
Darkwingmeerkat t-shirts I think00:02
Darkwingmaybe 200:02
pleia2they were still shipping meerkat tshirts with conference packs in october?00:03
pleia2that's crazy, might need to talk to the loco council about it, dumping excess goods from crazy old releases on loco teams isn't cool00:04
bkerensanot cool00:04
bkerensaCanonical even gets Pangolin and Oneiric shirts :P00:05
pleia2I could see natty shirts since the request was made just before oneiric was shipped, but maverick was a year old by then :(00:06
pleia2I think we got maverick shirts for SCALE *last* year00:06
Garethnhaines: ping00:10
akkI'm sure you can find lots of takers for meerkat shirts, though I agree on principle about the dumping old stuff on locos.00:13
DarkwingI'll be wearing my pangolin shirts00:14
DarkwingAnyone seen iheartubuntu?01:47
pleia2Darkwing: he hasn't been online, but he responds to email02:02
pleia2s/online/on irc02:02
Darkwingpleia2: thanks02:02
philipballewDarkwing, I talked to him yesterday. He says he'll be at scale friday only02:24
DarkwingI was looking for some artwork he did for us.02:25
Darkwingus being SCALE02:25
philipballewI have his cell number if you need it Darkwing02:37
Darkwingphilipballew: Thanks but, I got it via email :)02:38
philipballewgood! see you at scale!02:38
DarkwingAye :)02:42
Darkwingpleia2: I have a couple of books to raffel off.02:51
pleia2Darkwing: great, me too02:52
DarkwingI forget what they are called.02:52
DarkwingOh yeah...02:52
pleia2I have one of the latest Official Ubuntu Book02:53
DarkwingI have I think 3 or 4 of them.02:53
pleia2I'll bring raffle tickets :)02:53
pleia2I figure we tell everyone to come at a certain time each day and hand out raffle tickets when they arrive, then do a raffle02:54
pleia2other raffle ideas in the past haven't worked out well02:54
Darkwingand I think I have a couple of copies of Linux in a nutshell02:55
jyoand everyone gets a free CD for participating in the raffle. Hooray?02:56
DarkwingI was thinking of having them sign up for the ML02:59
philipballewI still have to get my speech together for scale. this thing is coming fast03:00
DarkwingFor a Raffle Ticket03:00
philipballewwe can get a dedicated ml computer set up?03:00
pleia2maybe not a dedicated one (we don't have enough computers) but we can bring it up in the browser of any of the demo ones03:01
DarkwingBut, I think that would be good for the raffle03:01
philipballewIm sure someone could bring an extra laptop, however, the table might not have enough room.03:01
philipballewwould a simple pen and paper ml sign up work?03:02
DarkwingI'm not a fan as it is not easy to read some of these things.03:02
DarkwingMailing List.03:02
pleia2philipballew: I haven't had a ton of luck getting many laptops at all for demos03:03
pleia2so while you're "sure" - I'm not sure we'll even have enough for basic demos :)03:03
DarkwingI can bring a monitor, keyboard and mouse if someone has a small tower.03:04
akkoh, hey, would an exoPC tablet help? I have one sitting around doing nothing.03:04
philipballewI have 3 laptops i can bring. a dell i5, a ppc macbook with a cli install. and a laptop thats windows 2000 era.03:04
DarkwingThat would be kinda cool.03:04
akkIt's meego, but it runs ubuntu off a USB stick just fine (and maybe it's time to install it permanently).03:04
Darkwingshow off the tablet running Ubuntu while they sign up.03:05
akkAnd it takes less desk space than a traditional laptop.03:05
philipballewpleia2, I can bring a unity laptop and a lubuntu laptop03:06
Darkwingohhhh, lubuntu03:06
philipballewits pretty cool.03:07
DarkwingI might leave my laptop at the booth so we can show off Kubuntu... i don't think anyone else uses teh Blue wonder03:07
philipballewits really old hardware. people can be amazed that the big linux distro runs on old stuff as well03:07
pleia2can you guys add these to our wiki page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale10x03:08
pleia2so far all we officially have is jdeslip bringing a netbook with ubuntu03:09
DarkwingActually, scratch the keyboard.03:12
DarkwingIt has Microsoft plastered all over it03:12
philipballewpleia2, I might need my laptop when I speak at scale03:24
philipballewis that a problem? unless they give you one. I wouldnt know03:25
akkphilipballew: I believe them have them available, but most speakers use their own.03:26
akkWith someone else's, you can't be sure that everything's going to work predictably the way it did when you rehearsed.03:27
akk(not that you can be sure of that anyway -- darned computers, they always manage to glitch in some amusing way :)03:27
philipballewtrue, i had my laptop give a kernal panic during an online test once.03:28
akkI have live demos for my scale talk, involving hardware as well as software, so it should be ... interesting.03:29
philipballewwhat talk are you giving akk03:30
akk"Fun with Linux and Devices" -- about hardware and robotics, mostly Arduino03:31
