
Linden940Ahmuck, what part of texas are you in? I could take them off your hands03:39
spridelreally?  i remember taking a TV for $15 or $2503:39
spridelyeah what mrand said03:40
Linden940best buy got smart lmao03:40
Linden940what alot of people use to do was fill a 18wheeler and ship them to CA03:40
Linden940down in CA the state will PAY you for them03:40
spridelwell you put in $10 and get a $10 gift card03:41
Linden940it was a really good cash amount...i don't remember it anymore tho.03:41
Linden940but now you have to show proof that they came from CA and thats hard to do...so you cant ship them there anymore and get paid the big bucks03:41
Linden940so the only other place you can send them is over seas to china where they turn them into tvs03:41
Linden940If bring them to me I will buy them off of you lol03:42
Linden940i'm only paying like $0.25 but I don't charge03:42
Linden940well...i am off to bed..i am flat out dead on my feet...I lost two pallets of computers down the road today from the rain and some asshole who cut me off that I had to slam on the brakes03:44
Linden940that was a fun clean up job with it raining03:44
Linden940so good night ya'll03:44
tp0x45anyone here from Central Texas?21:18
tp0x45Bryan/College Station?21:21
mrandis anyone really /from/ BCS?21:47
mrandI mean, I went to school there and all, but I don't remember meeting anyone  actually born there.  Most people move there.21:47
NicolaeDebevecit's a college town, like others it exists to serve the school22:15

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