the browser itself?20:35
SupYoshiHey guys, question, I uninstalled a package on accident and then it removed some databases I believe and files20:35
SupYoshifrom databases... =/ and now theyre gone i think20:35
g0thI don't even know where unity is getting the "4" from, I never found it anywhere20:35
dr_willisOliveGreen:  if the user installed extensions.. they are in their .firefox or .mozilla dir.20:36
Q-collectiveOliveGreen: the extensions are installed in ~/.firefox/plugins/20:36
SupYoshithis is what happened20:36
TeratogenOliveGreen, Firefox IS ther browser20:36
frxstremrujar: http://pastebin.com/Yex4R7Lq20:36
Teratogenerr, the*20:36
OliveGreenTeratogen, Yeah. I know. I guess I failed to explain myself correctly. :-)20:37
Teratogenyou just want to remove the extensions?20:37
Teratogenextensions are good, usually20:37
OliveGreendr_willis, Q-collective and Teratogen. Thanks. :)20:37
dr_willisfirefox has its own interface to remove extensions...20:38
Q-collectivejust remove the via firefox20:38
TeratogenYes, Ubuntu add two annoying extensions to Firefox.20:38
OliveGreenTeratogen, actually, I wanted to completely uninstall Firefox and install it back again.20:38
dr_willisOliveGreen:  for what reason?20:39
dr_willisOliveGreen:  that will NOT reset the users firefox settings20:39
rujarfrxstrem, did you try reinstalling the nvidia-current package?\20:40
OliveGreenTeratogen, I'm not sure what happened, but shortly after I installed the extensions Textareachache and Lazarus, Firefox started acting really weird.20:40
Q-collectiveOliveGreen: if you want to clear out any possible user related settings (bookmarks, extensions, etc), you need to delete the ~/.mozilla or the ~/.firefox directory.20:40
Q-collectiveyou can also rename them, so they are backed up20:40
OliveGreensorry, that was for you dr_willis. :)20:40
OliveGreenQ-collective, I see.20:40
SupYoshiplease help :(20:41
dr_willisOliveGreen:  remove/rein stalling firefox will NOT touch the user installed extensions.20:41
dr_willisOliveGreen:  move/rename your .firefox dir, or  use the ff tools to remove extensions20:41
douglSupYoshi, so you are missing files? I don't understand your issue.20:41
SupYoshiit removed these files :(20:42
SupYoshiCan i get em back? :(20:42
SupYoshiI needed em x__x20:42
Q-collectiveSupYoshi: do you have a backup?20:42
sstaSupYoshi: they're probably gone unless you have a backup20:42
SupYoshi:3 cool20:42
bs_can i run paltalk on ubuntu 11.1020:42
SupYoshiyea well its basicly standard xbmc trash20:42
SupYoshiI just need tor einstall my whole xbmc system now20:42
SupYoshi(Like i did 1 day ago)20:43
SupYoshito get em back :320:43
SupYoshitheyre standard.. but still20:43
FloodBot1SupYoshi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
guntbert!enter | SupYoshi20:43
ubottuSupYoshi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:43
AlanBellSupYoshi: it didn't remove any databases or data20:43
SupYoshii have no idea how to get em back :3.... Maybe I could just copy em from the live cd i used20:43
frxstremrjuar: I've done it now, so I'll just reboot and see if that works20:43
frxstrem^ rujar *20:44
SupYoshiAllenbell: What did it do then? I need to get that stuff back :D IF u know how I would be so awesomness20:44
dr_willisuse the pakage manager tools to reinstall the app.20:44
SupYoshiBefore I was able to access, hostname:8080, and after I did this stuff, it says file not found, it seems like I removed some databases, for mysql... =/ somehow :O20:44
AlanBellit just removed some packages, you can put them back with sudo apt-get install asterisk-mysql xbmc xbmc-bin . . . etc20:44
AlanBellSupYoshi: you have installed something which conflicts with the other stuff, if you reinstall the stuff that was removed then mysql-cluster-client will be removed20:45
SupYoshiAlanBell: if this works you are my hero... :D20:45
AlanBellSupYoshi: looking at it this might be a packaging bug20:46
frxstremrujar: no, it didn't work :(20:46
sstaXBMC is a third party thing....who knows what packaging problems it has20:46
mwdecaviais there any linux/ubuntu solution for viewing web pages which depend on activex controls?20:46
rujarfrxstrem, ok, does it show any propietry drivers?20:47
AlanBellmwdecavia: possibly a windows browser running under wine, but I wouldn't be too hopeful about it20:47
mwdecaviaty AlanBell20:48
Q-collectiveyeah, ActiveX pretty much runs only in Windows20:48
Q-collectiveMS made sure of that20:48
mongymwdecavia, not the best solution but a virtual install of windows...20:48
SupYoshiHey THNX ! It worked :D WOoohooo :D20:49
rujarfrxstrem, another possibility is to manually activate the driver in the xorg.conf. do you know how to that?20:49
frxstremrujar: well...I tried running nvidia-xconfig20:49
frxstrembut that just make my computer freeze during boot20:49
AlanBellSupYoshi: yay \o/ I suspect that mysql-cluster-client conflicts with mysql-client-core and a heap of other things depend on mysql-client-core20:50
mwdecaviaI was trying to configure a jetdirect by it's builin web page, but the page depends on installing an activex control from the jetdirect to the pc, and windows rejects the activex control for security reasons20:50
kasiihi all20:51
rujarfrxstrem, does the xorg.conf mention nvidia gt?20:51
Successhi all20:51
AlanBellhi kasii, welcome back, please ask your question once20:52
rujarhi kasii and Success20:52
sstamwdecavia: oh...you should be able to telnet to a jetdirect to configure it.  Usually they don't need much configuring though20:52
evandroidwelcome all20:52
Successi installed gnome3. i logged into it ever since i cant access my applications, it broke unity. it might have something to do with that while trying to install kde it failed on something idk what20:52
kasiiit was about few days a go i was  updating my pc through update manager  after that it gives me  to run partial upgrading and after that a problem arise20:52
evandroidnice system20:52
sstakasii: unless you can give more detail than that,l you're never getting an answer (no matter how many times you ask)20:53
AlanBellkasii: can you please start a terminal and run sudo apt-get update20:53
g0thhow do I change the number of worspaces in unity/ubuntu?20:53
Successit started and did a couple things and on one of the downloads/installs it stopped at 0% (internet fail) internet showed as going but it didnt work all my terminals failed and everything ui still worked20:53
AlanBellkasii: followed by sudo apt-get upgrade, then paste the results to paste.ubuntu.com20:53
g0thI tried ccsm but no matter what I do in "general options -> desktop stuff" it has no effect20:53
kasiiokay let me type the commnd then am gonna give the output20:53
AlanBellkasii: do not paste the output here20:54
AlanBell!paste | kasii20:54
ubottukasii: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:54
kasiiso whrere to paste20:54
yeats!pastebin | kasii20:54
Teratogendidn't Microsoft give up on Silverlight?20:54
Successuse pastee.org20:54
EvilToasterDoes anyone know how to disable vims browsing function? without chroot or something like that20:54
Teratogenoff topic20:54
frxstremrujar: it mentions "nvidia" as a device driver, whatever that means...20:55
AlanBellkasii: after you have put the results on paste.ubuntu.com you can paste the URL to the page in here20:55
kasiialan bell the url is this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/796373/20:57
AlanBellkasii: "sudo apt-get update"20:57
kasiilet me type that20:57
kofaHi, I need some help with oneiric.21:00
AlanBell!ask | kofa21:00
ubottukofa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:00
Q-collectivehey all, I was wondering if anyone was interested in giving this idea a shot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1905352 (cloning the OSX backup software, called Time Machine, to Linux as open source software)21:01
sstaQ-collective: this is probably the wrong channel to be asking is.  This is for users, not developers21:02
ikoniaQ-collective: please don't post that sort of thing here, it's a support channel not a team gathering channel21:02
kasiialanbell take this url   http://paste.ubuntu.com/796377/21:02
g0thhow do I change the number of worspaces in unity/ubuntu?21:02
kofaI have small kids, and want to prevent them from opening the DVD tray by pressing the eject button. Prior to oneiric, placing /bin/mount /dev/scd0 and /usr/bin/eject -i 1 in /etc/rc.local worked (with a disc in the drive at all times). With oneiric, the DVD is often ejected when entering standby mode, and after resume, it can be ejected using the eject button.21:03
AlanBellkasii: ok, that completed without errors, it looks fine. Now try "sudo apt-get upgrade"21:03
kasiialanbell  this url http://paste.ubuntu.com/796377/21:03
axisysI were able to run alt+ctl+bkspc to kill the X in natty and previous releases.. how do I do it in oneric ?21:03
Q-collectivessta, ikonia: you have possible alternatives? Also, I would argue this thread is for users too. What I am hoping for is more users saying "what a grand idea! I'm putting down €50 too!", time 100 or so, so some devs mights get interested.21:04
kofaI'm on 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:34:47 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux (uname -a)21:04
dr_willis!dontzap | axisys21:04
ubottuaxisys: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap21:04
