
ActionParsniprenemoraes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellBIOS00:00
testing123321does anyone here know how to make facebook detect webcam on ubuntu ?00:00
testing123321thanks in advance00:00
D4nt3hello. I'm recently purchased an hp pavilion dv6 laptop and I've been trying desperately to install ubuntu. I've tried both install via a dvd and using wubi and neither works correctly. Everything works fine but the screen refuses to turn on while ubuntu is booted. I manage to get it to output to my monitor by a vga cable though so I'm sure the os itself is working. Would anyone know how to00:00
D4nt3fix this?00:00
almoxarifetesting123321: your web browser needs to see the camera, it sees it, facebook sees it00:01
TeratogenD4nt3, does the screen turn on at all?00:02
renemoraesActionParsnip: thank you very much! really! I will follow the steps... thank u again!00:02
D4nt3no it's off completely00:02
testing123321how does one make the web browser see the camera tho ?00:02
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go8765is any library on ubuntu for some text/pdf documents?00:02
TeratogenD4nt3, you don't even see the BIOS splash?00:02
almoxarifetesting123321: that depends on the browser, but chances are your system does not see the camera, is it builtin?00:03
testing123321it works on other webchat but not on facebook00:04
testing123321no it's not built-in00:04
D4nt3When I boot via wubi I see a splash screen that tears after a few seconds then my screen turns off. If I boot via the dvd I see a low res purple screen that disappears after a few seconds.00:04
escott!nomodeset | D4nt300:05
ubottuD4nt3: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:05
almoxarifetesting123321: then you really got an odd issue, if you have used the camera with the web browser before then its between you and facebook settings00:05
testing123321o.O I see00:06
Oertesting123321, set facebook on Allow : found @ http://superuser.com/questions/192253/how-do-you-enable-webcam-support-in-facebook-for-ubuntu-10-04 >>> http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager06.html00:06
ravenActionParsnip i tried theese hints but it still does not change the settings00:07
almoxarifeOer: it is a facebook setting then :)00:07
Oeralmoxarife, no flash setting00:07
testing123321thank you :D00:08
testing123321so i need sun java then ? :)00:08
almoxarifeOer: flash setting for the cam to work?00:08
pitlimitwhat file system can be read by ubuntu, mac os x AND windows?00:08
almoxarifetesting123321: java for flash?00:08
ubluntupitlimit: fat3200:09
ActionParsnippitlimit: ntfs00:09
testing123321the web page says to install sun java ...00:09
SVNDRHow can i changed my fans RPM? ive tried with lm-sensors but it doesnt detect my fan. ive tried looking in BIOS but there is no option there00:09
ActionParsniptesting123321: sun doesn't own java now, oracle does00:09
pitlimitActionParsnip: is ntfs writeable by mac os x?00:10
ravenhow to copy xfce settings to another machine00:10
ubluntupitlimit: its not readable by default either afaik00:10
ActionParsnippitlimit: no idea, I don'tuse apple's rubbish00:10
ahhughescurrently, when I goto \\mymachine\  the samba share will share ~/   But I want it to share more than that, not sure how to ask that question better... but hopefully you can understand what I am trying todo. How can I configure other directories to be shared on samba.00:10
almoxarifetesting123321: assuming you have a ubuntu install you already have java00:10
pitlimitI will reword my question. What file system can be rw by ubuntu mac osx and windows?00:10
ActionParsnippitlimit: fat32 certainly will but its not very robust, plus 4Gb file limit may affect your storage option00:11
almoxarifepitlimit: ntfs00:11
NastyNaz how do I stop tty making the screen go black after 5min of inactivity?00:11
ubluntuNastyNaz: disable dpms00:12
OerSVNDR,if lmsensors do not recognize yours, it will run automatic by ACPI, full speed i guess00:12
almoxarifeNastyNaz: install a desktop and configure it to do so00:12
ActionParsniptesting123321: do you use 32bit ubuntu?00:12
wrektjetis there a way to restore the default i was messing around with compiz in unity mode and i killed everything on my desktop - just a blank now. running off a terminal00:12
SVNDROer: is there any way to check what RPM its running at00:13
Gillhey anyone know why this would be happening? [WARNING] Non-preferred master advertising: reasserting control of VIP with another gratuitous arp00:13
mishuganamy ubuntu 10.10 livecd wants a username and password. anyway to get around this00:13
testing123321Yes, 32 bit00:13
urlin2uwrektjet, unity --reset then reboot00:13
almoxarifewrektjet: try a reboot00:13
ActionParsnipmishugana: press CTRL+ALT+F1  and run:  passwd ubuntu   press CTRL+ALT+F7 and login as ubuntu with the password you set00:14
urlin2uwrektjet, a plaiun reboot may be the answer as suggested as well.00:14
NastyNazubluntu: how do I disable dpms?00:14
ActionParsniptesting123321: http://paste.ubuntu.com/797750/00:14
ubluntuNastyNaz: do you have an xorg.conf ?00:14
ActionParsniptesting123321: that's my script to install oracle java 1.7_0200:14
mishuganawhen i control alt f1 it says Authentication failure 11 times00:14
testing123321cool :D00:15
ubluntuNastyNaz: or for command line only ?00:15
NastyNazubluntu: im using the ctrl+alt+f1 terminal00:15
NastyNazubluntu: if i use gui and fullscreen irrsi it never goes black but in ctrl+alt+f1 it does00:15
OerSVNDR, not without lmsensors AFAIK00:16
Gillanyone have any idea why my VIP always gets pulled to one of the servers?00:16
ubluntuNastyNaz: xset force dpms off00:16
ubluntuNastyNaz: sorry xset dpms force off00:16
SVNDROer: damn, alright cheers.. just got a massive overheating problem00:16
ubluntuNastyNaz: probably have to do that every reboot though.00:16
renemoraesActionParsnip: I received this warning: "This system does not appear to have any updates available. No action necessary." Do u know if the community repositories are always updated?00:17
almoxarifeNastyNaz: so you use irrsi strictly for the sense of ????? 1960 but you are willing to screw with dpms simply because it 'may' keep a terminal screen from going dark?00:17
NastyNazubluntu: i get error:unable to open display ""00:17
escottNastyNaz, xset is an x11 command00:18
ubluntuhrm. how do you stop dpms for just cli then ? vbetool ?00:18
almoxarifeubluntu: no, you remove gnome-screen saver , install x-screen saver and you keep dpms, but that would still stink of gui in some circles, i am sure there is a more difficult way though00:20
NastyNazso in text-only ubuntu how do I stop it going to screensaver?00:21
almoxarifeubluntu: and yes, dont forget to auto-run x-screen saver in user mode00:21
almoxarifeNastyNaz: there is no such thing as 'text' only ubuntu, look it up00:21
NastyNazwell in tty00:22
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NastyNazif I go into gui and turn screensaver off will it work in tty?00:22
Guest71897Hello! good day!00:22
almoxarifeNastyNaz: why not try, live a little00:23
escottNastyNaz, i dont think so. X should give up control over the hardware to the kernel00:23
ubluntuNastyNaz: sorry guess I only know how to do it for x sorry00:23
Guest71897hey, how do I change my nickname here?00:23
NastyNazturns out gui was already set to never turn screen off, so I guess the answer to my initial question is 'no'00:24
ActionParsnipGuest71897: /nick name00:24
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Rextersweet! thanks!00:25
ActionParsnipRexter: np man00:25
RexterIs this the ubuntu help channel?00:25
JasonGriffeeCan someone please explain how to connect a xbox360 controller to ubuntu?00:26
almoxarifeJasonGriffee: plug it in, see if it works, tried it?00:26
JasonGriffeealmoxarife, of course. it won't see it.00:27
xubuntu5how does one auto mount drives?00:27
almoxarifeJasonGriffee: and i am not trying to be funny, that is how i read it, it would just work, ps3?? no, not so lucky00:27
escottalmoxarife, does it not appear in xinput?00:28
almoxarifeescott: it does, the ps3?00:28
_HoochMan_xubuntu5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions00:28
JasonGriffeealmoxarife, any advice?00:29
escottalmoxarife, sorry meant that for JasonGriffee  i guess. check if it appears in xinput --list00:29
xubuntu5thanks hooch00:29
almoxarifeJasonGriffee: google?00:30
_HoochMan_xubuntu5: your welcome00:30
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: isn't it just a bluetooth joypad?00:30
JasonGriffeeescott, no00:30
almoxarifeJasonGriffee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller00:30
hansg01i have a prob using firefix00:30
ubluntuActionParsnip: thats ps3. but the ps3 stick also has usb.00:31
hansg01the righ click menu doesn't remain if i move the  mouse cursor00:31
almoxarifeps3 uses sixaxis package and a pairing thing that made my head hurt00:31
JasonGriffeealmoxarife, tried it00:31
hansg01no such prob in chrome00:31
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller00:32
xubuntu5pysdm that was easy thanks again hooch!00:32
almoxarifehansg01: there you go, no reason to look back, chrome on00:32
JasonGriffeeActionParsnip,  tried it00:32
hansg01have removed official ubuntu update channel firefox and installed aurora from firefox bt the probstil remain00:32
almoxarifeJasonGriffee: there you go, you have to figure it out and then you become the channel expert00:33
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hansg01almoxarife: it seems so, bt anyone else facing this prob?00:33
xubuntu5i have one more question00:34
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: may help http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/10.10/?q=qjoypad00:34
xubuntu5how can i automount via sshfs?00:34
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: you'll need to install the playdeb deb to add the ppa00:34
almoxarifeJasonGriffee: or you restate the question, ' hey guys, how can i use the xbox controller as a terminal pointer??' that might get the purists interested00:34
RexterI just did a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 64bit on a new Ibuypower system. Nothing fancy, just a little Asrock mini atx board with built on graphics. The issue is ubuntu will only do 800X600 with the gui tool. how do I get in to fix this?00:34
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ActionParsnipRexter: what GPU?00:35
almoxarifehansg01: i use chromium just so i dont have the issue00:35
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_HoochMan_xubuntu5: hmmm, I wouldn't know that one, try searching on the ubuntu help site,maybe they have something00:35
RexterActionParsnip; how can I tell?00:35
xubuntu5alright thanks00:35
ActionParsnipRexter: lspci | grep -i vga00:36
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: you can add them in /etc/fstab00:36
hansg01almoxarife: and yeah i m using chrome and chromium doesn't have the recent v16 while chrome has, what this?00:36
xubuntu5i can add sshfs to /etc/fstab?00:36
xubuntu5maybe write a script that runs on boot or something idk how i'd get it to enter the password for ssh maybe have to use auth files or something :( and thanks again hooch pysdm was just what i needed00:36
mellin I've been trying to get FreeBSD installed using the Virtual Box package in Muon. FreeBSD will not boot with error message about long mode not being supported. I installed the extensions pack as well. Any help with what I need to do to get BSD installed in VM?00:37
xubuntu5and why is my audio sooo bad when i play a file that i've mounted with sshfs i'm just trying to play an mp3 on the remote comp locally but the audio is so messed up for some reason00:37
almoxarifehansg01: recent v16???00:37
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: you may need to run:  sudo mount -a    in the desktop (or tweak the OS) to make it mount after the network comes up etc (unless the system uses a wired connection)00:37
hansg01almoxarife: the update to version 1600:37
RexterActionParsnip: Intel Sandybridge Integrated.00:37
ActionParsnipRexter: I suggest you use Oneiric, it has better support for the chip00:38
xubuntu5thanks action00:38
RexterActionParsnip: how do i change it?00:38
almoxarifehansg01: version 16 chrome is ??? better?00:39
xubuntu5how can i run my scripts after boot as root?00:39
xubuntu5i can't sudo in the script because that requires the root password00:39
ActionParsnipRexter: upgrade to precise (12.04) you can do in one jump. Or you will need to upgrade to maverick, then to natty, then to oneiric. Or you can install oneiric clean00:39
escottxubuntu5, you dont need sudo to mount in fstab00:40
Pickleface_hi how can I play starcraft 2 on ubuntu 11.1000:40
xubuntu5thanks escott00:40
RexterActionParsnip: belay my last. I know what you are talking about...00:40
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: you can have a script run which has a looong sleep command in then run: sudo mount -a     may do it...00:40
almoxarifebelayed aye00:40
xubuntu5if i chown the script to root will that still ask me for the root password if i have it running root commands?00:41
RexterActionParsnip: This comp is for a computer illiterate family member. i was really hoping to stick with a LTS.00:41
escottxubuntu5, take the sudo out. it is not needed00:41
xubuntu5but say i had something else that needed sudo is that how i would do it chown the .sh file?00:41
ubluntuxubuntu5: no00:42
ActionParsnipRexter: Lucid desktop suport ends when Oneiric's does00:42
almoxarife<Rexter> ActionParsnip: belay my last. I know what you are talking about... , yearssssssssssssssssss since i heard that term :)00:42
xubuntu5oh how would i do that00:42
escottxubuntu5, you would chown the file restrict permissions and mark it as setuid and audit the code to make sure it sanitizes any inputs00:42
xubuntu5thanks again for all your help00:43
RexterActionParsnip: ah, ok. How do I get rid of Unity, and will it be just the same otherwise?00:43
escottxubuntu5, its not something you should do unless it is absolutely necessary. in this case it isn't since mount is setuid00:43
xubuntu5ok thanks00:43
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: make a script with 3 lines:http://pastebin.com/buQJyUj4    save that somewhere and make it executable00:43
ThomasBoxleyoh god wrong channel00:44
ThomasBoxleydon't click00:44
ActionParsnipRexter: Gnome isn't the ONLY desktop, you can use your favourite Gnome apps in XFCE and you will not have Unity....00:44
xubuntu5thanks action00:44
xubuntu5what does the a flag do?00:44
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: then make it run in /etc/rc.local00:44
xubuntu5in mount00:44
joker2uwhereis the startx setting to keep x from loading at boot?00:44
xubuntu5/usr/bin/startx??? not sure just a guess00:44
RexterActionParsnip: cool, buy i want the gnome version I'm used to.00:44
ubluntujoker2u: lightdm starts Xorg afaik00:45
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: the -a option, tells the system to mount (A)ll the file systems in fstab00:45
xubuntu5got it!00:45
xubuntu5and you don't need sudo to do that??00:45
joker2uxubuntu5 it's artistx. I DO NOT WANT X!!  I want x dead,00:45
xubuntu5and then i just add it to rc.local?00:45
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: rc.local will run the script as root, you will need to add an ampersand to the command so the script is backgrounded00:45
escottxubuntu5, no thats half of the reason for the existence of /etc/fstab00:46
xubuntu5i see00:46
xubuntu5so i can do either /etc/fstab or run that script with rc.local?00:46
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: add it above the exit 0 line00:46
xubuntu5just ./script & above exit 0?00:46
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: the network will not be up when fstab is executed, so network shares will not mount00:46
escottxubuntu5, anything in rc.local is run as root, so you can do whatever you want there, or you can put it in fstab and run it yourself without sudo00:46
joker2uI lost all of my panels and can't do anything. I deleted the .config and EVERY file in every user and even root to force rebuild of defaults but still no panel00:47
RexterActionParsnip: What version of Gnome does ubuntu 11.10 contain?00:47
xubuntu5thank you so much00:47
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: no do NOT use ./  use absolute path as there is no pwd00:47
ActionParsnipRexter: 3.2..00:47
xubuntu5thanks again!00:47
bastidrazor!text | joker2u00:47
ubottujoker2u: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:47
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: the script will sleep 30 seconds, then run the mount -a   making the fstab mount for you.00:48
RexterActionParsnip: eew. looking to avoid that. can i go with Gnome 2.3 , or 2.4?00:48
xubuntu5thanks action00:48
joker2uubottu grub.conf has nothing to do with x?00:48
ubottujoker2u: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:48
UmeaboyLets for instance assume that I want to port a guide that's written for Ubuntu and/or Debian to another distro..........00:48
ActionParsnipRexter: gnome 2 is dead00:48
xubuntu5and i don't need the ./ in rc.local?00:48
ubluntujoker2u: grub is the boot loader for ubuntu00:49
xubuntu5can i run gui programs in rc.local or just background services?00:49
xubuntu5like have web browser start up00:49
xubuntu5and rc.local runs everything as root??00:49
ActionParsnipRexter: as I said, if you use XFCE, it will look and smell like Gnome 2, but you can use your Gnome apps easily as XFCE is coded in GTK00:49
UmeaboyIf I then don't know what some of the packages in that guide are called in the other distro, how do I find out?00:49
UmeaboyI don't know what thoose packages contain.00:49
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: yes everything runs as root, you can use su to run commands as any other user too :)00:49
UmeaboyI mean filewise.00:49
ActionParsnipxubuntu5: just services and command, there is no x server when rc.local is ran, unless you use the sleep method00:50
joker2uis there a way to manual edit of the desktop /startup application panel from the command line?00:51
RexterActionParsnip: I really appreciate all the info. I think I've come back 360 to my original question. I'm looking to stick with 10.04 if I can, but would like help with the graphics adjustment.00:51
xubuntu5ahh got it00:51
xubuntu5is that the only way to run x at startup with the sleep command?00:51
xubuntu5i like that idea of having it sleep and then load stuff00:51
NastyNazok after 20min on the internet searching im back to square one: how do I stop screen going black after 5min inactive in the ctrl+alt+f1 terminal?00:51
ubluntuRexter: whats wrong with your graphics on 10.04 exactly so someone can help00:51
ActionParsnipRexter: when April next year rolls round, Lucid desktop support will be dead and Gnome 3 will be the only Gnome choice00:52
escottNastyNaz, see if there is anything in /sys related to dpms00:52
Pickleface_hi how can I play starcraft 2 on ubuntu 11.1000:53
xubuntu5NastyNaz i have one solution that may or may not work try running byobu in TTY1 (ctrl alt f1) and then in the byobu settings select something that updates more often then 5 minutes like ram usage maybe? or try running byobu and create a new tab in byobu and maybe run something like htop in on of the tabs00:53
xubuntu5byobu is awesome!00:53
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xubuntu5you can have tabs in your TTY1 NastyNaz00:54
RexterActionParsnip: I realize this sounds thick skulled, and on my machine, I'm using 11.10 with unity, but this individual is used to Gnome 2, and will not want to change. So for my sanity, I think it best to stick with 10.04.00:54
joker2uplease somebody tell me how to rescue a desktop?00:54
NastyNazxubuntu5: that might not work cuz irssi keeps refreshing screen all the time and it still goes blank if i dont use keyboard00:54
joker2uplease somebody tell me how to rescue a desktop?00:54
Rexterubluntu: The screen resolution in the gui tool won't go higher than 800X600.00:54
ActionParsnipRexter: xfce looks like gnome2. You could try the xorg edgers update ppa but the age of the stuff in Lucid makes newer stuff harder to get working00:54
xubuntu5dang you might be right NastyNaz hmm try hmm try running cmatrix -s screen saver mode for cmatrix that should keep going00:54
ubluntuRexter: in the graphics properties? you can use xrandr to add a new mode. I could talk you threw it.00:55
escottjoker2u, .config/autostart?00:55
xubuntu5might not be what you want to see after 5 minutes but still cool matrix screensaver00:55
Rexterubluntu: that would be great! how to start?00:55
fulcanescott that sn crashed. this is joker00:55
Pickleface_hi how can I play starcraft 2 on ubuntu 11.1000:55
ubluntuRexter: well on the 10.04 machine open a terminal00:55
fulcanescott .config/autostart?  I need old config completely nuked!00:56
Rexterubluntu: there.00:56
escottfulcan, rm -rf it then00:56
fulcanescott I am on a live cd as my ONLY access to my drive.00:56
ubluntuRexter: can you pastebin the output of xrandr -q ?00:57
fulcanescott I deleted the entire user directory and root directory, rebuilt them, reboot and the damn panels are still gone. TOTALLY un navagatable00:57
shaneohi im writing a little bash script is there a way to mask the actions of the script with user text for a cleaner looking install process00:57
escottfulcan, making a new user directory should be enough. what do you mean panels are gone00:58
Jordan_Ushaneo: Install process for what?00:58
escottshaneo, you mean "echo"00:59
shaneoits a script that setups an irc shell all at once00:59
fulcanescott yes, but how do I change the user that x goes into?00:59
shaneoyeah its alot of wget and tar commands and i just want to show some text insted00:59
fulcanescott how about this. How do I nuke X?00:59
Rexterubluntu: http://pastebin.com/p0kvqf4z00:59
escottfulcan, with gdm it was a file in /etc/default/gdm not sure with lightdm but probably something in /etc/lightdm00:59
ubluntuRexter: thats blank ?01:00
NastyNazxubuntu5: fixed the problem, I edited /etc/default/grub and set grub_timeout to 001:00
Rextersorry, not chatting on same machine.01:00
ubluntuRexter: its ok. so run cvt 1920 1080 or whatever resolution you want01:01
Rexterubluntu:  i don't understand your instruction.01:02
ubluntuRexter: in terminal on 10.04 machine run command "cvt number number" for resolution modeline01:02
fyremei have a dual boot sysem01:02
fyremeand i need to copy some windows files from ubuntu to dvd01:02
ubluntuRexter: substitute number number for the resolution you would like.01:03
fyremecan anyone help?01:03
Rexterubluntu, ok cool, next step?01:03
Jordan_Ushaneo: It sounds like you would be better off using software from the repositories, but to redirect stdout of a command use "command > /path/to/file.txt" to get both stdout and stderr use "command 2>&1 > /path/to/file" for more help ask in #bash01:03
ubluntuRexter: run xrandr --newmode "everything you got after ModeLine from other command"01:03
fyremewow busy room01:04
grobda24What is the status of Asus Eee PC 701 ("4G") compatibility ?01:05
UmeaboyIsn't esound deprecated in Ubuntu?01:05
somsipgrobda24: look up eeebuntu01:05
Jordan_Ufyreme: Where are you running into a problem?01:05
Umeaboyfyreme: Use Samba.01:06
UmeaboyOr just open the partition in nautilus.'01:07
fyremei cant login to windows can i still use nautilus or samba01:07
fyremeubuntu is on the same drive as the windows partition01:08
grobda24somsip, thanks01:08
Rexterubluntu: ok, seemed to take it...01:08
ubluntu Rexter does it show up in the display thing now?01:08
fyremei am not very expierenced with linux01:09
Rexterubluntu: no01:09
somsipgrobda24: you're welcome01:09
almoxarifefyreme: samba wont work is win is down, look at the disk utility, 'mount' the partion with win on it if it is not mounted, then use nautilus01:09
Rexterubluntu: do I need to restart perhaps?01:09
Jordan_Ufyreme: You should be able to access your Windows partition with nautilus. Ignore the comment about samba, it's not related to what you're trying to do.01:09
grobda24somsip, hang on ... eeebuntu is Aurora now. Is it still up to date for the 701 ?01:10
ubluntuRexter: no xrandr --addmode default 1024x768_60.00  replace the last part with yours obviously01:10
somsipgrobda24: you got me there. Been a long time since I looked at it01:10
fyremejordon_u how do i access the windows files within linux?01:10
grobda24somsip, well, this is the problem I have01:11
fyremeis nautilus a command prompt or gui utility?01:11
Jordan_Ufyreme: It should be one of the filesystems listed in the left column in nautilus. Just click it.01:11
grobda24Was thinking of installing latest Ubuntu (which had netbook absorbed into it)01:11
grobda24and then configuring from there to make it appropriate for the EeePC 70101:12
Jordan_Ufyreme: Nautilus is  the name of Ubuntu's default GUI file browser.01:12
somsipgrobda24: I found the eeeUser forums helpful when I looked at this: http://forum.eeeuser.com/ but currently under maintencance01:12
Rexterubluntu: that's the mode I'm looking for 1024x768, can i type it in the same syntax as you did?01:12
ubluntuRexter: you can also do a xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768 that should do it immediatly01:13
NastyNazomg for all those that wanted to turn screensaver off in tty: sudo setterm -blank 001:13
Rexterubluntu: "Cannot find mode 1024X768"01:14
fyremejordan_U thank you01:15
ubluntuRexter: use that command from before then to add it01:16
Rexterubluntu: I will point out that it does not recognize the monitor. I sees it as unknown. i don't know if that matters.01:16
=== kevin is now known as Guest83796
Rexterubluntu: "xrandr: cannot find mode "1024X768_60.00"01:18
Rexterubluntu: sorry, I might be confused. Which command are we on?01:19
Rexterubluntu: I got the same error on both.01:20
ubluntuRexter: well did you run the cvt command and then use that for the xrandr --newmode command ?01:20
Jordan_Ufyreme: You're welcome.01:20
Rexterubluntu: I got all mixed up, sorry, go slow. cvt 1024 768, and then what command?01:21
fyremei i would have sworn my friend said he had quick books on this machine01:21
fyremefinding everything but01:22
ubluntuRexter: so everything after ModeLine from the cvt command goes in xrandr --newmode "stuff from cvt command"01:22
Rexterubluntu: with quotes?01:23
ubluntuRexter: so like xrandr --newmode "1024x768_60.00"   63.50  1024 1072 1176 1328  768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync01:23
Rexterubluntu: got it, then next?01:23
ubluntuRexter: xrandr --addmode default 1024x768_60.0001:24
danesHello, I am trying to play a DVD movie I just rented in Red box but I get this error: Could not read DVD. This may be because the DVD is encrypted and a DVD decryption library is not installed. How can I fix it?01:24
ubluntudanes: sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 I believe search for libdvdss if not01:25
danesubluntu: E: Package 'libdvdcss2' has no installation candidate01:25
StepNjumphi guys, I am wondering if it would be ok to ctrl z out of photorec... it's a scarry piece of software and there is no exit out button01:26
ubluntudanes do a sudo apt-cache search libdvdcss01:26
Rexterubluntu: what am i doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/DkS0uKWQ01:27
almoxarife!info libdvdcss201:27
ubottuPackage libdvdcss2 does not exist in oneiric01:27
titaneshei, anyone awokened at this time of the hour??01:27
Successhow make gnome3 theme01:27
danesubluntu: http://pastebin.com/dpftz91K01:27
BarkingFishubluntu: apt-cache policy libdvdcss2 reveals no installation candidate for me, and no version installed01:27
Successa link maybe?01:28
ubluntudanes: did they change it to libdvdread4 maybe try installing that?01:28
BarkingFishmy system says it's referred to by another package though, so the chances are it's either been obsoleted and not removed, or it's missing from the pools01:29
Rexterubluntu: you still with me?01:29
ubluntuRexter: you put a capital X in 1024X76801:29
almoxarifedanes: install the 'restricted......' for your version01:29
Rexteroh sorry01:29
danesalmoxarife: how?01:29
almoxarifedanes: you on ubuntu?01:29
=== tjf is now known as tjf|hw
danesalmoxarife: yes01:29
NastyNazanyone know a good resource for learning how to be a linux server admin? I need to learn how to automate user creation, permissions, creation of folders etc01:29
ubluntudanes: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:29
fyrememy friend is one of the few people I would do this for01:31
somsipNastyNaz: ubuntu unleashed might be a good place to start01:31
Rexterubluntu: ah ok, got it, next?01:31
ubluntuRexter: does it show up in xrandr -q  now?01:31
ubluntuRexter: hit up on the arrow key on that other machine and redo the other commands01:32
Rexterubluntu: yes01:32
Rexterubluntu: should i try to change it in the monitor gui tool?01:34
wookienzhi, im running unity, the skype notification icon doesnt appear in the top bar like other progs. Any ideas/01:34
ubluntuRexter: you can redo that other command xrandr --output default --mode 1024x76801:34
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
=== ubuntu is now known as Success
danesubluntu, almoxarife, thanks01:37
Rexterubluntu: check it out.  http://pastebin.com/XyMSLJ1s01:38
ubluntuRexter: try xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768_60.0001:39
SVNDRwas about to say that01:39
Rexterubluntu: "xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed"01:39
ubluntuRexter: well..... idk then... never seen that error should be working...01:40
danesubluntu: It didn't work :(01:41
danessudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:41
pwasek is there a way to get upnp to commuinate with different networks on the same network?01:41
Rexterubluntu: I'm thinking I need to reinstall the driver, or get it to see the monitor correctly, what do you think?01:41
SVNDRdanes: you can get that from the software centre01:41
ubluntudanes: you mean playing a dvd still doesn' t work ?01:41
danesubluntu: yes01:41
danesIt looks like the restricted extras are installed01:42
ubluntudanes: did you install that dvd read package also01:42
danesubluntu: yes01:42
wrektjetbah i cant get compiz going and im stuck somehow on a single desktop. flips slowly to a second side but i cant even move windows01:42
ubluntudanes: libdvdread4 should be the one....01:43
almoxarifeRexter: can you pastebin xorg.0.log??01:43
ubluntudanes: what you using to try to play a dvd vlc ??01:44
danesubluntu: the movie player01:44
Rexteralmoxarife: how do i bring it up?01:44
danesubluntu: I'll try with VLC01:44
ubluntudanes: try with vlc01:44
almoxarifeRexter: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:45
ubluntudanes: dpkg shows me that libdvdread4 is the one.... ii  libdvdread4      4.1.3-10ubuntu4. library for reading DVDs01:45
danesubluntu: yes, It is already installed01:45
almoxarifeRexter: then this            pastebinit /var/log/xorg.0.log01:46
almoxarifeRexter: share the link01:46
Oerdanes, did you execute the css script too ? sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh01:47
judgenWhat is the name of the package nowdays that lets you make gtk apps look like they are qt apps?01:47
danesOer: nope, I didn't know that01:47
Rexteralmoxarife: thanks. I'm chasing my tail here. I'm gonna take the advice of ActionParsnip, and just go with 11.10.01:48
ubluntuOer: thanks. was trying to help him but I upgraded and never had to run that command. so I obviously had no idea of it ;-)01:48
ubluntuRexter: seems like a bug with your video driver.01:48
Rexterthanks to ubluntu, and almoxarife, and ActionParsnip for the help!01:49
Rexterubluntu: yep, i'm whipped. :(01:49
Chipzzzmode Chipzzz -s01:52
Chipzzzwhoops :O01:52
monica_why I haven't a xorg.conf file in my 11.10 version?01:59
monica_should it be in /etc/X11 ?01:59
somsipmonica_: there isn't one as standard02:00
monica_somsip ....where is it?02:00
somsipmonica_: there isn't one as standard02:01
Chipzzzmonica_: the xserver is being set by KMS automatically, but if you write an xorg.conf it will become the configuration02:01
debsanmonica_, xorg doesn't need a xorg.conf anymore02:01
monica_if a configuration is not there why my graphic card works? I don't understand sorry02:01
somsipmonica_: xorg now uses something (clever mode, or guaranteed mode) where most of the time a conf is not required02:02
monica_thanks debsan02:02
monica_so if I need to configure xorg I have to create a xorg.conf file before?02:03
debsanmonica_, np, thank other ppl too :)02:03
Chipzzzmonica_: yes, and you have to put "nomodeset" in the kernel boot line02:03
somsipmonica_: yup http://askubuntu.com/questions/65744/i-need-to-add-sections-in-xorg-conf-do-i-need-to-create-it02:03
badbandithello, what are the keyboard shortcuts to show all open windows02:04
monica_nice....thanks you02:04
badbanditlke on osx where they all show up as thumbs/small and you can click whatever one to focus back in02:04
debsanbadbandit, it depends on what DE you are using.02:05
Glacia*raises hand for ubuntu help*02:05
Culiforgehey all, I'm running 10.04 and have not customized the gui at all (that I'm aware of :). I have this issue wherein I mouse over the ubuntu icon in the upper left corner on the taskbar and a selector/chooser of the four desktop/workspace areas is presented. It's quite annoying and I'd like to turn it off.02:05
Glaciamy 10.04 update manager is not showing update option to 10.1002:07
jgcampbell300is there a easy way to test the speed capabilities of my network ?02:09
acerimmerjgcampbell300: http://www.speedtest.net/02:09
jgcampbell300acerimmer, sorry .. not internet connection, the speed between my computers and servers etc ..02:10
fyremei didn't know that ubuntu would mount a windows partition automatically02:16
fyremeis this something new?02:16
_jasonfyreme: fairly old02:17
fyremewhat version of ubuntu did this come out in?02:17
fyremewish i had more time to master ubuntu02:17
ActionParsnipfyreme: as you use it, you will learn02:17
fyrememost of my time is spent preparing for ccna exam02:18
fyremetoo expensive to fail02:18
ActionParsnipfyreme: hope it goes well :)02:18
fyremejan 3002:18
ActionParsnipfyreme: your cisco routers basically run linux, you can make all the sub interfaces you like in Ubuntu02:20
Tunegood night02:23
Tunei have a question02:23
Tunei want to install ubuntu studio and i have to format my hd02:23
Tunedo i have to chose a particular filesystem or it doesn't matter?02:24
Tunei refer to ext1, ext2, ext302:24
surskittyhey, I'm running 10.10 and dpkg is segfaulting whenever I try to install anything.  I don't know of anything I could've done to break it.02:24
ActionParsnipTune: default is ext402:25
Tunethank you very much :)02:25
p3rsistHi guys. How can I add a home directory to a user without one?02:26
ActionParsnipp3rsist: sudo mkdir /home/name; sudo chown -R name:name /home/name02:27
p3rsistActionParsnip: yeah, but will it be the default home directory for that user when I log in with it?02:28
ActionParsnipp3rsist: it's set in /etc/passwd02:30
p3rsistActionParsnip: Thanks ;)02:30
judgenIs gtkqt not available in oneiric?02:35
docwhatHow do I figure out where to get apt-get the latest version of a package (tmux in this case); I want to learn to fish, not be handed a fish....02:36
docwhatThere are these ppa things, but I don't know how to find them...etc.02:36
pksadiq!find gtkqt02:36
docwhatI have 10.04 LTS02:36
somsipdocwhat: I installed it yesterday with 'apt-get install tmux'02:36
ubottuPackage/file gtkqt does not exist in oneiric02:36
zykotick9!ppa | docwhat02:36
ubottudocwhat: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa02:36
docwhatIn 10.04 it's version 1.1 -- the latest is 1.5.1 I think, somsip.02:37
Tunebye, good night and thanks again! :)02:37
somsipdocwhat: then you don't want to install the latest package. You want to install from PPA or source?02:38
diverdudehello.i have huge problems...fro some reason i cannot startup my ubuntu system. when i startit up it shows the load screen and then it shuts down again. i can start it in safe mode and get a terminal..how can i solve this problem?02:38
docwhatsomsip: I want the latest tmux, regardless of what is available in 10.04.02:39
docwhatI could compile it from source, but I'd rather it be auto-updated like everything else.02:39
zykotick9!latest | docwhat02:39
ubottudocwhat: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.02:39
docwhatzykotick9: Oh, sure.  But tmux isn't a system critical item. It's a user-sanity-critical item. ;-)02:40
somsipdocwhat: I cannot find a PPa for tmux. So you either stay with what is available for 10.04, upgrade from 10.04 to a more recent version, or instal from source02:40
pwasek is there a way to get upnp to commuinate with different networks on the same network?02:40
somsipdocwhat: or find a PPA for tmux...02:41
zykotick9docwhat: does tmux have any advantages over screen?02:41
docwhatsomsip: Okay, thanks.  You determined that via the +ppas url above?02:41
somsipdocwhat: from searching02:41
docwhatzykotick9: It depends on who you ask, but I love it.02:41
somsipzykotick9: http://www.wikivs.com/wiki/Screen_vs_tmux02:41
docwhattmux is scriptable from a shell script, which screen isn't.02:41
zykotick9somsip: thanks02:41
somsipzykotick9: looking at this myself yesterday....02:42
