
eaburnsThanks for your help00:00
eaburnsI am sure that I will eventually find something to get it working :)00:00
bioterrorwe are almost there00:00
bioterrorI assume you have some special keys mapped?00:01
Neosanoeaburns, the easiest way to set something to startup is "sudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart"00:05
bioterrorthat's just completely stupid00:05
Neosanowhy? it works.00:05
bioterrorfirst sudo and graphical editor00:06
Neosano? and why not? O_o00:06
bioterrorsecond system wide configuration for a user specific settings00:06
Neosanowait.. what's wrong with the first point?00:06
ubot5If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:06
Unit193NEVER use sudo leafpad!00:07
NeosanoWhy is it an issue?00:08
NeosanoWell, to be perfectly honest, most of the time it isn't.00:08
Unit193Read the link00:08
Neosanothat's from the link00:09
Unit193Yeah, and the rest?00:09
Neosanooh, you mean this thing? "Bottom line: most of the time when you use sudo for graphical applications, it's fine. Some of the time, though, it is not fine, and is, in fact, extremely bad. "00:11
NeosanoI think leafpad is too simple to do something bad :)00:12
eaburnsOK, I got it working00:12
eaburnsThe trick seems to be that the desktop file doesn't expand ~00:12
eaburnsI changed it to use an absolute path to /home/eaburns/.Xmodmap and it worked just fine00:12
eaburnsThanks for all of the help00:13
Neosanoand why can't we have a gui for autostart in Lubuntu?00:13
bioterrorNeosano, becouse you have not coded that yet00:13
Unit193Simple, you can use it, just don't recommend it, and don't come here for help if you break something with it :)00:13
bioterrorI had first PAE problem00:14
bioterrormaybe I should post to forums00:14
Unit193Wow, must be one old compy00:16
bioterrorStinkpad T42 :D00:16
bioterrorit has a pentium m00:17
Unit193Thankfully the P-M I have works00:17
bioterrorwhat next :D00:21
Unit193Debian :P00:22
Unit193Or in your case, arch00:22
Unit193But, offtopic time00:22
nullaresnataGood day all.00:37
nullaresnataI don't have sound on my pidgin. Anyone know why?00:37
nullaresnataWell, better this way: is there a way to get sound on pidgin with Lubuntu?00:38
phillwnullaresnata: tools --> Preferences --> Sound ?00:40
phillwI have mine all disabled.00:41
nullaresnataDone that already - still mute.00:41
phillwnullaresnata: if you send me an email to phillw@ubuntu.com reminding me, I'll have a play with it tomorrow for you. I'm just about off to bed!00:42
Unit193nullaresnata: Sound works otherwise?00:43
bioterrorcorrect sound theme?-)00:53
bioterrorI've seen that happening00:53
nullaresnataFound a way. :)00:53
nullaresnataChose the method by command and directed the sound through aplay.00:54
nullaresnataThanks anyway, you pointed out in the right direction.00:54
phillwnullaresnata: good to hear... one less task for me :)00:54
Unit193Great! Glad you got it fixed00:54
Unit193nullaresnata: So this makes sound ;)00:55
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smileLubuntuPowered: hi! :p08:21
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=== nieuwenickname is now known as smile
david_j_rFor a small CLI utility, which is preferable for install: apt-get? or Synaptic Package Mgr? Or does it matter?15:51
AmberJSynaptic is NOT CLI, david_j_r15:54
AmberJsmall...well, go with apt-get (but it really depends on what you want)...15:54
david_j_ryes - understood - but I can get a prog that IS used only on CLI -15:54
david_j_rsorry if that was confusing!15:54
AmberJapt-get is CLI, aptitude is CUI/TUI, synaptic is GUI15:54
david_j_rhashalot is the prog in question15:54
david_j_rI can install it either from apt-get, or get it from Synaptic15:55
AmberJyes. you can install it using both...15:55
david_j_rand no difference doing so?15:55
david_j_re.g., when it comes to upgrades?15:55
AmberJNo difference.15:56
david_j_rI'm hazy on what happens with those modes of installation -- as you can see!15:56
david_j_rI'll just go for apt-get, then, with terminal already running.15:57
AmberJBoth are same. Synaptic is ALTERNATIVE graphical interface to apt-get.15:57
david_j_rRight! That's the missing link for me. Sometimes the simple things are the hardest to find out. ;)15:58
