
Darkwingjjesse: ping00:38
yottabitanyone here live in the southeast US?00:54
jjesseDarkwing,  pong01:39
Darkwingjjesse: Rats, you caught me on my way to dinner.01:40
jjesseno worries i'll be here most of the night ;)01:40
Darkwingjjesse: I want to sit down and talk about the docs.01:40
jjessefigured :)01:40
jjessei'll be here to 10:30 EST or so 01:41
jjesseif you want to eat dinner :)01:41
DarkwingYeah, wife is yelling.. BBL01:42
faboRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~fboudra/+archive/qt/+sourcepub/2170022/+listing-archive-extra08:31
agateaubambee: hi, thanks a lot for the phonon gst fix!08:49
bambeeyw ;)08:49
bambeeagateau: however a qgraphicsview does not help, because xoverlays (like gl or xv) does not work with a qgraphicsview (I don't understand why..), so the actual renderer is software :(08:52
agateaubambee: ok :/08:53
apacheloggercuz xv is crap(tm)08:53
agateaubambee: that's not too bad, gwenview is not intended to be the default video player of choice anyway08:53
bambeeI know, but all scaling and colorspaces tasks are done on the cpu, I don't like that!08:55
apacheloggernah, the worst thing is that software rendering always leads to quality loss WRT resolution *and* color08:56
apacheloggerwhich in turn has bad impact on the overall impression of polish in the kde workspace :S08:57
freglfabo: Riddell: hi, I did a rebase of the a11y repo last week but didn't clean it up yet. I have a few conflicts to sort out. I can finish it and push if you want.09:41
Riddellfregl: or just give us a patch :)09:43
freglRiddell: I'd rather have the proper repo with a patch collection. then getting the diff for all changes is still easy09:43
freglrebasing still seems nicer to me than just maintaining a diff09:44
Riddellyes you're right, it is nicer09:44
Riddellfor people who know how to use git :)09:44
Riddellbut I'm sure fabo does09:44
faboI'll take whatever makes my life easier :)09:45
freglwell, producing the patch from git is easy - and this made it convenient to go from Qt 4.8 to 4.7 back in the days - so it seems a good idea09:46
fabofregl: 21:52 < fabo> the diff between v4.8.0 and 4.8-a11y branch is ~210Mb09:47
freglfabo: yes, give me a bit and it will be a couple lines...09:47
faboindeed it isn't only a11y changes but it requires some work to reduce the patch to ~130kb09:49
fabofregl: thanks! poke when you finished09:49
freglseems as good as anything on a monday morning :p09:49
faboRiddell: what's the story about kubuntu active? 0% of 7 :)10:00
faboanything I could look at?10:00
Riddellfabo: work out how to package plasma active would be the place to start10:02
Riddellit might need patches to kdelibs or elsewhere10:02
Riddellrbelem may know more but probably you just need to ask in #plasma10:03
faboRiddell: ok10:07
afiestasagateau: ping10:25
freglfabo: I pushed a new version to http://qt.gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/accessibility branch name: 4.8-a11y-rebased-onto-828771056e96cd47d3eaf93db1b3d28c8624b33210:37
freglfabo: let me know if you run into issues10:38
agateauafiestas: pong11:27
afiestasagateau: this holidays we bought a new camera to my parents and I decided to try the download feature (to make it easier for them) and I think I have a good idea to improve the experience11:28
afiestasdo you know about media-device-info project ?11:28
agateauafiestas: no11:28
afiestasbasically it is a set of UDEV rules that indicate where the pictures/videos/mp3 are within the device folder structure11:29
agateauohoh cool!11:29
afiestasin the case of my parents camera is something within DCIM/1000SDHC/something/11:29
* agateau wants11:29
afiestasyou got it then :p11:29
agateaubut then some camera change dirs from time to time :/11:30
agateauhow does it cope with that?11:30
afiestasmmm don't think so11:30
agateaucan it return multiple dirs11:30
afiestasthe project iself is thought for media players I think11:30
afiestasmeda-players-info is the project, but then gphoto should add the specific UDEV rules for cameras11:30
agateaudo you have an url to get started on that?11:31
afiestasI always forget how exactly this work :$ iirc mpi is for everything BUT camera-only devices and then you have gphoto 11:31
afiestasyes, 1 sec11:31
afiestasagateau: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/media-player-info11:32
afiestasagateau: iirc libsolid should give you the .fdi name and then you can read it11:33
afiestasI'm planning to work on this during this week to be sure that 4.8 is ready11:33
agateauafiestas: you mean work on libsolid to provide that info?11:34
afiestasagateau: yes, I have to check what we can provide I'm not sure where the line is (we can't couple libsolid with linux or any system) and since kdelibs is in freeze we can't provide new interfaces11:35