docwhatIt has a new architecture and code base. If you ever looked at screen's code....*shudder*.  But people are working on making screen better too...but lots of cruft to remove.02:42
judgenubottu claims that gtkqt is in kde-workspace-data , but i for one can not find it within the package and not in systemsettings either.02:44
ubottujudgen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:44
=== tjf|hw is now known as tjf
zykotick9somsip: well, that article was promising for tmux right up to "bsd license", I'll stick to screen.  Thanks for the link - informative.02:44
botmasterany 1 give me INFO ON bot net setup02:44
somsipzykotick9: np02:48
FloodBot1botmaster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:48
acerimmerbot vs. bot???02:48
botmasteru say bots02:49
docwhatzykotick9: *shrug*02:49
MasterChief0312Oooo heey... ;)02:51
surskittyrunning ubuntu 10.10; dpkg segfaults on any attempt to install packages; it was working fine yesterday and I don't know of anything that might have caused it; how do I fix it?02:51
MasterChief0312what's up02:51
botmasterwhast up02:52
maddyo27ur mom02:52
FloodBot1MasterChief0312: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
DiscordianUKOh my02:53
MasterChief0312Oh hai02:53
maddyo27dah fack?02:53
botmasterwhere can i get a bot02:54
MasterChief0312"/msg Botserv ASSIGN"02:54
maddyo27ur mom02:54
MasterChief0312ON THIS DICK02:54
DiscordianUKdear me02:54
Glaciathank you02:54
nikhil_anyone here use zentyal?02:55
DiscordianUKdon't you people have any quality control?02:55
botmasterany one here use or on backtrack02:55
somsip!backtrack | botmaster02:55
ubottubotmaster: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition02:55
DiscordianUKyou allow people to ask for bots?02:55
botmasteror frome uk02:55
DiscordianUKI'm uk but I can't/won't sell you a bot02:56
somsip!ot | botmaster02:56
ubottubotmaster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:56
botmasteryou got em why cant i02:56
=== notapuff is now known as puffin
DiscordianUKI don't have a bot02:57
botmasteryou use bt502:57
ActionParsnipbotmaster: backtrack isn't supported here02:57
almoxarife!ot | DiscordianUK02:57
ubottuDiscordianUK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:57
almoxarife!ot | botmaster02:57
ubottubotmaster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:57
botmasterfuck u02:58
ActionParsnipbotmaster: which makes it offtopic (not for dicussion)02:58
comawhiteI was wondering how I can install ubuntu-server-11.04 to my other pc, that doesn't have a monitor?02:58
Star_Lightwhat a jerk.02:58
DiscordianUKI haven't broken guidelines02:58
almoxarife!op | botmaster02:58
ubottubotmaster: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!02:58
Star_Lightbotmaster,  get away from here man02:59
ActionParsnipcomawhite: you'll need to boot it with some media to get the OS setup, you can then decapitate it and configure via ssh02:59
nza!op | botmaster02:59
Star_Lightwe don't give advice for cracking tools02:59
botmasteripv6 FLOOD02:59
nzawhat about rainbow tables02:59
DiscordianUKlet's page a net op02:59
ActionParsnip!ops | botmaster02:59
ubottubotmaster: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!02:59
comawhiteActionParsnip, aww, I don't feel like moving my huge monitor 5 feet02:59
nza!ops | botmaster02:59
botmasterRANBOW TABLES02:59
ActionParsnipcomawhite: if you had a drac card or iLo in it, you could do it all headless03:00
nza!ops | corretico03:00
ubottucorretico: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:00
comawhiteActionParsnip, no idea what that is03:00
nza!ops | coomawhite03:00
ubottucoomawhite: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:00
nza!ops | comawhite03:00
ubottucomawhite: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:00
ActionParsnipcomawhite: its a way to interact with servers remotely, even powering them off and on and configuring BIOS which isn't possible via SSH or RDP etc03:00
botmasterIPV6 FLOOD = DOS03:01
pksadiqnza: please, don't misuse it03:01
nza!ops christel03:01
nza!ops | christel03:01
ubottuchristel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:01
FloodBot1nza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:01
veganadianoh my.03:01
DiscordianUKdo none of you actually understand IRC?03:01
ActionParsnipcomawhite: looking after many servers, you get exposed to stuff like that :)03:01
comawhiteActionParsnip, hehehe03:01
nza!ops | jtrucks03:01
botmasterFUCK UR FAGGY RULES03:01
ubottujtrucks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:01
nza!ops | kloeri03:02
ubottukloeri: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:02
ActionParsnipbotmaster: what do you hope to achieve exactly?03:02
comawhiteActionParsnip, yeah, it's just a random pc desktop turned server xD03:02
ssfdre38in apache where is the SERVER_SIGNATURE  located at?03:02
comawhiteActionParsnip, right now. I have Gentoo installed on it03:02
Star_Lightis there any room for Java programming?03:02
ActionParsnipcomawhite: still a server03:02
nza!ops | LoRez03:02
ubottuLoRez: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:02
Cpudan80Star_Light: ##java03:02
somsipStar_Light: probably #java03:02
ActionParsnipStar_Light: #java03:02
botmastera bot army03:02
Cpudan80nza: Enough.03:02
nza!ops | kloeri03:02
ubottukloeri: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:02
botmasterbot army03:03
ActionParsnipbotmaster: nobody cares, nor is it supported here03:03
DiscordianUKdax : can you stop this nonsense03:03
Quantum_Ionbotmaster what a name03:03
MrKeunerhi, is there an eclipse PPA?03:03
ActionParsnip!ppa | MrKeuner03:04
ubottuMrKeuner: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa03:04
DiscordianUKor I will summon a freenode staffer03:04
comawhiteI guess my only choice is to move my monitor with the keyboard and mouse03:04
botmasteri am the bot herder03:04
Quantum_IonI wish ubunt linux ran cooler on my laptop03:04
ActionParsnipbotmaster: its offtopic here, please tae it elsewhere03:04
daxbotmaster: I don't think #ubuntu's really interested in your bots. It's an Ubuntu support channel on a network for free software, not a 1337 hax0r realm :)03:04
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: try lxde03:04
ActionParsnip!ops | botmaster03:05
ubottubotmaster: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:05
Quantum_Ionlxde ?03:05
somsipMrKeuner: might be worth looking at https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team03:05
pksadiqActionParsnip: are all they sleeping ? :)03:05
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: yes, its a lighter desktop, uses fewer resources03:05
MrKeunersomsip, that does not work03:05
somsipMrKeuner: k03:05
ActionParsnippksadiq: seems so03:05
ActionParsnipgone anyway03:05
mrcnjaQuantum_Ion➤ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu03:05
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: install lxde, log off, select LXDE session and log in.03:06
Glaciacan anyone help me update to 11.10 please03:06
DiscordianUKI'm hear to learn03:06
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:06
DiscordianUKit seems some folks aren't03:06
ActionParsnipGlacia: what release are you on now?03:06
Glaciaif that worked action i wouldnt be here03:06
ActionParsnipGlacia: its a good first thing. I have no way of knowing what you have tried, do I?03:07
Glaciatrue.... true03:07
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, Are you trying to sa Linux runs hot because of GNOME ?03:07
HERElookingFORboany 103:07
ActionParsnipGlacia: if you run:  sudo apt-get update     is it smooth with no warnings about keys or 404s?03:07
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: it uses a lot more resources, its worth exploring03:08
ActionParsnipGlacia: Assuming it's smooth, run: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; gksudo gedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades          change:  Prompt=lts   to: Prompt=normal    if necessary, save the new file, close gedit then run: sudo do-release-upgrade03:10
mrcnjayeah, I have run lxde on a pentium two without trouble03:10
jointdoes anybody in here run ubuntu?03:10
ActionParsnipjoint: probably 99.9%03:10
tonyyarussoWhy do people ask silly questions?03:11
acerimmerwhy ask why?03:11
jointis it true that ubuntu 12.04 will boot in 2 seconds?03:11
mrcnjaseems like a silly question to me03:11
ActionParsnipand why ask 'why ask why'   ad infinatum03:11
marko__can anyone help me with online games on ubuntu?03:11
ActionParsnipjoint: doesn't here03:11
ubottumarko__: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/03:12
ActionParsnipmarko__: with some details, maybe03:12
marko__im trying to make backgammon multiplayer work03:12
marko__and i've read some online tutorials like http://pastehtml.com/view/bk3snh9z2.html03:12
marko__no wait wrong link03:13
marko__no let me find the link03:13
marko__i find link dont go there03:14
ActionParsnipjoint: if you have a decent raid of SSDs then it could happen. Xpud boots in 3 seconds here03:14
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, My problem is that I have Ubuntu on automatic log in03:14
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: log off and you can choose your DE03:14
Glaciahow do you pronounce the new ubuntu release name?03:14
ActionParsnipGlacia: http://www.forvo.com/word/oneiric/03:15
Glaciathe name is oneiric right?03:15
ActionParsnipGlacia: I use on-ee-i-rik03:15
don_acei like ubuntu!03:15
don_acesince 10mins03:15
don_acei learn in 10mins more then in 2weeks mint 1203:16
don_aceno joke03:16
ActionParsnipGlacia: o·nei·ric/ōˈnīrik/03:16
Glaciai cant until i get to my linux quarter in school03:16
Glaciaty ActionParsnip03:17
Glacia– Computer Technology / A+03:18
Glacia– Network+03:18
Glacia– Microsoft Windows 7 Configuration (MCTS)03:18
Glacia– Security+ / Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA)03:18
Glacia– Microsoft Windows Server 2008 AD and Network Infrastructure03:18
Glacia– Linux+03:18
FloodBot1Glacia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:18
Glaciasry i keep forgetting about paste.ubuntu.com03:18
surskitty!lastlog dpkg03:19
Glaciabut those are the courses i am taking ActionParsnip03:19
ActionParsnipGlacia: nice, I'm reading LPIA 101 & 102 currently03:20
jtruckslooks like the situation in here was handled?03:20
Glaciasweet.... my goal is to obtain CISCOs highest cert which has a 5% pass rate03:20
ActionParsnipGlacia: hardcore dude, all at same time?03:21
Anon745u should watch this it is good03:22
ActionParsnipGlacia: certs are nice but experience counts a little better03:22
ActionParsnipAnon745: please don't spam in here03:22
[deXter]Glacia, is that CCIE ?03:22
ActionParsnipAnon745: this is a support channel, not 'share youtube stuff with people who don't care',   next time just keep it to yourself03:23
Glaciathey got bored and left03:25
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Glaciaummm.... major help03:25
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, They need to fix the ACPI stuff in Ubuntu Linux really bad03:25
Quantum_Ionshit runs hot on laptops03:25
naryfathey need to fix a lot of things and they don't want to lol03:25
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: if companies didn't use cheap / proprietary ACPI, there woldn't be an issue03:25
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, okay03:26
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: my Latitude D420 runs cool and quiet03:26
somsipQuantum_Ion: watxch the language, but kernel 3.2 is reported to have lots of power issues fixed in it03:26
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: 100% works out of the box, including wifi03:26
Glaciamy computer decided to suspend and kill network connections during the sudo do-release upgrade03:26
ActionParsnipGlacia: did you upgrade whilst on battery power and not mains?03:26
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, I am tryinging lxde and it doesnt  run any color with xsensor installed03:27
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: is the system cooler?03:27
Quantum_IonMaybe GNOME uses a lot of friggin power for the graphics and stuff03:27
Glaciai was on main but came unplugged.... my tablet get confused and thinks mybattery is dead when its not03:27
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: that as well as other stuff03:28
Glaciashould i stop it and start over03:28
ActionParsnipGlacia: could try:  sudo apt-get -f install03:28
Quantum_IonDid you say you had Ubuntu Linux installed on an Apple ipad ?03:28
=== tonykay__ is now known as tonykay
Medjaianyone here contemplating the move back to gnome from unity?03:29
Glaciano i said im using a tablet pc03:29
naryfaMedjai: me03:29
Glaciaits still downloading and installing action03:29
=== tum is now known as Guest20978
Quantum_IonMedjai, Not me I never upgraded in 11.whatever I will wait ofr another LTS release before I upgrade this motherlover03:29
jointjust install the gnome shell. you can choose between gnome and unity at the login screen03:30
jointon 11.1003:30
acerimmerQuantum_Ion: co-sign LTS only.03:30
deathof1just a stupid question, has intelHD gotten any better with opengl?03:31
MedjaiIdk it seems like i've lost productivity with unity03:31
MedjaiI just don't seem to work as fast03:31
Medjaiit's ugly and doesn't clash well03:32
naryfaMedjai: because lots of things are not there anymore. It's a withdrawal symptom you're experiencing :)03:32
naryfaMedjai: the only hope is MATE from Mint I guess03:33
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:33
Quantum_IonMedjai, Good thing you dont have Android ICe Cream Sandwich installed then you would really be complaining03:33
ActionParsnipMedjai: try Precise liveCD, should be ok.03:33
Medjailol Quantum_Ion, i use ICS On my tablet i love it03:33
deathof1ill take that as a no03:34
MedjaiWhat's different about 12.04 ActionParsnip ?03:34
ActionParsnipMedjai: could always use XFCE, doesn't use Unity and you can run your favourite gnome apps too03:34
Quantum_IonMedjai, Try running it on Ubuntu03:34
ActionParsnipMedjai: later drivers, later xorg version03:34
Medjailol they seriously ported it?03:34
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naryfaWhat is that thing wayland?03:34
MedjaiActionParsnip, I'm also missing my gnome themes03:35
Quantum_IonMedjai, Do you develop Android applications on Ubuntu Linux with Eclipse ?03:35
MedjaiQuantum_Ion, I do03:35
ActionParsnipMedjai: its gnome3, gnome2 themes won't work03:35
imnicholI've got a problem with network-manager03:35
ActionParsnipnaryfa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wayland03:35
MedjaiActionParsnip, I know I'm using gnome 3 themes03:35
MedjaiWhy do you ask Quantum_Ion ?03:35
imnicholI've installed openconnect and libopenconnect, but network-manager does not detect openconnect as a possible VPN type03:35
Quantum_IonMedjai, just curious you know how slow the Android emulator can be03:36
Quantum_IonMedjai, I wish it was smooth like the phone03:36
somsipQuantum_Ion: http://www.android-x86.org/03:36
Teratogenwould Ubuntu be a good choice for my Acer netbook?03:37
ActionParsnipTeratogen: try it in liveUSB and see :)03:37
urlin2uTeratogen, I have a acer d250 everything is fine03:38
Teratogenlet's see, I don't have a working CD/DVD USB drive for my netbook right now (it broke)03:38
Teratogencan I install Ubuntu from a usb thumb drive?03:38
Teratogenhow many gigs would I need?03:38
Quantum_Ionsomsip, Thanks for the link but I am too damn lazy to install Android to a x86 PC03:38
somsipQuantum_Ion: took me about 10 mins on VirtualBox03:39
Teratogenand what do I do, set the bios to boot from thumb drive?03:39
Glaciaaction... is sudo do-release-upgrade smart enough to get the packets it missed due to network error?03:39
Oerpeople who say damn are stupid03:39
Quantum_Ionsomsip, cool03:39
imnicholNevermind, I figured it out.  I needed to install the network-manager-openconnect package03:40
Teratogenwell, I am not going to try it now because I don't have a thumb drive03:40
ActionParsnipGlacia: not sure tbh, try it is allI can say03:40
Teratogenbut I will be asking for help later on =)03:40
ActionParsnipTeratogen: SD card?03:40
slefishman1984How is everyone tonight?03:40
TeratogenI'll buy a thumb drive from Wal-Mart03:40
Teratogenthey have 4 gigs pretty cheap03:41
Glaciaok well term is busy doing the upgrade ill do the -f  install after..... <-- thats to fix rihjt?03:41
Glaciatera radioshack was all thumb drives on sell right now03:42
wookienzteam, im looking to fix a bug in compiz for skype notifaction con. Located here: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/compiz-core/compiz-core.fix_767095/+merge/62711 as a n00b, hwere do i find the file on my system to do the fix manually?03:42
=== me is now known as Guest71814
Quantum_IonTeratogen, lol@WalMart03:43
urlin2uGlacia, tab will finish the nics and show color like this one.03:43
TeratogenWally World!03:43
Glaciaty urlin2u03:43
urlin2uGlacia, no problem. :D03:43
Jordan_UTeratogen: There are good instructions at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download03:44
Glaciaanyone know how to force laptop fan speed in 11.0403:44
Quantum_IonGlacia, Did you install powertop ?03:45
ActionParsnipGlacia: -f is fix, yes03:45
=== DJChrisL28 is now known as DJChrisL29
average_guywhy is firefox 9 in the offical repo but not thunderbird 9?03:48
artemisAnyone have instructions on using compiz with gnome 3 fall back mode?03:49
trismaverage_guy: it is in oneiric proposed for testing at the moment03:50
Glaciaok i know this isnt an ubuntu question, but does anyone if and where i can get a stand-alone copy of the chrome OS...03:50
pksadiq!nounity | artemis03:52
ubottuartemis: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:52
acerimmerGlacia: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=chrome+os+download03:52
somsipacerimmer: lol03:52
artemispksadiq, I knew that but I just needed instructions on using compiz on it03:52
pksadiqartemis: not yet used to. Doesn't it Alt+F2 compiz --replace help (if you have 3d support already)?03:54
hasek79will ubuntu be able to see and use the quad i7 processors?03:58
FluxDHow do we search ubottu ?03:58
pksadiq!search info03:59
ubottuFound: xampp, moblock, encrypted, laptop, hotornot, samba, hal, amd64, meeting-#kubuntu, tv and 188 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=info03:59
FluxDIsnt there a private search too ?03:59
pksadiqFluxD: /msg ubottu search string03:59
ChogyDanis the ubuntu kernel based on the 3.0.9 kernel listed on kernel.org? or is it based on 3.0.004:01
puff_!kernel | ChogyDan04:02
ubottuChogyDan: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)04:02
hasek79can i edit the size of my partitions?04:03
ChogyDanpuff_: I don't see an answer to my question, can you be more specific?04:03
puff_Ubuntu packages the latest 2.6 kernel for optimal desktop speed and features.04:05
=== Milos|Netbook is now known as Milos|Troll
ChogyDanhasek79: yes, use a livecd if you want to edit your main partition, use the program gparted, and be careful04:05
ChogyDanpuff_: I guess the page is outdated, linux is 3.x now04:06
puff_well not everybody has time to update web pages04:07
trismChogyDan: yes, it is 3.0.9 (plus ubuntu patches of course) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/89095204:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 890952 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Oneiric update to 3.0.9 stable release" [Undecided,Fix released]04:07
ChogyDantrism: mhm, interesting,  thank you!04:08
puff_I think I screwed up my zone file04:09
ChogyDan!ops | JKuntsman dont spam your white trash please04:09
ubottuJKuntsman dont spam your white trash please: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:09
pangolinChogyDan: ?04:10
elkyChogyDan, could you drop into -ops and give us more information please?04:10
=== Braiam is now known as Guest74555
=== braiam_ is now known as braiam
noordi have just installed ubuntu 11.04, which applications do you suggest to install ?04:18
=== Milos|Troll is now known as Milos
puff_noord: thats pretty much up to you04:19
noordpuff_: ok04:20
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
=== Milos is now known as Milos|Netbook
bonkI recently installed ubuntu 11 on an old toshiba portege 2000 and am having some issues connecting to wireless networks. is this the place to ask for help?04:36
puff_bonk: yup04:36
puff_!wifi | bonk04:36
ubottubonk: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:36
puff_!spam | Romney201204:38
bonkok so lspci doesnt detect a wireless card but in the network manager i can see wireless networks04:40
puff_bonk: you know the adapter you may need a driver04:41
pangolinpuff_: are you receiving pm spam?04:42
pangolinif so please join #ubuntu-ops04:42
pangolinthank you staff04:43
AuroraBorealishow do you recover your encrypted home directory? the command everyone tells you to use doesn't work =/04:44
* puff_ whistles a little tune04:44
AuroraBorealishow can a very important part of ubuntu..just not work >.>04:45
puff_unless you have something to hide encryption is sort of uncalled for04:46
King_OzzyI demand free money!04:46
AuroraBorealisi'm not asking for opinions, i want to recover it cuase i want to reinstall o.o04:46
bonkpuff i think i already have the driver04:46
Guest2719is 7.9 rootfs hood04:46
=== Guest2719 is now known as liuti
AuroraBorealissooo i guess not.04:49
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
jtr__can someone tell me how to change my tcp to westwood from the current one, and how to revert back when needed??04:52
surskittyHow do I return my keyboard shortcuts to default in 10.10?05:09
administratorhello every one05:09
=== administrator is now known as Guest89759
Troy_hi lol nice name :S05:09
Guest89759----------------------hello every one05:09
jademonkeyhello all. are there any novice-intermediate html ppl here that have a couple of minutes?05:10
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somsipjademonkey: probably more than a few in #html05:11
jademonkeyyoud think so huh. no one seems active over there tonight05:12
=== Octane is now known as Guest43056
somsipjademonkey: so at the risk of going OT, what do you have?05:13
Troy_jademonkey: maybe just ask the question someone may know the answer to it05:13
samba35how to stop iptables05:14
jademonkeybasically i am trying to get on with a company and I decided on friday to make a personal webpage (no idea if its worth it), but I have spent the weekend going thru html with no prior experience. wanted someone to give the site a once over and maybe make a couple suggestions to a noob05:14
jademonkey@samba35, debian is different than redhat, which you want to know?05:15
somsipjademonkey: url?05:15
samba35ubuntu 10.0405:15
Troy_jademonkey: please tell me you use a css05:16
Troy_ok lets look05:16
jademonkeybut its mostly what i could absorb in a weekend from fragmented online sources05:17
somsipjademonkey: can you create a new channel so those of us who want to give feedback can, and those who dont care can avoid the conversation?05:17
Troy_somsip: #ubuntu-offtopic05:17
Troy_sorry jademonkey #ubuntu-offtopic05:17
Troy_I'm sleeing at the keyboard05:18
jtr__can someone tell me how to change my tcp to westwood from the current one, and how to revert back when needed??05:18
=== satan is now known as Guest32893
dweescan anyone here help me trouble-shoot a problem with my mouse after installing Ubuntu 11.10?05:19
dweesThe mouse worked fine in 11.04, and now it's lit up (so the USB port is still working fine) but it does nada05:20
Troy_dwees: what kind of mouse05:21
dweeswireless intellimouse, created by microsoft05:21
dweesmodel: 100905:22
ki11j0yi have a question05:22
dweesalso, plugged in another logitech USB mouse, and rebooted the computer, and no dice, that mouse doesn't work either05:22
ki11j0yfor what, laptop?05:23
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Troy_dwees: echo $XORGCONFIG05:24
dweeshow do I open up a terminal with the keyboard?05:25
dweesnevermind: alt + f105:26
dweesthen use the arrow keys and move around05:26
Troy_yea i was looking for it05:26
dweesI got blank05:27
dweesnada when I did that echo05:27
puff_ya know I find it odd that guys have so much trouble with their wifi I just stuck an 11.10 install disk in an alienware lappie and the first thing it did was connect to my wireless so it could so the install updates05:27
Troy_pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:27
dweesNew File05:28
dweesso didn't exist05:28
Troy_hcitool scan05:29
Troy_type that and what does it say?05:29
dweesDevice is not available: Address family not supported by protocol05:30
Troy_really lol is it a blue tooth mouse?05:31
dweesIt's a wireless mouse, has a USB attachment that transmits some sort of signal to the mouse, not bluetooth05:32
jacerThat's probably RF.  Especially if it's a logitech.05:32
Troy_dwees: have you tried new batteries and a restart? and you said you trid a corded mouse?05:32
Troy_jacer: everything that is wireless is RF05:33
dweesyeah, I've tried those05:33
dweesthe mouse worked like 3 hours ago in Ubuntu 11.04, and doesn't work now on the same machine with 11.10 installed05:33
Troy_does your corded mouse work when you plug it in?05:34
dweesI'm using it now on a different laptop05:34
Troy_oh hmm05:34
dweesSo I know the corded mouse works fine05:35
Troy_but does a wired mouse work when you plug it in, no does it work on the comp you are having mouse prolems with05:35
dweesI'd be happy switching to a corded mouse on the desktop computer, if that's what it would take05:35
Troy_no just trying to determine the issue thats all05:35
dweesthe wired mouse works on this computer, but does not work on the other computer, even after a reboot05:35
dweesso something strange there05:35
sneauxwolfare there any real differences from the different versions of ubuntu? like kubuntu etc....05:35
Troy_sneauxwolf: only the graphical environment05:36
JairunCalothsneauxwolf: desktop environment and associated applications05:36
Troy_dwees: so the system is not detecting either usb mouse that is strange05:36
sneauxwolfok so just one uses xfce, and kde, or gnome...gotcha thanks05:36
Troy_ok hold on05:36
=== devsys_ is now known as devsys
dxni am new05:36
dweesthe USB ports are providing power b/c it lights up both of my mice no problem05:37
dweeshrmm, how do I check USB ports?05:37
ubluntudwees: do you see them in lsusb ?05:37
dweesI actually SEE the mouse listed05:37
sneauxwolfHi dxn05:38
sneauxwolfthanks dwees05:38
lyraewhich program loads the desktop wallpaper on boot?05:38
Troy_what is last posted when you remove and reinsert the usb mouse and type dmesg in term?05:38
Troy_and then try a "hcitool scan"05:39
sneauxwolfI have installed nmap, as per a friend that steered me towards linux, but he keeps telling me to 'be careful, don't get in trouble'....but won't elaborate on how I could get in trouble. So now I'm afraid to use it05:41
dweesI'll check in a second troy05:41
dweesjust double checked, new batteries does not help05:41
dweesnew low speed USB device number 3 using uhci_hcd05:42
cloudsbenhow to change ubuntu 11.10 theme05:42
rumpe1sneauxwolf, well... port scans can trigger alerts in some intrusion detection systems...05:42
Troy_dwees: that was in the dmesg?05:42
dweessame message as before when i did the scan05:42
dweesthat was the very last line in the message05:42
Troy_sneauxwolf: nmap only looks for open ports on a ip address05:43
dweesthe message before that was USB disconnect, device number 2, which is probably from the last time I disconnected the mouse before05:43
sneauxwolfrumpe1, so what is nmap used for? just finding open ports...for hacking? or can I just scan my system and find what's open and close it?05:43
sneauxwolfI just want to stay out of trouble05:44
rumpe1sneauxwolf, if you use it on machines owned by yourself and in your own network (lan), you won't get trouble.05:44
Troy_rumpe1: its not illegeal to scan ports05:44
Troy_dwees: /proc/bus/usb/devices05:45
rumpe1Troy_, didn't say illegal... but some admins really don't like port scanners.05:45
sneauxwolftroy: just illegal if you use that info for other means right?05:45
dweesno such file or directory05:45
Doodiehi, my laptops fans is spinning at higher speed (making much noise than in windows). Why could that be?05:45
rumpe1sneauxwolf, why not use a netstat instead of checking the ports externally?05:45
jtr__where do i ask this?05:46
jtr__its the passion behind the05:46
jtr__omg wrong paste :D05:46
sneauxwolfrumpe1: netstat identifies those also?05:46
jtr__how to change my tcp type05:46
JairunCalothIIRC correctly port scanning could be against some ISP's TOS.05:47
rumpe1sneauxwolf, it's similar but it works locally and not by probing a remote machine05:47
jeniahello everyone.05:47
jeniaso i want to install kyle05:47
sneauxwolfhi jenia05:47
jeniai mean kile05:48
jeniaand i read in the comments that its better to use a ppa05:48
petsounds /quit05:48
jeniai added that ppa to my list of ppa, but i dont know how to use it.05:48
Troy_dwees: im out of options i'm fairly new to this whole thing as well but you could try #Linux and ask in there.. it seems something like a kernel/x server issue05:48
sneauxwolfrumpe1: ok thanks I'll try that, but should I keep nmap around, I mean does it prove useful for anything?05:48
jeniaso is it that case that when i install kile, the installation program will some what files to get from the ppa?05:49
jeniaor do i need to somehow install the ppa kile version specifically05:49
dweesokay, thank you troy05:49
dweeswierd that it worked in  11.0405:49
dweesmaybe I'll just wipe 11.10, and try re-installing 11.04?05:50
jeniaprogram will somehow* know* what file to get from the ppa05:50
Ben64jenia: when you add a ppa, it will use it for the program. Just install from synaptic or Software Center05:50
Troy_or do a clean install of 11.10 especially if you did a upgrade05:50
=== jthomas is now known as TheDracle
Troy_jenia: yes05:50
wickedwiccanI just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and tried to install ati's video drivers but after downloading and installing them jockey flashed that the driver failed to install05:50
jeniaokay thanks ben and troy05:51
Troy_jenia: in term if you have already added ppa: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:51
Ben64wickedwiccan: you should use the Hardware Drivers interface to get proprietary drivers05:51
Troy_then jenia sudo apt-get install Kile05:51
wickedwiccanBen64, I did it flashed there are drivers for your system i clicked it and told it to install and it gave me an error.  Mint done the same thing, odd thing though is the drivers do install and function its just jockey keeps saying they are not activated05:52
Ben64wickedwiccan: what error05:53
rumpe1sneauxwolf, sure it's useful for certain purposes. nmap is for remote machines, netstat is locally.05:53
jeniathanks troy ;)05:53
ernie99hey, anyone have experience with iScsi?05:53
sneauxwolfrumpe1: ok so if I want to probe my other windows machine on the same network I can use nmap for that?05:54
Troy_yes sneauxwolf05:54
Ben64nmap is good locally as well05:54
rumpe1sneauxwolf, yes05:54
sneauxwolftroy: rumpe1: thanks at least I have a better understanding of what nmap is and what I can use it for without getting in some kind of trouble05:56
Ben64sneauxwolf: its really hard to get in trouble from using nmap05:57
Troy_sneauxwolf: honestly you won't..05:58
Ben64you'd have to scan something like fbi.gov every 5 minutes05:58
rumpe1sneauxwolf, nmap works more indirectly, so it doesn't need direct access to the targeted machine. You can of course use it also locally targeting "localhost".05:58
Troy_Ben64: fbi.gov lmfao05:58
sneauxwolfBen64: Troy: Ok, thanks he just wouldn't really tell me much, and the online documentation doesn't really specify how you could get in trouble either05:59
rumpe1sneauxwolf, you just have to know that many people usually don't like getting probed by some stranger over the net. It's often used to find weak spots on a system.05:59
Troy_fbi.gov shouldn't get you in trouble either.. government would never put any classified stuff anywhere near the internet/outside world other then a WAN06:00
sneauxwolfrumpe1: you could use it for other purposes then, like find an open port on someone else's machine and gain access?06:00
Troy_sneauxwolf: well you wouldnt gain access with with the application06:00
Ben64its still their fault if there is a security hole06:00
rumpe1sneauxwolf, well... something like that.06:00
sneauxwolfOk thanks guys that really helps so now I have an idea of what I can do with it, and what not to do06:01
sneauxwolfI'm off to test netstat, and nmap06:01
Ben64netstat is kind of clunky06:02
sneauxwolfI'll probably be back later when I hit another snag06:02
Pr0jectRec0nIS there a pblm with Ubuntu 11.10 /GNOME/Empathy ?  I have ubuntu 11.10 - Oneiric - and using GNOME (not unity) and I am signed in (to my gmail account - I guess through Empathy ) but when I click on the Notifications area -> and check online accts -> there's no google account listed06:04
pythonirc101I just installed vnstat on a remote machine and it filled my hard drive...any ideas what I can do?06:05
Pr0jectRec0nBut I do get my chats as popups in Gnome 3 - how come?  guess I have my account logged in to empathy - from my previous ubuntu install ( Irecently upgraded to 11.10 and not able to handle that crap that is unity - came to the new Gnome shell)06:05
puff_rm -f06:05
Pr0jectRec0nOkay -> I'm officially screwed06:11
Pr0jectRec0nUbuntu notification area -> 'Online Accounts' has nothing set up06:11
Pr0jectRec0nstill - I'm logged into my google account / yahoo account06:11
Pr0jectRec0nHow ?06:11
Pr0jectRec0nThrough empathy ?06:12
pythonirc101which one do people recommend here: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/03/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-linux.html ?06:14
chintanwhen i open my terminal it display like ""06:14
chintanany solution ?06:15
chintanterminal gives "Invalid-entry-length-0-DMI-table-is-broken-Stop".....06:16
chintanany reason ?>06:16
sheena1hello :)06:17
sheena1i'm having difficulties with my sound on my new 11.10 install on a new laptop. i remember having similar trouble on my previous pc, different version of ubuntu, and fixed it, but have no idea how.. i'm still pretty  novice at this. is anyone able to help?06:19
somsippythonirc101: probably something updated within the last 5 years...06:22
Proxyhey I have an unrelated tech issue.06:25
Proxycan a graphics card passivly sent a video single from the onboard graphics chip?06:26
average_guyI just installed 11.10 tonight and I have pushed SOMETHING and now the icon at the top of the launcher is illuminated and the launcher will not hide.  What have I done?06:27
sheena1i've recently installed 11.10 on my new laptop, and the sound is way too quiet. can anyone help me?06:28
somsipsheena1: I'm no sound expert. But have you tried running alsamixer and setting the base volume higher?06:28
sheena1somsip: thanks for the reply. all the bars in alsamixer are set at max, i'm pretty sure. a couple weren't but i think they were mic/input ones06:29
somsipsheena1: what laptop?06:29
sheena1mic boost and internal are set to 006:29
sheena1gateway nv47h03h06:29
somsipsheena1: nah - sorry. no idea06:31
sheena1somsip: thanks for trying!06:31
sheena1i had this issue on my toshiba once before with a diff ubuntu version06:31
sheena1i know i fixed it, but cant remember what i did06:31
sheena1i thought i might have installed a new/different sound card driver?06:32
somsipsheena1: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic429662.html possibly?06:32
somsipsheena1: or even http://www.jairusmartin.com/2011/11/how-to-reload-sound-drivers-in-ubuntu.html06:33
somsipsheena1: but I'm clutching at straws here06:33
somsipsheena1: it would probably help to know what sound card you have in there, and searching along those lines.06:34
sheena1i added a line to that file already, but not that same line06:34
sheena1somsip: not sure how to find out my sound card? its hda-intel06:35
plustaxcan someone help me out? Can anyone teamviewer into my computer (windows 7) and help me setup my partitions so that I can dual boot ubuntu and windows at the same time? Im downloading 11.04 right now and im gonna do it with a usb thumbstick06:40
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wickedwiccanOk jockey keeps giving me an error when I try to install the ATI driver.  Here is the error log any ideas why? http://pastebin.com/LwT8LAGX06:44
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:46
dsorepwhat gui's can u install on ubuntu server 11.10?06:47
Tm_Tdsorep: anything what is available on Ubuntu06:48
somsipusbpuppy: and you've just lost any more help you would get from me06:50
=== Adys_ is now known as Guest51449
wickedwiccanOk jockey keeps giving me an error when I try to install the ATI driver.  Here is the error log any ideas why? http://pastebin.com/LwT8LAGX06:50
imyousufI am trying to use xvidcap to capture screen with sound. By default it has /dev/dsp as the sound device. Using that I can not record any sound. I tried with padsp without any luck. I tried `rec -d /dev/dsp file.wav` without any luck. But `rec file.wav` works, any idea how I could get xvidcap audio capture or get the device being used by rec?06:52
