
knome_localScottL: you online?00:06
astraljavalen: I dunno, is gcdmaster superior to others, that it becomes worth the effort?01:00
ScottLknome, i'm here now03:22
ScottLholstein, len, i'm sorry i haven't been around much, work has been busy and i've been fighting illness but hopefully i'm finally over it03:23
ScottLlen, we had looked at maybe falktx making the gcdmaster switch to gtk3 or similar, maybe we should poke him again about that03:24
lenastraljava: gcdmaster seems to be the _only_ program that does what it does.03:30
lenIt allows editing a disk at once toc (ok any text editor does)03:31
lenit allows setting audio file start and end points in the toc file by visually looking at the waveform in question.03:32
lenit allows listening to the edit before burning.03:32
lenit allows setting track marks anywhere including the middle of an audio file.03:35
lenIt is not the burning of the CD that is unique, that part is trivial and could be done on one line on the command line.03:36
lenthe part that is the most useful is the toc file editing. There is no other linux app that does this That I could find... not having too much luck with windoze either.03:37
lenBasically, ardour without gcdmaster makes professional cd mastering impossible. It means one may as well just use audacity and make a demo... 03:38
lenWhen using two audio files to make a cd where there will be a zero gap between them, the point where they join should be at a zero crossing, and of course if the first one ends on rising to zero, the second should be rising from zero...03:42
lenin any case even going to silence it should start or end on zero crossing to avoid clicks or pops.03:42
lenGcdMaster allows one to see the waveform and select by sample where the "edit" point is.03:43
lenWhen making a "live" cd it is advantageous to be able to cull some of the noise and applause between songs while making it sound continuous. GCDMaster allows this to be done non-destructively in a quick and efficient manner.03:46
lenOK, end rant.03:47
lenOh... one more... yes I have used it this way.03:48
astraljavalen: Fair enough. I could take a stab at it, I guess.07:43

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