
xubuntu5how do i automount drives?00:26
puffThis is kind of odd. Not sure what happened, but now when I open new firefox windows, they show up in the alt-tab menu as white squared with a blue line across the top, not as firefox icons.  Existing firefox windows show up as firefox icons.00:47
puffHm, rebooting.00:49
senchais there a minimum requirement for memory to run the xubuntu live cd?01:55
nashi256mb I think01:56
nashithat or 512mb01:56
senchaokay, just curious, thanks01:56
senchaI'm helping someone over in ##slackware and they said with 512 MB xubuntu didn't work01:57
nashiitll work ive done it myself01:57
nashithats the hardware limit to many pentium 3 computers and ive run it on those a lot01:57
senchanot sure why it didn't work for them01:58
nashilinucies have lots of problems with older hardware, I know I have problems a lot with a lot of flavors on old hardware ive got a big collection here01:59
nashithings xp works great with01:59
carlosshow do you set audio out to HDMI?02:00
carlossi can't find audio settings anywhere02:01
nashiyou used to need to right click the volume icon in the system tray, dont know if its still like that02:03
nanotubeit seems to be left-click now02:05
carlossi don't see anything about hdmi out in sound settings...02:08
nashiits not always labeled the clearest02:09
nanotubecarloss: go to sound settings -> hardware, you'll see a 'choose device to config', and at the bottom is a 'profile' dropdown02:10
nanotubesome profiles list hdmi02:10
carlossfrom sound settings i get taken somewhere to select sound card02:11
carlossafter that it tells me to list controls02:12
carlossnone say hdmi02:12
carloss"no controls visible".  i try selecting controls and no hdmi02:12
carlossi remember being able to get this going on ubuntu OOTB02:12
xubuntu937Hey.  anyone else seen issues related to GVFS and Live installations?05:52
xubuntu937I just had a Live USB install (with 2GB persistence file) crap out 100%, with ext2-fs throwing all kindsof "inode deleted" errors during my final boot attempt.05:54
|multipass|how do i resotre the xubuntu login manager? kde overwrote it06:12
SebastienLets say i am going to install xubuntu on my old laptop, to make a file server out of it. What program should i add to it to make this possible?06:27
Sebastienok ty L( ill look for it06:28
Sebastien:) *06:28
lightaor nfs06:39
nashiif someone doesnt know about samba, they shouldnt use nfs.06:40
_Pete_if they doesnt know about both, what then?06:40
nashipete what is your issue?06:40
_Pete_which one or some other you would choose, if you dont know any options ?06:41
nashiomg dude stop trolling06:41
_Pete_this is serois question06:41
nashiyou are completely discounting what I said and deliberately misconstruing my meaning06:42
nashiId call that trolling06:42
lightaif you don't know any yes try Samba _Pete_06:42
_Pete_if you are using only linuxes06:43
_Pete_then definatelly go to nfs06:43
_Pete_if you need to share also with windows machines, then samba06:43
_Pete_nfs is imo much easier to setup06:44
_Pete_and it also supports fully *nix filesystem owner things, what samba doesnt06:46
_Pete_third option is to use sshfs06:48
TVasEyes_Pete_: recent samba does support all "*nix filesystem owner things" but (you're right) is more work to set up.06:51
_Pete_ok then. I stand corrected06:52
_Pete_TVasEyes: just curious, how decent it need to be?07:16
TVasEyessorry, decent? how do you mean?07:18
_Pete_I mean from what version it has done thaT?07:19
TVasEyes(from memory) v 3.0 onwards you have unix extensions and ACLs etc (old NAS box here runs 3.0.34); the newest (v4) does Windoze AD and works as PDC.07:21
_Pete_ok nice, havent used samba lately since I only have linuxes and use nfs with those07:22
TVasEyescheck out  http://www.samba.org/samba/latest_news.html07:23
_Pete_just remembered I still have samba in use, merely for the reason I sometimes need to run win7 in VM07:25
_Pete_and use that to share host filesystem07:25
TVasEyeshave to admit to using the Linux stuff only also, picked up the Windoze news in a recent newsletter.07:25
_Pete_lolz.. that win7 experience, if you start it in like once every second month07:27
_Pete_it's totally useless as all programs wants to update them at same time07:27
nashiuser error: user too stupid.07:27
TVasEyesyeah win updates as bad as ubuntu ones.. ;)07:27
nashiThats the SETTINGS YOU set with the programs YOU installed07:27
nashinot windows itself07:28
_Pete_what ever07:28
_Pete_but that what happens by default07:28
nashiI bet you are running a bazillion update manager hidden applets07:28
nashiand you complain about "windows" taking so much ram, when its your settings for third party apps07:28
