
LaneyVERSION:=${shell cat debian/changelog | head -1 | sed -e's/^maradns (//' | sed -e's/-[[:digit:]]\+) \w\+; .*//' }00:02
Laneythe archive is a source of wonder00:03
Laney(resulted in make -f build/Makefile.linux all COMPILED=\""Linux system at Tue Jan 10 00:01:39 GMT 2012"\" VERSION=\"2.0.04-1ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low\"00:03
Laney/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: ")" unexpected00:03
ResistanceLaney:  who would process the sync request, if you know?00:06
LaneyResistance: a sponsor (did you subscribe ubuntu-sponsors?)00:07
ResistanceLaney:  negative, point me to the links?00:08
* Resistance is having issues with searching atm00:08
Resistance(FFox exploding)00:08
LaneySyncRequestProcess says00:08
Laney"To request a sync, file a bug in Launchpad with the above information (the requestsync tool discussed below makes this simple). Once the bug is complete and correct, if you are not an Ubuntu developer, subscribe (NOT assign) ubuntu-sponsors"00:08
Resistancedone (i think)00:09
ResistanceLaney:  which "email address" does it display when it refers to bug #523093?00:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523093 in Launchpad itself "private e-mail address gets stuffed into and published in changes file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52309300:14
Resistancein that wiki for SyncRequestProcess (note my emails are public anyways)00:14
Resistance(i think)00:16
Laneyyour contact address00:17
Resistancei see...00:17
Laneythe one that launchpad mails you on00:17
Resistancei take it i cant have my ubuntu.com email show up?00:17
Laneyno you can't have that as your primary email sadly00:17
Resistance(since it autoforwards to the primary LP address, according to pleia2)00:17
Resistancethought not00:17
* Resistance wishes you could :P00:17
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Resistanceanyone able to help me create a patch for a package?03:59
kgoetzhi all. are packages for this release being synced from unstable or testing? we just uploaded freeciv into debian and i'm wondering if i'll have to file a sync request04:10
Resistanceif by "this release" you mean Precise04:12
Resistanceits being synced from sid afaik04:12
Resistance(note i'm not a MOTU, but from what i've seen everything's coming from sid)04:12
kgoetzprecise, yep :)04:13
kgoetzhopefully freeciv will scrape in then, thansk :)04:13
Resistancewe hope :P04:14
Resistanceif there's a package i uploaded a patch for, and the bug is triaged, should I change the status from "Triaged", or just leave it?04:34
ScottKkgoetz: Autosync was from Testing, but it's done for this cycle anyway, so a sync request will be needed.04:46
kgoetzScottK: thanks. i'll have a dig around on the wiki and work out what needs to be done :)04:47
ResistanceScottK:  who checks the sync requests, and how often do those requests actually get checked/handled?05:16
ResistanceScottK:  i ask because the sync i asked to be done for ZNC from Debian Sid includes a vulnerability fix05:17
Resistance(if you're around)05:19
ScottKResistance: You should subscribe the sync bug to ubuntu-sponsors and it'll get reviewed as part of the sponsorship queue.05:46
Resistancei did that05:47
Resistancewait a sec....05:47
Resistancewould that explain why a soyuz icon shows up next to the Ubuntu project in my LP page?05:47
* Resistance has been trying to figure out why that's there, because it wasnt there yesterday05:47
ScottKDunno.  Link please?05:48
Resistancesee also: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/18423305:49
Resistance(me trying to figure out why the Ubuntu project has a soyuz icon next to it on his LP page)05:49
ScottKIt's probably 2012-01-04 PPA package upload accepted05:49
Resistanceit *shouldnt*05:50
Resistancebecause that's within my own PPA05:50
ScottKWhy not, I think it's not really a soyuz icon, but a uploaded stuff icon.05:50
ScottKI agree.  PPA shouldn't count for that.05:50
* Resistance has never had any PPA uploads ever trigger a soyuz icon05:50
Resistancethe #launchpad people are stumped too05:50
Resistancehence the question05:50
ScottKSync request wouldn't do it until it was processed and the sync done.05:51
Resistancei highly doubt that my submitting patches would do that...?05:51