* jussi loves seeing this kind of collaboration :D11:35
agateauafiestas: I see11:35
afiestasthe idea is, libsolid tells to gwenview: "Hey! this is a gphoto device !" then you se libgphoto to do the rest11:36
afiestas"Hey! this is mpi device!" then you read the .fdi files (.desktop like files provided in the mpi project)11:36
agateauafiestas: I have a bunch of mpi files in /usr/share/media-player-info here, but they do not seem to contain any DCIM folder11:37
afiestas:/ they are only for phones and media players aparently11:38
afiestasgphoto should give you the info for cameras 11:38
afiestasanyway, having gwenview supporting better all the devices in m-p-i would be awesome :p11:38
agateauafiestas: agreed11:38
afiestasand having some kind of scan would be awesome too, to be sure that nothing is ignored11:38
agateauafiestas: I always photo libgphoto was about PTP devices, not mass-storage ones11:40
afiestasagateau: then this is something we may want to add m-p-i, the developer is quite friendly11:41
afiestasand he is a college of yours, from ubuntu iirc11:41
agateauafiestas: now I am confused. Didn't you start the conversation by telling me there was a way to get the camera picture dirs?11:42
afiestasagateau: I thought m-p-i did that but apparently it is only for media players 11:42
agateauafiestas: ah ok11:43
agateauafiestas: my other idea was to keep the latest photo dir for each device in the config11:43
agateauafiestas: so that next time you plug the same device, it goes automatically in the photo dir11:43
afiestaswouldn't be better to abstract gwenview from the "dir concept" ? is it really needed? 11:44
agateauafiestas: not as magical, but better than today situation I would say11:44
agateauafiestas: gwenview is a file-based picture viewer (at least for now)11:44
afiestasonly for the download I mean11:44
agateauafiestas: ah yes11:44
afiestasI'm imaging somethign like: (workflow for my parents)11:45
agateauafiestas: I considered recursively going trough the device,11:45
agateauafiestas: problem is when you plug an external hard drive :/11:45
afiestasI plug the camera into the laptop, the notifier ask me if I want to download the pics to gwenview11:45
afiestasI click on it, and gwenview starts to scan my device, after it it offers me a list og pics and videos, I select them and click on import 11:46
afiestasbtw, if the device notifier says "Download" the interface should say download too11:46
afiestasright now interface says import (this confused me, not my parents xD)11:46
agateauafiestas: agreed11:48
afiestasand about the m-p-i project, maybe you can talk with the developer and offer hiim to add Camera's info11:50
afiestasat the end, they are mass storage just like mp3, phones etc11:50
afiestasand capable to reproduce mp3 and the like formats11:50
agateauso you say he is a colleague of mine?11:52
agateauoh it's pitty11:52
agateauhe is currently sitting 6 meters on my left :)11:52
agateautalking to him should be doable :)11:53
agateaulunch time!12:04
bambee1)° open qt designer, 2)° create a mainwindow, 3)° Try to add any widget to this windows --> does it work for you ? I cannot add anything to the window :\14:22
bambee(on precise)14:22
bambeeand now it works again... xD14:24
* bambee needs a coffee...14:24
mikecb_keeping you on your toes14:26
mikecb_anyone working on a ubuntu one qt frontend?14:58
ScottKI think the unity-qt people might be.14:59
Riddellmikecb_: the default frontend will by pyqt soon I believe15:02
mikecb_is that 12.04 or +2?15:03
Riddelldunno you'd need to ask them15:07
Riddelland report back :)  they didn't know last time I asked15:07
faboRiddell: a11y patch commited and up-to-date. just need to build it, update symbols, and we're good to go with Qt 4.815:20
fabofregl: thanks, ^^^15:20
Riddellawooga, saves me forward porting this patch needed by libreoffice 15:20
freglfabo: great :)15:24
Riddellrdieter: thanks for the strigi tars15:25
rdieterRiddell: np15:31
ScottKRiddell: barry's going to work on packaging PyKDE4 for Python3.15:32
ScottKIt turns out that /usr/lib/kde4/kpythonpluginfactory.so won't be a problem since for Ptyhon3 it'd be kpythonpluginfactory.cpython-32mu.so15:33
RiddellScottK: nice15:41
faboRiddell: which tarball are you talking about?15:54
fabolast tag is 0.7.7, it has been uploaded to debian some time ago.15:55
faboafaik, you just need to sync15:56
Riddellfabo: rdieter just posted that he could not find any tars so made some16:00
faboah yeah, I created them myself using their release script16:03
ewoernerhey :-)16:19
ewoernerwho should i convince to package a newer version of plasma-widget-networkmanagement?16:19
