
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
grammyhi m00se, love your screen name! are u in Maine?04:49
* m00se wiggles his antlers!04:50
m00seno, ny - upstate04:50
grammyin unity, how does one navigate to the desktop without minimizing all the open programs???04:50
grammymoose: ok, happy moose watching.04:51
pleia2grammy: you probably want to ask in #ubuntu, xubuntu doesn't use unity so you probably won't find an answer here04:59
grammypleia2: TY, I didn't even realize I logged into the wrong channell, appreciate the input. Will move to #ubuntu.05:10
mongyhow do you add a shortcut on the left in thunar?12:15
mongyI need to start thinking 'simple' more12:16
bathmanok.. i messed up14:14
bathmani tried to get autologin with this14:14
bathmanpost from "breek"14:15
bathmanadded those 2 autologin lines14:15
bathmanand now i can only login as root :s14:16
GridCubebathman, your user is always root, well, with sudo, but yes14:17
bathmani mean14:18
bathmanthere was no auto login, as was predicted (as far as that was one)14:19
bathmanand my username and password won't let me login to a xfce or xubuntu session :(14:19
bathmanwith root, no prob14:19
GridCubeyou need to edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf14:19
Sysiyou shouldn't be able to login as root..14:19
bathmani couldn't get back to graphical in order to lookup the page14:20
bathmanso i logged in as root14:20
Sysifailsafe or virtual terminal?14:20
bathmani removed those 2 autologin lines, leaving (i think) what was originally in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf14:21
bathmanbut i still can't login as normal user :(14:21
GridCubeedit your lightdm.conf to look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/796001/14:22
Sysiyeah, because they're probably totally unrelated14:22
Sysican you login to tty as your user?14:22
bathmanyes, i can14:22
bathmanbut will first restore original .conf14:23
GridCubebathman, thats the lightdm.conf i use14:23
bathmanand let my sister show sth on youtube (i have no choice!)14:23
bathmanso afk!14:23
jnsl_hi, i just updated my xubuntu.. why do i get unity updates among things?14:30
mongybecause you have it installed14:30
GridCubejnsl_, because xubuntu uses some things shared with gnome, like firefox and toher stuff, and when they update they also send updates for unity, they wont be used, but they are there, just in case you some day decide you need your brain to hurt and want to use unity14:32
jnsl_hehe ok thanks for answer14:34
bathmanok, here goes (reboot)14:35
bathmanno luck14:40
GridCubewhat if you reasing your user its password?14:40
bathmani restored /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to what the link shows14:40
Sysirm -rf ~/.ICEauthority14:41
bathmanGridCube how do you mean, reasing?14:41
GridCubeyou know login as root and do passwd username14:41
bathmani'll try that14:42
TVasEyesGridCube: s/reasign/reassign/  ;)14:43
GridCubethere is an ass in it *wink*14:44
bathmanbut no such luck14:49
bathmanremove user, add?14:50
bathmanor readd14:50
bathmansince logging in to xfce graphical as root does work?14:51
TVasEyesbathman: have you tried removing the ~/.ICEauthority file?14:52
bathmanoh that was meant for me? srry, missed that :)14:52
bathmanas user or as root?14:53
TVasEyeswill have to as root since you cannot access as user ;)14:53
bathmani can in tty :)14:53
TVasEyessame difference then.14:54
bathmannow i'm in tty14:54
TVasEyesso, do as sysi suggests, then reboot perhaps (just in case).14:55
Sysishouldn't need anything after that14:55
bathmanwithout reboot: still cannot login14:57
bathmanthis system is bewitched!14:58
GridCubeit seems like15:02
bathmanll try rebooting first anyway :)15:02
TVasEyesbathman: quick test: as root (from tty) create another user, set password etc, switch to graphical login and see whether your new user can login.15:04
bathmansounds good id15:05
bathmanuseradd -m andthensomename?15:06
TVasEyesyes, then passwd andthensomename15:06
bathmanit's a long time ago since i gave birth to a new user :)15:07
TVasEyesluckily, we're all midwives here.. LOL15:08
_Pete_-m is not really needed15:09
bathmanthat's for a home dir to be created at the same time?15:09
_Pete_usually just: useradd <someone>15:10
_Pete_is enough15:10
TVasEyesright, the problem then is most likely in (the auto stuff in) your lightdm.conf.15:10
bathmanso i might be able to: userdel myusualusername and then create again?15:10
TVasEyesyou might get a different uid, any files affected?15:11
bathmani removed that autologin stuff, thought that was enough :s15:11
bathmanthis is a new install since yesterday, had no important files yet15:11
bathmanjust settings15:11
