
achiangis there a way to pipe bzr log -p output through a pager that can do colorized diff? i really really like that feature from git. can less do it?00:30
achianghm, not according to 'less' man page00:30
* mgedmin raises hand00:31
mgedminhere's my ~/bin/bzrdiff: http://pastie.org/315748500:31
mgedmincolorization + paging, a la git diff00:31
achianghm, nope00:31
mgedminoh, wait, -p? don't have that...00:31
mgedminoh, wait, bzr log?00:32
* mgedmin should stop answering questions on IRC when his brain has shut down because of excessive tiredness00:32
achiangi *think* git log shows colorized diffs00:32
mgedminwell, I have a ~/bin/bzrlog too: http://pastie.org/315749500:32
mgedminspc is apt-get install supercat00:33
mgedminand ~/.spcrc/spcrc-bzr_log is ... not in my home directory00:33
mgedminho hum00:33
mgedminmy old hard disk is in a drawer and I'm too tired to go hunt for it00:34
mgedminalso, supercat is a horrible horrible tool00:34
mgedminon the plus side it does what I want00:34
mgedminafter I spent a few hours crafting a syntax file for it00:34
achiangah yep, 'git log -p' does similar to 'bzr log -p' except ... prettier00:35
mgedminit's as if git was written by loving people who like command-line interfaces00:35
achiangmore colorful, perhaps, is a neutral way to say it00:35
spivachiang: you can use 'less -R' preserves coloring (if you can get the command to emit it how you want in the first place)00:35
achiangspiv: yeah, i guess the problem is, bzr won't do color control codes (a design decision, i suppose)00:37
spivWell, it can do diffs with colour00:38
* achiang discovers bzr cdiff00:38
spivSo it's not a fundamental limitation, or a design decision against colouring.00:39
spivYeah, I frequently use 'bzr cdiff | less -R'00:39
achiangbut how to make bzr log do it, so i don't have to type in every revspec?00:40
spivThere's *possibly* a config option.  If not, there should be :)00:40
spiv(I think there might be an option to set the default diff colouriser/formatter?  I forget.)00:40
spivIIRC plugins can register alternative diff formatters, and perhaps at worst you could have a plugin tweak the default so that log uses coloured diffs.  (as a workaround for getting that feature into bzr properly)00:42
achiangthanks for the pointers. it's a little too daunting to figure out easily, so i give up00:46
achiangmaybe i'll try again some day00:46
achiangfrom the bzr log man page: "GUI tools and IDEs are often better at exploring history than command line tools"00:47
spivWell, it's difficult to draw clear diagrams of revision graphs in ASCII art :)00:49
spivPatches welcome though!00:49
mgedmindiagrams are overrated, /methinks00:49
mgedminincidentally, is there a bzr equivalent of gitk --all?00:49
mgedmini.e. a diagram of merges that shows more than one branch at once?00:49
spivmgedmin: 'bzr qlog BRANCH_A BRANCH_B BRANCH_C ...'00:50
mgedminthanks, good to know!00:50
spivmgedmin: you might even be able to pass just a repo to it these days, or use a magic option, but it can certainly do it.00:50
achiangspiv: personal opinion, i don't find the rev graphs to be useful in either bzr or git. the squashed "linear" history is the view i use the most in any scm (and yes, i do understand it's not truly linear, but it's often close enough)00:51
achiangspiv: but i am truly appreciative of your help. #bzr is always very friendly, thanks. :)00:52
achiangoh, and normally, i would use bzr qlog on my local machine, but i'm looking at something remotely00:52
fullermdThat's why X is network-transparent   :>00:58
achiangcan i get your speshul t00bs that eliminate latency too? :P00:59
fullermdI've got a 386 you can borrow.  That makes network latency a non-issue...00:59
achiangactually, i don't understand this line of teasing. are you truly suggesting that X forwarding from a remote openstack shell is enjoyable to use?01:01
fullermdYou never know.  I once ran Netscape 4 across the Internet.  Mind, it was excruciating...  but then, it was NS4, so it was hard to tell the difference.01:02
mwhudsonbzr qlog <remote url> probably works, no?01:03
fullermdIt might, but I would expect it to be...  uh...   what's the laughing-hysterical-like opposite of 'optimized'?01:04
