
HearsFredThanks qbit, I'm going to try another client00:03
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=== dl is now known as arado
aradoanyone awake?00:41
ionuthi all. i don't remember the password to login on channels (i've used it  a logn time ago). is there any way to get it back ?00:44
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ioubuntudone no problem. thanks all00:48
ioubuntugood bye00:48
BarkingFisharado - we're about, sort of. Do you need some help with something?00:52
aradoi do not need help. i just wonder about the quitness in this channel (with more than 250 people)00:54
aradoi´m just bored ;)00:55
hellslingerqbit: I'm not sure what did the trick, but after removing gnome and unity and reinstalling upower, everything started working correctly :)01:16
yottabitso i'm trying to figure out why search and launch workspace isn't showing me the notebook iterface01:26
yottabithalp appreciated01:26
* yottabit throws a bone at everyone who entered the channel01:50
mosnoyottabit, howdy01:57
yottabithowdy mosno01:58
yottabitthink you can help with my workspaces issue?01:59
mosnoyottabit, highly unlikely02:00
mosnoyottabit, i don't even have kubuntu installed02:00
yottabitwhat are you waiting for?02:00
mosnoyottabit, i was just wanting to see the calibre/volume of conversations in here02:01
yottabitthere isn't much in here02:01
yottabit#ubuntu has more activity but you might not get an answer because of the volume02:02
mosnoyottabit, yeah. i've been playing with kde 4.6 on debian...02:02
mosnoyottabit, i was considering installing kubuntu in a vm to steal ideas/config02:02
yottabiti used gentoo for years, but i don't know what the v/c is like on #gentoo-kde02:02
yottabitmost #nixos users are kde users02:03
mosnoyottabit, i'm more interested in debian derivatives02:03
yottabitwhere are you putting those ideas?02:03
yottabithopefully on the interwebs02:03
mosnoyottabit, no, i mean i was planning on seeing how kubuntu implement something, eg. horizontal touchpad scrolling, gtk theming, then if i like the solution, porting it to my debian install02:04
yottabitoh, go for it!02:05
mosnoyottabit, thanks for giving me permission ;)02:07
yottabitheh, just encouraging you to do something before the day's up :)02:07
mosnoyottabit, i wish i had the time! i'm at work doing work stuff :(02:12
mosnobut it's nice to lurk on IRC and feel connected02:12
bibismcbrydeI'm kind of a linux newbie, and I've been trying for a while to install the rt2870 driver so that I can use my cisco ae1000 usb wireless adapter. I've been following the instructions here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-install-rt2870-chipset-based-usb-wireless-adapter.html and am able to get up to changing the config.mk file in os/linux, but when I type "make," I get the following error:02:26
bibismcbrydemake -C tools make[1]: Entering directory `/home/elizabeth/Downloads/2010_0709_RT2870_Linux_STA_v2.4.0.1/tools' gcc -g bin2h.c -o bin2h make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/elizabeth/Downloads/2010_0709_RT2870_Linux_STA_v2.4.0.1/tools' /home/elizabeth/Downloads/2010_0709_RT2870_Linux_STA_v2.4.0.1/tools/bin2h cp -f os/linux/Makefile.6 /home/elizabeth/Downloads/2010_0709_RT2870_Linux_STA_v2.4.0.1/os/linux/Makefile make -C /lib/modul02:26
bibismcbrydeoops - hold on02:27
bibismcbrydeHas anyone else had that problem?02:29
bibismcbryde /home/elizabeth/Downloads/2010_0709_RT2870_Linux_STA_v2.4.0.1/os/linux/../../common/cmm_mac_usb.c:52:2: error: implicit declaration of function ‘usb_buffer_alloc’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]02:30
bibismcbrydeand a bunch of other stuff like that?02:30
bibismcbrydeIt's a long error message, but that's the first thing that causes it to not make02:30
yottabiti'm trying to think of a channel to send you to02:31
bibismcbrydeI've googled this line and it's come up in three queries, one of which is in german02:31
yottabiti don't think you're going to find much help here02:31
