
cjwatsonwgrant: Is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-htmltmpl/1.22-10/+build/221077 a consistency error?  That is still the published version of python-htmltmpl in precise; it should not have been deleted01:46
cjwatson(Noticed while trying to make my germinate-from-db branch work on dogfood.)01:47
* mwhudson drops a pin03:46
* nigelb catches the pin04:48
nigelb...after about 1 hour04:48
nigelbspm: In other words, all the bits everyone wants to kill with fire (re: soyuz)04:55
spmno comment04:55
spmnigelb: you are truly the master of understatement. 1st it was kill with fire; and now "complicated". /me bows in awe05:38
nigelbspm: hey, I'll be nice to people who don't know about it ;)05:38
=== hloeung_ is now known as hloeung
wgrantcjwatson: It's a bit more sinister than that, I'm afraid.06:25
wgrantcjwatson: It's impossible to natively publish some archives, even on proudction.06:26
wgrantcjwatson: Because the files have been inappropriately deleted from the DB.06:26
wgrant(this also makes it somewhat challenging to republish the primary archive, even non-natively.06:26
wgrantcjwatson: And I guess that python-htmltmpl is an example of that.06:29
wgrantI had a list at one point.06:29
uncle_ianbigjools: o/07:59
bigjoolsuncle_ian: GTFO07:59
uncle_ianhuwshimi: o/08:05
huwshimiuncle_ian: Morning :)08:06
cjwatsonwgrant: I wonder what we should do about that.  I could upload rebuilds of affected packages to precise, which would make it irrelevant eventually, but ...08:54
cjwatson(and it would be ultimately better to stuff the relevant files back into the db so that everything's consistent)08:58
wgrantcjwatson: I have a script to identify them and reincarnate them from the pool.09:13
cjwatsonI would love it if that were run.  Is it blocked on anything?09:16
wgrantAs would I, but I need to convince bigjools to let me run it.09:17
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
cjwatsonwgrant: Lucky you're in the same building, then. :-)09:43
wgrantcjwatson: But MaaS has stolen him :(09:44
wgrantBut I will track him down eventually.09:46
wgranthttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/binary-necromancy/revision/13902 has the scipt09:46
cjwatsonwell, I guess I'm not convinced that germinate-from-db will actually be viable anyway; the similar work in the publisher only has to compete with apt-ftparchive on performance, but germinate-from-db has to compete with apt reading Packages/Sources off disk09:46
wgrantProbably fairly bitrotten09:46
cjwatsonit's mind-numbingly slow on dogfood, and I can't really tell whether that's just dogfood or not09:47
cjwatsonI suppose I could try finishing the work to native-publish Ubuntu and then time that, but I have other things to do this year :)09:47
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jcsackettwgrant: https://github.com/mardambey/postoffice10:05
deryckStevenK, rick_h__ https://one.ubuntu.com/combo/4931/?js/one-yui-meta-min.js&js/yui/yui/yui-min.js&js/loader/loader-min.js10:33
rick_h__deryck: if you get a sec, diff is uploading: https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/replace_foldables/+merge/8792410:45
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
Laneyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~laney/launchpad/spph-sponsor/+merge/87929 got approved: can somebody land it?11:18
ayanmaxb: thank you!  that was exactly what i was looking for.11:21
nigelbLaney: Yay!11:21
Laneynigelb: only the first step :P11:21
nigelbOnce it lands, I'll show you the scoreboard where we cmpete with wgrant :P11:21
ayanmaxb: how did you find that information?  that still isn't obvious to me after reading the api documentation.11:21
cjwatsonayan: does https://help.launchpad.net/API/Examples help?  it doesn't have that literal example.11:38
cjwatsonayan: (which bit isn't obvious?)11:38
cjwatsonayan: I guess you need to know that a foo_collection_link attribute in apidoc means that there's a corresponding foo object synthesised by launchpadlib corresponding to the collection11:40
cjwatsonayan: you can sort of deduce that by comparing https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib#Collections with the apidoc; maxb may well have just known it off the top of his head though since it's a fairly common initial step in a launchpadlib script11:41
maxbI looked it up using launchpadlib's introspection facilities11:42
maxbI use a custom lpshell script (http://paste.ubuntu.com/799258/) including a custom describe(x) function (http://paste.ubuntu.com/799260/) which prettyprints the lp_attributes/entries/collections/operations attributes11:45
rick_h__deryck: http://pad.ubuntu.com/VyfPUoW5Cy11:55
