
bluezonekingfisher64,  okay take out the +00:00
Glaciais there an irc channel for chrome OS linux00:00
kingfisher64nope, operation not permitted is now the error - bluezone00:01
pangolin!lais | Glacia00:01
pangolin!alis | Glacia00:02
ubottuGlacia: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:02
OerGlacia, no, only #chromium-os on freenode00:02
Aliv3on touchpad what does the partition size based on ( ubuntu size maybe ) because it seems the dirs are mounted to the normal touchpad partition ( plz pm with partition, im going afk for a while )00:02
Troy_why would you want chrome os00:02
Glaciaoh sweet ty pangolin00:02
erkan^is .ogg music ? or from video too?00:03
Chotazhow do i disable auto-extract on sabnzbd+?00:03
bluezonekingfisher64, where is this folder located?00:03
Troy_alis blows00:03
JoeyJoeJoHow can I tell if I'm running on Ubuntu server or just regular Ubuntu?00:03
JairunCalothcat /etc/lsb-release00:03
OerJoeyJoeJo, you can do both, did you install a desktop ontop of your server ?00:04
JoeyJoeJoIt doesn't say anything about server in there, so that means it's just regular ubuntu, right?00:04
kingfisher64from file system root it's var/www folder - bluezone00:04
JoeyJoeJoOer: I didn't install it, but it does have gnome00:04
JairunCalothJoeyJoeJo: yes00:04
bluezonekingfisher64, i just did sudo chmod 660 (some folder in home/[your user]) and it worked, i think it would work if you made some folder web/www in your home directory00:05
lowricI am in search of some assistance00:05
bluezonekingfisher64, and then applied the command00:05
Troy_joe75: then it is regular ubuntu00:06
MindALotwhat does it mean if ubunto 11.10 seems to be stuck on the load screen ? ( we see Ubunto 11.10, and 4 dots that are changing colors)  - booting from a live USB on a relatively new pc.  The boot worked fine on another pc built with similar parts - although the troubling pc required nomodoset to get to the current location.00:06
JairunCalothlowric: sure, that's what this channel is for. Ask your question and if someone knows how to help you they will answer.00:06
nosleep77loweric, that is a good search :)00:07
MontyOnTheRunHello. Need help about Ubuntu on Macintosh. Anyone can help me or redirect me to a channel to help me?00:08
lowricIs anyone able to (willing too is more like it) help me with a few questions about installing Ubuntu. I've been having some issues.00:08
bluezoneMontyOnTheRun, ask the question first ^.^00:08
JairunCalothMontyOnTheRun: There is also a subforum on the ubuntu forums dedicated to running ubuntu on Macs.00:09
lowricso I've Installed Ubuntu onto my netbook but it will not run when i boot it.00:09
MontyOnTheRunGrub2 takes ages ( sometimes freezes ) to load. It never takes any of my input.  Does grub1 work with UEFI00:09
lowricit goes past the <f2><f12> #ubuntudeal00:10
lowricmain screen deal*00:10
MontyOnTheRunJairuCaloth, I`m well aware of those. The problem is that there are a lot of conflicting and outdated information there.00:10
kingfisher64bluezone - i'm going to learn a lot more about ubuntu in the up and coming months - I just wanted to copy all my content from win7 over first. What is the full command for file system > var > www ? would it be sudo cmod 660 var/www?00:11
lowrici cant seem to be able to run ubuntu with out my computer having to access the flash card i origonally installed it off of.00:12
tjfwhat is the program in GNOME that lets you change what opens when you click a link?00:12
lowrici reboot and i get a flashing underscore on a black screen that doesnt change00:12
JairunCalothMontyOnTheRun: That is unfortunatly the case sometimes. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of its existance.00:12
MontyOnTheRunJairunCaloth - I know and understand ;-) Hope I didnt sound rude or anything00:13
JairunCalothMontyOnTheRun: No worries :)00:13
bluezonekingfisher64, yes but i'm not sure it will let you change the permissions in such a critical folder, so i suggest making another folder in home/[yourName]/www   and then running chmod 660 /home/[yourName]/www and then working from that folder00:14
MontyOnTheRunThe most tragic is that the LiveCD boot instantly00:14
MindALothrm - okay - we pressed ctl-alt-f1 - and we see the boot log .. the last thing we see is usbhid : USB HID core driver00:14
MindALotwe can press keys and we see echo - so it's not locked up ... but we don't know why ubunto is not loading00:15
* MindALot sighs00:15
amaroksHi, any easy way to change ubuntu theme?00:15
MontyOnTheRunIs there any way to boot from ISOLINUX without GRUB? ( crazy idea, I know )00:15
amaroksplenty out there, but complex to get them running and no tool in ubuntu to do that00:15
JairunCalothlowric: where does it go to that screen? As soon as you power it on, or directly after POST?00:15
kingfisher64bluezone - i think that could cause problems with apache. it has the document root set to var/www so i'd have to start altering config options to change that. I find it so odd that there isn't just a "over ride permissions" feature on click of the permissions tab.00:16
fellayaboyhas anyone updated their virtual box client??00:16
MontyOnTheRungonna try something crazy here...Thanks for listening anyway =-)00:16
lowricIm having installation issues. Ubuntu doesnt want to run after i've installed the program. I reboot and a black screen with a flashing underscore appears at the top left hand corner. nothing comes of it if i let it sit.00:16
amaroksHi, any easy way to change ubuntu theme?00:17
Star_Lightlowric you should use alcohol 120 in order to copy .iso files effectively00:17
bluezoneamaroks, right click desktop, change desktop background00:17
KrisDouglasamaroks: not in unity, no.00:17
lowricstar_light you mean to set it to a flash card?00:18
fellayaboyamaroks go to gnome-look.org for other themes00:18
amaroksthere are nice theme son web00:18
amaroksbut How to install them00:18
amaroksand straight-forward tutorial for latest ubuntu00:18
bluezonekingfisher64, hmm00:18
FloodBot1amaroks: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:18
Star_Lightlowric I only know about cd's00:18
Star_LightI had the same problem00:18
amaroksI did not flood,  but I was getting internet cuts off00:19
MindALotso ah... if we can't seem to get ubuntu to load on a pc - any suggestions on another live CD OS ?   We just want to test the network device on the pc00:19
JairunCalothlowric: how did you make the flash card?00:19
lowricIm using a netbook. No CD drive. I've been having a heck of a time with this.00:19
zelozelosMindALot, mint is a good one00:19
overcluckerlyrae_: try convert with -scale 200x125\!00:19
zelozelosMindALot, or DSL00:19
MindALotI'll try mint00:19
KrisDouglasamaroks: You need to use Gnome to use those themes. They have basically been disabled in the latest release.00:20
lowricAnd now  i cant use the computer with out the flash card in it running Ubuntu on the test00:20
Star_Lightlowric sorry I don't know anything about netbooks00:20
amaroksHow do I use gnome? I think I have unity?00:20
Diamondcitelowric: Which netbook model?00:20
KrisDouglasamaroks: you can, afaik, change the GTK theme, ive not found an easy way to do it yet.00:20
Star_LightI only remember that you need alcohol in order to copy right .iso files00:20
lowricAspire one.00:21
JairunCalothlowric: I've had good luck installing on machines without CD drives using a netboot install. Also Unetbootin is a program to make bootable USB disks. It might be able to make flash disks work.00:21
kingfisher64bluezone - i'm not going to give in. I've installed nearly everything from win7 now. I just need to learn a bit about wine to get photoshop/illustrator working, this permissions issue and how to replicate/move the dock on the left. thank you for trying to help me. I:)00:21
bluezonekingfisher64 okay i just tried it it seems to be working00:21
lowrici dont see how that has any bearing00:21
bluezonekingfisher64, i know how to move that launcher00:21
lowricsweet thats Jairuncaloth00:21
Diamondcitelowric: More detail, trying to figure out which graphic chip is inside. The blinking white cursor happens when it can't start the user interface.00:22
lowricohhh ok.00:22
kingfisher64it's on the left and i was hoping to move it to the bottom and create another at the top for less used apps. bluezone00:22
bluezonekingfisher64, http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-move-unity-launcher-panel-to-bottom-of-screen-on-ubuntu-11-10/00:22
Diamondcitelowric: If you use ctrl+alt+F1 you can bring yourself to a basic login prompt for command line.00:22
JairunCalothlowric: for a super easy netboot setup, there is a script somewhere that you run from annother machine that is booted into a live CD. It downloads the required packages and configures everything. From there you just configure the machine you want to install to boot from PXE or network.00:23
bluezonekingfisher64, as for the other issue i was able to navigate to /var and then execute sudo chmod 660 www with no problems00:23
JairunCalothlowric: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot00:24
JairunCalothI used that to install xbmc live on my little TV computer.00:24
bluezonekingfisher64, afterwards if it doesn't work you can always try chmod 66600:25
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
kingfisher64bluezone - ok then it must be me typing the wrong path. sudo chmod 660 var/www? i've tried a few combos. sudo chmod 660 home/phil/var/www/ are these paths incorrect. My username is phil00:25
hichamme it gives me a message error saying (there seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.)00:26
hichamany help please00:26
KrisDouglasits /var/www00:26
leontopodcan I ask a kubuntu question here, or will I be disemboweled?00:26
bluezonekingfisher64, yeah sorry about that it should jsut be var/www i think i missled you :S00:26
KrisDouglasbluezone: its /var/www00:26
zelozeloscan someone see me?00:27
hichamwhen i try to install a programm it give me a msg (there seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.00:27
hichamany help please00:27
KrisDouglashicham: you don't need to repeat yourself. Someone will assist when they can.00:27
OerLoLz@ bluezone unity at the bottom, looks like KDE00:27
leontopodspeaking of kde...00:27
leontopodI am trying to install firefox on kubuntu and it's not letting me... I have internet connectivity00:28
KrisDouglashicham: what exactly is the message?00:28
leontopodshouldn't it do an apt-get under the covers?00:28
hichamwhich is?00:28
bluezoneKrisDouglas, yeah but i think the terminal understand that var/www is actually /var/www ^.^00:29
esphI just installed from a live-usb, and then decided it would be a good idea to update everything, so I started up the update manager and hit the Install Updates button. However, it has now been sitting at the "Applying changes" "Waiting" dialog for about a half hour with no sign of progress (the progress bar has not filled in at all). Is there a way to check that it's actually working?00:29
KrisDouglasbluezone: not on any system I've used recently unless your working path is /00:29
leontopod'The package "firefox-kde-support" has not been found among your software sources.  Therefore it cannot be installed'00:29
KrisDouglashicham: what is the message you get when it fails?00:30
bluezoneKrisDouglas, oh, mine was, xD00:30
hichamthere seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.00:30
bluezonekingfisher64, if your not in "/" you should type sudo chmod 660 /var/www sorry :P00:31
slugzzzSo.. I accidentaly deleted libstdc++.so.6 from /usr/lib/ ... it turns out this file is important...00:31
kingfisher64bluezone - ok i must have edited the permissions as now if i click on the var/www folder it says i don't have the permissions to view the contents00:31
bluezonekingfisher64, okay do 666 instead00:32
bluezonekingfisher64, i usually do 777 to avoid all this but people tell me off if i suggest that so i didn't suggest that ^.^00:32
kingfisher64bluezone - thanks so much it's working. i did 666 and it's letting me accesss folder. I might temporarily change it to 777 just to copy over my content00:33
KrisDouglasbluezone: Would it not be easier to access the folder with "sudo nautilus /var/www"? Saves you opening up the permissions00:34
bluezoneKrisDouglas, yeah but i think he wants to use ftp to transfer the files or something else00:34
slugzzzSo.. I accidentaly deleted libstdc++.so.6 from /usr/lib/ ... it turns out this file is important...00:35
bluezonekingfisher64, cool00:35
dr_willisslugzzz:  boot live cd, chroot in, reinstall package that has it..00:35
KrisDouglasslugzzz: Why not google the file name and re-download it00:35
dr_willis!find libstdc++.so.600:35
ubottuFile libstdc++.so.6 found in gcc-snapshot, lib32stdc++6, lib32stdc++6-4.4-dbg, lib32stdc++6-4.5-dbg, lib32stdc++6-4.6-dbg, libhfstdc++6-4.6-dbg-armel-cross, libhfstdc++6-armel-cross, libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg-armel-cross (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libstdc%2B%2B.so.6&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any00:35
kingfisher64bluezone - hallelujah it's doing it. Kingfisher64 does a little dance!!!00:36
slugzzzSo, just install any package that has it?00:36
dr_willisreinstall THE package that has it...00:36
dr_willis!find /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.600:36
KrisDouglasslugzzz: should only be one..00:36
ubottuPackage/file /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 does not exist in oneiric00:36
_jasonslugzzz: run dpkg -S on the file you deleted00:37
dr_willis i would guess its   libstdc++600:37
dr_willisis that the only file you removed by mistake?00:37
slugzzzOkay... is there a apt instance for it... or can I get it via wget... sorry, without it I can't open up a web browser00:37
slugzzzYes, it's the only file.00:37
hichamthe message says An unhandlable error occured there seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.00:38
dr_willisif the system works via terminak, you can try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall  libstdc++6'  perhaps00:38
kingfisher64bluezone - have you been using ubuntu for a while? i just installed it yesterday to try and move away from windoze. It appears to be miles better.00:38
lowricCtrl+alt+F1 took me to a place i had no knowledge of what to do00:39
lowrici was scared. the walls closed in around me.00:39
dr_willis!console | lowric00:39
ubottulowric: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:39
slugzzzHa! Apparently I can't use apt without libstdc++00:39
lowricwell i wasnt meaning to get into the command prompt00:40
dr_willisslugzzz:  yep. its a rather critical lib.00:40
KrisDouglasslugzzz: wget the deb file and dpkg -i <filename> it00:40
bluezonekingfisher64, don't really use it often mainly because of windows word's more advanced spellcheck ( i may be wrong about this but last time i checked this was an issue for me), and ... well... games ^.^00:40
slugzzzOkay.. gotta find the wget addy.00:40
bluezonekingfisher64, other than that i think it's better in almost every other aspect00:40
Diamondcitelowric: But I thought it was a good place to try to trouble shoot your lack of graphics?00:40
tellonewhat is the purpose of the /dev/log file?00:40
psymoleHi can anyone try this command to see if totem is segfaulting only on my machine "totem --help"00:40
lowricwell okay, someone said something about a prog. to use that'd write .iso files onto a flash card for the boot up phase so i could properly install ubuntu on my net book. any prog. suggestions?00:40
Diamondcitelowric: Err hrm.. how did ubuntu end up on the netbook to begin with?00:41
lowricoh lol, diamondcite, i saw many graphics that round.00:41
lowricwell, i used a flash card.00:41
kingfisher64bluezone - would wine not run your games? I've only got 1 pc game - crysis, hope that works00:42
DiamondciteIf the installer worked.. then it should have booted...00:42
bluezonekingfisher64, eh, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, and when they do they work less well00:42
Diamondciteappdb.winehq.org to check how well the games work.00:43
lowrici plugged in the card with ubuntu, rebooted. pressed F12 told it to boot off the card. The card ran Ubuntu test funz. I told it to install ubuntu. It said it installed it. and when i reboot it brings me to the Flashing underscore.00:43
Diamondciteari: test completed?00:44
bluezonekingfisher64, don't think it's going to work tbh, especially now since ea is using that disgusting origin system00:44
=== vorlon2261_ is now known as vorlon2261
arisorry about that, I am trying to figure something out00:44
KrisDouglasDon't quote me on it but im sure my GF got origin running in Wine00:44
mody_so New ubuntu doesnt support theme?00:45
lyrae_overclucker, thank you00:45
mody_just because it comes with Unity we cant install themes easily?00:45
kingfisher64bluezone - origin, is that some form of encryption system?00:45
A-KO|laptHaving trouble with Ubuntu networking. I've removed network manager due to lack of a real concise way to manage it via the CLI (if someone could point to resources on that, that'd be great if it would help)--but having removed network manager, I am now having issues with eth0 coming up. It's saying RTNETLINK: File exists when I attempt to restart networking. Any ideas? 11.1000:46
Diamondcitelowric: Silly thing.. could you reload the flash card and tel it to check disk contents on itself to make sure no files needed for install was corrupted?00:46
bluezonekingfisher64, no no it's their dumb software, similiar to steam00:46
KrisDouglaskingfisher64: yes, a form of DRM and download manager, like steam i guess00:46
lowricwhat i was planning on doing was installing it on another flash card.00:46
lowricthen running the boot off that card.00:46
lowrici just dont know what program to use to install the Iso files onto the card.00:47
bluezonekingfisher64, crysis 1 or 2?00:47
Diamondcitelowric: I don't know if that flash card can even store data properly00:47
kingfisher64bluezone - i hate steam,used to use it for football manager. these companies are ridiclious with their copy protection nonsense. If someone is determined enough... it only penalises the legit users00:47
psymoleHi can anyone try this command to see if totem is segfaulting only on my machine "totem --help"00:47
bluezonekingfisher64, yeah00:47
lowricthats where im trying the different card. the new card im going to use has a larger storage capacity too00:47
kingfisher64bluezone - 1 on pc, 2 on xbox36000:47
KrisDouglasI think steam is a work of art, conversely.00:47
lowrici dont know what to use though to install the ISO, someone gave me a suggestion. Im thinking it may work better then the last program i used but i cant remember what it was .00:48
bluezoneKrisDouglas, according to me it's resource hogging, slow, and useless00:48
lowrici was told, then i pressed ctrl+alt+f1.00:48
lowricand promptly forgot00:49
dr_willislowric:  pendrivelinux web site has tools to put iso files on usb or other sd cards youc an then boot from. ubuntu has tools built in, or for 11.10+ you can use the dd command.00:49
harrys1hi all. how to share a movie on a pc running ubuntu with apple tv running XBMC 11 all connected on a same wireless home router network?00:49
hichami fixed it thank you guys.the problem was in aptdaemon packege i reinstall it with synpatic00:50
harrys1i downloaded a movie and want to be able to watch on my HDTV throught my apple tv with XBMC on it00:50
rangeles2How can I get into recovery mode on 11.10, I need to get into terminal to fix my ATI graphics driver00:50
bluezonekingfisher64, im going to try installing origin hehe00:50
kingfisher64bluezone, KrisDouglas - i'm getting an error splicing file notice when copying files from win7 to ubuntu11.10 on some files. do you know if it's something i'm doing wrong in ubuntu. I just copied/paste00:51
harrys1anyone have any idea?00:51
lowricthanks dr_willis00:51
somsip!patience | harrys100:51
ubottuharrys1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:51
KrisDouglaskingfisher64: have a look at WinSCP00:51
kingfisher64is that a ubuntu app?00:51
KrisDouglaskingfisher64: Ive got a feeling ive seen that before using windows explorer FTP. No windows app00:52
rangeles2How can I get into recovery mode on 11.10, I need to get into terminal to fix my ATI graphics driver?00:52
kingfisher64KrisDouglas - does anything work properly in windoze? lol00:52
KrisDouglasrangeles2: hold shift after bios, select recovery mode on grub screen00:52
Skemehold shift on the login then choose recovery mode00:52
KrisDouglaskingfisher64: good question00:52
Skeme*boot not login00:52
kingfisher64KrisDouglas - apart from virus's and blue screens lol00:52
dr_willisrangeles2:  seelct recovery at the grub menu, or use the text option.00:52
AriJ_xchat-gnome --help00:52
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"00:52
dr_willisrangeles2:  tap the shift key as its booting to have grub show - if its hidden00:53
lowricwhat about linux live? any opinions?00:54
dr_willislowric:  'linux live' meaning what exactly?00:54
rangeles2Can you guys help me the ATI drivers correctly, Please00:54
rangeles2*install ATI drivers correctly00:54
lowricdr_willis: its a program i used origonally to install the .iso onto the flash card and put myself into the mess im in right now :D00:55
KrisDouglasrangeles2: what card do you have?00:55
dr_willislowric:  theres dozens of tools to do that task.00:55
KrisDouglaslowric: see: unetbootin00:55
dr_willishttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/    has differnt ones for differnt needs also00:55
lowricnyea, alright. thats the one thanks krisdouglas00:56
SJrXWhat's a good wireless USB adapter that supports 802.11N (5.0 GHz band)00:56
psymoleHi can anyone try this command to see if totem is segfaulting only on my machine "totem --help"00:56
psymoleHi can anyone try this command to see if totem is segfaulting only on my machine "totem --help"00:56
psymoleHi can anyone try this command to see if totem is segfaulting only on my machine "totem --help"00:56
FloodBot1psymole: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
rangeles2oh boy it says, Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/00:56
bluezonekingfisher64, :O it seems origin is working!!!00:56
KrisDouglasrangeles2: did you use sudo?00:56
heinzrangeles2: disk full?00:57
rangeles2yes I used sudo00:57
dr_williscould be a disk error - has remounted it read only.00:58
michaelgamblehey anyone here want to explain what adducer --diabled-password does?00:58
dr_willisdoes 'mount' show it mounted as 'rw' or 'ro'00:58
michaelgamblefrig autocorrect00:58
michaelgambleadduser -disabled-password00:58
michaelgambleI'm following a tutorial and i don't quiet understand what that is doing00:58
dr_willis Like --disabled-login, but logins are still possible (for example using SSH RSA keys) but not using password authentication.00:59
dr_willisYou can ssh in via key..but not password.. it seems00:59
rangeles2KrisDouglas, oh man I can't do anything on my system not even install the ATI drivers00:59
kingfisher64bluezone - what's origin?00:59
rangeles2can't update not upgrade not install anything00:59
KrisDouglasrangeles2: sounds like there's some serious mess00:59
kingfisher64bluezone - glad it's working for you though00:59
miller618does anyone know of a linux program to open a pka file ?? "cisco packet tracer"01:00
bluezonekingfisher64, http://www.origin.com/us/about01:00
KrisDouglaskingfisher64: mentioned it earlier, EA version of Steam01:00
rdeschainhey, i'm having difficulty with something.  anybody know a more correct way of encoding base64 than "echo foo | base64 -" ?01:00
rangeles2it says "Not using locking for readonly lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock01:00
rdeschainthe issue with that command is that it's base64 encoding a newline after the foo string01:01
dr_willisrangeles2:  check output of 'mount' see if your fs is mounted read only for some reason01:01
KrisDouglasrangeles2: can you "cd ~/" and then "touch hello"01:01
KrisDouglasor what dr_willis said01:01
miller618how can i ope pka files?01:01
kingfisher64bluezone, KrisDouglas - i've got the memory of a goldfish!!! did you get it running properly in ubuntu or via wine?01:01
michaelgamblewhat if i made the user first with a password, is their a way after the fact i can --disable-password01:01
Glaciahow do i change my monitor settings in 11.1001:01
popschis there a way to delete all gvfs metadata for all files in a directory? nautlius crashes on pressin F5 in that directory01:02
dr_willismichaelgamble:  be sure to have other users with full admin/sudo rights befor you do that.01:02
michaelgambleyeah i will01:02
michaelgambleI'm trying to get around what seems to be a broken / partial tutorial01:02
bluezonekingfisher64, wine01:02
michaelgambleso what command would i use if the user already exists01:02
overcluckerrdeschain: echo -n01:03
Skemerdeschain: take the spaces out and wrap in quotes?.. e.g echo "foo"|base6401:03
deper29hey guys, having trouble installing MATLAB on my machine. I mounted my iso, and when I try to run the installer I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/798855/ I verified that I /tmp is writable, any suggestions??01:03
rdeschainoverclucker, thanks, that is the solution =)01:03
icerootmichaelgamble: usermod with --lock  to disable the login-possibility or set EXPIRE DATE01:03
icerootmichaelgamble: also see "man usermod"01:03
rangeles2how can I install the ATI drivers through CLI?01:03
rdeschainSkeme, quotes didn't work either... i guess echo -n strips the newline01:04
iceroot!ati | rangeles201:04
ubotturangeles2: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:04
dr_willisrangeles2:  sudo jockey-text    perhaps...01:04
Skemeaww yes it does! good stuff!01:04
mike85i have lubuntu - how can i install ubuntu on top of it (i.e., gnome?)01:04
michaelgambleso if i do that after the fact that would have the same effect as adduser --disabled-password then huh01:04
dr_willismike85:  install ubuntu-desktop package.01:04
kingfisher64bluezone - wine looks like a wonderful piece of software. i'm going to get into that tomorrow.01:04
icerootmike85: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:05
michaelgambleill give it a try01:05
mike85dr_willis thank you very much01:05
michaelgamblei don't quiet get why thats needed in the tutorial I'm following01:05
mike85iceroot thank you very much01:05
icerootmichaelgamble: what is your reason to disable the password? you want a user which is not able to loin?01:05
michaelgambleanyone feel like taking a peek01:05
KrisDouglaskingfisher64: I actually developed an app in Windows specifically to run in wine for a bet with my boss :P01:05
``PeeRI got Kubuntu 11.10 ... I didn't find how to access my computer from windows.01:05
iceroot!samba | ``PeeR01:06
ubottu``PeeR: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:06
iceroot``PeeR: and please remove the ``PeeR from your nick, its hard on qwertz01:06
A-KO|laptHaving trouble with Ubuntu networking. I've removed network manager due to lack of a real concise way to manage it via the CLI (if someone could point to resources on that, that'd be great if it would help)--but having removed network manager, I am now having issues with eth0 coming up. It's saying RTNETLINK: File exists when I attempt to restart networking. Any ideas? 11.1001:06
iceroot``PeeR: "the ``"01:06
jrphello, has anyone gotten mod_perl2 working with perl 5.14? I have perl 5.14 installed via perlbrew, but cannot seem to get mod_perl2 to use it01:06
=== ``PeeR is now known as [PeeR]
[PeeR]is it betteR?01:06
jrp11.10 ^01:06
[PeeR]I can't change for juste PeeR01:06
iceroot[PeeR]: no [ is also hard top reach01:06
rangeles2most of that is for Mavrick not 11.1001:06
[PeeR]iceroot, would you be a bit coward? lol are you sure you have a qwerty ?01:07
rangeles2come one one of you guys must know the command01:07
iceroot[PeeR]: qwertz01:07
[PeeR]qwertZ ?01:07
[PeeR]what is that?01:07
iceroot[PeeR]: again, yes qwertz (german layout)01:07
=== [PeeR] is now known as PeeR`
=== PeeR` is now known as PeeR``
icerootPeeR`: thank you01:08
lucusoidhi everyone! Installed Ubuntu on USB disk but grub2 takes a lot of time to begin the boot-process. Any idea on how to remedy this?01:08
PeeR``:) no problem01:08
dr_willis!info fglrx01:08
ubottufglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:8.881-0ubuntu4.1 (oneiric), package size 22421 kB, installed size 69460 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)01:08
Joshhsoj0I need help, I cant coernet to the internet. I have it plugged in to my router but Ubunto wont detect the network01:08
icerootJoshhsoj0: wifi or wired?01:08
michaelgambleworst food product ever > presidents choice chicken skewer appitezires01:09
michaelgamblethey were on sale for a reason01:09
icerootJoshhsoj0: can you please paste the output of "ifconfig" and "cat /etc/resolv.conf"01:09
iceroot!paste | Joshhsoj001:09
ubottuJoshhsoj0: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:09
bluezonemichaelgamble, rofl01:10
Joshhsoj0mabye, my computer has no internet so i cant realy post whats on it01:10
michaelgamblehonestly, its like beef jerky meets burnt chicken01:10
PeeR``iceroot,  are you sure you gave me a link to do remote access from windows to Kubuntu ?01:10
Joshhsoj0but ill see what comes up01:10
bluezonekingfisher64, were you able to move the unity bar?01:10
rangeles2oh what is wrong, I keep getting Failed to fetch US.Archive.ubuntu.com01:11
icerootPeeR``: you want to access files? or the system directly?01:11
michaelgamblebtw just for the record not a huge fan of synaptic not included in latest ubuntu01:11
rangeles2I can't download the ATI driver due to this01:11
icerootPeeR``: if you want normal remote access, use "putty" on windows to access ubuntu with ssh01:11
iceroot!ssh | PeeR``01:11
ubottuPeeR``: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:11
diverdudeI have created a user like this : sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/sh --gecos 'git version control' --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git. But when i am logged in as git and make a sudo command it asks me for a password. What do i then write as password? It should be disabled01:12
PeeR``ok thanks for SSH, but what if I want to do remote, see the desktop... like the windows remote acess... from windows to Kubuntu01:12
lucusoidhi everyone! Installed Ubuntu on USB disk but grub2 takes a lot of time to begin the boot-process. Any idea on how to remedy this?01:12
kingfisher64bluezone - not tried yet. partly because i'm still copying across the files. there was over 320,000+ files!01:12
PeeR``but I also needed to active ssh so you're usefull man ;)01:12
bluezonekingfisher64, haha01:12
deper29anyone able to help??01:12
iceroot!vnc | PeeR``01:12
ubottuPeeR``: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:12
icerootPeeR``: there is also rdesktop/freenx but that is something like a terminal-server-session instead of viewing the current session01:13
rangeles2arrrgh....why can't I do a simple update, it keeps saying it can't resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com01:14
michaelgamblehey diverdude you wouldn't by chance be trying to setup sparkleshare?01:14
diverdudemichaelgamble: no its a user for a git repo01:14
miller618how can i open pka files ?????????01:14
PeeR``thanks a lot, i'm sure i'm gonna fix it!!01:14
PeeR``with that!01:14
michaelgambleonly curious because its almost identical issue I'm trying to sort through setting up sparkleshare (which uses git repos)01:14
diverdudemichaelgamble: can you help me01:14
lmabcany body have any good recommendation on the best vpn package for ubuntu that work with iPhone the best?01:15
michaelgamblemy guess is you want to set up an openssh server with an authentication key01:15
diverdudemichaelgamble: yes01:15
diverdudemichaelgamble: but what do i write for sudo passwd?01:16
icerootlmabc: the best would be "openvpn" but i bet apple is not supporting free solutions like that01:16
diverdudemichaelgamble: when i do sudo commands01:16
icerootlmabc: so the best solution is to destroy the iphone, buy a better product and use free software solutions :)01:16
michaelgamblei don't think you can get around that01:16
kingfisher64bluezone - KrisDouglas - do you know a good piece of software that finds the latest drivers for ubuntu?01:16
michaelgamblefor me its always the root user password or main admin account password01:17
bluezonekingfisher64, shouldn't additional drivers cover that?01:17
DFan247Trying to LiveCD Ubuntu 11.10 on an old computer...got an error... Isolinux: disk error 01, AX = 4200, Drive 8201:17
DFan247what does that mean?01:17
icerootkingfisher64: jockey01:17
kingfisher64bluezone - i'm not sure what that covers to be honest. I know it cover graphics card, but the latest off all other hardware? i'll have a look at jockey now iceroot - thanks01:18
telloneis there a special log some were for usb devices?01:18
icerootkingfisher64: normally the kernel is providing the drivers you need, jockey is just for "non-free" drivers01:19
bluezonekingfisher64, usually all i have to get working is the video card drivers so i wouldn't know xD01:19
icerootkingfisher64: the rest is part of the kernel or other packages, so the answer is "apt-get" and "jockey"01:19
largetalkcan you help me to see my cpu support kvm? flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm dts01:19
icerootkingfisher64: but jockey is not limited just to vga drivers.. its for all non-free drivers01:19
PeeR``lol got a newbie question01:20
icerootlargetalk: sure, buy a cpu which is supporting vt-x01:20
PeeR``my "taskbar"... I removed it!01:20
icerootlargetalk: you cant "edit" your cpu01:20
SVNDRWill 'Konversation' run on Ubuntu, or only Kubuntu?01:20
icerootSVNDR: also on ubuntu01:20
largetalkiceroot: so i can't install xen or kvm on my computer?01:21
kingfisher64bluezone, iceroot - right so the best drivers automatically selected. i'm so used to windoze selecting "the latest" drivers that i assumed i'd have to do some updating to get the hardware performing to the max.01:21
icerootSVNDR: you can use every software on kubuntu, ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu and so on01:21
icerootlargetalk: sure you can01:21
bluezoneiceroot, are you reffering to jockey-gtk?01:21
SVNDRiceroot: ok thanks01:21
rangeles2I just install the fglrx driver and all I get is a black screen01:21
dr_willis!nomodeset | rangeles201:21
ubotturangeles2: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:21
icerootlargetalk: but not all virtualisation-features will work without vt-x01:21
icerootlargetalk: also have a look at #xen and #kvm01:22
dweesQuick question: Wifi worked during the install, no problem, but doesn't work after installing 11.10. How can I enable whatever driver was working from the Live CD?01:22
dweesThe wifi card is an Airlink 101 card01:22
PeeR``lol got a newbie question ... my "taskbar"... I removed it!01:22
diverdudeif i have a user A which is member of admin group, he is not root. How do i then log in as root?01:22
stevecamI just watched the video for Ubuntu TV, looks like Unity is becoming more practical, I hope Ubuntu keep this idea and keep Unity off the desktop!01:22
largetalkiceroot: ok, thanks01:22
diverdudei mean the real root01:22
PeeR``diverdud, you don't have to log as root... Do sudo commands01:23
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
rangeles2dr_willis, I did not have this issue 2hrs ago, my PC was running fine01:23
diverdudePeeR``: i know...but i want to understand how to log in as root01:23
iceroot!root | diverdude01:23
ubottudiverdude: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:23
largetalkiceroot: i know my computer is old enough to die, :-D01:23
icerootdiverdude: you cant login as root by default01:23
PeeR``diverdude, you should not even know the password of the root...01:24
icerootdiverdude: and there is no reason to enable the root-account, use sudo instead01:24
diverdudeiceroot: ok...but its because i created a user with option: --disabled-password01:24
diverdudeiceroot: and when logged in as this user i cannot do sudo01:24
diverdudeiceroot: because it asks me for a password and i dont have one...due to setting --disabled-password01:24
icerootdiverdude: why this strange combination?01:25
PeeR``did you try "enter" with no password?01:25
diverdudePeeR``: yes01:25
PeeR``doesn't work?01:25
stevecamHow do I get Ubuntu TV?01:25
=== root is now known as Guest28320
diverdudeiceroot: because its for ssh01:25
rangeles2shit I can't even get into the damn recovery console now01:25
icerootdiverdude: having a sudo-user without a password is a very very bad idea01:25
lucusoidhi everyone! Installed Ubuntu on USB disk but grub2 takes a lot of time to begin the boot-process. Any idea on how to remedy this?01:25
diverdudeiceroot: http://www.ryanwersal.com/blog/2011/10/18/installing-gitlab-on-ubuntu-server/01:25
expertmac2you jump off a cliff01:25
dr_willisstevecam:  wait for it to get released.. or use the GIT versions01:25
icerootdiverdude: because its for ssh?01:25
expertmac2then you grab a big red wire at the bottom of the cliff01:25
expertmac2RUN all the way back to your box01:25
expertmac2and plug 'er into a USB port01:26
icerootdiverdude: you mean you want to use pup-keys with ssh but not a password?01:26
diverdudeiceroot: yeah...im gonna use it as git user01:26
diverdudeiceroot: yes01:26
rangeles2how can I get back into the CLI?01:26
icerootdiverdude: then disable passwords in your ssh config01:26
largetalkiceroot: how to install xen on ubuntu? and where to download linux kernel support xen01:26
dr_willisI juste set up ssh where it uses the keys only, i still have a password.01:26
icerootlargetalk: just install the xen-kernel, thats all01:26
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
overcluckerdiverdude: nowhere in that tutorial does it say that the git user needs sudo.01:27
diverdudeiceroot: hmm or...does it matter if i log in as user A and do sudo stuff or user B and do sudo stuff...isnt that exactly the same?01:27
largetalk iceroot: use apt-get? i miss Unable to locate package xen-kernel01:27
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
icerootlargetalk: hm i thought there is something like "linux-image-xen" but i cant find it on 12.04. maybe this is what you want xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd6401:29
overcluckerdiverdude: use a regular user account with sudo to complete that tutorial01:29
icerootlargetalk: or the i386 version01:29
iceroot!xen | largetalk01:29
ubottulargetalk: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen01:29
diverdudeoverclucker: yeah ok01:29
SVNDRI dont know if this is exactly on topic, but is there anyway i can move the channel bar from the bottum to the top in Konversation?01:30
icerootdiverdude: if both users have a password and a login-shell and are part of the suod group its no difference01:30
leontopodwhere can I find a linux driver for a Dell Color Printer 725?01:30
icerootSVNDR: its ontopic but maybe have a look at #kubuntu or #konversation to get quicker answers01:31
SVNDRiceroot: thanks mate01:31
icerootlargetalk: but are you sure you want xen/kvm instead of vbox?01:31
largetalkiceroot: i found ubuntu-xen-server ubuntu-xen-desktop in source, is it? btw, my server use ubuntu 10.1001:32
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr__
=== svndr__ is now known as SVNDR
leontopodhow do I search apt to find a linux driver for a Dell Color Printer 725?01:32
icerootlargetalk: have a look at the link from ubottu about the xen-installation01:32
icerootleontopod: apt-cache search searchstring01:33
iceroot!printer | leontopod01:33
ubottuleontopod: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:33
icerootleontopod: maybe the first two links are also interesting for you01:33
leontopodiceroot, I think cups is installed... when my lady friend plugged in the printer to the ubuntu notebook using the usb cable it said "configuring... no printer drivers"01:34
leontopodso it tried to configure the printer01:34
icerootleontopod: you are using ubuntu? and not lubuntu? because in lubuntu there is a bug for printer-drivers01:35
kingfisher64bluezone - thanks for all your help it was greatly appreciated. i'm off now.01:35
multipassis there any good reason to use 64bit? is it any faster? or does it just cause more problems?01:35
icerootmultipass: its not faster but supports more then 4gb memory01:35
icerootmultipass: there is no reason to use 32bit if your cpu supports 64bit01:36
leontopodusing ubuntu01:36
multipassah right, iceroot, forgot that important point :)01:36
largetalkiceroot: seeing, i want to lanuch lots of os on a computer in publish environment, so i think xen/kvm will better than vbox01:37
leontopodiceroot, using ubuntu01:37
diverdudeWhat does it mean to install something with umask 0007?01:41
icerootlargetalk: yes01:41
dr_willisdiverdude: dosent make a lot of sence to me.01:41
dr_willisfglrx - Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators01:42
dr_williswrong paste.. :)    umask (user mask) is a command and a function in POSIX environments that sets the file mode creation mask of the current process which limits the permission modes for files and directories created by the process.01:43
icerootdiverdude: it means rwxrwx---01:43
diverdudedr_willis: its in these short instructions : http://gitlabhq.com/01:43
icerootdiverdude: umask is the opposite notation of the normal permissions01:43
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
diverdudeiceroot: opposite? ahhh01:44
diverdudechmod 770 = umask 007 ?01:44
svndr/whois $me01:44
icerootdiverdude: you have to subtract the umask from 1777, so umask 007 means 1777 -(0)00701:44
dr_willisumask u=rwx,g=rwx,o=              ---> is 000701:44
icerootdiverdude: 177001:44
icerootdiverdude: yes01:45
diverdudehmmm but why the need for umask then? if it can be expressed with chmod just as fine?01:45
Doodielightning 1.1.1 not compatible with thunderbird 8 Ubuntu 11.10, amd 64. any ideas?01:46
icerootdiverdude: umask will set the default for new files/directories01:46
icerootdiverdude: so if you put a umask of 007, every new file will have 77001:46
icerootdiverdude: the important part is "new"01:46
diverdudeso if it says Install gitolite with umask 0007, I might just as well install it normall and chmod it?01:47
dr_willisi find the phrase 'install with umask of ...''  to be.. incorrect.. if you RUN  program foo after setting a umask, then that app uses the new mask for all files it makes.01:48
dr_willisunless that guide is missing somthing, or  i am...01:48
icerootdiverdude: what about "sudo apt-get install gitolite"01:48
iceroot!info gitolite01:48
ubottugitolite (source: gitolite): SSH-based gatekeeper for git repositories. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-2 (oneiric), package size 163 kB, installed size 444 kB01:48
diverdudeiceroot: i have already installed gitolite01:48
diverdudebut not with umask 000701:49
icerootdiverdude: so i dont think you have to change permissions for your binarys after the installation01:49
almoxarifeDoodie: what ideas? you brought up four things, where is the issue?01:49
dr_willisthe docs may be saying how to install and then RUN the app with a safer umask...01:49
diverdudeiceroot: but i also do have permission problems though01:49
icerootdr_willis: that should be part of the deb/postinst i guess01:50
dr_willisiceroot:  yep. so ive no idea what the docs are meaning when they say 'install foo with a umask'  - it dosent make sence01:50
icerootdiverdude: where does the docs came from?01:50
diverdudeiceroot: its here: http://gitlabhq.com/ tight on the front page01:51
dr_willisfor all we know the default apt-get install  gitolite  does set the umask.01:51
icerootdiverdude: Install gitolite with umask 0007 and add your user to git group01:51
diverdudeiceroot: yeah exactly01:52
icerootdiverdude: the docs want to tell you "check your config so that new git-files on your machine will have a umask 0007"01:52
icerootdiverdude: and that should be already done by dpkg01:52
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
diverdudeiceroot: but i did not install with dkpg... i cloned the gitolite repo and installed it01:53
icerootdiverdude: why?01:53
iceroot!info gitolite01:53
ubottugitolite (source: gitolite): SSH-based gatekeeper for git repositories. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-2 (oneiric), package size 163 kB, installed size 444 kB01:53
diverdudeiceroot: becasue i followed the instructions on the gitolite homepage01:53
iceroot!repos | diverdude01:53
ubottudiverdude: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:53
icerootdiverdude: never install software from source01:54
icerootdiverdude: always use the repos from ubuntu with apt-get (or software-center)01:54
diverdudeiceroot: and i tried the ubunturepo oone and did not make it work01:54
iceroot!work | diverdude01:54
ubottudiverdude: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:54
icerootdiverdude: you have one big problem when using software from source, you dont get security updates01:55
icerootdiverdude: and if it is a web-based software you want security-updates01:55
icerootdiverdude: because all the web-apps are unsecure like hell01:55
diverdudemaybe i should redo with the ubuntu repo one01:55
icerootand even more when php is used01:55
diverdudeiceroot: php is insecure?01:56
icerootdiverdude: no01:56
icerootdiverdude: but (almost) everything developed with php01:56
Glaciahow can i test to make sure my 11.10 is 100% correct?01:56
diverdudeiceroot: is cakephp insecure?01:56
icerootGlacia: dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc01:57
icerootdiverdude: its just my opinion but every software containing the words "php" is unsecure01:57
diverdudeiceroot: what is not unsecure then?01:57
ossieanyone checked out ubuntu tv yet? any video links?01:57
onelinerdiverdude: i hope you stay away from facebook then :)01:58
onelinerfor your own "safety"01:58
icerootdiverdude: not using such software01:58
icerootdiverdude: but that is just my opionion and maybe there are some apps out there which are secure01:58
diverdudeiceroot: so not using websoftware?01:58
icerootdiverdude: use the software you like/want/need but make sure to get security-updates01:59
icerootdiverdude: and that is not the case if building something from source01:59
icerootdiverdude: so please, always use the ubuntu-repos01:59
viroscopemay i ask a question01:59
diverdudeiceroot: how do i install gitlab with gitolito from ubuntu repo?01:59
icerootdiverdude: and if you want great examples of big security-issues, have a look at joomla, phpmyadmin, mediawiki and so on02:00
icerootdiverdude: sudo apt-get install gitolite02:00
KrisDouglasPHP isn't that bad if you set it up right02:00
diverdudeiceroot: yes and gitlab?02:00
viroscopeWhat is the possability or running Ubuntu on a Rasberri Pi ( http://www.raspberrypi.org/ )02:01
dr_willisviroscope:  i think they were working on a ubuntu image for it.02:01
viroscopeSweet, That would be amazing02:01
michaelgamblehey how do i switch to root user in ubuntu terminal so i can run any commands02:01
michaelgambleright now my main user via initial install02:02
Glaciaiceroot i did that and this is what i get02:02
iceroot!sudo | michaelgamble02:02
ubottumichaelgamble: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:02
michaelgambleyeah but i need to sudo into a directory02:02
rangeles2how can I reset my display driver02:02
dr_willisviroscope:  read teh faq... http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs02:02
rangeles2to the default install versions02:02
diverdudeiceroot: ?02:02
icerootdiverdude: as it seems there is no "gitlab" in the ubuntu-repos02:02
diverdudeiceroot: how can i install gitlab from ubuntu repo?02:02
michaelgamblesudo cd /home/anotheruser/.ssh gives me a permissions issue02:02
diverdudeiceroot: :(02:02
michaelgambleactually an error02:02
rangeles2because this ATI junk is just giving me too much headaches02:02
viroscopeI will take a look no dr_willis02:02
dr_willisviroscope:  it says not at this time...02:03
diverdudeiceroot: so then what to do ?02:03
viroscopeEh have to hack it up a bit  i'm sure02:03
michaelgambleyesterday i used sudo -l02:03
icerootdiverdude: its uo to you to install software from other sources02:03
icerootmichaelgamble: sudo -i02:03
diverdudeiceroot: but its insecure02:03
icerootmichaelgamble: to open a root-shell02:03
diverdudeiceroot: and frowned upon02:03
icerootdiverdude: correct02:03
DoodieI am having trouble having evolution indicator in the task panel. evolution-indicator doesnot seem to work. Why?02:03
michaelgambleah oops wrong parameter02:04
diverdudeiceroot: so how do i then get on if ubuntu does not provide the needed software?02:04
diverdudeiceroot: and i need a secure platform02:04
Glaciaiceroot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/798891/02:05
__machinemy vps appears to have maxed out its disk space 100% and looks like apache logs are the culprit... logrotate is configured... but seems it hasnt been rotating for a long time now and the access.log has grown to 1.2GB ... how can i manually run logrotate to make sure it is working? or how is logrotate normally triggered on a schedule?02:05
icerootdiverdude: hm all tutorials i found is just building it from source02:06
viroscopeHow well will Ubuntu handle an 8 core system (Tax returns coming looking to upgrade)02:06
icerootGlacia: everything fine then02:06
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:06
Glaciaok ty02:06
dr_willisviroscope:  i imagine it will work fine.02:06
icerootviroscope: it will run well like on any other linux-idstro02:06
dr_willisviroscope:  runs on my 8 core pc...02:07
icerootviroscope: 8 cores is not much for linux02:07
diverdudeiceroot: which one was that?02:07
icerootdiverdude: http://www.ryanwersal.com/blog/2011/10/18/installing-gitlab-on-ubuntu-server/02:07
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity02:07
viroscopeI figured as much but decided to ask since it is active in here02:07
diverdudeiceroot: yes thats the one i have been looking at02:08
dr_willissome apps may not make full use of all teh cores.. but thats an app issue :)02:08
iceroot__machine: logrotate is called by cron, there should be something in /etc/cron.daily/ or /etc/cron.d/  have a look with "grep -r logrotate /etc/cron*"02:08
diverdudeiceroot: it however uses gitosis which is very bad compared to gitlite according to git exprts02:08
viroscopeusually is.... unlike windows where the os is the issue02:08
diverdudeiceroot: besides gitlab no longer supports gitosis02:08
icerootdiverdude: sounds like a grea software if you have t build it from source :)02:09
diverdudeiceroot: are you being ironic?02:09
icerootdiverdude: yes02:09