TVasEyesnashi: in all fairness, life's too short to sift through all of the 'important' Redmond stuff it wants to do, so everybody simply hits return.07:29
_Pete_nashi: I didnt say anything windows taking ram07:29
_Pete_looks like you are making things up07:30
nashiomg troll go away07:30
nashistop trolling me jerk07:30
_Pete_TVasEyes: yes that's true, if you just need to do some things you dont much care but just hit return to get it done07:30
nashiTVasEyes:  I find it less trouble to set stuff once, or get apps that don't do that kind of crap07:30
TVasEyes_Pete_: wow, the tone on this channel sure has changed.07:31
TVasEyesjust an observation, maybe I'm just too tired...07:32
xmannni like xubuntu but i dont like the file manager09:53
xmannnWhat file managr is better for xfce? exepting thunar09:54
TheSheepdefine "better"09:54
TheSheepif we thought that any file manager was better by thunar, it would be the default in xubuntu09:55
TheSheeps/by thunar/than thunar/09:55
xmannna file manager like nautilus ,but for xubuntu09:56
xmannnNautilus is better than thunar but is for gnome09:57
xmannnIs xfce gnome based?10:00
Alanyou can use nautilus in XFCE if you really want...10:01
xmannnNautilus is for gnome10:02
Alannautilus is a file manager and works just fine under XFCE10:03
Alanyou can even set it as your preferred file manager if you have it installed10:03
Alanin the settings manager10:03
xmannnNautilus require some gnome dependencies10:04
xmannnSo ,nautilus is for gnome10:04
AlanI'm not sure if you're being intentionally difficult... but just because it requires some gnome common libraries doesn't mean you can only use it under gnome10:05
Alan  gnome-desktop3-data libexempi3 libgnome-desktop-3-210:07
Alanthat's all the dependencies i get for nautilus10:07
Alanhell, it doesn't even fight for control of the desktop or fire up gnome-settings-daemon (in xubuntu 11.10 anyway)10:07
Alanso it's actually as clean as it could possibly be10:07
Alanin fact, i think i'm switching my file manager right now, because i don't get on that well with thunar either...10:07
Alanalthough, gnome3's nautilus is also a bit different to gnome2's nautilus10:07
xmannnbut, is xubuntu gnome2 based?10:09
Alanthat makes no sense - xubuntu is XFCE-based10:09
Alanit's also ubuntu-based10:09
xmannnIs xfce gnome 2 based?10:10
Alanubuntu 11.10 has gnome3 now, so anything from gnome that you use in XFCE will be from  gnome310:10
Alanno, XFCE is XFCE10:10
AlanXFCE uses the same graphical toolkit, if that's where you're getting confused, but it's a completely independent desktop environment10:11
xmannnI will use xubuntu with nautilus file manager and some gnome applications10:14
Alanhah, i might have been wrong about it managing the desktop... it seems to have tried to do that...10:18
well_laid_lawnyou need the   --no-desktop   option to use nautilus10:20
Alanwell_laid_lawn: that's an awkward fix10:24
Alanwell_laid_lawn: mainly because of the many different ways it could get launched...  however there is a "better" fix10:25
Alanwhich is to set it in dconf-editor10:25
Alancheck and uncheck so it's actually set10:25
well_laid_lawnI use thunar so it's not a problem for me ;)10:25
Alanunfortunately dconf-editor thinks the default is off, but the actual default is on...10:26
Alanwoo, sorted.10:26
Alanthis might be a silly question, but... can you get thunar to launch directories in something that isn't thunar?10:51
knomewith custom actions, yes10:51
Alani mean by default?10:52
mishonismy netbook won't reboot11:09
mishonisit goes to a black screen and never boots up again11:10
mishonisany ideas?11:10
TheLastBaronMorning guys ! :D11:36
Kingsywhere are the sound options located on xubuntu?14:22
KingsyI must be being blind but I cant see em anywhere obvious14:23
nashiclick the speaker icon in the system tray14:23
Kingsyso it turned out I was blind :)14:27
nashihehe naaaah14:27
nashijust not obvious really14:27
nashiwhod think its not in a control panel and instead a little speaker did it all?14:28
nanotubethink it'd be a reasonable feature request to mention in -devel, to put a link to the sound settings in the main settings manager?15:33
designbybecki am having problems booting into Xubuntu15:46
designbybeckin a VM as well as a clean install on server15:47
designbybeckit looks like it is finishing booting, and i can see a screen with a mouse and then it just goes back to the booting ... like the last thing it was checking was "Checking Battery"15:47
designbybeckanyone have any ideas?15:47
Marzatadesignbybeck: got enough hw for xubu?15:49
designbybeckit is a Dell XPS Laptop M173015:50
designbybeckIntel Core 2 Duo / Nvidia 1gB ...4GB RAM15:51
