
koalachairpnorman: So it's like two of the 4 drives don't think the other two are ok...?00:00
koalachairpnorman: And the other two are like "WE'RE FINE! WHAT THE HELL?"00:00
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koalachairpnorman: Aha!00:01
koalachairI tried --assemble --scan --force00:02
koalachairpnorman: mount... and we're in!00:02
eduedixhi, how can i run a script when logging out ?00:02
pooltablehelp when i exit VBA betz it does not exit it right how to fix it thanks ??00:03
LinuX2halfCould someone help me on why Ubuntu is lying about broken packages when installing an application?00:03
koalachairpnorman: I guess just a little bit of virtual muscle... or whatever force does. I guess it ignores the perceived state of the other drives.00:03
LinuX2halfI've checked through several seeking methods and find none that contains any reason that I have held broken packages.00:05
LinuX2halfIt's clearly that there's something wrong with the architecture but I cannot put my hands on what it is.00:06
eduedixhow can i run a script when logging out ?00:09
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linxeheduedix: .bash_logout I guess (but it depens what you mean by logout)00:14
suboneIn The newest version of Ubuntu there is no system tray. How do I access the applications that have gone to the system tray?00:15
Aliv3so um.. what do i do. still no apps. unity --reset has error00:18
mappumdoes anyone know of a good graphical GPU performance monitor that shows temp? (I am using amd GPUs)00:23
owenllsubone:  To view all the opened applications/files press Windowskey + w . To install a system tray http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/add-taskbar-in-ubuntu-11-0411-10-with-panel-tint2/00:24
suboneowenll, This does not show the item in the tray00:25
suboneowenll, i will try tint200:25
d4nt3is there anyone here?00:26
cromagabout 1500 yes00:27
d4nt3XD I meant is anyone actually here.00:27
cromagmy guess is "it's possible" ;)00:27
d4nt3I'm trying to install ubuntu from a cd to a brand new laptop and i'm unable to go into the bios and select boot from cd for whatever reason. It just immeadietly starts up windows. Any advice?00:28
d4nt3sorry if that's a derpy question :/00:28
Myrtried pressing the escape to BIOS key for your motherboard?00:28
gnubied4nt3,   try f12 at the start of pc startup00:29
gnubied4nt3,   should give boot choices00:29
d4nt3I'll try again.00:30
suboneowenll, tint2 shows no items in the system tray or no system tray is shown00:30
trismsubone: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30742/how-do-i-access-and-enable-more-icons-to-be-in-the-system-tray00:31
urlin2utrism, unity desktop?00:31
trismurlin2u: hmm?00:32
trismsubone: although it is possible to enable the system tray in tint2 as well http://code.google.com/p/tint2/wiki/Configure#System_Tray but probably not what you want00:32
urlin2utrism, I see tha was directed at another.00:32
subonetrism, from what i can tell from the configuration file the system tray is enabled in tint200:33
Owner__alright, I got a question....how do dll's work?00:33
subonebrb gonna logout to test the whitelist00:35
LinuX2halfDoes anyone know why my Ubuntu is acting persistent whenever I try to install ppstream and usually it results in an message that goes like: unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."00:35
LinuX2halfThen on the previous message, it says that the designated program is unable to continue due to unmet dependencies00:35
suboneThat whitelist all seemed to fix it00:36
pooltableVBA beta exit issue ???00:38
juanpablo_pizalguien de hermosillo sonora00:38
john_doe_jrI'd like to make the current Google Chrome in Windows be able to play mp4s...I realize that chrome is using avcodec-52.dll found @ C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\16.0.912.75 ...I've tried to drop in previous dlls avcodec.dll files into that folder but I'm not having any luck...any ideas why this isn't working?00:40
zykotick9john_doe_jr: ##windows is probably the channel you're looking for00:41
bazhangjohn_doe_jr, how does ubuntu factor into this?00:41
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: windows isn't supported here00:41
LinuX2halfubuntu software center reports that the deb file has a wrong architecture '1386', how do you resolve this?00:41
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: I told you this earlier..00:41
john_doe_jrActionParsnip, yup, but I'm trying something new now00:42
john_doe_jrActionParsnip, chrome uses avcodec.dll to decode the videos...why not use an older avocodec.dll ?00:42
overcluckerjohn_doe_jr: do realize that you are on a ubuntu linux channel? you'll get more help from ##windows00:44
zorro747I'm seeing "appication" and "places" buttons on screenshots and tutorials. How do I switch those on?00:44
john_doe_jroverclucker, well, I've tried windows00:44
hellyeahis there something wrong http://dpaste.com/683648/00:45
cypher-neojohn_doe_jr, Well, the best advice we can give you here, for your current predicament is: Install Ubuntu00:45
trism!notunity | zorro74700:46
ubottuzorro747: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:46
john_doe_jrcyphase, users use windows not ubuntu00:46
john_doe_jrcyphase, isn't want I'm doing possible?00:46
trismzorro747: the gnome fallback mode option00:46
wingiehow do i use curl with basic auth?00:46
zorro747do I need it?00:46
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: its not supported here, this is Ubuntu support00:47
cyphasejohn_doe_jr, i think you mean cypher-neo00:47
trismzorro747: you do not need it, if you like unity (the default), use that00:47
D4nt3I managed to boot from the cd and it made the little bongo noise. Now there's just a black screen >.> fuuuuu00:47
john_doe_jrsorry about that00:47
cyphaseno problem00:47
pooltablezorro747 i use xfce i like it better than unity00:47
john_doe_jrActionParsnip, alright, but I figured this place is full of Geeks00:47
cypher-neojohn_doe_jr, Users in here use Ubuntu. And apparently what you want to do is not possible on Windows.00:47
bazhangjohn_doe_jr, move to the proper channel please00:47
mx8Can i tell to a socket , what ip addresses have to go throught to reach hes destination ? I mean : etc  from ip -> - > .... -> destination.00:48
mx8and how ?00:48
zorro747ok, thanks for the advice peeps :)00:48
john_doe_jrcypher-neo, I as big a ubuntu geek as the next guy but I need some help from my fellow geeks..I've helped out all kinds of people here00:48
bazhang!ot | john_doe_jr00:49
ubottujohn_doe_jr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:49
illogichello / buenas noches :)00:49
wingiehow do i use basic auth with curl?00:49
wingieplease help!! :(:(00:49
illogicanyone who installed ubuntu on a mac around ?00:50
john_doe_jrubottu, alright00:50
mx8wingie: basic information you can find in : man curl00:50
pnormanwingie: --basic is the option00:51
pnormanwingie: -u user:password is the other option you need00:51
linxehillogic: I have - I tend to use VMs though now00:53
linxehillogic: I've done it on a macbook 2,1, and a 1st gen mac pro00:53
linxehillogic: and vms on current i7 macbook pro00:53
illogiclinxeh, i installed it on a macbook pro also but somehow it doesn't recognise the wireless driver00:54
illogici enable it00:54
illogicbut still no wireless00:54
arooni-mobilei am travelling in latin america and they replaced my laptop keyboard with a latin america keyboard.  how can i remap a key to be a shift key, without getting rid of the existing shift?  same for mapping a key to be a return instead of being a regular key.00:54
illogicit's ubuntu 10.1000:54
illogici first installed 10.04 and then upgraded it to 10.1000:55
MargeHello people I've just made a recovery of my external hard disk as image *.dd now what do I have to do to see my files in it? Any clue?00:55
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Successcaptcha: furkin ways.00:57
Successim missing /usr/share/unity/places00:57
mx8Marge: Nothing in :  man dd ?00:58
D4nt3Umm question. I'm trying to install ubuntu and every time I boot from the cd it black screens and makes the bongo noise after a couple minutes00:58
zykotick9mx8: man dd probably won't help...00:58
zykotick9Marge: what happens if you just try to mount it?  2nd guess would be trying with loop-mount.00:58
Successim trying to fix dash and i read some fixes and they said to check for some files in there and its missing00:58
Margemount it doesn't work00:59
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zykotick9!doesntwork | Marge00:59
ubottuMarge: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:59
Margegood bight01:00
mx8*: :P01:00
illogiclinxeh, can i private you ?01:02
D4nt3so anyway once more. I'm trying to install ubuntu from a dvd. I boot it from boot options and it loads up a purple screen before black screening. Then about a minute later I get the little bongo noise but I can't turn the screen back on. Any ideas what's wrong?01:03
arooni-mobilewould " keycode 94 = Shift_L" in my ~/.xmodmaprc   succeed in transposing the keycode 94 to be a left shift?01:03
illogici don't know how you guys manage this chat ... we have to chat in private ?01:03
BarkingFishillogic: The way to manage the chat is simple - when you address someone here, just pop their name in front of the message - if you don't, it can get very confusing following who is talking to who :)01:04
BarkingFishWe generally don't recommend you PM people with questions, it's much easier if they're posted publicly so that other people can help if they are able to.01:05
[deXter]Also, it's considered rude to PM someone without asking their permission first.01:05
D4nt3anyone know what tto do? 0.o01:05
NotJimCarreyanybody knowledgeable on qemu? trying to setup an arm debian vm and it's saying "this qemu binary lacks hda support", even though I conpletely removed the sound device in the vm details01:05
Doodiehi, i am having problem installing wien1.3. If i want install wine1.3, then it says i LMMS will be removed, but i need win1.3 for LMMS. They are contrasting each other. How do I install wine 1.2 without removing LMMS?01:05
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BarkingFish[deXter]: Well spotted, I missed that :)01:05
zykotick9!nomodeset | D4nt3 something to try01:05
ubottuD4nt3 something to try: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:05
jagst3r15do intel hd graphix work with ubuntu01:06
illogicBarkingFish,  ok thanks :)01:06
[deXter]jagst3r15, yes01:07
BarkingFishillogic: no problem, just keep your eyes on the text and watch out for your being highlighted, and you shouldn't go far wrong!01:07
illogicBarkingFish, i started talking like no one was around and then  i realised that there are 1500 persons around :)) and then thought ... they need to have some rules around :)01:08
[deXter]Doodie, Remove wine, remove lmms, then add the ppa's for wine and lmms and proceed to install them01:08
mx8Have anyone Skill with sockets ?01:08
Doodie[deXter], ok, I already have wine ppa, let me add for lmms and try. thanks for the hint01:09
jagst3r15how come i cant see it installed?01:09
linxehillogic: you can; we normally stick in here though, then others can correct errors01:09
jagst3r15i look at drivers it say unknown?01:09
rolaHi can anyone recommend a good html editor for ubuntu?01:09
BarkingFishillogic: We do have some rules, they're mentioned in our topic - if you want to go and take a look at them, they're here - http://goo.gl/cEF1w - just explaining a bit of how the channel runs, and your general conduct here.01:09
linxehillogic: what problems do you have ?01:09
linxehillogic: I used refit to manage booting01:09
jagst3r15rola notepad++ should work>01:10
mx8rola: bluefish editor01:10
[deXter]Doodie, ppa:kxstudio-team/ppa01:10
rolathank you01:10
LinuX2halfWhy do I kept getting Wrong Agriculture whenever I'm installing a deb file?01:10
Star_Lightrola you can use nano editor if you are working from the terminal :)01:11
LinuX2halfwrong architecture i38601:11
mx8rola: or efte01:11
zykotick9LinuX2half: you're tring to install a 32bit deb on a 64bit OS is my guess01:11
rolai am looking for something similar to Dreamweaver01:11
Star_Lightrola then you are mean some IDE :)01:11
rolaa good alternative with similar functionality01:11
Star_Lightnot only editor.01:11
LinuX2halfYes that would be it. But how could I resolve it? I've heard you have to install certain packages?01:11
Star_Light.wiki IDE01:12
sagranehow i install Nagios ?01:12
illogiclinxeh, i have installed ubuntu 10.04 and upgraded to 10.10 and my wireless dosn't show up in the bar ... the applet is there but doesn't show any wireless networks . I enabled the broadcom wireless driver from additional drivers01:12
illogiclinxeh, it's a mac machine ... and i use refit too :)01:12
mx8LinuX2half: download 64bit ubuntu01:13
LinuX2halfYou mean a amd64 deb file?01:13
urlin2uillogic, you log out then back in, just guessing here.01:14
mx8LinuX2half: yes01:14
illogicurlin2u, i rebooted several times ...01:14
LinuX2halfBut I'm not sure if there's such a file, this particular one I mean.01:14
linxehillogic: ah, I've rarely used wireless on a normal ubuntu install on a mac; it was always wired or in a VM01:16
mx8LinuX2half: name of file ?01:16
illogicuhm :/01:17
GhostWolfhi all hope someone can help me, i got a new hard drive, nothing on it, even tried partitioning it through windows but either way i get this error when installing on the hard drive. No Root file system is defined. Please Correct this from the partitioning menu. hope someone can help me01:18
illogicanyone else who used wireless conection in ubuntu on a mac ?01:18
c_smithGhostWolf, wimple, go to the manual partitioning menu and designate a partition to be mounted as "/"01:19
c_smith*simple, not wimple01:19
GhostWolfc_smith, ok well i don't know how to do that, never had to do that before01:19
mx8LinuX2half: not: if you are posting to someone write hes name in front  etc MX8: .  Try to download 32bit libs01:20
GhostWolfcause im using the whole hard drive for ubuntu im using a seperate hard drive for my windows and such01:20
LinuX2halfmx8: Alright, I've already installed ia32-libs and still getting the same error01:21
GhostWolfand this is for 11.10 the newest version01:21
c_smithGhostWolf, I'm sorry, but I can't be much more help, TBH, I do manual partition without reading that I forget what you click to get there word wise.01:21
sagraneanybody can help me01:21
LinuX2halfmx8: I've find a package on launchpad.net/archive, but unable to download it. Is there a way?01:22
c_smithGhostWolf, also, I have to get on other stuff, so I gotta go, hopefully someone else here can help. :)01:22
* c_smith leaves01:22
mx8LinuX2helf: try this : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/971117/dev/ppstream_1.0.0-2%2Bxdg%7Eppa1_amd64.tar.gz01:22
_HoochMan_GhostWolf: are you trying to install ubuntu on the new drive?01:23
GhostWolfc_smith, yea i saw that on some linux sites but i don't see manual partition anywhere, where it asks you to install it gives me where i want to do it at and i do it on a seperate hdd and it has a button that says partition but that also didn't help as i recall01:23
mx8LinuX2half: try this : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/971117/dev/ppstream_1.0.0-2%2Bxdg%7Eppa1_amd64.tar.gz01:23
GhostWolf_HoochMan_, yes01:23
LinuX2halfmx8: Yes, I've downloaded it to my computer but how exactly am I'm able to install it?01:23
_HoochMan_GhostWolf: you should be able to use the ubuntu install CD01:23
_HoochMan_GhostWolf: it will let you install ubuntu on the new drive.01:24
GhostWolf_HoochMan_, i have been doing that. it doesn't let me01:25
GhostWolfit gave me the error as i posted01:25
LinuX2halfmx8: After further reviewing, I cannot execute the file program after extraction.01:25
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
LinuX2halfmx8: I think I might find a solution to my ordeal, a package located in launchpad have my exact file.01:26
mx8LinuX2half: Sorry but i think i cant help you in this : (01:26
_HoochMan_GhostWolf: try googling a partition program that runs under windows that will let you partition the new drive for linux. sorry I don01:27
LinuX2halfmx8: It's alright, thanks for your assistance nonetheless.01:27
SVNDRWhat is the command for terminal to bring up the audio GUI?01:27
_HoochMan_sorry I don't know of the software at the moment01:27
schnuffleSVNDR: nm-applet for the panel sound applet01:28
GhostWolf_HoochMan_, it shouldn't matter how i partitioned it in windows or not, its like any os you install it will write over that partition i've done it before01:28
SVNDRschnuffle: there is another one isnt there? it bring up the controls, and stuff?01:28
SVNDRschnuffle: so you can select which volume you want to turn up and down01:29
_HoochMan_GhostWolf: ok sorry, thought you had a partion problem getting the drive setup to install ubuntu01:30
schnuffleSVNDR: can't check I' m on Suse12.401:30
GhostWolfSVNDR, i know what you're talking about. forgot the command for it but it gives you option and stuff01:30
GhostWolf_HoochMan_, no its not a partition problem its a brand new hard drive. well replaced one from the manufacturer but never been used01:30
SVNDRGhostFreeman: its 'alasmixer' thanks anyways01:30
GhostFreemanyou must have me mistaken for another01:31
SVNDRalsamixer **01:31
schnuffleSVNDR: aa you were looking for the console command, I thought you wanted some GUI thing :)01:31
urlin2uGhostFreeman, you can't make the correct partitions for ubuntu in windows, in the ubuntu install choose "something other" at the partitioning choice, that is a custom install, there you choose the hd and repartition to a ext4, and put the boot where you want, and set / for mount.01:36
pipokahi, folks, I am tryng to make a printer and scanner Brother MFC7440N to work on Ubuntu 11.10. It was working in the 10.10, then I upgraded the system and never get the scanner working again. Could anyone help me?01:36
urlin2uGhostFreeman, this is assuming you have booted the ubuntu disc... not clicked on install from windows.01:36
linxehpipoka: brother provide CUPS PPD files for most of their printers - check their site01:37
pipokayes, linxeh, I'm using it01:38
pipokalinxeh: everything seems ok, but the applications as xsane and simple-scan doesn't find the scanner01:38
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
linxehpipoka: ah; I only use the printer from ubuntu on mine MFC5890 - I only use the scanner to memory cards and to my Macs01:40
jseamuscd's and dvd's won't open for me under 10.10   i get an error as follows: "mount: special device /dev/scd1 does not exist" how do i fix this?01:41
pipokalinxeh: i understand. it is very weird, because each step is working fine, the brsane diagnosis find each one of the insatalations, ping the netowork instalation, but xsane and simple-scan seems does not find it.01:42
schnufflejseamus:  can you mount /dev/sr0?01:44
linxehpipoka: its not a 32/64bit issue is it?01:44
jseamusschnuffle: how do i do that?01:44
schnufflejseamus: do you know what a terminal is?01:45
schnufflejseamus: open a terminal and try enterning following: sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt01:45
pipokalinxeh: I dont think so, because it was working fine in another system, on the same machine. I just finishing making another instalation of the old version in order to test it and... scanner is working there...01:46
jseamusschnuffle: i don't see it in /dev and when i try it just returns "mount: /dev/sr0: unknown device"01:46
schnufflejseamus: okay, what type of CD/DVD do you have SATA/IDE/SCSI...?01:47
jseamusschnuffle: it's not a peripheral its the drive the laptop shipped with: ibm t40 iirc01:50
dariushall21Can someone help me out? I have reinstalled Ubuntu about 3  times and I cannot boot up to it, or windows. All I get is, "Error: no such partioin grub01:50
dariushall21I am on the Linux live cd right now. Is there anyway I can maybe manually go to the GRUB menu to force it to boot to Linux?01:51
jseamusschnuffle: btw i found sr0 in /dev but it still won't mount01:51
schnufflejseamus:  do you have a CD in your drive?01:53
dariushall21"No such partion GRUB rescue"01:53
jseamusschnuffle: dvd right now01:53
schnufflejseamus: have you tried a normal data CD?01:54
BarkingFishdariushall21: that's... peculiar, to say the least.  My mind is wondering why GRUB is trying to boot you into rescue.01:54
jseamusschnuffle: i've tried data cds, music cds, dvds. nothing plays01:54
jseamusschnuffle: and the cdrom drive doesn't always show up in Computer01:55
schnufflejseamus: sure your drive is alright?01:55
schnufflejseamus: Can you boot from a Ubuntu install CD?01:55
jseamusschnuffle: i switched it out with another and back again. unless both are broken...01:55
BarkingFishjseamus: two things - have you created a mount point for your drive - I found that was how I could get mine to go every time.  I just added routing for it into my fstab.01:55
dariushall21BarkingFish: I have no idea, my computer is CONSTANLY doing stupid things, windows kept blue-screening that's why I installed Linux because I have never had a problem out of it, but I cannot seem to get it to boot again.01:55
jseamusschnuffle: i don't know01:56
jseamusBarkingFish: how do i do this?01:56
advorakHowdy. I am trying to run a ruby script which uses ruby-usb and calls usb_claim_interface of libusb ? When I run this as a normal user, it complains that the the operation is not permitted.  When I run as root, it runs without any problems.  What do I need to be looking at to ensure the appropriate permissions for my usb device are adhered to when it's plugged in for this normal user to be able to access it?01:57
schnufflejseamus: I just see that the T40 is a old Centrino platform. So chances are that the CD is /dev/hdc. So sudo mount /dev/hdc /mnt01:57
jseamusschnuffle: it returns "mount: special device /dev/hdc does not exist"01:58
jseamusschnuffle: but it said that with /dev/sr0 and i can see sr0 in /dev and its listed as a block device01:59
Onepamopaguys, how to "hold" a package from being removed ?01:59
Onepamopainstalling a package requiers another to be removed, and I need that particular package01:59
dariushall21Damn it, Barkingfish: I attemted to manually boot grub by holding shift but it said "Starting GRUB" "No such partition grub rescue"01:59
nusei have a screen flicker issue, i've always had it, i was wondering if anybody could help me out, if i use a wallpaper that is busy its barely noticeable, but if i use a solid color wallpaper its there01:59
schnufflejseamus: okay, sure it's not already mounted? check with: mount01:59
nuseits quite annoying02:00
OnepamopaSuggested packages:02:01
Onepamopa  zabbix-frontend-php02:01
OnepamopaThe following packages will be REMOVED:02:01
Onepamopa  percona-server-server-5.502:01
OnepamopaThe following NEW packages will be installed:02:01
Onepamopa  zabbix-server-mysql02:01
FloodBot1Onepamopa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:01
jseamusschnuffle: the output is here: http://pastebin.com/JtaYbsSs02:01
nuseis this a sandybridge issue i'm wondering?02:01
nusei have my graphics card blacklisted but even with it in use it still flickers02:02
Onepamopanuse screen flicker could be caused by wrong refresh rate setting02:02
Lozzy_uknuse, is it a refresh rate problem maybe?02:02
nusei dunno, how would i go about figuring out the refresh settings?02:03
schnufflejseamus: okay take a data CD and try: sudo mkdir  /media/test && sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/test02:03
Onepamopaon a LCD screen the max refresh rate is 60Hz, on CRT monitors it could be 75-85-10002:03
Onepamopadepends what is supported02:03
jseamusschnuffle: k one sec...02:03
Onepamopaso, would anyone tell me how to f?cking stop a package from being deleted when Im installing another package ?02:04
nuseOnepamopa: so it depends on my screen? i can't adjust the refresh rate?02:04
psusischnuffle, /dev/hd* was removed years ago... it is now /dev/sd* for hard drives02:04
Onepamopanuse you can02:04
NewBi need help.... my pc is freezing. Id just re-install ubuntu and no luck :/02:04
OnepamopaNewB define "freezing"02:04
nusegonna google it02:04
zeroseven0183Good day, everyone. Anyone here experienced Ubuntu 11.10 logging out while typing right after booting up?02:04
NewBOnepamopa: stop working... like an screen shoot02:04
OnepamopaNewB check what process is occupying your cpu02:05
Onepamopa& do a memory che02:05
schnufflepsusi: thanx I know but wasn't completly sure about02:05
NewBOnepamopa: let me check.. its a 6 core pc with 16 gbs of ram and 60 gbs ssd sata 3 disk02:05
faux_shoOnepamopa: I believe it's trying to remove the package because it conflicts with what you're installing.02:06
OnepamopaNewB just a Q - are you getting DDoS ?02:06
Onepamopafaux_sho okay, Im installing zabbix-mysql (my mysql server is percona)02:06
jseamusschnuffle: wtf? the cd just opened02:06
Onepamopait does not suggest anything else (to install mysql for example)02:06
NewBOnepamopa: don't think so.. cause it do it eaven disconnected02:06
jmp1Hi all.  I've using Ubuntu for over 5 years and I'm finally stumped on an install.  My machine boots the 11.10 64-bit live CD and installs Ubuntu, but the installed system won't boot.02:06
OnepamopaNewB does this happen right after reboot or ?02:07
Onepamopaafter some time ?02:07
schnufflejseamus: you mean you executed the command and the tray opened. Strange behaviour02:07
nusejmpl: grub issue it sounds like02:07
psusijmp1, go on...02:07
jmp1I can get into the grub menu02:07
faux_shoOnepamopa: Sorry, I don't know about mysql. I just think that's why that happens.02:07
NewBNewB: ramdom.... something screen looks wierd like if where something with the video02:07
Lozzy_uknuse, you tried typing xrandr into terminal?02:07
jseamusschnuffle: no the disk opened in nautilus02:07
jmp1If I choose recovery option I get a text dmesg log02:07
NewBOnepamopa: ramdom.... something screen looks wierd like if where something with the video02:07
nuseLozzy_uk: yeah02:08
Onepamopawhat does htop says ?02:08
Onepamopa&, can you login remotely via ssh to check ?02:08
jmp1around 1 second later (kernel time gets up to about 0.90s) I see rtc_cmos: ... setting real time clock ...02:08
Onepamopagrab a laptop, link it @ the lan and ssh to ur server02:08
jmp1and then the system just hard locks02:08
nuseeverything looks normal02:08
schnufflejseamus:  fine :)02:08
kkerwinHi. I have three client NFS computers and an NFS server. All three clients have been working, but suddenly, one of them seems to not be working. The shares will "mount", but I do not see any files on the client.02:08
jmp1keyboard stops responding, sysreq reisub doesn't work.02:08
psusijmp1, did you run memtest86+?02:08
Lozzy_uknuse, what refresh does it report?02:09
nusei just read you can change the refresh rate via xorg but i'm not sure what rates i should be trying02:09
jmp1not yet.02:09
jmp1though this machine has been running 10.10 for a while just fine.02:09
jmp1I'll try that now.02:09
Onepamopanuse what's your monitor ?02:09
NewBOnepamopa: compiz and gnome-system-monitor have about 6% of cpu both...everything else is on 002:09
jseamusschnuffle: thanks for the help :)02:09
Onepamopaand desktop is frozen ?!02:09
schnufflejseamus: I think it wasn't me, the magic came from you :)02:10
NewBOnepamopa: i use ubuntu for day by day use... check mails, web, and chat.... and an xp (extra disk) for gamming02:10
OnepamopaNewB 1. disable compiz and check if u have the same issue02:10
nusedon't even know02:10
jmp1At one point I was able to boot into my old 10.10 kernels with the 11.10 userspace.02:10
Onepamopa2. make a memcheck02:10
nusehold up i'll check the refresh rate again and get the monitor info02:10
kkerwinI can't even find anything in my kernel logs that I could use to make a diagnosis.02:10
Onepamopanuse be careful with refresh rates... you could easily damage your monitor !02:11
NewBOnepamopa: i'm new in ubuntu (running out of windows jejej) ... how to disable compiz? ... and the memory check i think i can do it with the live disk rigth ?02:11
nusethanks for the info02:11
nusenot trying to screw the pooch02:11
kkerwinThe mount command even shows the shares as being mounted.02:11
OnepamopaNewB grub menu should have memtest option02:11
jmp1 psusi: why would the live CD work, but not the real boot?02:12
[deXter]NewB, When logging in, you can choose Gnome (no effects)02:12
schnufflekkerwin: have you checked the network connection for errors?02:12
kkerwinschnuffle: Pinging the server works.02:12
Llewxamhey guys, does anyone know how to work with ubuntu and iphones?02:12
Onepamopaiphone? ;) who uses that crap anyways? :)02:12
Llewxamlol i do :P02:13
jmwpcI'm trying to change the smp_affinity of an irq (for an analog phone card for use in asterisk), and I get a permission denied message. The command I am using is: sudo echo 2 > /proc/irq/22/smp_affinity02:13
NewBOnepamopa: [deXter]  .... what about video drivers? ... board has an integrated ati hd 4250 and ubuntu use proprietary drivers that i had to activate02:13
Onepamopagalaxy S II fan here02:13
schnufflekkerwin: check closer if there are network errors, you can use ethtool02:13
OnepamopaNewB did you install ati drivers ?02:13
kkerwinschnuffle: Ok. Not familiar with that tool. Guess it's time to learn something new!02:13
visual1ceim using banshee with my android phone and i have the following problem: i drag a podcast in format .mov to the phone (not supported by the phone) - banshee gives the following error:  .mov not supported and no converter02:13
nusemy refresh rate is 60.1hz02:13
Llewxamjust the prob i'm having is that i just updated to 5.0.1 and i no longer can see the iphone in ubuntu or rythmbox for that matter and need to put all my music back in it :( and no i don't use itunes.02:13
Onepamopanuse then - driver issue02:14
=== acris is now known as pipoka
[deXter]Onepamopa, Me too ;)02:14
Onepamopadownload & install latest catalyst drivers02:14
NewBOnepamopa: yes i did..... in the terminal with the sudo apt-get install flgrx something and catalyst something02:14
dellhi need some help02:14
xangua(20:14:08) Llewxam: just the prob i'm having is that i just updated to 5.0.1 - probably that's the problem, you updated iOS02:14
nusewell i'm just the intergrated sandybridge graphics02:14
dellas i want to try ubuntu in windows itself02:14
[deXter]Onepamopa, I mean SGS2 user. Just not a big fan of the sound quality though.02:14
nusejust using*02:14
OnepamopaNewB Im talking about official drivers, not fglrx02:15
Onepamopafglrx are also good, but I still prefer retail02:15
delli downloaded wubi02:15
[deXter]NewB, You don't have to use any proprietary drivers02:15
Llewxamxangua: so the libimobile drivers don't support latest ios? :s02:15
nuse60.1hz seems pretty normal from everything i've been reading02:15
dellwhen i run this file it goes to internet to download ubuntu-11.10-wubi-amd64.tar.xz02:15
dellas i am having slow internet02:15
delli downloaded this file ubuntu-11.10-wubi-amd64.tar.xz manually02:15
[deXter]dell, Wubi isn't very flexible and it's buggy.. I would suggest just installing it in VirtualBox, or make a live USB and boot from it02:15
Lozzy_uknuse, yup, mine are at 59.902:15
dellso how can i install ubuntu whithout downloading this file02:15
nusei'm bummed, i feel like its a sandy bridge issue and there ain't shit i can do about it02:16
NewBOnepamopa: [deXter]   help me out to roll back and install default... because without do that command i can't use extended desktop with my tv .02:16
Onepamopanuse its not sandybridge issue02:16
kkerwinschnuffle: Ok. Any hints on using ethtool to test for NFS connectivity?02:16
Onepamopamy laptop uses same chipset without a problem02:16
nusewith a solid black or gray wallpaper you get no flicker?02:16
[deXter]NewB, That's weird because extended display should work fine without the propreitary drivers.. i'm on ATI myself and it works fine for me02:17
schnufflekkerwin: first check if your card isn't running in halfduplex or something like that: sudo ethtool ethX02:17
xanguaLlewxam: it supports latest iOS, when ubuntu was released, and then a new iOS update is released thath broke the support; apples don't like to play others than apples02:17
[deXter]dell, ?02:17
NewB[deXter]: let me search for the error ... hold on02:17
nuseeven with my graphics card in use it does the same thing so it is probably not a sandy bridge issue i guess02:17
Llewxamxangua: well ... poo. >.< i'll figure out how to put all my music back in then. loved using rythmbox for that.02:17
pipokalinxeh: i just passed a diagnosis in both instalations of the scanner, if you want to try to compare... the old system: http://pastebin.com/fRy7Fsxw and Ubuntu 11.10: http://pastebin.com/GNHvWZPQ May be we can find some clue there... thank you02:17
Onepamopa99.999% driver problem02:17
xanguadell: wubi comes already on ubuntu iso02:18
schnuffledell: the file you downloaded is for installing ubntu alonside windows02:18
nuseOnepamopa: there is no intel drivers for intergrated graphics though02:18
kkerwinschnuffle: First, this particular computer is connected via wifi; is that an issue? Second, the command "sudo ethtool wlan0" just returns that a link is detected, and makes no mention of half-duplex, etc.02:18
delli downloaded the file ubuntu-11.10-wubi-amd64.tar.xz manually02:18
Onepamopanuse you dont need those02:18
nusethen what would i need if its a driver issue?02:18
dellnow how can i use wubi to use that file to install02:18
NewBcan i copy paste 2 lines here ?02:18
kkerwinNewB: Check out pastebin.com.02:19
NewBkkerwin: thanks02:19
kkerwinNewB: Paste your output there, then provide the link here.02:19
Lozzy_uknuse, if it happens with a different card also, is it the monitor at fault?02:19
kkerwinNewB: np.02:19
xanguadell: you have the instructions at ubuntu.com02:19
OnepamopaLozzy_uk that'd beat the day - faulty monitor ;)02:19
schnufflekkerwin: okay wireless, hmm. I'm just guessing as I had some problems with NFS due to network links not being stable. If you think yours is stable maybe it's due to something else02:19
delllink plaease02:19
nuseLozzy: thats what i'm thinking now02:20
dellas wubi itself have no option02:20
xanguadell: ubuntu.com...02:20
schnuffledell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide02:20
nuseits a newer laptop02:20
nusesamsung series 702:20
kkerwinschnuffle: Ok. Any other ideas, then?02:20
Onepamopanuse 1. uninstall fgrlx (and related stuff you installed)02:20
Onepamopa2. go to ati.amd.com02:20
Onepamopadownload ubuntu drivers02:21
Onepamopashould be a .deb pkg02:21
schnufflekkerwin: hard if you don't have any logs that could indicate a problem02:21
kkerwinschnuffle: Tell me about it. :-)02:21
dellas it says The installation files (approximately 700MB) will be downloaded and checked, after which you will be asked to reboot.02:21
delli all ready have that file02:21
delli only want to use it02:21
kkerwinschnuffle: Maybe I'm overlooking something. Where would you expect an error to show up? There are several log files in /var/log.02:22
schnufflekkerwin: sure there was no change between the working and failing state. Some updates .....02:22
kkerwinschnuffle: Which do you think might be the right one?02:22
NewBOnepamopa: [deXter]   http://pastebin.com/dk224Xrc <<<<--- that's the error i got without the ati drivers02:22
kkerwinschnuffle: Don't think so ... unless there was a package that was updated that I didn't think would have an effect.02:22
lukHello guysI am having a crazy problem. As soon as I installed Ubuntu on my laptop keyboard got messed up and i cant use it well, even on Windows or BIOS setup.02:22
OnepamopaNewB heh02:22
Onepamopadownload ati drivers and install them02:23
lukI dont know what to do ;s02:23
Onepamopaluk that cannot be ubuntu related02:23
nusenever had luck with the ati drivers02:23
nusegonna try again02:23
schnufflekkerwin: give me a moment, just loggin into a NFS enabled machine to check02:23
kkerwinschnuffle: Thanks! :)02:23
lukIt was working before02:23
lukI installed via wubi02:23
Onepamopaluk that's like "I bought a new washing machine and my tv doesnt work"02:23
[deXter]NewB, Just go to "Additional Drivers" and activate the driver from there02:24
Onepamopaluk the keyboard doesnt work properly @ bios aswell ?02:24
lukI downloaded the updates by the manager and when it finished  keyboard has gone away02:24
kkerwinschnuffle: Going to get a sweater. Brb.02:24
Onepamopawhat the f?ck02:24
nusei get terrible battery life with the graphics card enabled too02:25
Onepamopathats to be expected02:25
Onepamopanuse btw, optimus ?02:25
nusei need to setup bumblebee and do graphics switching if possible02:25
kkerwinschnuffle: Back.02:25
Onepamopanuse I hate it02:26
Onepamopadoesnt have good support yet02:26
lukwhen I hit "n" it goes "no", when I hit "b" comes "bu", "enter" comes "enter" plus a space02:26
luki have changed layouts many times02:26
nusei've never been able to set it up sucessfully02:26
hp_user1in ubuntu 11.10, is there a tweak to get the min/max buttons moved to the right-side?02:26
nusenever had any luck02:26
Onepamopaluk it does whole words with a key press ?02:26
visual1ceim using banshee with my android phone and i have the following problem: i drag a podcast in format .mov to the phone (not supported by the phone) - banshee gives the following error:  .mov not supported and no converter02:26
NewB[deXter]: did it....02:26
Onepamopathat soounds like some shitty feature enabled @ bios02:26
luk2 letters at max02:26
Onepamopathat's like phone's T9 dictionaries ...02:26
NewB[deXter]: wich logs file should i look if computers got stuck again?02:26
Onepamopaluk try to restore defaults @ bios ?02:27
lukonepamopa thats just when I install Ubuntu. If i run all the updates after instalation than "o" dont work anymore and many other keys02:27
[deXter]NewB, /var/log/Xorg*02:27
NewB[deXter]: thanks....02:27
Onepamopaluk something like "fn" key holded all the time ?02:27
NewBOnepamopa: thanks for the help 2 ;P02:27
schnufflekkerwin: is the portmapper running on the client?02:28
hp_user1in ubuntu 11.10, is there a tweak to get the min/max buttons moved to the right-side?02:28
kkerwinschnuffle: Let's see ...02:28
Eartakeris there a guide or a simple command to change the console width and height? I have Ubuntu server installed and would like to change the boot console size02:29
OnepamopaEartaker wasnt this @ grub config ?02:29
Eartakernot sure02:30
kkerwinschnuffle: It was. To be safe, I restarted it, and then remounted the share. Still no joy.02:30
OnepamopaEartaker look into it02:30
Eartakerok I will02:30
lukonepamopa what you mean? And on BIOS even when I choose default options it continues with error. Also after the instalation my Windows clock was the same wrong hour as Ubuntu one. Dont know if it helps02:30
Onepamopaluk what "error" ?02:30
schnufflekkerwin: check file perms of mount point, paste fstab of client and exports of server02:31
lukonepamopa the whole keyboard problem02:31
kkerwinschnuffle: kk02:31
Onepamopaluk and it started to happen right after ?02:31
lukonepamopa right after the update manager install the recommended ones02:32
Onepamopadoesnt make any sence02:32
Onepamopaif its same problem @windows02:32
lukonepamopa I know that is what I am thinking all day02:33
kkerwinschnuffle: I think I figured it out ... my client (arwen) changed it's IP address ... lemme try something ...02:34
Onepamopaok, and what happens if you revert bios to defaults ?02:34
lukonepamopa but I know it is Ubuntu cuz when I uninstall Ubuntu the "o" gives me "no" when pressed. If I install ubuntu again with the updates, "o" stops to work02:34
schnufflekkerwin: so your export file doesn't have a network range but three IP's :)02:34
lukonepamopa nothing happens keyboard still trashed02:35
kkerwinschnuffle: Correct. Security.02:35
Onepamopaluk attach external keyboard and check if its same02:35
schnufflekkerwin: so how did it change the IP? the first question that came to my mind was: does the IP of the client fits the exports file? But I thought you would have chaecked that already02:36
kkerwinschnuffle: I set static IP's using my router for internal traffic. For some reason, the client wouldn't accept that static IP. So, when I created /etc/hosts files on all of my computers and specified the domain names, I used the IP that the client was on. Finally, the client in question got it's act together, and went with the static IP that the router had reserved for it. And then my /etc/hosts files were incorrect.02:38
Name141I have a TK-214I KVM switch I can't get to switch with scroll lock + scroll lock in Ubuntu.  Is there any other button combos I might try or find a way to bind it ?02:38
lukonepamopa dont have an usb one in hand right now ;s02:38
schnufflekkerwin: so no just tell me that everything is working again and we'll both be happy :)02:38
Onepamopaluk have you reset bios to defaults or not?02:39
kkerwinschnuffle: Waiting for server to reboot with new configuration. (Yes, I know that I could have just restarted the nfs daemon. Shoot me.) :D02:39
lukonepamopa how can I do that besides using the Load default options on bios setup?02:39
Onepamopathats exactly the way02:39
Onepamopaafter u reset the bios, first boot @ windows02:40
Onepamopaand test keyboard02:40
Onepamopaafter that, boot @ ubuntu - and test again02:40
kkerwinschnuffle: And, it's officially still not working ...02:41
lukonepamopa and I found an old keyboard and it is working fine, while my notebook note02:41
schnufflekkerwin: hm, but at least there's a route to follow. Check the IP of the client against the exports file02:42
Onepamopaluk okay, then what is causing the issue...02:42
Onepamopaif you install ubuntu without updates ?02:42
lukonepamopa than will be like I said, when I hit "o" will give "no"02:42
lukonepamopa updates just stop some keys to work, "o" included02:43
kkerwinschnuffle: http://paste.kde.org/183554/02:43
Onepamopaluk u got me so confused ....02:43
Onepamopahavent EVER had such problems @ my laptops02:43
Onepamopais it by any chance HP or sony ?02:44
lukonepamopa I am sorry, this is indeed a crazy thing.02:44
lukonepamopa Asus one02:44
Onepamopahad similar problem only with a HP02:44
Onepamopait had something to do with layouts etc02:44
Onepamopawas few years ago02:44
Onepamopau can boot with cd and reconfigure layouts ?02:45
schnufflekkerwin:  eth0 is not configured02:45
kkerwinschnuffle: I'm connecting using wlan0.02:45
schnufflekkerwin: of course you use wireless02:45
kkerwinschnuffle: Lol. Ya. I hate wireless. Just for this computer, and for my iPad.02:45
lukthe problem isnt with layouts I guess cuz all I choose give thes same things. How could I reconfigure layouts anyway?02:45
Onepamopaluk just a suggestion - contact ubuntu support and ask them for known issues of the laptop + ubuntu02:46
Onepamopamaybe they know something we dont ?02:46
Onepamopacould be something specific, who knows02:46
lukonepamopa thanks I sent them a message.02:47
Onepamopawith all those multimedia buttons etc02:47
craigbass1976I want to manually put a line in a password file.  How is /etc/passwd encrypted?  There's probably a websit I can go run a word through and get the proper string out of, right?02:47
schnufflekkerwin: so frodo and bilbo are doing fine?02:47
Onepamopacraigbass1976 why would u want to do that ?02:47
kkerwinThe hobbits are good. It's the damn dirty elf.02:47
DoritoI get 30 highlights in here in the past few hours02:48
Doritodon't even know what it was xD02:48
craigbass1976I'm setting up a calendar server, and I think I have to populate the passwd file myself.  I don't see any kinds of adduser type scripts I can use in the zip file02:48
linux_probemaybe someone was hungry and talking about Doritos02:48
Anxi80is it normal that moving windows around hogs my cpu even when I have nvidia proprietary driver enabled?02:49
go8765can I change java version from one application, but not for all system?02:50
schnufflekkerwin: have you seen that emilies clientaddr= What happens if you unmount them and try to mount them manually e.g.: sudo mount -t nfs4 /mnt?02:50
Onepamopago8765 u could simply run java directly from the other version02:50
craigbass1976Anxi80, Try moving doors around.  They're even heavier.  Sorry, lumber yard humor...02:50
kkerwinschnuffle: kris (me) also doesn't see anything, but I'll try it just to find out.02:50
Onepamopafor example alternatives suggest java at /var/lib/jvmX/bin/java02:51
Onepamopau can start application from /jvmY/bin/java02:51
slipknothi i am paring the ps3 control on ubuntu 11.10 bat i can does not work any idea02:51
lukonepamopa know what is weird? now if I hold "o" for some secs it gives me "nooooooooooooo"02:51
Anxi80craigbass1976, very funny :)02:51
Onepamopaluk lol02:52
NastyNazanyone work with esxi on a daily basis? I'm building a cluster and could use some advice on storage02:52
Onepamopaluk any stuck key @ keyboard ?02:52
Onepamopashutdown laptop, press all keys 2384902820 times02:52
Onepamopa(remove battery first)02:52
Onepamopamaybe a stuck key causes the problem02:52
slipknothi i am pairng the ps3 control on ubuntu 11.10 bat i can does not work any idea02:52
Onepamopaluk I have such problem when I clean my touch keys ;)02:53
go8765Onepamopa:говоришь по русски?02:53
Onepamopago8765 bulgarian, not russian02:53
schnufflekkerwin: My guess is that your DNS is somewhat broken. My suggestion is to install dnsmasq on the server and do the whole DHCP from there02:53
kkerwinschnuffle: Huh. That works.02:53
craigbass1976Anxi80, and actually three of us moved about 25 windows and a few doors yesterday; my arms still hurt.   Are you seeing things spike in top just dragging a window around?02:54
schnufflekkerwin: then unmount both and see what happens when you do a sudo mount -a02:54
go8765Onepamopa: what you mean about java. I dont understand :(02:54
go8765Onepamopa: sorry02:55
go8765i dons see all your answers02:55
kkerwinschnuffle: Any idea how many resources dnsmasq uses? My server is a repurposed pogoplug (embedded linux system) that I voided the warranty on. Not much by way of resources.02:55
Onepamopago8765 ls -lah /usr/bin/ |grep java02:55
Onepamopapaste @ pm02:55
slipknothi i am pairng the ps3 control on ubuntu 11.10 bat it does not work any idea02:55
schnufflekkerwin: very few02:55
kkerwinschnuffle: Well, sudo mount -a worked!02:55
schnufflekkerwin: so I guess the hosts file or your DNS setup was out of sync02:57
Oerslipknot, http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/12/gimx-control-ps3-console-with-your.html02:57
kkerwinschnuffle: Guess I should have rebooted arwen.02:57
ActionParsnipslipknot: isn't it a bluetooth device?02:58
schnufflekkerwin: a lot of embed devices use dnsmasq, for example the router I use02:58
r0z4Hi somebody can help me to have bash with this command? readlink /bin/sh, always give dash, but i need bash, somebody can help me pls?02:58
ActionParsnipslipknot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sixaxis02:58
slipknotActionParsnip, yes it is02:58
schnuffler0z4: if you nedd bash, why not just call it?02:59
SirDerpsalotanyone here familiar with getting nVidia drivers working with 11.04 64 bit?02:59
SirDerpsalotnVidia 550Ti02:59
schnuffler0z4: normally bash is under /bin/bash02:59
kkerwinschnuffle: Thank you very much for your help. I know you didn't do much, but you really helped me to take it one step at a time. I appreciate it.02:59
schnufflekkerwin: that's a situation I know to good in germany we call it:"Vor lauter Bäumen den Wald nicht gesehen"03:00
r0z4 schnuffle yes i do it, but i have a long scripts, and i think run /bin/sh sometime, and in the requeriments says i need /bin/sh with bash03:00
kkerwinschnuffle: What's that mean? :D03:01
SirDerpsalotI downloaded some .run files from nVidia, but can't figure out how to install03:01
pksadiqSirDerpsalot: nVidia drivers are already in the repo, its better to install that03:01
schnufflekkerwin: trying to translate: by looking at too many trees you don't see the forest anymore03:02
kkerwinschnuffle: Ah. We say it here in the US: "It's hard to see the forest through the trees."03:02
kkerwinschnuffle: Thanks again.03:03
schnufflekkerwin: learned something :) your welcome03:03
wiggmpkSound stop playing through my speakers but still works through my headphones, what gives (nothing is muted)03:03
schnuffler0z4: then symlink /bin/sh to /bin/bash03:04
r0z4schnuffle how can i do that?03:04
trismr0z4: actually, if you want to change it you should: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash; but you should really fix the scripts to specify bash if they need bash03:05
schnuffler0z4: first paste ls -l /bin/sh03:05
SirDerpsalotok, in the package manager, searched for nvidia, got a ton of results. I'm a bit lost03:05
trismr0z4: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh03:05
r0z4trism gives me this : /bin/sh -> dash03:06
