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L-----Dhi, I'm a java/c# developer, I want to start Unity2D QT dev, where can I start?02:57
Chesteralguien por ahi?03:13
Chesterhay alguien?03:22
JuN1xChester: Este canal es en ingles03:25
Chestersome one are there?03:29
JuN1xChester: this channel is for developing03:30
Chesteri have a question abaut ubuntu, some one can help me?03:30
JuN1xChester: try with #ubuntu channel03:32
Chesterok, thx03:32
JuN1xhere is offtopic03:32
slangasekbdmurray: bug #913947 is french for bug #54579006:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913947 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "package libkadm5clnt-mit7 1.8.1+dfsg-2ubuntu0.10 failed to install/upgrade: erreur lors de l'écriture de « <sortie standard> »: Succès" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91394706:03
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 545790 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "package PACKAGE failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': Success" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54579006:03
pittislangasek: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-power-consumption has a WI "Investigate blktrace for reporting issues with excessive disk wakeups" -> it seems you already did that? yesterday I overheared you mentioning it when talking to Chris08:31
slangasekpitti: so, I've certainly been using blktrace locally, but its output isn't very consumable for end users08:47
pitticking: just read through your power notes; this is great work!09:10
ckingpitti, thanks! It's still "work in progress" but I've covered 80%+ of the low-hanging fruit09:11
pittiwith that it almost seems to me that we should implement the proposed changes first, before sending bigger calls for sending bugs (as there will probably be many dupes)09:12
pitticking: ^ or do you think that would still be useful at this time?09:13
ckingpitti, yes, there are a load of bugs filed that should be fixed which generally look quite trivial which will give us a sufficient win09:16
cking..and then we can move into phase 2 to ask for users to identify rouge processes for the ones we missed09:17
pitticking: agreed, sounds good to me; want me to look into some of the bugs?09:19
pitticking: are you already working on the pm-utils ones, or want me to help out there? otherwise I'd start with the ubuntuone bug09:19
robert_ancellcnd, do you know the best way to provide a patch to the linuxwacom project?09:21
cndrobert_ancell, no, I've never touched that project09:21
cndyou may want to ping whot on #xorg-devel09:21
robert_ancellcnd, thanks09:21
* cnd is afraid to look at that project09:22
\shhmmm..did anybody ever saw this error: init: udev-fallback-graphics main process (...) terminated with status 1 and then failing to boot?09:22
ogra_SpamapS, jodh .... we were just discussing serial consoles in the arm room and i remembered bug 702574, how about we upload the fix before final release ?09:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702574 in upstart (Ubuntu) "getty should be started automatically on serial port when serial console is set on kernel command line" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70257409:36
Sweetsharkdoko: could you complete/fixup the arm-patch? _rene_ is already reverting this out of upstream with http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=blob;f=patches/revert-468fe685e3c58c84bce6d9a48b931dcc21682679.diff;h=7b9f67c5dbb85c7f2633234ea40c1226e8d96815;hb=0f0bc4431463d26b45df01995d68c781d87712aa09:53
dokoSweetshark, no, -> janimo and/or NCommander10:09
ogra_doko, Sweetshark, NCommander is currently (like right now) hacking on it (though at this very moment he is in a meeting)10:11
Sweetsharkogra_, doko: thx10:20
NCommanderSweetshark: I'm staring at the ARM code right now to try and figure out where in UNO we are breaking in hardfloat10:37
NCommanderI *think* we're getting through the trampolines into at least cpp_vtable_call, but I'm not sure where we're getting back that10:37
NCommander(gdb really hates UN)10:38
NCommander*getting broken past that10:40
NCommander(I think we're exploding in cpp_meditate now that I got my fprintf's in the right places10:42
micahgcjwatson: was just wondering if you were planning on uploading xubuntu-meta for the linux-headers change or if I should plan to do that later11:05
cjwatsonmicahg: I can do that11:07
micahgcjwatson: ok, thanks11:08
cjwatsonit wasn't urgent or anything, just cutting down on CD size a bit11:08
micahgsure, our alternate is oversized as well11:08
YokoZarIs the ★ character allowed in package descriptions?11:18
* YokoZar thinks he might just try it and see if Lintian complains11:19
ogra_YokoZar, iirc as long as its utf8 it will just work11:24
cjwatsonYokoZar: anything UTF-8 should be allowed, yes11:28
YokoZarcjwatson: I wonder if a package description with stars in the wrong place could mislead about its rating ;)11:29
sveinseI'm trying to install some packages to a staging directory. I'm using apt.conf setting RootDir to prefix root into the staging directory. apt-get update downloads the indexes, but at the end it fails as it tries to access the system's /var/lib/dpkg/lock, despite the RootDir setting. I suspect a bug (or some kind of feature). Please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/799261/ to recreate11:53
sveinseIf I run the script, I notice that apt-get update accesses /var/lib/dpkg/lock while it IMHO is configured not to do so11:53
sveinseThis is on amd64 Natty11:53
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sveinseIt does work if I call the script as root, since root gives it access to /var/lib, but I was hoping to be able to run the script without being root. And frankly I don't understand what apt is doing outside of its RootDir12:01
cjwatsonsveinse: the dpkg admindir is set independently apparently; Dir::State::status12:03
cjwatsonsveinse: or you could set Debug::NoLocking=true12:03