yottabit##networking maybe02:31
yottabit##linux is another ofc02:32
bibismcbrydehow do I switch channels? (never used irc before - pretty embarassing as a cs major)02:32
yottabiti think the questions that generally are answered in here are kde related02:32
yottabittype in /join #foobar02:32
bibismcbrydeawesome. thanks02:33
yottabitnp, gl02:33
naught101sometimes when my phone is playing up, and I try to unmount it (usb storage), it locks up the usb bus totally, so that I can no longer mount/unmount devices. Even my mouse no longer works if I unplug and replug02:38
naught101andyone know if there's a way to reset the usb bus or something? not sure if this is something to do with KDE or linux generally02:38
naught101oh, and dmesg has something like [ 1560.737009] INFO: task umount:16178 blocked for more than 120 seconds.02:41
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levi501dis there a way to permanently ignore a directory from updatedb?05:22
randomatixlevi501d: $ man updatedb.conf05:24
levi501dahh roger that thanks :)05:24
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droxGood day in Italy is 7.50 and I can not understand why no sound is heard only by the applications or Internet sites or those with more applications in Java ... Can anyone help me out?06:50
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jalcineKTimeTracker doesn't work as a standalone, like it can't build its KPart.08:50
jalcineAnd when I use it in Kontact, it always fails.08:50
jalcineFails to create a task due to some non-existent lock it wants me to remove at ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/lock/08:50
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jalcineNow, it crashed when I tried to adjust the times. I think something's messed up.08:54
jalcineGoing to report a bug.08:54
jalcineAlso, how do I edit what appears in the Messaging menu?08:56
jalcineIt keeps showing Empathy, but I neither have it installed or use it.08:56
kroonrsMy skype doesn't seem to pick up my internal microphone - I can record and playback successfully using parec and pacat.  I'm running KDE on Lucid.  Skype configured to use pulseaudio for everything, no other options showing.09:05
kroonrsjalcine: look for KDE menu editor09:07
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almoxarifedoes kde have an equiv of gnome-keyring?11:34
droxalmoxarife: hi i have a little problem, i don't listen audio when i stay in internet type youtube. I think the problem can to be flash-plugin, but i don't find solution, Could you  help me?11:40
almoxarifedrox: if its flash you also dont see video11:41
droxi know and understand... but then what can to be?11:42
almoxarifedrox: use nickname, i am in a couple of places11:44
almoxarifedrox: no sound on youtube only? flash only? no sound? explain11:44
droxin another aplication i listen audio, type amarok, or system... but in internet whit application flash i don't lisen nothing11:45
droxin another aplication i listen audio, type amarok, or system... but in internet whit application flash i don't lisen nothing almoxarife11:45
almoxarifedrox: no sound on internet using the web browser?11:46
droxi use ff, i have to try rekonq, nothing different11:47
droxi use ff, i have to try rekonq, nothing different  almoxarife11:47
droxyes using the web browers almoxarife11:48
droxalmoxarife:  no sound, if i use the amarock to listen radio no problem audio. I think a problem config plugin web browers, but i don't konw that11:49
almoxarifedrox: i want to make sure i understand this, can you see flash video with the web browser?11:50
droxyes i see11:51
almoxarifedrox: but you can not hear the sound? if you can not hear, the answer is 'yes'11:52
droxyes i think understand11:53
almoxarifedrox: flashplayer has a 'mini-volume' volume control, is that control 'muted' or all the way to the negative(left-side)??11:54
A_Jhey all, can someone tell me how to swicth a user.11:54
Peace-A_J: wtf kmene switch user?11:55
Tm_TPeace-: please watch your acronym use11:55