bathmanalso dual boot15:12
bathmanwin7/somedistro :)15:12
bathmanhad sabayon running for a year or so, but with ati/gnome3 perils it got stuck really hard15:12
bathmanso back to good'ol'ubuntu!15:13
bathmanor xubuntu15:13
TVasEyesbathman: here's mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/796036/15:13
TVasEyesno auto stuff, just works.15:13
bathmanthat's right, i put them back in there15:17
bathmanthat was a second try, since removing didn't fix it anyway15:18
GridCubemine is this, it works http://paste.ubuntu.com/796001/15:23
TVasEyesstrange, cannot see any difference between the two.15:25
GridCubeyou mean mine and yours TVasEyes ?15:26
TVasEyesno, yours and bathman's.15:26
TVasEyesbeginning to wonder, maybe there's a space or something in bathman's.15:27
GridCubemay be15:27
TVasEyesbathman: does your lightdm.conf look same with cat -A (to show trailing spaces if any)15:27
bathmanlet's try15:28
bathmanexcept for those $, yes: same15:30
bathmanbewitched i tell ye!15:30
TVasEyessure looks that way ;)  sorry, right out of ideas.15:31
bathmanbut i can delete my normal user and recreate, i think?15:31
TVasEyesdon't see why not.15:31
bathmanlet's try15:32
bathmanthat works, auto-login too now :s15:40
bathmanbut with all default xfce settings15:40
bathmanand my erm15:40
TVasEyesexchange rate mechanism?15:41
bathman"doskey" like i'm trying to describe it, scrollback in terminal, shows ^[[A like in tty15:41
bathmannone of my arrows seem te work15:42
GridCubebathman, "this is my opinion", reinstall15:42
bathmanlol :)15:42
GridCubereally, just do a clean install, you dont have nothing to lose anyway15:42
bathmannot much15:43
GridCubethen its the easiest most painless way of fixing this kind of problematic situations15:43
TVasEyescorrect (but you lose opportunity to pull out hair in frustration)15:45
xubuntu5is there a way to make the panel be vertical but have the text horizontal?15:45
bathmanand all i needed was rubberband!! :D15:46
bathmanbut it will be reinstall i guess, when i have a bit more time ;)15:47
bathmanthx so far, cya all!15:47
GridCubexubuntu5, not so far, xfce people is working on that for the future15:50
m1chaelif i boot up a pc with an xubuntu live cd- is it possible to get a full probe of all hardware specifications?17:39
Sysiyeah, pretty much17:40
m1chaelhow can i do it? i'd like to be able to save it to a usb flash drive17:41
Sysicd ~ ; free -m > hardware.txt ; lspci >> hardware.txt ; lsusb >> hardware.txt17:44
Sysi(without enter) ; lscpu >> hardware.txt17:45
Sysithat creates hardware.txt to liveuser's home folder with all info I can think of17:46
Sysiawh man17:47
jnsl_hi, im new, will AUR packages be automatically updated like official ones ?18:17
jnsl_nvm i understand niw18:21
mongyhow can I stop thunar-daemon from running.  I am trying to replace it with pcmanfm18:42
SysiI have up-to-date 11.10 and I just updated package lists, is there some problem with wine dependencies? http://paste.ubuntu.com/796264/19:10
Sysior is aptitude too smart, apt just tells what it's gonna install19:13
Unit193aptitude is too smart, it tried to install/uninstall tons of stuff last time I tried a basic operation19:16
Sysiyou're not using it right :b19:17
Unit193No, I use apt-[get,cache]19:18
Sysiia32-libs-multiarch is something really weird, virtual package and real package19:18
Sysiit just has tons of kde/qt as dependency19:19
Sysiwine-gecko is fat.. does spotify even need it19:23
Unit193Well, it got gold in the appdb, that's a plus19:25
augustlhi folks. Anyone know why there isn't a package for emerald, the compiz decorator?19:44
Sysi!find emerald19:48
ubottuFile emerald found in app-install-data, epiphany-data, fvwm-crystal, gnome-colors-common, gnome-icon-theme-gartoon-redux, guitarix, murrine-themes, oxygen-cursor-theme-extra, sauerbraten-data, tdiary-theme19:48
augustl`apt-cache search emerald` doesn't list any package either :(19:49
augustlseems pretty easy to build manually, but perhaps there's a good reason for why there isn't a package for it..19:49
Sysiit's pretty dead upstream19:49
SysiI recommend using gtk-window-decorator, it's in compiz-gnome19:50
augustlah, I didn't know that, thanks19:51
mongyaugustl, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11401326  if you really want it..19:51
augustlI think I've changed my mind :)19:52
augustlbut thanks19:52
SysiI think it's not entirely dead, but not really active project either19:52
mongyworks fine, for me anyways19:52
augustl"as with all software, there is an element of chance", from the ubuntu wiki. heh :)19:54
mongyaugustl, I think its not in the repo anymore because as sysi said its not that maintained and it needs patching to work in unity properly, aparrantly.19:54
