
leontopodok, installed kubuntu on my acer aspire one00:12
leontopodwireless doesn't seem to be working00:12
leontopodit's a netbook00:12
Darkwingleontopod: I have the same netbook. What is is doing/not doing?00:13
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leontopodwell, it finds my wireless access point (mustelafuro)00:14
leontopodand I set it up00:14
leontopodwith my password00:14
leontopodand click ok00:14
leontopodand then nothing happens00:14
leontopodno connectivity00:14
DarkwingYeah, I've had that issue... do you save the password/have it auto connect?00:15
leontopodI was able to connect it with an ethernet cable00:15
leontopodusing a static ip address00:15
leontopodso I do have internet connectivity right now00:15
leontopodit's just I want it to be wireless00:15
leontopodauto connect?00:15
Darkwingdisable wireless and reenable it happens again.00:15
Darkwinggimme a sec00:17
leontopodit's working now00:17
leontopodI had to click on "Autoconnect"00:17
DarkwingManage Connections > Connection name > Edit -- At the top00:18
leontopodok wait00:19
leontopodwhere is "Manage Connections"?00:19
leontopodDarkwing, under System settings I see "Network Settings"00:20
DarkwingSorry... the Network Management plasmoid00:20
leontopodbut where is Network Management Plasmoid?00:20
DarkwingBottom right.00:20
leontopodnothing in bottom right00:21
leontopodthis is kubuntu, right?00:21
leontopodlatest version00:21
leontopodDarkwing, bottom left has a "cashew"00:22
leontopodbut bottom right there is nothing at all00:22
leontopodalso, and more importantly, it's not letting me install Firefox00:23
leontopod"The package "firefox-kde-support" has not been found among your software...00:24
leontopodI don't understand, I have internet connectivity now00:24
leontopodshouldn't it be doing an apt-get under the covers?00:24
ronnocleontopod: thepackahge you want is simply called kubuntu-firefox-installer00:29
ronnocit willpull in all the additional integration packages needed00:29
leontopodronnoc, how, though?00:30
leontopodI am clicking on the firefox icon and it is asking me if I want to install00:30
leontopodI click OK then I get that message00:30
ronnocwhat version of kubuntu are you on?00:30
leontopodthe very very latest00:30
leontopoddo I have to open up a terminal and do an apt-get update?00:31
ronnocthe easiest way to install it would be to open Muon Package Manager and search for kubuntu-firefox-installer and install it00:32
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ronnocno reason to use command line unless you wanted to00:32
leontopodKubuntu 11.10_Live00:32
leontopodinstalled from usb flash drive00:32
leontopodon my netbook00:32
ronnocyea open muon00:32
leontopodI thought I was familiar with KDE, using KDE 4 on Slackware00:32
leontopodbut this is totally different00:33
ronnocit's ok - click on the KDE icon on the lower left and in the search box type "muon" with no quotes00:33
ronnocor you can press <alt> + <F2> and in the drop down box at the top of the screen (KRunner) just type muon - either way is OK00:34
Darkwingactually, krunner is disabled on netbook. The search bar in the middle of the screen is what shoudl be used.00:35
trans-stilbenewow.  that's kind of a dud.00:35
ronnocDarkwing: Ahhh Plasma Netbook - ok my bad00:35
trans-stilbeneI liked krunner.00:35
trans-stilbenebut what is the search in the middle of the screen? is it always there?00:35
DarkwingIt's there (Installed) just disabled by default for freeing up hdw for netbooks.00:36
trans-stilbenewhich one is disabled by default?  krunner?00:37
DarkwingAt least for the Kubuntu Netbook install00:37
trans-stilbenethat might be good.00:38
trans-stilbeneI have had quite a lot of problems with krunner crashing.00:38
trans-stilbenedo you know if that is fixed yet?00:38
DarkwingWas there a bug filed?00:38
DarkwingAlso, was it krunner or, akanodi with krunner?00:39
trans-stilbeneI think the bug was filed.  what is akanodi?00:39
DarkwingOr, nepomuk00:39
trans-stilbeneyeah, it could be nepomuk running amok, npi00:40
leontopodlower left I see a cashew00:41
trans-stilbeneI beg your pardon?00:42
DarkwingIt would be at the top. It's the widget that shows your network connection. Right click then manage connections00:42
leontopodok got muon up00:46
leontopodwhat now?00:46
leontopodI used the search bar to find it00:46
ronnocsearch for kubuntu-firefox-installer00:47
ronnocwhen oyu find it, right click and select "mark for installation"00:48
leontopodronnoc it says it is installed00:48
leontopoddo I click on it?00:48
ronnocwhat if you search for just firefox in muon?00:49
ronnocok then install it from tehre00:50
leontopodinstall what?00:50
leontopodnot found in muon00:50
leontopodthere is firefox-local-en but that is installed00:51
trans-stilbeneleontopod, you need to just wget the firefox binaries.  what you have installed is most likely a non-working firefox INSTALLER.00:51
trans-stilbeneI had that problem once.00:51
leontopodI think I will try a regular ubuntu install00:52
leontopodthis kubuntu is fucking with my brain00:52
trans-stilbeneup to you, but I think kubuntu is better.00:52
ronnocbut still in muon the base firefox package should show up00:52
ronnocleontopod: I've installed Firefox from the live CD many times. It shouldn't be an issue.00:53
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leontopodronnoc yeah it's weird00:56
leontopodlet me try installing regular ubuntu and see if I get farther00:57
ronnocleontopod: one last easy thing you could try 1st:00:57
ronnocopen the program "konsole" (KDE's terminal)00:57
ronnocapt-get update00:57
ronnocapt-get install firefox00:58
ronnocshould get it done00:58
ronnocif not, something's hosed somewhere00:58
leontopodI miss the task bar a lot00:58
leontopodthat's the real reason I wanted to try kubuntu00:58
leontopodbut apparently it is turned off on netbooks =(00:58
ronnocleontopod: you can turn it back to the desktop look I think01:03
DarkwingYes, you can.01:03
ronnocleontopod:  You would select System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Workspace and where it says 'Netbook' you can change it to 'Desktop'01:04
