
ronnocRiddell: Hi Jonathan. Is there activity in the Kubuntu Testers group on Launchpad? Also, are tehre any coordinated effors ongoing with that group? Any way I can help? Thanks in advance.00:01
Riddellronnoc: not currently00:03
RiddellI think it was a hope to make a irc channel where people would hang around waiting for things to be tested00:03
Riddellbut mostly that's just like hanging around here :)00:03
ronnocRiddell: Oh. Well I like breaking shiny new things. lol. Maybe it could be used for very specific testing? Telepathy comes to mind, for example. 00:04
ronnockind of like how there are coordinated bug days. I dunno - thinking out loud a bit. 00:05
Riddelloh we need testers, the question is how to keep track of where to find them and how to keep them reliable enough to be useful00:05
yofelI would keep it here, I mean, even #kubuntu-bugs is unused even if it's there00:05
RiddellI don't think a new irc channel is the best way to do that, maybe a bot that can do a testers ping00:06
ronnocwell it could also be used as a mailnig list for specific ppa / build / testing purposes00:06
ronnocDarkwing: exactly00:07
Riddella message in kubotu would be easy to do00:07
RiddellI wonder who's incharge of kubotu 00:07
DarkwingI thought logger was00:07
Riddellmight be00:07
DarkwingI seem to remember talking to him about it being a ruby bot00:08
Darkwingand I started scoffing00:08
Riddellideally it would take the irc nicks for the people in the group and ping them00:09
Darkwinghave a trigger like !testing00:09
Darkwingand !testing would ping those ppl00:10
ubottuHelp! Riddell, amu, imbrandon, Hobbsee, Tm_T or jussi0100:10
DarkwingMuch like that.00:10
DarkwingSorry guys for the bad ping00:10
Riddellgosh some of those ops are oldies00:10
ronnocfrom a dev perspective, there might be some merit to testing specific things heading into a such a LTS release. Releasing alpha's / beta's are good too, but I would think sometimes a more targeted set of parameters might be a good thing. 00:10
ronnocbut you guys would know better than I :)00:11
Riddellsorry I need to sleep, maybe Darkwing can e-mail apachelogger to get it added to kubotu 00:12
DarkwingWho do we want it to ping?00:12
* Darkwing give Riddell a hug00:12
DarkwingHow you feeling anyway Riddell?00:12
Riddellwell ideally kubuntu-testing but that's hassle so it could just be manual for now00:12
ronnocwell as I stated, if I can help and there's a decided need, ping me here or via LP or whatever's easier. in the meantime, good sleep to you!00:13
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apacheloggerjussi: does ubottu have codez to build list-of-people-from-launchpad-team-mapped-to-irc02:44
apacheloggerWRT what jr wanted earlier for testing ping02:44
DarkwingHey apachelogger02:45
apacheloggerlo Darkwing02:46
DarkwingHows life mate?02:46
apacheloggerreally weird, I am having all sorts of sleep issues :O02:51
apacheloggerhence I am up at 4am local time02:52
apacheloggerRiddell: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdemultimedia-dev_4%3a4.7.97-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack):03:18
apachelogger trying to overwrite '/usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.kde.kmix.control.xml', which is also in package kmix 4:4.7.2-0ubuntu103:18
Tm_TRiddell: some? (re: gosh some of those ops are oldies)04:37
faboRiddell: could you upload Qt 4.8.0 to ppa for testing/feedback?09:14
Riddellfabo: which ppa?09:18
Riddellisn't it already in yours?09:18
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Happy New Kubuntu | Congratulations Jussi and Sari | 4.7.4 in updates PPA for testing in oneiric | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs!