AlanBellkasii: really, I saw it the first time, if you put my name on a line I *will* see it21:04
axisysdr_willis: thanks21:04
ikoniaQ-collective: it is a good idea, but trying to get people to fund your ideas is not really the usage of this channel21:04
root_can you help me?21:04
ikoniaQ-collective: similar results can be obtained if you put thought into using rsync21:04
AlanBellhi root_ , please don't IRC as root21:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:05
axisysdr_willis: says 9.10 or higher.. so technically that should work for 11.10 .. unless there is a newer doc ?21:05
Q-collectiveikonia: Time Machine is basically just a shiny front for rsync. I know rsync. I want a shiny, easy to use and efficient frontend ;)21:05
ikoniaQ-collective: there are guis for rsync21:06
jake1is there a way to do a repair install of ubuntu 11.10 from cd21:06
mwdecaviaQ-collective: tk/tcl makes front ends easy(er)21:06
axisysdr_willis: never mind..21:07
h066i1yHey this is a test21:07
sstaQ-collective: qtdsync (I think that's the name) is almost the same -- it does incrementals using hardlinks.  This really is offtopic for here though.  Try #ubuntu-offtopic21:07
dr_willis!info unison21:07
ubottuunison (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32.52-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 559 kB, installed size 1416 kB21:07
paolo8can you help me?21:07
Q-collectivessta: I'll have a look21:07
h066i1yhelp you with what?21:07
kasiialanbell it tells me command not found  that sudo get-apt upgrade21:07
=== misha is now known as Guest22601
paolo8i want install drver nvida21:07
=== Guest22601 is now known as Misha__
=== Misha__ is now known as Misha90
h066i1ydo you like cake21:08
paolo8"ERROR: The Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use by your system. This21:08
paolo8driver is incompatible with the NVIDIA driver, and must be disabled21:08
paolo8before proceeding. Please consult the NVIDIA driver README and your21:08
paolo8Linux distribution's documentation for details on how to correctly21:08
paolo8disable the Nouveau kernel driver."21:08
FloodBot1paolo8: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:08
axisyskasii: apt-gte21:08
axisyskasii: apt-get21:08
AlanBellkasii: it is not get-apt, it is apt-get. "sudo apt-get upgrade"21:08
dr_willispaolo8:  you installijng via the repos? or nvidias whatever.run command method?21:08
paolo8i have backtrack5 based ubuntu 10.04 lts21:08
=== XThief_ is now known as XThief
dr_willispaolo8:  use the nvidia drivers in the repos. and it should do it automatically.  You should be checking out the Backtrack channel.21:09
ikoniapaolo8: #backtrack-linux is the correct place to ask21:09
AlanBellpaolo8: backtrack is not ubuntu and is supported in it's own channel somewhere21:09
paolo8the problem is nouveau kernel21:09
g0thbtw is it ok if I repeat my question every 15 minutes or so?21:10
ikoniapaolo8: #backtrack-linux is the correct place to ask21:10
ikoniag0th: perfect21:10
g0thhow do I change the number of worspaces in unity/ubuntu?21:10
jake1i broke my ubuntu trying to get rid of unity...now it sticks on spash screen at CUPS Enabled21:10
paolo8#backtrack-linux :Cannot send to channel21:11
AlanBellg0th: yes, that is a reasonable timescale :) so, if you install compizconfig-settings-manager there is a setting for it21:11
ikoniapaolo8: you need to be registered21:11
ikonia!register | paolo821:11
ubottupaolo8: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:11
ikoniapaolo8: ask #freenode can help you with getting registered21:11
mwdecaviag0th: every time you've repeated that question, you've misspelled "workspace" in the same way21:11
kofajake1: you can try another session type, try the cogwheel icon at the logon dialog.21:11
urlin2ujake1, you need t9 give the detrails leading you there.21:11
kasiialanbell url this after type the command http://paste.ubuntu.com/796386/21:11
AlanBellg0th: in the compiz general options, there is a tab for desktop size, you can set the horizontal and vertical number of desktops there21:12
Oerg0th, https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-help/shell-workspaces.html21:12
jake1what dou mean by session type? i don't get to a login dialog?21:12
AlanBellkasii: ok, that completed without error too. There is nothing wrong with your package system and your computer is fully up to date21:12
kofajake1: sorry, I thought you get stuck after login. :-(21:13
kasiiso as i try to shut it down even to restart it load for along but it wont reste21:13
jake1nope i get stuck before login..it just sits there doing nothing21:14
kasiirestart or to shut down21:14
kasiiso AllanBell what to do21:14
kasiicuz its really irritating me21:15
jake1this iswhat i used http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-oneiric-remove-unity-and.html21:15
CelphishCan anyone tell me how to uninstall a citrix receiver in ubuntu?21:15
dr_willisjake1:  you dont get to the lightdm login screen?21:15
CelphishI need to install an older version21:15
dr_willisCelphish:  depends on how you installed it.21:16
friskdHey all anyone ubber familiar w/ Curl.   I'm having a bizzare issue.21:16
jake1dr_willis: no login screen dies at spash statrup 5 dots go across for hours21:16
kasiicuz its really irritating me AllanBell21:16
g0thohh, someone responded, sorry21:16
dr_willis!nomodeset | jake121:16
ubottujake1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:16
friskdDoing this: curl --insecure --include -i http://api.mysite.com/categories.json   is different than doing this: curl --insecure --include -I http://api.mysite.com/categories.json21:16
kasiias it fails shut down21:16
dr_willisjake1:  or try the 'text' kernel option to get to a console login.21:16
dr_willis!text | jake121:16
ubottujake1: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:16
friskdthe difference being the lowercase vs capital I21:16
Celphishdr_willis: well, it is a live cd.. hmm.. maybe I should just restart and try again21:16
g0thAlanBell: I used ccsm to change the number but it had no effect at all21:16
kasiiallanbell are u there21:16
friskdIt causes different behavior in my code and i'm trying to figure out why21:16
Celphishbut before I do, got another question for you, if I start with the live cd, and install a bunch of programs and get them to work, and decide to install, will the changes I've made be saved?21:17
AlanBellg0th: unity 2d or 3d?21:17
g0thI don't know21:17
kasiiallan read ma posts21:17
AlanBellkasii: here and many many other places21:17
kasiisorry for that21:17
bastidrazorfriskd: look at the manpage for curl21:17
Celphishnvm, I'll be right back, have to reboot21:17
friskdbastidrazor: I did, but i'm not finding anything that would indicate the issue.21:18
kasiiso what can i do @Allanbell21:18
mx8kassi: what is your problem ?21:18
g0thhow do I find out if I have unity 2d or 3d?21:19
AlanBellkasii: I don't really know, but I just googled and found this troubleshooting guide for shutdown issues -> http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/39504.aspx21:19
jake1i will try the repair broken system on the CD thanks21:19
Myrtti!tab > kasii21:19
ubottukasii, please see my private message21:19
AlanBellg0th: is the launcher bar black or a darker shade of your desktop wallpaper? I suspect you have unity 2d21:20
g0thwhich launcher?21:21
g0thlets assume I have unity 2d anyway21:21
rujarbtw, is there already a solution to the compiz-moving-windows-slowdown-bug for aticards?21:22
xtreamerwhen I start my pc it doesnt stop on the dualboot screen and so it directly starts with ubuntu, is there any method to edit the boot to see also the windows xp  on boot?21:23
AlanBellxtreamer: if you hold down shift from bootup you should get to the grub screen21:24
xtreameronly if?21:24
xtreameri mean shouldnt it appear automatticaly?21:25
guntbertxtreamer: have a look into /etc/default/grub   - but you can press <shift> at boot time till the grub menu appears21:25
stowodahow and what to save/backup when I want to do a new install of ubuntu?21:25
AlanBellxtreamer: yeah, it should, I don't know why it isn't but that might help you get to it so you can see what is going on21:25
xtreamer@guntbert and now what should i do with the grub file21:25
AlanBellstowoda: depends on what it is you want to keep really21:26
stowodaAlanBell,  my personal data first of all21:27
xtreamerso what must i modify on the grub file because there is no mention of windows in here21:27
AlanBellstowoda: what operating system?21:27
guntbertxtreamer: find the line GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0  and put a # in front, like #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=021:27
stowodaubuntu.. aehm maverick21:27
DoctorDwhat other linux & ubuntu related channels are on freenode ?21:27
escott!alis | DoctorD21:27
ubottuDoctorD: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:27
xtreamerso it is the hidden timeout that should be disabled ok21:27
guntbertxtreamer: and the run sudo update-grub21:27
AlanBellxtreamer: personally I would first try holding shift before editing any files21:28
xtreamerguntbert what about the grub_hidden_timeout_quiet=true21:28
AlanBelllets see if you can get into windows or if windows is even there21:28
xtreameris that ok?21:28
DoctorD!msg alis list #ubuntu21:28