A_Jkmenu Peace- ?11:56
A_Jnew to KDE, can you tell me where is it.11:56
A_JPeace-:  ?11:57
almoxarifeA_J: that big K on your panel?? see it?11:57
* A_J makes a screenshot11:58
almoxarifedrox: ??11:58
Peace-A_J: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/09/plasma-desktopOI7175.png11:59
A_Jalmoxarife ^11:59
droxhttp://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/09/schermata2.png where is this control? in web browers?11:59
Peace-A_J: omg you are not using kde11:59
A_Jumm i installed it over ubuntu Peace-12:00
Peace-A_J: you have xfce12:00
Peace-A_J: please ask to #ubuntu12:00
A_Joh damn.12:00
Peace-here we support only kde12:00
A_Jsorry i guess12:00
droxhttp://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/09/schermata2.png where is this control? in web browers? almoxarife12:01
droxwhat you do not understand is why everything was up to Saturday night yesterday, after he has had a hand my wife does not work anymore ... if it is a configuration problem how do I fix this? I have my panel messoil phonon and hardware can be ... boh almoxarife12:03
Peace-drox: kmix is running?12:04
Peace-drox:  veromix installed?12:04
Peace-alsamixer -V all ?12:04
droxhttp://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/09/schermata2.png Peace-12:09
almoxarifewhat is the terminal command to see all the sound hardware?12:09
almoxarifeanyone??? sound hardware see all in terminal???12:10
almoxarifedrox: open a terminal12:10
almoxarifedrox: open kterminal12:11
droxalmoxarife:  ok to do12:11
droxalmoxarife:  i open alsamixer -V all but it don't canale in mute...12:11
almoxarifein terminal type                   sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:11
droxalmoxarife:  i habe a widget plasma12:12
almoxarifedrox: did you open a terminal?12:12
almoxarifein terminal type sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:12
almoxarifetype the next line12:13
almoxarifesudo apt-get install pastebinit12:13
almoxarifedrox: copy paste to terminal12:13
droxwhy install pastebinit, i have widget!!!12:13
almoxarifedrox: would you please do as asked, you can uninstall after wards12:14
almoxarifewhen it is installed12:15
droxi install12:15
almoxarifecopy paste the next line and share the link12:15
almoxarifeaplay -L | pastebinit12:16
droxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/798139/ inow understand12:16
almoxarifedrox: :)12:16
droxalmoxarife: for listen i use Creative, Intel only record...12:17
almoxarifedrox: you have a huge selection of choices, i cant tell you which is the correct one, your first choice from the png is 'not' the 'default', should it be the 'default' option??12:21
almoxarifedrox: i would suggest taking your audio back to 'HDA Intel, ALC1200 Analog' , verify you have sound from that option for all sources of 'sound', then experiment with the other options, do you understand??12:24
droxok i understand12:25
almoxarifedrox: could the problem be related to 'creative'??12:25
almoxarifedrox:another line for the terminal, copy paste next line, share link12:26
almoxarifepastebinit /var/log/sys.log12:27
almoxarifedrox: i gave you wrong log12:27
droximpossibile read /var/log/sys.log12:27
almoxarifedrox: pastebinit /var/log/syslog12:28
droxone moment12:28
fatumhi. I have Kopete, icq client and when I get messages from Trillian (Windows) from one of my contacts, I get also HTML tags with it.. any help?12:32
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almoxarife<drox> http://paste.ubuntu.com/798150/ <-- look at line 339612:36
almoxarifefatum: those tags a copy paste or your client not able to interpret html?12:38
almoxarifefatum: look at this, makes sense? http://help.trillian.im/discussions/suggestions/410-html-tags-in-icq-messages12:40
fatumso, problem on his side?12:41
droxok thank you almoxarife12:44
Ignus_FatumNewbee  Allert12:46
Ignus_FatumHaving trouble with encrypted swap12:46
Ignus_Fatum# /etc/fstab: static file system information.12:46