leontopodcool thanks ronnoc01:06
ronnocleontopod: :)01:06
leontopodok now firefox is installing01:10
leontopodthanks for that tip01:10
leontopodthis is much more like the kde I am used to01:10
leontopodDarkwing, I never found that plasmoid01:10
leontopodhow do I install it?01:10
leontopodI guess I have to install it?01:10
ronnoche meant your Network Manager icon in the lower right of the tray (now that you're in Desktop mode). it's just KDE's network icon.01:17
leontopodronnoc, ok01:24
leontopodwhat does the network manager icon look like?01:24
leontopodI am in desktop mode now01:24
leontopodI see a battery icon01:25
leontopodoh, found it01:26
leontopodwow, this is nice01:26
leontopodI am doing all the updates01:26
leontopodthere are hundreds of updates!01:26
leontopodwhat the!01:26
FloodBotK2leontopod: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:26
ronnocthere's no reason to update a live cd01:27
leontopodwell I got a warning icon saying updates were available, ronnoc01:29
ronnocleontopod: is your thumb drive install persistent?01:30
leontopoduhm, I installed from the thumb drive01:31
leontopodthen it told me to remove the thumb drive and press enter01:32
leontopodso that's what I did01:32
leontopodso the thumb drive is currently not plugged into the netbook01:32
leontopodis that what you mean?01:32
ronnocyepp. you're all good.01:34
leontopodok =)01:36
westmiI need a partition editor01:36
leontopodI also need to find a printer driver for a Dell Color Printer 72501:36
leontopodhow would I search apt for something like that?01:36
ronnocleontopod: plug your printer in and go to system settings again. Then go to Printer Configuration and add new printer. Most printers will install OK that way. If not, come back and we'll see.01:41
leontopodgah, this is on an ubuntu install01:41
leontopodand the woman I installed it for on her notebook has the notebook over at her house01:41
ronnocwestmi: in Kubuntu it's either called Partition Manager or KDE Partition Manager01:42
leontopodit's one of those deals "gee, Windows Vista just doesn't work any more, we just use this computer to screw around, what can you do?"  "Oh, I'll install ubuntu!"  A few days later she says OH BY THE WAY WE NEED TO PRINT01:42
leontopodwhy are people so stupid?01:42
ronnocleontopod: it's actually a lot easier since you're usually not chasing down drivers all over the Net01:43
ronnocmost are built into the Linux Kernel already01:43
leontopodbut how can I tell if a Dell Color Printer 725 is built int, ronnoc?01:43
leontopodis there any list anywhere?01:43
ronnocwww.openprinting.org is a good resource if you just wanted general linux printing help01:44
leontopodok thanks01:44
westmiunresolved dependencies02:04
westmifor some reason, I can't install partition manager or gparted02:06
westmiI am sooo f23483ng frustrated.02:15
almoxarifei am new to kde, i figured pretty much everything out on my own except one thing, 'event sounds', the level is 'stuck' at 50% and there it stays, i cant find a way to raise it or lower it, no other audio level is effected btw, i dont have any other issue with audio02:16
westmicannot install due to unresolved dependencies02:16
almoxarifewestmi: i bet you got a ppa causing the issue02:17
westmisomething about having thr right repo added or enabled02:17
almoxarifewestmi: do you have all the repos enabled?02:18
westmibut I have no way of knowing what repository has the dependencies I need libparted002:18
westmidon't know...02:19
almoxarifewestmi: what version?02:19
westmikubuntu 10.0402:19
almoxarifewestmi: natty?02:19
westmiI'm just trying to format my usb thumbdrive02:20
almoxarifewestmi: does you version include 'start-disk-creator'? or allow you to install it??02:21
westmiand , for some reason cannot install gparted or partition manager due to unresolved dependencies02:21
almoxarifewestmi: you can stop repeating yourself02:21
westmik sorry02:21
almoxarifewestmi: does you version include 'start-disk-creator'? or allow you to install it??02:22
westmiyes, it does have start up disk creator02:22
almoxarifewestmi: and does 'it' not allow you to format a usb?02:22
westmiidk...let me see...brb02:23
westmi"event sounds" is the beeps, or sounds that are associated with ...?02:24
almoxarifewestmi: 'events'02:24
westmilike, notifications?02:25
almoxarifewestmi:  may i suggest you include the nick of the person you are talking to02:26
almoxarifewestmi: thnks02:26
almoxarifewestmi: yes, an event is for example my nick shows up in a line of txt, i get 'beeped'02:28
westmialmoxarife, or if you have updates available,02:30
westmiyeah, idk , sorry- mine doesnt even work02:30
almoxarifewestmi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/libparted002:31
AndroidLoverInSFhow can i enable the proprietary graphics drivers in kde?02:37
westmiAndroidLoverInSF, hardware drivers02:39
westmiklaunch>applications>system>hardware drivers02:41
AndroidLoverInSFunder system-settings, hardware, i just see 'device actions', 'display and monitor', 'information sources', input devices', 'power management', 'removeable devices', 'multimedia'.  i'm on ubuntu 11.04 kde02:41
westmiAndroidLoverInSF, you can pick and chose which drivers you want to use there02:42
westmiAndroidLoverInSF, AFAIK, your looking in the wrong place02:43
AndroidLoverInSFi cant find 'hardware drivers' under 'system'02:45
AndroidLoverInSFi'm going intou ubuntu software center and search there02:46
AndroidLoverInSFbut i dont know what kind of card i have02:46
AndroidLoverInSFdo i need to enable some other 'other software' under the update manager02:50
leontopodok I am updating and it has been stuck at "running dpkg" at 52% for an hour now02:58
leontopodis it stuck?02:58
leontopodI had to remove the battery to reboot my netbook03:20
leontopodI guess kubuntu is now in an undefined state03:20
KimlarouxI think you can still recover it03:20
leontopodwell I was able to reboot03:21
leontopodand it booted clean as far as I can tell03:21
Kimlarouxand it booted?03:21
leontopodbut I don't know what state it's in03:21
leontopodit's a "down machine", as they say in the industry03:21
leontopoduntil it is checked out03:21