saitejaI tried to install a c  comp[iler as a root user.But,It has been interrupted,before its completely downloaded,due to internet problems.I'm unable to install the same software  again.Please help me.I'm a newbee.06:57
=== siebo_ is now known as siebo
azendIncluded if you're not sold on xvidcap then I've found that kazam screencaster works pretty well07:00
natemcintyrehey hey07:00
azendDamn Swype07:00
somsipsasori: sudo apt-get install {package} -f (this will attempt to fix broken packages)07:05
sasorii didn't asked any question at all :|07:06
aashezI'm following these Sun JAva instructions to install java and to use the plugin for Firefox - http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#enable. After installing self-extracting file from the downloads page, the instructions says to create a symbolic link.. how to do that?07:06
somsipsasori: nick completion error 'cos he's already gone. Soz07:06
aashezOr what should I install to use Java on Firefox?07:08
aashezjava plugin*07:09
SpinachHeadWhat is ubuntu?07:14
plustaxSpinachHead, you trollin07:16
SpinachHeadYeah, sorry I was just showing IRC to someone and wanted to get a response. No more of that from me... :-D07:17
wickedwiccanwhat does this mean anyone know? 2012-01-09 00:40:46,988 DEBUG: XorgDriverHandler(%s, %s).enabled(): No X.org driver set, not checking07:23
wickedwiccan2012-01-09 00:40:48,102 DEBUG: Shutting down07:23
wickedwiccanits the last thing on my log file before I get an error07:23
somsipwickedwiccan: what video drivers do you intend to be installed?07:24
wickedwiccanfglrx ati's main drivers.  I installed them when i first installed ubuntu cause it said i have drivers that needed to be installed, but it downloaed them and installed them but at the end said i had an error and they failed to install check the jockey.log07:26
somsipwickedwiccan: Exact same error by the look of things, with a link to a possible solution http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1887272.html07:26
somsipwickedwiccan: and http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1870496.html07:27
somsipwickedwiccan: http://askubuntu.com/questions/88736/cannot-enable-my-graphic-card-ati-radeon-hd-3200-graphics07:29
wickedwiccanok at least i see i'm not alone darn ati absolutly sucks07:29
somsipwickedwiccan: there seem to be lots of links, but workarounds and fixes.07:30
plustaxcan anyone help me reallocate my partitions so I can install ubuntu alongside windows 7? Right now im in the liveUSB ubuntu. I have teamviewer. Can anyone PLEASE help me?07:36
theadminplustax: pm me with the details. Sure.07:37
jasonmchristosHow do I enable 2 factor authentication on ubuntu after installing libpam-rsa? Seems I tried editing the configs but it doesnt seem to be using the rsa key to login. Any help appreciated.07:38
jajangi tried open compizconfig settings manager, but after a few seconds, it closed itself. I'm running Ubuntu 11.10. Does anybody know how to fix this?07:38
jasonmchristosjajang: try running from cli07:41
jasonmchristosjajang: look for an error message07:41
jasonmchristosHow do I enable 2 factor authentication on ubuntu after  installing libpam-rsa? Seems I tried editing the  configs but it doesnt seem to be using the rsa key to  login. Any help appreciated.07:41
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
wickedwiccanYAY thanks I got the ATI issues fixed :D Now the last one.  I can't see any of the windows computers in my network, Mint shows them just fine07:45
jajangi tried with command compizconfig-settings-manger, but it said "command not found"07:49
aBoundjajang, What are you trying to do?07:49
jajangaBound: earlier I'm asking why compizconfig-settings-manager opened but after a few seconds closed itself. I was asked to try open it with terminal. I'm on Ubuntu 11.10 btw.07:50
aBoundjajang, Can't open it through the GUI or you trying to open it from a terminal?07:52
lahwrananyone recommend a gif viewer that has as small as possible window borders and is fast?07:53
jajangaBound: well, first i opened it with gui, but it closes itself. And then tried with terminal, it says "command not found"07:53
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Ben64jajang: you need to find the actual command it runs07:54
aBoundjajang, I would say to uninstall it and reinstall the program. Seeing as compiz is known to have breakage in Ubuntu 11.10.07:54
jajangBen64: which is? I assume since i installed it with apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager, it will have the some command, no?07:55
Ben64jajang: not always, try checking the shortcut07:55
aBoundjajang, Open a terminal and type: ccsm07:57
dak0rnfglrx -.-07:58
JCZINGHello. I am building a TeamSpeak 3 Server on 10.04. I am trying to figure out how to have my server automatically execute a file on startup. If I need to restart my server, I don't want to go into the console to enter the startup command every time I do. The exact file is in this location: /home/ts3user/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64/ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh07:58
rumpe1JCZING, add the command to /etc/rc.local and it will be executed at each boot07:59
jajangaBound: actually i now have it working after reinstalled it. Thanks anyway :)07:59
JCZINGthank you07:59
aBoundjajang, No problem.08:00
aBoundJCZING, I would imply that you use a cron job to execute a script at startup. But technically I'm not familiar with the cron command.08:00
aBoundJCZING, You could open a terminal and type: man cron08:02
aBoundTo check the reference for it.08:02
JCZINGok thank you08:02
aBoundNo problem.08:04
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twilightstaranyone know how to start multiple remote sessions08:11
Ben64twilightstar: remote sessions of...?08:13
twilightstarI want to have two or three people login08:13
twilightstardifferent user names08:13
Ben64login how08:13
twilightstarthrough vnc08:14
Knorrehow is it that KDE themes don't cover all applications? some of them still look like windows 9808:14
aBoundKnorre, Some of them might not be written in their native KDE form.08:14
Ben64twilightstar: start vncserver as each user, and make sure it listens on different ports or ip addresses08:14
xgt001hello there,08:15
aBoundUsing unity and kde apps might look awkward because it's an KDE app more or less.08:15
Knorrei see08:15
xgt001does ubuntu kernel include aspm fixes?08:15
twilightstarthe user will be able to login and out?08:15
Knorrethat's kinda weird, i expected themeing to be globalized08:16
Ben64twilightstar: yes08:16
twilightstarok ty for the help08:16
twilightstarI'll try it out08:16
twilightstarcan the out side different ports point to the same local port?08:17
xgt001i am on canonical specific power management kernel in oneiric, was the patch applied to the main Ubuntu 11.10 kernel update, that is so that i can update the kernel?08:17
twilightstaror do I need to make different outside and local ports?08:17
Ben64twilightstar: not sure what you mean, but usually vncserver increments itself... screen 0 is 5900, screen 1 is 5901, and so on08:18
KnorreaBound: would installing a third party skin for an app be a valid fix?08:18
aBoundKnorre, I doubt it given KDE is written in the QT framework and I presume that if the app isn't written in part with that framework. It'll look awkward and not in it's native form.08:19
Knorrehmm ok08:20
Knorrei'll take a look in my VM and see if i can do something about it :) thanks for the info!08:20
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aBoundKnorre, No problem at all.08:21
pnormanWhat does it mean when apt says "The following packages have been kept back"08:21
Seveaspnorman, that upgrading those packages would require installation and/or removal of other packages08:21
theadminpnorman: It means the following packages have not been upgrading08:21
Seveaspnorman, do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' to allow apt to do so.08:21
theadminpnorman: Try: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:21
pnormanAh, that's got it. Thanks.08:22
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
ilovegnome112How to change the font of the top and the bottom panel in GNOME 3?08:25
aBoundilovegnome112, You can try to install the "gnome tweak tool" to see if the font can be changed.08:28
pnormanI'm trying to figure out if a Supermicro AOC-USAS2-L82/L8i SAS/SATA card would work with ubuntu. I posted on ubuntuforums.org (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1905790) a couple of days ago, but haven't gotten a response. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I could turn to get an answer? The card uses a LSI 2008 chip.08:34
Ben64pnorman: most likely it does08:34
Ben64pnorman: i haven't found much hardware that isn't supported08:35
derphttp://pastebin.com/ecm7b8wZ  <--need some advice, cant get rc.local to execute all of my commands, am I mising something?08:35
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Seveaspnorman, supermicro hardware generally works flawless under linux. This is not surprising as many of their big clients require it :)08:36
derpit only executes the first one08:36
Seveasderp, you're executing it with sh -e, so if one command fails (exitcode not 0) all commands that follow will not be executed.08:37
rumpe1derp, cant' load the pastebin at the moment, but maybe because the first command doesn't terminate?08:37
derpdo I need to terminate all of them?08:37
derpeach one?08:37
derpsntop -d -r 5 -l /home/devadmin/scripts/test.sh08:37
derpsntop -f /etc/sntoprc2 -d -r 5 -l /home/devadmin/scripts/test-2.sh08:37
FloodBot1derp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
Seveasderp, yes, or launch them in the background08:37
rumpe1derp, you could send them into background using <command>&08:38
Seveasadd a & at the end08:38
derpoh just that08:38
pnormanSeveas: I couldn't get an AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 to work08:38
derpI was thinking that08:38
derpcool ill give it a whack08:38
pnormanSeveas: Basically, if there's a way to have a problem with a SATA card, I've found it.08:39
Seveaspnorman, I'd call that a talent. Stay the hell away from my hardware though :-)08:40
pnormanSeveas: I managed to get two defective Syba SiI 3124 cards, a completely dead mini-SFF breakout cable (molex branded too), the AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 that didn't work, and in the process had my server motherboard die.08:42
elmorules16is there a man in ubutu08:43
Seveaselmorules16, I'm afraid that question doesn't make much sense. Could you rephrase it?08:44
pnormanI'm considering going with an adaptech card since they have ones that officially support ubuntu08:45
xskydevilxCan I change the minimize maximize close buttons in cinnamon?08:45
aBoundUpgrading to a newer kernel also increases the chance your wifi card or other supporting hardware will be supported.08:46
gemununetwork manager stoped recognizing mobile broadband. (ubuntu 10.04)08:47
elmorules16Is there manuals inUbunto to learn t08:47
Seveaselmorules16, every command has a manpage, but I'd start at http://help.ubuntu.com or buying the ubuntu book for intro documentation08:47
aBoundpnorman, Can't say if this will help,  http://www.adaptec.com/en-us/_common/linux/08:49
pnormanaBound: Ya - they seem to have more of an open source comittment than marvell or lsi08:50
wwwdHey all! I am trying to find a good backup stratagy. I looked at simple back and read Ubutnu documentation: BackupYourSystem. Simple back seems to have alot of bugs and BackupYourSystem says it is incomplete. Any suggestions? Or can I just schedule a rsync of the files I want backed up and call it good?08:51
aBoundpnorman, I'd prefer the open source alternative in many situations. But than again we all still live in a proprietary world.08:51
Seveaswwwd, rsync's my favourite for simple one. bacula for more complex backup strategies.08:52
tensorpuddingwwwd, using deja-dup is my strategy08:52
pnormanI need to develop a backup strategy. Part of my problem is I cannot backup all my data to a single drive08:53
NetRunnerBlack_Okay, guys, I hope that this isn't just me. I'm having some weird issues installing Adobe Flash as a plugin for FireFox. I've tried the YUM and the tar.gz set up, I skipped RPM because I'm pretty sure that Unity doesn't use those? Maybe that's my error. I've gotten to the readme (kb2.adobe.com/cps/153/tn_15380.html) and after following the directions step by step I've not gotten any results. at all.08:54
NetRunnerBlack_I'm on Ubuntu 11.04 with pretty much stock features, I'm just now starting over08:54
wwwdI am going to use a external hard drive to backup my laptop. If I use cron to schedule a regular backup can I make it conditional on having the drive hooked up?08:55
ResolutionHelpHi i have a ATI 4250m, i'm trying to get the correct resolution on my tv, (1920x1080, i know it supports that because iv'e done it in windows before), but in windows, i had to use the ATI drivers to disable the EDID and set a max resolution , anyway to force it?08:56
tensorpuddingwwwd, deja-dup makes sense for workstations because it allows you to do regular incremental remote backups easily08:56
aBoundNetRunnerBlack_, Ubuntu doesn't support the package RPM that's a Red Hat package manager.08:56
NetRunnerBlack_That's what I thought aBound, that's why I didn't bother trying to use that package and just stuck to YUM and tar.gz08:56
Ben64NetRunnerBlack_: yum is for rpm though08:57
ikoniayum installss rpm08:57
ikoniayum isn't on ubuntu08:57
aBoundNetRunnerBlack_, YUM is a yellow dog package manager yet red hat also tends to use it.08:57
NetRunnerBlack_YUM was the one I hadn't heard of. Still, the tar.gz option hasn't worked either08:57
Ben64NetRunnerBlack_: adobe flash plugin is in synaptic08:57
aBoundNetRunnerBlack_, Can't just install it from the Software Center?08:58
pnormanSeveas: How do you find bacula? Does it require a DE?08:58
ikoniaNetRunnerBlack_: what do you want to install ?08:58
NecrosporusWhy there is graphical boot splash? It doesn't add anything useful, but makes it harder to see what's going on when the system is loading, so it's mostly rather harmful than useful08:59
NecrosporusWhy is it enabled by default?08:59
ikoniaNetRunnerBlack_: just remove it08:59
ikoniaNecrosporus: just disable it08:59
Necrosporuson CD?08:59
dr_willismaking things less scary for windows users09:00
ikoniaNecrosporus: most users want to see something pretty09:00
ikoniaNecrosporus: yes, just boot with the nosplash option09:00
Necrosporusit's not writeable09:00
Necrosporusikonia, boot logs are pretty09:00
tensorpuddingNecrosporus, it's because without it it looks cheap, esoteric and dated09:00
RobbieCrashcan anyone point me out to a list of what each of the permission bits means in extended ACLs?09:00
Necrosporusboot splash is ugly09:00
Seveaspnorman, bacula is annoying. Like all other backup software :) It doesn't require a DE on the machines you want to back up, but one on the machine where you want to admin it from is helpful.09:00
ikoniaNecrosporus: don't be smart, most users don't find reading logs pretty,09:00
dr_willisso disable it...09:00
aBoundThe boot splash is there to hide the internal mechanics of the kernel.09:00
ikoniaNecrosporus: ubuntu is catering to the mass end user and the mass end user wants a pretty visual experience.09:01
NetRunnerBlack_I hadn't tried Software Center09:01
aBoundTo new users hiding the internal mechanics is a good thing. To experienced users it makes more sense to see it.09:01
ikoniaNetRunnerBlack_: trying the ubuntu package manager should be the first place you go to install softrware09:01
Ben64NetRunnerBlack_: thats where you should install 99.9% of your software09:01
tensorpuddingNetRunnerBlack_, you should, it's should be your first stop for software09:01
NetRunnerBlack_That worked like a charm. Thanks guys.09:01
ResolutionHelpAnyone have any idea? D:09:01
aBoundNetRunnerBlack_, No problem.09:02
ikoniaaBound: yes, but an experienced user would just disable splash, rather than joining and irc channel to complain about it09:02
gigiuzzocome si cerca un file09:02
Seveas!it | gigiuzzo09:02
ubottugigiuzzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:02
NecrosporusaBound, I think, it's not good for beginners either, for example, if I would be a beginner, I would be able to see if system is doing something by writing new log lines or just freezed still09:02
aBoundikonia, An experienced user might actually want the boot splash we can't say anything for certain. Unless, you're using it as a server I suppose.09:02
RobbieCrashHow can I copy a ssh public key to a host that only accepts public key authentication?09:02
gigiuzzoyoin ubuntu-it09:03
ikoniaRobbieCrash: you have to do it without ssh09:03
aBoundikonia, Not like we can read the mind of another person. :P09:03
ikoniaRobbieCrash: put it on a flash stick and move it across09:03
tensorpuddingRobbieCrash, as another user i reckon09:03
aBoundNecrosporus, Even so if something goes awry with the booting process the kernel will be in text mode.09:03
tensorpuddingbut that's inherently unsafe09:03
pnormanSeveas: I guess I'll read the docs and see if it would do for me. I need a system that handles backing up a big drive to multiple small drives.09:04
tensorpuddingand will necessitate changing the owner09:04
RobbieCrashikonia I don't want to fly to ireland. Any other way?09:04
ikoniaRobbieCrash: use something like ftp09:04
Seveastensorpudding, public keys don't need to be secret. That's why they're called public keys09:04
RobbieCrashI guess I can just scp it, but that's dumb09:04
tensorpuddingRobbieCrash, do you have a graphical terminal?09:04
aBoundSeveas, You're in here too. :P09:04
ikoniaRobbieCrash: you can't scp - scp is ssh which you've said requires key auth09:04
SeveasRobbieCrash, just scp it.09:04
tensorpuddingscp uses ssh09:04
Seveasuse a password09:04
wwwdNext question. When you build from source. If you later want to remove said software you do so from the file that it was originally built in. So I have in my home directory software_build directory where I do build for things. Is this a wise choice?09:05
Seveasssh doesn't require passwordless authentication.09:05
tensorpuddingif you can't change the sshd09:05
ikoniaSeveas: he's set it up for keys, and doesn't have a key09:05
Necrosporus> ikonia> Necrosporus: ubuntu is catering to the mass end user and the mass end user wants a pretty visual experience. // Actually, everyone want the operating system to use it, not to watch pretty splash. The system must be as useful as possible and as simple as possible, so boot splash is useless and should not be enabled by default therefor09:05
tensorpuddingit doesn't require it unless it's configured to09:05
RobbieCrashyes, but I can scp using one key to authenticate and specify the additional key to transfer09:05
ikoniaNecrosporus: please be quiet - you can't talk for everyone saying "no-one wants the splash" - if it bothers you, remove it, it's that simple09:05
aBoundNecrosporus, Most people just want their OS to just work.09:05
SeveasRobbieCrash, well there you go :)09:05
aBoundIt's like buying a car do you want to fook with it and hope you don't break anything. Or just run your brand new car without the hassle.09:06
ResolutionHelpnvm about the resolution  , got it with this guide http://gobitech.blogspot.com/2011/06/forcing-screen-resolution-in-fedora-15.html09:06
ikoniaaBound: tone down the language please09:06
wwwdaBoud: YES!!!09:06
aBoundikonia, I gotcha.09:06
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
Necrosporus>>  <aBound> ikonia, An experienced user might actually want the boot splash // Than experienced user can easily install it from a network repository, but it should be disabled by default to save space and system resources and to give the user ability to see what is the system is doing and if it freezed, the user (even beginner) may retype the last line and show it iin support channel or to experienced helper09:07
aBoundNecrosporus, I understand your point of view and it does seem valid. But it varies from person to person.09:08
aBoundNecrosporus, I actually prefer the boot splash to be there seeing as I have a viable working system.09:09
tafelpootHi y'all09:09
NecrosporusaBound, yeah... but that bootsplashes are actually everywhere :(09:09
aBoundtafelpoot, HI!09:09
tafelpootI have a networking question: I van ping from one server to the other, but not vice versa...09:10
aBoundNecrosporus, No doubt I use the standard one with Ubuntu 11.10. I don't want to cause breakage. :P09:10
SeveasNecrosporus, see that as a hint that people actually like it09:10
RobbieCrashcan anyone point me out to a list of what each of the permission bits means in extended ACLs?09:10
Seveastafelpoot, firewall on the other server blocks ping.09:10
NecrosporusaBound, I hate the bootsplash because it hide if the system is actually working or not...09:10
tafelpootSeveas: no firewall...09:10
aBoundNecrosporus, Nonetheless some people just love the ability to customize their Linux machines freedom for all.09:10
tafelpootso 1 can ping to 2, but 2 not to 109:10
tafelpoot3 can ping to both of them09:10
RobbieCrashNecrosporus so disable it... Most people don't want to see "a bunch of random computer stuff"09:10
aBoundNecrosporus, It kinda like represents who there are.09:11
tafelpootand 1 and 2 can ping to 309:11
aBoundNecrosporus, I'm not implying that it's not a bad idea to disable it. But everybody is different.09:11
NecrosporusRobbieCrash, if the bootsplash is on CD, I have to disable it everytime, it bother me09:11
aBoundNecrosporus, For server purposes I'd disable it. :P09:12
RobbieCrashNecrosporus so recreate your boot CD to disable it.09:12
NecrosporusIt's on non-writable disk09:12
RobbieCrashSo burn a new one!09:12
RobbieCrashEven if they changed it tonight, you'd have to burn a new one to get the change on your CD09:13
aBoundNecrosporus, You can always buy a CD-RW or use a flash drive.09:13
pnormanaBound: by default -server has no splash screen09:13
aBoundpnorman, hehe I forgot about that.09:13
RobbieCrashWhy not make your own customizations and set them on your CD09:13
NecrosporusaBound, that's true, but in other case, why the most people have to suffer from the splash or learn how to use mkisofs?09:14
NecrosporusI guess, it would be much better if that was disabled by default09:14
pnormanNecrosporus: Since for most people, having a splash screen isn't suffering.09:14
Necrosporushmph... if the system booting till the end only09:15
Necrosporusbut if it's not, they are09:15
aBoundNecrosporus, Usually there's tools to tweak the boot splash with ease.09:15
RobbieCrashNecrosporus But I don't want that. I want to see the splash screen. So does my wife. That's two of us that want it, and only you that doesn't. Why do I have to suffer so you can be happy?09:15
NecrosporusRobbieCrash, how would you suffer from lack of splash?09:15
RobbieCrashNecrosporus the same way you suffer from it. Not at all.09:16
NecrosporusI would have to reboot the system again with disabled splash if something going wrong09:16
NecrosporusThat's how I would suffer09:16
RobbieCrashSo would I09:16
NecrosporusHaving to do additional steps to make the system show what's going wrong or right09:16
aBoundNecrosporus, I know there are some breakages in Ubuntu 11.10 I can't say much for 10.04 LTS though.09:17
RobbieCrashbut at least all that ugly computer stuff would go away most of the time when the system is working properly.09:17
kroonrsMy skype doesn't seem to pick up my internal microphone - I can record and playback successfully using parec and pacat.  I'm running KDE on Lucid (but no answer on #kubuntu or #pulseaudio).  Skype configured to use pulseaudio for everything, no other options showing.  Suggestions?09:17
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opalepatrickHow to do a find on lots of zip files using a directory in the content as the identifier (then I want to delete the zip once identified) - Any help appreciated09:17
NecrosporusRobbieCrash, that "ugly computer stuff" is not making anything bad, while the splash does09:17
aBoundNecrosporus, Maybe you haven't found the right boot splash?09:19
RobbieCrashNo, the ugly computer stuff is bad on my eyes, and I'd rather have a pretty screen most of the time. If there's a problem I can look at it, but usually there's no problem. I like it this way.09:19
wDNickHi i have a problem with my gta san andreas installed on ubuntu 11.10 with Gmount and Wine?09:19
wDNickcan anybody help me?09:19
iceroot!appdb | wDNick09:19
ubottuwDNick: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:19
iceroot!details | wDNick09:19
ubottuwDNick: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:19
Xylkenquelqun parle le francais ?09:19
iceroot!fr | Xylken09:19
ubottuXylken: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:19
RobbieCrashwDNick I've usually had better luck with Wine support in #winehq09:20
Humbedoohdamn it, you're too fast, iceroot :<09:20
icerootHumbedooh: :)09:20
aBoundiceroot is known around these parts. lol09:20
icerootHumbedooh: hotkeys for the common tasks here :)09:20
wDNickI installed my gta san andreas with wine and know when i start it it only runs on 1024*768 half of screen and i have max resolution 1366*768 ??09:20
* Humbedooh mumbles something about stupid friggin american keyboard...>_>09:21
evudHello, is there a way to delay the sound that comes through the speakrs in ubuntu?09:22
NecrosporusRobbieCrash, the most of problems happen in early times when the system is not configured, therefor, the bootsplash should be disabled by default at first few boots at least, than if there was no problems at last few boots and critical system components was not changed, it may be enabled back09:22
wDNickiceroot I installed my gta san andreas with wine and know when i start it it only runs on 1024*768 half of screen and i have max resolution 1366*768 ??09:23
NecrosporusaBound, I do not care what is on screen if the system is working properly, there is no difference for me, but sometimes the system is not, there for I want to be rather able to see the problems immediately when I look on the screen09:23
Humbedoohtry #winehq wDNick09:23
aBoundNecrosporus, I'm not doubting your point of view but as others suggested some people like the boot splash.09:24
urbancommandosounds like your using ubuntu 11.10 and having drivers issue09:24
aBoundNecrosporus, More or less it's personal preference.09:24
similianist this ubuntu server ,too?09:24
RobbieCrashI've never had boot problems on an install. I'd rather have the clean experience right from the start. It's the point of view of most people. Most people want things to 'just work' and not need to do anything to get them there. Reminding them they're using something they don't understand is poor UX. You don't want your users to not like using your product, and reminding them that they don't09:24
RobbieCrashunderstand it is bad. This is why cars have a light that says "Check engine" not "Cyl4 misfiring, check timing and reset"09:24
RobbieCrashMost people just /don't/ want to know.09:25
aBoundNecrosporus, It's the same thing with somebody picking firefox or google chrome personal preference.09:26
auronandaceRobbieCrash: we don't control ubuntu here, this place is for support09:26
SilfenXhello - I just experienced a harddrive anomaly. when trying to access a samba share (external 1tb drive) on my mediaserver via windows box. Dialog I got said that share wasnt available or I lacked rights etc which was strange since I have been accessing this drive/share as recently as last night. I then accessed server  using putty and then discovered that when trying to ls the drive  reports 'ls: reading directory .: Input/output er09:26
icerootwDNick: sounds like an issue of the game09:26
similiananyway I have some issues with kvm and public bridge setup09:26
icerootwDNick: i would also suggest #winehq and the appdb-site09:26
wDNickok so i can`t play it full scren and flawless? i am on #winehq09:27
redSeems that unity has some sort of performance/memory leaking issues. Having my desktop on for weeks at times makes it start to lag and animations get choppy, unity using 30-50% cpu all the time. doing unity --replace & resets it and everything is smooth again for many days.09:27
redAnyone noticed similar?09:27
similiani used the public bridge guide from the site and the setup is not working. My vms can ping the lan but the lan cant ping the vm09:27
icerootred: i guess a bug-report about that issue when you can repdrucue it is a good idea09:27
similianits like the routing is missing something09:27
iceroot!bug | red09:27
ubottured: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:27
NecrosporusRobbieCrash, that is valid for commercial crap like windows and macos, MS want to make people pay for the system so it tries to defeat them from the first look, not caring much about the experience after continuous use. GNU/Linux is rather the system to do what the users want instead of making them pay for it09:28
NecrosporusSo it should not follow bad tendencies of making pretty looking crap09:28
twilightstarevery time I move 125 gb my computer os freezes09:29
icerootNecrosporus: gnu/gpl has nothing to do with free as in free beer09:29
twilightstarany one know how to fix that?09:29
iceroottwilightstar: one file with that size? what filesystem?09:30
twilightstarmostly videos09:30
twilightstarnatulius I guess09:30
twilightstarI am using ubuntu 11.1009:30
aBoundNecrosporus, Each Linux distribution has different design goals. Sure they all use the Linux kernel and might make a few mods to the kernel to fit their needs and other user needs. But vastly it's usually all the same for a few minor differences.09:30
twilightstarI'm hoping it is doing the job and simply isn't freezing on me09:31
twilightstarthat I can handle09:31
tensorpuddingis this still being argued, it's not on-topic at all09:31
aBoundEven Android's core is running on the Linux kernel.09:31
aBoundtensorpudding, :P back to on topic.09:31
twilightstaralso ubuntu is being uppity on who is the owner09:32
twilightstarI chown and it still remains as root09:32
twilightstarand yes I am root when I chown09:32
leonid_I have problem with menu. What I can do ?09:32
twilightstariceroot it is severl files that add up to 125 gb.09:33
rediceroot: i came here to ask since i really can't reproduce it, it's just something that happends over time09:33
redwether it's time related or something specific, hard to tell09:33
owenll!details | leonid_09:34
ubottuleonid_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:34
Necrosporus <iceroot> Necrosporus: gnu/gpl has nothing to do with free as in free beer /// But Ubuntu and almost all GNU/Linux distributions is free as free beer actually09:37
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Necrosporus>>> aBound> Necrosporus, Each Linux distribution has different design goals. // all of them mostly either hard to configure without extensive knowledge or having bootsplash enabled by default09:38
leonid_I have problem with menu. My Ubuntu is 11.10 when i open menu i haven't no games, no browsers, only files... this problem in USER menu.09:39
samba35how to uninstall a package which i have installed from ./configure and make and make install09:39
aBoundNecrosporus, Most distributions people wouldn't even bother using as it's a time waster.09:40
leonid_I have problem with menu. My Ubuntu is 11.10 when i open menu i haven't games, browsers, only files... this problem in USER menu.09:40
_serial_sudo apt-get autoremove nameofpackage samba35?09:40
Stanley00samba35: I think make uninstall or make remove will09:40
samba35no i have not installed package from apt-get09:41
NecrosporusaBound, I want one without stupid shiny stuff which only add problems, but with all the tools which actually make the life easier09:41
aBoundNecrosporus, As I said a few minor differences: package managers, older/newer packages, a few mods to the kernel. Usually, documentation exist for some of them.09:41
_serial_you can still remove with autoremove09:41
Necrosporuslike package manager with dependency control and one-click (or one easy command) wi-fi setup thing09:42
aBoundNecrosporus, With Linux usually you'll either get stability with older packages or instability with the latest/greatest.09:42
leonid_I have problem with menu. My Ubuntu is 11.10 when i open menu i haven't games, browsers, only files... this problem in USER menu.09:42
icerootNecrosporus: sles, rhel, unbreakable linux, ucs are all GNU/Linux which are not free as in free beer, so gpl does not mean "free as in free beer"09:42
aBoundNecrosporus, I doubt such a distro exist. Though would be nice.09:43
_serial_leonid_: i would reset gnome -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/56313/how-do-i-reset-gnome-to-the-defaults09:43
aBoundNecrosporus, Newer kernels can also break the system same with newer packages.09:44
leonid_gnome 2 or 109:44
_serial_3 for 11.1009:44
leonid_3 thanks..09:45
Necrosporus>>>  <aBound> Necrosporus, I doubt such a distro exist // That's why! Why not to drop shiny stuff from some existing distros?09:45
_serial_leonid_: once done logout and back in again and all should be well09:45
Necrosporusfor example from ubuntu09:45
NecrosporusActually, ubuntu already lost first place on distrowatch, because of unity stuff09:46
aBoundNecrosporus, Wouldn't make a difference because 11.10 uses the latest packages and a newer kernel newer packages usually contain instability issues. So getting rid of the shiny stuff will still cause the system to break.09:46
icerootNecrosporus: then use another distro then ubuntu09:46
aBoundA newer kernel could also break the system in itself.09:46
icerootNecrosporus: if you have a technical support-question, feel free to ask here, everything else goes to #ubuntu-offtopic09:47
aBoundNecrosporus, Newer isn't always better.09:47
icerootNecrosporus: if you are missing features on ubuntu, feel free to open a bug/feature request09:47
Necrosporusiceroot, I actually find _superflous features_09:47
aBoundNecrosporus, I used 10.04 LTS and it has a far better stability track record than 11.10 but has older packages and most of those newer ones I have to grab from some repository.09:47
NecrosporusYeas, that's true09:47
pksadiq`aBound: +109:48
NecrosporusBut i'm talking about shiny stuff and unity09:48
aBoundNecrosporus, Unity will be fixed more or less in 12.04 LTS.09:48
icerootNecrosporus: what about using kubuntu, xubuntu, lxde if you dont like unity? what is your point int his suppor-channel?09:48
airtonixaBound: it' broken?09:48
aBoundNecrosporus, The reason gnome 2 was stable is because of it's long-term track record.09:48
xmannni like xubuntu but can i use a better file manager?09:49
aBoundairtonix, It was broken on a reinstall.09:49
leonid_1476 users on irc.. wow :)09:49
airtonixoh ok09:49
aBoundairtonix, Even when using unity --replace it broke unity and couldn't much be fixed.09:49
aBoundairtonix, But those were on my older installs.09:49
airtonixaBound: i wouldn't know i use gnome-shell instead09:49
aBoundNecrosporus, Compiz tends to have breakage in 11.10.09:49
xmannncan i use nautilus in xubuntu?09:50
NecrosporusaBound, Xfce and KDE4 is not as good as gnome2. KDE 3.5 was better than gnome2, but... you know09:50
aBoundairtonix, I use gnome-shell on the side too but went back to Unity.09:50
icerootxmannn: sure09:50
cigueHey guys, on my Asus Eee T101MT running 10.04 LTS the wireless says it's connected but I can't ping the router or resolve google.com. Googling shows this also happens on 11.10. Wireless card is Atheros AR9285, supposedly supported by my kernel. Help?09:50
aBoundNecrosporus, The longer something gets coded the better support and the better the stability overtime unless the coders are lazy on fixing bugs and just adding new features.09:51
icerootcigue: you cant also ping ""?09:51
icerootcigue: ping -c 4
aBoundNecrosporus, I bet it's hard to manage the Linux kernel so much code is written for it.09:51
Necrosporuscigue, show output of ifconfig -a and /etc/resolv.conf on pastebin.com or other such site09:51
cigueiceroot: It works fine09:51
Necrosporuscigue, than you may want to add it to your resolv conf09:52
cigueNecrosporus: 1 sec, pastebinning09:52
icerootcigue: then your "nameserver" is not set09:52
Necrosporuscigue, try adding "nameserver" into /etc/resolv.conf09:52
aBoundNecrosporus, Better to move to the newer Ubuntu when it comes out given it's LTS and will be for 5 years max. So you can expect good things. :P09:53
wildoncomo hago para compatir archivos entre ubuntu09:54
NetRunnerBlackHow do I go about adding a line to /etc/apt/sources.list09:54
cigueThere's already a nameserver set: do I comment it out?09:54
NetRunnerBlackIt won't let me change it because it's readonly and I don't have permission to replace it09:55
i_is_broke!es > wildon09:55
ubottuwildon, please see my private message09:55
Necrosporuscigue, if you want, you may09:55
aBoundDang, time for me to go to bed. Have a good night ya'll. :)09:55
cigueNetRunnerBlack: use sudo to get permission, here you can write to a terminal "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"09:56
Necrosporusactually try pinging
Necrosporuscigue, ed is better %)09:56
pnorman!gksudo | cigue09:56
ubottucigue: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:56
cigueokay thanks guys :)09:57
