
=== sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
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uvirtbotNew bug: #913379 in ntp (main) "Migrate ntp from SystemV to Upstart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91337911:16
sw0rdfishRoyK, er du her?12:17
RoyKsw0rdfish: jau12:24
=== sixstringsg|away is now known as sixstringsg
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
uvirtbotNew bug: #913464 in rabbitmq-server (main) "rabbit creates new PAM session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91346416:51
samba35why i am not able to acess httpd after installing apache2 package18:24
Resistancesamba35:  did you try http://localhost/ ?18:25
samba35i am running on port 8050 but still i am not able to open http://localhost:805018:29
ewooksamba35: port 8050 on what interface?18:30
samba35you mean host or nic ?18:31
samba35sorry i dont understand18:32
ewooksamba35: I mean nic, yes.18:32
samba35i have 3 nics18:32
ewooksamba35: to what interface did you bind the httpd? * or a specific?18:32
samba35how do i test that18:32
samba35should i post config file18:33
ewookdo a netstat -natp and paste the result into pastebin or something.18:33
ewook(as root)18:33
RoyKapache is listening to 8050 there18:38
ewooktcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      7808/apache218:39
ewookSo, apache is listening on all interfaces on the assigned port. if you can't reach the desired content, I'd point to your site config.18:40
JanCyou do need a site configured, of course...18:40
samba35how do i get httpd command in ubuntu18:41
RoyKI'd start out reading apache's log files18:41
RoyKsamba35: you don't, that's redhat's naming of what's called 'appache2' in debian/ubuntu18:41
RoyKor 'apache2'18:41
ewookya. /var/log/apache2/access.log and error.log or if you specified any specific logfiles for your site.18:41
RoyKsee apache2ctl for more info18:41
samba35apache2 -S give me18:43
samba35apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}18:43
samba35how do i fix that18:43
RoyKwhat are you trying to do?18:44
RoyK       -S     Show the settings as parsed from the config file (currently only shows the virtualhost settings).18:44
samba35some other person want output of that command to understand the problem in apache /httpd irc18:45
RoyKif you want to test if the config is valid, try 'apache2ctl configtest'18:45
samba35it say syntex ok18:46
RoyKwhat happens if you telnet to port 8050_18:48
samba35i got output i dont get apache18:49
samba35telnet localhost 8050 Trying ::1...   Trying      Connected to localhost.Escape character is '^]'.18:50
samba35any other workaround18:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #913515 in apache2 (main) "Migrate Apache2 from SystemV to Upstart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91351519:26
=== pehden_ is now known as pehden
=== sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away
=== alaing is now known as funkymonk
fikushello, my ubuntu version - 11.10 x64. I install into my computer Sun 4 ports card. I find that simple command couldn't run correctly - ping for example. My problem is same as - http://networkbroadcast.co.uk/2011/04/sun-quad-nics-and-x86_64-kernels/. Have anyone shot solution?21:11

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