pksadiqSirDerpsalot: install nvidia-current , if you need the driver, nvidia-settings-manager would be also helpful to configure it03:06
SirDerpsalotthanks :D03:07
pksadiqSirDerpsalot: sorry only nvidia-settings , no -manager :)03:08
SirDerpsalotseems to have picked up the settings as well as current03:09
lukOnepamopa took away some keys and inserted again, no luck :/03:10
SirDerpsalotthink it's done. Going to reboot.03:10
schnuffler0z4: for changing sh to bash:sudo rm /bin/sh &&  sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh03:10
r0z4schnuffle i made dpkg-reconfigure dash and selected no, now i have bash, now i have it righ?03:12
Semperfi30Hello, I am trying to open a screen on another user. First I have a screen running on one user, then I su to another user, type screen, to open a screen, but then I get this error: "Cannot open your terminal '/dev/tty1' - please check." I am running Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS03:13
phphey, can anybody helpme? Can't get screenlets running under kubuntu and don't know why03:17
xanguaphp: kubuntu/kde has it's own 'screenlets' called plasmoids03:17
xanguatried them¿03:18
SirDerpsalotwell, installed, but still not recognizing second monitor03:19
SirDerpsalotor allowing me to enable effects03:19
aBoundAlright all I got a problem where when I'm at my Login Screen and enter my password the screen goes black for about 5 seconds. Then redirects me back to my graphical login screen. This is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.03:19
phpxangua: Yes, tried them, but as far as I can see I cannot adjust their transparency03:20
pksadiqSirDerpsalot: do ALT-F2  compiz --replace       , what do you get now?03:20
ActionParsnipaBound: same with all users?03:21
ActionParsnipaBound: is there sufficient free space?03:21
aBoundActionParsnip, Pretty much even with the guest account I created.03:21
aBoundActionParsnip, Was a brand new install since yesterday plenty of space I assume about 73GB left on the hdd.03:21
SirDerpsalotscreen blinked, came right back03:21
SirDerpsalottry effects again?03:22
aBoundActionParsnip, I'm on the Ubuntu flash drive right now.03:22
nusefixed my problem!03:23
nusejust changed my wallpaper03:23
SirDerpsalotno discernable change :/03:23
ActionParsnipaBound: press CTRL+ALT+F1, log in there and run:  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME; sudo apt-get clean     you'll get a warning, but this is normal03:23
aBoundSounds like I'd have to write that down and than come back in here and do it. :P03:23
pksadiqSirDerpsalot: open nvidia-settings and check whether nvidia is enabled03:24
ActionParsnipaBound: sure, make sure it is exactly as I gave :D03:24
aBoundActionParsnip, Always a problem everyday it seems.03:25
ActionParsnipaBound: makes sure your user is the owner of it's own data, can help sometimes03:25
wingnut2626Hi everyone from claymont, de, usa03:25
aBoundActionParsnip, No problem I can always write the file down in gedit and transfer it to my hdd to read it.03:26
ActionParsnipaBound: may help too: http://askubuntu.com/questions/5956/login-problem-the-login-screen-shows-again03:26
SirDerpsalotNVIDIA x server settings?03:26
SirDerpsalotI get this: "You do not appear to be using the Nvidia x driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart x server.03:26
aBoundActionParsnip, I'll check that too.03:27
SirDerpsalotI tried that, it said it made a new file03:27
bazhangTestIRCBot, hi03:27
SirDerpsalotwrote a new x config03:27
SirDerpsalothow do I restart the x server?03:28
pksadiqSirDerpsalot: now restart your system/s server, please keep a Live CD near by, configuring nvidia might be painful03:28
SirDerpsalotoh boy.03:28
pksadiqs/s server/x ServerSage03:28
SirDerpsalotI'll do that.03:28
aBoundActionParsnip, By $USER do you mean enter the $USER variable or enter my actual username for the account?03:31
arkiverhello i want to know how to upgrade my natty to 11.10 . my update manager does not give notifications about new releases.03:32
arkiveri tried apt-get upgrade but it just updated. !03:33
maxlamerarkriver dist-upgrade03:34
bazhangmaxlamer, thats not correct03:34
bazhangarkiver, what version are you on03:34
arkiverim on 11.0403:34
bazhang!dist-upgrade | maxlamer03:34
ubottumaxlamer: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.03:34
arkiverbazhang, i use 11.0403:34
bazhang!upgrade | arkiver please read this03:35
ubottuarkiver please read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:35
fd-balderarkiver, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 - any new suggestions there?03:37
totesmuhgoatshey guys03:37
ActionParsniparkiver: you can download the Oneiric liveCD and upgrade that way03:38
totesmuhgoatshow can i pass multiple arguments to mailx03:38
totesmuhgoatslike if i want to delete messages 1 - 803:38
kevinaudlemanHey I could use some help. I need to run the jar command from the command line but it's not installed. Which is weird because I installed java using this command: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless03:38
kevinaudlemanAnybody know what's up?03:39
arkiverubottu, The thing is, even though my setting are checked for showing new release upgrades, my update manager does NOT show them to me because i had disabled that option a while back03:40
ubottuarkiver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:40
fd-balderkeithzg, path/environment variable issues or confusion about the commands?03:40
arkiverbut now when i enable it still doenst show upgrade option03:40
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totesmuhgoatsnvm, i figured out what i was doing wrong03:43
DynamitI have install Ubuntu mini disc version and Lubuntu and now i want to get the sound from the hdmi port to work is a integrated graphic card the motherboard's name is GA-H67MA-USB3-B303:45
Dynamiti have install pulseaudio and some other things but it still not working so i'm missing something important03:45
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mother3endtesting, testing03:49
m31_sorry lol03:50
ActionParsnipDynamit: do you get sound from regular speakers03:51
DynamitI don't know i don't have any to try with right now and im to tiered to get the receiver and a speaker03:52
go8765can I change java version from one application, but not for all system?03:53
DynamitI will sleep now but thx. anyway ActionParsnip will be back about 6H or so with the question03:54
ActionParsnipDynamit: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh03:54
jc__I just changed my password and when I logged back in with the new password the keyring said I had used the wrong password and asked for the old one. My question is the next time I change my password will I have to remember the very fist one or only the one before? basically is the password set to the original one permanently or does it get reset to the current one when03:54
Dynamitthere you get03:57
WanderingEnderIs there a fix for certain laptop/netbooks in 11.10 having wildly inaccurate battery readings, to include going to hibernation/shutdown with 85% battery?04:00
n2diyHow do I save my current Tabs when closing Firefox? When I was running Xubuntu I was prompted to. Now, I just get a warning?04:00
ActionParsnipDynamit: ok, run:  gedit /tmp/alsa-info.txt.4SdzKVvtdr     what is output?04:01
n2diyNever mind, found it in Edit>Prefrences.04:03
snakedriver761I just installed ubuntu, and I can't get my sound working. I've made sure nothing is muted, and when I use 'lspci -v' it shows my sound hardware and says 'Kernel driver in use: Intel ICH' which makes me think my hardware is readable and there is a driver installed. Are there any common sound issues on fresh installs that I could look into? Or am I misinterpreting the 'lspci -v' output?04:05
ActionParsnipshare: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh04:09
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ActionParsnipDynamit: if you go into sound options, is hdmi an option in the output devices04:12
rockbandhi all..is there a way to recover lost deleted conf files????04:13
Dynamityes hdmi is a option and selected04:13
ActionParsnipDynamit: if you reboot after setting the option, is it ok?04:13
ActionParsniprockband: use your backups is going to be the most reliable way04:14
Dynamitokey i will try with that once more ;)04:14
_HoochMan_rockband: A good backup does ;)04:14
rockbandthe beack up was not up to date04:14
rockbandbut of course04:15
ActionParsniprockband: foremost may help. I suggest you review your backup regime04:19
rockbandI am using photorec,foremost, and testdisk rightnow04:21
Gamer101ubuntu sucks windows 8 forever!!04:22
Stelpai have been working on the same problem for 4 and a half hours04:22
Stelpain the first 4 hours, i made it 100 times worse than when i started04:22
Stelpain the last half hour, i got it back to where it was in the beginning04:23
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:23
Stelpawhich i guess is good?04:23
Gamer101reinstall windows 3.1 then04:23
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Stelpathe problem is that my external (usb) soundcard is creating a very annoying hiss/static04:23
Stelpaits not the headphone's fault04:23
DynamitActionparsnip it's not working04:23
Dynamitstill like mute04:24
Stelpabut i have used two separate models of usb soundcard, both have this problem.04:24
Dynamitand i know is not set to mute04:24
Stelpaanyone willing to help? :x04:24
fd-balderStelpa, only a problem in certain operating systems?04:24
Dynamitsorry Stelpa im so tired so i don't know my name almost04:25
Stelpai have tried using the headphones in separate computers and they're fine, but i haven't been able to try the soundcard04:25
Stelpai dont have any computers to test on04:25
Stelpabut i am pretty sure this is a software issue04:25
Stelpanot hardware04:25
fd-balderhave you only tested it with ubuntu?04:25
skilzStelpa: run alsamixer and make sure all channels are unmuted04:26
DynamitActionParsnip thx. for the help but i realy need to sleep now04:26
Stelpaskilz: i am using pulseaudio, i couldn't get alsa to work04:27
zykotick9Stelpa: FYI Pulse actually uses ALSA for hardware access04:27
Stelpaskilz: though i just checked, the only thing muted is "pc beep"04:27
Stelpai see, zykotick904:27
Stelpaso yeah04:27
Stelpaeverything is unmuted04:27
FloodBot1Stelpa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:27
Stelpasorry about that.04:28
fd-balderStelpa, i once struggled getting sound to work at all, and loading kernel compatibility modules was an allright solution. not sure how tempting this is to you now? however, it is another way of checking whether certain explanations may be eliminated or not04:30
Stelpafd-balder: bleh, i would rather not, especially because i had to jump through hoops in reinstalling after someone talked me into uninstalling pulseaudio (BAD idea)04:31
fd-balderif nothing changes, or something gets worse, you may change it back to the prior setting04:31
ObamaIsAGangstathis Q has nothing to do with ubuntu, i want to know the name of that british movie about the guy who's wife is killed then he on purpose gets himself sent to the same jail as the villian04:32
ObamaIsAGangstai need a name people04:32
Stelpacan anyone help, then?04:34
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ObamaIsAGangstamust be a movie buff in here04:35
ObamaIsAGangstathe guy vandalises a police car04:35
ActionParsnipObamaIsAGangsta: is this related to Ubuntu?04:36
ObamaIsAGangstai said such04:36
ActionParsnipObamaIsAGangsta: then why ask. this channel is ONLY ubuntu support04:37
Stelpasomebody please help :(04:39
icimabueanyone know how to move the min/max buttons to the right side in gnome 3 (fallback)?04:43
alien2050stelpa: maybe I didnt follow everything, but try to install kmix04:43
alien2050then check all your inputs one by one04:43
snakedriver761I just installed ubuntu, and I can't get my sound working. I've made sure nothing is muted, and when I use 'lspci -v' it shows my sound hardware and says 'Kernel driver in use: Intel ICH' which makes me think my hardware is readable and there is a driver installed. Are there any common sound issues on fresh installs that I could look into? Or am I misinterpreting the 'lspci -v' output?04:43
alien2050and mute them all except master04:43
Stelpaalien2050: i'll try04:44
alien2050and also most likely PCM or something... usually the microphone is unmuted and you will hear a hiss like an echo (even if mike is not plugged in); sometimes, can also be interference from other inputs04:45
zykotick9Stelpa: careful, kmix *might* pull in a lot of KDE libs, if you don't use KDE04:45
alien2050so mute them all one by one, starting with right side; you may have to enable all of them though in menu04:45
fd-baldersnakedriver761, loading kernel compatibility modules was the first approach that solved lack of sound in my case04:45
fd-baldersnakedriver761, sounds like you've got nothing to lose in trying at this point04:46
alien2050yeah but usually kmix will also show if thee sound card is "hanged" and will say: waiting for hardware or something... so It's good to test it, if it opens, it will let you know the sound card04:48
alien2050is working as intended.....04:48
Stelpaalien2050: it opened fine, but its only showing one input for the usb soundcard04:48
aberThe pro will outperform the air by margins...04:48
Stelpaand 3 for the normal soundcard, but i can't use my normal internal headphone jack, its broken04:49
Stelpai tried muting04:49
Stelpathe only thing that makes the static/hiss go away is muting the master of the external soundcard04:49
Stelpabut then i can't hear anything >_<04:49
alien2050what happens if you reboot without the external device ? is there hiss also? sometimes pulseaudio will select an internal sound card instead04:50
Stelpaalien2050: there is no hiss through my internal04:51
Stelpathe problem is that my headphone jack connecting to my internal is so loose that it cannot be used04:51
alien2050at least it seems to prove that the external device is the root cause of the problem04:51
alien2050what is the device?04:51
Stelpa"Sound Blaster X-Fi Go! Pro"04:52
Stelpai have another external soundcard with the same problem, tho04:52
Dayofswordsquestion, when you enter ctrl+alt+F1(tty1?) terminal, what is it that is execute after you login? is there .bashrc-like thing I can edit to change it?04:52
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alien2050stelpa: I'm looking on info for this card... what happens if you boot a ubuntu live cd04:54
alien2050hiss / or not ?04:54
ActionParsnipDayofswords: it uses the same shell, so will use ~/.bashrc of the account you log in as04:55
Stelpaalien2050: i have not tried, though i dont plan on reinstalling...04:55
alien2050no need to reinstall if you run live cd04:55
alien2050also did you check in menu for KMIX, that all inputs/outputs are enabled (checked)04:55
zykotick9Dayofswords: in addition to .bashrc, you might find .profile useful.04:56
jalestroI'm having some serious problems with my setup after having just upgraded from 10.04 to 11.10.  CAn't find an answer online, tried everything I can think of.  Anyone around for a bit of help?04:58
DayofswordsActionParsnip: I assume it does but unlike the gnome-terminal which excutes it, the tty1 checks for system updates, i can't find that in bashrc(or .profile for that matter)04:58
Stelpaalien2050: just checked, there were some hidden on the internal soundcard04:58
Stelpabut i tried them04:58
Stelpaand they aren't causing it either :(04:58
ActionParsnipDayofswords: I know what you mean but am not sure what triggers it04:59
trismDayofswords: the system updates message is from the motd, from /etc/update-motd.d/04:59
ActionParsnipDayofswords: let me search04:59
ActionParsnipthere we go04:59
alien2050at this point I don't know... I used to have some problems like that with Creative XFI Fatality and audio creation, but it was devices that were unmuted which I needed to mute04:59
Stelpaalien2050: the noise isn't there at first, but if you play an audio file or song, the noise shows up as soon as it starts. if you pause/stop the audio, the hiss continues for a bit, then suddenly dissapears04:59
alien2050like mcrophone, analog 1, etc04:59
ActionParsnipcreative soundcards can be a real pain, totally not worth the bother05:00
nimbioticsHello all. I have a single disk on my laptop that has 3 partititons" sda1  (110.8Gb) which is ext4; sda2 (1012Mb) extended and sda5 (1012Mb) which is of unknown type, while I was thinking this was the swap area. What can I do in order to fix this, have a safe swap area and be able to hibernate and/or suspend. TIA!05:00
alien2050ActionParsnip: I guess you're right, now that a lot of cards support a lot of the Creative features....05:01
Dayofswordstrism: awesome, thank you. it's a pain since it slows down login05:01
Stelpaalien2050: :(05:01
trismDayofswords: man 5 update-motd; has a good overview, although if you want to disable any scripts, just chmod -x them05:01
[deXter]nimbiotics, can you paste the output of sudo fdisk -l05:02
[deXter]nimbiotics, Not here, but on paste.ubuntu.com05:02
nimbiotics[deXter]: ok05:02
laytoneIs it easy to add a .sh file to the launcher bar?05:02
alien2050Stelpa: sorry... maybe you can try installing ubuntu studio with realtime kernel enabled, since you're saying you're experiencing some sort of lag with the hiss05:02
alien2050did you try JACK ?05:02
ponyofdeathis there kde 4.8 rc2 ppa's out there?05:02
htmli hear ubuntu can be be put on even more devices, lol like a htc evo 4g ?  can i have some help05:03
alien2050Stelpa: since it's another sound system, it could at least tell you if it's software vs hardware issue05:04
Stelpai already make music with ubuntu05:04
Stelpaso i have jack05:04
Stelpai just tried it05:04
alien2050hiss also ?05:04
Stelpaand, using the headphones, as soon as i start jack, the hiss starts05:04
Stelpait sounds even louder :(05:05
Stelpaso maybe it is hardware... but i have another external soundcard, different model, that has the same hiss05:05
htmlStelpa,  it might be the board05:07
Stelpahtml: board?05:07
nimbiotics[deXter]: output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/796746/  I also got error message: "Disk /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 doesn't contain a valid partition table". I did delete the partition after unsuccessfully trying to format it05:07
htmlyour connections,/ and or your motherboard05:09
[deXter]nimbiotics, okay can you paste the output of mount05:09
htmlStelpa,  try differance headphones05:10
pksadiqStelpa: do you hear the sound from both alsa and jack? or only when jack is enabled?05:10
StepNjumpIs there a way to ban one mac address in ifconfig to restrict it from connecting by default?05:10
Stelpapksadiq: both05:11
Stelpahtml: i will try...05:11
nimbiotics[deXter]: output(s) at http://paste.ubuntu.com/796748/ ... Thought I had a good idea and deleted the extended partition; nothing got fixed. Won't touch again05:12
SirDerpsalotwell, that sucked05:13
SirDerpsalotjust wiped my system05:13
Stelpahtml: different headphones dont have the hiss!?!?05:13
Stelpaso it's my headphones???05:13
alien2050whoa.... nice catch05:14
SirDerpsaloteven managed to wipe out my win 7 install05:14
SirDerpsalothad to do a clean install :/ lost all my stuff05:14
Stelpaalien2050: but what can i do???05:14
Stelpai dont want to use the cheap headphones i tested with05:14
SirDerpsalot*shakes fist* Y U NO USER FRIENDLY05:14
Stelpai want to use the headphones i got for christmas :(05:14
Stelpathats why i've been spending the past 5 hours on this :*(05:14
alien2050maybe you can use the headphones on an amplifier which receives the signal from the sound card05:16
alien2050not directly connected into it05:16
[deXter]nimbiotics, Well yep, looks like your partition table is messed up; do you remember how it was before this happened?05:16
Doodiehi, how do I know if a  process such as skype, ettercap etc is running or not using the terminal?05:16
alien2050doodie: ps -ef | grep -i skype05:17
alien2050for example05:17
zykotick9Doodie: "ps aux | grep foo"05:17
Doodiethanks alot05:17
makaraStepNjump: sudo apt-get install arptables05:17
zykotick9Doodie: the "ps -ef" vs "ps aux" are pretty much the same, but alien2050's "grep -i" is better, case insenstive05:18
nimbiotics[deXter]: afaik, 3 partitions; sda1  110.8Gb, ext4; sda2 1012Mb, extended; and sda5 1012Mb of unknown type05:18
Doodiezykotick9, if the process is running what should it show ?05:18
Stelpaalien2050: i dont have one of those...05:19
zykotick9Doodie: a line other then the grep search05:19
Stelpaalien2050: also, i just tested the headphones with another computer05:19
Stelpaalso ubuntu05:19
[deXter]nimbiotics, what do you mean unknown type?05:19
Doodiezykotick9, yes thanks05:19
Stelpait sounds fine (i didn't use the external card)05:19
nimbiotics[deXter]: thats what gparted was reporting05:19
Stelpaso i am guessing the card is incompatible with the headphones?05:19
alien2050doodie: it will show something... otheriwse it won't show05:19
[deXter]nimbiotics, But didn't you create the partitions or did someone else did?05:20
alien2050stelpa: which is even weirder... I can't see how this would work, except if for some reason some ultra high frequencies are generated by the external sound card and caught by the headphones05:21
VisualAssassinhow do i uninstall some apps? I just upgraded to the newest version and I want it to be sort of stock05:21
VisualAssassini actually forgot how to do it in the terminal05:21
alien2050like more than 22000 hz, and the headphones can catch it, and you have extremely good hearing05:21
nimbiotics[deXter]: I can only guess those are the partitions created at installtion ... I'm not very linux savvy05:21
zykotick9VisualAssassin: "sudo apt-get remove foo"05:21
alien2050either way, it doesnt seem related to the computer anymore...05:21
VisualAssassinthanks im gonna give it a try05:22
Stelpaalien2050: these ARE nice headphones, but no, the noise doesn't sound that high pitched05:22
alien2050try using xmms to play music and adjust using the equalizer05:22
alien2050or play with sweep or audacity, try different noise combos05:22
alien2050other than that I'm stomped05:23
Stelpano, it isn't like that05:23
Stelpaeven if i turn the volume all the way down05:23
Stelpathe headphones still make the noise05:23
Stelpaits not the signal that is causing it05:23
Stelpait's something odd with the external card05:23
alien2050hmmmm...... could it be the power adapter ?05:23
skilzStelpa: mute the cd and mic inputs05:23
alien2050skilz: yeah he already did that part :)05:23
LinuX2halfIs there a way to limit the processes usage of memory?05:24
alien2050I've had this issue a long time ago with the external power coming to the device.... or is it USB powered05:24
metasansanahet guys05:24
alien2050then maybe change usb port... disconnect other usb devices...05:24
LinuX2halfWhat can I do if a process is consuming too much memory that it slows my computer down?05:25
Stelpaalien2050: the only other usb device is my mouse >_<05:25
makaraLinuX2half: uninstall i guess05:25
zykotick9LinuX2half: what process?05:26
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LinuX2halfthere are multiple chrome process running and it's consuming alot.05:26
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VisualAssassinby uninstalling compiz and emerald that should get rid of the dock I have right?05:27
ActionParsnipLinuX2half: do you have a lot of extensions?05:27
LinuX2halfNo, it's a newly installed browser05:27
ActionParsnipVisualAssassin: I don't advise you use emerald. It is a dead project05:27
zykotick9VisualAssassin: careful, Unity requires compiz05:27
LinuX2halfI only add one though05:27
ActionParsnipLinuX2half: could try the daily build ppa :)05:28
zykotick9!emerald > VisualAssassin05:28
urlin2uLinuX2half, you could set the swapiness, have you mentioned yet the ram you have? http://opennomad.com/content/swappiness-ubuntu-desktop-111005:28
ubottuVisualAssassin, please see my private message05:28
makaraVisualAssassin: why get rid of compiz? tried docky?05:28
LinuX2halfMy computer's memory is only 1 GB05:28
zykotick9!atemyram | LinuX2half05:28
ubottuLinuX2half: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html05:28
VisualAssassinbecause I just wanted to upgrade and have it like stock than maybe go back and customize05:28
ActionParsnipLinuX2half: I've ran a full gnome DE with compiz on less than 1Gb RAM05:28
lahwranI just had a friend install kde onto his xubuntu. how should I tell him to log into it?05:29
ActionParsniplahwran: whch DE is he in presently?05:29
urlin2ulahwran, at login05:29
ActionParsniplahwran: you choose the session at the login screen with the cog icon05:29
visual1ceIs there any reliable and hassle free way to sync my android phone and videos/audio on my laptop running ubuntu?05:29
VisualAssassinI really dont know if I would customize anyways because I like the look of the interface05:29
lahwranlet me be more specific: how does the switching to kde work in the login tool that xubuntu uses?05:30
visual1ceI've been fiddling with this shit all day05:30
ActionParsniplahwran: which release is he using?05:30
visual1ceLike... just get it fucking right05:30
ActionParsniplahwran: then when you click your username, you should see a cog, click it and select kde from there05:30
visual1ceusing ubuntu is becoming an exercise in masochism05:31
quebrehow can i encrypt everything under /some/dir so it's not possible to read the content of /some/dir when drive is not mounted?05:31
pangolinvisual1ce: Please keep the language clean.05:31
quebrepangolin: do you know answer on my question ?05:31
lahwranActionParsnip: thanks! I'll tell him that.05:31
pangolinquebre: sorry i don't.05:32
makaravisual1ce: sounds more like an android issue, given the age etc05:32
ActionParsniplahwran: or click the session button on the login page: http://s5.postimage.org/92u4s90mv/wubi_xubuntu_login.jpg05:32
visual1cethats bullshit - there are working solutions for windows and mac05:32
Stelpaalien2050: the other external has it, but its less noticeable05:32
makaravisual1ce: pay me05:33
ActionParsniplahwran: the cog thing only applies if xubuntu uses lightdm05:33
visual1cepay u for what/05:33
bazhangvisual1ce, enough with the language05:33
lahwranActionParsnip: erm, well, I guess we'll see if he logs back in and gets on irc confused :P05:33
nimbiotics[deXter]: ... any comments?05:33
visual1ceOk, sorry for the language05:33
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: never had an issue here, I use dropbox and its great05:33
ActionParsniplahwran: basically you want a kde session, the main word to remember is 'session'05:34
alien2050Stelpa: ....I don't know what else could help at this point... at least you've made progress in identifying what works and doesn't :)05:34
visual1ceDoes anybody have a working reliable method to sync video and audio with an android?05:34
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: or bluetooth the files over////05:34
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: works great :)05:34
Stelpai guess :\05:34
makaraActionParsnip: bluetooth gigs of video??05:35
visual1ceso if i have a bunch of wav files i first gotta manually convert and bluetooth it over? how about an itunes for ubuntu?05:35
VisualAssassinI know I can get rid of the password that is on here for me to log in and perform other tasks, how do I get rid of it entirely?05:35
[deXter]nimbiotics, Well I suggest running testdisk and see if the partitions it detects matched what you had earlier. if it did, then you can write the partition table05:35
visual1cewhat about video files that need to be converted beforehand...??05:35
visual1cetoo much effort05:36
visual1cewhat about podcasts05:36
makaraVisualAssassin: sudo -i05:36
VisualAssassinand if I dont want a password what value do I put in?05:36
makaraAsk the Calibre developer to expand his enterprize05:37
StepNjumpsorry makara, I just saw your message... what is arptables05:37
nimbiotics[deXter]: 1) How do I know whether they match or not? 2)How do I write the partition table? & 3) What if the dont match?05:38
visual1cebanshee does the best job but it comes nowhere near to itunes05:38
visual1ceive tried miro, rhythmbox, compiling ffmpeg for conversions... nada05:38
visual1cemiro and rhythmbox are both unstable05:38
makaraStepNjump: you can use iptables to route / block addresses, but arptables is easier. install and type "man arptables" Better you read about this stuff than just get the shortcut05:38
bubblehousehello.  i was talked into using geany instead of code::blocks as IDE for C++. Things going well, but now when I build and run, it says "permission denied" I have changed to /home directories in build commands, I cannot find answer through search05:40
StepNjumpare you still here makara05:40
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: deadbeef works well here05:40
[deXter]nimbiotics, Well it'll show a list of partitions as to what it thinks is correct.. like it will detect say ext4, followed by w/e and then see if this looks reasonable. there will be an option to save/write the parition table after it's finished scanning05:40
StepNjumpi don't see you connected makara05:40
Stelpaalien2050: the best solution would just be to make my internal soundcard's output jack less wobbly05:40
bubblehousedo I have to change the permissions on the executable? is there a way to make this permission set without doing this?05:41
Stelpais their anyway to tighten a 1/8th inch audio jack?05:41
Stelpaits really loose05:41
Stelpaso when i plug into it, the sound goes through05:41
bazhang!ot | Stelpa05:41
ubottuStelpa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:41
nimbiotics[deXter]: thx!05:41
bazhangStelpa, try ##hardware05:41
visual1ceill try it and thx for your help05:42
Stelpabazhang: you do that for me, and not for "ObamaIsAGangsta"? a little while ago he was asking about a random british drama?05:42
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: what is it you like in itunes?05:42
bullgard6How to terminate streamripper? ^C does not seem very elegant to me.05:42
visual1ceit works05:42
StepNjumpman rfkill05:42
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: that's it?05:42
visual1cegive me something that works05:43
visual1cethats all05:43
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: ok, what doesn't work in the other apps?05:43
visual1cethere is no way of syncing playlists - ive given up on that05:43
visual1cethats not a dealbreaker for me05:43
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: do you mean to a crappy iPod?05:44
visual1cebut I would like my music manager/player to be able to handle my android phone and library05:44
visual1cepodcasts, video, audio05:44
epicdudehi folks! I am using ubuntu 10.10, but I can't get my wireless working. Please help!05:45
visual1ceso if i sync a .mov file to my phone it should convert it automatically to mpeg before transferring it over05:45
htmlhow do i put ubnutn/linux on y andriod05:45
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: can't really say there. I don't use an app to 'sync' songs to the device. I just transfer them via USB when I want new stuff and delete them when I want a change.05:45
visual1cei have found no way to do that in banshee05:45
makaraepicdude: get 11.10. seriously, don't even bother with wireless on older versions05:45
ActionParsniphtml: there are how-tos to run a minimal linux with lxde, then vnc to it05:46
visual1cei have found no way to transfer a wmv file over to my galaxy s2 - banshee tells me my phone doesn't support it and says it doesn't have a converter05:46
visual1cebut the phone does support it05:46
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: I use nautilus, the device appears as a usb storage device and I copy files to it as I need or remove old ones05:46
epicdudemakara : I am using wubi, so I am bit reluctant about upgrading the distro as it may scre my windows installation05:46
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: what model handset>05:46
visual1cegalaxy s205:46
visual1cei really dont want to go back to windows and i cant use a mac os on a pc05:47
visual1ceor can i?05:47
Hell0lleHYou can. <_<05:47
alien2050epicdude: you should really check out 11.10 live cd and then try ndiswrapper on live on the case your adapter is supported only this way05:47
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: http://www.craig-russell.co.uk/samsung-galaxy-s2-usb-storage-and-tethering-with-ubuntu/05:47
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: how long did that take me to find?05:48
alien2050epicdude: it might also work on the fly in 11.1005:48
visual1cethx - but thats just connecting the device - i can do that already05:48
epicdudeMy CD drive doesn't work :(05:48
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visual1cewhat im talking about is getting a reliable software connection between phone and laptop - there is no such software for ubuntu at the moment05:49
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: then use it as a usb storage device, as I described earlier..05:49
visual1cebanshee is good for audio files05:49
alien2050epicdude: try usb live cd05:49
b0nnhrm, anyone able to tell me how to get the ubuntu launcher on the side of my desktop to hide until I want it to show up?05:49
epicdudethanks folks for the help :)05:49
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: use nautilus, it's a file manager, you are managing the files on the phone..05:49
visual1cetoo much trouble for me - i have to workaround and waste time just to stick with ubuntu05:49
alien2050epicdude: I highly recommend using unetbootin05:49
ActionParsnipb0nn: unity hide settings are set in ccsm05:49
epicdudealien2050 : Sure05:50
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visual1cenvm AP - thx for your help05:50
makarab0nn: in a terminal type ccsm05:50
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: so its too much trouble to copy and paste files to a storage device to put sonds on the phone?05:50
b0nnnot installed05:50
makarab0nn: sudo apt-get install ccsm05:50
ActionParsnipb0nn: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:50
ActionParsnipmakara: ^05:51
visual1cefirstly i need to do tagging, i need to converting and then i need to organise them... thats what i want the software to do for me05:51
Hell0lleHvisual1ce: Excuse me for interrupting, but what are you trying to do?05:51
ActionParsnipb0nn: does the terminal not recommend a package to install?05:51
StepNjumpI found a command to prevent the wifi to connect. Before I would use ifconfig wlanX down but now I issued a rfkill block MacAddress and it works even better I think. I would like to keep it like that everytime I boot up.. In which configuration file should I add this instruction please?05:51
VisualAssassinok i uninstalled emerald but I still cant untinstall compiz05:51
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: there is tagging in banshee and such, there is also easytag wheich is great for tagging05:51
b0nnyeah, the not installed warning tells me what to install, I just found it... that I in order to fix something that was working yesterday I need to install something else05:51
visual1cewell there are two things ive been trying to do for past day now: transfer a .wmv file to my galaxy s2 in banshee05:51
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visual1cei have both programmes - banshee is great for tagging (at least for audio) - audio works great and i have it working great in banshee05:52
visual1cejust as i like it05:52
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: then once the tags are done, copy the data over with nautilus05:53
alien2050StepNjump: it depends, but if you want it systemwide, I like to put it in /etc/rc.local05:53
StepNjumpsorry I lost the internet for a second.. If somebody replied, I didn't see it05:54
visual1cevideos - mpegs ok, but cant get wmvs working (supported on my device) and movs banshee says not supported by my device (correct) and no converter05:54
StepNjumpalien2050: yes systemwide05:54
bullgard6How to terminate streamripper? ^C does not seem very elegant to me.05:54
visual1cemany of the files im working with are wav files on my computer - easytag doesn't work with wav files05:54
StepNjumpok thanks a lot alien2050... So I just put my command in there?05:54
ActionParsnip!info streamripper05:55
ubottustreamripper (source: streamripper): download online streams into audio files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.64.6-1 (oneiric), package size 90 kB, installed size 224 kB05:55
alien2050StepNjump: test it beforehand though and ensure you're running the right command as I believe it will run on every run level change05:55
naryfaI don't think you can tag wav files05:55
alien2050StepNjump: you need to put it BEFORE the exit 0 statement05:55
visual1cei hope they get a good media management/player programme happening... miro looks like a contender but it lacks many of the nice features that banshee has05:56
StepNjumpalien2050: this file is parsed upon logging in?05:56
VaelstromWelp. I need sleeeeeep.05:56
StepNjumproger that alien205005:56
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naryfavisual1ce: I like miro, banshee crashes on adding files constantly.05:57
alien2050StepNjump: yep, since booting will go from init to runlevel1,2,3,4,5 so it will run05:57
naryfavisual1ce: try others, until you find one that suits you best05:57
ActionParsnipbullgard6: are you using kde?05:58
ActionParsnipbullgard6: or do you have a lot of drive space to install KDE, or do you have Qt based apps installed already?05:58
ActionParsnip!info kstreamrippoer05:58
ubottuPackage kstreamrippoer does not exist in oneiric05:58
bootxCould I ask a programming question?05:58
bullgard6ActionParsnip: I am using Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell
ActionParsnip!info kstreamripper05:59
ubottuPackage kstreamripper does not exist in oneiric05:59
bullgard6ActionParsnip: I ave installed one or two KDE programs in addition to GNOME.05:59
StepNjumpalien2050: the rc.local gave me the comment in there that I need to put an exit 0 in case something went wrong... does the ending exit 0 sufficient or are they requesting to add an exit 0 for each and every statement in there?06:00
Hell0lleHWhat version of gnome is installed on the latest?06:00
ActionParsnipbullgard6: there is tunapie which is a gui to streamripper06:01
pksadiq !info gnome-shell06:01
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1 (oneiric), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4956 kB06:01
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Trent0r!info hardy06:01
ubottuPackage hardy does not exist in oneiric06:01
bullgard6Hell0lleH: In Ubuntu 11.10 it is GNOME Shell
alien2050StepNjump: it needs to be like this: statements (new lines depending on command)...... then a new line.... an finally exit 0 (only once because it will exit the script)06:02
StepNjumpah ok good alien2050 thanks06:02
alien2050StepNjump: no problem06:03
StepNjumpI will give it a try right now... That's awesome..06:03
Hell0lleHbullgard6: Thanks.06:03
StepNjumpI will reboot and let you know how it turned out afterwards... If you are still here06:04
StepNjumpalien2050 see up06:04
alien2050StepNjump: cool, let me know06:04
bullgard6ActionParsnip: I have tried an alternative to tunapie,namely streamtuner2. This program is not yet fully developed and a nuisance in terms of usability. Is tunapie more convenient and reliable to use?06:05
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EhomAnyone there06:07
StepNjumpyes ehom we're here06:09
Ehomthank you06:09
ActionParsnipEhom: just ask06:09
StepNjumpwasup ehom just tell us06:09
ActionParsnipbullgard6: not even heard of streamgrabber til today so not sure06:09
StepNjumpthere are real good guys here but I'm not one of them.... shoot06:09
EhomWhen I tery to run the newest Ubuntu that I downloaded to  my hard drive it goes to the purple screen and stays there06:09
bullgard6ActionParsnip: Ok. Thank you.06:09
StepNjumpmmm did you see your bios go through it's normal thing first?06:10
alien2050Ehom: what are your specs? are u running live cd or usb ?06:10
ActionParsnipEhom: do you mean 'install' when you say 'download'06:10
EhomYea its on the USB and06:10
StepNjumpversion 11.10 ehom?06:10
Ehominstalled yea newsest version06:10
ActionParsnipEhom: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?06:11
EhomIt was workin for like a week06:11
alien2050ehom: you can hit F1 as soon as you see the purple screen06:11
prodigiusEhom, what kind of hardware you running this on? Does this do this multiple times?06:11
alien2050it will go in debug mode06:11
alien2050well, more verbose than debug06:11
EhomNah its the first time its happen it started today06:12
ActionParsnipEhom: you downloaded the ISO and put it on the USB, did you test the ISO before you transferred it?06:12
alien2050but you'll see what's happening... in more details....06:12
ActionParsnipEhom: then you have no way of knowing the data is complete and consistent06:12
ActionParsnip!md5 | Ehom06:12
ubottuEhom: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:12
ActionParsnipEhom: bad image will make a bad install, source is irrelevant06:13
prodigiusif the initial install went well though, more than likely the image was good.06:13
ActionParsnipEhom: is the OS installed, or are you trying to install it?06:13
Ehomi already installed it06:13
EhomI think I did something wrong06:13
ActionParsnipEhom: what GPU do you use?>06:14
StepNjumpehom, I might be totally off here because I'm new to linux but I suggest you test your RAM maybe? Might be that your ram went bad since... Just fishing here.... please forgive me06:14
Ehomlike I think i forced shut it down while it was running06:14
EhomMy ram is 3.5gb06:14
StepNjumpdid you change anything using the sudo command ehom since?06:14
HockeyInJuneHi everyone.  I was wondering why I don't have a config-`uname -r` in /boot, and where I could find it?06:14
ActionParsnipEhom: that'll possibly do it. What video chip do you use? the RAM amount is of no value06:14
alien2050Ehom: do you see grub menu when you start the computer?06:14
EhomI tried to install team viewer thru wdget06:14
EhomIntel Premium 406:15
StepNjumpehom there is a way you can test your RAM I think when you boot up from Linux. You may ask the other guys here on how to do that06:15
ActionParsnipEhom: what about the VIDEO CARD06:15
EhomI ve borrowed 2 books on ubuntu linux06:15
StepNjumpmmmm that could be the reason...06:15
StepNjumpif you press ctrl alt F2, can you switch to the TTY?06:16
ActionParsnipHockeyInJune: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-`uname -r`06:16
Ehomnah I had mint and it was workig fine06:16
ActionParsnipEhom: which chip, not the video ram amount06:16
majorGreetings everyone :) I'm new @ ubuntu and need a little help06:16
StepNjumpwhat do you mean you installed 2 books ehom06:16
StepNjumpdid you 'upgrade' to ubuntu or did you install it clean?06:17
HockeyInJuneThanks ActionParsnip.06:17
StepNjumpwell books wouldn't mess up with your system ehom06:17
Ehominstall it clean06:17
Ehomi know06:17
ActionParsnipHockeyInJune: http://paste.ubuntu.com/796782/06:17
StepNjumpbooks to read ehom or you mean an external hard drive?06:17
ActionParsnipEhom: doesn't answer the question..06:17
StepNjumpand it worked for 1 week ehom?06:18
HockeyInJune:( Thanks, ActionParsnip.06:18
EhomI borrowed books from the library so i can LEARN ubuntu06:18
StepNjumpehom and all of a sudden... nothing ....?06:18
Ehomi forced shut my computer then nuthin06:18
StepNjumpdid you force it off without normally logging off and shutdown?06:19
StepNjumpyes but did you issue any commands using the sudo command ehom?06:19
htmlwhen you brun the ubuntu iso to the cd DO NOT run any programs and dont use you computer  until done06:19
ActionParsnipEhom: i suggest you boot to liveCD and fsck your partition(s) you may have damaged the data with a hard shutdown06:19
StepNjumpYesterday I lost all my mp3's just because I ran a script I didn't understand. Often times we'll do things that we d06:19
StepNjumpdont understand... it's the cost of learning06:19
StepNjumpah! ehom that's probably your problem!06:19
aaschezHello! I installed Ubuntu 11.10 recerntly. At one point I cancelled the update process and later on resarting the system found that the cursor is only blinking. It gives kernel panic error killing init syncing something. I/O errors as well, I guess. How can I fix it?06:20
StepNjumpOk now you need aguy like ActionParsnip to help you out06:20
Ehomi wanted to download php06:20
StepNjumpyou might have to reinstall your ubuntu06:20
Ehom<aaschez> your boot loader is stuffed06:20
ActionParsnipEhom: your main concern is getting the OS running right now. No OS == no PHP06:20
aaschezRecovery mode doesn't allow to input command and in normal mode Ctrl+F1..6 sessions also don't give prompt to input username06:20
Ehomyes thats right06:20
ActionParsnipEhom: so quit worrying about anything else until the OS is bootable06:21
htmlEhom,  stephenh  thats why you do a dualboot and test one os to get it to work , if your mess up its just a dummy os,,06:21
StepNjumpLike I was told: NEVER pull the power cord or force a system to turn off.. that's not a shut down! Ideally you would need a UPC on Ubuntu otherwise you risk to loose your data06:21
EhomYea  i cant do nothing until I figure it out06:21
StepNjumpYour data is PROBABLY ok... so don't make it worse06:21
EhomYea but its not the bootloader06:21
StepNjumpHere is my suggestion for it's worth.. boot up with a pen drive06:21
StepNjumpdid you?06:21
htmlEhom,  did you make a full back up?06:22
StepNjumpYes but the only thing that is worth to you is your data right?06:22
StepNjumpwho cares about a distro. You can always reinstall06:22
EhomI hardly had anything on Ubuntu06:22
StepNjumpYes always back up Ehom like html says06:22
StepNjumpdeja vu is really good Ehom06:22
ActionParsnipEhom: boot to liveCD or USB and fsck the partition06:23
StepNjumpoh so you are ok then06:23
Ehomyea I will06:23
EhomI have to redownload the ISO and put t on my pen drivwe06:23
HockeyInJuneThanks ActionParsnip, all is back to normal now.06:23
StepNjumpcan you see your partition Ehom when you run gparted?06:23
Ehom<aaschez> U THRE06:23
StepNjumpEhom: you see your partition from gparted?06:24
htmlEhom,  not just back up, do a full clone ever so often/or when your about to do something every risky06:24
alien2050StepNjump: let me know if the rc.local trick worked in a private message, I'll leave it open06:24
StepNjumphtml: how you do that? with dd?06:24
StepNjumpr u going to bed alien205006:25
alien2050oh yeah... :)06:25
ActionParsnipEhom: so there is no 'downloading' or 'installing' of ubuntu, its already installed, the installed OS is having the issue..06:25
StepNjumpI will send u a offline msg here on irc06:25
StepNjumpu will get the message when you wake up06:25
alien2050it's 1:30am.... that's it for me... cya!06:26
StepNjumpthanks again alien2050 for all your help06:26
StepNjumpgood night06:26
alien2050hey no problem!06:26
alien2050good night06:26
StepNjumpehome what's up06:26
StepNjumpcheck your messages tomorrow06:26
Ehomso how do I fix ubunto06:26
ActionParsnipEhom: I told you06:26
htmlstephenh,  im not totally sure HOW to, but i know of,,,,,, clonezilla, ? theres  about dozen apps ,,,  for it06:26
Ehomi hate clonezilla06:27
StepNjumpcan you go to TTY?06:27
StepNjumpwell he can go to tty ActionParsnip what should he do06:27
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
VisualAssassinim having a lot of trouble uninstalling certain apps that i dont want anymore06:28
StepNjumpYou didn't back up your system with dd Ehom ?06:28
htmlclonezilla?  do u know how to help me with it? or a app simular?06:28
StepNjumpwhat do you see in TTY ehom06:28
htmldd? means?06:29
aaschezHello! I installed Ubuntu 11.10 recerntly. At one point I cancelled the update process and later on resarting the system found that the cursor is only blinking. It gives kernel panic error killing init syncing something. I/O errors as well, I guess. How can I fix it?06:29
StepNjumphtml install roundup06:29
StepNjumpit's great06:29
Ehomwats tty06:29
StepNjumpis it to report bugs html06:29
ActionParsniphtml: its a data copying command, it can also mean 'disk destroyer' if you use it wrongly06:29
aaschezEhom: Ctrl+Alt+F106:29
StepNjumppress ctrl alt F206:29
StepNjumpor F106:29
aaschezEhom: Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to desktop06:29
ActionParsnipaaschez: boot to root recovery console and run:  sudo apt-get -f install06:30
Ehomso wat do I do in there06:30
StepNjumpActionParsnip: dd could be dangerous?06:30
ActionParsnipStepNjump: if you get the of and if the wrong way around, yes06:30
StepNjumpwish ubuntu had a system restore like msft06:30