Kimlarouxyou were updating from what to what?03:21
leontopodI installed kubuntu on my netbook using a thumb drive03:22
leontopodthat all worked fine03:22
leontopodit didn't look like kde at first, not the kde that I am used to03:22
leontopodbut I was able to get help with that03:22
leontopodand now it looks like the kde I am familiar with03:22
leontopodexcept, there was a yellow icon screaming at me to run updates03:22
leontopodso I clicked on it03:23
leontopodand it started doing hundreds of updates03:23
leontopodthen it started "running dpkg"03:23
leontopodand got stuck at 52%03:23
leontopodso what did I do wrong?03:23
leontopodI have no idea03:23
Kimlarouxwhen you go to your package tool and refresh the updates, does it list any?03:23
leontopodwhere is the package tool?03:23
leontopodand what btw is dpkg?03:24
Kimlarouxdpkg is the tool that takes care of the packages on your system, it installs them, configure them and keeps them up to date03:24
leontopodwow, it crashed03:24
leontopodthat can't be good03:24
leontopodmy system is in an undefined state right now03:25
leontopodI think I am going to reinstall from scratch03:25
leontopodand try just plain ubuntu this time03:25
Kimlarouxyou could try to do "dpkg-reconfigure -all03:26
Kimlarouxthis will redo everything dpkg was doing when it hung03:26
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leontopodit's too quiet06:13
arinovi have network printer on Windows coputer and i cant connect Kubuntu via samba to it06:42
arinovi have samba, cups installed06:42
arinovwhen i refresh list of computers in local network through Windows Printer via SAMBA i have computer names but no printers06:43
arinovbut i have another linux distro with gnome where printer is configured06:44
arinovand works fine06:44
arinovKubuntu 11.0406:44
arinovwhere can i read step-by-step instructions or how to fix it?06:45
hellslingeranyone have experience configuring smb4k? When I click on a share in network neighborhood, it faisl to mount because it can't find an entry in /etc/fstab... I'm using smb4k because I don't want to use /etc/fstab07:05
amichaidoes anyone know where the touchpad settings (from system settings panel) are stored? what configuration file they end up in?08:13
amichaiah.... finally found it, unde ~/.config/synaptiks08:42
kriseHi all08:42
krisehow can i reset KDE to default settings08:43
susundbe1gremove your home directory should do it08:46
ts2krise: all your users settings for KDE are stored in the ~/.kde directory, you can just remove (or rename) that directory08:46
susundbe1gor even ~/.kde08:46
krise__ts2 is it the folder usr/share/kde4 ?08:52
ts2krise__: no, don't touch anything in /usr, just the .kde folder in your home directory08:53
susundbe1gkrise__: mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old as ts2 said sounds wise ..08:53
krise__ts2 i dont see kde folder in my home directory08:54
ts2krise__: it starts with a dot "." which denotes a hidden file/directory08:54
krise__sorry guys i need step by step help08:55
ts2krise__: just open a terminal and run "mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old"08:56
krise__mv: missing destination file operand after `/home/krise/.kde'08:57
krise__Try `mv --help' for more information.08:57
RedAsheshey this is weird.. I'm trying to rm -r this folder, and it keeps saying "cannot remove, folder not empty"... the folder IS empty.  I have tried everything I can to delete this folder and nothing works! wtf is goin on?08:57
ts2krise__: you missed the second part "~/.kde_old"08:57
krise__ts2 , nothing happens08:58
ts2RedAshes: there may be hidden (dot) files inside it (especially if you got it from svn/bzr), but you can force it by adding the -f option to rm08:58
krise__krise@krise-HP-ProBook-4520s:~$ mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old08:58
ts2krise__: no error message means there was no error :)08:58
krise__well thats great :)08:59
ts2so you can just log out and then back in, and you should have the default settings08:59
krise__so what now08:59
RedAshesokay, -f is not working08:59
RedAshesand there are no hidden files in it, I checked08:59
RedAshesin fact... the files in the folder disappeared when I first tried rm -r, which should have removed it regardless of files08:59
ts2RedAshes: what exactly do you mean by "not working"?09:00
RedAshesI mean its giving me the same error09:00
RedAshes"cannot remove, folder not empty"09:00
RedAshesdude it should have deleted it from rm -r09:00
ts2try running "ls -AR" on the directory, see what it outputs09:01
RedAshesdude... it has one file in it.. .fuse09:01
RedAshesit's still there09:01
ts2what directory are you removing?09:01
RedAshesand besides that, rm -r is supposed to remove it REGARDLESS of files inside09:02
RedAshesI have used rm -r a bunch of times on folders with hundreds of files09:02
RedAshesIm trying to get rid of Kottonmouth Kings - Royal Highness09:02
ts2-r just means recursive, -f tries harder without prompting09:02
RedAshesuhm, I used -f09:03
RedAshesit refuses to delete the directory dude09:03
ts2use -r and -f together, "rm -rf ....."09:03
RedAshesI did09:03
RedAsheswhat part of I have done that already do you not understand09:03
RedAshesit refuses to delete the directory09:03
RedAshesdo I need to paste it for u09:03
ts2I would suggest you watch your attitude, all help here is voluntary09:04
RedAshesI seriously want rid of this folder09:04
RedAshesand it wont delete it09:04
kbroulikis it just me or does KDE 4.8 (or is it Precise's fault? dunno anymore if it happened before the upgrade to 4.8) no longer remember a configured screen resolution at all?09:04
RedAshesand I have tried everything you're suggesting already09:04
RedAshesthanks for the help09:04
RedAshesed@Ashes:/media/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive/My Files/Music$ rm -r -f Kotton*09:05
RedAshesrm: cannot remove `Kottonmouth Kings - Royal Highness': Directory not empty09:05
RedAshesred@Ashes:/media/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive/My Files/Music$ l -a Kotton*09:05
RedAshes./  ../  .fuse_hidden000003dd0000000909:05
