
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
head_victimEvening all, who's here for the Asia/Oceania membership board meeting?09:57
oscalationhead_victim, I am.10:01
elkylifeless, freeflyi1g, Destine?10:01
head_victimCool and here comes Destine10:01
elkyaha, so it is10:01
77CAAJT4Felky, i am destine... sorry... wrong with my xchat...10:01
lifelesselky: in budapest sorry10:01
elkylifeless, no prob10:02
head_victimOk so we have 3 board members, just need one more for quorum10:05
oscalationEveryone doing ok?10:05
elkylifeless, is there anyone there on an rmb who is able to participate?10:06
elkyor any membership board?10:06
head_victimejat was just around but disconnected 15 mins fbefore the meeting10:10
elkyi prodded him on facebook10:14
* tumbleweed is vaguely here (developer membership board) but I have to run away in 30 mins10:14
elkylets try at least, thanks tumbleweed10:15
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jan 10 10:15:38 2012 UTC.  The chair is head_victim. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.10:15
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired10:15
head_victim#chairs elky Destine10:15
head_victim#chair elky Destine10:16
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Destine elky head_victim10:16
head_victim#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania10:16
head_victimThe usual place for the agenda10:16
head_victimI can't see bonepyaesone again tonight so we'll move along, everyone happy if I email them and remove them from the list and request they reapply later? This is the 3rd meeting in a row they haven't attended10:17
oscalationsounds good to me10:18
head_victimelky, Destine you ok with that course of action?10:18
elkyyep, we can return to them if they return10:19
head_victimOk and ok with removing and emailing them to reapply when able, since it's 3 meetings in a row they've missed?10:20
head_victimOr jsut leave them there10:20
Destinehead_victim, ok.10:21
Destinehead_victim, just return.10:21
head_victimok I can't see vibhave either, we'll move along10:21
head_victim#topic sagaci10:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: sagaci
head_victimGood evening sagaci, please introduce yourself to the board members  in a sentence or two sum up your application :)10:21
head_victim#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JoelPickett10:22
sagaciHi, I'm Joel Pickett I'm 24 and an Ubuntu enthusiast residing in Australia and thus help out with the ubuntu-au loco team. My main contribution to the ubuntu ecosystem has been to en_AU translation10:23
head_victimAnd just for the others who aren't as familiar with your work I'd like to point out your karma points10:24
head_victim#link https://launchpad.net/~jpickett/+karma10:24
elkycan you tell us what you've done in the translations in the past few months, sagaci?10:24
sagacilot of long nights :)10:24
* elky might already know :P10:24
sagaciI started translations around March/April (mostly from head_victim's translation Jam) and have just taken a stab at getting the job done10:25
elkyhow far did you get?10:25
sagaciI started to set minor goals of completion, and as time went past, I started to realise that it was possible to get it "all" done10:25
sagaciwe've got 2 untranslated strings out of ~360,000, which are a system glitch and can't be translated anyway10:26
elkyAnd, translation in the case of localised english is going through and doing what?10:27
sagaciwe went from around 45% done to 99.999 done in a cycle and a half, roughly10:27
sagacichanging specific strings from en_US to en_AU... thus words such as dialog, localized, color, meter and a few others10:28
head_victimAnd how have you contributed to the AU loco?10:28
sagaciI've chaired the ubuntu-au meetings since june, (bi-monthly) actually with Joel Addison10:29
Destinesagaci, sounds good.10:29
elkyDestine, tumbleweed, do you have any further questions?10:29
Destineelky, nope.10:30
sagaciI've prepared meeting, events (such as the translation jam for the oneiric cycle), and organised the en_AU localised ISO project10:30
head_victim#voters elky Destine tumbleweed head_victim10:30
meetingologyCurrent voters: Destine elky head_victim tumbleweed10:30
head_victim#votesrequired 110:30
meetingologyvotes now need 1 to be passed10:30
head_victim#vote Please vote on sagaci (Joel Pickett)'s membership application10:30
* elky prods the bot10:30
meetingologyPlease vote on: Please vote on sagaci (Joel Pickett)'s membership application10:30
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)10:30
meetingology+1 received from head_victim10:30
meetingology+1 received from elky10:30
head_victimSorry was still setting up10:30
Destine+1 good to have such solid contribution.10:31