StepNjumpmmmm that's good to know06:31
ActionParsnipStepNjump: it can do, you just need to implement it. There is an entry on brainstorm for it. I always turn system restore off.06:31
StepNjumpyou see something ehom?06:32
StepNjumpno more purple screen ehom?06:32
StepNjumpyou see login?06:32
StepNjumpso no more mv, dd, rm -rf... gosh.. What can WE do?06:32
FloodBot1StepNjump: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:32
StepNjumpehom do you see anything?06:32
ActionParsnipEhom: did you enable auto login when you first installed?06:33
Ehomi havnt even tried it lol?06:33
StepNjumpoh yeah? where can we download it from ActionParsnip06:33
StepNjumpYes flood.. sorry Im human06:33
ActionParsnipStepNjump: its not downloadable per-se, you'd use a few tools and commands to take your own snapshots when you need it and such06:33
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Ehomyes i enables auto login06:33
StepNjumpehom do you see a log on screen now after pressing ctrl alt F106:33
=== good is now known as good|night
Ehomstepninja I havent tried06:34
StepNjumpauto login???? mmmmm sounds like an auto destruction sequence06:34
ActionParsnipStepNjump: commands like partimage can take an image of a partition which you can then use to roll back to that point06:34
StepNjumpok like a collectio of scripts ActionParsnip ?06:35
StepNjumpTRY ehom when you are at the purple screen.... please try.. just don't log in... just tell us if you see somethin06:35
StepNjumpoh nice... good to know.. Wish I had more time to be here.. We learn a lot06:35
ActionParsnipStepNjump: no, its a command. You will need to boot to lto take the image of the unmounted partition and have a suitably large partition to spit the image to (mounted writable), partimage can use bz2 to compress the data. Its one of the advantages of a small system partition06:36
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aaschezActionParsnip: prompt is not allowing me to input anything06:36
StepNjumpI wonder if ehom speaks english or maybe it's my french accent that's coming through my writing ???06:36
VisualAssassincan anyone help me figure out why I cant remove some of these apps or maybe tell me what im doing wrong?06:36
ActionParsnipVisualAssassin: what app do you want to remove06:37
ActionParsnipaaschez: the sudo command will not give any feedback, just keep typing06:37
StepNjumpright... separate home partition is good.. I will eventually go that route06:37
VisualAssassinwell there are a couple....i want to remove compiz, tweetdeck, and alien arena as far as i can tell06:37
Ehomsteninja Im not using Ubunto i have FRIENDS06:37
ActionParsnipVisualAssassin: alien arena should be as easy as any other app, how have you got tweetdeck? adobe air hasn't been supported in Linux for a good while now06:38
htmlEhom,  easy...06:38
ActionParsnipEhom: it's ubuntu, not ubunto, ubunto doesn't exist06:38
StepNjumpme too I have friends ehom but I also have ubuntu.. I have both but ubuntu is not my friend lol06:38
zenokit is uboontoo06:38
VisualAssassinwell i used to have version 10.04 of ubuntu and that is how i got everything....i tried removing alien arena just like any other app and for some reason i cant06:38
StepNjumpehom, how old are you if you don't mind me asking?06:38
StepNjumpyou must be young06:39
ActionParsnipStepNjump: you guessed right06:39
StepNjumpoh ok.. now I understand... you guys don't learn to write nowadays... do you ever read?06:39
ActionParsnipVisualAssassin: ok, what is the output of:  dpkg -l | grep alien06:39
EhomThats why I went to the LIBRARY06:39
StepNjumpOther than texting? I mean REAL books????06:39
EhomHow old r u guys?06:39
aaschezActionParsnip: recovery mode sudo apt-get -f install command is not getting inputted... no change, no input at all06:40
VisualAssassinnot sure what that means....sorry i havent worked in the terminal much06:40
k9- /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! - /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us!06:40
k9- /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! - /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us!06:40
k9- /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! - /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us! /server irc.irc3d.com Help Us!06:40
FloodBot1k9: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:40
dmn0Qwhy, I can't change my lightdm background although i have use simple lightdm to change it?06:40
EhomIm trying to learn 3 languages at once and Ubunto06:40
ActionParsnipaaschez: the command will not give any feedback when you type your password. Just type it as you expect and hit ente06:40
zenoksudo kill me06:40
ActionParsnipEhom: that's irrelevant06:40
StepNjumpYes it's important.. my guess is if you know how to write by the time you turn 30 (when all of us old tarts will be retired) you will get a job right away with no other skills other than that.. Mock my words...  well.. maybe not...06:41
ActionParsnipEhom: ok lets start again. Is ubuntu installed or are you wanting to install it from USB?06:41
ActionParsnipEhom: or install from CD?06:41
VisualAssassinii  alien-arena                                              7.40-2                                     Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter06:41
VisualAssassinii  alien-arena-common                                       7.40-2                                     Common files for Alien Arena client and server06:41
VisualAssassinii  alien-arena-data                                         7.40-1                                     Game data files for Alien Arena06:41
VisualAssassinthat is the output when i type what u said into the terminal06:41
StepNjumpNo I'm not kidding you. It's that youth uses jargon that old farts like us don't understand. Please try to be more literate when you write.. Use a spell check before sending your messages.. We'll help you better that way06:42
EhomIm going to install it on A usb06:42
sirellyn__Those flash security sandbox error messages.  Anyone know how to disable the popup?06:42
aaschezActionParsnip: Yes, did that. I typed the command and pressed enter... no change06:42
ActionParsnipaaschez: was there any output?06:42
aaschezActionParsnip: No, no change, no output06:42
ActionParsnipEhom: fine but from what media?06:42
aaschezActionParsnip: Its only scrolling error06:42
ActionParsnipaaschez: there will be some output06:42
ActionParsnipaaschez: can you detail the output please06:43
StepNjumptry to download thunderbird email and install the english dictionnary.. Works great. I use it everyday.. it highlights the words you misspell.. anyway that's off topic... So do you still need help ehom?06:43
ActionParsnipaaschez: a healthy OS will output this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/796795/06:43
ActionParsnipaaschez: so 'no output' means you typed it wrong06:44
dmn0Qhello? I have change my lightdm conf so that i can put the backgroud i like..but why it turn black?06:44
sirellyn__The "Adobe Flash Player" message box that pops up when I'm viewing a video on a web page.  Saying Action Script Security Error...06:44
aaschezActionParsnip: Before I input any command, there are scrolling errors, while inputting there are scrolling errors and even after typing the command to nothing, therea re scrolling errors. THe errors are like kernel panic killing init syncing . I/O error... then inode.. Its difficult for me to red it06:44
sirellyn__They never popped up before, then I installed something I can't remember, now it pops up even when I don't want it to.06:44
EhomYes so do I boot Ubunto of USB or cd06:44
StepNjumpnot necessarily ehom.. is your computer on right now?06:45
=== chrisb is now known as Guest66807
StepNjumpehom UbuntU not Ubunto... what is ubunto? Is it really Ubunto or ubuntu... maybe there is such a thing.. I don't know06:46
StepNjumpehom, is your computer on or off? Just try to read what I say and don't try to do anything else.. just answer the questions!!!!06:47
VisualAssassinok i figured out how to remove alien arena....ill work the other ones out too i think i know how to do it06:47
EhomOne is on the other is off06:47
CharminTheMooseHey, I built an ubuntu 11.04 chroot install and used the ubuntu bootcd package to create a bootable CD (with discover v2 included). I boot from a qemu emulator, but despite the driver being loaded and an IP seemingly being gotten, I can't seem to ping anything from the guest OS. Any hints on how to get this working?06:48
StepNjumpehom, It's 1:30 and I have no time for this.. nobody does... If you don't try to help yourself we will 'chill' you up pretty darn fast. We are trying to help but not if you are not serious about the process. consider yourself warned.06:48
EhomWe are Anonymous06:49
EhomWe do not forgive06:49
EhomWe do not forget06:49
EhomExpect Us.06:49
FloodBot1Ehom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:49
EhomI have Ubunto and windows on 1 computer and it is ON06:49
aaschezActionParsnip: Its not working ...06:49
Ehom<aascheZ> wHATS WRONG?06:50
StepNjumpBye ehom.. wanted to help you.. go chill with your friends... Yes I do forgive, I am a christian but I have a family to take care of. Wanted to help you. can't help someone who doesn't want to help oneself.. bye. Check on the spelling of ubunto first. I'm out of here..06:50
StepNjumpyou are not paying attention ehom06:50
StepNjumpActionParsnip: would you mind explaining him in different terms06:50
EhomI already found out06:50
Ehomaaschez wats the problem06:51
aaschezStepNjump: I understood. And I see the expecteed output but its not accepting any input nor showing errors06:51
zenokam i gay?06:51
Ehomaaschez WATS THE PROBLEM06:52
VisualAssassinok I cant remove tweetdeck or compiz06:52
EhomI am ANONYMOUS06:52
StepNjumphahaha aaschez06:52
aaschezEhom: I installed Ubuntu 11.10 recerntly. At one point I cancelled the update process and later on resarting the system found that the cursor is only blinking. It gives kernel panic error killing init syncing something. I/O errors as well, I guess. How can I fix it?06:52
aaschezStepNjump: ?06:52
StepNjumpyep aaschez06:53
aaschezStepNjump: What's funny?06:53
epicdudehi again folks! Now I have ubuntu 11.10 and when I try to connect to wireless network, it asks for a password, after accepting the password it tries to connect to wireless and asks me again for the password in 2 mints or so. I never says the password is wrong. Kindly help!06:53
epicdudeIt never says*06:53
StepNjumpaaschez nothing..!06:53
StepNjumpActionParsnip: are you still here06:54
Ehomaaschez this is a boot loader problem I exprenced this a week ago06:54
epicdudeso it keeps asking me for the wireless password again and again and never connects to wireless06:54
nullv4luehi can any one tell me how to stall lilo on lubuntoo06:54
aaschezEhom: so it can be restore with all the grub restore ways?06:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)06:54
EhomWhen I tried it didnt work06:55
almoxarifeepicdude: you have given the wrong password, twice06:55
EhomWhats ur main Operatring System06:55
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nullv4luei dont do grub06:56
nullv4luei prefer lilo06:56
nullv4lueso could i change tht part06:56
zenoklilo and stich!06:56
EhomAsschez wats ur main OS06:57
epicdudealmoxarife : Then why doesn't it say "Wrong password" Besides I am sure that the password is correct06:57
llutz_nullv4lue: sudo apt-get install lilo ; man lilo.conf06:57
almoxarifeepicdude: its a wireless connection, it wont respond other allow you in, and the right or wrong is something you can take up with the access point06:58
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StepNjumpanybody ever lost connectivity to their external hard drives here because of Linux mishaps?06:58
nullv4luei say plug it out and throw away the box06:59
nullv4lueuse another06:59
StepNjumpnullv4lue lol06:59
StepNjumpno it's because a friend of mine told me that he lost the reference to his superblock... I don't back up backups nullv4lue07:00
aaschezEhom: I miss your text if you don't my nick properly. Use tab auto-completion. As to your question, I use Ubuntu 11.1007:00
nullv4lueno disconect the connecters07:00
aaschezdon't typed*07:00
StepNjumpehom.. Jesus loves you07:00
nullv4luerun to the next cubicle and use the other pc with winblows on it07:00
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StepNjumpI just think I was patient enough... ehom guys are here to help, not to be taken advantage of07:01
nullv4luewait backing up a back up07:01
nullv4luethts a long shot07:01
almoxarife!who | nullv4lue07:01
ubottunullv4lue: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:01
nullv4lueso 10 terabytes07:01
StepNjumpllutz are you still here07:02
llutz_StepNjump: ?07:02
majorActionParsnip: hello, may I ask how to create an .iso image from SD card?07:02
nullv4lueaww ur pathetic bots07:02
Ben64!ot | nullv4lue07:02
ubottunullv4lue: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:02
nullv4lueno thankz i dont eat moonbat crap07:02
nullv4lue./ignore ubottu07:02
nullv4luethere fixed07:02
almoxarifenullv4lue: you need to leave07:03
Ben64take the offtopic banter somewhere else07:03
nullv4luemake me07:03
nullv4luemake me leave07:03
nullv4luei dare ya07:03
almoxarifego i hate being polite07:03
nullv4lueif i leave 20 others join07:04
nullv4lueso i think id stay quiet for now07:04
nullv4luehows tht sound07:04
StepNjumpllutz, you might have the answer to this... I just spoke to a friend of mine tonight who told me he lost data on his external hard drive. I asked him how it happened.. he told me NEVER hotswap drives unless I know what I am doing.. He told me that he had lost his superblock.. Do you know what that is and what I should do so it will never happen to me?07:05
* nullv4lue mode +q07:05
Ben64nullv4lue: just keep on topic here07:05
lighyHello. Someone got an answer to that? http://askubuntu.com/questions/79647/how-to-get-suspend-when-idle-if-no-user-logged-in-lightdm07:05
phpcan anyone tell me where i can edit the KDEInit thing?07:06
phpremoved screenlets and it still wants to load the screenlets-daemon.py07:07
llutz_StepNjump: that shouldn't happen if you "release" the disk before removing it. the superblock is the first block of a filesystem following the bootblock, holding information about fs-type, size, files etc.07:07
VisualAssassinok just need to figure out the tweetdeck removal and ill be squared away07:08
almoxarifephp: ask in #kubuntu07:08
elmorules16Can i make ubuntu faster07:09
llutz_StepNjump: if it happens, it usually killed only the 1st superblock of a fs. use dumpe2fs /dev/sdXY to find copies of it and restore it with fsck -b <sector> /dev/sdXY07:09
StepNjumpok llutz_ .. that's what I thought. He told me to be careful to mount a ext HDD once linux is running (hotswapping).. I don't know what he meant so i thought I would research it. He suggests I boot up with all the drives attached to the system ahead of time llutz_07:10
StepNjumpsorry for repeating your nick twice07:10
StepNjumpnice to know!!!! great I will document that in my KB07:10
Ben64StepNjump: you can mount an external drive anytime, just don't unplug it without unmounting first07:10
almoxarifeelmorules16: nothing will make your cpu faster, but if you look at system monitor you can tell what takes time away from the cpu, there may be 'stuff' you dont need running that is07:11
StepNjumpyou know your stuff...! He works in *nix environment and couldn't find the way. He even told me it was backed up 3 times (superblock)07:11
llutz_StepNjump: USB is meant to be hotswapped, i don't know how well e-sata works with it. you only should be sure to sync the fs before removing it07:11
StepNjumpok Ben64 tnx... yes except when shutting down the system. i guess the logoff procedure takes care of it for me or would I be better off to umount manually everytime b4 shutdown now?07:12
=== clonak_ is now known as clonak
Ben64StepNjump: the shutdown process includes unmounting all drives, so that'd be fine07:12
llutz_StepNjump: shutdown will try to umount all local fs cleanly07:12
StepNjumpok llutz_ so if the kernel is still busy writing to it, it just won't allow me to umount right?07:12
llutz_StepNjump: no, it should wait then07:13
StepNjumpI'm paranoid about my backup drives!.... I had so much crap happening lately... Wouldn't want to loose anything07:13
MaheshI want to have two ubuntu distros07:13
StepNjumpIt's nice, it even tells you when you are in the bash shell when trying to release the drive.. nice feature07:14
lighySomeone got an answer to that? http://askubuntu.com/questions/79647/how-to-get-suspend-when-idle-if-no-user-logged-in-lightdm07:14
StepNjumpso what would a user do Ben64 and llutz_ if the system becomes irresponsive?07:14
MaheshIs it possible to have two ubuntu distos ? on same machine ?07:14
StepNjumpunresponsive... sorry07:14
llutz_StepNjump: 1st step: wait07:15
urlin2uMahesh, you have some questions about that?07:15
michaelgamblehow do i do a sudo cd /directory07:15
Ben64StepNjump: try getting to console (CTRL+ALT+F1), try ssh'ing in, REISUB07:15
michaelgambleapparently i don't have permissions to go into the directory07:15
Maheshyes urlin2u07:15
llutz_michaelgamble: you don't07:15
urlin2uMahesh, yes many more if done right.07:15
llutz_michaelgamble: sudo -i     then cd /wherever          but be sure you really need to do so07:15
Ben64michaelgamble: what are you trying to accomplish?07:16
Maheshcan u pls let me know how to do that ? I want both 10 and 11 dist on same machine07:16
urlin2uMahesh, the key here is the extended partition if you want to go above 4 primary partitions.07:16
michaelgambleis there an ubuntu gui equivelent07:16
almoxarifeMahesh: sure, one per partion07:16
michaelgambleI'm trying to edit and ssh authorized key file07:16
Ben64michaelgamble: that should be in ~/.ssh07:17
=== Hiz is now known as Guest4801
StepNjumpBen64: ssh ing into the system you mean via ssh????07:17
Ben64StepNjump: yep, sometimes if graphics are frozen I can still get in via ssh and kill the offending process07:17
StepNjumpIm glad I have a UPS... I guess I'll have to find the drivers so that it issue the shutdown command in case I loose power here07:18
StepNjumpBen64: you mean via TTY..? SSH is a secure shell.. via remote computer you mean?07:18
elmorules16is there any cool IRC i can join07:19
llutz_StepNjump: yes, needs 2nd computer with network access07:19
Ben64StepNjump: yeah remotely, I use my phone to ssh in07:19
StepNjumpyes ps -a Ben6407:19
nullv4lueyeah try #freenode07:19
StepNjumpoh nice.... I will have to look into that... Not that it barely happen but wouldn't want to loose all my files... Id rather be safe than sorry07:20
llutz_StepNjump: you should mount your external drive with "sync" option. it might slow down it a bit but makes sure you don't loose buffered data on power loss/removing disk too early...07:21
StepNjumpI guess it doesn't very often that your systems freeze like that llutz_ Ben6407:21
StepNjumpmmmm really?07:22
StepNjumpsync option thanks llutz_07:22
llutz_StepNjump: it never happened here, iirc07:22
maheshi am back here , just lost the connection?07:22
StepNjumpSo if I send the umount command and it's still writing, I guess it will not allow me to complete the process right llutz_ Ben6407:23
maheshI want to install the  two distos 10 and 11 ubuntu on same machine ?one for development and other for just browsing07:24
llutz_StepNjump: you'll see a delay before the shell comes back to the prompt07:25
maheshI am not able to understand how to share both dist with same folder07:25
elmorules16We are Anonymous07:25
elmorules16We do not forgive07:25
elmorules16We do not forget07:25
elmorules16Expect Us.07:26
StepNjumpok ok llutz_ and thanks for the commands earlier in case I loose my superblock07:26
elmorules16no worries07:26
StepNjumpwhat is the best FS that could be used on linux in order not to loose data llutz_07:26
llutz_StepNjump: idk, i prefer ext4 but...07:26
kcantuso i'm having problems getting a PPA created: seems that my install script cannot put binaries into /usr/bin/ https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89333622/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.rust_0.09-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:27
StepNjumpthere are plenty other ones .... supposedly some are best for long time storage, others are better at seek time, etc.. llutz_07:27
kcantu(i see the same error in pbuilder, too)07:27
StepNjumpI have a lot of readin to do07:27
kcantuStepNjump: ext4 does enough journaling and so on that it should work well07:28
llutz_StepNjump: i never really cared about that. i used xfs once for some test but haven't seen any advantages for me in it, so i came back to ext407:28
llutz_StepNjump: go with solaris or bsd and use zfs :)07:28
lighySomeone got an answer to that? http://askubuntu.com/questions/79647/how-to-get-suspend-when-idle-if-no-user-logged-in-lightdm07:28
StepNjumpok kcantu llutz_07:29
StepNjumpwhy llutz_07:30
kcantuStepNjump: if your data really matters, using some sort of RAID or BTRFS or ZFS with the right kind of mirroring is good07:30
llutz_StepNjump: from what i read, it is the most advanced fs today with some really neat features07:30
StepNjumpI used to love VMS07:30
abhi_hi. i have two user on a single 10.04 machine. i want to ecrypt only /home/user1 . i do not want to encrypt whole /home. how can i do this? help07:30
StepNjumpwhen I was ehom's age07:30
maheshI want to install two distribution 10 and 11 ubuntu on same machine , any body tell me how partition to be made, how the /home will be shared for both ///07:31
StepNjumpmmm I could look into it.. a friend of mine though lost all his family pictures years ago when he installed raid on his win machine.. poor guy...07:32
nightshade209mahesh: make a separate partition for /home07:32
StepNjumpand virus wise.. any of you running any antiviral app?07:32
llutz_not me07:33
StepNjumpcuz I am slowly transfering my data from my old win machine. I'm SURE I have virusi in there... I just don't know if they could run in here... probably not ig07:34
llutz_StepNjump: viri are not a linux-problem (yet).07:35
StepNjumpyes probably thanks to chmod!07:36
llutz_StepNjump: most computer users should better try to use /dev/brain than any antivir-snakeoil.07:36
StepNjumpI wonder if it would be best at times to run a desktop limited user account for daily use and thus reserve a separate account JUST for system administration07:38
StepNjump/dev/brain lol07:38
llutz_StepNjump: always a good idea to separate accounts, keep them as limited as possible07:38
StepNjumpWhat the heck.. I'll try.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus/Avg and see if it slows down my computer much07:39
StepNjumpreally... .. I'm glad you say that. I kinda had a feeling about it.07:39
StepNjumpwith different passwords of course07:39
lighySomeone got an answer to that? http://askubuntu.com/questions/79647/how-to-get-suspend-when-idle-if-no-user-logged-in-lightdm07:40
overcluckercannot access /dev/brain: No such file or directory07:40
StepNjumplol overclucker07:41
llutz_overclucker: common problem today...07:42
StepNjumpkids learn nothing in school anymore.. no wonder07:42
Humbedoohdid they ever learn anything? :>07:44
StepNjumpI took a class with some kids for work recently.. I couldn't stop noticing the kids texting during the class.. unbelievable!07:44
onelinerthe usual; "You re not special"07:45
overcluckerI saw a lot of that in my technical communication class last term07:45
najamguys, can someone tell me where should I ask gnome-shell related doubts ?07:45
Humbedoohmaybe there's a #gnome ?07:46
najamHumbedooh: I tried #gnome, no response :(07:46
aaschezI want to re-install system. What kind of partitioning scheme should I follow? For a 320 GB HDD, is this fine - / 10GB, /var - 10GB, /usr - 10GB, swap - 5GB and rest to /home ?07:47
StepNjumpIn my day, they would have ended up at the p..'s office in a nutshell overclucker07:47
llutz_aaschez: extra /usr makes no sense imho07:47
Humbedoohstepnjump, that's when you set up a jammer in the classroom :>07:48
aaschezllutz_: extra /usr ?? I used /, /var, /usr, /home, swap07:48
_HoochMan_najam: -> gnome related irc channels http://live.gnome.org/GnomeIrcChannels07:48
llutz_aaschez: why separate /usr? you cannot mount it ro anymore, so where is the benefit of it?07:48
theconfuzzedi'm wondering, does anyone in here know how to create a printer that uses a command other than lpr to print?07:49
theconfuzzedyou can do it with openoffice using spadmin, but the pseudoprinter that openoffice creates only shows up in that app07:49
StepNjumpI know this is off topic but I'm 46 now and when I was in primary school, they would have us stand in line for long minutes until they heard nothing from us before we could get in.. even at -20 Celcius (0 F) before we could get in... If an idiot would move his boots and the teachers would hear a noise, we'd stay out for another 5 minutes... Now that's dicipline.07:50
CharminTheMooseHey, I built an ubuntu 11.04 debootstrap/chroot install and used the ubuntu bootcd package to create a bootable CD (with discover v2 included). I boot from a qemu emulator, but despite the driver being loaded and an IP seemingly being gotten, I can't seem to ping anything from the guest OS. Any hints on how to get this working?07:50
llutz_StepNjump: ooh,  _those days_ ..07:51
StepNjumpWhen it's 32F, my kids aren't even allowed to go out for recess.. wow! ... I wonder what would happen to our cozy people if we lost the grid!!!! ouch07:51
StepNjumpyep! llutz_  And EVEN then.. it was nothing when my parents went to school with the nuns and the monks.. those really knew discipline let me tell you somethin!07:52
aaschezllutz_: I consider splitting /var off usually. I'm thinking of having /usr. Afaik, /usr got most of the OS. So having /,/var,/home better?  Because /usr doesn't overflow so much? But /usr is probably the biggest partition other than /home.07:52
overcluckerall we had ws a no ice ball rule, when it came to recess07:52
rabbi1guys, print screen isn't workin :(07:52
llutz_aaschez: having /usr on extra partition makes no sense to  me at all anymore. consider moving /tmp to prevent / from being filled07:53
StepNjumpllutz_: I still hear the sound of silence in the summer when kids would barely move their little feet and you could hear the sound of small gravel under their feet in order to challenge the teacher's orders.. I tell you, I can still hear it in my /dev/brain!07:53
StepNjumplol overclucker yep!07:54
aaschezllutz_: How does  separate /var helps07:54
llutz_StepNjump: i remember that, i'm 4907:54
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=== ServerSage_ is now known as ServerSage
najam_HoochMan_: It mentioned irc.gnome.org, but how do we connect to it from xchat ? I am pretty new to ircing07:55
llutz_aaschez: /var hold logs which might increase unexpected and other temporary data. so it might be a good idea to have it extra07:55
_HoochMan_najam: go to the XChat menu and select network list, there you can add the server07:56
aaschezllutz_: So should I have /, /var, /tmp, /home only?07:56
StepNjumpnow I see my ex freakin out if the kids barely scratch their legs.. Hospital right away! Yet, she let them play video games... That would be a no no with me. I raised them kids. they turned really well and now that a magistrate decides that a woman is best, they will turn out spoiled... Well society can deal with all those future murders later... discipline is not a good thing according to them07:56
StepNjumpspecialists anymore.. go figure07:56
llutz_aaschez: that's what i'd suggest07:56
StepNjumpi heard aaschez that having a separate /tmp is good for servers for security reasons.. read that somewhere07:56
aaschezThis is a desktop installtion here07:57
StepNjumpmy swap on this netbook is off my SD card running at 85% swappiness and it works great!07:57
aaschezllutz_: How much space  should I assign to / , /var , /tmp ?07:57
StepNjumpoh yeah llutz_ you remember that! lol... Those were the days my friend!07:58
najam<_HoochMan_>: thanks, but it says I mispelled it when assing irc.gnome.org07:59
najam<_HoochMan_>: sorry typo meant "adding" :)07:59
StepNjumpdo you guys think ubuntu will eventually suply us with a voice recognizing software eventually?07:59
_HoochMan_najam: sorry, dunno what to tell you on that one08:00
StepNjumpThat's one good thing in MSFT... My suggestion to them is that they come up with a cloud app.. would work great08:00
llutz_aaschez: that depends on your usage.08:00
kcantuStepNjump: yes, definitely, but it might be after our flying cars arrive08:00
StepNjumpaaschez: I found some websites that really tell you how much space to be alloted.. Do a search08:00
kcantuStepNjump: (people have been expecting conversational talking computers since before the transistor was invented...)08:01
overcluckerit really does need voice. even phones have it aleady.08:01
kcantuthe way the phones do it is by letting a MASSIVE cluster of computers in a datacenter at Apple or Google do all the talking08:01
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StepNjumpyep I know!!! that's why I'm puzzled as to why we don't have it yet08:02
MJ94Can someone please help me with this error? I'm new to Ubuntu and am trying to install stuff from package manager. http://paste.ubuntu.com/796843/08:02
StepNjumpWe are already close to mind interraction with our computers uusing electrodes fed on /brain varlib08:02
_HoochMan_najam: I just added and connected to irc.gnome.org inside of XChat, does seem to work.08:03
StepNjumpand computer screen integrated in our sunglasses.. now that would be nice08:03
* kop stomps the fsck'n crap out of lubuntu 08:04
StepNjumpMJ94: sorry I checked at your error. Looks like a python error but don't know much about that sorry08:04
kopok sry , better now ...08:04
MJ94StepNjump: thanks anyway :)08:05
overcluckerkop: is lubuntu being unruly?08:05
StepNjumpWhat happened08:05
StepNjumpIs it a new install MJ9408:05
StepNjumpYou get this error when MJ9408:06
kopoverclucker, base install of 10.04 lubuntu w/nvidia driver/kernel08:06
StepNjumpvirtual machine? MJ9408:06
kopafter enabling the second screen the menu fonts are so small that they can not be read with a magnifying glass08:06
MJ94StepNjump: yes08:07
kopuntil I get a command line option or someone that regularly uses the desktop can point me to the right selections this desktop is useless08:07
aaschezllutz_: What should be the minimum space atleast?08:07
StepNjumpmmm... Why don't you uninstall VM, reboot and try to reinstall?08:07
aaschezllutz_: My usage includes, CAD, matlab, physics simulation and coding.08:08
llutz_aaschez: 10G for /, 5+ for /var, same for /tmp. but as i said, it depends on your usage08:08
StepNjumpif you can't find it in your synaptics dpkg -l virtual and then uninstall with dpkg -p whateverpackagelisted in previous step08:08
aaschezllutz_: Ok, thanks08:08
kopoverclucker, it's a 1280x720 42" wide screen and the fonts are less than 1/16" tall !!08:09
StepNjumpif you can't find it in your synaptics dpkg -l virtual and then uninstall with dpkg -p whateverpackagelisted in previous step MJ9408:09
aaschezllutz_: And what about assigning /tmp specifically for server installtion as StepNjump  was saying. Is it requirted for desktop installtions?08:09
* kop stomps the fsck'n crap out of lubuntu , again, just for good measure 08:09
llutz_aaschez: to make sure that /tmp wouldn't fill / it makes sense. on servers it has some other advantages, as you might mount /tmp ro,nodev,noexec,nosuid.08:10
kcantuaaschez: IIRC /tmp is often a virtual folder now08:11
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paulinajak tam :08:11
aaschezkcantu: I didn't get you.. what all contributes to /tmp ?08:12
StepNjumpto protect against database overflow08:12
llutz_tmpfs is widely used now08:13
kcantuso if /tmp is on the same partition as /, some noob like I was could write a ton of data there and make your system unbootable08:13
aascheztmpfs, didn't know that.08:13
StepNjumpaaschez: The general idea is to create a partition with no execute permissions, then add it’s entry to fstab so that the un-executable block gets mounted as /tmp during boot.08:14
kopmain menu -> Preferences -> Customize Look and Feel. well fine , if I could read the fsck'n menu08:14
kcantuif you have it on its own partition, filling /tmp means the admins can just laugh at noobs like me (as they did, thoroughly)08:14
kcantuif you have /tmp on tmpfs, like just in memory, then all i could do is maybe crash the machine08:15
* kop pours a nice hot cup of stfu .08:15
StepNjumpaaschez:  here's a great article on the security of /tmp if you're interested; http://www.tonylake.info/?p=23308:15
aaschezkcantu: So its advisable to use tmpfs instead of separate /tmp?08:17
aaschezStepNjump: Thanks, I'll read that08:17
StepNjumpaaschez: the article says if you chmod your /tmp dir with non execute rights, you should be fine.. but I didn't read the whole thing.. Quite interesting stuff08:18
StepNjumpthanks for bringing it up08:18
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llutz_StepNjump: not chmod -x, mount /tmp noexec. those are different things08:19
StepNjumpreally llutz_ please explain.. you mean just the directory should be no execute, not the files?08:20
lighySomeone got an answer to that? http://askubuntu.com/questions/79647/how-to-get-suspend-when-idle-if-no-user-logged-in-lightdm08:20
kcantuaaschez: yeah, some distros now use tmpfs /tmp by default08:20
llutz_StepNjump: no, chmod -x /tmp would make /tmp inaccessible. mount -o noexec /tmp   means, that you cannot run (bad) stuff from  /tmp08:20
aaschezkcantu: 'tmpfs /tmp ' ?08:21
llutz_StepNjump:  man mount | less -p noexec08:21
StepNjumpmmm nice to know... aaschez please read llutz_ in case you didn't..08:22
aaschezkcantu: Are they two different things or...08:22
kcantuaaschez: tmpfs and in RAM, instead of ext4 or whatever on a hard disk08:22
kcantuaaschez: yes, two different things08:22
aaschezkcantu: So in the installer, one can find the option for tmpfs like how one sees for swap and other fs ?08:22
StepNjumpmmm interesting.. trying to install avg for ubuntu and it tells me The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package..08:23
overcluckerwhy use avg, when there is clamscan?08:23
najam<_HoochMan_>: thanks, I am not sure if its blocked from my n/w08:24
najamI will take a look08:24
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_HoochMan_najam: no problem08:24
StepNjumpclamscan it will be then.. thanks overclucker08:24
aaschezkcantu: How much RAM space you got for tmpfs?08:25
overcluckerStepNjump: it's what a lot of mail and file servers use to scan attachments and files08:25
StepNjumpyeah.. I installed it a while back but I had forgotten about it08:26
kcantuaaschez: i think Ubuntu doesn't by default mount /tmp on a tmpfs http://askubuntu.com/questions/62928/why-doesnt-tmp-use-tmpfs08:28
kcantuaaschez: and that's probably because a lot of people (myself included, sometimes) don't have a lot of RAM08:28
aaschezkcantu: I got 4GB here, so I guess having separate /tmp is the only better option than tmpfs ?08:29
kcantuaaschez: and i doubt the basic installers bother with this: since nothing persistent is stored in /tmp, it would be really easy to change that setup later, if you're one of the people who wants to change it08:29
kcantuaaschez: if you're just doing simple stuff on your computer, having it on the same volume as / is fine08:30
kcantuaaschez: i never bother to customize any of that stuff here at home or on dev machines at work08:30
kcantuaaschez: if i was building a big server for lots of people to use, then i'd do stuff like that08:31
StepNjumpby default kcantu, does ubuntu automatically mounts a virtual /etc in RAM?08:31
mybox1776I was wondering, for someone who wants to start from scratch learning UNBUNTU/Linux in general (desktop, DNS, DHCP, etc etc) what book would you recommend?  The "BIBLE" editions or the Orange "Unleashed" types?08:31
kcantuStepNjump: probably not08:31
StepNjumpoh ok, it just happens in /tmp dir ok...08:32
mybox1776Like Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 edition?08:32
kcantumybox1776: it depends on what you mean by "from scratch"08:33
StepNjumpif there is anything that doesn't require immediate access to RAM, I would personally would like to create a separate partition for as i only run 1GB of RAM right now in this netbook... My SD card mounted as swap is great.. If you guys have any more ideas to alleviate the stress from the RAM, I am all ears08:34
kcantumybox1776: i like the O'Reilly book, Robbins and Beebe's "Classic Shell Scripting"08:34
mybox1776Im a Win Admin, and LINUX is something I want to implement. I want to scrap IIS and go w/ Apache....08:35
aaschezStepNjump: SD card as swap?08:35
StepNjumpOreilly's books are great08:35
mybox1776But, I want to learn Linux in general - if it all there i a book that can cover basic to advanced....08:35
StepNjumpyesssir aaschez .. I know a lot of people grind their teeth just at the thought but it works great08:35
mybox1776these unleashed books look pretty good, but... O'Reilley looks advanced off the get go08:36
aaschezStepNjump: No, I didn't get how you are using SD card as swap08:36
mybox1776am I wrong?08:36
kcantumybox1776: then definitely you'll benefit from picking up more fluency with the shell, but probably want some more things to read, as well08:36
A_Jhey all how do i re-attach sceens ?08:36
aBoundmybox1776, A book called UNIX and Linux Administration Handbook. Is an interesting read.08:36
StepNjumpIt works good for me aaschez08:36
StepNjumpplus, the netbook runs much cooler08:36
aaschezStepNjump: Agreed. But 'how' are you using SD card?08:37
StepNjumpI'll probably toast the card in a few months but I don't care.. I'll buy another one when that happens aaschez08:37
bindiStepNjump: buy more ram. cheaper on the long runr08:37
bindia 4GB stick costs like 30€08:37
StepNjumpwell, i just mounted it as swap... You know how to change your swap ?08:37
aaschezStepNjump: Nope08:38
mybox1776While I am here, can I ask a question about possible spawning processes that don't go away in the latest version I am runningn now?  For example, when running 'htop' I am seeing sooooooo many processes that are just sitting there doing nothing but taking up memory... and like, when I open chromium up, there are literally 30-30 PIDS08:38
StepNjumpbindi: I know but my netbook is warrantied for 2 years. Bought it at costco on my amex so they double up the warranty... If I open it up, I just forfitted the warranty so .. maybe in 1 year, then I'll open it. I know the RAM is cheap. Its just a matter of warranty for me08:39
StepNjumpcheck tinyurl.com/ebplxswap08:39
StepNjumpaaschez: look above08:39
nightshade209mybox1776: chromium opens each tab as a different process08:39
bindiStepNjump: it won't void the warranty, there's a special latch you can open for accessing the ram08:39
StepNjumpjust follow the instructions08:39
kcantumybox1776: I am really curious about Michael Kerrisk's book, "The Linux Programming Interface" (this guy maintains the Linux manpages) http://man7.org/tlpi/index.html08:39
StepNjumpnot onthis netbook bindi08:40
bindiStepNjump: which?08:40
mybox1776and whenever I go to a site w/ flash (youtube) the CPU cranks at 100% and when I close the browser the  .bin file forgot what it is) stays at 100%08:40
aaschezStepNjump: You mean https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#What_is_swappiness_and_how_do_I_change_it.3F ?08:40
mybox1776I know, but I literrally only have one tab open...  google mail...  and If I do have more then close out of them, they remain...  memory goes way down.   I have fast sony laptop w/ 4GB ram...08:40
mybox1776I have like 520MB mem left avail.08:40
kcantumybox1776: Flash is a hideous wart08:41
StepNjumpyep aaschez08:41
nightshade209mybox1776: huh, that's way too much then... installed too many extensions or stuff?08:41
libnotifydoes vi recognize the registered trademard sign?08:41
mybox1776tell me this anyone...   Ihave 67 of  /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no daemon processes open08:41
kcantumybox1776: there are like a zillion tiny little background programs running that are never a problem, though (especially with Linux with a GUI running)08:41
mybox1776no fresh install08:42
A_Jcan someone help me open a running screen of rtorrent.08:42
bindiA_J: screen -r name08:42
StepNjumpAspire D255-1268 bindi08:42
kcantumybox1776: FreeBSD/NetBSD people tell me BSD is wonderful because you don't see the clutter of so many programs running on a base system08:42
mybox1776I apt'ed chromium-browser08:42
libnotifykcantu: BSD is the power08:42
sujith_I have some issues with ubuntu 11.10 installation on virtualbox08:42
mybox1776kcantu can I send you a screencap?/08:42
sujith_can anybody help me08:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:43
A_Jthanks bindi08:43
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kcantumybox1776: sure, but i bet the only problem is that Flash is a horrible piece of bloatware08:43
libnotifyok again i ask, does vi recognize the registered trademark sign?08:44
kcantulibnotify: unicode, sure08:44
mybox1776sent....  I get that (about flash)08:44
StepNjumpaaschez: swapon and swapoff are related commands08:44
kcantulibnotify: but maybe by default it wants to talk non-UTF-8 and be annoying08:44
mybox1776I guess I am just concerned that my memory is dissapearing08:44
mybox1776I feel like I am running Windows Millenium/Vista08:45
StepNjumpbindi: did you find a wway?08:45
mecoWhen I'm running with openbox, sometimes gnome gets invoked and the openbox menu then diasappears. Is there some way to close down gnome again? I don't see anything in 'top' than I can shut down.08:45
bindiStepNjump: no :P its hard08:45
StepNjumptold you bindi  lol08:46
libnotifymeco i just manually added the menu to the pannel08:46
L11Hey all. Should I upgrade my laptop from 10.10 to 11.10?08:47
libnotifyL11: as you wish08:47
nightshade209L11: any reason you don't want to?08:47
kcantulibnotify: my .vimrc has a chunk of thing to turn on UTF-8 whenever possible, so i get unicode: https://raw.github.com/killerswan/configs/master/.vimrc (see the block starting with "if has(multi_byte)")08:47
L11No specific reason I was just wondering if it worked ok08:48
nightshade209L11: ya, it does08:48
libnotifyL11: it does08:48
kcantusujith_: whats the problem?08:48
libnotifyoh kcantu will check it out, thanks08:49
mecolibnotify: OK, but what happens here is that not the entire gnome inteface appears, only the wallpaper and desktop icons. So I lose access to any menus. I see a solution in adding terminal as a desktop icon, but I'd like to have some other option for this .08:49
mecolibnotify: I.e. now my best solution seems the ability to log out and log on again.08:50
libnotifymeco: right click on your panel, select add to panel, then add whatever you want08:51
mecolibnotify: But the panel isn't here.08:51
AlanBell jf708:51
CharminTheMooseHey, I built an ubuntu 11.04 debootstrap/chroot install and used the ubuntu bootcd package to create a bootable CD (with discover v2 included). I boot from a qemu emulator, but despite the driver being loaded and an IP seemingly being gotten, I can't seem to ping anything from the guest OS. Any hints on how to get this working?08:51
AlanBelloops, sorry08:51
L11Update manager only gives me the option of 10.10  to 11.04, not 10.10 to 11.1008:52
nightshade209L11: ya, its 10.04 to 10.10, then 10.10 to 11.04 and so on08:52
L11So I'd have to upgrade to 11.04 then to 11.10?08:52
libnotifyno shortcut08:52
nightshade209L11: ya, think so08:53
nightshade209L11: unless you want to do a fresh install08:53
libnotifymeco: have you logged out and in again?08:53
arkiverHi i want to upgrade my ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 .  I have an ISO image which i downloaded. i would like to know which tool can i use for booting and installing it using a USB flashdrive08:54
robdehello, how can I figure out why webmin crashes all the time?08:54
arkiveri tried using unetbootin but its not working . gives "boot error"08:55
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nightshade209arkiver: doesnt 11.04 have some built-in USB install tool?08:55
llutz_!webmin | robde check the logs, try to make it more verbose.08:55
ubotturobde check the logs, try to make it more verbose.: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.08:55
urlin2uarkiver, try tre startup creator08:55
almoxarifearkiver: whats wrong with 'start-disk-creator'? in systems08:56
arkiveralmoxarife, wasnt aware of it !08:56
almoxarifearkiver: should be there08:56
robdellutz_: what would you recommend using instead?08:57
llutz_robde: learn to configure the stuff manually using an editor08:57
StepNjumpsometimes I install a package and the installer doesn't bother to create a link in the application menu. Is there a way to ensure it does?08:58
robdellutz_: I'm able to do that. but I like to have an additioinal web administration08:58
aaschezkcantu: Arbit but what did you mean by 'if you have it on its own partition, filling /tmp means the admins can just laugh'08:58
arkiveralmoxarife, i'm on it ! thanks08:59
arkivernightshade209, yep, found it ! thanks08:59
nightshade209arkiver: cool09:00
llutz_robde: i don't use such, so i can't recommend any09:00
cozmoohow do you free up a port and disconnect any apps using it?09:00
robdedoes somebody know a supported alternative to webmin?09:00
almoxarifeStepNjump: there are some apps that wont create a .desktop link, you can create the .desktop file09:00
cozmoohow do you free up a port and disconnect any apps using it?aanyone?09:01
StepNjumpalmoxarife: how?09:02
mecolibnotify: Did you respond to my last question? I had to reboot...09:02
almoxarifeStepNjump: how what?09:02
Andy[1]hey guys, has anyone here encountered issues with vnc not updating on the client side?09:02
llutz_cozmoo: find the app listening on that port (sudo lsof -i :<portnumber>) and stop it09:02
StepNjumplike for instance, I downloaded nautilus-clamscan from the USC sofware center. It didn't create a link... I searched for whereis clamshell... nothing.. I even downloaded clamav and tried dpkg -l clam almoxarife .. I forgot the * though.. I'll try that again09:03
libnotifysorry was getting a beer @ meco. did you win?09:04
kcantuaaschez: if you write data to fill your / partition, bad things can happen making it unbootable09:04
sujith__I am facing some display issues in installing ubuntu 11.10 on viirtualbox09:04
sujith__can anybody help me09:04
almoxarifeStepNjump: that would be because -calmscan is ran from within nautilus, right click on file and choose clamthing09:04
kcantuaaschez: if you write data to fill your separate /tmp or /var partition, the system will still be able to boot09:04
llutz_kcantu: usually /tmp is emptied at boottime09:04
libnotifysujith_: don't ask to ask. ask straight away09:04
mecolibnotify: I wrote that I don't have a panel when that happens.09:05
almoxarifeStepNjump: you installed a extension to nautilus09:05
aaschezllutz_: That's what made me wonder how /tmp can cause no boting09:05
kcantuaaschez: if, however, you fill your /tmp folder which is on the same partition as /, then you might be unable to boot09:06
llutz_kcantu: very unlikely, grep TMPTIME /etc/default/rcS09:06
StepNjumpalmoxarife... mmm I'm not sure I know what to mean by an extention.. Yes first off I apt-get installed clamav then I went to the software center and installed from there the nautilus-clamav frontend... Of course I could run it from the konsole but I would rather have an icon... However, I don't know where those two are located.. I tried whereis09:07
kcantullutz_: it is good that they've made problems more unlikely09:07
AlanBellStepNjump: nautilus is the gnome file manager, nautilus-clamav probably adds a rightclick menu to scan things in nautilus at a guess09:08
StepNjumpalmoxarife: I did a locate clam and found a .desktop file there....09:08
StepNjumpmm possible.. let me check that smart thinking AlanBell09:09
AlanBellStepNjump: are you using kubuntu? (you mentioned konsole)09:09
kcantullutz_: historically, the problem probably has more to do with how crappy old filesystems become horrible when totally full09:09
StepNjumpIs Art Bell related to you?09:09
StepNjumpno.. sorry terminal natty AlanBell09:10
kcantullutz_: if / is never corrupted when totally full, then that line in the rc script solves all the problem09:10
llutz_kcantu: that is why there is a root-reserved amount of space when you create new filesystems. it enables root to fix it, even if a filesystem is "full " (for users)09:11
lyraewhen X boots up,how does it know which wallpaper to use?09:11
AlanBellStepNjump: no idea who Art is :) and great, thought you might be mixing kubuntu and ubuntu which works, but can get confusing.09:11
