[03:18] i don't seem to have a mic. all my apps indicate it's muted. alsamixer shows otherwise. any suggestions? [03:21] Hi, where can we see if the mic is muted? [06:44] hello all [06:46] i was wondering if it was possible to install the lubuntu desktop on a ubuntu server? === AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell [14:54] hello. I have tried to backup /home and now all personal changes concerning lubuntu desktop are back to default. [14:54] Hello [14:54] is it possible to boot on usb ? [14:54] can I somehow recover the personal settings? [14:55] Elisae: sure [14:55] is it possible in every computer ? [14:55] even it's old ? [14:55] toscho: you also saved the "."dirs? [14:55] Elisae: depending on the computer [14:55] how can I see if it possible ? [14:55] tried so, but they threw an error: impossible to copy some special files [14:55] Elisae: you need the "boot from usb"option in your bios [14:56] some .dirs were copied [14:56] toscho: better to copy all of the .dirs [14:56] toscho: configs are saved in that dirs [14:56] tried so, but didn't work ot [14:56] I know [14:56] Elisae: look into the bios or have a look at the manual from your pc [14:56] I haven't even deleted anything in /home, just copied [14:56] ok thanks [14:57] toscho: you have saved your config and copied it into a new installation? [14:57] no. I just copied everything from /home to an external hdd. next reboot: all desktop settings back to default [14:58] (or at least tried copying, as not all .dirs were copied) [16:08] hi [16:09] how can I turn off edge scrolling on the touchpad persistently? [17:24] does anyone know what wil happen to the *buntu mini iso regarding PAE/non-PAE kernel stuff? I'm asking here as it seems quite important to you guys. I've just got an old Compaq tablet up & running & it won't do PAE, by the way. [17:30] pip__, we'll see [17:33] I guess I can squeeze a little more life from it as it is :) [17:40] pip__: at the moment, it seems 10.04 is your only sure non-pae. pcman is struggling to get time to backport pcmanfm over to 10.04, but don't give up hope :) [17:42] oddly, I don't seem able to get the 10.04 mini install to work. My only success has been with 11.10, so I can get 18 months out of the thing at least. the battery holds less than half its original capacity now too :-D [17:43] I've just been scoping for a new one but I don't know if it's worth the hassle [17:44] ...& the cost really. The tablet was a freebie [17:44] pip__: 11.10 was PAE. [17:44] noooooooooooooooooo [17:45] soz, no.. 12.04 is! [17:45] when I do the grep | pae proc stuff I get no output [17:45] it was the dropping of the older chipsets that happened in 10.10! [17:45] phew! [17:45] why phew? that would've been ace lol [17:46] he he [17:46] !pae [17:46] To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info [17:47] I understand that tech must move forward but it's been good fun reviving the old girl [17:47] 472mb RAM I think video is eating some so thats not an issue lol [17:49] yeah, 472mb RAM & a 1GHz transmeta CPU [17:49] ah, must go & eat [17:49] ttfn [17:58] how can i disable the screen brightness popup when changing brightness? it always shows wrong [17:59] and is there a volume popup? so i can see the volume while changing? [17:59] we have a band here called the 'djazz' band ;) [18:00] anyways... you see nothing with volume changes? [18:00] djazz: ^ [18:00] daemon jazz [18:00] it's actually a server ;) [18:06] * holstein wonders if switching to notifyosd would be what djazz is looking for [18:23] holstein: lol, no nothing happens when i hit Fn+Arrow up/down [18:23] the sound increase/decrease though === Folklore2 is now known as Folklore [19:32] how can i make the user to login automaticly? [19:35] djazz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_enable_automatic_logon_in_LXDM [19:36] wxl: in ubuntu it was a toggle of a checkbox :P [19:36] djazz: i think you'll find ubuntu gives you ease of use while taking up most of your resources :D [19:38] how can i make shortcuts to folders on my desktop? such as Computer and Trash [19:38] djazz: http://hiyohiyoipseniyo.blogspot.com/ [19:38] oops [19:38] :) [19:39] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_can_I_create_a_shortcut_on_the_Desktop [19:39] that [19:39] * djazz reads the FAQ :P [19:41] whats the command for trash? [19:41] rm [19:41] :P [19:42] that's a good question though really [19:42] pcmanfm has a special location trash:/// [19:43] "pcmanfm trash:///" worked [19:43] hi there [19:44] djazz, another