
uvirtbotNew bug: #913947 in krb5 (main) "package libkadm5clnt-mit7 1.8.1+dfsg-2ubuntu0.10 failed to install/upgrade: erreur lors de l'écriture de « <sortie standard> »: Succès" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91394700:05
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raubvogelWhere can I get the rfc2307bis schema?00:33
pmatulisraubvogel: http://www.grotan.com/ldap/rfc2307bis.schema00:53
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Darkwingjcastro: ping03:07
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=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
bitmonkhey guys, i see daily livecds of precise desktop (12.04), but none for server.  i tried building a vm with debootstrap, but it fails to start saying that there's no /bin/init .. anyone tried this?06:01
twbbitmonk: there isn't supposed to be a /bin/init; it's /sbin/init06:02
bitmonkright, that's probably just a mistake on my part in what i've said here.  i can verify.06:03
EvilResistancetwb:  /query?06:03
twbEvilResistance: why?06:03
EvilResistanceregarding the bug thing of TheEvilOne @ #debian-mentors @ OFTC (if you're the same one)06:03
* EvilResistance is TheEvilOne over there06:03
bitmonkyah there is no /sbin/init06:03
twbbitmonk: also obviously the server install doesn't get a live CD06:03
EvilResistanceotherwise you can ignore my request :P06:04
twbEvilResistance: sure wahtever06:04
bitmonkright, but there is no server iso yet at all afaict, which is not surprising, i only looked for it because my debootstrap failed.06:04
twbAs to debootstrap, you probably don't have upstart installed06:04
twbbitmonk: if your goal is simply to get a working precise install, you should install 11.10 and d-r-u, or use one of the daily installer builds06:04
bitmonkhm.  ok.  i just took a script that worked for boostrapping lucid and pointed it at precise, i guess i need to tell it to include upstart.06:05
bitmonkwell, i'm beginning to test it within our infrastructure, this is how we build vms, so if that changes for precise, i can update the chef recipe to get it working.06:05
bitmonki think that did it, just adding upstart to debootstrap --include06:10
bitmonkneat. :)06:11
twbI advise you to avoid deboostrap if possible, there are non-negligible edge cases that it doesn't hold your hand for (e.g. no /etc/hosts and /etc/hostnames and /etc/fstab, so e.g. some apache modules will mysteriously fail)06:12
twbThey are surmountable but not worth your time learning to deal with06:12
bitmonkwe write all of those out with chef.06:14
twbWell hopefully the chef client will have enough to start eh06:14
bitmonkno no, on the host machine06:14
bitmonkwe have a chef recipe for building vms06:14
bitmonkknife node list | wc -l : 320 ;)06:15
twbI just make a site-local template with everything set up, then (basically) dd that to provision a new host06:15
bitmonkit's an option we've considered, and which i've done in the past, but this seems to work fine.06:15
bitmonkwe also use debootstrap on the physical machines via fai06:16
twbOK clearly you're not the noob I first took you for ;-)06:16
bitmonkit's super handy, i can install a machine in like 2 minutes.06:16
bitmonkno worries.06:16
bitmonki knew i should have upstart, i was just concerned that the init system had changed again..06:16
bitmonki haven't tracked the non-LTS releases06:17
twbMy main beef with fai (back in 2003) was that it wanted to be "self-hosting", as it were06:17
twbbitmonk: AFAIK Canonical isn't dropping upstart yet06:17
bitmonkwe noticed today that karmic disappeared from the mirrors (we have <20 hosts, mostly old dev VMs) so i decided we should start testing the next LTS. :)06:17
twbkarmic isn't LTS06:17
bitmonkright, we have mostly lucid06:17
bitmonkbut it occurred to me..06:18
bitmonkif karmic just disappeared..06:18
twbAlso LTS applies on a per-package basis, most packages are not 5 year support06:18
bitmonklucid will at some point.06:18
* bitmonk rubs his chin wondering where he's going to get chef debs for precise ;d06:19
twbDoes chef have the same bullshit as puppet where they want you to install puppet and half of ruby from the latest bleeding-edge repo, instead of what shipped with the distro?06:20
bitmonklucid ships with chef 0.9.6 or so, and we point at opscode's apt repo, and we get 0.10.whatever06:21
bitmonkstandard ruby06:21
twbBut it still needs ruby on both the master and slave nodes, right?06:21
twbGrumble grumble, ruby is overkill for some of my embedded boxes06:21
bitmonkwhich i'm not terribly concerned with, i think we keep perl, python, and ruby handy everywhere.06:21
bitmonkyeah i hear that.06:21
bitmonkit does not provide us with a solution for network gear.06:21
twbI wouldn't really care if ruby "infected" only the master06:21
