
mhall119follow Ubuntu TV on Google+ https://plus.google.com/10465999125486097628304:10
jussiMorning all07:41
jussiIs it planned a version of the TV unity will come out with precise?07:41
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
popeyjussi: no07:47
jussipopey: when do you expect it to be available ?08:01
jussiin alpha format08:01
* AlanBell wonders how much of a working demo it is at CES08:53
AlanBelland who it is that likes "in the night garden"08:55
AlanBelliggle piggle is the jar jar binks of children's TV08:55
mcbaine1mornin' all09:47
popeyheh AlanBell09:55
popeyAlanBell: there is some functionality working, but not a huge amount09:57
popeycode will be available 'soon'09:57
popeysoon as in hours not weeks09:57
AlanBellok, so stuff does move09:57
popeyits not static, its not just a video09:57
popeyif I wasn't in Budapest I'd offer for you to come over to my house to see it :D09:58
dmj726popey: this is great news!10:42
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-tv to: Welcome to #ubuntu-tv | http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tv | http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UbuntuTV | http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UbuntuTV-Issues | This channel is logged to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://ubuntu.com/tv | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq_WaOLjdyQ
MobileDruifI hope Canonical has had a good laugh about everyone in this channel thinking of having any influence. It's a shame that everything is developed already in secrecy12:07
AlanBellMobileDruif: relax12:07
AlanBellit isn't already developed in secrecy12:07
MobileDruifAt least that's my idea of how it went12:08
MobileDruifAlanBell: tell me how I *should* look at the current developments? (Developments being the announcements made at CES/the released code?)12:10
MobileDruifCan you*12:23
mhall119did everyone follow https://plus.google.com/104659991254860976283 yet?12:23
MobileDruifmhall119: I do12:24
dakermhall119, the images are real or just mockups ?12:26
mhall119daker: a real demo12:26
mhall119daker: you can watch the video at http://www.ubuntu.com/tv12:26
MobileDruifdaker: newest omgubuntu article apparently has a vid12:27
dakermhall119, sorry but they fail at product launch!12:28
MobileDruifAnyhow, anyone capable of explaining the situation to me?12:29
dakermhall119, see the difference http://www.google.com/tv/12:29
mhall119daker: they're not pitching it to consumers, they're pitching it to manufacturers12:33
dakerit's the same,you are launching a product ツ12:34
dakermhall119, it will work on my 32" LG LCD-TV ?12:38
MobileDruifDoes it have 2GB of disk space and 1GB of RAM?12:40
dakerthe TV ?12:42
MobileDruifYeah, what else?12:43
dakerit depends on the OEM12:44
mhall119code is up: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tv12:49
jussimhall119: yay!12:50
jussimhall119: are there packages yet?12:50
jussiie. a ppa?12:50
mhall119jussi: not that I see12:52
mhall119jussi: there wasn't even a bzr branch last night12:52
jussimhall119: yeah, I just figured whoever wrote that code mightve actually packaged it also12:52
mhall119jussi: I can ask around, but since they're at CES I may not get a response12:53
jussimhall119: ok12:53
jussibranch wont check out for me :/12:54
jussiPermission denied (publickey).12:54
jussibzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.12:54
mhall119weird, let me try12:55
jussipopey: also, you need to update the entry message: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots (re: ubuntulog)12:56
mhall119jussi: worked for me, maybe it was just a connection issue?12:56
spikebis there a FAQ for ubuntu tv yet?12:56
jussimhall119: no, Ive tried several times and the message says something about pubkey12:56
mhall119yeah, that's an ssh error...12:57
mhall119have you tried bzr launchpad-login?12:57
jussiI hadnt, but just did, returns my user (jussi01) and then the other thing fails12:58
jussimhall119: its not somehow limited to employees is it?12:59
mhall119jussi: launchpad says it's public12:59
jussiwonder whats happening there.13:00
jussiconspiricy, Ive been blocked!!! :P13:00
mhall119do you have your ssh pubkey on launchpad?13:00
jussihrm, this is the work machine, lemme check.13:00
mhall119jussi: also, try viewing http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tv/ubuntutv/trunk/files13:01
jussiahh bollocks, this machine isnt on LP. lemme upload it.13:01
jussiand yeah, browsing works13:02
