=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude [17:07] hi [17:08] hi butti [17:55] Hi [17:56] hi tusuzu [17:56] meeting in 4 minutes :) [17:56] kk - making sure I was in the right place [17:57] yep! [17:59] * Cheri703 hastily edits the agenda [18:00] :) [18:03] #startmeeting [18:03] Meeting started Tue Jan 10 18:03:06 2012 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. [18:03] Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired [18:03] hi everyone, who all is here for the meeting? [18:04] * mysteriousdarren is. [18:04] o/ [18:04] o/ [18:04] hi [18:04] o. [18:04] we have an agenda [18:04] bah o/ [18:05] #link http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/Agenda [18:05] #topic Precise Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-p-ubuntu-women-project-goals [18:05] anyone have any updates on their blueprint items? [18:05] since our last meeting we went live with our new wiki theme :) so yay! [18:06] Yay! [18:06] Best Practices was updated [18:06] tusuzu: you did a really nice job with that :) [18:06] ty did you see it yesterday? [18:07] tusuzu: yeah, looks like you condensed it a lot? [18:07] yes. [18:07] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/BestPractices is the page [18:07] great [18:07] send me any comments when everyone reads it, or comment here. Hopefully we can finalize next meeting? [18:08] Great, tusuzu :) [18:08] Dolasilla sent an email to the list about reviewing wiki pages: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2012-January/003430.html [18:09] right now looking to update our /Linux page [18:09] err /Links [18:09] akgraner: at our last meeting you said you might get to your mentoring tasks over the holidays, do you have any updates? [18:11] on my side, since I have the wiki done now we'll be working toward simplifying the text on the main ubuntu women page and redirecting to the wiki [18:12] I worked with canonical IS to make sure us wiki admins have the power to make pages immutable, since when we point ubuntu-women.org to the wiki we'll probably want to main page immutable to avoid vandalism [18:12] pleia2: I can ping akgraner via email and see if I can help. Not on IRC as much since the move but can help via email for sure. [18:12] s/move/new job [18:13] yeah, I'll try to follow up with her after the meeting [18:13] Oh ok [18:13] ok, I think that's about it for the blueprint for now [18:14] #topic Career Days - January Date? http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/CareerDays [18:14] Cheri703: all yours! [18:14] pleia2: I will actually have to ping akgraner as well on that, She was going to be our january participant [18:14] unless anyone else wants to volunteer? [18:15] I can volunteer on how to party when your kids go off to college [18:15] sorry.. [18:15] what date were you shooting for for this? we've been doing them on saturdays but this saturday is User Days, and next saturday akgraner (and me, and akk, and lots of us) will be at SCALE [18:15] tusuzu: hehe [18:16] yeah pleia2, I think just pushing to february might be best [18:16] * pleia2 nods [18:16] +1 [18:17] ok, sounds good, I'll still ping akgraner to see if feb works and what day she'd prefer [18:17] great [18:17] anything else for Career Days? [18:17] nope [18:18] #topic UW gathering at Scale https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2012-January/003435.html [18:18] MarkDude: all yours! [18:20] while we wait, I will mention that we still have two slots to fill for Ubuntu User Days on Saturday, schedule here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/oneiric [18:21] would be nice to have someone do an "introduction to Ubuntu" (basics of Unity, installing software, basic applications) [18:21] Pay my way, I'll do it! [18:21] tusuzu: it's an online event :) [18:21] sorry.. [18:21] you just join #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat, you write up some notes and present in #ubuntu-classroom [18:22] people ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat [18:22] Bad joke.. [18:22] alright :) [18:22] pleia2: Would but I have plans this weekend:) [18:22] anyone else? it's not that scary, there are classroom helpers available throughout the session [18:23] Cheri703: how about you? [18:23] +1 to it being not scary at all. Can look through old sessions to get ideas of what it's like too [18:23] what times are needed? [18:23] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/natty is a link to the last [18:23] also: I don't use unity >.