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bitmonkthe server is being rewritten in erlang against mysql is my understanding, the client could probably be made smaller.06:22
bitmonkbut i guess, yah, i mean.. chef's recipes are actually ruby code.06:22
bitmonki liked that idea more a year ago than i do now.06:23
Tm_Trruubyyy... why it makes me think food now?06:23
* bitmonk is hella hungry too06:23
twbAlso because I don't really see a difference between perl, python and ruby, and ubuntu boxes already need the first two because that's what core debian and ubuntu stuff are written in06:27
bitmonkwell, they're different because people wrote stuff in 'em ;d06:28
bitmonki once wanted the whole world to be in python, but i gave up.06:28
bitmonkand damned if perl still ain't kickin.06:28
bitmonkwheezy chef repo seems to work06:34
bitmonkhm, or not.06:36
twbMm, but you are using a random PPA for it rather than <what the distro ships>06:37
twbThat kinda makes me nervous for configuration management06:37
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hallynSpamapS: bug 914155 fyi08:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 914155 in lxc "install of lxcguest needs fixing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91415508:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #914155 in lxc (main) "install of lxcguest needs fixing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91415508:16
hallynrbasak: stgraber: my take on lxc bugs to be fixed today or tomorrow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799087/08:21
stgraberhallyn: looks good for the bugs. On the feature side, we still need to talk with the kernel team to get Daniel's patch applied and look at what we want to do with apparmor (ideally, draft a basic profile restricting as much of the bad stuff as we can)08:24
stgraberhallyn: for util-linux, the patch should be sent to lamont so it also gets into Debian (if not upstream)08:26
hallynstgraber: i sent the reboot patch to the kernel team m-l, waiting for a response08:27
hallynstgraber: for apparmor, yeah, we should go chat with jj at some point.  But I'd rather get the other bugs sorted first08:28
hallynfor util-linux, i was waiting for comment from you on whether my proposed patch is sane :)08:28
gary_posterhallyn, hi.  any availability for a conversation about the ephemeral script?08:31
stgraberhallyn: so the patch for util-linux is simply changing console.conf to start getty with "console" instead of "/dev/console" and changing logging from error to warning?08:31
hallynstgraber: right.  two of the 3 s/err/warn/'s are in an upstream patch right now08:32
hallyni assume the 3d needs to be sent upstream and argued08:32
hallyngary_poster: can we do it this afternoon?  i'd like to work through these bugs first.08:32
gary_posterhallyn sure, cool08:33
koolhead17hi all08:33
hallynhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/799098/ <- updated bug list for the morning08:33
hallynstgraber: so you recommend just mailing lamont@debian.org directly (as opposed to opening a debian bug)?08:34
stgraberhallyn: sending to the Debian BTS is fine too as lamont is the maintainer he'll surely see it (especially as I already mentioned it to him and we've been mentioning his nick a few times on this channel :))08:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #914160 in openvswitch (universe) "[MIR] openvswitch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91416008:41
hallynstgraber: are you planning to dput the cgroup-lite I posted last night?08:51
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I'll do that this morning08:56
hallynstgraber: great, thanks.  Do I u ndestand right taht updating libcgroup is not *too* urgent, since its version # is lower?08:57
stgraberhallyn: that's right08:57
similiani have an issue with my br009:01
similianwhen i add tap interfaces09:02
similianthe mac of my br0 is changed to the tap0 instead of eth009:02
similiansometimes it stays on eth009:02
similianbridging works if mac is eth0 but not if its tap09:02
similiani have 10.04 (LTS) Kernel  2.6.3209:03
CasmoNLAnyone here have any idea if there's something like iptables for Windows (Windows 7, I have to route a port from Windows to my Linux server)?09:10
bitmonktwb: right, but it's not random PPA, it's apt.opscode.com.  it's the vendor managed repository.  for testing sake, i think this will do.  for some reason, precise ships chef from like 2009, worse than lucid by a major version.09:14
bitmonk0.9 vs 0.10 chef was important enough for us to use a vendor repo, but i'd love if precise shipped with a modern chef.09:14
stgraberhallyn: cgroup-lite should still depend on upstart-job and conflict with cgroup-bin right?09:20
hallynstgraber: the conflicts is there, no?09:20
