
lucidohello, how can I start a daemon with a specific user?14:03
ionexec sudo -H -u user -- cmd14:04
lucidoit's harmattan system, has no sudo only su14:07
jodhlucido: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#run-a-job-as-a-different-user14:07
ionsu seems to like to leave an extra process running, leading Upstart to track it instead of your daemon.14:08
ionEven if you add “exec” to everything, including the sh script passed to su.14:08
lucidothe problem that I'm trying to solve is that if I run my app from the shell it functions correectly but if its launched by upstart even if its being run as the same user as in the shell it fails to recieve some qt signals. Is there anyothing else different between these two scenarios than the eviroment variables?14:12
toabctljodh, the current test cases fail for me on ubuntu precise. see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/upstart-devel/2012-January/001785.html14:20
jodhlucido: does the job run via cron/at?14:24
jodhtoabctl: I've never seen this problem and have run the tests on a lot of precise systems. Is it repeatable? Please can you open a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+filebug with full details.14:25
toabctljodh, ok.14:26
jodhtoabctl: thanks14:26
lucidojodh, no all it does is export DISPLAY=':0'14:35
lucido    /usr/bin/aegis-exec -s -u user /opt/digimedaemon/bin/digimedaemon14:35
jodhlucido: this is a daemon with a gui?14:38
lucidoyes it shows a gui at times14:40
lucidojodh, harmattan ahs no start-stop-daemon nor sudo to run as alternate user, now its running as nobody14:47
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=== codebeaker|runni is now known as codebeaker|run
lucidook, for the record, the solution to my upstart problems can be found here: http://pastebin.com/izjm27m717:32
=== codebeaker|run is now known as codebeaker
* JanC thinks people need to learn "daemons with a GUI" are a bad concept, especially when they are system daemons...21:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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