RedAshesred@Ashes:/media/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive/My Files/Music$09:05
FloodBotK2RedAshes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
ts2what is the output of "mount" (use the paste link above to pose)09:06
ts2I said the output of "mount"09:06
RedAshesthere ya go09:07
RedAshesbtw I copied this folder from a windows computer that had had a pretty bad virus on it, so maybe that has something to do with it09:09
ts2RedAshes: for some reason fuse doesn't want to release that directory, but try running the rm command with sudo, it should get it before fuse can re-add the file09:10
RedAshesI already tried it with sudo, but not using -f09:11
RedAshesokay didn't work09:12
krise_ts2 thanks09:13
RedAshesearlier when I played the songs using mpg123 it sounded like they were chipmunks09:13
RedAshesthen the files disappeared09:13
krise_lost all my passwords do09:13
RedAshesits a cursed folder09:13
ts2RedAshes: ok, you should try un-mounting the device and then re-mounting it again, see if it helps09:14
RedAshesi hope it isn't corrupting the rest of my data cuz I bought all those albums... will try that now09:14
ts2krise_: this is why you renamed the directory rather than removing it, just copy over ~/.kde_old/share/apps/kwallet to ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet to get the KDE Wallet back09:15
krise_ok thanks09:16
RedAsheshaha it worked09:16
RedAshesthanks a lot09:16
ts2no problem09:17
RedAshesI wonder why that happened09:18
ts2fuse can be odd, it does all kind of strange things, especially on NTFS09:20
RedAshescould it have been related to me using KAlarm to set up a command to play me a song in the morning off that drive?09:21
ts2I doubt it, I think it has to do with how fuse and NTFS handle deleted files09:23
RedAshesokay thanks g2g to sleep bye all09:23
RedAshesdang, just had 2 say one more thing.. that kinda makes me feel dumb cuz.. I probably didn't even have to delete that folder.  Well, now I know to make sure that my files are messed up before rming something.  Thanks for the help, and this OS is awesome for a free OS, it works a lot better for my purposes than any windows I ever had.  If I knew more about computer science I might not have made a mistake like that... too bad, guess I now gotta get another09:52
RedAshescopy of royal highness.  Goodnight all.09:52
MarcoPauhi, since last month I've been getting plasma-desktop and kde4-window-decorator segfaults at shutdown. is it a known problem on oneiric?09:53
krise_Ok friend, who helps me to install themes09:56
krise_i downloaded theme file from kde look but i dont know how to insytall it09:56
bericHi. I installed the latest kubuntu and somehow cant see the network widget in the tray anymore. it doesn't even show the "Network management" in the tray settings10:10
bericI've googled quite a lot and tried many solutions but none of them worked10:11
arinovberic: check repos and try to find something by phrase "networkmanagement"10:14
bericwhat is repos ? apt repositories ?10:15
optiixI have a AsRock ION 3D with ubuntu 11.10 installed atm. But im sick of unity and shit so I was bout to try you kubuntu10:37
optiixBut The install wont go thru10:37
optiixjust get some wierd error that I make no sense of besides it might be the CIR, so i disabled it in BIOS. but still same black screen white text scenario with no installation starting10:38
optiixI took a screenshot with my phone, if that helps :| ( http://i44.tinypic.com/1sjsc6.jpg )10:39
optiixPlease, anybopdy has Any idies about this? Really need it installed =(10:39
Peace-optiix: mm?10:40
optiixHello Peace-10:40
Peace-optiix: you need to explain10:40
Peace-fresh installation10:40
Peace-upgrade ?10:40
optiixYes, fresh install10:41
Peace-what did you do10:41
Peace-live cd worked?10:41
optiixI have ubuntu there now. But im trying to get rid of Ubuntu so I can install kubuntu. The install process shoulöd take care of the formatting and partining10:41
Peace-this seems a system error10:42
Peace-i mean it's not kde fault10:42
optiixBut the installw ont start. It goes to that: 1: The disc loads. 2: I see the blue screen with the kubuntu logo loading. 3: error before the install starts10:42
Peace-optiix: i can't understand this si the live cd?10:42
Peace-i mean the screnshot10:42
optiixThe screenshot is the desktop version10:43
optiixtested both x64 and i38610:43
Peace-you have installed kubuntu10:43
Peace-or that is the live cd10:43
optiixno. I try to install it10:43
optiixbut the install wont start.10:43
Peace-so it's the freaking live cd that can't boot10:43
optiixI just get that screen10:43
Peace-ok download the alternate cd10:43
optiixtestaed in both internal discdrive and asus BD-rom external10:44
optiixso u dont think it is some IRQ in bios (if that is even possible to set IRQ in bios :|)10:44
Peace-optiix: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/11.10/kubuntu-11.10-alternate-i386.iso10:44
Peace-optiix: i don't knwo10:45
optiixCan u say...10:45
optiixWhat the difference is between the desktop and alternate?10:45
optiixwhy do u thgink it should work I mean?10:45
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Peace-alternate supports more hardware and it's  is a text installation10:45
Peace-btw your screenshot is not clear10:46
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Peace-i have to go now10:46
optiixThanksyou very much Peace-10:46
optiixPeace-, the install is starting now. Im greatful for your help! :D11:06
Peace-optiix: nice11:13
* Peace- uses always the alternate version11:14
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BluesKajHey folks14:13
GirlyGirlHi can someone help me set up contact to sync with Google Calendar14:30
GirlyGirlI want to set Google Calendar with Kontact (KDE-pim) I am using KDE 4.8 RC2 (Build 4.7.97)14:30
Peace-GirlyGirl: you need to set up akonadi14:32
Peace-there are tuttorinal on google14:32
GirlyGirlPeace-: I know but following this http://jpwhiting.blogspot.com/2011/04/kontact-with-google-calendar.html I get an error message at the last step from kio about protocoal error14:33
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:40