meetingology+1 good to have such solid contribution. received from Destine10:31
elkyhead_victim, it's different to the old one, i always forget10:31
tumbleweedsorry, having network trouble10:34
tumbleweedback on 3G now10:34
meetingology+1 received from tumbleweed10:34
meetingologyVoting ended on: Please vote on sagaci (Joel Pickett)'s membership application10:34
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:010:34
meetingologyMotion carried10:34
head_victimWelcome to Ubutnu membership sagaci :)10:34
popeycongrats sagaci10:34
sagacithanks all10:34
head_victimIn the interests of maintaining quorum we'll quickly proceed to the next applicant10:35
head_victim#topic oscalation10:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: oscalation
head_victimoscalation: can you please give us a brief introduction to yourself and your contributions while we read over your wiki application10:35
oscalationHello, Im Nathan aka Oscalation. My wiki page is found here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/oscalation. Im active in Launchpad answers and Ubuntu Documentation. Ive found that answering questions on Launchpad usually is tied with Fixing or updating Ubuntu doc pages. I have just hit my 3K Karma threshold and look forward to hitting 6k. Im active in my local community as the go to computer guy and promote and suggest Ubuntu on a regular Basis.10:35
head_victimsagaci: well done10:36
head_victimoscalation: my first question is about testimonials, I notice there were  several email testimonials but none listed on your wiki page.10:37
head_victimAnd none of them were very specific as to what your actions were10:37
Destinehead_victim, and they look quite alike.10:37
oscalationYeah. I didnt notice that testimonials were excepted on your personal wiki page until the other night.  I spoke with a few friends and asked them kindly if they would support my Membership application by following the instruction on the Membership page.10:38
oscalationSend an email to the mailing list.10:39
elkyWhat's the significance of the number 1465?10:40
oscalationJust a common string I use when registering email address's10:40
elkySuch as one of the email addresses that sent a testimony?10:41
oscalationIts possible. I have a few friends and family members that ive assisted with setting up free email accounts on gmail / yahoo.10:42
elkyoscalation, we prefer testimonials from other ubuntu contributors telling us how an applicant participates in the community.10:44
head_victimoscalation: sorry for taking a while, we're having to do a bit of research as the testimonials weren't very specific on your involvements, can you tell us how you cotnribute to your loco?10:44
tumbleweedI also would really prefer testimonials from ubuntu members (or people we know from the community)10:45
Destinetumbleweed, i can't agree more.10:45
oscalationI see. In this case I have had users that I have supported or helped personally send in testimonials. There personal contributions I cannot account for but I do know that I should have a least one testimonial from a well known Ubuntu Member10:45
Destineoscalation, does not have to be a well known member. a member will be fine.10:46
oscalationA member being an official member of the Ubuntu Membership team?10:46
oscalationOr just a user of Ubuntu?10:46
elkyanyone active enough to be recognisable to us, really10:46
Destineoscalation, yes.10:46
head_victimWell I think we're all starting to float around the same idea. Would I be safe in assuming we'd probably like to see more documentation of contributions to ensure their significant and sustained before approving?10:47
oscalationI may have a testimonial from ActionParsenip10:47
oscalationNot certain though i may10:49
head_victim#vote oscalation (Nathan Heafner)'s Ubuntu Membership Application10:49
meetingologyPlease vote on: oscalation (Nathan Heafner)'s Ubuntu Membership Application10:49
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)10:49
tumbleweed-0 I do see good activity on launchpad. But I'd really like to e endorsement from ubuntu members10:49
tumbleweederr  he doesn't do -010:50
meetingology+0 received from tumbleweed10:50
* tumbleweed runs away offline10:50
oscalationHow many +1's do i need?10:50
head_victim+0 I would like to see more testimonials giving details of involvement activities rather than general comments10:50
meetingology+0 I would like to see more testimonials giving details of involvement activities rather than general comments received from head_victim10:50
Destine +0 i would like to see recognizable testimonials.10:50
Destine+0 sorry.10:50
meetingology+0 sorry. received from Destine10:50
oscalationThe testimonials is unfair, your request isnt clearly listed as a requirement10:51
