
lifelessmwhudson: you're not here are you?01:04
mwhudsonlifeless: no01:05
nigelboh right. Now I get what "here" means.01:05
nigelbWait a minute, why is lifeless awake. Isn't it late in Budapest.01:06
mwhudsonjetlag i imagine01:06
nigelboh the joy01:06
nigelbSigh. The week I decide to close up my unfinished bugs, epic happens :)01:49
nigelbI guess I can procastinate to next week.01:49
lifelessmwhudson: it is great to see some loggerhead patches from you05:48
nigelbMorning lifeless05:49
lifeless'lo nigelb05:50
wgrantlifeless: Bug #75649908:02
_mup_Bug #756499: cgroup-bin breaks suspend to RAM <libcgroup (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/756499 >08:02
lifelesswgrant: win, thanks.08:02
Davieyanyone near bigjools?08:59
StevenKSlightly. We're in a presentation.08:59
Davieyah, thanks08:59
wgrantDaviey: He's on irc.c.c, but can't connect to freenode09:00
StevenKOh, the sprint thing again?09:00
wgrantSomeone didn't tell freenode :(09:01
StevenKLast time it turned out that we did, twice, but they didn't listen.09:01
StevenKSo don't assume.09:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
StevenKwgrant: I wonder if lib/canonical/{,launchpad}/__init__.py can now die.10:13
wgrantStevenK: No10:15
wgrantStevenK: Some things import it to get the icing etc. paths.10:15
wgrantUsing __file__10:15
StevenKThat's a little disgusting, but okay.10:15
cjwatsonbigjools: I started API-based autosyncs over the weekend!10:16
cjwatsonwith Archive.copyPackages10:16
bigjoolscjwatson: I heard, that's awesome10:16
cjwatsonDebian import freeze is today, so in the nick of time10:17
StevenKcjwatson: \o/10:17
bigjoolscjwatson: I am hoping that copyPackage can be used for all the things you guys currently get timeouts for on the UI or with syncPackage10:18
cjwatsonso thank you muchly for all that10:18
bigjoolsas per pitti's email10:18
bigjoolsI am very happy that someone is using the code we worked on for nearly a year :)10:18
cjwatsonbigjools: so am I, though during bug 912867 I did run into a timeout at one point - it was in the middle of a load of other stuff though so I don't know how common it would be10:20
cjwatsonI'm hoping not much10:20
cjwatsonbigjools: I have a couple more client things to do but I should be able to submit a branch killing sync-source.py once I've ditched our last dependencies on it10:20
LaneyTalking about copying (yay), I have nearly finished fixing #912247. Is adding a new column to SPPH a good way to do that?10:21
cjwatsonour sync-stuff-based-on-bug-requests process still has "ssh to cocoplum and run sync-source.py" in it10:21
* Laney eyes the bot10:21
cjwatsonbut not fundamentally hard to fix now10:21
StevenKbug 91224710:21
* StevenK pokes _mup_ in the eye.10:21
cjwatsonbigjools: I'd buy you a drink this week but I'm not in Budapest :-/10:21
bigjoolscheap place to buy one too :)10:22
wgrantcjwatson: !10:22
cjwatson! to which? :-)10:25
wgrantcjwatson: Your abscence.10:26
cjwatsonwgrant: my wife's coming up on 35 weeks pregnant, let's put it that way ...10:27
bigjoolskiss goodbye to your life as you know it10:27
cjwatsonwe already have two ...10:28
cjwatson(so I already have no life)10:28
bigjoolsglutton for punishment? :)10:28
wgrantOh, I thought you only had one.10:28
cjwatsonone mine, one stepson10:30
LaneyIf adding a column is right, then AFAICS I need a database revision ID thingy10:34
wgrantLaney: Yes. This is for SPPH.signer?10:35
LaneyI called it sponsor, but yeah10:35
wgrantGood :)10:35
LaneyShould I need to edit SQL anywhere to get it saved or does the ORM handle that?10:36
StevenKYou need to write a DB patch10:36
LaneyI have got a schema patch10:36
Laneybut haven't written any explicit code to insert the new value10:36
wgrant2209-02-0 is your patch ID10:36
StevenKOnce that lands you can edit the model and interface10:36
cjwatsonlands> and is rolled out in an FDT10:37
StevenKWell, you can work on the changes before that point, but it can't be landed itself until the FDT is done./10:38
* cjwatson nods10:39
LaneyWhy does https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/DatabaseSchemaChangesProcess#Sample_data say "We have deprecated sample data. That means that you should never add to the sample data."?10:52
Laney(and then go on to describe how to change the sample data in great detail)10:54
cjwatsonbigjools: hmm10:57
cjwatsonbigjools: that autosync seems to have synced stuff from experimental :-(10:57
cjwatsone.g. libcdio10:57
cjwatson"latest version available" evidently doesn't include "actually in the source distroseries you asked for" ...10:58
cjwatsonoh, boggle, Archive.copyPackages doesn't actually take a source distroseries!11:01
cjwatsonno bloody wonder then11:01
bigjoolscjwatson: yeah, I thought you'd have remembered that from the special sync last year :)11:03
* bigjools in a meeting11:04
cjwatsonbit too long ago I'm afraid :-/11:05
cjwatsonI guess I'll work on a branch for that11:05
StevenKrick_h__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/798092/11:08
rick_h__http://pad.ubuntu.com/VyfPUoW5Cy is the pad for hte YUI project to work on11:13