hallyndepend on upstart-job: sounds right09:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #914169 in lxc (main) "lxc-start-ephemeral script does not support in-line programmatic commands to ephemeral containers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91416909:21
stgraberhallyn: they were on the old binary package, not the new one. I added that09:21
hallynstgraber: did you grab my new one from p.c.c?09:22
stgraberhallyn: probably not09:22
stgraberhallyn: same url?09:22
hallyn(same name as yours was, not mine)09:23
hallyni also addressed doko's comments in the other bug09:23
hallyn(but still dont' have the Depends: upstart-job)09:23
alex88update-rc.d vm_network_setup start 2 . -> error: expected runlevel [0-9S] (did you forget "." ?)09:24
stgraberhallyn: looks pretty good. I'll just update your debian/copyright to have it cover everything, not just debian/ assuming the scripts are also GPLv2+09:25
stgraberhallyn: uploaded09:26
hallynstgraber: \o/ thx09:27
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dob_I created a raid5 array with mdadm. The build has been completed. There are no activities in top. The HDD activity LED is off, but i hear that the system is permanently accessing one or all hard drives. Like a permanent read.09:51
dob_Even if it's unmounted09:52
_rubendob_: perhaps one of the disks is about to die ?09:55
dob__ruben: Don't say such things ;-). I will check with smart.09:55
dob_Hoped there is another possibility....09:55
_rubenif the light stays off (and lights up when there's activity) during idle, i doubt there's anything reading from the disk09:56
dob__ruben: Thank u. I will check that.09:58
RoyKdob_: smartctl -H /dev/asdf10:18
RoyKdob_: change asdf to whatever device name the disk has10:19
RoyKdob_: if that succeeds, try starting a selftest with smartctl -t short and list status for the test(s) with smartctl -l selftest10:22
dob_RoyK: I will try that later when I am back at the office with the server. Thank u!10:26
chigginsSo I'm trying to enable HTTPS on one of my Apache virtual hosts, but after adding in the cert file, key file, turning the engine on and restarting Apache, I get an error in the log saying invalid request-uri, and chrome says error 10711:06
dax_rocMorning all11:13
dax_rocI'm switching nic configuration from round robin to lacp (switch upgrade), so I need ifenslave and just add the configuration to /etc/network/interfaces. I no longer need to edit /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf right ( ubuntu 10.04 )11:19
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patdk-lapwhy would you need to edit that ever?11:48
* andol is slightly confused...11:54
andolDespite USN-1322-1 having been sent out, the 3.0.0-15 kernel packages only seems to be availible in -proposed?11:54
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mdeslaurandol: there was a snafu with the script that produced the USN email. The actual version and info for the USN is here: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1322-1/11:55
andolmdeslaur: Ahh, thanks.11:56
TixosHi, can someone please discuss with me the correct user layout/permissions for ubuntu servers, and apache?12:20
memoryleakHi, I've encountered following problem: http://pastie.org/315988712:21
memoryleakI installed pkg-config12:21
memoryleakstill i get these errors12:26
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tilen1232Hi, how to configure multiple ftp accounts (that each has its own public_html) and are managed with apache?12:44
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chmacI'm using the default /etc/postfix/main.cf for a smart-host system. But all mail to user is being expanded to user@mydomain.com and seems to ignore the /etc/aliases file.13:12
chmacI've run sudo newaliases and I can't see mydomain.com in the main.cf file.13:12
chmacHmm, I see the channel has been quiet for a while... :-)13:13
Tm_Tcaribou: it happens occasionally, I believe office hours are closing for today in Europe, while US hasn't started yet13:27
caribouTm_T: not sure I understand your answdr13:30
Tm_Tcaribou: bah, failed with nick tabcompletion, meant chmac (:13:36
Tm_Tsorry (:)13:36
caribouTm_T: np :)13:36
chmacTm_T: I wondered :-)13:51
smoserm_3, https://code.launchpad.net/~orchestra/orchestra/odev/ is where "odev" is.13:59
smoserRoAkSoAx, actually got me up to an (almost) deployed mysql<->wordpress juju13:59
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: ?14:42
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smoserRoAkSoAx, here.14:44
smoserRoAkSoAx, the 'odev' is at a point where "should work" for juju deploy of charms on precise.14:45
RoAkSoAxsmoser: cool14:45
RoAkSoAxwill give it a try later today14:45
afeijohi guys, I cant run mysql anymore, it raise an socket error14:56