elky-0 recognisable testimonials that better document participation are needed10:51
oscalation"If you have questions or wish to give private testimonials email ubuntu-membership-boards@lists.ubuntu.com (your message may initially be held for moderation) "10:51
elky+0 recognisable testimonials that better document participation are needed10:51
meetingology+0 recognisable testimonials that better document participation are needed received from elky10:51
head_victimoscalation: but your wiki application doesn't actually give us much in the way of specifics. If you had some testimonials from the people in the testing team or the documentation team outlineing your contributions that would really help10:52
Destineoscalation, I think you can return on the next meeting carrying enough recognizable testimonials. we can assess them latter.10:52
elkyoscalation, "this dude answered my questions" isn't the right kind of testimonial for "sustained and significant contribution"10:52
oscalationWhile I cant control what users sent in as testimonials, I would think that any sent in would be taken into consideration. Again the users im assisting locally generally speaking are users looking for assistance, not users making outstanding contributions back to Ubuntu.10:53
elkyYou got a 0, not a -110:54
head_victimoscalation: and that's fine but membership requires significant and sustained contributions. Helping family members out with their computers is not a significant contribution. Helping out the testing team with ISO testing or the documentation team with updating documentation over a sustained period is.10:54
oscalation?There are many different ways of contributing to Ubuntu. Contributions are valued and recognized whether you contribute to artwork, any of the LoCoTeams, documentation, providing support on the forums, the answers tracker, IRC support, bug triage, translation, development and packaging, marketing and advocacy, contributing to the wiki, or anything else."10:55
elkyoscalation, if your contributions are significant and sustained, then you can put the skills you apply to documenting on listing in fine detail what exactly you do on your application page for next time.10:55
elkyArguing the point with us is not going to endear us for the next attempt.10:56
head_victimoscalation: it's not uncommon for people to not pass on the first attempt. All we have requested tonight is to take on board the suggestion that is' hard for us to determine if your contributions are sugnificant and sustained at this point in time with the information we have been presented.10:57
Destineoscalation, you are always welcome on the next meeting.10:57
oscalationIt's my personal opinion that my launchpad page shows sustained contributions. Maybe im wrong.10:58
elkyoscalation, it's our opinion that matters here.10:59
oscalationelky, understood. I move to retract my membership application.10:59
meetingologyVoting ended on: oscalation (Nathan Heafner)'s Ubuntu Membership Application10:59
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:410:59
meetingologyMotion denied10:59
head_victimSorry I meant to do that before10:59
oscalationIs there an appeals process?11:00
head_victimoscalation: you have to understand, we only have 10 minutes to evaluate your entire performance, going back and reworking the wiki page shouldn't be too difficult to manage to provide a more complete application so we can accurately see your contributions.11:01
oscalationI understand head_victim , and I appreciate the guidance. Thanks for your time.11:01
oscalationI will re-apply for the next meeting if thats ok.11:03
Destineoscalation, you are always welcome.11:03
head_victimoscalation: by all means, please make sure you have more information at the ready11:03
oscalationYou want more work in Ubuntu docs listed on my wiki?11:04
head_victimoscalation: your launchpad page suggests you're in the testing and documentation teams so I thought if you'd contributed to them it would be helpful to list them11:04
Destineoscalation, yes.11:04
oscalationDo my contributions to Launchpad currently show as sustained and significant?11:05
head_victimAnd if you knew someone in either of those teams who've seen your contributions then get them to add a testimonial thtat they can sign11:05
oscalationI swore actionparsnip sent in a testimonial. Maybe not though.11:05
head_victimoscalation: answers in and of themselves are hard to gauge due to the fact we can't be sure that they've all been helpful without going through each one of them ourselves.11:05
head_victimSo if there is someone that has seen you assist others over a period of time and can vouch for the quality of your answers that would really help as well11:06
