
=== raju1 is now known as raju
l3onHi guys.... someone can help me with this?12:10
l3onhttp://debomatic64.debian.net/precise/pool/shogun_1.1.0-1ubuntu1/shogun_1.1.0-1ubuntu1.buildlog (16MB!)12:10
l3onmake[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/shogun-1.1.0/shogun-ruby_modular/interfaces/ruby_modular'12:10
l3onclang++ -Xlinker --no-undefined -L../../shogun -lshogun -lruby-1.9.1 -fPIC -shared -ldl modshogun_wrap.cxx.o sg_print_functions.cpp.o -L../../shogun -lshogun -lm -pthread -lhdf5 -ljson   -lxml2   -llapack -lcblas -llapack_atlas -larpack -lglpk -lm -llzo2 -lz -llzma  -o modshogun.so12:10
l3onmodshogun_wrap.cxx.o: In function `Init_modshogun':12:10
l3on/tmp/buildd/shogun-1.1.0/shogun-ruby_modular/interfaces/ruby_modular/modshogun_wrap.cxx:378696: undefined reference to `rb_define_module'12:10
jtaylorthe libraries must be after the objects12:11
jtaylorlshogun and lruby12:12
l3onah ok, always the same :)12:12
l3onHi guys... I'm looking at merge eggdrop... last ubuntu changes import a SSL patch, in website I can read:15:40
l3on_<l3on> Hi guys... I'm looking at merge eggdrop... last ubuntu changes import a SSL patch, in website I can read:15:42
l3on_<l3on> Adds SSL support to Eggdrop, allowing your bot to establish an SSL connection with IRC servers that support it. Note this patch does not have 64-bit or thread support. Also note this patch works for some but causes crashes for others—see this forum thread for more information. Users who experience crashes after applying this patch should not send a bug report to Eggdrop development, but instead consider using the development version of Eggdr15:42
l3on_op 1.8 w15:43
l3on_<l3on> hich includes SSL support.15:43
l3on_<l3on> the question is: we have to apply it anyway ?.. I mean, it seems that introduces some crashes, could it be more safe do not include it this time?15:43
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
udienzl3on, dpkg-ruby is absolute by ruby-debian16:03
udienzsee http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65429616:03
ubottuDebian bug 654296 in ftp.debian.org "RM: dpkg-ruby -- RoQA; obsoleted by ruby-debian" [Normal,Open]16:03
l3onudienz, ah ok, so we have to make a transitional package ?16:04
arandRegarding icons.. Which resolution does ubuntu use for the launcher and lenses? Would it be ok to only install a 128x128 version, or should I convert it down to something like x64?16:05
udienzl3on, why we need it?16:06
l3onudienz, I don't know, I'm learning this things in these days ... so, don't really care about by words :)16:07
l3onanyway, is not the standard way to replace a package with another ?16:07
udienzl3on, http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/ruby-debian.git;a=blob;f=debian/control;hb=HEAD#l14 ruby-debian will replace dpkg-ruby16:08
l3onah great! :)16:08
udienzl3on, you can use replace16:08
l3onah ok, :)16:10
udienzl3on, for bug 896668. please add debdiff from latest ubuntu change to your newer ubuntu changes16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 896668 in forked-daapd (Ubuntu) "Please merge forked-daapd 0.19gcd-2 (universe) from Debian unstable " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89666816:11
udienzso we have 2 debdiff, 1) debdiff debian-ubuntu 2) debdiff ubuntu-ubuntu16:11
l3onudienz, done :)16:13
udienzah.. i forget to join ubuntu-sponsors team16:14
udienzi'll take a look16:14
l3onhey gusy, have you ever seen something like this: http://debomatic64.debian.net/precise/pool/jack-tools_20101210-1.1ubuntu1/jack-tools_20101210-1.1ubuntu1.buildlog ?16:29
jtaylorl3on: yes  -lm is missing16:30
l3onwell and why it builds fine in debian? :)16:31
jtaylorit previously relied on indirect linkage16:31
jtaylorprobably as-needed related16:31
jtayloras yes thats the issue16:32
jtaylor-lm is on the line, but it must be after the static library16:32
l3onok, I'm going to fix it :)16:32
udienzhm.. seems like debian not enabled as-neeeded16:36
jtayloryes unfortunatly16:37
jtaylormost existing packages are fixed but a good percentage of new packages need fixing too16:37
jtaylorit will be a constant source of work for quite a while16:38
jtaylor(until upstreams get it)16:38
udienzjtaylor, then all bug with as-needed in debian must not 'serious' priority again?16:40
jtaylorno they are wishlist16:40
jtaylordebian does not enable that flag, and probably also won't in near future16:41
l3onwell jtaylor it's not so simple, sice jack-tools uses automake :/16:41
l3onthats all:16:41
l3onjack_udp_LDADD = common/libcommon.a $(JACK_LIBS)16:41
l3onjack_udp_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(JACK_CFLAGS)16:41
jtaylorthat looks right16:42
jtaylorjust missing a -lm16:42
l3on.. are you suggesting to add manually -lm ?16:43
jtaylordebian/rules is to blame16:43
jtaylorLDFLAGS += -ldl -lm16:43
jtaylorthat should be LIBS16:43
jtaylormake sure to file a bug in debian16:43
l3onyep :)16:44
l3onthanks :)16:44
Zhenech_that should be in the automake foo, not in rules16:44
jtayloryes thats an upstream issue16:44
Zhenech_there is a trivial automake snippet for that even16:44
jtaylorhm no forwarding adress set in the debian bug that introduced that ...16:46
Zhenech_something like this to the configure.ac:16:47
Zhenech_(JACK_LIBS here ofc)16:47
l3onwell jtaylor it does not work :)16:55
jtaylortry LIBADD16:56
l3onudienz, oooops..16:58
l3onI forgot to delete it, it does not come from merge-grub, It's a test I did some days ago... Sorry!16:59
udienzl3on, no problem. please upload your debdiff again17:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
l3onudienz, done :)17:09
l3onjtaylor, nothing changed :/17:10
jtayloryou probably have to patch the source then17:10
udienzl3on, uploaded, thanks for your work17:32
l3onudienz, thanks for review :)17:32
udienzwow you have ~40 uploaded to Ubuntu archive17:33
jtaylordo we need dpkg predepends for bz2 packages?17:35
jtaylorprobably not, I just looked at the wrong compressed file17:37
dupondjewhats the version convention for beta versions ?19:44
dupondje1.0.0-beta5-0ubuntu1 ?19:45
dupondjeor ?19:45
tumbleweedthere's a problem with that19:45
tumbleweed1.0.0-beta5 > 1.0.019:45
dupondjemyeh :)19:45
tumbleweeduse ~beta519:46
dupondjeoh ok :)19:46
dupondjebeta versions accepted btw ?19:46
tumbleweedsure, we occasionaly upload bzr/git/svn HEADs19:47
tumbleweedobviously, only when it's a good idea19:47
tumbleweedwe prefer released versions, certainly19:47
lfaraoneIf I'm SRUing multiple bugs, should I just put all the verification information in the main bug? Specifically thinking of bug 74319821:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 743198 in pithos (Ubuntu Oneiric) ""You have no chance to survive make your time" error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74319821:33
lfaraonealso, most confusing error message ever.21:33
arandRegarding icons.. Which resolution does ubuntu use for the launcher and lenses? Would it be ok to only install a 128x128 version, or should I convert it down to something like x64?23:26

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