lifelessgmb: I don't see the tags in the current streams LP emits13:23
lifelessI was looking to check this thing I said I would...13:23
gmblifeless, They're there. Pipe it through grep and look for zope:layer and you should see them.13:25
lifelessgmb: right, I see them, testr is dropping them somehow.13:29
lifelessgmb: headdesk headdesk headdesk13:29
lifelessgmb: this is why you are not seeing the tags I suspect. Digging13:30
jmlI'm guessing https://bugs.launchpad.net/subunit/+bug/81669013:32
jml(which apparently I've filed twice)13:32
_mup_Bug #816690: TestProtocolClient doesn't support tags <subunit:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/816690 >13:32
jmlhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/subunit/+bug/518016 is the other one13:33
_mup_Bug #518016: No public API for tagging on TestProtocolClient <subunit:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/518016 >13:33
gmbjml, Yes, I'm looking at 518016 now...13:33
jmlI'd mark as a dupe, but my net connection is so poor I can't load the page.13:33
gmbI'll do it.13:33
jmlgmb: ta.13:34
gmbjml, lifeless: So, IIUC the tags are in the subunit output from zope, but then testr eats them, right?13:35
lifelessProtocolTestCase perhaps13:35
lifelessjml: ThreadsafeForwardingResult drops tags13:42
jmllifeless: ah.13:47
cr3what kind of permissions does a project maintainer have?14:27
baccr3: the maintainer can administer the project and do everything required except for those things that require LP admin.  do you have a specific question?14:29
cr3bac: "everything required" is a bit vague, does he have special permissions for bugs and blueprints that others might not have for example?14:30
cr3bac: ok, I'll compare the list of options available for a project where I'm maintainer to one where I'm not. it should be rather obvious14:34
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
ayanSo... I'd like to programmatically nominate a bug for a series.  Does it only make sense to nominate a bug_task?  Can someone point me to documenation that explains the relationship between bugs, possibly bug_tasks, and series nomination?14:55
cjwatsonayan: You nominate bugs, not bug_tasks.  You can tell this because only bug has the addNomination method.  https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#bug15:06
cjwatson(It might be nice to nominate bug_tasks, but you can see this same thing in the UI; if you nominate a bug with tasks on multiple source packages, it gets nominations for all of them in one go and if you don't want some of them you have to mark them Invalid.)15:07
rick_h__anyone up for reviewing some JS? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/replace_foldables/+merge/8792415:43
wgrantlifeless: Where is gpgverifyd?15:56
wgrants/Where //15:56
lifelesswgrant: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/%2Bjunk/gpgverify/16:33
wgrantlifeless: Ah!16:35
lifelessjml: and threadsafeforwardingresult appears to not implement time()16:41
jmllifeless: right.16:42
lifelessdoesn't need to implement it now I look, but it does have a bug (filed)16:52
jmllifeless: couldn't tell you off the top of my head16:52
wgrantbigjools: So, I think we should deploy buildd-manager at 9am tomorrow16:53
wgrantbigjools: And see if it breaks again :)16:54
bigjoolswgrant: I'd quite like it QAd first16:54
wgrantThat was so effective the last two times... :)16:54
StevenKbigjools: So instead of doing project work, wgrant and I have to spend hours doing so instead?16:55
bigjoolsdon't be so melodromatic16:55
StevenKBut buildd-manager QA is easily several houres.16:55
bigjoolsnot at all16:56
bigjoolsI said to jtv that we need one of each type of build pushed through16:56
bigjoolsthen I would be happy if they all worked without triggering the r/o database code16:56
StevenKSure, and if we do that, then we're not checking everything and we may as well deploy it and roll it back16:57
bigjoolswe're checking the basics16:57
StevenKQuick QA of buildd-manager is effectively pointless.16:57
bigjoolsare you insane?16:57
StevenKWith a change of this magnatude, *and* it's been rolled back at least twice.16:58
bigjoolsI will pop to your room and explain17:02
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
rick_h__wallyworld: https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/replace_foldables/+merge/8792417:32
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
rick_h__wallyworld: http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/event/#event-whitelist18:31
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado

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