
ashamshey guys, anyone know why canonical decided to make unity instead of just continuing with gnome(3)?00:12
ashamsa history question :)00:13
cjohnston" founder Mark Shuttleworth cited philosophical differences with the GNOME team over the user experience to explain why Ubuntu would use Unity as the default desktop instead of GNOME Shell"00:33
ashamscjohnston, thnx00:47
* bkerensa tries to wakeup before loco meeting :P02:36
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
head_victimAlanBell: ping09:28
AlanBellhi head_victim09:35
head_victimTime for a quick PM?09:36
jonojcastro, http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=16722210:16
czajkowskijono: morning10:17
jonohey czajkowski10:17
czajkowskijono: hows you?10:18
jonoczajkowski, good thanks, although getting over some stomach flu10:19
czajkowskigot one of those fitbits10:19
czajkowskilook kinda handy hope to start using it in a couple of weeks when I'm back on my feet10:19
jonoczajkowski, nice!10:19
czajkowskionly allowed to slowly walk atm, so nothing too physical10:20
jcastrodpm: what is the name of the tool that we give locos to make their own localized ubuntu CDs?13:13
dpmjcastro, lemme check it on the wiki page...13:14
dpmjcastro, the package to install is ubuntu-defaults-builder and the tools to run, in order, are: ubuntu-defaults-template and ubuntu-defaults-image13:15
dpmmore info on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/LocalizedImagesRollout13:16
dpmnp :)13:16
mhall119jono: dpm: jcastro: balloons: good morning13:35
mhall119where's dholbach?13:35
jonohey mhall11913:35
jonohe is delayed13:35
jonohis flight was overbooked13:35
dpmmhall119, hey hey :)13:35
mhall119he can't take a train?13:35
jonomhall119, we will get you on the big screen soon...there is a QA meeting going on in here right now13:35
jonomhall119, train is too long13:36
nigelbmhall119: YOu aren't in Budapest?13:36
jonohe just got delayed by a day13:36
dpmmhall119, it's a bit of a long way from Morocco... :)13:36
mhall119no rush, I'm trying to stay on top of the Ubuntu TV stuffs13:36
mhall119dpm: oh, I thought he was back in Germany13:36
nigelbhaha, have you guys seen the 1990slinuxguy's tweets?13:38
nigelbThe recent ones are hilarious :)13:38
nigelb"Ubuntu developers don't provide an easy way for switching to other package management systems. Ubuntu is an enemy of freedom."13:38
jcastromhall119: hang out created13:47
mhall119jcastro: did you invite me?13:48
jonomhall119, he did13:49
balloonshello mhall11913:50
jonomhall119, join now13:51
jonomhall119, did you get the invite?13:51
mhall119jono: haven't seen it yet :(13:51
jonomhall119, jcastro is fixing it now13:51
jonomhall119, check now13:52
jcastromhall119: ok try now13:52
jcastrook I figured it out13:54
jcastromhall119: you need to create so we can join13:54
jcastroit doesn't let me hang out twice if I am the creator13:54
jcastromhall119: got it?13:55
jcastromhall119: hello?13:56
mhall119I need to create a new one?13:57
mhall119invite sent13:58
mhall119jcastro: no audio13:59
jcastroI don't think the problem is our end14:01
jcastrocan you test your G+ thing?14:01
jcastromhall119: ok so it shows the microphone with a line through it14:02
jcastrook, let's try one more time, maybe start it again?14:02
mhall119too bad there aren't any computer guys around14:03
jcastrowhen you run it this next time14:03
jcastrodo the test thing14:03
jcastrojust to rule out if it's my tablet or not14:03
mhall119what 'test thing'?14:03
mhall119jcastro: ??14:05
jcastrolike in the beginning14:06
jcastrowhen it says "check your hair" etc14:06
jcastroyou can see the audio input and output levels, etc.14:06
mhall119everything seemed fine14:07
mhall119you could hear me right?14:07
mhall119jcastro: another invite sent14:07
jcastroone sec14:10
* mhall119 feels so alone14:12
* popey cuddles mhall119 14:13
nigelbjust use skype? :P14:13
mhall119not quite that alone14:13
mhall119Microsoft Skype? nevah!14:14
jcastrook let me reboot this stupid android14:14
* mhall119 wishes he was in Budapest14:14
* mhall119 or Las Vegas14:15
balloonshaving troubles?14:17
mhall119mine works fine, it runs Ubuntu ;)14:18
jcastrono audio still14:19
jcastrolet me try it on a laptop14:19
dakerhey small question : what's the difference between lens and scope ?14:19
jcastrolenses have scopes14:19
jcastro"video" is a lens14:19
jcastroand would have scopes14:19
jcastroone for youtube, one for vimeo, etc.14:19