Ignus_Fatum# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a12:46
Ignus_Fatum# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices12:46
Ignus_Fatum# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).12:46
FloodBotK2Ignus_Fatum: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:46
=== sun_ is now known as Guest47260
loackshow to display the groups some user is in of the users some group contains?13:15
zacariasWhen I restar Kubuntu, the screen resolution always goes back to 1024x768. I have to choose the wright resolution (1440x900) each time I restart the computer. This doesn't happen if I just logout. Any idea of how to solve this?14:03
droxweb browers for the handling of the browers is handled only through pulse?14:06
GuestOgrekubuntu 11.10 is faster than Debian 6 kde14:26
BluesKajhiyas all14:29
* GuestOgre shocked14:30
GuestOgreKDE is very fast with nouveau!14:30
beyondcrlove kde14:32
beyondcr12.04 is solid14:32
GuestOgrewell, i hated KDE in Debian 6, it is very slow.14:32
GuestOgrekde 4.4.5 , very old14:32
BluesKajGuestOgre,  which nvidia card , you might get even faster response with the nvidia recommended driver in kmenu>apps>settings>additional drivers14:34
GuestOgrewow, i'm updating with Additional Drivers... i can't wait :D14:34
BluesKajbeyondcr,  it's not solid for everyone ..believe me14:35
BarkingFishhow do I find out whether we have wireless drivers inbuilt for a particular wifi card?  I have one I can put inside my machine now on PCI, but don't know if i can get (or we have) drivers for it.14:41
BluesKajBarkingFish,  if you know what chip it uses then it's fairlyeasy to search the package manager for the driver if that kernel source driver exists14:43
BarkingFishI don't know what chip it is, BluesKaj - I know the make and model of the card though, it's a Netgear WG311 v214:44
mr-richBarkingFish: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=Netgear+WG311+linux14:48
BarkingFishright, BluesKaj :)  I found the chip data on google, it's an acx111 chip14:48
BarkingFishpackage manager doesn't show up any hits on the chip14:48
BarkingFishi'll install it into my PC, and see if I can get the ID and run it through ndiswrapper for now14:49
zacariasIn the Kickoff menu, when I choose the "Quit" tab I never see the option to shut down or restart the computer (just "log out", "hibernate", "change user" and "lock"). How do I change that?14:49
BarkingFishback in a bit14:49
mikecb_what's the deal with ubuntu one in kubuntu?  Is there a qt frontend?14:50
lethumikecb_, can you be more clear please?14:52
mikecb_is there a separate application for kubuntu, or are we forced to install the gtk application written for ubuntu?14:53
lethumikecb_, have you installed Kubuntu then ended up with a Gnome desktop environment?14:53
BluesKajbar yeah , it's relatively old so it might be easy to install , drivers etc should be available without having to resort to ndiswrapper14:53
BluesKajmikecb_,  yeah , if you want ubuntuone , you're stuck with gtk afaik14:54
lethumikecb_, when you can't find the application you are looking for in QT, then it's sometimes necessary to install gtk in order to get some apps which don't exist in a Qt form14:55
mikecb_lethu: indeed, was just wondering if anyone had developed one.  Thanks.14:55
BluesKajmikecb_,  personally I use dropbox , there's a method for kde without needing nautilus14:55
lethumikecb_, yw14:55
mikecb_BluesKaj: me too, but I'm trying to move away from it because I don't like it that much.14:56
mikecb_plus, one is cheaper14:56
schnellezacarias: remove kickoff menu from panel and add it again and see if that helps14:58
BluesKajok, mikecb_ if you require more space then that's differnet ...I'm not paying , anyway my ISP provides me with 25G of space with easy access fo family etc to share stuff14:58
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BarkingFishHi again :)  Right, the card is in place, and it's being detected by lspci - I can't see anything at the moment registered as a second network interface though, so I assume we don't directly have drivers for it.15:02