ubottuDoctorD: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:28
AlanBellDoctorD:  it is a /21:28
guntbertxtreamer: yes, that remains21:28
stowodaAlanBell, I am working on maverick meerkat21:28
xtreamerok txs i'll give it a shot21:28
DoctorD@AlanBell: thanks21:29
AlanBellstowoda: ok, so you have been using maverick, and you want to do a clean install of 11.10  oneiric but you want to back up data first?21:29
AlanBellstowoda: you should be fine taking a backup of everything under /home21:29
stowodaAlanBell, ok... just copy /home somewhere ?21:30
stowodaAlanBell, like: cp -r /home /mnt/EXTUSB/ ?21:31
guntbertAlanBell: wouldn't /etc be also wise for stowoda (just in case...) ?21:32
AlanBellyes, could be handy, but don't randomly put that one back21:32
stowodawhat is the content of /etc ?21:32
AlanBellit is lots of application settings that you could have customised, but probably haven't21:33
xtreamerok so now the boot appears but there is no windows xp option21:33
escottstowoda, you want to use the -a argument to protect permissions. also not a good idea to copy to FAT as it wont respect permissions21:33
AlanBellxtreamer: how did you install Ubuntu and XP?21:33
xtreamerinitially i had xp then i installed wubi now i have migrated wubi to an empty partition away from windows21:34
stowodaescott, hmm... what about ntfs ?21:34
xtreamerso where can i find in the old wubi installation the bootloader file?21:34
AlanBellpermissions are probably not a big deal for your personal data files stowoda. Is it a single user computer?21:34
sstantfs won't either (unless you're plugged into a windows domain)21:34
stowodaAlanBell, yes it is21:35
stowodassta, ok understand21:35
xtreamerok so alanbell initially when using wubi and xp i was not using grub, i was using boot.ini21:35
xtreamerfrom windows21:35
xtreamernow i installed grub loader21:35
g0thI restarted unity and everything crashed21:36
xtreamerso what should i copy from boot.ini to grub file in order to make it work?21:36
urlin2uxtreamer, boot into ubuntu s=and run sudo update-grub again21:36
g0thanyway I still have the same problem:21:36
AlanBellxtreamer: ok, I don't know much about wubi (or windows), but someone else may be able to track down where your windows went to21:36
kasiiallanbell i have try this sudo reboot 0 and repeat then action21:36
urlin2uxtreamer, no copying from the old bootloader will be your answer here.21:36
g0thHow do I change the number of workspaces in unity/ubuntu? I tried to use ccsm => general options => etc.. but all the changes there seem to have no effect at all...21:37
AlanBellg0th: yeah, I am not sure where the unity2d dimensions are set21:37
Owner__you know how you can install chromium with non-free codecs?  how would you do that in Windows?21:37
stowodaonce I have installed ubuntu I just have to copy /home back?21:37
escottstowoda, same problem. you can back up the data, but you have to be aware that your permissions will be broken which matters for things like ssh keys21:37
g0thhow do I switch to 3d?21:37
AlanBell!tab | kasii21:37
ubottukasii: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:37
urlin2uxtreamer, have you run a update-grub from the ubuntu yet?21:37
AurigaSometimes I get an issue with hitting a key, & that key getting stuck, nothing I do can stop it from being entered again, & again, except restarting the system, any ideas what this is?21:37
xtreameri have, now:))21:37
kasiiokay thanks for that21:38
stowodaescott, hmm. ok21:38
urlin2uxtreamer, that should do it21:38
xtreamerwait to see if it appears anything about windows in the grub file21:38
xtreameri mean urlin2u you know what i did i migrated wubi to another partition21:39
urlin2uxtreamer, it would show (XP) in the terminal whan you run the command you can run it again if you want.21:39
xtreameryes it shows21:39
xtreamerfound microsoft xp pro21:39
xtreamerbla bla21:39
urlin2uxtreamer, I recognized that yes.21:39
urlin2uxtreamer, I think your in like flynn. :D21:39
xtreamerok, i'll give it a try txs21:39
kasiiAlanBell,  anything more21:40
kasiiabout ma priblem21:40
g0thfound it!!21:40
g0thgconftool-2 -s -t int /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces 621:40
stowodathere are often updates for ubuntu.. in many cases I dont know what they are for. should I generally install them all?21:40
AlanBellkasii: I have no idea what you have done, you were looking at a troubleshooting guide right?21:40
g0thbut no "normal"/dummy user will find this21:40
Ben64stowoda: yes21:40
overcluckerstowoda: if you archive your home foldeer, you could store on fat or ntfs21:40
AlanBellg0th: normal users are not supposed to want more!21:40
g0ththey should always strive for more21:41
stowodaBen64, hmm ok if you say so21:41
Successhow do i reset unity21:41
Ben64stowoda: they are bugfixes and security updates for the most part\21:41
Successits not seeing my applications21:41
stowodaoverclucker, you are sure?21:41
kasiiAlanBell, give me the guide21:41
overcluckerstowoda: something like tar -capf home.tar.bz2 /home/yourname/*21:41
rujarsuccess: logout, login21:41
AlanBellkasii: I don't really know, but I just googled and found this troubleshooting guide for shutdown issues -> http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/39504.aspx21:42
pnormanI was going to ask a question about the compatibility of a AOC-USAS2-L8e SAS/SATA card with Ubuntu. Would this be better addressed to ubuntuforums, help.ubuntu.com or askubuntu?21:42
AlanBellis what I said earlier kasii21:42
stowodaoverclucker, is it wise to tar them all?21:42
g0thotherwise it would mean that we make the assumption that "normal" users are dumb and not interested in much, which might be correct but despite beeing correct we still want to believe that this is not the case resp. try to make it a reality ^^21:42
overcluckerstowoda: tar will preserve permissions if you tell it to21:42
stowodaoverclucker, understand..21:42
g0thissue solved :)21:42
JasonGriffeeI am outputting my video to a TV via VGA, but It is off-center. How can I remedy this?21:42
kasiilet me check it  AlanBell21:42
Successrujar: already tried that21:42
kofaQ-collective: while not exactly a pretty frontend, dirvish is a nice rsync-based solution for automatic backups with history21:43
AlanBellg0th: it isn't assuming that, it is setting sensible defaults that people don't need to change. 4 workspaces is fine for most users.21:43
Successgnome 3 broke it21:43
overcluckerstowoda: tar is made for creating backup archives21:43
g0thyeah but if we assume that users want to change this value according to their needs we need to make it "reasonably" simple to do that21:43
Successi guess not. well how do i make it see my applications then21:43
elias123how register in #backtrack-linux21:44
stowodaoverclucker, does: tar -capf home.tar.bz2 /home/yourname/* has a progress bar ?21:44
g0th4 workspaces is really very few21:44
AlanBell!register > elias12321:44
elias123in freenode server?21:44
ubottuelias123, please see my private message21:44
g0theven 6 is often not enough21:44
Celphishaand back with a fresh booted livecd, time to battle that damn citrix receiver21:44
AlanBellelias123: ask in #freenode if you need further assistance with that21:44
faux_shoJasonGriffee: It might be your tv. Have you gone through the video menu? I had to change my tv's resolution settings to match what I had it set to in Ubuntu.21:45
overcluckerstowoda: no, if you did 'tar -capvf' it will be verbose abotu which files it is archiving, no progress report though21:45
AlanBellSuccess: is it that the applications lens is broken?21:45
elias123I am already registered on freenode21:45
stowodaoverclucker, will do it that way. thank You21:45
elias123i want ask in #backtrack-linux21:46
AlanBellelias123: probably because your ircname is root, but once again, this is not the right place to ask21:46
Successwhats applications lens21:46
elias123nickname and relaname elia12321:46
AlanBellSuccess: does the dash open and have some icons at the bottom, one being music, one files and possibly one applications?21:46
dr_williselias123:  go ask in #freenode21:46
xtreamerum... txs a lot, it worked!21:46
stowodaoverclucker, do I need to be root to execute that command?21:47
elias123ok but how command for ask in #backtrack-linux21:47
Successyes it has that21:47
dr_williselias123:  /join #freenode   ans ask about your joining issues.21:47
AlanBellelias123: go and ask in #freenode, and /whois yourself. You are called root and probably banned for your own safety21:48
Successbut the only things that work are the files and direct links21:48
AlanBellSuccess: ok, the apps lens is broken then it seems21:48
overcluckerstowoda: you can safely. that's what the p in -cavpf if for. it protects file permissions when using tar as root21:49
kofaOn oneiric, I have System Settings -> Screen -> Lock: ON Lock screen after: 30 seconds - but it never locks.21:49
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest45467
SuccessAlanBell: how do I fix it?21:51
kasiiAlanBell,  still try to do but no success21:52
xtreamerwhat's the problem kasii21:52
Successi saw somewhere just now to do unity --reset i got a couple errors saying no /com/canocal/unity/lens/files21:52
AlanBellSuccess: good question, the package is unity-lens-applications, could try reinstalling it21:52