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NetRunnerBlackShould I use natty or oneiric as my distribution?09:58
cigueMy current nameserver didn't resolve, changed it to and resetting connection, I'll upadte you guys09:58
Necrosporuscigue, actually, you should configure the nameserver somewhere also, /etc/resolv.conf is generated automatically and will be rewritten over time, I guess10:00
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cigueOkay, how do I do that?10:01
Necrosporuscigue, in the network manager config10:01
NecrosporusBut actually, I guess, the problem is with your router10:01
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cigueItNecrosporus: well it works on my other ubuntu laptop10:03
makaracigue: linux hasn't resolved driver issues for Artheros cards since 10.0410:04
Necrosporuscigue, than try to check route -n, ifconfig, iptables-save and /etc/resolv.conf10:05
makaracigue: just  don't use network manager and it won't rewrite /etc/resolv.conf10:06
wookienzhi, running 11.10 - for some reason today the sound decides not to work. No sould devices are shown in the sound settings... where do i start?10:06
cigueso, wicd?10:06
llutzcigue: you can set your dns in dhclient.conf too10:07
cigue O10:08
cigueO wow I suck... Actually pinging returns nothing10:08
cigueMeaning I can't get a connection with anything except localhost... Oh well10:09
DamienCassouI created a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, but it does not appear in the unity menu. What can I do please?10:10
Chipzzzmode +q -!-10:11
DamienCassouChipzzz: are you answering my question? If yes, I don't understand10:12
Chipzzzno, sorry... trying to figure out an irc command10:12
DamienCassouChipzzz: ok, sorry10:12
=== shah is now known as Guest74553
Guest74553Helo I need help geting axess to email account10:14
Guest74553Anybody Helpings?10:14
DamienCassouGuest74553: could you please be more specific?10:14
Guest74553Yes I need to hak an email account and my website toos10:15
llutzGuest74553: troll off10:15
Guest74553what is troll off?10:15
Guest74553I been haked 2 times already10:16
Guest74553need to secure site10:16
owner__change your password10:16
Guest74553not good enuf10:16
Guest74553it happen10:16
Guest745532 times10:17
Guest74553and the text inside the email chaged too.10:17
cigueGuest74553: you're in the wrong chatroom10:17
airtonix ho ho10:17
Guest74553I look for underworld room10:18
Guest74553but cannot find10:18
owner__underworld room?10:19
bali need a web server like wamp in windows which one is the best in ubuntu?10:19
Shakyjhey, when doing apt-cache search can I get versions10:19
airtonixbal: ?10:19
cigueSo recapitulating: My network manager says I'm connected, yet I don't get answers to pings anywhere except localhost. I tried pinging both and my original nameserver. Thoughts?10:19
ciguebal: lamp10:19
balphp mysql appache?10:19
airtonixcigue: did you try : sudo service Network-Manager restart ?10:19
airtonixcigue: might be in lower case.10:20
leontopod_cigue, plug in your network cable10:20
Shakyjbal: wamp is windows, apache, mysql, php. So what you need is lamp. Linux, apache...10:20
overclucker!lamp | bal10:20
ubottubal: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:20
airtonixcigue: or sudo killall nm-applet10:20
airtonixcigue: or sudo service networking restart10:21
Shakyjthat worked overclucker10:21
balhow to install it? and configer  i am new to ubuntu10:21
airtonixbal: read the linked page.10:21
balok thank you10:21
Shakyjcan I get version info from APT?10:22
overcluckerbal: I usually use tasksel to install the base packages10:22
airtonixShakyj: yes, but using dpkg10:22
cigueairtonix: restarted successfully using service restart, no change though.10:22
airtonixcigue: this is 11.10 desktop i assume ?10:22
Shakyjairtonix: thanks, I'll google from there10:23
detlyI recently installed Ubuntu 11.10, and have just gone to use Gwibber (3.2.1-0ubuntu1.3), but there seems to be no way to add or remove columns or change the theme (this is using Unity, and I'm using the Zukitwo Hybrid theme from gnome-look.org, changed with the gnome-tweak-tool)... is this known to be a problem, or have I screwed something up?10:23
cigue10.04 LTS but the problem has been replicated with the same hardware on 11.1010:23
balis it xamp work in ubuntu ?10:23
airtonixbal: no.10:23
airtonixcigue: i assume you've ensured that you have a valid network connection profile active in the network manager applet?10:24
bullgard6"You have searched for files named gnome-default-applications-properties in suite oneiric, all sections, and all architectures. Sorry, your search gave no results." Where is this program hidden?10:24
overcluckerbal: xampp is a windows implementation of what is usually called the lamp stack10:24
airtonixcigue: does sudo ifconfig reveal an interface with an IP address?10:24
ciguedetly: I suspect that you'd be better off asking in the relevant section of the forums, I have no idea personally10:24
balthank you <airtonix><overclucker><Shakyj><cigue>10:24
JF1976Q). is there a script to allow me to apt-get update a 10.04 iso to the latest 10.04 iso image,10:25
detlycigue: yeah, or maybe askubuntu10:25
cigueairtonix: it does. Supposedly I'm connected, too.10:26
airtonixcigue: what is the output of routes?10:27
DamienCassouHow can I associate files with .image extension with an executable file I have on my computer (manually installed in my home folder)?10:27
cigueairtonix: exact same thing as on my laptop with working wireless10:27
airtonixDamienCassou: by right clicking on it and selecting open with10:27
DamienCassouairtonix: doesn't work anymore in unity10:28
airtonixcigue: and the wirless access point is the intended gateway for your desktop too?10:28
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airtonixDamienCassou: why wouldn't it? it's a nautilus thing not a unity dashbar thing10:28
airtonixcigue: ok i assumed you were using wired. what does iwconfig reveal?10:29
DamienCassouairtonix: it might have nothing to do with unity, but the fact is it's not in Ubuntu 11.10 anymore10:29
airtonixDamienCassou: it is, because i'm using 11.10 now.10:30
DamienCassouwith the default desktop environment?10:30
airtonixDamienCassou: did you right click it? select properties?10:30
overcluckerJF1976: are you trying to upgrade to the latest versino of ubuntu?10:30
JF1976no, im trying to update backtack but its based on 10.04 ubuntu,10:31
airtonixDamienCassou: maybe your installation is broken, my nautilus right click menu has "Open with other application..."10:31
JF1976im here at the moment http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd10:31
DamienCassouairtonix: from the 'open with' menu, I can associate with any application normally installed, but it's not possible to associate with a command as was possible before10:31
airtonixDamienCassou: create a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications10:32
DamienCassouairtonix: I mean you can associate with an application, but not with an arbitrary executable file somewhere10:32
cigueairtonix: no sizeable difference in output from iwconfig between my working and failing connection10:32
DamienCassouairtonix: that's what I did, but the application is still not available in the list of applications10:32
DamienCassouairtonix: neither in the dash menu, not in the 'open with' dialog10:33
cigueairtonix: by the way thanks for the help10:33
airtonixDamienCassou: it probably has to have specific meta tags in the file10:33
DamienCassouairtonix: do you have an idea how I could add them?10:33
airtonixDamienCassou: you mean "what meta tags do i add to the .desktop text file?"10:34
DamienCassouairtonix: exactly :-)10:34
airtonixDamienCassou: that's a good question, i wish i asked it10:34
DamienCassouairtonix: when I do some modifications to the desktop file, do I have to restart the session?10:35
airtonixDamienCassou: i would look in that directory and examine which applications *do* show up in your list of applications and see what's different10:35
DamienCassouairtonix: or the whole computer?10:35
airtonixDamienCassou: i would think you'd only need to restart nautilus : nautilus -q10:37
airtonixDamienCassou: btw did you conclude that the .desktop file needs a MimeType=<valid mime type here/>10:38
cigueairtonix: if I have the same iwconfig as a healthy connection, can I check anything else?10:38
bullgard6"You have searched for files named gnome-default-applications-properties in suite oneiric, all sections, and all architectures. Sorry, your search gave no results." Where is this program hidden? Or what program has replaced it?10:38
airtonixcigue: i would check if it can see access points : sudo iwlist wlan0 scan (where wlan0 is the interface for the wifi)10:39
overcluckerJF1976: do-release-upgrade may be what you are looking for. realise though, that it only upgrades one version at a time, you'll have to upgrade from 10.04 > 10.10 > 11.04 > 11.1010:39
DamienCassouairtonix: it's working fine thank you. The MimeType does not look mandatory10:39
airtonixDamienCassou: what was required?10:40
JF1976overclucker, its not Ubuntu, its backtrack, they have there own repos based on 10.04.10:40
DamienCassouairtonix: the first line at least: '[Desktop Entry]'. Stupid me10:40
cigueairtonix: I can.10:40
ciguebullgard6: wj10:41
ciguebullgard6: what are you trying to do?10:41
overcluckerJF1976: ah, right.10:41
OliveGreenHi all.10:42
OliveGreenFor some reason, every English word that I type, dispite being correctly spelled is marked as a spelling mistake! ><10:42
OliveGreenSorry.. I was talking about Firefox.10:42
JF1976overclucker, thanks anyways, always nice to get a reply10:42
airtonixcigue: are you using two wifi devices? are they embedded? or are they/it just a wifi usb dongle that you are using between your two computers?10:42
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
airtonixcigue: in other words: could it be a faulty device?10:42
abhijain11I installed ubuntu 11.10 with vmware  and I am unable to mount my other drives I can only access file system through the computer10:43
jolarenAnyone can tip me of good rss downloader for transmission?10:43
airtonixcigue: ifnot is the signal between client and accesspoint strong?10:43
bullgard6cigue: To use this program to change the preferred program when playing a .mp3 file from Banshee to Audacious.10:43
cigueairtonix: both computers are running on integrated wireless cards that are supposed to be supported by the kernel version.10:43
jordanjolaren: flexget10:44
airtonixcigue: i'm out of ideas10:44
cigueThe only known difference is the wireless card models and drivers (ath5k working vs atl1c not working)10:45
cigueBleh, this sucks. Windows 7 here I come10:45
Ben64cigue: don't do it!10:48
=== pksadiq` is now known as pksadiq
bugged_medusaGet active checks error: Cannot connect to server_ip:10051, ports are open, used this rule to open the port on server iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 10051 -j ACCEPT10:49
cigueWell, this laptop is apparently notorious for wifi issues on ubuntu10:49
bugged_medusazabbix agent DisableActive=010:50
bali need to print whole site to pdf  is it possible ?10:50
ciguebal: you'd have t10:52
ciguebal: you'd have to parse it first somehow... Big job10:52
abhijain15I installed ubuntu 11.10 with vmware and I am unable to access my hard disk drives . I can only access file system10:52
balarount 200 pages10:52
DamienCassouis it possible to add icons somewhere in ~/.local and have them found automatically when using .desktop files?10:52
abhijain15how can i access all drives on ubuntu 11.10 with vmware10:53
bugged_medusaGet active checks error: Cannot connect to server_ip:10051, ports are open, used this rule to open the port on server iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 10051 -j ACCEPT    zabbix agent have DisableActive=010:55
abhijain15every body please help10:56
abhijain15how can I access my other drives on ubuntu 11.10 installed with vmware10:57
abhijain15can any body help10:58
abhijain15strange the comunity seems like dead10:58
dewnixabhi, more info. what's the host system? internal or external drives?10:58
=== L11 is now known as L551-Mac
DamienCassouis there a place where to put my own icons so that they can be seen in Unity or file associations (referenced from a desktop file)?11:05
theadminDamienCassou: /usr/share/pixmaps/XxY11:06
DamienCassoutheadmin: thanks, I will try again11:06
theadminDamienCassou: Where XxY indicates the size, or /usr/share/pixmaps/scalable/ if they are svgs11:07
lxyuhello, I just typoed rm -rf /some/directory again. And, are there any way to make rm -r directory ask for a `y/Y` before executed?11:07
bullgard6lxyu: man rm11:08
xsllxyu:  add the -i11:08
xslrm -ri /some/directory11:08
onreor alternatively just typo it a couple more times, you'll eventually learn not to :)11:09
xslbut wen using -i with -r ... its very very annoying11:10
lxyubullgard6: yep, get a `-I` option, seems great.11:10
lxyuxsl: yes, I used to use it, but after many times, I tend to use a `f` instead... btw, it seems the `-I` is great11:10
xslyes -I is recursive11:11
gulzarhow to know the startup items of a user? Using LXDE11:13
doolshello, i'm running 10.04 and have a tp-link pci-x wifi card. the card appears to be detected and operating correctly as i am able to scan and see networks. i've tried configuring on the command line using wpa supplicant but i'm not getting any dhcp offers. i've also tried using System->Preferences->Network Connections but although i get no errors, the connection doesn't appear after i have added it11:21
doolsi'm also not seeing the little wireless networking icon in the top right status bar - however that is potentially because i have a wired connection currently on the same machine. does anyone have any clues as to what i should try next to diagnose the problem?11:22
diverdudeI created a user like this: sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/sh --gecos 'git version control' \11:23
diverdude  --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git but now when i do ssh git@myip what password do i then enter?11:23
juniourdools same here but i am not getting hte sound icon11:25
doolsjuniour: does sound work on the machine?11:26
juniourdool ya it works11:27
juniourdools it works11:27
diverdudeI created a user like this: sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/sh --gecos 'git version control' \  --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git but now when i do ssh git@myip what password do i then enter?11:27
doolsit's quite odd because, it seems as though everything should be working correctly with this wifi card. like i can scan and see networks and it's all happy but i get no love when trying to actually connect11:27
whykingdoes ubuntu automatically block opening ports that are remotely accessible for users?11:28
whykingI open a port, but can't connect from external (but local works)11:28
whykingalso not a problem of hosts.allow/deny11:28
juniourdools it dident find the wifi11:28
juniourdools or wt?11:28
doolsdiverdude: you can type: sudo passwd username to set the password11:28
almoxarifewhyking: how about your router/firewall, what does it allow?11:28
doolsjuniour: it seems to have identified the wifi network i'm trying to connect to, yes11:28
juniourdools k11:29
whykingalmoxarife: ugh, yes you are right I think11:29
almoxarifewhyking: and the default for ubuntu is firewall down11:29
juniourdools it connected or not11:30
chiraghello everyone11:30
whykingalmoxarife: I know.. it's my universities firewall11:30
doolsie. i can run sudo iwlist scanning and see the network that i wish to connect to - all the details appear to be correct. but when i try and configure using the gui tool it appears to fail with no error, when i try via wpa supplicant it tries to connect via dhcp but receives no offers11:30
chiragcan somebody tell me how to configure tomcat in eclipse europa ??11:30
almoxarifewhyking: when all else there is TOR11:30
doolsjuniour: no it's not associated11:31
whykingalmoxarife: thanks, and ssh port-forwarding11:31
chiraggive me solution..??11:31
almoxarifewhyking: thats right, you want in11:31
doolsjuniour: i'm following this guide: http://www.prupert.co.uk/2010/06/25/how-to-configure-wireless-wifi-networking-in-ubuntu-via-the-command-line-cli/ which seems like it should work - although to be fair i don't know if i'm using AES or WPA2 or whatever11:32
chirag:FloodBot1 hiiiii11:32
juniourdools k11:33
ahhughes_how can I disable all auth on all samba shares?11:35
openvoidahhughes_, map to guest = bad user - and guest writeable to shares11:37
almoxarifeahhughes_: forever, for a while?11:38
almoxarifeahhughes_: uninstall samba11:38
almoxarifeahhughes_: reboot11:38
ahhughes_I guess I could just save the password on the mount...11:38
ahhughes_that'd be the easiest solution.11:39
mgaunard__hi, I booted in recovery mode and then restarted X11:39
mgaunard__and my Fn keys do not work anymore11:39
almoxarifeahhughes_: you said all and for ever11:39
mgaunard__I'm using a logitech keyboard on a desktop computer11:40
ahhughes_no offence almoxarife, but your answer might be perfectly valid but a little too brief.11:40
bugged_medusaGet active checks error: Cannot connect to server_ip:10051, ports are open, used this rule to open the port on server : iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 10051 -j ACCEPT    zabbix agent have DisableActive=011:41
RaTTuS|BIG!cn | phynix11:42
ubottuphynix: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:42
samrathas the battery issues on Ubuntu 11.10 been resolved yet?11:42
ahhughes_w00t, its all working sweet now thanks everyone (including almoxarife) :D11:42
almoxarifeahhughes_: no offense taken, when you said 'all' users and 'forever' i took that to mean you didnt want samba, but true, there are lots of ways to skin a cat11:43
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
Kartagiswhat package do I need tor getting Quicktime demuxer?11:45
samratjust installed Ubuntu, added "pcie_aspm=force" to GRUB but i'm still getting a really short battery life.... anay way to resolve this?11:45
samratI'm using a Thinkpad e520 btw11:46
joobiehey guys.. anyone know how i can change the IRQ of a card from linux?11:46
RaTTuS|BIG!ot | joobie11:47
ubottujoobie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:47
joobiehow is that off topic?11:47
Kartagisjoobie: it's not ubuntu specific, there's ##linux for that11:48
ahhughes_My mediatomb is crashing because it starts up before the network interface has, how can I get the daemon so that it'll start up AFTER the network has?11:49
joobieKartagis, im running it on ubuntu11:50
=== rtor is now known as A_J
dr_willisahhughes_:  wired or wireless networking?11:51
Kartagisthen your question might be "...IRQ of a card from ubuntu"11:51
ahhughes_dr_willis, wired11:51
RaTTuS|BIGjoobie - try ##linux really - as it's not ubuntu speciifc - you have more chance11:51
A_Jhey all i have a few questions about KDE. Question No 1 : What is the Keybord shortcut to open a terminal window in KDE. Crtl + Alt + T does not work11:52
LjLRaTTuS|BIG, ##linux might be a good place to try, but the question wasn't really offtopic, it's appropriate for #ubuntu11:52
dr_willisahhughes_:  dirty work around. start meditomb from /etc/rc.local  - i would think the mediatomb service would use upstarts feature to wait for networking service to be up. You may wan tto check askubuntu.com the forums and the bug reports. it may be a known issue11:52
ahhughes_yeah, its a known issue :)11:53
LjLA_J: there is also a #kubuntu channel in case you'd like to try there since it's KDE-specific11:53
Gods_Fatherhi everyone. I am in trouble since somthing removed network-manager and network-manager-gnome as well as dhcpclient so i cant connect to the internet with that machine neither manually using wpa_supplicant nor in any other method. i get connected using wpa_supplicant but i cant get an IP cause no dhcp installed. How do i get on the internet now to get my network manager back?11:53
A_J0/j #kubuntu11:54
A_Jokie LjL thanks11:54
theadminGods_Father: Even tho dhclient is removed, you might still have dhcpcd installed?11:55
A_Jtheadmin: \o/11:55
Gods_Fathertheadmin: I dont think so. Just tried.11:56
ahhughes_dr_willis, would chaning the run level of mediatomb?11:56
theadminGods_Father: I see... Hm, well, probably the only real way is to grab the packages you need using another computer or a livecd11:56
dr_willisahhughes_: ubuntu dosent really use runlevels11:56
samratis anyone else having battery issues with Oneric Ocelot in Lenovo Thinkpads??11:56
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:56
Gods_Fathertheadmin: ok. well i tried that but seems like there are so many dependencied that the installation fails. Do you know weather there is some full package?11:57
samratsomeone know how I can get a longer battery life with 11.10?11:57
theadminGods_Father: I, uh... well, you might want to chroot into your broken install from a livecd then. I dunno how to get all the dependencies11:58
abhinavmehtaif I'm having both boot loader installed eg. LILO & GRUB, and I want to know, which boot loader I'm using…how to find ?11:59
abhinavmehta..its a os-instance running at some cloud-provider..so how to find this..?12:00
Gods_Fathertheadmin: ok. then i'll need to tr this. but just tell me a last thing, how exactly to i chroot into it? Ive never heard of chroot. Thanks12:00
theadminGods_Father: Mount the drive and "sudo chroot /path/to/your/mountpoint"12:01
A_Jtheadmin: can you help me switch users on xfce http://i.lulzimg.com/3684a46623.png12:01
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.12:01
Gods_Fathertheadmin: ok. thanks12:01
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:01
abhinavmehtaanyone, who can guide me with boot-loader answer..?12:01
theadminA_J: ...?12:02
A_Jtheadmin: can you help me switch users on xfce http://i.lulzimg.com/3684a46623.png12:02
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  which one are you wanting to use?12:02
theadminA_J: That image doesn't tell me anything at all... What do you want of me anyway12:02
bullgard4abhinavmehta: Please read http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html12:02
A_Jtheadmin: i want to switch user profiles.12:02
abhinavmehtadr_willis: I'm writing a script…which should find whatever boot-loader is active on the os12:03
theadminA_J: Uh, you need to log out and log back in?12:03
theadminA_J: With another user, that is12:03
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  no idea on that.. i would think it very rare for a system to be using LILO these days.12:03
A_Jtheadmin: umm, is there no other way. i need to be online on both profiles. Genome had a switch user feature12:04
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  theres also Grub1 , grub2, and even syslinux :) that could be used.12:04
theadminA_J: Depends on your display manager, nothing to do with XFCE...12:04
abhinavmehtaits a cloud-provisioning script…so I can have any of them…or both of them installed, but using some one of them…so checking the path for both won't be a good idea, I guess.12:04
A_Jtheadmin: any idea how i can set it up.12:04
eirikhmI'm getting a "Size mismatch" when trying to install Hudson via APT, and I'm not having any luck reaching those guys. Is there any way to simply disregard that?12:05
theadminA_J: Not really, I don't do crazy things like that.12:05
A_Jlol it's not crazy theadmin.12:05
theadmineirikhm: Um, no, you can't install a broken package honestly. However, try clearing the apt cache (sudo apt-get clean) and reinstalling it again, the download might just be corrupted12:05
abhinavmehtayes, I know…in that situation I'll fail with error.12:05
eirikhmtheadmin: been there, done that.12:06
abhinavmehtabut I want to support at least the grub1, grub2, and lilo12:06
eirikhmI think it's just the reported size that is wrong (608MB vs downloaded 60.8MB)12:06
theadmineirikhm: Ah, I see... Meh, maybe apt-get does have a --force option or something, but I don't know if it does or if that will help12:08
abhinavmehtaguys..isn't there some os-config file where info about active boot-loader is stored..?12:08
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  not that ive ever noticed.12:08
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  you could be booting a redhat system from a ubuntu managed bootloader also.. or other weirdness12:09
k3Rndo i really have to start qemu using `sudo` when using TAP / bridged networking? i can't get around permission problems...12:09
abhinavmehtayes..thats true…but there should be some config-file or something…from where the os takes this information..right..?12:10
theadminabhinavmehta: The OS doesn't deal with the bootloader at all. It's quite the exact opposite.12:10
ahhughes_dr_willis, other option I have is to add a sleep to the init.d script, is the command sleep 15 (to get a 15second sleep)?12:10
dr_willisahhughes_:  that could work. but the upstart scripts SHOULD have settings to wait for networking tobe up.12:11
ahhughes_agreed dr_willis - chances of me stuffing them up are high12:11
eirikhmtheadmin: --force-yes does not do the trick either. Guess I'll do it manually then. Thanks :)12:11
theadmineirikhm: No point in thanking someone who did not help12:11
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=== marcio is now known as Guest47699
abhinavmehtatheadmin: you have a valid point…but than how it is loaded into the memory…? what if both boot loaders are installed…than which will be used…who will decide this..?12:12
dr_willisahhughes_:  from what i recall of upstartt scripts its just like a  'requires (networking)' or similer line.12:12
dr_willisahhughes_:  if its even using an actual upstart script.12:12
theadminabhinavmehta: The one which is in MBR will be loaded, that's all.12:12
ahhughes_dr_willis, there is also a disclaimer that scripts have not gone final.12:12
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  if both are installed, (which im not sure is possible) then either one could be the actual bootloader.12:12
=== Guest47699 is now known as Marcio
abhinavmehtatheadmin: so you mean…I should read the starting addresses of my disk…to find boot loader info..?12:12
taurus86Hi everybody12:12
abhinavmehtatheadmin: just trying to make myself clear..?12:13
wookienzhypothetically, if i had two nics on different sunets and ISPs, how would i tell one program to use one nic and noth the other?12:13
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  dare we ask what your script is doing that it needs to mess with a systems bootloader?12:13
=== Marcio is now known as Guest11947
theadminabhinavmehta: Uh, I'd rather check which bootloader is installed package-wise. I doubt installing two of them is even possible.12:13
abhinavmehtatheadmin: its possible…I did on this my VM-instance.12:14
abhinavmehtathats how I came into this situation.12:14
ahhughes_dr_willis, sleep 15 works.. that'll do me :)12:14
dr_willisahhughes_:  unless your networking is slow to respond. :P12:14
theadminabhinavmehta: Hm, okay, well this is a mess...12:14
taurus86can anybody advise me please on how to install LAMP on ubuntu?12:14
theadminabhinavmehta: I don't think the OS provides any way to find out what bootloader is stored in MBR, sorry.12:15
dr_willis!lamp | taurus8612:15
ubottutaurus86: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:15
dr_willishow does the os even know which disk it used the mbr from? :) i have systems befor with 3+ differnt linux's on differnt hd's12:15
reCAPTCHAHey all... I am having some network printing issues. I have a printer on a school network, I know the IP on the network, but am not sure how to add it.12:16
dr_willisreCAPTCHA:  cups gui tool. or the cups web interface12:16
abhinavmehtatheadmin: yes..and no. I've few reasons to believe that OS stores this info somewhere.12:17
abhinavmehtaand yes because…the package, which I found using this info…could have got this info from here..http://blog.eukhost.com/webhosting/how-to-determine-boot-loader/12:18
Caifashello guys I have a lvm partition on my server that is running out of space, I extended the partition but I can't extend the filesystem, when I try to resize I receive this msg "Device or resource is busy while trying to open /dev/... . Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock"12:18
CaifasI have a backup of the data on the partition so I tried to format but "/dev/... is apparently in use by the syste; will not make a filesystem here!" anyone know what can i do?12:18
theadminabhinavmehta: Ok, sorry, I don't know. So I guess asking someone else is a better bet.12:18
abhinavmehtatheadmin: not a problem…and thanks for your kind-inputs. :)12:19
reCAPTCHAI've printed off a configuration page, and I have the host name and ip.12:19
theadminabhinavmehta: The page you show just reads the first few sectors of the disk and searches for a string in them12:19
theadminabhinavmehta: I mean, the suggestion on that page.12:19
dr_willisThe CUPS web interface is available on your machine at the following URL:12:20
dr_willis    http://localhost:63112:20
abhinavmehtahmm…but thats also a hack.12:20
abhinavmehtawrote by someone..12:20
dr_willistry the web interface reCAPTCHA .. (see above)12:20
reCAPTCHABut when I type the host name into the 'Find Network Printer' option under the 'new printer' window, I get 'no printer was found at that address'.12:20
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.12:20
dr_willisreCAPTCHA:  you are on the same lan/network? or is this over the internet?12:21
theadmin!msgthebot | taurus8612:21
ubottutaurus86: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:21
vdemedesHow to install Qt libs, without Creator, Assistant, etc in Terminal?12:23
dhs227Howto install rails with ruby 1.9 on ubuntu11.10? I found the rails dependence always be ruby-1.812:25
RaTTuS|BIGvdemedes sudo apt-get install qd4 ?12:25
vdemedesdhs227: railsready12:25
vdemedesRaTTuS|BIG: you mean qt4-dev ?12:25
dhs227what means realsready?12:25
vdemedesdhs227: google it12:26
RaTTuS|BIGvdemedes - possibly but that may get you closer12:26
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.12:26
dr_willis!info ruby12:28
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): Transitional package for ruby1.8. In component main, is optional. Version 4.8 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB12:28
agus_sintang!info agus_sintang12:28
ubottuPackage agus_sintang does not exist in oneiric12:28
agus_sintang!info gnome-shell12:29
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1 (oneiric), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4956 kB12:29
dragonslaywhat is googel-fu?12:29
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:30
agus_sintangno answer12:30
dragonslaystop it agus_sintang12:31
Myrttididn't you read read the message?12:31
RaTTuS|BIGagus_sintang - pm the bot if you want to hassel it12:32
agus_sintanghehe okey12:33
wookienzhow can i tell which nic a connection is being made through the netstat command?12:37
in0culai need to encrypt some lines of text with GPG, but i'm unable with gedit, i'm on ubuntu 11.10, any solutions?12:39
loganrundoes anyone know how to search to find out what package provides a file12:41
geirhaloganrun: apt-file12:41
geirhaloganrun: or dpkg -S /path/to/file  if it's an already installed package12:41
loganrungeirha: for a package that has not been installed yet, I need to find the name of hte package12:42
geirhaloganrun: Then you want apt-file12:42
geirhaloganrun: or use http://packages.ubuntu.com12:42
loganrungeirha, o.k. thanks12:43
icerootin0cula: use the gpg tool instead of directly with your editor gedit12:46
icerootin0cula: there you can sign and/or encrypt single files12:46
kevin_hi all12:46
PeppercornMedleyis there an apt package for intel graphics drivers?12:47
=== nouralisha is now known as taktiktux
Ben64PeppercornMedley: xserver-xorg-video-intel12:48
PeppercornMedleyawesome, cheers man!12:49
Caifasguys, I need to resize my lvm partition but It's saying the device is busy and couldn't find valid filesystem superblock. When I look at fdisk -l I can see an extra device /dev/mapper/var_lv1 givin a warning "parition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary" with lvdisplay this var_lv1 partition doesn't exists, only the var_lv, and I cannot resize nor format it, any ideias?12:51
kelvinellahi, which software is best for video editing?12:51
kelvinellalike something similar to iMovie?12:52
RaTTuS|BIGkelvinella kino?12:52
kelvinellawhat about avidemux?12:52
RaTTuS|BIGdunno nevr done any editing12:52
=== Guest11947 is now known as Marcius81
Kartagisopenvoid: since when is audacity for video editing?12:55
wingnut2626Hello all from claymont, de, usa12:56
=== lili is now known as oolala
=== oolala is now known as lala
JF1976Q) How would i collect the variables needed from a running live cd to create a config line for lh_config13:04
=== sanjeev90an is now known as sanjeev
mioukii am using tango studio & i'm a noob,13:08
mioukii have some question about xchat, does someone know foras that speek about xchat specifiquely13:10
bazhang#tangostudio miouki13:10
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
bazhangmiouki, for xchat there is #xchat13:10
mioukithanks i will look13:11
IgnusGood day to all.13:14
IgnusAnyone with any experience with swap on an encrypted volume13:14
IgnusI can't enable swap eventhough it has an entry in the etc/fstab13:15
loackshow to display the groups some user is in of the users some group contains?13:16
mioukican someone can explain me how to find a forum on xchat about tangostudio?13:16
DoctorDa channel where you can talk about electronics ? especially about tv's...cause i have a problem13:17
bazhang#tangostudio miouki13:17
amritansuI have a samsung ML-1670 printer, but no driver. how do I get(&install ) it13:17
Gods_Fathertheadmin: hope ou remember me, you told me to chroot my old system from live disk half an hour ago. what happened was this: chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error. how do i fix this?13:18
theadminGods_Father: Ehh... Are the livecd and the installed system of the same architecture? (i.e. both x32 or x64)13:18
mioukiit is possible to have a command linestyle $ xchat connect #tangostudio , or something like that?13:18
Gods_Fathertheadmin: damn. ok stupid me. Lets try another time... :P13:19
bazhangmiouki, /join #tangostudio13:19
mioukithanks i try!13:19
IgnusEncrypted swap, anyone with a succesful install?13:19
Oeramritansu, with 11.10 samsung provided my ML1650 with drivers automatic13:21
OerIgnus, if i recall correct, an encrypted home disables the swap for security reason ?13:22
mioukiwhen i write $ xchat /join #tangostudio, it does not work, i think i need to configure xchat or somethings like that will look tutorials on youtube13:23
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IgnusOer, but you can enable an encrypted swap area, the problem is it won't mount the 4gb I allocated.13:27
=== greentux|ganteng is now known as greentux
oomjoshey all Im trying to save something as .sh format how do i do this???13:28
oomjosI want to run a script13:28
Resistancemiouki:  #xchat13:28
Gentoo64just add .sh to the end13:28
Resistancemiouki:  there's no command line optionis like you're looking for13:29
oomjosso i remanem file and add .sh to end???13:29
oomjosthank you13:29
oomjosim such a noob13:29
Gentoo64we all are :)13:29
PiciEveryone was new once.13:30
oomjoshaha im trying to teach myself shell language13:30
ResistanceANYWAYS, anyone know why a clean install of Natty woudl be using all of 4GB or RAM and 50% of a 16GB swap partition?13:30
Gentoo64Resistance, :s13:31
Gentoo64try the system monitor13:31
Resistanceoomjos:  you could always put #!/bin/bash at the beginning of your script file... define the interpreter that way13:31
ResistanceGentoo64:  CLI envirionment, not local13:31
Gentoo64you have nothing open?13:31
Resistancenope, just booted it up, no processes other than basic services and nginx13:32
Resistanceso either a process is hiding itself... or i need to reinstall the OS again13:32
Gentoo64i wouldnt reinstall13:32
oldude67Resistance, have you done a memory check? is that still offered on the install disk?13:33
Gentoo64try top13:33
ResistanceGentoo64:  i'm in htop atm13:33
Gentoo64nothing high in the mem%13:33
Resistancehence why i showed up here13:33
* Resistance has no idea what's causing this13:33
Gentoo64try rebooting once more13:33
oldude67Resistance, did you md5sum disk?13:33
theadminResistance: Maybe some huge disk cache?...13:34
Resistanceoldude67:  mhm, the image i used is valid13:34
theadmin!linuxatemyram | Resistance13:34
Resistancetheadmin:  hope not...13:34
PiciResistance: Are you sure that that space isn't being used by cache/buffer?13:34
Resistancetheadmin:  i know that Linux eats up the cache13:34
theadminResistance: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ - this might explain it13:34
theadminResistance: Ah, okay13:34
ResistancePici:  yes, because is there a reason half my swap would be used in addition to 4GB of RAM (16GB Swap partition)?13:34
ResistancePici:  the GNOME System Monitor (Natty) shows RAM at 100% usage, and Swap at 50%13:35
oldude67well thats just crap, i bearly use 250mg of ram out of 2 gig. so that is not true either.13:35
Resistancenever had this happen before :/13:35
oldude67its all in set up as well.13:35