Glacia how do i enable my sound card02:09
leiHi, can you tell me the difference within the directory under /root/rpmbuild? like RPMS and SRPMS?02:09
icerootdiverdude: but its up to you to use the software, i warned you about missing security-updates/automatic-updates02:10
diverdudeiceroot: does ubuntu have any git web interface in their repo?02:10
icerootlei: the folders are created by your own, so we dont know02:10
dr_willislei:  srpm = source rpm    rpm = compiled binary packages from the srpms.. and ubuntu dosent use rpms......02:11
icerootdiverdude: have a look at the software-center or "apt-cache search foobar". i dont know because i am not using it, sorry02:11
Glaciahello reisio02:11
reisiohello Glacia02:11
diverdudeiceroot: you dont use version control systems???02:11
Glaciahow are you?02:12
icerootdiverdude: i am not using web-interfacces for that02:12
icerootdiverdude: but i am also not using git but svn02:12
reisioGlacia: soluble — you?02:12
diverdudeiceroot: aha02:12
Glaciahungry and  confused a bit more lol02:12
icerootdiverdude: gitweb - fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (web interface)02:13
__machineiceroot: thanks, that did it! ran logrotate manually and found an error in the config...02:13
jayarwhen i reboot my ubuntu server, i have to click on the 2nd drive to mount it, how do i do that remotely via ssh?02:13
iceroot__machine: nice its working now02:13
leiThank you dr_willis, when I make rpm, I found the rpm package were generated in all these two directory, so I am a little confused which package under directory I should install.02:13
icerootjayar: click? ubuntu-server?02:13
icerootlei: dont use rpm02:14
iceroot!rpm | lei02:14
ubottulei: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)02:14
iceroot!repos | lei02:14
ubottulei: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:14
jayaryea i just click on mount drive in the drive utility02:14
reisioGlacia: you should eat the food02:14
icerooti am always wondering why people are installing ubuntu-server and putting ubuntu-desktop on top of it instead of directly installing ubuntu02:15
=== koshie is now known as koshieDaGaymeuz
jayarwhatever dude02:15
jayari just downloaded ubuntu server and installed it02:15
Glaciareisio: i need to find audio drive for my computer that will run on linux02:15
reisioiceroot: instead of what?02:15
jayari dont need the gui, it just installed it02:15
icerootjayar: put the drive in your /etc/fstab02:15
reisioGlacia: driver?02:15
jayarlast time i put it in /etc/fstab it screwed it up... and i fixed it02:15
iceroot!fstab | jayar02:16
ubottujayar: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:16
jayari'm in a different state right now, and nobody can get into my office to fix it if i do it again02:16
Glaciareisio: yes sorry i forgot the r02:16
jajangHi, I've just installed gnome shell, and it's now default when I logged in. How can I revert back to Unity?02:16
icerootreisio: ubuntu is the version with gnome/unity, ubuntu-server is the same version without gnome/unity02:16
reisiojajang: hit the cog at login screen02:16
jayarwhy can't i just # sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/160gb ?02:17
dr_willisjajang:  select ubuntu at the login screen via the gear icon02:17
jayaror somethin02:17
DoodieHi, I have ubuntu classis in ubuntu 11.10 and I want to have Evolution notifier in the top system panel. How can I have it?02:17
dr_willisjayar:  that mounts it for one time...02:17
jayarthats what i want02:17
dr_willisjayar:  if you want it to mount at boot.. add entry to /etc/fstab02:17
dr_willis!mount | jayar02:17
ubottujayar: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount02:17
icerootreisio: so installing the serveredition and then installing the gui is exactly the same as directly installing the ubuntu-version (ok server-edition is using pae as default but with 12.04 all will use pae as 32bit default kernel)02:17
reisioiceroot: that isn't exactly accurate, but I agree it's silly to put a GUI on a server02:17
jayarwhen i'm at home in front of it, i'll mess with fstab02:17
jayarbut right now, i'm 1,000miles away02:17
viroscoperemote access FTW02:18
dr_willisjayar:  and its most likely /dev/sdc1     and be sure /media/160gb exists..02:18
dr_willisbefor mounting02:18
jajangreisio: But I have Ubuntu set up automatically logged in. If I disable it and choose Unity in login menu, it doesn't stick as default.02:18
Nautilusin 10.04 LTS is there a built-in way to burn data CDs?02:18
icerootjayar: you can test your fstab without a restart02:18
pleasegawdyea i found ubuntu help... i feel so accomplished...02:18
icerootjayar: sudo mount -a02:18
reisioNautilus: from nautilus, ironically, I should think02:18
icerootNautilus: brasero02:18
Nautilusreisio: oh ok, laugh02:19
pleasegawdps im lovin it but have so many questions whats the deal here? how do i statr?02:19
icerootpleasegawd: just ask your detailed questions02:19
=== koshieDaGaymeuz is now known as koshie
pleasegawdok thankyou02:19
Nautilusi dnot see brasero, that must be what I was looking for, I remember it in 8/04 LTS02:19
iceroot!info brasero lucid02:20
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 318 kB, installed size 1048 kB02:20
icerootNautilus: should be installed by default on 10.0402:20
icerootNautilus: if using ubuntu instead of kubuntu/xubuntu02:20
pleasegawdgive me a moment to get it together there are a few...i recently switched from vista. and im super happy with it. first question is i am having problems with my computer overheating and i find i need to control the fan speed myself for best results how do i do this in ubuntu 11.10?02:20
Nautilusyes ubuntu.  what menu?  I'm looking all under Applications02:20
Glaciareisio, yes driver... im running a motion computing le160002:21
reisiopleasegawd: any particular computer?02:21
pleasegawdit is a dell xps 1210m dual core 1.83 x86...02:21
jayarsweet i got it02:21
jayarthanx all02:21
icerootNautilus: sorry i am not using gnome2 here so i dont know where it is in the menu02:21
pleasegawdcan i turn off notification of who joins and leaves and such?02:22
jayarand iceroot: i've been meaning to put it into fstab and will when i get back :)02:22
jayarbut thanx anyway!02:22
icerootjayar: ok02:22
pleasegawdnm got it02:22
icerootpleasegawd: /IGNORE #channel ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONS02:22
icerootpleasegawd: that the line for irssi, other clients should also work with that02:23
reisiohe's using webchat.freenode.net02:23
pleasegawdim confused....02:23
pleasegawdbut learn quik02:23
reisiosaid you got it already, so move on :p02:23
pleasegawdi managed to clear the enetering and leaving thing02:23
pleasegawdyea sorry got it02:23
diverdudeiceroot: if i do sudo apt-get install gitolite it applies to all users on the system right?02:24
icerootpleasegawd: sounds good02:24
pleasegawdso fan speed?02:24
icerootdiverdude: correct02:24
pleasegawdalso i use an external acer lcd monitor. do i need to install proprietary drivers from the install disc it came with'02:24
reisiopleasegawd: not likely02:25
icerootpleasegawd: normally the problem is that your system cant read the informations correctly and because of that the fanspeed is not correct and the system is getting hot02:25
dr_willispleasegawd:  i doubt if any monitor is going to come with Linux drivers...02:25
reisiopleasegawd: or require any to be explicitly installed02:25
pleasegawdare the drivers that are in ubuntu ok02:25
reisioyes they are02:25
dr_willispleasegawd:  monitors normally dont have 'drivers'02:25
dr_willisunless theres some weird fetures of the monitor..02:25
Nautilusiceroot: thanks, i found that it had to be installed02:25
pleasegawdi am looking for a manual fancontrol app does one exist?02:26
reisiopleasegawd: for what computer02:26
pleasegawddell xps 1210m02:26
icerootNautilus: hm strange, i though its installed by default but good to hear you fixed it02:26
reisiopleasegawd: that a laptop?02:26
Nautilusiceroot: maybe some of the common files but not the UI02:26
pleasegawdbtw its awesome that you guys are chillin here and answering questions for us noobs02:27
pleasegawdim very much lovin ubuntu and am trying to convert others where i can02:27
pleasegawdyes sir dell xps 1210m is a laptop02:27
bluezonedenoted by 'm'02:27
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
dr_willispleasegawd:  often the forums have specific threads for specific brand/make laptops and any known issues./work arounds for them02:27
icerootpleasegawd: the reason we are doing this here (for free) is because of "that is the way ubuntu and other free software projects are working"02:27
Glaciahello urlin2u02:27
urlin2uGlacia, hello.02:28
icerootpleasegawd: ubuntu is not just an os but a big community02:28
pleasegawdwhich forums should i look thru.02:28
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC freenode #ubuntuforums.02:28
pleasegawdi had a program i used for windows can i use wine to run it?02:28
dr_willispleasegawd:  and be sure to check out askubuntu.com02:28
iceroot!appdb | pleasegawd02:28
Glaciaurlin2u,  thank again for the tab it makes chat easier02:28
ubottupleasegawd: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:28
dr_willispleasegawd:  thats what wine is used for.. :)02:28
dr_willisbe back laters...02:28
urlin2uGlacia, idoes. :D02:28
reisiopleasegawd: what does the program do02:29
pleasegawdthx doc02:29
pleasegawdit gives me manual control of my cooling fan02:29
rangeles2I'm pretty sure that if one of you guys would take 5mins of your time. This driver issue would have been fixed already02:29
pleasegawdi just crank it to max, i also would like to knokw my comp temp02:29
Glaciaurlin2u, do you mind helping me02:29
gabepezhello, I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to upgrade a 9.04 server to 9.10... it seems all the update servers are offline.   I was thinking I should be able to do it from the 9.10 iso, but not sure how to force apt to use the mounted cd.02:29
iceroot!sensors | pleasegawd02:29
ubottupleasegawd: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.02:29
reisiopleasegawd: might not work through Wine :)02:29
urlin2uGlacia, I can try, I have specialzed ares I'm best in.02:29
iceroot!eol | gabepez02:30
ubottugabepez: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:30
icerootgabepez: last link02:30
icerootgabepez: and 9.10 is also EOL so please update to 10.0402:30
Glaciaurlin2u, trying to get sound working02:30
urlin2uGlacia, not an area I know much abut sorry.02:30
gabepeziceroot: thanks, I figured it had to do with EOL, can I go directly to 10.04?02:31
icerootgabepez: no02:31
icerootgabepez: you can only update from lts to lts or to the next release02:31
pleasegawdi am an avid WOW player is wine the best choice for me?02:31
iceroot!lts | gabepez02:32
ubottugabepez: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)02:32
Glaciaurlin2u, hmmm.... ok ill be back in 30, need to make a food run02:32
rangeles2How can I re-install the default drivers at least02:32
gabepeziceroot: cool, thats what I thought.  Thanks02:32
iceroot!playonlinux | pleasegawd02:32
reisiopleasegawd: it's a decent choice02:32
Doodiecannot open synaptic "E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/goehle-goehle-ppa-oneiric.list"02:32
dagnachewahello everyone02:32
reisiopleasegawd: you could also dual boot and switch to Windows to play games02:32
dagnachewadoes anyone here uses lxc linux container ?02:32
icerootpleasegawd: wine is a good choice, there is also "playonlinux" which is a wine-based program setting the correct config for your games02:32
reisiodagnachewa: taking a poll?02:32
iceroot!anyone | dagnachewa02:33
ubottudagnachewa: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:33
gabepezubottu, gotcha - thanks02:33
ubottugabepez: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:33
icerootDoodie: i guess you misstyped "main" as "ain"02:33
dagnachewareisio, no I may need an assist02:33
reisiodagnachewa: #lxcontainer02:33
reisiodagnachewa: #lxcontainers02:33
pleasegawdiceroot why do you include the '!' in your response... some text shorthand or something?02:34
Doodieiceroot, yes, i must have pasted incomplete ppa:... code02:34
almoxarifeDoodie: see the file? at line 3 there is garbage, 'ain' being part of it, remark it out or delete it, i would suggest remarking it out for now02:34
icerootpleasegawd: with ! i am calling the bot ubottu to put write you infos02:34
KrisDouglasapt-add-repository is your friend ;)02:34
iceroot!ppa | Doodie02:34
ubottuDoodie: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa02:34
pleasegawdah cool02:34
icerootDoodie: hm i hoped there was the command for adding a ppa, it was something like "sudo add-apt-repository ppa-url"02:35
KrisDouglasapt-add-repository yup02:35
icerootKrisDouglas: thx02:35
KrisDouglasyou need python software tools installed if it isn't already02:36
pleasegawdhey so why can i not open .rar files in ubuntu. i get this error... Could not open "148024-Conky_Cronograph_Station.rar"02:36
pleasegawdArchive type not supported.02:36
KrisDouglassudo apt-get install unrar, pleasegawd02:37
pleasegawdi type that in terminal dont i?02:37
icerootpleasegawd: you are doing it with "right click on the file and choose extract"?02:37
diverdudei keep getting this warning: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/607290825 when i install various packages...what is it and how do i get rid of it`?02:37
koshieThat's possible to export filter settings on Thunderbird from an account to another one ?02:37
Doodiealmoxarife, thanks, solved02:38
icerootkoshie: i would suggest "irc.mozilla.org" in the channel #thunderbird to get faster help02:38
KrisDouglasdiverdude: sounds like your pc no speaken en enlglish. But seriously it seems you have some unset environment variables, for lack of  a better description.02:39
icerootkoshie: maybe there are also thunderbird-addons available for that02:39
pleasegawdok well for some reason the terminal icon is not on the side bar? what did i do? isnt there a short hand keystroke?02:39
koshieiceroot, I hope ! I've a lot of filter...02:39
KrisDouglasCheck your settings in the languages/region app02:39
diverdudeKrisDouglas: which variables would those be?02:39
icerootpleasegawd: ctrl + alt + t02:39
KrisDouglasshift+f2 pleasegawd02:39
KrisDouglasthen type gnome-terminal02:39
KrisDouglasiceroots is eaie02:40
icerootpleasegawd: just use "ctrl + alt + t" to open the terminal02:40
qwebirc37015hi i need help whith grub...it dont detect ubuntu but the memtest and windows are good...02:40
kopanyone care to help a brain dead moron :-/ ? wher to get kernel headres for ?02:40
* kop working too many hrs 02:40
icerootkop: from the source you donwloaded the kernel-packae02:40
diverdudeKrisDouglas: ?02:40
KrisDouglasYour systems language02:41
reisioqwebirc37015: how've you attempted to have it detect Ubuntu?02:41
icerootkop: if it is a repo you included have a look with "apt-cache search"02:41
qwebirc37015wello i try whith boot repair...02:41
kopiceroot, custom kernel and tnx , checking /usr/src/imamoron :-)02:42
diverdudeKrisDouglas: i think this is the same problem right? http://bin.cakephp.org/view/83925279402:42
qwebirc37015and rescatux and super grub disk...02:42
koshieiceroot, I've found that : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/thunderbird-message-filter-imp/02:42
qwebirc37015boot repair give me a pastebin report do you need it??02:43
urlin2uqwebirc37015, give the pastebin link.02:44
KrisDouglasdiverdude: wow thats some interesting mess.02:44
KrisDouglasdiverdude: whats your default language?02:44
diverdudeKrisDouglas: yes....but what is wrong?02:44
diverdudeKrisDouglas: i think english02:44
qwebirc37015there http://paste.ubuntu.com/793394/02:45
KrisDouglasI have n idea why it's not getting that information, diverdude02:45
qwebirc37015line 78402:45
diverdudeKrisDouglas: its really odd02:45
qwebirc37015dont detect ubuntu...02:45
dagnachewaplz anyone linux container lxc help *** so far I have a bootstrap --> /data/mini_x86_64 and can you plz correct my first container config called apache.container.config locate in /etc/lxc http://pastie.org/315795102:46
kopiceroot,  /usr/src/linux/linux-source-2.6.32 >>??02:46
KrisDouglasseems like you're missing some dependencies of the language. But the string for the selected language is odd. Seems to be "C"02:46
diverdudeKrisDouglas: (C)hinese? :D02:46
KrisDouglasi should hope not02:47
crazytimmy96i need help02:47
jpedroza2kCan someone point me in the right direction for basic small-business accounting and invoicing in Ubuntu 11.10?02:48
KrisDouglasbut seriously that should be cn if its Chinese02:48
crazytimmy96I am kinda new to ubuntu and i was wondering how i can program in java02:48
KrisDouglasjpedroza2k: gnucash02:48
crazytimmy96through terminal02:48
KrisDouglascrazytimmy96: i was about to say eclipse02:48
crazytimmy96i tried javac and it tells me to "sudo apt-get install javajdk-7-jdk02:48
crazytimmy96and i did02:48
crazytimmy96Kris, i did try eclipse02:49
fman23crazytimmy96: do you already know how to program in java?02:49
crazytimmy96but once i download it, it wont extract02:49
hajhousehas anyone experienced problems with the lucid php update (5.3.2-1ubuntu4.11) compared to the original version (5.3.2-1ubuntu4)?02:49
crazytimmy96and yes i know how to program in java02:49
crazytimmy96im in APCS at my highschool02:49
fman23crazytimmy96: y do u want to work from the terminal?02:49
jpedroza2kKrisDouglas, I have used GnuCash for personal finance, how does it stand up for small business?02:49
reisiojpedroza2k: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_accounting_software02:49
crazytimmy96fman23: i heard that terminal is good02:49
crazytimmy96i program c++ in it02:49
pleasegawdok you guys rawk im on the right path here now. so on to my most serious of questions. Can i transfer WOW all my settings and addon and settings from windows as it is on my HD now and move it all over to Ubuntu. Other than that im ready to swiftly kick all microsoft products from my computer perminently02:49
crazytimmy96and i dont want to download so many programs to do some stuff02:50
reisiopleasegawd: you can yes02:50
crazytimmy96i also tried netbeans if you were wondering02:50
fman23crazytimmy96: well u do it the same way, but i am with using eclipse or geany.  u can install either from the software center02:50
pleasegawdpena and pad ready to take notes02:50
qwebirc37015urlin2u do you get the paste bin link?02:50
fman23crazytimmy96: just save it as a .java file and use ant to build it02:50
jpedroza2kreisio, Thanks, I will check those out.02:50
KrisDouglasjpedroza2k: It has it's shortcomings but it does work. Just have to learn it.02:51
reisiopleasegawd: just move them to wherever they should be02:51
crazytimmy96if i type in javac ....... then the error shows up saying i need to download java jdk02:51
urlin2uqwebirc37015, yeah so ubuntu is not booting, whats going on?02:51
reisiopleasegawd: typically a Wine filesystem will start in ~/.wine/02:51
pleasegawdmove them? in windows or move them in ubuntu or neither???02:51
KrisDouglasIt's not quite up there with Sage or Zero, jpedroza2k02:51
reisiopleasegawd: you can put stuff almost anywhere with ln -s real/location fake/location, though02:51
qwebirc37015urlin2u i dont know i try alot of thing but nothing seems to work...02:51
crazytimmy96and i dont know whats wrong02:51
reisiopleasegawd: copy from Windows to Ubuntu02:51
fman23crazytimmy96: well install it, do u want openjdk (fully open source but missing some, but very few things) or oracle's jdk (not fully open source)?02:51
pksadiq!info openjdk-6-jdk | crazytimmy9602:51
ubottucrazytimmy96: openjdk-6-jdk (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK). In component main, is optional. Version 6b23~pre11-0ubuntu1.11.10 (oneiric), package size 10764 kB, installed size 34080 kB02:52
crazytimmy96i already have oricle's jdk02:52
urlin2uqwebirc37015, can you be specific, you get grub menu?02:52
kopKrisDouglas, isn't cn Canadian ?02:52
KrisDouglaskop: oh it may be. I am working from memory02:52
* kop hides 02:52
fman23crazytimmy96: are you sure you have it? because i thuoght it came with javac02:52
pleasegawd so go to my windows side and then just copy and paste the whole folder to a Ubuntu directory of some sort, i am yet to return to the windows side since installation yesterday02:52
crazytimmy96i have open jdk through "sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk"02:52
qwebirc37015urlin2u well i'll try to be specific but my english is not too good, i have the grub menu but only shows win7 and the mem tests...02:53
crazytimmy96but when i try to do javac ..... an error tells me to download openjdk-7-jdk02:53
fman23crazytimmy96: yes that is correct, that should install javac and all of that other stuff02:53
crazytimmy96but it doesnt work02:53
crazytimmy96thats what i am trying to say02:53
fman23crazytimmy96: does it give any errors when installing?02:53
crazytimmy96it says that it installs02:53
crazytimmy96but when i try javac ... it throws errors02:53
urlin2uqwebirc37015, no problem, has ubuntu ever shown, or is this a fresh install?02:54
bitjixsup all. would anyone happen to know what versions of Perl and Python come ported on Ubuntu 11.10? or what is planned for the next LTS release? any help greatly appreciated02:54
KrisDouglasThat is odd, it works on my office PC. What do you have selected when you run "update-alternatives --config java"02:54
L-----DI though there is a ubuntu developer channel?02:54
fman23crazytimmy96: very odd, try opening a new terminal window02:54
crazytimmy96ive done it on many different terminal windows02:54
fman23crazytimmy96: or do what KrisDouglas said02:54
crazytimmy96and nothing changes02:54
KrisDouglasi am recalling that command from memory so pls don't quote me on it02:54
pksadiq!find /bin/javac | crazytimmy96 try any of these02:55
ubottucrazytimmy96 try any of these: File /bin/javac found in gcc-snapshot, gcj-4.4-jdk, gcj-4.5-jdk, gcj-4.6-jdk, javacc, openjdk-6-dbg, openjdk-6-jdk, openjdk-7-dbg, openjdk-7-jdk02:55
reisiobitjix: 5.12.4, 2.7.202:55
skelcrazytimmy96: is the error due to the java program you're trying to compile ?02:55
matthewg42what is the best simple video editing software in linux?02:55
crazytimmy96skel: no02:55
reCAPTCHAHi.. I seem to be having some odd issues with 11.10. For some reason all of the icons on my desktop have changed to what look like blank dog-eared pages.02:55
bitjixreisio: thanx. is that for 11.10 and the next LTS?02:55
KrisDouglasskel: doesn't sound like its getting that far02:55
matthewg42by best I mean user friendly02:55
reisiomatthewg42: how simple02:55
qwebirc37015urlin2u well i install the 10.04 and upgrade to the 11.10, and work really good till i update and delet some usless packages...02:55
crazytimmy96i have tried other openjdk and nothing changes02:55
reisiobitjix: next should have a higher perl02:55
pleasegawdok so now i have succesfully opened the .rar file now what do i do to extract it and run this new program?02:55
matthewg42reisio: has to be able to composite stills, video and overlay audio02:55
reisiolike 5.14.2 at least02:56
reisiomatthewg42: ah02:56
fman23matthewg42: i think openshot has those abilities02:56
reisiomatthewg42: kdenlive, pitivi, kino, lives02:56
Oermatthewg42, all video-edit software has a user friendly manual02:56
bitjixreisio: thats wassup. thanks again bro02:56
reCAPTCHA... and the theme seems to look messed up.02:56
fman23matthewg42: kdenlive is the easiest out of those that reisio said02:56
matthewg42reisio: I tried these years ago, none were very stable,  which is the most stable.  which would you give to your non-geek friend to use?02:56
reisiomatthewg42: non-geeks edit video?02:57
qwebirc37015reCAPTCHA did you try whith the tweak?? or the compiz effects?02:57
urlin2uqwebirc37015, first you have this ( /boot/grub/core.img) in the dell utility sda1 that should not be there. So windows boots?02:57
reisioprobably kdenlive, but I haven't looked at any of them in ages02:57
KrisDouglasopenshot is spot on for video editing, best compared to camtasia studio02:57
crazytimmy96any help???02:58
KrisDouglasits a bit slow with some stuff but the progress is immense compared to some of the other alts02:58
matthewg42reisio: ok, thanks.  That's what I was going to try, but I wanted a second opinion since my experience with these tools is minimal and out of date.  thanks buddy, much appreciated.02:58
qwebirc37015urlin2u yes it boots fine but only windows... im in windows now...02:58
* Oer thinks "years ago" .. so look at it again instead of complaining about a bug that maybe solved.02:58
reCAPTCHAqwibirc37015, I just upgraded from 10.04... did nothing else to it.02:58
almoxarifehttps://launchpad.net/y-ppa-manager  <-- i am wondering is this is a better option for ppa husbandry than cli(terminal)?? any thoughts?02:58
fman23crazytimmy96: im sry, but i have only compiled one program in java (one that i didnt make) and all i had to do was install openjdk-7-jdk02:58
skelcrazytimmy96: sorry, coming in late to this. did you already paste the error on pastebin or something?02:58
wingless_If I have to compile a program from source and install it myself, is there a way to tell apt about it so I can manage it later on with apt?02:59
fman23crazytimmy96: so i cant really help you, try "locate javac" first however02:59
crazytimmy96fman23: do i do "sudo locate javac"?02:59
pleasegawdTo install just move or copy the ".Conky" hidden folder to you user folder. ...Quik question??? where is my user folder?02:59
fman23crazytimmy96: no need for sudo02:59
almoxarifewingless_: use 'checkinstall' and the answer is yes02:59
zivesterdoes anyone know a command to gracefully shutdown google-chrome from the command line, so all windows will be re-opened (on their respective desktops) on next launch?02:59
qwebirc37015reCAPTCHA do you still have unity as desktop?02:59
KrisDouglaswingless_: as far as I know checkinstall is the best bet you have02:59
fman23crazytimmy96: just locate javac and post errors/success here02:59
reCAPTCHAqwebirc37015, yes.02:59
reCAPTCHAIt looks like this: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/2415503:00
reisiozivester: non-graceful should manage that, too, no?03:00
crazytimmy96check javac03:00
crazytimmy96No command 'check' found, did you mean:03:00
crazytimmy96 Command 'vcheck' from package 'vcheck' (universe)03:00
crazytimmy96 Command 'mcheck' from package 'mtools' (main)03:00
crazytimmy96 Command 'icheck' from package 'qtmobility-dev' (universe)03:00
FloodBot1crazytimmy96: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
crazytimmy96 Command 'icheck' from package 'icheck' (universe)03:00
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: you might have to do sudo updatedb03:00
qwebirc37015well i dont know if unity have it but in gnome3 it have a gnome tweak to manage the themes...03:00
fman23crazytimmy96: no "locate javac"03:00
zivesterreisio so just kill it?03:01
reisiozivester: why not03:01
fman23pksadiq: out of curiosity, what does that do?03:01
pksadiqfman23: it updates the locate database03:01
crazytimmy96it found it03:01
crazytimmy96in a wierd place03:01
crazytimmy96in a tar file that is in the java folder that i use03:01
fman23crazytimmy96: what distribution are you using?03:01
zivesteri dont know which one to kill... i have like 4 windows with 30+ tabs03:02
wingless_almoxarife, KrisDouglas: thanks. I didn't know about checkinstall.  That's exactly what I was looking for.03:02
reisiosort of defeats the purpose, though03:02
reisioI'd use find or apt-file03:02
fman23zivester: use xkill from terminal (or alt-f2 dialog) and click on the window u want to kill03:02
reisiokillall google-chrome (or whatever the executable name is) should work03:03
Thom_Hi requesting help with installing Tor with ubuntu...   followed this page directions and Tor is not functioning https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en#ubuntu03:03
fman23reisio: but that will "kill all"03:03
fman23reisio: i tihnk he just wants one killed03:04
urlin2uqwebirc37015, qwebirc37015, I don't know if that grub file in the dell utility is the complete culprit. To be honest you could probably remove that partition without a problem probably is the key word here. I would chroot in to the ubuntu and reload grub to start with and see if that gets you in.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot  from this chroot you can purge the grub completely and reinstall it, you may have several problems here t03:04
reisiohow many browsers are open :p03:04
urlin2uhe sda1 grub and or a messed up grub set up as well.03:04
skelanyone know what the little semi-transparent bar is called that pops up in gnome-shell 3.x ?03:04
reCAPTCHAqwebirc37015, I could just reinstall, but it seems like a stupid issue to reinstall about.03:04
Thom_a@t-desktop:~$ gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD8903:04
Thom_gpg: requesting key 886DDD89 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net03:04
Thom_gpg: key 886DDD89: "deb.torproject.org archive signing key" not changed03:04
Thom_gpg: Total number processed: 103:04
Thom_gpg:              unchanged: 103:04
Thom_a@t-desktop:~$ gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -03:04
Thom_[sudo] password for a:03:04
FloodBot1Thom_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:04
Thom_Sorry, try again.03:04
KrisDouglasdid ol; floody just mute Thom_03:05
=== alpha is now known as ech0
SVNDRyeep lol03:05
SVNDRput him in the naughty boys corner03:05
almoxarifeThom_: why using tor? if you are wanting to browse more that anything i would suggest the 'tor-webbrowsing' packagae from tor03:05
qwebirc37015urlin2u ok ill give it a try and see what happen...03:05
KrisDouglasCya guys03:06
qwebirc37015reCAPTCHA personaly i dont like unity because i feel it for tablets or so.. so ill keep whith gnome.. you coul try to login in clasic mode...03:07
reCAPTCHAI don't like unity either...03:07
urlin2uqwebirc37015, you might also see from the live cd if you can mount the sda1 partition and remove that grub stuff, I have never seen this not sure if that partition sda1 is accessible.03:08
leontopodI ran updates for the first time03:08
leontopodand it is stuck at 52% "running dpkg"03:08
leontopodit's been stuck like that for about two hours03:08
leontopodam I doing something wrong?03:08
zlszkThis is a generated file.  Please modify 'configure.in'    what shuould i do?03:08
almoxarifeleontopod: its crashed03:09
reCAPTCHAnautilus -q seems to fix it, qibirc37015... you really should get an easier name to type... :-)03:09
leontopodoh =(03:09
leontopodis that bad?03:09
leontopoddo I have to reboot?03:09
leontopodI can't seem to close the window03:09
almoxarifeleontopod: yea, reboot03:09
KrisDouglasreCAPTCHA: tab is your friend03:10
qwebirc37015urlin2u question... if i reinstall ubuntu over the durrent partition will it fix the grub?03:10
reCAPTCHAKrisDouglas... I learned something new today about irc, thanks!03:10
zivesterI think i figured it out... kill the longest running google/chrome application03:10
zivesterthat seemed to have worked03:10
titanesyo dawg, I herd u need a LiveUSB to install a LiveUSB into a LiveUSB so I got an extra usb flash.03:10
zivesterprobably in an SL state03:10
mae-ubu1004I have a question03:11
reisiomae-ubu1004: prove it03:11
mae-ubu1004It's simple03:11
urlin2uqwebirc37015, well it might but the grub file in the sda1 is a very strange, that may be the problem.03:11
reisiomae-ubu1004: prove it03:11
mae-ubu1004I just want to know if there's an item for the xfce task bar that could show the cpu's temperature03:12
pleasegawdok im having some more porblems extracting something to my 'user folder' something about hiddenfiles and such...anyone ready to hear my cries again lol...03:12
urlin2uqwebirc37015, I would chroot in and purge and reinstall grub before I reinstalled if it was me. I can give you the commands for the purge or get you to a ubuntu forums link on this.03:12
Glaciatitanes, nope no dogs here, just us humans and a few script bot... last i check they are not dogs either03:13
qwebirc37015urlin2u i really apreciate that...03:13
qwebirc37015urlin2u and what would be the risks in this operation if i can ask??03:14
reisiomae-ubu1004: xfce4-sensors-plugin03:14
reisiomae-ubu1004: in universe03:14
pleasegawdhello again...can i get someones attention for a second?03:14
titanesGlacia: tryna be smart??03:14
reisiopleasegawd: one03:14
skelpleasegawd: usually it helps to actually ask your question =]03:14
fman23dang, reisio beat me to it03:14
fman23reisio: lol i was about to post the same thing03:14
Glaciatitanes, sadly i don't have to try.03:15
mae-ubu1004thanks resio03:15
pleasegawdi know but i did that a few times and i feel like you guys are busy and i dont want to intewrupt just wait my turn, but if thats not the etiquet sorry03:15
urlin2uqwebirc37015, purging and reinstalling is done within the ubuntu by chrooting, it will reload grub there and the mbr so it will boot, if done correcty.03:15
reisiofman23: :p03:15
mae-ubu1004Hey, where should i get the xfce4-sensors-plugin from?03:15
titanesI need to pick a filesystem for USB flash install03:15
reisiomae-ubu1004: the universe repo03:15
pleasegawdok so i am trying to open a .rar file03:15
skelpleasegawd: sorry, I must have missed it. whats up?03:15
reisiopleasegawd: try harder03:15
Skemereisio: haha03:15
fman23pleasegawd: try double clicking it in the file manager03:15
titaneswhich one be the most zomg-optimized for USB flash??03:16
pleasegawdok sorry i will dont wanna be a pest but if thats the style its on!03:16
urlin2uqwebirc37015, here is the link find the chroot purge and reinstall of grub 2.03:16
pleasegawdok so im trying to unpack Conky Cronograph Station i have succesfully unarchieved it03:16
urlin2u qwebirc37015 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158109903:16
sacarlsonpleasegawd: I may have missed parts of what you ask,  are you using the gui nautilus to uncompress your files?03:16
pleasegawdwheni try to extract  the only thing i see on the desktop is the readme file03:16
reisiopleasegawd: gj03:16
jaimefhow does one use  "-y git -o Aptitude::CmdLine::Ignore-Trust-Violations=true" with aptitude safe-upgrade?03:16
Skemedid it make a folder? look at the desktop folder in nautilus03:17
jaimefupgrade supported this, however self-upgrade does not03:17
_0x783czarIs there an IRC channel where I can go for Debian help?03:17
dajhorntitanes: Almost always FAT.   Most USB flash media controllers are designed to be fast for the FAT table.03:17
Skemeand press ctrl-h to show hidden files.. maybe it made a folder starting with .03:17
reisiopleasegawd: where's the rar?03:17
skelpleasegawd: where are you extracting it?03:17
overcluckerpleasegawd: ls -a ~/Desktop03:17
almoxarifepleasegawd: that is because you have chosen that file to extract?03:17
titanesdajhorn: son ...03:17
pleasegawdyes it is on the desktop but all the files are not there, the readme says something about hiddenfiles and extracting to the 'user folder'?03:17
skelpleasegawd: "user folder" would typically mean your home folder03:18
skelpleasegawd: have you checked there?03:18
leontopodwow I had to remove the battery to turn the computer off03:18
overcluckerpleasegawd: my bet is that you've got a .conkyrc on your desktop03:18
almoxarifepleasegawd: you are chosing to unpack one file, when you should be unpacking the folder03:18
pleasegawdok figured that03:18
leontopodI guess my kubuntu install is in an undefined state now03:18
qwebirc37015urlin2u did i have a separate /boot partition? i dont know...03:18
pleasegawdits on the desktop it was created at the end of extraction process...03:18
leontopodsince dpkg crashed while running03:18
plato101aacer webcam sometimes recognized and mapped correctly on the computer and sometimes not....how do i change the mapping of the webcam03:18
pleasegawdi wll copy pasta what the readme says to do...03:18
pleasegawdTo install just move or copy the ".Conky" hidden folder to you user folder.03:18
almoxarifepleasegawd: dont03:19
pleasegawddont what?03:19
almoxarifepleasegawd: paste it03:19
pleasegawdclearly too late03:19
skelpleasegawd: if you open up a terminal and type ls -la ~    do you see .Conky ?03:19
titanesdajhorn: this is a full install onto a flash USB drive.03:19
urlin2uqwebirc37015, no you have a mbr boot no boot partition, the sda1 is the dell utility partition some how part of the grub got in there, really  have no idea other then it should not be there of its effect on being there.03:20
fman23pleasegawd: cp -R ~/Desktop/.Conky ~/03:20
fman23 ithink03:20
whompsometimes when i boot my comp into ubuntu, it makes a loud screeching noise. why would this be?03:20
michaelgambleduring an ls command how do i see the owners on everything03:20
almoxarifewhomp: cause its dying?03:20
urlin2uwhomp, hardware?03:20
fman23michaelgamble: ls -lA03:20
Skemeyour computer it hates ubuntu.. and turns into a demon to fight it off?03:20
whompmaybe, but it doesn't make the noise when i run windows03:21
Skemedoes the news come from the pc speaker?03:21
almoxarifewhomp: that case it just hates you03:21
fman23whomp: can you play sound just fine after it boots up?03:21
Skemenoise i mean03:21
pleasegawd<skel> i do not see .conky but i do see the program name in full03:21
fman23pleasegawd: cp -R ~/Desktop/.Conky ~/03:21
pleasegawdConky Cronograph Station03:21
michaelgambleand how do you change the owner of everything in a folder recursively03:21
fman23michaelgamble: chown -R (owner):(group)03:22
basil601any chance of advice on an error in Apache 2.2.17 when trying to install Moodle?03:22
Skemesometimes motherboards have crappy pc speakers on them.. and i have heard them make some pretty strange noises before.. maybe remove the pc speaker and see if thats teh prob03:22
whompfman23 i can play sound, but it is much quieter than the loud noise over it03:22
pleasegawdfman that did not work for me03:22
titaneswould be nice if usb drives had a LCD screen instead of useless flashing led. Like Art Levedev's Optimus keyboard.03:22
fman23pleasegawd: what was the error?03:22
plato101amy acer webcam is possessed...sometimes it comes on...sometimes the computer cant find it03:22
michaelgamblesaid it was missing an operator03:22
michaelgambleafter user name03:22
pleasegawdcp: cannot stat `/home/lovenest1/Desktop/.Conky': No such file or directory lovenest1@ubuntu:~$03:22
fman23pleasegawd: did u extract it?03:23
Ben64michaelgamble: you need to specify what you want to perform the action on03:23
pleasegawdyes to desktop03:23
Skemeyour username is lovenest1 o.O03:23
fman23pleasegawd: everything? because there is a folder called .Conky that is hidden although i believe archive manager shows it03:23
titanesanyone know best filesystem to run ubuntu from a USB  flash drive?03:24
pleasegawdno in desktop i only see the readme file in the folder, in the rar folder they are all there03:24
Ben64titanes: it'd be very slow03:24
fman23titanes: are you using it as a livecd or installing to the usb drive?03:24
titanesfman23: yes.03:24
fman23titanes: which one?03:24
titanesBen64: that's alright, it's USB 2.003:24
qwebirc37015urlin2u  just to be sure... sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/temp... and ill stop in apt-get purge grub grub-pc grub-common... then i reboot right?03:25
titanesfman23: latest one 11.1003:25
Ben64titanes: the bus speed doesn't matter, the flash memory itself is too slow to run ubuntu at a normal speed03:25
pleasegawdok so am i typing out what you said wrong i am just copyin then pasting it right?03:25
titanesBen64: so how come LivuUSB (which I am using ATM) is alright?? I don't see noticeable slowdown.03:26
Ben64titanes: i'm not sure what you mean by LivuUSB03:26
titanesI just need to know the proper filesystem to use .03:26
skelpleasegawd: it doesn't sound like its really extracting to the folder on your desktop, not fully anyway03:26
urlin2uqwebirc37015, that is really confusing as to what your intending. sda5 is the ubunru install, sda1 is the dell utility and has grub when it should not.03:26
aBoundBen64, LiveUSB03:26
pleasegawdfman23 the file on  the desktop is called Conky Cronograph Station03:26
fman23pleasegawd: post here "ls -lA ~/Desktop"03:27
Ben64pleasegawd: pastebin that please03:27
skelpleasegawd: dont post the output here03:27
skelpleasegawd: what Ben64 said03:27
fman23oops thats what i meant03:27
pleasegawdwhere do i paste it?03:27
titaneswtf?? didn't let me pick a fs!! it went right ahead with ext403:28
urlin2uqwebirc37015, this command is correct but to be run in Ubuntu sda5  apt-get purge grub grub-pc grub-common03:28
almoxarifefman23: he cant see the 'hidden folder' if it extracts as a .xxxxx folder, or he has not extracted the folder but continues to extract single files03:28
Ben64fman23: np, its best to specify though :)03:28
fman23pleasegawd: put it at http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:28
urlin2uqwebirc37015, then the command run again with install replacing purge, the mbr is sda.03:28
zenomeguys, I have a quick question. Does LD_LIBRARY_PATH affect the linker path when compiling with gcc (takes precedence over -L/path?)03:28
pleasegawdi pasted the whole file not a single file...its not my first rodeo here, just new to ubuntu style03:29
almoxarifepleasegawd: you pasted the .rar file?03:29
pleasegawdwhole folder rather03:29
fman23i should be doing homework03:30
fman23but this is more fun and is community service03:30
pleasegawdok whats with this pastebin thing. completely new to me03:30
fman23pleasegawd: just paste the output of that command to http://paste.ubuntu.com03:30
pleasegawdand yer link is not connecting?03:30
aBoundpleasegawd, Pastebin is for pasting text.03:30
qwebirc37015urlin2u sorry i got lost... so i have to: a) keep the grub in sda1 and purg the one in sda5 or b) purg the sda1 and purg and reinstall in sda5...03:30
titaneswhich one is the principal qemu+kvm package in ubuntu??03:31
titanesapt-cache returns a couple thousands03:31
pleasegawdsorry i think my connection dropped for some reason03:31
=== jack is now known as Guest35261
Resistancepleasegawd:  i dont think it did...03:32
almoxarifepleasegawd: since its not your first rodeo lets hit the finer points, you got a rar, within it is a folder, the folder may extract as a 'hidden folder' .xxxxx type, you wont see it on desktop, you will seee it with nautilus if you enter the 'desktop' folder and have the 'let me see hidden folders and files option clicked, there you go 'sport'03:32
urlin2uqwebirc37015, hold on your not understanding a few things here sda1 is the dell utility that came with the computer, not sure if it can even be purged do yiou mean deleted?03:32
fman23titanes: have you tried qemu-kvm?03:32
pleasegawdok i did yer pastebin thing i hope03:32
fman23titanes: just guessing03:32
fman23pleasegawd: well paste the link to it here03:32
titanesLiveUSB/CD should come with kvm pre-install in order to test the installation03:33
basil601can anyone offer advice on this error showing up in my browser when trying to install a web based programme? Error: database driver problem detected03:33
fman23oh ok, ty03:33
pleasegawdis that right?03:33
pleasegawdso posting all my info on here was prob not good ya?03:33
fman23pleasegawd: cp -R "~/Desktop/Conky Cronograph Station/.Conky" ~/03:34
almoxarifepleasegawd: btw sport , start with the nick you are talking to, like at the rodeo03:34
qwebirc37015urlin2u damit! i'm totally lost... sorry again... so what i have to do? purg the grub in sda1 or the one in sda5... being purg ->delete...03:34
fman23pleasegawd: what did it say now?03:34
titanesquick, I need a qemu command to test the installation.03:34
pleasegawdno such file or directory03:34
pleasegawdConky Cronograph Station is the folder name03:35
pleasegawdon the desktop03:35
fman23pleasegawd: ls -lA "~/Desktop/Conky Cronograph Station"03:35
urlin2uqwebirc37015, so the use of the term purge has one use here and is only associated with the ubuntu sda5 partition.03:35
pleasegawdcannot access03:36
lahwranI have an ATI Radeon X300SE PCIE (old card) that I just installed because my equally old nvidia card blew. how can I set up accelerated graphics?03:36
urlin2uqwebirc37015, do you have the windows backed up?03:36
almoxarifefman23: have him pastebin the contents of his desktop03:36
fman23almoxarife: lol already did, and it said that folder was on his desktop03:36
pleasegawdi am def looking at it03:37
qwebirc37015urlin2u nope i dont have another hd or dvd to do it...03:37
pleasegawdi dragged and ropped it from my DL folder tho does that matter?03:37
fman23lahwran: install fglrx-updates from software center03:37
fman23pleasegawd: shoudlnt03:37
almoxarifepleasegawd: if you are looking at the folder than the issue is resolved, its unpacked, what you get is what is was packed03:38
martianIs there a way I could mount an ssh 'share' using a third system in the middle as tunnel when I only port 22 is open on the middle system?03:38
fman23almoxarife: he needs to move a hidden folder03:38
fman23pleasegawd: go to the folder in the file manager03:38
fman23pleasegawd: where the readme is03:38
titaneswhy not make  USB flash with SATA interface in order to get around USB limitation?03:38
fman23pleasegawd: then press view then check hidden03:38
urlin2uqwebirc37015, to be honest this is a possibly a situation that I feel uncomfortable helping in. I think your having trouble understanding whats going on, this can lead to loosing it all, with no back up.03:39
fman23titanes: that is called a solid state hard drive03:39
almoxarifefman23: its in his home , where it lies is just house keeping03:39
lahwranfman23: I also moved my xorg.conf to a backup. is that the correct action? nvidia's driver uses it, but I haven't heard anything about ATI's needing it03:39
pleasegawdderp u found it woo03:39
fman23lahwran: ati's do use it but if memory serves, it should regenerate with the correct ati stuff which are different from teh nvidia03:39
fman23lahwran: move the xorg.conf then install the drivers03:40
pleasegawdthats it huh?03:40
pleasegawdgrrrrr thankyou so much03:40
lahwranfman23: E: Unable to locate package fglrx-updates03:40
pleasegawdthankyou, can someone please point me in the direction of some easy steps to switching from mac osx 10.4 to ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?03:41
fman23pleasegawd: yeah move the .Conky file you will see to ur user folder (ur home folder)03:41
titanesa qemu command to test ubuntu install??03:41
fman23lahwran: do u have multiverse repo enabled?03:41
fman23titanes: why are you using qemu?03:41
almoxarifepleasegawd: sure, the main ubuntu website, ooodles of nifty info03:41
pleasegawdfman i cant just use it from the desktop?03:41
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lahwranfman23: yes, but I'm on maverick03:41
qwebirc37015urlin2u mmm well thats sad... i tink i can have my ubuntu partition back but seems hopeless.. .03:42
Aliv3_hi SVNDR03:42
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zappfFloodBot1, can you close a connection of a user ? I can't close my previous connections...03:42
almoxarifepleasegawd: yes, you can03:42
titanesfman23: i need to test the install03:42
Aliv3_so anyone know about hp touchpad ubuntu03:42
qwebirc37015urlin2u do you have any site that can help me?03:42
fman23lahwran: well then just actually isntead, go to additional drivers in the menus and install the ati driver03:42
fman23titanes: which install? is it on usb drive?03:42
lahwrantitanes: qemu is an emulator; that means it completely reimplements the processor. I suggest looking at a virtualization tool, which works by sharing the processor - virtualbox is an example of this.03:42
satyanashHow compatible is Ubuntu with the new Acer Aspire S5 ?03:42
urlin2uqwebirc37015, post your pastebin at the ubuntu forums that s a great place.03:42
pleasegawdk can i get my question answered about installing ubuntu on a macbook pro?03:42
almoxarifepleasegawd: sure, the main ubuntu website, ooodles of nifty info03:43
pleasegawdthx.... :)03:43
titaneslahwran: great, which command should I use?03:43
fman23pleasegawd: i tihnk it requires a few things to get ubuntu working with efi and because apple uses efi unlike the rest of the world, it will add some boot time to ubuntu03:43
Dragaanany obvious reasons why my (wired) internet connection would be insanely slow and choppy in ubuntu 11.04 but fine in windows?  speedtest shows 25mb/s down and 4 mb/s up in windows and 4 mb/s down and times out starting the upload test in linux03:44
urlin2uqwebirc37015, here is a earlier version of supergrub as well it works with grub2. http://super-grub-disk.en.malavida.com/download03:44
fman23pleasegawd: just because it has to try to find other boot mediums03:44
qwebirc37015urlin2u i try to put it in one in spanish (my mother lenguage) but i think they dont care...03:44
lahwranfman23: it doesn't seem to think any proprietary drivers are available03:44
fman23lahwran: have u put in the new card yet and rebooted?03:45
satyanashHow compatible is Ubuntu with the new Acer Aspire S5 ?03:45
fman23lahwran: or do u want to install the drivers b4 reboot?03:45
lahwranfman23: the nvidia card fried, I had to put the ati in to boot at all03:45
titanessatyanash: install it, let us know.03:45
SVNDRAliv3_: hi03:45
qwebirc37015urlin2u thank you very much but and ill try the super grub disk and try in the forums in english...03:45
satyanashtitanes, Haha.. I havent bought it yet... thought someone here might've.. :D03:46
urlin2uqwebirc37015, post it in english all the pros in this area speak that. I think it is fixable but under this environment live chat  it is hard. Good luck.03:46
=== Aliv3_ is now known as Aliv3
fman23lahwran: oh wait, that was a stupid question i just asked, what i get for staying up.  what model again?03:46
fman23satyanash: you can always run a livecd without making any modifications to the computer and see how it runs03:47
titanessatyanash: go to the store with a LiveUSB or CD, turn off the lappy, go into boot device option and pick CD or Flash drive.03:47
qwebirc37015urlin2u well thank you ill se if i find solution i really thank you...03:48
titanessatyanash: then proceed to do an Ubuntu install.03:48
htoofehi alll03:48
satyanashtitanes, fman23 Ohh.. yea! Never thought of that! Now I need to find an acer store... :P03:48
squidlyI'm having issues uninstalling cacti on 11.10. I keep getting "no type given for question at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Question.pm line 22, <GEN1> line 2."03:49
basil601any apache/php gurus available?03:49
squidlygoogle does not give me anythign (and it's breaking my aptitude03:49
satyanashfman23, titanes btw it does not have a CD drive.. it is the latest ultrabook revealed in the CES..03:49