sveinsecjwatson: dpkg admindir locking works half ways: Strace tells me that apt is locking within RootDir prior to running apt-get update, but it tries to access the system's lockfile when it's done with update and about to exit12:05
sveinsecjwatson: I'll certainly try nolocking, thanks12:05
cjwatsonI suspect changing that behaviour now would be inconvenient; there is certainly a good deal of code that relies on the current behaviour12:06
cjwatsonif nothing else by setting a dpkg admindir with rootdir prepended12:06
sveinsecjwatson: The Debug::NoLocking works like a charm. Finally! Thanks a lot.12:23
cjwatsonsveinse: I think it's actually not necessarily unreasonable for apt to handle dpkg and apt metadata separately; I can think of cases where I might want to use my normal apt configuration with a separate dpkg admindir, for instance, and I suspect with a bit more effort I could imagine something the other way round12:26
cjwatsonit's not documented brilliantly, though12:26
sveinsecjwatson: I think there is something not quite all right with the locking mechanism. Not that I can put my finger on it, but I'm not able to get apt-get update to run as-non root even if the locks and status is set inside a staging dir with full permissions12:30
cjwatsonsveinse: chdist manages it12:33
cjwatson(devscripts; config e.g. http://paste.ubuntu.com/799299/)12:33
cjwatson(er, I meant to say http://paste.ubuntu.com/799300/)12:34
sveinseGreat! This might be what I have been looking for...12:35
sveinsecjwatson: chdist is definitely what I want, but it doesn't report back command status from apt-get. This makes things a bit harder when scripting though12:57
sveinseThink I need to copy chdist and modify it12:57
cjwatsonsveinse: really?  the version on my system simply execs apt-get, so apt-get's exit status will be the exit status of chdist12:58
cjwatson(I don't have any local modifications to that; running precise)12:59
sveinseI'm getting "E: broken packages" from apt-get/chdist, but my script (with "set -ex") continues in bliss12:59
cjwatsoncheck whether apt-get is actually exiting non-zero ...13:00
wyukai am investigating how wubi and lupin work internally.13:11
wyukawhere can i get the source code for the initramfs used by ubuntu?13:12
wyukait seems that it supports a "loop" argument to the kernel13:12
sveinsecjwatson: FYI apt-get returns status code 100, but this isn't passed on by chdist. Once I've dissected the inner workings of chdist and implemented what I need manually, I've have no need for it, so for me everything is ok now. Thanks for your assistance13:56
sveinse(The key seems to be to use apt.conf Dir together with Dir::State::status, and not RootDir as I did)13:58
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stokachupitti: ping debug packages generated automatically for updates repo?15:09
stokachupitti: im in the kernel room if you would like to talk more15:09
pittistokachu: they are supposed to be, yes15:10
pittistokachu: this stuff keeps breaking randomly, though, so some are always missing :(15:10
stokachupitti: i was looking for ghostscript-dbgsym, seems to be missing for 8.71.dfsg.1-0ubuntu5.415:13
stokachuon lucid15:13
stokachulooks like 8.71.dfsg.1-0ubuntu5 is the only one available atm15:14
barrystgraber: https://launchpad.net/~barry/+archive/python/+build/308301215:18
barrystgraber: https://launchpad.net/~barry/+archive/python/+build/308301315:19
* mneptok pokes all the Unity devs15:46
psusihas there been a shortage of patch pilots lately?  I've had some pending merges for a month now... like https://code.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/precise/lm-sensors/merge15:47
micahgpsusi: next round of patch pilots scheduled for next week, there haven't been any scheduled since Dec 2316:02
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psusimicahg: ahh, I see... thanks16:26
janimomvo, around?16:57
mvojanimo: yes17:00
dholbachjanimo, mvo: I won't be part of the vegetarian caravan later on - we moved out team dinner to today17:01
janimodholbach, me neither, was just pm-ing mvo17:02
mvodholbach, janimo: aha, ok17:02
dokokees, ping17:34
lazkaWill there be another unstable import before the import freeze?17:42
micahglazka: no, that was yesterday17:44
micahglazka: and we were only syncing from testing17:44
micahglazka: feel free to file a sync request (preferably from testing unless there's a reason to sync from elsewhere)17:44
lazkaoh :(17:44
micahglazka: see requestsync in ubuntu-dev-tools17:45
lazkaok, I will do when it hits testing in some days17:45
l3onmicahg, hey, but what about merge bugs filed before yesterday?17:51
l3onI mean, I opened 5 o 6 merge bugs that are still pending17:52
micahgl3on: we can still merge/sync, this was only for the autosync17:52
l3onah ok micahg :)17:52
cjwatsonI probably would have done one more autosync but the new autosync script had already caused enough chaos17:59
lazkarequestsync works nicely. I was impatient :)18:00
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ahasenackhi, can someone sponsor/review the python-tz upload for lucid, maverick, natty and oneiric? (SRU)18:20
broderahasenack: i can't review them now, but i don't see anything on the sponsorship queue18:21
ahasenackbroder: would that be https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= ? What did I forget to do?18:22
broderahasenack: oh, they've already been uploaded then18:22
broderyou're waiting for someone from ubuntu-sru to review them now18:22
brodermight be sluggish since they're all rallying18:22
ahasenackbroder: ah, ok18:23
RoAkSoAxea/win 320:15
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tormodpatch pilot or not, can some dev please confirm and subscribe u-a on this sync request: bug 90871122:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 908711 in s3switch (Ubuntu) "Please sync s3switch 0.1-1 from Debian testing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90871122:07
Laneydid it22:26
Laneybut I forgot to sponsor it. oops.22:28
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