zulDaviey:  horizon MIR is waiting on the MIR team now fyi14:58
smoserRoAkSoAx, thatd' be great. i'd like to see someone else having have done it.14:59
RoAkSoAxsmoser: btw... did you guys starting discussing anything about orchestra?15:01
RoAkSoAxzul: ^^15:01
zulRoAkSoAx: i havent15:01
smoserRoAkSoAx, well... there is meetings all day yesterday and today on maas.15:03
RoAkSoAxsmoser: right, so by the new project created about maas, is this a replacement for orchestra, complementing it, a different prohject?15:04
smoserof those options, closest to "complementing it"15:05
RoAkSoAxsmoser: so I'm guessing nothing has been discussed about extending cobbler?15:05
RoAkSoAxzul: nor cobbler and ocsinventory integration15:06
zulRoAkSoAx: nope I been doing oepnstack stuff15:06
hallynrbasak: ive been wasting time trying to get one patch working - im going to drop that and send you a debdiff in abt 30 mins15:09
rbasakhallyn: ok, thanks!15:10
hallyngary_poster: came by to find you, failed.15:17
gary_posterhallyn, here now.  Maybe I was in restroom?15:17
gary_posterhallyn, I could come there if desired15:17
raubvogelquick check: If I am ssh'ing from A to B and want port 123 in A to be forwarded to 456 in B, I would do something like "ssh -R 123:localhost:456 user@B"15:17
raubvogelNVM. It's 456:localhost:12315:22
hallynrbasak: ok, lxc-ps still needs some love, but I'm looking at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc-rally-p.debdiff15:23
hallynlxc-ps really needs to be re-written :(15:23
hallyngary_poster: that'd be great, thx15:23
gary_posterhallyn ok coming over15:23
lynxmansmoser: ping15:44
stgraberhallyn: did you move the MIR request for cgroup-lite from the cgroup-bin source package to the new cgroup-lite source package?15:45
lynxmansmoser: I can see you from here15:45
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:46
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Deathvalley122it hasn't been  updated15:47
eagles051387|ok but still applies to grub 2 though15:48
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BirckI'm trying to set up a cloud enviroment with OpenStack. I have a VM running in a machine located in a local network. I'm trying to ssh this VM from the gateway machine, but I'm getting this erro: Permission denied (publickey). I'm using a .priv archive with this command: ssh -i archive.priv ubuntu@
BirckAnyone have a suggestion on how to solve this problem?16:19
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lbordaBirck, did you run euca-add-keypair and started the instance using that same keypair?16:26
zulBirck: is the permissions for the *.priv file correct: 600?16:27
Bircklborda: yes, i executed this command euca-add-keypair nuvemcpca > nuvemcpca.priv16:31
Bircklbroda: and created the instance with the same .priv file16:31
Bircklborda: with this command euca-run-instances  ami-00000002 -k nuvemcpca -t m1.tiny16:32
Birckzul: yes, i have changed that: chmod 600 nuvemcpca.priv16:32
BirckI'll try to terminate all the instances and generate a new .priv file and then create new instanves16:34
pmatulisBirck: well, did you properly place the appropriate public key on the server?16:35
Birckpmatulis: yes, because i already have a working VM with this key, now i'm just trying another network architecture, with 2 network interfaces in the gateway, one for the external and one for the local network16:38
Birckpmatulis: I mean i have another machines with the same installation process and the key is working fine16:39
pmatulisBirck: you must have missed something.  what about the server side permissions on ~/.ssh directory.  anyway, on client use 'ssh -vv ...' and on server you can start it in the foreground for debugging (see man sshd)16:41
Birckpmatulis: ok, I'll try to generate again the keys. If i can't succed then i will try what you are saying16:43
lbordaBirck, try using another keypair16:49
lbordaBirck, what do you get from euca-console-output?16:49
gary_posterhallyn, I had one more question for you.  It would be convenient to have lxc-tools (https://github.com/phbaer/lxc-tools/ , as linked by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LXC#Host_configuration).  In particular, the graceful approach of lxc-halt would be nice for the people we are supporting.  lxc-status would be nice too.  The rest I've looked at are less interesting.  Are these packaged somewhere?  I looked and did16:50
gary_poster not find.16:50
hallyngary_poster: I don't know about them16:54
gary_posterhallyn, cool, np thanks16:54
Bircklborda: i should run ssh before euca-get-console-output ?16:56
Bircklborda: i didn't find anything important16:56
Bircklborda: I'm gonna paste bin the output16:56
lbordaBirck, try euca-get-console-output >instance_id>16:57
lbordaBirck, try euca-get-console-output <instance_id>16:57
