
DammitJimAnyone want a side job with CentOS and PHP?14:05
mhall119DammitJim: does it include flogging too?14:16
DammitJimLOL... why do you ask, mhall119 ?14:17
mhall119because none of those is known for being enjoyable ;)14:21
zoopsterno doubt...php is bad enough, but centos AND php...yeow.14:23
DammitJimoh gosh14:23
DammitJimI wonder why this contractor in India picked those to work with14:24
mhall119lots of companies pick them14:25
DammitJimI wonder why, though14:25
zoopsterthey don't know any better14:25
mhall119CentOS because it's 'free' RHEL, and PHP because devs are easy and cheap to find14:25
DammitJimI wonder if the client thinks this is going to be a cheap fix, then14:26
balloonsnothing is ever a cheap fix14:44
mhall119lots of things are cheap fixes, they're just not *good* fixes14:58
mhall119http://thereifixedit.failblog.org/ is full of cheap fixes14:59
DammitJimoh, I want that15:04
DammitJimdo you guys know of a good ssh server for windows? LOL20:14
mhall119cygwin has openssh-server I think20:15
DammitJimactually, I just need sftp20:16
mhall119DammitJim: try asking in ##windows20:22
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