Riddelljussi and sari had a healthy daughter an hour ago09:26
Riddellfabo: clearing out kubuntu-ppa/experimental09:29
pangolinyay jussi!09:29
faboRiddell: yes, I was thinking to a kubuntu ppa09:34
fabocongrats jussi/sari :)09:35
faboRiddell: at least, worksforme ;) I've upgraded from my ppa and don't see any obvious issues09:37
faboRiddell: about bug 911733, I would like to have some feedback from upstream on the patch before pulling into the packages09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911733 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Patch Qt to fix annoying KDE bug 275469 (ghost taskbar entries)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91173309:38
Riddellfabo: is there an accompanying qtwebkit update to package?09:38
faboRiddell: 2.2.1 is available but not needed, it contains minor changes (mostly for mac)09:39
faboI can make it available if you want09:39
Riddellfabo: it would be good to have a known version number but don't let it take up your valuable time09:44
apacheloggerRiddell: kde-config-grub2 appears to need a rebuild in oneiric09:44
apacheloggerkcmshell4: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_grub2.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6Magick9CoderInfoC1ERKS0_09:44
apacheloggerwhen trying to 'create' a wallpaper09:44
Riddellapachelogger: for 4.7.97?09:44
apacheloggernah, seems to be magick binary incompatibility09:45
apacheloggeror so google says ^^09:45
Riddellapachelogger: so needs a SRU?09:45
apacheloggerI am rebuilding locally right now09:45
apacheloggerRiddell: yep, SRU rebuild needed :)09:46
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, what do you think about switching our bootsplash to something closer to the ksplash screen?09:51
apacheloggerIMHO with the new artwork of 4.8 our splash doesn't quite keep up 09:51
apacheloggerin terms of sexyness09:51
Riddellapachelogger: the usplash one?09:52
Riddellusing lots of colours and gradients in that is risky because some computers can't do them at that stage09:53
Riddellbut testing would be interesting09:53
apacheloggerwell, it is grey, so that should be fine, especially since those drivers that do dkms will likely also be able to paint a background09:54
apacheloggerthough that is a wild assumption09:54
Riddellapachelogger: how large is that? (I'm on a limited connection)10:13
apachelogger40 or so10:13
Riddellsorry too large10:14
Riddellhttp://www.kereltis.com/2012/01/07/my-thoughts-on-kubuntu-11-10/ first complaint is not enough wallpapers :)10:17
Tm_Tby default, meaning kdewallpapers is missing10:19
Tm_TRiddell: it's always good if one can complain mostly on that (:10:20
apacheloggerit means one is fortunate enough to not have a screen resolution so that the wallpaper and splash looks odd because we only ship one resolution of those :P10:23
mikecbThat's creepy. I'm using the same wallpaper as that link...11:41
shadeslayerjussi: congrats!!!12:54
Riddellfregl, ScottK if qt_accessibility=1 is required should we just set that for all sessions?13:22
freglRiddell: I think so. Please test and bug me if it doesn't play nice. I will meet with the gnome a11y people next week, so I can figure out things if we still have problem.13:26
freglRiddell: I tried to be careful so that the plugin is completely inactive unless gnome a11y was enabled. when gnome a11y is enabled, then it should still do very little, except when screen reader/accerciser are running. but I haven't tested the whole thing much.13:28
ScottKRiddell: Dunno. I was just fixing the W-I tracker error.13:47
Riddellmm, skeat wants me to look at the WIs this week to see if we should postpone some, which is probably a good idea, just yet another thing for my todo13:48
Quintasan_jussi: \o/ gratz!14:08
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faboRiddell: I don't want to complain but it's a mess in the kubuntu blueprints/WI ;)14:10
fabothey aren't even approved or reflect current status14:10
Riddellyes, mostly my fault I fear14:11
ScottKRiddell: I  blame the French.14:13
ScottK(specifically the one that crashed into you)14:13
fabohehe :)14:13
faboI remember a bridge where only one car can pass, no priorities, kind of fifo14:15
faboin martinique14:15
faboit was fun (and dangerous) to drive there14:15
faboafter a week, you used to drive like them... you just need to survive the week14:16