JasonGriffeefaux_sho: Thank you, come to find out the "computer settings" on my TV where separate from "Picture Settings". Found them after a double take.21:53
=== greentux is now known as greentux|ganteng
Successok thanks ill do sudo apt-get install unity-lens-applications21:53
DonJuan692006Ive got a desktop that I'm trying to get to boot into Ubuntu 11.10 from USB that's just sitting at the ubuntu boot logo21:53
faux_shoJasonGriffee: No problem. Glad it's working.21:53
ActionParsnipDonJuan692006: what video chip do you use?21:54
DonJuan692006Radeon HD 577021:54
ActionParsnipDonJuan692006: did you MD5 test the ISO you put on the USB?21:54
DonJuan692006Yea...checked out fine21:54
dr_willis!nomodeset | DonJuan69200621:55
ubottuDonJuan692006: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:55
DonJuan692006The display is fine and ive installed Ubuntu 11.04 on this machine before so I don't think that's it.21:56
DonJuan692006Its probably note worthy that the reason I21:56
LABcrabHey!  With Chromium, i don't have a "little left white arrow" in the Unity Dock, despite the browser being open.  What's happening?21:57
DonJuan692006I'm trying to do this is because I'm trying to get a hard drive partition fixed for a friend.21:57
* Cinober is back from: auto-away after 15m idle (been away for 1d 12h 19m)21:57
DonJuan692006Windows isn't recognizing the drive and is wanting to format the partition. I wanted to try using the disk utility in ubuntu21:57
xtreamerdonjuan maybe you should have a look into bios to see if it can read usb under bios21:58
fantastic001my friend wants to install mint in virtual box, but when she puts .iso in vbox, she gets an "loading..." message, does anyone knows what is the problem ? Linux Mint LXDE 11 32bit, host os is windows xp21:58
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | DonJuan692006 try this21:58
ubottuDonJuan692006 try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:58
telloneCan I make a bash script trigger everytime i connect an external hdd?21:58
LABcrabi also can't Alt-Tab to Chromium!  Why21:59
dr_willisDonJuan692006:  without the nomodset options the opensourced drivers can get confused.. try nomodset option from the option menus of the live cd.21:59
DonJuan692006I just used a different USB drive to load up the Windows installer fine.21:59
DonJuan692006I'll give it a shot21:59
ActionParsniptellone: sure, just make a udev rule21:59
[deXter]fantastic001, That's offtopic here, join #linuxmint22:00
DonJuan692006Sorry for not identifying who I'm talking to. I'm on a kindle and typing is a pain.22:01
guntbert!tab | DonJuan69200622:01
ubottuDonJuan692006: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:01
fantastic001[deXter]: ok, thanks :)22:01
LABcrabDonJuan692006: Kindle!?  How can you do that on a kindle?22:01
guntbert!ot | LABcrab22:01
ubottuLABcrab: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:01
LABcrabguntbert: i asked twice about Chromium not working with Alt-Tab and the sidebar!22:02
DonJuan692006Labcrab: Rooted it and installed the regular Android market22:02
guntbertLABcrab: yes, but thats no reason to talk about non support questions here - please :)22:02
vatolocohello, first time using irc22:03
z3braHello ! Can someone help me please ? I'm trying to get an expression between quotes in a line of a file (using sed)22:04
ArcUser355hi all mind if i ask a few questions?22:04
guntbertArcUser355: if htey are ubuntu support questions - go ahead22:04
guntbertvatoloco:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:05
ArcUser355well they relate more to arcemu22:05
bencccan one upstart job control two processes?22:05
ArcUser355just general question though22:05
monohedronhi i'm looking for the name of a certain function. when i'm typing while the focus is on the desktop a little textbox opens. where is this input going or what is it good for?22:05
benccor maybe have two upstart jobs in the same package?22:05
LABcrabThis is frustrating that Chromium won't use the Unity Dock properly!22:05
vatolocoyes i do how can i make banshee or rythmbox go online and look for album art for my entire library?22:06
guntbert!ot | ArcUser35522:06
ubottuArcUser355: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:06
dr_willismonohedron:  i think thats a feature of the nautilus filemanager22:06
AlanBellLABcrab: I can't offer any help beyond "works for me", do other applications work fine?22:06
guntbertLABcrab: here it does22:06
monohedrondr_willis, i'm not talking about F222:06
LABcrabguntbert: and AlanBell: others, yes.  Chromium, when i press on the Dock button, opens a new window instead of going to the opened window.  Also, Alt-Tab doesn't show Chromium.22:07
AlanBellLABcrab: how did you install chromium?22:07
guntbertLABcrab: how did you install chromium?22:07
dr_willismonohedron:  on any nautilus window i think if you enter text, it shows at bottom right and works as a file filter.selection22:07
DonJuan692006Labcrab: hit me up on Google Talk at Bob692006 if you want to talk about he Kindle.22:07
ActionParsnipLABcrab: works flawlessly here22:07
ActionParsnipLABcrab: do you use the daily build?22:08
overcluckerz3bra: sounds like a job for frep or awk, not sed22:08
DonJuan692006Trying using nomodeset now.22:08
monohedronok but i don't have a nautilus window open22:08
LABcrabAlanBell and guntbert: sudo apt-get or software centre, can't remember.  Probably apt-get.22:08
overcluckerz3bra: erm, i mean grep, not frep22:08
dr_willismonohedron:  the desktop is also a nautilus window..22:08
escottz3bra, try -e 's/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/'22:08
ActionParsnipLABcrab: daily has the progress bar for download in the unity bar (not sure if the repo one does that, I always add the ppa)22:08
monohedronoh ok any idea whether that is documented ?22:08
dr_willismonohedron:  seen it mentioned at some blog sites.. i rarely use the gui these days.22:08
guntbertLABcrab: in any case through the ubuntu software system22:09
dr_willismonohedron:  i bet its asked about on the askubuntu.com site22:09
LABcrabguntbert: That way is preferable?22:09
monohedronyes you are right22:09
monohedrondr_willis, thanks it highlights matching files22:09
monohedronin nautilus aas well as on the desktop22:09
bitfHi, can't access browser history and bookmarks because of firefox zombie process. I can kill it by killing firefox, but it pops up again when I start up.22:10
guntbertLABcrab: both methods are essentially equal - do you have unity or unity 2D?22:10
z3braoverclucker: I'd like to use ONLY grep to manage this, but if I can't...22:10
CelphishAnyone here had any problems with Citrix receiver and ubuntu? I've keep getting ssl-error 29 :(22:10
AlanBellLABcrab: yeah, from the standard repositories is best, if you install from source or from google then it might not be as well integrated with unity22:10
LABcrabguntbert: 3D, computer has an HDMI port, uses built-in laptop screen, no problems with Video.22:10
z3braescott: That works, but i get ALL the lines of the file22:10
escottz3bra, and what do you want?22:11
z3braExactly, put the version of my ubuntu (from the /etc/lsb-release file) into a variable22:11
guntbertLABcrab: then I really have no idea, sorry   .... hmm, try to remove the icon from the launcher and re-add it22:11
Doodiehi, I created launcer in top panel in gnome classics in ubuntu 11.10, but now i cannot remove them . Alt + Right click doesnot work. what to do?22:12
LABcrabguntbert: Once it leaves the Dock, it never comes back.22:12
guntbertLABcrab: you can drag it from the lens22:13
escottz3bra, then you want -e '/\".*\"/s/the rest is the same'22:13
klikniwhat would be the good way to partiotion 120GB HD for ubuntu installation?22:13
ActionParsnipklikni: is it for dual boot or is all 120Gb for Ubuntu?>22:13
kliknisingle ubuntu use22:13
z3braescott: without '(' & ')' so ?22:13
z3braOh no, ok ;)22:14
bitfHi, can't access browser history and bookmarks because of firefox zombie process. I can kill it by killing firefox, but it pops up again when I start up.22:14
bastidrazorklikni: 10GB / the rest /home22:14
bastidrazorklikni: and 2GB /swap..22:14
ActionParsnipklikni: 10Gb ext4 for /, 1.2xRAM for swap (I assum more than 2Gb system RAM), the rest in ext4 for /home     assuming all 120Gb is for ubuntuy22:14
escottz3bra, sorry -n -e '/match expresssion/{substitute expression; p}'22:14
LABcrabguntbert: ?22:14
z3braOkay =) So, sed works exactly like Vim ?22:15
escottz3bra, where match expression is /\".*\"/ and substitute expression is the s/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/22:15
ActionParsnipklikni: if you have less than 2Gb system RAM, then double the amount of ram you have and use that as swap22:15
overcluckerz3bra: other way around22:15
Celphishwill a p3 1ghz and 512mb ram be able to run ubuntu 11.10 smoothly?22:15
krackprobably not22:15
ActionParsnipCelphish: I'd use Lubuntu or Xubuntu but it should be fine22:15
dr_willisCelphish:  id reccomend Lubuntu22:16
Celphishso no unity?22:16
guntbertLABcrab: if you open the lens, you select internet, then you should be able to drag the chromium icon to the launcher22:16
Celphishcause I can't stand the old menus, I want to be able to search in the menu, like in mint, or windows 722:16
z3braescott: same result... I get all 4 lines22:16
overcluckerz3bra: grep -oE '\".*\"' | sed -e 's/\"//g'22:17