designbybecki had a Ubuntu 11.10 64bit server installed15:51
designbybeckand i wanted a GUI15:51
Marzataand you install xfce or xubuntu desktop?15:53
Marzatawhy don't you try fluxbox?15:54
designbybecki guess i did the xubuntu-desktop15:57
designbybecknever heard of fluxbox15:57
ablomenMarzata, That should be more then enough to run xfce.. designbybeck you should try the normal xubuntu install, ubuntu-server uses a different kernel etc15:58
designbybeckthis was just going to be a play server so i could test things out15:58
MarzataI tried to install xubuntu-desktop on ubuntu server and it didn't work.15:59
ablomendesignbybeck, if you download and burn the live cd and see if it works without installing15:59
designbybecklol that is what i'm finding out Marzata15:59
Marzatadunno about Xfce only, have not tired that yet.15:59
designbybecki was able to get to the desktop once on my VM i tried15:59
designbybeckwhat is the best way to get a GUI for ubuntu server then?15:59
Marzatadesignbybeck: fluxbox must work16:00
ablomendesignbybeck, the whole point of ubuntu server is not having a gui16:00
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.16:00
designbybecktrue i understand that but i'm not savvy enough with commandline just yet16:00
Marzatadesignbybeck: I think I tried fluxbox and it worked. Not sure if I did tried openbox.16:00
Marzatadesignbybeck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox16:01
designbybeckThanks for the help all I'll look at some of these other options16:02
designbybecki tried to remove xubuntu-desktop and it still is trying to boot into it16:03
designbybecksudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop16:03
designbybeckisn't that the right command for that ?16:03
ablomendesignbybeck, also make sure gdm and lightdm are not installed anymore16:05
charlie-tcaremoving xubuntu-desktop removes the meta-package only, not the complete set of files installed by it.16:06
designbybeckuyeah i thought that was odd when it said only 40k would be freed up16:07
hobgoblindesignbybeck: have a look here - might help to see what to remove - www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/  look for the Playing Around bits16:10
designbybeckthnk you hobgoblin16:10
hobgoblinwelcome - though if you started with ubuntu server it'll not be 'quite' right - will need tyo have a look16:11
designbybecki think i'm just going to have to go back with a clean install and start from there16:12
designbybeckbecause now i can't even get to another termnial to remove gdm and lightdm16:12
designbybeckctrl alt F4 any of them aren't working16:12
ablomendesignbybeck, then just install a regular xubuntu install, using server versions only has drawbacks as long as you are not using it for a real production server16:13
designbybeckwell part of this install was to see how ubuntu server worked16:14
designbybecki'm trying to make it a learning experience  LOL16:15
designbybecki'm learnin' alright!16:15
ablomendesignbybeck, haha well the differences are not that big, mostly different hardware support/tweaks16:15
mongyxubuntu on a usb hd, full drive encryption.  which format, ext4 or btrfs?16:27
charlie-tcaalternate cd, does it even offer you btrfs?16:28
charlie-tcadefault is ext416:29
charlie-tcaon full encryption, usually includes lvm16:29
mongyI just want opinions on which filesystem would be best suited.  will be a mix of lots of small files and quite a few very large files.16:30
mongyI guess I see no reason not to use ext416:30
charlie-tcaSince Xubuntu defaults to ext4, I don't know if btrfs is ready or not, really.16:31
charlie-tcaI know gparted offers it as an option, but I did not know we did.16:31
charlie-tcaI use ext4 on 11.04 and later installs. My 10.04 is still at ext316:32
nightspiritWhat's a good video editing software that works well in xubuntu?17:29
nightspirit\whois jmcantrell17:29
nightspiritOops wrong slash17:30
augustlnightspirit: kdenlive is pretty good17:30
nightspiritI tried it, but it wanted me to install half of KDE along with it17:30
nightspiritAnd then it wouldn't start up17:31
nightspiritLiVES seems to be working though17:32
=== Pieman is now known as Paimun
xubuntu5How can I run x11vnc before login?18:18
holsteinxubuntu5: check out http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot18:19
holsteinit'll be similar.. i have only done it with vino18:20
geekfromiranjoin #ubuntu-ir18:21
xubuntu5thanks i'll take a look18:22
xubuntu5what about rc.local18:27
xubuntu5how does that work?18:27
xubuntu5in lightdm i need to change: [SeatDefaults]display-setup-script=/my/script does that script run before login?18:35
xubuntu5what's the difference between display-setup-script and greeter-setup-script in lightdm?18:48