ewoerner"Plasma Shell Crashed after Resuming from Suspend to RAM" is creating lots of upstream duplicates from precise users16:19
debfxfabo: ^ is your networkmanagement package ready?16:23
RiddellI'm just about to look at that actually16:24
fabodebfx: what do you mean by ready? I provided the last nm09 release and there's at least 1 known issue16:29
Riddellfabo: what's the issue?16:30
faboRiddell: visual regression on the buttons16:30
Riddelllet me try.  the buttons are pretty screwed up in the version in oneiric anyway16:31
fabothe same nm doesn't have this issue with KDE 4.7.416:32
Riddellthat's what I have with KDE 4.7.97 and nm 0.9~svngit.nm09.20111023.ff842e-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa116:32
schnelle_Riddell, fabo: I opened bugreport about this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29096416:33
ubottuKDE bug 290964 in Plasma Widget "Buttons out of place in plasma nm widget (KDE 4 8rc2)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:33
schnelle_the worst is that lamirque is not aware of this because he is still using 4.7.4 (where this problem doesn't exist)16:34
schnelle_"when I upgrade to 4.8 I will try to fix this. I do not even use that version of Plasma NM regularly anymore :-/16:34
schnelle_I just use the master branch version."16:34
schnelle_this told me lamarque 2 days ago16:34
debfxyeah our current nm widget has the same bug so that's not a blocker for the new version16:36
Riddellversion from fabo's PPA works and has no extra issues with my 3G modem16:36
RiddellI'll check over the packaging and upload16:36
Riddellewoerner: look out for updates arriving in an hour or two16:42
jussi Sari is just taking a quick shower, then we will be off soon to the hospital :) :D :D16:43
ewoernergreat, thanks16:43
* jussi runs16:43
Riddelljussi: good luck!16:44
Riddellfabo: hmm networkmanagement  compiled fine but failed to upload17:00
faboRiddell: just seen17:00
fabointeresting, because --compare-versions is fine17:01
faboand no warning on upgrade17:02
ScottKRiddell: missing epoch.17:02
RiddellScottK: network-manager-kde has -v'1:0.9~rc3-0ubuntu1'17:04
Riddelland plasma-widget-networkmanagement shouldn't need it17:05
faboI missed debian/rules as I didn't touched it17:06
fabo0.9.0~rc3 > 0.9~svngit17:06
Riddellfabo: so sed 's/^[[:digit:].]\+/1:0.9.0/' ?17:07
Riddellin debian/rules?17:07
Riddelldpkg says yes, yes loading17:10
RiddellI need to go out in a bit, if there is a tech board (keep an eye on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda and #ubuntu-meeting) in 3.5 hours please text message me17:19
Quintasan_yofel, Call to lnusertemp failed( temporary directories full?). Check your installation. Ring any bells? Got this after upgrade. 17:44
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ScottKyofel_: Would you be up for updated KDE l10n for oneiric-proposed?  I'm going to prepare the actual packages for upload based on the PPA and I'd like to get the translation updates in too.  If so, please close Bug #913928  in changelog.19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913928 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE updates for 4.7." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91392819:06
Darkwingcharlie-tca: pign19:21
* yottabit wonders..19:22
Darkwingcharlie-tca: care for a PM?19:22
yottabitis it legal to sell kubuntu and offer support, etc. without being canonical...19:23
ScottKyottabit: As long as you comply with the trademark policy, yes.19:23
yottabiti'm thinking about doing that after google summer of code to have some money19:23
ScottK(which is somewhere on Canonical's web site (or maybe ubuntu.com).19:24
ScottKIt's free software so you don't have to be an official reseller.19:27
RiddellScottK: kubuntu lts seems to have been added to the tech board agenda, with your name19:53
ScottKI added it since they were discussing all the others.19:53
ScottKIIRC Kubuntu LTS is a precursor to Edubuntu LTS, so it kind of has to get discussed.19:54
ScottKI also assumed based on your comment you wanted it discussed.19:54
Riddellwell you'd think so but I was naievely following the tech board's instructions and assuming they would add it19:54
Riddellyes I do19:54
RiddellI guess the main things to be questioned are will upstream care about KDE after KDE Frameworks 5 is out19:55
Riddelland KDE will do the same for 4.8 as they do for every other release19:56
Riddellwhich is better than gnome do as far as I can see19:56
Riddellwill Qt care about Qt 4 after Qt 5 is out19:56
Riddellwhich is much the same19:56
Riddelland will QtWebkit be a security risk19:56
Riddellwhich is arguable but it's the same general upstream policy as firefox19:57