david_j_rThanks again.15:58
AmberJNo problems :)15:59
kopis there an lxde user available here ?18:03
holsteinkop: feel free and just ask away!18:03
nothingspecialone would hope so kop :)18:04
kopbase install of 10.04 lubuntu w/nvidia driver/kernel18:04
kopafter enabling the second screen the menu fonts are so small that they can not be read with a magnifying glass18:04
kopI don't have enough experience with the menu to know where the look and feel tab is18:05
kopuntil I get a command line option or someone that regularly uses the desktop can point me to the right selections this desktop is useless18:05
smilekop: use 11.10 instead. :)18:07
holsteinwell, you can go back to one screen, and poke around in the GUI for a bit... but...18:07
bioterrorkop, is there a reason to use 10.04?18:09
kopsmile, not an option snd_oss module is deprecated past 10.1018:09
bioterrorthere we go18:09
smilekop: why you want oss? :)18:09
kopjust don't get me started on PA18:10
holsteinkop: try it live though... alsa only is likely what you want18:10
kopdoesn't work live as the module isn't in the L'ubuntu kernel options18:11
holsteinmaybe theres a backport... or another kernel option18:12
kopwhat I need is how to get to look and feel through a gui whose fonts have been reduced to less than 1/32"18:12
holsteinanyways... you should be able to do either... use that sound device without pulse in 11.10, or change the fonlt size18:13
kopget used to it I jus thin I cn tpye18:13
kopand just before anyone suspects I'm "new" I've had my login here since "openprojects"18:15
kopso where is look and feel located on a default install ?18:15
kopthis will have to be ~start > how many up > how many up> and fortunately I have a screen shot of the look and feel dialog box18:18
kopkrap I have a .18 dpi monitor and the fonts arn't big enough to read18:18
smileMrChrisDruif: hoi! :)18:37
kopso where is look and feel located on a default install ?18:45
MrChrisDruifThanks kop18:46
kopI'll need nearly braille instructions because the fonts are unreadable18:46
MrChrisDruifAccording to http://lxde.org/lxappearance_change_look_feel the app should be lxappearance18:46
kopI've seen the dialog box in screen shots but lxappearance doesn't resemble it at all18:48
MrChrisDruifCan you make a printscreen of it?18:48
kopactually no as it's on an unusable desktop18:49
kopthe fonts are less than 1/32" tall18:49
MrChrisDruifThe PrtSc button doesn't work?18:50
kopsure but I can't log in to anything I can't see18:50
kopnot been able to set up xchat etc18:51
kopafter enabling the second screen the menu fonts are so small that they can not be read with a magnifying glass18:52
kopam I making any sense ?18:52
kopimagine trying to read 4pt font on a 1024x768 screen18:53
* MrChrisDruif is having dinner while helping you18:53
MrChrisDruifAlright, but the window is looking kinda similar to the link you send me?18:55
kopno I cant get there from here18:56
kopneed directions18:56
MrChrisDruifDoes the terminal open when you press Ctrl+Alt+T?18:57
kopstart > settings ? (I can see that one ) > how many from the top or bottom ....18:57
kopyes but nothing in the lxappearance resembles the .png I posted :-/18:58
kopam I wrong ver , release ?18:58
MrChrisDruifwhich version of Lubuntu are you running?18:59
* kop is wishing for a command line option for ssh 19:00
Unit193What about switching to a TTY?19:00
kopneed kernel modules that arn't included in 10.10 on19:00
ubot5To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.19:01
MrChrisDruifAnd Unit193; that'll probably won't work because lxappearance is a graphical app?19:01
Unit193MrChrisDruif: It won't show up there, no. You can either fix it CLI style, or  DISPLAY=:0 lxappearance  (Should pick it up)19:02
MrChrisDruifDoes "lxappearance &" open the lxappearance app?19:03
MrChrisDruifThat might be a useful command19:03
MrChrisDruifkop; ^19:04
MrChrisDruifkop; you still with us?19:06
kopit does but dia'g box fonts are as the rest19:06
kop<---- the day interrupts here also19:07
icanhasdeariaWhat is the path used in this distribution for storing game data files?  e.g. for gentoo linux each game has its own directory in /usr/share/games/.  I'm collecting notes for each distro so that I can collect a list of all possible paths to make sure to look in each of them for a particular game.19:09