jussimhall119: right, works now. thanks for the troubleshooting :)13:04
mhall119I just had to bribe an official to look the other way so I could let you in on the conspiracy ;)13:06
jussiooh, theres a debian folder there...13:07
jussiI wonder if we can stick this into a PPA some how... ?13:07
mhall119worth a shot13:07
MobileDruifShould be doable13:08
MobileDruifIt's already on lp right?13:08
MobileDruifCan't it be put in a ppa from that page?13:09
spikebooh, a video lens for unity. cool.13:10
MobileDruifMight be nice13:10
mhall119MobileDruif: PPAs are only for people and teams13:11
MobileDruifAnd ubuntu-tv isn't a team?13:12
mhall119oh, you're right13:12
* mhall119 hasn't had his morning coffee yet13:12
mhall119then yes, we could make a ppa for the team and host packages there13:13
* MobileDruif neither13:13
* jussi smiles at mhall11913:14
* MobileDruif gives mhall119 his morning coffee ;)13:15
* jussi waits for mhall119 to provide the ppa line and an eta for packages built :D13:18
jussianyways, local copy building now13:21
jussialso: sudo apt-get install debhelper dh-translations cmake pkg-config libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libglib2.0-dev libwnck-3-dev libpango1.0-dev libqtgconf-dev libdconf-qt-dev libqtbamf-dev libqtdee-dev libdbusmenu-qt-dev libx11-dev libindicator3-dev libgtk-3-dev libutouch-geis-dev libstartup-notification0-dev libunity-core-4.0-dev libnux-1.0-dev libxi-dev13:22
jussitheres the build deps for it on one line ;)13:22
jussimhall119: also, would be nice to have the bug tracker, translations, blueprints and answers opened for this13:23
MobileDruifOeh, translations :D13:24
MobileDruifWe already had a request for that :P13:24
sladenhello people13:25
sladenseems the CES thing has hit the interwebs13:25
sladenMobileDruif: and what makes you think you haven't or are not having an influence?13:25
dmj726Actually, it looks like a lot of the ideas discussed in this channel and mailing list have been taken into consideration13:26
* jussi waves to sladen13:26
jussisladen: when are you coming to visit me again ?13:27
sladenjussi: remember that time I came up there (in a rush, admittedly), bumped into the son of the person I'd gone to visit in Muhos13:27
dmj726sladen: might I be accurate on that?  Otherwise there seems to have been a lot of ideas come up with independently13:28
MobileDruifThat might be so, but still: because everything code-wise was developed without any info one way our the other made me feel left out13:28
sladenjussi: shall be back for Sauna at some point.  Is it snowing there?13:28
dmj726MobileDruif: I can understand where you're coming from there13:28
dmj726definitely digging the design though13:29
sladenMobileDruif: what you're seeing is a prototype/mockup/test-framework.  It will then be possible to take those design ideas, interate/discuss/evolve them more easily now there's something public and demoable and work on the implementation itself13:29
sladenMobileDruif: if you look around this channel there are people like Kaleo who is suddenly very relieved and jumping for joy when I saw him a few minutes ago13:30
sladendmj726: yes, there are people listening in the channel even if they've not been able to say much on certain subjects13:31
dmj726definitely glad to see the second screen and third party applications aspects included13:32
MobileDruifThe last few months have been eerily quiet. We've asked for more direction from above, but nothing was given. Except Marks blog-post saying we had some great ideas (even referring to our feature list), have we been stagnant. I think it's a shame that it's only been going in one-direction. I'm just letting my frustrations speak now.13:35
MobileDruifI'm not one to hold a grudge, so make a clean slate and continue with this great project13:36
dmj726Yeah, I think a lot of us would like to get feedback on what Canonical people are thinking and also start hacking on the platform ourselves13:36
dmj726this release definitely helps on that front13:37
MobileDruifsladen: I hope you understand where I'm coming from13:38
jussisladen: excellent. and yes, we have snow (~50cm) but no, its not snowing currently13:39
sladenMobileDruif: yes, the CES deadline, was a bit fixed.  Things were focused on getting something (based on the ideas at UDS, and since) ready for CES.  Which is a pretty short amount of time (2 months since end of UDS, of which the holiday eat quite a chunk)13:40
jussiso, quick question for those in the know. Ive made this and installed it, is it now a selection from login? or?13:40