ChangeOfHeartHow do i install LXDE without all it's default applications13:35
oldude67ChangeOfHeart, try sudo apt-get install lubuntu13:36
Gentoo64ChangeOfHeart, on a normal ubuntu install?13:36
PiciResistance: Take a look at the page linked, its a good read about linux memory usage.13:36
theadminChangeOfHeart: Well, apt-get install lxde (rather than apt-get install lubuntu-desktop which pulls other crap)13:36
ChangeOfHeartWill that work for other desktop environments such as kde and xfce?13:36
oldude67theadmin, lxde is what i use as well.13:36
RaTTuS|BIGResistance - free | pastebinit13:36
ChangeOfHeartAlso how do i turn off all these damn connection notices13:37
theadminChangeOfHeart: For kde, it's "kde4", for xfce it's "xfce4", for E it's "e17" I beleive.13:38
ChangeOfHeartso kde4 and xfce4 will install without their default programs ? because i already have full ubuntu, i don't want to triple up on everything13:39
oldude67ChangeOfHeart, i run lxde off the kde install.13:39
Gentoo64ChangeOfHeart, it should just install the desktop13:39
beyondcris there a channel for kubuntu?13:39
oldude67beyondcr, yes #kubuntu13:40
RaTTuS|BIGbeyondcr #kubuntu13:40
geirhaChangeOfHeart: apt-cache depends xfce4 will show you what other packages it will bring with it. Compare that with xubuntu-desktop13:40
Gentoo64ChangeOfHeart, if i was going kde id use the default apps though as they look different (qt)13:40
c0rnelhello all13:41
Nyrckeshi hi13:41
c0rnelhow can i install all packages pulled in by a metapackage except a big one i don't need?13:42
icerootc0rnel: i would suggest to set the big package on "hold"13:43
c0rneliceroot, how can i do that13:43
icerootc0rnel: man dpkg   there should be a section about hold13:43
apoldoes anybody here know if I can get in touch with the Ubuntu Software Center development team?13:44
c0rneliceroot, thank you very much13:44
icerootc0rnel: may i ask what metapackage you mean?13:44
Piciapol: #ubuntu-app-devel or #ubuntu-devel, but keep in mind that the latter is a working channel, not a support channel.13:44
c0rneliceroot, it's a custom metapackage, not present in the repos13:44
icerootc0rnel: ok13:45
apolPici: noted, thanks!13:45
c0rnelthank you13:45
icerootc0rnel: you could also patch the metapackage so you dont have "hold-packages" but i guess the hold-method is much easier13:45
icerootc0rnel: also you can just install the metapackage and then remove the packages you dont want13:46
icerootc0rnel: but reinstalling the metapackage (e.g. update) will pull the dependencies again13:46
c0rneliceroot, i'm trying to avoid wasting resources on that big package i don't use anyway :)13:46
oldude67c0rnel, i think there is a way you can set it to never update too...i think its in them pages as well.13:47
cweiskemy (pretty new) computer boots very slow; I see the purple empty screen for more than a minute until the ubuntu logo appears. dmesg shows a gap of 64 seconds in which nothing seems to happen. what can I do to debug this further? I already unplugged everything I could, but that didn't help. dmesg: http://tmp.cweiske.de/dmesg-2012-01-09_1442 bootchart: http://tmp.cweiske.de/sybo-oneiric-20120109-7.png13:48
monica_how I see the xorg config in my 11.10?13:50
* c0rnel thinks there's no xorg config ....13:51
monica_fumanchu182... and how I see the used drivers?13:51
oomjoshello aal13:51
agus_sintangleft enter left enter13:51
c0rnelmonica_, lsmod ?13:51
fumanchu182monica_, wrong person13:52
owner__hey ubuntu 10.04 use grub 1 or 2?13:52
lucas__hi there! I am trying to upgrade a computer from 11.04 to 11.10. I'd like to keep some packages that the upgrader wants to remove (gnome2, just for a while, while I test the new options). So, I ask: can it be done ? Can I do the upgrade manually for increased control ?13:52
monica_ok... so in the default I have no xorg options?13:53
monica_I think some default option must be there13:53
=== Guest9198 is now known as jack_^
i_is_brokewhat vid card are you running?13:53
douazecisitreigeforce 213:53
oomjosgeforce 2 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL13:54
i_is_brokedouazecisitrei, then there should be a place under preferences that you can mess with nvidia setting13:54
=== tobias is now known as Guest53025
oomjosare you serious?!13:54
douazecisitreijust kidding guys13:54
douazecisitreididn't notice it was #ubuntu13:54
oomjosthat is messed up13:54
oomjosi was just about to say13:55
douazecisitreii saw the question and answered13:55
i_is_brokemonica_, sorry lspci and what video card are you using?13:55
agus_sintangusually need super user13:56
TermNLHi, I have a question. my "make" runs in /bin/sh. I need it to run in /bin/bash since my makefile uses variables like ${PIPESTATUS}.13:56
i_is_broke!nvidia | monica13:56
ubottumonica: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:56
douazecisitreisorry i_is_broke13:56
prashant_123456may i get detailed view in windows explorer in ubuntu 11.10 gnome13:56
Negat1ve-Zer0TermNL: #!/bin/bash at line 1 of your make script13:56
TermNLHow can I change the shell make is running in? the shell from which i call the make is /bin/bash13:56
TermNLNegat1ve-Zer0: ok will try13:57
RaTTuS|BIGTermNL - why do you want to13:57
monica_i_is_broke...can I write here the result?13:57
c0rnel| grep -i vga13:57
RaTTuS|BIGmonica_ use pastbin13:57
monica_ubottu...I use a intel integrated chipset.... the quality actually is very low13:57
ubottumonica_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:57
oomjosbin bash must always be at line 1 if you making a script right??13:58
TermNLwell this is a Makefile13:58
prashant_123456RaTTuS|BIG, need detailed view of files in explorer13:58
Negat1ve-Zer0oomjos it can be whatever shell you want to run13:58
oomjosim so confused right now13:58
i_is_broke!intel | monica_13:58
Picioomjos: The topic and the people in #bash is a great place to look for scripting help.13:58
oomjosjust the normal terminal...i run my thing with root?13:58
monica_i_is_broke... http://pastebin.com/rDUpUy3L13:59
TermNLNegat1ve-Zer0: It does not seem to be working:(13:59
Negat1ve-Zer0#!/bin/sh for bourne shell (or whatever is installed as system default, sometimes bash, #!/bin/bash for bash, #!/bin/ksh for korn shell13:59
oomjosso i dont have to say "sudo..." all the time13:59
Negat1ve-Zer0#!/bin/bash should be executing bash shell...must be another problem13:59
dtbhi guys - what's the package to install the basic gcc etc.. you need to ./configure and build  something?14:00
i_is_brokemonica_, yes it is a low chip set. but that tells you the driver.14:00
pangolindtb: build-essential14:00
dtbnm build-essential14:00
dtbta pangolin14:00
=== zaba_ is now known as Guest13053
Negat1ve-Zer0oomjos: what are you trying to do?14:01
monica_i_is_broke... on windows that graphic chipset works good....I would configure it in the same mode on ubuntu14:01
monica_so.... as first step I suppose I should get the xorg.conf14:01
monica_but I haven't xorg.conf in my ubuntu14:02
=== wolf is now known as Guest69054
i_is_brokemonica_, there is a way, i just havent used it in a while try looking at the ubuntu docs and see what it say about intel.i know there is a way.14:03
Negat1ve-Zer0TermNL: not sure how a makefile works exactly but I'm assuming it's like any other script? in which case I'd think #!/bin/bash at line 1 would tell shell to execute /bin/bash as the shell for your script14:03
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
TermNLNegat1ve-Zer0: http://pastebin.com/wRxE811q14:03
monica_ok thanks14:03
TermNLNegat1ve-Zer0: Yeah I was hoping that too. But starting ti suspect it's some global configuration in make or something?14:04
Negat1ve-Zer0TermNL: not sure, but looking at what you have14:04
leeds27anyone know how I can change the behaviour of the alert/notification bubble at the bottom of the screen in gnome 3? (apologies for asking in here, I've tried in #gnome but no-one seems to be awake)14:04
i_is_brokemonica_, try looking under monitor settings and system settings as well.14:05
Akenathonhello all from Italy14:05
RaTTuS|BIG!it | Akenathon14:06
ubottuAkenathon: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:06
Akenathonif needed i can give support on engineering apps on ubuntu14:06
Negat1ve-Zer0TermNL: I'm not familiar with how a makefile works so I may be the wrong person to ask on that14:06
TermNLOkay, well thank you very much for the effort though!:)14:06
i_is_brokeRaTTuS|BIG, hes speaking english dude.14:06
Negat1ve-Zer0TermNL: can you explain to me what that'14:06
Akenathoni dont speak italian check ur bot lol14:06
Negat1ve-Zer0s supposed to be doing14:06
Akenathonthanks for italian channel...just added14:07
Negat1ve-Zer0like dunno what @echo $(SHELL) is14:07
TermNLAs far as I know it is used to access variables. when I run them commandline (on my /bin/bash shell) I get some excpected output14:07
Negat1ve-Zer0for example if you want your shell you can just do echo $SHELL14:08
TermNL$SHELL is a system variable, which, in a makefile canbe aaccessed through $(SHELL)14:08
TermNLI'm not too14:08
TermNL"good" with makefiles either14:08
Negat1ve-Zer0TermNL: if you do #!/bin/bash at the beginning of that file...it's going to execute it with bash shell and bash doesn't recognize @echo $(SHELL) as a command14:09
Negat1ve-Zer0when you run it what do you do, make Makefile?14:10
TermNLI suspect it's not actuially executed as a shell script14:10
TermNLi do: make testshell14:10
Negat1ve-Zer0yea, I'm thinking that too...so #!/bin/bash at line 1 is prob not what you want14:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:10
Negat1ve-Zer0yea...so make is interpreting it14:10
TermNLdefault aergumentless make implicitly calls "make all" afaik14:10
Negat1ve-Zer0I'd do a search for learning more about make and how to make a good makefile...bash is not what I'm assuming you want14:11
Negat1ve-Zer0and take #!/bin/bash off line 114:11
TermNLyes, well i was trying to isolate the issue in a checked out makefile:)14:12
TermNLon another machine make is run in bash it seems (running the pasrted script)14:12
=== anonissi1us is now known as anonissimus
TermNLbut I'm going to move all the bash-dependent stuff to a .sh file, and cal that sh file from make. So in the sh, i can specifiy it to use bash:)14:13
TermNLThanks for the help though!:)14:13
dhs227ubuntu 11.10 I have difficulties install RoR for Ruby 1.9, and railsready does NOT working either. Log reports " Could not find a valid gem 'rubygems-update' (1.8.15) locally or in a repository"14:13
GirlyGirlHi, my external display will not go above 1024x768 under Kubuntu 11.10, I had the same problem in 11.04 however it worked in an old version, I think 9.1014:14
agus_sintanganybody have played 0ad game?14:14
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taglassTermNL: Actually make called with no targets builds the first defined target.  It doesn't have to be named all.14:14
TermNLtaglass: aah i see:) ok!14:15
TermNLobviously in most make files all is defined first hehe, so thats why I though that;)14:15
GirlyGirlThis display problem drives me nuts14:17
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theadminGirlyGirl: Have you tried creating a custom xorg.conf?14:21
Akenathonbye bye14:21
OliveGreenHi all.14:24
ActionParsniphi OliveGreen14:25
OliveGreenI was tinkering with Unity some time, and I ruined it. So I would like to reinstall it.14:26
OliveGreenWhat's the safest way to do that?14:26
leeds27olivegreen: I'd say install gnome 3...from there uninstall unity, then re-install (or just reinstall)14:27
GirlyGirltheadmin: I currently have no xorg.conf file, sorry for the delayed response as I am actually driving right now14:27
OliveGreenleeds27, You mean Gnome Shell?14:28
theadminGirlyGirl: I see, well, if I were you I'd write a custom one that would add the resolution you want14:28
leeds27olive: that's right, you should be able to do that from a terminal in unity...there's probably better ways, I'm not expert14:29
OliveGreenleeds27, Yeah. I'm actually using it now. :)14:30
leeds27lol, stick with it is my recommendation, I couldn't stand unity14:30
krambiorixhi guys , yesterday i added a cronjob but it didn't exectute... This is my line: 0 5 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -avp -e ssh /home/documents [VALID IP ADDRESS]:/home/backups/$(date +%F)14:31
xanguaOliveGreen: just reset unity: unity --reset14:32
MindSparkhello, so I use ntfs-3g to write files from linux on a windows partition. For some odd reason the files appear as system files when I mount the drive on windows. I have to "show system files and folders" for them to appear. Is there anything similar to chattr for ntfs on linux with which I can change this attribute ?14:34
krambiorixhi guys , yesterday i added a cronjob but it didn't exectute... This is my line: 0 5 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -avp -e ssh /home/documents [VALID IP ADDRESS]:/home/backups/$(date +%F)14:35
MindSparkkrambiorix, did you get an e-mail with the output of the script?14:36
llutzkrambiorix: didn't it execute at all or did it just not what you expected?14:36
snodrionwhat are the benefit of tcsh?14:37
krambiorixllutz, it didn't execute14:37
krambiorixMindBeat, maybe you got it? :)14:38
ActionParsnipsnodrion: shows the features: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcsh14:38
Dualityhow can i see what version of ubuntu i got installed? 32 or 64 bit?14:39
blast007if I want to request the removal of a package that is no longer maintained upstream, do I file a bug requesting so?14:39
krambiorixMindSpark, no email in /var/mail14:39
snodrioncan anyone tell from personal expierence, no from wikipedia14:39
ActionParsnipDuality: uname -m14:39
ActionParsnipDuality: i686 = 32bit     x86_64 = 64bit14:39
Dualitycool thanks!14:40
ActionParsnipDuality: lsb_release -sc     shows the codename14:40
MindSparkkrambiorix, did you try to run the command directly?14:40
MindSparkwithout cron14:40
krambiorixMindSpark, yes i did and it worked14:40
icerootsnodrion: you should join there channel14:41
gandhijee_hey, how do i make desktop icons14:42
icerootsnodrion: its also a nice shell but i like zsh more, but maybe just i am using zsh more often and so i know that shell better then tcsh14:42
icerootgandhijee_: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Creating_Icons/14:43
MindSparkkrambiorix, did you try running anything else on cron?14:43
MindSparkmaybe your cron daemon is not running?14:44
gandhijee_iceroot, i should clarify, how do i make desktop shortcuts by hand for ubuntu?14:44
iceroot!shortcuts | gandhijee_14:44
ubottugandhijee_: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://goo.gl/Pwxq114:44
krambiorixMindSpark, the cronjob before worked14:44
gandhijee_the things in /usr/share/applications show up in the menu14:44
gandhijee_i want to place a bunch of them on my desktop without manually creating the shortcu14:45
gandhijee_i was wondering if i can copy the .desktop file somewhere else14:45
theadmingandhijee_: Yep, to your desktop (~/Desktop)14:45
reddenCurrently experiencing mouse issues, Left clicking results in the grab icon and can only be achived by holding 'Shift' or 'ctrl' keys. All window borders have turned orange, although no changes to window theme where made.14:47
ActionParsnipgandhijee_: sure, copy it or symlink14:47
doritoDanI'm building a setup on which I'm only going to run one single application14:47
doritoDanI want to use Ubuntu for this14:47
doritoDanbut since I'm only going to be running one single app14:48
doritoDanis there a way to like, strip ubuntu of certain aspects14:48
doritoDanin order to make it run faster and hog less resources?14:48
icerootdoritoDan: have a look at "kiosk mode"14:48
ksooI'm creating a partition on a Linux server that's mainly going to be used by Windows clients as a network drive. Should I create it as NTFS, FAT, or ext4?14:48
icerootdoritoDan: if you want to deny the access for other things14:48
mneptok!enter > doritoDan14:48
ravenany tool to manage bookmarks of video files?14:48
ubottudoritoDan, please see my private message14:48
MindSparkkrambiorix, you still there?14:48
llutzksoo: ext414:48
krambiorixMindSpark, yup, i think it's a ssh problem14:49
MindSparkkrambiorix, I think it's a parsing problem14:49
iceroot!samba | ksoo14:49
ubottuksoo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:49
MindSparkread manual of crontab section 514:49
MindSparksixth field14:49
llutzksoo: when accessing the drive via network, the clients won't see the "real" filesystem at all. so use a linux fs to be on the easy side14:49
FloodBot1doritoDan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:49
icerootkrambiorix: for linux you use ext4, to enable access for the windows clients as a share you use samba14:49
gandhijee_ahh thanks14:49
MindSparkthe line separator can be either newline or %14:49
ksoollutz, thanks. iceroot, I'll be using samba14:49
DoctorDwho know html? i have a questions ...14:49
ActionParsnipksoo: use Ext based file systems, NTFS shared with samba is a pain14:49
mneptokredden: create a new user account and see if that user has the same mouse issues. if so, it's a system-wide thing. if not, it's your particular user.14:49
MindSparkand you have a % in your command14:49
icerootDoctorD: #html14:49
ActionParsnipDoctorD: i'd ask in an HTML channel14:49
ravenany tool to manage bookmarks of video files?14:50
DoctorDalright thx iceroot14:50
doritoDanDoctorD: you can pm me if you want14:50
doritoDanim a web developer14:50
MindSparkkrambiorix, try escaping the %14:50
ActionParsnipraven: bookmarks online you mean?14:50
ravenActionParsnip no anything to add bookmarks/chaptermarks to video files while playing14:51
DoctorDwell..i do not know i cannot pm you doritoDan14:51
icerootraven: vlc can handle bookmarks for videos14:52
DoctorDpm me if you can14:52
mneptokDoctorD: doritoDan was removed from the channel.14:52
DoctorDuhm..why ?14:52
mneptokDoctorD: look at scrollback. we take the guidelines seriously.14:52
theadminDoctorD: Abusing Enter key is not welcome14:52
DoctorDalright. i understand :)14:52
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:55
raveniceroot ok tnx14:55
=== clemens is now known as lepetitclement
Dualityhow do i close terminal without stopping the program i am running from it?14:57
reddenExperiencing mouse problems that appear to be isolated to my user account, Left clicking results in the grab icon except when holding 'shift' or 'ctrl'. How can I prevent this from happening?14:57
icerootDuality: by using screen BEFOR you startet the command14:57
xanguaDuality: add an '&' to the end14:57
icerootDuality: everything else is not possible14:57
icerootDuality: xangua & at the end will kill the app when the terminal gets closed14:58
ActionParsnipDuality: look into screen14:58
theadminDuality, iceroot: command &disown #This works perfectly fine.14:59
Dualityscreen works cool :)15:00
MonkeyDustDuality  byobu is an extension for screen15:01
monica_do someone use a intel chipset on ubuntu?15:04
ActionParsnipmonica_: I do here in my Latitude D42015:05
monica_hi ActionParship15:06
monica_how does it work with opengl? I see it very slow15:06
ActionParsnipmonica_: works ok in most cases, Can't run full 3D goodness but runs well15:07
ActionParsnipmonica_: what chip do you use?15:07
monica_ActionParsnip it is a gma 4500m15:07
monica_I use openarena to test the quality15:07
ActionParsnipI use 945GM15:08
monica_same school....I think15:08
monica_did you customized some configuration?15:09
ActionParsnipmonica_: none, defaults work OOTB15:09
monica_how do you test the quality?15:10
ActionParsnipmonica_: i've played warzone 2100 on it. I don't game that much tbh15:10
ytre4k0http://sergey-mavrodi.com/op/view_485.html - your invite: 245006 - invite to take part in a free lottery from Sergey Mavrodi on a site MMM-2011.15:11
ytre4k0One time per a week played off 10 prizes: 5 for 100 dollars and 5 for 50.15:11
ytre4k0To pay and inlay nothing it is needed. It is desirable to have a box on gmail.com15:11
ytre4k0after registration on invite you can choose English on the main page of site. thank you! we can great deal!15:11
ActionParsnipytre4k0: please don't spam15:11
krambiorixMindSpark, that was it (escaping % )15:12
krambiorixMindSpark, thx!!15:12
VictorCLanyone else having problems with firefox 9 on ubuntu ..  .. my firefox keeps crushing now15:13
bjorne_Hello i have question about ubuntu 11.10 and ip alias why that are not function like 11.04, in 11.04 i can put in eth0 and eth0:X in /etc/network/interfaces and i see that in ifconfig both nics eth0 and eth0:0, if i do same thing in 11.10 and i only see eth0 and eth0:0 are not in the list, and interface eth0:0 are up and running answer on ping from the computer and others computer on the lan? are that some more people that have same problem?15:14
ActionParsnipVictorCL: tried renaming ~/.mozilla/firefox   then rerunning the browser?15:14
shaneohi guys im getting this error when using a wget command orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login?Site2pstoreToken=v1.2~CA55CD32~127C5363993DC4BF471818F3174387C90E5ACD63439A20D18C5B29A14FE95284C2ACCD666F0B6CBF17FDFBFD4D917E925EB6B34E3963C11081B324C1E95F28099A34C49FD41715F17509425B0E763B3BC24400C02410F043FCC1A86535DFBA5593BB1B0C82EFF56A3719E43955FE304138E4A3AAABBA6FCD109ECBF642AE0064D053FD8D0B49CC3440AFCE49D4B15E2DC6FC2D75D43A4E00D6AB6647CE25E7D15:14
FloodBot1shaneo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
ActionParsnipshaneo: what command are you using?15:15
ActionParsnipshaneo: no, the full command15:15
shaneofor a java pkg15:15
shaneowget http://download.oracle.com/otn/java/j2sdk/1.4.2_30-b04/j2sdk-1_4_2_30-solaris-amd64.sh15:16
ksooI'm editing fstab, and it's been a while since I've done this. I think I have everything correct, and I'm trying to test it. IIRC, after editing fstab, if I issue "mount /dev/sdxn" it should mount the drive according to fstab without needing su powers, right?15:16
ActionParsnipshaneo: loginFailed">System error. Please re-try your action. If you continue to get this error, please contact the Administrator.  Is in the file I get, seems its not wget-able15:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:18
FruscianteI've got a problem connecting to servers on xchat. How exactly would I go about finding the problem?15:19
ActionParsnipFrusciante: can you ping the server?15:19
shaneojust wrote a bash script for anyone interested it sets up an irc shell in one clicj15:19
pangolinPlease do not advertise in Ubuntu channels15:20
ActionParsnipshaneo: post it on the forums :) share the love :)15:20
shaneowill dp15:20
FruscianteActionParsnip, I'm really bad at this, sorry. Ping the server?15:21
blitzopen up a terminal15:21
ActionParsnipFrusciante: its a defacto command, works in all modern OSes15:21
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blitztype "ping [servers_ip_here]"15:21
ActionParsnipFrusciante: in a terminal run:  ping -c 4 server15:21
Fruscianteall right15:22
shaneoomg im lost in the forums how do i create a new post15:22
blitzso how are you on irc if you have a problem with xchat Frusciante? also are you a rhcp fan15:22
Fruscianteblitz, I used to be able to connect to several servers now I can only connect to one. And yeah15:23
FruscianteActionParsnip, all right, do you want me to paste the results?15:24
ActionParsnipFrusciante: "and yeah"?  that's not a sentence.15:24
blitzmy first guess would be that there is a problem with your xchat settings themselves15:24
ActionParsnipFrusciante: no, just let us know if it pings successfully15:24
zeknoxI have a laptop running 10.04.3 LTS that will only show lo for an interface when running ifconfig -a, it was just working the other day, not it is not, I have looked at /etc/network/interfaces and validated auto eth0 is in the file15:25
FruscianteActionParsnip, sorry, what addressing blitz' question about RHCP15:25
FruscianteActionParsnip, 186ms?15:25
blitzthat means you can connect to the server15:26
Frusciantewell that's odd15:26
ActionParsnipFrusciante: cool, you can hit the resver :)15:27
ActionParsnipFrusciante: what server is it?15:27
Fruscianteirc.omgwtfhax.net was the one I was testing, but there's several15:27
Frusciantewhenever I try to connect it says Unknown Host15:27
blitzopen up a new server tab in xchat, and type /server irc.omgwtfhax.net15:27
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FruscianteThat's what I've been doing15:28
Fruscianteit worked a while ago but now it's saying15:28
Frusciante* Looking up newserver15:28
Frusciante* Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?15:28
Fruscianteno misspelling on my part, though15:29
ActionParsnipI'm on it now15:29
ActionParsnipthey have a policy you cannot list channels within 60 seconds of connecting. Weird15:30
ActionParsnipI'm using pidgin15:30
ActionParsnipFrusciante: try:  /server irc.omgwtfhax.net15:30
don_aceyo people15:31
don_acehou i activate unity 2d15:31
Frusciante* Looking up newserver15:31
Frusciante* Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?15:31
Frusciantedoesn't connect properly, ActionParsnip15:31
blitztry connecting to irc.rizon.net15:32
ActionParsnipdon_ace: log off, select unity2D, log in15:32
blitzI know that works15:32
Fruscianteyeah, that server works15:32
ActionParsnipdon_ace: Alt+F2   and run:  unity2d --replace    may do it15:32
FruscianteI'm not sure why I can't connect to certain servers15:32
ksooI've created a directory /mysql and I have a SSD that I'd like to mount at /mysql (this is a MySQL, obviously) when I made the dir I set the user and group to mysql, but when the directory is mounted, the user and group is changed to root. Is there a way to have this default to the mysql user?15:32
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ActionParsnipksoo: set that in fstab in the options section using uid, gid etc15:33
ts2ksoo: change the owner/group on the filesystem (once it's mounted)15:34
ts2the directory permissions don't count once it's mounted, those are taken from the mounted FS15:34
shaneowoo hoo first post to the forums though i think i may have added it to the wrong sction15:35
shaneoso anyone interested in the script once the admins ok it will be in tutorials&tips15:35
blitzFrusciante, if you're only having the issue through xchat with certain servers I'd assume there is some problem with your xchat settings and what that server allows15:35
blitzyou could probably google it15:35
shaneoFrusciante are you klined from the server15:35
ksoothanks ts2, that did it15:36
FruscianteI can't imagine it, since it's multiple servers that I'm having a problem with shaneo15:36
shaneoyeah well ive been having the same issue with EFnet15:36
shaneocant connect to any of the servers via psybnc15:36
shaneosince 2 days ago15:37
shaneoirc.PRISON.net says im trojan infected lol15:37
KentrelAnyone able to help me get my Samson C0U1 USB microphone working? It's detected automatically, but no sound15:37
shaneoKentrel go to sound setting and make sure its turned up sometimes default the volume is turned down15:38
a_p3rsonis it normal for grub to have tons of linux kernels in the boot list? and is there anyway to hide/get rid of them?15:38
shaneohappens with my built in mic all the time15:38
ActionParsnipKentrel: what apps have you tried it in?15:38
Kentrelshaneo, have tried that15:38
KentrelActionParsnip, Audacity, and tinychat15:38
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: you can uninstall the old kernels to clean up as well as free up space15:38
shaneohmm way over my head than15:38
Gorilla_No_Bakaa_p3rson:  install synPTIC15:38
a_p3rsonActionParsnip: how so? with synaptic?15:39
Gorilla_No_BakaAND YOU CAN  get rid of almost everything15:39
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: if you can give a pastebin of:  uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image-      I can advise15:39
ActionParsnipKentrel: is it set as the input device?15:39
dydhow can i install a certificate on ubuntu? the file is used to connect to a wpa2 wifi network, it's a .p1215:40
zackiv31how does one list the version that would be installed with `apt-get install` ?15:40
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a_p3rsonActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/798302/15:40
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Gillhey everyone anyone good with ucarp??15:41
* Cinober is now auto-away after 15m idle15:41
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.35-23-generic-pae linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae linux-image-2.6.35-25-generic-pae linux-image-2.6.35-28-generic-pae linux-image-2.6.35-30-generic-pae15:41
ts2zackiv31: use "apt-cache policy <package>" to see which version will be installed15:41
mneptok!away | Cinober15:41
ubottuCinober: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»15:41
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: will leave you with only linux-image-2.6.35-31-generic-pae which is the running profile15:42
a_p3rsongot it15:42
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: you'll get about 600Mb back15:42
a_p3rsonActionParsnip: herp derp 700MB will be freed continue...didnt think kernels were THAT big15:43
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: about 130Mb apiece15:43
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: if you have a separate /home partition, you can run:  df -h   to see the percentage you just saved too :)15:45
astartothhi all, running 11.10 and having some problems with localization; XFCE is bilingual: some options are in pt_PT others ín en_US; how can I correct this?15:45
a_p3rsonActionParsnip: nah, just one15:46
snarksterso I installed 11.10 on my soon to be media center and the 3.0 kernel does not work, its hangin up on the powerbutton.  how to turn off power management15:46
ActionParsnipastartoth: try:  localepurge   may help15:46
astartothi'm already running localepurge15:46
dydi've specified 2 ip addresses on eth0, but how can i tell ubuntu to use one or the other?15:47
sskalnikAny idea why a .cpp file would end with ^@^@^@ over and over again? A source package won't compile, and it looks like the end of one of the source file has been clobbered by that string instead of a sane and complete function.15:48
snarksteranyone else having issues with the 3.0 kernel?15:49
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sskalniksnarkster:  Nope. What issues are you experiencing?15:49
ActionParsnipsnarkster: works well here15:50
Guest98552русские люди есть15:51
ts2sskalnik: perhaps it uses an odd encoding/charset15:51
ActionParsnipsnarkster: even 3.2 works ok in Precise here15:51
mneptok!ru | Guest9855215:51
ubottuGuest98552: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:51
who_meastartoth, I've hit the same thing in 10.04 and I did manage to correct most of the problems but some applications still display in my native tongue and it's just irritating - I'm not used to that. Ugh, never should have played with localisation settings15:51
sskalnikts2:  But why would the rest of the file be just fine?15:52
kimbraahow i can mount blanck dvd on ubunutu 11.04, case i'm trying tou mount /dev/scd0 ithout succes15:52
ActionParsnipkimbraa: why would you mount it?15:52
kimbraaActionParsnip: for growfsiso use15:52
who_mekimbraa, a blank dvd contains no filesystems, thus it cannot be mounted15:53
mneptokkimbraa: you mount filesystems. blank optical media by definition has no filesystem.15:53
kimbraaso what device is responsible for dvd in my pavilion dv515:53
kimbraa/dev/scd0 ?15:53
ts2sskalnik: hard to say, encodings are strange things. in some, ASCII characters are left as-is, but other characters are multi-byte15:53
llutzkimbraa: /dev/sr0   but as mneptok stated, you don't mount empty dvd15:53
sskalnikts2:  Yeah, but why would the encoding change in the middle of a function definition? It seems like something else is afoot.15:54
ActionParsnipkimbraa: sudo lshw -C disk; sudo lshw -C drive     will tell you15:54
astartothwho_me: it's annoying all right. anyway we can limit the number of locales generated on a dpkg-reconfigure locales?15:55
snarksterok so it just hangs up.. when i tried recovery mode it stopped at the pwrbutton and went no further.. so I assumed it has something to do with acpi15:55
ts2sskalnik: it wouldn't change, but some character that can't be represented in ASCII was inserted. but check if the data is somehow corrupted, if you can15:55
ActionParsnipsnarkster: if you unload the sound module, does it work ok?15:56
who_meastartoth, I do not remember what I actually did to get things in check :) Read some guides on google that cured most of the issues I had15:56
dabluezpreachercan anyone here help with printer sharing between linux and windows?15:56
snarksterfunny thing is i can boot it with the previous linux version and it starts up just fine15:56
sskalnikts2:  Yeah, it looks more like corrupt data.15:56
snarksterright now its running the 2.6 kernel or whatever was installed by default in 11.0415:57
kimbraaWhy i dont have /dev/dvd or cdrom in device dir15:57
astartothmaybe editing /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ [en local pt] ....15:57
kimbraain previous distro was there i think15:57
p3terp4ngudeve fellas15:57
astartotha lot of en locales on dpkg-reconfigure locales15:57
astartothare generated15:57
abcI look for a GUI hosts file manager with automatic updates and possibility to subscribe to external blocklists - something like Hostsman on MS Win15:58
snarksterso am i correct in my assumption that it has something to do with acpi?15:58
jutnuxQuick question: How do I stop losing connection when I put the computer to sleep?15:59
p3terp4nwhy i cant connect to my localhost using opensssh16:00
jutnuxp3terp4n: Remotely or locally?16:00
p3terp4nit always refused my connection to port 2216:00
p3terp4nlocally only16:00
snarkster"ActionParsnip: snarkster: if you unload the sound module, does it work ok?" how does that stop the 11.10 from booting?16:01
geekbriis there a way to tar and gziped just 2 files in a directory together16:01
llutzgeekbri: tar czf your.tar.gz file1 file216:02
ActionParsnipsnarkster: the shutdown still waits for sound to stop, sometimes the sound modules can get stuck16:02
geekbriActionParsnip: thanks, i was thrown off by the fact that it wouldn't let me tab complete the names of the files :)16:03
snarksterah but it can boot into previous versions... different module16:03
snarksteranyway im having issues with burning cds at the moment so I took 10.04 upgraded all the way to 11.10 and this is where Im at.16:04
snarkstereven mythbuntu hangs up, can install or run live16:04
ActionParsnipsnarkster: what apps have you tried burning with?16:04
llutzgeekbri: check your bash_completion then, it should complete16:04
snarksterits hardware, my burning is bad.16:04
snarksterburner even16:04
Gorilla_No_Bakaquestion... why is the eject not working anymore in ubuntu?16:05
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: can you unmount ok?16:05
Gorilla_No_Bakayeah yeah... that;s not a problem...  when i press the eject button (i am running ubunut on a macbookpro) it does work.. IN UNITY.. however both in unity and in gnome shell the eject command does not work\16:06
snarksteryah it wont read either, this is on my laptop not the media center.. I created a usb stick using ubuntu startup disk creator16:06
p3terp4ntry live cd gorilla16:07
mouseI've got an old xbox controller with a usb adapter and I want to remap the buttons.  How do I go about this?16:07
ts2Gorilla_No_Baka: probably because "some process" is using the device, but the hardware eject button sends a signal to those processes to release the device16:07
Gorilla_No_Bakamore like somebody messed around with the eject command16:08
snarksterwhen i use the stick on my laptop it works just fine, but will not on the media center. media center spec. 2gig fast ram, 3 gig proc nvidia card.. nice system16:08
ts2Gorilla_No_Baka: no, eject won't eject it if something is using the device, this is unchanged16:08
Gorilla_No_Bakats2: ?? what eversion of ubuntu you're using,>> both 12 and 11 the eject command won't work..16:09
FarallaHi. something killed my desktop (No more app-switching, that is, unasable at all. Can I restart it without killing the running apps?16:09
ts2Gorilla_No_Baka: Kubuntu 11.10, eject works for me, so it's "some process"16:10
p3terp4nFaralla yes you can!16:10
dsdeizhi, anyone using htop? doesn't f3 search a piece of text on the command column?16:11
ActionParsnipFaralla: press ALT+F2 and run:   unity --replace16:11
p3terp4nyou try it to run again?16:11
Gorilla_No_Bakaall right.. that's good to now..16:11
ActionParsnipdsdeiz: could use:  ps-ef | grep command16:11
ActionParsnipps -ef | grep command16:12
dsdeizyep tho i'm trying to learn htop or top16:12
padhuAnyone suggest me the good facebook client16:13
snarksterok so digging into the grub.cnf file say not to edit it, but this is where i would put acpi=off right?16:13
dabluezpreacherI can print a test page from windows 7 to my linux mint 12 machine locally attached canon printer, but I cant print anything else , just test pages. Does anyone know why?16:13
mneptokdsdeiz: press F3 and type the serach term16:13
Farallap3terp4n: It does restart, but only to the same corrupted state16:13
blitzI think it searches all columns dsdeiz16:13
dsdeizmneptok: yeah tried it. i tried searching for 'htop' as my keyword but repeatedly pressing 'f3' doesn't highlight the htop process row16:14