Resistancewhich is why i'm thoroughly confuzled :/05:51
ScottKOnce they are uploaded, it might.05:51
Resistance(tis also late, so i should be headed to sleep anyways)05:51
ScottKSorry.  I'm not much help.05:51
Resistanceno problem :P05:51
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
siretartdupondje: can you confirm that restarting lxdm is no longer necessary / work with the patch?06:32
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EvilResistanceany MOTU able to confirm something?13:53
EvilResistanceit was my understanding 10.04 would EOL with 10.10... but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases#Stable seems to suggest otherwise13:53
* EvilResistance got the answer and misread something :P13:54
RhondaWhy do you expect an EOL half a year later?13:54
Tm_TEvilResistance: /;13:54
Tm_T(; even13:54
EvilResistanceRhonda:  misread something :P13:54
* EvilResistance facedesks13:54
EvilResistancethis is why i drink tons of coffee...13:54
EvilResistancekeeps me alert >.>13:54
Tm_TEvilResistance: save the desk (and face)13:55
EvilResistancespeaking of coffee, i think mine's finished brewing13:55
EvilResistanceTm_T:  if i ever make a fail statement like the one i just did, tell me to go get more coffee :P13:58
EvilResistancebecause something is wrong with me if i'm making fail statements like that13:59
Tm_TEvilResistance: nah, that was a tiny error that did no harm13:59
EvilResistanceTm_T:  it messed with my brain :P  and considering i only got 5 hours of sleep, i think coffee is a prerequisite to me being able to focus :P13:59
Tm_Tmy experience says you cannot replace sleep in the long run (:14:02
micahgwhile (sleep == NEEDED) { drink_caffeine(); }14:03
EvilResistancewhile (sleep == NEEDED && daysAwake <= 3) { drink_caffeine(); }14:04
EvilResistanceif (daysAwake >=3) { pass_out(); }14:04
EvilResistancei once had so much caffeine in a multiple-day sequence i was up for 6 straight days... the 7th day i passed out :P14:06
jakewins_Hey all! I'm putting together my first debian package (for the neo4j.org project) and have two cosmetic questions, hoping someone has the time to help out..14:08
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
EvilResistancejakewins_:  what generally do ya need?14:08
* EvilResistance isnt an MOTU, but does packaging here and there14:08
jakewins_One, when I install my .deb via the Ubuntu software center, after install, the "install" button remains available, is that expected? (or should it turn into "uninstall" or "reinstall" or something?)14:09
EvilResistance*sips his coffee*  ahh... Tm_T give me 20 minutes, i'll be as awake as if i had slept 13 hours :P14:09
jakewins_Two, the ubuntu software center doesn't pick up that the package is open source, it shows the license as "unknown"14:10
EvilResistancejakewins_:  in my test installations of my binaries, i've seen that button thing as normal...  although Synaptic shows it as installed (yes, i still use synaptic)14:10
EvilResistanceand i also have had that same issue as you've stated wtih LICENSE stuff14:11
jakewins_EvilResistance: Thanks!14:11
EvilResistancethis is why i put my packages into my PPAs (or my archive for packages)14:11
jakewins_Does putting them in a PPA solve it?14:11
EvilResistancewell considering I use synaptic instead of software center, idrk.  but the debian/copyright file contains all the licensing details, and all my stuff is released either under the GPL or the LGPL (depending on what the project uses)... (more often than not, I use the GPL)14:12
EvilResistance*checks something*14:13
EvilResistanceread this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Determining_software_item_information14:14
EvilResistanceThe license label for an item should be: “Open source”, if it is in Main or Universe; “Proprietary”, if it is in Restricted or archive.canonical.com; “Unknown”, if it is anywhere else (including Multiverse and standalone packages).14:15
EvilResistancesince its a standalone, it shows up as "Unknown"14:15
nabilhi everyone14:15
EvilResistancejakewins_:  ^  (see above)14:15
jakewins_Ah, and the license label is set in PPA?14:16
EvilResistancejakewins_:  fwiw, i'd ignore what the "license" field of software center says, and focus on what you have in the debian/copyright file... if its GPL or LGPL or one of the open-source licenses i think you're fine14:16
