
knomeUnit193, check your wikipage11:20
micahgso, meeting at 17:00?11:24
knomeyeah. i'm not sure i can attend, but i completely think we should keep that meeting whatsoever11:24
knomesomebody else who could chair that if i'm not available?11:24
knomemicahg, you still therE?11:38
knomemicahg, there seems to be a TB meeting at jan 12, 21UTC11:39
knomemicahg, could you make it?11:39
knomemaybe-ubiquity is most probably landing in precise for xubuntu :)11:43
micahgknome: idk, maybe11:43
knomei sent the LTS proposal for the TB11:44
knomeand added the item to the agenda11:44
knomeok, maybe-ubiquity should be fixed. to all testers: can you check all the images tomorrow and see if they look fine11:46
micahgknome: BTW, I don't think we've had images since Dec 2012:05
knomewhy is that?12:05
astraljavaI don't understand. They're there.12:19
knomeme neither12:20
knomepleia2, ?12:56
micahgknome: I don't see the images on cdimage.u.c13:24
micahgknome: BTW, at 18:00 I probably cannot attend13:26
micahgbut again, not necessary13:26
ochosimicahg: what about the thunderbird-bug?13:27
micahgochosi: will try to upstream it later13:27
ochosik :)13:27
ochosimicahg: "later" as in "later today"?13:31
micahgwe'll see :)13:31
ochosik :)13:32
astraljavamicahg: I still don't understand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/798202/13:35
nanotubefeature suggestion: put a link to the sound panel within the main settings manager. as it is, it's only accessible via the sound panel applet...16:15
ochosinanotube: you mean the mixer? (it's in multimedia)16:16
nanotubei mean, the sound config panel you open when you click the speaker icon in panel, and go to 'sound settings...'16:17
ochosiyeah, but that's xfce4-mixer, it's also in the menu in multimedia > mixer16:18
ochosibut i agree that some people (especially coming from the windows-world) would expect it to be in the settings-manager16:18
ochosiit kinda makes more sense there16:19
nanotubehm, multimedia -> mixer looks different than that sound settings panel16:19
nanotubewindows-world, kde-world, or gnome-world :)16:19
ochosirly? maybe i modified my installation too much :) mind to take a screenshot for me?16:19
nanotubeochosi: sure. just a sec.16:19
nanotubesound at top, mixer at bottom16:20
ochosiis this a standard xubuntu install?16:21
ochosior did you have something else installed before (e.g. ubuntu)16:22
mr_pouitthat's either "gnome-volume-control --page=applications" or "gnome-control-center sound"16:26
mr_pouitxfce4-mixer is tried after these two16:26
ochosiyup, so it's not part of the default install16:26
ochosii mean i'm not really opposed to putting the mixer in the settings16:26
ochosiit's kinda where it belongs16:26
ochosibut we should strive not to clutter the settings-manager too much16:27
ochosiotherwise it becomes useless16:27
charlie-tcaFor whoever is chairing the meeting today; I can't make it at 18:00 UTC17:10
charlie-tcaHowever, testing is ongoing. I test the images daily, for the most part. Would be nice to have a few more people involved in that. Results are always posted at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/204/builds17:11
Unit193knome: Thanks a ton!17:28
Unit193charlie-tca: GridCube and I are still doing them (just later than you it seems)17:29
charlie-tcayou documented a couple, but I have not seen very many on the tracker from either of you17:30
charlie-tcaEven if they are the same installs, they need to be documented, please.17:30
Unit193Hmm.... I know I've done more than a few, and I have been trying to put them on (I could be doing that wrong I guess). I do them later in the day EST if that counts17:33
charlie-tcaAnytime is fine. I will try to remember to look at the tracker more often. Maybe I missed them.17:36
charlie-tcaNot being able to get reports hurts. It makes it vey much more difficult to tell what is being done.17:36
Unit193When is it too late to run them?17:36
nanotubeochosi: it is an apt-get install xubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu :)17:36
nanotubeso is the 'sound' panel from gnome? and the mixer from xfce?17:37
charlie-tcaIt is too late when the new image posts at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ . If no new image goes up, it keeps the previous test results.17:37