titanesWTFFUUU!!! installer crashed :(((03:50
Skemebasil601: i can try03:51
basil601tried installing Moodle on Ubuntu 11.04, with LAMP stack03:51
titaneshow is this possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:52
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
basil601followed directions to install curl and intl extensions03:52
basil601now the error in my browser is: Error: database driver problem detected03:52
Skemeyou look at phpinfo?03:53
fman23dang wifi03:53
fman23ok what did i miss?03:53
=== SVNDR is now known as YX
basil601look for what Skeme?03:53
titaneswhat to do now03:53
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.03:53
fman23lahwran: what model is ur ati card?03:54
hatebubuntu have any problems with writing and reading from NTFS partition ?03:54
lahwranRadeon X300SE03:54
fman23lahwran: what year was it made?03:54
almoxarifehateb: nope03:54
lahwranI have no idea. I had it lying around and shoved it in because I didn't have any other GPUs available03:54
Skemebasil601: to see if your db drivers are installed and working?03:54
fman23lahwran: ok so it isnt really new, ati might have discontinued it and with it, their drivers03:55
lahwranfman23: oh no, it's very very old03:55
fman23probably was discontinued03:55
hatebcan I move /home to ntfs partition, without causing problems ?03:55
lahwranfman23: this card would be in one of the first series-es to support PCIE, and it's a budget card in that series03:55
squidlyhateb: until your system crashed once.. or you access it in windows..03:55
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basil601skeme: I have phpinfo open - intl looks like ti installed oK and is enabled. Where do I look for db drivers?03:56
hatebthat's the deal I wanna access it from both ubuntu and windows03:57
Skemesearch for DB or Drivers on that page03:57
fman23lahwran: one sec, trying to find legacy drivers.  are you sure you do not alrady have acceleration?03:57
lahwranquite sure. this card is capable of 3D acceleration, I was using it in windows for a while03:58
lahwranhowever, the linux drivers probably barely support 2d03:58
fman23lahwran: lol i just found one for $5 online03:58
lahwranyeah, that sounds about right03:58
Skemebasil601: can you connect to mysql on the command line?03:58
joekoHI i am intrested in setting up an automated ubuntu install but i can't get the preseed.cfg to overwrite the contents of the existing drive03:59
basil601skeme: not sure. not a huge fan of command line - I'll google connecting to mysql now03:59
fman23lahwran: who is the manufacturer?04:00
fman23lahwran: i think i found dirvers04:00
lahwranI have no idea ...04:00
fman23does it say: Connect3D, GeCube, Giga-Byte, Hightech (HIS), Plait Microsystems?04:01
fman23lahwran: x86 or x86_64? i found the drivers04:04
lahwranout of curiosity what did you use to find them?04:04
michaelgamblehey quick question04:05
michaelgambleanyone explain to me what this line means04:05
michaelgamble./configure --prefix=/usr04:05
fman23lahwran: lots of digging on the ati website04:05
devianshey, can i have upstart scripts in a location other than /etc/init ?04:05
basil601skeme - yeh, appear to be able to connect to mysql via command line04:05
fman23lahwran: apparently it is in catalyst and everything04:05
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fman23lahwran: which is in the repos?04:05
satyanashmichaelgamble, it's a configure script, with some kind of prefix option given to it.04:05
=== YX is now known as SVNDR
fman23lahwran: be sure you have the multiverse enabled and search for fglrx04:05
fman23lahwran: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
michaelgambleif I'm seeing that as part of instructions and the source is extracted in my downloads folder what would i change?04:06
Skemebasil601: have you installed the php5-mysql package?04:06
fman23lahwran: lol, still cant believe i found this for $5... and that amd still supports it04:07
michaelgamblehmm i just noticed a configure script04:07
satyanashmichaelgamble, Basically the script will configure the installation or you. You should pass it whatever abilities you (don't) want in the build.04:07
basil601that was installed as part of the AMP installation. I have run other databases and connected with php. THe problem seemed to arise after I did the intl extension install04:07
michaelgambleso does it matter if i run the script from inside my downloads folder?04:07
satyanashmichaelgamble, Yes, that is the script you should run.04:07
satyanashmichaelgamble, You can run it from wherever you like, as long as it finds the files it will be changing in order to configure the installation.04:08
fman23michaelgamble: the configure script takes the template makefiles provided with the software (Makefile.in for example) and turns them into makefiles that are customized to work on ur system specifications and also check that required software is installed04:09
satyanashmichaelgamble, generally it is to be run from the same folder where your source exists04:09
Skemebasil601: try this advice: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=16402004:09
Skemebasil601: read the whole thing.. he talks about changing something in your config.php file for the moodle installation04:10
basil601skeme: will do...04:10
Skemebasil601: ""Thank you very much!!!  I upgraded to PHP 5.3.3 and error went away.  Problem solved.""04:10
Skememaybe try that04:10
basil601skeme: i'm running 5.3.504:11
michaelgambleok so i ran the configure , then the make, then the sudo make install04:11
Skemehmm mok04:11
michaelgambleand now i have no idea what the outcome was04:11
Skemestill check that config.php and see if what he mentions is the prob04:11
michaelgambleI'm assuming it built the installer04:11
michaelgamblebut i have no idea where04:12
Skemebasil601: basically he suggests changing the dbtype from mysqli to mysql in the config.php04:12
satyanashmichaelgamble, You just compiled the source.04:12
satyanashmichaelgamble, What do the instructions say ?04:13
michaelgamblei followed the debian / ubuntu instructions04:13
michaelgamblei got through to the part right before the section titled "Run on Mac"04:13
michaelgamblewould that have installed the app or built an installer? bit confused :p04:14
fman23lahwran: did the drivers install ok?04:14
lahwranI'll restart in a bit04:14
fman23lahwran: ok, did u install from repos or from website?04:14
satyanashmichaelgamble, It differs from app to app.04:14
michaelgambleit looks like the app is now installed04:15
satyanashtry running sparkleshare04:15
fman23lahwran: oh so you did find it, well restart and tell me how it went so i can go to sleep04:15
michaelgambleit didn't occur to me to try to run sparkleshare04:15
lahwranfman23: just go to sleep, I know what I'm doing well04:15
michaelgambleface palm04:15
satyanashmichaelgamble, If it is installed it should directly run.04:15
michaelgambleit does i think I'm good04:15
lahwranfman23: I'm just doing 10 things at once. thank you very much for the help!04:15
satyanashmichaelgamble, Kay.. cool.04:15
basil601skeme: thanks - found and edited that. The error changed slightly to ; Error: database driver problem detected04:16
basil601The site administrator should verify server configuration04:16
basil601Unknown driver native/mysql04:16
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fman23lahwran: ok, lol. btw, never buy ati again, they kill your battery are not very powerful04:16
fman23lahwran: if of course u r using laptop04:16
basil601skeme: I might post to the moodle forum ....just assumed it had been operator error in the php extensions04:16
lahwranfman23: I'll take that into consideration when buying a laptop, but my next card when I get a desktop that can handle it will be the ati 587004:16
lahwranokay, bye :P04:17
Skemebasil601: is this a hosted server somewhere? you may need to ask the techs to compile php and mysqli properly.. it sounds like the mysqli module has some problems04:17
basil601skeme: I host at home. So all things are possible. Just lack of knowledge and experience that may get in the way04:18
Skemebasil601: lots of people with the same error related to Moodle i am finding so you should be able to find some help out there.. ive no idea what moodle is :)04:18
basil601skeme: its aCMS - educational like Blackoard, but open source04:19
codepython777how can i figure out what is listening at port 443? When I goto https://myserver.com -- i see a login password window. But when i do a netstat -a | grep 443 -- nothing has 443?04:19
Oercodepython777, i guess ssl used 44304:21
bgsmithgreetings channel, I'm facing a problem with mysql and php on ubuntu, perhaps related to permissions or apparmor04:21
codepython777Oer: isnt it supposed to show up in netstat -a04:22
bgsmithA "select * into outfile '/tmp/testfile'" gives a 'already exists' error, however in reality the file does not exist.04:22
basil601skeme: thanks for taking the time.04:22
Skemecodepython: try something like "grep -w 443 /etc/services"04:22
Skemebasil601: no worries, best of luck!04:22
Skemecodepython: install sockstat and use sockstat -4l to list all services and ports04:23
Skemecodepython: or something like "lsof -i -n | egrep 'COMMAND|LISTEN'" will list everything running etc04:24
codepython777Skeme: it does say: https           443/tcp                         # http protocol over TLS/SSL and another line with udp04:25
Skemecodepythong: yea i thought that would help but it doesnt, it says the same on mine and im not running SSL :)04:25
codepython777Skeme: lsof -i -n | grep 443 --> null04:25
BIGBOOMBAHi all.04:26
Skemenah dont grep 443 run that command just like i typed it04:26
Skemeit might be a range04:26
codepython777Skeme: no 443 anywhere in that output...and i know something is listening04:27
BIGBOOMBAWhen I try "dd if=FILE of=/dev/dvd" or "dd if=FILE of=/dev/dvdrw" i get "dd: opening `/dev/dvd': No medium found" (or the equivalent)04:27
Skememaybe something on a different machine on the network?04:27
BIGBOOMBAmy /dev directory contains both "dvd" and "dvdrw"04:27
codepython777Skeme: but i should be at least be able to see what is being served on my machine?04:28
Skemecodepython777: hmm yea.. you goto localhost:443 and see anythign?04:28
enferexSo on boot none of my networkdevices are active, just the loop back.  I have to bring up each device manually (ifconfig ethX).  How do I avoid having to do this?04:28
codepython777Skeme: http://pbin.be/show/365/04:28
Neek0BIGBOOMBA: cdroms are /dev/sr0 or /dev/sr1 usually04:29
codepython777Skeme: unable to connect to localhost04:29
codepython777Skeme: When it asks a password it says: The server says: AXIS_00... is this a firewall blocking 443?04:30
shawnboyhow do i restore Jaunty to it's default video driver (for ATI)... open source04:30
urlin2ushawnboy, jaunty is end of life.04:30
shawnboyi know04:31
BIGBOOMBANeek0: thanks; i only have sr0, so i'll try that. any idea what the purpose of the dvd and dvdrw device files are, then? also, do you know off the top of your head what the "sr" in "sr0" stands for? if not i'll google it04:31
shawnboyit still lives here though04:31
urlin2ushawnboy, but not supported here.04:31
michaelgamblehey whats the least amount of ram ubuntu 11.1 should run with04:31
shawnboywhere is it supported?04:31
BIGBOOMBA"dd: opening `/dev/sr0': No medium found" strange...04:32
Neek0BIGBOOMBA: no, my drives have always come up in the sr0, so i've never really payed any attention to the dvd and dvdrw in /dev. and no i don't know what it means04:32
xanguashawnboy: not here but you can get the LTS or latest version from ubuntu.com04:32
Oermichaelgamble, 1 gb04:32
shawnboyI have LTS running on this same machine but it won't keep wifi. bug. nobody will fix. so that's why I have to run Jaunty.04:33
urlin2ushawnboy, nowhere really it is not supported you can upgrade to lucid though.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:33
urlin2ushawnboy, have you tried any of the releases past lucid?04:34
jademonkeyHey guys, I have an Ubuntu 11.04 installation with 2 multi-function printer/scanner/copiers attached. I have no problems with either printer but the 'simple scan' software only sees one scanner, unfortunately the less important one. Can anyone provide me with information regarding installing a Brother DCP-7020, the driver provided on Brother's site is broken.04:34
Neek0BIGBOOMBA: type "df -h" in a terminal and you should be able to see where your cdrom is showing up04:34
michaelgambleanyway to get ubuntu running with nautilus app at a lower impact of 1gb04:34
crazytimmy96how can i program java through terminal04:35
shawnboyurlin2u, xangua I converted to linux parially because I think it's wasteful to do away with useable PCs, but this is where I find myself with Linux on this notebook. urlin2u , no I haven't. maybe I should.04:35
urlin2umichaelgamble, what is yoiur ram?04:35
michaelgamblei would like to run at anywhere between 250mb - 500mb04:35
Skemecrazytimmy98: what for?04:35
crazytimmy96ive tried to locate it but it just gives me some random files04:35
crazytimmy96i want to program in java04:35
Oermichaelgamble, try Lubuntu then04:35
michaelgamblewhats lubuntu04:35
urlin2umichaelgamble, lubuntu will run there.04:35
Skemewhy you wanna do it in terminal?04:35
crazytimmy96i use it for c++04:35
BIGBOOMBANeek0: hmmm, that doesn't list the DVD-RW that it should04:35
crazytimmy96and i dont like to download unessessary things like net beans and eclipse04:36
crazytimmy96unless nessessary04:36
onlinehi crazy04:36
Skemejust use gedit04:36
Skemeand command line to compile04:36
crazytimmy96how can i compile it04:36
Neek0crazytimmy96: you can use nano or vi04:36
crazytimmy96it wont let me use javac04:36
onlineuse netbean04:36
Oermichaelgamble, Lubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_requirements or maybe Xubuntu04:36
urlin2umichaelgamble, ubuntu with a different desktop. http://lubuntu.net/04:36
crazytimmy96how can i compile a java file04:37
onlineuse netbean for java its make jar04:37
michaelgamblebut will support nautilus app?04:37
crazytimmy96how can i compile java in terminal04:37
Neek0crazytimmy96: have you installed the java jre?04:37
shawnboythanks for at least responding urlin2u and xangua . I guess I'll have to try something past Lucid, but I'm not sure if my hardware will keep up and not sure if the wifi connection for this card will be fixed in later versions if it's not in Lucid.04:37
Skemeyou have to install a compiler and then run javac etc04:37
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: still you didn't get it?, try reinstalling openjdk04:38
urlin2ushawnboy, what is the card?04:38
crazytimmy96sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk04:38
crazytimmy96ive done it over 5 times04:38
crazytimmy96and on different terminals04:38
onlineno java bin?04:38
epodokay I installed gnome3... how do I make unity stop loading?04:38
Skemeepod: choose gnome-classic from the menu before you login..04:38
Neek0BIGBOOMBA: looks like you need to see why your drive is not showing up04:38
Skemeepod: but unity rocks04:38
onlinejavac hello.java04:38
epodSkeme, hm I didnt see that, I'll check again04:38
urlin2uepod, choose gnome a with the cog at login04:38
epodSkeme, except that I have no xchat tray notification04:39
onlineat java bin04:39
zivesteri just upgraded 11.04 with gnome2 to 11.10... im pretty sure that will install unity... how can i replace it with xubuntu?  is it just `sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop` ?04:39
epodty, brb04:39
Skemeepod: click the gear icon next to your username at hte login screen04:39
shawnboyurlin2u, Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)04:39
onlinetry javac -----------its java compiler or gcj04:39
shawnboyI've tried all the fixes and workarounds. My card is one that is listed as "working" but it connects, disconnects, connects, disconnects.04:39
crazytimmy96javac throws me an error saying that i need to install openjdk-7-jdk04:40
crazytimmy96which i have done multiple times04:40
urlin2ushawnboy, that card is supported, but it sounds like your getting it to work, just not well.04:40
shawnboyyeah. not reliably at all, urlin2u04:41
onlinetry on solaris take jdk704:41
crazytimmy96ive tried oricle04:42
crazytimmy96is solaris different04:42
shawnboyI have several other wifi devices that work fine, so it's not other net components. and this card works rock solid under Jaunty.04:42
shawnboyLucid driver is what it comes down too. really bums me out too, because I'd like to upgrade.  urlin2u04:42
Skemeepod: get it?04:43
crazytimmy96should i get jdk or jre???04:43
onlinei dont have jdk 704:43
epodSkeme, yep, gnome3 working well, ty :)04:43
Skemeepod: now you can get rid of xchat and move to Smuxi :)04:43
Neek0crazytimmy96: jdk04:43
onlinesudo apt-get install jdk7 is error?04:43
crazytimmy96i have jdk7 from oracle but for some reason, it does not work04:44
jademonkeyany experts out there with scanners on ubuntu?04:44
onlinejdk is java developer kit, j r e is java runtime kit for mozilla04:44
onlinefor compile you need file name javac04:44
onlineat java bin04:45
crazytimmy96I have that thought04:45
Skemeyou install it and restart?04:45
Neek0crazytimmy96: remove the oracle jdk and try the one from the repositories openjdk-7-jdk04:45
linux_  04:45
crazytimmy96openjkd-7-jdk does not work04:45
crazytimmy96thats y i used oracle jdk04:46
onlineopenjdk7 is just source perhaps still still experient04:46
Neek0crazytimmy96: i c04:46
PleaseGawdGetting this error when installing wine, any ideas?...installArchives() failed: dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18288 package 'libgl1-mesa-glx:i386':  `Depends' field, invalid package name `libxdaage1': character `' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters `-+._') Error in function:  SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)04:46
onlineshould make file fisrt04:46
crazytimmy96i made a helloWorld.java with gedit04:46
crazytimmy96but i dont know how to compile it04:47
onlineits not good mono with C#?04:47
[deXter]crazytimmy96, did you install a JDK?04:47
crazytimmy96oracle jdk 704:47
onlinewhy not use netbean for java04:47
[deXter]then just go "javac helloWorld.java"04:47
crazytimmy96it does not work04:47
crazytimmy96thats my problem04:48
crazytimmy96i can c the javac file right in front of me04:48
onlinejust install netbean its done04:48
[deXter]what's the error?04:48
crazytimmy96hold on04:48
crazytimmy96ill post it04:48
PleaseGawdwhats up again still going thru the setup of this new OS and im having trouble installing Wine. can i get some help...04:48
crazytimmy96javac helloWorld.java04:48
crazytimmy96The program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:04:48
crazytimmy96 * openjdk-6-jdk04:48
crazytimmy96 * ecj04:48
crazytimmy96 * gcj-4.4-jdk04:48
FloodBot1crazytimmy96: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:48
crazytimmy96 * gcj-4.6-jdk04:48
onlinejavac hello.java then to run java hello.class04:48
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: do install openjdk-6-jdk04:49
Neek0crazytimmy96: where is "right in front of you"? mine shows up in /usr/bin/javac04:49
crazytimmy96openjdk does not work04:49
[deXter]crazytimmy96, yep you haven't installed the jdk04:49
=== sfears_ is now known as sfears
[deXter]crazytimmy96, sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk04:49
onlineopenjdk is sparc04:49
crazytimmy96i have oracle jdk04:50
onlinejust java hello.class04:50
Skemetry /user/java/jdk1.7.0_02/bin/javac hello.java04:50
Skemeor whatever the path is04:50
crazytimmy96online: urs does not work04:50
Skememaybe javac is outside your execute path04:50
crazytimmy96skeme: it does not work04:50
Skemewhats the output for which javac ?04:51
crazytimmy96and my javac is in my java folder where i try to program the java files04:51
crazytimmy96skeme: i dont know what ur talking about04:51
Skemethen you dont have it installed correctly04:51
Skemeif you type 'which javac' and get nothing.. its not installed04:52
crazytimmy96Skeme: i did get nothing04:52
crazytimmy96how can i install it then04:52
Skemehow did you install oracle java?04:52
crazytimmy96i went online04:53
crazytimmy96downloaded the appropriate file04:53
crazytimmy96extracted it to my programming folder04:53
crazytimmy96btw i already have openjdk and oracle jdk both downloaded04:53
crazytimmy96so i dont understand the problem04:53
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Neek0crazytimmy96: they may be conflicting at the moment04:54
Neek0remove one or the other04:54
crazytimmy96ill get rid of openjdk04:54
[deXter]Neek0, type this: javac -version04:54
wrektjetok im back on lucid. i was given a new graphics card to replace one under warranty - however no proprietary drivers are being found04:54
Skemecrazytimmy96: sudo apt-get install default-jdk04:54
Neek0javac 1.7.0_14704:54
crazytimmy96Skeme: will that work?04:54
Skemecrazytimmy96: yes.04:54
crazytimmy96im removing openjdk right now04:55
crazytimmy96hold on04:55
crazytimmy96btw thanks for all your help u guys04:55
[deXter]err sorry04:55
BIGBOOMBAthe output of  "lshw" incorrectly states that there is no disc in my cd/dvd drive ("status=nodisk")04:55
[deXter]I meant, crazytimmy96, type this:  javac -version04:55
jademonkeyanyone proficient with scanners on ubuntu?04:55
pangolinI am getting an error and I don't know how to resolve it. any clues? bzr builddeb -- -uc -us   bzr: ERROR: unknown command "builddeb"04:55
Neek0[dexter]: yeah, i was wondering why you asked me.. lol04:55
crazytimmy96Skeme: what was it i should type04:56
Skemecrazytimmy96: sudo apt-get install default-jdk04:56
crazytimmy96ok its installing04:56
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: now everything will be ok. :)04:57
crazytimmy96how can i get rid of oracle jdk04:57
Skemedont owrry about it04:57
Skemejust delete the folder04:57
Skemeaftger that install is done04:57
Skemerun javac04:57
wrektjethello a new install of lucid after running lshw is not recognizing my video card - although i know from a diff OS it is def sorking correctly.04:57
Skemeand see if it works04:57
FloodBot1Skeme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
Skemesame result?04:57
crazytimmy96javac cant be found04:58
Skemerestart your computer04:58
crazytimmy96gimme like 5 mins04:58
crazytimmy96ill keep same user04:58
Skemeshouldnt really have to .. but who knows04:58
wrektjetany ideas where to begin fi lshw returns no GPU?04:59
Skemepangolin: you have the most recent version of bzr? check here: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=47254304:59
ubottuDebian bug 472543 in bzr-builddeb "bzr-builddeb: FTBFS: Unknown command "test-builddeb"" [Serious,Fixed]04:59
pangolinSkeme: I installed the version from the repos.05:00
reCAPTCHAHey all.. so I have two laptops running 11.10 right next to each other.. one never gets used.... so how can I LAN them so that I can control them both at once?05:02
reCAPTCHA... dual screen style.05:02
SkemereCAPTCHA: Why?05:02
Skemecrazytimmy96: any luck?05:02
reCAPTCHASkeme, because it'd be awesome like that.05:02
crazytimmy96hold on05:02
SkemereCAPTCHA: well.. you can probably put use vnc and then have a hotspot so that when you put your mouse on 1 spot on laptop a it moves the cursor to laptop b05:03
Skemeseems a bit ridiculous though05:03
jstrongjust type /quit whoever, and it'll quit them from irc05:03
Skemecrazytimmy96: same result ?05:03
mysticalzeroreCAPTCHA: have you tried synergy?05:03
crazytimmy96Skeme: yup still javac cant b found05:04
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: try sudo updatedb && locate /bin/javac            (it might take some time), I beleive you have one javac05:04
Oerwrektjet, lspci | grep -i VGA05:04
mysticalzeroreCAPTCHA: http://synergy-foss.org/05:04
somsipcrazytimmy96: may I suggest slowing down. Firstly, is javac actually installed? Is it on your path? Is JAVA_HOME set? etc...05:04
wrektjetoer VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 68bf05:04
crazytimmy96how can i check to see if i have javac05:05
epodI like this gnome3 corner menu thing05:05
epodit's nice05:05
nothcrazytimmy96:  type javac05:05
somsipcrazytimmy96: sudo updatedb, but it may take a few inutes. then 'sudo locate javac'05:05
crazytimmy96somsip im in the middle of that05:06
crazytimmy96right now05:06
Skemekk that will find it05:06
crazytimmy96if i dont have it then what05:06
somsipcrazytimmy96: I just saw the quicker response. One thing at a time though. It might be the way to sort your problem easier05:06
nothcrazytimmy96: type is a shell builtin, it's a good util05:06
crazytimmy96is a shell builtin?05:07
crazytimmy96what does updatedb do05:07
somsipcrazytimmy96: no. A shell has builtin commands - they are not executables separate to the shell05:07
Skemeit updates the locate database05:07
crazytimmy96Skeme: it is taking a long time05:07
Skemeyea it will05:08
crazytimmy96it returned with a bunch of destinations05:08
crazytimmy96but they lead to my side-booted windows files05:08
crazytimmy96and one destination from this location05:09
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: which is that?05:09
jademonkeyanyone out there proficient with scanners and/or sane on ubuntu?05:09
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: type the line exactly in terminal, and see what do you get05:09
somsipcrazytimmy96: your intention was so uninstall openjdk. It appears you still have a conflict05:10
Skemesomsip: that was not his intention05:10
crazytimmy96it gave back source code i think05:10
aeon-ltdjademonkey: ask a more specific question related to your problem05:10
Skemecrazytimmy96: type '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/javac helloworld.java'05:10
Skemeor whatever your .java file is called05:10
somsipSkeme: this line suggests otherwise, but no matter to me "11:55 < crazytimmy96> im removing openjdk right now05:11
crazytimmy96it gave me errors in my code05:11
Skemesomsip: yea you didnt see after that, when i told him to install default-jdk .. which is a metapackage05:11
Skemecrazytimmy96: that means its working05:11
somsipSkeme: I did see that, but didn't know it was a meta. Fair enough05:11
crazytimmy96but javac does not work05:11
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: now what error do you get? pastebin if more than 2 line05:12
crazytimmy96i mean 'javac helloWorld.java'05:12
jademonkeyDCP-7020 on a Ubuntu 11.04 system. the printer function is fine but scanner not detected through 'simple scan' nor can I find anyone reference to a brother entry in SANE. Any idea how to proceed?05:12
Skemethats because javac is located in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/ .. you need to add /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/javac to your path or make a symlink from /usr/bin/javac to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/javac05:12
pksadiqcrazytimmy96: oh, now you may create a simlink to the real javac at /usr/bin/javac   and it would be easy05:12
crazytimmy96how can i do that?05:13
Skemecrazytimmy96: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/javac /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/javac05:13
crazytimmy96all of it?05:13
crazytimmy96it says 'file exists'05:13
Skemetype ls -alh /usr/bin/javac05:14
crazytimmy96and when i typed in 'javac helloWorld.java' it still gave me the javac cant b found05:14
Skemewhats it pointing at?05:14
crazytimmy96the new one says no file or directory05:14
Skemecrazytimmy96: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/javac /usr/bin/javac05:15
Skemei got them backwards sorry05:15
jstrongWho wants to play pong?05:16
Skemehowd ya go crazytimmy?05:17
crazytimmy96which part did u have backwards05:17
Skemei had the target and the destination backwards..05:18
crazytimmy96hold on05:18
crazytimmy96it ran05:18
Skemeand javac?05:18
crazytimmy96it works!!!05:18
* Skeme takes a bow 05:18
crazytimmy96one more question05:18
Skemegezues i need a smoke now05:19
crazytimmy96how can i run after i comiled it05:19
Skemewhat happens when you type java05:19
crazytimmy96bunch of stuff05:20
crazytimmy96options include: ...05:20
Skemelol well compile your helloworld.java and then type java hellworld05:20
crazytimmy96hold on lemme fix my hello world05:20
crazytimmy96throws exception05:21
crazytimmy96but my code is right05:21
crazytimmy96it works05:22
crazytimmy96thank you so much05:22
Skemeno probs.. happy programming05:22
crazytimmy96u r awesome u guys05:22
crazytimmy96im glad linux has this thing05:22
midhunohelp me window border is not showing in ubuntu 11.1005:23
crazytimmy96u guys rock05:23
crazytimmy96now cya guys la8r05:23
crazytimmy96thx again05:23
Skememidhuno: metacity --replace05:23
midhunoskeme , i tried that but unity launcher and panels are missing after i enter metacity --replace05:25
midhunowindow borders are appear again after i restart system05:25
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midhunothen it will gone after sometime05:25
Skemethres a lot of help about this in google.. i had it happen to me on an install i dont remember what I had to do05:26
urlin2umidhuno, the windows header?05:26
midhunourlin2u, ya the window header05:27
midhunoskeme, i searched on google but it always said to try metacity --repace05:27
urlin2umidhuno, no biggie you can create a launcher on the desktop and install the fusion-icon and use it to restart compiz05:27
midhunourlin2u, i dont understand i am new to linux dont know much abt the terminal things05:29
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urlin2umidhuno, have you messed with the desktop with compiz?05:30
jstrongsudo rm -R /* is a good starting point.05:31
midhunourlin2u; i installed ubuntu tweak few weeks back and enable window transpancy and all.....is that is the problem???05:31
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:31
iceroot!ops | jstrong05:31
ubottujstrong: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!05:31
mysticalzeromidhuno: i suggest using "gtk-window-decorator --replace". using "metacity --replace" while you inside a unity session is quite undesirable.05:31
mysticalzerowhile you are inside*.. opps typo..05:32
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urlin2umidhuno, compiz has a bad refresh so it sounds as iff you need to restart it rather then reboot, you can do that in a terminal with compiz --replac05:32
urlin2umidhuno, compiz --replace05:32
=== Jay is now known as Guest1631
Guest1631Hi everyone. Im having an issue with screen resolution.05:32
elkyjstrong, never ever tell anyone to do that.05:32
midhunourlin2u; i want to prevent the problem is there any way to prevent that from occuring???05:33
jademonkeyjstrong, this is a support channel.05:34
Guest1631My display is only showing 800x600 and 1024x768. If I use 1024x768 I lose my top panel.05:34
jstrongbad joke, fair enough, I'll respect the rules.05:34
elkyjstrong, thanks05:34
urlin2umidhuno, we all do compiz has some problems when tweaked. I just use the desktop launcher to restart compiz, it does it without the double restart of compiz with the terminal command05:35
urlin2umidhuno, have you looked at the gnome 3 desktop it is nce.05:36
midhunourlin2u; i am kind of a unity fan:)05:36
=== Guest1631 is now known as JBunny
jiltdilgood loud Linux mp3 device like sandisk sansa?05:37
jademonkeyhi guys, i am hoping someone my be able to help me out. I have a Brother DCP 7020 on Ubuntu 11.04 and I cannot get the scanner to be recognized (printer is perfect). From what I can tell SANE does not have built in support for brother, I have tried adding the lines to "/lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules," as per brother's site. No go. Any ideas?05:37
jstrongI don't know of any non-linux mp3 device jilt05:37
JBunnycan anyone help with my resolution issue?05:37
mysticalzeromidhuno: as for the cause, you can check the gnome-system-log for where the segfault occurs. Probably it is related to a module of compiz. From there, we could narrow down the search.05:38
jstrongwhat is your resolution issue05:38
JBunnyMy display is only showing 800x600 and 1024x768. If I use 1024x768 I lose my top panel.05:38
jstrongwhat's the native resolution for your monitor05:38
jstrongi mean what is it supposed to be05:38
midhunomysticalzero i dont understand that i am new to linux05:39
WireDreyfussHey, Ubuntu people.  Apt/Synaptic question for you.05:39
WireDreyfussI have a package that failed to install properly.05:39
WireDreyfussIt remains in "installed" status as far as Synaptic is concerned.05:39
urlin2umidhuno, well if needed here is a link that wil get you desktop launchers, just install fusion-icon as well put /usr/bin/fusion-icon in the command for the desktop launcher, ths when clicked will restaert compiz.05:40
WireDreyfussSynaptic tries to complete the installation (runs post-install scripts, etc.) any time I install additional packages.05:40
JBunnyim not sure. im using an LCD TV. Ive been able to set it higher until I just made the switch yesterday to Ubuntu.05:40
WireDreyfussHow do I get the offending packages out of the Apt pipeline?05:40
urlin2umidhuno, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-desktop-launchers-in-ubuntu-11-10oneiric.html05:40
wingless_WireDreyfuss, have you tried purging the offending packagke?05:40
jstrongJBunny have you installed the right vcard drivers?05:40
midhunourlin2u for that i want 2 instal fusionicon app???05:40
WireDreyfussI tried marking "Remove" in Synaptic.05:40
WireDreyfussIt failed to remove.05:41
wingless_do you know the name of the package?05:41
JBunnyi wouldnt know. im just using the onboard video card. is there a way to find out which ones i would need?05:41
kopsudo apt-get purge remove05:41
WireDreyfussYeah.  It's a kernel upgrade.  It was marked by default when I hit "upgrade all", but I'm running a Live distribution, which (I understand) makes the kernel non-upgradable.05:41
WireDreyfussError text was: "An error occured."  E: linux-image- subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 105:42
jstrongJBunny: did ubuntu prompt you to install proprietary drivers? if so, install those05:42
WireDreyfusskop, thanks.  was not aware of the Purge option.  I'll try that.05:42
JBunnyit never mentioned any.05:42
urlin2umidhuno, yeah sudo apt-get install fusion-icon in the terminal or look in the ubuntu softwrae center05:42
WireDreyfussBtw, this is probably a broader probelm with *ubuntu distributions.  Live distros shoudl be "smart" enough not to mark things they can't install for installation...05:43
wingless_WireDreyfuss, just out of curiosity, when you say live do you mean you're running from a live cd or usb stick?05:43
kop if sudo apt-get purge remove does not work beat it with a lead filled snow shoe until injured or preferably dead05:43
wingless_I see...yeah, try apt-get purge05:43
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, you running a persistent usb stick?05:43
jstrongJBunny - widescreen or 4:3?05:43
WireDreyfussno package name with purge?  purge purges...everything?05:43
kopsyntax error , mine05:44
wingless_no no, run sudo apt-get purge packagename...probably sudo apt-get purge linux-image-
JBunnynot sure. im sorry, i am brand new to this. if i had to guess id say 4:305:44
mysticalzeromidhuno: i apologized for being technical. anyway, linux logs crashes and their details to files. so what we could do to find out the cause is to investigate the log. So first, on your unity panel, search for "log file viewer" and launch that.05:44
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.05:44
jademonkeyhi guys, i am hoping someone my be able to help me out. I have a Brother DCP 7020 on Ubuntu 11.04 and I cannot get the scanner to be recognized (printer is perfect). From what I can tell SANE does not have built in support for brother, I have tried adding the lines to "/lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules," as per brother's site. No go. Any ideas?05:44
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, one of the problems with that setup is the casper-rw files fills up and can't really be cleaned, it has limitations.05:44
kopsudo apt-get --purge remove05:44
WireDreyfussurlin2u, Yeah.  I discovered that.  Some sort of corruption crops up in GVFS.05:45
midhunomysticalzero, k i launched that05:45
jstrongtry running this command: xrandr —addmode HDMI1 1280x102405:45
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, how big is the usb and how big a one can you get?05:45
mysticalzeromidhuno: then on the right, you should see kern.log. click on that.05:46
JBunnyim using VGA; so I would just change the HDMI1 to VGA and use the line, correct?05:46
WireDreyfuss8G USB.  I originally ran with 2G Persistence file and all seemed well...until GVFS corruption set in.05:46
mysticalzeromidhuno:opps.. i meant on the left05:46
jstrongerr, well, actually05:46
WireDreyfussI'm now running with 6G Persistence, just to see how it performs.05:46
jstrongfirst run just "xrandr"05:46
jstrongto see what the VGA number is05:46
midhunomysticalzero k then??05:46
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, I would do a full install it will run like a regular install, and clean up nicely.05:46
jstrongyou should see something along the lines of "VGA# connected to (res)"05:46
WireDreyfusskop, I might have to dig out my snow shoes.  `sudo apt-get purge` failed to purge.  same erorr as Synaptic spit out.05:46
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, you will have more space the OS is about 2.7 gigs05:47
JBunnyit says: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 800 x 600, maximum 8192 x 819205:47
JBunnyVGA1 connected 800x600+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm05:47
JBunny   1024x768       60.005:47
JBunny   800x600        60.3*    56.205:47
JBunny   848x480        60.005:47
FloodBot1JBunny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
JBunny   640x480        59.905:47
jstrongk, so it is one, just give me a second05:47
WireDreyfussurlin2u, The OS appears to take up 676Mb on the USB.  I did an install, to a 4G SSD drive in an Asus eeePC.  (that's why I made my original persistence file so small, to test the space constraint)05:48
WireDreyfussStrange thing: the fully installed OS took up, as you say, 2.5G of a 2.8G partition, and allocated a gig for swap.05:48
mysticalzeromidhuno: then on the right, the list is sorted from the earliest to the latest. Now, assuming the window manager crashed recently, scroll all the way down to the end and look for entries containing the word "segfault".05:48
WireDreyfussThere wasn't enough space to install the first round of updates.05:49
reCAPTCHASo, in Ubuntu 11.10, when I share a wired connection with another computer, I keep getting Wired Network Connection Established... then Disconnected over and over again.... the connected computer seems tohave no problems, but it's an annoying notification...05:49
WireDreyfussLed me to wonder if I could do a Live-type install on the /dev/sda harddrive.05:49
mysticalzeromidhuno: paste the entry here so we could find out what the problem is.05:49
kopanyone care where to find kernel headers for ?05:49
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, you could preformat no swap onboard and use a usb for swap if needed05:50
wingless_reCAPTCHA, can you connect to the target computer using a different computer05:50
jstrongJbunny, run this:05:50
midhunomysticalzero; radiotray[1665]: segfault at 4 ip 007076d4 sp bfd330cc error 6 in libdbus-1.so.3.5.7[6e0000+47000]05:50
kop /me checking /usr/src/imamoron :-)05:51
reCAPTCHAwingless, I have no problems connecting to the target computer using the current setup... it's just i keep getting this toggling notification ever since updating to 11.10 from 10.04.05:51
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WireDreyfussurlin2u, that's a thought.  But if I'm going to run with a USB drive sticking out the side anyway, I may as well just run Live.  HOPEFULLY with a big enough casper-rw persistence file, I won't run the thing out of space.05:51
jstrongcvt 1280 102405:51
JBunnyjstrong, there was nothing after the :05:51
jstrongyes, sorry, heh05:51
midhunomysticalzero, gtk-window-deco[1669]: segfault at 100 ip 08056008 sp bfc0f720 error 4 in gtk-window-decorator[8048000+1b000]05:51
WireDreyfussBut, the corruption I saw in GVFS, that's definitely an out-of-space issue?05:51
jstrong1280x1024 is the resolution, NOW, that might not be the one I want05:51
heather76Hi, I was using ubuntu 10.04.03 and I upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 by mistake and now I can not login anymore cause I used the alternative cd of ubuntu 10.04.03 to setup lvm encryption on the hdd is there anyway to revert back or save my install of 10.04.03 ?05:51
jstrongI cannot tell you the one you want, it depends on what your monitor supports.05:51
kopok where by what name is/are the headers ?05:52
jstronghowever I'm guessing it will be in the range of your TV, since 1280x1024 is a relatively low resolution05:52
jstrongand paste what was the result here05:52
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, the persistent set up will eventually fill itself up and not run, if you remove the casper it is just the iso, everything lost, this sort of knocks out a regular computer install which would have toi be hacked anyway.05:53
jstrongsee the modeline?05:53
jstrong"1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync05:53
jstrongdo this05:53
jstrongxrandr —newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync05:54
wingless_reCAPTCHA, so connectivity is good,  but you just get an annoying pop-up?05:54
WireDreyfussurlin2u, thanks for the input.  I didn't realize the Live distors were limited lifetime that wya.05:54
jstrongonce you have done that, add the new mode with this command05:54
jstrongxrandr —addmode VGA1 1280x1024_60.0005:54
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, here is a method for larger casper-rw setups for future refrence, you can also make a ext2 partition name it casper-rw and it will run as one. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-create-a-larger-casper-rw-loop-file/    the casper-rw I assume you realize is where the stuff added goes to it is the persistence file.05:55
reCAPTCHAwingless, I think so... well.. it does seem a bit slower than usual.... maybe I should downgrade to 10.04 again...05:55
reCAPTCHACan one downgrade from 11.10 to 10.0405:55
jstrongthen you should be able to see the 1280x1024 screen resolution in the monitor settings in ubuntu05:55
jstrongand can try it out :)05:55
WireDreyfusswow.  sounds perfect.05:55
JBunnythanks, ill take a look.05:55
jstrongonce again, the resolution you want depends on your monitor05:55
WireDreyfussurlin2u, yeah.  that was clear just from the size of the file.05:56
mustafahi guys..05:56
mustafaI have a problem..05:56
jstrongi have one 1680x1050 and a 1280x1024, I'm pretty sure some people here have 1900x1200 and others have 1152x76805:56
JBunnystill nothing. only the two settings and it says unknown in black letters against a pink background on the little monitor.05:56
jstrongand, well, you get the idea :P05:56
jstrongit's not detecting your monitor model05:56
urlin2uWireDreyfuss, you could make the thumb into a persistent with 7 gigs if you wanted of persistence05:56
jstrongso it doesn't know what resolutions to use05:56
mustafawhen I connect my headphones to my laptop there is a noise coming from the speakers..05:57
jstrong"it" meaning ubuntu05:57
JBunnyi see05:57
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
heather76Hi, I was using ubuntu 10.04.03 and I upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 by mistake and now I can not login anymore cause I used the alternative cd of ubuntu 10.04.03 to setup lvm encryption on the hdd is there anyway to revert back or save my install of 10.04.03 ?05:57
wingless_reCAPTCHA, I don't think you can downgrade (but google might prove me wrong).  upgrading can only happen in increments, too...you can't go from 10.04 to 11.10 in one step05:57
WireDreyfussurlin2u, yeah.  It looks like I can do that at install-time with Universal USB Installer under Windows.05:58
jstrongJBunny, sorry, I have to go05:58
jstrongbut this might be of some use:05:58
midhuno<mysticalzero> r u der05:58
mysticalzeromidhuno: your second reply on the segfault seems legit. I can't say what causes it. But it seems like a bug in one of those modules. So yea. It should be closely related to what you modified in ubuntu tweak. If you don't mind losing the customization, you could try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/88922/window-borders-missing-gtk-window-decorator-segmentation-fault05:58
JBunnyno problem, thanks for trying.05:58
almoxarifeJBunny: is the point to have the highest resolution on the tv?05:58
WireDreyfussurlin2u, what I'm not clear on is what GVFS is, and where it comes in.05:59
JBunnynot really. i'd be happy with the 1024 or just above that if i didn't lose my top panel05:59
almoxarifeJBunny: if you are talking to me add my nick, thnks06:00
JBunnysorry almoxarife. yes, that was addressed to you.06:00
don-slepianHello all.  I have an HP Photosmart 5510 multi-purpose Printer that is printing fine under Ubuntu 11.10.  I can't get the scanner part of it to work, even when I loaded the HPLIP extras from my terminal.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Thank you.06:00
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almoxarifeJBunny: what card?06:00
JBunnyit is the onboard card of an HP slimline06:01
WireDreyfussLooks like the tutorial you linked to actually formats the file as ext3.  Does GVFS permit the usual ext3 driver to mount the filesystem in the casper-rw file?  Like I say, I'm just not clear on what it does (aside from become corrupted).06:01
JBunnysorry, almoxarife. It is the onboard card of an HP SLimline. I am new to IRC. Apologies.06:01
almoxarifeJBunny: ubuntu version?06:02
JBunny11.10 64bit06:02
JBunnyalmoxarife: 11.10 64bit06:03
almoxarifeJBunny: so what is the actual issue?06:03
multipass|Im trying to make an alias, and it says to run "source ." after you create it in bash_aliases. what does "source ." mean?06:03
midhuno<mysticalzero> is there any permanent cure for my problem???06:03
JBunnyalmoxarife: when i go to Displays, only 800x600 and 1024x768 are shown to me. If I go to 1024x768 and apply it I lose visibility of my top panel. It is still there if I take my mouse off screen, but not visible to me.06:04
WireDreyfussAnd, if I read the wiki page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS ) a'right, it looks like GVFS has nothing to do with casper.  Maybe it's getting corrupted all on its own and I wasn't out of space...06:05
midhunomysticalzero Jan 10 10:46:46 Indeevaram-Netbook kernel: [ 2090.005377] gtk-window-deco[1658]: segfault at 100 ip 08056008 sp bfd66dc0 error 4 in gtk-window-decorator[8048000+1b000]06:05
midhunoJan 10 10:51:50 Indeevaram-Netbook kernel: [ 2394.366289] compiz[1626]: segfault at 69737878 ip 04a03982 sp bfb55a00 error 4 in libunityshell.so[4884000+20e000]06:05
almoxarifeJBunny: would you open a terminal please, or if you would pastebin your /var/log/xorg.0.log06:06
JBunnyi have a terminal open06:06
almoxarifeJBunny: copy paste the line below06:07
almoxarifeJBunny: sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:07
ponrajuganesh_I am trying to use password less ssh, it is working for the user:temp but not the root user? what could be the problem?06:07
ponrajuganesh_could anyone help pls06:07
mysticalzeromidhuno: I can't say for sure. It's most likely a bug with unity or ubuntu. I'm not a developer. So the best bet for now is to file for a bug report. On how to do that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs06:07
Skemeponrajuganesh_: dont do that06:08
Skemeponrajuganesh_: let them sudo06:08
JBunnyalmoxarife: i just ran  sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:08
Skemeponrajuganesh_: dont let root ssh in with no password JC06:08
almoxarifeJBunny: when that completes, copy paste next line and share link you will receive as output06:08
ponrajuganesh_I need to send many files to other server and then start them, for every scp I cant ask for the sw @Skeme06:08
almoxarifepastebinit /var/log/xorg.0.log06:09
ponrajuganesh_only so asking ? pls do get the ways or if anyother way is there? Skeme06:09
mysticalzeromidhuno: By the way, have you try removing those folders that is stipulated in the first link I gave? And then, try logging out and logging back in.06:09
almoxarifeJBunny: pastebinit /var/log/xorg.0.log06:09
JBunnyalmoxarife: Unable to read from: /var/log/xorg.0.log06:10
Skemeponrajuganesh_: check ssh-copy-id but again I would probably not recommend doing that from root06:10
Skemeponrajuganesh_: su to root, then ssh-copy-id root@remoteserver.com .. then put in your password .. done06:11
almoxarifeJBunny: pastebinit /var/log/xorg.1.log06:11
JBunnyalmoxarife: again, it said unable to read06:11
ponrajuganesh_I understand Y u say those, but is there any other way? @Skeme, need to send an xml file and a java file and should start the java file06:11
jstrongmaybe missing the 'sudo' ?06:12
JBunnyjstrong: are you talking to me?06:12
Skemeponrajuganesh_: not sure how you could execute the java file after scping it up there.. maybe make a script on the remote server to scp Pull the file to it, then execute it06:13
jstrongyeah try sudoing it, dunno if you can read from var/log without admin permissions06:13
mysticalzeromidhuno: once you reset your customization with unity by deleting those folders and the problem goes away. Then you have a strong basis for reporting a bug. Better yet, try repeating the customization that you did to test the repeatibility of the problem. This is something that the developers could address I'm afraid.06:13
JBunnyjstrong: still unable06:13
mysticalzeromidhuno: *could only address06:14
almoxarifeJBunny: lspsi | pastebinit06:14
almoxarifeJBunny: lspci | pastebinit06:14
ponrajuganesh_Ya that could be done @Skeme , but the thing is need to send these files with the scp , every time it may be asking password, so is there any other way to make the scp not to ask password?06:14
JBunnysays command not found, you are trying to send an empty document, exiting.06:14
multipass|i made an alias for the terminal to a program, but it doesnt work with "sudo". what am i doing wrong?06:15
ponrajuganesh_I mean I could run a code there after scping @Skeme, but the problem is to pass those files with the password06:15
almoxarifeJBunny: lspci | pastebinit06:15
Skemeponrajuganesh_: yes, once you do the ssh-copy-id .. it will no longer ask for password06:15
JBunnyalmoxarife: says command not found, you are trying to send an empty document, exiting.06:15
midhunomysticalzero no gconf2 on my system06:15