escottz3bra, sed -n -e '/\".*\"/{s/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/;p}' /etc/lsb-release22:17
krackCelphish: you can install linuxmint menu, on ubuntu22:17
ActionParsnipCelphish: you can use unity2d and it will be a lot smoother22:17
escottz3bra, you were probably forgetting the -n22:17
dr_willisUnity hasd search features. theres old-classic menu type indicator-applets listed at the askubuntu.com indicator applet listing22:17
ActionParsnipCelphish: what gpu is the system using?22:17
klikniActionParsnip: I have 2gb ram. So no need to make partitions for installation and home or whatever? Just straight swap (~4gb) and ext4 rest?22:17
LABcrabguntbert: Nice attempt.  What happens is that the icon just disappears when i drop it on the Dock.  Launching it also doesn't make it appear on the Dock.22:17
ActionParsnipklikni: seperate /home isn't dependant on ram amount22:18
CelphishActionParsnip: well, it's a dell c400 laptop, so.. integrated crap? :D22:18
z3braescott: Your cmd runs infinitly :/22:18
ActionParsnipklikni: it just makes life a little simpler, have a 2.2Gb swap space and you'll be ok22:18
z3braoverclucker: as yours overclucker22:18
guntbertLABcrab: then I have really no idea - sorry22:18
overcluckerz3bra: did you run that without a pipe or input file?22:18
CelphishI would love to run it on this laptop, my work-laptop, but I can't get the citrix-receiver to work, which is required for my work22:19
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=== thomas1 is now known as thomas`
krackCan any1 help with a problem i got on me ubuntu 11.10?22:19
ActionParsnipCelphish: you could install ubuntu minimal then install unity2D, it will make the desktop more responsive and leave more ram for your apps22:19
escottz3bra, thats a direct copy out of my command line and prints only the Ubuntu 11.10 part of my lsb-release file22:19
z3brano escott, i just copy pasted your cmd :/22:19
overcluckerz3bra: cat /etc/lsb-release | grep -oE '\".*\"' | sed -e 's/\"//g'22:19
ardianHelp, i need some help I have an Ubuntu box 10.04 it's a pc and I connected my Wireless usb22:19
z3braoverclucker: I forgotted the file... Shame on me :/22:19
ardianhow do I search for networks it's not like in mylaptop22:20
ardiani don't know if its working with Ubuntu22:20
dr_willisardian:  nautilus file manager, places menu item.22:20
kracki think he means internet usb stick22:20
LABcrabguntbert: No worries.  It's just that those Ubuntu glitches really bug me.22:20
ardiandr_willis, it's only the wired icon not wireless22:20
ActionParsnipardian: sudo iwlist scan22:20
z3braoverclucker: Your command works better with an input file :P22:20
z3braThanks for the help !!22:20
dr_willisardian:  if you see a wired machine, but not the wireless machine. its possible theres some network firewalling going on, or service not running22:21
krackOn my ubuntu 11.10 box, i cant use the log file viewer, it crashes after ~30 sec.22:21
dr_willisardian:  or else we are not understanding what you are asking.22:21
z3braI'll use this one, and start to understand exactly how 'sed' works22:21
ActionParsnipkrack: is it the same as a differentg user?22:21
krackit continues to use up more ram22:21
ActionParsnipkrack: what if you run it with gksudo?22:21
krackuntil it kills itself22:22
krackwhen it runs out of memory22:22
z3braThanks overclucker and escott =)22:22
kracki'll try22:22
krackso i ran i with gksudo but it doesnt show anything22:24
kracknot even a sidepanel22:24
ardiandr_willis, how do I enable iwconfig the wireless ? from CLI22:24
dr_willisardian:  i just use network manager icon and click click.. if the card is not seen by iwlist, or iwconfig, youmay need to load some drivers for it.22:25
krackjust a window pops up and i can click on some munu stuff22:25
ActionParsnipkrack: does it run ok if you make a new user and run it as that?22:25
KentrelCan someone help me figure out why I can't get my USB microphone to work. It's a Samson COU1 and it's recognised automatically, but I can't record anything. Checked all the levels22:25
klikniPartitioning loooks like this now: /dev/sdc1 ext4 109.79GiB and /dev/sdc2 exended 2.00 GiB with /dev/sdc5 linux-swap 2.00GiB. Is it OK?22:25
krackhow do i do that without logging off?22:25
ardiandr_willis, I mean how do I start the service, on my laptop the network manager icon is just fine works well but this pc had only wired so i bought tp-link usb wireless22:26
ardianlsusb sees it22:26
dr_willisardian:  run the addational-drivers tool perhaps and see if anything extra is needed22:26
ardiandr_willis, tried that but no22:26
ActionParsnipkrack: sudo adduser testuser; sudo passwd testuser; su testuser22:27
dr_willisits funnier when you use 'billgates' instead of 'testuser' :)22:27
bastidrazorActionParsnip: adduser is going to ask for a password for the new user.. fyi22:27
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: ahh i see, didn't know :), covering the bases an all22:28
iSuckAtLinuxi have a quick question about switchable graphics22:28
ActionParsnipiSuckAtLinux: ask away, optimus is a pain in linux22:28
leeghey is anyone online22:28
ActionParsnipleeg: nobody at all22:28
Sidewinder1leeg, Only 155022:29
iSuckAtLinuxwell i have a AMD Radeon™ HD 6400M Series on my Samsung Series 7 Chronos laptop22:29
leegcan you help me, i have network problems, its not that big, but its annoying22:29
guntbert!ask | leeg22:29
ubottuleeg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:29
ActionParsnipleeg: ask away22:29
=== eboy is now known as the-_-hub
=== the-_-hub is now known as eboy
iSuckAtLinuxit works like a dream but it get really hot and i think its because its using the dedicated amd card instead of the integrated intel card22:30
krackLOL it says "No protocol specified" 2 lines down: "(gksudo:22102): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0"22:30
iSuckAtLinuxi just want to install the propriatary flgrx driver. catalyst 11.1122:30
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:30
guntbertkrack: of course, the new user cannot use sudo/gksudo yet22:30
leegmy parents have recently been downloading tons and tons of shows off of utorrent (it's 100% legel what they're downloading) and they are downloadng like 4gb a day (cont.)22:30
dr_willisiSuckAtLinux:  with that dual gpu stuff.. you are lucky it works at all :)22:31
Owner__does anyone know how I could get google chrome to play mp4s>22:31
sieboI have a new Ubuntu 10.04 machine where I've installed postfix22:31
krackwhat do i do now?22:31
siebobut it won't start because apparently sendmail is installed22:31
leeg(cont.) ever since they started, the router is acting up, and occasionally doesnt work, and we have to keep restarting it22:31
leegwould the torrents have anything to do with it22:31
siebofor example, I see entries like this in my mail server logs22:31
ActionParsnipkrack: run the log viewer command in terminal, see if it's ok22:31
siebosm-mta[17266]: q07MC5SG017266: SYSERR(root): collect:...22:31
kasiixtreamer are u there22:31
siebobut when I go to uninstall sendmail, it tells me it's not installed22:32
iSuckAtLinuxlol @ dr_willis22:32
sieboe.g. apt-get remove sendmail22:32
kasiixtreamer are u there22:32
guntbertleeg: i guess that question is better asked/answered in  ##networking22:32
siebo"Package sendmail is not installed, so not removed"22:32
sieboany ideas how this is possible?22:32
ActionParsnipOwner__: if you install the vlc mozilla plugin, it should be used afaik22:32
krackusing the testuser? or try again with my user?22:32
ActionParsnipkrack: as the test user22:32
bastidrazorActionParsnip: thats always a smart idea.22:32
Owner__ActionParsnip, into firefox?22:32
ActionParsnipkrack: if you run:   whoami   you will see you are the testuser as you su'd to it22:33
leegcan someone answer my question plzzz?22:33
ActionParsnipOwner__: Chrome uses the same addons from what I remember22:33
bazhangleeg, thats more of a networking/hardware question22:33
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: sadly i don't give the smart ideas ;)22:33
ActionParsnipOwner__: can your media players play mp4?22:33
leegalright ill ask someone else... thanks though :D22:34
bazhangleeg, try ##networking as guntbert suggested22:34
kracksame msg22:34
leegi will22:34
ActionParsnipOwner__: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/get-chromium-on-ubuntu-to-play-mp4-h-264-mp3-view-pdf-files-natively/22:34
bastidrazorActionParsnip: so far you have.22:34
leeglol im in there now22:35
leegits scary22:35
ActionParsnipOwner__: instal chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra22:35
ActionParsnipOwner__: if you add the daily build ppa and use chromium, it will do it22:35
Successi reinstalled unity-lens-applications still no luck22:36
Owner__ActionParsnip, I know chromium will do it w/ the non-free...but I need it to play them on windows in chrome22:36
ActionParsnipOwner__: windows isn't supported here22:36
ActionParsnipOwner__: ask in ##windows22:36
walusiekfrom poland?22:37
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:37
Successunity isn't showing my applications; i have no way to access them now22:37
ActionParsnipSuccess: if you press windos key, does dash show? you can access them there..22:38
dr_willisSuccess:  you can reset unity via 'unity --reset' or 'unity --reset-icons'22:38
Successyes dash shows22:38
