
Kilosmorning guys07:19
Kilosand mrs_fly 07:20
Kilosnuvolari, hoe gaan dit daar07:20
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
DraZoroGood Morning everyone08:14
zerefHi guys, anybody here play tennis?08:39
DraZoroHello zeref ...I am a lazy bone08:42
zerefi'm busy looking for the formula they use to create a tennis draw.08:44
nuvolario/ mornings08:59
nuvolariMaaz: tell kilos Hi oom kilos, jammer dis so stil hierso, lyk my ons is almal besig om in te haal op laasjaar se agterstallige werk :P09:00
Maaznuvolari: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode09:00
superflyhi girls and boys10:11
nlsthznhey superfly 10:11
nlsthznHey kbmonkey 10:43
kbmonkeyhi nlsthzn :)10:48
nlsthznHow is the Cape kbmonkey ?10:48
nlsthznbbl, got some monsters to go slay...10:50
kbmonkeymonsters? doom II? ;p10:59
superflyhiya kbmonkey10:59
kbmonkeyhello superfly :)11:05
kbmonkeyhows things?11:05
superflykbmonkey: alright thanks... first day on the new job11:06
superflywas supposed to run Windows here (to start with, dual boot later), but they didn't have a license... so I'm on good old Kubuntu11:07
kbmonkeygood show!11:07
kbmonkeyis that a  web dev job?11:08
superflynot really, actually11:09
superflyit's embedded + Google App Engine11:10
=== kbmonkey_ is now known as apie
=== apie is now known as kbmonkey
* nlsthzn was playing The Witcher 211:58
nuvolariany imagemagick-masters around?12:21
nlsthznNope, only us peasants12:22
superflynuvolari: I've tinkered, but that is all12:26
kbmonkeyhi nuvolari, not this side12:27
nuvolariI bet yoda gave up on IM :-/12:37
kbmonkeyhi morgs 13:23
morgshiya kbmonkey 13:24
kbmonkeyhappy new year :)13:25
nuvolarikbmonkey: Yoda?13:54
nuvolariStar-something's Yoda13:55
nuvolariCritics Rave... About Microsoft?14:52
nuvolariby mitchp14:52
nuvolari“Far superior to most if not all the Android smartphones,” says TechCrunch. 14:52
nuvolari...ya right.14:52
bakuman:| pfff14:54
nuvolarilol... "Yes, Windows and Office products are ubiquitous and highly profitable. But they’re about as inspirational as a stapler."14:57
bakumanSeagate Barracuda - 2TB HDD 64MB Cache - SATA 3 - 6.0Gb/s R180015:09
bakumandie pryse i nou belaglik, ekt dit junie vir R700 gekoop15:09
* tumbleweed suggests putting off hard drive purchaces until after the shortage15:10
Tonberryblame nature15:10
bakumani dont need one, was just curious as to what the prices were at the moment15:10
somaunnhello everyone15:14
somaunni'm looking for a software under linux that doign same thing as GFI Languard Network15:15
* nuvolari doesn't know what it is15:16
nuvolarioi, I need to remember to buy a vodacom bundle before it ends tonight :-/15:16
Squirmlo there15:58
Kiloshiya superfly inetpro nuvolari and other peeps18:42
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:43
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:43
superflyhiya Kilos18:44
superflyMaaz: coffee please18:45
Maazsuperfly: Done18:45
Kilosall well superfly ?18:45
superflyKilos: ya18:45
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and superfly!18:47
KilosMaaz, ty18:47
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:47
bakumanMaaz: coffee please19:05
Maazbakuman: There isn't a pot on19:05
Kiloshaha hiya bakuman 19:06
bakumanpfff Oom Kilos groet my nie meer nie :(19:06
Kilostoo late19:06
Kilosgaan dit goed 19:06
bakumanheel goed dankie19:06
bakumanen daar?19:06
Kilosook so dankie19:07
bakumancool cool19:07
* bakuman kyk terra nova season finale19:07
Kiloseish dit begin eers die 25ste op mnet19:08
Kilosis dit goed?19:08
bakumanhang af waarvan jy hou, maar heel goed ja. Nie die heel beste series ooit nie, maar werd om te kyk en interessante idee19:08
Kilosek hou van ski fi19:11
Kilosgaan nou bad en slaap. lekker slaap almal19:11
nuvolaridoes anyone know if the vodacom special is still on?19:34
nuvolariwell done vodacom. Terminating the last step of bundle purchase with a "technical error"19:50
nuvolaripfft. Just another way to tell it's customers, screw you. pay up biatch19:50
Tonberryi had to try purchasing that bundle about 5 times19:51
Tonberrystupid phone cant type quickly enough to beat the timeout19:51
nuvolariI just tried about 15 times19:51
nuvolariand I went super fast :P19:51
Tonberrymeh @ edge20:01
nuvolariheh, I remember the day that GPRS used to be fast.. :P20:02
Tonberryslow i can live with20:02
Tonberryunstable on the other hand...20:03
nuvolariyou're right20:03
nuvolariok, let me try again20:03
nuvolariheh, dumb moment for me there... they will probably never give me a R500 bundle if I only have 200 to spend20:28
zerefbought new HDD20:48
zerefnot working FFS20:48
nuvolarizeref: hope you have the slip? :P20:51
zerefalways xD20:51
zerefwanted to get my server up and running tonight, to test my game20:51
zerefbtw nuvolari 20:54
zerefwhen i watch a movie on vlc or any other player, the screensaver is disabled, but if i watch a movie online screensaver comes on o0o020:55
nuvolarizeref: probably because there is no action in the browser, which I suspect does not explicitly control the screensaver behaviour21:58
nuvolariwhile the other media players do21:58
nuvolariok, bedtime21:59
* nuvolari off21:59

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