DarkwingI'm not talking this year.03:31
philipballewnice. That sounds like a fun one03:31
akkThat's the plan, anyway! Fingers crossed.03:32
akkWhat's yours?03:32
Darkwingnhaines: ping05:18
nhainesAh, looking better now: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/speakers/nathan/haines05:43
nhainesDarkwing: pong05:43
Darkwingnhaines: I answered my own question. I'll make sure that the schedule gets updated with UbuCon speakers05:51
DarkwingI noticed that it was not updated05:51
nhainesThe data are incomplete.05:51
nhainesDon't worry, I am driving my speakers with whips about this!05:52
DarkwingIs this up to date? http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/events/ubucon05:52
DarkwingBecause this didn't have anything really on Ubucon. http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/schedule05:53
nhainesHmm, the information on http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/events/ubucon should not be published because it is not finalized.05:54
Darkwing:) I forgot to send in my speaker request lol05:55
nhainesI know how this time of year gets!05:55
Darkwingnhaines: There is no more openings for speakers is there. :)06:12
Garethso right I've published the schedule as Nathan has provided in the UbuCon event page...but its not in the main schedule yet but those speakers have not registered & submitted talks yet.06:17
nhainesDarkwing: Don't think so, but if you want to submit a standby talk, I'm all for contingency plans.06:23
DarkwingRather, should I email?06:24
nhainesYes, check out http://ubucon.org/scale/scale10x/06:24
Garethnhaines: so we less than 2 weeks away :) Why havent your speakers submitted their talks yet? :)06:25
nhainesAnd do it tonight, because I very much hope to have the full site up tomorrow.06:25
nhainesGareth: because they are still sluggish from egg nog.  :)06:25
Garethplease have them submit in the next day or so.  I want to get it finalized.06:26
nhainesGareth: that's what I've told them, but I'm at their mercy.  If I don't have everything by Monday night I'll submit placeholder titles. I know everyone's topic.06:27
nhainesGareth: I think this month-early stuff came up a little faster than everyone thought.  :)06:27
DarkwingI know it did for me. :)06:27
DarkwingAnd I've typped in the dates a couple hundred times lol06:28
Garethseriously, why are they lagging?06:28
Garethyeah. its a bit of a surprise but its really no excuse for not submitting a talk that you know you're going to give in less than 2 weeks.06:29
Garethif its apathy then thats lame06:29
DarkwingI would tend to agree.06:29
Garethnot trying to be a difficult here.  Its tough corralling people.  If I can help let me know.06:31
nhainesI don't think it's apathy.  I think a lot of planning got put on hold for the winter holidays.06:32
nhainesThe two outstanding speakers told me they'd have the information soon, which I have to take on faith, and Jorge literally volunteered last-minute, so he's really doing me a favor.06:33
GarethNod.  Like I said...if I can help let me know, I can be the bad guy if need be :)06:34
nhainesI appreciate it.  :)  I'm definitely already anxious, but I won't be upset until Tuesday.  Then I will be positively annoyed.  :)06:35
GarethOkay.  we'll wait until Tuesday then.06:35
nhainesThanks.  I'll send another email tonight and then poke people Monday afternoon.06:35
Garethif those people are definitely speaking then I'm going to add filler sessions, just so the schedule is complete.06:36
nhainesDo it, then.  But please spell Ralf *Pieper*'s name right, he was a little upset with me and I couldn't figure out why until tonight.  :)06:36
Garethwon't include his name until he submits it.06:37
Darkwingnhaines: backup talk submitted.06:37
nhainesIt's on the Ubucon even page and it's wrong.  :)06:37
Garethyeah. just saw that and fixed it.06:37
nhainesGareth: thanks.06:37
nhainesDarkwing: Thank you.  Last time I did a lightning talk session, it was all crickets from the audience.  Pete Graner stepped up and really saved the day there.06:38
DarkwingMaybe I'll hold it for that... Last time I did a talk on activities it went for an hour. :)06:38
nhainesIt's no sweat for me to stall for an hour but I prefer to have something lined up.  So if you'll be around for the 10am slot, well, be prepared.06:40
DarkwingI will.06:42
Garethnhaines: any chance we can adjust the schedule to have your last talk start at 4pm?  so it lines up with the rest of the friday events?06:45
nhainesGareth: yes, I have the last talk as starting at 4pm already.06:49
nhainesI have 9, 10, 11:30, 1:30, 3, and 4.06:50
Garethokay cool.06:51
Garethschedules adjusted.06:53
Garethnhaines: thanks.06:54
nhainesGareth: thank you!06:58
=== jbermudes_ is now known as jbermudes
nhainesHmm, Ubuntu TV concept: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/ubuntu-tv-unveiled-at-ces/08:58