ActionParsnipSuccess: try dr_willis command :)22:39
cpoconnoLooking for approp channel for an openzwave compilation question22:39
Successi tried unity --reset; nothing fixed what does --reset-icons do22:39
dr_willisresets the default panel icons22:39
Successoh icons are working.. the ones that are there. but no apps ( icons ) are there. even if i type something in only corresponding files show22:40
ActionParsnipSuccess: check your settings for unity in ccsm22:40
ActionParsnipSuccess: you may need to reset the compiz settings to make it ok22:40
Successhow do I do that?22:41
* dr_willis points to the url he pasted...22:41
Successok ty22:41
dr_willisworth bookmarking. :)22:41
ActionParsnipSuccess: http://askubuntu.com/questions/70866/how-to-reset-compiz-unity-to-defaults22:41
dr_willisI made a 'reset everything' alias/script. :P22:41
krackActionParsnip: ok so i switched user to testuser, and ran gnome-system-log and its the same as if I typed gksudo ...log, it doesnt show anything22:42
HermanDEAnybody have a success story for using GLPI?22:42
CelphishIsn't ubuntu software center supposed to download dependencies?22:42
mappumMy machine goes black right after the "Ubuntu" boot screen (and i suspect display drivers). To fix it, i hooked up an ethernet cable from it to my laptop so I can ssh in, but how can I find its IP?22:42
krackActionParsnip: its just an window, i cant view any side panes or anything22:42
dr_willisCelphish:  yes. its just a front end to the apt system22:42
ActionParsnipkrack: sounds like a bug then, the new user will have default settings so it's more than likely the app at fault22:42
HermanDEmappum, nmap is your friend.22:43
krackshould i reinstall?22:43
dr_willis!nomodeset | mappum22:43
ubottumappum: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:43
mappumHermanDE: I scanned the range my laptop said it was in and it didn't find it.22:43
ActionParsnipkrack: reinstall what?22:43
CelphishI'm trying to install citrix-crap via it, and I press the "install" button and it says: Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs?22:43
mappumdr_willis: thanks, I'll try that22:43
ActionParsnipkrack: worth a try22:43
Celphishdr_willis: problem is that dpkg -i the filename just gives me like 10 "not installed blablabla"22:43
HermanDEmappum, Do you have ping turned off?22:43
dr_willisCelphish:  tyr the command line tools, to see better error messages22:44
dr_willisCelphish:  try sudo gdebi foo.deb22:44
ActionParsnipkrack: you could just read the log files in /var/log yourself...22:44
dr_willisdpkg -i   -> is the 'core' differance..22:44
dr_willisinsert your package name of course.....22:44
mappumHermanDE: I did "nmap -sn x.x.x.1-25522:44
kracki have 2 problems i think this log thing is connceted22:45
Celphishdr_willis: Command not found22:45
dr_willisCelphish:  install it...22:45
Celphishhold on22:45
Successstill no apps22:45
HermanDEmappum, Try with ping turned off in nmap...  Just seek your ssh port.22:45
dr_willis!info gdebi22:46
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (oneiric), package size 24 kB, installed size 228 kB22:46
HermanDEmappum, nmap -P0 -p 22 x.x.x.0/2422:46
Celphishdr_willis: I might be challanged when it comes to Linux, but it can't find the package22:49
dr_willissudo apt-get install gdebi22:49
Celphishdr_willis: doesn't work22:50
cpoconnoWhere might one expect to find the result of a make install?22:50
SuccessWARN  2012-01-07 16:44:46 unity.glib.dbusproxy GLibDBusProxy.cpp:255 Cannot call method GlobalSearch proxy /com/canonical/unity/lens/applications does not exist22:50
urlin2uCelphish, you on a live cd?22:50
cpoconnoI checked /usr/local/bin22:50
Successi get a bunch of errors like that doing unity --reset22:50
ubuntu_cpoconno what program you compilling622:51
cpoconnoI see some items from the compile in /usr/local/lib22:51
ActionParsnipSuccess: if you log off and choose unity2D, is it better?22:51
Successi dont even see a /com on my root22:51
Successok let me try action parsnip22:51
Celphishurlin2u: yes, but I can install stuff anyway, just not that one22:51
escottcpoconno, it would only be installed to /usr/local if you had used a --prefix option to configure22:51
ubuntu_/usr/local/sbin or bin22:52
urlin2uCelphish, anything installed on a live cd is not going to stay unless it is a usb with persisitince,.22:52
cpoconnohmmm my initial guess was I'd find a binary after the make and that then the make install would put it elsewhere yes?22:52
Celphishurlin2u: I know, I just want to know if I can get the citrix-solution to work at all before I even try to install ubuntu on my work laptop22:53
mappumdr_willis: nomodeset is keeping the screen from going black, but it is frozen on the boot screen and the animation isn't moving22:53
Successno but it did effect it, now when i press ex. internet apps. instead of taking me to a blank page it doesnt change22:53
ubuntu_hey guys im trying to browse my synology nas with the xubuntu default file manager but its trying to open folders with an application .... should i just install nautilus or use something else?22:53
robdehello, I just created a new user.. in which groups should it be in? right now its only in the 'users' group22:53
robdeit will be the main account, but not root22:54
urlin2uCelphish, ah I see I was wondering if your helper knew you were on a live cd I just logged on and had not seen the whole conversation.22:54
Successi think it has to do with that error i was showing you22:54
Successits looking for canonical in  /com/22:54
Celphishurlin2u: hehe, it's ok :) I got far last time I booted, I got 1 of 2 sites at work working with the ica client, but the first one gave me ssl error 29 and didn't want to wokr no matter what I did, which sucks :)22:55
krackpam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root  NEXT LINE: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)22:56
krackwhat this mean please help22:56
Celphishgotto love that the icaclient is dependent on a package and when I try to install it, it says:22:56
kracki have this spammed all over22:56
CelphishE: Package 'nspluginwrapper' has no installation candidate22:56
krackevery min ~30 times this shows up22:56
=== flack is now known as flack-Z
Successi dont see /com/ on my root, is that a problem?22:57
escottkrack, it just means that a cron job is running, and that a session was started for cron. you can check your crontab to see exactly what the cron job is22:58
Celphishhow am I supposed to install a package that doesn't exist? damnit :(22:58
krackshould i run cron tab with my user or sudo su?22:58
ubuntu_"for user root222:59
Celphishcan anyone help me with how to install nspluginwrapper when sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper says it can't find the package?23:00
ActionParsnipkrack: depends what access the cron'd job needs23:00
trismCelphish: enable multiverse23:01
ActionParsnipkrack: if it needs root access, then run:   sudo crontab -e23:01
SuccessCelphish: you need a repository afaik23:01
SuccessCelphish: listen to trism23:01
ActionParsnipkrack: if it needs running as a different user then su to that user and run:  crontab -e23:01
Celphishtrism: I did it in the software center, and then ran a sudo apt-get update, so, how do I do it from the terminal?23:02
ActionParsnipkrack: there is also gnome-schedule which is a gui to cron (run with gksudo to cron as root)23:02
trismCelphish: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, with the default file you should just need to remove the comments from the 4 multiverse lines23:03
Celphishtrism: non of them are commented out23:04
koalachairHi there. I have a software RAID5 set up. Seemingly all of a sudden, my computer stopped booting and the raid wouldn't mount. I managed to start up from a USB stick and have palimpset (disk utility) running. The raid shows the correct components, supposedly all healthy. I can't seem to actually successfully start the array, though.23:04
Successwhere is /canonical/unity/lens located at?23:04
Successand how do i set unity to use that location23:05
trismCelphish: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list23:06
suboneIn The newest version of Ubuntu there is no system tray. How do I access the applications that have gone to the system tray?23:06
Celphishtrism: # /etc/apt/sources.list23:07
Celphishdeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111012)]/ dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/23:07
Celphishdeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111012)]/ oneiric main restricted23:07
Celphishdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric main restricted universe23:07
Celphishdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric-security main restricted universe23:07
trismCelphish: not here, in a pastebin23:07
Celphishdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric-updates main restricted universe23:07
FloodBot1Celphish: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:07
ukihi alle ;-)23:07
ukibin  seid gestern neu bei ubuntu hihi23:08
Celphishsorry for pasting here23:08
trismCelphish: that is fine though, append multiverse to the oneiric and oneiric-updates lines and run sudo apt-get update23:08
Celphishtrism: I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean when you say "append multiverse to the oneiric..?" I get that I should add "multiverse" somewhere?23:09