BarkingFishThis is what my system is telling me it is: 03:05.0 Network controller [0280]: Texas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interface [104c:9066]15:03
BluesKajBarkingFish,  run lsmod , try to find the card , the driver name should be right beside it15:04
BarkingFishit doesn't show up in lsmod15:05
BluesKajBarkingFish,  sudo modprobe acx ..try that15:06
BluesKajthat should load the driver15:07
BarkingFishfatal: Module acx not found15:07
hazamonzoDoes Kate usually have issues opening up a 60kiB file?15:07
BarkingFishhazamonzo: no, it shouldn't anyway15:08
hazamonzokate is now eating 100% of one on my cores and frozen :(15:08
BarkingFishI've had files open in there well over 16mb and it's not done anything.15:08
hazamonzoIwonder if its just the type of file.... its just a .js with json data15:09
BarkingFishpress CTRL+ALT+ESC, your cursor will change to a skull and crossbones, click on the kate window and that will kill it.  It sounds like it's just outright hung15:09
BarkingFishtry to reopen the file in kate, and if it fails again, let us know.15:10
hazamonzoBarkingFish: yeah i am looking at the processes but i was reluctant to kill it as i have many files open in kate. Didn't want to lose them when i restarted kate15:10
hazamonzoGuess i have no choice. 2 secs15:10
BarkingFishBluesKaj: I managed to find the last issued software version for the card, just downloaded it and I'll try rigging it through ndiswrapper.15:12
hazamonzoBarkingFish: Dang.. same thing again.. http://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/09/plasma-desktopBV3736.jpg15:13
hazamonzoonly the one file opened in kate this time. the same json .js15:13
hazamonzoVi it is :)15:14
BarkingFishhazamonzo: do you think you could put a copy of that file on dropbox for me and let me check it this end please?15:14
hazamonzoBarkingFish: Sure. Can i use pastebin though?15:15
BluesKajBarkingFish,  I was hoping you'd be able to avoid ndiswrapper , however I used it for a while and it worked ok , not the fastest for file transfers etc but fine for regulare websurfing etc15:16
BarkingFishi'm running on ndiswrapper now with my old USB wifi stick :)15:17
BarkingFishI'm just setting up a second interface for all my wireless stuff, so I can have one in broadcast mode and a PAN15:17
BarkingFishhazamonzo: that's fine15:17
hazamonzoBarkingFish: 1 min15:18
BarkingFishi'll be back in a sec, BluesKaj and hazamonzo - just gonna restart and check the PCI card is up15:19
BarkingFishBluesKaj: card is up and working, slightly odd as it's skipped an interface name, but as long as it works I'm not fussed.15:26
BluesKajok wep ?15:26
BarkingFishI now have my usb stick on wlan0 and the pci card has (for some reason) been assigned wlan215:26
BarkingFishworks on wep and wpa15:27
BarkingFishi'm on the card now over a wpa connection15:27
BarkingFishdon't understand why the device identifier is different, why did it get wlan2, and can I change that?15:28
BluesKajI have a belkin usb stick rt2870 driver , that widget says it's connected in NM but only to the router , it doesn't load any webpages ..404 etc15:29
BluesKajBarkingFish,  uhm, why fool with success ? :)15:30
BarkingFishbecause I'm a stickler for things being in order, BluesKaj :)15:30
BarkingFishautism does that to you :)15:31
BluesKajBarkingFish,  you may regret it if you do15:31
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BarkingFishi would at least want to try, if it goes feet up I can uninstall the ndiswrapper stuff and start again15:32
BarkingFishit's no biggie15:32
BluesKajBarkingFish,  it may be leaving the option for the ethernet card use "1"15:32
BluesKajto use15:32
BluesKajNm that is15:33
BarkingFishlooks like it is actually, I have eth1 on the system as a wired for my pocket PC15:33
BarkingFishok, scratch the change then, but it's gonna throw me for a bit :)15:34
BluesKajndiswrapper :)15:34