jakewins_EvilResistance: Yeah, feel the same way14:16
jakewins_Thanks for your help!14:16
EvilResistancejakewins_: i havent had any *issues* with PPA things, but software center is just interfaces with apt... when i install things via PPAs, its usually via CLI (apt-get, aptitude, etc.)14:17
EvilResistanceor god forbid synaptic :P14:17
nabilI think you must hear that really often, but I was wondering which is the easier way to start contributng for Ubuntu... I am kinda lost on the project...14:17
jakewins_nabil: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu14:18
nabilI can add that I am a junior engineer in computer sciences, kinda good at C, but does not have a good grasp on system dev14:18
EvilResistancenabil:  there's multiple ways to contribute :)  depending on what you mean by contribute.  I contributed via support channels, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-server, ubuntuforums.org, etc.  if you want ot actually contribute to the coding and dev, start dealing with bugs and things14:18
EvilResistancethere's bitesize bugs too14:18
EvilResistance(good for people starting out)14:18
jakewins_One more question: If I want to move towards making this package available in the public repos, I'm assuming setting it up in a personal PPA is initial step14:19
EvilResistancejakewins_:  define "available in the public repos"14:19
EvilResistanceyou mean like in the repos from Ubuntu?14:19
EvilResistancejakewins_:  i'd consider submitting your package to Debian for inclusion...14:19
jakewins_Preferrably general debian repos14:19
nabilok EvilResistance, but even bugs looks hard for me14:19
nabilvery freakin specific14:19
EvilResistancejakewins_:  because submitting a package to Debian is far easier than submitting directly to Ubuntu14:19
jakewins_Makes sense14:19
nabilI am now changing nick because nabil is already reserved14:20
=== nabil is now known as Ramz
jakewins_So debian package maintainers is the people to talk to then I assume..14:20
=== Ramz is now known as Ramz00z
EvilResistancejakewins_:  also, when its included in Debian sid, it'll be included later in Ubuntu (probably whatever q-series is)14:20
EvilResistanceor perhaps even precise, but you have to go through the debian side14:21
EvilResistancejakewins_:  #debian-mentors @ irc.oftc.net is the home of their packaging helpers14:21
EvilResistancei've gotten more than enough help there building packages for both Debian and Ubuntu (although I come here to #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-packaging for Ubuntu-specific help)14:22
EvilResistanceRamz00z:  yeah, i found that to be the case as well, its why most of my launchpad karma comes from specification tracking for projects rather than bug fixing :P14:22
jakewins_EvilResistance: Great, thanks so much for your help!14:22
EvilResistancejakewins_:  yep, feel free to stop by and poke the MOTUs if you need more help.14:23
EvilResistanceRamz00z:  fwiw, i didnt start out dealing with bugs until i reported a few14:26
EvilResistanceRamz00z:  after that, i just kept helping out everywhere... in the IRC channels, on ubuntuforums.org, on askubuntu...14:27
EvilResistancedidnt actually move into the technical aspects including packaging until after I had at least 6 months of command line experience working with server administration14:27
EvilResistanceonly branched out into bug fixing and patching yesterday :P14:28
Ramz00zyeah that's what I was thinking14:28
EvilResistance(otherwise, i report bugs like the back of my hand)14:28
Ramz00zisn't being "expert" in Ubuntu far more important than being good at prog ?14:28
Ramz00zbecause I am the latter but REALLY not the first...14:28
Ramz00zUbuntu is just ocean wide... imoo14:29
EvilResistancebeing good at programming helps, but i'm by no means an expert14:30
Ramz00zI use it to dev but I don't really go deep... I must know like 20 command lines top14:30
EvilResistancei dont really need to know more than basic command line functions14:30
Ramz00zI guess only core dev are experts ^^14:30
EvilResistanceand the functions of debuild, dpkg, aptitude, quilt (for patching packages), dget, backportpackage...14:30