sladenjussi: what's "this" ?13:40
sladenjussi: links, URLs, ?13:40
* jussi points to scroll back and adds: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tv13:41
MobileDruifCode on the ubuntu-tv lp sladen13:41
* jussi says meh and goes to try13:42
KaleoMobileDruif: hi!13:46
Kaleohi others!13:46
MobileDruifKaleo: Aloha :)13:46
KaleoMobileDruif: I am sorry the code was private for a few weeks13:46
KaleoMobileDruif: it's kind of an experiment thing13:47
mhall119wow, the channel is starting to get busy now!13:47
MobileDruif...and the conversation?13:47
jussimeh, doesnt seem to be there :(13:47
jussiKaleo: how do I start it?13:47
KaleoMobileDruif: and I also am sorry about the lack of presence from me here13:48
KaleoMobileDruif: the reason is very plain: working extremely hard for a few weeks13:48
KaleoMobileDruif: (I had my girlfriend complaining every day..)13:49
MobileDruifKaleo: sorry to hear that your girlfriend complained everyday13:50
KaleoMobileDruif: she is relieved now :)13:51
MobileDruifWoops, wrong button13:51
KaleoMobileDruif: :)13:51
jussiso seriously, no one can tell me how to start it?13:52
jussiKaleo: mhall119 ?13:52
Kaleojussi: I can!13:53
jussiKaleo: please do! :D13:53
Kaleojussi: though it is in the wiki no?13:53
jussiKaleo: Ive compiled (cmake, make make install). what now?13:53
jussiKaleo: which wiki where?13:54
Kaleothere :)13:54
jussithe readme was very vague.  :(13:54
Kaleodoes that help?13:54
MobileDruifjussi: /Contributing I believe13:54
jussiKaleo: Im reading now. perhaps worth adding that url into the readme file?13:55
jussialso, what does ~s do in the bzr command?13:56
Saviqjussi, it's not an option - it's just the name of the team13:58
MobileDruifIt's gonna be merged with unity-2d13:58
jussioh :(13:59
MobileDruifSaviq: I see you're hard at work with the wiki pages?13:59
jussiso... what the difference in code from  bzr branch "lp:~ubuntu-tv/ubuntutv/trunk" and "bzr branch lp:~s-team/ubuntutv/trunk" if any?14:00
Saviqjussi, we just had to move the code, sorry for that14:00
Saviqthere is no ~ubuntu-tv/ubuntutv/{trunk,unity-lens-video} anymore14:00
jussioh, so I grabbed before it was moved then.14:00
jussithere si no difference in code though?14:01
sladenjussi: the 's-team' is a bit like the 'a-team', just an abbreviation of something else14:01
Saviqjussi, just go `bzr pull --remember ~s-team/ubuntutv/trunk` there14:01
mhall119Kaleo: Saviq: can we get an actual LP project for this?14:01
jussiSaviq: thanks14:01
Saviqmhall119, most of it will get merged back into unity-2d14:01
Saviqmhall119, and the project is simply "ubuntutv"14:02
mhall119Saviq: ok14:02
Saviqwe couldn't connect lp:ubuntutv yet, we'll do that soon14:02
MobileDruifCan there be anything said about ubuntu phone now your all chatty again?14:03
sladenMobileDruif: you could try asking in #ubuntu-phone14:04
KaleoMobileDruif: the phone is definitely not my arena :)14:07
KaleoMobileDruif: I would guess that this would be the last platform we tackme14:07
KaleoMobileDruif: I feel like we have so much to get on with already14:07
jussiKaleo: strange question here. If Im running kde can I just run it?  or do I need to be running metacity?14:11
Kaleojussi: it should be fine14:11
Kaleojussi: mileage may vary performance wise depending on your window manage14:11
jussiok, lemme try it :)14:11
KaleoMobileDruif: like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/MergePlan14:12
KaleoMobileDruif: document that got created 5 minutes ago :)14:12
MobileDruifI know ;)14:12
MobileDruifI'm subscribed to every page subsequent of UbuntuTV, so I also get notified about new pages14:13
Saviqnerochiaro, plan is great14:13
nerochiaroSaviq: Kaleo: any ideas on the TODOs that are in there ?14:14
nerochiaroi suppose i can start tackling point #1 anyway14:15
nerochiaroSaviq: Kaleo: how do we go review-wise for this work ?14:15
Saviqwe got lp:ubuntutv14:16
jussiKaleo: seems it didnt work. loaded my normal unity over the top of kde (I have unity installed here as an alternate)14:18
tsdgeosjussi: you probably need to shut-down plasma-desktop14:18
jussiok, can I run this from a tty ?14:19
nerochiaroyou should be able to14:19
jussiok, lemme try that14:20
Saviqjussi, what does `gsettings get com.canonical.Unity2d form-factor` say?14:20
mhall119Saviq: do you guys have it doing form-factor auto-detection to determine what variant of Unity to run?14:21
Saviqmhall119, not yet14:21
Saviqjussi, actually make that `dconf read /com/canonical/unity-2d/form-factor`14:22