lbordaBirck, also ssh -vvv will tell more debug info16:58
Bircklborda: I didn't find anything about ssh on the console output. But look at this messages at the final of the output16:59
Bircklborda: follow the paste http://pastebin.com/HGisgi8q17:00
lbordaBirck, i think iptables is playing a role in this case... did you say you changed your network config?17:01
BirckI'm working with a local network so i have to masquerade and enable ip forwarding on my gateway17:03
Birckthen i can ping external network from my local network17:04
GrueMasterarosales: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-p-revalidate-arm-server17:07
arosalesthanks GrueMaster17:08
Bircklborda: that was the onl things i have changed17:12
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talntidanyone know of any tools that can compare a current ubuntu install, to a base ubuntu install, and display the differences between the 2? (like installed software, modified files, etc)17:59
glebaronwondering if ubuntu 10.04 64bit server is capable of addressing 128gb of RAM. A quick google search did not tell me.18:01
raubvogeltalntid: AFAIK you can list all the installed packages18:03
raubvogelSo, a first idea is to list them in the two machines18:03
RoAkSoAxsmoser: still around?18:15
RoAkSoAxsmoser: bug #88718618:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 887186 in orchestra "squid proxy big and small buckets not functioning correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88718618:16
RoAkSoAxsmoser: so according to http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/cache_dir/18:16
RoAkSoAxsmoser: the big directory is correctly using the directory18:17
RoAkSoAxas the 40000 stands for MB's that the dir can extend to18:17
smosersure. thats fine.18:17
RoAkSoAxsmoser: so the cache for that dir will grow up until 4000018:17
smoserbut the intent of the 2 lines:18:18
smosercache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid3/small 40000 16 256 max-size=40M18:18
smosercache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid3/big 40000 16 25618:18
smoseris that small files (those under 40M) will go in 'small'18:18
smoserand large files in large18:18
smoserand everything is going in large18:18
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: oh I see your point now18:19
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i understood it differently :P18:19
smoserand, per the doc there it seems that we have ti right... i think18:21
smosermax-size=n, refers to the max object size in bytes this cache_dir18:21
smosersupports.  It is used to select the cache_dir to store the object.18:21
smoserNote: To make optimal use of the max-size limits you should order18:21
smoserthe cache_dir lines with the smallest max-size value first and the18:21
smoserones with no max-size specification last18:21
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yes18:21
smoser but experience shows otherwise18:21
RoAkSoAxsmoser: maybe it should be 'cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid/small 40000 16 256 max-size=40' instead of '... max-size=40M'18:22
RoAkSoAxor maybe even use 'MB' instead of 'M'18:24
RoAkSoAxsmoser: cause otherwise, it would be a squid error per se18:24
eagles0513875are there any cobbler users in here?18:25
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: yes18:25
eagles0513875in cobbler where does one specify a systems disk size ram etc18:25
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: there's no place where you can do so18:25
eagles0513875then how do you do that18:25
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: well, long story short, you can't just yet18:26
RoAkSoAxerr zul not here18:26
eagles0513875was that for me that last long story short comment18:26
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: yeah. Unfortunately we cannot specify the hw specification for a system in cobbler just yet18:27
eagles0513875RoAkSoAx: can that be done when using koan to provision the guest and get it going18:27
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: not that I know of. Are you trying to specify how much disk you want to assign for each partition and stuff like that?18:28
eagles0513875RoAkSoAx: to this particular xen guest18:28
eagles0513875i have lvm setup on the system18:29
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: if it is for virtualization then you DO can18:30
eagles0513875do can what18:30
* eagles0513875 waits for RoAkSoAx's rest of the last sentence18:30
eagles0513875guess ill have to dig up the koan man page18:31
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: sudo cobbler system edit --name <whatever> --virt-cpus=<xyz> --virt-ram=<xyz>18:31
eagles0513875thanks RoAkSoAx18:32
eagles0513875RoAkSoAx: thats all in the koan man page18:32