Ramz00zand even them may not know every side of the project14:31
EvilResistancei may know a bunch about how Ubuntu works, and i may know some tricks to making things happen...14:31
EvilResistancebut i dont know anything14:31
EvilResistancein comparison to me, the MOTUs are technically packaging gods14:31
EvilResistanceand probably some of the most knowledgeable Ubuntu experts I know14:31
Ramz00zBecoming a MOTU is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the road for me ^^14:32
EvilResistance(save Mark Shuttleworth, who probably knows everything there is to know, or where to get support for everything)14:32
Ramz00zI've been thinking about developping for Ubuntu for years now14:32
Ramz00znever found a project that I could effectively help14:33
EvilResistancewell i've recently taken it upon myself to work directly with a few projects that have PPAs but no skilled packagers14:33
EvilResistance(thereby ending up with incomplete packages and they have no idea why)14:33
EvilResistancegranted, i have a good number of PPAs of my own14:33
Ramz00zI'm about to get slapped I guess, but what's PPA ? :$14:34
EvilResistance(and most recently, i've gotten involved with NGINX and ZNC, but not via Launchpad14:34
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa14:34
EvilResistanceRamz00z:  ^14:34
Ramz00zDidn't know they had a word to say "third party packages" ^^14:35
EvilResistancewell the nginx project has its own PPA14:35
EvilResistancefor up-to-date stables14:35
* EvilResistance has helped once or twice with them14:35
EvilResistancebeen focusing on ZNC lately (backporting, and updating it)14:36
EvilResistanceoh snap, its almost class time...14:36
EvilResistance(I'm a University student, but I still find time to contribute to ubuntu xD)14:37
EvilResistanceoh dear, i misread the time... class doesnt start for an hour :p14:39
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Ramz00zEvil I think you frightened every student out there ^^14:41
EvilResistanceRamz00z:  nah, i think its one of the freenode servers exploding14:42
EvilResistancei've seen this before :P14:42
Ramz00znice exploding then !14:43
Ramz00zlaunchpad is not dedicated to Ubuntu, isn't it ?14:45
Ramz00zbecause I see an Android Project there... oO14:45
tumbleweedlaunchpad is run by canonical, primarily for Ubuntu, but there are many other projects on it too14:46
Ramz00zok Ubuntu is just one of the projects14:46
EvilResistanceand this is how i know it was an explodificated server that caused that mass death:  -RichiH/Wallops- Hi all. As you probably noticed, one of our servers just had a hiccup. It seems to be stable now, but we are investigating nonetheless.14:46
EvilResistancewhat tumbleweed said :P14:47
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Ramz00zyeah they can investigate... Cause it won't disappear !14:52
Ramz00zalways hated networking...14:52
=== Resistance is now known as Guest68768
=== Guest68768 is now known as Resistance
=== Resistance is now known as Guest54047
=== Guest54047 is now known as Resistance
toabctlwhat should i do to get a package from debian sid into precise (the package is currently not in precise, so it's a new package). i already filled a sync request with requestsync. is this enough?16:55
Laneyjust watch your mail for followups from sponsors16:56
toabctlok. thx17:02
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jtaylormicahg: didn't you want to look at the numpy and svn merge requests?17:38
micahgjtaylor: yes, sorry. did I say I'd look at svn  also?17:39
jtaylorI don't think so, but it would be appreciated :)17:41
philsfhi, in natty I used dh-make-perl + dpkg-buildpackage to package a perl app I'm developing, but now in oneiric it's not working. dpkg-buildpackage says it can  parse the dependencies. Can anyone hint me on what's wrong and how can I fix this?  Paste at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799639/18:06
jtaylorphilsf: can you paste debian/control please18:07
philsfjtaylor, http://paste.ubuntu.com/799645/18:11
jtaylorphilsf: remove the perl/ and science/ before all dependencies18:14
philsfjtaylor, is this a bug in recent dh-make-perl versions?18:14
jtaylorno idea, it may be a feature to get people to check the dependencies18:15
