
lenNot sure who wold know... I have a question about cdrdao, gcdmaster and ardour.17:42
lenI have been reading about bug #79146717:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791467 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu Oneiric) "gcdmaster not built on Oneiric: breaks ubuntustudio installation with additional software" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79146717:43
lenand there seems to be some indication that perhaps ardour produces a TOC file. Then gcdmaster is used to take that toc file and data and burn it to disk.17:44
lenIs this correct? I had thought that I needed gcdmaster to build the toc file too.17:45
lenI am pretty sure I could develop a script that would take a toc and burn things.17:45
len In fact I could probably do something that would do almost everything gcdmaster does minus the nice waveform display.17:46
lenI was thinking to use tcl/tk as something that will work with the same scripts from version to version.17:47
lenMost libraries like gnome, qt, gtk or whatever, need to have code changes for every new version they come out with. That was why I thought script. 17:52
lenEasier to maintain.17:52
holsteinwe need gcdmaster!18:15
holsteinor something like it...18:15
lenOk, Whats easier? fixing gcdmaster, or something new?18:21
lenFixing gcdmaster means migrating to a new set of libs, I would think.18:22
lenIt could be built static, but what happens when the libs we use static no longer work with the libs they depend on.18:23
lenThe problem with migrating, for me, is that I would have to learn both the old and the new.19:45
lenMakes me feel old. I have found three GUIs with script input, QT, TK, and GTK. tcl/tk is installed by default, but I don't know how well it takes theme input.19:48
lenThere is a qtcl (qt tooltik for tcl) but it is not in any of the repos.19:49
lenBut there is at least a qt for perl  and python... though they do not seem to come with Studio... I could be wrong I'm using Xubuntu right now.19:51
lengtk also has scripting in perl and python. Only the perl version is included though.19:53
holsteinlen: sorry i was busy20:12
holsteini foget what the deal breaker was with GCDmaster20:12
holsteinthere was a point of discussion as to what GCD provides that K3B doesnt20:13
holsteinand i did not easily find the way to do what needed to be done in K3B20:13
holsteinbut, i didnt spend much time on it20:13
holsteinlen: if you can catch me idle on here, id live to get to the bottom of it20:14
holsteinwe need a tool like that20:14
lenGCDmaster uses a lib that is no longer included in the ubuntu repos.20:20
holsteinlen: thats what it was20:21
holsteinlen: is it for the GUI?20:21
holsteinunfortunately, getting tools added is a drag20:21
holsteinadded into the repositories20:21
lenGCDMaster  edits disk at once toc to use with cdrdao. I think the lib was the gnome 2 one\20:21
holsteinits easier to add it in debian20:21
lenHow long will it be there?20:22
holsteinlen: dont let anyone lie to you... its been broken for a long time20:22
lenThe last gcdmaster update was when 2007?20:22
holsteinlen: yup... anyways... if you want to test something let me know20:22
holsteini cant code, but i'll load up whatever in whatever, and make time for it20:23
holsteina fresh 12.04 installl or whatever20:23
lenI'm looking at the docs for gtk for perl ... it is already part of xubuntu and hopefully Studio. I know a bit of perl though no gtk.20:24
lenBut so far the gtk way of doing things looks close to tk from tcl/tk20:24
lenI figure if I use perl it may be easier for someone else to take the script and drop it to c than if I use tcl/tk20:26
lenI've done about as much damage to doing docs as I can for now anyway... Though if someone has some text they want added, I would be willing to do styling.20:27
holsteinlen: hehe.. you're doing great!20:29
lenSo I will try some stuff to make cdmaster.20:29
lenI should put the docs somewhere more permanent than my server though.20:30
holsteinlen: just as long as you know how hard it would be to include it20:30
holsteinit would need to be accepted into the repos20:30
holsteini mean, you can do a PPA, or whatever, and ill spread the word...20:30
lenOr on the wiki.20:30
lenIn any case it will do no good unless there is a pointer to it somewhere... even in the stock bookmarks for the distro.20:31
holsteinlen: i think that can happen20:32
holsteinyou should ask ScottL though before you waste effort on it20:32
holsteinthough, i will use it :)20:32
lenso far anyone with US has been positive, farther up less so. (see the mailing list)20:33
lenI would like to add something about "pro" audio interfaces. I am not even sure what is out there besides the ice1712 based one and the hamerfall. I know there are some firewire ones too. Also something about using audiophile cards.20:36
holsteinthe saphire focusrite's are a lot of bang for the buck20:36
holsteinthe new-ish acho audiofire stuff too, that im interested in20:37
holsteinthe RME gear is top notch and usually very well supported20:37
lenHow much can I say about it though? I don't know anything. The only one I can really talk about are the delta series as I have a d66.20:38
holsteinwell, we'll build a community of folks who can write first hand about what they have20:38
holsteinor thats my vision20:38
holsteinstart gera stubs, and fill them in with "need a user to test"20:39
holsteinor something....20:39
lenI'll post on the list asking... maybe both the devel list and I would guess there is a US list for users?20:39
holsteinlen: yeah... theres always another list ;)20:40
holsteinand a wiki... dont forget the wikis!20:40
lenI'd like to keep it to just a few... I only have so much time.20:41
holsteinyeah... you are doing plenty20:41
holsteini was thinking kind of like that netbook database that was going on20:42
lenI have a Yf who uses me to help edit her school essays and I need to help with kids too.20:42
lenHavn't seen that20:42
holsteinits complete from folks with the actual hardware20:43
holsteinand they are wikis, so when a kernel breaks something, you just update it20:43
holsteinwell... it gets updated (or can be)20:43
holsteinno you personally20:43
lenThe US wiki is so out of date as to be almost useless. I don't want to see something like that.20:44
holsteinid like to nuke them all20:45
holsteinstart fresh20:45
holsteinmis-information is worse in a lot of ways20:45
lenHow easy is it to do that?20:45
holsteinlen: ive been told, and read that it is everything from impossible to quite simple20:46
holsteinbut, they are all still there ;)20:46
lenIf it can be edited, how? And are edits just aditions or can thingsa be deleted20:46
holsteini get pro-active about things every now and then20:46
holsteinand thats not been one of those things yet20:47
lenEach person can only be stretched so far.20:48
lenAnother topic/question: Seeds vs metas. I am not sure why there needs to be both. I get the idea something added in the seed gets into the distro anyway. The meta allows putting US on top of another distro?20:51
lenOr does the seed some how produce the meta?20:52
holsteinlen: not sure about that myself20:53
holsteinfrom what i have seen in here, they are different for sure20:53
* holstein gotta run... thanks for all your efforts len ... keep me posted on how i can help20:55
lenHas anyone looked at gcdmaster's code? It uses GTX quite a bit. It looks like to me the only thing the gnome libs is the top menu bar. I wish my c++ coding was a bit better as it may be worth just changing that part.22:40
lenOops Meant GTK not gtx.23:18

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