holsteinxubuntu5: thats a good question18:52
holsteinmaybe the display setup passes something on to the desktop?18:52
holsteinxubuntu5: i say, back it up before you start tweaking, and just try it and see if it works18:53
charlie-tcaSometimes giving the entire directory path lets us know, too18:55
multipassi installed ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop and now my tray is all messed up with my indicators20:40
multipassanyone ever have this happen?20:40
multipasswhen you click on them they no longer do what they are supposed to do20:41
charlie-tcaYes, it is conflicting indicators20:41
multipassthen i tried to remove both of those, ubuntu and kubuntu desktops20:41
charlie-tcaYou should be able to remove all but one indicator package and make it work again20:41
multipassok, hm20:41
charlie-tcaThat removed the -desktop packages only, not all the extra packages they install20:42
metasansanaHello all20:42
multipassyeah charlie-tca.. only removed like 50kb20:42
metasansanaIs there a way to get one whole desktop with two screens, using nvidia 7300GS and 8400?20:44
metasansanaeach time I enable xinerama the screens flicker and then black out20:44
charlie-tcainstall and use arandr20:45
charlie-tcaxinerama is obsolete, as far as I recall20:45
metasansanais it a gui or terminal based?20:45
augustlxscreensaver is pretty fugly.. What's a good replacement for xubuntu?20:45
charlie-tcaum, terminal, I think. I don't use it, though20:45
augustlI just want a blank screen with a password prompt when I open the lid on my laptop, basically20:45
charlie-tcaaugustl: if there was a better replacement, we would have used it20:46
augustlhmm, I see20:46
augustlwhat about xlock etc?20:46
Unit193arandr is GUI20:46
augustlI guess gnome-screensaver is pretty obtrusive..20:46
metasansanaOh, I was looking for a quick and easy way I tried xrandr it was a failure20:46
charlie-tcagnome-screensaver causes some issues if you don't have gnome installed20:47
metasansanathanks Unit19320:47
Unit193metasansana: xrandr should do it, if you know how to use it, but arandr is a GUI for it20:47
metasansanaand charlie-tca20:47
Unit193You're welcome20:48
metasansanaIll give it a try Im currently re installing xubuntu20:48
augustlcharlie-tca: I see, tnx20:48
charlie-tcaaugustl: you can always try gnome-screensaver by installing it. There are only two screensavers, basically. Gnome-screensaver and Xscreensaver :(20:49
augustlare there any none-screensaver alternatives? Just a lock screen basically.20:51
augustlI don't need fancy animations :)20:51
charlie-tcaI can't think of any. It's possible to tell xscreensaver that you want no screensaver and still use it for screenlocking, though20:53
charlie-tcait doesn't care if you have graphics or blank screen.20:53
augustlyeah I have a blank screen i xscreensaver now20:55
augustlcurrent gripes are that I have to touch a key or the mouse after I open the lid, and that it's not very pretty20:56
augustlif I just open the lid, the screen stays black20:56
multipassthe synaptic pack manager keeps crashign when i try to open it.. what is the terminal command for it?20:57
charlie-tcasynaptic or sudo synaptic20:58
charlie-tcabut you might need to do sudo apt-get update instead20:59
multipassgetting r id of these ubuntu/kubuntu indicators seems dangerous20:59
holsteinaugustl: i have a couple boxes doing that with the newer kernels.. you can always run the LTS21:00
holsteinaugustl: actually... i mis-read... my screen is dead after resume21:00
augustlah :)21:00
charlie-tcamultipass: you can leave them alone, and just put up with the conflicts21:00
holsteini use xtrlock, but its quite minimal21:00
multipassid like to totally remove ubuntu and kubuntu desktops really21:01
multipassbut i dont want to accidcently delete something im using21:01
multipassor pre-req for another prog rather21:01
holsteinyou can always put them back multipass ... the .config files should stay in place21:01
multipassi did find these, might be good for the kubuntu one, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome21:02
multipassminus the install ubuntu at end21:02
charlie-tcaTry for this:21:03
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »21:03
charlie-tcaI haven't looked to see how up to date it is, though21:04
multipassit says21:04
multipassThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  openjdk-6-jre : Depends: libgif4 (>= 4.1.4) but it is not going to be installed                  Recommends: icedtea-netx but it is not going to be installed21:07
multipassso dont get rid of the libgif4?21:08
augustlmultipass: what I do for a clean install is to have a separate / and /home partition, move /home/myusername to /home/old_myusername, and install :)21:08