philsfactually, this debian/control is from the lucid version. the oneiric d-m-p version doesn't work (see first paste). any ideas what it means?18:17
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jtaylorhm you could try clearing your cache18:24
philsfI tried this, already18:29
philsfoh wait. I tried in another oneiric box. in this one I don't have a ~/.cpan. It shouldn't even work without a basic config, right?18:30
jtaylordon't know18:30
jtaylorI'm not familiar with perl18:31
jtaylorcan this changelog weirdness cause any trouble when we sync? http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-java/libhibernate-jbosscache-java.git;a=blob;f=debian/changelog;h=e208d0e4c525f0027eef470d515ddc09288cfb45;hb=HEAD18:31
philsfon any other box, if I remove .cpan and invoke the cpan shell, it promply autoconfigures cpan. in this one, this isn't happening18:31
philsfjtaylor, oh, ok. thanks anyway18:31
EvilResistanceby default, if i have a debian/patches/ folder, will the package building systems automatically apply those patches?18:44
jtaylorif its a 3.0 (quilt) package yes18:44
EvilResistanceand where can i determine if its a quilt package?18:46
=== Elbrus__ is now known as Elbrus
philsfjtaylor, fwiw, I found out this is caused by a bug in dh-make-perl in the oneiric version. the version in debian testing 0.74-1 fixes it. btw, thanks for the pointers19:29
EvilResistancejtaylor:  i forgot to say thanks :P19:31
l3oncjwatson, around ? I'm looking at shogun that FTBFS ...19:35
l3onfull log is here → http://debomatic.debian.net/precise/pool/shogun_1.1.0-1ubuntu1/shogun_1.1.0-1ubuntu1.buildlog (16 MB)19:35
l3ona snippet of build fail is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799742/19:36
l3onthe problem is in configure...19:36
jtaylordidn't we already have this?19:36
l3onthat generates these variables:19:36
l3onLINKFLAGS_STATIC_INTERFACES =  -L../../shogun -lshogun19:36
l3onLINKFLAGS_MODULAR_INTERFACES=  -L../../shogun -lshogun19:37
l3onLINKFLAGS_RUBY   = -lruby1.8 -fPIC -shared -ldl19:37
l3onLINKFLAGS_RUBY_MODULAR  = -lruby1.8 -fPIC -shared -ldl19:37
l3onok, ruby1.8 is my test19:37
tumbleweedthere are .0 files after -lruby-1.9.119:37
l3ontumbleweed, I see19:38
tumbleweedoh, that's clag, not g++. Don't know how strict that is19:38
l3onjtaylor, no cflag19:38
l3onthat variables should be POSTFLAGS19:38
jtaylorwhat buildsystem?19:38
jtaylorlinkflags looks like cmake19:38
tumbleweedl3on: that's not what jtaylor meant :)19:39
l3onlol :D19:39
l3onI'm new here, so pay patience :D19:39
l3onanyway, I'm trying to patch configure, using that variables as POSTFLAGS19:39
l3ondo you think is the right way ?19:39
jtaylorMakefile.template looks like the right place19:40
jtaylortumbleweed: can this changelog cause problems when syncing? http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-java/libhibernate-jbosscache-java.git;a=blob;f=debian/changelog;h=e208d0e4c525f0027eef470d515ddc09288cfb45;hb=HEAD19:40
l3onjtaylor, mmm but I didn't see the answer there19:41
jtaylorthe versions are unordered19:41
ScottKjtaylor: Isn't the Debian version number lower than the Ubuntu one.19:42
tumbleweedyes, it is19:42
tumbleweedjtaylor: you'll need to bump the debian version number19:42
tumbleweeddo a manual sync19:42
jtaylorubuntu does not have that version in there19:43
tumbleweedoh, so it's just a b0rked changelog?19:43
tumbleweedthen we're fine19:43
tumbleweedstill, file a WTF bug in debian :)19:43
jtaylorcan you fix published changelogs?19:44
* tumbleweed fixes bugs in old changelog entries19:44
tumbleweedbut normally whitespace19:44
tumbleweedyeah you don't want to make big changes19:44
tumbleweedI suppose it has to be left as is19:45
l3onah ok, I see maybe the problem in Makefile.template19:46
l3onsee what's happen with last patch and, in case, patch Makefile.teplate19:46
l3onthanks for help :)19:47
jtaylorits a weird build system19:47
l3onguys is it correct:20:20
l3onX-Python-Version: >= 2.520:20
l3onis I use dh_python2 ?20:20
l3on(and is it right for ubuntu ?)20:20
l3onah ok :)20:21
l3onso jtaylor ... this change can be dropped:20:22
l3on-XS-Python-Version: 2.620:22
l3on+XS-Python-Version: 2.720:22
l3onif debian has set:20:23
l3onX-Python-Version: >= 2.520:23
jtaylordebian converted to dh_python2 ?20:23
jtaylorwhich package?20:23