Riddellthe trouble is that driving like them doesn't make it any safer :)14:22
faboRiddell: qtwebkit 2.2.1 uploaded to my ppa, ready to consume14:28
faboyofel_: ping14:41
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alleeBooting todays precise CD: there not 'Install icon' in the folderview, not something found when searching for 'install' in k-menu.16:41
Riddellallee: is ubiquity-kde available as a command?16:42
Riddellroar, ec2 machine killed the disk I was doing calligra on16:44
alleeRiddell: no.  It also booted straight into the kde desktop. No selection of 'try' and 'install'.  but this was maybe a timeout issue16:44
Riddellallee: is ubiquity-frontend-kde installed?16:45
alleeRiddell: no    /me installs it ...16:47
alleeRiddell: now (only) ubiquity and ubiquity-dm is in path16:49
alleedpkg -L ubiquity-frontend-kde   show nothing is installed into /usr/*bin/16:49
alleestarting ubiquity from cmd line and the -kde version is started16:51
Riddellyes that's normal16:51
Riddellso sounds like there's a problem with the cd builds16:52
Riddellcheck ubuntu desktop cd manifest16:52
debfxdidrocks: could you test Qt 4.8 from https://launchpad.net/~fboudra/+archive/qt/+packages so we can upload it sometime soon16:59
Riddellug PPAs not started after 6 hours and might start in 9 hours17:06
ts2there is a rather massive PPA queue: https://launchpad.net/builders17:07
_Groo_hi/2 all18:09
Riddellhi from all18:10
schnelleRiddell: is new nm widget from fabo's ppa going to be available for oneiric through beta ppa? or it is precise only? 18:17
schnellei'm seeing artifacts in nm widget all the time since upgrade tu rc2 in oneiric18:18
Riddellschnelle: no plans for oneiric yet, if you think it should be give good reasons and offer to help :)18:23
Riddellnice new KDE user, seems he doesn't like ubuntu for its six month release, wonder if he knows we do kde updates18:25
schnelleRiddell: I have only "visual" reason: broken buttons : http://www.dodaj.rs/f/21/RR/3irNejQ2/snapshot2.png18:27
schnellenothing else :)18:27
schnelleand can you point me to some good packagin wiki. I want to learn packaging in my spare time :)18:28
schnelleand to help, offcorse18:28
Riddellnice comments too "Kubuntu simply *rocks* for desktop use."18:30
Riddellschnelle: well that buttons aren't fixed, needs a new upstream release for that18:30
Riddellschnelle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide but it might be a bit out of date (and the new one is about using UDD which isn't really ready)18:31
Riddellthere's various debian ones and of course debian policy is the formal definition spec (not a tutorial)18:32
Riddellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted might have more information18:33
Riddellbut it might work best one to one, get me at a good time and I can guide you through it18:33
Riddellor Darkwing can, we gave him a tutorial at UDS :)18:34
Riddellso he knows all about it18:34
schnelleRiddell: ok thanks. "Learn to package and help Kubuntu guys" is on my todo list :)18:34
schnelleRiddell: and i have one proposal for next lts. muon constantly fails to some install external deb files (kernel debs, some icon themes form kde look etc. gdebi-kde doesn't have no problem installing the same debs.18:38
schnelleso if muon doesn't get fixed in time18:38
schnellei think revreting to gdebi-kde is better option for next lts18:38
Riddellreported it to jonathan thomas?18:39
Riddellhe's the muon dude and is usually responsive18:39
schnelleyes on bugs.kde but no response from him yet18:39
Riddellhe doesn't seem to be around much these days, busy with real life I guess18:40
schnellethere is big thread on kubuntuforums with problems with muon18:40
schnelleand in that thread are mostly very experiented kubuntu users18:40
schnelleI will in inform you if these bugs doesn't get fixed soon18:41
schnellei mean muon package manager works, updater works, but muon for installing external deb files failes very often18:42
schnellethat was gdebi-kde's job till oneiric18:43
Riddellyeah keep an eye on it18:44
* Riddell out18:46
* jussi01 waves from the hospital19:58
ScottKjussi01: Waving from the hospital on IRC probably shouldn't be your priority at the moment ...20:04
BarkingFish??? :I20:05
BarkingFishYou can access IRC in a hospital???20:05
ScottKHis wife is having or just had a baby.20:05