MobileDruifAnyhow I'm going offline, battery is getting low14:34
jussiSaviq: returns nothing14:34
jussianyways, Im off now. 9 months pregnant wife waiting for me at home ;)14:36
jussiplease leave me messages tho14:36
sladenjussi: wow.  Best wishes for all 2 (or 3 if it arrives) of you14:37
Saviqjussi, did you follow the point about setting that dconf key?14:40
Saviqanyone else managed to run it? or - even more interesting - did not manage to run it for some reason?14:41
dakerhello Kaleo14:52
Saviqdaker, he's not here right now14:53
mhall119Kaleo: Saviq: do we have any information about the remote control for Ubuntu TV?16:14
rsalvetiKaleo: hey, first issue I saw at the instructions, you're using xbmc 10 to create the metadata16:34
rsalvetiwe're using the 11 release, that we have running on arm16:34
rsalvetithey should be compatible, but not fully sure16:34
Saviqrsalveti, they are16:36
jussiSaviq: I did run it. it returned nothing.16:37
rsalvetiSaviq: great16:37
jussiSaviq: In anycase, Im off to the hospital with the wife - hopefully when I return there will be 3 of us :D16:37
Saviqjussi, awesome!16:37
* jussi hugs Saviq and runs off16:38
mhall119jussi: congrats!16:40
jussimhall119: not yet! :D16:40
mhall119jussi: I thought you were gone, assumed you'd get that after :)16:41
jussimhall119: Im jusyt leaving :P16:41
mhall119jussi: remember to breath, and don't lock your knees16:42
mhall119the rest is up to her ;)16:42
maxolasersquadWill/can Ubuntu-TV handle ISOs?18:05
dmj726maxolasersquad: my guess would be yes either out of the box or with additional software installed18:06
maxolasersquadCool, I've been ripping my DVDs since my kids like to scratch them up.18:07
maxolasersquadRipping to ISO that is.18:07
dmj726I'm not from Canonical18:07
dmj726but they would have to prevent installation of medibuntu and vlc to stop the ability to play ISOs18:08
dmj726My guess is that it will behave like regular Ubuntu with a special UI18:08
tgm4883dmj726, AFAIK, it's going to be Unity 2d18:09
dmj726tgm4883: basically the backend internals will most likely be little changed18:10
dmj726so things like gstreamer and so forth18:10
nerochiaroSaviq: do you know if revision 824 from lp:unity-2d is essentially the same as revision 848 from the shell branch ? ("make scrollbar abstract" is the title of the commits).It looks like they are the same to me.18:14
nerochiaroSaviq: rev 872 also seems to do again the same thing too18:15
nerochiaroSaviq: however in trunk the scrollbar ends up in libunity-2d while il the shell branch it ends up in shell/common. what's the right place in the end ?18:15
popeyhi pleia218:19
sladenhello pleia218:21
sladenpleia2: greetings from Buda, or is it pest18:22
nerochiaroor both18:22
pleia2depends on the side of the river :)18:22
popeysladen: decided what to do for food?18:25
sladenpopey: nope18:30
sladenpopey: are you still hanging around?18:30
sladenpopey: and are you sitll going to be there in 5 minutes?18:31
popeyi am in my room18:33
popeysladen: ping me before you go out18:37
sladenpopey: okay, hat, coat etc18:38
popeysladen: 5 mins, see you in reception18:40
rsalvetiSaviq: Kaleo: unfortunately the current qtmobility is using video texturing just for GL, not for GLES21:11
rsalvetibut luckily qtmobility 1.2 also has GLES support, but specifically to maemo 6 atm21:11
rsalvetibecause of the proprietary extensions21:12
rsalvetiI'm discussing that with robclark, as he created one extension we currently use at XBMC, to see if we can get it to work with latest qtmobility and panda21:12
Saviqnerochiaro, in the end - shell/common of course21:43
Saviqbut we didn't have that common place before21:43
Saviqand yes, they're basically the same thing, one done upstream, the other just for tv21:44
Saviqrsalveti, cool21:44
MrChrisDruifSaviq; I'm missing the discussion?21:44
SaviqMrChrisDruif, I'm just reading the backlog, sorry :)21:45
nerochiaroSaviq: ok, i'll keep that in mind tomorrow. there are a few things to fix because the merge moves it to libunity2dprivate so i'll have to revert that21:45
Saviqnerochiaro, yeah21:45
* MrChrisDruif doesn't have backlog21:45
Saviqpoor MrChrisDruif ;)21:45
MrChrisDruifYeah, I'm missing out ^_^21:45
Guus-Is there anyone in here to who I could submit an idea?23:14
rsalvetiKaleo: http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/Always-Innovating-HDMI-Dongle23:28
rsalvetisimilar with a pandaboard23:29
rsalvetiwould be nice and probably easy to have ubuntu tv running on it :-)23:29

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