trismCelphish: oh and oneiric-security while you are at it23:09
LinuX2halfI'm trying to install ppstream but gives me an error: unmet dependencies and unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.23:09
ukiich habe mich erst seid gestern entschieden für ubuntu und davor hatte ich den scheisss win.... und habe ein paar fragen !!!23:09
trismCelphish: seem how it says "main restricted universe" at the end of those lines? add multiverse at the end of each line like that23:09
xyz123abc456I have an internal bluetooth (PCIe) adapter, but when I go to bluetooth settings it says no bluetooth adapters found.23:09
xyz123abc456What should I do next?23:09
xyz123abc456It's a broadcom.23:09
SuccessLinuX2half: (im kinda new) but er did you do apt-get update, or is it when you try to do the repo or what23:09
Celphishtrism: instead of that line? or just right after?23:10
phil_how do  I change the clock from 24 to 12 hour in lubuntu 11.1023:10
zipace!de | uki23:10
ubottuuki: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!23:10
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: does it show in the output of:  dmesg | grep -i blue23:10
trismCelphish: leave the line unchanged except for adding multiverse at the end23:10
ukihaha ok thx23:10
trismCelphish: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric-updates main restricted universe multiverse23:11
zipaceuki, kein ding :)23:11
trismCelphish: for example23:11
LinuX2halfSuccess: Yeah, I did. Refreshed the repository. I'm still new to this OS as well.23:11
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, Yes, there are several results for that command.23:11
koalachairIs this the best room to ask my linux raid question (see above) - or is there a better place I should go? Thanks!23:11
=== leinad is now known as Guest17480
pnormankoalachair: Are you booting from the RAID?23:12
=== thiago is now known as Guest14460
Celphishtrism: you rock! :D23:12
koalachairpnorman: no. Right now from the USB stick, and normally from a separate drive.23:12
pnormankoalachair: Oh wait, stupid question, RAID5, can't boot from software RAID523:12
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/iyK0LSmS23:12
ukiich meinte nur das ich jetzt für ubuntu einpaar programme haben will wo bekomme ich einfach welche .23:12
Celphishtrism: <323:13
trismCelphish: all fixed?23:13
koalachairpnorman: That's partially why I was a little more weirded out than normal - I didn't think something wrong with my raid should prevent starting in to Ubuntu on another drive.23:14
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: good start, ok if you run:  sudo hcitool dev      do you see the adapter?23:14
pnormankoalachair: is your boot partition on the same drives as the raid5?23:14
koalachairNope. I have 5 HDDs - 4 for the raid, one for the OS23:14
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, No, it just says devices: but lists none.23:14
pnormanWhat mount points are on the raid? (e.g. /usr, swap, etc)23:15
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc23:15
pnormankoalachair: Also, what error messages do you get when you boot from the USB and try to assemble the raid?23:15
koalachairpnorman: Usually the whole thing on /var/md and that's it.23:16
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, oneiric23:16
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: is it a laptop?23:16
koalachairpnorman: And in the UI: trying to "Check Array" in disk utility: "Error checking array: helper exited with exit code 1: device /dev/md0 is not idle"23:16
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: what make and model?23:16
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: do you have the latest bios?23:16
pnormankoalachair: ah. i run -server, so no UI, so I'm not sure what command it tried to issue there23:17
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, Dell XPS 1340, and the BIOS is relatively new, it's been about 9 months since I updated it since it requires windows to be installed23:17
Celphishtrism: well the ica-client is install, now it's back to those damn ssl errors23:17
koalachairpnorman: Aha. The mdadm command I was trying was: mdadm --assemble --run /dev/md2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde123:18
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: most dell bioses can be updated in ubuntu :)23:19
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, Really, with wine?23:19
CelphishAaaand I'äm back to square 1, or 3, got citrix working, but not on one of our portals, keep getting socks 5 ssl error 29.. whuich I can't seem to fix23:19
pnormankoalachair: I'm trying to recall the commands I used when I needed to access my RAID10 from a usb stick23:20
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: try: sudo modprobe -r btusb; sleep 2; sudo modprobe btusb; sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart23:20
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: no, there are native apps23:21
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/55443123:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 554431 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth is disabled. Pressing "Turn on bluetooth" not working" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:21
koalachairpnorman: Actually, replace that /dev/md2 with /dev/md0 or /dev/md127, and I get "mdadm: failed to RUN_ARRAY /dev/md__: Input/output error | mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array23:21
Successill be back pm me if you have any solutions23:21
pnormanare you sure sda1, sdb1, sdd1 and sde1 are the correct ones? I've known drive letters to change around when booting off a USB stick23:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:22
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: seems it needs unloading and reloading, then the service restarting after boot to work..23:22
koalachairpnorman: Yep, just checked that.23:23
CelphishOh well, it seems like there is no way I can get ubuntu to work with my work, atm, I'll have to stick to win 7, and experiment with ubuntu and citrix until I get it to work.. thanks for the help trism I'll try to remember it for the next time :)23:24
Celphishtime to turn of the computer and go back to win 7, have a nice evening23:24
LinuX2halfWhy does Ubuntu imply that I have broken packages despite that I've run apt-get install -f23:24
PyroxHi, we are creating pendrives for ill people, with the program f123.org (for blind and other kind of ill people) on Ubuntu, we do it based on the process descripted at f123.org website (we have their original dvd even) but despite we managed to get the first pendrives working now we cant , they dont boot and we cant find our mistake, someone wishing to help?23:24
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, Thanks for the link, I'm trying everything on it.23:24
LinuX2halfand clean/remove unneeded dependencies?23:24
mx8apt-get autoremove23:25
venice__hello i'm having trouble with the boot time of my fresh 11.10 install. during the boot process before i see the boot splash the computer seems to stall for about 45 seconds.23:26
venice__http://imageshack.us/f/818/unicornoneiric201201081.png/ (bootchart)23:26
LinuX2halfAlso, why can't I install the a program despite that I've all the dependencies?23:26
LinuX2halfIt states that it cannot install libqtwebkit4:i386 but recommends myplayer.23:27
LinuX2halfI have myplayer installed and it's repeating itself23:27
WaraudonUbuntu Server 11.04, hard drive usage increasing pretty rapidly but I can't pinpoint what's causing it. Any way to find out?23:27
jasonmchristosAnyone familiar with libpam-rsa?23:27
LinuX2halfMaybe I'm running a 64bit OS?23:28
mx8Pyrox: pendrive format ? etc - FAT32,EXT4 ...23:28
LinuX2halfThat's causing this error?23:28
Pyroxmx8, , yes, we did it23:28
jasonmchristosI installed it generated keys looked at the config and it appeared to require the key but doesnt seem to be authenticating any differently.23:28
pnormankoalachair: I can't find the exact commands that I used, but I think what you did *should* work23:28
Pyroxwe formated the pendrives ith fat3223:28
jasonmchristosSerious helpers please pm me.23:28
koalachairpnorman: Not sure if that's good or bad news :)23:28
Pyroxthen, F12.org dvd on windows, or image from theirsite, installs on the pendrive Ubuntu with f12323:29
jasonmchristosPyrox: try ext2 with guid part table23:29
lkencan anyone help with goflex smbmount issue?23:29
pnormankoalachair: can you access your mdadm.conf from the OS drive?23:29
mx8ext2 doesnt work on W7 just only fat3223:29
jasonmchristosfat32 only handles less than 4g23:29
Pyroxjason404, we cant chose, thatś f123 installationś way23:29
mx8fat32 work good on 16G to my :)23:29
koalachairpnorman: interesting. Didn't even think about that. let me try to mount that drive and find it.23:30
jasonmchristosmx8: a tale of two cities23:30
Pyroxi have right now a pendrive booting23:30
zykotick9mx8: 4G is the max file size, not partition size23:30
Pyroxbut as live usb and i need it persisten,so i can clone it23:30
pnormankoalachair: It's /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf on my install23:30
jasonmchristosI installed libpam-rsa generated keys looked at the config and it appeared to require the key but doesnt seem to be authenticating any differently.23:30