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Guest77940I have never used knetwork for file sharing.Does anyone use it?15:37
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alonewolfdo i need to install samba when i have knetwork installed?15:51
BarkingFishonly if you need to share with windows, alonewolf :)15:57
alonewolfok thanks thought so15:58
alonewolffor using knetwork,  do i need ftp or ssh?15:58
alonewolfreading on them both. trying to learn to get sharing up and runniing.any help would be good.16:00
BluesKajalonewolf,  ssh is great , and another alternative is NFS , this tutorial is easy to follo rw and works well , if you wish to share from a central server on your LAN ,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo16:04
alonewolfgood will go and look thanks16:05
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CharlieSheenHi, guys.16:57
CharlieSheenI have a huge question, that kind've reverts to my question yesterday.  I have a link here, you can see it is safe, it lists the drivers for my system's network card and stuff.  How...do I get the drivers? http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=97135&prodSeriesId=96306&swLang=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=1093#1139516:58
ts2CharlieSheen: usually you don't download them from the vendor, because they are under the belief that Windows is the only OS in the universe. most of the time though, Ubuntu ships the drivers you need anyway17:00
CharlieSheenTS2 - How do i find them, though?17:10
ts2try out the live cd, if everything works then they are built-in17:10
CharlieSheenWell, ya see, my friend got rid of his windows xp partition, and now only have kubuntu 11.1017:13
CharlieSheenSo he cant go check his software like that, and has no option as far as a live cd goes17:13
ts2if they have Kubuntu installed, and everything works, then he doesn't need any drivers17:14
CharlieSheents2 - Wireless won't connect or even show wireless connections available lol17:20
Guest7357can someone please help on how to get network manager for lucid17:28
EvilResistanceGuest7357:  apt-get install network-manager-kde ?:17:31
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flintwingel /msg NickServ identify hello1218:57
Unit193flintwingel: May want to change your password nwo18:59
optiixmore problems18:59
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optiixthe font size in "window" is like 50px18:59
optiixdont find where to change it18:59
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optiixno sound. Ubuntu 11.10 finds 4 HDMI. But Kubuntu only finds HDMI 1 and HDMI 4. Any clues?19:00
mushroomblueyup. freenode and Tor work.19:19
mushroomblueanyone in here have any experience getting kontact/kmail working with tor-based mail servers?19:20
mushroombluethey seem to error out immediately, saying the address doesn't exist.19:20
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mushroombluewtf. quassel is using 100% of my cpu.19:22
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optiixhas to try debian also then19:55
julian38hi boys and girls20:08
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TheAncientGoatopening an xml file, with wine installed (which makes it open xml files by default) causes one heck of a bug20:14
TheAncientGoatopens thousands of instances of wine20:14
almoxarifelesson learned, when migrating from ubuntu to plasma-desktop do wipe 'pulseaudio' , i cna finally control the hardware with phonon20:18
lordjjalmoxarife why hello.20:30
almoxarifelisten i gave up on ubuntu for a few reasons, mainly i got tired of not be able to configure my desktop to my liking, so i went plasma-desktop20:31
BarkingFishguys - There used to be a program for specifically producing translations and stuff from .po files - can anyone here remember what the heck it was called please? :)20:31
almoxarifelordjj: i have not gone back20:31
almoxarifelordjj: smooth desktop with all the bling20:32
lordjjBarkingFish poedit20:32
almoxarifeand shaved 300k off of ram20:32
BarkingFish!info poedit oneiric20:32
ubottupoedit (source: poedit): gettext catalog editor. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 773 kB, installed size 3532 kB20:32
BarkingFishbrilliant, thanks lordjj :)20:32
almoxarifelordjj: thats all i have to say :)20:32
almoxarifelordjj: oh, yeah forgot, and its a stable desktop! without the need for 100 ppa just to have icons20:33
lordjjalmoxarife well I'm planning on going Arch in a few weeks, so I am interested in what DEs are available. Regarding KDE, it seems from some screenshots I've seen that fonts aren't well anti-aliased. Correct me if I'm wrong.20:34
lordjjThat was my main issue with e17 also.20:35
almoxarifelordjj: i run plasma-oxygen, i dont see it, but i dont have alot of screen to scrutinize20:35
lordjjwhat's plasma-oxygen? A wm / composting manager for KDE?20:36
almoxarifelordjj: how will arch improve things?20:36
almoxarifelordjj: the composting is xrender or opengl ?20:36
lordjjalmoxarife it won't, just saying that I do plan on testing with a bunch of DEs.20:36
almoxarifelordjj: oxygen is a theme20:37
lordjjOk :P20:37
almoxarifelordjj: i had a dark mettalic ubuntu, i kept the same sort of look, i prefer dark menus20:38
jamil_1how can I assign keyboard shortcuts to special symbols like → ← etc20:38
BluesKajbeen searching for a linux version of ldif to csv converter , but can't seem to find one for linux ...any ideas ?20:38
almoxarifeBluesKaj: doesnt libreoffice do it?20:39
lordjjalmoxarife yeah I like dark with hints of orange/ red ...20:39
BluesKajalmoxarife,  no idea , never tried20:39
BluesKajalmoxarife,  I'll check20:40
almoxarifelordjj: the hinting in kubuntu is blueish20:40
almoxarifelordjj: i kept the default20:40
almoxarifelordjj: what i noticed most was the shaving of 300k ram and still had the 'compiz' effect20:41
lordjj300k? What do you mean20:43
lordjjThis is my current desktop http://api.ning.com/files/P2cx4T-wM0FuPtX3KAlRhXMVz-F25punDGdsRuG7Gltl0g2JpptBGoyOsA7f3IlRHYhyONyq3YKZcyfYJ*Zvj3ddF4L8Rn5e/Screenshot2.png20:44
nubb3_https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ redirects to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions20:45