popeyoscalation: I'd recommed updating your wiki page. it's quite thin11:06
oscalationMy contrubtions to my local community are also hard to gauge as the users them-self generally speaking contribute nothing back as they are users looking for assistance, not looking to help.11:07
head_victimoscalation: well to use an example, the previous applicant had chaired meetings, organised events, run ubuntu user days, that sort of thign11:07
popeyphotos help too ☺11:07
oscalationThese are my neighbors from my local town hall, not three friends in my basement might I add.11:08
popeyyou keep your friends in your basement?11:08
elkyoscalation, in that case we'd be looking for installfests or institutions mailing us to tell us how much you helped them, not all the handful of people whose email addresses you set up.11:08
oscalationI actually slimmed down my wiki page because the application process states "A summary of your contributions to Ubuntu (no longer than 2-3 lines) "11:08
oscalationelky, that would seem to indicate that this type of contribution is meaningless11:08
Destineoscalation, they are indeed valued.11:09
Destineoscalation, but we need proof.11:09
elkyoscalation, membership is supposed to signify exceptional contribution.11:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jan 10 11:11:23 2012 UTC.11:11
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-10-10.15.moin.txt11:11
head_victimThat is only because we've gone over time, if you want to discuss further here please do so11:11
oscalationUnderstood. Unfortunately you are stating my assistance to my local members are hard to gauge, the same with Launchpad answers, and my testimonials were not credible. Maybe next time.11:11
sagacithanks to the board and tumbleweed for donating time and effort11:11
elkysagaci, congrats again :)11:12
Destinesagaci, congrats.11:12
head_victimoscalation: it's hard to gauge without some evidence is what we're saying.11:12
oscalationWhen is the next Meeting?11:16
icerootoscalation: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar11:17
head_victimoscalation: every month :) There are other boards in other areas. There is an Americas and a European board as well if those times suit better.11:17
ashickur-noorIs the meeting finished?11:17
head_victimashickur-noor: yes, 15 minutes ago11:18
ashickur-noorCan I get the log?11:18
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/11:19
head_victimashickur-noor: that should have the channel logs :) It's publicly available11:19
ashickur-noor1 person has accepted today11:21
elkyashickur-noor, yep11:21
ashickur-noorIt's fine11:21
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
VibhavHas the meeting ended?14:39
=== nijaba_afk is now known as nijaba
MrChrisDruifVibhav; what meeting?14:42
VibhavAsia oceania membership board14:43
MrChrisDruifAbout 3,5 hours late Vibhav14:43
MrChrisDruifI think, unless they moved it?14:43
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
=== pgraner` is now known as pgraner
ashamsis membership meeting next?19:12
pangolinashams: which board?19:24
ashamspangolin, EMEA19:28
pangolinthat was 9 hours ago or so.19:29
ashamswasn't it on 20:00 UTC19:29
PendulumEMEA was last week19:30
ashamsisn't it*19:30
PendulumEMEA meets the first Tuesday of the month at 20:0019:30
Pendulum(I was just looking at the fridge calendar)19:30
ashamsPendulum, no it was delayed for the vacation19:30
Pendulumand they didn't move it on the fridge?19:30
pangolinfridge doesn't always reflect actual times19:31
ashamsdidn't look19:31
Pendulumpangolin: yeah, but it usually has correct dates19:31
pangolinbut in any case there was a meeting 9 hours ago19:31
Pendulumthat was Asia/Oceania19:31
pangolinoh, right19:31
pangolinhmm don't know then19:31
Pendulumashams: if there's an EMEA meeting then it'd be in 30 minutes19:31
ashamsPendulum, I guess so, thanks19:32
pleia2they had their meeting on the 3rd19:32
pleia2where did you read it was delayed?19:32
ashamspleia2, from the meeting at 6 Dec19:33
ashamsand some email somewhere19:34
ashamsheh, sorry my inbox is jammed19:34
pleia2looks like they talked about it in the meeting but I don't see a formal decision19:35
pleia2sorry for the confusion :(19:35
pleia2there is an Americas board meeting next week if you can attend that one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas19:35
ashamspleia2, yes, they had that meeting on Jan 3rd, looks like I'll attend the Americas meeting instead, though, the EMEA page needs to be updated, in deed, can I do it on my way to remove my name?19:45
pleia2ashams: I'll give them a nudge to update it :)19:45
ashamsok, thanx19:45
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=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine

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