
=== jdstrand1 is now known as jdstrand
FransUrboWhere is bugs against Precise filed?14:04
brendandsame as any other bug. use ubuntu-bug <package-name>14:06
FransUrboCan't it be done through the web?14:07
FransUrboIt's for the installer...14:07
brendandFransUrbo - in that case do it through the web and add the 'precise' tag14:08
FransUrboWhere? On the ReportingBugs page (Topic in #Ubuntu+1), there's only links to released versions, not Precise...14:09
arandOn Launchpad14:11
ubot4Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/14:11
FransUrboOk, think I found it. Thanx.14:13
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bil21alhello people have a look on this bug and guide me that is it a softwrae center bug or chromium bug?16:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 913808 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium browser is missing in software-center (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:15
bil21alhggdh said its a chromium bug but micahg said its a software center bug so what do i do ?16:16
brendandask mvo?16:17
bil21alhello mvo:16:17
mvohello bil21al, I'm in a call right now, but I can check in a sec16:20
hggdhPici: you available? Got a Q on channel maint16:33
Picihggdh: sure16:33
hggdhPici: great!16:33
hggdhPici: we want to stop using #ubuntu-quality, and redirect all requests to join to #ubuntu-testing16:33
hggdhhow can this be done?16:33
Picihggdh: You can either get heno or laserjock to do the commands, but it seems neither of them have identified for a number of weeks.  I can go ahead and push through the necessary mode changes if you'd like.16:35
hggdhPici: yes, please -- we do appreciate your help16:35
Picihggdh: Forward has been setup.  Do you want me to mute the old channel?16:49
hggdhPici: no, I do not think it will be needed -- as the users disconnect and reconnect they will be routed16:50
hggdhPici: I do appreciate your help, sir16:50
Picihggdh: sure, anytime.16:50
charlie-tcahggdh: what about those users who don't disconnect for months?16:55
hggdhcharlie-tca: I am sending an email to bugsquad, quality and Bug Control warning users we are terminating the channel; as soon as everybody disconnects (or, perhaps, after some days) we will terminate it16:56
roadmrkick 'em out?16:57
hggdhheh. I would rather wait than kick 'em out16:57
charlie-tcaWorks for me. I just thought maybe I should bring up the absurd16:57
PiciI'd rather not ping everyone by kicking them out.  Then I'll get 50 people asking me why I kicked them.16:58
roadmryep well I agree that it's somewhat violent16:59
hggdhit is... although Pici is giving a more to-the-earth explanation (I do not get the complaints), I will usually try the nice way first17:00
charlie-tcaokay... I left the channel17:04
* roadmr has BOFH roots - they shine through sometimes17:04
hggdhcharlie-tca: thank you, sir17:04
hggdhroadmr: :-)17:05
charlie-tcahggdh: you are most welcome, sir.17:05
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mvobil21al: sorry, this took much longer than I expected. it sounds like its a bug in app-install-data from first glance17:16
bil21also can i move it there17:16
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mvobil21al: yes, please move it to app-install-data and software-center (create a task for both)17:17
mvothanks, I need to leave for dinner now, sorry17:17
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