p3terp4nwat happen?16:14
mneptokdsdeiz: it matches as you type16:14
blitznvm just command16:14
dsdeizit does?16:14
blitzyeah, it should highlight it in blue16:15
mneptokdsdeiz: yes. look at what is higjlighted once you type in the "htop" search parameter16:15
snarksterok well thanx for listening I have to run.16:15
dsdeizah awesome, for somereason it messed up when i made it display processes for a single user16:16
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oomjoshey i tried to run a script and got this message -bash: /home/joseph/script.sh: permission denied16:20
Farallap3terp4n: Seems I cannot rescue the desktop. How can i log out of the desktop from shell?16:20
MonkeyDustoomjos  try to run it with sudo16:20
rhomhow to get the version of package which is not listed in the synaptic force version?16:20
oomjosim in root? i dont need sudo????16:20
ts2oomjos: try giving it executable permission16:21
Farallahow can i completely restart unity?16:21
oomjosbut i though when i say sudo -i in the begging and then type in my password the I give everything permission?16:21
rhomis there any way to get the version of software not listed in synaptic's force version list?16:21
ActionParsnipFaralla: unity --replace16:21
hwildeoomjos, chmod a+x <filename>16:22
mneptokoomjos: you cannot execute files that do not have the xecutable bit set16:22
FarallaActionParsnip: no, that doesn't help. I need a complete restart16:22
ts2oomjos: no, you just become root, file permissions still need to be set16:22
ActionParsnipFaralla: thats how it's done16:22
oomjosi run sudo chmod 700 <filename> in the first line of script should be fine?16:22
FarallaActionParsnip: But I want to logout the logged in users16:22
hwildeFaralla, sudo reboot    (duh?)16:23
nemikany recommendations on an 'ultrabook' that runs Ubuntu well?16:23
RaTTuS|BIGFaralla - sudo shutdown -r now16:23
oomjosanyone read my msg?16:23
oomjosclearly not16:23
ActionParsnipFaralla: then end their apps, there is one which is the process for keeping the user logged in16:23
mneptok!patience | oomjos16:23
ubottuoomjos: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:23
ActionParsnipoomjos: I see you...16:23
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oomjosActionParsnip I now type in sudo before i run the script and it says command not found?16:24
FarallaI guess I'll go with teh reboot :)16:24
ts2oomjos: what exactly did you type?16:25
oomjossudo /home/joseph/script.sh16:25
arooni-mobilerunning ubuntu 11.10;  i'm trying to change my name servers.  /etc/resolv.conf appears to be re-generated on re-boot.  1) how do i permanently change my name servers?  2) if i want to cache name servers on my box for faster internet access how would i do that?16:25
RaTTuS|BIGoomjos - and what is in the script - pastebinit16:25
ts2oomjos: make sure it's executable, "chmod +x /home/joseph/script.sh"16:26
ts2arooni-mobile: it's set every time you connect to your network, you need to edit the settings via network manager to make them take effect every time16:27
oomjosI see my problem guys In the first line of script I have..."#!bin/bash instead of "#!/bin/bash"16:27
oomjosmissed the forward slash16:27
ActionParsnipoomjos: you will need to put ./    before it so the interpreter look in the pwd16:27
oomjosI know. I see now!16:28
oomjosWhat is PWD?16:28
mneptokpresent working directory16:28
ActionParsnipoomjos: run it, you'll see16:28
oomjoswell second line of script is sudo chmod 700 /home/joseph/script.sh ????16:28
alexandrosorodioHey there can anyone help a bit in how to make persistent changes on an iso i boot with grub2?16:29
ActionParsnipoomjos: why sudo? or is the script to be ran by other system users?16:29
mneptokoomjos: that's redundant16:29
oomjosthats how the begginers guide explains it!16:29
ActionParsnipoomjos: if its your own data in your own home, its not needed16:29
arooni-mobilets2, i want to do it for all networks; i'm travelling; so i'm connecting to new networks daily16:29
mneptokoomjos: you run the script, and the first line is "make this script executable so i can run it." chicken and egg, son.16:30
oomjosso i take sudo away?16:30
oomjosSo I take it away?16:30
mneptokoomjos: what does this script *do*? patebin it.16:30
ActionParsnipoomjos: it's not needed, in order to run the script, it must be executable, so what mneptok said16:30
Anubishi ! what CMS (content management system) do you recommend to use for a small site ?16:30
Picioomjos: You shouldn't blindly run things with sudo if they don't need it.16:30
oomjosjust a basic script I just want to echo "Hello"16:30
ActionParsnipoomjos: you  don't need the chmod bit16:31
oomjosStupid Guide :(16:31
oomjosThey told me to!16:31
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ActionParsnipoomjos: Where is this guide?16:31
rhomhow to get the version of package which is not listed in the synaptic force version?16:32
jac0bxi'm really not very linux savvy so I have no idea if this error is specific to backtrack or if someone here might have a solution but the people in the backtrack channel haven't responded yet so i thought i'd try my luck here16:32
MonkeyDustAnubis  http://www.smallbusinesscomputing.com/buyersguide/article.php/3856831/A-Small-Business-Guide-to-Linux-Desktop-Software.htm16:32
tlfI'm using 11.10 ubuntu, recently I noticed that when trying to run simple commands (ls for instance), I'm forced to use sudo in order to perform it.16:32
ActionParsnipjac0bx: backtrack isn't supported here16:32
nemikany recommendations on an 'ultrabook' that runs Ubuntu well?16:32
tlfbash: /home/fig/bin/ls: cannot execute binary file16:32
tlfthats the message I'd get without using sudo16:32
ts2arooni-mobile: then you'll need to edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf so it'll be applied for all networks16:32
arooni-mobilets2, that ges regenerated daily doesnt it16:33
jac0bxActionParsnip, sure but it might just be a generic ubuntu problem, i'm not sure16:33
oomjosWhat does chmod do?!16:33
mneptokoomjos: you need to read that more carefully.16:33
ActionParsnipjac0bx: still not supported here16:33
oomjosWhat is chmod16:33
jac0bxwhys that16:33
ActionParsnipjac0bx: because you are using backtrack16:33
jac0bxjust curious16:33
jac0bxwhich is based on ubuntu 1016:34
mneptok!backtrack | jac0bx16:34
ubottujac0bx: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:34
compdocoomjos, google chmod16:34
jac0bxah, there we go :)16:34
arooni-mobilets2, after i change that how do i get networking to restart so that it will use the new name servers?16:34
ActionParsnipjac0bx: ubuntu is based on debian, if you ask in #debian for ubuntu support they will turf you here16:34
anonymous229 /server irc.anonops.li16:34
ts2arooni-mobile: no, it's used by the DHCP client (the program used to request an IP address/DNS servers from the network)16:34
jac0bxthanks anyway guys :)16:34
ts2arooni-mobile: just disconnect and reconnect16:35
oomjosI still get command not found... mys script is 100% correct16:35
ActionParsnipoomjos: the script wil be: http://pastebin.com/SgBNNkPX16:36
ts2arooni-mobile: you want to put something like "supersede domain-name-servers," in there, above the line starting with "request"16:36
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oomjosActionParsnip and then i save as .sh file?16:37
arooni-mobilets2, is there a way to test how "good"  a name server setup is?  for instance, to see how quickly it can resolve?16:37
ActionParsnipoomjos: te file extension is moot in Linux16:37
ActionParsnipoomjos: you can call it  hello.scripttooutputstuff    and it'd still work16:37
oomjosThen i go to console and type /home/joseph/script.sh???16:37
ActionParsnipoomjos: sure, as long as the file is executale16:38
ts2arooni-mobile: use the "host" command to resolve a DNS name, and see how long it takes. host can also take a nameserver option so you can test each one at a time16:38
oomjosit says permission denied!!16:38
ts2arooni-mobile: I'd probably just go with OpenDNS though16:38
ActionParsnipoomjos: file executability and the top line, makes it a script. Linux doesn't use file extensions16:38
tlfAnyone have any idea why I'd all of a sudden get a "bash: /home/fig/bin/ls: cannot execute binary file" at terminal startup after the latest update.16:39
arooni-mobilets2, can you give me the opendns name server addresses>?  I currently lack the ability to resolve any domains16:39
MonkeyDust!details| tlf16:39
ubottutlf: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:39
Churchtlf: maybe your PATH setting somewhere in some profiles got fscked?16:39
oomjosso i just leave out the .sh16:39
tlfI'm running 11.10, when starting up terminal I'm receiving the same errors as in this post: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60096/what-start-up-scripts-are-executed-when-a-terminal-is-opened-in-ubuntu16:40
fzapptlf, why you get an 'ls' command in your bin directory ?16:40
ts2arooni-mobile: and
tlfWhen attempting to run simple things like 'ls', it'll give me the error message "bash: /home/fig/bin/ls: cannot execute binary file" unless I go root16:40
ActionParsnipoomjos: wget -O helloWorld http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=SgBNNkPX; chmod +x ./helloWorld; ./helloWorld16:41
fzapptlf, try in a terminal 'which ls'16:41
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ActionParsnipoomjos: wget -O helloWorld http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=SgBNNkPX; chmod +x ./helloWorld; ./helloWorld16:41
tlffzapp, /home/fig/bin/ls16:42
fzapptlf the expected output will be '/bin/ls'16:42
xsldoes ubuntu have a special release for LTSP?16:42
llutztlf: file ~/bin/ls16:42
fzapptlf, make this 'cd /home/fig/bin' , the directory really exists ?16:43
oomjosActionParsnip i get permission denied help16:43
tlffzapp, huh?16:43
tlfI'm working on changing the path now16:43
sanduz2i was cutting/pasting files from ubuntu to an ntfs drive and i got an error like "error while splicing" and all the files disappeared from the ntfs folder. the files that were there in the past are accessible  through the terminal but wont show up in nautilus. any ideas?16:43
alexandrosorodioHey there can anyone help a bit in how to make persistent changes on an iso i boot with grub2?16:44
fzapptlf, try this : 'cd /home/fig/bin'16:44
ActionParsnipoomjos: did you mark it as executable?16:44
llutztlf: "ls -ld ~/bin"16:44
ActionParsnipoomjos: also I got the # and ! the wrong way around16:44
arooni-mobileis there any point to having    "nameserver"  ... as my last entry to /etc/resolv.conf?16:44
tlfllutz, bash: /home/fig/bin/ls: cannot execute binary file16:45
tlf Thats what gets returned without sudo16:45
llutztlf: "file ~/bin/ls"16:45
ts2arooni-mobile: that looks like it's supposed to be the router's IP (or at least it's on the internal network)16:45
ActionParsniptlf: what is the output of:  echo $PATH16:45
llutztlf: "/bin/ls -ld ~/bin"16:45
arooni-mobilets2, i dont recall putting that address in resolv.conf; and its not in the /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf either16:46
fzapptlf, try '/bin/ls -ld ~/bin'16:46
arooni-mobilets2, should i get rid of it?16:46
oomjosit is #! its not !#16:46
ts2arooni-mobile: it comes from the router16:46
arooni-mobilets2, so i basically am saying; use opendns first, but if you cant, use the router16:46
rhomguys I need help in making my banshee plugin work!16:46
arooni-mobilets2, what about dns name caching locally to speed browsing?  is that helpful (i'm travelling through developing countries) and want to speed up browsing.16:47
tlffzapp, drwxr-xr-x 2 fig root 4096 2010-10-26 07:52 /home/fig/bin16:47
tlfThats whats returned16:47
arooni-mobileand if so; what would i need to do make that work16:47
ts2arooni-mobile: if you're editing /etc/resolv.conf, yes. but you told DHCP to ignore the DNS servers from the network and only use OpenDNS from now on (by editing the dhclient.conf file)16:47
llutztlf: nothing wrong with it, since you probably have something like checking for ~/bin and  PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" in you .profile. you just shouldn't have files in there, with the same name as important systemfiles16:48
ts2arooni-mobile: DNS results are usually cached anyway16:48
arooni-mobilets2, but does caching locally (before itting network) help at all? or not raelly16:48
ts2arooni-mobile: I mean by default, there is a system DNS cache built-in16:48
tlfllutz, I'm just confused as to where this got messed up. Because its coming up automatically when I'm starting terminal and now I'm having issues working with simple scripts16:48
arooni-mobilets2, ok16:49
llutztlf: can you pastebin output of "/bin/ls -l ~/bin" pls. or check if there are more files in ~/bin named as important systemfiles16:50
fzapptlf, do you have your own 'bin' directory in your home directory, or it's an error ?16:50
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tlfllutz, http://pastebin.com/djkt23H816:51
tlffzapp, I only see one bin in the home directory16:51
llutztlf: lsb_release -sc16:51
arooni-mobilei'm trying to debug why my wireless intenret seems so slow on my laptop running 11.10 when on my phone it works blazingly fast.  i tried using google and open dns name servers16:52
tlfllutz, oneiric16:52
llutztlf: were does this ~/bin dir or those links come from? thats a copy of a limited env using busybox16:52
ts2tlf: looks like maybe you were playing with building application on an embedded system, like ARM, and it got messed up16:52
llutztlf: "mv ~/bin ~/bin.bak"16:53
tlfllutz, I'm not messing with busybox at all. I actually just restarted my system16:53
llutztlf: "echo $HOME"16:53
tlfllutz, done.16:53
fzapptlf, close and open again your terminal and see if ti's going ok...16:53
llutztlf: very odd16:54
fzappllutz, fast solution !16:54
tlflol, no hurry guys. I appreciate the help16:54
tlfBeen using ubuntu for a few years, this is definitely a new one16:54
llutztlf: renaming that dir shouldn't have any sideeffects for you, since you haven't had any own files/scripts in it16:54
tlfLately the updates have been really spotty with weird bugs16:55
KentrelAnyone able to help me get my Samson C0U1 USB microphone working? It's detected automatically, but no sound16:55
llutztlf: it just would be interesting, where it came from. also the ownership "you:root" is odd, would have been "you:you" if you created it yourself16:55
KentrelI've checked all the sound levels, and they're okay. Just no sound going in16:55
freenodizHello, what's the best translator application i could have other than google translator(wich i don't like)?16:55
tlfI don't touch anything like that.16:55
Kentrelfreenodiz, babelfish?16:56
tlfI'm a coder who stays as far away from the environment variables as possible.16:56
KentrelYeah, google it, lol16:56
mksogdneamd vs intel  , which is the best because i am going to change my processor !16:58
tlfllutz, that fixed it16:58
llutztlf: sure :)16:58
tlfno errors opening up terminal or using ls16:58
llutztlf: could you please paste the output of "file ~/bin.bak/ls"16:59
mksogdne amd vs intel  , which is the best because i am going to change my processor !16:59
spyvsspyIf I have a 250GB HD, with 8G worth of partitioned space, and a USB drive that is 8G16:59
llutztlf: could you please paste the output of "file ~/bin.bak/busybox"   sry16:59
spyvsspyhow do I backup the hard drive to the usb drive?16:59
llutz!best | mksogdne17:00
ubottumksogdne: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:00
ts2mksogdne: neither is better, both preform very much the same based on clock speed17:00
Noor_egi was try to make recover to my windows so i got tutrial about that and after i made the comands and restarted my pc i didnt fiend spalsh screen and found grup> on it now i cant acess ubuntu nor windows17:00
Noor_egany one help me17:00
freenodizKentrel, what would you say of babylon 9 running on wine?17:02
tlfllutz, http://pastebin.com/VyiYpAWa17:02
Noor_egi was try to make recover to my windows so i got tutrial about that and after i made the comands and restarted my pc i didnt fiend spalsh screen and found grup> on it now i cant acess ubuntu nor windows   ?????????17:02
Kentrelfreenodiz, have no idea what you're talking about17:02
llutztlf: powerpc/cisco, are you cross-developing for those systems?17:03
freenodizKentrel, nvm17:03
KentrelOh sorry, I lost track of the conversation17:03
KentrelYeah, that's a good program17:03
KentrelWhy do you need a good translation service? Is it for one language or mutliple?17:03
freenodizKentrel, cauze my mother cannot write proper English, no matter what...lol17:04
Kentrellol, what language does she speak?17:04
tlfno llutz, I can only think that it may be dropbox or something17:04
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llutztlf: anyways, problem solved.17:04
KentrelPortugese should be easy to translate now. Ask her not to use any slang or misspellins17:05
tlfyeah, weird though. I'm going to keep digging into the cause17:05
freenodizYes, that is what i keep saying, write PLAIN portuguese, than translate.17:05
KentrelShe does the translation or do you?17:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:06
freenodizWell, she was using the ggoogle trnslator, but you know, is crap.And i don't have more patience to translate everything she writes...I need that app17:06
Noor_egi was try to make recover to my windows so i got tutrial about that and after i made the comands and restarted my pc i didnt fiend spalsh screen and found grup> on it now i cant acess ubuntu nor windows17:06
KentrelDoes she email you?17:06
dirtycookiehello, i bought a bigger harddrive and want replace it with my current one where ubuntu is installed. how do migrate ubuntu to the new HD??17:07
ActionParsnipdirtycookie: could use rsync or dd17:07
KentrelGmail will autotranslate messages for you. Tell her to write plain simple Portugese and send it to a gmail account17:07
BaseBallBoy2What's the easiest way to connect ubuntu to a windows domain?17:07
freenodizSometimes, but that is not the issue.The issue is when she writes to other ppl, other than me.17:07
stowodahow to find out if my graphics card is installed properly? (ubuntu 11.10)17:08
SeveasBaseBallBoy2, depends on what you want to connect to. Just the fileshares or also authentication?17:08
dirtycookieActionParsnip: dd only does mirroring, and what is rsync??17:08
SeveasI don't think there's a very "simple" way. apt-get install krb5-user and google for 'ubuntu kerberos windows'17:08
Noor_egi was try to make recover to my windows so i got tutrial about that and after i made the comands and restarted my pc i didnt fiend spalsh screen and found grup> on it now i cant acess ubuntu nor windows17:08
ActionParsnipdirtycookie: file by file copy from source to dest17:09
BaseBallBoy2So you see our school server has the email server running on it and you have to be connected to the domain and so the teacher's computer can access email and stupid stuff17:09
dirtycookieActionParsnip: just copy them from one part to the other? that is it?17:10
ActionParsnipdirtycookie: in live CD, you will need to install grub on the new drive17:10
wDNickHi i want to install my ATI driver so i can play gta san andreas on linux ubuntu 11.10 but idk how to install it i have an ATI Radeon HD Mobility 4330 i think can anyone help?17:11
wDNickHi i want to install my ATI driver so i can play gta san andreas on linux ubuntu 11.10 but idk how to install it i have an ATI Radeon HD Mobility 4330 i think can anyone help?17:13
patrunjeljust search for drivers17:14
patrunjelgo to system->administration->additional drivers, it's pretty straight forward17:14
qubitalwDNick: don't install the post updates though17:15
wDNickhmm not from the additional drivers i want my gta san andreas to work optimal can anyone please help?17:15
theadminwDNick: You can't run Windows games on Linux and expect them to run fast. Sorry.17:15
wDNickon the ooficial ati / amd sites it is a installer for linux x8617:16
wDNicknot to run fast just to run??? i heard a lot of games run pretty ok on linux ubuntu 11.10? can anyone help me install it thru wine ..?17:16
jshrivergreetings how do I change my apt source?  the url I was using is no longer valid and I need to find another mirror17:16
dirtycookieActionParsnip: ok thx the tip, ill try that17:16
theadminwDNick: Go to #winehq . Wine is not supported here, mainly because it's awful.17:16
Cyrusjshriver: Look in /etc/apt/sources.list17:16
kingfisher64can anybody give me and tips to improve ubuntu 11.10 performance? the desktop appears to be very laggy. i've checked additional drivers and found there is updates however, i'm really hesitant to to do this as I don't want to be stuck on a black screen on boot. Is there anywhere i can reference new drivers for a nvidia 8600m - 64 bit unity 11.10. many thanks17:17
jshriveraye but not sure what to put in there17:17
jshriverusing karmic17:17
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bjweihe`it would be the drivers17:17
qubitaljshriver: update manager -> settings -> ubuntu software17:17
Picijshriver: Karmic is no longer supported. Its repositories are no longer online.17:17
jshriverhrm an option via cli this is a headless server17:17
Cyrusjshriver: Support has ended.17:17
jshriverhrm ok thank you guess I'll have to update though 9.10 was a LTS17:18
CyrusNo sir. Not an LTS at all.17:18
Picijshriver: If you really really really need to use them, they can be found at old-releases.ubuntu.com, but you really really really should consider upgrading to 10.0417:18
bjweihe`Does anyone know how to change ubuntu server 10.04 LTS's headless terminal's resolution?17:18
christopher9812what is better "cat /dev/cdrom > /home/shamanstears/image.iso" or "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso bs=2M" I am trying to make an iso image of a cd17:18
Cyrus8.04 was an LTS. 10.04 is the next LTS. 12.04 which is coming out soon will be LTS as well.17:19
llutzchristopher9812: makes no difference17:19
christopher9812why might I get a Input Output error17:19
whykingis, by default, every user allowed to open a port reachable from remote? or does the user have to be in a special group17:22
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Cyruswhyking: What? Any user can open up a port that's higher than 1024.17:23
CyrusPorts 1024 and below only root can open.17:23
whykingCyrus: odd17:23
CyrusWhy is that odd? This is normal.17:23
whykingit's odd that it doesn't work then for my app17:23
bjweihe`Very nice thing to know17:23
CyrusAh, do you have a firewall enabled?17:24
Piciwhyking: Perhaps something is already using that port?17:24
whykingPici: good thinking17:24
tj2Is there any easy way to disable /dev/input/mouse0 in ubuntu 10.10?17:24
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* edbian has joined17:25
epodCan anyone tell me how Ubuntu runs on the Asus Transformer?17:26
MonkeyDustwhat is the asus transformer?17:26
compdocare those even for sale yet?17:26
compdocits a tablet, I think17:26
edbianpictures of the asus transformer ^^17:27
TheWardenHi, at boot up I believe Ubuntu uses fsck how can I change how it functions? There must be some config17:27
tj2epod: it runs alright on the Transformer17:27
MonkeyDustTheWarden  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SystemAdministration/Fsck17:28
tj2epod: but you need to be careful because if you get one of the new ones, nvflash might not work correctly so you wont be able to install ubuntu17:28
tj2epod: I think it's anything Transformer with a serial number that starts above B60k17:29
epodtj2: yeah I can't nvflash, though i'm rooted and have CWM installed, custom ROM, etc.  Do I still need nvflash?17:29
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TheWardenMonkeyDust: that is the command which I can read up on in the man pages. I'm looking to alter how it functions at boot up. Every x amount of times it does fsck it appears and at times it prompts for a response I want to remove the prompts.17:29
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MonkeyDustTheWarden  then this may be more useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=300477&page=217:30
epodtj2: I also have no idea what serial number mine is, the box got destroyed by my cat, and I peeled the sticker off without thinking.17:30
tj2epod: I wasn't able to find any way to install ubuntu without nvflash17:30
tj2epod: I think that there's a way to check if you have a mac17:31
zgillisWow there are A LOT of people on here!17:31
tj2epod: Let me see17:31
edbianzgillis, It's the biggest channel on freenode.net17:31
AreEssayyet the wireless support for 11.04 still blows.17:31
zgillisI'm new to IRC, and wow it is addictive!17:32
edbianAreEssay, do you need help with wifi on ubuntu??17:32
epodtj2: ty17:32
qubitalI need help with ubuntuone, does it work?  It doesn't seem to.17:32
AreEssayyes sir. it used to work, but one day it decided to disappear.17:32
edbianAreEssay, what card do you have?17:32
edbianAreEssay, wifi card that is17:32
zgillis##nexo for political discussion17:33
scwizardIs there a way to use sudo to stream to a file as root? $ sudo echo "New settings" > /etc/program/settings.conf17:33
AreEssayIntel Wifi Link 1000 BGN17:33
scwizardwon't work, it'll say permission denied of course17:33
ActionParsnipscwizard:   echo "New settings" | sudo tee /etc/program/settings.conf17:34
ActionParsnipscwizard: sudo doesn't traverse the >17:34
ActionParsnipscwizard: if you want to ADD to the file, use:    tee -a17:34
freenodiz <zgillis>, no one can stop us now17:34
Jon_newHi all! I have a problem with my Ubuntu. I try to share internetaccess on Ethernet 0, and it keeps connecting up and down all the time?17:34
TheWardenMonkeyDust: Thanks I'll give that a read.17:35
freenodizwww.wikileaks.org everyone here should join and support17:35
compdocI have no leaks to contribute17:35
Jon_newI've tried to switch the ethernetcables, so internetaccess is made on Ethernet 1 instead, but with the same resault :-(17:35
Picifreenodiz: Please stay on-topic.  This channel is for Ubuntu support only.  #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter.17:35
theadmin!ics | Jon_new17:36
ubottuJon_new: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing17:36
Jon_newThat's the steps i've done.. in the GUI17:37
NanorHey guys, i'm havign some problems with sharing net connections17:37
NanorI've been following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing17:37
Nanorand I've done everything it's asked in the GUI metod17:37
freenodizPici, no worries, i just think that everyone should know about www.wikileaks.com17:37
Jon_newI've selected "Shared to other computers" under IPv4 settings, and it keeps cykling "connected" "disconnected" about every second17:37
Nanorholy shit this guy has the same problem17:37
MonkeyDustNanor  please17:37
oCeanNanor: control your language here, please17:38
NanorOh, sorry!17:38
theadminHm, since Nanor and Jon_new have the same problem I have a reason to assume that either the guide is outdated or it's a bug in network manager17:38
makara(vi XOR emacs) + GUI = ?17:38
theadminmakara: gvim17:38
tj2epod: I17:38
makaratheadmin: really?17:38
edbianmakara, also emacs has a gui version as well17:38
theadminmakara: Yes, it's the official GUI version of Vim :D17:38
theadminmakara: emacs has one too iirc17:39
edbianmakara, theadmin emacs-x1117:39
Jon_newTheAdmin: It worked well in 10.04, i used that as a server, and got a new computer today which had 11.10 preinstalled17:39
BaseBallBoy2Thanks guys for the help, I figured out how to connect to the domain finally17:39
Jon_newI moved over the networkcard from the old server, so the machine get two networkcards17:39
tj2epod: I'm sorry but I can't find the files on my computer or the site in any of my bookmarks. I do think it was the guy lilstevie who wrote a quick mac shell script that would give you the Transformer's serial number17:39
NanorMine worked fine before I did a fresh install today17:39
epodtj2: I'll check Xda-developers, if such a thing is floating around, it'll be there.  Thanks!17:40
Jon_newBoth networkcards work well when connected directly to the ADLS modem, and provides internetaccess.. both networkcards end upp rotating "connected" / "disconnected" when i try to share internet on it17:40
tj2epod: Good luck. Sorry I couldn't help more17:40
Jon_newNanor: Did it work well on 11.10 before, or did you upgrade to newer Ubuntu as well?17:41
john_69is their any anti-abortion kind of ubuntu?17:41
MonkeyDustjohn_69  wrong channel17:41
NanorIt seemed to work on 11.10 when I upgraded the dist through update manager17:41
john_69like festive fetus17:41
NanorBut this is a completely fresh install using the link on the ubuntu site17:41
oCeanjohn_69: please don't post that nonsense here17:41
NanorAnd it now doesn't work17:41
Myrttijohn_69: if your aim is to troll, move on.17:41
plustaxIs anyone running gnome 3 on 11.10?17:42
plustaxIm on unity now and I think im gonna try g317:42
TheWardenFrom what I understand tune2fs is set to auto check using fsck every 30 boots. I've been looking at the man pages for tune2fs and thus far I don't see an option to tell it to have no prompts and to auto fix. Anyone know how to do this??17:42
Jon_newNanor: You run Unity?17:42
Jon_newMe too..17:42
plustaxguys, you should try out gnome 317:42
Jon_newPlustax: You think that would sort our network problems?17:43
plustaxMost definitely not. haha17:43
Skummelplustax if you mean gnome-shell yes, i'm on it, unity is built on gnome3 if I remember correct. Just another shell17:43
Jon_newOh... Darn :-)17:43
plustaxSkummel, which do you prefer? or which has more/better features?17:43
llutzTheWarden: tune2fs could set interval/mountcount for checking to 0, but thats dangerous. it cannot change fsck-behaviour, you have to fix boot-scripts to make it not asking for anything17:43
plustaxI am apt-getting gnome-shell right now.17:43
epodtj2: Found APX mode device Chip UID: 0x388920944212117 Detected SBKv2 - I assume this means no nvflash?17:43
VIPER-III have a HD-ready TV conected to the HDMI output of my Ubuntu machine. Problem is that Ubuntu keeps 'thinking' that the resolution 1370xblablabla is the best one to be used. So after a reboot it jumps back from 1920 to 1370 until i manualy change it again. How do i FORCE it to stay at 1920 after reboot? VGA = ATI 5450HD.17:44
NanorJon_new: So we have identical problems then?17:44
Skummelplustax gnome-shell. but i liked gnome 2 better then both17:44
osseHow can I make Chromium scroll up and by down by moving the mouse when I middle-click? Similar to "general.autoscroll = true" in Firefox17:44
newtothisHI I am running ubuntu 10.04 and I want to install windows 7, what is the best way to dual boot?17:44
TheWardenllutz: well I don't wish to turn off the checking just rather have it auto fix and not to prompt for a response. However if I can't do that then I guess I have no choice to turn it off. Where would I look for this in boot-scripts?17:45
plustaxjust put the disc in after creating a partition for it in gparted, newtothis17:45
MonkeyDustnewtothis  first windows, then ubuntu, or your grub will be ruined17:45
jjgalvez__I have gnome-shell version 3.2, can the time that notifications stay poped up at the bottom of the screen, can it be set? on my desktop they seem to go away very quickly, while on my laptop they seem to stay up until I clink on them.17:45
plustaxMonkeyDust, I thought they fixed the grub issue17:45
newtothisplustax, if I make a partition with gparted then will it mess up the grub?17:46
llutzTheWarden: /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh  maybe some other scripts in /etc/init17:46
xubuntu5how does rc.local work?17:46
diverdudewhat does "cp: cannot stat" mean?17:46
tj2epod: Yeah, as far as I know only SBKv2 was the updated version that prevented nvflash from working correctly17:46
theadmindiverdude: It means it can't find some file17:46
Skummelnewtothis problem with installing windows is that it will install it's own mbr.17:46
xubuntu5if i put a script in etc/init.d/ will that load automatically before login?17:46
tj2epod: Sorry, I meant to say only SBKv1 could use nvflash17:46
ts2xubuntu5: no17:47
Skummelnewtothis so you have to reinstall grub after installing windows, you can do it from a live cd.17:47
epodtj2: bother.  Well, i can chroot I suppose.17:47
theadminxubuntu5: Not exactly, you have to write a script in a specific style and make sure it's added to proper rc dirs17:47
NanorWould up tables work for our problem?17:47
xubuntu5can i use rc.local?17:47
TheWardenllutz: mmm I don't see a checkfs.sh on this system.17:47
xubuntu5thanks theadmin and ts217:47
ts2xubuntu5: you can, but it depends on what you are trying to do17:47
newtothisskimmel, would any live cd work, and how can I do that17:47
xubuntu5say i want to start x11vnc before login how would i do that?17:47
xubuntu5or mount drives before login17:48
llutzTheWarden: grep -i fsck /etc/init/*  (sry, i'm on debian here)17:48
bf4648how do you change the default system browser in ubuntu?17:48
ziprarhey, is there a good horoscope app for ubuntu? a quick apt-cache search didn't yield anything, but maybe someone knows a good one17:48
ts2xubuntu5: well to mount stuff, use /etc/fstab, that's what it's there for. as for x11vnc, you want to start that _after_ you login, otherwise I doubt it'll work17:48
xubuntu5there's no way to start x11vnc before login?17:48
TheWardenllutz: oh okay, interesting I found something in /etc/init/mountall.conf mmm17:49
fourlastorhello everyone, is there a way to not-install any de while installing ubuntu? something similar to the tasksel thing in a debian installation that lets uncheck the de thing..17:49
mrstonequestion: I have ssh-client 5.3 installed on 10.04 and want 5.9 from "precise", how do I get ahold of that?17:49
mrstoneis the only way to bzr and compile it?17:49
theadminfourlastor: sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel remove ubuntu-desktop # :P17:49
theadminfourlastor: Or, use the minimal install CD17:49
theadmin!minimal | fourlastor17:49
ubottufourlastor: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:49
fourlastortheadmin, thanks, that's what i was searching for!17:50
xubuntu5looks like i'll use fstab thanks i just edit that file?17:50
xubuntu5and no way to get x11vnc running before login?17:50
vfwNewtothis windows will need to be installed on the first partition17:50
VIPER-IIi assume that no one knows this?17:50
bjweihe`Well thank you, i wasn't looking for anything but that link is helpful17:51
fourlastori come from debian but now i have a new laptop and i have nvidia optimus.. : \17:51
theadminfourlastor: ew17:51
stdarohow do I get the installer to fetch a preseed file from a url?  I'm installing from the 10.04.3 server iso, pressing f6 and adding auto url=myserver to the boot params, but it never fetches anything17:51
fourlastoryeah, really ew17:51
newtothisvfw, I already have ubuntu installed and I dont want to lose the data17:51
tj2Is there any way to disable /dev/input/mouse0 in ubuntu 10.10?17:51
ts2xubuntu5: well X isn't really started until you login, so you can't run a VNC server on it. but you can just edit fstab, though there's probably a GUI for it somewhere...17:51
mrstonedoes anyone know how I would go about getting ssh 5.9 on ubuntu 10.04?17:52
xubuntu5anyone know the gui for fstab?? i used pysdm and that seemed to be it anything like it?17:52
xubuntu5thanks ts217:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:56
VIPER-III have a HD-ready TV conected to the HDMI output of my Ubuntu machine. Problem is that Ubuntu keeps 'thinking' that the resolution 1370xblablabla is the best one to be used. So after a reboot it jumps back from 1920 to 1370 until i manualy change it again. How do i FORCE it to stay at 1920 after reboot? VGA = ATI 5450HD.17:57
jjgalvez__I have gnome-shell version 3.2, can the time that notifications stay poped up at the bottom of the screen, can it be set? on my desktop they seem to go away very quickly, while on my laptop they seem to stay up until I clink on them.17:58
go8765VIPER-II, try in autoload put "xrandr -s 1920x768"17:59
MonkeyDustjjgalvez__  there's CCSM in the repos and a PPA for MyUnity18:00
VIPER-IIgo: ehm... 'autoload'?      (where do i set that?)18:01
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jjgalvez__MonkeyDust: Thanks but thats for Unity, I'm running gnome-shell at the moment. I was hopping to find something for gnome-shell18:02
CharlieSheenHi, there, #ubuntu, is it safe to ask a few questions here?18:02
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dikideraJust saw this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/ubuntu-tv-unveiled-at-ces/18:02
go8765VIPER-II, if you use ubuntu- in gnome-session-properties18:03
dikideraYou know, for a linux OS which is free18:03
dikideraWhy do they want you to buy a movie?18:03
dikideraThey should provide it for free as well18:03
CharlieSheenHaving an issue getting my other laptop online with ubuntu, can I get a chat with someone knowledgable enough to assist me in finding/installing my drivers?18:04
plustaxcan someone help me change my window theme in gnome 3 running on 11.10? I hate the white window borders. Cant seem to find a way to do it.18:04
plustaxI have teamviewer18:04
MonkeyDust!ask| CharlieSheen18:04
ubottuCharlieSheen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:04