almoxarifeJBunny: is there output to the command                  lspci06:16
ponrajuganesh_is this command right should ? ssh-copy-id root@remoteSErverIP @Skeme06:16
mysticalzeromidhuno: that's fine. how about gnome2 and compiz-1?06:16
ponrajuganesh_I am getting this as error, @Skeme "mkdir: Failed to make directory "~/.ssh"; No such file or directory sh: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys: cannot create"06:17
midhunomysticalzero i deleted that06:17
almoxarifeJBunny: are you copy pasting or re-writting?06:17
mysticalzeromidhuno: so how did it go? have you log out and log in?06:18
Skemeponrajuganesh_: run ssh-keygen first06:18
JBunnyalmoxarife: yes, it mentioned my VGA controller here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/799011/ I am copy and pasting so I don't have mistakes.06:18
midhunomysticalzero no 1min06:18
ponrajuganesh_@Skeme are these the steps 1.ssh-keygen 2.ssh-copy-id root@remoteIPaddress or should we add any more06:19
almoxarifeJBunny: thats interesting, one line of output06:20
Skemeponrajuganesh_: that should do it.. when you run ssh-keygen just take all the default answers.. then run #206:20
almoxarifeJBunny: any idea why you would not have a xorg.0(as in zero).log???06:21
ponrajuganesh_@Skeme it says the same error?06:21
JBunnyalmoxarife: no there were more. a lot more. http://paste.ubuntu.com/799013/ i thought that would be the only relevant one. i really don't know what is important and what isn't. this is my first day on Ubuntu.06:21
JBunnyalmoxarife: i'm sorry.06:22
midhunomysticalzero i did that... nw appears normal06:22
jstrongsorry you are having a rough day on your first day on ubuntu JBunny06:23
almoxarifeJBunny: ic, perhaps unless you are worried about personal information being given away(which there wouldnt be any, unless you hold the guts of your pc to be so) i wont be asking for personal data, but please dont decide what is pertinent either06:23
mysticalzeromidhuno: perhaps it's a bug after all. why not try repeating what you did with ubuntu tweak?06:24
Skemeponrajuganesh_: umm thats weird that you cant make a folde rin your home dir06:24
wrektjethello. im in 10.04 and my graphics card is seemingly nonexistant as lshw sees nothing although  lspci | grep -i VGA returns VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 68bf06:24
ponrajuganesh_may be should I check the permission06:24
midhunomysticalzero no tweaks i made by ubuntutweak are gone...06:24
JBunnyjstrong: not your fault. every time i've thought of switcihng somethin happens that sends me back to Micro$oft. almoxarife: im sorry. i just hadn't thought the rest was important. the link i sent you after the one that was only the VGA related line was the whole entry.06:25
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mysticalzeromidhuno: no. I meant try redoing the tweaks that you made and see if the problem comes back. That way, you would have a stronger case to file for a bug report.06:25
almoxarifeJBunny: what i am trying to get at is what driver is running, that would be the easiest thing if i saw the contents of xorg.0.log, to see that log i need you to copy paste the next line to terminal exactly as is06:26
mysticalzeromidhuno: i know it's gone. that's to be expected when you removed the folders.06:26
almoxarifeJBunny: pastebinit /var/log/xorg.0.log06:26
mysticalzeromidhuno: forget unity. jump over to cinnamon. ;p06:27
JBunnyalmoxarife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799016/06:27
midhunomysticalzero is it possible to use cinnamon in ubuntu??06:27
almoxarifeJBunny: and stop being sorry, this is not life critical, we will all wake up tomorrow god willing06:27
jstrongcd /var/log     ls06:28
Skemegood luck with all your problems folks.. see ya tomorrow06:28
JBunnyalmoxarife: i'll try. just don't like being a bother is all.06:28
robbbiewhats the best site for background wallpapers?06:29
mysticalzeromidhuno: yea. in fact, i'm using it right now. it's quite nice. it combines the traditional gnome2 and bits of gnome-shell.06:29
JBunnyjstrong: i am now in /var/log$06:30
urlin2u!best | robbbie06:30
ubotturobbbie: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:30
almoxarifeJBunny: ls | pastebinit06:30
mysticalzeromidhuno: and plus, there is a lot of potential for future expansions since the cinnamon's backend is gnome3.06:30
robbbieanyone know any sites for wallpapers? ha06:30
JBunnyalmoxarife: jstrong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799018/06:31
midhunomysticalzero can i download it from its site?? so that i can switch it from the login sceen like gnome shell06:31
jstrongah, so that's the problem06:31
jstrongdo this then06:31
jstrongpastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:32
almoxarifeJBunny: sudo cat /var/log/xorg.0.log | pastebinit06:32
JBunnyjstrong: almoxarife: idk which one to try first! lol06:32
almoxarifeJBunny: sudo cat /var/log/xorg.0.log | pastebinit06:32
jstrongI think the problem is the case Almo. the file on his machine is Xorg instead of "xorg"06:32
JBunnyalmoxarife: jstrong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799021/06:33
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=== LargePrime is now known as Guest59325
jstrongwell that worked. now i can't really read the xorg file and give any useful advice so I'll let almo do his analysis :P06:35
almoxarifejstrong: handy little app aint it?06:36
jstrongyou mean pastebinit?06:36
JBunnyjstrong: lol sounds good. is there any sort of buddy list on IRC so I could add you and almoxarife?06:36
almoxarifejstrong: yes06:36
mysticalzeromidhuno: yep.. just download the cinnamon deb file and the cinnamon session deb file.06:36
jstrongalmo: very06:36
jstrongwasn't familiar with it06:37
almoxarifeJBunny: what kind of monitor do you have?06:37
almoxarifejstrong: did you look at the xorg?06:37
JBunnyalmoxarife: it's an LCD TV that has VGA on the back.06:37
jstrongwell I "looked" at it but don't know how to parse it really06:38
almoxarifeJBunny: does your computer have hdmi output?06:38
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JBunnyalmoxarife: no, it doesn't. neither does the TV. I guess thats what I get for only paying 100 for it. lol06:39
almoxarifeJBunny: the tv is a real tv and it has a vga connector?06:40
JBunnyalmoxarife: yes06:40
almoxarifeJBunny: ubuntu does not recognize the tv06:41
JBunnyalmoxarife: well that cant be good.06:41
almoxarifeJBunny: what app did you use to change the resolution?06:42
JBunnyalmoxarife: the displays option that came up in the dash.06:42
paulus68on my server I have 2 nics eth0 with ip and eth1 with I have several workstations that can succesfully ping eth1. How do I make eht1 communicate with external network through eth0?06:44
almoxarifeJBunny: the highest resolution works?06:46
jstrongit does work for him but the top bar doesn't show06:47
almoxarifejstrong: overscan?06:47
Edicowhy nautilus doesn't remember the application I use to open a kind of file, after I right-clicked and checked "remember this application for chm documents"?06:48
jstrongalmo: I think that's what he is saying, yes06:48
almoxarifejstrong: you understand xrand?06:49
urlin2uEdico, you hitting set as default06:49
jstrongalmo: just a little06:49
jstrongwhenever I have overscan a "faux solution" is to just change the resolution, so I was trying to find a way to "force" a higher resolution for JBunny06:49
jstrongbut didn't work out06:49
jstrongbut I probably gave him not-too-accurate advice06:49
almoxarifejstrong: is it possible to control overscan with xrand?06:49
jstrongi have no ide06:49
Edicourlin2u, yes I want to set a default application for a kind a file06:50
urlin2uEdico, right click file-properties-open with chose the application hit set as default06:51
=== Pirate is now known as register
jstrongJBunny: I really ahve to go now06:52
jstrongbut look for help on that06:52
jstrongon fixing overscan on ubuntu06:52
Edicourlin2u, that's the problem, doesn't work that06:52
JBunnyjstrong: I will. Have a good night/day.06:52
=== register is now known as Guest70030
jstrongI was trying to change your res toa higher one to see if that would have the side effect of fixing the overscan problem06:52
urlin2uEdico, are you sure your app works on whatever your opening?06:52
jstrongbut maybe you can deal with the problem directly06:52
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almoxarifejstrong: you really need to add the nick of the individual, look at this, xrand and overscan http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Intel_Graphics_Media_Accelerator_95006:53
Edicourlin2u, my application works for the file type I open, but nautilus doesn't remember next time I open the file type to use that application06:54
jstrongalmo: are you trying to help me? if so, thanks, but I don't have any issues06:54
jstrongalmo: I'm just trying to help JBunny06:54
JBunnyjstrong: you never told me if there was anysort of buddy list I could add you to06:55
urlin2uEdico, not sure then06:55
jstrongJBunny: I think that might depend on your IRC client, but I don't think IRC itself supports any type of functionality like that06:55
paulus68on my server I have 2 nics eth0 with ip and eth1 with I have several workstations that can succesfully ping eth1. How do I make eht1 communicate with external network through eth0?06:56
XanthippusHi everyone! :)06:56
dijonyummyis is safe to do a upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10?  of course fresh is better,  but this is a work pc, and partition is en rypted, maybe  be easier to just upgrade06:56
JBunnyjstrong: ah, well i have XChat-GNOME from the software center06:56
XanthippusCan someone please teach me how to make my Ubuntu PC a hotspot? Thanks! :)06:56
Xanthippusdijonyummy: I think it's safer to upgrade if you have valuable data06:57
almoxarifeJBunny: we are all your buddies, if here, and avail to help, i personally dont/wont go out of my way to offer personal help, i just aint that social :), but others might06:57
XanthippusLike me depends on what you need help on.06:58
dijonyummyi saw people with problems posting about doing upgrade on irc, so nervous06:58
JBunnyalmoxarife: ill keep that in mind. now, possibly stupid question here: jstrong mentioned i had X instead of x on my xlog. could that be why xrandr was not working? if I were to try Xrandr instead would i possibly have better luck?06:58
almoxarifeJBunny: you problem at the high res is overscan, i fought with it on a hdmi, but i had a card configuration app that solved it, i dont think one exists for your card, cant be sure though06:59
urlin2udijonyummy, if it goes south you probably will loose what is encrypted.06:59
Xanthippus^ ikr06:59
almoxarifeJBunny: linux is very touchy about file names, caps matter, in a file name, i was asking you to do something that was not possible i suppose, its 'Xorg.0.log' not xorg.0.log07:00
* Xanthippus would like to know how to share Internet through an Ubuntu PC.07:00
JBunnyalmoxarife: could you send me the line again with the capital X so I can try it out? I suppose it would be worth a shot don't ya think?07:01
almoxarifeJBunny: the link for using xrand commands to adjust overscan i found here http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Intel_Graphics_Media_Accelerator_95007:02
almoxarifeJBunny: you pasted the xorg log, what command did you use?07:02
almoxarifeJBunny: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799021/ <-- xorg log07:03
JBunnyalmoxarife: i didnt post it yet. I was asking if you could send me the command to generate it again.07:03
almoxarifeJBunny: sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit07:04
JBunnyalmoxarife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799044/07:05
almoxarifeJBunny: a dup of the last one07:06
JBunnyalmoxarife: hmm, i copied it how you sent it so idk.07:07
almoxarifeJBunny: yes, it wont change, that is the correct output, it worked as it should07:08
JBunnyso does this mean I need a new or different Graphics Card?07:08
JBunnyalmoxarife: does this mean I need a new or different Graphics Card?07:09
almoxarifeJBunny: your card is fine07:09
JBunnyalmoxarife: any ideas then? I cant seem to get the resolution.07:09
almoxarifeJBunny: can you control resolution at the monitor itself?07:10
almoxarifeJBunny: or correct overscan?07:10
JBunnyalmoxarife: hang on I will check07:11
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visual1cei tried making a small encrypted partition but i think i made a mess of it07:12
visual1cewhat do i need to do to get rid of it?07:12
JBunnyalomoxarife: i can only adjust the vertical and horizontal hold07:13
JBunnyalmoxarife: i found an auto adjust on the TV and it worked.07:15
almoxarifeJBunny: good07:16
JBunnyalmoxafire: ty for the help07:17
almoxarifeJBunny: welcome07:17
JBunnyalmoxafire: i owe ya one. have a good night.07:18
bjweihe`I run ubuntu server 10.04 and i have a desktop installed cause sometimes its needed. When i install the ATI driver, everything is fine in in gdm, but when i stop gdm and go back to terminal, my resolutions is really low. How can i change my terminal resolution to 1920x108007:18
rookscan i mount my ecryptfs dir using my login pass on i.e. fresh install that has /home on other partition, and if no, what on earth is unwrap-passphrase for?07:18
almoxarifebjweihe`: sounds like a grub file option might work07:23
bjweihe`almoxarife: i tried changing the res in the grub file07:23
bjweihe`almoxarife: never made a difference. :\ I tried almost everything that can be found on the subject on google07:24
bjweihe`almoxarife: or i never got the right configuration for my setup.07:24
almoxarifebjweihe`: did you change grub to console also?07:25
bjweihe`almoxarife: think its already set as console07:25
wwwdI backed up my home directory to a jump drive. Then reinstalled ubuntu. After reinstalling I added a couple of directories. Am I correct in thinking that if I rsync back it will just add the missing data and not remove the new directories?07:25
almoxarifebjweihe`: i thought it was set graphic, check07:25
bjweihe`almoxarife: #GRUB_TERMINAL=console07:26
almoxarifebjweihe`: its remarked07:26
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bjweihe`almoxarife: so remove the #?07:27
almoxarifebjweihe`: yes07:27
bjweihe`almoxarife: ok hope that fixes it07:27
almoxarifebjweihe`: me too :)07:27
exiffHello and happy new year07:27
exiffHow do i backup my passwords in seahorse?07:28
bjweihe`almoxarife: well i have to reinstall the driver to test this... duh i forgot i removed it lol cause it was't working good07:29
bjweihe`almoxarife: right all i should need after that is sudo update-grub?07:29
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almoxarifebjweihe`: yes07:30
bjweihe`almoxarife: thanks. Fingers crossed07:30
almoxarifebjweihe`: have faith07:30
bjweihe`almoxarife: always :P07:30
almoxarifei wanted to stream ubuntu to the kindle fire, turns out there is a free app for windows, tried it, wine handles it, kindle sees ubuntu but something drops the resolution somewhere at the pc, i wondered if anyone played with it also?07:34
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bjweihe`almoxarife: :( didn't fix it darn. I feel like im so close but yet so far from getting this fixed07:35
DwaynaMi ubicación: Segovia, España07:35
almoxarifebjweihe`: the console resolution does not change?07:35
bjweihe`almoxarife: nope no matter what i do or change it never does07:36
rookscan i mount my ecryptfs dir using my login pass on i.e. fresh install that has /home on other partition, and if no, what on earth is unwrap-passphrase for?07:36
almoxarifebjweihe`: kde has a new app to play with grub, not sure if you want to go there07:36
bjweihe`almoxarife: i even restarted twice07:36
bjweihe`almoxarife: would i need to install the whole kde desktop to use it?07:37
almoxarifebjweihe`: no, but at least the dependencies, i ran a gnome hybrid for along time, without the overhead of a full install07:38
bjweihe`almoxarife: Thanks, ill look into that. With luck it'l work.07:38
bjweihe`almoxarife: thanks for your time. :)07:38
almoxarifebjweihe`: google kde grub gui07:38
bjweihe`almoxarife: ok07:39
bjweihe`almoxarife: Seems there is also one for gnome.07:39
almoxarifebjweihe`: there you go07:40
almoxarifebjweihe`: the kde one just came out, the one i installed anyway07:40
bjweihe`almoxarife: oh.07:41
almoxarifebjweihe`: dont use a gui for grub107:41
bjweihe`almoxarife: i waste so much cpu... running a little webserver and a minecraft classic server on a phenom 2 X6 1100T07:41
paulus68on my server I have 2 nics eth0 with ip and eth1 with I have several workstations that can succesfully ping eth1. How do I make eht1 communicate with external network through eth0?07:41
bjweihe`almoxarife: Wait how do i know if i have grub1 or 2?07:42
almoxarifebjweihe`: you used 'update-grub' that is grub207:42
bjweihe`almoxarife: it also works if i type grub207:43
wingless_bjweihe`, dpkg -l | grep grub07:43
almoxarifebjweihe`: grub2 is /etc/default/grub <-- changes made there and then updating grub07:43
wingless_the grub you have installed will show up with an ii next to it.07:43
bjweihe`yup thats were im making the changes07:44
bjweihe`almoxarife: yea i have 2 it said Version 207:45
almoxarifebjweihe`: why not strip the graphics from your system, use ssh to get into it?07:46
bjweihe`almoxarife: i like to use the graphics for a few things. I do have ssh setup tho07:46
bjweihe`almoxarife: but i prefer to be on the computer itself since its only a foot away from me.07:47
bjweihe`almoxarife: with a 21.5 inch screen...07:47
saju_mgetting error: add bridge failed: Package not installed    while running # brctl addbr br007:48
almoxarifebjweihe`: cool, i had a HTC built for cheap, runns xbmc and not much else,07:48
saju_mi am using ubuntu 11.04, Linux ubuntu 2.6.38-13-server #53-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 28 19:52:56 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:49
saju_mi can not add bridge using command # brctl addbr br0,,   getting error :  add bridge failed: Package not installed07:49
bjweihe`almoxarife:  i see. Yea i just want to use it to render some things in blender sometimes and possibly play a tiny game like once a month. But thats kinda impossible without a desktop. And i like my 1920x1080 terminal07:50
Gentoo64saju_m: have you got bridge-utils installed?07:50
bjweihe`almoxarife: my gpu seems hot tho all the time and i think that has to do with it not having the correct driver.07:50
almoxarifebjweihe`: what gpu?07:51
nbros652Anyone here... I'm trying to find a way to inhibit the screensaver for the duration of a bash script. Anyone know how to do this?07:51
bjweihe`almoxarife: ATI HD 455007:51
Gentoo64saju_m: ok i only googled it..07:51
m8aHow connect my phone to xubuntu 11.10 to use internet via bluetooth07:51
almoxarifebjweihe`: using the 'fgrlx'??? driver? dont know iif i spelled it correctly07:51
bjweihe`almoxarife:  yes i think you spelled it right... yes thats what its using07:52
almoxarifebjweihe`: dont know of another then, thats the card makers aint it?07:52
bjweihe`almoxarife: it says its for my type of card07:53
bjweihe`almoxarife: ubuntu Hardware drivers reccomends it07:53
almoxarifebjweihe`: is the fan full of gunk?07:53
wrektjethello i have a major problem i upgraded to 10.10 and my resolution is totally out of whack. everything is huge and almost nothing fits on the screen. luckily i could get into xchat. i tried to go into monitors and adjust the resolution but the only 3 options were still huge. (720x48) not to mention it doesnt detect my asus monitor like it used to or my GPU can anyone help?07:54
bjweihe`almoxarife: no it has no fan.07:54
slacker-Hi guys, how do I go about getting X to work with i3 onchip video?07:54
bjweihe`almoxarife: its a low profile gpu07:54
almoxarifebjweihe`: add a fan to the case07:54
Gentoo64saju_m: try zgrep CONFIG_BRIDGE /proc/config.gz07:54
bjweihe`almoxarife: the case has plenty of fans... and the cpu is liquid cooled07:54
Gentoo64saju_m: not sure if ubuntu has the proc option enabled07:55
bjweihe`almoxarife: the gpu stutters when trying any games without that driver07:55
almoxarifebjweihe`: liquid? really? , you are over my head now07:55
llutz_saju_m: grep CONFIG_BRIDGE /boot/config-$(uname -r)07:56
bjweihe`almoxarife: lol07:56
m8aHow connect my phone to xubuntu 11.10 to use internet via bluetooth07:56
almoxarifem8a: want to share what the phone type is?07:56
almoxarifem8a: does the system see the phone?07:58
Gentoo64saju_m: do you see bridge in lsmod?07:58
Gentoo64saju_m: i cant really help much :s07:58
m8aYes but can't connect07:59
m8aWhr is nw manager07:59
almoxarifem8a: you mean it will not connect via bluetooth?08:00
paulus68on my server I have 2 nics eth0 with ip and eth1 with I have several workstations that can succesfully ping eth1. How do I make eht1 communicate with external network through eth0?08:00
paulus68!fr |wifilpc08:04
ubottuwifilpc: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:04
nbros652Anyone here... I'm trying to find a way to inhibit the screensaver for the duration of a bash script. Anyone know how to do this?08:05
wrektjetuse caffeine08:05
wrektjetmaybe not08:05
CharminTheMooseI can't ping anything but localhost on an ubuntu netinstall running inside qemu. Any tips on where I should start looking to find the cause?08:06
somsipnbros652: someone posted that yesterday...this channel is logged somewhere. maybe worth checking that?08:06
nbros652somsip: thanks08:07
llutz_nbros http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/0908:07
almoxarifem8a: got the data cable?08:08
xgt001hello, i want to use amd hardware decoding for video playback, there are two versions, 0.7.8 supplied by ubuntu and 0.8.1 supplied by splitted desktops, but the latter upon install, doesnt yeild proper output in vainfo, any ideas?08:09
somsipnbros652: NastyNaz omg for all those that wanted to turn screensaver off in tty: sudo setterm -blank 008:10
nbros652somsip: that would work except, if the script is killed, I want the screensaver to work again.08:11
somsip!anyone | heartinfei08:11
ubottuheartinfei: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:11
somsipnbros652: ah - no idea then. Just remembered that from yesterday, but on seeing it I wondered how useful it might be08:11
nbros652somsip: I think caffeine might do the trick if I can't get dbus-send working.08:11
bullgard6What is the function of the file  /etc/gnome/defaults.list?08:14
dellini have  setup a basic kvm on ubuntu server 10.04  but i don't know much of networking what is best way to configure network for gues (windows xp and another linux )08:14
ponrajuganeshcould any One how to use an ftp command ? I need to send a file to another server? what are all the steps to be done08:14
=== victor9098 is now known as Victor9098
llutz_ponrajuganesh: ftp user@host, cd path/on/server, put file  (man ftp)08:15
XxXHow to connect my phone to xubuntu 11.10 to use internet via bluetooth08:16
wrektjetlooking for help in getting a radeonhd6750 card recognized in 10.10. the monitor is plugged into the card but the display is out of whack and the card isnt recognized via lshw08:16
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest69674
bullgard6dellin: Your English is difficult to understand. Say it in other words please.08:17
llutz_bullgard6:  as "head -1 /etc/gnome/defaults.list  " tells you, default applications to open given mime-types in gnome08:17
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest90951
Ben64Is there any way to lower my Nvidia's speed with dual monitors going?08:18
dellini am not native english speaker08:18
dellinsorry i will try again08:19
dellini have setup a ubuntu linux and i have installed 1 guest os on that but i don't know much of kvm networking08:20
=== Guest90951 is now known as LargePrime
dellinso i want help on kvm networking08:20
ponrajuganeshwhat are all the conf we need to do for using it? llutz_08:22
doritoDanDo you guys know if there's a Mint channel somewhere on Freenode?08:22
doritoDanSorry, wrong chan.08:23
llutz_ponrajuganesh: nothing, ftp should be installed by default08:23
ponrajuganeshya ok,, the recieving system should it have any conf08:23
llutz_ponrajuganesh: sure, it needs a running ftp-server08:24
theadmindoritoDan: There's not, their channel is on SpotChat, is #linuxmint-help08:24
paulus68on my server I have 2 nics eth0 with ip and eth1 with I have several workstations that can succesfully ping eth1. How do I make eht1 communicate with external network through eth0?08:24
doritoDantheadmin: I know, but I'd rather stay on freenode if possible.08:24
theadmindoritoDan: Sorry, there ain't. What do you need help with? I used Mint for quite the while. PM me, I might figure it out.08:25
doritoDanIt's not a specific problem. I just fell in love with it on first sight due to it being the the first professional-looking distro I've seen to date, but after 10 minutes of use it had two big crashes and I've also noticed quite a lot of glitches08:26
doritoDanwhich to me is weird since I downloaded the latest stable/normal/vanilla release.08:26
theadmindoritoDan: err, I said pm, not here08:26
doritoDanYeah sorry. I'm just saying, no need for help.08:26
doritoDanThanks though.08:26
CharminTheMooseI can't ping anything but localhost and gateway on an ubuntu netinstall running inside qemu. Any tips on where I should start looking to find the cause?08:28
llutz_CharminTheMoose: sudo route add default gw <your-gw-ip>08:28
random1Just added a .bash_alias profile and put some aliases in it. restarted terminal but aliases aren't persisted. I even added them to the bashrc file. Anyone know why this is happening08:29
CharminTheMoosellutz, that's already been done. :/08:30
CharminTheMooseroute shows: Destination: Default Gateway:
llutz_CharminTheMoose: and your gw knows its a gw? it configured for ip-forwarding etc.?08:30
TransistOpthe left bar doestn't want to hide, I can't stand ubuntu, There is huge icon is dashboard, can't stand this, I installed gnomeshell and read pages on how to revert to gnome ui, ended up at "(gnome-shell:29200): Clutter-CRITICAL"  Should I install another version or antoher OS08:30
TransistOpWhat a pieice of shit this UI is.08:31
slacker-ok, so I can run lightdm-session which gives me a working desktop but /etc/init.d/lightdm start doesn't work.08:31
CharminTheMoosellutz, I have no idea. But I can get other distros auto connected to the 'net, so I doubt it's a problem with qemu.08:31
llutz_CharminTheMoose: does "ping" work?08:32
xgt001slacker-, just curious, does service lightdm start work?08:32
CharminTheMoosellutz, no, it doesn't. :/08:32
CharminTheMooseall packets are lost08:33
llutz_CharminTheMoose: then check you gateway. if you can ping the gw from qemu, networking basically works08:33
slacker-xgt001: the startup script runs both times and X is trying to start, which causes the screen to flicker but it fails08:33
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slacker-xgt001: I found this in /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log: [+0.02s] CRITICAL: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.background' is not installed08:34
CharminTheMoosellutz, yeah, that's my point. I can ping the gateway that qemu virtualises.. but I can't get past the virtual gateway and onto the 'net.08:34
llutz_CharminTheMoose: oh its not a real gateway? no idea then, i don't really know how qemu does stuff08:35
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
slacker-xgt001: also this: [+0.02s] DEBUG: Connected version=1.0.6 default-session=mythbuntu hide-users=false has-guest-account=false08:35
slacker-xgt001: I installed the mythbuntu-desktop package. maybe I should ask there08:36
CharminTheMooseCheers anyway llutz :)08:36
jolarenSomething is slowing down my htpc at times.. it lags sometimes when I play hd and alot of youtube08:36
mash_help am confused. want to start cgi in ubuntu. perl or python? am not sure which to use08:36
paulus68llutz_: I have a simular problemI can ping my eht1 card however I am not able to connect to eth0 in order to go on the internet? any thoughts08:36
xgt001slacker-, unfortunately i dont have much ideas about this :( sorry :(08:36
slacker-xgt001: I might try #mythtv-users instead08:37
llutz_paulus68: different subnets? i guess you'll need to enable ip-forwarding/masquerading08:37
paulus68llutz_: indead but still no luck08:38
jolarenCan anyone help me troubleshoot my HTPC/Server? It lags a bit!08:38
paulus68llutz_: I used this example08:38
bullgard6llutz_: What is the function of the switch '-1'? I read 'man head' and did not find it?08:38
paulus68llutz_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing08:39
llutz_bullgard6: same as head -n 108:39
mash_ want to start cgi in ubuntu. perl or python? am not sure which to use. any suggestions?08:39
paulus68llutz_: the ubuntu gateway method08:40
wingless_mash_, ask yourself what you want to accomplish with CGI.  Then the answer of which language is better suited to the task should be clearer.  FWIW to make broad generalizations, python is more general-purpose, and perl is more for system administration.08:40
wingless_there are other great languages out there, too, like ruby...in the end they're probably pretty much all the same if all you want to learn is how to do cgi stuff08:40
Kurdistanif I am using ubuntu 11.10 is it possible to install kernel from 12.10 from http://packages.ubuntu.com/ like 3.2*? hi. is this the place to find ubuntu specific patches for kernel? http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/08:41
llutz_paulus68: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward          gives "1" back?08:41
mash_wingless_: so which would u recommend?08:42
theadminmash_: Whichever you prefer. Perl is more popular for the purpose.08:42
paulus68llutz_: no it states no such file or directory08:43
wingless_mash_, pick whatever one you think is coolest and learn it.  then learn another.  you can't go wrong.08:43
wingless_they're all fine languages.08:43
mash_thanks, will try08:44
wingless_personally i like ruby because it's intuitive and easy to read08:44
llutz_paulus68: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward08:44
wingless_perl is harder to read and less intuitive, but more popular because it's been around longer08:44
ts2mash_: a CGI script can be *anything*, Perl, Python, Bash, a compiled executible, whatever. use whichever you are most familiar with08:45
paulus68llutz_: returns 108:46
llutz_paulus68: check your iptables rules, do they look like the example in the howto with YOUR ip-range? (sudo iptables -vL)08:47
titanesubuntu innstall is second time crashing trying to install on USB flash08:48
titaneswhat I do?08:48
wingless_you may want to check the installation media to make sure the md5 hashes are right08:48
wingless_also, are you sure you're installing for the right hardware?08:48
titanesit installs everything but crashes during hardware config.08:49
bullgard6llutz_:  Understood. Thank you. --  I have a supplementary question: The first line of the file /etc/gnome/defaults.list reads: "[Default Applications]." What is meant by this term? I know that »applications« is an abbreviation for »application program«. I know that the adjective »default« designates a setting tat the user has not changed after starting the computer.  Still I cannot think...08:49
bullgard6...what the word combination »default applications« means here. Please elaborate.08:49
titaneswingless_: how to check? oddly I am using the very same LiveUSB for some days without an incidend already.08:50
M8aIn xubuntu, while connecting mobile that shown 'DUN connection on device will now be available in network manager'. But that not in nm-applet08:50
paulus68llutz_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799108/08:50
wingless_md5 hashes for the files in your liveusb should have been included...they do it for cds, so i can't imagine why they wouldn't for the usb version08:51
titaneshow to check?08:51
titanesI am using the LiveUSB08:51
llutz_bullgard6: to me it reads "standard programs (applications) to be used to open listed mime-types" default~standard08:51
wingless_if it's there, it should be a file like md5_hashes in the topmost directory of the usb.08:51
titaneswingless_: if by top most directory do you mean root it isn't there08:53
llutz_paulus68: on client "sudo route add default gw" and try to access internet then08:54
llutz_paulus68: ..61.100   sry typo08:54
titanescd I see it's in /media/cdrom08:55
titanesso what to do next?08:55
titanesthis one ? --> md5sum.txt08:55
wingless_titanes, that should be it08:55
gabyhello - any body can help me - how to use - netsend between ubuntu and windows please .08:55
theadmingaby: netsend is a Windows thing, I don't think Ubuntu even has that08:55
M8aIn xubuntu, while connecting mobile that shown 'DUN connection on device will now be available in network manager'. But that not in nm-applet08:56
kbroulikhi. why does X always start with 1024x768 when there is a second monitor attached (external monitor on the notebook)? That primitive plymouth splash screen manages it to get the resolution correct right away, so why doesnt X?08:56
icerootgaby: for sending text-messages?08:56
gabynetsend is working  with ubuntu as well - by Samba - theadmin .. just i dont know howto use it08:56
theadmingaby: However, "smbclient" has a -M option which is similar to net send08:56
bullgard6llutz_: Tthank you very much for your interpretation and help.08:56
gabyyes iceroot08:56
icerootgaby: there is a samba option which is not working anymore on windows08:56
paulus68llutz_: I can ping from client however can't connect to the net through firefox08:57
iWInULoseso today i went to my google chrome property and erase the command line by mistake and now i cant access the internet can someone tell me what code should be in there?08:57
wingless_titanes, you can compute the md5 hash for each file foo by running "openssl dgst -md5 foo"08:57
theadmingaby: Basically: smbclient -M windowshost <<< "MESSAGE"08:57
gabyplease iceroot - guide me what to do exactly08:57
llutz_paulus68: set "nameserver" in /etc/resolv.conf on client  and try again08:57
icerootgaby: smbclient -M (but its not working anymore on windows higher then nt or 2000 cant rember)08:57
M8aIn xubuntu, while connecting mobile that shown 'DUN connection on device will now be available in network manager'. But that not in nm-applet08:57
paulus68llutz_: on the client or the server?08:57
llutz_paulus68: client08:58
gabyhow can i install it iceroot ?08:58
iWInULoseso today i went to my google chrome property and erase the command line by mistake and now i cant access the internet can someone tell me what code should be in there?08:58
M8aIn xubuntu, while connecting mobile that shown 'DUN connection on device will now be available in network manager'. But that not in nm-applet08:58
icerootgaby: you read the part "is no longer working"?08:58
wingless_run it for each of the files listed and confirm that the hashes all add up.  if they don't, then the files that don't match might be corrupted, and you should consider re-downloading a copy of the image08:58
AdvoWorkhow can i find out if a certain laptop will work with ubuntu?08:58
gabyok - so  what is working iceroot ?08:58
iWInULoseso today i went to my google chrome property and erase the command line by mistake and now i cant access the internet can someone tell me what code should be in there?08:59
icerootgaby: i dont know a method working with modern windows versions08:59
iceroot!hardware | AdvoWork08:59
ubottuAdvoWork: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:59
theadminiWInULose: What is "google chrome property" anyway? Where'd you find that?08:59
iWInULosewhen you right click on your web browser you will see it08:59
icerootAdvoWork: but if a laptop is not listed there that does not mean that the laptop will not work08:59
theadminiWInULose: Ah, the launcher?09:00
theadminiWInULose: If so, well, just type "google-chrome" in the command.09:00
paulus68llutz_: thanks a million this is working09:00
AdvoWorkiceroot, considering buying a brand new laptop for someone: Dell Inspiron 15 BTS  but don't want to buy it if Ubuntu won't work on it09:00
M8aIn xubuntu, while connecting mobile that shown 'DUN connection on device will now be available in network manager'. But that not in nm-applet09:00
iWInULosethat wont work because i remember it having %U at the end09:01
icerootAdvoWork: dell is also selling laptops with ubuntu on there site, maybe there is a hint09:01
theadminiWInULose: It will work. Well, if you want you CAN use "google-chrome %u" but that doesn't really make sense with a plain launcher09:01
llutz_AdvoWork: check what wifi-chipset it has and if it uses dual-graphics (optimus). those are the most important things09:01
theadminiWInULose: %u at the end allows you to drag stuff onto the launcher to have it open that stuff09:01
titanesit appears that I don't have enough RAM. How to clear cache?09:02
M8aPlz help me... In xubuntu, while connecting mobile that shown 'DUN connection on device will now be available in network manager'. But that not in nm-applet09:02
VictorCLeverytime I download something with firefox or chome and try to open it I get an error " Could not find "/home/tresipunt/Baixades/xxx.zip .The location is not a folder."09:02
iWInULosei get this "Failed to execute child process "/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome" (No such file or directory)"09:02
iceroottitanes: why do you think you dont have enough ram?09:03
iceroottitanes: please paste the output of "free -m"09:03
iceroot!paste | titanes09:03
ubottutitanes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:03
Jordan_UAdvoWork: If you're able to try one at a store, just bring a LiveCD with you.09:03
theadminiWInULose: Uh... huh. I suppose your Chrome installation is in someway damaged because that path appears to be correct.09:03
titanesMem:         total  8003     used  7706     free   29609:03
iceroottitanes: to pastebin09:03
iceroottitanes: and all lines please09:04
iceroottitanes: also read this http://www.linuxatemyram.com/09:04
Jordan_UVictorCL: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34260/why-do-i-get-a-the-location-is-not-a-folder-error-when-trying-to-open-files-us09:04
redboxvictor .try to change the download location folder to onother folder09:04
iWInULoseso the only browser i have dont work anymore, ANyway i can access the internet to download firefox? or maybe you can send me a file?09:05
icerootiWInULose: sudo apt-get install firefox09:05
VictorCLok thankz09:05
iceroot!repos | iWInULose09:05
ubottuiWInULose: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories09:05
theadminiWInULose: Open a terminal and type this: wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb09:05
titanesfound it :D --- > echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches09:06
theadminiWInULose: Then just install it.09:06
iceroottitanes: what are you doing?09:06
iceroottitanes: read the link i gave you instead of doing such strange things09:06
iceroottitanes: i bet you have enough free ram on your system09:06
iceroottitanes: dont disable caching, its a stupid idea09:06
=== [RadiumCat] is now known as RadiumCat
zetherooin 11.10 where do you set the default apps ... like browsers etc ... ?09:07
titanesI did already, gonna try the install again09:07
iceroottitanes: what?09:08
iceroottitanes: what are you talking about?09:08
titanesiceroot: ubunutu install failed twice09:09
iceroottitanes: and what does that have to do with the caching?09:10
iceroottitanes: and what does "failed" exactly means09:10
danny_hello was wonderding if any one knew some good power managment kinda like the asus power4gear hybrid that asus computers come with09:10
titanesiceroot: dunno, I am out of ideas.09:11
AdvoWorkllutz, what wifi chipset am i looking for though?09:12
titanesit fails during hardware configuration, installs everything and all but just during some crazy script fails.09:12
squarrelhi. how do i check if the firewall is on and working?09:13
titanesstill be bootable though?09:13
iceroottitanes: can you please be more specific? what error-messages? which ubuntu version and so on09:13
titanesmay be it's a bug??09:13
Anomie21Got a 32GB USB that isn't being recognised in Win/Ubuntu/MacOSX - However when I type in 'lsusb' it is showing up...09:13
icerootsquarrel: ufw status09:13
titanes11.10, i'll let u know after this install09:13
llutz_AdvoWork:for instance: Broadcom is likely to cause more trouble than intel/atheros. best to check google for exact chipset name/version + linux/ubuntu09:14
squarreliceroot: i can't make ufw to start up after booting.09:14
squarrelbecause it needs root09:15
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Jordan_Utitanes: For your previous questions, I would go with ext4. If you're worried about the journal wearing out the drive (I wouldn't, wear leveling should negate the small writes required for journaling) you can disable journaling with ext4. Ubuntu uses UUIDs almost everywhere, which will be the same no matter how the drive is connected or what other drives exist. The minimum RAM requirement for the LiveCD installer is 1 GiB. You can get away with a lot ...09:17
Jordan_U... less than that using the Alternate installer.09:18
iceroot!sudo | squarrel09:18
ubottusquarrel: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:18
icerootJordan_U: 1gb minimum for the live-cd?09:18
squarreli know root, but i cannot get ufw to start up on boot09:18
Jordan_Uiceroot: For installing, IIRC.09:18
Anomie21Anyone? It's showing up in lsusb but not fdisk -l ?09:18
icerootJordan_U: imo the installer has a minimum of 256mb and the laternate-installer of 128mb09:18
icerootJordan_U: we had a discussion about that in the last days for the lubuntu-disc09:19
icerootJordan_U: and there it was 256mb GUI installier, 128MB alternate-installer09:19
icerootAnomie21: errors on "dmesg"?09:19
titaneswhat does 'configuring hardware' stage do during install? is it absolutely needed?09:20
Jordan_Uiceroot: Is that for "Ubuntu" or for Lubuntu?09:21
iceroottitanes: can you switch to a shell already? (ctrl + alt + f1)09:21
icerootJordan_U: ubuntu09:21
Anomie21iceroot: http://pastebin.com/1zfhUU0t09:21
titanesiceroot: I got dual monitor09:21
icerootJordan_U: because we are using the same frontend just installing other packages09:21
titanesiceroot: what to do in shell?09:22
Jordan_Uiceroot: I seem to remember having problems installing with the LiveCD in a kvm virtual machine with 256 MiB of RAM, but I just realized that I always start the full desktop session then click the installer, so the installer alone may be able to make it with that. Thanks.09:23
icerootJordan_U: yes, sorry, of course only the installer without the desktop09:23
Anomie21iceroot: Also not being recognised by gparted09:23
iceroottitanes: was the process crashed? or just taking longer?09:23
titanesis not crashing yet09:23
icerootAnomie21: please have a look at /etc/fstab if the drive is already listed there09:24
Jordan_Utitanes: It sounds like as long as you choose "Install Ubuntu" (rather than selecting the installer from the full desktop session) you should be able to install with only 256 MiB of RAM from the standard Desktop CD.09:24
Anomie21iceroot: My /etc/fstab - http://pastebin.com/Rnmn1FBG - not really sure what I'm looking at?09:25
icerootAnomie21: ok looking fine09:26
icerootAnomie21: i just found some results where a possible error can be a missconfigured fstab09:27
icerootAnomie21: but you said the device is not working on ubuntu, windows and osx so i dont thing its an ubuntu-issue09:27
Anomie21iceroot: Yeah it's not working on anything09:27
Anomie21isnt even recognised by MACOSXs Disk Utility09:27
ponrajuganeshwhere the scp bin file will be present in linux?09:28
overcluckerponrajuganesh: whereis scp09:28
llutz_ponrajuganesh: /usr/bin/scp most likely09:29
overcluckerponrajuganesh: pardon, which scp; is what you're looking for09:29
ponrajuganeshya ya got it :) llutzz_09:29
danny_does anyone know any good ubuntu power aps that will save more battery ubuntu seems to be a hog not trying to troll i love ubuntu but battery life kinda stinks09:29
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Anomie21It shows up in Disk Utility in Ubuntu as a Generic USB Mass Storage on /dev/sdc but it cant detect anything else09:30
eshloxhi, i have problem with dvd, when i put cd/dvd then drive doesnt tries read this, ejec command works, http://pastebin.com/8pvxBAFV09:32
eshloxany ideas?09:32
AdvoWorki tell you what, its bloody hard finding a UK based company that sell laptops that Ubuntu will work on, for a < £300 budget09:32
slacker-back again09:33
DJonesAdvoWork: I know these are over the £300 budget, but I bought a HP and an ASUS laptop about 6 months ago from Argos, I think one was £350, the other £430, both have been fine with Ubuntu09:34
dannelubuntu has mostly worked on any laptop i've thrown it at, maybe sometimes 3d acceleration or bluetooth didn't work though09:34
Anomie21iceroot: I have the option to format in Disk Utility but getting this error when I try (Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot open /dev/sdc: No medium found)09:34
AdvoWorkDJones, whats the model of the £350 one?09:34
DJonesAdvoWork: Do you mind a pm?09:34
slacker-need some help getting lightdm working. The greeter crashes with the following log: [+0.02s] DEBUG: Connected version=1.0.6 default-session=mythbuntu hide-users=false has-guest-account=false09:35
slacker-[+0.02s] CRITICAL: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.background' is not installed09:35
titanesCRASH!! "Configuring Hardware... 0%"09:35
danny_does anyone know any good ubuntu power aps that will save more battery ubuntu seems to be a hog not trying to troll i love ubuntu but battery life kinda stinks09:35
DJonesAdvoWork: Can't remember which model it was now, I can check when I get home from work for you tonight09:36
AdvoWorkDJones, no worries about a pm09:37
titanesis it 'Connfiguring Hardware' a crucial step during install?? It looks everything else is in place on the Flah Drive09:37
wingless_titanes, if you're trying to install to the hard disk from the usb stick, you might consider trying to do it from a cd instead just to see if that works...09:39
AdvoWork"Hi there. I need a new laptop, but I must be able to put Ubuntu on it. If i buy one, where I find Ubuntu will not work, am I able to return it? Thanks"......raghava_reddy_varala - You can install Ubuntu OS on the laptop yourself and it would definitely work on it......"how do you know though? I've not even specified a model"......raghava_reddy_varala - The Dell laptops are built in such a way that, all the latest operating system would work on09:42
MarcoPauhi, I have a camera with compact flash I connect to the computer with its usb cable, but the compact flash is always being mounted read only. do you know how to write on the memory?09:45
RajDev_KingCould anyone please help me with Cinnamon installation?09:45
RajDev_KingWhy they always keeps telling that the dependency is not satisfiable?09:46
Anomie21Posted a thread on the Ubuntu forums to see if anyone there could help. If anyone has any insight or anymore commands I should post the output too there to help people get a better idea of the problem it would be appreciated: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11600309#post1160030909:46
dancekAdvoWork, please don't give guarantees for Ubuntu working on any laptop, that's just not guaranteed (Dell perhaps, i dunno)09:46
RajDev_KingHello? Any helper over there?09:47
RajDev_KingHow to cleanup temporary folders in Ubuntu? I mean all those unimportant junks!09:47
auronandaceRajDev_King: doesn't /tmp get emptied every reboot?09:50
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overcluckerauronandace: if it's tmpfs, then yes.09:53
overcluckerauronandace: by default /tmp is tmpfs in ubuntu09:54
auronandaceoverclucker: good to know, i hope he was referring to /tmp and not some other cache folder of some sort09:56
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DarkStar1does anyone know if a Radeon 6450 can run two screens?10:16
m4k_I'm creating a startup disk from ubuntu machine. Can I installed any application into it after booting it and that application should be available once I install from the startup disk. is it posible?10:18
hzhi guys10:18
hzin ps output i foundthis line10:19
DJonesm4k_: I'm not sure if you can do that with a cd/dvd install, but you can if you use the live usb with persistence10:19
hzroot      1465  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    Jan07   0:00 [3] <defunct>10:19
hzwhat is [3] ??10:19
DJones!usb | m4k_10:19
ubottum4k_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:19
heliozhey, I have syslinux on a labelled usb flash drive, what is the config of append root= ?10:21
heliozI wanted a portable OS10:21
heliozguys, any ideas, or links?10:23
mmoebiushelioz: for root, you have to use what the kernel thinks your usb drive is10:24
heliozand that is? is it the label? sdb1 did not work10:25
mmoebiushelioz: Dependant on that, try e.g. /dev/sda1 ... if your usb device has partitions.10:25
mmoebiushelioz: pastebin the output 'fdisk -l ' and 'blkid' somewhere; USB stick attached10:25
heliozthat gives me an idea, I can use the uuid, can't I?10:27
mmoebiushelioz: Usually, if the machine is booting froim the USB and has no internal drive, then it's sda ... plus the partituion number, e.g. sda1. If you have internal drives that are enumerated *before* the USB (heaven may know which drivers do or do not do that, I don't) , then the USB-Stick is "shifted" to sdb, sdc etc.10:27
mmoebiusUUID is the next point. That is what you need blkid fopr :-)10:27
dr_willisor the label  helioz10:27
mmoebiusIf you have an initrd, that is.10:27
kingsizeanyone pls helP10:28
mmoebiusdr_willis: How do you do a root mount with label ?10:28
mmoebius!ask | kinksize10:28
ubottukinksize: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:28
dr_willisnot sure for syslinux.10:28
kingsizei have problem cannot start totem movie player....error msg10:28
kingsize(totem:3674): Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: The OpenGL version could not be determined10:28
kingsizeSegmentation fault10:28
dr_willissame syntax as uuid i think10:28
heliozdr_willis: will uuid work, i got a uuid from blkid10:29
mmoebiusdr_willis: like ... root=LABEL=MySweetDrive ?10:29
heliozmmobieus:That did not work10:29
heliozI tried10:29
mmoebiushelioz: usually, root=UUID=the-uuid-you-got-from-blkid10:29
NimeshNeemai am facing issue regarding display of characters of certain indian languages in chrome  as well as chromium on Ubuntu 11.10 . I am developing a language learning game and needs to know the cause of this issue. Please help10:30