StepNjumphow to run clamtk.desktop?09:11
StepNjumpHowever AlanBell, I will be forced to transfer to kubuntu in the next few months because I can't stand the unity crappy crap!09:12
StepNjumpArt Bell, look him up.. www.qrz.com/w6obb09:13
almoxarifeStepNjump: lets assume you are using ubuntu and you want to scan a folder, from what you said you installed you should be able to right click on the folder with nautilus and see an option to 'clam/virus' check, same applies to a file09:13
StepNjumpalmoxarife: art bell started the nightly show called coasttocoast am. He's also a ham radio operator... Before george noory09:15
almoxarifeStepNjump: i didnt ask you09:15
StepNjumpsorry almoxarife09:16
StepNjumpart bell started the nightly show called coasttocoast am. He's also a ham radio operator... Before george noory AlanBell09:17
StepNjumpthat's why I'm not a air traffic controller09:17
AlanBellok, but lets try to keep things on-topic, there are a lot of people here09:18
rypervencheWhy not just run clamscan from the CLI?09:18
AlanBellrypervenche: because the question was along the lines of: what does the nautilus-clamscan package do?09:19
almoxariferypervenche: because ubuntu allows you to do it with gui, that is the point of ubuntu09:19
* rypervenche hugs his Debian.09:19
almoxariferypervenche: you got a question?09:20
sujith__I am facing some display issues in installing ubuntu 11.10 on viirtualbox09:20
sujith__can anybody help me09:20
AlanBellwhat are the display issues sujith__? and what is the host OS and have you done anything with virtualbox extensions?09:21
almoxarifesujith__: which virtualbox version?09:21
StepNjumpYes i guess I should do that  ... I was hoping to program regular scans almoxarife rypervenche09:21
AlanBell!virus | StepNjump09:22
ubottuStepNjump: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:22
almoxarifeStepNjump: scanning linux is a waste of time, unless you are scanning jointly used files with a windows system09:22
mecoWhat has happended when facebook suddenly becomes like this: http://imagebin.org/19243909:23
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StepNjumpyep that's exactly why almoxarife09:24
StepNjumpmost of my files are on win right now... slowly converting to linux.. but in the meanwhile, I am smb://ing to winbox09:25
almoxarifemeco: firefox issue?09:26
StepNjumprypervenche: is it ok to clamscan / recursively on a mounted system while it's running?09:27
maestrojedI'm running 10.04, Any one own/recommend a TV input card or brand. Specifically to build a DVR with. Maybe using MythTV. ?09:28
mecoalmoxarife: Could be, I'll in a firefox channel.... Ah... now I've seeing the font colos in konversation being mess up also: http://imagebin.org/19244009:28
visual1cehi again09:28
Raystonanyone know the command to start the calendar/clock that is normally in my app bar?09:29
visual1cewhen i try and transfer certain video files to my android phone in banshee i get an error: format not supported by device and no converter found. is there a way i can find out what banshee is trying to call ? maybe something is missing09:29
almoxarifeRayston: do you normally see it?09:30
aaschezIs it advisable to run shutdown command with a time delay if a upgrade is running and taking long?09:30
rypervencheStepNjump: It's fine09:30
Raystonnever mind, I found it, it had just not started this latest reboot, did not want to reboot again, thanx though09:30
StepNjumpk tnx rypervenche09:30
Jordan_Uvisual1ce: I would guess that it's trying to use gstreamer. Can you play the video in Totem?09:30
rypervencheStepNjump: sudo clamscan -ir -l logfile /path/to/directory09:31
rypervencheStepNjump: run sudo freshclam first though09:31
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StepNjumpI did rypervenche thanks.. yes..09:32
visual1cejordan i think so too - i can play the videos in banshee09:32
StepNjumpshould I run clamscan as sudo rypervenche ?09:32
visual1ceill check in totem09:32
akpksomething wrong with my bluetooth.09:33
akpkUbuntu 11.1009:33
mecoThis is what konversation looks like no. Any clues what this is that also affects firefox? I', using openbox btw.  http://imagebin.org/19244109:33
akpkBluetooth 3.009:33
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visual1cethey open fine in totem09:34
mecoThis is what konversation looks like now. Any clues what this is that also affects firefox? I'm using openbox btw.  http://imagebin.org/19244109:34
StepNjumprypervenche: thanks for the switches09:34
samba35i run dpkg --get-selections |grep -i apache show deinstall what ismean09:35
llutz_samba35: it was removed09:36
samba35i want to remove all apache file with configuration and reinstalled09:36
samba35but i am not able to remove config file from apache09:36
virtuapostasamba35, use --purge09:36
llutz_samba35: sudo apt-get purge apache...09:36
samba35yes i try that09:37
visual1cehow do i tail log again?09:38
almoxarifevisual1ce: with gnome-system-log, tails it every time for me09:39
rypervencheStepNjump: I do09:39
StepNjumpYes it won't scan / if not run as sudo but will run without sudo when scanning home dir09:40
llutz_visual1ce: tail -20 logfile         for the last 20 lines, or "tailf logfile" to get last lines continously09:40
StepNjumprypervenche: see up09:40
StepNjumpis there an app I could install that could put my mouse pad for sleep while I'm typing? This is annoying... Often times I will be typing and then the mouse will start moving all over the place because I barely touch it with my fingers whilst typing...09:42
almoxarifeStepNjump: what is the point of scanning as root? root sniffs out a virus better?09:42
visual1ceCaught an exception - System.ApplicationException: The mov format is not supported by the device, and no converter was found to convert it (in `Banshee.Dap')   at Banshee.Dap.DapSource.AddTrackAndIncrementCount (Banshee.Collection.Database.DatabaseTrackInfo track) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:009:42
visual1cebanshee dap?09:42
StepNjumpalmoxarife: oh... Unless clamav is already infected or got infected afterwards... I guess everything is possilble09:43
almoxarifeStepNjump: there is a option to hide cursor, in 'mouse' config09:43
almoxarifeStepNjump: cant virus linux!09:43
Simpson_2what is wrong when on a thinkpad my screen switch button doesn't generate a acpi event !?09:44
StepNjumpYes there is a small option there but it does nothing09:44
StepNjumpdisable touchpad while typing almoxarife .. in mouse config.. Saw it but does nothing... I'll have to see in gconf editor see if I can increase the delay from there09:46
klikniunder system info -> graphics  it is listed : driver unknown, experience standard. Why is it unknown? Is my graphic card isntalled/configured correctly?09:46
virtuapostaStepNjump, install touchpad-indicator09:47
virtuapostait will allow you to disable and enable touchpad with immidiet effects09:47
virtuapostayou may can find more details from http://ubuntuguide.net/quickly-enabledisable-laptop-touchpad-with-touchpad-indicator-in-ubuntu-10-1009:48
StepNjumpoh interesting virtuaposta09:48
StepNjumpthank you very much virtuaposta09:49
almoxarifeklikni: the card is installed, the drivers (correct ones) perhaps not09:49
mecoThis is what konversation looks like now. Any clues what this is that also affects firefox? I'm using openbox btw.  http://imagebin.org/19244109:49
virtuapostameco, not able to collect the issue, can you describe some more?09:52
docwhatHelp! When I reboot 11.04 on my VPS, it doesn't start up anything other than something called plymouth and sshd (thank the computer gods about that)!09:54
docwhatrunlevel says "unknown"09:54
mecovirtuaposta: The colors of the text are changed, e.g. now highlighted text is shown as white on white and I have to drag the mouse over it to see what it says09:55
yumboIs there a way to fix AMD open source drivers load/power consumption?09:56
yumboUbuntu idles ~10 degrees C higher than Windows :(09:56
virtuapostameco, change the Theme from Appearance.09:56
virtuapostameco not sure about konversation if there is any option to take system themes or if we can change konversations theme09:58
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
jameslordhzwhy i cannot open directory from firefox's download list?09:59
virtuapostadocwhat, plymouth is responsible for the graphical display, animation and logging. I wonder of sshd is unknown to you. Please give some more details09:59
jameslordhzhow to config default brower program in ubuntu?09:59
mecovirtuaposta: I'm using openbox. I don't have any themes10:00
virtuapostajameslordhz, System \ Preferences \ Preferred Applications10:00
almoxarifemeco: so whats the point of asking questions on ubuntu?10:00
jameslordhzfirefox's download list is a gui, there is context menu which shows open this directory, i click it, and nothing happened:(10:00
jameslordhzvirtuaposta i am using ubuntu, dude:(10:01
mecoalmoxarife: Well, openbox is a wm, not an OS10:01
virtuapostajameslordhz, thats for ubuntu only :)10:01
arkiverI want to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 . i have the ISO file. and also burned onto a cd . how can i upgrade using the cd /iso ?10:01
docwhatvirtuaposta: After rebooting, this is what my system looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/796896/10:02
docwhatThat's it.  No postfix, apache, etc.10:02
jameslordhzvirtuaposta there is no dir named Prefered Applications in ubuntu:(10:02
StepNjumpvirtuaposta, yes this touchpad indicator seems to be great! Thanks a million for that. Supposedly it's just supported for 10.10. I'm on natty. Seems to be ok on here too... You saved my sanity....  This is great!!!!10:02
virtuapostamy pleasure StepNjump :)10:03
almoxarifemeco: you have plugged that question how dont know how many times, only to tell us that there is no ubuntu fix for the problem, sounds like a #openbox or #linux question10:03
StepNjumpAnybody here ever found a way to kick unity out of the door and go back to classic Gnome in 11.10?10:03
wookienzsafelinking.net down?10:04
almoxarifejameslordhz: firefox defaults d/l's to ~/Downloads i do believe, in a ubuntu system10:04
StepNjumpYes i had been looking for this kind of stuff for ages! Unbelievable how much more comfortable it is.. It was hard to keep the thumbs off the touchpad! Nice stuff inDEED!10:04
virtuapostajameslordhz, is that the output from terminal inside gnome or system started in default runlevel terminal?10:04
jameslordhzalmoxarife i have changed this dir10:04
[deXter]StepNjump, you can install MATE if you want10:04
almoxarifejameslordhz: changed it to ?10:05
mecoalmoxarife: One problem is that openbox doesn't even seem to have a dedicated forum, let alone an irc channel. So I'm asking here since openbox users are likely to be here, at least they have been in the past.10:05
StepNjump[deXter]: what is mate?10:05
[deXter]StepNjump, It's a fork of gnome210:05
StepNjumpoh ok... and it replaces unity destop [deXter] ?10:06
[deXter]StepNjump, Not exactly; in the login screen you can choose which session to login to, so simply choose MATE instead of Unity10:07
[deXter]the choice is remembered so next time you'll login directly into MATE10:07
virtuapostaStepNjump, try this http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-oneiric-remove-unity-and.html (I personally not tried this, best luck ;) )10:07
StepNjumpoh nice stuff!!!! [deXter] that is the reason I didn't wqnt to upgrade to 11.10.... I know my days are numbered10:08
docwhatvirtuaposta: I can *sort of* work around this by typing telinit 2, but that isn't running all the startup stuff.10:08
StepNjumpthanks virtuaposta ... gosh, there are a lot of gmta tonight10:08
[deXter]StepNjump, http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-10-install-classic-gnome2-desktop-linux-mint-mate10:09
StepNjumpyour link virtuaposta is 40410:09
wildc4rdrunning a ubuntu desktop box as a media player, what is the best/easiest way to change tracks, play/pause etc at a distance?10:09
StepNjumpthanks [deXter] I'll check it out10:09
virtuapostaStepNjump, http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-oneiric-remove-unity-and.html its opening on my side :\10:10
[deXter]wildc4rd, do you have a smartphone?10:10
almoxarifeStepNjump: does the word 'troll' have any significance to you? btw, the link works10:10
arkiverI want to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 . i have the ISO file. and also burned onto a cd . how can i upgrade using the cd /iso ?10:10
wildc4rd[deXter] yes10:10
CharminTheMooseHey, I built an ubuntu 11.04 debootstrap/chroot install and used the ubuntu bootcd package to create a bootable CD (with discover v2 included). I boot from a qemu emulator, but despite the driver being loaded and an IP seemingly being gotten, I can't seem to ping anything from the guest OS. Any hints on how to get this working?10:11
[deXter]wildc4rd, then there are many remote media player control apps.. on the android for eg, there's a VLC remote app you can use10:11
[deXter]to control VLC player10:11
wildc4rd[deXter] really? I'll have a look!10:11
StepNjumptroll? almoxarife  yes... like in the movie? Or like me, or some other creatures?10:12
[deXter]welcome back, FloodBot1 :)10:12
k6bwtf is going on10:12
sarkisim trippin out man10:13
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almoxarifesako: take it elsewhere10:13
StepNjumpoh I understand virtuaposta ... I'm running weechat here and when I clicked on the link, it only pasted half the link because the rest is on the second line here in my window10:14
StepNjumpok now it's working virtuaposta  sorry abt that10:15
StepNjumpbonjour meneteau10:15
meneteaucan somebody help me ?10:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:15
StepNjumpdemandes et on te répondra!10:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:16
almoxarifeStepNjump: english10:16
meneteaucomment ajouter mot passe au demarrage session10:16
Sidewinder1StepNjump, Since you're interested in security, you may wish to have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081210:16
StepNjumpOh this guy said bonjour so I thought I could answer him in french10:16
jameslordhzwhy i cannot open dir from third party dir?10:16
almoxarifemeneteau: english10:16
jameslordhzthird party program10:16
sakojameslordhz: is that even a question?10:16
sakojameslordhz: what do you mean?10:17
StepNjumpthanks Sidewinder1 ... I'll check it out... I always liked Mac for it's security... Linux is a little bit like a cheaper version of mac10:17
almoxarifejameslordhz: you dont own the folder?10:17
wildc4rd[deXter] got the app installed (and I'm already running VLC) do I need to make any changes PC side as it refuses connection currently10:17
k6bStepNjump: what are you talking about10:17
jameslordhzi own that fold in fact:(10:17
almoxarifejameslordhz: the third party is borked10:17
sakojameslordhz: english man10:17
sakojameslordhz: do you speak it?10:18
StepNjumpk6b.. sorry... I meant another guy meneteau... I'm alzeihmers lol10:18
visual1ceoh well10:18
jameslordhzsake cannot open dir from context menu:(10:18
StepNjumpdon,t take it personally.. I meant meneteau when he came on, he said Hi in french.. that's why I answered him in french.. Didn't mean to say you. My mistake. Appologies.10:18
steffenhey bin neu in ubuntu kann mir jemand sagen wie word  hier heißt ...?10:19
sakojameslordhz: get a macbook pro10:19
sakouse OSX problem solved10:19
llutz_!de | steffen openoffice-writer sollte es sein10:19
almoxarife!ot | StepNjump10:19
ubottusteffen openoffice-writer sollte es sein: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:19
ubottuStepNjump: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:19
sakono more problems10:19
k6bor use gnome 3 same thing10:19
aaschezchroot /mount/point /bin/bash is giving me error saying no such file or directory10:19
aaschezHow to fix?10:19
StepNjumpcan I answer meneteau in french?10:19
steffenokay thanks10:19
StepNjumpun instant meneteau10:19
meneteauSTEPnJUMP ! PEUX TU M'AIDRE STP ?10:19
sakobonjour menetaue10:20
k6b!fr | StepNjump10:20
ubottuStepNjump: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:20
[deXter]wildc4rd, yes you must star the HTTP server in VLC10:20
k6bthis bot is trippy10:20
almoxarife!en | StepNjump10:20
ubottuStepNjump: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:20
[deXter]wildc4rd, vlc --extraintf=luahttp --fullscreen --http-album-art --qt-start-minimized10:20
visual1ceis anybody actually working on banshee or??10:20
sakomeneteau: merci bokouuu10:20
jameslordhzsake but i am using ubuntu10:20
visual1cethat bug is from 201010:20
StepNjumpje dois m'assurer que je peux parler en francais... attend je t'envoie un message direct... d'accord? Il y a des gens qui préfèrent l'anglais ici. Ca te vas?10:20
almoxarife!en | StepNjump10:20
docwhatvirtuaposta: Was that enough information to be helpful?10:20
sakojameslordhz: thats the problem, you use linux but you don't need10:20
[deXter]wildc4rd, Also, check http://code.google.com/p/android-vlc-remote/wiki/Troubleshooting10:21
sakojameslordhz: don't use wrong tools that you dunno how to use10:21
sakojameslordhz: waste of time10:21
meneteauok StepNjump, try in english !!!10:21
StepNjumpok almoxarife we'll talk directly10:21
virtuapostawhich info docwhat ? sorry did I missed something?10:21
sakojameslordhz: i troll you long time10:21
StepNjumphold on meneteau, I will message you directly10:21
k6blulz sako some folks should stick to XP10:21
ugaxjoin #grancanaria10:22
sakok6b: i mean if you can't figure out permissions on your own.. it must be a struggle running linux..10:23
sakowhy torture yourself10:23
andynno. gc is full of drunk brits on vacation.10:23
k6bthis place is always amusing, anyone have any real questions?10:24
Jordan_Usako: Please be respectfull, and actually helpfull, while helping in this channel.10:24
sakok6b ping me testing out my notifications10:24
Jordan_Usako: Next time please use #test for things like this.10:25
=== raju1 is now known as raju
aaschezI'm trying to chroot into old system using liveusb. I did all the necessary commands but at the end when I inputted chroot /mnt/point /bin/bash .. it gives error that failed to create seomthing... How to fix it?10:25
k6bfailed to create what aaschez10:25
docwhatvirtuaposta: No worries. After rebooting, this is what my system looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/796896/ -- There is no apache, postfix, nor anything else.10:25
k6bfailed to create......toast?10:25
Jordan_Uaaschez: What is the exact error message? (if it's more than one line use pastebin)10:25
aaschezNo such file/directory: /bin/bash10:26
aaschezk6b: aaschez ^10:26
k6bwhat did you use to chroot10:26
aaschezer Jordan_U ^10:26
k6blooks like it's not done correctly10:26
llutz_aaschez: do you try to chroot into 64bit install from 32bit livecd?10:26
aaschezno llutz_10:27
aaschezI followed the following steps -10:27
Jordan_Uaaschez: That means that you didn't mount your actual root partition to /mnt/.10:27
virtuaposta!log docwhat10:27
virtuapostadocwhat, please provide the logs10:28
aaschezI created directory ch in /mnt then created proc, dev, dev/pts, sys under /mnt/ch10:28
aaschezthen mount -o  bind /proc, dev sys dev/pts to the respective mount points10:28
docwhatvirtuaposta: There aren't any. syslog isn't running yet.10:28
aaschezand also copied resolv.conf file to /mnt/ch/etc/resolv.conf10:29
aaschezand then the final command to chrott10:29
Jordan_Uaaschez: You do *not* want to create those directories yourself. If you had mounted the correct partition they would have already existed. What directions told you to create these directories?10:29
k6bshould do chroot /mnt/ch /bin/bash10:29
=== greentux|ganteng is now known as greentux
aaschezJordan_U: I did that without creating but was giving erros of the dir not existing10:30
docwhatvirtuaposta: I don't see anything related to latest boot.10:30
aaschezJordan_U: I created 'coz the errors ussed to say, no such file/directory for /proc, dev, sys and others10:30
k6bwhere's these instructions you're using10:31
aaschezunder /mnt10:31
aaschezk6b: I'm not using any insturtions. I remember this approach to work last time10:31
Jordan_Uaaschez: You shouldn't simply try to work around errors, at least not without figuring out why you're getting them in the first place. In your case, it's because you mounted the wrong partition. You should carefully (using rmdir rather that rm -r, and making sure you don't delete the wrong thing accidentily) delete those directories to avoid confusion in the future.10:31
StepNjumpdoes anyone would know how to activate a password protection in xubuntu everytime the user logs on?10:32
aaschezJordan_U: Okay, I'll do that. Are my reamining steps right?10:32
StepNjumpMy french friend is asking and I am not being answered at #xubuntu10:32
jutnuxStepNjump: What do you mean?10:32
StepNjumphe says he sees system but not admin10:32
Jordan_Uaaschez: Yes. Though you never actually meantioned the step where you mount your root partition to /mnt/ch/. That needs to be the first step.10:33
jutnuxI don't understand10:33
almoxarifeStepNjump: yes10:33
aaschezJordan_U: Yes, I missed that. Could you confirm me the command for that?10:33
virtuapostadocwhat, if logs are not available then I am afraid that I will not be able to help you in this troubleshooting.. if everything is messed up already then anyways try reboot once more.. also ask other experties here.. sorry man10:33
StepNjumpjutnux: almoxarife well he wants to password protect his computer in xubuntu10:34
docwhatvirtuaposta: I'm beginning to think something is wrong with my hoster.  How annoying to discover it AFTER I tried to migrate my existing server over.10:34
almoxarifeStepNjump: yes10:34
StepNjumpbut since I don,t have xubuntu, I wouldn't know10:34
StepNjumpwell yes.. yes what almoxarife10:34
almoxarifeStepNjump: yes10:35
Jordan_Uaaschez: "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/ch/" Though you'll first need to find the correct device for your root partition. What is your end goal?10:35
docwhatI think I'm going to switch to linode or something.10:35
aaschezJordan_U: I'm trying to restore system using chroot to run a command10:35
StepNjumpgetting tired almoxarife ?10:35
Jordan_Uaaschez: What command?10:36
StepNjumpoui, oui... lol10:36
k6baaschez: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot10:36
aaschezJordan_U: After chroot, I'd like to run <sudo apt-get -f install> since I'm not able to run that command in recovery nor in mornal mode whe the system is running. System's bootlaoader is probably broken10:37
k6bthat should be helpful10:37
wildc4rd[deXter] got a few problems here, are you happy to go through them (could be time consuming, lol)10:37
aaschezThanks k6b10:37
aaschezThanks Jordan_U .. I think Ican do it now10:37
Jordan_Uaaschez: You're welcome.10:38
[deXter]wildc4rd, sure10:38
wildc4rd[deXter] OK, I get a connection error from the phone app, and several errors when using that command in terminal, where would you like to start? lol10:40
wildc4rd[deXter] have pm'd you the pastebin from terminal10:43
[deXter]wildc4rd, ah those vlc errors are nothing to worry about they're just warnings, it's normal10:44
[deXter]what's the connection error on the phone app?10:44
wildc4rdhang on10:44
wildc4rd[deXter] java.net.ConnectException: / - Connection Refused10:46
[deXter]Hmm, wildc4rd that sounds like a firewall is blocking it10:48
[deXter]wildc4rd, try disabling your firewall10:48
yumboIs there a way to fix AMD open source drivers load/power consumption? Ubuntu idles ~10 degrees C higher than Windows :(10:50
mecoIs the fact that konversation is KDE-based and me getting quite a few problems running it here an issue that could perhaps be eased if I switched to an irc client that is gnome based?10:53
yumbomeco, I use X-Chat myself, no problems10:54
yumbomeco, you could also try the CLI-based "irssi"10:54
meebeymeco: smuxi is great and simple IRC client10:54
meebeyalso very ubuntu integrated with messaging menu support and all out of the box10:55
PyraineDoes anybody know the correct way to install a file from a .tar.bz2? Because I extracted it to the /usr/share folder and it runs properly but it doesn't seemed to be -installed- I can't see it in the dash for example10:56
x3nu_is there any tool like gpu-z for win, available for ubuntu that will tell me the brand and modell of motherboard thats installed ?10:56
yumboPyraine, usually there is a README or HELP or something like that included in the archive, which has installation instructions10:56
Pyraineyumbo, doesn't seem to be the case here10:57
Pyraineyumbo, it's Sublime Text 2, if that helps at all..10:57
goozll`hello, how can i change the rate of a wav file?10:59
yumboPyraine: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-210:59
yumboPyraine: sudo apt-get update &&11:00
yumbosudo apt-get install sublime-text-211:00
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
ghabitHello. Unity is unusable.11:00
ghabitHow to install gnome3?11:00
Pyraineyumbo, I did see that but I'm a bit worried because it comes in 32 and 64bit and I'm not really sure how this works, will it just know that I am running 64bit and download that version?#11:00
yumboPyraine, yes, it will know that automatically11:01
Pyraineyumbo, ah great, thank you.11:01
dark2I upgraded to 11.04, all seems well, but I can't seem to add chrome to the sidebar.11:01
yumboghabit, you install it with: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell11:01
ghabityumbo,thank you!11:02
lotuspsychjewhats a good desktop recorder with specific area recording, without waiting ages for the encoding...11:02
yumbolotuspsychje, eidette11:02
lotuspsychjeghabit: did you try unity 2d?11:02
yumbolotuspsychje, see: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/help-test-new-screen-recording-app-eidete/11:02
=== hacker is now known as Guest83517
lotuspsychjeyumbo: thanks for the hint, ill try it out11:03
lotuspsychjeyumbo: i used xvidcap before but it bugged on me recently11:03
yumbolotuspsychje, you're probably better off using a webm/x264-based solution (command line ffmpeg works great too)11:04
sharenow Im hearing always a noise when I load an application that uses audio11:04
Guest83517ay algien¿11:04
Guest83517miren sabeis como entrar a terra desde aki?11:04
lotuspsychjeyumbo: is eidette x264?11:05
yumbo!english | Guest8351711:05
ubottuGuest83517: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:05
yumbolotuspsychje, I believe it uses webm (theora)11:05
lotuspsychje!es | Guest8351711:05
ubottuGuest83517: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:05
lotuspsychjeyumbo: thanks alot mate11:05
lui-der-furzi need help had sombody a godd how to for installed tor ?11:06
Ampelbein!tor | lui-der-furz11:06
ubottului-der-furz: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl11:06
Pyraineyumbo, everything worked great thanks, but after installing it I ran it and it said a new version was available, giving me the option to click "download" which took me to their site, if I was to download the files from the site now and replaced the files in /usr/share with the ones in the bzip would it work or is that too easy?11:07
yumboPyraine, I doubt that would be a good idea11:07
yumboif the version difference isn't too big, I would just wait till a new version appears in the software center/apt-get11:07
lotuspsychjelui-der-furz: swedish vpn could help you out too, like mullvad11:08
Pyraineyumbo, ha yeah, the build in the repository is 2160 and the latest on the site is 2161 with 4 minor changes. Yeah I will wait, thank you very much.11:09
yumbonp :)11:09
lotuspsychje!info eidete11:11
ubottuPackage eidete does not exist in oneiric11:11
sappelgood morning. I just tried switching from ubuntu-desktop to xubuntu-desktop on my netbook and I guess did a little bit too much cleanup after that. I can't boot into the system anymore, I get a message "enter private key password; starting virtual private network manager" during the boot process and the screen only blinks11:15
ksinkarhello people11:15
sappelI can get into recovery console though, but I'm not sure if the issue is with the vpn (I think not) or the private key11:16
Sidewinder1Ruh, roe.'11:16
ksinkarwhat do i need to install if I want to get the math.h help when i type $man math.h into my terminal?11:16
yumbosappel, when booted hit Control+Alt+F1, log in and then type: startx11:16
yumbo(do not start recovery mode, just start normally, when it blinks again, then hit Control+Alt+F1)11:16
sappelcan't, won't let me change to another terminal11:16
sstaksinkar: not sure there is a manpage for math.h.  There are manpages for the functions in math.h though (eg man 3 sin)11:18
NEOhidrawhen mounting a shared folder what is the function of these options: uid, gid and mod?11:19
mile123sappel: do you know the pass for private key?11:20
yumboNEOhidra, User ID, Group ID; basically to which user and group the folders/files belong11:21
mile123NEOhidra: uid and gid will be used to set ownership for files11:21
NEOhidramile123: yumbo: thank you both!11:21
sappelmile123: I think I used the default settings during the last install...I honestly fool around with the netbook quite a lot, my desktop is my main system ;) - but as far as I remember, I only set my regular password and it uses it to decrypt, not sure though11:22
virtuapostaanyone having experience with openldap replication? Buzzing openldap community from last 6 hours but no reply :( I am getting this : do_syncrepl: rid=000 rc 49 retrying  Que: is it replicating? :\11:22
ikoniavirtuaposta: no, it's not11:23
virtuapostaikonia, please guide me in this setup. doing first time :\11:23
mile123sappel: try enter this password11:23
ikoniavirtuaposta: guide you through what setup ?11:23
virtuapostaikonia, openldap replication11:24
ikoniavirtuaposta: what version of ubuntu are you using ?11:24
sappelmile123: no, I guess I described it wrong: it doesn't ask me for a password, it just hangs while booting and blinks...I have to soft reset then, can't do anything else11:24
virtuapostaits centos 6 #centos guys also sleeping :\ I might had done it over ubuntu but what can I say.. I was forced to go for centos :(11:25
mile123sappel: if this will not help... I'll recomend to remove vpn packages from recovery console11:25
virtuapostaikonia, its centos 6 #centos guys also sleeping :\ I might had done it over ubuntu but what can I say.. I was forced to go for centos :(11:25
ikoniavirtuaposta: right so don't ask in here please.11:25
sappeldoing so right now, will report back, thanks :)11:25
ikoniavirtuaposta: #centos is the correct place to ask, wait for someone to be awake please.11:25
mile123sappel: though probably others may recoomend something other11:25
kristiano1has anyone had an issue with usb drive going "drive is not ready or present" at start up?11:26
virtuapostaikonia, I guess, I should use some more :\ !patience11:26
ikoniavirtuaposta: just wait it out in #centos11:26
kristiano1and then when ubuntu prompts, the drive stars ?11:27
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ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:29
Seditiohi, I have a problem with gnome-session-fallback wanting to make my 11.10 look like gnome211:30
SeditioI lost the capability to edit the panels11:30
eutheriathe first time i run skype it uses up all the system memory and crashes out11:30
eutheriadoes anyone else have this problem?11:30
sappelok, the problem is with ecryptfs.11:38
mile123sappel: so the problem was fixed, right?11:39
thji got a somethin to ask you guys11:40
sappelnope, the reason the boot fails is it can't access the home dir properly. need to find out, why ecryptfs fails11:40
thjWhen I try to install ubuntu server from usb stick11:40
thjit needs cd11:41
thjhow do i install server from usb stick11:41
=== fergalm is now known as OttoTheBusDriver
NEOhidrai just mounted a shared folder from a Windows host in a vbox with ubuntu 11.10 guest. but when i try to copy/paste files i get "Error splicing file: Protocol error"11:45
lotuspsychjeyumbo: seems like eidete freezes my whole system11:48
yumbolotuspsychje, :(11:48
yumbolotuspsychje, if you know your way around cli, ffmpeg recording is very good11:49
lotuspsychjeyumbo: i wish i could fix xvidcap, its the best out there so far..11:49
lotuspsychjeyumbo: did you try xvidcap?11:50
yumbolotuspsychje, well, the xvid codec is outdated11:50
yumbomany swear by ffmpeg cli recording (using x264)11:50
lotuspsychjeyumbo: im looking for something easy for specific area,11:51
lotuspsychjeyumbo: but ill try the ffmpeg..11:52
yumbolotuspsychje, it appeared eidete did just that, shame it crashes your system11:52
lotuspsychjeyumbo: xvidcap worked for months flawlessly11:52
yumbomaybe there's something else wrong, if both xvidcap and eidete crash11:53
lotuspsychjeyumbo: right, maybe its time to clean install ubuntu again11:53
MonkeyDust!info eidete11:54
ubottuPackage eidete does not exist in oneiric11:54
lotuspsychjeMonkeydust: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/help-test-new-screen-recording-app-eidete/ thanks to yumbo11:55
aaschezHey Jordan_U , are you still there?11:57
thjinstalling ubuntu server from usb doesn't work11:57
thjwhat happends hehe;11:58
jameslordhzhow any interesting channel on IRC? not about technology, haha11:58
cromag#chat :)11:59
ssta#hottub :P11:59
oCean!alis | jameslordhz please don't go offtopic here11:59
ubottujameslordhz please don't go offtopic here: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:59
cromagor that12:00
jameslordhzoCean thank you, i have tried alias ,not find the channel for fun yet:(12:00
lotuspsychjeyumbo: this is what i get on xvidcap: [mpeg4 @ 0xac6900] removing common factors from framerate12:02
lotuspsychjextoffmpeg.c xvc_ffmpeg_save_frame(): Could not open 'file://(null)/test-0000.mpeg' ... aborting12:02
yeatsthj: what happens when you try to boot from USB?12:03
yumbolotuspsychje, best bet would to remove user specific things and google it12:03
Onepamopaokay, anyone knows how to hold a package from being Removed?12:03
yeats!pin | Onepamopa - this may help12:04
ubottuOnepamopa - this may help: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:04
lotuspsychjeyumbo: i tryed it on new and other users too, same errors, ill try reinstall thanks for help mate12:04
Onepamopayankee preferences.d/ is empty12:05
Onepamopayeats btw, the link you provided didnt help at all12:08
sappelwhoever is interested, there seems to be an issue with lightdm and ecryptfs unlocking home...that seems to be the issue for my boot problems, still working on the details12:08
yeatsOnepamopa: good luck with your issue then12:10
overmind--how do i edit grub to make pci=noacpi survive reboots?12:13
nofreteteHi, I've just started with Ubuntu 11 on a laptop. I've logged in into a Unity2D session and I can't find the screensaver settings. What am I missing here?12:13
lotuspsychje!info links212:15
ubottulinks2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3~pre1-1build1 (oneiric), package size 1980 kB, installed size 3168 kB12:15
XeonBloomfieldI've got that /proc/swaps:12:15
XeonBloomfield/dev/md9                                partition78222600-112:15
XeonBloomfield/dev/sdc1                               partition198420802012:15
FloodBot1XeonBloomfield: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:15
XeonBloomfieldWhich of them will be used first?12:15
XeonBloomfieldPriority "-1" or "20" ?12:15
Teratogenlinks2 runs in graphical mode?12:16
Teratogenwait, what?12:16
Teratogenthat rocks!12:16
Teratogendoes it support javascript?12:16
lotuspsychjeTertogen: no only txt12:16
lotuspsychjeTeratoge: but still great gadget :p12:17
XeonBloomfield"20" is used first12:18
nofretetehello, Ubuntu 11 on Laptop here. I'm missing the settings for the screensaver. I'm logged in in a Ubuntu2D Unity Session.12:18
nofretetewhere do I find the settings, or, what do I have to do to get to these settings?12:19
BigRedSWhich version are you running? I think 11.10 doesn't have a screensaver12:19
nofretete11.10 here.12:19
lotuspsychjenofretete: there's no screensaver in unity by default i think12:19
BigRedSI'm not sure how far from trivial putting one in is, I've never particularly wanted one12:19
diverdudehello. when i want to mount a external HD. How do i know which /dev/sda to mount?12:20
BigRedSbut gnome3 doesn't have one either, which appears to suggest that there's some technical reason for it12:20
nofreteteI see. any quick links on docu at this issue?12:20
lotuspsychjenofretete: you could search for xscreensaver in software centre12:20
Ben64diverdude: it should show up automatically in places, but you can use dmesg to find the drive after you plug it in12:20
BigRedSdiverdude: the easiest way is plug the device in and then read dmesg to see what it got called. Other than that, it depends on what you know about the removable drive12:20
nofreteteI'll try my luck with that. thank you!12:20
BigRedSwell, how you're planning on identifying it12:20
BigRedSnofretete: not that I've seen but as I say, I've not looked12:21
lotuspsychje!info xscreensaver12:21
ubottuxscreensaver (source: xscreensaver): Automatic screensaver for X. In component main, is optional. Version 5.14-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 262 kB, installed size 852 kB12:21
diverdudeBigRedS: dmesg returns a lot of stuff12:22
BigRedSdiverdude: yeah, if you've just plugged the device in, then it'll be towards the bottom12:22
BigRedSwords like "usb device [....] sdd"12:22
BigRedSor something, then it's sdd12:22
lmorrisInstalled Xubuntu 11.10 here and so far seems to be a solid derivitive of Ubuntu. I have one problem that I need help with. Is there a basic package that will install of the standard multimedia plugins to Firefox.12:25
diverdudeBigRedS: hmmmi cannot see it. i am in a pure terminal system. do i need to import it first somehow?12:26
helder_raptorhelp with webkit module for python 3 on ubuntu 11.1012:26
BigRedSdiverdude: should just be towards the bottom of dmesg if you've plugged it in recently12:26
BigRedSyou could identify it in other ways12:26
arunramhello everyone12:27
BigRedSsudo fdisk -l /dev/sd? will show you the sizes of each /dev/sd device, for example12:27
arunramIs there a channel to discuss apps?12:27
BigRedS(and their partition layout)12:27
BigRedSwhich might help12:27
Ben64BigRedS, diverdude: could probably just "sudo fdisk -l" and get a list of all drives12:27
helder_raptorhelp with webkit module for python 3 on ubuntu 11.1012:27
WanderingEnderarunram, define "apps?"12:27
helder_raptorhelp with webkit module for python 3 on ubuntu 11.1012:28
yeatshelder_raptor: you probably need to ask in #python12:28
BigRedShelder_raptor: are you proclaiming or requesting?12:28
helder_raptorBigReds: requesting12:28
arunramWanderingEnder: various purposes12:28
yeatsarunram: Ubuntu apps?12:29
arunramsomeplace one can seek advise for apps and experinces of using them on Ubuntu12:29
DarkStar1Hi. does anyone here use eclipse on ubuntu 11.10 and have it crasha lot?12:29
WanderingEnderarunram, If you're talking about programs, this is a support channel.12:29
WanderingEnder!poll | arunram12:29
ubottuarunram: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:29
Ben64!anyone | DarkStar112:30
ubottuDarkStar1: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:30
diverdudeBen64: ah ok...it shows /dev/sdb1 how do i then mount this?12:30
klikniif driver is supported for red hat or novell/suse, will it work for ubuntu as well?12:30
arunramfor example I am looking for a good twitter client. Havent been able to get tweetdeck working on ubuntu. Any other alterintve that is as powerful12:30
Ben64diverdude: mount -t <filesystem> <mountpoint>12:30
diverdudeBen64: how do i know the filesystem?12:31
Ben64diverdude: mount -t <filesystem> /dev/sdb1 <mountpoint>12:31
yeats!info gwibber | arunram12:31
ubottuarunram: gwibber (source: gwibber): Open source social networking client for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1.3 (oneiric), package size 224 kB, installed size 1224 kB12:31
DarkStar1Ben64: I just want to know if anyone is experienceing this so I can narrow it down to either the application or the system12:31
yeatsarunram: gwibber is installed by default12:31
Ben64diverdude: i missed the device part; to know the filesystem you can use parted, or if you formatted it, you should remember :)12:31
arunramubottu, yeats: use gwibber, not happy with its features. need something more powerful12:32
ubottuarunram: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:32
diverdudeBen64: parted? will it do anything to the disk or will it just inspect it?12:32
Ben64diverdude: parted _can_ do things to it, you have to be careful12:32
yeatsdiverdude: 'sudo fdisk -l' should tell you all you need to know to mount it12:33
zhangnhi how to use irc to connect different irc channel?12:33
lotuspsychje!info pysdm12:33
ubottupysdm (source: pysdm): Graphical Storage Device Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 28 kB, installed size 292 kB12:33
Ben64yeats: that doesn't give enough info usually12:33
dr_williszhangn: check the docs for your irc client12:33
yeatsBen64: well mount is usually s12:34
diverdudeyeats: yeah---but fdisk -l says System: HPFS/NTFS/exFAT12:34
Ben64diverdude: do "sudo parted /dev/sdb" then in parted hit "p" for print, and it will tell you the filesystem12:34
yeatsBen64: well mount is usually 'smart' enough to just mount it correctly12:34
Ben64diverdude: then hit "q" to exit parted12:34
yeatsdiverdude: you could just try 'sudo mount /dev/sdv1 <mountpoint>' and see if it "just works"12:34
dr_willisdiverdude:  so its ntfs.   use ntfs-3g12:35
yeatsor that ;-)12:35
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:35
lotuspsychjeor automount with pysdm every boot12:35
dr_willisi have had izsues with psydm befor12:35
* yeats just uses fstab12:35
dr_willisthere us   ntfs-config also12:36
lotuspsychjedr_willis: works fine here12:36
dr_willislotuspsychje:  seen it not work fine  several times12:36
dr_willisntfs-config can be flakey also12:37
lotuspsychjehello there linuxuz3r12:37
jigohii all12:40
agus_sintanghai jigo12:40
jigocan you help me how can i can i create my own pdf?12:41
jigomeans my own file pdf12:41
VCooliojigo: libreoffice, save as pdf; or check out latex (use any editor, but for example lyx or gummi)12:43
jigothanx VCoolio12:43
lotuspsychje!info latex12:44
ubottuPackage latex does not exist in oneiric12:44
mile123jigo: treat pdf as 'electronic paper'12:44
VCoolio!info texlive12:45
ubottutexlive (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2009-13 (oneiric), package size 20 kB, installed size 124 kB12:45
lotuspsychje!info gummi12:45
ubottugummi (source: gummi): GTK+ based LaTeX editor with live preview. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.8-1 (oneiric), package size 414 kB, installed size 1036 kB12:45
mile123jigo: you can print to pdf from any application even if it does not support pdf natively12:46
jigobut how?12:46
htmlCAN I HAVE SOME HELP WITH TRIN  TO MAKE  an .img/zip file for a custom ubuntu for the andriod?12:46
akemhi, i noticed that asoundconf is not available anymore, does anyone knows what should be used instead to list or set default sound card etc from console?12:47
g0thwhen I try to playback a 2s .ogg (or also .mp3) file the behaviour is quite strange and bad12:47
mile123jigo:  just try to print and select apropriate printer I.e. pdf printer. In ubuntu it present by default12:48
g0th either I don't hear anything (or just slightly increased background noise for 0.1 second or so), or I hear the sound but at a very low volume, or I hear everything correctly.12:48
g0thThe behaviour is the same for paplay, mplayer, vlc12:48
g0thany ideas? my guess is buggy audio driver (I have hda-intel, realtek RC888).12:48
g0thsomeone suggested it was related to "combined audio driver" or something like that (?)12:48
velvetmagicianim in unbuntu but i have no idea what that means lol12:49
lotuspsychjeg0th: did you clean install or update ocelot?12:49
sattu94velvetmagician,  lol12:50
Boobear@html there should be a tutorial on that will try and get you the link12:50
eradicusI'm trying to install git 1.7.7 that's not available in the repo of 11.10 yet. Is there a way to do that using aptitude?12:53
g0thlotuspsychje: ocelot?12:53
lotuspsychjeg0th: in ubuntu 11.1012:54
bastidrazoreradicus: if you can find a ppa, yes.12:54
jigocan anyone from india?12:54
agus_sintangweh, jigo, what do you mean?12:54
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
g0thI upgraded to ubuntu 11.1012:55
jigomeans no one frm india?12:55
lotuspsychje!in | jigo12:55
ubottujigo: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India12:55
g0thbut the issue is just with small audio files (2s) for normal length files it works fine12:55
arunramhello jigo12:56
jigothanx ubottu12:56
sattu94hello jigo12:56
agus_sintangweh ubottu12:56
agus_sintangnice man, hehe12:56
g0thlotuspsychje: I upgraded to ubuntu 11.1012:57
agus_sintangmantab g0th.... nice12:57
lotuspsychjeg0th: clean install could help, also highlight install additional drivers for sound at installation12:57
lotuspsychjeg0th: maybe someone in channel here knows howto install those sound codecs afterwards...worth a try12:58
XenethGood morning people.12:58
gulzarHow to make /dev/sda3 to automount at startup (type: ext4) and allow all the users to acces all the files on that drive?12:58
g0thlotuspsychje: that's not really helping12:59
XenethHaving a bit of trouble installing a 4 RS232 PCI card.  Computer sees it with "lspci -v", but I have never installed hardware in Ubuntu before.  I am on server, so CLI only.12:59
g0thlotuspsychje: did you read my (specific) problem description? I only have a problem with small audio files, so most probably it is not an installation issue but a buggy audio driver12:59
chmacI've just switched to unity. Should alt-f1 bring up a list of all the installed programs? Is it effectively the new menu?13:00
g0thlotuspsychje: a clean install of everything would take weeks and in the end the chance that anything is changed is slim to none13:00
g0thanyone else?13:00
BoobearI need help please lol trying to create a partition on ubuntu and tried g parted-telling me the drive is mounted any help please13:00
g0th(where by buggy audio driver I meant "bad" hardware)13:01
[deXter]Boobear, download the parted magic live CD and partition it from there13:05
chmacAnyone here using unit?13:08
gantryIs something screwed up with Epiphany?  It never connects to my gtalk account anymore.  However, Pidgin works.13:08
Boobear@dexter for some reason i cant comprehend it just doesn't boot tried with the ubuntu live cd the try it now just remains stuck also13:09
MonkeyDust!anyone| chmac13:10
ubottuchmac: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:10
[deXter]Boobear, try the Gparted live CD then13:10
chmacMonkeyDust: I was expressing amazement that nobody  had the answer to my first question! :-)13:11
chmacApologies, it was overly sarcastic, which didn't come through.13:11
eatyourguitarboobear I have had problems with live CD's booting half way from an IDE hard drive and it turns out the IDE chipset was not supported by the kernel13:12
Boobear@dexter same problem lol might just go and buy an external hdd for backup13:12
[deXter]chmac, nope13:12
chmacDoes alt-f1 / super-a bring up a screen that lists all the applications that are installed?13:12
chmac[deXter]: Sorry, not sure what you're saying nope to. :-)13:13
eatyourguitarfunny thing is the old computer I was working on did not support boot from USB. so I had no choice but to use an old distro or a new distro that I did not like13:13
g0th13:33 < g0th> when I try to playback a 2s .ogg (or also .mp3) file the behaviour is quite strange and bad13:14
g0th13:33 < g0th> either I don't hear anything (or just slightly increased background noise for 0.1 second or so), or I hear the sound but at a very low volume, or I hear everything correctly.13:14
g0th13:33 < g0th> The behaviour is the same for paplay, mplayer, vlc13:14
gulzarPlase help. How to make /dev/sda3 to automount at startup (type: ext4) and allow all the users to acces all the files on that drive?13:14
FloodBot1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:14
g0th13:34 < g0th> any ideas? my guess is buggy audio driver (I have hda-intel, realtek RC888).13:14
g0th13:34 < g0th> someone suggested it was related to "combined audio driver" or something like that (?)13:14
sid1monu /msg NickServ REGISTER FO55sidmonu.13:14
MonkeyDustgulzar  add it in /etc/fstab13:15
sid1monu /msg NickServ REGISTER <pass>13:15
gulzarMonkeyDust: here is what I did for it - {/dev/hda3/media/DATAAext4userdefaults 0 0} .Is it OK?13:15
AlanBellsid1monu: don't put a space in front of /msg13:16
MonkeyDustgulzar  no13:16
gulzarMonkeyDust: so what.. please explain13:16
MonkeyDustgulzar  in a terminal, type less /etc/fstab to know the syntax13:16
chmacWhat's the difference between the indicators and their indicator-*-gtk2 counterparts?13:16
