
superflymorning all07:02
inetproGuten Morgen08:58
nuvolariinetpro: wie geht es?13:35
inetpronuvolari: gut selber?13:35
inetpronuvolari: how's your connection today?13:36
inetprodid anybody get the additional 20GB from Vodacom before the deal expired?13:37
* inetpro decided to give it a pass13:38
nuvolariinetpro: ser gut, danke13:49
nuvolariI grabbed the last straw left 13:49
nuvolariso I need to figure out what to download with the extra BW :P13:49
Tonberryall the things13:50
inetproI still have about 15GB to use until 31 Jan13:51
inetproR500 for another 28 days will be a waste for me13:51
Tonberryhalf an ubuntu repo?13:51
inetproTonberry: why download the ubuntu repo if you won't use it?13:52
* Tonberry shrugs13:53
* inetpro has no time to play with such things13:53
Tonberryi use local repos13:53
Tonberryas in on the box over there13:53
Tonberrybut i can keep them up to date at the university13:54
inetproI can get away with 3GB a month if I go easy13:54
inetprothough 5GB is probably more like what I should go for these days13:54
inetprosad that it's so costly13:55
inetproI should probably try 8ta again at the end of the month13:57
inetprowant to play a bit with a high gain antenna and see whether it will make a difference13:58
nuvolariinetpro: it will definitely make a difference14:15
Tonberryunless you are already on the roof14:16
inetproa friend has an antenna that I can play with14:17
inetprojust need to figure how to find the optimal direction14:17
Tonberrythere are ways to get the actual signal strength from a 3g modem in linux14:19
Tonberrycomgt can do it14:20
zerefjust found a 4GB HDD15:49
zerefcan i use it as a flash disk LOL15:50
superflyzeref: my routing server has a 6GB HDD17:25
zerefjust installed debian on an old box, using it as a server17:33
superflyzeref: how old is old?17:46
superflywhat are its specs?17:46
nlsthznSeems uncle Kilos is struggling to get on :/18:21
nlsthznOh, and hi all :)18:21
Kiloslo superfly inetpro bakuman 18:23
superflyhi Kilos!18:23
Kilosignore the mail to the lists18:24
nlsthznLol... was just on telling all that you couldn't get on :p18:24
Kilosdunno what was wrong here, couldnt get to #ubuntu-za18:25
Kilosevening everyone else18:25
Kiloshi nlsthzn 18:25
Kiloshows our ahab18:25
Kilosha ha ha18:25
nlsthznFine thanks uncle Kilos and you?18:25
Kilosi wonder what was wrong18:26
Kilosok ty. we got a big storm here so dunno how long power will be on18:26
Kilosinetpro, lewe jy nog??18:28
KilosMaaz, coffe on18:28
MaazKilos: Huh?18:28
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:28
* Maaz puts the kettle on18:28
KilosMaaz, hurry18:29
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed18:29
KilosMaaz, coffee please18:29
MaazKilos: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses18:29
* Kilos was hoping for 2 cups before the power goes off18:30
nlsthzn:) 18:30
* nlsthzn goes to play some games again... bye18:30
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 18:31
* nuvolari wonder of oom Kilos hom raaksien (die epos lyk fishy :P)18:32
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:32
nlsthznSilly monsters killing us :/19:04
tumbleweedsuperfly: reminder that if you want to get something into precise you need to move19:22
tumbleweedwe're already at debian import freeze19:22
superflytumbleweed: yeah, I figured to just leave it... Sad, but I haven't really had the time :-(19:23
Kilosyay power came again back19:36
KilosMaaz, ty19:36
MaazYou are welcome Kilos19:36
* Kilos drinks cold coffee19:36
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:46
* nuviwebchat slowly catches up to 11.1019:48
nuviwebchatgmf. :-/19:49
nuviwebchatall of a sudden my grub freezes for no aparent reason, the only key combination doing anything is Ctrl+Alt+Del19:49
nuviwebchatbut noooo...19:50
nuviwebchathaving a tty would be awesome19:50
nuviwebchatnot really the desired action19:50
nuviwebchatoh, and my phone doesn't want to work that well with unfamiliar recovery apps too19:51
* nuviwebchat facepalms19:51
nuviwebchatbut it's sorted now19:51
nuviwebchatanyone actually reading this wil think "what a weird bloke. talking to himself. Just like that..."19:51
nuviwebchatso what if I am?19:51
nuviwebchatI blame Microsoft.19:52
nuviwebchatargh. if this install completes I need to set up stuff again. In the first place my reason for not upgrading19:53
nuviwebchatbut it's a new year. I need a new start, fresh environment19:53
drashahi everyone, need some help on multiple nic's in my ubuntu box... anyone?20:11
superflydrasha: don't ask to ask, just ask ;-)20:15
drashata... 20:15
drashagot  my linux box connected to my adsl router on eth020:17
drashanow, bought a WUG kit, wug cable connected to my other nic in the ubuntu box on eth020:17
drashasoz, i mean, eth120:17
drashaip on eth1:
drashacannot ping wug router on ip:
drasharouting tables: U     0      0        0 eth120:19
drashaany ideas why i can't ping my wug router?20:19
superflydrasha: what's the IP range of your WUG router?20:24
drashai've been given the ip's - to use...20:25
drasharouter ip is
nuviwebchat*waiting for "installing system" progress label to go away..."20:38
nuvolariso far so good, apart from not having both my screens active, it seems pretty nice21:28
* nuvolari wish internet was as fast as thoughts21:28
nuvolario/ g'evening Kerbero 21:28
Kerberoek sit op die oomblik in duitsland, en moet nie dink suid-afrika s'n is stadig nie21:32
Kerberomy internet by die huis in SA is definitief vinniger en meer stabiel as wat ek nog erens in europa kon vind21:32
Kerberobehalwe op een plek in nederland waar ek 'n 20mbps kabel gehad het21:32
* nuvolari kwyl21:49
zerefi'm trying to share my internet connection with my server, i've tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing21:52
zerefbut no luck21:53
zerefi dont use gnome-network-manger, i use /etc/network/interfaces to setup my network21:54
zerefcant seem to find the settings..21:54
Kerberodo you want to bridge or NAT?21:55
Kerbero/etc/network/interfaces is not enough on its own21:55
Kerberoyou'll either need a bridge interface to bridge21:55
Kerberoor iptables to do masquerading21:55
Kerberoahh i see that guide says that anyway21:56
Kerberozeref: and you did enable that one line in sysctl.conf21:57
Kerberothat guide is a bit confusing21:58
Kerberobut seems correct21:58
zerefi dont know which parts to follow and which parts to ignore21:59
Kerberowell first of all: sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf21:59
Kerberoand enable the line that says something about ipv4 forwarding22:00
Kerberoit should be =122:00
Kerberoi normally use webmin to configure iptables22:01
Kerberoand don't do it by hand22:01
Kerberobecause that makes everything just too complex for me22:01
Kerberowebmin actually has a iptables rule "template" for connection sharing iirc22:02
zerefso for that guide, i should follow all the steps??22:02
superflyzeref: install arno-iptables-firewall, and then all you need to do is make sure you set up your routing on your server properly22:02
zerefkk, will give it a go22:04

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