dr_willismmoebius:  i think so. but not trued it in ages10:30
mmoebiushelioz: Whaere are your pastebins ?10:30
heliozmmobieus:Your syntax is suggested by arch10:30
kingsizeanyone...pls help with the above problem..tq10:30
mmoebiushelioz: And worrks for me booting caspter initrds from install disks :-)10:31
heliozI'll try uuid and tell you the result10:31
heliozbye for now, thank you10:31
m4k_DJones: I created persistence startup disk used 2 gb pendrive. So now I can install application into it and then use this pendrive to install in other machine along with newly installed applications, I'm I right ?10:31
mmoebiusNimeshNeema: That is  deep level  stuff. You need to identify the problem much closer by yourself, then contact the appropriate mailinglist10:32
mmoebiusNimeshNeema: Do you have fonts that are installed and known to support the characters you want ?10:33
horserhey, i've just install ubuntu server 10.04, with the lamp packages, but i can't connect to the mysql database10:33
kingsizeI ve problem that my totem movie player cannot be start....The error msg:10:33
horsereverytime i try mysql -u root -p10:33
kingsizekingsize@Gylan-Dell:~$ totem10:33
kingsizeXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".10:33
kingsize(totem:3674): Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: The OpenGL version could not be determined10:33
kingsizeSegmentation fault10:33
FloodBot1kingsize: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
mmoebiuskingsize: pastebin the output of "glxinfo", pls10:33
horseri get ERROR 2002: Can't connect ... through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.soc' (2)10:34
OneSquaredHello, I would like send mail. But it's not work :/ But yet, postfix is already installed.10:34
mmoebiushorser: does "pgrep -lf sql" show you a ruinning instance of the database ?10:34
mmoebiusIs sit set to start automatically e.g. in /etc/conf/... ?10:35
horsermmoebius - no, but when i try to start it with service mysql start, it says already running10:35
mmoebiushorser: Is there a stale PID file ? , maybe the log(s) tell you something ? /var/log/daemon /var/log/messages etc ?10:35
dr_willism4k_:  it does not install the added apps10:36
kingsizemmoebius: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799202/10:37
horsermmoebius - grepping mysql on /var/log/messeages gives  some output about 'profile_replace' operations10:37
NimeshNeemammoebius: i don't have a lot of idea about how to go about installing fonts in ubuntu. and the application which i am working on works fine in Chrome for Windows and Mac (default install of chrome). In ubuntu some langauges works and some doesn't10:38
horserand a lot of different pid10:38
horserwow, just seen how many people mmoebius is currently helping, i'll keep pluking away with google for a while :-)10:38
mmoebiuskingsize: Congrats. You have no opengl. Please take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see which driver is running.10:38
mmoebiushorser: Just handing out tips while waiting for lunch. no more , no less  ;-)10:39
horserimpressive all the same :-)10:39
mmoebiushorser: You should have some very specivic mysqld messages e.g. in daemon.log after you tried startign it. look for those.10:40
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/10:40
kingsizemmoebius: last 2 days still can running totem mp, i don't understand why this will happen?10:40
horsermmoebius, the only logs I'm seeying are 'main process (xxxx) terminated with status 1'10:41
horserfollowd by respawning10:41
mmoebiusNimeshNeema: Then, It may be a font problem, most likely. If you don't mind the downloads, you can try installing all the packages that match "*font*" in the synaptive package management. Or look fopr special indian language support "*lang*" may be a suitable search patttern10:41
mmoebiushorser: That is what you have to dig into. Why does mysqld not start up ?10:41
kingsizemmoebius: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799209/10:42
txomon|nqashi, when setting up a dhcp server for netboot, is it posible to set it up just for netboot? I following the tutorial in help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet10:42
NimeshNeemammoebius: ok. is the language support (eg. for non-european and non supported languages) provided at the OS level or as per application level. because the same language characters which are not visible (shown as boxes) in chrome are available in other applications (like libre office)10:44
mmoebiuskingsize: Usually, It's about the wrong driver beeing selected for the card. But in your case, the intel driver  seems quite right. Is it the (onboard) intel card you are usuing ?10:44
kingsizemmoebius: i am using NVidia display card as i know..10:45
jameslordhzhi all10:45
akvHey, anyone know if Ubuntu will run on the Dell Latitude ST tablet?10:46
mmoebiusNimeshNeema: Language support should be total at OS level by usinf UFT-8 . However, some applications ghave problems finding  the proper font files that actually have the characters requested.10:46
mmoebiuskingsize: In that case, there is something dead wrong. There ist an intel driver loading happily and nicely. Is is a dual-graphics laptop ?10:46
jameslordhzhow to get the list of packages i have installed in ubuntu, which is similar as rpm -qa on redhat10:47
ndxtgis there a ppa for Firefox 6 on Ubuntu 10.10 ? (I've just added ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable) and it upgraded to FF9 and FastDial does not work on FF9 yet)10:47
mmoebiuskingsize: In that case: try switching graphics to nvidia in the bios10:47
mmoebiusNimeshNeema: So, Language support is at OS level regarding the font files10:47
geirhajameslordhz: dpkg -l  or  aptitude search '~i'  (if you have aptitude installed)10:48
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: Which part for "netboot" do you need ? Netboot is usually DHCP first, then TFTP10:48
d3ngarHi there, I have a problem with Tomboy notes. Somehow not all notes were synced to my new device. Can I somehow delete the local notes and setting and then get them all fresh from the server?10:48
dfsdfnaber ya10:48
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: For TFTP only, there are stand-alone servers available. You just have to figure out how to tell your boot clients where to fetch the file from10:49
FarallaHi. I would like to see the console-messages during boot/shutdown. How do I remove the spalsh screen? GRUB_TERMINAL= console?10:51
kingsizemmoebius: not dual graphics...but there are 2 drivers of NVidia in Additional Drivers program..do u mean I ve to switch to another one and see 1st.10:51
mmoebiuskingsize: That is worth an attempt. But beware, it could mess graphics totally, this has happened for me :-( And if you have no working X-Server anymore, you are a little bit on y your own at the console level10:53
me11why "Timing cached reads" drops sometimes?10:53
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:54
mmoebiuskingsize: In case that goes wrong (just in case!) you will want to know that you have to deinstall all packages "dpkg -l *nvidia*" lists .10:54
geirhaFaralla: remove quiet and splash10:58
anevwhen trying to mount a ntfs partition (/dev/sda1), it appears it has issues due to $logfile - i've tried using ntfsfix but this also fails - is there anything else i can try/11:09
anevi tried mounting with -o remove_hiberfile and -o force but to no avail11:10
jameslordhzfind / -size +1G, will this command do harm to hard disk?11:11
ts2jameslordhz: not really, it's just a search tool11:13
icerootjameslordhz: you can always have a look at the manual if you are not sure what a command does "man commandname" in this case "man find". its a good idea to ask first instead of just executing commands11:16
jameslordhzts2 it will do a lot a disk operation, and will do harm to disk:(11:17
ts2jameslordhz: generally no, unless the disk is already on the point of failing11:17
icerootjameslordhz: it will create a high load on the io device but will not do anything evil11:18
jameslordhzif i write a shell , and find / -size +1k again and again, it will distroy that disk:)11:18
icerootjameslordhz: no11:18
icerootjameslordhz: but a very high load11:19
jameslordhziceroot find . in a loop, high io 24x7x30, it will surely distroy that disk:)11:19
icerootjameslordhz: no11:20
icerootjameslordhz: and no please stop posting such stupid things11:20
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Andy80is there s quick way to use the F10 key in my application, without making the Skype menu appears?11:22
Kartagishttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/914149 <--- has anyone come across this?11:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 914149 in gnome-utils (Ubuntu) "screenshot applet doesn't allow overwrite" [Undecided,New]11:22
Andy80I try to explain better..... I need to use F10 to step-by-step debug with QtCreator, but when I press F10 the Skype menu is shown....11:22
KartagisAndy80: close skype?11:23
dr_willischeck skype settings11:23
Andy80closing skype doesn't help11:23
Andy80it opens the first menu of the first application available11:23
Andy80instead of opening the QtCreator one11:24
Andy80I close Sktype, it opens the Dropbox one.... I close Dropbox too it opens the Clementine one ecc....11:24
Andy80I don't want F10 to be used at all by Unity top bar11:25
AFDwe have a remote server that uses NX for clients to connect and we have multiple users set in to a different group per office. I want to isntall adblock plus for chromium system-wide. Is this possible through sudo on the CLI or would I have to log in as each user and set it up that way?11:28
FarallaI cannot reboot/shutdown from unity/plymouth anymore. When I click the respective button nothing happens at all. Any chance to find out why?11:30
theadminAFD: Uh, okay, set up for one user and then just copy .config/chromium to all other user's places?...11:31
theadminAFD: I think it should work that way11:31
AFDtheadmin: thanks - I'll try that11:31
SVNDRIs there a program like PAINT on Ubuntu?11:32
anevgimp is probably your best bet11:32
SVNDRanev: is there anything installed by default?11:33
DJonesSVNDR: You could look at tuxpaint or gpaint, tuxpaint is aimed at young children11:35
SVNDRDJones:  ok thanks11:35
who_meuhm, there was also that mono paint proggie, a port of Paint.net, Pinta11:37
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Arizona_Baywhy cant i install openoffice11:40
susundbe1gArizona_Bay: i dont know, maybe you should try to explain what is the error message that you receive?11:41
Arizona_Bayits not an error11:41
Arizona_Bayit installs perfectly11:41
Arizona_Baybut you cant find the icon or anything about for that matter11:42
anevArizona_Bay: then what's the problem?11:42
Arizona_Bayit doessnt open11:42
anevexecute it on the command line11:42
anev"soffice -writer" for example11:43
Arizona_Bayill try wait11:43
Arizona_Bayit worked... anev11:44
Arizona_Bayno wait11:44
Arizona_Bayit open libreoffice11:44
jafarmWho here is familiar with getting Virtual box to work on Kernel  Ubuntu 11.10??11:49
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jafarmWho here is familiar with getting Virtual box to work on Kernel  Ubuntu 11.10??11:50
sveinseHi. I'm trying to install some packages to a staging directory. I'm using apt.conf setting RootDir to prefix root into the staging directory. apt-get update downloads the indexes, but at the end it fails as it tries to access the system's /var/lib/dpkg/lock, despite the RootDir setting. I suspect a bug (or some kind of feature). Please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/799261/ to recreate11:50
sveinseIf I run the script, I notice that apt-get update accesses /var/lib/dpkg/lock while it IMHO is configured not to do so11:51
Farallajafarm: I set up one yesterday, but have very limited knowledge, though. What's your problem?11:51
jafarmI'm trying to get Virtual Box to work on a Blackbuntu box upgraded via Upgrade-system to Ubuntu 11.10 with the latest kernel update  I keep getting errors re: don't know how to do this11:52
sveinseI'll head over to #ubuntu-devel11:52
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:53
jafarmI'll give the repositories a try11:53
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BarclayHi there ubuntu channel. I am new to this chat thing so bear with me please. I am having a problem with Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit on a Thinkpad T61p. Can anyone offer assistance with an X login problem?11:59
Guest61608hi everyone alt+F2 not working with compiz in ubuntu when starts12:01
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Guest61608hello help me plz12:03
onrewhat should alt+f2 do?12:05
BarclayHello ... can anyone help with X problem in Oneiric?12:07
bullgard6[GNOME Shell 3.2.1] Using Nautilus 3.2.1 I associated .mp3 file playback with Audacious. /etc/gnome/defaults.list associates x-mp3 with banshee.desktop though. What file does store my hand-made association?12:07
Gentoo64bullgard6: try .local/share/Applications12:07
bullgard6!details | Barclay12:07
ubottuBarclay: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:07
_jasonbullgard6: ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list more specifically12:08
bullgard6Gentoo64: There is no ~/.local/share/Applications12:09
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BarclayHi - thanks. Details are: nvidia, lightdm, unity. All on IBM Thinkpad T61p under Ubuntu 11.10. At Desktop login, after password and return screen blanks, then nvidia splash briefly followed by return to login screen. Tried removing ~/.Xauthority but did not fix. Have also refreshed xserver-xorg package via apt-get and all that. still no improvement.12:11
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theadminBarclay: Can you try: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf && sudo nvidia-xconfig12:15
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bullgard6_jason: I found a file ~/.local/share/applications/mime-apps.list. It includes a line '[Added Assciations]' but no string 'mps'.12:18
bullgard6_jason: I found a file ~/.local/share/applications/mime-apps.list. It includes a line '[Added Assciations]' but no string 'mp3'.12:19
BarclayThanks - tried that just now. Symptoms remain same - just cycling back to login screen. Also should say have tried to make new user and then in but that did not work either. Nobody can login to X. Alt-Fn terminals are all fully functional.12:19
_jasonbullgard6: check for defaults.list12:20
theadminBarclay: Okay, this is odd. Maybe it's a display manager's fault? Try installing, say, lxdm12:20
bullgard6_jason: The file defaults.list associates .mp3 with Banshee.12:21
Barclaytheadmin: Thanks will try apt-get install lxdm12:21
llutz_Barclay: "ls -ld /tmp"  "df -h /tmp"12:21
Davespicehello people, enquiry here - I'm using Ubuntu 11.10, Gnome desktop, I have just bought a Brother HL-2250DN Laser Printer, will I be able to use it okay via it's Ethernet interface?12:22
metasansanahey all12:23
llutz_Davespice: get the driver debs from brother12:23
ikoniaDavespice: if the device has compatible linux support, yes12:23
llutz_Davespice: cupswrapper + lpr, those are needed to get it running12:23
metasansanai have server 10.04 with kvm, I configured a bridge but my default route is missing12:23
metasansanaany ideas?12:23
metasansanait used to work before i put drbl on the machine12:24
bullgard6Barclay: Are you sure that you are using nvidia? I am using the same computer type but without the 'p'. My VGA is Intel.12:24
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DavespiceThanks ikonia, I think I have it here; http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html#HL-2250DN12:26
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metasansanaeach time i try to configure the route manually i get SIOCADDRT: No such process12:27
Barclaytheadmin: Installed lxdm. Tried to login got to desktop, but no window decorations and only a console visible - progress?12:28
theadminBarclay: Somewhat... What session did you select when logging in? Try choosing "Unity" or "Ubuntu" or something like that, do not keep it at "Default Session"12:28
theadminBarclay: Right now, please just type "exit" to return to lxdm12:29
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Barclayllutz: Thanks for joining in - ls -ld /tmp => directory root/root /tmp df -h /tmp => /dev/sda1 mounted on /12:30
Barclaybullgard6: Thanks - yes definitely a T61p - this variant has an nvidia graphics card12:31
llutz_Barclay your shortened answer is useless.12:32
llutz_Barclay: check permissions of /tmp and if its full or not12:33
theadminWhy didn't I think about that first -_-12:33
bullgard6Barclay: All right. --  Good luck.12:33
Barclayllutz: Permissions for /tmp are: drwxrwxrwt12:36
DavespiceI have another q: which anti-virus package do you reccomend for Ubuntu 11.10?12:37
DavespiceI kind of feel you can almost get away without one on Linux, but you never know12:37
auronandace!av | Davespice12:37
ubottuDavespice: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:37
Barclaytheadmin: When selecting ubuntu session instead of default, lxdm shows original fault behaviour i.e. cycling back to login screen12:37
theadminBarclay: Okay, so lxdm was not the problem12:37
DavespiceI am using Samba12:38
theadminBarclay: Err, rather, lightdm. If you prefer, you can install that back.12:38
theadminBarclay: Now, as llutz states, check if /tmp is full.12:38
xiayuweiye_=   =12:40
LjL!cn | xiayuweiye_12:40
theadmin!cn | xiayuweiye_12:40
ubottuxiayuweiye_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:41
afuentescan somebody help me locate the package with the following string "este controlador proporciona soporte para hardware adicional y se puede instalar en la impresora" ? The translation is wrongly done and id like to send a proper translation12:41
don_aceU.S.A U.S.A !12:41
LjLdon_ace: wrong channel?12:42
LjLafuentes: i can't help, but i'd point out there is an #ubuntu-translators channel that might know better12:43
afuentesi agree with don_ace usa is in a big mess right now12:43
afuentesthanks LjL12:43
don_acei like california :-)12:44
don_acei want to smoke pot on recept :D12:44
don_acethin kit feels nice, legal to smoke hehe12:44
theadmin!ot | don_ace12:44
ubottudon_ace: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:44
don_aceblas mir einen du geile sau12:45
metasansanaAny help? I have server 10.04 with kvm, I configured a bridge but my default route is missing12:45
don_acewill irgendwer popo lecki ?12:45
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theadmin!de | don_ace12:46
ubottudon_ace: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:46
ikoniadanke LjL12:47
tilen1232Hi, how to configure multiple ftp accounts (that each has its own public_html) and are managed with apache?12:48
metasansananevermind I found out what was wrong12:48
metasansanaincorrect ip address :)12:48
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=== Dragonlay is now known as DragonSlay
Barclaytheadmin: Plenty room in /tmp. Should say that I am transiting into ubuntu from opensuse. Just went back to lxdm, and tried logging in to default. After a long delay an empty screen appeared, then after another long delay unity desktop appeared. I am now at a complete loss as to what is going on. I see from the interweb thingy that very many people have suffered this cyclic behaviour with desktop login, but there does not a12:51
Barclayppear to be a definitive answer. For now, I will deal with my e-mails and backup while it appears to be working. Thanks to all who gave assistance. Apologies for my lack of knowledge as to irc-chat etiquette!12:51
theadminBarclay: Okay, odd, really. I dunno what that was12:52
txomon|nqasmmoebius: I need to know if that DHCP server I have to configure in the netboot server, does override the router's DHCP one12:53
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: not neccesarily. Try disabling DHCP in the router if possible.12:53
txomon|nqasmmoebius: thats the problem, not posible12:54
mmoebiusOr tell (if possible) the router's DHCP server to server your Server as the "Boot Server"12:54
Barclaytheadmin: At the risk of having spoken too soon, I see now that although unity is up, I have no window manager or decorations. About to try metacity, will keep you updated.12:54
txomon|nqasmmoebius: is it posible with openwrt?12:54
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: You know how DHCP works ? D-O-R-A sequence ?12:54
theadminBarclay: This is odd -- Unity is supposed to manage windows itself12:55
txomon|nqasmmoebius: I know, but the problem is if I can do so in the router12:55
theadmin(or is it?... Don't quite remember)12:55
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: What do you mean by "possible" :-) In Openwrt, at least you could tell that dhcp server (usually dnsmasq) to put in the proper boot information12:55
txomon|nqasgoing afk for a while12:55
overcluckertilen1232: Look up virtual hosting with apache. I've never setup vhosting, so I won't be much help there.12:55
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: Qou have openwrt connmpatible router hardware ?12:56
txomon|nqasmmoebius: I already have it12:56
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: May I ast (out of curiosity) which router hardware you are running ? I am looking into byunung something new sooner or later12:56
mmoebiustxomon|nqas: good luck. .... If you are running small stuff, try www.freewrt.org, also. Makes smaller images than openwrt imho.12:57
Barclaytheadmin: Yes when I try metacity the console says 'screen 0 on display ":0" already has a window manager' .But there are no decorations or buttons.12:57
prashant_123456need more details in gnome windows for files, using ubuntu 11.1012:59
Barclaytheadmin: This begins to look like a unity problem. Since I am unfamiliar with ubuntu package system, how do I refresh my installation?12:59
theadminBarclay: "refresh" as in upgrade?12:59
theadminBarclay: for i in (update upgrade) ; do sudo apt-get $i ; done13:00
prashant_123456how to uninstall a program in ubuntu 11.1013:01
theadminprashant_123456: sudo apt-get remove pkgname13:01
geirhatheadmin: without the parenthesis13:01
prashant_123456thanks theadmin13:01
theadmingeirha: Oh? Huh. Must have confused with some other shell...13:02
brontosaurusrexwhat would be the procedure to hide certain disk drives, so that the user/OS has no way to access them?13:02
BarclayTheadmin: No 'refresh' as in re-install the relevant packages for ubuntu desktop/unity window manager13:02
theadminBarclay: sudo apt-get --reinstall install unity # Though that's not going to help you at all13:02
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prashant_123456need more details in gnome windows for files, using ubuntu 11.1013:04
overcluckerbrontosaurusrex: run a modified kernel13:06
Barclaytheadmin: What I would really like to do is re-install the whole X subsystem and the whole ubuntu desktop without disturbing my e-mail/news/multimedia  configurations.13:06
zgrguys does unity has log or something? sometimes itsn't loading, only cursor and wallpaper appears (can't right click, ctr+alt+t or anything). sometimes windows just disappear and when you alttab it switches to empty workspace. More strange is that if after I failed loading unity other DE's sessions fail to load too.13:07
overcluckerbrontosaurusrex: you aren't with SOPA, are you?13:07
theadminBarclay: Uh, that might be... Ugh... Hm, well... sudo apt-get --reinstall install $(dpkg -l | awk '{print $1;}') # Will reinstall all packages on the system. Add a grep there if you wish to filter. But it won't touch the configs so it is safe enough...13:07
theadminBarclay: But first, I suggest you try "unity --reset"13:08
rdwi have a TTY screens problem. even with current nvidia drivers they will show a little corrupted13:10
theadminrdw: "corrupted"?13:11
rdwi mean, i can't see the characters very clearly. it is white background, black chars13:12
qbitzaAnyone know an easy way to disable Suhosin from standard php5 on Ubuntu 10.04 server?13:12
qbitzaSeems the standard php5 deb comes with Suhosin patch applied, which sucks13:13
MonkeyDust!info sohusin13:14
ubottuPackage sohusin does not exist in oneiric13:14
MonkeyDustwhat's sohusin?13:14
qbitzaIt's some hardening / security additions that some 3rd party did13:15
qbitzaProblem is it breaks some scripts13:15
MonkeyDustrather contzct the 3rd party, then13:15
qbitzaRemind me, which one is Oneric?13:15
qbitzaBut why does the Std Deb have the 3rd party patch applied?13:16
Barclaytheadmin: Tried that and got lots of messages ending in segmentation fault. Now rebooting. If Bill Gates is watching maybe it magically fix itself. However I am making progress - at least I am able to see a desktop, even if it is not usable.13:16
qbitzaWhich is brain dead since there is a module available for it too13:16
theadminBarclay: Sounds like it's out of RAM, or just doesn't like your hardware to me13:17
qbitzaSome guys seem to think you have to build from source, but... I'd prtefer not to do that13:17
qbitzaMonkeyDust, perhaps it was fixed in the later distro?13:17
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MonkeyDustqbitza  doesnt ring a bell, cant help, maybe someone else can13:18
senussiguys i want some help13:18
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo__
qbitzaOkay, thanks anyway13:18
=== JoFo__ is now known as JoFo
Barclaytheadmin: All this started yesterday, when I re-awakened the machine from overnight hibernate. Until than it had worked like a champion since ubuntu 11.04 upgraded to 11.10 last November. Has rebooted now but into lxdm!13:20
MonkeyDustsays he needs help and leaves :s13:20
theadminMonkeyDust: People are impatient sometimes13:21
theadminBarclay: Well yeah it would boot into lxdm since we installed that. So, does it work now by any chance?13:21
Barclaytheadmin: Came up into lxdm greeter, then using "default" it goes into the ubuntu desktop but without window decorations or controls. Will try unity --reset again.13:25
Barclaytheadmin: Well that has worked, but lots of error messages scrolled by followed by window management ok. Icon sizes all screwed up though. Maybe I have an nvidia driver mismatch? Where can I find the definitive version for my kernel version?13:31
theadminBarclay: Eh, well, try the "Hardware Drivers" tool13:31
txomon|homemmoebius, I use a WRT54GL13:35
Barclaytheadmin: Look - thanks very much for all your help. You have been very patient. Just one last question and I will let you get on with the rest of your day - How do I get back to lightdm?13:35
theadminBarclay: sudo dpkg --configure lightdm13:35
Barclaytheadmin: Thanks!  - Bye.13:37
theadminBarclay: See ya13:37
AFDis there a way to upgrade ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 instead of the latest & greatest version?13:40
theadminAFD: Well, yes, you can only upgrade from 10.04 to 10.1013:40
theadminAFD: There's no way to do a direct upgrade, infact.13:40
theadminAFD: You can't jump over versions :D13:41
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Benkinoobyhow can i see the packages i recently installed?13:41
AFDI mean if I upgrade it will go to 10.10 then 11.04 etc etc right?13:41
MonkeyDusttheadmin  i think you can with LTS's13:41
bullgard6AFD:  You can normally upgrade to 10.10.13:41
theadminMonkeyDust: From LTS to LTS, only13:41
MonkeyDusttheadmin  10.04 is LTS13:41
theadminMonkeyDust: Yeah, but there was no other LTS out after it13:41
AFDso running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should take me to 10.10 and then stop?13:41
theadminAFD: Uh, no, that won't do anything13:42
MonkeyDusttheadmin  right, 12.04 is the next :p13:42
theadminAFD: sudo do-release-upgrade13:42
bullgard6AFD:  You do not have to upgrade any further once you have reached 10.10.13:42
AFDbrilliant - thanks guys!13:43
AFDthat's odd - it says it's running 10.04 but when I run sudo do-release-upgrade it says no new release found13:43
MonkeyDustisnt it dist-uograde?13:44
EvilResistanceAFD:  you might want to wait for 12.04 to upgrade the distro13:44
EvilResistanceAFD:  that way you upgrade to the LTS13:44
EvilResistancerather than having to do incremental upgrades13:44
mylistoI just deleted two files I wasn't supposed to delete (two mpg's) and and I need to get them back13:44
mylistois this at all possible?13:44
AFDwe don't want to switch users to unity though13:44
MonkeyDustmylisto  there's testdisk and scalpel13:44
EvilResistanceAFD:  note that 10.10 is EOL once 12.04 comes out... i've been upgrading all the systems that had it to 11.04 and defaulting the login to gnome-shell13:45
EvilResistance!notunity | AFD13:45
ubottuAFD: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:45
kingfisher64could anybody help me move the dock to the bottom? i've been trying for hours. i started by trying http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/install-ubuntu-unity-bottom-launcher.html however i think i didn't complete that correctly (now uninstalled) then i tried http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-move-unity-launcher-panel-to-bottom-of-screen-on-ubuntu-11-10/13:45
AFDEvilResistance: we have about 40 users of the server running nx and the slightest change will confuse them13:46
AFDI'm worried we need a test server to upgrade and keep them all working smoothly (ie. upgrade everything in 1 evening-night)13:47
EvilResistanceAFD:  wait, if this is a server why are you using a GUI on it?13:47
AFDit's a remote server so our users are all in one central system and can work from anywhere13:48
MonkeyDustlike Citrix13:48
AFDthey log in from mac, windows, linux workstations - the lot13:48
EvilResistancewell you'll have to upgrade at some point, because of EOL13:48
EvilResistance!eol | AFD13:48
ubottuAFD: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:49
=== sanjeev90an is now known as sanjeev
AFDEvilResistance: this is true13:49
bobweaverhello there you know how you can connect to your local lan using the file manger by going to "network" then to where ever it you want. I would like to do this in the terminal is this an option ? or do I have too mount the harddrive of the server to my  machine ? and go that way thanks !13:49
EvilResistanceAFD:  so come april 2012, you'll have to decide to upgrade.  and you'll have to upgrade to *at least* Natty13:49
MonkeyDustbobweaver  use ssh13:49
bobweaverMonkeyDust: port is shut sirewall13:50
EvilResistanceAFD:  (11.04, because 10.10 is EOL simultaneously as 10.04)13:50
AFDEvilResistance:  we'll maybe just plan for 12.04 now and get a test server running the way we want it13:50
EvilResistancewhoops i lied13:50
EvilResistance10.04 is EOL in 201313:50
AFDEvilResistance:  downtime would get me the sack13:50
MonkeyDustbobweaver  nfs, then?13:50
* EvilResistance facepalms at his fail13:50
bobweaverMonkeyDust: I will try13:50
Tm_TEvilResistance: 10.04 eol's with 11.1013:50
MonkeyDust!nfs| bobweaver13:51
ubottubobweaver: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:51
bobweaverthanks MonkeyDust!!13:51
EvilResistanceTm_T:  not according to this page?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases#Stable13:51
EvilResistanceunless the page is wrong13:51
EvilResistancein which case i was right and i get to once again yell about the wiki being wrong13:51
Tm_TEvilResistance: huh13:52
bobweaverMonkeyDust: that is what the file manager uses ?13:52
* bobweaver just started reading it 13:52
* EvilResistance will bug the MOTUs, they'd definitely know whether 10.04 EOLs on the date specified on that page or not13:53
_cbjoin #zimbra13:53
Tm_TEvilResistance: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS April 2013 (Desktop), Ubuntu 11.10 April 201313:53
* EvilResistance misread you13:54
MonkeyDustbobweaver  on you remote pc, add IP address of the local pc to /etc/exports13:54
plustaxwhere is the trash bin on gnome 3?13:54
MonkeyDustplustax  install advanced settings13:55
_cbInstead of, for example, writing an employee database I would like to extend Zimbra's database. Ie have one database for multiple programs. Any recommendations in that regard?13:55
MonkeyDust_cb  i think that question is beyond this channel13:56
plustaxMonkeyDust, where do I find that?13:57
kingfisher64nevermind - decided to go with cairo dock instead13:57
MonkeyDustplustax  in the repos or software center13:57
plustaxMonkeyDust, so gnome3 doesnt inherently COME with a trash bin?13:57
MonkeyDustplustax  it does, but it is not displayed13:58
plustaxThanks for your help.13:58
plustaxgnome 3 is AMAZING13:58
plustaxMonkeyDust, one more question. When I go to login, the onscreen keyboard is for some reason present. Anyway to remove it?13:58
_cbMonkeyDust maybe I phrased the question wrong. Are there is reasons I should not do that from a Zimbra perspective or if Zimbra guidelines on how to extend ZIMBRA's SQL database? I know there are guidelines on how to extend LDAP.13:59
MonkeyDustplustax  i think it's called caribou, you can remove it from the startup applications13:59
PromilleHello, wonderful people. Does anything have an opinion on whats the best utility to cooperate with iPhone 4S(import Music and eBooks mainly) Thanks in advance!13:59
_cbMonkeyDust maybe I phrased the question wrong. Are there  Zimbra guidelines on how to extend ZIMBRA's SQL database? I know there are guidelines on how to extend LDAP. (Sorry for prev post)14:00
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MonkeyDust_cb  i know what zimbra is, but have never used it, so cant say14:00
plustaxMonkeyDust, so I downloaded advanced settings and im making changes but they dont seem to be taking effect. Any idea why?14:01
_cboops I am on the wrong channel. Sorry guys.14:01
GirlyGirlHi can someone help me set up contact to sync with Google Calendar14:01
MonkeyDustplustax  'have file manager handle the desktop'14:02
plustaxMonkeyDust, change that to off?14:02
dubeyIs there any way to connect to multiple servers from remote ssh console ?14:02
plustaxMonkeyDust, It was already on. I tried to change the theme and no dice14:02
GirlyGirlI want to set Google Calendar with Kontact (KDE-pim) I am using KDE 4.8 RC2 (Build 4.7.97)14:03
MonkeyDustplustax  explore advanced settings a bit14:03
=== zaba_ is now known as Guest57869
prashant_123456anyone knows puzzle games for linux ??14:05
RaTTuS|BIGprashant_123456 - check the sofware center14:06
prashant_123456RaTTuS|BIG, ok14:06
OerRaTTuS|BIG, softwarecentre isn't a puzzle, right ?14:07
GirlyGirlprashant_123456: In KDE there is a plasmoid where you can set any picture and shuffle its pieces thus making it a puzzle14:08
GirlyGirlAny ideas about my Kontact (KDE-pim) issue mentioned above?14:09
prashant_123456GirlyGirl, using gnome14:09
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RaTTuS|BIGprashant_123456 no but there are games listed you can find them on there14:09
prashant_123456RaTTuS|BIG, i got it in software center14:10
GirlyGirlprashant_123456: I am unwilling to do so14:11
prashant_123456GirlyGirl, ok14:11
RaTTuS|BIGprashant_123456 though the only game you even need is nethack [sudo apt-get install nethack-console ]14:12
prashant_123456RaTTuS|BIG, ok14:13
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
bullgard6[GNOME Shell 3.2.1] Mittels Nautilus 3.2.1 habe ich das Abspielen von  .mp3-Dateien mit  Audacious assoziiert. /etc/gnome/defaults.list assoziiert aber  x-mp3 mit Banshee.desktop. Welche Datei speichert meine Assoziation von Hand?14:23
_jasonbullgard6: I meant defaults.list in ~/.local/share/applications .   Is that what you checked?14:24
orkaaIs there a way for release upgrading a cluster of ubuntu machines14:25
orkaaI also asked this question on serverfault14:25
orkaaas far as I can see, the only acceptable way of upgrading is 'do-release-upgrade'14:25
orkaabut that doesn't scale14:25
hobbelsIs there a way to increase iwl3945 TX power in ubuntu (wireless card). Its set at 15dB but i know its capable of doing way more14:26
who_meorkaa, are they actually clustered or ... maybe pixie booting them with the install image would work :)14:27
NastyNazwho created this channel?14:28
plustaxim on 11.10 running gnome 3 and whenever im on my lockscreen, the onscreen keyboard shows up. Any way to stop it from doing so?14:28
GirlyGirlHi can someone help me set up contact to sync with Google Calendar14:28
=== zaba_ is now known as Guest44429
prashant_123456how to change windows colors in gnome, using ubuntu 11.1014:28
GirlyGirlI want to set Google Calendar with Kontact (KDE-pim) I am using KDE 4.8 RC2 (Build 4.7.97)14:28
orkaawho_me: problem is that they are scattered all over the country14:28
orkaaI don't have direct access14:28
bullgard6_jason: In Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1 there is only one relevant file »defaults.list«. Namely /etc/gnome/defaults.list. Two other files having the same filename are only softlinks to it. In ~/.local/share/applications/ there is no defaults.list.14:29
who_meare they in data centers or just diff locations where your company operates ?14:29
orkaawho_me: kiosks connected to public networks here and there..14:30
_jasonbullgard6: pastebin ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list14:30
orkaabut I have a controlled vpn network between them14:30
who_meorkaa, heh, looks to me like someone's gonna make a field-trip :)14:30
orkaawho_me: nah, I mean..14:31
orkaaI could upgrade them with apt-get dist-upgrade14:31
bbbbbbbbmy kindle does not get detected when attached. how do i mount it14:31
orkaaand I guess it would kind of work14:31
orkaabut since it's not a preferred ubuntu method14:31
bullgard6_jason: mimeapps.list does not list an entry with a »mp3« string.14:31
who_meorkaa, what will you do if for some reason systems do not come back up ?14:31
_jasonbbbbbbbb: sudo mount /dev/whatever_for_your_kindle /media/some_mount_point_you_create14:31
orkaaI though you had a better idea :)14:32
_jasonbullgard6: can you pastebin it?14:32
orkaawho_me: I would have to go there :)14:32
bullgard6_jason: What should I pastebin?14:32
_jasonbullgard6: the file14:32
orkaawho_me: but I have a test environment14:32
orkaaand the nodes are almost identical14:32
malibuHi there.. does anyone know how to drag a window to the next workspace in unity?14:33
bbbbbbbb_jason: thanks14:33
monica_hi all14:33
monica_how I create a xorg.conf in my 11.10?14:33
ffk27X -configure14:34
malibuGot it... need to enable edge flipping in compiz14:34
ffk27or nvidia-xconfig14:34
SpaceAviatorhello - I recently switched from OS X to UBuntu completely. :) I have a macbook pro 6,2 and everything seems to working fine but sometimes my trackpad freezes and there is nothing I can do to unfreeze it. They keyboard still works so I have to reboot. This has happened a few times already. Any suggestions?14:35
bullgard6_jason: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799412/14:35
orkaawho_me: the real question I wanted to ask was: how much worse is 'apt-get dist-upgrade' compared to 'do-release-upgrade'?14:35
jpdsorkaa: do-release-upgrade is smarter and tweaks things according for new release updates.14:36
_jasonbullgard6: gvfs-info some_random.mp3 | grep content-type    should shed some light14:36
malibuHmm.. enabling edge flipping didn't work, just wants to grid the window14:37
orkaajpds: yeah, I opened the tar.gz that do-release-upgrade ships..14:37
bullgard6SpaceAviator: If I remember right then this is a common problem. You should google for "OS X", "Ubuntu" "Macbook pro 6.2" "trackpad" and "freeze".14:37
orkaait contained a few patches and dependency stuff...14:37
orkaabut is using that a MUST14:37
orkaaor just recommended?14:37
jpdsorkaa: And it does everything like changes sources.list for you.14:37
SpaceAviatorbullgard6: I did - I didn't come up with anything useful... :/14:38
_jasonorkaa: it's the only supported way to upgrade afaik14:38
bullgard6_jason: What do you mean by some_random»«? Is this a literal?14:38
_jasonbullgard6: I mean choose any mp3 you want14:39
orkaa_jason: that's a shame really14:39
orkaacause it's not really a tool made with servers in mind14:39
monica_hi ffk27... I get this error: http://pastebin.com/CJ6HRheP14:40
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almoxarifebullgard6: i believe i have seen ramdom.mp3 out there, you might google it14:40
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:40
bullgard6almoxarife: I do not know why I shluld google for »random.mp3«. Can you elaborate.14:41
almoxarifebullgard6: to find it?14:42
=== matt23 is now known as matt2323
malibuDoes anyone know if I can set up compiz to do edge-flip if ALT is pressed, but use the grid otherwise?14:43
monica_how I restart 11.10 without graphic? I tried init 3 but without success14:43
bullgard6almoxarife: Your message is too short and thus not helpful.14:43
ffk27monica_: you did read my last messages?14:43
monica_ffk27 no14:43
_jasonbullgard6: if you run the command I gave you on an mp3 of your choice,  you will see that it's considered a file of type "audio/mpeg".  This is the point I am trying to get across14:43
almoxarifemonica_: sudo reboot, on a terminal14:43
TheBuntualt+f2 not working to restart gnome shell14:43
obakfahadGuys,I have a modem for windows.....but it can connect from linux too but that is for older kernels...that means in older kernels it shows that modem as cdrom and by 'eject" command it changes its ID and vendor from "lsusb" command in older kernels....But in newer it shows Nothing But from "lsusb"-......vendor:ID 19d2:ffde and which need to 19d2:ffdd for "kppp" or modeswitch..............what should i do? Can i mount That device f14:43
ffk27monica_: ctrl+alt+f114:43
bullgard6monica_: sudo service lightdm restart14:43
ffk27monica_: pkill gdm14:44
SpaceAviatorbullgard6: any other suggestions?14:44
almoxarifebullgard6: hence why i suggested google, thus trying to help14:44
bullgard6SpaceAviator: No. I am sorry.14:44
monica_almoxarife....without graphic14:45
almoxarifemonica_: you just want to restart the comp? or you want to restart graphics?14:45
monica_I need a session without X server14:46
almoxarifemonica_: alt cntrl f114:46
ffk27monica: ctrl+alt+f1 , then pkill gdm14:46
monica_thanks ffk27...I try14:46
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AnonymousXATSsaven de la operacion payback14:48
almoxarifeAnonymousXATS: no14:48
anevAnonymousXATS: nadie aki saben ni importan mucho14:49
auronandace!english | anev14:49
ubottuanev: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:49
anevauronandace: soz14:50
bullgard6_jason: '~$ gvfs-info /usr/share/libubuntuone/1/javascript/empty.mp3 | grep content-type;   standard::content-type: audio/mpeg;   standard::fast-content-type: audio/mpeg'14:51
_jasonbullgard6: you understand now?14:51
bullgard6_jason: No.14:51
_jasonbullgard6: your mimeapps.list has an association for audio/mpeg14:52
bullgard6_jason: Right. And what does that mean for my problem?14:52
monica_ff2k...it restart the graphic14:52
_jasonbullgard6: what is your problem?14:52
AxonetBEif I don't want to specify a dayweek in the crontab I can just use * ?14:52
skelcan anyone direct me as to how I can get empathy status to show up in the little semi-transparent pop-up bar at the bottom of gnome shell 3.x ?14:52
skelright now in order to open the friends list I have to go execute empathy every time, and when I close it to get it out of the way it doesn't "minimize" anywhere14:52
_jasonAxonetBE: yes14:52
monica_ffk27 ... it restart the graphic14:53
icerootAxonetBE: you can use * on every cron-field14:53
monica_I would use X -configure14:53
ffk27monica_ you did X -configure14:53
bullgard6_jason: My problem is the following: [GNOME Shell 3.2.1] Using Nautilus 3.2.1 I associated .mp3 file playback with Audacious. /etc/gnome/defaults.list associates x-mp3 with banshee.desktop though. What file does store my hand-made association?14:53
monica_ffk27 I cannot do it with the graphic mode14:54
AxonetBEiceroot: Ok, but I just want to check if I use spefic date with specific time I still have to set the correct responding day of the week or I can just use the *14:54
Lunar_La1pIs there a diagram like this that includes 8.04 (Hardy): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS14:54
helder_raptorerror installing totem-video-thumbnailer foer ubuntu-tv http://paste.ubuntu.com/799443/14:54
ffk27monica_ same error?14:54
Lunar_La1pI need a link on the Ubuntu website to prove that support is running out soon for servers.14:54
_jasonbullgard6: ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list14:54
ffk27already an X server running?14:54
SpaceAviatorbullgard6: also I enabled wobbly windows in compiz but seems like it doesn't work - what am I missing there?14:54
auronandace!releases | Lunar_La1p14:55
ubottuLunar_La1p: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:55
bullgard6_jason: The file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list does not list any mp3 entry.14:55
monica_I've done...thanks14:55
_jasonbullgard6: correct.  But we just established it has audio/mpeg14:55
icerootLunar_La1p: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/timeline/dade00253b5f51e91b13029c3a26ffc0.png14:55
bullgard6_jason: Yes. But what has that to do with mp3?14:55
monica_ffk27...I created a xorg.conf.new in my home...where I put it to test it?14:55
_jasonbullgard6: that is the mimetype for .mp314:56
prashant_123456i just installed gnome shell in ubuntu 11.10 but not getting how to run it14:56
ffk27cp /path/to/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:56
_jasonbullgard6: my guess is you can associate based on mimetype OR extension14:56
skelanyone know how to get empathy status to show up in the gnome-shell bar at the bottom so I can access it there to bring up the buddy list at any time?14:56
prashant_123456ffk27, ok14:56
duelleprashant_123456: You can select the GNOME shell in your login screen if it is installed correctly.14:57
bullgard6_jason: Can you prove that "audio/mpeg is the mime-type for .mp3"?14:57
_jasonbullgard6: we did that when you ran gvfs-info14:57
prashant_123456duelle, you mean i have to logoff14:57
duelleprashant_123456: As far as I understood your intent, you wanted to switch from unity to gnome, right?14:58
_jasonbullgard6: if you wish, change the association in that file for audio/mpeg and see what happens14:58
bullgard6_jason: Ah! --  I need to carefully re-read our conversation. --  Thank you for your patience.14:58
prashant_123456duelle, actually i m using gnome right now14:58
prashant_123456duelle, but want to add color to windows borders14:58
helder_raptorerror installing totem-video-thumbnailer foer ubuntu-tv http://paste.ubuntu.com/799443/14:59
ubuntu_any girl out there?14:59
_jasonbullgard6: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/mime-actions-spec this is closest form of documentation I can find.  Maybe references at the bottom prove more enlightening.14:59
yumboubuntu_, you're on the internet...14:59
duelleprashant_123456: I didn't try that myself. But if you want to change your Window manager, you got to log off and on again with the correct WM selected. But I'm not sure whether this corresponds to your intended changes.15:00
prashant_123456duelle, ok15:00
skelanyone know how to make empathy status display in gnome-shell notification bar at the bottom?15:00
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prashant_123456duelle, thanks15:00
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duelleskel: afaik you can move it by unlocking it and then moving it to the bottom bar. But not sure whether this works in Gnome3.15:02
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skelduelle: currently it doesn't display anywhere, should it be in the top bar?15:02
helder_raptorerror installing totem-video-thumbnailer foer ubuntu-tv http://paste.ubuntu.com/799443/15:02
ciuffociao a tutti15:03
yumbohelder_raptor, thats because the package isnt available in the default repo's15:03
skelduelle: basically I just want to get the contact list somewhere readily accessible15:03
helder_raptoryumbo: how do i get it?15:03
duelleskel: I use pidgin atm, but as far as I can remember it should display an icon... but perhaps theres a setting in empathy that enables or displays that taskbar icon?15:04
yumbohelder_raptor, where does it say that you need it?15:04
skelduelle: yeah must be something like that. I'll dig around in .local15:04
helder_raptorubuntu TV15:04
ubuntuaddicted1Hell YEAH15:05
ubuntuaddicted1Ubuntu will explode onto the scene this year promist15:05
yumbohelder_raptor, link me the page15:05
ikoniayeah yeah, whatever15:05
Poisonfibreif SOPA goes into action, Ubuntu will be the worlds main OS15:06
helder_raptorit came up on my bash15:06
almoxarifeubuntu TV?15:06
helder_raptornd also i cant get past formFactor15:06
shaneohey guys would this work in a bash script hey guys will this work read -p "Pick a port between blah-blah" if [ $REPLY == *blah-blah ] then yadda yadda15:06
buzzmandtWhat is SOPA?15:06
parsifal_hi, I couldn't find an answer for this easily on google, and my laptop battery is running out… how can I 'revert' my install back to the stock ubuntu 11.10?15:06
parsifal_using apt-get or whatever else from the command line (i.e. without a cd)15:06
shaneostop online privacy act15:06
yumboshaneo, best to ask in #bash15:07
ubuntuaddicted1google SOPA15:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:07
Davespiceguys, can I ask... what do people think of the Unity Shell in 11.10? It is not to my taste myself, but my parents are using it...15:07
yumboparsifal_, what did you change to make it non-stock ?15:07
Benkinoobyhi, i have a ubuntu 10.04 where i enabled s3tc support via driconf. on a ubuntu 11.10 driconf does not offer the option i used on 10.04. any ideas?15:07
yumboDavespice, I like Gnome Shell15:07
parsifal_yumbo: I was trying to uninstall Unity, and somehow broke the entire thing15:07
* Davespice nods15:07
Davespiceme too15:07
venkatmangudiDavespice: yumbo: me too...15:08
Davespicegnome 2d I use with no effects =)15:08
auronandaceDavespice: i prefer xfce, nice and configurable15:08
venkatmanguditry xfce Davespice15:08
parsifal_yumbo: I actually just fixed that apparently, by reinstalling lightdm15:08
yumboparsifal_, thats one way to do it :)15:08
Davespiceoh okay interesting15:08
almoxarifeparsifal_: try to re-install ubuntu-desktop, thats the package name15:08
parsifal_almoxarife: thank you15:08
yumboDavespice, gnome 3 with effects here (intel integrated gpu's are very well supported)15:09
buzzmandtGoogled it. Its not privacy. Its stop online piracy act.15:09
parsifal_of course, as I asked, I got back into gnome (it was stalling during the boot process).. I have too many entries in my shell list tho now15:09