augustlah, well I'm not using unity ;)19:54
mongybbiab..  booze run19:55
augustlpretty happy with xubuntu. It's basically ubuntu with xfce and without all the branding stuff like ubuntu one. Which is exactly what I want19:56
augustleventually got tired of having to learn everything about linux myself from using Arch..19:56
mongyI tried arch out, but by the end of it after installing everything I want/need for a decent exeperience, I might as well have installed xubuntu :)20:13
mongydidn't see much in it between them as far as resource usage either..20:14
mongysorry wrong chann :|20:14
mongyso, anyway.  how can I stop thunar-daemon from running.  I am trying to replace it with pcmanfm20:15
Sysihave you selected pcmanfm as preferred filemanager and rebooted?20:16
mongyyes, but thunar-daemon still runs..20:16
mongyits only like 6mb but if Im not gonan use it, why have it running20:17
augustlmongy: lots of stuff that needs to be set up on a laptop when you use arch though20:17
augustland you'll end up playing the role of software integrator20:17
Sysimongy: remove thunar?20:17
mongySysi,  yeah I might have to.  Didn't really want to in case something needed it like when I right click desktop and do properties.. not that I ever wanna do that, just example.20:18
Sysiif you need it then you need to probably run that daemon20:19
austinybdoes anyone know why i'm receiving the error message "No root file system is defined" after installation through wubi20:24
holsteinother than wubi is just awful... maybe its something to do with your filesystem20:26
Sysisounds like partitioning/installer problem but I seriously don't know anything about wubi20:26
holsteinaustinyb: you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=791698 ?20:27
mongywubi is something I can't be bothered using/learning.20:27
holsteinits an easy way to transition20:28
mongydive in..20:28
Sysithere are some occasions where it's handy, but I don't have windows..20:28
holsteinwhen i started using it, it broke my network contoller pretty significantly... had to pull the power to reset20:28
Sysisounds like windows :P20:29
mongySysi, mind you, looking at ram usage, pcmanfm and thunar just about the same..20:31
Sysipcmanfm uses HAL? HAL is sad, "so bad even it's original developers abandoned it"20:32
mongyreally?  sudo apt-get purge pcmanfm20:32
Sysips uxf | grep hal20:32
=== Scuzzball__ is now known as Scuzzball
ScuzzballSo I'm trying to just install Xubuntu to a flash drive.20:37
ScuzzballThe bit where you select where ot install it is just a partitioner, and trying with just free space left me with "No root filesystem defined", or something.20:38
ScuzzballSo I'm following a guide for manual disk partitioning in ubuntu 11.04.20:38
mongyScuzzball, did you specify the / (root) then?20:38
ScuzzballBut when I do that, it says it needs to unmount /cdrom to build the partition table.20:39
ScuzzballI did.20:39
mongydid you use guided mode and 'use free space' or did you manually set it20:39
ScuzzballI don't have a guided mode.20:40
ScuzzballSo I manually set it.20:40
ScuzzballI'm using xubuntu desktop 11.10.20:40
mongychecked your /erc/fstab then ?20:41
mongyboot the livecd and access the partition20:41
ScuzzballAlso, I just noticed the flash drive is /dev/sda, and the cdrom is /dev/sda120:41
mongyyou have a cdrom filesystem on your flash drive then20:42
mongymuch like the rubbish that is shipped on sandiks20:42
mongysandisks.. sorry20:42
ScuzzballI uninstall that and format it.20:42
mongyonly their proper tool can remove it20:43
ScuzzballBut there are only two partitions, both of which I set up.20:43
ScuzzballI know.20:43
ScuzzballI make sure to use it.20:43
ScuzzballThen I format it anyway.20:43
ScuzzballCause it's that terrible.20:43
ScuzzballSo I just boot the livecd, and format the flash drive?20:43
mongyI can't the installer do that while you install it20:44
mongyremove the I :)20:44
nightspiritAnyone know how to do a full disk encryption with Xubuntu? I use truecrypt for windows, but it doesn't support full disk for linux20:48
mongynightspirit, alternate installer iso20:49
nightspiritIs that the only way? I just got it installed and updated20:49
mongyDid i read somewhere somewhen that the livecd would include full disk encryption in 12.04?20:50
mongynightspirit, you can encrypt your home but as far as full disk, I am not sure if it can be done.. not easily anyway20:50
nightspiritAw well. I have my home folder encrypted, that should be good enough20:51
mongyand you can encrypt swap too.20:51
mongyusing the same mechanism your home folder is using20:51
mongyecryptfs-setup-swap,  never used it though.20:51