llutzgulzar: " /dev/hda3 /media/DATAA ext4 defaults 0 0"  mount it and chmod/chown it to your needs. if only one user: sudo chown -R youruser:youruser /media/DATAA13:17
Boobear@dexter do you know another way13:17
gulzarllutz: i want all the users to acees it13:17
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:17
llutzgulzar: then put all of them into a new group and chgrp the drive to it, chmod g+w too13:18
lotuspsychjetry this page g0th13:18
gulzarllutz: little more help with how to do it. Currently they all have coomon group {users}13:18
g0thlotuspsychje: the same happens for .mp313:19
g0thI very much doubt it has anything to do with the audio format/codec13:19
g0thsince the file plays fine on other computers13:20
lotuspsychjeg0th: not installing additional codecs ate installation can give some issues13:20
lotuspsychje!cn | langhun13:20
ubottulanghun: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:20
g0thlotuspsychje: I know you're trying to help but so far the comments really are not helping... :(13:21
langhuno  i kown13:21
langhuni know13:21
gulzar getting this with fstab entry: {/dev/sda3/media/DATAAext4userdefaults 0 0}    error: line 9 in /etc/fstab is bad mount: can't find /dev/sda3 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab13:28
llutzgulzar: " /dev/hda3 /media/DATAA ext4 defaults 0 0"13:28
llutzgulzar: if you want to add more options, don't put spaces between "users,defaults,noauto,whatever"13:29
gulzarllutz: Ok13:29
gulzarllutz: okkk got it13:30
jmp1Hi.  I just installed 11.10 64-bit on a machine previously running 10.10 64-bit.  The new install hangs about 1 second after grub starts the 3.0.0-12 kernel.13:30
raptor67682hello world13:31
jmp1World says hello.13:31
raptor67682jmp1:  thanks13:32
Xenethnoone can direct me to instuctions on installing a PCI card?13:32
jmp1Xeneth: installing a PCI card is easy if you have a screwdriver and know how to open your case.13:32
jmp1Just open the case and then unscrew the backplate for the slot you want to use, then screw the PCI card in.13:33
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
llutzXeneth: check "dmesg" for things related to your card, check "ls -l /dev/ttyS*" if those serial-ports exist13:33
Xenethjmp1: Ubuntu sees it with lspci, but tty13:34
Xenethjmp1: Ubuntu sees it with lspci, but ttyS is not show new serial ports13:34
jmp1It's a serial port PCI card?13:34
chmacIf you're running unity, please press super (windows key) and A and tell me if you see a list of your installed programs. Please, pretty, pretty please.13:34
Ganeshivahello world13:34
jmp1Do you know if you have loaded the kernel module for it?13:35
eatyourguitarare we scripting in here?13:35
Ganeshivacan any on help me with ns213:35
rogstchmac: yes I do13:35
chmacrogst: Wonderful, thank you kindly, a gentle(wo)man and a scholar! :-)13:35
jmp1Xeneth: lspci will show any PCI card.  If you want to use it, you need to make sure that you have a driver loaded for it.13:35
Xenethjmp1: It's a 4 port serial PCI card.  I have ttyS0 (built in serial) to ttyS31.  None of them other then ttyS0 is reacting like a serial.13:35
jmp1Xeneth: Sadly, I don't know much about PCI serial cards.13:36
Ganeshivai installed ns2.25 via synaptic manager, but i don't know where its library files are installed13:36
Ganeshivai need to add few underwater libraries to it13:36
Xenethjmp1: lspci shows the card, so I know it's seen.  I did not have drivers for it so it may be the incorrect drivers.13:36
rogstchmac: more exactly I see applications that contains an A and also files that contains A13:36
jmp1Xeneth: but it sounds like ttyS1--31 aren't actually connected to any device, which is an indicator that the kernel didn't load any drivers.13:37
chmacrogst: Ok, great. I see nothing at all in the list, so I wanted to make sure it was supposed to have a list before I started investigating. Thanks. :-)13:37
jmp1Xeneth: the best thing to do is to google for the pci id of you card and "linux driver" to see what you find.13:37
Ganeshivaplease helpme13:37
jmp1Does anyone have experience fixing hanging boots (even in recovery mode)?13:38
Xenethjmp1: From what I can tell, ttyS1 is my keyboard, it's odd, but I think they are other devices, just not serial.13:38
eatyourguitarif its text based you should have some information to get you started troubleshooting13:39
eatyourguitarif your splash screen is hiding something then you have other problems before you can look at it13:39
Xenethjmp1: have been googling all of yesterday, how I was able to come up with some info.13:40
eatyourguitarthere are also logs for bootup so check those13:40
jmp1Xeneth: /dev/ttyS* exist all the time.  It's a vestige of the way /dev worked in the old days.13:40
jmp1Xeneth: you can have a device node in /dev/ with no device connected to it.13:40
jmp1Xeneth: it's less common today with udev, but it's still possible.  I have no serial ports on my laptop here, yet I have ttyS0--ttyS3113:41
eatyourguitaris it true that you can write to /dev/tty and get no error message even if no device is connected?13:41
diverdudehello...for when i try to start up ubuntu it just goes to the load screen and then it starts to shut down. i think there is a problem with the nvidia drivers. how do i restore the nvidia drivers?13:42
diverdudei can open the computer in terminal mode13:43
Xenethjmp1: I am still learning linux, and had to put the reading on hold to work on my CCNA (the reason I am trying to install these).  Since it shows in lspci, I am assuming it's installs, just not setup properly.  Any refrences I can look at to find out how to do this?13:43
MonkeyDustdiverdude  try booting in Recovery mode and choose Repair13:43
Ganeshivaanyone here to help me13:44
MonkeyDustGaneshiva  if you have a question13:45
r4yFor some reason when I clear recent documents it keeps reappearing.13:46
jmp1Xeneth: that's the wrong assumption to make.  lspci only shows PCI-specific information like card manufacturer, memory addresses, etc..  It's a tool for browsing.  To actually use the card, you need to load a driver for it.  Linux is usually pretty good about loading drivers for cards that it has drivers for.13:46
Ganeshivai installed ns2.35 via synaptic manager, but i don't know where its library files are installed13:46
Ganeshivai need to add underwater lib to it13:46
MonkeyDustGaneshiva  what's an underwater lib?13:46
jmp1Xeneth: however, if it's not loading, you should follow up with the manufacturer's website to see if they have drivers.  If they don't have drivers, then try to figure out what chipset it uses and then see if there is a generic driver for that chipset.13:46
Ganeshivalibrary (.c and .h files) for ns213:47
diverdudeMonkeyDust: how do i boot in recovery mode?13:47
m4kMy ubuntu is very slow. My system 1gb ram, 80 gb HD , Intel celeron 2.85 hz processor13:48
diverdudeMonkeyDust: ahh found iy13:48
MonkeyDustdiverdude  restart the pc and in the grub menu, choose Recovery13:48
diverdudeMonkeyDust: but there is no repair in the recoverymode. only resume, fsck, remount and root13:48
MonkeyDustdiverdude  try fsck, it means file system check13:49
m4kMy ubuntu is very slow. My system 1gb ram, 80 gb HD , Intel celeron 2.85 hz processor. Which is best version13:49
satyanashm4k, If you want Ubuntu, then you coudl go for lubuntu or xubuntu13:50
satyanash!lightweight > m4k13:50
diverdudeMonkeyDust: and then what?13:50
antivirtelHi! I've installed Oneic recently. My problem is that after the restart it won't boot from HDD. My partition table is looks like this: http://paste2.org/p/1857863 - can someone tell me if it won't boot or will? (+ why not?)13:50
MonkeyDustdiverdude  what does it do or say?13:51
satyanashantivirtel, what step does it fail at ?13:51
MonkeyDust(it seems recovery mode has changed from what i'm used to)13:51
kliknii need glibc 2.2 or 2.3 in order to install proper driver for my graphic card. I found 2.7-10ubuntu8, will this work?13:51
diverdudeMonkeyDust: resume, clean, dpkg, grub, netroot and root13:51
sogeking99hey guys, i'm trying to use the gamersgate game downloader on wine but it cant seem to connect to the site13:51
sogeking99http://pastie.org/3148539 this is the output from the terminal when i use wine to connect to the sitte13:51
antivirtelsatyanash I choose it in boot menu, then it returns, so it can't recognice the OS?!13:52
MonkeyDustdiverdude  dpkg is debian package, i guess you can update/upgrade from there13:52
eatyourguitartry the netbook remix on your desktop. it will be fast :)13:52
MonkeyDustdiverdude  i stop now, i don't know the new recovery mode options, i use something different myself13:53
Ganeshivaanyone help me13:53
satyanashantivirtel, it stops at what ?13:53
antivirtelsatyanash how do you mean this?13:54
satyanashantivirtel, It returns to what ?13:54
diverdudeMonkeyDust: but how can i get my system up and running again?13:54
szalhmmm..  how to enable tab completion for aptitude?13:54
antivirtelsatyanash it returns to the temporary boot device menu...13:54
jmp1szal: source /etc/bash_completion13:55
satyanashantivirtel, In that menu there is an option at the end, that says Boot from first hard drive..try that option.13:55
szaljmp1: that would be a one-time action, how would I permanently enable that?13:55
satyanashantivirtel, I think it's because you still have the USB/CD still connected,13:55
antivirtelsatyanash no I have disconnected it :) USB...13:56
MonkeyDustdiverdude  restart the way you're used to, maybe someone else has better advice13:56
llutzszal: ~/.bashrc:   if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then     . /etc/bash_completion13:56
satyanashantivirtel, Then there cannot be any temporary boot device menu..13:56
antivirteland also satyanash, I have a good boot priority, first place: HDD, 2nd USB...13:56
satyanashantivirtel, okay..13:56
antivirtelsatyanash yes, it can because it doesn't find any bootable :| unfortunately13:57
szalllutz: is that one line or two?13:57
llutzszal: sry, 2 lines13:57
antivirtelI try that option to boot from first in the live (USB) CD13:57
szaland the dot before "/etc/bash_completion" belongs there?13:57
llutzszal: yes, "." == "source"13:57
szalah, thx13:58
antivirtelsatyanash I've tried, it returns to the live CD(USB)'s menu... this partition table must have some problem, right?14:01
klikniI need help with glibc 2.2 or 2.314:03
sogeking99anyone able to help me?14:03
satyanashantivirtel, Is this a server install? or a normal desktop one ?14:04
satyanashantivirtel, because the desktop install doesnt normally screw up partitions14:04
antivirtelsatyanash it is just a normal desktop to a laptop14:04
antivirtelsatyanash yeah, you are right, I've never seen the same before14:05
kuiiHi, anyone have any idea how to force a custom resolution in ubuntu ? connected to my 42" TV via VGA, (i know it supports 1920x1080, iv'e done it in windows before)14:05
satyanashkuii, You can do it using the monitor configuration menu, or through the software provided with the proprietary drivers installed.14:06
kuiiusing the open source ones, when i tried the propiratiery drivers theres no option for a custom resolution, (ATI)14:07
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Guest12262my satyr14:08
Guest12262join #ubuntu14:09
corckHey guys.14:09
corckAnyone can help me out to recover my encrypted lvm14:10
r4yI am running Ubuntu 10.04 and for some reason when I clear recent documents it keeps reappearing.14:10
corckmy password does not work anymore, since the hibernation failed14:10
corckanyone knows how to do some kind of fsck on the encrypted partiotion14:11
urbanlimehi, how do you change the settings in ubuntu 11.10? I dont like how the dashboard sidebar always pops up when my mouse hits the left of the screen, when i'm in firefox and i'm trying to go back a page it frequently pops up14:13
g0th413:33 < g0th> when I try to playback a 2s .ogg (or also .mp3) file the behaviour is quite strange and bad14:13
g0th13:33 < g0th> either I don't hear anything (or just slightly increased background noise for 0.1 second or so), or I hear the sound but at a very low volume, or I hear everything correctly.14:13
g0th13:33 < g0th> The behaviour is the same for paplay, mplayer, vlc14:13
g0th13:34 < g0th> any ideas? my guess is buggy audio driver (I have hda-intel, realtek RC888).14:13
FloodBot1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
g0th13:34 < g0th> someone suggested it was related to "combined audio driver" or something like that (?)14:13
MonkeyDusturbanlime  there's CCSM in the repos and you can download a PPA for MyUnity14:14
urbanlimeso apt-get install myunity?14:14
Xenethjmp1:   thanks.  That's what I was looking for.  :)  Sorry it took so long to respond.14:14
MonkeyDusturbanlime  download the PPA, first14:14
urbanlimemonkeydust is that in the software centre?14:15
MonkeyDusturbanlime  no, it will be in 12.0414:15
urbanlimeis there any way to downgrade ubuntu to 10.0414:16
urbanlimebecause that version worked perfectly14:16
MonkeyDusturbanlime  you cannot downgrade, you can backup important files and reinstall 10.0414:18
urbanlimeok thanks14:19
FarallaHi. I am downloading ubuntu for the first time. Switching from debian. What's the difference between the client and the server download?14:20
jmp1 Xeneth: no problem14:21
satyanashFaralla, Really ? Debian to Ubuntu ?14:21
Farallasatyanash: I hope it's the right decision... Need current xorg-drivers14:22
Boreeas /usr/ shouldn't be owned by 501, should it?14:22
Farallasatyanash: Why wouldn't it be a good decision to switch?14:22
satyanashFaralla, Server version has no GUI..(x) so none of all those "Applications"14:23
DJonesFaralla: The serer edition doesn't have a desktop gui, its command line only14:23
Farallaok, so i can cancel the server-dl :)14:23
satyanashFaralla, People from Debian's release cycle _MAY_ have a hard time with the upgrade hell Ubuntu _CAN_ be..14:24
Farallasaty_ hhmm, seamless upgrading is a big issue for me14:25
satyanashFaralla, Also, you can manually install X through apt-get... so you might not want to cancel the download right away14:25
StaticHello, I have recently purchased a Sony Vaio (Model pcg-91211m) and I decided to install ubuntu. Audio works through speakers, however, when I plug in my headphones, it still plays through the speakers. Any suggestions?14:25
Farallasatyanash: I did already download the clien-version14:25
janjissHi guys! I have two users (user1 and user2). I need user2 to be able to operate in users1 home directory. How can I accomplish that?14:25
Faralladoes the netatalk in ubuntu support encryption?14:25
satyanashFaralla, It's called the Desktop version.. Since it's not exactly a Client to something14:25
Farallasatyanash: sure14:26
antivirtelsatyanash there is no grub.cfg in /boot/grub, and it writes, that this is read only... why?! May there any problems with BIOS settings?!14:26
wiggmpklost sound from my laptop speakers, but sound still works in my headphones. nothing appears to be muted, any help?14:26
llutzjanjiss: you could add user2 to group user114:26
satyanashantivirtel, uhh. you dont have permissions to change anything beyond /home/<user> and14:27
satyanashantivirtel, if you arent using sudo... that is.14:27
janjissllutz: I guess linux creates group of user1 automaticly, yes?14:27
Dc0d3rI would like to register a .edu e-mail account for testing purposes.Does anyone know of a reputable site that lets you create .edu e-mail addresses?14:27
virtuapostaStatic, simultaneous sound from headphones and speakers you meant to say?14:27
llutzjanjiss: *buntu uses usergroups, so username=groupname "sudo adduser user2 user1"14:27
antivirtelsatyanash I'm not beginner, I'm using sudo, also for mounting, and for `update-grub`14:28
Staticvirtuaposta: No, I have no sound in my headphones at all.14:28
badhanhi guys.. this is my first time , using irc :-)14:28
=== greentux is now known as greentux|ganteng
Dc0d3rI would like to register a .edu e-mail account for testing purposes.Does anyone know of a reputable site that lets you create .edu e-mail addresses?14:28
llutzjanjiss: check permissions of user1 $HOME, it has to be 77? to be writable for the group14:28
wiggmpkStatic: did you open alsamixer and check to see if its muted yet?14:29
virtuapostawhich ubuntu version Static ?14:29
=== greentux|ganteng is now known as greentux
janjissllutz: 775 should be the best option?14:30
Staticvirtuaposta: 11.0414:30
llutzjanjiss: 775 or 77014:30
virtuapostaStatic, try wiggmpks suggestion and let us know if thats not working14:30
llutzjanjiss: in addition you shoud set sgid on user1 home. if you don't, all files created by user2 will be group-owned by user2 too14:31
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Dc0d3rI would like to register a .edu e-mail account for testing purposes.Does anyone know of a reputable site that lets you create .edu e-mail addresses?14:31
Staticwiggmpk: In alsamixer, I see "Mater", "PCM" and "beep". Beep is muted.14:32
virtuapostaDc0d3r, you mean to say you want buy domain? sorry if that didnt clicked to me :\14:32
wiggmpkStatic: in the upper left part of the screen, it says "View" switching [ALL] should be F514:32
wiggmpkStatic: it will list all the input and output levels, if you see anything sensible like "line Out" or something that has "MM" it's muted"14:33
Boreeas /usr/ shouldn't be owned by 501, should it?14:34
OerDc0d3r, a "reputable" site that let you register a "testing" .edu email account, never heard of that, and has nothing to do with #ubuntu support.14:35
llutzBoreeas: root:root should own14:35
Staticvirtuaposta: I now have a list of microphone inputs, "Capture" and the original "Mater", "PCM" and "Beep". I do not see anything which would suggest headphones.14:36
virtuapostaStatic, there is nothing like headphones in that, please observe wiggmpks posts up14:36
* Sidewinder1 Looks at Dc0d3r 's request with a certain amount of scrutiny. 14:36
MonkeyDusto/ Sidewinder114:37
virtuapostaStatic, wiggmpk I faced this issue before with 11.04 but the scenario was simultaneous sound from headphones and speakers so I suggested to give a try for wiggmpk suggestions14:38
slakcphilhi, anyone heard of it? the endian firewall community version..14:38
jimmy_birerFor something better than Ubuntu,go to #debian14:38
wiggmpkStatic: do you have anything that says S/PDIF on it?14:38
jimmy_birerthis is for sucker noobs14:38
Sidewinder1"This", ?14:39
DJonesDc0d3r: You might be better asking #freenode or maybe #ubuntu-offtopic, somebody there may have an idea, although I would guess you would need to register a .edu domain first which looks to quite restricted in who can register them http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/registeredu.html14:39
Staticwiggmpk: No, I do not.14:39
wiggmpkStatic: are you using a laptop or desktop? internal audio chip or dedicated sound card?14:40
Staticwiggmpk: I am using a laptop, I believe it is a dedicated sound card. However, I am not sure.14:40
wiggmpkStatic: well that could be important14:41
wiggmpkStatic: to be clear you have no sound coming out of the headphones slot14:41
wiggmpkStatic: if you are still in alsa mixer, what does the Card and Chip say in the upper left?14:42
virtuapostaStatic, a stupid query.. are headphones connected in correct slots? means earphone and microphone in correct slots :) sometimes happens14:42
aashezI'm trying to reinstall system. I have three useful partitions with data as sda1 sda2 and sda5 which I cannot delete nor merge. I am aware that I'm allowed to create maximum four primary partitions. Remaining free space is around 200GB which I want to divide for /, /var, /tmp, /home and swap. I see the Ubuntu 11.04 installer to give option for free space as primary and logical. If I choose logical to allow me to have extended partiti14:43
aashezpartition to allow / , /var ans rest?14:43
wiggmpkvirtuaposta: sometimes things get misconfigured too, and the channels get switched. good point =P14:44
Staticwiggmpk: Card: HDA Intel PCH, Chip: Conexant CX2059014:44
virtuapostaaashez, g-parted (but be careful)14:44
Staticvirtuaposta: Yes, it is in the right slot :)14:44
aashezvirtuaposta: I'm on the Ubuntu installer at the moment. Usually the installer allows to create extended partition.. is it possible within the installer now?14:45
=== eatyourguitar is now known as eat_away
virtuapostaaashez, have you changed the partition size or anything and allowed changes to be written? if not then no need to worry, partitions and data are still safe, you can quit the installation and resize the partitions with gparted, if its not like that then let us know please :)14:46
deraga... ho bisogno di aiuo...14:47
wiggmpkStatic: are you using a Lenovo by any chance?14:47
de... sorry... no14:47
virtuapostawiggmpk, YES!! :)14:47
wiggmpkvirtuaposta: wait you are, or static is?14:47
virtuapostawiggmpk,  but not at this moment ;)14:47
Oer!it | de14:47
ubottude: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:47
virtuapostawiggmpk, Static is under troubles :)14:48
Staticwiggmpk: No, I'm using a Sony laptop :P14:48
wiggmpkStatic: can you uname -r for me?14:49
Arizona_Bayis there any alternative with Skype i am having some real messed up privacy issues14:49
JikanHi! does anyone know a command like arch or uname  but returning "amd64" instead of "x86_64"?14:49
Staticwiggmpk: "2.6.38-13-generic-pae"14:49
chroothi, i want to forbidden the guest session in ubuntu 11.10, how can i achieve that ?14:49
Arizona_Bayis there any alternative with Skype i am having some real messed up privacy issues14:50
virtuapostaJikan, man uname for more details.. not sure but might uname -m please go through man pages14:51
JasseThello peeps! and straight to the chase, is there a way to get mobile broadband to work on startup without manually enabling it every time?14:51
dewho are connect?14:51
peter_i would like to start a business with ubuntu as OS are there any legal issues I must consider ?14:51
navatwoHey, anyone know how to start X from a terminal? I killed it to go away for two weeks, now I'm home.14:51
wiggmpkStatic: there was a website I stumbled upon one time when I was having sound issues, it had a list of options to try in alsa-base.conf for certain model combinations, trying to find it now14:51
navatwoShould I just restart the computer?>14:51
Ben64navatwo: have you tried "startx"14:51
blackshirtnavatwo: use startx14:51
Jikanvirtuaposta : already tried and I've read the manual ^^14:52
Static_wiggmpk: Did you respond? My router crashed :s14:52
peter_Hi, I would like to start a business with ubuntu as OS are there any legal issues I must consider ?14:52
wiggmpkStatic: there was a website I stumbled upon one time when I was having sound issues, it had a list of options to try in alsa-base.conf for certain model combinations, trying to find it now14:52
navatwoBen64: blackshirt that did it :) thanks14:52
JikanOK, found it: dpkg --print-architecture14:53
Ben64navatwo: cool, no problem. I wasn't sure that still worked on the newer versions14:53
blackshirtpeter_: i don't think so.. except you planning some proprietary part14:53
Static_wiggmpk: I did do something with that, I didn't work, but I didn't do much.14:53
navatwoBen64: it spit out some errors, but appeared to work.14:53
virtuapostaJikan, what kind of output you actually want? means for eg. you want to get the output if OS is 64 bit or anything like that? amd64 is fine but if you can tell us more then someone might can guide you in right way14:54
Sidewinder1peter_, You might start here: http://www.canonical.com/14:54
=== Static_ is now known as Static
bombadil_Hey, can anyone tell me how to autorun a script after boot (as a specifically created "service user")?14:54
Staticwiggmpk: I added the line "options snd-hda-intel model=sony-assamd" earlier, should I reboot and see if it works?14:54
wiggmpkStatic: yeah, typically rebooting would be a good idea14:55
Jikanvirtuaposta : I know I'm running a 64 bits Ubuntu, I needed a cli command that returns "amd64" and not "x86_64"14:55
virtuapostaJikan, simplest : grep ;)14:55
Staticwiggmpk: Okay, I'll reboot now. See you in a minute. :P14:55
wiggmpkStatic: k14:56
virtuapostaJikan, dont take it seriously :)14:56
Jikanvirtuaposta : ^^14:56
wiggmpkJikan: you need your terminal to confirm your running 64 bits?14:57
Jikananyway, "dpkg --print-architecture" fits my needs perfectly ^^14:57
Jikanwiggmpk : not at all14:57
wiggmpkJikan: rephrase what your looking for then?14:57
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Ben64for all intents and purposes, amd64 = x86_6414:57
virtuapostaJikan, thanks for the info :) good to hear you sorted it out14:58
JikanI needed my terminal to return "amd64" and NOT "x86_64" (for use with checkinstall if you want to know)14:58
virtuapostacheers Jikan14:58
Staticwiggmpk: It didn't seem to work.14:58
wiggmpkJikan: cant you use "force-arch" or something?14:58
wiggmpkJikan: during the check14:58
OerJikan, "arch"14:58
StepNjumpwhat does it mean when I type exit to get out of a CLI terminal, I get there are stop jobs.. Which jobs?14:58
Ben64StepNjump: it means processes in the background14:59
wiggmpkStepNjump: if you run something (a program or application) from the terminal, and exit it, it returns to the prompt14:59
CHARLIE3ciao sono nuovo14:59
StepNjumpBen64: so it's nothing to worrry about?15:00
Sidewinder1!list | CHARLIE315:00
ubottuCHARLIE3: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:00
StepNjumpCuz I was back to the prompt15:00
Jikanwiggmpk : no, I don't want to force anything, I just want my terminal to return "amd64", which is done15:00
JikanOer : arch returns "x86_64" ^^ (and again, I've found the one I needed: dpkg --print-architecture)15:00
llutzStepNjump: "jobs" tells you what jobs are in bg15:01
Arizona_Bayany alternative for skype thats more secure?15:01
llutzStepNjump: if you exit the shell, the jobs will be terminated too15:01
ffk27export amd64=amd64; echo $amd6415:01
virtuapostalolz ffk27 Jikan found the answer :D15:01
wiggmpkffk27: thank you, was looking that up right now15:01
ffk27or echo amd6415:02
StepNjumpok llutz jobs... good command15:02
wiggmpkStatic: go into alsamixer and hit "F6" (should be select sound card) tell me what it shows you15:02
quiescensStepNjump: type: jobs15:02
StepNjumpbut lets say llutz I run cp and then when it goes back to the prompt then I assume it's finished copying right? so after that, is it ok to type exit?15:03
quiescensStepNjump: fg to make one of them active again15:03
llutzStepNjump: sure, that won't be listed as stopjob.15:03
StepNjumpyes quiescens thatès what llutz just said... I had never heard that one before15:03
Arizona_Bayany alternative for skype thats more secure?15:03
quiescensStepNjump: they should only happen if you press ctrl-z to stop whatever was running when you pressed ctrl-z15:03
virtuapostaArizona_Bay, you asking for VoIP?15:04
letkamohello :)15:04
StepNjumpoh cool quiescens tn15:04
Arizona_Bayvirtuaposta I want to call people with accounts not servers15:04
gedOI'm looking for a help with virtual desktops15:04
gedOhow to manage them?15:04
gedOhow to reduce count?15:05
gedOHow to reduce virtual desktop count on Ubuntu 11.10????15:05
letkamocan i set background to ubuntu desktop?15:05
StepNjumpquiescens: that's the thing I never pressed ctrl z15:05
letkamosorry, i just installed ubuntu first time today so im kinda newbie :)15:05
ffk27ged0: alt+right click at the vdekstop applet15:05
satyanashletkamo, right click the desktop..15:06
wiggmpkletkamo: right click on the background and click change background15:06
quiescensStepNjump: sorry, my mistake, there are other things that cause it, if you run something with & which then decides it needs to wait for input15:06
gedOffk27: Where I cna fint it?15:07
virtuapostaletkamo, one more cheers to wiggmpk :)15:07
StepNjumpno, not even that quiescens15:07
ffk27ged0: you mean with virualdesktops workspaces?15:07
gedOffk27: Yes. I am using unity desktop15:07
gedOffk27: I think it is unity :)15:08
ffk27i have no idea how that in unity works15:08
quiescensStepNjump: well, what did "jobs" say that are still running?15:08
ffk27but i think you need to search in gconf-editor15:08
gedOffk27: Okey. I will try, Thanks :)15:08
wiggmpkStatic: try using this line at the end of /etc/modprobe.d/options ----> "options snd-hda-intel model=laptop enable=1 index=0"15:09
ffk27ged0: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34572/how-can-i-reduce-or-increase-the-number-of-workspaces-in-unity15:09
StepNjumplet me try it quiescens15:11
gedOffk27: Why Ubuntu developers don't include this by defoult??? Strange15:11
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StepNjumpquiescens: it says: man ls  (wd: ~/.weechat/logs) but those two processes are running in separate tabs!15:13
Staticwiggmpk: Sorry, I had lunch. /etc/modprobe.d/options doesn't exist, shall I write in the file anyway?15:14
quiescensStepNjump: shrugs15:14
StepNjumpI might need to reboot15:15
StepNjumpbut I learned something new thanks to llutz and you, quiescens15:15
quiescensStepNjump: type fg15:15
quiescensStepNjump: to bring a stopped job back to the front15:15
muh2000why is there no padevchooser in oneiric?15:15
StepNjumpwow... 1 GB in my swap partition out of 2!15:16
wiggmpkStatic: where did you add the options line before? to alsa-base.conf or something like that?15:16
Staticalsa-base.conf, yes15:16
StepNjumpyes I tried fg quiescens  it works great15:17
wiggmpkStatic: try putting it there instead, reboot and try it out15:17
g0th13:33 < g0th> when I try to playback a 2s .ogg (or also .mp3) file the behaviour is quite strange and bad15:17
g0th13:33 < g0th> either I don't hear anything (or just slightly increased background noise for 0.1 second or so), or I hear the sound but at a very low volume, or I hear everything correctly.15:17
wiggmpkStatic: check alsamixer to see if you have new options15:17
g0th13:33 < g0th> The behaviour is the same for paplay, mplayer, vlc15:17
g0th13:34 < g0th> any ideas? my guess is buggy audio driver (I have hda-intel, realtek RC888).15:17
FloodBot1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:17
g0th13:34 < g0th> someone suggested it was related to "combined audio driver" or something like that (?)15:17
Staticwiggmpk: Okay, I'll reboot now.15:17
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roanshIs anybody using conkyForecast here?15:19
virtuapostaStatic, you left us :( I hate you wiggmpk, you made him reboot lolz :) anyways I guess that sorts out the disaster ...15:19
jkadsioasdhow do I set the grub menu timeout to 0?15:19
jkadsioasdI'm in oneiric15:19
wiggmpkvirtuaposta: wait, what? lol im confused, I think he'll be back15:20
Staticwiggmpk: It didn't seem to work.15:20
wiggmpkStatic: sorry bud =/ did you check alsamixer to see if it shows any new channels?15:21
ffk27jkadsioasd: gedit /etc/default/grub15:21
Staticwiggmpk: Let me check :P15:21
Staticwiggmpk: No, it hasn't. :(15:21
wiggmpkStatic: =(15:22
OsmodivsI have GnomeChat, but I can't connect to irc.spotchat.org, it just tells me  Found your hostname ( -- cached and stays there doing nothing. The only one I can connect is to Ubuntu Servers, why?15:23
virtuapostaStatic, wiggmpk this is what worked for me..(come on please dont laugh this is for keeping notes only) http://pastebin.com/cCHMgGKM hope it will help in some ways15:24
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wiggmpkvirtuaposta: what version of alsa are you running15:24
wiggmpkvirtuaposta: and ubuntu15:25
spiratman:command not found on ubuntu server, how come? how to fix?15:25
virtuapostawiggmpk, ubuntu was 11.04 and I dont remember about alsa version actually, there were 3 laptops from different users, i just tried to help by providing the notations :\15:26
llutzspirat: sudo apt-get install man-db15:26
Osmodivsvirtuaposta: hey, I have the same problem! But I have Mint11, for some reason I can't login there, but, yeah, someone told me to add those lines, but still not working, can't even open alsamixer, even though I already installed Alsa-utils and linux backports and what not.15:26
chrmhoffmannin #nook-tablet15:26
Staticvirtuaposta: "E: Unable to locate package linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.38-13-generic-pae" D:15:26
jkadsioasdsorry what was that command for grub again?15:27
virtuapostaStatic, you added repository described in first line "ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa"?15:28
ffk27jkadsioasd: gedit /etc/default/grub15:28
Staticvirtuaposta: I did, yes.15:28
ffk27you want the grub choose screen go away directly or you want to freeze it?15:29
wiggmpkStatic: cat /proc/asound/version15:29
Staticwiggampk: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
Kaemici need a bit of help. I'm not using ubuntu now but i used to and there was a cool mmorpg in the repository and i dont know what it's name was so i could run it now on centos, anyone could open repository, search for mmorpg and tell me the name of that game?15:31
OsmodivsMy onboard sound does not work. I recive a hda-intel: no codecs found! in the verbose login15:31
OsmodivsI do not evevn have an "asound" folder15:31
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:32
Kaemicok i got it thanks anyawy ;p15:34
needhelp1is there a troubleshooting page for playing dvd's? ive already installed libdvdread and ubuntu restricted extras with on prevail15:35
OsmodivsThis is what I got in my alsaconf file: http://pastebin.com/Wxub4Hc9  What else do I need to add or take out in order to make my onboard sound work?15:36
needhelp1install-css.sh also15:36
askmasterrri am male15:36
askmasterrrand i am looking for help15:36
askmasterrrbut who will help15:36
askmasterrroh mayne before getitng help i have to say something about me15:37
askmasterrri am 25 years old and male15:37
askmasterrri am living in the united states of america15:38
* who_me rofls15:38
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: Are you japanese?15:38
needhelp1askmasterrr, ask!15:38
Sidewinder1!ask | askmasterrr15:38
ubottuaskmasterrr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:38
askmasterrralso called USA15:38
askmasterrrmy question is about ubuntu15:38
askmasterrri am having 10,0415:38
needhelp1does anyone know a troubleshooting page for dvd playback? ive installed vlc, install-css and libdvdread. Or does anyone know anything i should check15:39
askmasterrrmy question is about ubuntu15:39
askmasterrrneedhelp1: i was first and my question is the first15:39
* who_me rofls some more15:40
OsmodivsI can't make my onboard sound work. I added the last line, like it said in some forum, but still have no sound:: http://pastebin.com/Wxub4Hc915:40
askmasterrri thought i eget help15:40
needhelp1askmasterrr, ask!15:40
askmasterrrneedhelp1: my question is: about ubuntu15:40
needhelp1ask! | askmasterrr15:41
DJonesaskmasterrr: Ask your question, people won't know if they can help until you ask your question15:41
askmasterrryes my question is: who can help me15:41
needhelp1!ask | askmasterrr15:41
ubottuaskmasterrr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:41
askmasterrrMY QUESW15:41
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: Anyone can help you15:41
askmasterrrokay: then my question15:41
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: If you want to15:41
who_methis guy's trolling15:41
askmasterrrI am using Ubuntu 10.0415:42
abergood, ubuntu...15:42
askmasterrrThe Lucid lynx version on english with gnome15:42
askmasterrrAnd now i  heard that the newest is 10.1015:42
Sidewinder1'Ya think?15:42
DJonesaskmasterrr: Thats wrong, the newest Ubuntu is 11.1015:42
llutz!enter | askmasterrr better you learn how this irc-thingy works and come back then15:43
ubottuaskmasterrr better you learn how this irc-thingy works and come back then: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:43
askmasterrroh okay15:43
gonzaloafhello, Iḿ using ubuntu 11.10, when I try to delete files from Eye of Gnome Image Viewer and check 'Move to trash'  I receive the error 'Couldn't access trash', do you why?15:43
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: type this in the terminal  sudo apt-get upgrade15:43
askmasterrrshpuld i stay on 10.0415:43
ffk27askmasterrr: don't upgrade15:43
askmasterrror should i upgrade15:43
domedagenaskmasterrr: too what?15:43
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: UPGRADE15:43
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: YES15:43
askmasterrrok to 10.10 or to 10.1115:43
domedagenaskmasterrr: ?15:44
domedagenaskmasterrr: 10.10 to 11.10?15:44
askmasterrrdomadagen,: yes=15:44
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: Just look at me, in 9.0 I was using my onboard sound, and now in 11 I CANT!! XD15:44
askmasterrr10.04 to 10.10 or 10.1115:44
ffk27dont do the upgrade it is not better15:44
kyenteiaskmasterrr: There is no 10.1115:44
askmasterrryou said:15:44
domedagenaskmasterrr: bits?15:44
askmasterrrthe newest is 10.1015:44
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: Better yet, use LinuxMint!15:45
kyenteiaskmasterrr: The newest is 11.1015:45
askmasterrrbut is it unity?15:45
kyenteiaskmasterrr: It goes by year / month.15:45
projekt26does anyone know how I can download the source for rtmpdump 2.4? there is only a git:// link on their homepage http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/ and I am not sure what to do with that15:45
domedagenaskmasterrr: What version are you using 32 or 64bit15:45
kyenteiaskmasterrr: 11 for the year, 10 for the month.15:45
askmasterrrdomedagen: i use 10.0415:45
kyenteiaskmasterrr: next is 12.04, then 12.10, then 13.04, then 13.10 ... etc. Get it?15:45
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:45
askmasterrrok kyentei15:45
askmasterrrbut should i upgrade to newest15:45
askmasterrror they have unity15:45
kyenteiaskmasterrr: I haven't read your question. There is Unity per default since 11.0415:46
mike2559projekt26: Do a "sudo apt-get install git" and then type "git clone" followed by that git:// link15:46
askmasterrri now 11.10 is unity15:46
domedagenaskmasterrr: Architecture then? x86-64 or x86-32 (is that what they are called?)?15:46
abergood, ubuntu...15:46
strigoii`m trying to istall this15:46
askmasterrrbut i do not want unity15:46
gonzaloafhello, Iḿ using ubuntu 11.10, when I try to delete files from Eye of Gnome Image Viewer and check 'Move to trash'  I receive the error 'Couldn't access trash', do you why?15:46
projekt26thanks mike255915:46
domedagenaber: Noes!15:46
askmasterrrdomedagen: i dont no ? i thought i have got ubuntu 10.04 lcyd lynx15:46
gonzaloafhello, Iḿ using ubuntu 11.10, when I try to delete files from Eye of Gnome Image Viewer and click 'Move to trash'  I receive the error 'Couldn't access trash', do you why?15:47
askmasterrrbut i do not want unity15:47
who_measkmasterrr, you are an american citizen and you spell like that ? go to school dude, really15:47
aberdomedagen: Sorry...15:47
kyenteiaskmasterrr: You could install gnome3 (gnome-shell or gnome-session-fallback), use cinnamon (by mint) or choose to use KDE or XFCE (amongst many others)15:47
domedagenaskmasterrr: You can use Gnome in the latest version as well15:47
strigoibut may gnome tweak tool is completely different15:47
domedagenaber: Why?15:47
askmasterrri want gnome 215:47
askmasterrror similar to gnome 215:47
kyenteiaskmasterrr: gnome-session-fallback still looks a lot like gnome 2.15:47
ffk2710.04 is supported until 2013 orsomthing so stay lts15:48
askmasterrrthats good15:48
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kyenteiaskmasterrr: I suggest you stay on 10.04 though. It's supported for quite some time.15:48
domedagenaskmasterrr: uname -a15:48
ffk27next week 10.04.4 will come15:48
askmasterrrand i have got another question15:48
kyenteiaskmasterrr: 10.04 is an LTS. Are you familiar with the meaning of LTS?15:48
askmasterrryes the LTS are supported with updates15:49
askmasterrrand the other not i thoght15:49
Evil_is there a reason to download 32 bit instead of 64 bit? I'm curious because of the download marking 32 bit as recommended  (my computer is 64 bit)15:49
kyenteiaskmasterrr: They are supported for a longer period of time.15:49
askmasterrrand i have got another question15:49
kyenteiEvil_: Ubuntu is not extremely famous. It is important that the first experience people have with Ubuntu is a good one. If people have a 32 bit machine without knowing, and download x64, their first experience is bad.15:49
askmasterrri sometime was swearing about unity... can they forbid me to use it15:50
who_meEvil_, that will change when 12.04 is released. Go with 64bit if you have 4GB of ram or more15:50
kyenteiEvil_: That's about it. I can't think of anything not working on x64 that does on x8615:50
Evil_kyentei, ah I gotcha15:50
Evil_Thanks :)15:50
DJonesEvil_: Some app's don't always work with 64 bit, flash used to be a problem, but seems ok now, it was little things like that, I don't think its much of an issue now15:50
kyenteiaskmasterrr: What's the other question?15:50
venkatmangudiEvil_: Another reason is that 32 bit has more drivers in some cases15:50
askmasterrri sometime was swearing about unity... can they forbid me to use it?15:50
domedagenaskmasterrr: 64 or 32 bit? "uname -a"15:50
venkatmangudiaskmasterrr: nobody can forbid you to use it. Besides, why would they forbid you? :)15:51
kyenteiaskmasterrr: Forbid you to use it? It comes default. They pretty much _want_ you to use it.15:51
askmasterrrvenkatmangudi: because swearing15:51
who_measkmasterrr, they should forbid you to use a computer though15:51
askmasterrrswearing about ubuntu15:51
llutzwho_me: a sure troll15:51
venkatmangudiaskmasterrr: how do they know what you mutter to your computer?15:51
who_mellutz, of course15:51
venkatmangudiwho_me: LOL15:52
askmasterrrvenkatmangudi: ah you are right15:52
askmasterrrthat were all my queestions15:52
askmasterrrdomedagen: uname -a15:52
venkatmangudiaskmasterrr: that is all?15:52
venkatmangudiaskmasterrr: have a good day now15:52
Osmodivsaskmasterrr: it is normal to swear and curse Unity, everybody has done that at least 25 times in their life15:52
venkatmangudiaskmasterrr: peace be with you15:52
askmasterrralso good da15:53
askmasterrrsee you evening15:53
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domedagenaskmasterrr: in terminal15:53
=== PeterBre2 is now known as PeterBre
kyenteidomedagen: Just leave it. Hehe15:53
OsmodivsNow, about my onboard sound...15:53
OsmodivsHow to make it work?15:54
domedagenkyentei: :(, venkatmangudi already spoiled it so I guess upu are right15:54
venkatmangudiwhat? you guys wanted more fun?15:54
venkatmangudiand Osmodivs is suffering here...15:54
kpokwhere can i go to for help on ubuntu one?15:55
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi: ... :|15:55
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: came late to the game, which card?15:55
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:55
venkatmangudidomedagen: you were going to have him run a few commands?15:55
AlanBellkpok: the channel is #15:56
Osmodivs!onboard sound15:56
AlanBellkpok: the channel is #ubuntuone all one word15:56
kpokthanks AlanBell15:56
ShadesEdgeHello, how can I record What U Hear on Ubuntu 11.10 using PulseAudio and a USB headset?15:56
domedagenvenkatmangudi: I was about to tell him the latest 64-bit edition hasn't go all the drivers and such15:56
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: didn't get that15:57
venkatmangudidomedagen: he didn't have the 32 Vs 64 bit question...15:57
venkatmangudidomedagen: that was Evil_15:57
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi: No, I did not get it.... I have 64 bits, as Ubuntu now recomends.15:57
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: thought you had a sound card issue15:58
pip__Hello, how can I get network manager up & running on a minimal install?  I'm using oneiric minimal.  At the moment I mainly use 2 wireless networks so I can easily edit /etc/network/interfaces.  I'd like to have NM working just in case I need to use a "new" wireless network15:58
OsmodivsWhy can't ubuntu find a simple Intel onboard codec?15:58
domedagenOsmodivs: They still recommends 32-bit http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download15:58
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: which chipset?15:58
enblocis there any way to change the annoying notifier window behavior where notifications pop up, but then dissapear when I put the move over them in a vain attempt to dismiss them?15:59
enblocput the 'mouse'15:59
venkatmangudipip__: running gnome?16:00
kyenteipip__: When I use wifi on a command-line install, I tend to install wicd and wicd-ncurses. Gives you a nice command-line interface, making it easier to get wifi connections going without GUI.16:00
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (re16:00
venkatmangudienbloc: when u move the mouse over them, there is a close window button16:00
bombadil_Hi, how can I run some scripts after the system booted (or automatically login a user to do this, but in the background)?16:00
venkatmangudipip__: kyentei is right. Wicd is god16:00
pip__oh no, ice wm.  It's a VERY old compaq tablet pc16:00
enblocvenkatmangudi: yes, but I can't click on it because the window goes away as soon as the mouse enters. it's like whackamole16:01
needhelp1can anyone inform me of any troubleshooting steps for dvd playback after i have installed libdvdread4 lvc and install-css? i dont think its a region code issue.16:01
enblocthen comes right back when the mouse leaves16:01
ShadesEdgeNo idea?16:01
venkatmangudibombadil_: nice nick. :-)16:02
bravo_limahi all16:02
venkatmangudienbloc: yep, but it only kinda greys out16:02
venkatmangudithe x is still visible16:02
pitroadrushwhere can find good themes for ubuntu 11.1016:02
DJones!themes | pitroadrush16:03
ubottupitroadrush: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:03
pip__jsut those 2 packages then wicd & wicd ncurses?16:03
pip__just, even16:03
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kyenteipip__: Yes. I think wicd will start a daemon in the background. Been a while since I used it.16:03
enblocvenkatmangudi: not on mine - completely dissapears16:03
venkatmangudiShadesEdge: sound recorded don't work?16:03
kyenteiThen you can just run "wicd" on command line. And you should get a nice interface.16:03
venkatmangudienbloc: Unity?16:03
ShadesEdgeI don't really know how to record the sound I hear on Ubuntu.16:04
pip__oh, okay I'll try that now16:04
enblocit did it on unity, but on xfce as well16:04
venkatmangudiShadesEdge: there is a sound recorder in your sound and media menu, or else isntall it pls16:04
venkatmangudienbloc: I am on xfce and I get the small x16:04
ShadesEdgevenkatmangudi: What's the name of the package?16:05
venkatmangudiit is not visible till you are over the x. once you find it, then you'll know where to go16:05
ShadesEdgeWhat do you mean by: till you are over the x?16:06
bombadil_venkatmangudi: Thanks! Though I hoped to get some advice on autostarting services. Is there no other (better) way than init.d /rc.d?16:06
kyenteipip__: Maybe wicd-cli too.16:06
venkatmangudibombadil_: init.d/rc.d is the best way to do it16:07
pip__yeah, wicd wants to pull in some python stuff16:07
venkatmangudiShadesEdge: in the notification the x is invicible16:07
pip__I'm trying this from synaptic btw16:07
pip__so I'm thinking wicd + deps, wicd-curses & wicd-cli?16:07
venkatmangudiShadesEdge: sorry that msg was for enbloc16:07
eduedixhey there!16:08
pip__although wicd is trying to bring in wicd-gtk16:08
eduedixhow can i run a script when closing gnome or gdm or before shutdown(as well as reboot) ?16:08
venkatmangudiShadesEdge: search for sound recorder in ubuntu software center16:08
venkatmangudiit;'s the first one16:08
venkatmangudiShadesEdge: I have gnome-media 2.91.2-2ubuntu216:09
kn100Hey guys, been a while since I played with ubuntu last. I recently built myself a machine, and I now have a nvidia 8800gts16:09
OsmodivsI am back16:09
kn100I have two vga 17'' monitors that both have 1280x1024 as their native resolution16:09
kn100I am using two dvi to vga adaptors on the back of the graphics card16:09
mksogdnehow i can run my tv tuner ?16:10
kn100windows just lets me set the resolution to whatever I like which works fine. Ubuntu on the other hand works fine with the default (nouveau now?) drivers but as soon as I install the nvidia drivers, the max resolution I'm allowed is 1024x768.16:10
=== flack is now known as flack-Z
pip__kyentel, wicd-cli + wicd-curses looks like it wants to pull in fewer dependencies, I'll give that a shot16:11
OsmodivsSo, Anyone knows how to fix an Onboard sound?16:11
ShadesEdgevenkatmangudi: It's done16:11
i_is_brokekn100,do you have the nvidia config under preferences...sorry im not on gnome.16:12
OsmodivsI hve a dummy output16:12
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: I have Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)16:12