plustaxcan someone help me change my window theme in gnome 3 running on 11.10? I hate the white window borders. Cant seem to find a way to do it.18:04
Tm_Tplustax: please don't repeat18:04
plustaxdidnt mean to, there was a glitch18:04
JKLwhere i can ask questions like: "how do i get my email client to work?"18:05
RangoI'm using ubuntu 11.10 with gnome shell and it keeps freezing when i search the dashboard. i can't find a fix. any help would be appreciated it18:05
Tm_T!fi | JKL18:05
ubottuJKL: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:05
CharlieSheenOk, here's my question.  I am using Ubuntu 11.10, and my other machine will not connect wirelessly, so it is impossible for me to download from the internet.  How can I find my drivers by using the konsole, so I can attempt to get online?18:06
JKLmy question is not ubuntu specific at all. i just have a minor issue and i would like to ask it from heavy internet users :)18:06
virtuapostaCharlieSheen, lsmod18:07
plustaxtheadmin, you there?18:07
CharlieSheenvirtuaposta: What line should I be looking fo?18:08
theadminplustax: Why yes.18:10
CharlieSheenOnce I run 'lsmod' in terminal, what line indicates my wireless card?18:11
Jon_newIs Nanor still here?18:11
Jon_newI got my network working (internetsharing)... somehow... I don't know what i did :-P18:11
MonkeyDustCharlieSheen  what wireless adapter is it?18:12
stdarowhere do I put 'auto url=myserver' in the boot params to get the install to load my preseed file?18:12
CharlieSheenEvo 1000c N1015c18:14
oomjosHow would I run a script in the console... what is the relevant code?18:14
xubuntu5fstab worked well thanks!18:14
MonkeyDustoomjos  sh yourscript.sh18:15
wadI just got a VPS. It's running Natty. I'm thinking I'd like to upgrade it to Oneiric. Is there a handy set of instructions? I just have shell access to it.18:15
wadI'm thinking I could just edit /etc/apt/sources.list18:15
oomjosWhat if my script is in a directory???18:15
wadThen do an "apt-get dist-upgrade" or something.....18:15
oomjoslike home/MyName/scripts18:16
MonkeyDustoomjos  then first go to that directory18:16
xubuntu5Wad: maybe something like sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:16
oomjosOh PWD18:16
oomjospwd /home/MyName/scripts18:16
oomjossh scriptName.sh???18:16
wadxubuntu5, I tried that, it didn't do the trick.18:16
bjweihe`dont need sh18:16
oomjosGuide says you need the extension sh18:17
xubuntu5Wad: take a look at this18:17
* wad reads18:17
xubuntu5does anyone know how to run x11vnc before login?18:18
alien2050xubuntu5: ssh -X user@target x11vnc18:19
oomjossh works thank you dude!18:19
xubuntu5you're right alien i might be able to ssh start it but can i have the server start it up for me?18:19
alien2050xubuntu5: should work, but you need to have a working X11 session (even if it is at login screen)18:19
alien2050xubuntu5: yep... but it may be a security breach on your server if you do18:20
oCeanoomjos: your shell script should start with the shebang line (#!/bin/bash) in that case you can execute the script by running  ./path/to/script.sh, or even better add the script to one of the directories in your PATH variable  (echo $PATH), in that case you can run script.sh without specifying the full path18:20
DarkStar1is there something like CPU-Z for Ubuntu (11.10)?18:20
bjweihe`cat /proc/cpuinfo18:21
alien2050xubuntu5: I definitely prefer to start it only when I need it18:21
DarkStar1bjweihe`: I need the GPU info18:21
bjweihe`oh woops18:21
bjweihe`hold on18:21
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MonkeyDustDarkStar1  http://askubuntu.com/questions/5417/how-to-get-gpu-info#541918:22
DarkStar1MonkeyDust: thx18:23
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yitz_Is there a JackTheRipper package somewhere?18:25
plustaxim having an issue with my empathy running 11.10 and gnome 3. I am logged into facebook chat with it, and most of the time I click on a person to chat with and the chatbox just doesnt open18:25
MonkeyDustyitz_  try apt-cache search jacktheripper18:26
yitz_MonkeyDust: Nothing18:26
MonkeyDustyitz_  then it's not there18:27
titanesI mad as hell!!!!18:27
yitz_There's a john that sounds similar...18:27
hugliI struggle with autossh. Whenever I reboot the remote machine autossh asks for key passphrase. I thought it's supposed to remember this and 'redial' the broken connection for me. What can I be doing wrong? (`autossh user@remote -R 2222:localhost:22') Thank you for help18:28
titanesI mad as hell!!!!18:28
plustaxthis is basically my issue. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/891562   is there a solution for it yet?18:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 891562 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Chat window won't open after responding using gnome shell notification bar" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:28
oomjoswhat is the scripting channel???18:29
oCeanoomjos: #bash18:29
xubuntu5#bash for bash scripting18:29
oCeantitanes: calm down18:29
oomjosthank you18:30
oomjosI will not calm down!18:30
reisiooomjos: that's just as good18:30
xubuntu5hahaha you're talking to someone that's not here hah ha ha ha18:30
h00kplustax: since the bug report would probably show if there's a solution, and it's marked as undecided, confirmed, I would assume there isn't yet.18:30
titanesbreaking news!! the iso image IS NOT optimized for flash media!!18:31
reisiotitanes: optimized?18:31
titanesso it really is a FAUX LiveUSB18:31
reisioxubuntu5: :)18:31
reisiotitanes: this isn't France18:31
xubuntu5resio: lol18:31
h00kplustax: If you haven't, mark it as affecting you as well18:31
h00ktitanes: do you have a question here?18:31
reisioxubuntu5: this could be the beginning of a beautiful amicableness18:31
plustaxh00k, okay I will18:32
titanesyes that's right optimized: /dev/sdc on /cdrom type iso9660 (ro,noatime) /dev/loop0 on /rofs type squashfs (ro,noatime)18:32
titanesh00k: as a matter fact I do18:32
avernosafter using ubuntu for a few minutes i am getting  intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: MCP ... messages on dmesg18:32
avernosand the computer is unusable18:32
avernosis there anyway to fix this?18:32
reisiotitanes: moving on...18:33
titanesI boot the FAUX LiveUSB, install a bunch of stuff, firefox add-ons, changed settings, customized here and there... And guess wtf happned next time I booted the FAUX LiveUSB???18:34
theadmintitanes: Everything dissapeared. Duh.18:35
oCeantitanes: control your language here, please18:35
bjweihe`Did you setup persistance18:35
titanesI mad as heaven!!18:35
theadmintitanes: It's a LIVEUSB. The filesystem changes don't get saved. It's not persistent. If you want stuff to be saved, you need to do a real install. Also, what on earth is "FAUX"?18:35
reisiostop saying FAUX18:35
reisioit's french for "I'm annoying"18:36
oCeantitanes: calm down or take a time out. If you just came to rant, you better do that somewhere else18:36
titanesbjweihe`: how to turn on persistance??18:36
bjweihe`titanes: that all depends on the installer in which you installed it on your flash drive18:36
reisiotitanes: if you use unetbootin, it's fairly obvious18:37
titanesbjweihe`: I used dd18:37
theadmintitanes: You should do a real install. It won't work with a livefs.18:37
reisiodd would not be the most suitable tool for that18:37
theadmintitanes: dd works but without any persistence, obviously, since it turns your USB into what basically is a CD drive.18:37
bjweihe`titanes: i like LiLi USB Creator18:37
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bjweihe`titanes: but yea nothing beats a real install18:38
bjweihe`titanes: its hard on a flash drive to run a whole os18:38
theadminNothing stops you from doing a real install to a USB stick, either.18:38
titanesI use gentoo for real install.18:39
titanesthis is just a quick, temporary solution.18:39
theadminI have a Linux setup on an external drive which works just fine. And since that's hardly any different from a USB stick, well... That will work, too.18:39
titanesbasically I need YET ANOTHER usb to...18:39
titaneswill there ever be a time when LiveUSB are flash optimized? Meaning designed from scratch for flash storage?18:40
theadmintitanes: No, no, and no. Do you have any WORKING OS currently that boots? You can use VirtualBox to load the Ubuntu iso image and install to real device (your USB stick)18:40
bjweihe`Yea but putting an OS on any external drive that isn't meant for such things will deteriorate their speed and life time18:40
titanesI have no OS working.18:40
theadmintitanes: That's uncool. Oh well. Anyway, the point is that you must perform a real install.18:41
theadmintitanes: Otherwise everything will dissapear, sadly.18:41
reisiotitanes: how'd you get on IRC18:41
bjweihe`reisio: thats what i was thinking18:41
titanesreisio: irssi?18:41
mrmermaidHello all, please help: how do you get wget to spit the full URL in a GET request (by default wget will obmit the 'domain' part of  a GET URL. Thanks.18:42
titanesmm.. I don't get it using the liveCD18:42
reisiotitanes: irssi usually runs on an OS18:42
titanesthen I type /j #ubuntu18:42
reisiomrmermaid: what?18:42
titanesreisio: LiveUSB.18:42
mrmermaidwhen you do wget18:42
xubuntu5look at man wget18:43
mrmermaidand look at the GET URL it creates in the HTTP request18:43
mrmermaidyou will only see the part after the domain18:43
mrmermaidfor example if you do wget http://example.com/a.exe18:43
mrmermaidit will only put /a.exe in the GET URL18:43
mrmermaidthis is ok for most web server18:43
mrmermaidbut somehow the M$ download refuse to play18:44
xubuntu5must be some sort of flag to add domain18:44
mrmermaidcan you help me with a parameter/a tool that put a full URL in the GET ?18:44
xubuntu5check man wget18:44
mrmermaidchecked, but don't see one18:44
webroastershi guys. Is there an imagemagick irc? If so, then I should probably go there. if not, then I have a question18:44
reisiowebroasters: there is, it's a small channel18:45
reisiowebroasters: /msg alis list *imag*magi*18:45
reisioso it wouldn't necessarily be awful to ask here or in ##linux, etc.18:45
xubuntu5mrmermaid: check http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html18:45
TransistOpHow do we get rid of the left bar ?18:45
oCeanwebroasters: yes, there's ##imagemagick, it's a very small channel though (few users)18:45
xubuntu5the left bar?18:46
titanesdownloaded sysrescuecd to an android tablet, runeth the usb install script off a gentoo minimalCD, boot sysrescuecd the dd'ed ubuntu iso to flash drive.18:46
webroasterserr... let me try my hand here first then...18:46
webroastersI'm trying to take a horizontally challenged image (let's say 2000 x 100), and create a new file 2000 x 2000 with white space around the old image and the old image centered18:46
webroastersis this possible with image magick?18:46
mrmermaidxubuntu5: I just rechecked, there is no mentioning of such an optio18:47
theadmintitanes: Well that's a mess.18:47
VivekanandaHello everyone , I have a problem setting cpu frequency in lucid18:47
mrmermaidis this standard behavior of tools like wget ?18:47
titanesI want to know the way to install a fully working non-joliet structure ubuntu onto a USB.18:47
reisiotitanes: tutorials abound online18:48
reisiotitanes: the key word is 'persistent'18:48
trismwebroasters: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/crop/#extent seems to be what you want18:48
reisiotitanes: as said already, unetbootin can give you a small persistent storage area18:48
titanes /dev/sdc on /cdrom type iso9660 (ro,noatime) /dev/loop0 on /rofs type squashfs (ro,noatime)  <-- this be retarded on flash storage. I want to avoid it.18:48
TransistOpthe left bar on 11.1018:48
reisiotitanes: all you actually need to do is install to the USB disk, Linux doesn't really care where you install it to18:48
titanesreisio: why small? I got 8GB flash.18:49
reisiotitanes: that is small18:49
webroasters@trism: THanks!! I appreciate it!!18:49
reisioI'm not sure unetbootin actually sets a limit18:49
xubuntu5does ubuntu use lightdm?18:50
xubuntu5or gdm?18:50
TransistOpthere is no option to kill that left autohide bar on 11.10 ... or how do I downgrade / upgrade to something that is usable ?18:50
bjweihe`think gdm18:50
reisioxubuntu5: mainline, current Ubuntu uses lightdm now18:50
reisioolder versions use gdm18:50
reisiokubuntu uses kdm18:50
reisioxubuntu probably uses lightdm, not sure18:50
xubuntu5what's the difference between display-setup-script and greeter-setup-script in lightdm? in the lightdm.conf18:50
reisiothey were probably uses gdm previously as well18:50
reisiolubuntu I'm not sure18:51
titanesI am confused, use unetbootin to use the ISO image onto the flash drive or do a regular install targeting flash volume? With the latter will grub be able to self boot?18:51
MonkeyDustnounity| TransistOp18:51
MonkeyDust!nounity| TransistOp18:51
ubottuTransistOp: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:51
titaneseven in the presence of other drives?18:51
bjweihe`just use LiLi USB Creator18:51
reisiotitanes: to Linux a usb drive is the same as any other drive, if you want to you can do an ordinary install to one18:51
titanesreisio: what about the grub part?18:51
reisiotitanes: if you want a _live OS_ with some extra persistent storage, use unetbootin, etc.18:51
TransistOpthanks MonkeyDust18:51
reisiotitanes: exactly the same18:51
mrmermaidxubuntu5: Well, I guess I'll look for other ways / look at the wget source code, thanks18:51
titanesno extra tweaking?18:51
Vivekanandahello everyone anyone point me the right direction18:52
reisioa drive is a drive is a drive18:52
titanesinteresting, I will try it then.18:52
xubuntu5welcome mrmermaid too bad that didn't help18:52
theadmintitanes: You want this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:52
MonkeyDusttitanes  there's CCSM in the repos and a PPA for MyUnity18:52
ongolaBoyhi. with firefox in Lucid lynx following rapid release cycle as stated here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2012-January/001544.html , will thunderbird will also follow this process ?18:52
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hasenjhow can I remove proposed kernels?18:52
matt1_ #livemocha18:53
reisioongolaBoy: I can't imagine it would be otherwise18:53
reisioongolaBoy: upstream is matching versions, AFAICT18:53
hasenjI want to uninstall kernel version 3.0.0-15 and just keep it at 3.0.0-1418:54
theadminongolaBoy: Possibly yes. That's more of a question to ask from the Mozilla team, really.18:55
titaneswhy does a USB flash need syslinux to boot?18:55
ongolaBoytheadmin: ok, thanks18:55
Oerhasenj boot in recovery mode ( old kernel ) and remove 3.0.0-15 ?18:56
ts2hasenj: so just remove 3.0.0-15, you should still have 3.0.0-1418:56
theadmintitanes: Does not *shrug* I use GRUB and it works just fine18:56
hasenjyes, but how?18:56
Oerts2 indeed18:56
ts2hasenj: with the package manager18:56
titanestheadmin: can you point me to the exact link u used to create ur LiveUSB??18:56
Oerhold shit @ boot and choose the old kernel in grub18:57
VinzentHello. I have a problem with compiz "Place window" plugin. I have a rule for pidgin (match string is "class=Pidgin"), but its roster opens on the current workspace instead of specified one. 'xprop WM_CLASS' for the roster window returns 'Piding'. Also note that chat window opens on the correct workspace. Any ideas?18:57
titanesthis doesn't seem right --> Partition 1 : FAT32, full size of stick minus 750M18:57
titanesnor deos this --> Partition 2 : FAT16, 750M  (FAT16 because older versions of syslinux don't like FAT32)18:57
hasenjwhich package?18:57
bjweihe`persistance will take up the space your set it to18:57
bjweihe`its a file full of zeros18:57
hasenjI tried to tell it to remove linux-image-3.0.0-15-generic but it said it will remove linux-generic too18:57
theadmintitanes: I can't link you to the info in my brain, sadly :D18:57
ts2hasenj: disable -proposed first, then update the package list18:57
hasenjI did disable proposed18:58
ts2then update the package list, and remove the newer kernel18:58
ts2you don't have to boot into the old kernel to remove the new one18:58
VinzentIs there a unity-specific channel?18:58
sskalnikWhat's the command to determine which package contains a given file?18:58
loganrunI put the following in my fstab file: \\mycomputer\sharepath      /sharepath           cifs    credentials=/etc/credentials,soft,intr,auto 1 3   , but it does not get mounted automatically for some reason at boot18:58
ts2sskalnik: dpkg -S filename18:59
ts2sskalnik: or use http://packages.ubuntu.com (quicker)18:59
theadminVinzent: No, questions are to be asked here. Unity is a Ubuntu-only project anyway.18:59
loganrunthis had worked on other linux distributions without issue, but for some reason on Ubuntu I have to manyally mount it18:59
titaneswhich filesystem is best for flash drive OS?18:59
hasenjstill wants to remove the linux-generic package19:01
bjweihe`When you first install ubuntu, there is a list of packages that it has and you have a choice to install them. How can i open that list in terminal again once the install is complete19:02
sskalnik!find qrcodec19:02
titanesdoes ubuntu's grub use udev device or block id??19:02
Vinzenttheadmin, well, then I'll try to ask later again19:02
ubottuPackage/file qrcodec does not exist in oneiric19:02
titanesusb device number is bound to change.19:02
theadmintitanes: Just look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg. I suggest using uuid or labels.19:03
titanestheadmin: that's no automagical?19:03
theadmintitanes: I dunno what Ubuntu does, I haven't used it since 10.0419:03
titanestheadmin: LAWL!!19:04
titaneswhat are u doing here then?19:04
theadmintitanes: Having fun like the rest of the community, lol19:04
bc_i seem to be having issues.. my laptop freezes here and there. and dont seem as fast as windows , i have a i3 any ideas19:04
trismsskalnik: or apt-file19:04
theadmintitanes: Many people that are here often are not Ubuntu users whatsoever19:04
MonkeyDustlike me19:05
alex__c2022anyone know if the "ftp" command uses active or passive connection?19:06
trismsskalnik: also, I was looking at http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware-13.37/utilities/kqrcode/0.6.0/src/ a while ago, and noticed in the slackbuild that they install qrcodec.h before doing the build, so perhaps this is a bug in kqrcode?19:06
j3d3is there a way to increase the area surrounding a window where you click the cursor and drag to enlarge the window? 11.10 is too sensitive.19:06
bc_i seem to be having issues.. my laptop freezes here and there. and dont seem as fast as windows , i have a i3 any ideas19:07
trismsskalnik: see line 89 in the slackbuild19:07
sskalniktrism:  Yeah, looking at the same thing here.19:07
poclsolnuhhi all19:07
sogeking99hey guys, something seems to be wrong with my ununtu here. I click software centre and it says please reinstall software database package. and also update manager wont find anything, says check internet conenction19:07
titanesok ppl, tell whether this is possible19:07
theadmintitanes: define "this" first.19:08
titaneswhat's the minimal space for ubuntu install??19:08
theadmintitanes: Standard is around 5 gigs.19:08
titanesI will try to do this off a single 8GB flash drive, since I have 7.3GB un-allocated. I got room to play.19:09
sskalniktrism:  got the file from http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/sourceforge/k/project/kq/kqrcode/KQRCode-dev/kqrcode-dev-0.6.0.tar.gz19:09
sskalnikBuilt successfully XJ19:09
theadmintitanes: Well... Might want one partition for live and other for the install but I dunno if that will even work19:09
bc_i seem to be having issues.. my laptop freezes here and there. and dont seem as fast as windows , i have a i3 chip any ideas19:09
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sskalniktrism:  Where would I file a bug for this?19:09
titanestheadmin: which filesystem would it be best for flash storage?19:10
VIPER-IIgo8765: r you reading?19:10
theadmintitanes: Not sure. ext2 probably because it has no journaling.19:10
sogeking99anyone able to help me?19:10
titanesext2 sounds so antiquated19:11
VIPER-IIguess not.19:11
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owenllsogeking99: you could try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall software-center" in  a terminal19:11
bc_i seem to be having issues.. my laptop freezes here and there. and dont seem as fast as windows , i have a i3 chip any ideas19:12
bjweihe`bc_: driver issues19:13
theadminowenll: You want "--reinstall install", rather. Anything after "install" is parsed as a package name, and there certainly is no package called "--reinstall".19:13
bc_is there A i3 driver19:13
bc_i have the mx15 alienware.19:13
titanesis it possible to defragment a flash drive? If I install ubuntu on the unpartitioned spaced the delete the first LiveUSB partition and merged with the real install the OS would be starting at 700MB mark. I want the OS to start at 0 byte on the flash drive.19:13
bjweihe`bc_: idk just go in Administration > Hardware Drivers19:14
bjweihe`bc_: if you have a desktop19:14
reisiobc_: processor isn't your issue, possibly your video device driver/s19:14
titanesassymetric space allocation doesn't feel right.19:14
bjweihe`bc_: no i mean a screen19:14
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bc_using the nvidia recommended driver19:14
bjweihe`bc_: cause not all people have a "Desktop" as in a "GUI"19:14
reisiotitanes: what now?19:14
reisiobc_: do you have a nvidia device?19:15
bc_i wasnt payin attention sorry19:15
owenlltheadmin: thanks - out of interest does he need reinstall at all or just sudo apt-get install software-center ?19:15
titaneseventually when I destroy the ISO partition I want to have a single /dev/sda19:15
theadminowenll: I'm not so sure.19:15
reisiotitanes: that isn't a fragmentation issue, but a partition issue19:15
owenlltheadmin: thanks for correcting anyway ;-)19:15
reisiotitanes: gparted/parted can fix that if you need to resize; if you only need to make a new partition table, try cfdisk19:16
Llewxamanyone know if and where i can get a .deb of libimobiledevice2 for 10.04? tried out natty in a vbox but it didn't resolve my issue of being unable to transfer songs into iphone. =s19:16
VinzentOk, here's another problem: I have laptop with touchpad and I want 2-fingers tap to emulate middle-button click. I've installed synaptik. Now if I call 'synaptikcfg init' it works as expected, but after re-logon I have to call it manually again to make it work. The strange thing is that I have 'synaptikcfg init' in my Startup applications (it was added by the synaptik itself). What could be the problem?19:17
arooni-mobilehi folks; trying to set up dnsmasq;  but when i i just type dnsmasq i see: "dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use"  any ideas on how to proceed?19:17
trismsskalnik: I'm not sure, couldn't find a bug tracker, but it seems it is already fixed in the git at 1474fc 'Moved plugin header back into main tree'19:17
titanesforget it, i'll get an emergency $10 8gb flash drive19:18
VinzentMaybe I should add it to .bashrc...19:18
sskalniktrism:  Aha. Many thanks.19:18
go8765VIPER-II, what?19:21
alexGlahey, how to install svn plug in on Eclipse?19:21
NastyNazok irssi people19:22
NastyNazhow do I get 'hilight' window to hilight my nick etc when it's sticky. currently it only registers stuff that was said that WASNT in the active window19:22
arooni-mobileif i change the listen-address in /etc/dnsmasq.conf ; does this mean i can no longer navigate to localhost:3000 when developing my web apps?19:23
VIPER-IIgo8765: sorry I kinda was tring to figure out about the 'autoload'19:23
VIPER-IIi'd really love if i could MSG u?19:24
mksogdnehow i can convert avi video to 3gp video format ?19:24
awesomess3mksogdne: `ffmpeg myvideo.avi myvideo.3gp` ?19:25
mksogdnehow i can convert avi video to 3gp video format ?19:26
VIPER-IIgo8765: did u get the message i sent you?19:26
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mksogdnehow i can convert avi video to 3gp video format ?19:27
Picimksogdne: Please stop repeating.19:27
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MonkeyDust!info ffmpeg19:28
ubottuffmpeg (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.7.2-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 401 kB, installed size 1340 kB19:28
go8765VIPER-II, sorry... english is not my native and it hard for me to understand what you mean now :( I get your message19:28
KentrelAnyone able to help me get my Samson C0U1 USB microphone working? It's detected automatically, but no sound. I've checked and all the levels are turned up19:28
MonkeyDustKentrel  in a terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM, type m19:29
awesomess3Jeez Firefox is at 9.0 already19:30
go8765mksogdne, online-convert.com19:30
KentrelMonkeyDust, it was MM for Front Mic but after turning it on still nothing19:32
mksogdneits not working19:34
bsmith093im on lucid? where is my JAVA_HOME path?19:34
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* MindALot sighs19:39
MindALotso ah.. anyone going to be around in about 5 hours that might be able to help us get an ubuntu live CD running on a pc ?19:39
MindALoterr live USB19:40
MindALotI know the live USB works - as it boots on my pc just fine.. just doesn't on my friends.  He couldn't get a console when he tried, and we don't know if it is graphics or other.19:40
dr_willis!nomodeset | MindALot19:42
ubottuMindALot: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:42
sskalnikMindALot:  I am certain that someone will be in here in five hours. ;)19:42
dr_willismksogdne:  winff can do it.19:42
MindALotalright, thanks for the link19:43
mksogdneit does not had 3gp option19:43
MindALotwe'll try that first19:43
dr_willischeck winff homepage for more presets. Ive used winff in the past to make 3gp. or find  the proper ffmpeg command to convert them.19:43
dr_willismksogdne:  also try arista, and  mencoder19:44
dr_willisi just depeted a lot of 3gp's i had converted. :)  wife got a new phone.19:45
MindALothrm.. grub2 looks interesting .. wonder which version is on the live usb.19:46
Stormhand^BishesHi there, I have a question:  I ran the command lsmod on Ubuntu 11.10, but I cannot find my wireless card.  What should I be looking for, and what do I do if it is not available?19:49
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dr_willislsmod shows loaded modules. lspci shows hardware19:50
reisioStormhand^Bishes: pastebin the output of lspci -n19:50
Morfeus^Hello all, someone knows something about ubuntu tv, like i need a subscription or where can i get the software19:55
dr_willisMorfeus^:  its only been demoed at CES.. so its not out yet.19:55
reisioMorfeus^: never heard of it19:56
oCeanMorfeus^: better try in #ubuntu-offtopic19:56
Morfeus^ok thanks19:56
dr_willisIll stick with XBMC and Boxee and OpenElec for now. :)19:57
diverdudeDid anybody in here ever install gitolite for ubuntu?19:57
Morfeus^its not offtopic if the ubuntu tv is on ubuntu [dot] com (i think), but thank you for the answers19:57
reisiodiverdude: what is it19:58
reisioah, git19:58
diverdudereisio: yes its a lib for git19:58
dr_willisEverything on it everyone most likely is at the url above.19:58
diverdudereisio: and it should be very simple to installl but i cannot make it work19:58
diverdudereisio: instructions are this simple: http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/root.html19:59
ubuntuuser6758hello somebody say that sun java is bad do you know a good java version?19:59
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:59
ubuntuuser6758okay thank´s =)19:59
reisioubuntuuser6758: there isn't a good version :p19:59
diverdudereisio: me?20:02
reisiodiverdude: you?20:03
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awesomess3Where's the best place to learn about using the shell for the first time user?20:06
RingZer01awesomess3: #bash20:06
hypeBoyhi, how can i see signal strength of my EVDO network connection ?20:06
dr_willisawesomess3:  theres 1000's of online tutorials and guides. depneding on your current experience level.20:06
mateoI just moved from xubuntu to ubuntu, but unity3D is not working20:06
mateoany hints?20:07
RingZer01awesomess3: they have lots of resources... their 50 FAQ's, believe it or not, 42+ applied to me :)20:07
Vinzentmateo, try to do something with it!20:07
dr_willismateo:  yu have the proper 3d video drivers installed?20:07
mateoyep, with jocket-gtk20:07
d6chungHey, is it normal for Ubuntu to show the notification area on both monitors on a dual setup20:07
dr_willismateo:  clarify what 'not working'  means.20:08
mateoit shows the wallpaper, nothing else20:08
dr_willismateo:  i would suggest checking askubuntu.com and the forums. Ive seen people with similer issues.. Not sure what a proper fix is. as a test. you could try making a new user. and see if it works for them.20:09
mateook, thanks I will try20:09
lilixWill there ever be a stable support for MS Exchange 2010 server for linux? I've tried evolution and I can recieve mail and calender invites but it fails to send mail20:09
reisiolilix: who cares20:11
Rexhey hey??20:11
Rexahh finally got ubuntu to work20:11
h00kd6chung: I believe so, yes20:11
Rexnew to this os20:11
chuck_me too20:11
Rexso far so good20:12
lilixreisio, I care and probably all other business user20:12
d6chungh00k: Okay, thanks -- had to ask someone before I go insane thinking something went wrong.20:12
chuck_any gurus? in here20:12
Rexi cant find a repository or download for python 2.4 though20:12
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Rexnevermind i got it20:13
h00kd6chung: I experience the same thing :)20:13
PiciRex: Whats wrong with the version of python that comes with Ubuntu?20:13
realecan i ping using a determinated device?20:13
Rexi didnt know that20:14
realesomething like ping eth0 ip ?20:14
Picireale: ping -I eth020:14
Rexnmap i think u can use20:14
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RexPici how do i find python on here?20:15
ssfdre38if i build the latest PHP on top of the distro would the latest one just take over as the default PHP deamon?20:15
Ben64ssfdre38: you should use the one from the software center20:15
Rexin the terminl?20:15
PiciRex: Its at /usr/bin/python, just type python20:15
ssfdre38Ben64, i am but i want to update to 5.3.820:15
reisiolilix: only people who can't make up their mind which OS to use will care about that20:16
Ben64ssfdre38: try to find a ppa then20:16
PiciRex: Thats not helpful.20:16
PiciRex: sorry, wrong person.20:16
Picireisio: Thats not helpful here.20:16
Rexya its not there20:16
Rexthats cool dont worrk i just downloaded it20:17
PiciRex: If you are using Ubuntu then python is already installed.20:17
Rexsudo python?20:17
lilixreisio, I have made my mind but it still doesn't change buisniss policy and having a mail client is high importance20:17
PiciRex: No.20:17
zgrcan someone tell me differences between evince(installed by default) and evince-gtk?20:17
PiciRex: What release of Ubuntu are you using?20:17
Ben64Rex: try "sudo apt-get install python"20:17
reisiolilix: well using one OS when the rest of your business prefers another is going to be tedious at times20:17
reisioit's not Linux's fault20:18
Picireisio: Please stop.20:18
reisioPici: stop what?  He is talking to me20:18
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mksogdnei want to change the screen picture of grub . how it can be ?20:18
Rexcool beans thanks20:18
lilixreisio, she thank you and I was just asking if it will be supported like the older release once was20:19
Rexit says already the newest version20:19
reisiozgr: are you sure there is a difference? diff?20:19
reisiolilix: if an old version was supported, a new one probably will be20:19
essomba84join #aquabase20:19
BoreeasDoes crontab allow me to use multiple commands? E.g. */10 * * * * cd xy/z;./foo20:19
Boreeasessomba84: How about no?20:19
reisioimplementations of proprietary tech naturally lag behind the proprietary implementations20:19
reisiomksogdne: change it to what20:19
theadminBoreeas: Not really, however, you can write a script and feed that to cron20:20
zgrreisio: they are both in software center/synaptic version is same dependencies seems too20:20
mksogdnea beautiful picture !20:20
reisiozgr: oh packages, thought you meant executables20:20
xubuntu5can anyone help me?20:20
glebihanBoreeas, no and for what you're trying to do, you should just directly provide the full path to the script20:20
aeon-ltdxubuntu5: ask the channel, don't ask to ask20:20
xubuntu5i'm trying to add a script to lightdm.conf20:20
Boreeasglebihan: Doesn't work, because else the files will be created in the wrong folder20:21
reisiozgr: -gtk is in universe, I assume it's a dupe package with a different name20:21
zgrreisio: well I see now, in evince-gtk description it's said "This version of evince is built without GNOME keyring support."20:21
xubuntu5how would i make x11vnc start before login using lightdm.conf?20:21
reisiozgr: ah20:21
zgrreisio: thanks for help anyway ;)20:21
glebihanBoreeas, then you'll have to write a script that'll handle changing directory and running your actual script20:21
BoreeasMhm, will do that20:22
SilfenXhello - are network services by default blocked from being accessed  from outside LAN? I do not have any firewall active on server, only the router fw which is configured properly. Also I the connection uses a PPTP service which claims they arent blocking any ports above the 1024 range.20:26
reisioSilfenX: accessed how?20:27
dr_willisSilfenX:  theres no rules by default.20:27
SilfenXso the it is my PPTP service provider which is mucking with my connection then :(20:27
dr_willissudo iptables --list     would show any rules20:27
dr_willisSilfenX:  that woul dbe my guess20:27
MindkontrolGuys, I am trying to find out error msg that is going by to fast when i start irssi, and i waqs trying to figure out how to output the error to a file20:29
SilfenXis it possible to have two NIC s on the server, one to provide a PPTP tunnel and one to provide non-PPTP access to the server at the same time20:29
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dr_willisSilfenX:  should be possible.20:29
dr_willisbut ivbe never used pptp20:30
dyd__guys how can i disable my wlan0? and how can i enable it later?20:30
dyd__i have 2 wlan interfaces20:30
dyd__i just want to use 1 of them20:30
dr_willisblacklist the module perhaps.20:30
dr_willisor use the network manager to disable it.20:31
dr_willisif its not configured.. it wouldent be used.20:31
MindkontrolMuch easier, i just cant remember the syntax20:32
Mindkontrolpretty sure you can do it using ifconfig20:33
dr_willisifdown wlan020:33
dr_willisbut how is it getting configured in the first place. if you are not using it......20:34
zgillisLet's talk politics at ##nexo20:36
KvaksWhat kernel version does Ubuntu 11.10 come with?20:37
adomi want to map F1 to something else in irssi, but it just opens help for gnome terminal20:37
h00kKvaks: 3.0.0-14-generic20:37
dr_willisLinux CowBuntu 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:34:47 UTC 2011 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux20:37
adomis there a way to stop F1 from opening help when im in a terminal?20:38
dr_willisadom:  use a differnt terminal app perhaps? or check the terminal apps menu items/settings20:38
Mindkontroladom: Just use /away dude20:38
dyd__problem: i am connected trough wifi using a pppoe connection, and everything's fine and working, but as soon as i enable the eth0 interface, the internet connection won't work anymore...20:38
dr_willisdyd__:  default route is getting changed  perhaps.20:38
Kvaksh00k/willis: Thanks.20:38
dyd__dr_willis, how can i fix this?20:39
dr_willisno idea. never use pppoe20:39
dr_willisroute command perhaps.. or network manager may have some 'use this as default' settings20:39
dyd__cause i want to share the wifi connection with the lan-connected machine20:39
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:39
dr_willisNot done ICS in years either. :) my router handles it all.20:40
dr_willisused to use ICS in dialup days to get the whole house on the speedy 56K dialup connection!20:40
adomMindkontrol: how many systems do u use irssi at?20:42
dyd___dr_willis, solution was to first enable eth0, then connect to the wifi (seems like default route becomes the last "activated")20:44
Socket-Mindkontrol: cant you just: irssi >2 error.log20:44
MindkontrolSocket-: Im not sure, still pretty new to all the less than obvious shell stuff20:45
Socket-whoops, i mean 2>20:46
Socket-made a typo20:46
Socket-but yeah, 2> is standard Error20:46
draeksterkennt sich hier jemand mit grub aus?20:47
reisiodraekster: #ubuntu-de20:48
draeksterist hier niemand da?20:49
DJones!de | draekster20:49
ubottudraekster: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:50
reisio!ops Rapeseed PMing racist spam20:52
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
U-b-u-n-t-uhow do I record over my sound card using audacity20:52
reisioU-b-u-n-t-u: do what?20:52
U-b-u-n-t-uin windows you just change the input device to record what you hear on your speakers20:53
U-b-u-n-t-uI am not sure how to do it with ubuntu20:53
reisioU-b-u-n-t-u: you'd want to use pulse or jack20:53
reisioaudacity _might_ have its own input source selection stuff, I don't know20:54