Pyroxdo you know a way to turn a live usb to persistent?23:30
mx8zykotick9: ok23:31
jasonmchristosSecurity cameras at wifihotspots keep watching me type my password.23:31
koalachairpnorman: Yep. Found it. under /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, no?23:31
mahahi is this the channel for help with ubuntu?23:31
AlanBellvenice__: got any odd hardware in that computer? does it do the same on a live CD boot?23:31
jasonmchristosSerious helpers please pm me.23:31
mx8maha: yes23:31
mahamx8 i need asistance23:32
AlanBelljasonmchristos: we do our support in the channel so everyone can benefit from it, and point out any errors or enhancements, kind of a real time peer review23:32
frankcox789anyone familiar w/ belkin 300n USB wireless on UBu ?23:32
pnormankoalachair: You can have mdadm try to assemble an array from the configuration file. i'm reading the man page23:32
mx8how can i help you ?23:32
=== maha is now known as maaha
koalachairpnorman: Looks like it was set on auto, totally default as far as I can tell (never edited this manually): CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0600 auto=yes23:32
lkennm figured it out23:33
ActionParsnip!anyone | frankcox78923:33
ubottufrankcox789: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:33
lkenhate using sudo on ubuntu23:33
venice__not really AlanBell it worked fine :/23:33
maahamx8 i installed ubuntu over the entire c drive23:33
NEOhidrai want edit files (overwrite) in /usr/share/XBMC/language/ but Paste is disabled23:33
venice__and it does the same with a live cd23:33
yumboHi, is there a way to lower gpu clocks with opensource AMD gpu drivers?23:33
ActionParsnipNEOhidra: use:  gksudo nautilus     or prepend your terminal command with sudo :)23:33
mx8maaha: and ?23:34
maahai am unable to bot into the internal recovery so that i can install windows again23:34
=== njan is now known as n
maahaboot i mean23:34
maahai have installled Wine23:34
jasonmchristosSerious helpers please pm me.23:35
maahai dont have the know how on how23:35
frankcox789ubotto - That is my real question- I want to know if anyone has experience with the device- obviously I need help23:35
NEOhidraActionParsnip: thank you!23:35
ActionParsnipmaaha: how will wine help you boot a recovery partition if the linux OS isn't even to be loaded23:35
bazhangjasonmchristos, thats not the way its done here; state your issue and if someone knows they will respond23:35
mx8maaha: try in bios change boot from HDD --> boot from CD23:36
maahaActionParsnip i am using the Linux o/s on entire C drive I wiped off Windows23:36
mx8maaha: and you will be able to boot windows cd23:36
urlin2ujasonmchristos, people just don't PM ......we like to keep iton the channel23:36
ActionParsnipmaaha: windows drive letters don't mean anything in linux23:36
maahahowever all computer have internal hidden drive with Recovery Windows Files23:37
ActionParsnipmaaha: so you removed all data from the internal drive, is that right?23:37
pnormankoalachair: Which were you trying to create it to? /dev/md0?23:37
maahayes correct23:37
zykotick9maaha: not all computer no23:37
=== n is now known as njan
ActionParsnipmaaha: my system has zero hidden partitions or drives23:37
maahamy computer does23:37
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, I've tried everything there, any other suggestions? I'm still having the same problem (No device found)23:37
jasonmchristosWell someone help please.23:37
koalachairpnorman: Right now, don't really care :)23:37
venice__http://pastebin.com/pcbWamgA dmesg log corresponding to the bootchart23:37
ActionParsnipmaaha: if you run:  sudo parted -l    do you see the recovery partition?23:37
bazhangjasonmchristos, restate your issue23:37
zykotick9!ask | jasonmchristos23:37
ubottujasonmchristos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:37
pnormani doubt this is the issue, but what does file -s /dev/md0 report?23:38
mx8jasonmchristos: how ?23:38
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: all I can suggest is add to the bug yourself23:38
venice__the notebook is a 2.5 year old dell vostro 1310 so nothing fancy basically :/23:38
koalachairpnorman: empty23:38
jasonmchristoslibpam-rsa installed it generated keys changed the config config file lines seem to be requiring rsa auth but system doesnt ask for it23:38
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: if you can't get it running, you can get teeny tyiny usb bluetooth adaptors for less than a quid23:38
pnormankoalachair: I get "/dev/md5: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/md5' (No such file or directory)" on a non-existant partition23:39
frankcox789 what is a good usb wireless card for UBU-anyone tried the Belkin n300?23:39
bazhangjasonmchristos, and whats the actual question23:39
maahaNumber  Start   End    Size   Type      File system  Flags23:39
maaha 1      1049kB  249GB  249GB  primary   ext4         boot23:39
maaha 2      249GB   250GB  937MB  extended23:39
maaha 5      249GB   250GB  937MB  logical23:39
FloodBot1maaha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
jasonmchristosmanual pages here http://www.helsinki.fi/~vmkari/pamrsa/23:39
koalachairpnorman: Yeah, I'm don't know about all fo this to know what these /dev/md0 and /dev/md127 things are23:40
bazhangjasonmchristos, you have yet to ask an actual question23:40
jasonmchristosbazhang: question is how do i actually enable the rsa key requirment on my systems authentication ?23:40
urlin2u!wireless | frankcox78923:40
ubottufrankcox789: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:40
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, lol, I was leaning toward those little things23:40
ActionParsnipmaaha: usually they are on FAT32 partitions, if one isn't present then you have removed the recovery partition23:40
mx8jasonmchristos: soory but i can not help you in this :(23:40
danialcan anyone help me with reinstalling my wireless drivers?23:40
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: makes life easier23:40
bazhangdanial, what chipset23:40
danialbroadcom for compaq 51523:41
jasonmchristosbazhang: heres the part im looking at http://www.helsinki.fi/~vmkari/pamrsa/pam_rsa.html23:41
bazhangdanial, read the broadcom wifi wiki yet?23:41
danialno I diddnt know about it.23:41
bazhang!broadcom | danial seen this yet?23:41
ubottudanial seen this yet?: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:41
pnormankoalachair: I'm stumped. What does mdadm --assemble --scan do?23:42
pnormaner, might need to give it --config and tell it the path to your mdadm config23:42
koalachairpnorman: mdadm: /dev/md/md assembled from 2 drives - not enough to start the array23:43
frankcox789thnks ubotto - I don't know how to download packaged without installing so I can but network-admin on machine w/o connection23:43
koalachairpnorman: I don't actually see a /dev/md/md23:44
koalachairpnorman: or /dev/md23:44
pnormankoalachair: ya, those don't seem to correspond to the mount points23:44
venice__did anyone have a look at the bootchart and the log?23:44
pnormankoalachair: How did you get into this problem in the first place?23:44
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, Oops, I had it disabled in BiOS. It's detected now. Now, let's see if I can make free bluetooth phone calls with google.23:45
ActionParsnipxyz123abc456: d'oh23:45
xyz123abc456ActionParsnip, I had forgotten about it, I disabled it in BiOS a long time ago when the card wasn't installed23:45
jasonmchristosI think I got it, going to try for a restart bazhang23:46
LinuX2halfDoes anyone know why Ubuntu insists that I have broken packages and yet when I checked, there's none?23:46
danialmy computer isn't even registering my broadcom device anymore.23:48
pnormankoalachair: can you pastebin mdadm --examine /dev/sd[abde]1 (or whatever the drive letters are for you23:48
venice__well good night i'll give it another try tomorrow ;) or well later today :/ ^^23:51
kilonuxaide pour proxy , freebox og firefox?23:51
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:51
Sidewinder1Pandawan, Yea, I know ciao a tutti.23:52
koalachairpnorman: http://pastebin.com/UEvNkvqi23:52
sl00Hi. How can I tell the installer not to use GPT (GUID Partition Table) on the drives?23:52
Pandawan> Sidewinder : What ?23:53
Sidewinder1Pandawan, Never mind,.. :D23:53
PandawanOk sorry but didnt get it....23:54
jasonmchristosbazhang: figure anything out?23:55
jasonmchristosbazhang: still cant seem to get it going23:55
[deXter]sl00, I don't think it does, unless you have an EFI23:55
juanpablo_pizalguien de hermosillo sonora23:56
sl00[deXter]: Really? I have been trying to install it but it does not boot up. Have the same problem with Ubuntu. Had the same problem with Fedora before I sent the nogpt boot-flag before installing.23:57
pnormankoalachair: odd. the Array State for sd[ab]1 is AAAA, the state for the others is .AA.23:57
koalachairpnorman: Do you know what that state represents?23:57
pnormankoalachair: which are active and which are missing23:58
pnormanI'm honestly stumped.23:58
koalachairpnorman: At least this is something - some distinction between two and another two. Might explain why the auto only decided to use 223:59

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