way: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2018#p5680 [19:44] however i think delete still is just rm [19:44] could be wrong [19:45] when I press the power button for some time nothing happens. when I press it again for some time, the lxsession-logout dialog appears -- just as I have configured it in .config/openbox/lubuntu.xml. why doesn't it appear the first time? [19:45] toscho: it doesn't appear at all, no matter how long you wait? [19:46] it appears after some time, but only the second time. [19:46] so try pressing it once and just wait [19:47] don't get click happy [19:47] does it appear? [19:47] hmm [19:47] no [19:47] huge list of icons [19:47] no search option :/ [19:47] that is strange indeed [19:47] it's only the first time that it doesn't work [19:48] another used with same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248999 [19:48] apparently not just lubutnu [19:50] ahem, new problem: when I click the link, it's opened in links, not in firefox. but firefox is the preferred browser application [19:50] cant rightclick empty trash :P dont see if trash have files [19:50] toscho: you have java running? maybe open office quick starter? [19:50] djazz: can in pcmanfm for sure [19:51] yeah but on the desktop icon [19:51] as in ubuntu... [19:51] toscho: sudo update-alternatives –config x-www-browser [19:51] djazz: this ain't ubuntu, bub. i'm not going to lie to you and tell you it's trying to be, either. [19:51] djazz: if you want ubuntu, it's readily available :) [19:51] i know [19:52] just switched to l-ubuntu [19:52] :P [19:52] thx, browser change has worked [19:53] neither java nor open office quick starter are running now. but could they be running after session begin? [19:53] djazz: if you're looking for super-easy, crazy feature rich, very robust, that's ubuntu. lubuntu is not. it's minimal. this is kind of like asking the question as to whether or not you want to use vim or leafpad. both can open text documents, but they're not the same. [19:53] toscho: possibly. have you got open office installed? [19:53] libre office [19:54] i know, lubuntu is light [19:54] toscho: yeah that may be the issue. might i ask: have you tried abiword and gnumetric? as an otherwise committed libre office user, they changed my tune [19:54] djazz: …and for this, there are certain sacrifices [19:55] I have used them some time ago, but neither was satisfying me. [19:55] but they do run a lot quicker in lubuntu [19:55] A LOT [19:55] what's the name for the computer icon? :P [19:55] for trash it's "user-trash" [19:57] toscho: you could try (in options) LibreOffice/Java and uncheck use java runtime environment as an extreme measure or else check LibreOffice/Memory/LibreOffice QuickStarter and make sure it's unchecked [19:58] alas, I have a ms-office-document with graphics from colleagues. I could view it with libreoffice under ubuntu 10.04. I couldn't view it with libreoffice or abiword under lubuntu 10.10. I converted it to .odt using an online converter. now at least I can view it with libreoffice. abiword still doesn't view it correctly. [19:58] that's unfortunate [19:59] where do I find LibreOffice/Memory? [19:59] under options [19:59] or should be [19:59] i'm at work on windows (yuck >.<) running lubuntu in a vm and don't really want to install libreoffice in it just to find out so i'm looking at the options in my windows install [20:00] ah ok. that I found. but no point named quick starter [20:00] *g* [20:00] thx for the trouble [20:00] is there something like an openoffice quick starter for linux? this virulent behaviour seems rather windowish to me [20:01] well [20:01] such is the case with the office suites [20:01] usually because of java [20:01] i've noticed that every time i use a java app it runs away like mad [20:02] libreoffice doesnt need java [20:02] which i suggested ^^ up there [20:02] fortunately, I don't often use office suites. I mostly work with kile [20:02] mmmm latex [20:02] ewwwww kde [20:03] but the best tex editor out there imho [20:03] (not regarding the emacs mode. but I have never managed emacs) [20:06] so thanks for your help [20:06] good night [21:32] Anyone here try urr ? [21:32] http://www.u-r-r.info/ [21:33] I haven't, but that's more for Kubuntu in general === Folklore2 is now known as Folklore [21:42] sort of Unit193 [21:43] Light weight OS using qt apps [21:43] Hmm? Razor-qt? [21:43] Cutting edge stuff MrChrisDruif [21:43] It's not my "cup of tea" [21:44] qt or cutting edge ? [21:44] Both? [21:45] Well...cutting edge I might like...but qt at least not