mhall119daker: scopes provide results to lenses14:20
dakerah just like backend engines14:20
jcastromhall119: installing plugin now14:23
jcastrosorry, laptop is slow14:23
dakermhall119, what's going on in Budapest ?14:29
mhall119daker: platform rally14:29
jcastromhall119: ok, invite sent14:30
jcastromhall119: brb14:40
mhall119wow, hard crash15:20
mhall119I do 't think my laptop like running hangouts so long15:20
jcastrono worries15:23
mhall119hmmm, there are worries....my audio hardware isn't being seen after a reboot15:24
nigelbif only you were in budapest where the platform team is sprinting... :P15:24
mhall119attempting another reboot15:25
mhall119well at least my hardware is recognized again15:30
mhall119jcastro: hangouts run my CPU at 100%, I don't think I'll be able to keep it running the whole time15:30
jcastroah no worries15:30
balloonsyikes.. 100%?15:32
balloonssomething is seriously off there15:32
mhall119anything video-related does that15:33
* mhall119 blames intel integraged graphics chips15:33
mhall119jcastro: I shared a google doc with you15:36
mhall119of lenses and scopes I've found so far15:36
mhall119jcastro: let me know when you want to discuss something on the trello board and I'll turn the hangout back on, otherwise I'm going to not abuse my laptop too much15:49
jcastrogood idea16:09
cprofittwoah... is one of the open source tests that it has to compile to be free?16:24
mhall119cprofitt: nope16:25
cprofittso Fabian is being a bit inconsistent16:25
mhall119OSI just requires that people can redistribute the source and binary (if they can make it compile)16:25
cprofittthanks... I was not sure.16:25
balloonsopen source code in a proprietary language and compiler16:25
mhall119cprofitt: where?16:26
balloonscprofitt, in the other sense.. it needn't compile to be open source.. meaning compile without errors :-)16:26
mhall119388 people following Ubuntu TV on G+16:28
ts2cprofitt: gerr, it's "Qt" not "QT"16:30
cprofittts2: I did not write the articles16:30
ts2someone with a sticky shift-key no doubt16:32
mhall119cprofitt: haters gotta hate...16:33
cprofittmhall119: yep...16:33
cprofittI take a small bit of joy in making Fabian twist and spin16:34
cprofittbeyond his Ubuntu envy he seems like a decent chap... though he has issues with the Eldar so maybe not.16:34
mhall119who/what is Eldar?16:36
cprofittits a Warhamme 40K thing16:41
cprofitta game using miniatures16:41
cprofittI used to play such games (started with the precursor to Dungeons and Dragons) and later I worked in the industry before going in to IT.16:50
jonocprofitt, LOL16:50
jonoFab is such a cool guy16:51
jononever a dick16:51
cprofittjono: lol16:51
cprofittand he really doesn't have a bone to pick with Ubuntu16:51
cprofittjust ask him16:51
mhall119cprofitt: well that's good, for a minute I thought he wasn't a fanboy16:52
cprofittmhall119: I think he is about to implode16:56
cprofittwhen he argues with positive... and then reshares these it is rather difficult to not assume he is an Ubuntu troll16:57
mhall119let him talk bad about it all he wants, as long as he keeps talking about it :)16:58
* cprofitt nods16:59
cprofittthat is another reason I like to engage him a bit16:59
popeyi made  a new years resolution not to engage people like that17:01
popeyit's not productive17:01
popeyequally http://www.extremetech.com/computing/112601-canonical-outs-ubuntu-tv-brave-or-stupid17:02
popeytl;dr, "I don't want a TV therefore nobody does"17:03
cprofittpopey: lol17:05
cprofitthow are ya popey ?17:08
popeygreat :D17:13
cprofittgood to hear!17:18
snap-lI have a hard time understanding the need for the Ubuntu TV, but I know there are folks out there that want such a device.20:06
bkerensasnap-l: It isnt a need based product versus a want-based product same with phones20:31
bkerensathere is no need for need for new products really we always just as consumers want new things20:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
topylibkerensa: there is a need to simplify things, we are stressed already. ubuntu tv of course isn't alone in trying to do this, but i'm glad this stuff is coming22:32
topyliit's another question whether i'd want an ubuntu tv, when i'm immersed in the google universe already. for others, it might be apple22:33
topylibut hey, i haven't even seen one or read about what it really does. maybe it's awesome :)22:34

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