charlie-tcaUnit193: I will ask stgrabber to let me access the reports, then maybe we can figure what is really happening.17:40
ochosinanotube: yes17:41
Unit193That'd be awesome, but it'd be nice if more could do it (see if I'm doing something wrong. I don't like the new system so much, but I do try)17:41
charlie-tcaI know that feeling, too. It is very difficult when we can't see things for more than a few hours at a day.17:42
charlie-tcaI do plan on moving my test schedule to the wiki, for all to see and use. It makes sense now that we are tracking using the qa tracker.17:43
ochosireminder: meeting in ~15min17:46
nanotubeochosi: well... fwiw that gnome panel has a lot more options than the xfce panel. :) for one, it lets me choose hdmi output. the other day some guy came in and asked about setting hdmi output, i pointed him to the panel and he said 'i can't see anything like that here'... 17:47
nanotubeif i'd known it was a gnome panel, i'd have told him heh17:47
ochosinanotube: but it's deprecated (at least gnome2 panel)17:47
ochosipersonally i've never missed anything in the panel17:48
nanotubewell, it came with oneiric install... so it can't be that deprecated :) (and iirc, it looked exactly the same from the ubuntu/unity side, so it must be a gnome3 panel, because i'm sure oneiric doesn't have gnome2)17:49
ochosinotice: i'll conduct the meeting in absence of knome today18:00
ochosisince it's my first time, feel free to let me know if i miss something or make a mistake (e.g. charlie-tca)18:01
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Jan  9 18:01:13 2012 UTC.  The chair is ochosi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:01
ochosisince we have no business from last time, i'll go straight to the team updates18:01
ochosi#topic Packaging and Development18:01
ochosimicahg, mr_pouit: are you here?18:02
mr_pouitI just arrived home, so I'm nto ready, sorry :<18:02
ochosimr_pouit: shall we get back to this topic later?18:03
ochosimr_pouit: or: when would you be ready?18:03
mr_pouitI don't have much to say anyway: the usual amount of bugfix uploads this week18:03
ochosishall i say something about xfdesktop?18:04
mr_pouit(I need some testing to be done, so I need to follow up by mail on xubuntu-devel)18:04
mr_pouitmmh, as you wish18:04
ochosiok, you can still post to the ml18:04
ochosi#info mr_pouit has applied some long-standing patches from bugzilla.xfce.org to xfdesktop for precise18:04
ochosi#info since it isn't maintained upstream at the moment (devs are waiting for the desktop to become a thunar-extension) it makes sense to patch it for xubuntu downstream18:05
ochosi#info among the patches is e.g. (rudimentary) thumbnail-support for the desktop18:06
ochosimicahg: anything from your side?18:06
micahgnot really18:07
ochosiok, then let's move on18:08
ochosi#topic Bug Triage, Testing and Documentation18:08
ochosicharlie-tca: any updates from your side?18:09
ochosiUnit193: anything from testing?18:10
micahgochosi: see backscroll before the meeting18:11
ochosimicahg: thanks, missed that18:11
ochosi#info testing is ongoing, charlie-tca tests the images daily. it would be nice to have more people involved in that18:12
ochosi#chair knome 18:12
meetingologyCurrent chairs: knome ochosi18:12
ochosi#link Results are always posted at  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/204/builds18:13
ochosiUnit193: any updates from your side? (feel free to use #info)18:13
knome#info maybe-ubiquity will land on images tomorrow, testers note: please check if everything looks as should18:13
Unit193Currectly too big to fit on a CD18:13
knomeyeah, but isn't that known?18:14
Unit193Should be18:14
knomemicahg asked if that's a problem for anybody, and nobody said anything18:14
knomeit's because python stuff18:14
knomeochosi, can you continue chairing for a bit more? :)18:15
ochosi#info Xfce have launched new documentation in a wiki (docs.xfce.org)18:16
ochosi#info From Xfce 4.10 onwards the help-button will point there, which will also mean no docs for people who are offline18:17
ochosi#link the docs are already accessible at http://docs.xfce.org/18:17
ochosi#info it would be nice if people from Xubuntu could also contribute18:18
