
nanotubewhat's rmb?00:11
nanotubeother than the three-letter standard abbreviation for the chinese currency?00:12
GridCubermb or mbr?00:14
Unit193Regional Membership Board00:14
nanotube<Unit193> [15:09:48] Well, working on getting everything set, and then have to decide on IRC or RMB <- referring to this statement00:15
nanotubeah heh ic00:15
nanotubewould an endorsement from me count for anything? "i met this person on irc 2 weeks ago in #xubuntu, and he's been very helpful and seems like a reasonable fellow overall" ? :)00:16
Unit193nanotube: Sure! Anything counts as far as I care (Too bad I haven't helped as much in #supybot :P )00:17
nanotubeheh all right, let's see if the wiki login cooperates00:19
GridCubeAlternate images for today do not work01:05
GridCubeno kernel found errors01:05
Unit193Had that too01:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== knome_ is now known as knome
Unit193You broke it? (And weird ident)19:34
knomeUnit193, well, the hosting provider had problems so i'm switching.20:35
knomeUnit193, the ident happens to be my surname :P20:36
Unit193Hehe, woops....20:37
knomenp :P20:37
Unit193Wish I had a host20:38
knomepay for one and you'll have one20:38
Unit193Don't want one that bad :P  Meeting tomorrow21:04
knomei need to check if i can attend the meeting, but if i can't, no problem, since there is nothing that needs me exactly21:55
knomesomeone else can chair too :)21:55
nanotubeUnit193: what's your need for hosting? will an account on a shared host do you?22:26
knomebe back tomorrow ->22:29

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