multipassugh lol, was a bad idea to install both those21:09
augustland make sure the installer doesn't recreate the file system on the /home partition of course21:10
multipassso i broke xubuntu lol21:32
multipasswhen i start my comp, i try to load into xubuntu, i see the loading bar with the xubuntu logo.. then the screen goes blank and starts flashing21:33
charlie-tcatried rescue mode?21:33
charlie-tcasounds like a video driver missing or conflicting21:33
multipassi went into rescue mode and installed kubuntu and ubuntu again21:34
multipassbut no luck21:34
multipasscould it of been the ati driver?21:34
sejensHaving problems installing jre on xubuntu64 11.10 anyone want to help?22:44
sejensThis happens:22:45
sejensjens@acer13:~/Hämtningar$ ls22:45
sejensjens@acer13:~/Hämtningar$ sudo ./jdk-7u2-nb-7_1-linux-ml.sh22:45
sejens[sudo] password for jens:22:45
sejensConfiguring the installer...22:45
sejensSearching for JVM on the system...22:45
sejensPreparing bundled JVM ...22:45
sejensExtracting installation data...22:45
sejensRunning the installer wizard...22:45
sejensException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "main"22:45
sejensWorked on XUbuntu32 11.1022:45
sejensOk, could it be that I need a newer JRE?22:47
xubuntu5how can i change the maximize window key from alt f10 to something else?22:48
Unit193xubuntu5: Normally things like that are in Settings > Settings Manager > Keyboard22:49
Unit193!pastebin | sejens22:49
ubottusejens: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:49
xubuntu5that's where i am i just dont' know what the command is to make windows maximize22:49
sejensOk, sorry. I was sent here from xubuntu-devel. Bye.22:50
sejensOh, which channel should I use?22:53
sejensAnyway here's the info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/798755/22:53
Unit193I take it you want Oracle java?22:54
sejensYep, I'm trying to install the java7.2+netbeans bundle.22:54
sejensRefering to this page http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html with jre7u2+nb7.122:56
sejensJust installed xubuntu64 11.10 instead of xubuntu32 11.10 in order to be able to run opa programming (http://opalang.org)22:58
Unit193xubuntu5: I would think that'd be a per-application setting, but alt+space x works23:00
xubuntu5but by default xubuntu has it set to make a window become maximized when you press alt f1023:01
Unit193sejens: I haven't installed Java since they removed it from the repos, but there are some good guides online23:01
xubuntu5how can i override that? and make it something else23:01
Unit193xubuntu5: I'm sorry, Settings Manager > Window Manager > Keyboard23:02
xubuntu5I am there23:03
xubuntu5what is the command to make a window become maximized?23:03
sejensUnit193: Ok, thnx, Thing is that the install starts correctly and then crashes...23:03
Unit193xubuntu5: Are you sure you are in Window Manager? Before you said you were in the Keyboard section23:04
xubuntu5i am in the keyboard section "application shortcuts"23:04
Unit193Yes, you need to be in the other one23:04
xubuntu5i am not in window manager23:04
xubuntu5got it!!23:04
xubuntu5just what i wanted thank you sir23:05
Unit193You're welcome23:05
xubuntu5gmusicbrowser is the default music player with xubuntu?23:06
Unit193Default "music manager"23:06
xubuntu5ahh thanks!23:06
xubuntu5and how do i run a script before login?23:07
xubuntu5is that done in lightdm.conf?23:07
sejensBesides... It's of course the JDK I'm trying to install, not the JRE...23:08
Unit193xubuntu5: Heh, I personally don't have lightdm, should be in an autorun file23:09
xubuntu5what do you use instead of lightdm?23:10
xubuntu5kdm? gdm?23:10
Unit193GDM with 11.04 :P23:10
xubuntu5 nice23:10
Unit193xubuntu5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto23:11
xubuntu5rc.local ahh i thought i might have to mess with that23:11
xubuntu5thought i could run a pre-login script with lightdm.conf too i'll check that out thanks Unit19323:11
Unit193You may be able to, but I don't remember checking that out when I was testing Oneiric or Pangolin23:12
xubuntu5that link seems dated doesn't xubuntu/ubuntu already have a /etc/rc.local file?23:16
xubuntu5thanks again for your help unit!23:38
Unit193Any... time23:39
multipassi think i removed the login manager from xubuntu when trying to remove kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop.. any way to get that back easily?23:57
multipassi deleted the kde damon which was in place possibly23:57
multipassso now it basically boots up, then i see the xubuntu logo which shows it loading, then screen goes black and starts flashing23:59

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