almoxarifelordjj: how many desktops?20:45
lordjjwhat do you mean?20:45
almoxarifelordjj: how many screens do you keep apps running in?20:46
lordjjworkspaces? just one. Never needed more really.20:46
almoxarifelordjj: i run 6, used to run 9, 9 is a bit much20:46
lordjjI just alt+tab20:47
almoxarifelordjj: i got used to it, keeps stuff in order for me20:48
almoxarifelordjj: what does alt-tab do?20:48
lordjjalmoxarife using compiz, i set it to do this: http://api.ning.com/files/Fqq8zUJqSC-q9XAvVXeNZY4w3*XyLU3zhyzTA0ZGp4B4L2uVW2GFG3bq0caFEQ*C1P3qMY7tl6QbuPTaCtfjxSKwHS2axLlU/alttab.png20:50
almoxarifelordjj: http://imagebin.org/192923 , shows the content of the 6 desktops20:57
lordjjis that a video editor? Or a converter?20:59
almoxarifelordjj: where/.?20:59
lordjjbottom middle20:59
almoxarifelordjj: mplayer-kde's21:01
lordjjOh :P.  I fiddled about with Kdenlive once21:01
lordjjIt's not bad. Except that I there didn't seem to be any smooth fade in/out effects and such.21:02
almoxarifelordjj: plasma-desktop has all that bling, cube-fade-explosions-etc21:03
lordjjI'll use this screenshot as an example http://kde.org/workspaces/plasmadesktop/screenshots/general-desktop.png21:04
lordjjIt just looks like something's wrong with the fonts21:04
lordjjThey're not smooth21:05
almoxarifelordjj: i got hooked on multiple desktops-workspaces, i prefer to keep that is associate in its own space21:05
almoxarifelordjj: i dont think the pic you put up is plasma-desktop, looks like the old kde?21:05
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lordjjalmoxarife I don't know, what's this page: http://kde.org/workspaces/plasmadesktop/21:06
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almoxarifelordjj: i dont know what to say, the icons are not what i thought the virgin desktop i started with looks like, the icon theme i use i believe is the out of the box install21:09
lordjjThis says it's 4.3 i think: http://kde.org/announcements/4.3/images/kde430-desktop.png21:09
lordjjCan u screencaps one of your workspaces in full res?21:10
almoxarifelordjj: bu then i really never used kde before this, so i am not an expert21:10
lordjjI just wanna see what the fonts look like21:10
almoxarifewith apps in it?21:10
almoxarifehttp://imagebin.org/192928 <-- lord21:13
almoxarifelordjj: i use some gnome apps just because i got used to them21:15
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lordjjalmoxarife thanks. Something about the font just kinda bugs me.21:16
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almoxarifelordjj: text font//////?21:17
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lordjjLooks not anti-aliased21:18
almoxarifelordjj: i dont know that i have check for anti-alias21:19
Zylebplease could someone indicateme which utility could I use on kubuntu to setup multiple OS boot preferences???21:20
almoxarifelordjj: it was not set21:20
almoxarifeit is now21:20
lordjjZyleb something like grub-customizer?21:21
almoxarifeZyleb: grub accounts for found OS's, and will show them21:23
lordjjalmoxarife you set anti-aliasing? Can I see now? (Might be called sub-pixel rendering)21:24
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Aerodinamiclordjj I'm Zyleb, having some problems with the irc client21:26
lordjjWhat problems?21:26
Aerodinamicit freezed but it's not important21:27
Aerodinamicbut how i run/execute grub21:27
Aerodinamici have located a folder under boot but i dont know how to run it21:27
lordjjyou don't run it.21:28
Aerodinamictext edit??21:28
lordjjIt's something that handles what boot options you have on startup21:28
lordjjlet me explain...21:28
Aerodinamicok xD21:28
lordjjThis is the grub screen http://blog.siliconforks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/ubuntu-out-of-range-grub.png Aerodinamic21:29
lordjjIt appears when you first turn on the pc.21:29
lordjjIf you have another OS installed, it will appear as an option there.21:29
lordjjAerodinamic what would you like to know?21:30
lordjjalmoxarife you set anti-aliasing? Can I see now? (Might be called sub-pixel rendering)21:31
Aerodinamicyes, it used to appear but I still dont know why it loads automatically another OS... I have kubuntu installed, and an old messed windows xp which i would like to format but completely newbie on linux i'm lost21:31
almoxarifelordjj: i dont see much diff, slight maybe, i dont have the discremenating eye anymore, perhaps because i am going blinder everyday21:33
lordjjAerodinamic if I understand correctly, you installed Windows after you already had a linux distro installed, and now it just boots directly to windows?21:33
lordjjalmoxarife :P21:33
Aerodinamicif i could almost setup the boot order from kubuntu live cd i'll be happy21:33
lordjjAerodinamic do I understand your problem correctly?21:34
Aerodinamicoooops sorry i didn't readed some lines, one sec...21:34
Aerodinamicnot exactly, i had an old win xp installed which was corrupt then i decided to install kubuntu, then i changed the HD to another computer because the other one almost was dead but on the new harward it runs automatically win xp without giving me the chance to chhose kubuntu21:36
lordjjAerodinamic do you have another harddrive that was already on that pc?21:37
lordjjAerodinamic ok then you need to change your hard drive boot order from the BIOS21:38
Aerodinamicbut its not conneceted now21:38
lordjjwhat? Then where is XP from? I though you said it was corrupt.21:38
Aerodinamicyes, but he tries to load21:38
lordjjSo is there only 1 hard drive connected now?21:39
almoxarifelordjj: see any diff? http://imagebin.org/19293021:39
Aerodinamicyes, one with an old winxp and with a kubunto, both installed on the old hardware where i transplanted the hd from...21:40
Aerodinamicyes, one with an old winxp and with a kubuntu, both installed on the old hardware where i transplanted the hd from...21:41
Aerodinamicsorry for repeating i thought the doskey could work21:41
lordjjalmoxarife no :P21:42
lordjjAerodinamic well, was there another hard drive from the pc you took it from?21:43
Aerodinamicno, it was the unique HD on the almost dead pc21:44