U-b-u-n-t-uso its more than an input setting?20:54
* reisio shrugs20:55
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beinghumanmy system keeps crashing around.... Jan  9 08:04:01 box kernel: [118987.061912] CPU0: Core temperature/speed normal; Jan  9 12:50:16 box kernel: imklog 5.8.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.20:57
beinghumanit does this essentially every day20:58
beinghumannotice the dip in logs from 8 am to 12 pm20:58
beinghuman12:50 or so is when I pulled the power and rebooted20:58
beinghumanany hints?20:58
U-b-u-n-t-uI am installing Jack mixer20:59
beinghumanU-b-u-n-t-u: why u crash on me?20:59
beinghumanmy system crashes on cron.daily run after reading core temperature21:00
beinghumanhow can I prevent this.21:00
beinghuman Jan  9 08:04:01 box kernel: [118987.061912] CPU0: Core temperature/speed normal; Jan  9 12:50:16 box kernel: imklog 5.8.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.21:00
beinghumansimilar issue here21:01
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sisifOok, next noob question: any quick way to uninstall of the things from Application -- Debian  -- Games / Application, WITHOUT having to search for each app in aptitude and mark it for uninstall ?21:04
Benxyzzy/usr/lib/banshee appears to be full of dll and exe files. I thought these were Windows-specific binary types?21:05
Humbedoohthey are21:05
Benxyzzyhexdumping one such dll also reveals dos-specific strings. What gives?21:05
Humbedoohbut that doesn't mean you can't run them on linux :>21:05
bastidra1orsisif: banshee runs on mono..21:06
blast007Benxyzzy: Banshee is written in C#, so it is run via Mono21:06
Benxyzzyaaaaaaaaaah it all makes sense now21:06
sisifbastidra1or, sorry ?21:06
blast007sisif: he targeted the wrong person :)21:07
sisifI see :)21:07
DistortionAny thoughts on the announcement if Ubuntu TV?21:07
zgillis*Discuss politics now at ##nexo !*21:08
Atlantic777I'm having some troubles with using rxvt unicode over ssh and quite a lot of cli programs, tmux, htop etc. This is what I get: open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: rxvt-unicode-256color21:09
Atlantic777and I've tried to install ncurses package with terminal definitions21:10
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Atlantic777and rxvt on remote machine21:10
kasiihi all21:13
BenxyzzyAnybody know how to 'reconnect' to last.fm in Banshee? Basically I want to turn the connection off and back on again.21:13
kasii how is u21:13
DistortionGood enough21:14
kasiiany expert in ubuntu 11.1021:14
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kasiioneric oncelot  expert21:14
kasiiany expert in ubuntu21:15
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blast007kasii: you'll have to be more specific.  What problem do you have?21:16
kasiiblast i have a problem  wiθ θis ubuntu  11.10 it fails to ʃut down safely21:17
kasiiblast007,  i have a problem  wiθ θis ubuntu  11.10 it fails to ʃut down safely21:19
deusprogrammerHi guys.  Is anyone here knowledgeable about the OpenIPMI library?21:20
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dyd__guys... i enabled on eth0 "shared with other computers" and now: on boot it takes ages cause there's the unskippable "waiting for network configuration" plus my other wlan device is "not managed". anyone knows how to fix this?21:21
dyd__and i disabled the "shared with other computers" obviously, but keeps prompting with that stuff21:22
chadwicHi, I was wondering if anybody new if it was possible to run an ubuntu install and put root on a flash drive and /home would be on the computers HDD. Any ideas?21:24
syddrafDoes anyone know if I have to have crossfire in order to output to four monitors in Ubuntu?21:24
sstachadwic: yes21:25
sstachadwic: although it (probably) isn't supported by the installer21:26
deusprogrammerchadwic: If you alter /etc/fstab on the live image to mount the drive (usually /dev/sda/directory_here).21:26
dyd__how can i add wlan1 interface21:26
dyd__if i connect the device it says device not managed21:26
chadwicokay, thanks21:27
chadwicwould it conflict with other flash drives? like say I want to open the same folders and files but using three different OS's? Having root for three different OS's on three different flash drives?21:28
dyd__dr_willis, the link you gave me has a bug, the "shared to other computers" feature has some problems21:29
_ravenxfce xubuntu 11.10 - how to deactivate desktop-access of nautilus?21:30
deusprogrammerchadwic: I'm not sure if this is what you are asking, but you can mount just about any file system in Linux.  So you could mount just about any file system's directory as /home in /etc/fstab21:31
deusprogrammerWhy do you want to do this though?21:31
bean_raven: What do you mean. Make it so you can't access ~/Desktop/21:31
chadwicI get bored with a single flavor of Linux and end up reinstalling a different one. So I wanted to just swap linux's without having to reinstall an OS21:32
_ravenbean no nautilus wants to take effect on the desktop environment (e.g. wallpaper, icons,...)21:33
deusprogrammerSo you plan on booting each one from a different flash drive?21:33
bean_raven: what do you want to use instead of Natilus?21:33
syddraf_raven: Uninstall nautilus? Thunar is the file-browser for Xfce21:33
leontopodI want to install the latest ubuntu on my netbook from a 4 gig thumb drive21:33
leontopodcan somebody point me to a how-to?21:34
deusprogrammerchadwic: Why not just multiboot, and put your /home on an nfs server or something?21:34
_ravensyddraf bean thunar is buggy21:34
syddrafleontopod: Look up unetbootin.21:34
deusprogrammerleontopod: There is a program that will prepare a flash drive for you from an ISO.  Its called unetbootin.21:34
deusprogrammerOh...someone already told you lol.21:34
chadwicNever really liked multiboot and I havent made an nfs server yet21:35
chadwicI was just curious as to what my options were21:35
deusprogrammerNFS server is very easy to set up.21:35
chadwicthanks for your help21:35
deusprogrammerYou have many options.21:35
syddrafchadwic: I just keep all non-essential files on a different partition that can be accessed from each. I end up having multiple /home directories, but they don't contain anything but config files.21:35
_ravenxfce xubuntu 11.10 - how to deactivate desktop-access of nautilus?21:37
kasii any expert in ubuntu 11.10 oneric oncelot21:37
ikoniakasii: just ask the question21:37
leontopodI'll look for it thanks21:37
leontopodI hope it runs on windows21:37
leontopodI don't have another ubuntu install right now21:38
kasiiikonia same problem as before21:38
ikoniakasii: what problem ?21:38
syddraf_raven: Have you tried this: http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/137914-disable-nautilus-desktop-handling/21:38
kasii my ubuntu 11.10 fails to ʃut down safely21:38
leontopodyes, wildwind?21:39
kasiiikonia,  my ubuntu 11.10 fails to ʃutdown safely21:39
wildwindleontopod: never mind21:39
ikoniakasii: how does it shut down21:39
leontopodyou pang?21:39
kasiiit load for a loŋg but it wont sutdow21:40
kasiiikonia, it load for a loŋg but no chaŋes21:42
_ravensyddraf seems to be a nice hint i'll try that tnx21:43
kasiiikonia, tell what to do21:43
beankasii: it's hard to tell you what to do when we have no idea what could be wrong.21:45
kasiiikonia, when i press a shutdown button it load for a long but it wont shutdown21:45
beankasii: can you do anything, or is it just spinning?21:45
kasiibean,  when i press a shutdown button it load for a long but it wont shutdown21:46
beankasii: I know, but can you still open a terminal or anything?21:46
kasiibeai think now u get me about the problem21:46
kasiiyes i can open21:46
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wildwindkasii: see logs21:46
leontopodso they are selling .xxx domains now?21:47
kasiiwildwind,  tell me21:47
beankasii: then you'll have to look into the logs. I'd suggest looking at the end of /var/log/syslog or typing 'dmesg'21:47
Myrttileontopod: spammers and trolls thrive when they are given attention. Don't give them the satisfaction of it.21:47
wildwindless /var/log/syslog for example21:47
kasiibean,  am new in ubuntu so i need u to tell me step by step21:48
reisiovisual1ce: hi21:48
beanleontopod: yes, .xxx has been out for a bit now.21:48
kasiibean,  whre can  look those logs21:48
wildwindkasii: and look for the time of shutdown21:48
dyd__when i connect my usb wifi it says "device not managed"21:48
beankasii: in your terminal21:48
kasiiready  bean21:49
MonkeyDustkasii  start here http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/32474-a-windows-users-guide-to-linux.html21:49
visual1cei just got a usb drive and i'm getting rid of my windows pc. i want to use the usb drive as backup for my ubuntu laptop and media storage. what fs should i use? i'd like to be able to connect it my windows pc first to get all the data i need so i guess windows will need to be able to read the drive but if there is a better option in terms of performance or security i guess i can boot from a live cd21:49
beankasii type dmesg21:49
visual1ceits a 3tb drive - not sure if that limits my options21:50
wildwindkasii: or use System / Administration / Logs viewer from GUI21:50
reisiovisual1ce: not necessarily, you could boot your Windows box from the Ubuntu live OS and copy the files over21:51
reisiovisual1ce: the real question is if you want to be able to use the drive with _random_ Windows installs21:51
reisioas in take it over to a friend's house on a whim21:51
visual1cei have vista running via vbox but couldn't i just share the drive through vbox? will the format of the fs matter?21:52
kasiibean, wait am open the paste bin so that am sending u the link21:52
reisiothere are ext drivers for Windows you see, but you wouldn't want to constantly be installing them if you connect it to many different random Windows installs, you'd want to use NTFS in that case21:52
reisiovisual1ce: to a vbox guest no it won't matter21:52
visual1ceso which do you recommend?21:52
reisiowhat the host sees the guest can see21:52
VIPER-IIThanks allot for your time go876521:52
reisiovisual1ce: as I said, if you want to be able to connect and use this external USB drive with _random Windows installs_ you'll want NTFS21:53
wildwindvisual1ce: using usb drive for backups is bad idea IMO. they gonna die someday21:53
beanvisual1ce: I'd recommend NTFS if you want to ever be able to use from windows.21:53
kasiiwildwind, repeat again  i didnt get u21:53
reisiovisual1ce: otherwise I'd go with ext21:53
reisiowildwind: it's not a flash drive21:53
visual1cei was thinking of getting a nas but its overkill for my needs21:54
wildwindreisio: then it's ok. I'd use NTFS21:54
reisiovisual1ce: indeed21:54
visual1cewhat is zerofs?21:54
reisio3TB is quite respectable21:54
reisiovisual1ce: zero, or zfs?21:54
kasiibean, this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/798703/21:55
reisiothis? http://www.qdecoder.org/wiki/zerofs21:55
beankasii: can you do that, but now as you're shutting down and it appears to be not shutting down21:55
cypher-neoI'd recommend getting over your Windows addiction and just using ext...21:55
cypher-neoBut that's just me...21:55
visual1ceor is zfs mainly for raid?21:56
kasiibean,  yes it does that21:56
ikoniavisual1ce: zfs is not available outside of solaris21:57
beankasii: if you let it "load" for a while does it never just stop?21:57
reisiovisual1ce: rather it isn't available in its optimum form outside Solaris21:57
robbbieikonia: not true, look at the illumos project21:57
visual1ceok thanks guys21:58
ikoniarobbbie: it's a solaris fork21:58
robbbieikonia: true :)21:58
reisioprobably be even more of a PITA to use ZFS on Windows, though21:58
robbbiedefinitely no native zfs on linux21:58
robbbieor maybe i'm wrong? http://zfsonlinux.org/21:58
TheWardenwhat is the best way to do a system restart, reboot or shutdown -r now21:59
ikoniayou're not wrong21:59
sevardDoes anyone have this issue on lenny/sid ?  PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/amqp.so' - /usr/lib/amqp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 021:59
kasiibean, when i press a shutdown button it log off then ubntu screen appears as it  shutdown  with dot continuation but never stops21:59
beankasii: I'm not sure how to fix it then.21:59
yumborobbbie, tried ZFS, lost my OS due to a crash: lost all data from the ZFS drives because of that too21:59
yumbono thanks :/21:59
kasiibean so what could i do22:00
ikoniagoing to be an apci bug22:00
reisiorobbbie: says it's "modified"22:00
ikoniayumbo: no zfs on ubuntu so it's not relevant to this channel22:00
reisiorobbbie: doesn't say how22:00
robbbieyeah.. if you want ZFS your best bet is smartos.org or something22:00
yumboikonia, fuse-module22:00
ikoniayumbo: still no zfs22:00
yumbothat is zfs22:00
=== hardtek_ is now known as denki
ikoniano, it's not, it's a fuse module to allow you to mount zfs in userspace,22:01
kasiibean,  am here waiting for ya recommendation22:01
beankasii: I have no idea. Sorry.22:01
yumboikonia, exactly, so that *is* zfs on ubuntu22:01
ikoniayumbo: no, there is not22:01
kasiibean, it its on maself22:01
dyd__i don't have on my top right corner the network icon, how can i fix this?22:02
fengorjust a quick question: in ubuntu 10.04 there was an option to encrypt the whole harddisk during install. 11.10 just offers me the encrypted homedir option. is there a way to encrypt the whole harddisk?22:02
visual1cei think there is only zfs-fuse22:02
ubluntuwhats the best option for running an os inside of ubuntu just to test it out?22:02
ikoniaubluntu: use virtualisation22:02
beankasii: I can't help you. Sorry.22:02
ikonia!virtualization | ubluntu22:02
ubottuubluntu: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:02
yumboubluntu, virualization software: for example vmware or virtualbox22:02
reisioubluntu: VirtualBox is the "simplest", kvm is the best (assuming egrep 'svm|vmx' /proc/cpuinfo returns something)22:03
kasiibean,  do u have books or tutorials concerning java cause am student in java and  i want to be a java programmer22:03
visual1cedo i have to do anything special for a drive so large (3tb)?22:03
reisioubluntu: or um, virt-manager if you want a GUI for kvm22:03
visual1cefor ntfs or ext?22:03
reisiovisual1ce: it's probably already NTFS22:03
ikoniavisual1ce: yes, you need to use gpt partition table22:03
ubluntuthink i'll give virtualbox a shot22:03
wildwindkasii: you should read the logs. probably you'll find cause of your problem there22:03
robbbieubluntu: virtualbox is tight!22:03
reisioit's certainly better than vmware22:03
leontopoduhm, I am using unetbootin to download kubuntu and install the iso on a usb drive so I can install it on my netbook22:04
yumbovisual1ce, you need to use a GPT partition table22:04
reisioleontopod: okay22:04
leontopodshould I choose a "live" distro?22:04
yumbovisual1ce, you can select that from within "GParted"22:04
reisiovisual1ce: most likely it's already all set for NTFS use22:04
kasiiwildwind,  lets go to private chat22:04
visual1ceya thx - but not even popping up in disk manager - i might write the partition table in ubuntu22:04
leontopodhi reisio22:04
yumbovisual1ce, do you have any data on the disk already?22:04
reisiovisual1ce: gparted says it hasn't an FS?22:04
reisioleontopod: live?  As opposed to?22:05
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fire_botHello can anyone help me with sorting out problem with sound on onoreic 11.10? I have alsa-info logs22:06
visual1cenvm - cable wasn't in :)22:08
yumbo"have you plugged the cable in?"22:08
leontopodreisio, err, too late22:09
leontopodhold on22:09
yumbofire_bot, just post the logs and maybe someone will recognize it22:09
leontopodas opposed to netinstall I guess22:09
dewwI've a USB hdd with a few levels of subdirectories. Up and until about 20 minutes ago I can traverse into the subdirectories, but now, I just get a message from the file manager stating that the directories is an unknown file type. I can still access the  dirs and files fine via command line22:10
yumboleontopod, if you have physical access (usb/cdrom) to the system, live would be the default way22:10
fire_botyumbo: i have suspicious about modprobe options22:10
dewwI've tried fscking, restarting, but it still does this22:10
fire_botwhy i have 3 of them there even though in etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf22:10
fire_boti have only 1 entry22:10
leontopodah, yumbo, thanks22:10
dewwooh it might be a permissions issue22:11
* deww checks22:11
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Terrosgivs a ubuntu german channel?22:12
yumbodeww, an easy way to set all owner right is: "sudo chown user:group /media/your_hdd"22:12
dewwyeah i'll see if it's that22:12
yumbodeww, ofcourse replace user:group with your username and group (I always use the plugdev group myself)22:12
dewwnot sure why it would just start doing t his now22:13
yumbodeww, oh, don't forget the -R after chown22:13
dewwi've seen this happen to my cell phone and another computer22:13
dewwthere's another partition on the drive and that seems normal22:14
dewwi'll play with the perms. it looks correct22:15
dr_willisnot trying to chown/chmod a ntfs are we? that wont work.22:15
dyd__in network manager i can't see eth0 listed, how can i fix this?22:16
dewwdr_willis: no. it was my previous ubuntu installation :) ext322:16
yumbodr_willis is absolutely right, only  do this on linux/posix file systems22:16
dr_willisI just see in here about once a week,  people trying to chown/chmod ntfs22:17
wingnut2626Do you guys strictly deal with ubuntu, or can you answer questions about other distrubitions too?22:17
dr_williswingnut2626:  best to go to the proper channel.22:18
dr_willisunless its a very generic linux question.22:18
leontopoduhm, I am running UNetbootin on my Windows box, one of the steps is "Installation Complete, Reboot"22:18
leontopodI reboot Windows?22:18
wingnut2626What is the proper channel?22:18
dr_willisleontopod:  if you want to boot the flash drive...22:18
fire_botdoes anyone know solution to muted plugged headphones on 11.10 here?22:18
dr_williswingnut2626:  we dont know.. you havent given any details.22:18
yumbowingnut2626, what distro. what problem?22:18
leontopodoh, so what I want to do is remove the flash drive and plug it into my netbook22:18
dr_willisleontopod:  yes...22:18
leontopodok thanks22:18
leontopodthis is going to so rule22:18
wingnut2626I'm just asking about it in general22:18
dr_williswingnut2626:  thats a little vague...22:19
Omegawingnut2626: just ask your question22:19
yumbowingnut2626, just go ahead22:19
Omegaif someone can answer, they probably will22:19
wingnut2626Does anyone know about it?22:20
isnoopHow do I change the default values used by the "chage" command?22:20
Omega!ask wingnut262622:20
yumbowingnut2626, just go ahead and see for yourself ;)22:20
Omega!ask | wingnut262622:20
ubottuwingnut2626: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:20
dyd___hi all, i can't find eth0 in network manager, how can i fix this?22:20
Seveasisnoop, look in /etc/login.defs22:21
isnoopSeveas: Thanks!22:21
Benkinoobyhi, i use ubuntu 10.04. i noticed that upowerd uses up to 50% CPU when I run on battery (lenovo ideapad s12 netbook) I saw similar bug reports, forum entries and mailing list comments on simial behaviour, but no solution. some pointed out that the kernel seems to spam battery status messages but i don't know how to confirm and if needed counter that22:21
auronandacewingnut2626: backdoor? do you mean backtrack?22:21
Benkinoobyany input help or even solution appreciated22:21
wingnut2626No I mean backdoor it was released about a week ago.22:21
K1rk_Hey, I have a really bad problem... I accidentally enabled high contrast mode in 10.04.3 and I don't know how I did it.22:22
K1rk_What is the hotkey to disable it?22:22
auronandace!derivative | wingnut262622:22
auronandace!derivatives | wingnut262622:22
ubottuwingnut2626: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition22:22
dr_williswingnut2626:  never heard of it.. so if you have general linux type questions.. see #linux, or see if that disrto has its own support channels22:23
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wingnut2626Ok thanks!22:23
* dr_willis would be leery of a disrto called 'backdoor' linux22:24
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Benkinoobyanyone can confirm upowerd going to 50% CPU usage when on battery? i use ubuntu 10.0422:24
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yumboBenkinooby, why not upgrade to 11.10 ?22:24
dr_willisHopefully there will be some major work on the power ussage in the next release.22:25
yumbodr_willis, yeah, its considerably worse than win 722:25
Benkinoobyyumbo, 10.04 is LTS, i did a lot of tweaks and currently i have not the time to fiddle with setting up a new ubuntu :(22:26
Benkinoobydr_willis, are you refering to my problem?22:27
yumboBenkinooby, although I would't recommend it, you could try to force-install a new version of upower22:27
dr_willisBenkinooby:  theres been all sorts of power issues in the last 2 releases. some are due to kernel issues.22:27
craigbass1976I've got a job stuck in cups.  How hard is it to transfer it to pdf instead of a printer once it's already in queue?22:27
[deXter]Apparently 3.2 kernel has some power usage fixes22:27
Seveascraigbass1976, basically impossible.22:28
yumboBenkinooby, for example from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/upower22:28
Benkinoobydr_willis, that's what i read too so far... that the kernel is spamming messages e.g.22:28
Benkinoobyyumbo, i also saw people reporting that problem on oneiric22:28
craigbass1976Seveas, phaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA!  Thanks though.22:29
Benkinoobydr_willis, do you know how to see "how much" reporting the kernel does?22:29
Benkinoobyi can't see anything in dmesg22:29
dr_willisBenkinooby:  not really looked into it much  the /etc/sysctl.conf has some settings on level of messages22:31
dr_willisBenkinooby:  ive tweakdd that file to reduce the # of spammy messages i get on theconsoles/dmesg output22:31
yumbodr_willis, just curious, whats your "uptime" ?22:32
Benkinoobydr_willis, fun fact: when the laptop is connected to power, upowerd is calm... only when on battery, upowerd starts to consume so much CPU22:33
yumboBenkinooby, I would really give the oneiric version of upower a try22:35
dewwit's weird that i only see this issue in nautilus with subdirs within a particular directory.22:35
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dr_willisyumbo:  17:35:42 up 11 days,  4:39,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.0522:35
MaxHRHello, looking to get speech recognition running, mainly for word processing, but maybe also browsing, any suggestions for programs in the repos that will do this?22:36
dr_willisyumbo:  this is my headless 'znc' server22:36
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yumbodr_willis, ive been trying to get cpu-usage down as much as possible on my server22:36
yumbodr_willis, stopping X is about the most I can do though22:37
dewwohhh there we go. needed the execution bit22:37
sammyany way to clear out utmp without rebooting? screen crashed and now w is confused as to how many users are logged in22:40
kasiiwildwind, still repeat the same action22:42
xubuntu5how can i overwrite built in hotkeys like alt f11 for maximizing windows?22:43
[Ex0r]hmm, is there a wubi installer for 10.04 ?22:43
xubuntu5i believe so22:43
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing22:43
[Ex0r]the wubi installer I got from ubuntu.com only installs 11.10, but i'm looking for 10.0422:44
yumbo[Ex0r], any specific reason you're looking for 10.04 ?22:44
heinzxubuntu5: change it in your windowmanager22:44
xubuntu5thanks heinz i'll look into it22:45
[Ex0r]yumbo- Android development, the android sdk has the most compatability with 10.0422:45
fogobogoyumbo: its LTS. and still has all the old stuff22:45
[Ex0r]I suppose i could just download the 10.04 iso and install in vm, but if there was something like wubi that would let me run it alongside windows without vm it would be cool22:46
sammyi know there's an offtopic, and a beta/alpha/whatever ubuntu+1 channel, but what about an advanced topics channel?22:46
yumbo[Ex0r], wubi doesnt let it run alongside windows simultaneously22:46
[Ex0r]What does it do, just install it to the bootloader for you and let you choose when you boot up?22:46
yumbo[Ex0r], it just install ubuntu to a windows ntfs partition and adds a bootloader to windows MBR22:46
[Ex0r]yumbo- So than the same thing that installing from the cd does22:47
[Ex0r]or can do*22:47
yumbobut with lower performance (ntfs < ext4)22:47
yumbo[Ex0r], if youre only using it for development, just run ubuntu in a vm in windows22:47
[Ex0r]So than it's just best to vm it and install iso22:47
[Ex0r]yumbo- yeah, that's what im going to do. the sdk for android was built specifically for 10.04 so it works natively with it, no having to change stuff22:48
lakeare there any linux alternatives to the Mac/Windows audio sequencer called "Reason"22:48
hitmanhi whats chanal for ubntu fr22:48
[Ex0r]thank you yumbo22:49
leontopodok, so I got roped into a deal where I fixed this woman's computer that had Windows Vista on it... it was so infested with viruses and spyware I gave up on it (no CD or DVD so I can't reinstall from scratch)  So I installed the latest Ubuntu and it works like a charm22:49
yumbohitman, #ubuntu-fr I think22:49
leontopodBUT, I just got a message from her saying "will this thing work with my wifi printer? I have a CD"22:49
leontopodI don't think that CD is going to work, cause it is meant for Windows22:49
yumboleontopod, probably won't work22:50
leontopodso how do I get Ubuntu on a notebook computer working with a wifi printer?22:50
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yumboleontopod, best bet is to google the printer model (or just get a cable from printer --> pc)22:50
leontopodusb cable22:50
Benkinoobydr_willis, yumbo thank you two for your input... i will go to bed and look at the problem an other time again22:50
leontopodyumbo, if I google the printer model, is there any way that I can get wifi printer working with ubuntu, if it is the right model?22:52
yumboleontopod, there is a chance22:52
yumboleontopod, you have the model?22:54
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Benkinoobyleontopod, i'd see as two different problems. 1) the wireless connection 2) the communication pc<->printer i don't think that wireless will be much different from wired network... the main challange is to find out if the printer support linux22:55
webPragmatistI have a drive (sdb1) that was mounted to /var but now is no longer mounted but all the applications I guess created /var on sda1 is there a good way to copy the junk from sda1 to sdb1 and switch the mount path?22:55
* tommylommykins is running 11.0422:56
tommylommykinsIt appears that both unit and ubuntu classic are happening at the same time on my desktop22:56
tommylommykinsany idea how to get rid of this?22:56
dr_willisleontopod:  my networked wireless printer works fine22:56
leontopodI just texted her asking for the printer model22:57
dr_willisleontopod:  just configure cups to access the printer.. depending on the kind of printer it is..  the fact its wireless.. dosent matter22:57
leontopodcups, ah,  ok22:57
hatebI just made new partition for ubuntu and I can't see it from windows, why is that ?22:57
dr_willishateb:  because windows cant read ext2/3/4 or other linxu fs by default22:58
yumbohateb, that's because Windows doesnt support the partitions Ubuntu uses by default22:58
hatebcan I make that visible somehow ?22:58
pp7is there a reason why google-chrome sometimes gives me a big white blank window which cannot be removed unless i restart unity?22:59
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org22:59
go8765guys, I think i found some bug in ff. can anybody test it with me ?22:59
dr_willishateb:  try that driver at fs-driver.org  but i have had windows crash while using it.. and mess up my linux files..22:59
VividRealityGood afternoon.23:00
VividRealityEvening, I should say.23:00
hatebwill do, thanks23:00
Oergo8765, explain your bug, maybe it is worth a bugreport.23:00
hatebcose now I have win invisible 200 gigs23:00
VividRealityDon't you guys think 2011 was a great year for linux gaming?23:01
go8765Oer, when i use noskript and try to make screenshot with avesomescreenshot addon - i have unexpected memory usage23:01
TehAndrewRyan_I need help setting up a bash script to rename a log file (Minecraft log file, more specifically) and then schedule it wirh crontab.23:02
VividRealityOhhh... this is a support channel, my bad. Sorry guys.23:02
webPragmatistif i want to copy the contents into itself do i put the trailing slash on /var or /var.new ?23:02
webPragmatistsudo rsync -av /var /var.new23:02
Oergo8765, most likely the addon-script is blocked, like it should23:02
hatebthis fs-driver doesn;t work on win 7 ;s23:03
go8765Oer, so this is addons conflict?23:04
=== user is now known as user6234234
yumbohateb, why would you want to access ubuntu files from within windows anyway23:04
yumbohateb, I always setup a OS partition and a data partition, data partition ntfs, so I can access the data partition in both Windows and ubuntu23:05
Oergo8765, yes, i suggest use a screenshot tool outside ff23:05
hatebyumbo: how large is your ubuntu partition ?23:06
TheWardengood night all23:07
go8765Oer, in linux this is hard :( I cant fing noone screenshot tool that can make screen of all web page :( shutter say some error in this moments :(23:08
yumbohateb, 28gb23:08
fellayaboyhow do i enable remote desktop on 10.0423:14
fellayaboyi dont see no options in system preference or administration23:14
Benkinoobyfellayaboy, http://www.google.com/search?q=enable%20remote%20desktop%20on%2010.0423:14
diverdudeHow do i delete a user and all his files, home folder etc?23:15
Benkinoobyfellayaboy, 2nd hit23:15
yumbodiverdude: "sudo rm -R /home/user_name"23:15
yumbodiverdude, only do this if you are sure you want to delete ALL files in /home/user_name23:16
diverdudeyumbo: that will not delete the user...only his homedir23:16
yumbodiverdude, after that you can delete the user with: "sudo userdel user_name"23:16
ubluntuif I have a virtualbox os on how do I communicate with that via ssh? this machine is on
fellayaboyso i dont need to enable remote desktop...theres no option..that link didnt say zlech23:17
yumboubluntu, ssh username@ipaddress23:17
xubuntu5how does /etc/rc.local work?23:17
ubluntuyumbo: yea im not able to reach the vm os via ssh
xubuntu5ubluntu, ssh -X username@ip/hostname will enable X too23:18
yumbocan you ping the ip?23:18
kurt_ubuntu, you may need to change your subnet mask so that you're able to access that IP address23:18
ubluntuyea thats what  I thought.23:19
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glebihandiverdude, you can directly use "sudo userdel -r usename" which delete the user and its home folder (see "man userdel")23:22
WookstaHi all, I've been having problems with Ubuntu 11.x where my system wont shutdown when I go to reboot or shutdown, it just goes to the login screen, any pointers on how to fix this?23:24
dr_willisubluntu:  you can configure vbox where the vm appears on the same local lan, not its own private network also.23:24
Wookstanote that command-line reboot or ctrl+alt+1 and then ctrl+alt+del reboot the system just fine23:24
ubluntudr_willis: yes how to do that escapes me though been looking @ the options23:24
dr_willisWooksta:  does it shutdown from the login screen?23:24
Wookstadr_willis, no it just seems to sit there :S23:25
dr_willisubluntu:  network config settings in the vbox stuff. check the vbox manual. I think theres 3 settings.  try one, see whatip it gets..  try others. :)23:25
dr_willisWooksta:  next step would be to try  the shutdown command perhaps.23:25
ubluntudr_willis: im using nat now, shall I use bridged mode ?23:26
Wookstadr_willis, that works, but I would like to fix the issue so i can shutdown via the GUI23:26
dr_willisubluntu:  try it and see. i forget what one does what.. the vbox docs gives details.23:27
palladin35y1hey can some one help me23:27
Umeaboypalladin35y1: Don't ask to ask. Just ask.23:28
zacktuI installed eclipse in /opt and now want to have it appear in the dock (not as a launcher icon).  How can I do that?23:28
rhizmoedoes anybody know of a diagram of sound on linux that illustrates the relationship between the os, hardware, alsa, jack, etc.?23:28
xubuntu5how exactly does rc.local work?23:29
rhizmoexubuntu5: sometimes rc.conf is shared amongst machines, rc.local is for stuff specific to the machine. the role kind of breaks down in a one-machine situation.23:29
rhizmoeor, er, maybe not rc.conf, but other more general rc's23:30
xubuntu5what do you mean shared i amongst machines? i only have one machine23:31
rhizmoeman -k isn't being helpful here23:31
palladin35y1i installed lucid on my dell D610 laptop and after i updated i booted to a grub screen23:31
rhizmoexubuntu5: it's just a naming convention23:31
xubuntu5so i make rc.local executable?23:31
xubuntu5and put a script in there and that will run at bootup?23:31
rhizmoeoh, are you talking about something specific?23:31
glebihanrhizmoe, the question is, what are you talking about ?23:32
glebihanxubuntu5, yes23:32
rhizmoei don't have an rc.local on my 11.10 machine, and so was speaking more to the general unixy sense23:32
Umeaboypalladin35y1: And?23:32
rhizmoemea culpa23:33
glebihanxubuntu5, as mentioned in the file, just make sure it ends with exit 023:33
xubuntu5so if i want to start x11vnc would just put sleep 30 and then x11vnc -flags here and that should allow me to see the login window via vnc?23:33
UmeaboyYour point?23:33
vale_maiohello, i have a problem with ubuntu live on a usb23:33
xubuntu5got it will have exit 0 there23:33
UmeaboyHow did you install Lucid?23:33
palladin35y1what do i do next ?23:33
Umeaboypalladin35y1: Switch to another distro. ;)23:34
UmeaboyLike I did.23:34
vale_maioonce installed it on a usb pendrive, i restart the computer with the usb drive plugged in, but ubuntu won't start23:34
UmeaboyMageia. ;)23:34
UmeaboyI have used Ubuntu before.23:34
vale_maioit says "ERROR: no configuration file found"23:34
UmeaboySince 12.04 I don't like the appearance of it.23:34
palladin35y1which distro you use23:34
vale_maioi'm trying with ubuntu 11.10, other OS won't work at all23:34
UmeaboyThere's no visible way of changing that appearance as well.23:34
Umeaboypalladin35y1: Can we PM?23:35
diverdudei am trying to clean out my machine completely for gitolite files. Is it safe to delete these files: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1311922588 ? and are there more?23:40
MaxHRdoes anybody here use simon-listens? am having difficulty getting it installed23:40
lyrae_i run convert -scale 200x125 s.png s.png ...but it keeps resizing the image to a height of 75. anyone know why?23:40
bluezoneThere is static coming from my recording source (mic). WHat i've tried so far: testing another mic (failed) and killing/restarting pulseaudio (failed). Any ideas?23:41
joekoCan I save the the iptables to the /etc/network/iptables23:45
NetRunnerBlackHas anyone compiled a list of important stuff to add to a fresh Ubuntu?23:46
wadHas anyone figured out how to get electricsheep working with 11.10 yet?23:46
SlayersZhow do you change emacs hotkeys23:46
kingfisher64could someone tell me how i change the permissions of a folder to write? In this case i want to make the folder var/www writable so i can copy my websites over to ubuntu. many thanks.23:47
bluezonekingfisher64 right click it and go to properties -> permissions i believe23:48
kingfisher64bluezone - it's greyed out. It says i am not the owner23:49
Troy_my gnome 3 desktop environment fails to load23:50
bluezonekingfisher64, okay then you need to use chmod,, hmm let me think xD23:50
kingfisher64bluezone - i wrote a test file to that dir in the command line using sudo command - however from my research into this i'd have to do this each time i want to write files into that dir (which is everyday). I just read this http://askubuntu.com/questions/46331/how-to-avoid-using-sudo-when-working-in-var-www/46371#46371 but being honest i didn't understand it. I'm v new to ubuntu - this is transferring my websites from windows7 to 23:52
slugzzzHey all... when trying to run a number of different software titles, I get this error: http://www.pasteall.org/2804423:53
bluezonekingfisher64, hmmm23:53
bluezonekingfisher64, i havent used ubuntu in awhile either, but i would try chmod +660 somefolder (or chmod 660 somefolder)23:54
bluezonenot sure which one works but the try the first one first23:54
bluezonekingfisher64, did it work?23:56
mody_Hi, whats the best and easiest way to change ubuntu theme ?23:57
kingfisher64bluezone - not done it yet, i was just looking at what the full command line code would be. sudo chmod +660 (folder name?)23:57
bluezoneyeah hopefully :)23:58
Glaciaare clean today?23:58
Glaciaare we clean^23:59
kingfisher64it didn't work something about invalid +660 - bluezone23:59
sisifHey guys. Do I need any thing else installed, except for blue-alsa, in order to use some BT headphones ?23:59

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