cjwatsonbigjools: just a matter of adding an optional from_series parameter and adding tests for it, I think?11:15
rick_h__http://pad.ubuntu.com/VyfPUoW5Cy is the pad11:15
bigjoolscjwatson: should be11:19
cjwatsonlast year's sync was accidentally overwriting Ubuntu changes, I think11:22
StevenKwallyworld_: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/step-one-mochi/+merge/8792111:48
* Laney gets impatient at the test suite12:17
cjwatsonLaney: you probably don't need to run the whole thing?12:18
LaneyI thought not, but the wiki seems to say that you do12:19
Laneyhttps://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/DatabaseSchemaChangesProcess#Making_a_database_patch #1512:20
cjwatsonoh, db patch12:21
cjwatsonwell, it'll be run in ec2, but you might not want to go round that loop too many times12:22
StevenKYou don't need the test suite for just a db patch12:32
StevenKMake sure 'make schema' works12:32
Laneyoh :P12:33
nigelbLaney: \o/ \o/12:33
nigelbStevenK: the last time you said that, my patch broke all triggers :D12:34
nigelb(which is when that step was added I think)12:34
jmlnigelb: hi12:52
jmlnigelb: have you been watching the cricket?12:52
nigelbjml: no, StevenK was goading me the other day12:53
jmlnigelb: in which case I'll refrain12:53
nigelbTo be fair, the entire of last week I was sprinting for work on a beach :D12:54
nigelb0-2 :(12:54
jmlnigelb: tbh, have been disappointed that Tendulkar hasn't got a century yet.12:57
nigelbHe's been at 99 for so long that its depressing.12:58
Laneyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~laney/launchpad/spph-sponsor/+merge/87929 if someone wants to look and tell me what I've missed13:00
StevenKLaney: You need to request reviews from lifeless and stub with a type of 'db'13:06
LaneyI did actually read that somewhere but forgot.13:06
StevenKLaney: I'd prefer all keywords in your patch are all caps13:07
StevenKWHERE sponsor is not Null; for example13:07
LaneyOK, I copied it from the patch which added creator but I can fix that13:07
Laneybah, you have to enter the review type before selecting from the people picker13:08
nigelbheh, bitten before :D13:09
StevenKderyck: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/remove-translations-js/+merge/8793313:45
nigelbI missed the 'js' in the link that thought StevenK went ahead and deleted translations :P13:46
StevenKI wish13:46
Laneyhrm, am I supposed to keep my own copyright in changed files? I was just looking at the CLA 2.1 (a): "You retain ownership of the Copyright in Your Contribution…"13:54
StevenKderyck: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/bpph-supersede/+merge/8787514:26
rick_h__StevenK: http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/calendar/14:35
cjwatsonI know it's thunderdome week, but would anyone have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/archive-copy-packages-source-series/+merge/87942 for me?15:00
lifelessflacoste: btw http://webnumbr.com/launchpad-critical-bugs15:28
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Laneyat this point I'm just seeing how long make check takes to run :-)16:39
wgrantLaney: 4-6 hours depending on machine :)16:41
Laneyit appears to be doing doctests now16:42
wgrantThey're interspersed.16:42
Laneyoh :(16:42
cjwatsonCan anyone help me find out why Archive.copyPackage of qemu-kvm from lucid-proposed to lucid-updates is failing?  Might the answer be in appserver logs?16:47
wgrantcjwatson: I don't think that's logged anywhere.16:57
wgrantcjwatson: If you got a 200 back it won't be in appserver logs.16:57
wgrantI think it only logs somewhere if there's an associated DSD.16:57
wgrantcalls findMatchingDSDs, and adds a comment to each.16:58
cjwatsonWhich won't be the case for lucid-proposed -> lucid-updates, right?17:00
cjwatsonSo I'm screwed17:01
cjwatsonback to syncSource for now ...17:01
wgrantYup :)17:01
cjwatsonoh, I see17:05
cjwatsonactually, no I don't.  check_copy_permissions calls checkUpload, but that does seem to permit uploads to post-release pockets17:06
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
cjwatsonhttp://dogfood.launchpadlibrarian.net/80686770/5sZU7fHhxW0GbsX6UUORq5sEnM9.txt sigh, dogfood is just hopelessly nadgered isn't it20:35
cjwatson(trying to see if this branch has any hope of working on something Ubuntu-scale)20:36
StevenKI'm not sure how dogfood's librarian works, aside from ... badly.20:38
cjwatsonideally it might forward things to the real librarian or something when it doesn't have them, but I realise that's probably a pipe dream20:44
cjwatsonI think the same thing would make it impossible to run a hypothetical publisher that used C_writeIndexes on mawson20:45
ayanusing the launchpad api, how does one get a list of series associated with a distribution?  essentially, this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+series22:52
=== wallyworld is now known as uncleian
maxbayan: lp.distributions['ubuntu'].series23:09
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