Picibuzzmandt: Its offtopic for this channel.15:09
almoxarifebuzzmandt: i thoughht it be a floofy bath oil15:09
duelleskel: May it be that empathy also integrates with the gnome mail icon? Thats the way it works under gnome215:10
skelduelle: I had that when I used the ppa for gnome shell in 11.04 but now that I've done a fresh install to gnome 11.10 I no longer have the mail icon15:11
parsifal_wow, I ran apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, and apparently a ton of packages were deinstalled. yikes. I'll just live with unity for now15:11
skelduelle: any idea on how to get that to display?15:11
parsifal_maybe I'll end up liking it more15:11
Cashi silly question but just logged out on 12.04 live cd and have no idea what the password is to login again15:13
parsifal_almoxarife: knowing that package named helped me a lot.. ty15:14
helder_raptorerror installing totem-video-thumbnailer foer ubuntu-tv http://paste.ubuntu.com/799443/15:14
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duelleskel: Currently I don't have any gnome3 system here :( But found a post that describes your problem and presents a solution ( http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/never-miss-im-notifications-in-gnome.html ) Perhaps that works for you too?15:14
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auronandace!12.04 | Cas15:14
ubottuCas: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:14
almoxarifeparsifal_: i have restored mine too, alot, that seems the simplest way15:14
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prashant_123456how to change windows title bar color in gnome 3 classic15:15
skelduelle: cool, I'll check it out, thank you =]15:15
duelleskel, good luck ;)15:15
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Casauronandace, thanks for no help, just found out its the same as all other live cd logins15:16
auronandaceCas: my point was that you are in the wrong channel for 12.0415:17
prashant_123456how to change windows title bar color in gnome 3 classic15:17
Castru but the question was simple and could have been answered15:17
prashant_123456how to change windows title bar color in gnome 3 classic15:21
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duelleprashant_123456: Found this by searching for your keywords: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umXbx6wtOAg15:22
Benkinoobyhi, i have a ubuntu 10.04 where i enabled s3tc support via driconf. on a ubuntu 11.10 driconf does not offer the option ifor enableing s3tc used on 10.04. any ideas?15:23
DragonSlayanyone from india?15:23
ikoniaDragonSlay: why ?15:23
venkatmangudiDragonSlay: why?15:23
prashant_123456DragonSlay, i m from india15:23
nikkewhy cant i use dd command in xubuntu?15:24
RaTTuS|BIGnikke becase your doing it wrong - try sudo dd15:24
nikkeRaTTuS|BIG, doesnt work15:24
TheBuntuIs debians iceweasel just for debian or is there a repo for ubuntu15:24
RaTTuS|BIGnikke what is that you are typing15:25
prashant_123456duelle, i have gnome 3 classic15:25
prashant_123456duelle, have seen it before15:25
RaTTuS|BIGdd_rescue is not a correct command line15:26
duelleprashant_123456: Sorry, didn't see that it was the wrong version :( Just can't try to search for it, cause I don't have any system using gnome3 (classic). Just found http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/change-gnome-3-gnome-shell-or-classic.html but you saw that too I thing.15:26
nikkeRaTTuS|BIG, okey so what is then?15:27
nikkeRaTTuS|BIG, ddrescue doesnt work either15:27
nikkei want to create a live opensuse usb stick15:28
nikkeunetbootin doesnt work15:28
prashant_123456duelle, ok i will try it15:29
duelleprashant_123456: Sorry, that I can't help you any further.15:29
prashant_123456duelle, ok its ok sir15:30
DragonSlayTheBuntu, try icecat from GNU15:31
RaTTuS|BIGnikke http://www.pendrivelinux.com/15:31
blast007nikke: there's also an openSUSE support channel at #suse15:32
Benkinoobyhi, can some1 help me with driconf? i use driconf on ubuntu 10.04 and when i wanted to use it on (an other laptop with ubuntu 11.10) many options i had in 10.04 are missing :(15:34
MonkeyDust!info driconf15:35
ubottudriconf (source: driconf): DRI configuration applet. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 95 kB, installed size 412 kB15:35
MonkeyDustwhat's DRI, if not the name of a rockband?15:35
gulzarwhere is that file to edit system name? Not the host name but OS name. Want to put my own name.15:36
BenkinoobyMonkeyDust, installing it is not the problem... it works, but it doesn not show all the options i have on an other computer15:36
BenkinoobyMonkeyDust, i also installed all recommended and suggested packages15:36
TheBuntuDragonSlay, any difference in iceweasel and icecat15:37
samuel02where can I get help with getting apache2 working on ubuntu?15:38
auronandaceTheBuntu: just a name change i think15:38
DragonSlayTheBuntu, they are simply firefox variants..15:38
ffk27samuel02: whats your question?15:38
samuel02I get 403 when trying to browse15:39
samuel02could it be due to the fact that it's a subdomain?15:39
ffk27seems like a permision error15:39
blast007samuel02: read the error log15:39
ffk27you use cgi's in that subdomain?15:40
samuel02ffk27, what permissions should be set to what? Yeah, I see permission errors in log15:40
TheBuntuyeah i know but when i was trying out debian the other day iceweasel seemed faster for some reason15:40
samuel02ffk27, nope just have a domain with dns pointer for a subdomain pointed at this server15:40
samuel02the www.domain.com goes to other server15:40
prashant_123456i just installed gnome tweak tool but not getting how to start it15:41
sanmansamuel02: are the pages for your website owned by the user that runs apache?15:41
samuel02sanman, I believe so, let me check..15:42
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samuel02sanman, I actually have 8 apache processes, 7 of them running as www-data and 1 running as root, and owner of the files is 'ubuntu' so obviously there's something wrong here..15:44
blast007Benkinooby: perhaps the differences you're seeing are just the differences in the graphics chipsets/drivers on each laptop.15:45
blast007samuel02: the issue is the owner of the files15:46
samuel02blast007, so what is the best way of doing it, what user should run apache and own the files?15:46
blast007just chown/chgrp the files and directories to www-data15:46
ctdabombreally stupid question: I am in the terminal changing the permissions for a folder how do you change permissions for all the subfolders also? sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/games/supertux215:46
ffk27chmod -R 77715:47
jutnuxsudo chmod -R 777 ctdabomb15:47
ctdabombso like sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/games/supertux2?15:47
compdocbe careful with that command15:48
ffk27why do you want all permissions?15:48
ctdabombbecause it is for a game and I need to edit the files15:48
DragonSlay1!help cloak15:48
Benkinooby2blast007,  and this http://imagebin.org/19287115:49
Benkinoobyblast007, no... i am lacking a vast amount of option comapare http://imagebin.org/19287215:49
venkatmangudiDragonSlay1: not here, try #freenode15:49
yumboI have frequently seen chmod -R scew up a lot15:49
ffk27yes don't do chmod -R 777 /15:49
yumboI always just open the folder with "gksu nautilus" and then edit permissions15:49
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blast007Benkinooby: you're comparing entirelly different chipsets. one is an ATI/AMD graphics chipset, one is an Intel chipset.15:50
blast007so of course they'll have different sets of options..15:51
Benkinooby2blast007,  hat, this you mean? VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M24GL [Mobility FireGL V320015:51
Benkinooby2blast007,  got that from lspci15:51
blast007yeah, the other is a intl 945GME15:52
Benkinoobyblast007,  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller15:52
Benkinoobyblast007, how did you see the ATI from the screenshots?15:53
blast007R300 is an ATI chip codename15:53
samuel02still not working! now www-data is the owner of all files and 6 processes running apache2, 1 as root rest as www-data15:53
Benkinoobyblast007, ah, ok didn't notice...15:53
Benkinooby2blast007,  in that case i won't be able to enable s3tc on the ATI card?15:54
Chotaz`wI need some help with remote desktop connections, does anyone mind spending some time explaining me a few?15:54
krishhi guys, im installing puppet `apt-get install puppet` and it asks me whether to overwrite the existing config file or use maintainers version15:55
krishcould someone pls tell me how to skip this15:56
ThePendulumIs there a way to display a custom message/notification when I try to shut down Ubuntu?15:56
krishor provide default option15:56
krishin the command itself15:56
BryanRuiz1i cant seem to stop ufw15:56
ThePendulumkrish: I guess you would just tell it not to override the existing config?15:56
BryanRuiz1im getting an error "rejected send message"15:56
krishThePendulum: yeah15:56
almoxarifeBryanRuiz1: do you use ufw?15:57
krishbut I want to use this in the a script.. so I dont want it to wait for user15:57
Caifassudo find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sum.txt15:57
Caifasbash: md5sum.txt: Permission denied15:57
Caifaswhat is wrong with this command guys?15:57
BryanRuiz1almoxarife: no i dont, im trying to shut if off15:57
Chotaz`wI need to be able to visually see my home desktop, i have su access through a secured SSH tunnel, can I use this to setup any type of remote desktop client?15:57
almoxarifeBryanRuiz1: if you never use it, then un-install it, to shut it off you need root permission15:58
samuel02blast007, still not working! now www-data is the owner of all files and 6 processes running apache2, 1 as root rest as www-data15:58
blast007Benkinooby2: probably not.  not to say that software can't choose to use that compression.  I believe the option on the Intel driver is to *force* the use of s3tc compression.15:59
blast007samuel02: what about the containing directory that the files are contained within?15:59
blast007s/containing //15:59
yumboCaifas, ask in #bash15:59
samuel02blast007, does not make a difference16:01
samuel02blast007, the dir is owned by www-data16:01
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Birk__Hey guys, anyone can help me with some ssh problems ?16:06
MonkeyDustCaifas  try ~/md5sum16:06
jutnuxBirk__: What's the problem?16:06
MonkeyDustCaifas  try16:07
CaifasMonkeyDust didn't work :(16:09
Birk__jutnux: I'm trying to create a cloud enviroment with openstack. I have a VM running on a machine located in a local network and I'm trying to ssh this VM from the gateway machine, but im getting this errror: Permission denied (publickey)16:10
MonkeyDustCaifas  did you try the complete command line, but output to ~/md5sum.txt ?16:10
jutnuxBirk__: Then you are entering the wrong password / do not have your public key on the server16:10
ActionParsnipBirk__: do you use keys for SSH?16:10
Birk__I'm using a .priv archive suing this command: ssh -i archive.priv ubuntu@
PiciBirk__: fyi, you might get more specialized support in #ubuntu-cloud, #ubuntu-server or #openstack, if you haven't tried there already :)16:12
Birk__Pici: I'm trying at #openstack, but thanks :) I'll try at ubuntu-cloud16:13
diverdudeWhat is the password of the www-data user?16:13
diverdudeby default16:13
Pumpkin-"invalid", ie: you cannot login to it with a password.16:14
diverdudePumpkin-: hmm ok...how do i then log in with that user?16:15
Humbedoohyou don't :>16:15
CaifasMonkeyDust yes16:15
Humbedoohdo you want to run a program as that user?16:15
diverdudeHumbedooh: hmmm but i need to test if it can connect to my gitolite16:15
Pumpkin-generally you don't. If you want to work as that user for some reason, use something like "sudo sudo -u www-data -i"16:16
Pumpkin-the 1st sudo to let you run something as root, the second to change your user to (-u) www-data and give you an interactive shell (-i)16:17
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curranI installed ardour last night and all of it's dependencies, and now my sound isn't working.  I can hear system sounds, but not while playing music files.  I uninstalled ardour and it's deps. and also reinstalled alsa, but no luck.  anyone got any ideas?16:17
popschhow can I see which application tried to unlock the keyring? In the popup window it only says 'An application wants access..."16:18
yumboPumpkin-, I think you don't even need the first sudo16:18
blast007or you could just do "sudo su -" for a root shell, or "sudo su - www-data" for a shell as www-data16:18
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ikoniayou can't switch user to www-data16:18
ikoniait doesnt have a shell16:18
ikoniasudo -i for a root shell16:18
blast007then "sudo su -s /bin/bash - www-data"16:19
Pumpkin-worked for me16:19
osmosis_paulhi guys, I'm trying to execute this rsync command and in the same machine works, but in remote machine dont16:19
osmosis_paulsu www-data -c "rsync -avz --delete portaluser@ /var/www/play/data/resources/customer-bm/destination-teste/ --password-file /var/www/play/config/portal/rsync.pwd"16:19
osmosis_paulany idea what is the issue\16:19
Piciosmosis_paul: you have two colons between the ip and the path.16:19
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archosmosis_paul is the remote path right.16:19
titaneshow to check mdm5 from the file against the whole ISO when the LiveCD is running?16:20
titanesI can't go file by file by hand.16:20
ffk27md5sum /dev/cdrom16:21
osmosis_paularch, yes16:21
ActionParsniptitanes: which file is "the file"?16:21
MonkeyDusttitanes  i think Caifas has a similar issue16:21
Benkinooby2blast007,  where can i seek for further help.... i can't find any specific ati or s3tc related channel... and google didn't get me on either16:21
osmosis_paulPici, what do you mean?16:21
titanesActionParsnip: THIS FILE /media/cdrom/md5sum.txt16:22
osmosis_paulPici, the :: after the ip?16:22
Piciosmosis_paul: "portaluser@"  there should only be one colon, and you should be sure that the path you're giving there is correct, as I believe  that would be processed as being relative to the home for portaluser.16:23
ActionParsniptitanes: you can run:   cd /media/cdrom; md5sum -c md5sum.txt16:23
titanesActionParsnip: and for verbose?16:23
ActionParsniptitanes: you can even use: md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep -v "OK$"     and it will only output if a file is BAD16:23
ActionParsniptitanes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM16:24
ActionParsniptitanes: how do you mean, the first command I gave will show the success of EVERY file checked16:24
Caifasi could generate my md5sum.txt with sudo find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo md5sum | sudo tee md5sum.txt16:24
osmosis_paulPici, but this is the whole patg16:25
ActionParsniphi kaushik_16:25
osmosis_paulPici, the whole path portaluser@
kaushik_can anyone please help me set up GIT from ubuntu16:25
kaushik_i wish to upload all my code into GIT16:25
Andsim-gridhello i need help to get my web server on my server to read my php in /var/www . i am on ubuntu 10.04 lts16:25
kaushik_hi ActionParsnip16:25
MonkeyDustCaifas  creative solution :D16:25
Caifasty :D16:26
ActionParsnipAndsim-grid: does the file download instead of being processed?16:26
titaneseverything is OK16:26
kaushik_ActionParsnip, i am trying to add my code which is present in ubuntu to GIT16:26
ActionParsniptitanes: thecommands I gave were straight copied from that link...16:26
kaushik_i am facing16:26
kaushik_some problems16:26
ActionParsnipkaushik_: Ive never used git, sorry16:26
Andsim-gridno but displaying default page16:26
kaushik_oh ok thanks a lot ActionParsnip16:26
Gneaosmosis_paul: : <-- that is a colon16:27
bitpimpI am having issues connecting an external monitor in 11.10; the error is 'The selected configuration for displays could not be applied - requested position/size for ... is outside the allowed limit: ... '; it mirrors, but does not allow for an extended monitor.  Where do I start?16:28
Chotaz`wCan anyone help me setup vnc server on ubuntu?16:28
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BenkinoobyGnea, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_%28anatomy%29 :P16:28
Gnea!ot | Benkinooby16:28
ubottuBenkinooby: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:28
archDumped Ubuntu for Debian with xfce when I saw Unity a while back. Any news if 12.04 is going to allow the DE to be customized. Same goes for the wm.16:28
Andsim-gridActionParsnip: no but displaying default page16:29
ActionParsniparch: there is a PPA to move it to the bottom, there is myunity which allows tweaking16:29
auronandacearch: i'd stick with xfce if i were you16:29
Humbedoohgood old mousy :>16:30
i_is_brokei went with kubuntu with lxde to get away from unity.16:30
oCeanarch: 12.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel16:30
auronandacei_is_broke: kubuntu uses kde, lubuntu uses lxde16:30
wrektjetwow i found the way to get the menus off the top of unity and back in the windows! anyone want the command?16:31
caotic_Hello there. I am trying bring up an sks server, however the package that apt-get brought along required me to manually create a /var/run/sks  directory to work. I am wondering do apt-get packages have readme files ? if so, is there a location where they are suppose to save it  ?16:31
Andsim-gridActionParsnip: no but displaying default page16:31
bitpimpHow do I determine what monitor drivers I am using?16:31
bitpimp*graphics card drivers16:31
i_is_brokeauronandace, yeah and they have different basis as well then gnome duh. but i lxde as my main wm.16:31
osmosis_paulGnea, thanks I'm spanish and I just comeback of my holidays XD!, now I'm receiving this "The --password-file option may only be used when accessing an rsync daemon"16:31
ActionParsnipAndsim-grid: I have no idea, I don't use the technology but your replies may help others help you16:32
osmosis_paulPici, any idea why Is complaining now about the password file? "The --password-file option may only be used when accessing an rsync daemon" I'm using a demon16:32
auronandacei_is_broke: when you said you use kubuntu with lxde i thought you meant that you installed kubuntu and then apt-get'd lxde (without being aware of lubuntu)16:33
archauronandace yeah when I hear ppa stuff turn off. As of now its xfce as a DE, LXDM for a dm, Compiz for composite and Emerald ad a wm decorator. Thx for the heads up about 12.0416:33
wrektjetok guys is theer a way to figure out whatthe command to run something via terminal is? i would like to have a program added to the startup applications folder and i wpuld like to know the proper command16:33
i_is_brokeauronandace, adds to many deps.16:34
auronandacearch: i don't use ppas16:34
Piciosmosis_paul: are you sure you're running the rsync daemon? Its not the same thing as running the rsync command.16:35
curranCan anyone tell me how to remove a statup application I added that is no longer there?  I added the canberra-gtk-play GNOME Login and Logout entries (custom) and now I think it might be messing up my sound.  I have systems sounds but no playback.16:35
osmosis_paulPici, the port is reachable when I do a telnet16:36
jutnuxcurran: What verison of Ubuntu?16:36
Piciosmosis_paul: Having ssh running is not the same thing as having the rsync daemon running.16:36
archauronandace the lame ppa system is why I moved to Debian with the testing repos. Ubuntu uses sid (unstable repos). Result is a rolling disto and the newest reliable wares.16:37
osmosis_paulwell I mean that the port of deamon is listening16:37
Gneaosmosis_paul: okay, well as Pici pointed out, you only need one : in the path, not 2 :'s16:37
osmosis_paulGnea, I already did and now I have the other issue of the password16:37
curranI know it is still in effect because the GNOME Logout entry is still there, and the sound is played when I also login.16:37
Gneaosmosis_paul: oh okay :)16:37
archNej du är ju böggg!16:38
DJoneswhois arch16:38
Benkinoobyhm, i can't kill a proces :/16:39
Benkinoobywhat can i do when kill, sudo kill and killall do not work?16:40
auronandaceBenkinooby: kill -916:40
Benkinoobyauronandace, that worked. thank you16:41
auronandaceBenkinooby: what did you kill?16:41
curranAnyone...  Sound being initiated by system instead of user maybe?16:41
Benkinoobyauronandace, a game, that's all16:41
wrektjetguys i have found a bunch of apps/programs that would work for me but manually starting them every time i reboot is crazy. how can i determine the correct command so i can add them to my startup applications?16:44
mneptok.... ..16:50
eNabili'm using ubuntu 11.10, graphics card nvidia go 7200, nvidia-current proprietary driver installed, i cannot use unity, i can only login into 2d, someone help me to fix this...16:51
jjp_Hello, where would I go for newbie help with Ubuntu?16:52
DJonesjjp_: You're in the right place16:52
DJones!ask | jjp_16:52
ubottujjp_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:52
jjp_oh great!16:52
archjjp_ this is about as low as it gets =P16:52
eNabiljjp: linuxnewbieguide.org16:53
kaddourii need some help16:53
jjp_Well I am newly joined of the Ubuntu community here, just switched over last week and very impressed16:53
eNabilkaddouri, dont waste buffer space typing u need help, type ur query immediately16:53
kaddourii have installed ubuntu and all the updates16:53
kaddourinabil, i am busy typing16:53
eNabilkaddouri, this is not msn, put your query all in one line16:54
kaddouribut in the softwarecenter there aren't any apps16:54
jjp_I am trying to figure out how to access my Windows drives and files from dialogs in some apps, like programs that let you browse to a folder with graphics to use them. My graphics are all in my windows locations and the program doesn't let me go to those.16:54
eNabiljjp, are you familiar with fstab16:55
jjp_no I am not16:55
eNabiljjp,  pastebin the mount command16:55
eNabiljjp,  are you familiar pastebin and terminal?16:55
jjp_the drives are mounted in the basic Files app that comes with Ubuntu, they're listed, but they're not listed in other programs.16:56
krishhi, when in apt-get I say keep maintainers version of configuration, where is that info stored16:56
krishbecause I dont get that option second time16:56
jjp_No i do not undertand pastebin the mount command16:56
raidoanyone know how to use rsync to update only the file mtimes on a dir where the destination mtimes are all newer than the source? or another way?16:56
pr0dHi all, Im having difficulties mounting my NFS share on boot, using /etc/fstab and _netdev and i still cant get it to mount16:56
RaTTuS|BIGjjp_ sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:57
eNabiljjp: man im gonna pull my hands out of this one, i have too much pressure to teach you, advice google: pastebin and also google fstab16:57
pr0dmount -a works fine once ive booted16:57
kaddourihey, can someone help me?16:57
jjp_pastebin and fstab16:57
eNabilkaddouri, lol you wont get help like that16:57
eNabilkaddouri, i already told you how to do it16:57
jjp_those are what i need to focus on to get my drives fully listed for all ubuntu?16:58
raidopr0d: are you using the "auto" directive in the fstab16:58
eNabiljjp_, no its fstab16:58
RaTTuS|BIGjjp_ cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit16:58
RaTTuS|BIGeeek .. /me gone - too late16:58
eNabil1598 online but no one can solve this: using ubuntu 11.10, graphics card nvidia go 7200, nvidia-current proprietary driver installed, i cannot use unity, i can only login into 2d, someone help me to fix this...16:58
jjp_alright I will see what I can figure out, I recognize the etc folder, but I don't comprehend fstab and pastebinit16:59
pr0dthis is my muddle of many guides, not sure how accurate it is now after so much fiddling, /xen/images nfs rw,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,intr,async,_netdev16:59
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:59
krishanyone knows apt-get inside out?16:59
titanesso basically ubuntu is un-installable16:59
valerieI need to connect two LANs using VPN.  What would be the best, most open  implementation of VPN, which has also some GUI to manage it (web or desktop app) ?16:59
krishor inside backwards16:59
eNabilRaTTuS|BIG, thats for me :S ?17:00
kaddourinabil, i can't find you telling me how to solve it17:00
eNabilkaddouri, solve what17:00
kaddourimy problem17:00
eNabilkaddouri, where si your question?17:00
kaddouriabove hahaha17:00
krishtitanes: you can go back to barebone gnome17:00
eNabilkaddouri, its out of the buffer, paste it in again...17:00
kaddouriok, wait17:00
titaneskrish: how to do a command line install??17:01
kaddourii have installed ubuntu and the updates, but in my softwarecenter there aren't any apps17:01
eNabilkaddouri, dirrect your message to me by typing enabil17:01
kupo_how would I remove 11.10 Ubuntu and keep 10.04?17:01
kaddourienabil i have installed ubuntu and the updates, but in my softwarecenter there aren't any apps17:01
pr0draido: this is my muddle of many guides, not sure how accurate it is now after so much fiddling, /xen/images nfs rw,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,intr,async,_netdev17:01
eNabilkaddouri, thank you :) press the windows key and type software sources17:01
eNabili'm using ubuntu 11.10, graphics card nvidia go 7200, nvidia-current proprietary driver installed, i cannot use unity, i can only login into 2d, someone help me to fix this...17:02
titaneskrish: what do you mean by that? I am on LiveUSB kubuntu17:02
kaddourienabil, i am not in windows17:02
krishtitanes: what?17:02
aeon-ltdkupo_: is this dual boot?17:02
krishoh ok17:02
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krishheh sorry didnt know that17:02
eNabilkupo_, downgrade you mean ?17:02
krishim saying if u have kubuntu installed, but you wanted to go to puregnome17:02
krishu can do that17:02
titanesI have a question, WHAT DOES THE 'CONFIGURING HARDWARE' STAGE DO??17:02
eNabilkaddouri, are you using ubuntu 11 ?17:02
titanesis the install bootable if that step fails?17:03
kaddourienabil, no 1017:03
krishguys anyone help me with apt-get17:03
titanesbecause it seems that everything is installed.17:03
aeon-ltdkrish: ask the channel, don't ask to ask17:03
eNabilkaddouri, do you have the menu bar on the left :S xP17:03
cypher-neokrish, What can I help you with?17:03
kaddourienabil, no17:03
raidopr0d: Add "auto" the the last section of that line in fstab17:03
kupo_I have both on my comp and wanna keep 10.0417:04
krishcypher-neo: im doing a apt-get install puppet17:04
ThePendulumAll my greetings are belong to you17:04
eNabilkaddouri, goto software sources under preferences or administration17:04
kupo_along with w717:04
krishand I already have puppet.conf in /etc/puppet17:04
kupo_im doing a triple boot i think17:04
ThePendulumIs there a way to display a notification as soon as I try to log off/shut down my PC with Ubuntu 11.04?17:04
eNabili'm using ubuntu 11.10, graphics card nvidia go 7200, nvidia-current proprietary driver installed, i cannot use unity, i can only login into 2d, someone help me to fix this...17:04
krishso it presents me with option to either take maintainers version or with my version17:04
eNabil1600 ppl here suck17:04
titaneswhat about my question??17:04
ThePendulum*A custom notification, that is17:05
happyfaceis bumblebee still the best solution for NVIDIA Optimus laptops?17:05
krishhow can i over write this on command line itself17:05
eNabil1601 now :P17:05
krishcypher-neo: ^17:05
eNabili'm using ubuntu 11.10, graphics card nvidia go 7200, nvidia-current proprietary driver installed, i cannot use unity, i can only login into 2d, someone help me to fix this...17:05
kupo_I need to eat so... brb17:05
krishcypher-neo: im doing a apt-get install puppet.  and I already have puppet.conf in /etc/puppet. so it presents me with option to either take maintainers version or with my version. how can i over write this on command line itself17:06
eNabilkupo_, lol you do that :P17:06
aeon-ltdkupo_: if grub is separate or on the 10.04 then you can just delete the 11.10 partition(s), then it should work as normal as long as grub is intact17:06
cypher-neokrish, If you're using apt-get install puppet it defaults to the highest version available.17:06
krishcypher-neo: its not the version issue17:07
eNabilkaddouri, hurry coz im out in 517:07
jjp_AHA. I have found my drives under my Media folder. Is that where they should be?17:07
eNabilkaddouri, u took to long, gud luck17:07
krishcypher-neo: if I already have the config file in /etc/puppet , it will ask me either to take maintainers version or not17:07
kaddourienabil, and than17:08
krishcypher-neo: i dont want user to wait for that option, rather specify it in apt-get itself17:08
krishcypher-neo: on the command line itself.. any help17:08
cypher-neokrish, One second, my internet is being stupid right now...17:08
FattyMcgeeHi all.  I have a problem with swap usage.  4GB RAM, 3.5 in use as cache, but 3GB/3GB Swap is in use, toggling top to sort by memory shows the highest mem-usage process is using only .4%.  Very vanilla xubuntu11.10 install.  I even switched vm.swappiness=0.   Any ideas why this box keeps sucking up swap space so much?17:09
jjp_does anyone know why VPN icons appear in unrelated places, like with Notes or other programs, and when I click on them, a new set of up and down arrow icons appear, and I can't get rid of them?17:10
cypher-neokrish, Have you tried invoking the program directly "puppet --help" to see if you can call the version at startup that way?17:11
tH14g0 hello everyone, anyone XORP already configured to perform multicast forward by a gre tunnel?17:11
krishcypher-neo: what would I achieve with that? :)17:12
jjp_well thanks, i think i got what i needed17:12
pr0draido: tryed that, still no luck. Does it matter that my network is built on bridges?17:12
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raidono, if you can mountall ant it mounts then thats fine.17:13
ansaralsunnahhow i can flood pliz17:13
raidopr0d: if you can mountall ant it mounts then thats fine.17:13
pr0draido: I just dont get it, its drivin me nuts17:14
fat_ratansaralsunnah: press alt+F417:14
raidopr0d: source /dest nfs     user,rw,sync,noauto,hard,intr,rsize=4096,wsize=4096     0       017:14
raidopr0d: but instead of noauto, use auto17:15
cypher-neokrish, Let me clarify what you're trying to do. You want to install puppet from a particular source automatically at startup?17:15
cypher-neokrish, Using apt-get17:15
cypher-neokrish, Otherwise it gives you an option between 2 different versions?17:16
raidopr0d: so you last section on that line will look like this "user,rw,sync,auto,hard,intr,rsize=4096,wsize=4096     0       0"17:16
pr0draido: rebooting now17:17
pr0draido: still no luck17:18
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raidopr0d: well, does mount -a work with those settings?17:19
pr0draido: mount -a works perfectly17:19
pr0draido: thats why im so stumped17:19
kenperkinscan anyone recommend a monitoring/notification tool that's NOT nagios?17:20
pr0draido: i was under the impression that _netdev would be the fix if mount -a works. I just dont understand it17:20
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raidopr0d: do sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:21
raidopr0d: then do "cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit" and post the link it gives you here17:21
mksogdnehow i can search for wireless network by wi-fi ?17:22
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kupo_ok, so... if I were to remove my 11.10 version and stick with 10.04 while keeping Windows 7, I'd only need to remove my 11.10 partition?17:22
pr0draido: http://pastebin.com/MgjN8eB417:22
kyenteikupo_: And reinstall the MS Windows bootloader.17:23
kyenteikupo_: Using the Windows install CD.17:23
kyenteikupo_: Or rather, DVD.17:23
kupo_and then how would the ms bootloader pick up ubuntu?17:23
kyenteikupo_: It wouldn't, but you're removing ubuntu anyway.17:24
ansaralsunnahallah akbar17:24
ansaralsunnahhow ned help17:24
kupo_oh, but I wanted to keep 10.04 also17:24
raidopr0d: Ok, that looks fine, now add the _netdev to the end, before "0 0"17:24
kupo_not remove completely17:24
kyenteikupo_: Oh, right! I misread "stick", thought you were speaking of an usb-stick17:25
kyenteikupo_: Then, install your bootloader using 10.04 before you remove 11.1017:25
pr0dradio: rebooting17:25
pr0dlol typo17:25
kupo_I believe I did17:25
aeon-ltdkupo_: you don't use the ms bootloader, use grub for anything linux + x17:25
raidopr0d: However, I think your problem is that the network services are not loaded before your fstab is loaded (obviously). So, this is what netdev is supposed to fix by making it wait for networking. But its not doing its job17:26
kyenteikupo_: You can just remove your 11.10 partition after that. Since the bootloader is set for 1.0417:26
kupo_ok thnx17:26
kyenteikupo_: 10.04 *17:26
pr0draido: thats definitely what it seems like17:26
raidopr0d: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/38434717:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 384347 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "_netdev not working" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:26
kyenteikupo_: AFter you've done that, you will still see 11.10 in your GRUB, since it was there when you installed it using ubuntu 10.04. Just update your grub again after that, and it'll be completely gone.17:27
raidopr0d: are you using a GUI on this box?17:27
pr0dthe server is GUI, the client is a cli xen-server17:27
kupo_sudo apt-get update grub?17:27
dimas_how i do this? "lock the installed version in Synaptic"17:27
kupo_or something17:28
mksogdnehow i can search for wireless network by wi-fi ?17:28
llutzmksogdne: iwlist s17:28
kyenteikupo_: No. update-grub and then grub-install /dev/sdX (where X is your current partition, ususally sda)17:28
kupo_ah, k17:28
raidopr0d: well, either way, you can make a crude fix by running a post start script to execute the mount17:28
kyenteikupo_: so: "sudo update grub" and "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"17:28
kyenteikupo_: so: "sudo update-grub" and "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"17:28
kyenteikupo_: Note the little line between upgrade and grub ^_^17:29
kupo_ye lol17:29
pr0draido: rc.local?17:29
kupo_ok, brb17:29
mksogdneInterface doesn't support scanning.17:29
kupo_gonna go do that17:29
dimas_kyentei, how i do this? "lock the installed version in Synaptic"17:30
raidopr0d: sure17:30
kyenteidimas_: I have no idea what that error message even implies.17:30
kyenteidimas_: What are you trying to do?17:31
dimas_kyentei, i just going to install an old version of a program and lock it in synaptic17:31
dimas_but i dont know how to lock it17:31
mksogdnehow i can search for wireless network by wi-fi ?17:32
kyenteidimas_: I have no idea.17:32
kupo_oh ya, should I use gparted to remove the 11.10 partition, or what?17:32
kyenteikupo_: Anything you prefer. gparted is fine.17:32
raidopr0d: or in /etc/rc3.d/ or /etc/rc4.d/17:33
kingfisher64can anybody tell me how to install adobe cs3 using wine or wine tricks? i've been trying/researching this most of the day. This is the last major thing i need to do to make the transition from win7 to ubuntu. many thanks17:33
EvilResistancekingfisher64:  check the wine app db for compatibility17:33
pr0draido: now im ultra-confused, rc.local: mount -t nfs /xen/images. still no mount on boot :S17:33
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:33
mksogdnehow i can search for wireless network by wi-fi ?17:34
pr0dworks fine in terminal17:34
EvilResistance!repeat | mksogdne17:34
ubottumksogdne: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:34
tokamhi,  I run this by a crontab "sudo -u www-data -g psaserv /var/www/vhosts/someproject.de/httpdocs/cronjobs/cronjob"17:34
tokamI get the following error: No entry for terminal type "unknown";17:34
tokamusing dumb terminal settings.17:34
tokamhow to fix that?17:35
raidopr0d: pit it in /etc/rc3.d/17:35
kingfisher64EvilResistance - yep i've looked. I can't find the specific cs3 match however it mentions photoshop, illustrator cs3 (which is just part of the install)17:35
flintwingelmksogdne: kismet will let you scan for wifi networks17:36
EvilResistancekingfisher64:  then assume it hasnt been tested.  also assume they might have "garbage" ratings.17:36
pr0draido: cant remember the process of adding somethin there. could you please provide me an example?17:36
ActionParsnipmksogdne: sudo iwlist scan17:36
kupo_I'm trying to figure out which partition is my ubuntu 11.10 install now and I can't rlly tell...17:36
kupo_can I screeny?17:36
raidopr0d: just place the script file in that dir17:36
ActionParsnipkupo_: mount; sudo parted -l17:36
raidopr0d: make sure its executable17:37
pr0draido: ok, made a new file with the command. making +x now17:38
EvilResistancekingfisher64:  http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?bIsQueue=false&bIsRejected=false&sClass=vendor&iId=12&sAction=view&sTitle=View+Developer17:38
kupo_ok, I did that17:38
EvilResistancekingfisher64:  all the CS3 things are listed as garbage.  i think you're SOL17:38
kupo_now what17:38
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kingfisher64EvilResistance - is there no way to run it from the command line? I click on the cd and run with wine and it appears to crash. However installing photoshop, illustrator cs3 can be done. All cs3 is - is a collection of apps including these two which have been labelled as "silver" for photoshop and illustrator is "garbage"17:39
ActionParsnipkupo_: read17:39
kupo_ya I am now17:39
EvilResistancekingfisher64:  *ALL* the CS3 applications are listed as garbage in the current release(s) of wine.  i don't think you can get that all to work17:40
EvilResistanceshort of photoshop17:40
pr0draido: still no joy, somethin just isnt right17:41
LucidGuyI have an ubuntu 11.10 server that randomly crashes.  Logs are of no use due to kernel panic.  Is there anyway I can properly log hard kernel-panic crashes?17:42
kingfisher64EvilResistance - oh no, I really need those 2 apps. I used to use dreamweaver then notepad++ now blufish. I don't mind comprimising on most software but illustrator, photoshop is a must. I suppose i could install virtualbox and run them in there as a last resort. Would that enable me to be able to save to ubuntu's file system direct? I'm not how that would work.17:42
ActionParsnipLucidGuy: is the ram healthy?17:42
LucidGuyActionParsnip, According to memtest .. yes17:42
AndroidLoverInSFanyone successfully upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 where ubuntu is on an encrypted partition17:43
pr0draido: moved it to rc4.d rebooting17:43
ActionParsnipLucidGuy: cool, good first test17:44
LucidGuyActionParsnip, I have a funny feeling its the CPU...17:44
urlin2uAndroidLoverInSF, your going to let what you get make that decision for you?17:44
ActionParsnipLucidGuy: what service(s) do(es) the server run?17:44
AndroidLoverInSFthe boot partition is unencrypted but the / is encrypted, safe?17:44
flintwingelkingfisher64: virtualbox gives you the option of a shared folder between host & guest. It looks like a network share from inside WIndows17:44
AndroidLoverInSFmaybe doesn't hurt to get info, opinion17:45
LucidGuyActionParsnip, I appreciate your interest in troubleshooting, but I simply need to know if there is a way to capture kernel panics17:45
urlin2uAndroidLoverInSF,  lol this cannel is not for polling but support.17:45
pr0draido: rc4.d and still not mounting on boot17:45
talntidanyone know of any tools that can compare a current ubuntu install, to a base ubuntu install, and display the differences?17:45
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ActionParsnipLucidGuy: try in /var/log/dmesg.0    I believe it is the dmesg from the previous boot17:46
raidopr0d: are these VMs on the same box or do you have more that one machine17:46
trirnothHello all. Looking for a program that would open all programs I choose at the location (both workspace and position) when logging in. I rarely reboot, but when I do it takes me too long to manually open/ position everything the way I like.17:46
kingfisher64flintwingel - right I just need to save the files direct into the website i'm working on folder. Sometimes that might mean a remote server. Do you know if it would do that? I assume it would if it's mounted17:46
LucidGuyActionParsnip, Looked around .. no luck.  I think I have to somehow mount a tty to a serial connection on another server.  This way I can scroll through the last kernel panic.17:46
mksogdnehow i can change the  11.10 appearence to 8.10 ?17:47
trirnothcurrently running 11.04 (will upgrade some day on a slow day).17:47
ActionParsnipmksogdne: which DE?17:47
raidopr0d: i.e. Are you mounting a FS on a VM that is on the same physical box as the destination dir for the mount?17:47
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ActionParsnipmksogdne: if you mean Gnome desktop then this will help17:48
ActionParsnipmksogdne: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/17:48
elisa87I receive this error $ MPEG7Fex CSD 64 imageList.txt CSD.txtMPEG7Fex: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by MPEG7Fex)17:49
elisa87what should I do?17:49
flintwingelkingfisher64: I've not tried sharing a folder that's networked from the hosts POV but a Windows guest can have full access to the network so can upload wherever is required and supported by the apps you're using17:49
raidopr0d: because, this may be an issue of xen not meing ready rather that networking not being ready17:49
mksogdnei had install gnome shell but it is gnome 317:49
elisa87I do not have root access and I am not in the list of sudoers17:49
ActionParsnipmksogdne: you can use XFCE in Oneiric and it will look the same as it did in Intrepid using XFCE17:49
mksogdneXFCE looks boring !17:50
ActionParsnipelisa87: are you in the admin group17:50
ActionParsnipmksogdne: so you are using Gnome?17:50
vinnyxubuntu is reallly nice17:50
pr0draido: I am mounting the nfs share to Dom0. which then shares my xen images17:50
LucidGuyim off17:51
mksogdneno buddy i am using ubuntu  and i had only install gnome shell fro usc17:51
ActionParsnipmksogdne: that will use Gnome as the desktop, Gnome shell (as the name says) is only a shell17:52
dwi_How i can joint a channel?17:52
coriapolisyou need papers to joint a channel17:52
kupo_yay, removal worked17:52
ActionParsnipdwi_: /join #channame17:52
ArcademanMay I ask where I could find Ubuntu for Arm devices :)17:52
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.17:52
pr0draido: so i have 2 xen machines. machine 1 has xen but its prim function is a home file server and router/gateway. Machine 2 also has xen which gets its xen images from machine 1.17:53
dwi_thanks Actionparship17:53
Arcademanty ActionParsnip17:53
raidopr0d: well, at this point, I suspect that ist not a network timing issue, its a xen timing issue17:53
mksogdnethan how i can chnage that !17:54
ActionParsnipmksogdne: the how to shows how to make gnome3 look like gnome217:54
dwi_How can i see another channel?17:54
pr0draido: I cant see how this problem can be related to xen as I am not mounting to a VM, but ill take your word for it.17:55
aeon-ltddwi_: in irc?17:55
dwi_in XChat-GNOME IRC Chat17:56
rechargei have installed gtkpod for my ubuntu 11.10 and i am trying to find a way to use my iphone with my ubuntu.. especially i want music files to be moved from computer to my iphone.. i can see folders in the program gtkpod but i dont know how to get my music there.. please help17:56
aeon-ltddwi_: first you must join a new channel17:56
dwi_aeon: Thanks you17:57
lduroshello, I'm connected to an ubuntu laptop through ssh, I want to open something in the current X sessions that is opened on the laptop (which is running unity) -- I forgot how to do that from the command line, any idea?17:57
aeon-ltddwi_: /join #nameofnewchannel ; then switching to it is dependent on the client17:57
coreGrlI've installed 11.10 but I'm lost..I've an nvidia grafic card but it doesn't seems that the system works with it how can I check that? unity drive me crazy17:57
raidopr0d: is running when you reboot machine 2?17:58
dwi_can i send private message?17:58
aeon-ltddwi_: why?17:58
pr0draido: ofcourse :)17:58
mmoebiuscoreGrl: Welcome to the "new" Ubuntu. concerning that propblem, send a "thank you for unity" email to canonical ;-P17:58
mmoebiuscoreGrl: Do you have any graphics at all ? or text-mode only ?17:59
longcathow do i get rid of the mic/volume icons in the gnome panel system-tray thing?  It seems i can only remove the whole tray from panel or have to live with all of them17:59
ActionParsnipcoreGrl: you don't have to use unity17:59
talntidanyone know of any tools that can compare a current ubuntu install, to a base ubuntu install, and display the differences between the 2? (like installed software, modified files, etc)17:59
rechargei have installed gtkpod for my ubuntu 11.10 and i am trying to find a way to use my iphone with my ubuntu.. especially i want music files to be moved from computer to my iphone.. i can see folders in the program gtkpod but i dont know how to get my music there.. please help17:59
ActionParsniptalntid: diff17:59
raidopr0d: you mentioned bridging, is the bridging happening on machine 218:00
coreGrlno unity starts, but for example if I run stellarium it says that my system doesn't support opengl..18:00
ActionParsnipcoreGrl: did you install the proprietary driver? Whicg nvidia GPU do you use/18:00
pr0draido: yes my prim eth is bridged.18:00
raidopr0d: bridget to VM's on machine 2?18:00
mmoebiuscoreGrl: Then, most likely you are missing the correct driver for your system. Have you ever seen a "Hardware/Proprietary Drivers" Popup ?18:00
pr0dye the bridge is for the VMs to attach18:01
coreGrl VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GF106 [GeForce GT 555M]18:01
coreGrlyes and I enabled the nvidia module and now is green18:01
coreGrlit says that is in use18:01
mmoebiuscoreGrl: That is pretty decent and requires the nvidia drivers to be installed18:01
mmoebiusHave you restarted the machine scince installing the nvidia driver ?18:01
coreGrlmmoebius, uhm I think they are installed, but I suppose isn't true18:02
coreGrlmmoebius, of course18:02
raidopr0d: then that must be what the delay is. And because its not strictly local the to machine performing the mount then _nodev may be ineffective18:02
mmoebiuscoreGrl: take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:02
mmoebiusReading quite a bit into the document, you shouid see the nvidia drivers's startup messages.18:03
pr0draido: there is about a 10 sec delay for the bridge to be built on boot. But _netdev should work around that right?18:03
raidopr0d: I doubt it, because the network on that machine is running by then, even though the bridge is not18:04
coreGrl (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) doh...18:04
ActionParsnipcoreGrl: try adding the xorg edgers updates ppa (less fresh) and you will get the later driver which your super new hardware will need18:04
rcmaehlQuick question: how do I format a drive in linux with a custom allocation unit size18:04
pr0draido: i did try to post-up in /etc/net.../inter..18:04
coreGrlActionParsnip, any doc about that?18:05
raidopr0d: so you will need a script that checks to see if the mount exists and if it does not then to create it.18:05
mmoebiuscoreGrl: There you have it.  Does 'dpkg -l *nvidia* '  list the (more recent) drivers ?18:05
pr0draido: which left me with a slow booting machine and still no mnount18:05
ActionParsnipcoreGrl: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade18:05
coreGrlnvidia-common  1:0.2.35       Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers uhm... so nasty this descriptions18:05
raidopr0d: I know nothing about xen but Im sure you ruled out netdev as a possible fix. And im void of any other ideas. Good luck.18:06
ActionParsnipcoreGrl: try:  sudo apt-get -f install18:06
ActionParsnipcoreGrl: it's working here (reminded me to do it ono my own box)18:07
pr0dradio: Im am very greatfull for your time! But yes i think its time for me to head over to ##xen and pick their brains18:07
pr0draido: lol18:07
raidopr0d: cheers18:07
pr0draido: again tyvm :)18:07
coreGrlI think it's time to reboot :)18:08
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coreGrltank you guys I'll try to reboot18:09
xtreameri have ubuntu 11.10 and so when viewing  youtube videos , the video is verry laggy and i don't know the reason for that, if you have any idea on how to get rid of that lag i'd be happy:D18:11
xtreameris anyone round here?18:12
spartan2276does anyone know how to reset the them say applied to the Gnome3 desktop session?18:12
spartan2276like is there a config file18:12
xtreamerthe what?18:12
ActionParsnipxtreamer: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'18:12
ActionParsnipxtreamer: use a pastebin to host the output.18:13
xtreamerNo LSB modules are available.18:13
xtreamerDistributor ID:Ubuntu18:13
xtreamerDescription:Ubuntu 11.1018:13
FloodBot1xtreamer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
xtreamerLinux ubuntu 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:28:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:13
marelhow to open gedit from terminal and be able to use terminal while gedit is on18:13
ActionParsnipmarel: gedit &18:13
ActionParsnipxtreamer: I said to use a pastebin.....18:13
ActionParsnipxtreamer: there is a reason18:14
Soma250I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a brand new ACER 5250 laptop and it won't detect any internet connections - neither wireless connections that my other laptops detect nor a direct ethernet connection - any ideas?18:14
ActionParsnipSoma250: have you tried in an Oneiric liveCD?18:14
Soma250@actionparsnip which is what, exactly?18:14
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xtreamerActionParsnip: do you think the videos are laggy because i'm using unity wich has 3d effects?18:15
ActionParsnipxtreamer: possibly, usually its caused by other things18:15
Soma250I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a brand new ACER 5250 laptop and it won't detect any internet connections - neither wireless connections that my other laptops detect nor a direct ethernet connection - any ideas?18:16
xtreameri'd like to solve this, if you could help me:)18:16
ActionParsnipxtreamer: conflicting plugins, wrong arch of flash. Do you have the pastebin??18:16
ActionParsnipxtreamer: yes, I asked for the output of a command and you still haven't given it..18:16
ActionParsnipSoma250: the latest stable release of ubuntu, some 2 years newer18:17