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: cool then, but that command is done in the cobbler server18:32
RoAkSoAxI haven't actually tried to do it with koan18:32
eagles0513875RoAkSoAx: what ive seen with koan is it connects to the cobbler server to setup the guest18:33
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: yes18:33
eagles0513875RoAkSoAx: let me look up the man page and ill let ya know if i can specify the guest requirements using koan instead :)18:34
squidlyI'm trying to install cacti on my server but I get this. "no type given for question at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Question.pm line 22, <GEN1> line 2." I cant remove or install cacti18:36
smoserRoAkSoAx, well, i tried 40, and 40000018:36
smoserand stuff is still going into 'big'18:37
RoAkSoAxsmoser: did you reconfigure squid?18:37
kirklandsmoser: we're seeing some Ubuntu kernels in Amazon that don't have ecryptfs built in, or as a module: http://thecloudmarket.com/image/aki-8903cbe0--ubuntu-kernels-testing-ubuntu-lucid-amd64-linux-image-2-6-32-340-ec2-v-2-6-32-340-40-kernel18:37
RoAkSoAxsmoser: squid3 -k reconfigure18:38
smosersurely restart re-reads config no?18:38
kirklandsmoser: looks like these: http://thecloudmarket.com/search?search_term=2.6.32-34018:38
RoAkSoAxsmoser: supposed to. I'm recreating the cache dirs and see what happens18:38
smoserkirkland, so you think that config for linux-ec2 kernels changed through the life of lucid-updates from lucid-release ?18:40
kirklandsmoser: i'm trying to chase down what's changed exactly right now18:41
smoserkirkland, but fwiw, you almost certainly should not b e using that aki18:42
smoseryou should be using pv-grub kernels18:43
kirklandsmoser: that's a testing kernel, it looks like?18:43
smoserwell, its a kernel that was published for a daily build18:44
kirklandsmoser: okay, looks like those are just broken somehow;  i've confirmed that i can modprobe ecryptfs in 2.6.32-341-ec218:44
smoserbut ubuntu amis do not use those kernels18:44
smoserthey use the pv-grub ones (after 2010-12 or so)18:44
kirklandsmoser: thanks;  this isn't me, but rather a customer of ours18:45
smoserwell they shouldn't be using that aki18:45
smoserfor many reasons18:45
smosera.) they should use pv-grub18:45
smoserb.) its listed as "testing", meaning it might "fall off" after no dailies use it18:46
smoserc.) its not even current18:46
hallynrbasak: I've got another update to that debdiff I'm afraid :)  (to fix lxc-ls)18:46
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i'm starting to think this is a bug in squid318:50
smoserwell, it was also resent in squid 218:51
RoAkSoAxsmoser: FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 54: cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid3/big 40000 16 256 min-size=41M18:51
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I get that error if I try to restrict the min-size for that cache dir18:51
RoAkSoAxsmoser: oh I see, maybe because of this:18:53
RoAkSoAxChanges in 3.2 cache_dir18:53
RoAkSoAxmin-size option ported from Squid-218:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: this strengthens my idea for which this is a squid bug18:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:05
eagles0513875got a question for you guys what is the best way to change the default kernel grub 2 boots19:10
eagles0513875by default19:10
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: /etc/default/grub19:11
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: GRUB_DEFAULT=0 -> change the number in that option19:11
RoAkSoAxthen update-grub19:11
eagles0513875ok here is something odd im not seeing a list of kernels available19:11
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: maybe take a look at cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep menuitem19:12
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: maybe take a look at cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep menuentry19:12
eagles0513875and they start at entry 0 onwards right19:13
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: correct19:13
eagles0513875thanks :) that should solve the headache of trying to kvm to get to grub19:14
eagles0513875im at a total loss RoAkSoAx whats the best way when working with cobbler and koan to specify ram hard disk etc for a xen guest19:14
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: go to the cobbler server, and edit the virt-* settings for the system19:15
talntidanyone know of any tools that can compare a current ubuntu install, to a base ubuntu install, and display the differences between the 2? (like installed software, modified files, etc)19:15
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: or, from thje cobbler server, do: sudo cobbler edit --name <abcd> --virt-cpus <etc> --etc-etc-etc19:15