Aerodinamici just want to setup the os boot order from kubuntu live cd, where i'm now, is it possible?21:45
lordjjalmoxarife look at the fonts here http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Ubuntu_synaptic.png21:46
lordjjthats what I mean by smoother21:46
lordjjAerodinamic well I can't imagine why OS boot order would change, but I guess you can update or reinstall grub.21:47
Aerodinamicmaybe from KDE partition administrator?21:47
lordjjAerodinamic see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:47
lordjjAerodinamic if you want to delete the windows partition and see what happens you can do that from partition manager21:48
lordjjBut you'll probably have to reinstall or update grub21:48
Aerodinamicthxs lordjj, i'm almost completely newbie on linux and pretty lost xP21:48
lordjjAerodinamic see "Reinstalling grub 2" : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB221:49
Aerodinamicok, thxs! for now i will read a while, i have info on that hd i dont want to loose by an stupid mistake ;( thxs again!! xD21:50
lordjjAerodinamic there's a special 100mb or so LiveCD that I recommend21:50
AerodinamicHiren's boot cd?21:51
lordjjAerodinamic it lets you fix grub related issues. You boot from the CD and there's a tool (boot-repair) that let's you fix grub with one click21:51
lordjjLet me search for it21:51
Aerodinamicthat's perfect for me xD21:51
lordjjAerodinamic this is it:21:52
Aerodinamicthxs man!!!21:52
lordjjBoot Repair Disc. Boot it, run the program "boot repair"21:52
lordjjand try "recommended repair"21:52
lordjjAerodinamic, more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:53
Aerodinamicbut i have to burn the cd right?21:53
lordjjAerodinamic make sure to read up before you do anything :)21:53
lordjjespecially the last link I gave you21:53
Aerodinamicyes, i'll do it xDD21:53
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Aerodinamicthxs again xD21:54
lordjjGood luck. If it doesn't work, try reinstalling grub manually like in the 1st link I gave you.21:54
Aerodinamicok ;) a lot to read xD21:56
dumnuthi, i installed ubuntu 11.10, when i click on wireless icon, it doesn't show list of wireless connections available. how can i connect to wireless?22:02
RobertLaptopQuestion anyone have problems with 11.10 and there plasma desktop crashing every few hours?22:20
BarkingFishRobertLaptop: which version of KDE are you using?  If it's 4.7.3, this is a known bug.22:28
RobertLaptopLet me check22:29
RobertLaptopIt is a stand 11.10 install22:29
RobertLaptopBarkingFish, 4.7.322:30
RobertLaptopIs there a fix?22:31
RobertLaptopApt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't show anything.22:31
BarkingFishone second, I know it's fixed here but I'm running a beta version of kde.22:31
who_meit's fixed in 4.7.4, gt it from kubuntu ppa. more info here: http://www.kubuntu.org/kde-sc-47422:32
RobertLaptopwho_me, ok22:33
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RobertLaptopLets see if 4.7.4 works better as 4.7.3 has really sucked.22:41
alonewolfI have installed samba gui and when I click on it nothing happens.Can anyone help?22:58
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: what version?23:01
alonewolfversion? I have latest kubuntu and installed latest samba then few minuts ago installed samba gui and nothing loads.23:02
DerezzedGoatalonewolf:   I don't see it in the packages apt-cache search samba | grep gui23:03
alonewolfinstalled with synapt manager23:04
alonewolf2:3.5.11 it shows23:05
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: did you try using dolphin to browse the network? I am trying to figure out what you are using...23:05
alonewolfand system-config-samba 1.2.6323:05
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: what exactly are you trying to do?  Dolphin has worked for me..  (in the past.. )23:06
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: I just click network, then samba shares, and I am browsing away23:07
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: and if I want to share, I can right click on the folder, and tell it to share23:09
alonewolfok I have 3 computers.2 have kubuntu on them and one has windos xp. one of the linux comp. has a secound drive  from when i used vista. left it as is so it is ntfs ,trying to make home network.23:09
zacariasHow do you take snapshots or screencasts with kubuntu?23:09
DerezzedGoatzacarias: screen shots,   Hit the print screen button. an excelent tool pops up that is very user friendly23:09
alonewolfprint screen button23:10
almoxarifealonewolf: you want to network the kubuntus?23:10
DerezzedGoatzacarias: as for screencasts...  hopefully someone else can help, I ended up googling and having to copy stuff23:10
zacariasDerezzedGoat: Thanks!23:11
DerezzedGoatzacarias: and convert formats...   any linux tool should work for screen casts23:11
almoxarifealonewolf: pick a folder with dolphin within your home folder and right click, see properties?23:12
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: do you want to share files from the kubuntu, or get to a folder on you xp, or both?23:12
alonewolfyes i have done that first time i did was a botton to install samba i installed it.23:13
alonewolfstill not understanding this nwtworking.23:13
mushroomblueanyone know why bash would say "/usr/bin/skype: no such file or directory" when /usr/bin/skype exists? I did an apt-get purge and reinstall, and still getting the message.23:13
rats__zacarias: try this  ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq ~/my_video.mpg for screencast - just change screen res to your screen res23:13
alonewolfnetworking sorry.23:14
zacariasI don't see any menu with "shutdown" or "restart" options. I usually make use of the CLI commands for that. Is there a GUI interface for that (like there is one for Xubuntu, Lubuntu or Ubuntu)?23:14
zacariasrays_: this is a terminal command?23:14
zacariasrats_ :is this a terminal command?23:15
almoxarifealonewolf: networking the various machines requires you decide what folders from what machines are visible, visibility is decided by the OS using its own method23:15