EvilResistancei take it that I can't get a PPA build bumped up in priority after its submitted?  I'm trying to release an updated version that patches out a vulnerability in the package, and its leaving me with a 20 hour wait time to build20:24
l3onalways shogun, and yes, it use dh_python2 it's strange20:24
l3ons/it's strange//20:24
jtayloryou can drop the XS-Py-V20:27
l3onok, thanks :)20:27
jtaylordid you see that package already has an as-needed patch in ubuntu?20:28
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l3onjtaylor, yes I saw... but it does not work...20:37
l3onbut it's the same way I patched configure20:37
philsfI just reported a bug in dh-make-perl (LP: #914479), that has a patch available in debian. can someone please review it and see if I need to provide anymore information?21:41
Laneyphilsf: Are you trying to get this fixed in Oneiric? If so, it would be good if you could make a debdiff that can be sponsored.21:45
philsfLaney, I don't have experience in packaging, so a debdiff is a little out of my league for now. Is there anything else I could do?21:46
tumbleweedwhould you like to get some experience? :)21:47
philsftumbleweed, I'm always always interested, but time is very short. is there a quick way for me to do this, or a for dummies tutorial I could read?21:47
tumbleweedI'll happily walk you through a first debdiff. There's lots of documentation, but nothing short adnd to the point for this21:49
philsftumbleweed, if you think this bug applies for an SRU request, I'm game.21:50
tumbleweedthe patch is pretty trivial, so it should be easy enough21:52
tumbleweedthe apt-file issue is another bug and should be dealt with separately21:52
philsfso, I never made a debdiff or prepared a patch, but I know how to get a source and compile a .deb.21:54
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tumbleweedso, first, this bug is already fixed in precise (where 0.74 is published https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-make-perl ), so you can mark it fix released, and nominate the bug for oneiric21:54
philsfhmm, so this means it's also broken in precise, for the reason of the other bug (that should have been reported separately). is this correct?21:56
EvilResistancetumbleweed:  if i have a fork of a package, but its not hugely different from the package that exists in Debian or Ubuntu, is there an *easy* way to merge package version changes into the fork?21:56
tumbleweedphilsf: it's broken for a different reason in precise, with different symptoms, right?21:56
tumbleweedI'd just edit those bits out of this bug21:56
philsftumbleweed, right. should I then report another one, and link to the apt-file bug (later)?21:57
tumbleweedEvilResistance: depends on how you forked it. VCS are handy for this kind of thing.21:58
EvilResistancetumbleweed:  just changed what the core install actually includes (i.e. the debian/<binary>.install for a single multi-binary source package, whereas the rest of the code and what not remains the same)21:59
philsftumbleweed, how can I nominate for oneiric?21:59
tumbleweedphilsf: do you get a "Nominate for series" button below the yellow bar? (I can't remember if everyone sees that these days)21:59
philsftumbleweed, no. only "also affects project" and "... distribution"22:00
tumbleweedmeh, ok, you have to ask for nominations on IRC then22:01
LaneyI think it got taken away22:01
* tumbleweed 'll do it now22:01
tumbleweedLaney: what does one have to do to be able to nominate then? join bugcontrol?22:01
tumbleweedphilsf: right, so a debdiff is just a patch that'll apply to a source package22:02
Laneypretty sure you have to be a bug supervisor, yes22:02
tumbleweedstart by grabbing the source: pull-debian-source dh-make-perl oneiric22:02
tumbleweedyeah, people used to abuse nominations a lot. I'm sure I did too, when I was a user who didn't know what it was for22:03
* philsf may also be guilty of that22:04
philsfError: Failed to download: dsc could not be found anywhere22:06
Laneypull-lp-source ;-)22:06
tumbleweedtrue, :)22:06
philsflol, ok done22:07
tumbleweedright, now apply the patch you have, but throw away its changelog entry, and write your own (with dch -i)22:08
philsfshould I edit the changelog out of the patch before applying?22:08