pehdeni am on some random persons wifi19:17
eagles0513875for modified source files there is diff not sure about compile stuff19:17
RoAkSoAxtalntid: idk how to compare exactly, but you can get all the installed packages with sudo dpkg --get-selections19:17
pehdenand cant use ff or it would drop the connection19:17
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: or, from the cobbler server, do: sudo cobbler edit --name <abcd> --virt-cpus <etc> --etc-etc-etc19:18
eagles0513875RoAkSoAx: how come this cannot be done from the web interface19:19
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: this *can*19:19
eagles0513875how can it be done from the web interface O_o19:19
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: *edit* a *system* and go to "Virtualization"19:19
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: where most of it should show "<<inherit>>", bnut you can just go ahead and change it19:20
eagles0513875ahh file size19:20
eagles0513875is supposed to be hard disk19:20
eagles0513875and will this work with lvm19:20
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: I guess it should, haven't used xen19:21
eagles0513875does cobbler and koan work for provisioning lvm based xen guests19:21
eagles0513875yes it does actually :)19:21
RoAkSoAxeagles0513875: it should19:21
hallynrbasak: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc-rally-p6.debdiff19:22
eagles0513875viva la little ? marks on the side of the text boxes19:22
eagles0513875RoAkSoAx: in cobbler whats the difference between xenpv and xenfv19:29
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smosereagles0513875, i'm guessing its pvm and hvm19:47
smoserpara-virtualization hand hardware virtualization19:47
eagles0513875smoser: all it says in cobbler xenpv and xenFV19:47
smoserits almost certainly pvm and hvm19:47
eagles0513875found out xenpv = paravirtualization and fv = full virtualization19:47
eagles0513875ya paravirtualization is enough for what i need19:47
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eagles0513875hey guys i need some help with lvm20:06
eagles0513875i have an extened partition which is setup as linux lvm20:07
eagles0513875does that mean i need to add it to a volume group and what do i do if one doesnt exist20:07
RoAkSoAxsmoser: btw.. why aren't you enjoying budapest?20:16
smoserdont know.20:16
smoserfelt like owking tonight.20:16
smoseri'm poking at juju local provider and openstack. trying to apply adams' work and get it functional20:16
smoserdid you test my odev ?20:17
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i'm about to start doing that20:17
RoAkSoAxjust got back from lunch20:17
RoAkSoAxsmoser: this is based on the cobbler-devenv right?20:18
smoserreanmed to odev20:19
smoserprobably to be renamed to maasdev20:19
mgwI'm trying to figure out how to push multi-homed routes via dhcp (we have several VLANs on each system)…. DHCP OPTION 121 (RFC1519) doesn't seem to me to be sufficient — any pointers?20:25
eagles0513875hey guys how can i check to see if xen is compiled into the kernel20:26
smosereagles0513875, grep CONFIG_XEN /boot/config-$(uname -r)20:33
eagles0513875smoser: i forgot to hit update-grub after changing the default kernel to boot from20:34
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ChmEarleagles0513875, oneiric has xen inside with kernel 3.0+20:34
eagles0513875ChmEarl: i know but you still have to boot onto a special xen kernel from the looks of it20:36
eagles0513875ok its not a problem with ubuntu20:37
eagles0513875anyone here used koan in conjunction with cobbler20:38
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roaksoaxsmoser: still around?21:05
eagles0513875any koan and cobbler users online atm here21:19
smoserroaksoax, here21:20
chrislabeardwhen your running your own dns and virtual servers do the domains point at the public ip or the local ip?21:20
chrislabeardI'm alittle confused about that21:20
eagles0513875public ip chrislabeard21:21
eagles0513875private ips are never seen by the external network21:22
smoseradam_g, around ?21:24
chrislabeardeagles0513875: so if you were to dig wwmcd.org it would show the external IP of the server.21:25
roaksoaxsmoser: so how can I log into zimmer?21:25
roaksoaxsmoser: doesn't accept my ssh key, nor passw0rd works21:25
smoserubuntu@ should take 'passw0rd'21:26
eagles0513875chrislabeard: correct21:26
eagles0513875chrislabeard: yoru server running a 99 ip21:26
chrislabeardeagles0513875: yeah it is21:26
roaksoaxsmoser: does not21:26
roaksoaxssh ubuntu@
roaksoaxPermission denied (publickey).21:27
eagles0513875:) chrislabeard besides dig you can also use nslookup and the domain21:27
chrislabeardeagles0513875: its weird when I change it to the public ip I can't get the subdomains to work21:27