rats__works well for me23:15
alonewolfok i understand that23:15
rats__ ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq ~/my_video.mpg23:15
alonewolfthe problem is that samba is asking for password i did not set one23:16
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: that is fun... it has always been a problem for me too now  that I thin kabout it.23:16
almoxarifealonewolf: samba in what app?  o23:17
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: try a username on the other computer23:17
zacariasrats_: how do you stop it?23:17
DerezzedGoatand leave the password blank  (if you made it so it does not need authentication)23:17
alonewolfi tried on both i put the information for me to login to my comp nothing23:17
alonewolftried with other one to and nothing23:18
alonewolfwill not let me login23:18
almoxarifealonewolf: this and that, speak linux and windows23:18
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: I had to do that a few times... also trying guest.   double check the share information as almoxarife suggested23:18
alonewolfthought the gui would help23:19
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: still don't know what gui you are using...23:19
rats__zac press q23:19
zacariasrats_: and for saving options, etc.?23:20
almoxarifealonewolf: and tag your conversation to a nick, i am getting tired of paying attention to you if i am not the recipient23:20
alonewolfwould the information from the change log help23:20
rats__it saves in home file23:20
alonewolfhow do i tag?23:21
almoxarifealonewolf:  tag your conversation to a nick, this is not your floor show23:21
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: type his name almoxarife23:21
almoxarifealonewolf: <-- tagged to you!23:21
rats__did it work zacarias23:21
DerezzedGoatalonewolf: that is tagging it,  Typically you always include peoples names when you are talking tot hem ina   busy room23:22
almoxarifealonewolf: try typing after the tag now what is what23:22
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almoxarifeDerezzedGoat: WA????????????? me too23:26
kkerwinHi. Looking to download the qdbusviewer program. What package might that be in?23:26
zacariasrats_: it did. It's not the most starighforward way of doing it, but it works. I can always configure a keyboard shortcut (for starting it it's easy, for stopping I don't know very well how). Thanks!23:27
kkerwinAh. Found it.23:28
kkerwinI think ...23:28
mushroomblueanyone know why bash would say "/usr/bin/skype: no such file or directory" when /usr/bin/skype exists? I did an apt-get purge and reinstall, and still getting the message.23:28
fatumHello. My Plasma desktop shell closed unexpectedly again. http://paste.kde.org/184904/ <= developer information from a crash23:28
kkerwinmushroomblue: Checked file permissions? Do you have read and execute permissions on the file?23:29
kkerwinmushroomblue: ls -l /usr/bin/skype to double check.23:29
mushroomblue-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 21362968 2011-06-08 05:26 /usr/bin/skype23:33
mushroomblueseems normal.23:33
mushroomblue/bin/sh and /bin/bash both saying file not found.23:33
mushroomblueat this point, I'm about to just reinstall out of frustration.23:33
mushroombluehad a .Private file corrupt today as well.23:34
kkerwinmushroomblue: Ok. Strange question, but do a "echo $PATH".23:43
kkerwinmushroomblue: Check that /usr/bin is in there...23:44
mushroomblue/usr/bin is in there.23:44
kkerwinmushroomblue: Thought so.23:44
zacariaswhat button or menu do you use to restart or shtdown Kubuntu?23:44
kkerwinmushroomblue: Perhaps you have a bad hard drive, that resulted in your .Private file corrupting, as well as this issue with skype?23:45
mushroombluenormally, the shutdown widget inside lancelot. all of this started after rebooting after waking up from sleep mode.23:45
mushroombluekkerwin: thinking so.23:45
mushroombluebrand new netbook, though.23:45
kkerwinHrm. Maybe you can check the md5sum of the skype binary, and compare it against what's on packages.ubuntu.org.23:46
kkerwinIf the sums are different, then you know you have some kind of corruption.23:47
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kkerwinOh, it's not an ubuntu package??23:47
kkerwinI'm out of ideas.23:47
streetfighterhi every body23:48
mushroomblueI re-downloaded the .deb from skype's website just to be sure.23:48
mushroomblueso yeah, just gonna reinstall, then.23:48
mushroombluethanks everyone.23:48
streetfightercan i get some help ?23:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:49
streetfighterI have ubuntu 10.04 and there is a problem to use the wifi device of my pc23:50
kkerwinstreetfighter: What's your wifi device?23:50
streetfightermay device is atheros23:50
kkerwinstreetfighter: sudo modprobe ath9k.23:51
kkerwinstreetfighter: Did that work?23:53
streetfighterunable to resolve host ..??23:53
kkerwinstreetfighter: Are you running that computer inside of a konsole at the moment?23:53
kkerwinstreetfighter: Ok. Let's get a konsole up and running.23:54
kkerwinstreetfighter: Run "ifconfig".23:55
kkerwinstreetfighter: Then paste the output to paste.kde.org, and post the link here for me to see.23:55
streetfightereth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:d4:96:2c:f923:56
streetfighter          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
streetfighter          inet6 addr: fe80::216:d4ff:fe96:2cf9/64 Scope:Link23:56
streetfighter          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:123:56
streetfighter          RX packets:718883 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:023:56
streetfighter          TX packets:502908 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:023:56
FloodBotK3streetfighter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
kkerwinstreetfighter: Make sure that you go to paste.kde.org or paste.ubuntu.com when you paste large pastes.23:56
kkerwinOk. Copy and paste the output to the website http://paste.ubuntu.com. The website will take you to a new page with a new URL. Paste the URL for me here to see.23:58

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