
psusiI seem to have a problem with lp's ppa incoming queue: Uploading dmraid_1.0.0.rc16-4.1ubuntu5~ppa1_source.changes: 2k/3k550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 1, u'General error')", "(7, 1, u'General error')", "(7, 1, u'General error')"] : Permission denied.03:17
psusithe signature is valid... I did start using my new @ubuntu.com address/key tonight, but I already successfully uploaded another package to my ppa using it an hour ago03:18
mwhudsonpsusi: is it possible that your package in fact uploaded ok?03:19
mwhudsonthere is an issue that produces ugly messages but doesn't actually stop the upload03:19
psusimwhudson, doesn't look like it03:20
psusiwait, nevermind, it is in there03:21
mwhudsonspm: do you remember what this issue is about?03:22
spmnot recently,. no. it used to be delays in key updates. but I think that's been sorted for quite some time.03:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,In progress]03:24
mwhudsonspm: looks like the band-aid is restarting poppy03:25
spmahh. lovely. dear poppy.03:26
spmone sec.03:26
mwhudsonspm: looks like the band-aid is restarting poppy03:27
mwhudsonat least that up-return wasn't in a root shell window...03:27
nigelbI've done that. When my last command was sudo reboot.03:28
nigelbAnd another time when it was exit (ssh session)03:28
spmpopy restarted on the ppa master03:31
nigelbIs popey a service or machine?03:32
nigelberr, poppy03:32
spmthere's two, I think. the ppa one and the other one.03:32
_hcdonno if anyone is here, but I'm getting the dput permisssion denied problem when uploading with dput, this bug report said to ping here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/79895703:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,In progress]03:39
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
KNRO1 Hello, I'm getting "invalid value" when I try to link a project to an existing Bazaar branch. This is the branch lp:~mutlaqja/libindi/indi-sbig and this is the URL to set the project branch https://launchpad.net/indi-sbig/trunk/+setbranch07:55
KNRO1Any idea why?07:55
wgrantKNRO1: That branch is on the libindi project, not indi-sbig.08:02
KNRO1wgrant: guess have to delete then create again with indi-sbig name?08:19
wgrantKNRO1: That's the easiest way.08:20
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KNRO1wgrant: how can I request to add a package to universe repo?08:41
wgrantKNRO1: You'll need to talk to #ubuntu-motu about that.08:42
lamalexI pushed a revision of my branch to launchpad 10 minutes ago, but the page isn't updating. How long is this supposed to take?11:01
lifelesslamalex: should be a minute or two. Is it still not done?11:28
lamalexlifeless, finally went. took 15 minutes though! guess something was choked up along the pipe11:35
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: (LP team is sprinting, limited availability) | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged |
kirklandflacoste: howdy!  fyi, edygarcia is my colleague, and helping me manage our LP projects17:07
edygarciaflacoste: hi, thank you for assisting us on our project setup, I also have an open request to setup our branches as private Launchpad Enquires #9714, I could use some help, thanks17:10
flacosteedygarcia: we are all in Budapest today and our day is over, but I'll try to find somebody to follow-up on that ASAP17:13
edygarciaflacoste: thank you, really appreciate that17:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
kirklandare the PPA builders way backed up?18:27
czajkowskikirkland: someone was saying similar yesterday also18:34
dobeykirkland: i built something earlier without any problems18:40
ts2kirkland: apparently yes, they are quite backed up18:52
kirklandts2: bummer, okay, thanks19:14
kirklandczajkowski: ah, okay, thanks19:14
kirklanddobey: yeah, I did too;  but now there's like a 6 hour queue19:14
ts2180 jobs in the i386 queue, someone's doing something funky I guess19:15
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kirklandhmm, I just started getting:20:39
kirklandssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host20:39
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.20:39
cody-somervillekirkland, Known issue. LOSA is investigating.20:39
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad to: Known issues with codehosting | Help contact: (LP team is sprinting, limited availability) | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
kirklandcody-somerville: thanks20:40
flacosteedygarcia: what team should be able to make private branches on your project?21:02
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=== wallyworld is now known as uncleian
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