
snap-lHey all,01:46
snap-lwho still has a link to the old Ubuntu calendar?01:46
brouschsnap-l: the old?03:14
brouschi use http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-michigan/ical03:14
snap-lyeah, the Google Calendar version03:15
snap-lHow are the sprints going?11:43
snap-lHallllllooooooo world.12:36
snap-lDid you know Dell has an auction site?12:40
snap-lSome older machines, but interesting nonetheless if someone wants some hardware12:40
snap-lfriend got a decent little desktop they're using for a MAME machine on there.12:40
Wolfgersnap-l: I don't know about a link to the Gcal us-mi loco calendar, but I can probably get the link since I have it imported to my personal calendar. Why?12:40
snap-lWolfger: The MUG Meeting still shows up at ESD12:41
snap-lwondering if it could be changed in case someone is still using that old calendar.12:41
snap-lor have the event removed altogether.12:41
WolfgerSure. What should I change it to?12:41
snap-l32737 W 12 Mile Rd12:42
snap-lFarmington Hills, MI 4833412:42
snap-lThanks! I deleted my link to it.12:42
snap-l(like an idiot. ;) )12:42
WolfgerHmm. That's odd.12:42
WolfgerI got a reminder 2 weeks ago for the meeting (which was rescheduled, but not on that calendar). But now I don't seem to have that calendar anymore.12:43
WolfgerYeah, it's gone.12:44
WolfgerMaybe greg-g deleted it?12:44
snap-lgot a note from someone that it wasn't changed.12:45
snap-lMaybe they had an old link :)12:45
Wolfgerwell reply to their note and ask them for it :-)12:59
brouschah, beautiful. i found instructions for getting dropbox public link with Dolphin without using nautilus13:41
nullspacebrousch: there are some python scripts to control dropbox13:51
brouschnullspace: this integrates directly into the right-click menu in dolphin, so it works like nautilus with dropbox13:52
brouschit's just a .desktop file13:53
snap-lyou can also use the command-line, if you so choose.14:07
snap-lit's pretty simple, actually.14:07
snap-lThat said, I do loves me some file-manager integration14:08
brouschsnap-l: the .desktop file just uses the dropbox command line14:28
Wolfgerright-click dropbox in Dolphin? Cool!15:11
brouschWolfger: http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=12034&replies=2#post-7649415:27
brouschpiecemeal instructions, but not too bad. first post tells you what file to make where, second post tells you what to put in the file, third post changes "s to `s. then it all works well (for me)15:28
brouschoooh, nice "The --no-site-packages flag is deprecated; it is now the default behavior."15:49
WolfgerInteresting. In German, a black eye is a blue eye...15:50
Wolfgerwhat's that do?15:50
brouschpython virtualenv15:51
brouschthat flag excludes any python modules that are installed locally so you have a nice clean virtualenv15:51
brouschbasically i used it every single time, so it's nice that it;s default now15:52
WolfgerOh boy... here comes all the Ubuntu TV hype...16:10
jjessemore than yesterday?16:10
brouschhm, just discovered this MBP keyboard does not have a print screen button16:16
Wolfgerjjesse: well, I didn't see any Ubuntu TV questions on AskUbuntu yesterday. Plenty coming today.16:18
jjesseah it was all i saw on google+ yesterday16:18
Wolfgerof course that could just be me not paying close attention yesterday16:18
WolfgerI didn't learn about Ubuntu TV until late in the day16:19
jjessegoogle+, twitter and Facebook seemed pretty full of things16:19
snap-lI wish them all the best re: Ubuntu TV17:32
snap-lfrankly can't muster any give-a-damn about it.17:32
snap-l(don't watch that much TV)17:32
rick_h__but but but :P17:35
rick_h__it's the fuition of the unity idea17:35
Wolfgerinsofaras TV's are becoming computers, I'm glad that Ubuntu is out there trying to make better TV's than what will surely come out of other sectors17:36
Wolfgerand I like the idea that (perhaps) we can do away with TV's altogether and just watch shows, sports, and movies from our monitors17:37
snap-lThis is likely not something new for anyone in this channel, but it's interesting: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781593273897.do?imm_mid=07bd4017:38
snap-lShould get jcastro to go into apoplectic fits. :)17:39
WolfgerLove the Popeye motif17:40
WolfgerOooh... O'Reilly dotd is Git17:40
snap-lYeah, once the signal is digital, it's a perfect match for the computer17:41
snap-lAnd I already consume a few shows digital-only because I can't be bothered with cable (Daily Show, and Doctor Who)17:41
nullspacesnap-l: wait ubuntu TV? didn't anyone learn from google TV?18:27
snap-lnullspace: Google TV isn't a failure yet.18:33
brouschgoogle is supposedly trying it again18:34
nullspacefail fail fail again18:39
snap-lWell, it's about breaking into a market18:58