ochosi#topic Marketing, Artwork and Website18:18
ochosipleia2: you there?18:18
pleia2#info we're going to hold off on completing every single content update before going live18:18
pleia2#info there are still some struture things knome is working through, once those are done we should be in a position to launch the new wordpress site18:19
pleia2we should plan some time soon to review the final structure things18:19
ochosido you want to send an email to the ml for that?18:19
knomei added some comments to the about/-page draft today18:20
ochosii mean possibly that should already contain a datetime for the review18:20
pleia2we still need to get through some of the items we discussed18:21
pleia2once we're finished with all those we can toss it to the list for final final review :)18:21
ochosiok, sounds good18:22
ochosifeel free to add an #action for yourselves if you feel like it (knome,pleia2)18:22
pleia2#action pleia2 to review outstanding structure issues and follow-up with knome 18:23
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to review outstanding structure issues and follow-up with knome18:23
ochosiok, in terms of artwork there aren't really big news from my side18:24
knomewell, maybe-ubiquity is in ;)18:24
ochosi#info ochosi plans to do a sprint to port finish porting Bluebird to gtk3 in early february18:24
knomethat should improve the artwork xp18:24
ochosialthough i haven't seen it yet :)18:24
knomeit should be looking the same as the ubuntu livecd boot process does18:25
ochosinever seen that :}18:26
knomehehe, me neither, but some testers maybe18:26
ochosiok, i think that's about it from this section18:27
ochosi#topic General updates18:27
ochosianyone? ^18:27
knome#info Xubuntu LTS plan forwarded to Technical Board18:27
knomei suppose that's it :)18:28
ochosik :)18:28
knomei can take over now18:29
knome#topic Announcements18:29
ochosiok, go ahead18:29
knome#subtopic maybe-ubiquity18:29
knome#info maybe-ubiquity has landed in Precise Pangolin images, thanks to cjwatson. Testers: Please test all the images ASAP and see if everything looks okay.18:29
knome#topic Other business18:29
knome#subtopic Review blueprints that need community approval18:29
knome#info New wallpaper: Some drafts still at http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_wall/, any feedback appreciated18:30
ochosishould we vote on the blueprint?18:30
ochosizebra is really really flashy :)18:31
knomeprobably not yet, as there isn't any serious proposals18:31
madnicki like zebra18:31
ochosii thought we have to vote on whether there'll be a new wp in general :)18:31
knomehehe, right18:31
knome#vote New wallpaper: Yay (+1) or nay (-1)18:32
meetingologyPlease vote on: New wallpaper: Yay (+1) or nay (-1)18:32
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:32
meetingology+1 received from knome18:32
meetingology+1 received from ochosi18:32
meetingology+1 received from madnick18:33
meetingology+1 received from pleia218:33
meetingologyVoting ended on: New wallpaper: Yay (+1) or nay (-1)18:33
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:33
meetingologyMotion carried18:33
knometoo late18:34
knome#info: Ubiquity "application sets": https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Precise/UbiquityApplicationSets has the spec18:34
ochosiagain: does this really need "approval" (as in: vote)?18:34
knomeyeah, i thought we could do that18:35
ochosik :)18:35
micahgsorry, still getting used to IRC on my phone18:35
knome#vote Ubiquity "application sets" as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Precise/UbiquityApplicationSets: Yay (+1) or nay (118:35
meetingologyPlease vote on: Ubiquity "application sets" as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Precise/UbiquityApplicationSets: Yay (+1) or nay (118:35
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:35
knomeyeah -1 for nay18:35
meetingology+1 received from knome18:35
meetingology+1 received from ochosi18:36
micahg-1, seems like more work than it's worth18:38
meetingology-1, seems like more work than it's worth received from micahg18:38
ochosimicahg: what has to be done exactly?18:38
knomemicahg, i'm working on it with stgraber who created this feature in the first place, and we can most probably cooperate much with ubuntu studio too18:39
