
vorburgerduanedesign: I stumbled upon https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/854143, and based on the earlier discussion have a suggestion: Why don't you completely split the "symlink" from the "folders outside home directory" feature request? I respect the difficulty of symlinks that were outlined earlier here, but don't understand the relationship of that to folders outside of the home dir... just let users add any dir. I hear the00:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 854143 in ubuntuone-client "Can't sync symbolic links, or folders outside my profile (home folder). (affects: 7) (dups: 4) (heat: 41)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]00:07
vorburgerpoint of external drives disappearing, but that should be relaitvely easy (compared to links) to address? Just skip/ignore any Synced/Cloud Folder that points to a non-existing folder (i.e. inside a directory that used to be, but currently isn't mounted)00:07
duanedesignyeah, but need to be able to delete folders00:10
duanedesignoh i see what you mean. Detect that it is mounted00:11
duanedesignand treat  mounted directories differently00:11
vorburgerduanedesign: I'm probably missing something in the complexity... but: Handle deletion detections just like now. But for every "Cloud Folder", if the src dir isn't there, skip it. Two separate concerns.00:12
snap-lHello, is Ubuntu One having trouble uploading files again, or is this just par for my own experience?00:19
snap-lcraig@lister:~$ u1sdtool --current-transfers00:21
snap-lBus error00:21
duanedesignsnap-l: what version of Ubuntu are you using?00:35
duanedesignsnap-l: are you running u1sdtool through ssh?00:38
snap-lAnd no, I'm using it on the local machine01:52
duanedesignsnap-l: is the error something like - DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited02:00
duanedesignsnap-l: If you compress the directory ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/   and email it to me i will take a look at it for you. I can PM you my email.02:03
duanedesignkarni: hello02:03
karnisup duanedesign02:04
duanedesignkarni: can I PM you a question?02:04
karniduanedesign: always02:04
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snap-lActually, I think I know what the problem is02:54
snap-lusing tmpfs, and it's full due to U1 not cleaning up after itself when it fails02:54
snap-lduanedesign: ^^02:56
duanedesignthe /tmp folder is filling up?02:57
snap-lyes, I'm using tmpfs02:57
duanedesigni seee02:57
snap-lAnd once again, the upload happens part-way, and then dies03:13
snap-lusing watch "u1sdtool --current-transfers"03:13
snap-ltmpfs is not filling up (only at 11%)03:13
snap-lIt loses connection, and then just sits there03:15
snap-lSeems anytime I try to use U1 for anything larger than a megabyte, it flakes out03:16
duanedesignsnap-l: yyou can use this command to watch the log03:29
duanedesigntail -fn 50 .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log03:29
snap-lI do, and there's nothing in there outside of warning that the connection is lost.03:30
duanedesignConnection lost, reason: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'OpenSSL.SSL.Error'>: [('SSL routines', 'SSL23_READ', 'ssl handshake failure')]03:30
duanedesignis that it?03:30
duanedesignthat happens when the traffic is unusually high03:30
snap-lI see that in there03:31
snap-lunfortunately, it does't appear that u1 copes with that very well03:31
snap-lNow it's just hung03:32
snap-lAnd it just reset03:36
snap-lfailure: TRY_AGAIN03:37
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snap-lStill getting SSL Handshake errors with U1, which is causing the daemon to go into a copying loop13:55
kpokhi UbuntuOne starts to upload the file then disconnects again, help please?15:57
kpokI am running ubuntu ocelot15:58
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bikerboi87Anybody here the can help me with something?22:12
karnibikerboi87: There's a chance, if you say your problem right away, instead of asking :)22:19
bikerboi87Lol. Well what I've done is copied my Ubuntu One folder to a network machine, wiped my computer and reinstalled. I then copied my Ubuntu One folder back, but the client seems to think that it's not the same as before and is insisting on downloading/uploading a load of files........22:21
karnibikerboi87: have you disconnected from network before you wiped your computer (how did you wipe it?)22:32
karnibikerboi87: In case you've manually removed Ubuntu One folder, and it was connected, you're removed the files from the cloud.22:33
karnibikerboi87: All in all, U1 should do a local rescan, and it should not upload files that are already in the cloud.22:33
bikerboi87karni: What I did was copy the folder across the network, and then once that was done I put the Ubuntu disc in and reinstalled, completely removing everything that was there before22:34
karnibikerboi87: Please drop by tomorrow and ask duanedesig'n or ry'e (without the ' thing), they're our support people22:34
karniI see22:34
karnibikerboi87: Have you put the files back in place *before* logging in to U1 on your desktop?22:34
bikerboi87karni: Yes22:35
Surlent777hey; not sure if anyone is active, but I'm having a strange issue with Tomboy/Ubuntu One on a fresh 11.10 Kubuntu install. It will download my old notes just fine, but it seems to refuse to attempt to upload anything, and as such my local changes are lost. Can anyone help me fix this, or at least point me in a useful direction?22:40
karnibikerboi87: Then it'd be best, if your support people answer that question tomorrow, sorry I'm not of much help.22:41
bikerboi87karni: tis np. thanks anyway :)22:42
karniSurlent777: I kindly ask you to drop by on Monday (work day), we'll have our support guys around.22:47
Surlent777karni: understood; what might be the best time to stop by?22:52
karniSurlent777: 9AM UTC - 8PM UTC22:53
karniSurlent777: we have a guy in Europe, and North America22:53
Surlent777karni: Right then, thank you22:53
bikerboi87karni: they've now decided that they're all up to date :S23:24

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