tumbleweedyou could also do that22:08
tumbleweedit should target oneiric-proposed as the distribution22:09
tumbleweedand the version number should be smaller than the one in precise and bigger than the one in oneiric. We recommend 0.73-1ubuntu0.122:09
tumbleweed(see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates  for all the details)22:10
philsfok, changed version and target in changelog, nothing else so far. wil try patching now22:10
tumbleweed"dch -e" should let you edit it, and substitute your name and e-mail address in22:11
philsfoh, that's better22:11
tumbleweedthe changelog entry should close the LP bug22:12
tumbleweed(the syntax is LP: #XXXX)22:13
philsfok, not a very creative changelog, but I guess it works22:18
philsfpatched, and changelog created for new version22:18
philsfwhat now?22:18
tumbleweeddebuild -uc -us -S22:19
tumbleweedcd ..22:19
tumbleweeddebdiff old.dsc new.dsc > debdiff22:19
tumbleweedreview the diff, attach to the bug22:19
tumbleweed(oh, and building a deb and testing it is probably not a bad idea)22:20
EvilResistancethat last statement there is definitely true22:21
philsfok, will build22:21
philsfdpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us?22:21
tumbleweedthat'l lwork22:22
tumbleweedwe tend to use clean environments (pbuilder / sbuild) for most building, but there's nothing wrong with a quick-and-dirty build for testing something like this22:22
philsfunmet deps. :(22:22
tumbleweedah, that's another place where build systems help22:23
philsfso, how do I do this properly?22:23
philsfshould I apt-get build-dep ?22:23
tumbleweedyou want to set up a pbuilder?22:23
jtaylorI recommend mk-build-deps -r -i, easier to remove them all again22:24
tumbleweed+1 to mk-build-deps over apt-get source22:24
philsfdo I run it inside the source dir, or where the .dsc is?22:25
tumbleweedin the source dir22:25
philsfok, build deps installed, and package building (in test phase)22:26
philsfdh_auto_test: perl Build test returned exit code 25522:30
philsfdid I patch it wrongly? I entered the source dir and patch -p1 < ../patch22:32
philsfbut before I tried without -p1, wonder if it matters22:32
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
tumbleweedjust busy replicating it here22:35
philsfok, brb in 5min22:37
tumbleweedhrm, this test seems to be hammering the internet. Naughty test22:37
tumbleweedphilsf: I see test failures at "t/dists.t line 82."22:39
Laneythere are fixes to that file in git22:43
tumbleweedah, thanks laney. I got sidetracked in another #22:43
philsfso, what should I do now? does this complicate the patch?22:44
philsfafter that error, I'm retrying the build and t/cache.t is taking forever.22:44
Laneyit seems like the test suite had bugs22:44
Laneyyou probably need the last change on http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-perl/packages/dh-make-perl.git;a=history;f=t/dists.t;h=f13e477a52ec0158b2f8bdcfb0cebd7a765beabc;hb=HEAD22:45
Laneyand possibly other ones too22:45
philsfoh boy...22:45
Laneyhey, at least the problem has (probably) already been fixed for you :P22:46
philsflol. I thought it would be a simple patch-and-conquer. :/22:47
tumbleweedthe simple-looking ones always turn out harder than they look :)22:47
philsfthis last diff seems larger than the original patch22:48
tumbleweedwell, the origional patch was 4 characters + a test :)22:48
philsfbut AIUI the samller the patch, the better the chances it will be accepted for SRU22:50
philsffor my purposes, downgrading to the natty version works around the bug22:51
tumbleweedI don' tsee that being an issue here22:52
philsfbut we also can't be sure this other diff will be enough, and it's already kind of late for me here22:53
philsfthanks for your time, but I think I'll get back to this tomorrow (maybe)22:53
tumbleweedphilsf: sure, night22:53
philsftumbleweed, thanks again. and sorry for your time22:54
l3onfinally shogun built fine !23:11
cjwatsonjtaylor,Ampelbein: I'm afraid you read the d-i internals docs wrongly a few days back.  udebs must not depend on non-udebs, and vice versa.  Doing so will fail.23:37
cjwatsonjtaylor,Ampelbein: udebs may Build-Depend on debs, though (in fact, they may *only* Build-Depend on debs)23:41

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