ActionParsnipSoma250: the new kernel and drivers may make it work18:17
xtreamerActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799662/18:17
CreativeEmbassyis there a different channel for ubuntu server?18:17
ActionParsnipxtreamer: yep, 64bit OS, 32bit flash18:18
Soma251@actionparsnip how do I install them without a functioning connection on the computer I am attempting to fix?18:18
CreativeEmbassyI had issues with a brand new ubuntu server install on an old dell poweredge server. I want to make sure I ask on the appropriate channel.18:18
xtreamerActionParsnip: i'm using 32 bit os18:18
ActionParsnipxtreamer: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-downloader:i386 flashplugin-installer18:18
ActionParsnipxtreamer:  x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux    from your output. Still think its 32bit>18:18
aeon-ltdCreativeEmbassy: there's a server channel #ubuntu-server18:18
xtreamerActionParsnip: you mean i have 64 bit os? that's great.. do you know any way to downgrade to 32 bit18:19
xtreamerActionParsnip: i don't need 64 bit18:19
ActionParsnipxtreamer: reinstall if you want 32bit OS18:19
xtreamerActionParsnip: great....18:19
ActionParsnipxtreamer: if you enable the partner repo you can install adobe-installer and get 64bit flash18:19
ActionParsnipxtreamer: and it will be fine18:19
Soma250@actionparsnip The reason I installed 10.04 is because I had problems after installing 11.10: random crashes and lockups, often prompted by trying to access wireless connections18:20
xtreamerActionParsnip: thanks, it's just that now i realised why was all laggy in ubuntu, because i'm using 64 bit os....18:20
ActionParsnipxtreamer: 64bit won't make any difference to laggy OS18:20
ActionParsnipxtreamer: you probably haven't setup 3D accel properly, try Unity2D18:20
CreativeEmbassyaeon-ltd: thank you!18:21
ActionParsnipSoma250: what wireless chip does it use?18:21
xtreamerActionParsnip: ok, so could you please tell me again how to get flash plugin 64 bit for my chromium browser?18:21
ActionParsnipxtreamer: enable the partner repo then install adobe-flashplugin or adobe-installer   I forget the package name18:22
bullgard6I switched my Ubuntu computer on and immediately I received a notification of a jabber friend although I did not start a Jabber client explicitely. How to check if a jabber client is running?18:22
EvilResistancebullgard6:  are you using purple / empathy / pidgin?18:23
EvilResistancethose usually start automatically18:23
bullgard6EvilResistance: Yes.18:23
EvilResistancebullgard6:  then i betcha it started itself automagically and initiated the connection18:23
bullgard6EvilResistance:  How to check if a jabber client is running?18:24
ActionParsnipbullgard6: ps -ef | egrep 'empathy|pidgin' | grep -v grep18:25
Soma250@actionparsnip Website says "Acer InviLink™ Nplify™ 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™" - Can't figure out, in my ignorance, how to double check this within Ubuntu 10.04 itself18:26
llutzbullgard6: lsof -i|grep xmpp18:26
EvilResistancebullgard6:  see ActionParsnip's statement18:26
ActionParsnipSoma250: tells us nothing18:26
ActionParsnipSoma250: what is the product line in the output of:  sudo lshw -C network18:27
bullgard6ActionParsnip, llutz: I will test thatin a minute  using your command. --  Thank you.18:27
ActionParsnipSoma250: the manufacturers sites rarely state the full chip which is not very useful to smart people18:28
Soma250@actionparsnip Atheros AR815218:28
ActionParsnipSoma250: cool huh :)18:29
ActionParsnipSoma250: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16953/need-wired-driver-for-an-atheros-ar815218:29
kingfisher64oh that has put a spanner in the works. Just as it was looking like a easy transition from windows7 this happens. Does anybody know of another way to run adobe software in ubuntu - if not supported by wine and not in a virtual machine?18:32
Soma250@actionparsnip Thanks, will try out some of the solutions and see18:32
dr_williskingfisher64:  run it on a real machine and use vnc? :) you have just about eliminated the normal ways to do it...18:32
zorro747I have to update my driver I think18:33
semitoneshow do you find out what color a font is in open office? THe color chooser just says "automatic"18:33
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folstoI am trying to run unetbootin. But it asks for password. Even if I enter correct passsword it says incorrect password.18:34
kingfisher64dr_willis - ok what's vnc? I don't mind using "abnormal" ways of doing it!!!18:34
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folstoI also tried "gksu unetbootin". Same thing.18:34
folstoI also updated the PPA to the one specifed in the website. And installed the new version. Same thing.18:34
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:34
dr_williskingfisher64:  you got a spare windows pc to run the apps on?18:34
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zorro747I have this so far :) fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 32 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels <kevlarman> your 32 bit libraries don't match the kernel module18:35
kingfisher64dr_willis - not at the mo18:35
ActionParsnipfolsto: you use the password you log in with18:35
folstoAny suggestions? I need to copy a bootable iso to a usb. Are there any other tools which does similar function?18:35
ActionParsnipfolsto: are you in the admin group?18:36
ActionParsnipSoma250: now you know the chip, you can find guides18:36
folstoActionParsnip:  How can I check that?18:36
dr_willisfolsto:  dozens of tools at the pendrivelinux site. also it depends on which iso/disrto you are using.. ubuntu 11.10+ can use dd to put the iso image on a usb18:36
squidlyI'm trying to install cacti on my server but I get this. "no type given for question at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Question.pm line 22, <GEN1> line 2." I cant remove or install cacti18:36
ActionParsnipfolsto: run:   groups18:36
kingfisher64dr_willis - i really don't want to go back to windoze! I just need photoshop, illustrator to work.18:37
folstoActionParsnip: Yes I am in admin group18:37
ActionParsnipfolsto: you can even use dd to put the image on the USB as well ;)18:37
folstoI see I will man dd and try, thanks.18:37
dr_williskingfisher64:  I dont use the app. i use gimp for my needs. you options are wine, a vm, or a real machine and use vnc or some other remote desktop18:37
ActionParsnipfolsto: could try:   sudo -i    then run the command without sudo18:37
kingfisher64dr_willis - i've got windows on another partition on this machine. Is there anyway use it from that?18:38
folstoActionParsnip: It cannot connect to X server : "(gksu:11841): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0   "18:38
dr_williskingfisher64:  vbox can boot a 'real' hard drive. but that may trigger the windows copy protection18:39
ActionParsnipfolsto: are you running it via ssh?18:39
folstoActionParsnip: In terminal18:40
ActionParsnipfolsto: i see, have you tried usb-creator18:40
Escherialhey, how would i go about adjusting the contrast/gamma/etc. of my laptop display? i realize this is accomplished in windows by proprietary drivers, but i'm hoping there's some other solution for linux...18:41
Soma250@actionparsnip no luck, following the steps on that link, I apparently need a functioning internet connection on the laptop w/ problems to successfully do the driver update18:41
ActionParsnipEscherial: what GPU do you use/18:41
Escheriali'm using an integrated intel HD graphics adapter, if that helps at all...18:41
folstoActionParsnip: I need to copy android-x86 iso, which I am unable to through usb-creator18:41
xtreamerActionParsnip: I have downloaded the 64 flash plugin for firefox but i have no idea on how to install it , it's an arhive from the official adobe site18:42
dr_willisfolsto:   the androud-x86 homepage may have guides on what tools to use. or try the pendrivelinux site.18:42
dr_willisfolsto:  usb-creator i think is for ubuntu iso's only18:42
dr_willisfolsto:  or just trry dd'ing the iso to a pendrive as a test.18:43
ActionParsnipfolsto: can it be dd'd over?18:44
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dr_willisfolsto:  http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/embedded/hwsw/software/android-installation-guide18:44
folstoI am not sure if it can be dd'ed over, but surely I can try. I could use help for correct dd command18:44
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jeniahello everyone18:45
jeniai want to flip the screen using xrandr18:45
llutzfolsto: which device is your usb? /dev/sdX?18:45
jeniawhen i do it, the mouse axis does not get flipped18:45
dr_willisfolsto:  that url gives directions  using a tool from pendrivelinux18:45
jeniaso when i move the mouse left, the cursor moves right18:45
folstollutz: /dev/sdc118:45
jeniadoes anyone know how to overcome this problem?18:46
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Guest57966What problem?18:46
jeniawhen i use xrandr18:46
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ActionParsnipjenia: what make and model is the mouse?18:46
israel!jenia which problem?18:46
ubottuisrael: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:46
jeniawhen i use xrandr to flip the screen18:47
jeniathe mouse axis does not get flipped18:47
folstodr_willis: It links to windows executable "Universal USB Installer". but I need to do in linux so I can copy the iso to *ext3* only usb drive18:47
jeniamy mouse i part of the laptop18:47
dr_willisfolsto:  the pendrivelinux site has directions and tools for linux as well..18:47
jeniaits a lenovo X6118:47
go8765can i found some fresh .deb for  Instantbird ?18:47
ActionParsnipjenia: soits a touchpad, not a mouse18:47
ActionParsnipjenia: so why say mouse?18:47
jeniai should have said a cursor ;)18:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:48
ActionParsnip(18:45:36) jenia: when i do it, the mouse axis does not get flipped18:48
ActionParsnipanyway, i'll have a search18:48
jeniayes exactly. but i need it to flip18:49
llutzfolsto: just try: sudo dd if=yourandroid.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4k                  make sure to have this line correct, dd won't ask, it just overwrites18:49
jeniaotherwise when i go right, the cursor goes left18:49
ActionParsnipjenia: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc18:49
jeniaokay. it worked18:49
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jeniathanks for your time guys18:50
ActionParsnipjenia: so it's ok now? I never advised anything....strange18:51
jeniadamn no its not okay. the mouse goes in the right direction18:51
jeniai mean, the trackpoint18:51
ActionParsnipjenia: what is the output of the command I gave plase18:52
jeniabut when i use the pen, it does not get flipped18:52
ActionParsnipjenia: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_10.04_(Lucid_Lynx)_on_a_ThinkPad_X61_Tablet    may help18:52
M4d3L1hi. is there a way to easily downgrade from 11.10 to 10.04 lst?18:54
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: reinstall18:54
M4d3L1ActionParsnip: its on a dedicated server. and I need to pay to reinstall18:55
dr_willisM4d3L1:  I guess you pay then..18:55
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: reinstall is the only way to get an earlier version18:55
israeljust pay18:55
go8765can i found some fresh .deb for  Instantbird ?18:55
dr_willis!ppa | go876518:56
ubottugo8765: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa18:56
M4d3L1anyone has sucessfully install Virtualmin on Ubuntu 11.04?18:56
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: looks easy enough, there is an install script on their site18:56
dr_willis!info virtualmin18:57
ubottuPackage virtualmin does not exist in oneiric18:57
M4d3L1ActionParsnip: not work on 11.1018:57
M4d3L1I need to install manually18:57
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: what does the script output to say it asn't worked?18:57
M4d3L1it say distribution not found and stop18:57
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: wait, isn't virtualmin a plugin for webmin?18:57
selimtakos tu est la18:58
dr_willissounds like it dosent support the latest ubuntu version.18:58
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ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:58
jubeican somebody point me to some guide on how to mount 2 disks on 1 point? (like.. JBOD raid)18:58
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: webmin is not compatible with ubuntu18:58
go8765dr_willis, but i cant find fresh deb there(18:58
dr_willisjubei:  you mean mount 2 filesystems?  to one mountpoint?18:58
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: so neither is virtualmin18:58
jubeidr_willis, like.. merging 2 disks to one partition18:59
dr_willis!raid | jubei18:59
ubottujubei: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:59
jubeidr_willis, I have 2 clean disks and I want to make one partition out of them18:59
M4d3L1how I can manage my server than? any free tool?18:59
jubeidr_willis, thanks19:00
M4d3L1I only want to be able to create web account19:00
dr_willisjubei:  you really have a major need for a single mountpoint with the capacity of both disks?19:00
M4d3L1no dns management19:00
jubeidr_willis, yes19:00
dr_willisjubei:  be sure to have backups. :)19:00
dr_willismost people mangge servers with ssh :)19:00
ActionParsnip!ebox | M4d3L119:01
ubottuM4d3L1: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).19:01
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: could just use SSH and manage the OS that way, like most people do19:01
M4d3L1ActionParsnip: am not an admin. I need something to quick add account with ftp, mysql db and home folder19:03
M4d3L1does ebox is secure?19:03
jubeidr_willis, is there some gnome guy tool to do this? because none of the links you sent me were helpful19:03
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: its not hard to learn19:03
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: its as secure as webmin19:03
jubeidr_willis, the guides you sent me explain how to install to softwareraid/fakeraid I just want to make it out of 2 independent disks19:03
M4d3L1I dont say it not hard to learn but I dont have time to learn lol19:04
bender__Hello, my usb bluetooth won't work :( can you help me please? I need it to sync my phone19:04
jubeipost installation19:04
dr_willisjubei:  i dont use the feature. so the guides url is all i know on the topic.19:04
jubeidr_willis, ic. thanks anyway19:04
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: if you do, if you start work on real servers you won't need pretty GUIs to do your work and your skills will be easily transferrable19:04
dr_willisjubei:  ive learned from hanging in here. that often raids are more trouble then they are worth19:04
dr_willisjubei:  wht you described sounded like a fake raid to me.19:05
M4d3L1ActionParsnip: its not time to learn on a production server too.19:06
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: well you've taken one on, time to learn19:07
dr_willislearning somthing that will do the job.. vs exploreing  and learning about tools that may or may not do the job.19:07
israelM4d3L1: u need time to learn19:07
nblyumbergIs there a way to completely remove a wonky MySQL server install?19:07
dr_willisnblyumberg:  apt-get remove with the purge option perhaps?19:08
dr_willisnblyumberg:  whats so wonky about it?19:08
nblyumbergi had it running19:08
ActionParsnipM4d3L1: ebox is a supported gui, i suggest you do learn though, maybe in between stuff19:08
bender__Please can you help me with the bluetooth?19:08
M4d3L1israel: if you get get more then 24 hour in a day. I want to know how!19:08
nblyumbergbut in the process of trying to get a Perl module to compile i broke it19:08
nblyumbergI would like to remove everything MySQL* related19:09
israelM4d3L1: there's always time 4 everithing, just find it19:09
wiggmpkI lost sound via my speakers (headphones still work). I can confirm my speakers are working when my bios boot animation plays it has sound19:10
ActionParsnipnblyumberg: you will need to delete the SQL tables you made, then stop mysql, then uninstall it19:10
M4d3L1yeah… I cut already on administration ;)19:10
nblyumbergwhat if things were deleted before things were stopped19:10
bender__I need help with the bluetooth in ubuntu 11.1019:10
ActionParsnipwiggmpk: try:   killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    then wait a few seconds and try some sound things19:10
israelnblyumberg: sudo apt-get purge mysql, did you try this19:10
wiggmpkActionParsnip: tried that already, but I'll give it another go19:10
nblyumbergThat returns E: Unable to locate package mysql19:11
ActionParsnipnblyumberg: try:  dpkg -l | grep sql19:11
nblyumbergok that returns a large list of mysql things19:11
israelnblyumberg:sudo apt-get autoremove , and this?19:11
nblyumbergshould I dpkg --remove *sql*19:12
groovehunterhi. How can I start the ubuntu software center on console pls?19:12
ActionParsnipgroovehunter: gksudo software-center19:13
folstollutz: dd'ed successful, I need to create a folder in the root of usb. But when I try creating that as root, it says it is read only file system.19:13
dr_willisSoftware center has a Non X internface?19:13
wiggmpkActionParsnip: yeah, no positive results. I also tried confirming my settings in alsamixer and they are as they should be19:13
elisa87I receive the error : E: Couldn't find package  in my virtual machine having ubuntu on it! I guess my network is not connected in bash but it is connected in mozilla! so what's the solution?19:13
dr_willisfolsto:  because the usb is an 'iso' filesystem. its also the exact size of the iso. (55mb i think)19:13
Typhwhen I drag windows  with one mouse, they move smooth, when I drag with another, they are choppy, only redrawing after a second or more. Where should I be looking to troubleshoot?19:13
ActionParsnipwiggmpk: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh19:14
pehdensome one who is me and message it to me plese19:14
dr_willisyou can /whois yourself19:14
becom33This isnt much of a OS related software . but Im bilding a devlepment envrnment . In mac I can add a virual host example.local and asign the path and keep my work in their . now I wanna make a ubuntu box and keep the host and dns their and connect to19:14
becom33the linux box when I type example.local. howcan I do that . heard bind dns can do the work . but still Im confused19:14
pehdeni was just asking that lol19:14
ActionParsnippehden: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799710/19:15
TyphI'm guessing the scan frequency is too high on my new mouse or something19:15
elisa87I receive the error : E: Couldn't find package  in my virtual machine having ubuntu on it! I guess my network is not connected in bash but it is connected in mozilla! so what's the solution?19:15
talntidanyone know of any tools that can compare a current ubuntu install, to a base ubuntu install, and display the differences between the 2? (like installed software, modified files, etc)19:15
becom33anyone ?19:15
ActionParsnipbecom33: just because you don't know how to do someting doesn't mean the OS is lacking, it is YOU that is lacking19:15
wiggmpkActionParsnip: are you looking for the log it generates?19:16
israelelisa87: r u trying to install?19:16
becom33ActionParsnip:  I didnt mean anything wrong with ubuntu . u guys a knowledgeble people , cant harm if I just ask off topic question right A?19:16
dr_willisbecom33:  you could edit the hosts file and have the example.local  point to the right ip.19:16
xanguabecom33: there is an offtopic channel19:16
folstodr_willis: So isn't there a way to copy that iso to usb as other tools should do like unetbootin?19:16
dr_willisbecom33:  its not exactly clear what you are doing.19:17
ActionParsnipwiggmpk: select to upload to the server and a URL will be generated19:17
raidotalntid: you can use dpkg and diff to do the installed software survey19:17
becom33dr_willis: I have a linux bx19:17
wiggmpkActionParsnip: I just used pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/799712/19:17
dr_willisfolsto:  i just did it with a tool from pendrivelinux. but i need to tweak the syslinux config file. it did a common error.19:17
ActionParsnipbecom33: if you bridge the connection, it will get DHCP from your router and will be connectable from the LAN like any other system. Is that what you mean?19:17
dr_willisfolsto:  im not even sure how useable android on an i86 is at this time. It may be easier to just test it in virtualbox19:18
ActionParsnipwiggmpk: in alsamixer   are all levels unmuted and cranked?19:18
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:18
wiggmpkActionParsnip: with the exception of "Beep" and my Mic, yes19:19
nblyumberghow do I remove the config files with --purge19:19
folstodr_willis: No I tried ICS 3.0.1 on a usb of fat32, its higly usable, multitouch, sound, wifi works. I have x86 tablet so it is very  handy.19:19
raidonblyumberg: dpkg --purge PACKAGENAME19:19
ActionParsnipwiggmpk: are you wanting to use hdmi or the laptop speakers19:19
nblyumbergdesktop:/var/run/mysqld# dpkg -r mysql-admin --purge19:19
folstodr_willis: Meanwhile I am trying "live-usb-install" from pendrivelinux19:19
israelnblyumberg: sudo apt-get --purge package19:19
wiggmpkActionParsnip: I believe my chipset doesnt support audio over hdmi, so the laptop speakers are the issue19:19
ActionParsnipwiggmpk: cool19:20
dr_willisnight all...19:20
ActionParsnipwiggmpk: may help:   there is an entry you can add to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf     https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11410919:20
wiggmpkActionParsnip: thanks, I'll take a look =)19:21
folstodr_willis: Thanks for the help, good night.19:21
=== wad_ is now known as wad
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?19:23
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:23
retrorexI am trying to install install a package from source forge called k-map-minimizer ...it contains http://paste.ubuntu.com/799717/ ...tried  ./configure sudo: ./configure: command not found19:23
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.19:23
Pici!msgthebot > taurus8619:24
ubottutaurus86, please see my private message19:24
ActionParsnipretrorex: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795945  seen that>19:25
go8765what mean :Could not find compatible GRE between version 2.0 and 2.0.0.*. ?19:26
ActionParsnipgo8765: sudo xulrunner-1.9 --register-global19:27
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ActionParsnipgo8765: the binary may be different, you get the idea19:27
ActionParsnipgo8765: http://blog.mymediasystem.net/uncategorized/solved-firefox-could-not-find-compatible-gre-after-ubuntu-810-upgrade/    is my source, have you seen that page?19:28
go8765ActionParsnip, i have two wersions installed. what this command do?19:28
ActionParsnipgo8765: try either, looks like so firefox annoyance19:28
go8765ok. i read it now. thabks19:28
kszkszi have an issue with finding what file is autostarting my application in /etc/ or somewhere else, it was few days ago and i dont remember it, how can i find it? if the process is running can i check what file launched it?19:28
retrorex I am trying to install install a package from source forge called k-map-minimizer ...it contains http://paste.ubuntu.com/799717/ ...tried  ./configure sudo: ./configure: command not found tried sudo make make: *** No rule to make target `blam.d', needed by `kmm'.  make install :make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop ..Any help on compiling from tar.gz .19:28
ActionParsnipkszksz: maybe in ~/.config/autostart19:29
go8765ActionParsnip, sudo: xulrunner-1.9: command not found19:29
ActionParsnipgo8765: tab complete the command name19:29
kszkszActionParsnip: no, it is running in console as other user (screen -something something rtorrent)19:29
geekbriWhen using ssh-agent and ssh-add, im running into a problem where ssh-agent doesn't seem to be caching my credentials properly.  Is it an issue that the user im logged in as and cacheing the key passphrase is different than the user i SSH in as?  EG. im logged in as "bob" cache my passphrase with ssh-add then try to connect with it to another machine like ssh bill@example.com19:30
ActionParsnipkszksz: could look in /etc/rc.local19:30
retrorexActionParsnip : nice post on ubuntu forms ..But it doesn't help me how to compile..They are telling you to install other similar software19:30
israelretrorex: you have to make a bin sudo make main.cpp19:30
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kszkszActionParsnip: i checked there, no :/ hehe19:30
ActionParsnipretrorex: its a binary so should be easier. I'd ask in #c as well, about compiling, they may have clues19:31
kszkszActionParsnip: /etc/rc.local has only comments and 'exit 0', and user launching that doesnt have ~/.config/autostart19:32
jribkszksz: check user's crontab19:33
ActionParsnipkszksz: yeah the .config/autostart is used by gui tools afaik19:33
eurokaquick question, is aircrack-ng range only affected by firmware installed?19:33
retrorexisrael: sudo make main.cpp make: *** No rule to make target `main.cpp'.  Stop. no good ..what do you mena by "make a bin"...I think file kmm is the GUY there19:34
ActionParsnipretrorex: why sudo make?19:34
raidogeekbri: are you using the same keys for those machines or different keys with the same passphrase?19:35
ActionParsnipretrorex: users can make in their own homes, it doesn't need sudo....19:35
go8765ActionParsnip, i make sudo xulrunner-2.0 --register-global - but it didnt help(19:35
retrorexActionParsnip : sudo ... just to be sure19:35
ActionParsnipretrorex: you need sudo make install    as it copies files to otside the users home19:35
israelretrorex: u need to find the main file to do it19:35
kszkszjrib: it isnt in any of crontab19:35
kszkszis tehre any option for 'find text' in files/tree, i know the screen name so it would be unique19:35
geekbriraido: Same keys, id_rsa.pub is appended to authorized_keys on the remote machine.  so the user bob is using id_rsa.  IE ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa bill@example.com19:35
jribkszksz: how did you verify that?19:36
josh123a123can someone help me, im trying to install ubontu and after the reboot it gets stuck on a black screen with white writing19:36
kszkszjrib i browsed to /etc/ crontabs in MC and previewed files19:36
kszkszor its wrong?19:36
jribkszksz: no, run « crontab -u USERNAME -l19:36
jribkszksz: no, run « crontab -u USERNAME -l »19:36
israeljosh123a123: what does it say the white writing19:37
raidogeekbri: and the same key is in the authorized_keys file for bill?19:37
kszkszjrib: I got "no crontab for torrent"19:37
geekbriraido: sorry, yes that is what i was saying, the id_rsa.pub is in bills authorized_keys19:38
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josh123a123[   6.992693] SD 6:0:0:2: [SDF] ATTACHED SCSI rEMOVABLE DISK19:38
kszkszjrib no crontab for any user it says19:38
josh123a123and alot of stuff above it19:38
geekbriraido: it is not in bob's authorized_keys, does it need to be there as well? I was just calling ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa19:38
jribkszksz: hmm?  Is "torrent", your user?19:38
kszkszjrib: yes19:38
jribkszksz: does rtorrent get executed even if you don't log in as "torrent"?19:39
ubuntulist !19:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:39
kszkszjrib: for kszksz no crontab, sudo crontab -l -> no crontab for root. yes it gets executed, i log in by ssh as torrent, screen and there it is19:40
jribkszksz: well you need to check for crontab for "torrent"19:40
josh123a123can someone help me, im trying to install ubontu and after the reboot it gets stuck on a black screen with white writing19:41
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ActionParsnipjosh123a123: its  ubuntu, not ubontu,   what video card do you use?19:42
jribkszksz: if there isn't one, try /etc/crontab19:42
kszkszjrib: sudo crontab -u torrent -l -> no crontab for torrent, when I log in as "torrent" its same output19:42
kszkszi think i added it to some file, but dunno how to find it..:D19:43
ActionParsnipjosh123a123: add the boot option:  nomodeset19:43
ActionParsnipjosh123a123: actually, add: nouveau.blacklist=119:43
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.19:43
lordjjHello. I have this VGA controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller. What packages can I install to have it perform best -I experience problems with it that include the screen freezing, resolution changing by itself, and weird graphics in games.19:43
raidogeekbri: no, not unless you logging in as bob. However, bill must be allowed to log in remotely. Are you sure bill has remote login permission via ssh?19:43
roy_onericHi! How can I use the OLD classic gnome as root in ubuntu 11.10?19:44
EvilResistance!root | roy_oneric19:44
ubotturoy_oneric: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:44
mattosaurusmy friend ran a command with sudo that he shouldn't have and I am trying to help him out. he ran the following: "sudo usermod -p ~/../../var/www/ nixuser". What did he change the password of nixuser to?19:44
israeljosh123a123: try to install restrictive drivers19:44
geekbriraido: he does, i actually just tested the setup on my machien and it works fine, but another user is trying to do the same thing but it prompts him for his passphrase everytime even they he added it with ssh-add19:44
jribkszksz: if it's not in /etc/crontab, try: grep -R rtorrent /etc19:44
ActionParsniproy_oneric: there is a how to on omgubuntu, you can rejig Gnome3 to look like Gnome219:44
jribmattosaurus: just change the password again19:45
mattosaurusjrib: he doesn't know the sudo password19:45
jribmattosaurus: reboot and choose recovery mode from the grub menu19:45
roy_onericubottu, I know my root password and how to use that to "BE" root. I just want the old desktop19:45
mattosaurusjrib: that user was the only user with sudo access19:45
ubotturoy_oneric: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:45
ActionParsnipmattosaurus: you can reset it in root recovery mode19:45
ActionParsniproy_oneric: again, there is a how to on omgubuntu19:45
mattosaurusjrib: he has to know the root password in that case to log in as root19:46
jribmattosaurus: only if he set one.19:46
raidogeekbri: so your all fine but from another machine and another user (mary) tries to ssh-add her private key and passphrase and cant log into bill@example?19:46
kszkszjrib: thanks i found it, its in /etc/rcx.d/ :P19:46
geekbriraido: they can login, but even after cacheing it with ssh-agent / ssh-add it still prompts them for their keys passphrase when it shouldn't be19:46
jribkszksz: should also be in /etc/init.d/ then19:47
bullgard6ActionParsnip: I switched my Ubuntu 11.10 computer off. During that period a friend sent me a XMPP message using Pidgin. I switched my computer on. '~$ ps -ef| egrep 'empathy|pidgin' | grep -v grep' did not produce any output. But I received at once the XMPP message sent 5 minutes before when my computer was switched off.  --  '~$ lsof -i | grep xmpplsof -i | grep xmpp' showed me 'telepathy'...19:47
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titanesFUUUUU!! buububuntuututu Live don't be having lm_sensors??19:48
raidogeekbri: make sure they arent using multiple private keys in ~.ssh. ssh-agent only loads the defaults19:48
kszkszjrib: thanks, without that grep I would never find it, file name is 'st' :P19:48
geekbriraido: i'll check, who knows what craziness they did :)19:49
jribkszksz: :D19:49
roy_onericActionParsnip, Can't find that on http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk. Can you just tell me how to do that?19:49
bullgard6llutz: '~$ lsof -i | grep xmpplsof -i | grep xmpp' showed me 'telepathy'.19:49
eurokaguys it the range of aircrack-ng solely affected by hardware firmware/driver=19:49
raidogeekbri: they can use more than one but then ssh-agent needs to be told19:49
go8765ActionParsnip,  i try tu run instantbird  and have error message about hulrunner  message.. i have this installed http://i.imm.io/eo4K.png19:49
raidogeekbri: FWIW, all my keys are passphraseless. I find that much easier to handle.19:50
llutzbullgard6: well, another xmpp-/jabber-client19:50
lordjjHello. I have this VGA controller: "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller". What packages can I install to have it perform best (from repos or manual install) -I experience problems with it that include the screen freezing, resolution changing by itself, and weird graphics in games.19:51
israelllutz: empathy, pidgin19:51
ActionParsniproy_oneric: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/19:51
bullgard6llutz: If I rememberight, telepathy is som kind of basic service to Empathy or Pidgin.19:51
ActionParsnipgo8765: what is instantbird?19:51
roy_onericActionParsnip, Does that say how to do that to the "root" account?19:51
israelActionParsnip: like pidgin19:52
ActionParsniproy_oneric: same difference, running the desktop as root is not advise, supported nor needed19:52
llutzbullgard6: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telepathy_(software)    nothing i ever used ;)19:52
roy_onericActionParsnip, If the "root" account was useless, there it would not exist in the first place.19:53
ActionParsniproy_oneric: its not useless19:53
go8765ActionParsnip, something like pigin from mozilla team)19:53
ActionParsniproy_oneric: its just not needed, as sudo does all you need and running gui apps, especially web browsers and the X server is particularly foolish19:54
ActionParsnipgo8765: i'd ask in their channel then19:54
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jribinsert "as root" somewhere in there ActionParsnip :)19:54
ActionParsnipjrib: that too19:55
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:55
urlin2uCan I run gnome 3 and the fallback on 11.1019:56
roy_onericActionParsnip, I know about "sudo". I am just not happy with the looks. I am not using it on a production server, but merely as a tool for other purposes.19:56
titanesI know what I'll do with the flawed install, it's a command that starts with r ends with m and some funny switches.19:56
roy_onericActionParsnip, I don't even need the gui tools. But the ones present are crappy. So I want the old one19:56
almoxarifepidgin is an excellent client for a whole heap of online chat protocols, i know its not as sexy as cli(something that requires me to remember 100 key combos) but my dear mother appreciates seeing her sons face once and a while, rather than a :) or :(19:57
craig__Does anyone know how to install Ubuntu on LVM? (I'm a Debian user and will not need detailed instructions)19:57
lordjjAnyone knows about "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller" drivers?19:57
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almoxarifelordjj: pretty sure thats what i have on my lappy19:58
ActionParsnipthis instant bird is nasty19:58
POVaddctcraig__: the alternate cd provides the well know textmode debian installer19:58
lordjjalmoxarife what drivers do you use for it?19:58
POVaddctcraig__: and the netinstall iso too19:58
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
almoxarifelordjj: the intel ones? let me see what i actually have installed19:59
craig__POVaddct: Awesome, I'll look on the Ubuntu website for the Alternative cd. Also, is there a reason why LVM does not seem to be supported using the standard install media gui? (just curious)20:01
geekbriraido: passphraseless is certainly more convenient but unfortunately not as secure if somehow the key is obtained by people that shouldn't have it :(20:01
almoxarifelordjj: xserver-xorg-video-intel20:01
POVaddctcraig__: don't know20:01
kszkszis there any way to let specified/any user full access to mounted usb disk in /media/ ? chmod wont work for me, probably because that usb disk has ntfs on it, or im just 'doing it wrong'. chmod -R /media/ or /media/USB-HDD/ or any inside dismounts disk. only one solution i figured is to run app as root20:01
lordjjWill having xserver-xorg-video-vesa installed interfere with other installed drivers? almoxarife20:01
craig__POVaddct: OK, thank you.20:01
roy_onericActionParsnip: Any help?20:02
raidogeekbri: indeed. but, sysadmin is a fraught with comprimise. One must pick his battles.20:02
almoxarifelordjj: dont know about 'others' it does not effect intel driver20:02
geekbriraido: ah truer words have never been spoken20:02
lordjjalmoxarife I have that installed too. From the default repos right?20:03
almoxarifelordjj: yeah, we sort of got the straight forward no frills graphics, it can do opengl though, so i am not complaining20:03
roy_onericThis channel used to be friendlier...20:04
lordjjalmoxarife I have problems with it that include screen freezing, and resolution switching by itself.20:04
jribroy_oneric: what exactly do you need to do?20:04
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PKOneiric doesn't like my Radeon Mobility X1600 :( the aticonfig tool doesn't detect it as compatible hardware but lspci lists it correctly. What am I doing wrong other than using a 5 year old notebook? :)20:05
roy_onericjrib, I want the root account to use the classic gnome desktop20:05
mischkoHow do I get apt-get to display the full URL path to the package files it's trying to download?  I need to get them on a machine that has a proxy set up, etc.20:05
POVaddctroy_oneric: and why exactly do you want to run GUI tools as root?20:05
jribroy_oneric: right, I saw your question.  But why are you wanting to run a gui as root?20:05
almoxarifelordjj: perhaps its time to open the case and give it a cleaning, get some of the dust out of it?20:05
bullgard6llutz: If you have used Empathy then it installed the DEB program package »telepathy-gabble« which is a connection manager. Google Talk did require it also.20:06
lordjjalmoxarife because we all know those pesky dust mites like to mess with our resolutions :P20:06
roy_onericjrib, It's easy. No sudo/password prompt at every step, and many things NEED root account to work right. eg. ZFS20:07
GobShite_ Can anyone tell me what the hell ubuntu devs motivation is to keep removing customization options from the desktop are ? Cus it seems to me like its becoming some kinda of closed jailed OS to me ?20:07
lordjjalmoxarife I was basically looking here: http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/highlights/chpsts/4m/  and here:  http://intellinuxgraphics.org/documentation.html20:07
llutzbullgard6: i haven't used those either. But now you know what is listening in the background20:07
lordjjalmoxarife to see if there's anything better than what we get by default.20:07
its_jeremy_GobShite_ Their goal if for a successful desktop OS that is easy to use, they feel they are making it easier to understand and use20:08
zimHi all. Is it possible to ...... install $software on my ubuntu server that my apple tv will see as a source for music?20:08
lordjjalmoxarife but I don't see anything clear there.20:08
bullgard6llutz: Yes. Thank you very much for your competent help.20:08
GobShite_Oh right , lol20:08
zimps. ununtu server on the same network20:08
GobShite_so changeing themes should be easy now ?20:08
POVaddctroy_oneric: are you sure the ZFS thing cannot be fixed with an appropriate chown and then working as a non-root user?20:09
its_jeremy_hey, i'm not happy with Unity or the new changes, but that's their business model20:09
its_jeremy_at leas you have options with kubuntu and xubuntu if you don't like Unity20:09
almoxarifelordjj: there is not much to get, mine is a lappy, i get opengl on the desktop, thats something, crash it about once a week, but then that is why the lappy only cost 550 monopoly bucks20:09
GobShite_Yer I give another 3 years and youll have a Jailed OS like Apple20:09
almoxarifelordjj: crash the opengl, not the whole system20:10
tiivhi there20:10
roy_onericjrib, Many things CAN be done, possibly, but fixing those become the problem. I want to focus on the jobs, not the tools.20:10
tiivcould I ask someone for advice or should I go to the ubuntuuserforums?20:10
tiivit's about wifi drivers20:11
almoxarifelordjj: and if you want stable, use xrender, its stable, just not as sexy20:11
lordjjalmoxarife, sigh. Well for future purchase, what graphics cards are best supported under linux?20:11
roy_onericPOVaddct, Sorry, that was meant for you20:11
EvilResistancetiiv:  just ask your question here20:12
almoxarifelordjj: nvidia before ati, my opinion20:12
roy_onericPOVaddct, I am well aware of all mighty root and it's smiting powers. And I am just willing to use the powers since I don't mind being smitten. Can you help me now?20:12
flintwingelroy_oneric: what happens if you just set the password for the root account and try & log in through the graphical sign on (sorry if you've tried this already .. not seen your whole chat)20:13
zimOK. rephrase. Can I make ubuntu play with apple toys. I want it to store the $media and apple toys use it.20:13
lordjjalmoxarife I basically have these problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks#Intel_No_Display_After_Lid_Close_Quirks:_i915.2BAC8-intel_lvds.c  none of the quirks fixed it though.20:13
tiivI'm trying to install the compat-wireless driver20:13
roy_onericflintwingel, I AM root. with crappy unity20:13
almoxarifelordjj: a dell?20:13
tiivand apparently there's supposed to be a load.sh script in the package20:13
tiivbut it's not20:13
tiivat least not in the current version20:13
lordjjalmoxarife no an HP probook20:14
tiivand building the driver fails20:14
tiivand I think it's related to that20:14
POVaddctroy_oneric: i'd just "sudo -s" into a terminal inside the desktop session of my normal user20:14
jsebeanok it's working20:14
jsebeanhow do I move files from 1 directory back a directory in terminal?20:14
codeshahI have a bunch of URLs that need to be redirected… I am wondering if the best way to do this is in .htaccess -> i have about 30 urls20:14
almoxarifelordjj: my wife has a dell, i have yet to figure out how to get it to return from suspend20:14
roy_onericPOVaddct, So you don't know how to do what I want?20:14
Kingsycan someone tell me why apache is giving me this error --> apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} <-- I have added my user to the www-data group   isnt that enough ?20:14
flintwingelroy_oneric: my misunderstanding, sorry. You want to blitz Unity and go back to a Gnome2 desktop?20:14
POVaddctroy_oneric: sorry, cannot help you with switching from unity to gnome, i switched back to debian a year ago20:15
roy_onericflintwingel, yep20:15
zimCan't wait for Raspberry Pi goodness will be able to phase out apple toys and not have this problem20:15
GobShitei got 2 on pre order20:15
roy_onericPOVaddct, that's ok. I use solaris20:15
jutnux Raspberry Pi \o/20:15
lordjjalmoxarife I keep hearing about suspend problems all over...20:15
jutnuxCannot wait for them, so many uses.20:15
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zimye ye If you could preorder I would have20:15
GobShite\O/ Pi20:15
jribroy_oneric: the best advice I can give you is to give up on your quest to run your graphical environment as root.  It's not necessary, inherently less secure than the default ubuntu setup, and won't be supported here.  You can of course choose to ignore me; I do not wish to discuss it20:16
almoxarifelordjj: there are a few suspend/restore options out there, try some20:16
llutzKingsy: how did you add your user?20:16
Kingsyllutz: "usermod -G www-data chris"20:17
roy_onericjrib, I don't care about security at all.20:17
llutzKingsy: well, now www-data is the only group your user chris is in...20:17
GobShiteraw debian allows for root GD no probs20:17
Kingsyah crap really?20:18
jutnuxOfftopic but what do you guys have planned for the PIs?20:18
roy_onericjrib, I just want the lightweight ubuntu with the updates to be able to run my virtual appliances in offline mode. does that satisfy your concern?20:18
KingsyI guess I should change it back with usermod -G chris chris then20:18
Kingsyllutz: yeah ^^ ?20:18
llutzKingsy: man usermod   (-aG www-data chris    it should have been)20:18
flintwingelroy_oneric: from what I've read I don't believe there's a simple way to "downgrade" 11.10 to use Gnome220:18
lordjjalmoxarife my problem is basically that if I close & open the lid or run a fullscreen app with a different resolution, the screen freezes, but I can still hear sounds -everything is still running. Sometimes its just a black screen and the cursor that i can move around. Switching  to tty1 and killing the fullscreen app dsnt solve anything either.20:18
jribroy_oneric: as I said, it's not necessary20:18
zimroy_oneric: yes but we do and it is designed to work like that. If you want to make life hard then kick on but you have much pain ahead20:18
flintwingelroy_oneric:  http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-login-to-classic-gnome2-and-gnome3gnome-shell20:18
llutzKingsy: better/safer to use adduser than usermod20:18
lordjjalmoxarife I end up hitting cnrl+alt+backspace20:19
Kingsyllutz: so first things first.. should I change it back to chris:chris ?20:19
jsebeanhow do I move files from 1 directory back a directory in terminal?20:19
Kingsycos thats what it is when you create a new user right?20:19
almoxarifelordjj: you on ubuntu 11.10?20:19
ActionParsniproy_oneric: or run LXDE or XFCE if you want lightweight :)20:19
llutzKingsy: if you can, you should, yes20:19
Kingsyok 1 sec20:19
lordjjalmoxarife 11.0420:19
jsebeanor i mean how do I move files from 1 directory up a directory in terminal?20:19
ActionParsnipjsebean: mv filename ../20:19
Kingsyllutz: ok done..20:19
roy_onericflintwingel, I used that to change my normal user accounts. But that doesn't have any effect on the (apparently quite buggy) root account20:19
ActionParsnipjsebean: mv filename ./foldername20:19
almoxarifelordjj: does it open a mini terminal when you hit alt f2?20:20
Kingsyllutz: ok so how do you get around this stupid apache error then? I was assuming it was asking me to get my user attached to the group?20:20
zimjsebean: mv filename ../20:20
jsebeanActionParsnip: it's a directory and all the files in it20:20
jsebeanActionParsnip: i tried that no I got no idea where everything is20:20
lordjjalmoxarife it does,  but i can't see it when it's frozen.20:20
lordjjalmoxarife if only there's a way to reset the screen/unfreeze it without resetting my session i'd be fine.20:20
roy_onericActionParsnip, Is it at all possible to use the classic desktop on ubuntu 11.10?20:20
zimjsebean: ../ = up one level ../../ up two levels etc20:21
llutzKingsy: "getent passwd www-data"  "getent group www-date"     do both have output?20:21
almoxarifelordjj: you mean kill x and restart x?20:21
ActionParsnipjsebean: so you have a lot of files in a directory with one directory where all the data is destined?20:21
roy_onericActionParsnip, I mean as root?20:21
flintwingelroy_oneric: the root account isn't buggy, it's more likely the config files are hard wired rather than user configured.20:21
zimjsebean: type pwd20:21
ActionParsniproy_oneric: there is a hack, I told you about it earlier. If you like the Gnom2 smell then XFCE works well20:21
lordjjalmoxarife yeah but that closes my session and all my programs20:21
zimwhat will give you your location20:21
ActionParsniproy_oneric: the accout is moot20:21
jsebeanActionParsnip: i am on a vps server running ubuntu. I want to move /var/www/forums files to /var/www .... i did mv forums/ ../ now i dont know where they are20:21
almoxarifelordjj: true20:22
roy_onericActionParsnip, "moot"?20:22
zimjsebean: cd ../20:22
ActionParsniproy_oneric: irrelevant, doesn't matter20:22
jsebeanzim: I feel dumb now lol20:22
Kingsyllutz: no, only www-data exists20:22
ActionParsniproy_oneric: instead of asking, you could have looked it up yourself...20:22
almoxarifelordjj: so would it be killing gdm and restarting it?20:22
Kingsyllutz: www-date returns nothing.. not sure why I am checking that20:22
llutzKingsy: sry typo  "getent group www-data"20:23
flintwingelroy_oneric: have a look in roots home and try moving some of the "." folders away -  anything starting .g or .x20:23
jsebeanzim: but how do I move the files inside of the folder up?20:23
lordjjalmoxarife would that preserve my session?20:23
almoxarifelordjj: better to ask one of the smart heads, i think so, try ittttttttttttttttttttttttt20:23
Kingsyllutz: ah.. yeah they both have output20:23
zimjsebean: ok slow down its easy.    everything starts at /20:23
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llutzKingsy: to make sure the user/group apache2 runs as still exists20:23
zimjsebean: pm me I will give you the basics20:24
roy_onericflintwingel, then what?20:24
jsebeanzim: ok20:24
lordjjalmoxarife brb, then. Gonna try it out.20:24
Kingsyllutz: yeah, got it.. they are there20:24
almoxarifelordjj: ok20:24
lordjjalmoxarife wait to be clear, is it pkill gdm, then gdm?20:24
flintwingelroy_oneric: try logging in as root again - the idea is to stop the login script using roots hard wired config files20:24
llutzKingsy: grep APACHE_RUN_USER /etc/apache2/envvars20:24
flintwingelroy_oneric: (this comes under the heading of educated guess - no guarantees)20:25
Kingsyllutz: APACHE_RUN_USER:www-data20:25
almoxarifelordjj: i would think there is a 'start' somewhere in the gdm to restart20:25
roy_onericflintwingel, I understand.20:25
llutzKingsy: afaik it has to be "APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data"  = not :20:25
Kingsysorry thats what I mean20:25
KingsyI just typed it out20:26
KingsyI didnt copy and paste it20:26
lordjjalmoxarife "gdm-restart stops and restarts GDM by sending the GDM daemon a HUP signal. This command will immediately terminate all sessions and log out users currently logged in with GDM"20:26
lordjjalmoxarife doesn't look goof20:26
roy_onericflintwingel, Do you mean the "/" folder or "root" folder or "home" folder?20:27
almoxarifelordjj: no, it does not20:27
flintwingelroy_oneric: /root20:27
almoxarifelordjj: you use compiz?20:28
roy_onericflintwingel, ok20:28
lordjjalmoxarife yes20:28
Kingsyllutz: ok?20:28
lordjjalmoxarife could that be a source of trouble? Cause I can purge it without looking back.20:28
sahasrahiii, what is OOPS 500: Listen error while trying to connect to vsftpd ?20:28
eutheriai once found a way to import my openvpn config with the network manager, i don't seem to be able to see it any more20:28
almoxarifelordjj: i gave up on compiz, can you do without it/.20:29
lordjjalmoxarife though the smooth fade out/in effects are relaxing... But yeah I can, what are the possible benefits?20:29
sahasramy ETL jobs are failing because of this vsftpd OOPS : child died error :(20:29