mwhudsoncompared to remote x? :)01:11
fullermdPfui.  FTP is never as cool as GTP   :p01:11
fullermdWould certainly be more responsive interactively.  But I wouldn't be overly surprised if some of the info lookup ended up being pathologically bad.01:12
* mgedmin hates when vim's vcscommand.vim decides to use bzr for :VCSAnnotate in Subversion checkouts -- can you spell insaaaaaane slownesss?01:17
fullermdAre ee em oh tee ee  space  ....   wait, that's your joke.01:19
spivfullermd: actually, I think qlog against a remote URL has had a least a little bit of optimisation01:55
spivfullermd: so it's probably just rather slow, rather than truly horrific.01:55
=== hloeung_ is now known as hloeung
elmoNo branch/tags file in BzrBranch7('file:///srv/foo/bar/').  This branch was probably created by bzr 0.15pre.  Create an empty file to silence this message.09:53
elmoCreate an empty file called what?  where?09:53
mgzelmo: you can get that if you `rm .bzr/branch/tags`09:58
mgzprovided that's all that happened, touching it and pulling will get it happy again09:58
mgzbut if other files have gone missing as well, you may need to branch again09:59
=== AuroraBorealis is now known as aurora|sc2
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
jonesywhat's the bzr command to get a rundown of files that would be changed in launchpad if I committed/pushed right now?14:10
jonesy'status' seems to show ignored files that have been modified.14:10
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=== james_w` is now known as james_w
=== spi_ is now known as siip
siipis it possible to branch only a specified subdirectory (e.g.  the src subdirectory of lp:connectorj)?17:55
maxbno, it isn't17:56
siipthanks maxb (arg this is going to be a %#$!)17:57
AuroraBorealisyou really cant? thats sort of a useful thing to do in svn18:01
LeoNerdNote to self:  bzr merge -c-133 .  does _not_ mean "reverse-merge changeset 133"18:34
* LeoNerd reverts and tries again ;)18:34
LeoNerd-r133..132  \o/18:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kgoetzhey, i'm getting a key denied (publickey) when trying to bzr branch from an lp: address. does bzr care that i'm running it as root? bzr version 2.3.4 fwiw22:50
jelmerkgoetz: hi22:52
jelmerkgoetz: bzr doesn't care you're running as root - if you're branching as root, do you have ssh keys set up, and your launchpad login set?22:52
kgoetzjelmer: hey (:22:52
mgedminI would be tempted to check the $HOME setting22:53
mgedminif it points to /root, most likely you don't have your usual ssh keys/global bzr config22:53
kgoetzno i don't. i assumed to branch from publicly available code i wouldn't need to do that ritual :/22:53
mgedminsounds like bzr thinks it knows your launchpad login, but you don't have access to the keys...22:54
kgoetzsince this is a server, is there a way to work around it? i'd rather not go adding ssh keys from all my hosts into my LP account22:54
mgedminIIRC lp: use bzr+ssh for performance reasons when they know what username to ssh to22:54
mgedminI'm sure jelmer will correct me if I"m wrong22:55
jelmermgedmin: you're right22:55
jelmerkgoetz: check "bzr config" for the launchpad_username22:55
jelmeryou can unset it if you don't want bzr+ssh:// to be used22:55
mgedminhm, bzr launchpad-login lets me set my launchpad username, but doesn't provide a way to reset it (and there's no bzr launchpad-logout)22:56
kgoetzthanks :)22:56
mgedminso it's bzr config --remove launchpad_username then?22:56
jelmeryeah, that should work22:57
kgoetzyou are both correct. my launchpad_username was set (for reasons unknown), but ssh keys not set up22:57
kgoetzincidentally, is there a plan to move ~/.bzr.log into ~/bazaar? i keep missing them up when tab completing22:58
jelmerkgoetz: not that I'm aware of22:59
kgoetzjelmer: ok, thanks22:59
jelmerkgoetz: I'm not aware of a good reason not to, but also not aware of any plans to do so23:00
kgoetzthe argument i expect would be made is if you're going to move it you should put things in XDG_* locations23:01
mgedminif ~/.bazaar lived under ~/.config, your tab-completion trouble would be gone as well ;)23:01
kgoetzmgedmin: snap (:23:01

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