micahgidk, I just don't see those delineations as useful to xubuntu18:40
knomei think accessible vs. normal is quite a good idea18:40
knomeif it proves to be too much work, we'll vote again, ok? :)18:41
ochosialso: xfce-only/slim vs. xubuntu-comfy/normal18:41
knomemm, yeah18:41
knomei mean, of course there has to be constant evaluation against things18:42
knomeanyway, is there something else?18:42
meetingologyVoting ended on: Ubiquity "application sets" as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Precise/UbiquityApplicationSets: Yay (+1) or nay (118:42
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:1 Abstentions:018:42
meetingologyMotion carried18:42
knome#action knome to keep on investigating stuff under constant evaluation - if it proves to be a bit too much work, vote again18:45
meetingologyACTION: knome to keep on investigating stuff under constant evaluation - if it proves to be a bit too much work, vote again18:45
knome#subtopic Default shortcut keys: Sysi not available, will carry on one more time :)18:45
knome#subtopic Discussion and guidance on other blueprints18:45
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meetings18:47
knome#action GridGube to gather a list of problems with QA tracker and get back to knome/QA tracker responsibles 18:48
meetingologyACTION: GridGube to gather a list of problems with QA tracker and get back to knome/QA tracker responsibles18:48
knome#action micahg or mr_pouit to confirm xfce package versions in precise as soon as possible 18:48
meetingologyACTION: micahg or mr_pouit to confirm xfce package versions in precise as soon as possible18:48
knome#action micahg to look at the thunderbird button issue 18:48
meetingologyACTION: micahg to look at the thunderbird button issue18:48
knome#action     ochosi to investigate some cherry-picking from xfce upstream to ubuntu 18:48
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to investigate some cherry-picking from xfce upstream to ubuntu18:48
knomepleia2, new sticker design is at wiki?18:48
pleia2knome: unfortunately the design didn't come out perfect on the stickers18:49
knomeoh, okay18:49
knomeso no need to copy the action item either :(18:49
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Jan  9 18:49:44 2012 UTC.  18:49
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-01-09-18.01.moin.txt18:49
knomeochosi, as usually, i can take care of the minutes if you don't specifically want to do it ;))18:50
madnickgood night :)18:51
Unit193Good night18:51
knomenight madnick 18:52
knomebah, ubuntu wiki is damn slow again18:55
knomeminutes are up19:08
pleia2I should tweet meeting minutes19:09
* pleia2 does that19:09
nanotubeUnit193: no need for the g, there's only one occurrence of 'again' :)19:20
ochosiknome: if you can do the minutes, that'd be great20:28
knomeochosi, done already20:33
ochosibtw, my cherry-picking-thing pends on knowing what version of xfce we'll ship20:40
ochosicause if they decide to do a quick release...20:40
mr_pouitthey'd have to do pre-releases first20:45
mr_pouitor release everything untested :)20:45
mr_pouitso imho you can assume 4.820:45
ochosiwhat's your opinion on cherry-picking?20:50
mr_pouitideally, small, bugfix, one-single feature changes ;-)20:54
knomei don't like cherries much, what about strawberries?20:55
mr_pouitas long as there's not "rewrite $stuff" in the commit log :p20:55
micahgknome: can you join #ubuntu-meeting?21:02
charlie-tcaknome: They are looking for you in #ubuntu-meeting for technical board review of Xubuntu LTS app21:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Unit193Go well?21:31
Unit193Anything else of note?21:32
knomenot really21:32
knomeno votes against21:32
charlie-tcaOkay, going now and rest. See all you good people tomorrow :)21:35
knomei'm off, good night/day all and see you later :)22:29
sejensHaving problems installing with xubuntu64 11.10 + jdk-7u1-nb-7_0_1-linux-ml.sh. Anyone want to help?22:40
sejensSorry... jdk-7u2-nb-7_1-linux-ml.sh22:41
sejensThis is what happens:22:42
micahgok, night everyone22:42
Unit193Good night, micahg 22:42
micahgsejens: you probably want #xubuntu22:43
sejensOk, thank you!22:43

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