mksogdnei want install my tv tuner card , help me ?16:12
kn100i_is_broke, yep and it sees both monitors and dual desktops works fine16:12
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: and it works well16:12
enblocvenkatmangudi: http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd494/swarfrat8/notifier-window-behavior.png16:12
kn100it's just the resolution of both monitors being limited to 1024x76816:12
enblocshow me the x16:12
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i_is_brokekn100, have you tried to set the res there.if so you will probably have to configure x for it.16:13
* venkatmangudi grins sheepishly at enbloc 16:13
venkatmangudienbloc: I use xfce16:13
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi: So you have never had troble with your Onboard sond. Ok. So yuo do not know how to fix it, rh?16:13
venkatmangudienbloc: not Unity16:13
kn100i_is_broke, there are no options higher than 1024x768 in the nvidia control panel16:13
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: had issues with other machines though...16:13
mksogdnei want install my tv tuner card , help me ?16:13
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: lspci says what?16:13
enblocthis is xfce16:13
NMachadoHi to all16:14
gonzaloafhello, Iḿ using ubuntu 11.10, when I try to delete files from Eye of Gnome Image Viewer and click 'Move to trash'  I receive the error 'Couldn't access trash', do you why?16:14
venkatmangudienbloc: my notifications are gnome 2 like... top right16:14
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi:   00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (re16:14
mksogdnecan anybody help me , i want install my tv tuner card , help me ?16:14
gonzaloafhello, Iḿ using ubuntu 11.10, when I try to delete files from Eye of Gnome Image Viewer and click 'Move to trash'  I receive the error 'Couldn't access trash', can somebody help me please?16:14
enblocmine are too - but notifier windows do not appear to contain any decorations whatsoever16:14
enblocand only notifier windows16:14
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
venkatmangudiyeah, those notifiers are unity style IMHO.16:15
mksogdnei want install my tv tuner card , help me ?16:15
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: gimme a min, brb16:16
sertaconayHello, which ide has feature like remote edit ?16:16
eduedixhow can i run a script as user when closing gnome or gdm or before shutdown(as well as reboot) ?16:16
mksogdnei want install my tv tuner card driver , help me ?16:16
NMachadomksogdne please wait if someone knows how to help you they will respond, you need to wait patiently16:17
HTT-Birddoes someone have a recent (>1.3.20 or so) Wine package with the WinePulse patches incorporated built for 10.04LTS?16:18
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: all other devices working ok?16:18
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: using alsa or pulse?16:18
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi: ALSA, i guess16:19
lahwranhow do you set up the gtk/qt theme bridge in kde4 so that gtk apps look like native qt?16:19
gonzaloafhello, Iḿ using ubuntu 11.10, when I try to delete files from Eye of Gnome Image Viewer and click 'Move to trash'  I receive the error 'Couldn't access trash', can anybody help me please?16:19
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5017453&postcount=216:20
P3X018How do I access the console instead of the terminal in Ubuntu 11.10? I'm not referring to the Ctrl+Alt+F1 access, but a windowed console like the terminal?16:20
eduedixhow can i run a script as user when closing gnome or gdm or before shutdown(as well as reboot) ?16:20
kapcom01hello, i am setting some services on ubuntu machine like diaspora, file sharing, torrent downloader, cctv.. etc... the thing is that i need to do it in an isolated environment for each service to minimize the possibility of breaking things.. virtual machine is very memory demanding.. is there anything else? chroot maybe? i havent tried it..16:20
pip__h'mmm, something about rename failed.  Do I need to edit /etc/interfaces to only include the loopback interface?16:21
mksogdnei want install my tv tuner card driver, help me ?16:21
P3X018ssta: That's just the terminal...16:21
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi: Lke I said, I have tried several forum tips, but here it is:  aplay -l16:21
Osmodivsaplay: device_list:240: no soundcards found...16:21
venkatmangudimksogdne: is your card recognized?16:21
sstaP3X018: I'm not sure what you want then16:21
astropirateI installed ubuntu "along with windows" thinking it was going to run in a vm.. <_<   i already run Mint on a seperate partition.. but I need to get rid of Ubuntu on this partition so i can move my files here. How can I remove the installed ubuntu?16:22
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: if aplay -l does not find it, then the next question is... is the hardware ok?16:22
venkatmangudimksogdne: does lspci list the card?16:22
P3X018ssta: The terminal and the console are not exactly the same...16:22
Osmodivsvenkatmangudi: How can I find out? in lspci it detect it16:22
onelineram really getting tired of ethernet timeouts in my 11.1016:22
mksogdnewhat is that ?16:23
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venkatmangudiOsmodivs: can you try this trouble shooting guide? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544916:25
venkatmangudiOsmodivs: it is where I go when I am installing Ubuntu on a machine which gives me sound related issues16:25
tjiggi_foP3X018, just start your application in a terminal to see messages - linux is not mac16:25
venkatmangudimksogdne: go to terminal and type the command lspci -v16:26
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P3X018tjiggi_fo: I can't see kernel messages in terminal, only in the console.16:26
onelinerno really like REALLY tired16:26
sstaP3X018: umm, less /var/log/messages16:27
venkatmangudioneliner: Really tired?16:27
onelineri see no entries in this chan between those two statements of mine16:27
onelinera full five minutes lag16:27
sstaP3X018: I'm honestly not understanding the distinction you're making.  What is it exactly that you want?16:27
tjiggi_foP3X018, ah, perhaps use --debug and see messages on the debug log then?16:27
mksogdneit shows many thing?16:27
venkatmangudioneliner: how do you know it is because of ubuntu?16:27
venkatmangudiis there a TV tuner card listed?16:28
venkatmangudimksogdne: is there a TV tuner card listed?16:28
P3X018ssta: the /var/log/messages will have to do. It's those messages I want to see.16:28
venkatmangudiP3X018: ctrl-alt-f716:28
venkatmangudiP3X018: *ctrl-alt-f816:28
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venkatmangudiP3X018: you also have the log viewer app16:29
onelinervenkatmangudi: dual boot; flawless connection on other os16:29
venkatmangudioneliner: which card?16:29
P3X018venkatmangudi isn't that similar to ctrl+alt+F1? Except here I don't anything but a black screen now16:29
onelinerrealtek rtl811116:29
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venkatmangudiP3X018: yes. similar to ctrl-0alt-f1 except that this will stream errors and issues, like at startup and shut down. use the logfile viewer, much better16:30
mksogdnePhilips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder16:30
mksogdnei got this16:31
venkatmangudioneliner:you got a lemon chipset. :-) http://unixblogger.wordpress.com/2011/10/18/the-pain-of-an-realtek-rtl8111rtl8168-ethernet-card/16:31
P3X018venkatmangudi ok, what's the name of that app, haven't used it before?16:32
StepNjumpIs there a way to install cross hairs in ubuntu? Often times, you will see these kinds of lines on terminal equipment.. It moves using the cursor up down right and left..16:32
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venkatmangudiP3X018: it should be in your system menu... it's called logfile viewer16:32
onelinervenkatmangudi: it would be lemon if other os couldnt use it either,16:32
venkatmangudioneliner: some hardware manufacturers will provide driver for windows16:33
onelineri repeat, on dual boot its flawless on other os, or are we taking the easy slide and start blaming hardware now?16:33
venkatmangudioneliner: I said lemon not because the card is bad, but the driver is not ok.16:33
venkatmangudioneliner: the hardware manufacturer is the one I would blame16:33
ikoniaoneliner: what other OS's does it work on ?16:34
venkatmangudionekenthomas: follow the instructions in that link and your ethernet will work16:34
pip__h'mmmmmmmmmmm, now it just tells me rename failed & nothing happens16:34
venkatmangudioneliner: follow the instructions in that link and your ethernet will work16:34
enblocthanks venkatmangudi - I have that chipset and hadn't seen that. what I get I'm actually suspecting bios - every once in a while it stops working alltogether. won't show up in lspci. I have to completely shut off, unplug, 'power on' with it unplugged to discharge everything, then power up and it works16:34
venkatmangudiyou're welcome enbloc, that's why we're here16:35
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mksogdnei want install my tv tuner card driver, help me ?16:37
mksogdne i want install my tv tuner card driver, help me ?16:40
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gonzaloafhello, where is Trash located in ubuntu 11.10 ?16:44
bastidrazorgonzaloaf: ~/.local/share/Trash/16:45
StepNjumpgonzaloaf: /.local/../Trash16:45
StepNjumpand /root/.local/share/Trash/ gonzaloaf16:46
StepNjumpthe later is the system trash bin16:46
mksogdne i want install my tv tuner card driver, help me ?16:46
onelinervenkatmangudi: am seen a couple of aditional commands regarding driver load and kernel dependencies i hadent seen in other very similar solutions16:47
onelinerwont hurt to try i guess16:47
venkatmangudioneliner: please do try16:47
StepNjumpmksogdne: you can also check with ##linux16:47
sandy19Help needed guy16:48
sandy19my host os = ubuntu16:48
StepNjumpyour kernel16:49
sandy19and installed windows xp on virtualbox16:49
sandy19so i want to transfer the file from ubuntu to windows xp16:49
StepNjumpthat's how it should be sandy19... MSFT should be encaged!16:49
oCeansandy19: please try to describe your issue in single line16:49
sh3llbacctrl +c16:50
venkatmangudisandy19: you can setup a shared folder in your virtual box to send files from one system to another16:50
sandy19I want to transfer file from ubuntu (host os) to windows xp(virtual box)16:50
sh3llbacover vmare tools16:50
wrektjetgonna do a fresh install of 11 this week! yay. question - is there a way to get a list of the applications i have on this install so i can reinstall them all later even the ones i hardly remember using?16:50
venkatmangudisandy19: if it is a one time thing and you don't want to go through the steps of setting up shared folder in vbox, try to ssh it from one to another16:51
StepNjumpsandy19: there is no way you could create shared directories?16:51
Sidewinder1wrektjet, Those would be in your /home.16:51
sandy19can anyone help me via the TV how to do this?16:51
wrektjetSidewinder1, do u mean when i use simple backup restore it would restore my applications as well?16:52
StepNjumpwhat is the TV?16:52
wrektjetbec i plan on doing that - i hope it works16:52
sandy19TV = team viewer16:53
venkatmangudisandy19: http://www.giannistsakiris.com/index.php/2007/09/28/virtualbox-access-shared-folders-from-windows-xp-guest-os/16:53
sandy19thanks venkatmangudi let me see :)16:53
Sidewinder1wrektjet, That is my understanding but nothing is perfect. ;-)16:53
venkatmangudisandy19: http://virtuatopia.com/index.php/VirtualBox_Shared_Folders16:53
wrektjetaha okey dokey Sidewinder1 thnx16:54
pip__Sorry guys I can't get wicd to work at all :-(16:54
The_PhoenixDoes anyone here run a Live ISO from HDD on a regular basis?16:54
doritoDanHow come LibreOffice is Ubuntu's standard word processing program and not OpenOffice?16:56
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ChurchdoritoDan: i'm guessing that for enduser both are about the same, just that libreoffice has more active development since fork?16:57
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venkatmangudidoritoDan: Oracle acquired Sun and as a consequence OpenOffice16:57
The_PhoenixdoritoDan: LibreOffice is based on OpenOffice. However, LO is under more active development and is lighter/faster than OO.16:57
doritoDanOk. I didn't know LibreOffice was a fork.16:58
venkatmangudiOracle gave a hard time regarding licensing and the users decided to fork it and created libreoffice16:58
doritoDanI don't like OpenOffice. I always found it cumbersome, slow, bloated and buggy.16:58
matt23it's still super heavy. There is a new branch of KDEs office implementation coming along too16:58
venkatmangudiWe have to thank Larry Ellison for this16:58
doritoDanAnd I never even knew LibreOffice existed.16:58
doritoDanFor how long has it been in development?16:58
larryonedamn irc alerting everytime the name larry is used16:58
The_Phoenixvenkatmangudi: What kinda licensing issues? Isn't OpenOffice just open source?16:58
larryonei got to change my settings for thar16:59
sh3llbachope this question bac me ask here16:59
prizrenHello I am using modprobe to load  a driver and i am getting this warning, WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.16:59
HeGuruprizren: you can either ignore this warning or rename ndiswrapper to ndiswrapper.conf17:00
prizrenHeGuru, I want to load this sudo modprobe ath9k_ht17:01
matt23doritodan: http://www.calligra.org/17:01
onelinervenkatmangudi: 1) please make a sticky out of this solution everywhere you happen to blog/forum/chat 2)why isnt this method applied to release yet?17:01
matt23should be totally ready to go soon. The develpors say it will be way lighter than LibreOFfice17:01
HeGuruprizren: yeah modprobe doesn't give any message on success, your driver could already be loaded17:01
StepNjumpcould someone please msg me for a quick test...? Thanks17:02
The_PhoenixHeGuru: lsmod is easy to use.17:02
venkatmangudioneliner: so it works now? awesome17:02
prizrenHeGuru, Its a driver for my Wireless USB adapter ifconfig doesnt give me any wlan0 or other wireless interface17:02
HeGuruprizren: check if driver is loaded, lsmod | grep ath9k17:03
HeGuruprizren: also check dmesg for anything relevant17:03
venkatmangudiThe_Phoenix: http://techcrunch.com/2011/10/07/libreoffice-and-openoffice-org-one-year-after-the-schism/17:04
prizrenHeGuru, check this http://pastebin.com/JNdfkGBN17:05
HeGuruprizren: driver is loaded indeed, type ip link17:06
onelinerStepNjump: here comes color!17:06
StepNjumponeliner just in here please17:06
sandy19trying brb17:06
StepNjumpok thanks.. not working.. need to troubleshoot. Thanks buddy!17:07
doritoDanmatt23: Cool.17:08
doritoDanOh, he left.17:08
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prizrenHeGuru, http://pastebin.com/29p8kgMM the result17:09
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pip__Okay, I just marked "wicd" in synaptic & let it install whatever else it wanted to (not much at all really) & everything seems to be okay.  Thanks guys17:10
mksogdnehow i can install ubuntu studio in ubuntu ?17:11
HeGuruprizren: usb0 should be your interface17:11
The_Phoenixhalux: What as aslm?17:11
linxehmksogdne: I seem to there being an ubuntu-studio meta package you can install17:11
prizrenHeGuru, usb0 is my phone connection im using it to connect to the internet through my wireless phone17:12
DJones!studio | mksogdne17:12
ubottumksogdne: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org17:12
mksogdnefrom where ?17:12
HeGuruprizren: can you pastebin output of dmesg17:13
* Sisercc /msg acidfrost hi17:13
linxehmksogdne: in the main repositories - I think it is the ubuntustudio-desktop package. check in the ubuntustudio channel though17:15
prizrenHeGuru, what should I grep for ?17:16
SiserccHello need help cant share my host internet with arch linux as guest while using virtual box17:18
HeGuruprizren: anything related to ath9k, you can try modprobe -r ath9k_ht and again modprobe ath9k_ht and dmesg17:18
oCeanSisercc: usually you select "bridged" mode in the settings of the vm17:19
SiserccOcean does it work that way?17:20
oCeanSisercc: for me, always17:20
pip__thanks for the help guys bye for now17:20
mksogdnei install ubuntu studio in ubuntu  but its not working ?17:21
oCeanSisercc: I select "bridged to" and then my wlan0 device - I boot the guest, and then the guest has internet connection too17:21
SiserccYay and sorry for buzzing you do you use any gui on it?@ocean17:21
epodAnyone know if there's any client to play my google music on linux so I don't have to use my browser?17:22
SiserccI use dial up to connect@ocean17:22
oCeanSisercc: sure, just run  virtualbox  (command) that should start the vbox control gui - Not sure, but it might work with dial up too (just select bridged to that interface)17:23
Ast001hi I need to build uclinux using ubuntu and I need liblzo1 and liblzo-dev but they don't exist in repository. I can just install liblzo2-2 and liblzo2-dev but during compilation it gets error due lack of liblzo1 and liblzo-dev. How can I fix it ?17:27
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EdicoI have ubuntu-10.04. Is it possible to upgrade to ubuntu 11.10?17:31
nightshade209Edico: it would involve too much upgrading... a fresh install would be a better idea17:31
Safe_How do I go about mounting my mobile phone? Tried googling but no useful guides.17:31
nightshade209Edico: u'll have to go from 10.04 > 10.10 > 11.04 > 11.1017:32
who_meEdico, 12.04 will be ready in April and that will support upgrading from 10.04 to 12.0417:32
DJonesEdico: 10.04 was a LTS version, you may be better waiting until 12:04 comes if you're not in a rush, then you could upgrade from one to the other as it'll be an LTS version17:32
opalepatricktrying to remove zip files identified by a directory compressed within them. If the compressed directory exists, then delete the zip file? Any ideas appreciated.17:33
EdicoI want to do an upgrade now and I don't have an optical unit drive17:33
nightshade209Edico: upgrade using a USB17:33
cousteauI've made my own layout by adding an entry in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/es.  How do I make that layout appear on Keyboard layouts?17:35
arkaddreIn /etc/rc6.d where do the symlinks come from ( http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/all/wicd-daemon/filelist doesn't have them for example) and how can safely reorder one of them such that it won't be disrupted with a possible wicd update?17:37
SupYoshiHey guys! I tried to install something following a guide! (Aterisk and Freepbx) and now I've the following error17:37
SupYoshihttp://pastebin.com/S5Nf5Kr9 can someone take a look? :D17:37
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jpkI installed OpenSSH on my ubuntu box and am trying to access it via FileZilla installed on Windows XP. Useing sftp it tries to connect to my ubuntu box but connection times out. I set the port to 2222 as suggest in the ubuntu article. I would like to be able to move files back and forth from Windows to my Ubuntu box. Anyone have the experience to help or can tell me where I can get questions answered?17:42
kyenteijpk: Is the port of SSH on the ubuntu box also set to 2222?17:42
kyenteijpk: Do you have a firewall running?17:43
robbbiejpk: have you verified its running on 2222 ?17:43
bastidrazorjpk: winscp for windows is probably the easiest way with little effort17:43
kyenteibastidrazor: Doesn't solve the issue.17:43
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arkaddrerun netstat -tan on the ubuntu box, check whether it's actually listening on port 2222?17:43
jpkMy understanding was to edit the sshd_config file which the default value is 22 but I changed it to 2222.17:44
llutzjpk: sudo lsof -i :222217:44
robbbiejpk: then you need to restart the service17:44
arkaddre(and on an interface on which you're connecting)17:44
kyenteijpk: Have you restarted ssh after doing that?17:44
arkaddreor what llutz suggested, same effect17:44
kyenteijpk: "/etc/init.d/ssh restart" or "service ssh restart"17:44
jdavidboydwhat logs do I look in, if any, to find out what is going on with the wifi on my netbook.   It all seems to be working, based on the different programs that everyone has recommended, my router says it is connected to it, etc, etc, but nothing transfers.  It even disconnects sometimes (sometimes) when connected in Windows 7 (dual boot, obviously), but it will not transfer any data when connected in Ubuntu.   I have to plug a cable in17:48
jdavidboydget updates, very annoying.  Sometimes the wifi works, but almost never.17:48
jdavidboydANy ideas?17:48
arkaddreping, check routing tables, etc17:48
Oerkyentei, i thought is is service sshd restart ?17:48
arkaddre(ping router, that is)17:49
kyenteiOer: Could be. I'm not 100% sure.17:49
jpkI did the netstat -tan and it list tcp6-Proto;0-Recv-Q;0-Send-Q;:::2222-Local Address;:::*-Foreign Address; LISTEN-STATE - Does this indicate it is listening?17:49
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kyenteijpk: Have you restarted the service yet?17:50
robbbiejpk: thats ipv617:50
arkaddre(is there also an IPv4 binding?)17:50
sstajpk: what exactly did you do to make it lissten on 2222?  Maybe pastebin your /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?17:51
jpkHow do I restart?17:51
kyenteijpk: "/etc/init.d/ssh restart"17:51
robbbieservice ssh restart17:51
jpkCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key17:52
jpkCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key17:52
jpkCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key17:52
jpk * Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                                          start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 5523: Operation not permitted17:52
jpkCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key17:52
FloodBot1jpk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:52
jpkCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key17:52
sstajpk: need sudo17:52
robbbiesudo !!17:53
sstaand don't flood, use pastebin17:53
kyenteijpk: As for most applications/daemons, they don't reload their configuration on the fly. You need to restart.17:53
kyenteijpk: Never paste that much into IRC. :-)17:53
arkaddre(Some respond to HUP signals too.)17:53
jpkSo do I need to restart ubuntu?17:53
bastidrazorkyentei: ugh, incorrect.17:53
kyenteijpk: No, you need to use "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart"17:53
sstajpk: no.  sudo service ssh restart17:53
kyenteibastidrazor: mm?17:54
kyenteibastidrazor: restart the application I meant. Not the entire machine.17:54
robbbiekyentei: i think he thogught you meant "you need to restart" as in the OS not the service17:54
kyenteiRight, right.17:54
jpkHow do I know if is started?17:55
sstajpk: netstat -an|grep 222217:55
sstasee if it's LISTENing17:55
kyenteissta,jpk: that, or "ps aux | grep ssh"17:56
arkaddreThis time on an IPv4 address among others, hopefully.17:56
jpkI get a line starting with tcp and tcp617:56
kyenteissta: If the service is still not listening on 2222, a netstat won't show him.17:56
sstakyentei: well, that will return any ssh clients he has too...I was trying not to confuse him17:56
arkaddreIn which case, htop (or top, or ps, or...)17:56
kyenteissta: But we don't know the configuration is correct.17:56
sstakyentei: true17:56
sstakyentei: one step at a time...17:57
kyenteissta: Then again, I just almost told him to reboot. So let's stick with your advice.17:57
jpki'm easily confused because I'm kinda a new user to ubuntu.17:57
sstajpk: did you try the netstat command I suggested?17:57
jpkI did the netstat -an|grep 222217:57
sidveeI have intel grafix chipset & ati graphics as well. I believe, both are ON and thus consuming more power. How can I check whether they are ON or OFF?17:57
sstadid it return anything?17:57
Germanaz0hello everybody17:58
sstaI get a line like: tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN17:58
Germanaz0I would like create a new toggle shortcut in ubuntu17:58
sstaI'm listening on 22, not 2222.  Did you get a line like that with 2222?17:58
Germanaz0kinda ctrl+alt+somekey to do a custom action17:58
jpkyes 2 lines starting with tcp and tcp6 with 2222 in the line and LISTEN at the end.17:58
sidveeI have intel grafix chipset & ati graphics as well. I believe, both are ON and thus consuming more power. How can I check whether they are ON or OFF?17:58
kyenteijpk: You could make that command return less by typing "netstat -an | grep 2222 | grep LISTEN"17:59
kyenteijpk: That would be just what you need.17:59
robbbiejpk: try your sftp connection now, should work fine17:59
robbbienetstat -an4 if he wants ipv4 only ;D17:59
onelinersidvee:  you could disable the mobo bundled one in bios?17:59
sstajpk: okay, so you are listening, that's excellent.  Now, can you connect?  Try: ssh -p 2222 localhost17:59
sidveeoneliner: Am pretty noob in this aspect. Can you please elaborate?18:00
jpkI tried with the 2nd grep and got the same 2 lines18:00
kopis there an lxde user available here ?18:00
kyenteijpk: With 2222 in it?18:00
jpkCan I cut and paste the output?18:00
sstajpk: use paste.ubuntu.com for that18:00
jpkNot sure what that is?18:00
bastidrazorGermanaz0: under "Keyboard" at the bottom "Custom Shortcuts"18:01
sstajpk: it's a website.  You paste stuff in there, then you tell us the URL where the paste is18:01
Germanaz0bastidrazor: yes, but I cannot make it toggle18:01
robbbiejpk: the additional grep matching LISTEN is in case you have any connections that are ESTABLISHED18:01
Germanaz0I have to create 2 shortcuts for those actions18:01
arkaddrekop: who knows, maybe, but also try #lubuntu18:01
onelinersidvee: if you have two diferent graphics chips, am guessing one is from the motherboard while the other is an addon,.. you could disable the motherboard based graphics chip by going into the bios,18:01
Germanaz0enable/disable for example18:01
Germanaz0and I would like to create one shortcut to toggle enable/disable custom action18:01
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sidveeoneliner: I don't want to disable the intel onboard one. Rather the  ati one18:02
koparkaddre, ...as I type , tnx18:02
sawtellany1 in here using j u linux 8?18:02
jpkI have 2 lines returned starting with tcp and tcp6, 0,0,,* LISTEN is first line18:03
kyenteijpk: Good. Now try filezilla on your windows box.18:03
g0th13:33 < g0th> when I try to playback a 2s .ogg (or also .mp3) file the behaviour is quite strange and bad18:03
g0th13:33 < g0th> either I don't hear anything (or just slightly increased background noise for 0.1 second or so), or I hear the sound but at a very low volume, or I hear everything correctly.18:03
g0th13:33 < g0th> The behaviour is the same for paplay, mplayer, vlc18:03
g0th13:34 < g0th> any ideas? my guess is buggy audio driver (I have hda-intel, realtek RC888).18:03
FloodBot1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
arkaddresawtell: what is "j u linux 8"?18:03
ikoniag0th: can you stop flooding18:03
zgrguys I have some annoying bug with unity: sometimes it's not showing window at all (this happened to update manager and pidgin's buddy list). When I alttab to it it just shows empty workspace. Is where way to take it back?18:03
arkaddreA quick Google search makes it look extraordinarily dubious18:03
jpk2nd tcp6,0,0,:::2222,:::*,LISTEN18:03
arkaddreA bunch of torrentz.eu results18:03
robbbiejpk: that means ssh is running on port 2222, you are all set18:03
g0thikonia: you want me to add a time interval inbetween the sentences?18:04
ikoniag0th: you have been muted 2 times for flooding by cutting and pasting your own conversation - stop it please.18:04
arkaddreAnd a Yahoo! Answers question18:04
ikoniag0th: no,18:04
kyenteirobbbie: Actually, that just means there is _something_ running on 2222.18:04
ikoniag0th: I want you to stop flooding the channel.18:04
sawtellarkaddre a distro from linux18:04
g0thwhen I try to playback a 2s .ogg (or also .mp3) file the behaviour is quite strange and bad18:04
MonkeyDustg0th  rather paste all the lines as one line18:04
sstaby the way, why are you moving filezilla to 2222 in the first place?18:04
g0theither I don't hear anything (or just slightly increased background noise for 0.1 second or so), or I hear the sound but at a very low volume, or I hear everything correctly.18:04
g0thThe behaviour is the same for paplay, mplayer, vlc18:04
sstaumm, moving ssh18:04
FloodBot1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
sidveeoneliner: I don't want to disable the intel onboard one. Rather the  ati one18:04
g0thany ideas? my guess is buggy audio driver (I have hda-intel, realtek RC888).18:04
sawtellarkaddre: based on ubuntu18:04
g0thMonkeyDust: I don't see the difference between the two18:05
g0thbut ok18:05
jpkStill times out on the XP side when I hit the Quickconnect.18:05
princejosephhas any one here had any luck setting up forked-daapd on ubuntu server 10.04?18:05
sawtell!ask any1 in here using j u linux or just use linux 8?18:05
ubottusawtell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
arkaddresawtell: ah, I see, your initial phrasing of it ("j u linux") lead to those results; "JULinux" seems to be how they write it18:05
onelinersidvee: i dont know if you can disable hardware to the point it dosent consume power without simply unplugging it, sorry18:05
sawtellarkaddre sorry18:05
ikoniasawtell: this channel supports ubuntu only, so only questions in ference to ubuntu is on topic for this channel18:06
sidveeoneliner: Ubuntu is pathetic at managing power. oneiric is consumping so much power. Arrgh!18:06
sawtellikonia: can u point me in the direction of a channel for support for julinux then?18:06
ikoniasawtell: sorry, no idea of one18:06
sstasawtell: the name makes me crings...the website makes me want to puke.  This channel is for Ubuntu.  Please try to stay on topic (or use #ubuntu-offtopic)18:07
C-S-BI keep finding that the right aero snap keeps appearing when moving my mouse to scroll in my browser. Leaving half of my window highlighted in orange18:07
jpkAny thing else I need to configure in OpenSSH to get it to work with WindowsXP using FileZilla?18:07
kyenteijpk: Have you set FileZilla to use port 2222?18:08
jpkYes Port is set to 222218:08
kyenteijpk: What happens if you execute the following: "sudo cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep 2222" ?18:08
StepNjumpguys, what is the problem with this command please? sudo tar -xzvf xemacs-21.4.0-elc.tar.gz /opt18:10
StepNjumptar: /opt: Not found in archive18:10
StepNjumptar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors18:10
jpkI get Port 222218:11
openvoidStepNjump, do that  tar -xzvf xemacs-21.4.0-elc.tar.gz -C /opt18:11
StepNjumpok openvoid  thanks.. I will try it18:11
kyenteijpk: Are you 100% sure the machines can ping eachother?18:12
jpkkyentei I get Port 222218:12
vikrammy pendrive showing msg write protected ...... any solution ?18:12
jonnefor some reason the file association for swf files got changed to totem. How do i set it to flash again?18:12
sawtellfuck you all i found some support :P18:13
StepNjumpopenvoid.. worked like a charm. thank you sir. ps: you must be a C++ guy I guess (from your nick)18:14
jpkI can try to ping. How do I limit ping on ubuntu side? I'm using ping <ipaddress>18:14
kyenteijpk: ping -c 3 <IP> would do three pings.18:14
urlin2ujonne, right click-properties-open with18:14
owenlljonne: right click the file - properties - open with tab18:14
kyenteijpk: You can always cancel a process by pressing CTRL+C18:14
SupYoshiHi, I've a problem: Error: 'deb-src http://packages.asterisk.org/deb oneiric main' invalid when I try to add a rep. on Ubuntu18:14
jonneflash isn't listed there18:14
vikrammy pendrive showing msg write protected ...... any solution ?18:15
jonneit is installed, however18:15
ikoniaSupYoshi: does that repo exist ?18:15
SupYoshiyep according to aterisk it does18:15
SupYoshiGo to 2.2.118:15
ikoniaSupYoshi: it's their repo - contact them18:15
jpk3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1999ms18:15
SupYoshiI joined Asterisk just now :p18:15
SupYoshiTrying to ask there.. =/18:16
SupYoshiLame XD18:16
jpkGoing to try the other way kyentei18:16
=== voidmain is now known as voidmain{}
kyenteijpk: Alright, good. So there must be something wrong with SSH or you have the port blocked.18:16
Chotazbest usenet client for ubuntu?18:16
kyenteijpk: Are you aware of enabling a firewall yourself?18:16
=== voidmain{} is now known as voidmain_
zgrIs there any other command except "unity --reset" to restart unity without resetting compiz settings?18:17
jpkping from window side is Pacekts: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)18:18
SupYoshiis there any other way to get it? :P18:18
urlin2uzgr, compiz --replace  restarts compiz18:18
robbbieSupYoshi: asterisk?18:18
Travis-43Hi, all of a sudden on my laptop my mouse has stopped working (Ubuntu 11.10). My mouse pointer works, but my trackpad doesn't. My right click for the pointer works, but not the left click. And neither right nor left click for the trackpad works. any thoughts?18:18
robbbieSupYoshi: i installed from standard ubuntu repos.. its like 1.6.x branch though18:18
robbbieSupYoshi: you could always install from source but then when it comes to update you will have to update from source as well18:19
jpkSo kyentei you believe a port is blocked on my modem?18:19
kyenteijpk: I was thinking on your ubuntu machine.18:19
owenllChotaz: Pan is in the Ubuntu Software Centre18:19
jpkSo any idea how to unblock it?18:19
kyenteijpk: Does "sudo ufw status" show "Inactive"?18:19
sstajpk: modem?  THe machines aren't on the same network?18:19
jpkyes to the sudo ufw status18:20
kyenteissta: I reckon they are. Or would he be running from his neighbour's house to his own and back?18:20
jpkIt responds inactive18:20
kyenteijpk: Okay, so they can ping and there is no firewall blocking18:21
vikrammy pendrive showing msg write protected ...... any solution ?18:21
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kyenteijpk: The configuration of ssh shows it is indeed set to listen on 2222.18:21
kyenteijpk: if you execute "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart" - do you get any errors?18:21
jpkI'm not sure about the firewall blocking. Does anyone know how to tell?18:21
epodAnyone know if there's any client to play my google music on linux so I don't have to use my browser?18:22
sstajpk: from the windows machine open a command prompt and type: telnet <ip of ubuntu machine> 222218:22
sstacan it connect, or do you get connection refused?18:22
jpkI don't see any errors running sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart18:23
owenllepod: Nuvola http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/ubuntu-integrated-cloud-music-player-nuvola-sees-new-release-adds-lucid-support/18:24
bfrineed help installing a boot loader on my puppy version of ubuntu18:24
epodowenll: thanks!18:24
sstabfri: try a puppylinux channel maybe?18:24
jpkAt a command window I typed telnet <ipaddress of ubuntu>2222 and get SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-7ubuntu1 and then the cursor just sits on the next line.18:26
robbbiejpk: works.18:26
sstajpk: that's fine then...there's no forewall18:26
sstafirewall even18:26
jpkNow I got Connection to host lost.18:26
jonneso nobody knows why firefox and chrome would suddenly try to open flash movies in totem instead of flash player?18:26
sstayeah, that's fine18:26
vikrammy pendrive showing msg write protected ...... any solution ?18:26
sstajpk: did you work out how to pastebin?18:26
kyenteijpk,ssta: The issue probably lies within FileZilla now?18:27
jpkNo, I'm new to this and need directions.18:27
sstakyentei: yes, probably18:27
epodowenll: perfect, thanks.  a bit clunky with the web interface, but it works!18:27
mksogdnei install ubuntu studio in ubuntu  but its not working ?18:27
sstajpk: on the *windows* machine, point a browser ro http://pastebin.ubuntu.com18:28
sstajpk: now, copy the error messages (in fact the whole output) from filezilla into the box there18:28
sstaand tell us the URL it gives18:28
=== Johan is now known as Guest12435
jonneok, i used the manage plugins thing in firefox18:30
jpkOk I have the pastebin.ubuntu.com. What do I fill in for Poster?18:30
jonneswitched it from flash player to flash installer18:30
kyenteijpk: your irc username18:30
ssta"jpk" seems like a good try18:30
jpkOk I used the pastebin.18:31
sstaI really don't understand why they made that mandatory18:31
sstaokay, what's the URL it sent you to?18:31
jpkDid anyone get the text?18:31
sstayou need to tell us the URL18:32
MonkeyDustjpk  now copy the url and paste that here18:32
bfrissta: that channel is no help18:32
SupYoshiif i use the source18:32
SupYoshiand later add the repistory18:32
sstasomeone needs to make a video on how to use a pastebin18:32
SupYoshican i still update it with the repistory then?18:32
sstabfri: well, that's a shame18:32
bfrissta: there just isn't anyone there18:32
=== bfri is now known as stay
sstajpk: well, a few things....Is your username on the ubuntu machine "anonymous"?18:34
jpkDid that work MonkeyDust?18:34
sstaand is your windows firewall on?18:34
sstaand try putting the IP address of the machine rather than "lynx"18:34
jpkProbably not. Where do I find it logged in now?18:34
sstathey aren't on the same network then?18:35
sstalynx is on the internets18:35
ssta184.x.x.x is NOT in 1918 space18:35
jpkI guess my username is in the upper right conner18:35
ai9371Im trying to set up the visual Ndiswrapper thing18:36
sstayou'll have to configure your modem/router to forward the packets in to the ubuntu machine18:36
ai9371what do i need to download so I can put Visual NDISWRAPPER onto a zip drive18:36
ai9371camon guys18:36
ai9371how could 15555 ubuntu users not know anything about ndiswrapper18:37
robbbieai9371: i've used ndiswrapper18:37
arkaddre(Really, a zip drive? Those things haven't click-of-death-ed away a decade ago?)18:37
aeon-ltdai9371: woah only about 40 are actively reading questions here18:37
sstajpk: we're already way beyond "ubuntu help".  Do you have any friends who are good with computers/networks?  THis is something that's not easy to do over IRC imo18:37
zykotick9ai9371: perhaps they know to by hardware with better gnu/linux support ;)18:37
robbbieai9371: do you have a b43xx card or something?18:38
ai9371perhaps there smart enough to not call them selved zychotic18:38
ai9371i used to call myself psykodelike18:38
ai9371not im older and more intelligent and call myself positive thingws18:38
robbbieai9371: either way, i wouldn't go with the "visual" tool w/e that is, i had a laptop that had a b43xx nic, required ndiswrapper/b43-fwcutter etc18:38
ai9371OK my point exactly 15000 ubuntu users and there all freking wrong18:39
aeon-ltdwoah again only about 40 people are listening/reading18:39
arkaddreAlso, "there all freking wrong" is priceless18:39
arkaddre*They're all freaking wrong18:39
aeon-ltdsorry for derailing18:39
jpkNo not really but thats ok.18:40
rumpe1Hello, #ubuntu. I have a really strange bug. On my eee my touchpad/usb-mouse _only_ works, if I connect my usb-printer (even if it isn't powered on). I thought maybe the usb is somehow damaged, but any other device (webcam, cardreader, thumbdrive) works. Has anyone an idea how to fix that?18:40
Sidewinder1Gotta' love it. ;-)18:40
golixohi guys18:41
ai9371so how do i transport ndiswrapper18:41
jpkI did set a password in Desktop Sharing Preferences. What is the difference with this verses using my ubuntu log on?18:41
ai9371on a zip drive18:41
aeon-ltdai9371: why?18:41
robbbieai9371: uhm, cp the source to the zip drive maybe??18:41
ai9371becasue i dont want to move myu entiere computer to hook it up to the wire18:42
ai9371isnt there like a GUI ndiswrapper thing18:42
ai9371where you just tell it the name of the freking windows driver18:42
ai9371and ther ya go18:42
MonkeyDust!info gpointing-device-settings | rumpe118:42
ubotturumpe1: gpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 62 kB, installed size 600 kB18:42
rumpe1MonkeyDust, thanks, will look into that18:42
golixoI've installed ubuntu 11.10 on asus x53sc but the wireless card don't work, and I don't know how install the nvidia gt 520mx driver. Can you help me please?18:43
SupYoshiif i install with the source?18:43
SupYoshiand I wanna update later by adding the repistory18:43
SupYoshiwill i be able too?18:43
corp769ai9371: no, sorry, there is no GUI interface for ndiswrapper18:43
arkaddreai9371: I really don't complain about others' spelling on IRC, but if you're going to try the complain-about-quality-of-help-repeatedly route, I just want to point out that your spelling is painfully atrocious.18:43
ai9371glixo.. you have to use ndiswrapper18:43
aeon-ltdai9371: ndisgtk18:43
jpkssta still with me?18:43
sstajpk: I'm still here18:43
aeon-ltdai9371: last time i used it was 7.10 - 8.04 , back it wasn't great either that or the netgear drivers i was using sucked18:43
aeon-ltdai9371: https://launchpad.net/ndisgtk/+download18:44
ai9371so if i just download ndiswrapper from the sourforge18:44
ai9371that should be all i need to get it going?18:44
ai9371i just use bash18:44
ai9371screw the gui18:44
golixoai9371 thank you, and for nvidia driver?18:44
ai9371but i dont want to have to load it everytime18:44
ai9371ubuntu has generiv nvidia drivers18:45
FlutJosi73we need to e registered to use ubuntu ?18:45
jpkWhat should I be using here. I set up the Desktop Sharing Preferences. Is that the passord I use for FileZilla?18:45
MonkeyDust!enter| ai937118:45
ubottuai9371: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:45
ai9371bad habit sorry already18:45
jpkWhat do you use the Desktop Sharing with?18:45
ai9371maybe i will start spelling correctly and stop hitting enter so much ..18:46
golixoai9371 but with generic driver I can't switch from intel gpu to nvidia gpu18:46
sstajpk: no, use your login password18:46
danilo84GUYS i need help !!!18:46
arkaddreyou do ???18:46
danilo84actualy :18:46
FlutJosi73mental or phsical ?18:46
jpkOk, I'll use that and give it a try. Is this the best place to get help for newbies to ubuntu?18:47
corp769danilo84: Instead of yelling at us that you need help, could you kindly tell us your problem?18:47
robbbiejpk: best place is google and ubuntu forums :)18:47
zykotick9robbbie: s/google/duckduckgo/ ;)18:48
FlutJosi73can anyone tell me how to remove all effects from unity 2D ?18:48
jpkI thought this was the ubuntu forum?18:48
danilo84I have problem with screen before login screen and after clicking shutdown button18:48
aeon-ltdjpk: no this is irc18:48
danilo84It is jut BLUR18:48
robbbiezykotick9: first i've seen of this18:48
jpkWhere is the ubuntu forums?18:48
aeon-ltdjpk: http://ubuntuforums.org/18:48
robbbiejpk: this is just an IRC channel :)18:49
bastidrazorFlutJosi73: install compizconfig-settings-manager then start unchecking18:49
aeon-ltdNO THIS IS PATRICK!18:49
jpkOk, thank you all for helping.18:49
zykotick9bastidrazor: unity2d uses compiz?18:49
FlutJosi73bastidrazor: thankyou18:49
bastidrazorzykotick9: it seems to on mine.18:49
FlutJosi73bastidrazor: unity 2d uses compiz ?18:49
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
FlutJosi73i thought it was qt18:50
StepNjumpfor some WEIRD reason, when my TB extHDD is connected on my ubuntu usb liveCD, the extHDD will prevent the system to boot up at the BIOS level in the USB controllers section. I guess it's not really a linux question... but I can tell you it's partitionned in NTFS. Would it be best to partition it in ext?18:50
zykotick9bastidrazor: sorta makes the 2d a lie doesn't it ;)18:50
aeon-ltdFlutJosi73: kde uses qt as standard, gnome - gtk18:50
FlutJosi73yeah but why does unity use snl-qt18:50
FlutJosi73unity 2D *18:50
trismunity-2d uses metacity18:50
FlutJosi73damn it, getting right info is so damn hard18:51
corp769StepNjump - have a look at your bios options, and make sure that your disc drive boots before anything else18:51
FlutJosi73it's all over the place18:51
FlutJosi73anyway thank you bastidrazor i'll try it out18:51
urlin2uStepNjump, you get a hang at the hit f12 option?18:51
StepNjumpwell corp769, it's set up right now to boot up from the usb pendrive... The only other settings related to that in the BIOS options (very limited) is pretty much activate/deactivate plug and play...18:52
StepNjumpno past that urlin2u18:53
StepNjumpI can F1 in.. (for me it's F1 for the BIOS settings) urlin2u18:53
corp769it also might be that the external hard drive is conflicting at boot.... since both devices are USB18:53
urlin2uStepNjump, the f12 function is after that and for a boot from menu. I have a sdhc card that some times holds up there if it seems like its not being read in general.....it is a ntfs, but I doubt that is the problem.18:55
urlin2uStepNjump, have you checked the TB HD fragmentation?18:55
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
StepNjumpurlin2u: ok... No I haven't checked the fragmentation.. Must be a mess.. It's full at 85% urlin2u18:56
Jordan_UStepNjump: If there is a problem with the BIOS then it has nothing to do with filesystems (or even partitions). BIOS is a very simple interface which knows nothing about the content of disks other than to load their first sector for boot code.18:57
StepNjumpcorp769: I cannot set up the disc drives to boot up first because I need the liveUSB... Maybe it would boot up just fine with my normal system setup18:57
zykotick9StepNjump: if you drive is "full" without using all space, check your inode usage with "df -i"18:57
StepNjumpzykotick9: ok.. I never heard of that switch.. it has to be under what kind of %18:58
zykotick9StepNjump: BTW only applies to unix filesystems (not MS ones)18:58
StepNjumpok.. and what do I look for zykotick9 .. for instance here in this system I'm full at 23% but Inode reading is 8%18:59
zykotick9StepNjump: then inodes is NOT the issue then.  Good luck.19:00
StepNjumpk thanks19:01
StepNjumpbtw zykotick9 a friend of mine told me to NEVER boot up a system and later on hook up a drive whilst it's up and running (hot pluggin), es la verdad?19:01
Jordan_UStepNjump: That only applies to drives which aren't hot-pluggable. USB drives are hot-pluggable by design.19:04
zykotick9StepNjump: what sort of drive?  USB should be fine.19:04
ubuntuguys i found a gnome3 solution !!19:04
=== ubuntu is now known as Success
ircdeariaWhat is the path used in this distribution for storing game data files?  e.g. for gentoo linux each game has its own directory in /usr/share/games/.  I'm collecting notes for each distro so that I can collect a list of all possible paths to make sure to look in each of them for a particular game.19:04
zykotick9ircdearia: /usr/local/games is popular to use19:05
Success$ sudo ln -s /etc/xdg/menus/gnome-applications.menu /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu19:05
Successlet me go try unity brb19:05
StepNjumphe freaked me out about me possibly loosing my superblock if I don't know what I am doing... mmm kind of scared the .. out of me. Jordan_U zykotick919:05
StepNjumpbut yet, this guy uses slackware so maybe it's not as advanced as ubuntu???19:06
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
llutzStepNjump: its more the user, not the distro19:08
urlin2uStepNjump, you know about the safely remove drive right click eh?19:09
letkamohello guys, do u have any idea where i can find route : applications>accessories>terminal   ?19:10
mang0!ssh > mang019:10
ubottumang0, please see my private message19:10
Oerletkamo ctrl + alt + T19:12
letkamocheers :)19:12
StepNjumpsorry urlin2u I was on ham radio.. you mean eject the drive in nautilus?19:13
crassusHow do we set Thunderbird's Lightning as the default Calendar app in Ubuntu 11.10? I go to System Settings>System Info and under Calendar, the only option is gedit?19:14
urlin2uStepNjump, there is also a remove safely there as well with a usb19:14
=== ar0nic is now known as marowanna
urlin2uStepNjump, eject and the other are probably safe I use the safe option.19:14
StepNjumpmmmm no urlin2u which one is that??? I always press the up arrow there next to the drive's icon in nautilus or I do umount at the CLI19:15
=== Breakthru is now known as Break
nofretetehello again. ubuntu 11.0 and bcm4311 wifi. If the restricet driver is marked as installed/active, there's no wlan0 device. If it is marked as uninstalled/inactive, the wlan0 device shows up (but is missing firmware). How to I get my wifi working?19:15
urlin2uStepNjump, right click menu19:15
magnus___Hello ppl! I did something stupid. I tried to clear the error.log in my apache2-folder by deleting it, and recreating it. Now when I restart apach2e it says "Unable to open logs [fail]". Anyone knows if this can be fixed? I would like to be able to see errors on the server :)19:15
=== Break is now known as MBreak