BarkingFishndiswrapper is lovely, I just wish we had an onboard driver for some of these weird assed chips that you find :)15:35
BarkingFishIt would make life so much easier15:35
BluesKajwell, it works and that's the good part ...kind of an old nic , consider yourself fortunate , i think :)15:38
BluesKajmy belkin usb is even too old for W7 :(15:38
BarkingFishyeah, anyway I don't want wifi through it, just want it to run a dhcp for my pocket PC to go wireless to my main machine15:39
BarkingFishi'll set the wireless up for the pocket PC through wicd, since I know it better :)15:41
floownsomeone can indicate me how to use sed to increase the timeout in grub?15:50
floownI can use nano, the tty's display is to big (the caracters)15:50
floown* I can not15:50
ts2floown: should be "set timeout=some_number" afaik15:57
floownts2: ? what is the command please, I don't understand…15:58
BluesKajfloown,  you can in /etc/default/grub with root permissions , then sudo updte-grub after editing15:58
floownBluesKaj: sure, but I can not use nano to do that… you have forget the verb in your sentence : what should I do? Edit ?15:59
floownOk, and with the sed command ?16:02
BluesKajfloown,  use alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub , look for the timeout and set it to however many secs you want16:02
floownBluesKaj: I'm in tty, sorry16:02
floownand can not use nano or wim16:03
floowncause the caracter are to big on the screen : I'm entering the letter as a blind…16:03
ts2sed -i -e 's/^GRUB_TIMEOUT=[0-9]*/GRUB_TIMEOUT=20/' /etc/default/grub16:03
ts2(for example)16:03
floownI try, thx16:03
ts2you may also want to increase GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT, that is how long grub will wait for a key-press before skipping showing the menu16:05
floownok ts2, many thx, just a question again (I try to help my dad with the phone, in fact) : the right file to edit is/etc/default/grub and not   /boot/grub/menu.lst ? He use the Kubuntu 11.0416:07
floown(the dist-upgrade had fail…)16:08
floownto 11.1016:08
GuestOgredude, this version is awesome like very nice crazy, it is faster than gnome :/16:08
ts2menu.lst is for the older grub, 11.04 should have grub2 I think16:08
floownts2: ok, nice, have a nice day16:09
BluesKajts2,  yes grub2 is default on 11.0416:12
CombatjuanSilly question, but how do I accept the auto-complete in KDE Alt-F2? I can hit "End (or Ctrl-E) and then Enter" but I'd prefer to have a single key combo that doesn't involve moving my hands far from home row.17:23
floownts2: I'm back to my grub problem, sorry. My father should use grub 1 in Kubuntu 11.04 and the vbeinfo command is not disponible in the grub command. Could you help us please if you have an idea about the problem, or a method to switch grub1 to grub2 befor I repair the display resolution?17:28
ts2floown: to change the timeout of grub?17:32
floownts2: no, in fact I have only reboot the computer and I have ask befor my father to see the informations about the screen's display to resolve befor this problem. Sorry  ^^17:36
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shadeslayerCombatjuan: Not sure, but I think you could configure it in systemsettings17:50
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Combatjuanshadeslayer - You're right (at least kind-of).  Standard keybindings has several settings dealing with completion but none of them (save Ctrl-E Text Completion) works for me.  So I'll just stick with that.18:47
shadeslayerYou could just define a custom key binding18:47
CombatjuanI suppose in this case "Next" and "Previous" aren't really part of it and it is "Text Completion" and not "Substring Completion" so it's probably working as intended.18:48
khaledim have problem with ntfs driver18:53
khaledcan't device works good18:54
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JayFHi all.  Linux virgin exploring Kubuntu here.  Is there a reason this room is silent?19:34
JayFI'm also an IRC virgin.19:34
