
astraljavaWhat, no meeting?00:58
ScottLastraljava, sorry, it's my fault, got busy with family03:00
ScottLbut i'm catching up on my email, etc for ubuntu studio now03:00
ScottLfalktx, do you think you can help port gcdmaster to gtk3 or similar?03:00
falktxScottL: hey there03:04
falktxScottL: sorry my gtk knowledge is kinda 1%03:05
falktxplus I don't really like gtk...03:05
falktxScottL: you know I'm a Qt guy03:05
astraljavaOk, if my temp lay-offs realize, I'll have lots of time to look into that one, then.03:06
ScottLastraljava, if you can make the changes to gcdmaster, that would be great :)12:47
ScottLif not maybe we can see if falktx will get it ported to qt then if possible12:47
ScottLi wonder if this can be patched and put back into the repos for this cycle12:48
astraljavaScottL: We'll see. I'll try to start working on it later into this week.12:49

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