StepNjumpI was told to mount it without the sync for safety's sake urlin2u, however, it'd be slower19:15
urlin2uStepNjump, sync?19:16
StepNjumpI'm sorry urlin2u, which menu?19:16
urlin2uStepNjump, right click the usb in nautilus=home19:16
StepNjumpyes something to that effect but I don't fully remember. I'll have to look into my logs, which i will do later on19:16
urlin2uor the icon in general19:17
StepNjumpmmm let me check urlin2u19:17
StepNjumpIt says unmout? urlin2u19:17
MBreakhi all. I'd like to NAT some port to the kvm virtual machine. Where should I look?19:17
urlin2uStepNjump, you have the usb in fstab?19:17
StepNjumpbut I figured this is the same as pressing the top arrow like the play button in naut19:17
StepNjumpyes urlin2u ... it's there19:18
StepNjumpthe other day though I got scared because I could see the drive in fdisk -l but then it wouldn't mount up in nautilus.. , which opened a full fledge debate on the question19:18
urlin2uStepNjump, that is why you only see unmount. I never put my hot pluggable usb's in fstab they will show on boot or plugging without that.19:19
cozmoohow can i see who is currently connected to my pptp server?19:19
StepNjumpanyway, if you guys tell me it's safe.. it's safe.. Should have no problems... I hope19:19
pehdenamaranth isnt here.... wow been a while19:20
StepNjumpoh no urlin2u, I didn't add it to fstab... let me check if it's there now... I figured it must be in there19:20
StepNjumpoh yes i know what you mean... no I never manually added them there either urlin2u19:21
=== jwheare_local_ is now known as jwheare_local
atxqwhat are some good tools to send emails through the cli?19:21
llutzatxq: mutt, mailx, mail-utils19:21
bastidrazoratxq: sendmail19:21
StepNjumpis ext4 safer or a previous ver of extX safer to use for extHDD to format in or is NTFS ok to use still?19:22
urlin2uStepNjump, not sure what version of ubuntu your using...as far as not seeing a remove safely, but I suspect eject is good enough, if the is data transfer withi t you would get a popup.19:22
atxqthanks llutz, bastidrazor19:22
urlin2uthere is*19:22
mobodois there a way to find out wich process is connected to which ip address?  I can see from my router that I'm connected to a certain ip address that I don't recognize yet I'm now sure which process is connected...19:22
StepNjumpIt totally puzzles me that we can cheat ntfs to use MSFT non valid characters in the filenames19:23
StepNjumpright... I think you are right...! I'm just overly cautious19:23
llutzmobodo: lsof -i19:23
mobodollutz: thanks!19:23
StepNjumpmy learning curve has been somewhat costly on linux so far.. i guess nothing of value comes for free~19:24
urlin2uStepNjump, the partition type is a personal choice both are equally safe if maintained I think, it is more of where do you plan to plug it.19:24
urlin2uStepNjump, I have a 2tb usb I left it as ntfs I use it with the windows OS I use about 1% of the time.19:25
StepNjumpWell I know on windows, I've had to ctrl alt del out of there numerous times with the drives still plugged in and was always pretty much lucky so far... But I was told this is a no-no on *nixes19:26
varikonniemihello, i cannot seem to find how to set active corners?19:26
varikonniemiit was available in 11.04, but not in 11.10 ?19:26
StepNjumpOk no worries urlin2u... llutz told me the same thing yesterday so that confirms. Sorry llutz didnt mean to doublecheck... it just started with a small question at first.. lol19:27
arkaddreStepNjump: as far as characters in the filename, Win32 has some limitations that NTFS per se doesn't19:27
arkaddre(e.g. ":", etc)19:27
urlin2uStepNjump, best thing to do is have a backup if you can't loose it, HD's are cheap, at last if you have the money.19:27
StepNjumpjust windoze OS won't allow us to use em... I like those special characters here in linux?! pretty cool indeed.19:28
llutzHDs _had been_ cheap :(19:28
D_Russhello everyone!19:29
arkaddreWill be again in a month or two, presumably. Production largely restarted early/mid December19:29
StepNjumpI heard on the news they should start going back up in the near future due to something that happened to Thailand last year19:29
StepNjumpso get them now!19:29
llutzarkaddre: remains to be seen19:29
StepNjumpThe next one will be a network pluggable one. Those must be sweet19:29
arkaddreStepNjump: "something", most massive flooding in about 70 years19:29
D_Russhow do i take ownership of an esata connected HDD that has only xbmc live installed on it. i would like to reformat it and use it as a network share.19:31
mishuganaI upgraded my old computer from 10.04 to 10.10 and it worked fine. then from 10.10 to 11.04 and now my computer wont boot into X at all. I think it has something to do with me having nvidia TNT2 video card. Does anyone know the correct route to fix this or can point me in the right direction.19:31
arkaddreAlso, prices already spiked, months ago: http://camelegg.com/product/N82E1682214869719:32
zyltoiddoes ubuntu have a kernel that supports the macbook pro 2011 wireless drivers OOTB?19:32
arkaddre(to StepNjump)19:32
StepNjumparkaddre: I didn't see that on the news.. when did this happen??? I'm either dumb or clueless or both19:33
StepNjumpoh good luck mishugana I never figured that one out... I gave up and reinstalled!19:33
StepNjumpthanks arkaddre for the link19:34
arkaddreFlooding actually began a while before October (see spike timing), but gradually came in from the north, monsoon season so I understand19:35
KinG`PiNIs enabling port 113 forwarding safe?19:35
mishuganaha, i know there are people who have done it, i think i even needed to figure it out for 10.04 a while back19:35
arkaddrehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Thailand_floods#Flooding_timeline has details19:35
=== pehden_ is now known as pehden
StepNjumpI was told to never upgrade! Don't know why this function hasn't been perfected since mishugana19:36
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
StepNjumpit's a void main () function mishugana .. I would stay away from it as much as you can!19:37
StepNjumpor you know what.. mishugana19:37
StepNjumpwhy don't you try to reset your gnome from the TTY and see what happens!19:37
StepNjumpand please let me know how it works for you.... results may vary. Not available in all states19:38
StepNjumpmishugana: do you know how to reset your gnome?19:38
StepNjumparkaddre: is it possible? 124$ for a bare internal HDD!!!!! wow!19:39
paul_ukhey all, has anyone ever had the situation where their 2TB hd reported itself as a 1TB hd?  #19:39
paul_ukOr does anyone know of any linux utilities that I can do a lowlevel scan of my HD and pull of files from it?19:40
arkaddreStepNjump: well to briefly quote that Wikipedia article: "Thailand is the world's 2nd largest producer of hard disk drives accounting for approximately 25% of the world's production.[71] Many of the factories that make hard disk drives have been flooded, including Western Digital's, leading some industry analysts to predict future worldwide shortages of hard disk drives.[72][73]"19:40
aaschezIs it advisable to have separate /boot/ partition for desktop installation?19:41
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
pawan_tejwaniI want to run ubuntu 11.10 without GUI in VM as local webserver, how can I disable GUI. Thanks.19:41
unknownHaving a problem, after installing wine in ubuntu 11.10, the fonts in my webbrowser is messed up19:41
paul_ukdoes anyon e know if there is a data recovery chan here?19:41
llutz!alis | paul_uk19:42
ubottupaul_uk: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:42
paul_ukyeah list is useless on xchat19:42
arkaddrepaul_uk: doesn't xchat have a filtering window?19:44
arkaddreby channel name, description, # users...19:44
paul_ukarkaddre, at this point im freaking out about my data19:44
paul_ukOr does anyone know of any linux utilities that I can do a lowlevel scan of my HD and pull of files from it?19:44
paul_ukhey all, has anyone ever had the situation where their 2TB hd reported itself as a 1TB hd?  #19:44
unknownHaving problem with fons in webbrowser after installing wine??19:44
arkaddreA laudable sentiment but entirely distictinct from the claim you're making about xchat. (I can't help with the HDD thing directly, unfortunately.)19:45
=== MBreak is now known as Breakthru
icerootunknown: is that a question?19:46
unknownHaving problem with fonts in webbrowser after installing wine??19:46
iceroot!nox | pawan_tejwani19:47
ubottupawan_tejwani: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode19:47
helo1Is there anybody that would like to help a newbie with strange installproblems?19:47
cloudgeekhow write this in c++19:47
arkaddrecloudgeek: go to ##c++ or whatever their channel name is19:47
iceroot!revocer | paul_uk19:47
cloudgeekthey are not telling19:47
iceroot!recover | paul_uk19:47
cloudgeekmaking fun of me19:47
ubottupaul_uk: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:47
pawan_tejwanithanks ubottu :)19:47
rzecI have follow the guides for setting up LDAP and LDAP Client Authentication however when I run id john (john being the uid of the ldap user) I don't get any information, I am not sure why the ldap authentication is not working and not sure how to go about debugging it19:47
pangolincloudgeek: be patient.19:48
arkaddreSo you pick some channel about an OS instead?19:48
icerootcloudgeek: this channel is not for c++19:48
paul_ukthanks iceroot19:48
cloudgeeki said i am new19:48
cloudgeekthen only19:48
cloudgeekbut many ubuntu  guys know well c++19:48
iceroot!ot | cloudgeek19:48
ubottucloudgeek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:48
helo1Is there anybody that would like to help a newbie with strange installproblems?19:49
iceroot!details | helo119:49
ubottuhelo1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:49
arkaddreiceroot:: is there a list of those triggers? Looks handy.19:49
icerootrzec: os "getent apsswd" showing your ldap-users?19:49
iceroot!factoids | arkaddre19:49
ubottuarkaddre: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:49
=== Chris_ is now known as LeroyR91
limeagepawan_tejwani, or you can  start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD to make webserver without x.org and other stuff19:50
rzeciceroot:, that just show the accounts in the passwd file, my ldap account is not there19:50
cloudgeekthanks it is nice to have a newbie19:51
cloudgeekso guys19:51
cloudgeekmake lauch of tem19:51
helo1ok...I try to install linux  but get I just get "no root file system is defined". I have a partition with ntfs ant a couple ext3. The one I was trying to install to is the one with most space on. I want to keep the files I have so a reformat or delete of partition is out of the question. could it be some sort of logical partition problem? Help pease!19:51
icerootrzec: then your system/pam is not using ldap for further users19:51
pawan_tejwanilimeage: Sure, but problem is other operators need GUI to operate the system. I just need vi. Thanks.19:51
icerootrzec: because "getent passwd" will read your local passwd and ldap19:52
pangolincloudgeek: we are not making fun of you, we are telling you that this channel does not support c++. ask in ##c++ and be patient.19:52
rzeciceroot: when I do : pam-auth-update : both unix and LDAP have * next to them19:52
rzecicerrot: shouldn't that mean it will look at ldap too?19:52
icerootrzec: any hints in /var/log/auth.log or /var/log/syslog? something like "cant contact ldap-server"19:53
icerootrzec: can you see the user with "ldapsearch uid=username"?19:53
helo1Has anybody heard of "no root file system is defined" when you try to choose the partition to install to?19:54
iceroothelo1: you set the partition-layout by hand?19:55
g0thHi, when I try to playback a 2s .ogg (or also .mp3) file the behaviour is quite strange and bad: either I don't hear anything, or I hear the sound but at a very low volume, or I hear everything correctly.  The behaviour is the same for paplay, mplayer, vlc. any ideas? my guess is buggy audio driver (I19:55
g0th have hda-intel, realtek C888). It seems to always work if pulse is already playing something at the same time.19:55
helo1iceroot: yes I did, ones but I dont remember how I did it....19:56
iceroothelo1: then the error is telling you waht is missing19:57
iceroothelo1: why not let ubuntu create the layout?19:58
thinkstuis there anyway to find the root document remotly19:58
eokihi there, i have installed postfix from source on ubuntu server 11.10. (i have done this because of a special patch for postfix than i need) all things work but there is no auto start-up at boot. i have to manually start with the command "postfix start". is there a way to get postfix start at boot?19:59
helo1iceroot:  I have already  a lot of files on my computer and cant let ubuntu change the patitions and loose the files...19:59
helo1iceroot: I tryed to install linux  but get I just get "no root file system is defined". I have a partition with ntfs ant a couple ext3. The one I was trying to install to is the one with most space on. I want to keep the files I have so a reformat or delete of partition is out of the question. could it be some sort of logical partition problem?20:00
Woetwhere can i find a list of ubuntu releases and which debian version they are based on?20:00
Aliv3i fixed gnome 3 but unity is still broke20:01
iceroothelo1: create a partition and set the mountpoint to /20:01
icerootWoet: always debian sid20:01
Aliv3ive tried a ton of solutions reinstall purge reboot install reboot reset reset icons20:01
Woeticeroot: yes, and how do i know which one that was at the time of 10.04?20:02
Aliv3unity dash isnt showing my applications20:02
LinuX2halfI'm trying to activate my swap parition and when I type in command none, it can't be found, wh. What should I do next?at should I do next?20:02
Aliv3and lens places is missing20:02
llutzWoet: sid is always sid20:02
icerootWoet: always sid20:02
icerootWoet: there is no version for sid20:02
eokihi there, i have installed postfix from source on ubuntu server 11.10. (i have done this because of a special patch for postfix than i need) all things work but there is no auto start-up at boot. i have to manually start with the command "postfix start". is there a way to get postfix start at boot?20:02
kingfisher64i'm just installing ubuntu 11.10 (2nd time today) as after installing a piece of software the purple grub boot installer is replaced with this debian boot installer (background image is space). I click to load into ubuntu as normal and the next screen is just black/blank. Could someone give me advice on how to solve this? Many thanks20:02
xtreamerAliv3: try in the terminal sudo unity --reset20:02
Aliv3the main reason i like unity is how the menu strips go to the top, its really nice :)20:02
Aliv3unity --reset is broke now20:03
stowodaI am using ubuntu 11.10. How to find out if my graphics-card drivers are installed properly?20:03
Woeticeroot / llutz: so /etc/debian_version on ubuntu wouldnt tell me whether it's debian 4, 5 or 6?20:03
xtreamerstowoda: go to the system settings menu20:03
llutzWoet: no, sid is unstable and always sid, no version number20:03
icerootWoet: have a look at debian.org what debian sid is20:03
rzeciceroot: I can't run that because I aparentally forgot the ldap, any tips of resetting it?20:04
stowodaxtreamer, and then?20:04
Woetllutz / iceroot: odd, directadmin docs say thats how you should check - http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=32320:04
xtreameradditional drivers20:04
LinuX2halfA guide told me to activate my swap partition after resizing my primary partition and now the "none" command won't be recognized.20:04
Aliv3omg lol iv done it a million times already and it finally worked, xtreamer your magic i guess ty vm20:04
xtreamernp man20:04
helo1iceroot: is there a good program to see what I have already mounted on my partitions? like wich one is currently the root partition?20:05
Aliv3when can i close the terminal?20:05
iceroothelo1: df20:05
xtreamerstowoda: you click on additional drivers and you should be prompted if your video driver is uptodate20:05
xtreameraliv3: type exit20:05
Aliv3didnt do anything20:05
xtreamertype again20:05
helo1iceroot: thanks but is it one form windows 7?20:05
Aliv3^C ?20:06
iceroothelo1: ?20:06
Aliv3exit [ENTER] right?20:06
llutzWoet: so what?20:06
Aliv3doesnt do anything just gives me another blank line20:06
Woetllutz: so they are wrong :)20:06
xtreamerwell, don't you have a close button round there?20:06
helo1iceroot: is it a good program to see the mounted filesystems in windows 7 enviroment?20:07
icerootWoet: again, there is no debian version you can compare to ubuntu, its ALWAYS debian sid20:07
iceroothelo1: i dont know something like that for windows20:07
iceroothelo1: df is a linux command20:07
kingfisher64does the gnome desktop program cause the grub boot installer to load as debian (space theme). I'd really appreciate some help as i've installed ubuntu twice today both times after installing/configuring lots of programs the boot just won't load. Anybody?20:07
stowodaxtreamer, no proprietary driver..20:07
xtreamerstowoda, come again, what are you trying to do?20:08
LinuX2halfStrange as it might sound, there's an option appear during Ubuntu splash screen where it displays a UUID where it states that it's not present or not mounted. Then give me a manual recovery option.20:08
helo1iceroot: ok. a good program for resizing partitions witout fiels to be lost?20:08
Aliv3meh i just redid it in a ctrl alt f220:08
LinuX2halfWhat does this mean?20:08
iceroothelo1: a backup + gparted20:08
Aliv3yay now i have unity/gnome3/kde20:08
iceroot!gparted | helo120:08
ubottuhelo1: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:08
Aliv3bye thanks xtreamer20:08
xtreameryour welcome aliv320:08
ratfurysomeone here who gave maqetta a try?20:08
coreGrlhow can I know which module is used by my wireless card?20:09
coreGrlI've a notebook and I want to disable it20:09
helo1ubottu:iceroot: thanks!!20:09
stowodaxtreamer, want to find out if my graphics card is installed properly..20:09
=== andy_ is now known as Guest74404
ratfury@coregrl disable it by hardware switch20:10
icerootcoreGrl: the network-manager is showing the modul if you click on "show network informations" in the applet (nm-applet)20:10
golixohi guys20:10
xtreamerwell if you've opened additional drivers and it didn't said anything about your graphics card that means it is already installed20:10
golixoI've a notebook with a wireless network adapter: intel centrino wireless-n 100... the devices doesn't work, how do I get to install it?20:11
stowodaxtreamer, hmm. ok if you say so. thx20:11
new2pupwhy does my puppy run slow when opening the browswer20:12
xtreamerstowoda : try system settings -> system info -> graphics. :)20:13
per0hello where i need to put file that will run after resume or hibernate?20:13
xtreamernew2pup : you should try chromium wich is much faster20:14
xtreamerthan the default browser20:14
new2pupxtreamer, i'm using puppy ubuntu with 512 ram you think that's enough20:14
xtreamer:)) that shouldn't make problems when opening the browser20:15
stowodaxtreamer, driver: unknown20:15
tacitHey just helping out an Ubuntu user who installed openSUSE and wiped his Ubuntu grub code in the MBR. Does Ubuntu install the boot code into the partiion containg / or /boot filesystems by default for purposes of chainload?20:15
xtreamerstowoda: that means you don't have any driver installed20:15
xtreamerstowoda: go to the update manager and click check20:15
paulsomebodyCan anyone provide me with any help regarding finding out what went wrong with the my Wine? I was running Dungeons of Dredmor, but it stopped working after a crash, giving a error message when I try to launch: "wine: Unhandled exception 0xc000000d at address 0x510c95 (thread 0009), starting debugger...". Complete reinstallation of both Wine and Dredmor did not help. Any advice?20:16
xtreamerstowoda: it should find a driver for your graphics card, else you should search a driver for it on google20:16
stowodaxtreamer, all right. thx20:16
lucastorrihello there, I just installed 10.04 LTS on a linode server, and saw that there is an old version of haproxy on the repos (compared to newer releases). Is there a safe way to udpate it?20:17
StepNjumpI'd like to run photorec but their website says it is good for EXT2/EXT3 though everybody recommends me to give it a shot.. Supposedly they tried it themselves...20:18
StepNjumpMaybe many, many moons ago!20:18
robbbieStepNjump: i had a large array fail, ext4 and was able to recover the data with photorec basically doing a rawread of the filesystem20:19
JasonGriffeeHow can I resolve choppy video from Youtube? I have Flash 10 and use the xorg video driver. I use v11.1020:19
rypervencheStepNjump: Yeah, you can use it.20:20
xtreamerJasonGriffee, did you tried changing the browser?20:20
=== phil__ is now known as sawtell
sawtellhi guys how do i configure my sound?20:20
StepNjumpoh cool robbbie ... Could I just recover mp3 file type only?20:20
JasonGriffeextreamer, both FF and chromium.20:20
sawtelliv looked in sound in hardware and it doesnt see my hardare20:20
robbbieStepNjump: i believe so, photorec is great.20:20
StepNjumpok rypervenche thanks too.. I should have checked in synap before asking here.. I'm tired20:21
xtreamerwell, on youtube it's ok for me, but when i try watching movies it is really slow20:21
StepNjumpthat's what everybody says robbbie I'll give it a shout20:21
per0how to run script after resume?20:21
rypervencheStepNjump: PM20:21
sawtell!ask how do i configure my sound hardware?20:22
ubottusawtell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:22
sawtellits realtec20:22
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Sidewinder1!sound | sawtell20:23
ubottusawtell: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:23
sawtelli know that much from windows20:23
stowodaxtreamer, Intel GMA 4500MHD Dynamic Video card. thats my card. Where to look for drivers vor ubuntu 11.10 ?20:23
xtreamersawtell: you should open update manager and click "CHECK" to see if is there any driver for your sound card20:23
BreakthruHi all. Anyone has had success running a kvm server using nat?20:24
rizzuhHello. I have tried using the 11.12 AMD driver with Gnome Shell, however it completely broke it and I was forced into the 2D Gnome2 interface. I removed it using the instructions here ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver ) but now the login screen is completely garbled with rendering errors.20:24
rizzuhWhat can I do to revert to the default radeon driver?20:24
JasonGriffeextreamer, but it's not for me. I want to fullscreen without a choppy effect.20:25
xtreamerstowoda: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-010512.htm20:25
StepNjumpOK rypervenche20:26
wiggmpkI can not get my sound to work through my laptop speakers using ubuntu 11.10 amd64 gnome 320:26
xtreamerwiggmpk: did you tried updating the drivers using update manager?20:27
wiggmpkcat /proc/asound/version20:27
wiggmpkAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
xtreamerwiggmpk: you can also configure the sound from the volume icon20:27
xtreameri think you just need to select the right output20:28
wiggmpkxtreamer: yes, I am aware, but nothing is configured incorrectly, it was working fine for the last 2 ubuntu versions (11.10 being the current) and then one day, I plugged my headphones in while using banshee, unplugged to watch a video on youtube and it just didnt go back to the speakers20:29
wiggmpkxtreamer: nothing is muted in the gui sound application or alsamixer, and all packages are current20:29
xtreamerso your laptop speaker is working?20:30
wiggmpkxtreamer: yes, it's an asus republic of gamer laptop, so it has bios boot splash animation with a sound played through my speakers, so they still function, just something decided to stop working in the OS20:32
JasonGriffeeHow do I enable 3D acceleration in xorg?20:33
marelHi. Somehow my toolbar at the left will not shrink. What do I do ?20:33
xtreamermarel: the toolbar with the dash home and all other links?20:34
marelxtreamer, yeah20:34
xtreamermarel: in that case you must install compiz config setttings manager20:34
marelxtreamer, how ?20:34
cozmooi need help20:34
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: which video chip?20:34
cozmooi need help20:35
cozmooi need help20:35
go8765can I found some text editor for ubuntu with bookmarks(but not in document. doocument-bookmarks)20:35
xtreamermarel: sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager20:35
cozmoohow can i see who is currently connected to my pptp server?20:35
cozmoohow can i see who is currently connected to my pptp server?20:35
JasonGriffeeActionParsnip: Video Card? ATI Radeon 955020:35
wiggmpk!enter | cozmoo20:36
ubottucozmoo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:36
marelxtreamer, sudo: aptitude: command not found20:36
cozmoohow can i see who is currently connected to my pptp server?20:36
Sagehi, what is the proper channel to ask about ubuntu on omap4 questions?20:36
xtreamermarel: just wait a second20:36
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: you may need an xorg.conf file to set good settings20:37
buffhrcould anyone assist me in mounting a raid array i have on my system that is in ntfs?20:37
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: what is the output of:    lsb_release -sc20:37
cozmoohow can i see who is currently connected to my pptp server?20:37
wiggmpkcozmoo: you need to exercise some patience, allow someone to respond, everyone in this room isnt just here to help you20:37
JasonGriffeeActionParsnip: oneiric20:38
wiggmpkcozmoo: point to point tunneling protocol doesnt usually have a traditional client server relationship, so what do you mean by "on my server"20:38
cozmoohow can i see who is currently connected to my pptp server?20:38
wiggmpkcozmoo: what type of pptp server are you running?20:38
yeats!repeat | cozmoo20:38
ubottucozmoo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:38
cozmoojust mormal pptp20:38
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: may help: http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg/2008-June/036170.html20:39
wiggmpkcozmoo: how are you accomplishing it? are you using a vpn? what software? more info20:39
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: you'll be wrestling xorg.conf til you get a good display20:39
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:40
wiggmpkcozmoo: what version of ubuntu are you using? desktop or headless server?20:40
wildwindCan't get pstools (psresize, pstpps, psnup) to change paper size in my doc. I always get Letter-sized doc on output. Seems that -p -w -h options are ignored. Can someone help?20:40
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?topic=86848.15;wap220:40
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?16969-Radeon-9550-xf86-video-ati-Crash    may help20:42
MonkeyDustcozmoo  if you stay in the public channel, we can all learn and benefit from your problem20:42
JasonGriffeeActionParsnip, how do you suggest I add this? Simply add what is not already there?20:42
buffhrcould anyone assist me in mounting a raid array i have on my system that is in ntfs?20:43
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: its stuff like that, use code samples from those and you ca eventually get a gold20:43
psusibuffhr, is this a fakeraid, or windows software raid?20:43
wiggmpkcozmoo: I still dont understand what exactly you mean.. you want to see in real time, clients that are connected to your VPN?20:45
stowodaxtreamer, http://intellinuxgraphics.org/2011Q4.html <-- there are several components.. should I install all of them?20:46
cozmooi have a vpn20:46
=== winut_ is now known as winut
cozmooi have people connected to it20:46
cozmooi wana see the ip of the people connecting to it20:46
xtreamerstowoda: try the 3d driver20:47
stowodaxtreamer, ok20:47
wiggmpkcozmoo: how do you have your vpn setup? what did you use? what IP are you trying to get, the client ip in the VPN or the clients local ip from their provider20:47
cozmoopreif u give me command ill figure it out man20:49
cozmooits pretty simple20:49
cozmoowhats the command to check connected users?20:49
wiggmpkcozmoo: not to be rude, but if it's so simple, why are you asking?20:49
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wiggmpkcozmoo: depends on what VPN software your using I would suppose20:49
wildwindCan't get pstools (psresize, pstpops, psnup) to change paper size. I always get Letter-sized doc on output. Seems that -p -w -h options are ignored. Can someone help?20:49
rypervenchecozmoo: sudo netstat -plant20:50
llutzcozmoo: sudo netstat -tun|grep 172320:51
shacharHi , what is ubuntu support channel?20:52
skorvok... simple.... but cant find answer... i have 2 arrays (a1[20] and a2[20]) and i want to make a function to sort any array... how do i send the array over [if it was a var it would be function(var)]20:52
xtreamershachar: if you have any problem say it here, there are people that can help you20:53
MonkeyDustshachar  this is the ubuntu support channel20:53
shacharsome 1 here?20:53
hugonickname1557 user, to be exact20:53
xtreamershachar: you already are on the channel, tell us what is the problem20:54
shacharHi , what is ubuntu`s support channel?20:54
hugonicknameshackar, this is it20:54
MonkeyDustshachar  here, you've come to the right place20:54
guntbertshachar: ubuntu is an Operating Sytems for computers, support is where you get help20:55
stowodaxtreamer, if I start to build my drivers and mess sth up. is there a way to "unmake" all I have done ?20:55
stowodaxtreamer, like a system restore point20:55
stowodalike in windows20:55
wiggmpkwould changes made in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf require restarting or could I just use "sudo alsa force-reload"?20:56
xtreamerstwoda you could use the backup option20:56
xtreamerstwoda: system settings-> backup20:56
wiggmpkstowoda: have you tried just using jockey first? to see if your drivers are available already?20:56
rampage73anyone recommend software to take a wmv file and make vob for standard dvd player in ubuntu ?20:56
bullgard6streamripper outputs: "meta interval: 16000." What is the unit of measurement of this number?20:57
xtreamerwiggmpk: his video drivers are not installed yet20:57
stowodawiggmpk, sorry but what is jockey?20:57
MonkeyDustrampage73  ffmpeg can convert video typens20:57
shacharohh i see ..20:57
hugonicknamerampage73, have you tried avidemux?20:57
wildwindbullgard6: ms20:58
shacharhmm , weird one , iv`e updated ubuntu and suddenly all the graphics became very fast and also the touchpad is extremely fast20:58
wiggmpkstowoda: it's "Additional Drivers" in the menu's I believe, you can just hit ALT+F2 and type jockey-gtk (might need gksudo, someone else would know) and it brings up a nice GUI to fetch and install drivers like video card and wireless, etc20:58
hugonicknameanyone knows how that whole “ubuntu officially on tablets” deal is going?20:59
rampage73MonkeyDust, cannot seem to figure out ffmpeg for this particular purpose, i have used it before for avi and mpeg files20:59
infidi got a dvi to hdmi adapter and it works but man the picture on my samsung tv looks terrible. it's at 1920x1080@6hz, which is the best my vid card can do, but the colors look washed out and the font is really fuzzy20:59
rampage73hugonickname, downloaded a while ago have not figured it out yet20:59
xtreamerwiggmpk: i told him to look under system info on the graphics section and he gets: drivers unkown20:59
marelHow do I uninstall .deb package if I don't know it's exact name?20:59
bullgard6wildwind: So this program assumes that the pause time for meta data transmission is 16 s? That much?20:59
xtreamerwiggmpk: so he should try to install the drivers manually20:59
wiggmpkxtreamer: interesting, how is hardware being recognized though21:00
shachari`ve tried updating my graphic card drivers because everything was laggy but now it`s too fast21:00
wildwindbullgard6: yes. not so much IMO21:00
hugonicknamerampage73, on avidemux you have the option to Auto->opticaldisc->dvd21:00
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rampage73hugonickname, hmm let me check21:01
bullgard6wildwind:  Right. Thank you.21:01
ActionParsnipmarel: I'd use:  dpkg -l  | grep  part        change part for some of the name of the app you installed21:01
xtreamerwiggmpk: well, at me I can see what driver is used21:01
wildwindbullgard6: not program assumes, but server announces i think21:01
hugonicknamerampage73, it basically changes your settings for that video you're saving21:01
wiggmpkxtreamer: i would "lspci" and make sure the card is being recognized21:02
stowodawiggmpk, will try that. thx21:02
rampage73hugonickname, thanks will give it a try21:02
marelActionParsnip, I don't can't find this package I've installed, however if I search it it shows that it exists.21:02
ActionParsnipmarel: you will then have the name of the package, you can then use:  sudo apt-get --purge remove name21:03
xtreamerwiggmpk: i didn't think at that, tell him, maybe it will figure out21:03
ActionParsnipmarel: what is the name of the deb you installed?21:03
wildwindso, no one familiar with psnup and booklet printing?21:03
marelI don't know exactly, but it's something with pycharm21:03
wiggmpkxtreamer: i think there is a way to narrow it down with |grep audio or something like that but I dunno21:03
ActionParsnipmarel: try:   dpkg -l | grep charm21:04
marelActionParsnip, I tried this, but I didn't find that package..21:04
Anxi80i am looking for some help with gnucash, everyone in their channel is afk21:04
wiggmpkxtreamer: lol not audio but you know what i mean lol21:04
wiggmpkstowoda: you should open a terminal and use 'lspci' to see that your video card is recognized properly21:05
ActionParsnipmarel: if you run:  history | grep dpkg     does it give a deb name?21:05
cihhan_hi all! im trying to install xen on ubuntu 11.10 as told on this website: http://www.beyondlinux.com/2011/11/02/install-xen-4-1-and-setup-your-cloud-os-on-ubuntu-11-10/  and when i say "virsh version" i get "Cannot extract running Xen hypervisor version" -- any suggestion?21:05
sawtellhi guys is there a .doc to .pdf converter that works on unbuntu??21:05
stowodawiggmpk, this ist my output: http://nopaste.info/index.html21:05
fikushello, my ubuntu version - 11.10 x64. I install into my computer Sun 4 ports card. I find that simple command couldn't run correctly - ping for example. My problem is same as - http://networkbroadcast.co.uk/2011/04/sun-quad-nics-and-x86_64-kernels/. Have anyone shot solution?21:05
sawtell! askhi guys is there a .doc to .pdf converter that works on unbuntu??21:05
guntbertsawtell: libreoffice writer will do it21:06
wildwindsawtell: OOO?21:06
marelActionParsnip, no. Perhaps it wasn't a .deb package..21:06
wiggmpkstowoda: wrong url me thinks lol21:06
marelHow do I uninstall .tar.gz package ?21:07
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wrektjethello i just installed 11.11 and my first question is how do i get a panel going?21:07
ActionParsnipwrektjet: there is no 11.11, there is 11.10 and 11.0421:08
wildwindmarel: how did you install it?21:08
djazzI'm using 10.04 UNR atm, what improvements have been made in 10.10 Netbook Edition?21:08
wrektjetwhopps 11.1021:08
marelwildwind, I don't remember exactly, but I think make install21:08
ActionParsnipmarel: then try:  history | grep apt-get21:08
djazzexcept unity21:08
ActionParsnipdjazz: later kernel, later libs and drivers etc21:09
wildwindmarel: then try make uninstall )21:09
djazzActionParsnip: throught so21:09
djazzit isnt smaller/less consuming then?21:09
djazzmy netbook is 3 years old21:09
marelwildwind, I don't have this package on my computer anymore and don't know it's exact name..21:10
ActionParsnipwrektjet: panel in what way?21:10
ActionParsnipdjazz: largely the same imho21:10
djazzubuntu leaves 2 to 1.5 Gb free space on my 8 Gb SSD21:10
ActionParsnipdjazz: you can uninstall apps you don't use21:11
wrektjetActionParsnip, used to having a panel strip that had 'tabs' for open windows as well as little 'apps' like weather etc21:11
djazzActionParsnip: is that unity lighter than the netbook-laucher thing?21:11
ActionParsnipdjazz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/797583/   3.2Gb used here21:11
wildwindmarel: hard case...21:11
shooreekmarel: uninstal your ubuntu and with all packages21:11
djazzeverything seems very slow atm21:11
ActionParsnipwrektjet: you can tweak gnome3 to look like gnome221:11
ActionParsnipdjazz: could try Lubntu to free up more resources21:12
djazzis there a lighter linux netbook edition?21:12
stowodawiggmpk, sorry: http://nopaste.info/8586462eb5.html21:12
ActionParsnipwrektjet: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/21:12
ActionParsnipdjazz: its just a lighter DE21:12
wrektjetActionParsnip, oh so its not in the dna of gnome-3 i guess i will look into it thnx21:13
yeatsdjazz: 10.04 UNR *is* Unity FYI21:13
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ActionParsnipwrektjet: not in unity session by default21:13
djazzis there Lubuntu with Wubi unstall?21:13
djazzor similar21:13
ActionParsnipdjazz: not sure, I don't use wubi21:13
djazzlike Joli OS or Ubuntu21:14
fikussorry, anyone see my message?21:14
djazzi tried it from a live DVD21:14
wiggmpkstowoda: ok, yeah I see it on line 421:14
djazzit worked great21:14
yeatsfikus: yes - you're visible21:14
ActionParsnipdjazz: I believe its on the CD21:14
wildwindmarel: maybe find and clean by hand: which, configs from man etc.21:14
Odaymllutz, you there?21:14
wiggmpkstowoda: and line 3 hehe, did you try using additional drivers to see if they could be installed easier?21:15
djazzActionParsnip: isnt it possible to just install the LXDE DM?21:15
wrektjethmmm i wonder if i should try to get used to unity or just go back to older look. ill look for a unity tutorial21:15
djazzor whatever it use21:15
ActionParsnipdjazz: absolutely, then just use your gnome apps in lxde ;)21:15
fikus @yeats many thanks  ((21:15
djazzits in the repo?21:15
aBoundwrektjet, Unity isn't that hard to use might take you 30 minutes to an hour.21:15
stowodawiggmpk, You mean: jockey.. If yes, I did with no result21:15
ActionParsnip!info lxde | djazz21:15
ubottudjazz: lxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-4ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB21:15
yeats!purelxde | djazz21:15
djazz36 kB xDD21:15
ubottudjazz: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »21:15
yeatsdjazz: it's a metapackage21:16
djazzty yeats & ActionParsnip21:16
aBound!unity | aBound21:16
ubottuaBound, please see my private message21:16
wiggmpkstowoda: well that sucks, I guess installing the drivers like suggested earlier21:16
djazzLong be Linpus gone from this xDD21:16
wrektjetaBound, how does it work with compiz. i cant even find compiz lol21:16
djazzthats a long apt21:16
stowodawiggmpk, so I need to compile them on my own.. ?21:17
aBoundwrektjet, Unity uses the unity compiz plugin but as of Ubuntu 11.10 compiz is quite wreckless and can break.21:17
wiggmpkstowoda: for 3d acceleration, it would appear so21:17
aBoundwrektjet, Probably cause you don't have the compiz manager installed.21:17
stowodawiggmpk, ok. thx. will try that21:17
wiggmpkstowoda: have fun =)21:18
wrektjetaBound, oh no! thats not good. yes i know was kinda kidding21:18
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djazzusing baobab is important on a small disk xD21:18
stowodawiggmpk, I will I guess :/21:18
sig^hi, what's wrong with archive.ubuntu.org? DL's some 0,1kb/s21:18
wiggmpkstowoda: its not as hard as it may seem and rewarding =)21:18
stowodawiggmpk, Iust before I start. first I have to resolve all the dependencies right?21:19
ActionParsnipwrektjet: could use unity2D, doesn't need or use 3D accel21:19
ActionParsnipsig^: try a different package source21:19
aBoundwrektjet, Possibly when 12.04 LTS is released compiz may be a bit more stable for Unity. But if you want you can install the compiz settings manager in the use of Software Center.21:19
wiggmpkstowoda: probably a good idea21:19
ActionParsnipaBound: its a bit better but I still use LXDE21:19
stowodawiggmpk, ok I am a noob but lets give a try21:19
stowodawiggmpk, thx so far21:19
aBoundActionParsnip, I was on 10.04 LTS last night and I still couldn't get gdm to quit being stuck in the infinite loop. So I went back to 11.10.21:20
wrektjetaBound, ActionParsnip im gonna mess around with my driver bec i have some rrors getting the accelaration to work as the drivers arent getting installed successfully but compiz is a secondary thing im gonna work on primaries thanks a lot21:20
wiggmpkstowoda: everyone starts somewhere, make sure you get all the essential components and packages prior to compiling.. after that its pretty straight forward21:20
aBoundwrektjet, Understood. :P21:20
aBoundwrektjet, Just be wary with unity and compiz you will experience breakage. Read the reviews before installing the compiz settings manager and playing with the plugins.21:21
stowodawiggmpk, I will. Just one thing: http://www.mesa3d.org/install.html .. under prerequisites -> Linux 2.6.28 means the kernel ?21:22
aBoundwrektjet, I know compiz worked flawlessly for me with 10.04 LTS.21:22
russfI have a server with the same device showing TWICE in the mount table, at different locations in the filesystem tree. df is showing different block sizes that correctly reflect the reality that these same-named devices are really two separate devices. Have any of you experts seen anything like this? Here's some evidence:  http://dpaste.com/684120/21:22
wiggmpkstowoda: yes, you can check the kernel your currently running by using "uname -r" in the terminal21:22
wrektjetaBound, yea me too but i finally caved and did a fresh install. compiz was awesome i hope to get it going eventually21:23
aBoundwrektjet, With Linux at times I noticed you can't have the stability with the latest/greatest. Due to latest packages contain breakages/bugs within them.21:23
fikuscould anybody see my message about bad driver for ethernet card with 4 ports manufactured by Sun?21:23
linxehfikus: how long ago did you ask it ?21:24
slugzzzHey all, when I am trying to run a number of my games, I keep getting this error on 10.04 LTS: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found21:24
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linxehfikus: if it was long, chances are it didnt show up. there is a limit to the length of a message21:24
ActionParsnipslugzzz: what version of glibc do you have?21:26
wildwindrussf: was it so right from the AMI or how did you get it?21:26
Surlent777hey; hoping someone can help me figure out some idiocy on the part of Tomboy/Ubuntu One. I have a fresh Kubuntu Oneiric install, and Ubuntu One is installed and working. It also works just as expected on my other Oneiric computer running normal Ubuntu as an upgrade. Basically, Tomboy will download notes, but refuses to attempt an upload, meaning local changes get erased. Any ideas on what I might do?21:26
fikuslinxeh 3-5 minutes ago21:26
ai9371ok hello please help with ndiswrapper21:26
slugzzzActionParsnip, what's the command to check.. I have a feeling it is 4. something.21:26
ai9371I type ndiswrapper -l it says driver installed.. than I do ifconfig and i dont see wlan021:27
aBoundActionParsnip, Doubt I can live without the synapse launcher. lol21:27
ai9371i types modprobe ndiswrapper still nothing happens21:27
russfwildwind: No. We just noticed it. One volume is the initial root volume, the other is another EBS volume we added later.  They both show the same ID that the added volume should have.21:27
mishuganaOk after much trying, (been working for 4 hours now) i cant get 11.10 to work21:27
ActionParsnipaBound: sure you can, as long as you have the ram space to install the app21:27
djazzActionParsnip: installing LXDE... 62% its slooow21:28
ActionParsnipslugzzz: dpkg -l | grep libc621:28
ubuntuhello! is anyone up for helping to recover lost partitions and data? :)21:28
mishuganaor rather, 11.04. I think it is because of nvidia TNT2 which isnt supported21:28
rampage73hugonickname, thanks that worked21:28
russfwildwind: We are using EBSmount to mount volumes that we attach, but I don't think that caused the problem. Perhaps someone here has a different experience.21:28
ActionParsnipdjazz: repos are probably busy, I use apt-fast and its silky smooth. Let it finish now though21:28
hugonicknamerampage73, no problem, I'm glad21:29
xangua!info ndisgtk | ai9371: or you could use ndiswrapper gui21:29
ubottuai9371: or you could use ndiswrapper gui: ndisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (oneiric), package size 20 kB, installed size 864 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)21:29
Surlent777ubuntu: quick note: you may want to change your nick, or you're going to get hilighted an awful lot.21:29
SupYoshigrrrr i hate this repistory, it wotn add as it says its invaled.... deb-src :(21:29
ActionParsnipmishugana: it may use the nvidia-96 but probably wanna stick to the nouveau driver21:29
SupYoshisudo add-apt-repository "deb-src http://packages.asterisk.org/deb `lsb_release -cs` main" can someone try to add this?21:29
=== ubuntu is now known as sptt
spttvery true21:29
mishuganai Tried disabling nouveau and adding nvidia-9621:29
slugzzzActionParsnip: http://www.pasteall.org/2802221:30
mishuganaIt worked fine in 10.04 and 10.1021:30
mishuganai think 11 doesnt support nvidia-96, which might be the thing21:30
mishuganai have an ATI mach32 card from forever ago21:30
ActionParsnipslugzzz: maybe the game needs a later version of that, i'd check on the game website21:31
benyusshello. anybody could to help me please?21:31
ActionParsnipmishugana: later xorg version may be the issue then21:31
slugzzzIs there a later version of glibc?21:31
mishuganayeah, is it easy to downgrade my xorg21:31
djazzhow can i set my CPU to "performance" mode instead of the default "ondemand"?21:31
Surlent777sptt: as far as lost partitions and data, that is an incredible mess. What did you do, and what are you hoping to accomplish? It's been ages since I've been in that situation, but maybe I can help point you in the right direction21:31
ActionParsnipSupYoshi: try:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   and add it manually21:31
jolarenI just installed and configured VPN but when I connect iwth Windows 7 and get connected I have no funtional internet.. what is going on?21:32
djazzhow do i add the applet for cpu freq scaling?21:32
djazzin 10.0421:32
mishuganaits either downgrade xorg and try to work it with 11, or downgrade back down to 10.10 or open up the computer and switch out the nvidia for the ati.21:32
wildwindrussf: didn'd see such a thing. wonder what dd think about /dev/xvdj size? :)21:32
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xanguadjazz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/list-of-application-indicators21:33
SilfenXhello - how do I make ubuntu server use a static IP adress on LAN?21:33
Surlent777benyuss: don't ask to ask; merely ask your question, and if anyone is able to help, someone will start talking to you21:33
djazzxangua: 10.0421:33
djazz"Add to panel..." is greyed out21:33
xanguadjazz: seems like your panel is locked21:34
mishuganaSince the mach32 is probably better than the TNT2 i would probably switch it out if i could even get someone to confirm that 11 will work with it21:35
djazzhow can i change cpu frequency with a command?21:35
mishuganathe computer is for my mom, and she only really uses it for facebook youtube and email. it is already pretty slow.21:36
xangua!cpufreq | mishugana21:36
spttok.. so my problem is-- I was using some kind of weird software to pump an xp installation in an usb drive for my netbook, and im not sure if that was the fault, or something else, but in the middle of process i suddenly got the blue screen of death. i restarted the computer, and all i got on my display was just - "j_" and that's it. then i boot up with ubuntu live cd, couse it usually helps, but this time instead of 3 partitions i have 1 and it's unknown. i21:36
sptt tried testdisk, it finds something, but its messy, and i cant seem to move forward.21:36
xanguasptt: seems like something for ##windows21:36
spttthe weird software was used from W721:36
spttmaybe.. but i find that linux users are more reliable.. :D21:37
Surlent777sptt: well. That's new. I'm still not entirely sure what happened there; were you trying to make a CD-on-USB or were you trying to copy a partition somehow? Also, name of the software?21:37
Surlent777sptt: (trying to rule out virus vs tech error)21:38
mishuganaxangua: what?21:38
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sptti dont remember the name of the sofware, it was just a random one, couse i was trying a couple of them and none really worked. i was making CD to USB.21:39