adminnI have a question....how do I do the day to day updates in kubuntu 11.10?20:09
adminnhello....anybody here?20:10
adminncould anyone help me please?20:10
=== adminn is now known as Efry
rorkEfry: can you open the muon software center?20:13
Efrythen what?20:14
rorkMuon software center > Settings > Updates20:14
Efryis that going to update my sistem?20:14
rorkI'm not sure, I don't use it myself, but it says auto update, check daily and install without confirmation so that should be what you're looking for20:16
Efryok, thank you :)20:16
rorkMaybe someone else can confirm this but that might take some time for this channel is not very active20:16
Efryyep, I kind off noticed that :)20:17
Efrybut I think that that is it20:17
EfryI just don't get it...there are so many people on this IRC chanel....20:18
rorkIt's the default channel in the Kubuntu KDE chat apps, I think many just keep it20:18
Efryaham, ok man, you've been verry helpful20:19
rorkI'm afraid maybe 20 people are pretty, and they don't watch the channel all the time20:19
rorkThanks, I try :)20:20
razlhi, I shrinked my linux partition and created an ntfs partition on the free space but windows doesn't show it in explorer. what do I have to do to make windows recognize it?20:42
BluesKajrazl,  did you format it to ntfs , if so then ask in #windows , if not format it20:45
razlBluesKaj: I used GParted to create the ntfs partition, I think it formatted it (otherwise, why would the file system matter)20:47
BluesKajok ,some partitioners just flag the partition , but don't format until literally told to do so20:49
BluesKajgparted formatted it  ...you may need to flag it as a boot partition for windows to see it , but I haven't worked with windows for many yrs , things may have changed since20:51
BluesKajrazl,  you really should ask in #windows20:52
razlBluesKaj: I did that at first but nobody answered since an hour20:53
BluesKajrazl,  does your btfs partition show up in dolphin>places ?21:00
CharlieSheenI am using Kubuntu 11.10, on a slightly older XP machine.  I am having problems, and am currently connected via ethernet, but I need to connect wirelessly.  I have WICD on my system, but it is still not picking up and of my wireless connections.  Can anyone assist me?21:11
BluesKajwhich wifi nic chip , CharlieSheen ?21:14
CharlieSheeni dunno, all I know is what card it is, been trying to figure that out myself, but I am extremely novice.21:15
CharlieSheenHow can i view that information from terminal?21:16
CharlieSheenI -think- it is Agere.21:17
BluesKajCharlieSheen,  sudo lshw -C network21:18
BluesKajor lspci and look for mobile21:20
CharlieSheenProduct: 82801CAM (ICH3) Pro/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Cotnroller21:21
CharlieSheenDoesn't show mobile21:21
CharlieSheenBut when the machien was windows, -it was wireless- so I know it is there21:21
CharlieSheenNo wlan either21:22
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BluesKajCharlieSheen,  do you see anything like broadcom , atheros , belkin21:23
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CharlieSheeni see communication comtroller agere ststems lt winmodem (rev 02)21:24
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CharlieSheenOther than that or 82801CAM (ICH3) Pro/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Cotnroller21:24
BluesKajyeah the agere sounds right for wifi nic , CharlieSheen21:26
CharlieSheenAlright, so what should I do from here?  Like, what should I google for?21:27
BluesKajCharlieSheen,  look in your package manager for agere , you'll see a driver for it , martian modem21:29
CharlieSheenSo apt-cache show agere?21:30
BluesKajno.open apper or muon21:32
CharlieSheenimuon is not finding anything21:37
BluesKajCharlieSheen,  that's why I prefer snaptic21:39
CharlieSheenWhat is synaptic?21:39
CharlieSheenIf it is something I can install with sudo apt-get and whatnot, and will be easier than this, I am game lol21:39
BluesKajit's a gnome based package manager , which is more precise than any other IMO21:40
