
InHisName@later tell pangolin http://www.electronicspoint.com/usb-test-t75343.html            ---        http://www.diy-computer-repair.com/Repair-USB.html <-- do it your self stuff.  e-book link might be interesting....... well.... no -- $67 ====> OK found a great ref,  author has same issues as son.  So easy your son could do it while sleepy. http://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/usb-device-not-recognized/    I give it a 1001:05
pangolinInHisName: thanks for the links :)03:11
InHisNameYes, that last one just might be the one to turn the trick !03:20
* ChinnoDog yawns14:16
ChinnoDogI am going on a segway tour of DC today, but that is later.15:16
jedijfChinnoDog: there's a dc ubu hour, have you tried it yet?15:17
jedijfDistrict of Columbia15:18
jedijfEvery Saturday, 4:00PM @ Taste of India, Woodley Park Metro - BCurtisWX15:18
ChinnoDogI've asked peeps in #ubuntu-us-dc about that but I don't get the impression anyone shows up15:19
rmg51ChinnoDog: be the first 8-)15:21
ChinnoDogIf I am the first then I'll just have my own Ubuntu Hour :-p15:23
ChinnoDogI'd have it at HacDC though15:38
ChinnoDogAssuming I become a member15:38
JonathanDHey hey.16:17
jedijfChinnoDog: so you liked HacDC? Awesome. I wasn't sure.17:05
ChinnoDogjedijf: Yes, it is small and cluttered though.17:07
jedijfok, that's what i took the cozy as17:09
jedijfthat's hackerspace'ish17:09
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Joe_CaT
pleia2I think cluttered is a hackerspace requirement17:34
InHisNamegood afternoon17:38
=== Joe_CaT is now known as Joe_CoT
InHisNameJoe_CoT: having spelling troubles ?18:09
Joe_CoTignore the man behind the curtain18:10
* Resistance throws a flashbang behind the curtain.18:16
Resistanceno i think i'll confront he who is behind the curtain >:)18:16
InHisNamecome back to disturb that man behind the curtain ?18:59
andrewIt's been a long day.21:21
Resistanceactually i've got a selfdestructing computer which randomly closes out channels and stuff21:34
* Resistance is annoyed about this21:35
pangolin/ctcp Resistance KILLTAB #ubuntu-us-pa21:51
InHisNameDo not resist, you will be assimilated by the random self destructor21:51

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