ScottKDepends on the hospital.20:06
BarkingFishScottK: While I think about it, any news on the NM and nm-applet in 4.7.4 or for pangolin?  I recall mentioning the update to the code from Lamarque a week or three back, just wonder if you have anyone working on it yet20:08
ScottKI've been working on getting 4.7.4 ready for upload to oneiric-proposed.20:11
BarkingFishwell 4.7.4 is still working well here, no drama to mention yet.  20:12
jussi01ScottK: its late, both mum and daughter are sleeping :)20:14
rbelemjussi01, congrats :-D20:34
tazzcongrats jussi01 20:34
bambeejussi01: w00t, congrz21:31
yofel_congratulations jussi01 :D21:35
Riddelljussi01: does the bairn have a facebook page yet? :)21:35
ScottKRiddell: Facebook requires you to be at least 13.21:45
RiddellI'm sure they rule gets broken a lot21:46
RiddellBarkingFish: new version https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanagement21:50
ScottKRiddell: No doubt.21:53
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BarkingFishright guys, back in a tick, gotta reboot.21:58
BarkingFishRiddell!!!  You, sir, are a God.  I'm utterly speechless.22:03
BarkingFishThe new version of the plasma nm widget for Pangolin is not only working on Ocelot, it's restored all the audio notifications with network manager, I have full control over all of my wifi interfaces too.  22:04
BarkingFishI can guarantee you the i386 version is functioning cleanly from the word Go.22:05
* ScottK doesn't consider the lack of networking related audio notifications a bug ...22:10
BarkingFishScottK: it is when your vision isn't great22:11
ScottKGood point.22:11
BarkingFishand you can't change the text size of the visual notifications :)22:11
BarkingFishIt was the only one of the notifications which failed to work, ScottK - I spoke with Lamarque about it a few months back, and he explained that he'd changed the settings somewhere since the nm was producing audio notifications before the desktop had even started up.22:13
BarkingFishnow it's back to rights, the notifications start after the nm applet has kicked in, and you get the sounds only when the event happens22:13
RiddellBarkingFish: ah interesting, might be good to have it backported to the beta PPA then22:15
BarkingFishyeah, definitely22:16
BarkingFishi did have the problem with the old nm widget that whatever my USB wifi interface connected to, the internal one would see as the "only" available network22:18
BarkingFishthat's now running correctly too, so that both interfaces are working independently of each other22:18
BarkingFishGuys, anyone know where the fix for the plasma desktop crashes was?  I can't remember whether there were repairs to 4.7.3 or whether it was fixed when I upgraded to 4.7.4...22:32
ScottKThere's some in
BarkingFishRight, cause I have a user in #kubuntu who is dealing with this in 4.7.3, wise to advise him to try to upgrade to 4.7.4?  22:33
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yofelBarkingFish: it was fixed in 4.7.4, I remember you saying 4.7.3 being broken22:33
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BarkingFishyeah, which pool was it put in, was it the oneiric-proposed, or kde's ppa?22:34
RiddellBarkingFish: see topic22:35
BarkingFishsorry, missed that :)22:35
BarkingFishso that'd be oneiric-updates universe?22:36
BarkingFishor multiverse?22:36
Riddell"4.7.4 in updates PPA for testing in oneiric" ~kubuntu-ppa updates PPA22:37
BarkingFishok, got it.  Sorry if I seem a bit thick, been feeling grotty all day :(22:39
BarkingFishwhen I finish up, I think i might just head out to bed for the night22:40
RiddellI fear I'm already at that stage22:41
BarkingFishyeah... Normally I don't go to bed much before midnight unless I'm feeling really crud - 2am or so if I'm ok.22:43
BarkingFishIt's now 10.43pm and I want to curl up and sleep till christmas. Next year.22:44
Riddellradio4extra is your friend22:44
BarkingFishnah, I listen to the BBC World Service :)22:45
BarkingFishI like radio 4, but killing Radio 7 was a travesty22:45
BarkingFishThe BBC should have been shot, stabbed, barbecued, cut up into small pieces, fried and then *really* hurt.22:46
RiddellI agree,  except for the being violent bit of course22:47
Saviqhey all, anyone seen QtQuick 3D in a PPA somewhere?23:51

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