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
monica_can someone help me to configure an intel chipset on ubuntu 11.10?14:23
monica_I find the opengl very slow14:23
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
pleia2monica_: do you know what card it is? (should be able to figure out something that looks related to video among the output of this command: lspci)17:50
pleia2I don't have experience with intel cards, but typically if you put the card model number into ubuntuforums.org you can get a place to start17:50
akkAt least for my machines, lspci seldom gives any useful info on the graphics controller.17:51
akkI have to pick through dmesg to find anything useful.17:52
jyoGood morning, everyone.18:30
nhainesakk: first you identify the card, then you can figure out what arcane incantations are needed to get it to work.18:38
pleia2anyone think they could do a "Basics to Ubuntu" session for User Days on Saturday?18:45
pleia2basic explaining how to navigated Unity, install software18:46
MarkDudegrantbow, should make it18:47
MarkDudehe has free transport, as well as his room paid for18:47
MarkDudeAlready arranged18:47
pleia2MarkDude: yay!18:57
Darkwingpleia2: ping19:10
pleia2Darkwing: pong19:12
Darkwingpleia2: I recieved an email from some of the Qt guys that will be at SCALE. They are trying to get a push on Qt with having ppl be part of a "Qt is used here" on booths.  Because of the long standing Kubungu/KDE and Qt connection plus Ubuntu starting to adopt Qt inside, would we be interested in being a part of this?19:13
pleia2Darkwing: I've already been talking to one of them on the Unity 2D side, I think it's good19:14
pleia2I assume they are talking to you about Kubuntu?19:14
DarkwingWell, sorta.19:14
DarkwingI know most of them from the KDE side anyway but yes.19:15
DarkwingWe all hung out at UDS :D19:15
DarkwingOkay cool.19:15
pleia2they asked me about KDE stuff and I haven't had a chance to reply, so I'll reply and just tell them to continue talking to you ;)19:15
DarkwingProlly isn't the same ppl have them email me anyway. :P19:16
DarkwingKnowing Qt...19:16
DarkwingIt's like everything else. No one talks to anyone else.19:16
pleia2Peter Mui19:16
DarkwingYup same person19:16
DarkwingThat's a first.19:17
DarkwingBut I like the idea of having a "Qt is used here" tag19:17
DarkwingBecause it's not just for us in KDE land anymore.19:18
* MarkDude advised friend to pick KDE19:20
DarkwingYay! :)19:20
MarkDudeturns out there was a bug ONLY to KDE for printer19:20
MarkDudeno unity bug19:20
MarkDudeNo Gnome 3 bug19:20
MarkDudelxde, xfce bug? nope19:21
* MarkDude waves his fist wildly, vaguely in direction of Europe 19:21
nhainesSo my job for Ubucon is to learn as much about Ubuntu TV as I can, because that's all anyone's gonig to ask during Q&A.19:27
MarkDudeUnity interface now makes sense19:52
MarkDudeit would be effin' awesome on a tv19:52
* bkerensa whacks MarkDude with a frozen Salmon19:53
* MarkDude said truth19:54
MarkDudeHow racist is that? I saw it this holiday in Utah20:35
MarkDudemore a bit odd, all sorts of white kids dressed up as differing cultures, they sing that song every year20:36
* MarkDude remembers doing the Mexican hat dance in school inSan Diego, and a few friends saying - um yes, we NEVER do this at home :D20:37
bkerensaidk... I watched this documentary called "the reel injuns" last night and it talked about how Hollywood has used film to brainwash Americans into believing stereotypes about Native Americans20:38
bkerensaFunny thing is apparently in all the movies you hear Native Americans actually talking in a native tongue they are just making up random stuff and insulting other actors20:39
bkerensaStudios never considered translating what they were saying :P20:39
MarkDudekemo sabe for example20:42
MarkDudeTonto was calling the Lone Ranger sh*t head20:43
* MarkDude is working on his zombie comic, and needed Eastern Indian woman, a few people suggested I do it with makeup :P20:43
* MarkDude was like nope. Thats approaching black face...... run away20:44
MarkDudeSimilar to Halloween costumes, if you want to dress as Italian you wear a Mario mustache... or one like I have now20:45
* MarkDude just found out term *mustache petes* for Italian gangsters, came from a relative Peter Morello http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Morello20:47
MarkDudeHmmm my ancestry reseacrh is turning into a crime documentary :)20:48
Darkwingpleia2: you want to do the Xubuntu LTS request for the tech board? :P21:01
pleia2Darkwing: all I do on the xubuntu side is marketing and web, our LTS thing was already forwarded to the tech board but I don't know who is handling it21:04
DarkwingNM Knome showed up.21:04
pleia2yeah, he's project lead21:06
MarkDudeis XPL making it to UDS?21:07
* MarkDude is hoping all sorts of *PL folks make it21:07

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