krambiorixhi guys, i try to install rsync and got following error:  invoke-rc.d: initscript bind9, action "start" failed.21:39
wildwindsptt: my advice is backup first sectors of the drive with dd BEFORE any other action!21:39
retrorexi have been trying to install freemat on hardy. Sorry can't upgrade system becomes too slow . When i do apt-get install freemat. I get Package freemat is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:40
retrorexThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:40
retrorexis only available from another source21:40
retrorexE: Package freemat has no installation candidate. Too lazy to build from source. I have to install qt and all that ...Any help21:40
stowodawhen executing "./configure" I am getting the following output: http://nopaste.info/ff6b549c3e.html  .. it says that  a package is not found but I am getting no error. what now? should I install that xorg-macros?21:40
spttwildwind, i have no idea how to do it.. :/21:40
fikuswrong data byte #54 should be 0x36 but was 0xba21:41
fikus16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f21:41
fikus48 30 31 32 33 34 35 ba cc21:41
FloodBot1fikus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:41
xanguai believe there is a factoid por cpu scaling, mishugana but seems like there is not ir i can¿t remember21:41
Seveasstowoda, what are you trying to install?21:41
Surlent777sptt: if you were just trying to make a bootable USB of an install cd, that sort of thing should never have happened. I'd --yes, listen to wildwind. That's an idea. dd does a direct copy of the physical data, as opposed to logical data. This way, if you can back that up somewhere, you won't risk losing anything that might be there. Try viewing the man page ("man dd") for instructions.21:42
Surlent777sptt: helps if you have a second, unused hard drive you can plug in21:42
fikusI have problem with network interface http://paste.ubuntu.com/797612/21:43
retrorex i have been trying to install freemat on hardy. Sorry can't upgrade system becomes too slow . When i do apt-get install freemat. I get Package freemat is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:43
retrorex This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:43
retrorex is only available from another source21:43
retrorex E: Package freemat has no installation candidate. Too lazy to build from source. I have to install qt and all that ...Any help21:43
osrecHi, I am trying to stop gdm, which works, but now I cant ssh to the machine... I tried sudo start ssh on tty1, which tells me ssh is already running, yet I still can't connect (ssh: connect to host mycomp2 port 22: No route to host)? I'm using 10.04 LTS - any advice on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated (I am a noob :) ). Thank you21:43
FloodBot1retrorex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
krambiorixhi guys, i try to install rsync and got following error:  invoke-rc.d: initscript bind9, action "start" failed. What can i do??21:44
wildwindsptt: something like sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/sda.dat bs=512 count=65K, with your paths of course21:44
ActionParsnipkrambiorix: do you have a desktop UI?21:44
spttkewl. thanks. data is pretty much all i need, but its about 300 GB.. i have an external hdd, will try. thanks!21:44
Seveasosrec, is the machine connected via wifi or 3g?21:44
krambiorixActionParsnip, no21:44
stowodaSeveas, its dri2proto. I want to install it due to compile the drivers for my graphics card21:44
osrecSeveas: wifi21:45
stowodaby the way: what does that do: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/xorg/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH21:45
spttdoes it work if i have no real partitions?21:45
osrecSeveas: just tried ifconfig - no ip address - I guess that is a problem ;)21:45
Seveasstowoda, install the x11proto-dri2-dev package. Or if you really want to build a different version from source, run this to get all build dependencies: apt-get build-dep x11proto-dri2-dev21:45
ActionParsnipsptt: absolutely21:46
stowodaSeveas, thx21:46
Seveasosrec, yeah, wifi is configured by the gui. You killed the gui and thus the wifi connection21:46
Surlent777sptt: your hard drive will be listed as /dev/sda or something of the sort; /dev/sda5 would be a partition on it. Try sudo fdisk -l for a listing of your hard drives and partitions21:46
commandocodingHellow Everyone21:46
osrecSeveas: so if I connect with ethernet cable, I'm ok?21:46
Seveasosrec, marking the connection as 'make this available to all users' in the network-manager applet may help as well.21:46
krambiorixActionParsnip, any ideas?21:46
retrorex i have been trying to install freemat on hardy. Sorr I get Package freemat is not available, but is referred to by another package .This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package freemat has no installation candidate.  Can any1 tell me what to infer from this error report.21:47
ActionParsnipkrambiorix: not sure, i've only used grsync to use rsnc21:47
wrektjethow to get to the login screen from an active session (ie rite now)?21:47
commandocodingAny ine can hint where the Ubuntu Panel widget gets its weather from, (Looking for weather report in s imple format to pipe to festival)21:47
spttcan i copy my results here? im not sure what it means21:47
Surlent777retrorex: that some kind soul deleteed freemat from the repos but forgot to clean up after themselves21:47
fikusHello everyone.21:47
wildwindsptt: then, if you have troubles with testdisk, you can try DMDE, very powerful tool. it has more friendly UI. http://softdm.com/21:48
Seveasretrorex, stop repeating please. I don't think anyone will be inclined to help you given that you're using a no longer supported release and admit you're unwilling to perform any work to solve the problem.21:48
Surlent777sptt: if it's more than one line, kindly use pastebin (pastebin.com) and post that link instead21:49
retrorexSeveas: Sorry my Bad21:49
Seveaskrambiorix, the error seems unrelated to installing rsync. It looks like your bind9 install is hosed. Do you actually use bind at all?21:49
spttok, thank you21:49
krambiorixSeveas, i'm not sure21:49
retrorexSurlent777: Can I add any repo which has freemat  and solve the problem21:50
Seveaskrambiorix, then you're probably not using it =) Do you need to run your own dns server?21:50
sptthere it goes http://pastebin.com/XZy1wYX821:50
krambiorixSeveas, nope i don't think so21:51
Seveaskrambiorix, good, then try removing the bind9 package (apt-get remove bind9)21:51
Surlent777retrorex: possibly, or just download it manually, but in all honesty, hardy is ancient and you really ought to back up local data and do a clean install of a newer one, like 10.04, which is the newest LTS release21:51
Surlent777retrorex: or be bold and try an upgrade direct to 10.04, whatever21:52
krambiorixok thx Seveas21:52
retrorexSeveas: Dude LTS ....Looooooooong term Support21:52
Surlent777sptt: /dev/sda is your main hard drive; you can tell because Windows uses NTFS filesystem. /dev/sdb is your live usb; it's using fat32 and is a lot smaller21:52
brando753is there a server IRC ? like ubuntuserver?21:53
Surlent777retrorex: Dude Long Term still implies it terminates at some point21:53
pangolinretrorex: LTS does not mean forever. hardy is no longer supported.21:53
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wrektjetActionParsnip, i see you commented on a page that xfce is a viable option instead of fallback? which route do u recommend?21:53
Seveasretrorex, the 'long term support' only applies to packages in the 'main' repo. And desktop support is only 3 years.21:53
fikusI have problem with network interface http://paste.ubuntu.com/797612/21:53
spttSurlent777, oki, thanks!21:54
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aBoundUbuntu 12.04 LTS will have deskop and server long-term support for a max of 5 years when it's released.21:54
Sidewinder1 Seveas Think it's 5 in Precise (desktop).21:54
Surlent777yes yes, but that isn't released for nearly four months yet21:54
SeveasSidewinder1, we're not talking about precise here =)21:54
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retrorexSurlent777: Seveas : Ubuntu 10 really bogs down my system. I will have to ring out some cash and go for a major hw upgrade :(21:55
Sidewinder1Seveas, Sorry, my bad; didn't mean to butt in. ;-)21:55
Surlent777retrorex: I see. You could try a lighter spin, like Lubuntu, or if it's a server, just bare-bones server edition.21:56
wildwindfikus: do other hosts ping OK? show ifconfig21:57
Surlent777retrorex: or build off of server even if it's not, have only what you need. Closest to a DIY spin available with Ubuntu. I have no idea what you need, but it might be worth trying.21:58
fikuswildwind: problem is in sunhme.c - driver for my card21:58
retrorexSurlent777 : K den .. Will do that or compile from source ....So no support me from now on I guess ..:( k den21:58
fikuswildwind: when I use less or equal 2Gb RAM - all work fine21:59
Surlent777retrorex: I really do not recommend running with such an old release. No security updates == bad news in the future. Seriously, try Lubuntu or building up from Server.21:59
fikuswildwind: but when Size of RAM more than 2gb - I receive that eror21:59
jamie_20000Hi, on https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html it says /etc/hosts should be used as "<ip> <short> <long>" but that's wrong?22:01
wildwindfikus: did you see this http://networkbroadcast.co.uk/2011/04/sun-quad-nics-and-x86_64-kernels/ (first in Google)?22:01
txomon|homehi, guest account, when blocked by timeout (screensaver for example) cannot be unlocked22:01
txomon|homeis it know issue?22:01
jamie_20000someone to help?22:01
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fikuswildwind: yes, I writing you same links.22:02
fikuswildwind: I am new at linus22:02
txomon|homejamie_20000, what are you trying to do=22:02
fikuswildwind: I modified file but I can't compile kernel ((22:02
Successgnome 3 ubuntu 11.10 how do Advanced Settings my themes aren't showing up how do I make them?22:03
phil_hi guys how do i conver .odt to .pdf ??22:03
ActionParsnipSuccess: try gnome-tweak-tool22:03
phil_i tried export but it doesnt work22:03
xanguaSuccess: use gnome-tweak-took to changes your theme settings22:03
phil_!askhi guys how do i conver .odt to .pdf ??22:03
ubottuphil_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:03
ActionParsnipphil_: you should have a pdf printer in libreoffice22:03
Surlent777phil_: try printing it to a pdf file? with the print dialogue box I mean22:04
Successi am using gnome-tweak-tool22:04
phil_i dont have and cant get libre22:04
SuccessTheme>GTK+ Theme isn't showing my theme22:04
ActionParsnipphil_: there's one in abiword too :)22:04
Surlent777phil_: you may still have the PDF printer, if you can open the file.22:04
phil_dlding abiword22:06
phil_thanks see if that works22:06
spttok, my partitions are overlapping, is what i understand.. o_O22:06
crassusI have a program in my $PATH (/usr/bin/eclipse/eclipse) that I'd like to pin to my Unity dock thing. I made sure it's executable and all, but if I do ALT+F2 to launch it, nothing happens. I have to go to the directory in the terminal and run it by executing './eclipse' from within /usr/bin/eclipse22:06
ActionParsnipphil_: http://superuser.com/questions/91779/how-can-i-convert-an-openoffice-document-to-pdf-from-the-linux-command-line22:06
crassusHow do I make it so I can just run it from Unity?22:06
wrektjetActionParsnip, would u recommend going via the fallback session or xfce?22:06
ActionParsnipwrektjet: either, try both22:07
txomon|homecrassus, is it in your path, what does which eclipse command show?22:07
spttwildwind, dmde is awesome! thank you! now i have to figure out how to work with it.. ;D22:07
crassustxomon|home: permission denied22:07
txomon|homecrassus, so thats why22:07
crassuswhy's that? i'm the owner according to ls -l22:07
crassusis the owner supposed to be root or something?22:07
kszkszubuntu 11.10, Airlive wl1600usb. low wifi performance (100KB/s up+down next to AP). driver rtl8187, connection info is bit rate 55Mb/s, link q 70/70. i turned off ipv6, any ideas how to improve that rates? ndiswrapper would work better? any settings i could change to improve?22:07
txomon|homecrassus, which is its permissions?22:08
Surlent777crassus: why on earth is eclipse inside a folder inside /bin? My copy is merely /usr/bin/eclipse22:08
crassusSurlent777: that's where it is, /usr/bin/eclipse ...22:08
ai9371can someone tell me how to install pygtk22:08
txomon|homeSurlent777, thats why he is getting that bug22:08
crassustxomon|home: -rwxr-xr-x22:08
Rico_ITI have a question. Without being slandered for using root (I know it's not supported/suggested and all that in here), but, from root how can I be another user (with the environment and all that sorted for me so it's as if I'm just logged in as them)?22:08
txomon|homeai9371, python-gtk2 ?22:09
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crassusRico_IT: su -l username ?22:09
Rico_ITcrassus: ok I'll try that thanks, and how to get back to root?22:09
ActionParsnipif you run:   sudo apt-get install cups-pdf     it adds a system wide PDF printer22:09
crassussu -l root22:09
txomon|homecrassus, is it in you $PATH variable22:09
Rico_ITcrassus: ;p22:10
txomon|homecrassus, echo $PATH22:10
brando753Guys I am using an ubuntu server with php. Im trying to set file downloads outside the root web directory I am on my own development server right now and have the website aimed at /var/www/ and the file directory at /home/brandon/files I made sure there is no BASEDIR restrictions set and also made sure  home/brandon/files had 777 permissions yet I still get the following error "/home/brandon/files/ is not a valid file or directory"22:10
Rico_ITWhat's the default GID of the 'users' group on Ubuntu 11.04?22:10
ActionParsnipRico_IT: you can su to any user from root22:11
ActionParsnipRico_IT: 1000 is users afaik22:11
ActionParsnipgrep user /etc/group22:11
abu-bakrhey folks.. got a problem with rsync (however i'm using GUI software to run the backup) it seems to be missing out video and picture files?22:11
txomon|homebrando753, use a apache module22:11
Rico_ITActionParsnip: so it is 100?22:11
brando753txomon|home, what do you mean?22:12
txomon|homebrando753, going outside /var/www is not permited by policy22:12
urlin2uabu-bakr, why not just clone it?22:12
crassustxomon|home: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin22:12
txomon|homebrando753, go #apache222:12
Surlent777I almost forgot, still having issues with Tomboy/Ubuntu One wherein Tomboy refuses to upload local notes, meaning local changes get destroyed; it still downloads notes just fine. Any ideas on how to fix this?22:12
ActionParsnipRico_IT: yes22:12
wildwindsptt: there's some help that comes with it22:13
abu-bakrurlin2u: yeah.. long story.. i've previously spent hours and hours trying to setup software raid (total fail using ubuntu and IDE drives or whatever its problem was!)22:13
txomon|homecrassus, ... repeat where is your eclipse exe dir...22:14
abu-bakrurlin2u: so in the end managed to get all machines backing up to one external drive using rsync based gui22:14
spttwildwind, checking, checking! :)22:14
crassustxomon|home: /usr/bin/eclipse22:14
crassustxomon|home: in that dir, the executable is called eclipse22:14
abu-bakri've just put some new files on and done a backup but its not synced them?!22:14
txomon|homecrassus, you cant use subdirs22:14
urlin2uabu-bakr, sounds like a mess I don't know raid.22:14
txomon|homecrassus, just the root path is taken22:14
Surlent777see that's what I thought22:15
crassustxomon|home: normally, if I just install eclipse via apt, where is it installed?22:15
abu-bakrurlin2u: yeah big mess it was.. . got it nicely tidied up into the rsync solution or so I thought.. but now come across this prob22:15
Surlent777just...that. It's a file in /usr/bin22:15
txomon|homecrassus, ^ not a dir22:15
crassusright, but what about all the files accompanying it txomon|home ?22:15
Rico_ITcrassus: I've su -l user and tried to launch a program within a screen and get : Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.22:15
crassushow will it find them if they're not in the same dir?22:15
Surlent777crassus: /usr/share most likely22:15
Rico_ITobviously everything was sorted out, crassus ?22:15
txomon|homecrassus, don't know, but I suppose that under the different dirs of /usr/22:16
Surlent777crassus: confirmed, I have a /usr/share/eclipse directory22:16
crassusI'll try putting just the executable in /usr/bin and leaving the eclipse folder there as well22:16
SupYoshiAnyone after i've run the install_prereq script, went all fine however when I try to install a package now, it says this:22:16
crassusoh ok, I'll try that then Surlent77722:16
txomon|homecrassus, you should read the GNU standars for installing stuff22:16
abu-bakranyone else have experience with rsync missing certain files?22:16
Surlent777crassus: unless you need a bleeding-edge version, get rid of that copy and install it with apt-get install eclipse22:16
txomon|homeSurlent777, do you have it included in $PATH?22:17
crassusSurlent777: no, the version in ubuntu is just old22:17
crassusI'd like to use Indigo, apt is 2 versions behind22:17
Surlent777txomon|home: not sure I understand the question. /usr/bin is included in $PATH, as per usual.22:18
Rico_ITcrassus: I've su -l user and tried to launch a program within a screen and get : Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.22:18
crassussorry, bad paste of the mouse..22:18
txomon|homecrassus, which ubuntu are you using?22:18
txomon|homecrassus, and what was " the version in ubuntu is just old" ?22:19
Surlent777crassus: right then. The bin should go in /usr/bin, and the rest under /usr/share/eclipse; make sure it's all owned by root22:19
crassushmm, when I moved everything but the executable to /usr/share/eclipse and put the eclipse exectuable in /usr/bin/ , launching eclipse produces this error: The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its22:19
crassuscompanion shared library.22:19
crassusthis is what I was afraid of :/22:19
txomon|homecrassus, you may join #eclipse22:20
Surlent777crassus: oh crap, disregard. There's several other files that need to be sorted, including some in /usr/lib.22:20
wrektjetbahhhhhhh tried to get to switch user account crashes everything has this been an issue22:20
ActionParsnipRico_IT: why not just use:  su foo     then run the command you want22:21
Surlent777crassus: I didn't realize how complicated this install was22:21
crassusI've rm'd the files for eclipse I have, and am starting fresh by installing from apt, let's see what version is in apt...22:21
crassusiThe Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its22:21
crassussorry, bad paste again (stupid keyboard)22:21
crassusthe thing is, normally in Lucid, it's like 2 or 3 versions behind. I hope it's not that bad with Oneiric.22:22
Surlent777crassus: Oneiric is considerably newer than Lucid, packages-wise22:22
Surlent777crassus: the difference is often night and day, in fact22:22
crassuslet's hope so :)22:22
familyI wish to encrypt my full ubuntu 10.4 system. the way that truecript does windows, With a code before any options are avalible.  Any idea's?22:22
Surlent777crassus: according to data from Synaptic and Wikipedia, the latest stable is 3.7.1, and we have 3.7.0, assuming these version numbers are related22:23
aBoundUbuntu 11.10 contains newer packages.22:23
escottfamily, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FullDiskEncryptionHowto22:24
mishuganai need to downgrade back to 10.10 i think.22:24
mishuganawhats the best way to do that?22:24
Surlent777mishugana: fresh install22:24
escottmishugana, reinstall22:25
Surlent777mishugana: matter of fact, that's about the only way22:25
ActionParsnipmishugana: clean install is the only way22:25
mishugananow, when you say reinstall, can i install but install over my previous install? will my files still be there?22:25
familyescott: thanks, how you dones this before?22:25
escottfamily, no22:26
Surlent777mishugana: I...don't know? But I wouldn't count on it.22:26
familyescott: thanks, I i'll give it a go. :)22:26
Surlent777mishugana: back up your stuff, then try it, for science22:26
Successhm semes problem was only that theme22:27
escottmishugana, one problem you will face trying to preserve your $HOME is that config files are usually parsed to upgrade to the newer format, but not the other way around so some desktop programs will have config files and options they cannot understand22:27
w__anyone could get rid of the universal icon gnome-shell?22:27
Surlent777mishugana: though if/when you do try it, make sure that it's not going to try to reformat anything; also, re: dot-files as escott was saying, you may want to avoid copying those back for that reason22:28
escottw__, extensions.gnome.org has an extension that does that22:28
mishuganahm.... its my moms facebook/youtube computer there isnt much else it does22:28
mishuganabut im not sure what files she has saved on it.22:29
w__i had an extension that used to work after an upgrade it stopped22:29
crassusOh nice, Eclipse 3.7.0 Indigo is in the Oneiric apt!22:29
crassusThanks a lot txomon|home and all !22:29
ActionParsnipmishugana: use your backups, after reinstall22:29
wrektjetmany webpages say that holding alt and right clicking the panel allows for applets but not happening for me am i missing something?22:29
crassusSeems I was making things complicated for myself for nothing ;)22:29
mishuganaim going to try to downgrade xorg first. it boots into the login screen and halfway into kdm22:29
txomon|homecrassus, what did you do at the end?22:29
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Surlent777crassus: it happens. :P have fun with your new toy.22:29
crassustxomon|home: sudo apt-get install eclipse ;)22:29
txomon|homecrassus, xD22:29
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Surlent777so, still no luck with this Tomboy nonsense. I've done about everything I can think of and it still won't synch right =/22:32
aBoundHooray!! for Linux.22:33
cojackdo anyone know from with package is /usr/bin/service ?22:34
ActionParsnipcojack: run:   dpkg -S /usr/bin/service22:35
cojackActionParsnip: thx22:35
aBoundcojack, man service to get a reference page for service.22:36
cojackaBound: i was there ;)22:37
cojackhmm there is any -dev package of this tools? i need some headers ;)22:37
Surlent777hmm, apparently there's an #ubuntuone. Perhaps they know the answer22:38
trismcojack: service is just a shell script to call either an upstart job or a sysv script depending on what is available22:41
cojacktrism: its just a shell?22:42
trismcojack: nano /usr/bin/service; and take a look22:42
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cojacktrism: yes I look at them, ekhm crapy snoopy22:43
ikoniacojack: stop being silly please.22:43
wrektjetActionParsnip, opening the switch user account screen in order to login to a gnome classic session gets me a black screen with no response after i make that selection or any selection for that matter - even just logging back into my current open session22:44
ActionParsnipwrektjet: try logging off, then logging in to lxde instead22:45
phil__!ask help ubuntu not detecting my sound card it a realtec22:47
ubottuphil__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:47
go8765 can i found some text editor with favorutes?22:47
wrektjetActionParsnip, ok that worked. i guess i have to log out first. mental note to avoid switching users on this computer.22:48
owenllgo8765: Gedit has a favorites plugin http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins22:49
aBoundIs there anyway I can close the IPP port on my machine?22:49
NastyNazhow do I disable that stupid sidebar in ubuntu? it keeps encroaching on precious irssi space22:51
aBoundNastyNaz, You mean Unity?22:51
NastyNazaBound: i guess so, if that's what it's called22:51
FirartixYou gotta swap to normal desktop on the login box22:52
FirartixInstead of netbook remix22:52
bastidrazorNastyNaz: it'll auto-hide if you put the terminal window to the left of the screen22:52
aBoundNastyNaz, Ubuntu 11.10 uses the Unity GUI.22:52
NastyNazaBound: how do I turn it all off and just use terminal instead?22:52
go8765owenll: I use gedit-2 now :( any other editors?22:52
FirartixNasty: with Ctrl-Alt-F122:52
jolarenis running the transmission gui on a server with regular password protection really unsecure?22:52
aBoundNastyNaz, You can autohide the Unity sidebar through the Compiz Settings Manager.22:53
FirartixSo huh... Anyone know of a simple, command line mp3 compatible sound player :/ ?22:53
FirartixXChat won't support MP3 format22:53
mongyjolaren, I use transmission-daemon with whitelist rpc so only the ip I specify can connect to it22:53
wrektjetdumb question i updated my sources how do i update?22:53
pangolinsudo apt-get update22:54
simple-bedmpg123 is a command line player22:54
NastyNazaBound: thanks22:54
bastidrazorwrektjet: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:54
aBoundNastyNaz, From the compiz settings manager >> click on ubuntu unity plugin. Where it says: Hide Launcher. Hit autohide.22:54
aBoundNastyNaz, No problem.22:54
pangolinwrektjet: that will update the package lists, then you want to run sudo apt-get upgrade22:54
pangolinor what bastidrazor said22:55
NastyNazaBound: how do I open compiz settings manager?22:55
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?22:55
pangolinNastyNaz: install compizconfig-settings-manager22:55
Firartixoh hey thanks simple-bed ! it's mpg321 though, but it works. :P22:55
wrektjetoh easy thnx bastidrazor pangolin22:55
aBoundNastyNaz, By default you may not have the compiz settings manager installed. Go to software center and type: Compiz settings manager.22:55
simple-bedgreat, there's two versions though Firartix22:55
bastidrazorwrektjet: you're welcome.22:56
Firartixtrying to install mpg123, apt tells to install mpg321 instead22:56
NastyNazaBound: I used ctrl+alt+f1 as someone else said, seems like that is much easier, brb as I restart irssi22:56
simple-bedi think theres mpg321 and mpg123. possibly a fork. but this was in arch repos22:56
Firartixthat was a joke <.<22:56
NastyNazwell it works pretty well I dont need the gui22:57
aBoundFirartix, lol22:57
Firartixwell if it works for you :P22:57
Firartixjust recall it's a separate login22:57
aBoundI doubt I could use that kind of terminal. :P22:57
NastyNazand im back22:58
pangolin!nox | NastyNaz22:58
ubottuNastyNaz: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode22:58
aBoundI prefer to have my GUI just in case something goes awry.22:58
FirartixNastyNaz: just recall, it's a separate login, so you have to logout there too22:58
Firartixalso, it's not locked22:58
Firartixso uh22:58
Firartixi mean, if your X Session is locked, the tty1 won't be22:58
NastyNazis there any way to increase the resolution in here?22:58
NastyNazwindow is tiny22:58
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: what video chip?22:59
kingfisher64can anyone provide me with some help or point me to some help regarding boot problems? on click of ubuntu from grub manager screen goes black and does nothing22:59
NastyNazamd 699022:59
aBoundNastyNaz, From installing startupmanager you can. But using startupmanager can cause breakage with certain binary drivers.22:59
Firartixi thought it'd autodetect to best resolution22:59
Firartixi have a fairly good font size here22:59
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: with proprietary driver?23:00
Firartixkingfisher64: nothing at all?23:00
jolarenmongy: oh, smart.. then If I'm outside the zone I can ssh in and adjust the IP23:00
NastyNazActionParsnip: no, it's virtualised, this is a VM im running on23:00
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: then its a virtualized hardware23:00
Firartixyou're running irssi in a VM?23:01
Firartixwhy would you do that23:01
NastyNazActionParsnip: i have pci-e passthrough though23:01
Firartixyou can run it directly on your os23:01
mongyjolaren, yes23:01
NastyNazso ubuntu detects the 6990, i just did autoinstall on drivers23:01
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: is there an app for setting the res for ATi?23:01
kingfisher64Firartix: it loads the grub boot manager (with debian text in bottom right - and space theme) with the list of OS's. I click ubuntu and the screen goes black. All i can do is type text in23:02
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: there is also the display settings item in dash23:02
NastyNazActionParsnip: there is in the GUI but im in ctrl+alt+f1 now23:02
NastyNazand its pretty low res23:02
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: you may get a better desktop if you use the virtualized video card, the default install has the driver for that23:02
urlin2ukingfisher64, new install hats the back on getting where you are?23:03
Firartixkingfisher64: if grub is working, but not the boot, something is probably wrong with either your install or grub's mapping (or however it's called?)23:03
Firartiximo just reinstall grub :S23:03
OctogonalLightshow do you get a dos game to run off a CD/23:03
ikoniaOctogonalLights: not an ubuntu issue23:03
Firartixyou should be able to with Wine23:04
lJ6ilhello there, i've got a computer in front of me connected to a box. But i can't see it with airodump-ng... How is it possible ?23:04
NastyNazActionParsnip: i dont want a gui, I just want this text-only ubuntu to use 1680x1050 res instead of the small one it is now23:04
Firartixor a VM?23:04
FirartixSo hey NastyNaz you still havent told me23:04
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:04
FirartixWhy are you using irssi in Ubuntu over a VM instead of running directly onto your host system NastyNaz ?23:04
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/23:04
kingfisher64Firartix: i'm new to ubuntu and having installed many apps - I tried installing ubuntu gnone desktop (from app manager) on restart the normal boot manager (purple theme) is replaced with this horrible debian space theme boot manager look. Is there any way i can uninstall that app from outside ubuntu by going into the recovery option and entering an uninstall command from the terminal?23:04
NastyNazFirartix: esxi is my host system23:04
Firartixeeeh... esxi23:05
go8765how i can kill rox -S ? i cant found it in htop :(23:05
urlin2ukingfisher64, yes you can from recovery root23:05
Firartixkingfisher64: um, what exactly did you install ? and by purple manager, you still mean grub?23:05
NastyNazthanks ActionParsnip ill check it out23:06
Firartixwell you better off listening to urlin2u, i never managed to get that grub running correctly... :(23:06
kingfisher64Firartix - the grub theme is changed from default purple coloured theme to some space background with debian text, something about universal boot. I noticed that recovery option and selected from recovery drop down option to access the command line however I don't know the command to uninstall this app or troubleshoot the problem.23:07
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kingfisher64urlin2u - could you tell me the command line code? sudo apt-get.... ?23:08
Firartixyou should be able to change the GRUB config file manually from the command line, but i don't quite recall where/how23:09
NastyNazhow do I find out what terminal Im using?23:09
urlin2ukingfisher64, if in root apt-get purge "application"   I assume here alot in here.23:09
EoNis 11.10 the latest version?23:09
Emoso far yes23:10
Firartixheh, isnt EoN a band name?23:10
urlin2ukingfisher64, what is your graphic  card. Was it the gnome shell you installed?23:10
EoNit was a very very old school trance artists name yeah lol23:10
ActionParsnipEoN: latest stable, yes23:11
kingfisher64urlin2u - i installed the gnone desktop from the software app center. I think it's that which has broken the boot23:11
ActionParsnipEoN: Precise (12.04 is in Alpha due for release April this year)23:11
EoNok cool23:11
go8765how i can kill rox -S ? i cant found it in htop :(23:11
urlin2ukingfisher64, did you use a link for heres what you do with a fresh install of this distro?23:12
NastyNazwhen I use ctrl+alt+f1, what terminal does that log me in to? xterm?23:12
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: tty123:12
kingfisher64urlin2u - i just installed the app. I read some reviews stating it was as simple as going to the software center and clickign install. What i was trying to achieve was on appearance of login screen clicking graphic next to username text field a dropdown list appears with ubuntu, ubuntu2-d, gnome, gnome2-d23:14
NastyNazweird, I set the resolution in /etc/default/grub to 1680x1050 but its not doing it, whats the command to reload the file?23:14
escottNastyNaz, update-grub23:15
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: sudo update-grub    will apply the setting, you may want to set the other things in the guide too23:15
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:15
malibuHi there, does anyone know how I can figure out what video card I have active?23:15
urlin2ukingfisher64, so two questions... what is your graphic card...nividia? What was the actual intalled distro here which desktop?23:15
ActionParsnipmalibu: sudo lshw -C display    maybe23:16
kingfisher64urlin2u - 8600m gt and ubuntu 11.1023:16
kingfisher64urlin2u - 64 bit23:16
malibuActionParsnip, Yes that worked, very good thanks23:17
ActionParsnipmalibu: np :)23:17
urlin2ukingfisher64, that is a nividia card do you know how to edit the kernel at the grub menu?23:18
kingfisher64urlin2u - no23:18
urlin2u!nomodeset | kingfisher64 look here hopefully this is just the problem.23:18
ubottukingfisher64 look here hopefully this is just the problem.: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:18
amaroksHello, Recently I installed Ubuntu side by side with Windows 7 ,Now after a month I love ubuntu and not using Windows anymore ,I want to increase ubuntu disk partition, How do I do that?23:19
urlin2uamaroks, you have a wubi or partitioned install?23:19
escottamaroks, use gparted to either remove or shrink the windows partition and grow the ubuntu partition23:20
debsanamaroks, gparted livecd23:20
Gillhello anyone here have experience with UCARP?23:20
NastyNazwhat does the pipe bar do in the command line? I see loads of commands with a | in the middle of them23:20
escottNastyNaz, its a pipe it connects the output of one command to the input of another23:20
NastyNazoh ok that sounds very handy, cheers23:21
mody_urlin2u where I suppose to have wubi23:21
NastyNazbrb going to restart to see if this resolution thing worked23:21
DiscordianUKIt's something unix has had since 1970s23:21
mody_amaroks == mody__23:22
ActionParsnippipes are awesome23:22
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:22
Visual`raven: .local too ?23:22
[deXter]yep, imagine, without pipes we would have to fetch water from the well every time we wanted to have a drink or a shower!23:22
urlin2umody_, ?23:22
mody_urlin2u where I suppose to have wubi23:23
kingfisher64urlin2u - would uninstalling the gnome app from within the ubuntu recovery boot option not work?23:23
Gillanyone know anything about UCARP?23:23
urlin2umody_, are you installing a wubi?23:23
NastyNazwell I cant believe that worked, 1680x1050 terminal now23:23
bastidrazormody_: wubi is a method of dual booting and it matters to how you proceed with what you want to do.23:23
go8765how i can found pid of programm that i cant found in top and htop?23:23
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: simple stuff dude :)23:24
mody_so no other visual way?23:24
urlin2ukingfisher64, have you tried the nomodeset, I would try that first your assuming that is the problem. Did you install the nividia drivers or did you need to.23:24
ravenVisual` there seems nothing interesting for xfce in .local23:25
owenllgo8765: I thinl from your original post youn need to killall ROX-Filer23:25
ActionParsnipgo8765: pidof command    or:  ps -ef | grep PID | grep -v grep23:25
urlin2umody_, then give a clear consensus.23:25
NastyNazActionParsnip: the hardest thing is I don't know about stuff like initramfs-tools and other stuff and I have no way of 'finding out' about them until I google, how did people learn linux back before the internet?23:26
Gillanyone know where I can go to get help with UCARP?23:26
bastidrazorNastyNaz: read books23:26
kingfisher64urlin2u - no i didn't go near installing video drivers in case something like this happened!!! i wanted to replicate my win7 environment and then look further into ubuntu regarding updating system drivers.23:27
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ActionParsnipNastyNaz: channels like this23:27
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:27
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: freenode is older than most folks in here :)23:27
amaroksso no other visual way?23:28
urlin2ukingfisher64, then use the nomodeset that is how you get in with graphic problems generally, probably what is going on.23:28
bastidrazoramaroks: use a gparted liveCD.23:28
NastyNazAre there any good books out that are relevant now, say for server administration etc? I'm thinking of making my virtual cluster all ubuntu server/centOS but have no idea about how to set individual user permissions etc23:28
go8765owenll: ActionParsnip thaks. it help :)23:28
urlin2ukingfisher64, the drivers may be waiting in additional drivers.23:28
ActionParsnip!manual | NastyNaz23:29
ubottuNastyNaz: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:29
BigRedSNastyNaz: It's mostly not changed in the past few years. The fundamentals in the main are as they were about 30 years ago23:29
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:29
Atlantic777NastyNaz: what server? File, Printing, Boulding/GIT/Trac, Web server?23:29
ActionParsnipNastyNaz: easiest way is to just use the OS, just like you learned other OSes ;)23:29
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perysonI would like to downgrade to 10.04.3 but I follow all steps through ubuntu.com to create it on my USB Stick but I have problems while starting up with my USB.23:30
escott!details | peryson23:31
ubottuperyson: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:31
NastyNazAtlantic777: I sell sliced servers (similar to VPS but less overheads). Each user has their own /home/ and can install anything to it (without root), I'm just not competent enough right now to make sure all user permissions are correct and there are no loopholes for users23:31
Atlantic777NastyNaz: aham, so you have some experience?23:32
NastyNazI also have no idea how to bandwidth cap each user23:32
perysonWell, I downloaded 10.04.3 from www.ubuntu.com, I have 11.10 64 bit, I installed 11.10 with my USB stick, and now am going to create a usb stick with 10.04.3 to go back and I cannot create that usb. Actually it shows me a screen with text only. like MS DOS23:33
NastyNazAtlantic777: most of my experience is with ESXi and network admin of VPS. Right now most of our machines are running windows server but we're thinking of moving over.23:33
Atlantic777Hm, I've been playing with bandwith (network) shapers for about a month, and I really don't know why it has to be soo complicated. :D23:33
Atlantic777NastyNaz: it can be done with ip tables and some nasty kernel tricks. It's really complicated, afaik.23:34
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:34
Atlantic777NastyNaz: maybe there's some high level utility for that, maybe a script in combination with vnstat can do the job... i don't know...23:34
coolstar-pc!info mate23:35
ubottuPackage mate does not exist in oneiric23:35
mody_119.8 MB is gparted??23:35
ActionParsnipperyson: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?23:35
escottmody_, no. its all the libraries. if you are using kde there might be some kde gui23:35
perysonno ActionParsnip, I don't know what MD5 is.23:35
Atlantic777NastyNaz: also, a frined of mine recommended me this book: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596003302.do23:35
NastyNazAtlantic777: one of our competitors does it somehow. They have 8 users/server each with 1TB bandwidth. Once a user has used all their bandwidth their line is slowed to 1mbps... unfortunately they won't disclose their methods23:36
ActionParsnip!md5 | peryson23:36
escott!md5 | peryson23:36
ubottuperyson: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:36
perysonI just followed the instructions as I did when I was on windows.23:36
kingfisher64urlin2u - i'll give that a go now. thank you for your help23:36
mody_downloaded tuxboot23:36
mody_now https://sourceforge.net/projects/gparted/files/gparted-live-stable/0.11.0-7/23:36
mody_but looks too big23:36
urlin2ukingfisher64, hope tha gets you in.23:36
ActionParsnipmody_: gparted is in a default ubuntu livecd23:36
mody_then what do I do?23:37
ActionParsnipmody_: what do you want to achieve?23:37
Atlantic777NastyNaz: I havn't read that book, let's say that I know everything from it, but it looks really great. :)23:37
NastyNazhow do I get tty terminal to beep? irssi beeps when it's run in gui but not in here23:37
perysonActionParsnip, that's very smart! :P I didn't know I had to verify it to burn it. I loved that!!!23:38
Jordan_UNastyNaz: sudo insmod pcspkr23:38
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:38
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ActionParsnipperyson: its so you know the data is good23:39
Jordan_UNastyNaz: If that does what you want then remove the blacklist of pcspkr and it will be loaded automatically at boot.23:39
perysonActionParsnip, the reason I want to downgrade it's because with 11.10 my laptop is very slow.  :P With LTS stable releases I'm always fine.23:39
ActionParsnipperyson: that's fine :)23:40
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:40
Super_Defender_X10.04 was the last stable>?23:40
bastidrazorperyson: have you tried unity2d instead of unity3d?23:40
NastyNazI get 'no such file or directory'23:40
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:41
perysonbastidrazor, yes but my laptop is 6 years old and my ATI Radeon X1200 isn't supported on any ubuntu release.23:41
bastidrazorperyson: i have that card on this laptop. i use the radeon driver.23:41
ActionParsnipSuper_Defender_X: 11.10 is the latest stable23:42
bastidrazorperyson: RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]23:42
raven11.10 xubuntu - trying to clone desktop/panel settings. copied .config/xfce4 but no effect - how to do it right?23:42
perysonbastidrazor, yes, indeed. hmm, I'll remember your nickname, do you joining here a lot?23:42
Super_Defender_X11.10 is LTS?23:42
bastidrazorperyson: i am here often. unity3d fails for this laptop but unity2d works well23:43
ActionParsnipSuper_Defender_X: 12.04 which is in Alpha is LTS23:43
ActionParsnipSuper_Defender_X: Lucid (10.04) is the currently released LTS23:43
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renemoraesDoes anyone here has Ubuntu 11.10 x86 installed in a Dell?23:44
perysonbastidrazor, I have 2D now but I will go to 10.04.3. I will return in a bit. Also thanks for your time and I hope to see you again here and tell me more about our stupid card :P Because it's not supported anymore!23:44
NastyNazJordan_U when i use sudo insmod pcspkr it says no such file or directory23:44
bastidrazorperyson: 10.04 ran very well on this box. good luck.23:45
Teratogenhow do I create a root account23:45
Teratogenor enable it23:45
TeratogenI want to be able to su root23:45
ActionParsnipTeratogen: its not supported here23:45
escott!root | Teratogen23:45
ubottuTeratogen: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:45
ActionParsnipTeratogen: just use;  sudo -i23:45
perysoni'll come back again! tonight :D23:45
Teratogenno, I want root!23:45
ActionParsnipTeratogen: that IS root, try it23:45
TeratogenUnix is not Unix without root!23:45
snarksterhi there, been along time since I came for help but now I have a problem.23:45
snarksterJust upgraded from 10.04,10.10,11.04,11.10 worked fine on all the intermediate versions23:45
snarksterJust now after finishing 11.10 system will no longer boot, not even  into recovery mode, stop at23:45
snarksteracpi powerbutton something or other.23:46
Kaapahey there - 2 questions - is there a simple gui that allows to format usb storage drives?23:46
FloodBot1snarkster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
snarksterIs this a commom problem with upgrading and how do i fix it?23:46
ActionParsnipTeratogen: the account is disabled, enabling it is not supported or advised here, no is it needed23:46
ActionParsnipKaapa: use gparted23:46
KaapaActionParsnip: ok, thanks23:47
snarkstersorry for the flood23:47
wrektjeti am in gnome classic NOT  the no effects option and i cant move or resize windiws any ideas?23:47
renemoraesI'm having a problem with ubuntu 11.10 64bits on a Dell... can anyone help me?23:47
ravenhow to copy xfce settings to another machine23:47
ActionParsniptensorpudding: what problem?23:47
Kaapanumber 2, which is actually is related somehow, can I safely extend my swap partition even though that's an extended one?23:47
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[deXter]renemoraes, What's the issue?23:47
urlin2urenemoraes, state the actual problem.23:47
ActionParsnipKaapa: boot to liveCD and you can resize partitions, be sure your backups are up to date in case of catastrophe23:48
wrektjetquestion retracted23:48
renemoraesthanks in advance Dexter... when I'm using my laptop plugged on the energy my screen starts to flash sometimes and flick... its very annoying23:48
Kaapawhen I installed ubuntu, it defined a 4gb swap, that however sometimes is unsufficient for hibernation23:48
Kaaparule of 2xram is enough?23:49
renemoraesit doesnt happen when i'm using only the battery23:49
ravenhow to copy xfce settings to another machine23:49
bastidrazorKaapa: equal ram is enough.23:49
snarksterafter upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 system will not boot, nor recovery work either23:49
ActionParsniprenemoraes: do you have the latest BIOS?23:49
Kaapabastidrazor: doesn't seem to be, it's what I have23:49
ActionParsnipraven: probably some settings in ~/.config   some in dconf / gconf23:49
Kaapaand with lots of crap open I get the message of not enough swap23:49
renemoraesI've bought my pc last week.. so.. I guess I do23:50
Kaapacould someone else be wrong?23:50
renemoraesbut how can I check it?23:50
ActionParsnipraven: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=416823:50
Teratogenwhat I don't understand is you can do as much damage with sudu as you can with the root account, but I guess I can see the philosophy behind disabling root23:50
ravenActionParsnip tnx23:50
Teratogento protect users from themselves23:50
mx8Teratogen: yes23:51
OerTeratogen, only the first user has root priv, next user doesn't23:51
bastidrazorKaapa: if you have the space, increase swap size.23:51
ActionParsnipTeratogen: Exactly :)23:51
Teratogenthe first thing I after opening a shell on my Slackware box is su root23:51
ActionParsnipTeratogen: its a good contrl thing, plus it stops people logging in as root and running web browsers and stuff (not smart)23:52
trippehJust use sudo -i, then.23:52
KaapaTeratogen: my slackware background is iching me to beat you by saying that23:52
renemoraesActionParsnip: my bios version is A0723:53
Atlantic777using root for day-to-day tasks isn't so smart, really23:53
renemoraesis that the last one?23:53
ActionParsnipTeratogen: not all cli commands need root, especially manipulating files in user home folders23:53
Teratogenleontopod is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.23:53
ActionParsniprenemoraes: is that the latest?23:53
Teratogenuh oh23:53
escottTeratogen, you have to be in the admin group23:53
ActionParsniprenemoraes: check on the manufacturers site23:53
renemoraesok.. let me check that first...23:54
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renemoraesActionParsnip: I'm not with the last one... but the manufacturers just offers the .EXE file... can u help me telling how could I install it?23:58
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ActionParsniprenemoraes: but what version is it?23:58
almoxarifecli has gotten to soft and simple, we need to take it to the next step in difficulty, no more monitor, we gonna take tactile, a braille output device surgically implanted into the left hand, we can not allow ourselves to become 'common' <-- that is my impression of the cli purist, me? ubuntu is decided to do otherwise, i am with them23:58
Jordan_UNastyNaz: Sorry, I think pcspkr is now managed by ALSA. Try unmuting it with "alsamixer".23:59
renemoraesActionParsnip: mine is A07.. the newest one is A0923:59

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