snap-land making a device that's compelling18:58
snap-lAlthough I saw a tweet that this is about finding a hardware partner more than a finished device18:58
snap-lWhich makes some sense18:58
snap-lI really would love to know what Mark's 5-10 year goals are, because they have to be fascinating18:59
snap-lShuttleworth reminds me of mini-Jobs.19:00
brouschto crush gates' and jobs' skulls beneath his astronaut boot19:00
snap-lFriend got me Puscifer's latest album "Conditions of my Parole".19:01
snap-lHighly recommend it for those of the Maynard James Keenan project bent.19:02
snap-lKind of like Pigface in that it's a rotating artst roster.19:02
brouschi don't know pucifer, maynard james keenan, or pigface19:05
brouschi assume you are just mumbling incoherently19:05
snap-lbrousch: Maynard James Keenan: Lead Singer for Tool and A Perfect Circle19:10
snap-lbrousch: Puscifer: A band with Maynard James Keenan as the lead, with a rotating roster of musicians19:11
snap-lbrousch: Pigface: Same concept of rotating musicians, but playing INdustrial music19:11
brouschbah, tool19:11
snap-lbrousch: It's not very tool-like19:12
snap-lAlso, what's wrong with TOol?19:12
brouschwe've covered this before19:12
snap-lI thought we convinced you before that you're wrong? :)19:13
brouschi do not like tool snap-l-am19:13
brouschno, you convinced me you're a bunch of tools :P19:13
snap-lDo you like A Perfect Circle?19:13
snap-lor did you not get that far?19:13
brouschi do not like it19:13
brouschi think it's mostly the singer19:14
snap-lHow about Porcupine Tree?19:14
brouschi do not know it19:14
snap-l(not related to Tool at all)19:14
snap-lSearch for Porcupine Tree: Time Flies19:15
snap-land tell me if you like that19:15
brouschi only listen to openmetalcast music now19:15
snap-lI find that extremely hard to believe. :)19:16
snap-lOK, did you like Carthasy?19:16
brouschi'm a few episodes behind at the moment19:16
snap-lIt was an interview episode19:17
brouschwhat happens is that i listen to an episode, note the songs i liked, then go to jamendo/whatever, listen to all of their other music, and download what i likedto incorporate into my local playlists19:18
brouschsometimes that takes a while and i fall behind19:18
snap-lno worries19:18
snap-lI should have a catch-up episode19:18
snap-lno new music, just different tracks19:18
snap-lyou're not the only one that's said they're a few episodes behind19:19
brouschinterestingly that means that i would listen more if you'd not put so many good ones on each episode19:19
snap-lMaybe episode 40 will be a catch-up19:19
brouschwhat i need is my generic list/queue service so i could push them up there and not worry about losing them19:20
snap-lThere's only so much I can do19:21
snap-lalthough, having a music recommendation service might be neat.19:21
brouschthe other problem is while i'm listeing to jamendo i see a song with an interesting tag so i go listen to all the other songs with that tag and find good stuff19:22
snap-lDownload the tracks, put them in Audacity, and you too can have a show.;)19:22
brouschi refer the best finds back to you after making sure they have not appeared on omc19:23
snap-lI appreciate that.19:23
snap-lFrankly since Jamendo is borked it's getting a little harder to find things.19:24
snap-lLast two shows have been 100% Bandcamp19:24
snap-lbandcamp usually has a higher signal to noise ratio, but there's still some bands on there that are just awful.19:25
brouschwhat is broken on jamendo?19:25
snap-lNew albums aren't showing up nearly as often as they used to19:26
snap-lU used to be able to browse Jamendo and get several pages of new albums19:26
snap-lnow, I've gone several weeks with only a trickle19:26
brouschthat was weird. adb was using 75% of my CPU and i have never even used it on this computer19:44
snap-lad block plus?19:45
brouschandroid debug bridge19:46
snap-lAh, wasn't familiar with it.19:47
brouschwell you should be!19:47
snap-lWll, I will be, once I'm doing Android Development.19:51
rick_h__how we all doing?19:58
snap-lDoing OK so far, yourslef?20:00
brouschrick_h__: very well, thanks20:02
rick_h__tired, late work day. didn't get done until almost 8pm20:02
rick_h__but relaxing time20:03
brouschthat's why it's a sprint!20:03
rick_h__party on!20:03
snap-lWhat's the group-think on Pro Puppet? Good / bad /awful?20:53
snap-lbrousch: I understand Meh, but not "Salt"20:58
snap-lI love that there's no longer just naming conventions for projects, but whole naming-ecosystems21:02
snap-lsalt has "grains"21:02
nullspacesee and here I thought it was a way to easily salt your hashes21:56
nullspacesnap-l: crap I just realized I didn't play "we three kings come" from kamelot before or during christmas last year21:58

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