MrChrisDruificanhasdearia; try searching that folder (aka I don't know)19:11
Unit193icanhasdearia: Depends on the game, but assault cube has them in ~/.assaultcube_v1.04/ for example19:11
MrChrisDruifkop; so lxappearance is open now?19:12
MrChrisDruifAlright, maybe they all store them in ~/ ?19:12
MrChrisDruifAs hidden folders?19:12
smilebye :)19:12
Unit193MrChrisDruif: Aye19:13
MrChrisDruifUnit193; where are the settings saved from lxappearance? Maybe it's easier to just open that file with nano and edit it?19:13
psesqgames installed from repos are in /usr/share/games too19:14
MrChrisDruifUnit193; is it on lubuntu-rc.xml?19:14
psesqand those, which are not installed from deb - in home, as hidden ;)19:15
psesqin my case19:15
Unit193psesq: Data files19:16
* MrChrisDruif isn't on Lubuntu to test19:16
Unit193MrChrisDruif: It's got fonts in there,a ye19:17
psesqanyway, i don't think it depends on distro, but game?19:18
patI've found this: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/install-lubuntu-software-center.html  but I'm on Lucid and it doesnt' seem to be working.  Is there a way to install the software center on lububtu lucid?19:19
MrChrisDruifUnit193; http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?topic=73909.019:19
Unit193The software center isn't ready anyway19:20
Unit193MrChrisDruif: On that page, just haven't read it19:20
MrChrisDruifpat; you'd need to download the source files and compile it yourself. It isn't without reason that it isn't available for ALL Lubuntu versions19:20
patBah.  I'm looking for an easy way mymother can install software.  You can browse by category in the sofwre center, unless there's a way to do it in synaptics GUI too19:21
MrChrisDruifpat; in the tree on the left side you can also scroll categories19:22
MrChrisDruifNot as intuitive like LSC or USC etc...19:22
* MrChrisDruif doesn't know if you can hide technical packages in Synaptic19:22
patI'll just NOT tell her how to do it and punch a hole through her firewall instead so I can get in and do it.19:24
patThanks folks.19:24
MrChrisDruifJust use SSH keys I wanted to say19:25
* MrChrisDruif is off again19:26
MrChrisDruifSorry kop, but I've got to do some stuff19:26
kopMrChrisDruif,  I'll get there somehow and screenshot , dia some wtf to the forum as well as links here19:29
kopway kewl19:38
kophave all but the main menu  fonts to 32pt19:39
kopnow for the menu ...19:39
kopany ideas19:39
* kop googles futility 19:39
kopok down to one final adjustment19:54
kopfont size in the main menu .....19:54
corvus_Anyone have any experience with xfce-screenshooter in Lubuntu?20:21
corvus_Or any screenshot utility in Lubuntu, for that matter?20:22
Unit193scrot is the default20:23
AmberJcorvus_, Print Screen key saves to ~/20:23
corvus_scrot is terminal based, yes?20:24
Unit193Yep (and read what Amber said)20:24
corvus_All right, I will check. Thanks.20:25
AmberJyes, but it is bind to "Print Screen" key in Lubuntu.20:25
corvus_Tried taking a screenshot of my desktop. Couldn't find the image in ~/20:26
AmberJAh...he left. I got disconnected :(20:39
clacheHi, I have a problem on Lubuntu 11.10. My wifi pcmcia card Netgear WG511v3 work fine with the kernel, but not recognise with
clachehttp://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-105726 At the begginning it's when it work. After line 304 when it's bad.20:40
clacheIf someone have heard about this.20:42
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bioterrorhave you seen here much problems?21:32
pangolinI haven't21:33
bioterrorclache, are you now using
clacheYes now, i'm on
bioterroryou should probably report a bug against kernel that the driver is missing or something like that21:59
bioterrorbest way to make kernel team to be sure that they forgot to include something in there ;)22:00
clacheOk, i'm a beginner, i'm looking for that22:02
bioterrorlaunchpad.net is the place for bug tracking22:02
bioterrorand lots of other things22:02
clacheYes, I known, For doing a good report, i'm going ask help in my language.22:03

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