
ojwbis there a known issue with translation imports currently?03:56
ojwbthe status thing on identica reported an issue then said it was resolved 3 days ago03:57
ojwbhttps://translations.launchpad.net/survex/trunk/+imports shows status "Imported" (and has done for 24 hours or so) but they aren't showing up at https://translations.launchpad.net/survex/trunk/+pots/survex03:59
ojwbhmm, though clicking through again, I notice https://translations.launchpad.net/survex/trunk/+templates says updated 2012-01-0704:00
ojwboh, is "Last Edited" on https://translations.launchpad.net/survex/trunk/+pots/survex the date of the last edit via the launchpad translation web ui?04:01
kalkin_I'm having trouble with a source package, where my install script seems unable to put binaries into /usr/bin (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89333622/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.rust_0.09-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)07:34
kalkin_I see the same problem in pbuilder07:35
kalkin_Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?07:35
ojwbkalkin_: this probably isn't the right place to ask for packaging help, but you don't install to /usr/bin, but rather to a staging directory (typically debian/tmp/usr/bin or with the binary package name instead of tmp)07:45
kalkin_where is a better place to ask?07:46
kalkin_i understand that the package is, either locally with pbuilder, or on a server somewhere after uploading as a PPA, using a sandbox to build07:47
kalkin_Should i change my `make install` to put things in some staging directory?07:48
ojwbkalkin_: yeah - if the build system supports DESTDIR, just set that07:55
kalkin_i'll look into it07:57
ojwbkalkin_: #ubuntu-packaging is probably most appropriate (or #debian-mentors if it's for debian)07:58
kalkin_it seems like dh_auto_install is already using something there "dh_auto_install: make -j1 install DESTDIR=/tmp/buildd/rust-0.09/debian/rust returned exit code 2"07:58
kalkin_thanks for the help!07:58
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sjamaanDoes anyone know how I can see raw files without knowing their internal ID?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/605775 says it should be possible21:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 605775 in loggerhead "Loggerhead doesn't support linking to the raw content" [Medium,Fix committed]21:37

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