
=== rmoriz_ is now known as rmoriz
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
RussellAlanGreetings to those lurking.08:00
infinityjcrigby: When do I get my mx53 kernel for amrhf? ;)09:33
OlivierN1Sage: the 11.10 image contains bootloaders for Panda. It might work on Blaze, but not guaranteed. Basically you need to rebuild the bootloaders and update the 1st partition inside the image file (unfortunatelly I can't a how-to on this).09:42
OlivierN1Sage: in case you have a Panda, you may (1) complete the Ubuntu installation on Panda (2)  install u-boot-linaro-omap4-sdp4430 (3) now use this SD card on Blaze09:43
OlivierN1(btw, there is no non-hacky way of detecting Blaze/Panda at run-time in the bootloaders)09:47
ogra_ndec, not sure if you noticed already, your PPAs are armhf enabled now ;)10:24
SageOlivierN1: any url for blaze vs panda bootloader differences?10:27
OlivierN1Sage: don't know. Though many peripherals are different10:28
OlivierN1Save: btw, I forgot step 2.5: sudo flash-kernel --update-bootloader10:29
SageThe main thing what I'm missing is what patches does blaze need to get the display working on upstream kernel. I have build Mer image for pandaboard and same image boots on blaze but I have problems with the display, thus wondering what I'm missing and wanted to try ubuntu if thing work better there.10:32
OlivierN1since the pin muxing is different on Blaze and Panda, the 1st thing is to get the right bootloaders10:33
OlivierN1then the following kernel have support for Blaze LCD:10:33
OlivierN1Sage: ^10:35
SageOlivierN1: ok, thx. I can try with that kernel then. What I would need next is x-loader and u-boot modifications if there is difference needed between blaze and panda.10:37
janimorsalveti, is there a linaro uboot tree that has bot omap4 and omap3 spl in it?10:37
SageOlivierN1: or if changing the kernel cmdline is enough for boot process?10:38
SageOlivierN1: so it is the omap4_defconfig that contains also blaze support?10:45
OlivierN1Sage: yes, there are different sets of bootloaders but a sole kernel for both10:46
OlivierN1(and I don't know how much the Panda bootloaders woud do on Blaze)10:46
SageOlivierN1: at least the panda bootloaders (and kernel) that I use on my mer adaptation boots on blaze.10:47
Sagenot sure how much things go wrong there though10:48
OlivierN1fine, then you may install the Blaze bootloader package10:48
Sageanyway thanks for the help so far. I'll try that kernel first and see if it changes things.10:49
OlivierN1sudo apt-get install u-boot-linaro-omap4-sdp4430 and then sudo flash-kernel --update-bootloader10:49
rsalvetijanimo: hey, yes, the u-boot-linaro-stable at git.linaro.org13:39
rsalvetijanimo: you can also grab the package from our overlay if you want13:39
rsalvetijanimo: but jcrigby should be updating the package at ubuntu this week I believe13:39
ndecogra_: thx for the armhf... will look into that when my current task gets less crazy ;-)13:40
ogra_just drop it and tell the people this is more important :P13:40
rsalvetindec: replied you back with the qt demo13:40
ndecyep. i saw. does it work now?13:40
ogra_rsalveti, seems didier is already merging it here, he promised me a package for testing this week during the sprint13:40
ndecrsalveti: ok... i saw xavier's message. you should be enabled soon.13:41
ndecthat looks really good btw ;-)13:41
rsalvetindec: still waiting the package, should reply you back once I get it :-)13:42
rsalvetiogra_: nux and unity are already merged13:43
ogra_ah, so its just compiz then13:43
rsalvetiogra_: now the problem is compiz13:43
rsalvetion, unity is not yet merged13:43
rsalvetibut almost there13:43
ogra_he didnt tell me what exactly is missing, we just talked on the corridor13:43
rsalvetinux is the one that got at trunk13:43
rsalveticompiz is the most complicated bit13:43
janimorsalveti, thanks. I just saw there's a blueprint for unifying omap SPL14:08
rsalvetijanimo: yup14:09
rsalvetindec: great, it works fine with latest driver from xavier14:16
dcordes-webhi, can ac100 image related topics be discussed here ?14:36
ogra_dcordes-web, sure, here or in #ac10014:42
dcordes-webok I have the following problem after apt-get update on my ac100 oneiric release image:14:57
dcordes-webFailed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ports.ubuntu.com_ubuntu-ports_dists_oneiric-updates_multiverse_binary-armel_Packages Hash Sum MismatchFailed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ports.ubuntu.com_ubuntu-ports_dists_oneiric-security_multiverse_binary-armel_Packages Hash Sum Mismatch14:58
ogra_janimo, are you sure the ac100 kernel in oneiric is in -updates ? or was that just -proposed15:27
ogra_seems dcordes-web isnt getting it15:27
janimoogra_, infinity supposedlyt pushed it to updates 30 min or so ago15:28
ogra_oh, and is the meta also uploaded to -proposed/-updates ?15:28
janimoogra_, there was no ABI bump, no meta needed AFAIK15:28
ogra_else he wont get the update indeed15:28
ogra_ah, k15:28
ogra_well, then lets blame infinity15:29
dcordes-webogra_: infinity ?15:30
dcordes-webogra_: can I assume everything is ok on my side ?15:30
janimodcordes-web, not sure. Wait an hour or so and try updating again15:32
janimoif you get apt-get update errors it is unrelated to the new kernel15:32
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
infinityPatience? :P15:34
ogra_infinity, its 16:34 btw15:34
infinitylinux-ac100 | 2.6.38-1001.2 | oneiric-proposed/universe | source15:35
infinitylinux-ac100 | 2.6.38-1001.2 | oneiric-updates/universe | source15:35
ogra_(that time where one is supposed to go out and smoke )15:35
infinityogra_: Also, feel free to dogpile on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/91323715:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 913237 in unity "Useless scroll arrows in menus" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:36
infinityogra_: Or bring it to the attention of the Unity devs you seem to friendly with. :P15:36
ogra_oh, thanks15:36
GrueMasterwhy don't you set up a cron job to pop up a message every hour?15:36
ogra_i was actually planning to show it to the desktop guys directly later15:36
infinitys/to friendly/so friendly/15:36
ogra_GrueMaster, that wont add the proper randomization15:36
ogra_its not exactly 60min15:37
dcordes-webif I run upgrade now ( before that 1001.2 upload ) should I not get another kernel than 1000 =15:39
dcordes-webe.g. 1000.1 ?15:42
infinitydcordes-web: Update and upgrade now should get you 1001.215:48
infinitydcordes-web: In theory.15:48
infinitydcordes-web: Unless ports is broken.15:49
dcordes-webinfinity: ok update; upgrade15:50
dcordes-web269 to be updated :D15:51
infinityOh.  Been awhile? :P15:51
infinityYou might want dist-upgrade, if it's been that long.15:51
dcordes-webno, I ran this many times15:51
dcordes-webinfinity: just minutes before15:54
=== phh_ is now known as phh
dcordes-webinfinity: apt-get install linux-ac100 gave me
infinitydcordes-web: Weird.  Ports might be lagging.16:28
dcordes-webinfinity: still no 1001.2 in my repos17:42
dcordes-webthanks for the help everybody keep up the great work17:42
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
sveinseDoes anyone know about a (good) tool for downloading all packages needed for a system? I know its a bit OT, but I want to collect all (armel) debs needed for a system and I haven't found any suitable tools when I want to download armel packages on an intel system. There is apt-offline, but I can't get it to work for armel18:18
ndecogra_: you there?18:54
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87

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