smoserroaksoax, i dont know. you're sure its going to zimmer there ?21:28
roaksoaxsmoser: yes21:28
smosermaybe something went wrong in the building of it.21:28
smosercan i see your build-console.log21:28
smoser(or whatever that is called)21:28
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah, cause can't even use a recovery console given that it asks for root pass21:28
smoserroaksoax, can you pastebin the log?21:30
roaksoaxsmoser http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/799870/21:32
eagles0513875chrislabeard: you need to create another a dns entry for the subdomain pointing to the 99 ip address21:32
chrislabeardeagles0513875: yeah I have it in there if I dig test.wwmcd.org21:32
chrislabeardit shows up with the public ip21:32
smoserroaksoax, i think it didn't execute anything21:33
smoserthe cloud-init creation of the iso failed21:33
smoseror something went wrong there at least21:34
chrislabeardeagles0513875: welp looks like it hasn't propagated yet , I'll wait lol21:35
roaksoaxsmoser: $ ( cd cloud-init/doc/ovf/ && ./make-iso ovf-env.xml.tmpl ../../../ud-build.txt -o - ) > build.iso21:35
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roaksoaxwrote iso to -21:35
smoseryeah, something went wrong there.21:35
eagles0513875chrislabeard:  you have done everythign right21:35
roaksoaxsmoser: redoing it causes the same thing21:36
smoserroaksoax, isoinfo -i build.iso  -x "/OVF_ENV.XML;1" | pastebinit21:41
roaksoaxsmoser: too late, I did this: ./make-iso ovf-env.xml.tmpl ../../../ud-build.txt -o ../../../build.iso from cloud-init/doc/ovf and now it was created correctly21:41
smoseri dont know what could have gone wrong there.21:43
smoserroaksoax, note, that you can in ud-build.txt set your ssh_import_id21:43
smoserand also a local proxy21:43
smoser(or other cloud-init stuff)21:43
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah21:44
smoserand this is what lead me to want to proxy in cobbler-orchestra21:45
smoserso i could use one from outside the libvirt network (my existing squid proxy)21:45
John-_Hello there21:46
John-_I'm trying to set a file to only allow access to one user21:47
John-_This is obviously easy in Windows but having trouble doing this on a ubuntu server21:48
smoserJohn-_, the user 'thatusername' is probably in a group called 'thatusername'21:48
smoserif thats the case, you can21:49
smoserchgrp thatusername the-filename21:49
smoserchmod 440 the-file21:49
John-_Yeah, I mean, I'm running Samba as a file and print server.. If 7 people log on and all try to change the same file we run into problems. It would be easy to just set only one user access at one given time but let the hole 7 users roam and see files21:51
John-_does that make sence ?21:51
smosersorry. can't help with samba21:52
John-_This is at the base level though21:52
roaksoaxsmoser: right, yeah the proxy thing Is something I've been thinking about for a while. But, the easiest way to do it is having another debconf question21:53
smoseryou dont need debconf questions for everything21:54
smoseris there some place we can add cobbler kickstart variables ?21:54
smoserthat would get read?21:54
smoseradn then we just use them (with defaults) from the other snippets21:54
roaksoaxsmoser: yes, but it is an initial config when setting up orchestra (i.e. WE can installa  proxy for you if you don't have one already)21:54
smoseri dont think that is all that important really.21:55
roaksoaxsmoser: i guess we could add some default kickstart variables, but then, we would have to make them configurable21:56
smoserorchestra-provisioing-server owuld just install one, and it go unused21:56
smoserif the gave you a different variable21:56
smosereven just as files in /etc/kickstart/21:56
smoserthat were read and the user could overwrite21:56
roaksoaxright, yeah I think there's still thinkgs to consider about the snippets and stuff21:56
mgwwhat controls the order in which the scripts in /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ are run?21:57
John-_Would it be possible to set a script in a user dir that, if file4 opened in dir 1 lock file4 then when file4 closed unlock file421:59
John-_Help, windows is going to win over one simple function !22:05
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erichammondIf it were possible to run a standard PV (non-HVM) Ubuntu AMI on EC2's cluster compute instance type (cc1.4xlarge) would there be any dangers or expected problems with this combination?22:18
Patrickdknot sure what you mean22:36
Patrickdkbut I run normal ubuntu ec2 ami's on xen pv's on my own cluster22:36
jasonI was wondering if anyone has used GAMIN package before and if it allows notifications via email when changes occur?23:40

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