
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
jmljames_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-binary/reuse-backend/+merge/8805313:30
james_wjml, looking at that, and I've just replied to your review of mine (thanks) and made the requested changes if you could take another look.14:33
jmljames_w: thanks.14:34
james_w`jml, and replied14:44
jmljames_w: thanks14:45
jmljames_w`: the XXX wasn't added, fwiw, merely moved.14:49
james_w`jml, oh, I didn't see it removed in the diff14:50
james_w`is a zombie file still around perhaps?14:50
jmlOh. Hmm.14:50
jmlmy bad.14:50
jmljames_w`: so, I had to add it because in trunk, not every test gets all of the metadata, whereas now all of them get all metadata14:51
james_w`ah, ok14:51
jmljames_w`: I'll fix the tests to provide correct data, as per your recent changes to trunk.14:51
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
jmljames_w: does all_info take arguments?15:25
jmljames_w: anyway, changes provided.15:30
jmljames_w: I'm going to quickly grab some food before our call.15:31
jmloh, right.15:39
jmlI misread SingleExternalHelperInfo15:39
ShaneQfulI have been trying to make a ubuntu one client in ruby so in can publish file inside on kde and make a some what usable mac client17:06
ShaneQfulIs anyone there ?17:06
ShaneQfulI wrote a method to get an auth token but this is what the server is returning any help would be great17:07
ShaneQfulwarning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session17:07
ShaneQful    "total_size": 0,17:07
ShaneQful    "start": null,17:07
ShaneQful    "resource_type_link": "https://login.ubuntu.com/api/1.0/#authentications",17:07
ShaneQful    "entries": []17:07
ShaneQfulno one online bye bye17:08
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine

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