
Noldorin_jelmer, good thanks. break from bzr/coding over xmas? ;-)02:18
Noldorin_hi wgz02:18
munchorSimilarly to what I can do with git's "checkout", can I change the branch I'm currently working on with Bazaar, so when I "bzr pull", it will pull from the branch I'm working on, and I don't have to indicate it? Thanks.11:55
fullermdYes and no.  Some terminological confusion there.12:27
fullermdgit checkout is about changing what branch the working tree is 'hooked up' to.  bzr has a 'switch' command that does that.12:28
fullermdBut bzr pull is about updating one _branch_ to match another.  That it also updated the WT is sorta a side effect.12:28
fullermdIf you want to change [semi-]permanently which branch your local branch is tracking, pull has a --remember arg that will change the remembered location; that may be what you want.12:29
munchorHm fullermd12:57
munchorthanks fullermd12:57
munchorbzr pull lp:my-branch --remember12:57
sjamaanHi. I'm having some trouble understanding the bzr API.  I'm trying to check whether a file is changed, so I'm doing tree.get_file_sha1(id) == tree.basis_tree().get_file_sha1(id) but they always differ14:16
sjamaanI thought basis_tree was supposed to be the tree of the latest revision, whereas tree is the current working tree14:16
sjamaan(I got the 'tree' object via WorkingTree.open_containing(dir))14:16
sjamaanAh, it looks like this works when I flush the changes I made to the file14:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* jelmer waves18:45
sjamaanhi jelmer18:46
sjamaanWhat's the recommended way to publish a bzr plugin?19:16
sjamaanI made a very small and simple plugin to help out with a very specific task. Should this have its own launchpad page?19:17
Noldorin_hi folks21:13
sjamaanhi Noldorin_21:13
mgedminI have a bazillion unrelated checkouts of various projects in ~/src/21:15
mgedminI'd like to see if any of them have modified and uncommitted files21:15
mgedminwith svn checkouts I can do svnst * 2>/dev/null|grep -v ^?21:16
mgedmin(svnst is an alias for svn st)21:16
mgedminbazaar doesn't like 'bzr st ~/src/*'21:16
mgedminand for i in ~/src/*; do bzr st $i; done doesn't show me the particular $i21:17
mgedminalso it recognizes svn checkouts and starts the slow conversion-into-cache process, any way to disable that?21:17
kgoetzdo echo $i; bzr st $i21:17
kgoetzi use 'mr' for such jobs though, so i don't know what The Bzr Way is21:17
mgedmindoesn't mr require you to have a config file explicitly listing all your checkouts?21:18
mgedminis there a bzr --disable-plugins or something?21:18
fullermdDoesn't stat give useful exit codes depending on changes vs. not?  I'd go with that over output...21:19
sjamaanit doesn't seem to21:19
mgedminah, found 'bzr help global-options': there's a --no-plugins21:20
sjamaanYou could use -V and pipe that to wc -l and see if it's bigger than zero, or something21:20
* mgedmin ends up with for i in *; do test -d $i/.bzr && { echo + $i; bzr --no-plugins st $i; }; done21:21
sjamaanhm, is there a way to get loggerhead tarball downloads to extract to only 1 directory named after the project? And can you use tags instead of revision numbers?21:22
mgedminwith subversion I can filter out unknown files with |grep -v ^?21:22
mgedminhow do I do that with 'bzr st'?21:22
sjamaanmgedmin: -V does that21:22
mgedminso _that's_ what "only show versioned files" means!21:22
mgedminread it, didn't understand it21:23
sjamaanDoes anyone know how I can see raw files without knowing their internal ID?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/605775 says it should be possible21:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 605775 in loggerhead "Loggerhead doesn't support linking to the raw content" [Medium,Fix committed]21:34
sjamaan(or should I ask in #launchpad?)21:35
* sjamaan tries there21:37
* mwhudson rediscovers loggerhead's context_url "feature"21:45
mwhudsonjelmer: around-p?22:05
mgedminbehold my greatest creation: ~/bin/whatsmodified -- http://pastie.org/315092022:06
mgedminduh, how did I miss bzr st -S?22:40
fullermdI doSn't knoSw.  MaySbe Syou haSSve trSouble SsSeeing capSital sS'Ss...22:43
sjamaanAnd he kept trying: bzr st -22:43
sjamaanIT JUST WON'T WORK!22:44
mwhudsonbzrlib.delta.report_changes will tell you that the executable bit changed23:10
mwhudsonbut not in which direction23:10
fullermdI think I've grumbled about that at the UI level in the past.23:15
mwhudsonyeah, i presume that's why status is as it is23:25
fullermdIt annoyed me in log.  It's _really_ hard to understand what happened to +/-x over history.23:30
mwhudsondiff displays it nicely23:31

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