
pleia2Darkwing: when you get a chance, can you add to the wiki the hardware you're bringing demo-wise? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale10x00:25
pleia2philipballew added his name down for a laptop with Ubuntu, but then removed it, so I'l follow up with him to see if he's still able to bring one00:26
DarkwingYeah, I was going to get a list tonight of everything I was bringing and adding it all at once.00:27
pleia2perfect, thank you :)00:28
DarkwingWorking on the program right now :)00:31
MarkDudedragon, ping03:09
Darkwingscale program cover finished.03:10
Darkwingpleia2: I don't know why... But I thought of you. http://chzsetphaserstolol.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/sci-fi-fantasy-star-wars-r-tutu.jpg04:29
MarkDudegrantbow, ping05:28
jyojtatum: Mt. View is next Thursday, yes?05:38
pleia2Darkwing: haha, that is awesome06:16
DarkwingThat's nice.07:02
DarkwingKubuntu and Edubuntu got 5 year LTS and Xubuntu got 3 year LTS for 12.0407:03
pleia2yep :)07:05
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
jtatumjyo: yep! :)17:40
bkerensaMarkDude: I feel sorry for Zareason and System7619:34
nhainesbkerensa: why's that?19:35
nhainesbkerensa: also what's the cool Ubuntu scoop you heard?19:35
bkerensabecause a new company is coming into their turf with better product at lower prices then they offer :P19:35
bkerensa$200 Ubuntu Notebooks that look and have specs like the Ultrabooks19:35
nhainesOoh, I'd pick one up.19:35
MarkDudeYes well...19:35
nhainesI don't think anyone has compelling notebooks.  The Zareason systems are very nice, though.19:36
bkerensanhaines: Yeah im rendering some video right now... hope to have that scoop out in the hour19:36
nhainesbkerensa: yay!19:36
bkerensaif Joey is around to click approve on my post :P19:36
MarkDudeZa got more screwedby Google and that Android not being fully open source19:36
bkerensayeah well the company tried to hire me....19:36
pleia2MarkDude: are you going carpooling with grantbow to scale?19:37
bkerensaTheir COO was like we looked you up and saw you have major cred and really want you onboard.... We need a Ubuntu guy19:37
nhainesbkerensa: send them to me!  :P19:37
bkerensayou would have to be up here in Portland and work in a cubicle19:38
nhainesI can be here in LA and telecommute, but that's my final offer! :)19:38
MarkDudegrantbow, has NEVER got back to me19:38
* MarkDude has called him and everything19:38
pleia2MarkDude: I have 400 CDs that need to get to LA by Friday19:38
pleia2I can put them in luggage, but hauling it all is going to be an interesting experiment19:38
bkerensaI agreed to consider becoming their new PHP developer though :D but I turned down a job handling Ubuntu Product QA and guiding them... I told them they need to start making Ubuntu TV's like its hot19:39
pleia2could also just ship them to nhaines today :)19:39
* MarkDude will be there by the Fri19:39
pleia2but if I can get them down there for free it would be optimal19:39
MarkDudenot sure how yet19:39
nhainespleia2: you could do that.  :)19:39
nhainesbkerensa: I'm so tempted to just make Ubuntu TV boxes, but I don't know anything about actually doing that, so... : P19:40
MarkDudeRide down is a bit of a hassle - Courtney is coming- and sexycatsinhats cant go due to school19:40
pleia2are you calling Courtney a hassle?19:41
MarkDudeNo chris flaking pleia219:41
bkerensafunny thing is this company apparently used to supply System76 with their hardware which is why they can offer laptops at a fraction of the cost of Sys and zareason19:41
pleia2MarkDude: ah, I see19:41
bkerensapleia2: You burned 400 cd's?19:43
pleia2bkerensa: no, pressed CDs from canonical19:43
bkerensaahh they gave you a bunch19:44
bkerensanhaines: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/a-first-look-at-ctls-ubuntu-product-lineup/20:20
bkerensathere is the scoop :)20:20
MarkDudeDoesnt this threaten those people that make FOSS computers out of cardboard also?20:27
bkerensapeople make PC's out of cardboard?20:29
bkerensa$600 for a carboard PC =o20:45
MarkDudeI know20:57
MarkDudeYou THINK it would be cheaper20:57
nhainesbkerensa: thanks!  :)21:20
MarkDudeLarry Lessig next Tue in SF21:52
* pleia2 haz tickets21:52
MarkDudeRight on, looks like fun21:53
pleia2my boss is a member of long now so I just nudge him when I want to go :)21:53
pleia2this one was a big "yes yes yes"21:53
MarkDudeShould be interesting21:54
pleia2I'm not actually all that sure about the topic :)21:55
pleia2but lessig is cool21:55
MarkDudeWell he is visionary type21:56
MarkDudeSo not all his visions need be correct, he can ride Creative Commons for a while, imho21:56

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