ScottKUnless they want to kick it out of Main, it kind of already is, LTS for Kubuntu or not.19:57
Riddellright it's in ubuntu desktop anyway so it's not really a question19:57
RiddellI think things can be in main but not 5 year LTS19:57
ScottKMakes sense.19:57
ScottKRiddell: Looks like TB is happening.20:57
Riddellor at least pitti joined the channel :)20:58
ScottKmdz is rounding people up in #u-devel.20:58
DarkwingI'll be lurking20:59
RiddellI wonder how this applies to us "What kind of SRU throughput do you have at the moment?"21:20
Riddellbesides "loads when ScottK does the point releases"21:20
ScottKThat's not insignificant.21:20
ScottKIt also reduces the drive for indiviual SRUs.21:20
ScottKThere have been some though.21:20
RiddellI'm working on one just now for qt infact21:21
yofel_it also helps with CVE patches on code that might have changed between .1 and .4/5, as one would need to port that first for the SRU21:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelScottK: I'll do l10n in a bit21:22
ScottKyofel: Thanks.21:22
charlie-tcaYou are welcome for the heads up on what to expect now :)21:26
charlie-tcaXubuntu got approval, Kubuntu should be a simple one.21:30
Riddellcharlie-tca: ah but we're asking for 5 years not 3, and there's a lot more packages different in our seeds :)21:30
charlie-tcaYeah, but you are pretty much equal to Ubuntu, too.21:31
* yofel is mostly worried about kees and qtwebkit...21:31
charlie-tcaKubuntu has always had LTS designation, too21:31
Riddellno we missed one for the kde 4 transition21:31
charlie-tcaXubuntu never had any officially, we just supported the release for the full time21:32
Riddellyofel: jdstrand is the guy to be scared about I expect :)21:32
RiddellScottK: do you want to introduce or shall I?21:37
ScottKRiddell: Go for it.21:37
ScottKI started based on mdz changing /topic.21:38
* fabo don't expect API/ABI changes for QtWebKit 2.x anyway21:47
DarkwingUbuntu sure made it simpler by adopting Qt anyway 21:52
Riddellsee you in 2017 :)21:52
yofelparty time \o/21:53
ScottKmicahg: It's in Main ...21:53
fabothe only problem is if microsoft buys Nokia :)21:53
Darkwingnot that it'll matter with the world ending in december21:53
* ScottK runs to the airport ...21:53
ScottKHave fun everyone.21:53
fabobye ScottK 21:53
Riddellfabo: they're only interested in the high end nokia bits, the super secret nokia low end stuff is where qt is at21:55
micahgScottK: indeed, but it still needs someone to support it21:56
Riddellanyone wanting to do new calligra beta or is that my task for tomorrow?21:56
DarkwingRiddell: building or testing?21:56
RiddellDarkwing: packaging then testing, probably twice21:57
Riddellof course I can set up an ec2 to help you :)21:57
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-oneiric-release] Philip Muškovac * 115 * debian/changelog 4.7.4 oneiric-proposed21:58
faboRiddell: do you really think if that happens, they'll keep qt/qtwebkit for meltemi :) I doubt it21:58
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-oneiric-release] Philip Muškovac * 116 * debian/changelog refresh date21:58
debfxmicahg: how do you plan to support webkitgtk? qtwebkit upstream said it's impossible to backport webkit fixes after a few months21:59
Riddellfabo: they'll keep it for the super secret OS they're working on.  meltemi is a mystery to everyone21:59
micahgdebfx: I plan on getting people to help me maintain a stable branch, it's work, but possible (a lot of work, but seems there's no way around it)22:00
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-oneiric-release] Philip Muškovac * 117 * debian/config fix branch link22:01
micahgI was wondering if the directory structure is similar enough that if you were on the same base revision of webkit as webkitgtk if you'd be able to use the patches from there22:01
fabowe can expect also a slow down in changes on webkit1 as a lot of teams are focusing on webkit222:02
micahgthat's the main impetus to create a stable branch as opposed to migrating to newer versions as webkitgtk for the most part has been API stable22:03
Riddellupstream say they'd be happy to see a 4.8 updates branch for qtwebkit but indeed it would take work22:06
debfxmicahg: maybe that will be possible in the future if there is some coordination between qtwebkit and webkitgtk22:12
debfxbut not for qtwebkit 2.2 as they pretty much stopped following trunk around august22:13
micahgindeed, I'd much prefer if there were a libwebkit that both wrapped around22:14
RiddellI think that would take alot more coordination by webkit teams than they are willing to do22:20
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter

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