> [18:23] 15:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC [18:24] well, you could do a talk on something else :) the awesome apps of KDE! [18:24] haven't fully switched to that either! still learning kde stuff [18:24] hehe, ok [18:24] * Cheri703 is trying to mentally convert utc time [18:24] is it -5 for eastern time? [18:24] yes [18:25] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/oneiric has the timeanddate clickable links for each time [18:25] :/ one is during my sleeping time, one is during my working time, or I would [18:25] alright, I will continue my quest for volunteers elsewhere [18:25] sorry! [18:25] no problem :) [18:26] MarkDude: around to talk about scale? [18:26] \o [18:26] WHy yes I am [18:26] go for it [18:27] * MarkDude has planned for UW members to meet on Sunday [18:27] 11 am, just after Selena's keynote [18:27] sounds good to me [18:28] at the coffee shop in lobby [18:28] Unless there are any objections to time, let's confirm this :) [18:29] I'll reply positively to the thead on the list [18:29] Perfect pleia2 - looking forward to seeing everyone :) [18:30] I mentioned that akk, akgraner and I would be there, we're also all doing talks: [18:30] https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/speakers/akkana/peck [18:30] https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/speakers/amber/graner [18:30] https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/speakers/elizabeth/krumbach [18:31] Awesome! [18:31] nice [18:31] I'm also running the Ubuntu booth saturday and sunday (will be a busy weekend!) [18:31] so thanks to MarkDude for handling the planning of the get together :) [18:31] Sure, UW rocks! [18:31] anyone else have announcements of anything else before we wrap up? [18:31] o/ [18:32] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UDS will need a bit of a review and update in the next few days/weeks [18:32] AlanBell: ah, thanks! [18:32] we'll also be planning an UW dinner that week (I owe jledbetter an email about this) [18:32] :) [18:33] alright, I think that's it then [18:33] thanks everyone! [18:33] pleia2: Thanks for chairing! [18:33] sure thing :) [18:33] #endmeeting [18:33] Meeting ended Tue Jan 10 18:33:56 2012 UTC. [18:33] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2012/ubuntu-women-project.2012-01-10-18.03.moin.txt [18:35] http://uds.ubuntu.com/harassment/ also needs localisation to the next venue [18:35] I may have already filed a bug about that one [18:36] AlanBell: Good point [18:37] also a special for oakland "don't walk the streets of oakland alone at night" ;) [18:38] (admittedly detroit is worse, but phew oakland) [18:38] heh [18:39] bug 907673 [18:39] Launchpad bug 907673 in uds-project "Harassment page needs to be updated (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/907673 [18:40] it is pretty bad when we organize events that need to come with "Don't go for a walk" disclaimer [18:44] Monte Carlo is the only city I have ever wondered about at night and felt totally relaxed [18:46] * MarkDude will be there with some others for UDS [18:46] AlanBell: I've never been to Monte Carlo but I will admit that there are parts of my city I would not wonder by myself at night [18:46] You can walk in Oakland, it is best to do IN A GROUP [18:47] Most cities have parts where it's not safe to walk alone at night. [18:47] * MarkDude worked in East Oakland for a while (where the most killings are) [18:47] true [18:47] we wandered budapest and it was good [18:47] at least the areas we were in [18:47] Plan on taking a cab if worried [18:48] Also avoid the Tenbderloin in SF at night [18:48] I cycled through, got last, and still was safe :) [18:48] I will walk round London, but I am always fully aware of what is going on around me, Monte Carlo for some reason felt like wandering around your own house. Strange place. [18:48] (got lost twice) [18:48] I pretty much don't go past 5th and market in SF alone at night [18:48] * MarkDude wanders around SF during day looking like a tourist, no prob [18:49] civic center gets creepy [18:49] * MarkDude looks up at buildings- says wow [18:49] but I'm fine east of market to the embarcadero [18:49] err, east of market and 5th [18:49] nightime - look straight ahead [18:49] * pleia2 walks through financial district alone at night often [18:50] it's touristy, well lit, and lots of cameras [18:50] Financial is just fine, unless you stray towards the Tenderloin [18:50] * MarkDude has taken wrong turn before [18:50] Hmmm, I think these folks are selling me drugs..... I am not even sure what a 37 is [18:51] lol [18:51] * MarkDude is wondering how many folks will appear *sleepy* in photos from UDS [18:51] I mean its also called Oaksterdam [18:52] altighty then. [18:52] err alrighty* [18:53] At least some folks from Europe were making jokes about it. I had to tell them that NO, weed is not actually legal for everyone, just folks that pay$50 to a sorta fake Dr [18:56] MarkDude: oh to live in MT or CA.... [19:00] lol [19:15] re [19:16] ist the meeting already over? [19:17] it is [19:17] is it!? [19:17] yes [19:17] http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2012/ubuntu-women-project.2012-01-10-18.03.moin.txt [19:17] it was short and sweet [19:17] ow [19:17] sorry ..it was to shirt :) [19:18] short* [19:19] just wanted to find out what are yu doing on your wnderfull ubuntu machines [19:19] i know only 1 women using ubuntu in real....thats me [19:20] no that's me! [19:20] butti_: there is more of a discussion going on in #ubuntu-women at the moment [19:21] butti_: I work as a linux sysadmin (from my ubuntu machine) [19:21] oh great! wonderfull [19:22] AlanBell: what are you doing with your machine? [19:22] I work with Free Software, helping businesses to use it [19:23] nobel [19:25] profitable :) [19:25] most honest statement I have ever seen ^ [19:33] AlanBell: share your job with us :) [19:34] http://libertus.co.uk website is a bit rubbish at the moment, but gives an idea of what we do