CharlieSheenAh...so...what do I do, lol >.>21:40
CharlieSheenAm I pretty much screwed right now?21:41
BluesKajyup , sudo apt-get install synaptic21:41
BluesKajare you on 11.10 ?21:41
CharlieSheenOk its doing its thing lol21:42
BluesKajalso make sure you have the canonical partners repositories enabled in the package manager21:42
CharlieSheenCan I PM you?21:42
BluesKajCharlieSheen,  I prefer not to pm ...ppl can learb from what we're doing here21:43
CharlieSheenkk, here is a link, it is ebay, but it is the wireless card from the same line of computers.21:44
CharlieSheenAlso - Give me a few moments, I was having a small issue, but its fixed now.21:47
BluesKajCharlieSheen,  best to look in windows in the control panel >devices to find the right wifi card , not all compaqs were equipped with the card you posted21:50
CharlieSheenYeah, the machine is only kubuntu 11.10, no windows on it anymore.21:51
BluesKajdid you install synaptic ?21:54
CharlieSheenit is installing now, had an issue with my update heh21:56
CharlieSheenok its installed22:00
BluesKajok look in kmenu>apps>system for it , then type agere in the searchbox22:02
CharlieSheenok found agere, martian modem driver, I marked it for installation22:07
BluesKajok , install it to see if it's the right driver , you'll probly need to reboot , then check network manager to set it up with your router22:10
CharlieSheenhow do I open it as admin?  It wont let me apply without doing that22:11
BluesKajopen CharlieSheen do you jave the network widget in the panel ?22:13
CharlieSheenno, earlier instructions from someone else had me remove -purge network-manager22:14
CharlieSheenBecause they were saying 'use wicd instead'22:15
BluesKajthat was probly for the ethernet card , right ?22:15
BluesKajok do you have wicd then ?22:15
CharlieSheenbut it wouldn't let me apply the driver22:16
CharlieSheenbecause it wasnt open in admin mode?22:16
BluesKajok launch wicd from the kmenu or run command , alt+f222:16
CharlieSheenits open22:17
BluesKajI haven't used wicd in a while . which tabs and options do you have there22:19
BluesKajdo you see any wifi networks listed?22:21
BluesKajin preferences22:22
CharlieSheenno wireless networks found22:27
BluesKajhope nothing's changed on your router wifi settings , and are you using wep or wpa setings there ?22:30
BluesKajCharlieSheen,  personally I'd try network manager first before wicd22:31
BluesKajwicd used to be afine wifi manager . but it hasn't ben easy to configure in the last few releases22:33
BluesKajsorry CharlieSheen , I have to go ..bbl ..I hope22:39
CharlieSheenlol thanks for your help22:40
CharlieSheenhopefully i can figure this thing out lol22:40
MaxHRHello, looking to get speech recognition running, mainly for word processing, but maybe also browsing, any suggestions for programs in the repos that will do this?22:45
afiefAnybody up to verifying a bug?22:54
pedroOh yeah22:55
BarkingFishafief: sure, depends which prog the bug's in and whether i've got it23:00
BarkingFishand also, which version of kubuntu you're using, and which version of kde :)23:00
afiefAnybody up to verifying a bug?23:00
BarkingFishwhat am I? chopped liver? :P23:01
afiefBarkingFish: sorry all you said arrived at the same time23:02
BarkingFishsorry, must have a wee bit of lag here :)23:02
BarkingFishnope, must be at your end :P23:02
afiefwell, the bug is in freeglut and supporting libraries(mainly OpenGL stuff), I'm on Kubuntu 10.10 with the KDE PPA23:03
afiefBarkingFish: quite possible, but I have no clue how to fix it23:03
BarkingFishah, well I can't help you then unfortunately.23:03
BarkingFishI'm on 11.10 with KDE 4.7.423:03
BarkingFishjust give me an idea, what is the bug?23:04
afiefI need someone with a compiler and freeglut-dev installed23:04
Resistanceafief:  you can't install the compilers yourself and compile?23:11
afiefResistance: I did, but I'd like someone to verify it before I start sending out bug reports23:12
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