mongy1 encrypted folder is enough for me20:52
mongyyeah, home encryption is generally enough.20:52
nightspiritI hope so lol. I'm kinda paranoid with the state of the world today20:53
mongyare you a spy?20:54
austinybi just reinstalled xubuntu and am receiving the same error21:03
nightspiritIf I told you, I would have to kill you21:03
augustlI'm wondering, who works on xubuntu? canonical peeps?21:04
nightspiritI believe so. They do Xubuntu, Ubuntu, And Kubuntu21:05
augustlxubuntu seems very well integrated21:05
augustla custom theme, a custom notification area, e tc21:05
SysiI know one or maybe two guys who work at canonical and few volunteers21:05
Sysicurrent project leader is voluntary, canonical guy is actually doing mozilla packaging21:06
Sysicanonical is focusing on unity21:06
augustlI see21:06
mongycanonical should replace gnome-fallback with xubuntu-desktop21:06
augustlI guess ubuntu with xfce is pretty much the same as xubuntu?21:07
Sysidifferent default settings and applications but about the same21:07
nightspiritI still say that they need to make a spin off with Gnome 321:09
Sysimongy: canonical isn't supporting using gnome-fallback any way21:09
Sysinightspirit: unity is built on gnome321:10
augustlisn't unity just gnome-shell, no gnome3 desktop?21:11
SysiI think they'er afraid that people would realize how much better gnome-shell is than unity :P21:11
Sysibasically fallback is gnome3, you can run gnome-shell or unity on it21:11
mongydont like gnome shell at all.. just something about it.. and the problems I had with fglrx and it..21:12
mongyIf I went down that tablet based desktop route, I'd go unity21:13
nightspiritI just uninstalled Fedora 16, which had gnome shell, and I loved it. Gnome that is, not Fedora21:13
SysiI don't really fancy dymaic multiple desktops and weird alttab but otherly it's really nice21:13
augustlgnome 3 and unity made me realize that I hate new software :P21:13
augustlso many bugs... it's been working fine for 8 years and now this! :)21:13
Sysiunity is messy and they crippled globalmenu21:14
nightspiritI always break unity within a week of having it installed21:14
SysiI still think unity and gnome-shell are much better with fullhd display than netbook21:15
nightspiritThat is true. It looks great on my 720p screen, but anything lower, and unity looks horrible21:15
SysiI'm thinking more of functionality21:16
Sysi(720p is kinda small screen, I'm talking about 1680x1050 and bigger)21:19
nightspiritAll my screens are 1600 x 900, and it works great21:22
mongythat's that hd+ resolution isnt it.21:23
nightspiritidk about functionality on netbooks though, never owned one21:23
mongyhad a laptop with it once, made my eyes itch21:23
mongysporting full 1080 now:)21:23
Sysi1200p would be nice.. or 2560x1440 ...or 2560x160021:25
nightspiritI'm good with my screen. If I got anything bigger, I'd have to find new wallpapers21:26
Sysieven if I could by two high-quality 1200p for the price of one 2560x144021:26
augustlgnome3 spaceflare wallpaper ftw :)21:35
mongyes violeta wallpaper ftw :)21:39
nightspiritsteampunk wallpaper ftw21:40
mongy#000000 ftw21:48
SysiI prefer #FFFFFF or some weird turquoise21:50
austinybi have tried installing xubuntu via wubi to no avail, and now through usb with no avail.. what could i be doing wrong22:01
mongyinstalling from usb to where22:03
holsteinaustinyb: check your downloaded images22:19
m1chaelif i boot up a pc with an xubuntu live cd- is it possible to get a full probe of all hardware specifications? how can i do it? i'd like to be able to save it to a usb flash drive22:20
mongym1chael, sudo lshw > output.txt22:23
m1chael<mongy> m1chael, sudo lshw > output.txt # is this available through the liveCD console? ( i havent tested it yet. )22:44
m1chaelokay, great22:44
m1chaeldoing a very big job tomorrow and xubuntu will be my pc swiss army knife22:45
Unit193You can also get an nice HTML page of it22:45
mongythere is a gui called hwinfo , not used it in ages so not sure how good it is22:45
SysiI prefer output of lspci > HW.txt ; lscpu >> HW.txt ; free -m >> HW.txt (; lsusb >> HW.txt)22:50
Sysimore clear and also tells ram amount, if you need it22:51
olbicat /proc/cpuinfo, cat /proc/meminfo, dmesg | grep [memory, cpu/processor/etc], lspci22:52
Sysithat's not proper bash script22:53
Sysiwhee, "echo \ >> file" creates empty line22:55
Sysiecho TEST > test.txt ; echo \ >> test.txt ; echo TEST >> test.txt ; cat test.txt22:57
Sysiat some point I could study loops..23:00
TVasEyesfor i in $(seq 1 100); do echo "loops are overrated"; done23:12
=== Pieman is now known as Paimun

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