llutzKingsy: sry phone, yes ok20:29
Kingsyllutz: not a problem20:29
almoxarifelordjj: no crashes?20:29
lordjjalmoxarife hm, tempting...20:30
llutzKingsy: grep APACHE_RUN_USER /etc/apache2/apache2.conf   should give User ${APACHE_RUN_USER}20:30
almoxarifelordjj: join kubuntu for a sec20:30
Kingsyllutz: it does yeah20:30
llutzKingsy: same for APACHE_RUN_GROUP20:30
llutzKingsy: sry then i don't know why apache complains about it...20:30
Kingsyllutz: well the user "chris" isnt a part of the www-data group is it?20:31
Kingsywhich is the user I am running a command under20:31
llutzKingsy: he doesnt need to be to run apache20:31
roy_onericflintwingel, there are: .gconf20:31
FloodBot1roy_oneric: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:31
Kingsyllutz: ah no, I am trying to run   "apache2 -M" from a terminal using the "chris" user20:31
Kingsyllutz: to check some apache config20:32
elisa87I receive W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/universe/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80] when I write sudo apt-get install any idea?20:32
KingsyI guess i don't need to bother.. but it would be handy20:32
flintwingelroy_oneric: make a save directory and move .gconf, .gnome2 and any .bash or .profile files/dirs into it20:33
llutzKingsy: apache is started as root to bind to port 80/443 and then forked to www-data:www-data. your user only needs to be member of that group to edit stuff in /var/www, which should be group-owned by www-data20:33
flintwingelroy_oneric: then log out & log in again20:33
roy_onericflintwingel, ok20:34
llutzKingsy:  that seem to be normal, i get same error when using that command here.20:34
Kingsyllutz: well, I am still learning about server admin, but they way I did it was used /srv/http/ as my http folder and I have "chown -R chris:chris /srv/http/" so I can edit it.. is that bad? should that be owned by www-data and I should make myself a user in that group?20:34
llutzKingsy: it should be fine. www-data just needs to be able to read the stuff in /srv/http and some files/dirs it might need to write (configs etc.).20:36
malibuIs anyone here familiar with gnome do?  Can someone walk me through how to make an alias for opening a cartain directory?20:36
Kingsyllutz: so its not bad practice for the server user to own the http directory like that?20:37
EvilResistanceKingsy:  fwiw, i have my server's web directory owned as root:www-data20:37
ActionParsnipmalibu: http://do.davebsd.com/wiki/File_Plugin20:37
EvilResistanceso that only someone with sudo can edit the data, but everything else can read it20:38
llutzKingsy: nope,  i guess its mostly owned "user:www-data" with 755/644 permissions20:38
EvilResistanceKingsy:  but at one point i've had myuser:www-data as the owner :P20:38
flintwingelKingsy: if you were being paranoid you would have any files accessed by the webserver owned by a different user20:38
llutzKingsy: just make sure www-data has as limited write-access as possible20:38
Kingsystill learning about best practice on permissions aswell see. I don't really see the harm in 77720:38
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n-iCehello is there any GUI ssh client?20:39
Kingsybut I guess i will when something goes wrong20:39
malibuActionParsnip, The files and folders plugin doesn't work for me because I want to pick out a few folders from a dir structure with 5000 files, and gnome-do can only index up to 3000.20:39
malibuActionParsnip, So when I try files and folders, gnome refuses to index20:40
ActionParsnipmalibu: any chance you can break it up?20:40
malibuActionParsnip, not really..  Been down that road already20:41
malibuI thought I could just use aliases and do the few folders I find I use manually20:41
lbsI have a byobu running on an ubuntu server and there's a yellow U on pink background in the left-bottom corner. what is that?20:42
flintwingeln-iCe: gStm is good for managing ssh tunnels20:42
flintwingeln-iCe: otherwise Putty20:43
n-iCeflintwingel: says tunel is currently running but I don't see any files20:44
flintwingeln-iCe: sorry, not sure what you're telling me. If you want to run a tunnel over ssh the port at the client end needs to be free, and have a port number over 1024 if you're not root20:46
trismlbs: just an ubuntu logo, I think byobu 5 is supposed to replace it with an actual logo, since it defaults to tmux and has unicode support in the status area20:46
FluxDHello, I am trying to enable wobbly windows under ubuntu 11.10 and whatever I do, it does not work, ideas/suggestions ?20:47
lbsthanks, trism! I don't think tmux is installed on this machine20:47
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longcati really wish that after all this time that gnome implemented one of the features of kde i really loved..and that's to be able to specify exactly which desktops a window will appear on20:48
malibuActionParsnip, you know what, I just made a folder where I put symlinks and index that with files and folders.. not perfect, but workable at least.20:49
manveru1Is there an easy way to upgrade to 12.04 without using a CD?20:50
usr13manveru1: from ___________?20:52
manveru1Sorry, from 11.1020:52
usr13manveru1: Yes.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:53
usr13and http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:53
barfHow come . ./.bashrc and not just ./.bashrc?20:54
osmosiswhats the diff between sqlite and sqlite3 ?20:55
llutzbarf: 2 different things. 1st will source .bashrc, 2nd tries to run it20:55
flintwingelbarf: do you mean .  ./.bashrc? It forces the contents of .bashrc to be run in the current shell rather than spawning a child process20:55
trismosmosis: there was a compatibility break when sqlite3 arrived (they can't read each others databases), and there are still some apps around that need the old ones20:56
ActionParsnipmanveru1: sudo update-manager -d20:57
ActionParsnipmanveru1: -d  is for (d)evelopment version ;)20:57
manveru1ActionParsnip: perfect, thank you!20:58
jsebeanCan anyone tell my why DocumentRoot is not working on Apache on ubuntu. I set it up correctly, and disabled/reenabled the site a2ensite domain.com but yet it still points to the default /var/www20:58
jsebeanI have another virtual host setup and it works perfectly20:59
usr13jsebean: Did you restart apache?20:59
jsebeanusr13: yes20:59
jsebeanusr13: multiple times :P20:59
FluxDHello, I am trying to enable wobbly windows under ubuntu 11.10 and whatever I do, it does not work, ideas/suggestions ? It crashes unity when I enable it20:59
usr13jsebean: What did you change it to?  And why did you change it?21:00
jsebeanusr13: /var/www/forums because I want it to point there?21:00
usr13jsebean: (I usualy just leave the default.21:00
MrKeunerhello, how do I change gdm background when users are listed? 10.04.321:00
usr13jsebean: Why not just use symlinks?  (Apache follows symlinks by default.)21:00
zimjsebean: whats broken sorry I have been out21:01
jsebeanzim: hi, I was trying to change my documentroot since i'd like that anyway.... i did it right but it's not working21:01
jsebeanzim usr13: I'm gonna try something else, resetup a new virtual host to see if that works21:02
usr13jsebean: As to the answer to your question, I would assume that you incorrectly edited the config.21:02
zimdid you change it in both places in you file?21:02
usr13jsebean: Why not just use symlink(s)?  (Seems much easier to me...)21:02
ArnoldMartinAddMHelp please Installed 11.04, won't accept my keyring ;(21:03
jsebeanusr13: one sec...21:03
zim DocumentRoot /var/www/forums21:03
zim <Directory /var/www/forums/>21:03
XCoder2K9has anybody tried the pixel tapping technique for reviving a stuck pixel?21:04
Kingsyso guys how do you add a new user to an existing group?21:04
MrKeunerhello, how do I change gdm background one that's shown in background when users are listed? Lucid here...21:04
usr13jsebean: Instead of trying to put everything in one directory, you can use as many symlinks as your little heart desires....21:04
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MrKeunerKingsy, try System/Administration/Users and Groups21:04
zimjsebean: note DocumentRoot no / at the end and Directory has21:04
jsebeanzim: yes i know21:05
KingsyMrKeuner: I mean through the terminal21:05
MrKeunerKingsy, try adduser21:05
KingsyMrKeuner: usermod -G user group ?21:05
zimis it working?21:05
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KingsyMrKeuner: if the user already exists?21:05
MrKeunerKingsy, no21:05
MrKeunerKingsy, still it is adduser21:05
MrKeunerKingsy, man adduser21:05
XCoder2K9I mean, have you had any experience with your laptop having a stuck pixel and were successful in reviving it? mine doesn't display green properly from what I noticed; it shows red, blue, purple and black just fine.21:05
XCoder2K9But on a white background it stays red.21:05
XCoder2K9On a green background it's red again.21:06
XCoder2K9So I'm thinking, since this macbook air is just 3 weeks old, to try the tapping technique or the massage.21:06
zimXCoder2K9: is that a software problem sounds like its hardware21:06
XCoder2K9zim: I don't really know what the problem is... I'm curious to see if I could fix it with the massage21:07
ActionParsnipKingsy: if the user already exists:  sudo usermod -a -G group user21:07
llutzKingsy: if you insist on using usermod, read the man-page and note "-a" as an important option21:07
vladzKingsy: usermod21:07
KingsyMrKeuner: I am sorry, I don't get it, the adduser manual talks about adding users.. not appending existing users to existing groups21:07
XCoder2K9but I wanted to get some heads-up first and see any disadvantages21:07
Slagwagdamn ubuntu is sexy now21:07
KingsyActionParsnip: I think so21:07
llutzKingsy: you haven't read the adduser man-page21:07
MrKeunerKingsy, it is also used to add users to certain groups21:07
zimXCoder2K9: give it to the !genius and he will !fixit but give you a new one21:08
iAkshayI'm struggling to install Ubuntu alongside Windows on my AMD21:08
llutzfrom man adduser ".. Add an existing user to an existing group.."21:08
vladzKingsy: usermod -a -G <group> <user>21:08
iAkshayUbuntu isn't identifying windows installation21:08
KingsyEH? I used the usermod command it it says "user does not exist" I have just logged in with that user21:08
vladzKingsy: How did you use it ?21:09
XCoder2K9there are no such "geniuses" in Europe :) just resellers, premium resellers - so basically people that sell you stuff without actually replacing it... there are no Apple Stores in Austria for instance as far as I know21:09
XCoder2K9I bought mine from Switzerland21:09
XCoder2K9and I'm in Vienna, Austria in 2 days21:09
Kingsyvladz: sudo usermod -a -G chris rob21:09
XCoder2K9I doubt anyone there would care to exchange it21:09
KingsyI want to add "rob" to the "chris" group21:09
llutzKingsy: getent passwd rob21:10
Kingsyoh hmm it worked there, perhaps I made a typo21:10
wjlafranceXCoder2K9: if you call up AppleCare, they'll work something out for you. Tell them it's critical to your business, you just spent a ton of money, expect a good customer experience, and they might mail you a brand new one and expect yours to be returned afterwards. Might..21:10
Supermanintightswhere's the cheapest place to buy computer equipment from?21:10
vladzKingsy: works for me...21:11
Supermanintightsi've just checked - I can (by the looks of it) recover all of my files from my corrupted (1365 bad sectors) USB HDD - I now need to buy a 2tb hdd again.21:11
iAkshayUbuntu isn't identifying windows installation21:11
Kingsyvladz: yeah it was a typo.. hehe DOH.21:11
Kingsyit works now.. thanks21:11
zimXCoder2K9: http://tinyurl.com/7xrj3ko21:11
XCoder2K9zim, thank you for that!21:12
XCoder2K9thanks wjlafrance21:12
XCoder2K9I'll try that as well21:12
XCoder2K9but I don't know who to call... being in South-Eastern Europe, it's harder calling the USA21:12
MrKeunerhello, how do I change gdm background one that's shown in background when users are listed? Lucid here...21:12
XCoder2K9and sending the laptop to the USA from here is a pain and very expensive21:12
MrKeunerhave installed bunch of new wallpapers and now my gdm background autmatically changed to one of the new ones... I lkied the old one :)21:13
ArnoldMartinAddMhelp Anyone, my installed ubuntu won't accept my keyring, it MUST be my password21:14
wjlafranceXCoder2K9: They probably have a facility in the UK, otherwise explain to them that its at their expense. Apple is really good about that stuff. If they shipped you a faulty display, they'll make it right21:14
SupermanintightsArnoldMartinAddM, have you checked capslock?21:14
zimRaspberry Pi #01 now at £3500 http://tinyurl.com/7jrvrvm21:15
ArnoldMartinAddMwhat about capslock?21:15
go8765_can i founs somewhere fresh deb of instantbird  ?21:15
ArnoldMartinAddMneb here21:15
Supermanintightsensured it's on/off as required?21:15
^EricFairly brand new to Linux, but an experienced user otherwise.  Very very pleased with what Ubuntu has brought to my network.  Looking forward to learning here!  :)21:15
MrKeuner^Eric, another happy customer21:16
Piciargh. sorry.21:16
^EricMrKeuner, Took me a while to get Samba running, but it's working like a dream.... love it love it love it.21:16
guntbert^Eric:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:16
MrKeuner^Eric, switched to linux from NT in around 2000 never thought about going back21:16
XCoder2K9thanks wjlafrance, I'll try to see if I can anything about it in Wien21:16
^Ericguntbert, Not at the moment.  Just looking to learn from watching.  Have lots of MacOS and Windows experience.  RIght now, I'm a sponge just learning from watching and listening.21:17
zimArnoldMartinAddM: caps?21:17
XCoder2K9do you think there is a chance I can get it swapped (or upgraded, I'm even willing to pay a balance for the 256gb ssd model) there in Austria although I had purchased it in Switzerland?21:17
possible1994I can't get my bluetooth to work. It successfully scans for, finds, and adds my device, but fails to connect. I have tried updating compat-wireless from yesterday's git snapshop to on avail. Any other suggestions?21:17
ArnoldMartinAddMwont accept my damn keyring21:17
ArnoldMartinAddMthis ubuntu110421:17
ArnoldMartinAddMnely installed21:17
zimXCoder2K9: they would in the UK not sure there21:18
guntbert^Eric: please do - if sometimes you want to just have a nice chat please visit #ubuntu-offtopic21:18
^Ericguntbert, You can count on me to be silent unless on-topic.  :)  Blessings.21:18
John-_Does any one have experience with Ubuntu server running Samba ?21:18
FluxDdo. Can anyone explain the five options I get? ubuntu = default with unity, ubuntu 2d = without unity, gnome 3 = without compiz, gnome 3 classic = without what and fallback is gnome 2 ish ?21:18
vladzArnoldMartinAddM: What do you mean, it does not accept your new password?21:19
possible1994I think my bluetooth worked in Ubuntu 11.04.21:19
ArnoldMartinAddMThe keyring prompt wont accept my password21:20
xangua!nounity | FluxD21:20
ubottuFluxD: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:20
go8765ActionParsnip, any ideas about hulrunner?21:20
zimFluxD: gnome3 = new gnome 2 = old gnome. Compiz 3d desktop and kewl effects. Unity what we are all supposed to learn to love21:20
ActionParsnipgo8765: not even heardof it, sorry21:20
guntbertArnoldMartinAddM: how did you change your password?21:21
ActionParsnipzim: you dont have to.....21:21
ArnoldMartinAddMi am waiting21:21
kszkszhow to delay a process to loaded from init.d for example some given time or after /media/usbdisks are mounted?21:21
auronandaceFluxD: you could just keep it simple and use xfce21:21
zimActionParsnip: it is getting that way21:21
ArnoldMartinAddMdid not change it21:21
ActionParsnipzim: I use LXDE and openbox, no Unity, no compiz, no gnome3 desktop....21:22
MonkeyDustUnity was introduced to make Mint more popular21:22
ActionParsnipzim: Gnome isn't the only desktop21:22
go8765ActionParsnip, what mean - hearof?) google translate dont know too)21:22
ArnoldMartinAddMIs thre any way to disable or configure, newb here21:22
John-_how to set, if more than one user editing file, deny access ?21:22
ActionParsnipzim: you could use KDE and not use Unity or Gnome3...21:22
guntbertArnoldMartinAddM: do you log in to your account automatically?21:22
FluxDzim, xangua, I read that but wanted a more concise explanation. I am trying to get rid of unity, but keep certain aspects of it like wobbly windows worked perfectly fine in 10.10 but does not in 11.10 and I cant figure out why21:22
guntbert!who | ArnoldMartinAddM21:22
ubottuArnoldMartinAddM: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:22
zimI know that but unity is all you get now with 11.10+21:22
xanguazim: you have kubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu21:23
ActionParsnipgo8765: until you mentioned it I hadn't heard of it so no I have no "ideas" as you say. I thought I'd answered sufficiently....21:23
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ActionParsnipzim: you can use gnome shell21:23
guntbertArnoldMartinAddM: try this: log out, then you log in again (this time with your password) and then the key ring will not ask for the password21:23
zimyes yes i know that there is a rule 34b for ubuntu21:23
FluxDAnyway to just remove unity launcher and get default compiz working is all I want :)21:23
ActionParsnipzim: you can use Kubuntu 11.10 and it will be 11.10 and not have unity,,,21:24
zimKubuntu != ubuntu21:24
guntbertArnoldMartinAddM: if you are unable to log in that means you got your password wrong - just reboot in that case21:24
^EricPardon the intrusion... my Ubuntu install is "about a week old" and mostly default.  Is there an easy way to tile all the windows that are open on-screen?  (like right-clicking the taskbar in W$)21:24
ActionParsnipzim: no its not, you are ignoring one of the KEY ideologies in Linux21:24
xanguaFluxD: if you want to configure compiz setting, use (sic) compiz settings manager21:24
ArnoldMartinAddMok guntberg thanks a lot :0 that is I needed :)21:24
ActionParsnipzim: it is ubuntu under the hoos, just the default app set is different21:24
John-_how to set, if more than one user editing file, deny access ?21:24
FluxDxangua, I did but enabling one plugins breaks the whole thing and my screen freezes21:25
guntbertArnoldMartinAddM: you're welcome :-)21:25
=== titanes is now known as armada
go8765ActionParsnip,  i try tu run instantbird  and have error message about hulrunner  (что значит:Could not find compatible GRE between version 2.0 and 2.0.0.*. ?).. i have this installed http://i.imm.io/eo4K.png21:25
ActionParsnipzim: the kernel is the one compiled for ubuntu in kubuntu and ubuntu, as is the X server and so on. Different DE doesn't make it a different distro. The packages are from exactly the samerepos21:25
zimAll I am saying was I liked gnome and I am sure at some point I will like unity but it is not stable yet and has far to many bugs for it to be default21:25
ArnoldMartinAddM!gunbert ty21:26
guntbert^Eric: you don't intrude, if there is a question just ask but keep in mind that not always answers will be available (I have none for your question)21:26
auronandacego8765: any reason you can't run empathy or pidgin?21:26
guntbert!tab | ArnoldMartinAddM21:26
ubottuArnoldMartinAddM: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:26
^EricThanks for trying, guntbert.21:26
ActionParsnipzim: there is a guide on omgubuntu how to make Gnome3 look like Gnome221:26
^EricI gather I'm running Unity.  I haven't changed anything.  That's the default these days?21:27
ActionParsnipgo8765: I don't have firefox installed and extracted the instantbird archive, ran the binary and it ran ok21:27
ActionParsnipzim: in short you seem to be badmouthing oneiric when really you just dislike the gnome desktop21:28
zimok ok so lets to this. Gnome3 -> Gnome2 -> Apple -> Winsh*t.  All I want is to install ubuntu on my desktop and start working21:28
zimunity has way to may bugs#21:28
indianahow do i install google chrome browser21:28
xanguaindiana: go to google chrome web21:29
guntbert^Eric: yes, unity is default now21:29
auronandacezim: i recomend using xfce21:29
xanguaindiana: chromium browser also is already on the repository and it's 100% free software21:29
MrKeuner^Eric, I do not think we have tiling feature. We have other features like multiple screen for organizing work windows21:29
ActionParsnipzim: try Xubuntu or Lubuntu. XFCE especially minics Gnome2's look21:29
flintwingelzim: you may be happier with Linux Mint (I'm going to be shot for this...)21:29
John-_is ubuntu server able to set, if more than one user editing file, deny access ?21:30
Eric^That was the sound of Unity panicking.  lol.21:31
salvatoreSpeak in to spanish somebody?21:31
guntbert!es | salvatore21:31
ubottusalvatore: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:31
MonkeyDust!es| salvatore21:31
zimEveryone is missing the point. I love that *nux has choice. I love that when I get a Raspberry Pi there will be a desktop that is lighter than a feather that I can use. But I hate the fact that a flaky desktop that I have never had just work is the default21:31
guntbertzim: stop your ranting please - even if we feel with you21:32
MonkeyDustzim  i don't like the default, either, so i don't use it21:32
ActionParsnipzim: just use openbox and it will be super light21:32
ActionParsnipzim: its a WM but doesn't need a DE, so will be light as a feather21:33
heather76Hi ActionParsnip can you please help me ?21:33
zimMonkeyDust: I don't use it. my point is it should not be the default21:33
salvatorei have a question21:33
salvatoresomebody can tell me21:33
zimsalvatore: dont ask to ask just ask21:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:34
salvatorehow i can repair the sheltermanager for ubuntu ultime edition?21:34
ActionParsnipsalvatore: ultimate isn't supported here21:34
jutnuxWhat is Ubuntu Ultimate Edition?21:34
xangua!ultimate | salvatore21:34
ubottusalvatore: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:34
zim+1 to WTF21:34
ActionParsnipjsurfer: an unsupported ubuntu spinoff21:34
salvatoretanks for your information21:35
guntbertJohn-_: I don't understand what you need - but try to ask in #ubuntu-server21:35
salvatoreits my first time in the irc21:35
salvatorehave a nice day21:35
John-_On WINDOWS it's really easy to set permissions, there must be an easy way on Ubuntu to make it so only one user can access a file at a given time.21:36
ActionParsnipJohn-_: its easy, use chown and chmod21:36
salvatoreyes its ultimate ubuntu edition21:36
salvatorei have trouble for open now in to the lasttime21:37
salvatorei was with linux mint21:37
John-_It needs to be set so if file open, deny access to other users21:37
ActionParsnipsalvatore: both arent supported here21:37
ActionParsnipsalvatore: we only support official releases here21:37
John-_Yet have the other users access to roam on the server21:37
salvatoreaction thanks i look the support now21:37
flintwingelJohn-_: does this help... http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/20030623.html21:38
w30the best way to get rid of Unity is to install gnome-pane, gnome-shell, install ccsm,edit ccsm and uncheck unity set up cube, rotate cube ,export the resulting profile to a file then make and switch to a new profile using that exported file; poof Unity gone21:38
John-_It sort of does, I was trying with oplocks21:39
FluxDw30, I was told in compiz channel, compiz was hacked to work with unity, wont that break something ?21:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:39
w30FluxD, yes it breaks Unity.21:39
UwaNNaBuffaok im frustrated, i love ubuntu so i wanna delete windows and install it, but my cd rom drive is having issues and now my drive is full so i cant DL the ISO??? cant i just delete windows and then keep ubuntu how is it not that simple?21:40
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: uninstall old kernels and run:  sudo apt-get clean21:40
MonkeyDustPino  you forgot to say ciao, first21:40
philwongCan you burn dvd's on ubuntu?21:40
fannagogannahi, is anyone able to get mpeg4ip (http://mpeg4ip.sourceforge.net/index.php) working on Ubuntu 11.10?21:40
philwongon a live cd21:40
philwongif you have another seperate dvd drive21:41
UwaNNaBuffahow do i uninstall old kernels?21:41
zimUwaNNaBuffa: put it on a usb key?21:41
UwaNNaBuffawhich leads me to my next question how do i 'put it on a usb key'?21:42
zimUwaNNaBuffa: can  you boot from usb ?21:42
UwaNNaBuffai could yes21:42
UwaNNaBuffabut i cant DL anything furthur21:42
UwaNNaBuffamy disc is full21:42
zimUwaNNaBuffa: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/21:42
zimUwaNNaBuffa: and delete some sh*t21:43
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: run:  uname -a   that is the CURRENT kernel. If you run:   dpkg -l | grep linux-image-     you will see the INSTALLED kernels21:43
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: You can uninstall any of the installed kernels but NOT the running kernel21:43
philwongcan you burn dvd's on a live cd of ubuntu?21:44
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: also do NOT uninstall linux-image-generic package21:44
ArnoldMartinAddMWhat is a good internet tv straming program for ubuntu?21:44
zimUwaNNaBuffa: is there anything on you windows partion you want to keep? if not use gparted to delete it and grow your linux one21:44
UwaNNaBuffaok i ran that and i see them so how do i go about unistalling them just straight delete them21:45
FluxDThe unity (?) feature that makes all the menu in top panel, can that be disabled ?21:45
UwaNNaBuffathere we go i want nothing from the windows side21:45
flintwingelphilwong: depends if you've got any writable space to prepare the image for burning...21:45
ActionParsnipFluxD: that is global menu21:45
philwongflintwingel: I mean if you have 2 cd drives21:45
UwaNNaBuffathe disc is partitioned into a backup windows if possible i would like to keep if ubuntu is a complete fail21:45
ActionParsnipFluxD: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html21:45
philwongone for the live cd..can you burn dvd's from the other drive21:45
philwongwhile in live mode?21:45
UwaNNaBuffac: is main d: is back up win21:45
zimUwaNNaBuffa: do you have ubuntu installed at all?21:46
w30UwaNNaBuffa, I suppose you could switch out usb keys and usb sd cards and get ubuntu on a usb key with  usb-creator21:46
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename21:46
John-_Thanks for trying people =)21:46
UwaNNaBuffai have ubuntu installed using WUBI21:46
flintwingelphilwong: No. Generally you need some writable disk space to prepare a cd image prior to burning.21:46
philwongI see21:47
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: doesn't matter, you can save a tonne of space by removing the old kernels21:47
w30UwaNNaBuffa, have you got access to  a sd card and a usb key?21:47
UwaNNaBuffai have something with 4gb of space i think its an sd disc or something will that work, if not i can wip out an ipod for the transfer21:47
M4d3L1anyone know good documentation on how to install apache2 with fastcgi and suexec?21:47
UwaNNaBuffaso i should run what you suggested ActionParsnip?21:47
blunderi have an Ubuntu vm running on citrix xenserver. I installed a different kernel and rebooted. Now i get initramfs type help for a list of commands21:48
zimUwaNNaBuffa: go see a friend do it there and make you life easy :-)21:48
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: you obviously need to change the package name to the installed kernel package name that is not the running kernel21:48
UwaNNaBuffamy friends suck and dont know anything of Ubuntu and i am hoping to be the pioneer and be that 'friend'21:48
jutnuxI am 'that' friend \o/21:49
zimUwaNNaBuffa: they dont have to all they need is 700mb of free disk space and a internet connection21:49
UwaNNaBuffasweet wanna hang out im in cali lets chill21:49
zimuk you welcome21:49
UwaNNaBuffaok well i need to delete my windows side completely then use ubuntu which is currently using WUBI?21:50
FluxDActionParsnip, thanks, I dont know why ubuntu devs are making ubuntu more and more like a mac....21:50
zimmy point is get a bootablew usb key working. if you use http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ you will be able to install loads of distros on one usb key21:50
UwaNNaBuffaso how do i do that exactly21:50
UwaNNaBuffafollow link21:51
zimthats a start21:51
=== YourNick is now known as rbprbp
UwaNNaBuffaok so i cant install anything at all on this drive its full21:51
zimfull of what ?21:51
UwaNNaBuffawindows crapola21:52
zimthen delete it21:52
UwaNNaBuffai want to just use explosives and destroy it is that possible?21:52
UwaNNaBuffak lets do that im all for deleting it21:52
zimcrtl+a   then   shift+delete21:53
UwaNNaBuffais that like the alt f4 in winsdows noob death21:53
zim=== rm -Rf /*21:54
ActionParsnipFluxD: they aren't21:54
UwaNNaBuffactrl a does nada21:54
ubluntuany reason not to uninstall pulseaudio ?? I just need alsa21:54
blitzcan't you just format it21:54
auronandaceUwaNNaBuffa: wubi is more of a demo than a solution to a problem21:54
UwaNNaBuffaok so what now that i like it and want to keep it21:55
UwaNNaBuffago delete manually a bunch of windows stuffs?21:55
zimUwaNNaBuffa: hold on stop before you break you pc21:55
ActionParsnipUwaNNaBuffa: wubi's disk is stored in your NTFS partition21:55
UwaNNaBuffathx zim21:55
UwaNNaBuffaim breathing now21:55
auronandaceUwaNNaBuffa: install ubuntu properly on it's own partition21:55
UwaNNaBuffaits been about 3 hair pullin days of this21:56
auronandaceUwaNNaBuffa: if you need practice try it in a vm first21:56
UwaNNaBuffaauronandace my disc is really crowded with a huge ugly windows program... cant add anything new21:56
UwaNNaBuffagonna have to dive in to windows side and delete stuffs i think21:57
UwaNNaBuffais it better to make boot disc in windows or ubuntu or doesnt matter?21:57
ActionParsnipFluxD: I'm running 12.04 pre-release and it looks like this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/Desktop.png   Looks nothing like a mac21:57
auronandaceUwaNNaBuffa: doesn't matter, just burn the iso to a disk21:58
UwaNNaBuffaok im sure ill be back, i hope i dont bug to much, id love one day to be able to council in these rooms, but fer now i feel retarded21:58
blitzwindows 7 has an easy iso burner tho21:58
FluxDActionParsnip, kde ?21:58
blitznvm then21:59
zimI have never used wabi. So I am sure someone can step in here ...... delete it kill it etc then create a bootable usb installer boot from that delete the windows partition and bobs your abuser21:59
ActionParsnipFluxD: lxde + openbox21:59
auronandaceUwaNNaBuffa: we all start somewhere :)21:59
ActionParsnipFluxD: looks nothing like a mac does it...21:59
UwaNNaBuffaok how do i kill the wubi? from windows unistall yea?21:59
FluxDActionParsnip, yea I am talking about default gnome version not something you customized :p21:59
UwaNNaBuffaok i be back, wish me luck21:59
tensorpuddinggnome-shell does not look enough like a mac21:59
tensorpuddingthat's my take21:59
zimI can't answer that never used it21:59
ActionParsnipFluxD: that's Lubuntu (an official release) with a changed wallpaper and Faenza icon theme....22:00
FluxDI mean come on global app menu, where else do you see that22:00
ActionParsnipFluxD: you mean "the Gnome Desktop is looking more like a mac"22:00
ActionParsnipFluxD: Gnome is only default in ONE of the ubuntu family of releases....22:01
auronandaceActionParsnip: i noticed your window controls are on the left on that screenshot, is that by default now on lubuntu?22:01
tensorpuddingit's too bad we have to have four different desktops so that there is no visual cohesion at all22:01
ActionParsnipauronandace: no, i moved them over :)22:01
auronandaceActionParsnip: oh, good (made me seat then) :)22:02
FluxDActionParsnip, and the most used, most consider it kind of the "original"22:02
flintwingelActionParsnip: there isn't really a pure Gnome Ubuntu based distro anymore though... is there?22:02
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ActionParsnipFluxD: irrelevant, Linux is as flexible and changeable as youo like22:02
kszkszhow to set certain init.d script to be run last?22:02
tensorpuddingflintwingel, no, but it's rather simple to get an authentic gnome experience22:02
ActionParsnipflintwingel: yes, Ubuntu uses Gnome by default22:02
w30ActionParsnip, lxde and xfce look a lot alike; Have you used both? What the difference?22:03
hypershockwhat is the method for taking a shared internet connection and making it so that the subordinate computer have an ip address in the same range was the primary ip address of the computer providing the share? I need to do this so my other computer can print to a network printer.22:03
FluxDActionParsnip, then explain why I cannot move my unity launcher, to simply reposibition it the way like you have yours22:03
ActionParsnipw30: lxde seems a log nippier imho22:03
MonkeyDusthypershock  network type should be set to 'bridged'22:03
ActionParsnipFluxD: you can move it to the bottom with a ppa if you want22:03
auronandacew30: lxde is lighter but i prefer xfce (just a taste thing i think)22:03
blunderis there a way to revert back to a kernel22:03
ActionParsnipFluxD: you can move it if you want, you just need to recode it22:03
FluxDActionParsnip, thats what I meant, I need an unofficial ppa to do it22:03
ActionParsnipblunder: hold shift at boot22:04
blunderthe kernel i installed is not booting22:04
tensorpuddingflintwingel, install gnome-shell, cantarell-fonts, configure the theme to adwaita, disable overlay scrollbars, log into the gnome session, and it'll feel just like the thing you see on the gnome.org site22:04
flintwingelActionParnsip: Ubuntu is Gnome3+Unity... yes you can go to a pure Gnome3 setup (gnome2 is more problematic)22:04
ActionParsnipFluxD: you can recompile it22:04
ubluntuany reason not to uninstall pulseaudio ?? I just need alsa22:04
blunderActionParsnip: i tried that22:04
hypershockMonkeyDust: would that be the only change required?22:04
ActionParsnipflintwingel: no, unity is a shell for gnome322:04
blunderActionParsnip: i am using Citrix XenServer to get to the console22:04
w30ActionParsnip, ha, Torvalds likes lxde22:04
blunderActionParsnip: I don't think it is is seeing me holding shift22:04
ActionParsnipw30: I thought he was a KDE kid22:04
MonkeyDusthypershock  start with 'bridged', not NAT22:04
dumnuthi, i installed ubuntu 11.10, when i click on wireless icon, it doesn't show list of wireless connections available. how can i connect to wireless?22:04
tensorpuddingubluntu, probably will cause broken dependencies22:04
blunderActionParsnip: i get to the initramfs busybox prompt22:05
FluxDYea I read he moved to lxde after gnome 3 went mac-like lol22:05
ActionParsnipblunder: hold shift from as soon as the system starts to boot22:05
blunderActionParsnip: I will try that again22:05
tds5016hi. can someone tell me what package has zic in it?22:05
ActionParsnipFluxD: he's never liked gnome22:05
tensorpuddingi think i should probably make a short blog post about how to make ubuntu 11.10 have an authentic gnome-shell experience22:05
auronandace!find zic | tds501622:05
ubottutds5016: File zic found in eglibc-source, fillets-ng-data, firefox, freepats, frescobaldi, interchange, jazip, jython-doc, kompozer-data, libc-bin (and 18 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=zic&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any22:06
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ActionParsnipdumnut: what wifi chip do you use?22:06
w30ActionParsnip, he was knocking Gnome3 and Unity and said use Lxde or some thing like it.22:06
flintwingelActionParsnip: I know that... but my point stands.. there is no "pure" Gnome Ubuntu anymore (unlike the K/L/X variants) ... and it's not that straightforward to get back to Gnome22:06
tds5016auronandace: thanks much.22:06
MonkeyDusttds5016  in a terminal, type apt-cache search zic22:06
dumnuthi ActionParsnip, i don't know, what command shows what wqifi chip i have?22:06
auronandacetds5016: no worries :)22:06
FluxDdumnut, lspci22:06
tds5016yeah, I was hoping to find the actual tar-ball.22:06
ActionParsnipflintwingel: XFCE is coded with gtk so you could use that22:06
ActionParsnipdumnut: sudo lshw -C network22:07
dottyflintwingel, there are plans for a pure gnome3 distro22:07
tds5016this isn't for ubuntu :-/.22:07
blunderActionParsnip: will initramfs get me anywhere? can i mount a disk and make a change to grub there?22:07
blunderActionParsnip: any ideas are greatly appreciated22:07
dottyflintwingel, a spin of ubuntu, that is - similar to xubuntu and co22:07
flintwingelActionParsnip: my comment wasn't about what I want to use (I was so traumatised by early Unity I've gone back to KDE) - more a general observation22:07
ActionParsnipblunder: you could chroot from a liveCD and change the default there22:07
hypershockMonkeyDust: eeek, i don't have that setting available in "edit connections". I have "dhcp, dhcp address only, link local, shared to other computers and disabled."22:07
auronandacedotty: they calling it gubuntu?22:08
dottyauronandace, no idea tbh, but perhaps :)22:08
hypershockoh dear, monkeydust has logged out, anyone else can help to setup a bridge connection?22:08
blunderActionParsnip: I just might have to do that22:08
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blunderActionParsnip: ActionParsnip any links your can point me to?22:12
dumnutActionParsnip RTL8101E PCI Express Fast Ethernet Controller22:12
ActionParsnipblunder: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/22:13
ActionParsnipdumnut: that's wired, not wireless. The hint is the word "Ethernet"22:14
ActionParsnipdumnut: is it a usb wifi device?22:14
jbwivanyone know of a video card with three dvi interfaces supported by unity? I can't get my two nvidia cards to work with unity using xinerama...only KDE4 works appropriately22:15
dumnutActionParsnip: Ralink device 539022:16
ActionParsnipdumnut: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175168522:18
ActionParsnipdumnut: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164571622:19
ActionParsnipdumnut: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184338022:19
dumnutActionParsnip: i will look at urls you posted. thank-you forhelp22:20
mx8hi, How can i read data from incoming sockets ?22:23
Joshhsoj0does ubunto support the drivers in the Sabertooth 990FX motherboard22:29
peter-adfadfajA few files and folders on my external hard drive are 0 bytes. Is there any way to repair this?22:34
peter-adfadfaj*now show as 0 bytes22:35
kupo_maybe they're corrupted?22:36
kszkszis /media/usbdrive a remote filesystem? ($remote_fs)22:37
DyeAUbunut newbish here, I just put Hardy Heron and LAMP on a remote machine. Tried to do the ole "service apache2 reload" and no go. Service command not found. How do I get that functionality on this machine?22:37
blunderActionParsnip: ok i booted a livecd22:38
peter-adfadfajYes, they're corrupted. The drive isn't remote, but attached by USB.22:38
blunderActionParsnip: i have the file system and can see my file structure22:38
ActionParsnipJoshhsoj0: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1850683.html   found that22:38
ActionParsnipJoshhsoj0: http://www.overclock.net/t/1035333/official-asus-sabertooth-990fx-owners-club/159022:39
peter-adfadfajI'm going to try Foremost.22:39
ActionParsnippeter-adfadfaj: why not use your backups?22:40
MindkontrolHey all. What is the command for restarting a service like sshd? I thought it was etc/init.d/sshd restart22:40
ohzieMindkontrol: looks right to me22:40
ohzieMindkontrol: you can also use service sshd restart22:41
Mindkontrolohzie: weird, says unrecognized service22:41
Mindkontrolhow can i find out if sshd is running?22:41
ohzieMindkontrol: "ps aux | grep ssh"22:42
MindkontrolYeah ok, says its running usr/sbin/sshd22:43
Joshhsoj0Thank you, ActionParsnip22:43
Mindkontrolso wtf22:43
ohzieMindkontrol: "sudo ls /etc/init.d/ | grep ssh"22:43
blunderbasically i booted from a livecd and i want to tell grub to use the other kernel that was working22:43
blunderis it as simple as editting a file?22:44
Mindkontrolohzie: Well says ssh is running, but if i try sshd i get nothing22:44
ohzieMindkontrol: "sudo ls /etc/init.d/ | grep ssh"22:44
ohzietell me what comes back22:45
ohzieblunder: I don't know where the grub config file is. There used to be a really obvious file in the boot partition.22:45
ohzieor boot folter22:45
hichamhi, i just installed ubuntu and want to install the flash player can enyone help?22:46
blunderohzie: i found a file buy it says do not edit this fiel22:47
blunderauto generated by grub-mkconfig22:47
DyeAUbuntu newboid here, I just put Hardy Heron and LAMP on a remote machine. Tried to do the ole "service apache2 reload" and no go. Service command not found. How do I get that functionality on this machine?22:47
ubluntuhicham: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin22:47
hichamok i will give it a try22:47
ohzieDyeA: The new service command is not on the old Hardy Heron release. =P22:47
ohzieDyeA: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:48
ActionParsniphicham: enable partner repo22:48
hichamubluntu, i can't install it22:48
ohzieDyeA: I might seriously consider upgrading that though, before I run it as a production machine.22:48
DyeAohzie: I kind of wondered that might be the case but our work dev machine has 8.04 and I can do "service" commands on it!!! I don't get it!22:48
ohzieDyeA: Weird! :P22:49
DyeAohzie: why upgrade?22:49
ubluntuhicham: open your /etc/apt/sources.list and enable partner repo by removing the #22:49
DyeAohzie: best practice or are they vulnerabilities?22:49
ohzieDyeA: best practice in case there are vulnerabilities.22:49
ohzieDyeA: I'm not knowledgeable of anything specific.22:50
hichamubluntu where can i found the etc?22:50
ohzieDyeA: but getting the newest stuff is generally easier, and that's good for dev work.22:50
ubluntu hicham its a folder.22:50
DyeAohzie: ahhh well, its a LTS... I had natty narwhal on it but i am installing the concrete CMS and I couldn't get cgi.path_info to work22:50
DyeAohzie: after several hours I just gave up22:50
DyeAohzie: maybe I will give 10 a try22:51
ubluntuhicham: like gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list22:52
hichamubluntu i did want to change it, but it tels me i don't have the right22:53
laSt_duDehi everyone! it is my first time ever using ubuntu and unix in general, so i am a total noob. i need help installing graphics drivers as i have never done this before. someone please can guide me?22:53
Frantic_Im having  issues installing ubuntu on my netbook.22:54
christopher9812is there a way to have a server with ubuntu and have a lab with 25 computers with network user accounts?22:54
ActionParsnipFrantic_: what issues?22:55
ubluntuchristopher9812: what do you want to do exactly??22:55
ubluntussh? share files?22:55
christopher9812not exactly22:55
blunderbasically i want it to boot vmlinuz.old22:56
christopher9812Im wanting to have a computer lab with a ubuntu operating system22:56
blunderand revert back22:56
blundernot sure how i can do this from livecd22:56
Frantic_I have installed ubuntu 11.10 onto aa flash card. I have booted from the flash card. run the installation. rebooted and all i get is a screen with a flashing underscore on a black background.22:56
ubluntuchristopher9812: thats not very specific. but you can have a computer lab with all ubuntu sure.....22:56
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: ok what will the server give to the clients?22:56
hichamubluntu i the file source.list, i can't change it because i don't have the rights22:56
laSt_duDeplease someone can tell me how to update graphic drivers?22:56
Frantic_Ive tried to install different versions of ubuntu but none work22:57
ActionParsnipFrantic_: what GPU do you use?22:57
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: what GPU?22:57
ubluntuhicham: did you in a terminal type gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list ?22:57
laSt_duDeintel gma95022:57
christopher9812I would like to store the user accounts on the server22:57
ActionParsniphicham: gksudo gedot /etc/apt/sources.list22:57
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:57
ubluntuchristopher9812: oh thin clients ?22:57
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: so you want an LDAP server22:57
christopher9812windows server 2003 allows for accounts to be created and logged into from other computers22:58
laSt_duDeActionParsnip oneiric22:58
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: LDAP is the equivelant of Windows AD22:58
christopher9812supose on the server I create 3 user accounts: chris, charles, chuck. I want to go to any of the 25 computers and log in22:59
wingnut2626Hey I made a mistake.   I typed "sudo chmod 700 /" now I cannot use the sudo prefix.  How do I fix that?22:59
ActionParsnip!info xserver-xorg-video-intel oneiric22:59
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.15.901-1ubuntu2.1 (oneiric), package size 234 kB, installed size 972 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)22:59
Frantic_actionparsnip: i honoustly have no cluje23:00
blunderit's not that my grub isn't working, it's that i can't see it to boot into my original kernel23:00
hichamit tels me i am not the owner23:00
ActionParsnipFrantic_: what is the make and model of the system?23:00
Frantic_im using an Acer Aspire One GZ523:00
ActionParsniphicham: you aren't but the command I gave runs gedit with extra access and you will get write access23:00
christopher9812on the 25 computers I would like to have ubuntu desktop 10.0423:01
hichami did the command, but no changes23:01
hichamgksudo gedot /etc/apt/sources.list23:01
Frantic_i did some lookin and it origonaly came with linpus23:01
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: there is a later diver here but the PPA is *VERY* experimental and unstable, your choice; https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa23:01
Greatjonhey ubuntus :)23:01
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ActionParsnipFrantic_: its some intel integrated thing, try the boot option:  nomodeset23:02
Frantic_how do i do that?23:02
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:02
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: what do i have to do now? it shows me some lines i can't understand23:02
curios789Hey guys...I run two ATI Radeon 5570s, any way I can get Ubuntu to use all three of my monitors?23:02
Frantic_!nomodeset where do i type this, were do i enter it?23:03
ubottuFrantic_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:03
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade      then cross your fingers and then hope and prey23:03
WhiteOwl-mI hope you appreciate stupid n00b questions, I will have to recompile ndiswrapper tomorrow.. I will bombard you guys..23:04
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: are those stable drivers? i don't want beta ones23:04
ActionParsniphicham: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    will open it edittable23:04
wingnut2626No ideas guys?23:05
hichamyes i did that but when i edit it, it still the same problem23:05
alien2050Frantic: from the live CD, you just hit F6 then put a crossmark on nomodeset, or if you've already installed, just hit "E" on the ubuntu entry, go down in the menu and add nomodeset after "ro"23:05
hichamit still tels me i have not the permissions23:05
ubluntuhicham: after you enter your pw?23:05
Frantic_actionparsnip: Where do ienter !nomodeset23:05
alien2050Frantic_: I just answered you23:06
hichamubluntu what is pw?23:06
ubluntuhicham: your password23:06
hichamyes ubluntu23:06
ActionParsnipFrantic_: read the link, you need to add: nomodeset    as the boot option, not with the bang23:06
blunderis there a way to remove a broken kernel from a system using the livecd?23:07
alien2050Frantic_: you can also modify it in your grub.cfg, but I'd test it before23:07
Frantic_okay, how would i modify it in my grub.cfg and test it prior23:07
ActionParsnipFrantic_: you don't23:08
hichamnow when i do the code again it gives me can't find modulepath 'pixmap'23:08
alien2050blunder: yep... you need to mount your ubuntu install from the live cd, edit the grub.cfg entry, remove the broken kernel that'sit23:08
Frantic_thanks kay :D23:08
ActionParsnip!bootoptions  | hicham23:08
curios789Hey guys...I run two AMD Radeon 5570s, any way I can get Ubuntu to use all three of my monitors? It seems to only be using ONE of my graphics cards.23:08
ubottuhicham: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.23:08
ubluntuFrantic_: just use e to edit the kernel line before you press enter to boot it in grub and add that option for a one time use.23:08
blunderalien2050: it says i can't edit the file23:09
blunderalien2050: says it is autogenerated23:09
blunderalien2050: do i just ignore that?23:09
Frantic_oh man im feeling over whelmed by my noobness.23:09
alien2050doesn't matter, it's just to scare newbies it works fine23:09
curios789ati* ugh23:09
hichamwhat is !bootoptions? actionpasnip23:09
Frantic_use e?23:10
alien2050just ensure that you remove the whole entry with the broken kernel entry... not just one line23:10
=== Jay is now known as JBunny
ubluntuFrantic_: yea you can use e to edit the line23:10
alien2050it should be enclosed in brackets or something23:10
blunderalien2050: ok23:10
Frantic_okay e, what the heck is e?23:11
ubluntuthe letter e? comes after d23:11
alien2050the key "e" :)23:11
Frantic_before f23:11
ActionParsniphicham: was for Frantic_23:11
JBunnyhi everyone. back again.  just wonder if there is a way to optomize my internet connection, something similar to what TCP Optimizer does in Windows.23:11
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: so there are absolutely no stable drivers for this GPU?23:11
ActionParsnipFrantic_: the button to the left of R.23:11
Frantic_i use e to edit the file23:11
Frantic_i dont get that23:12
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: what Intel chip do you have?23:12
alien2050you won't edit the file, it's when you boot23:12
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: gma95023:12
icerootJBunny: yes, buy a better connection23:12
alien2050you have a scroll down menu, select "ubuntu .... blahblah blah"23:12
alien2050and hit the "E" key23:12
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: dude I use a 945GM and its fine23:12
blunderhmm if i can tell it to just boot a diff by default that would work too23:13
blunderi see there is a submenu section previous linux versions23:13
JBunnyiceroot: not very funny.23:13
alien2050then you'll see what's really happening behind the scenes (which is actually an excerpt from grub.cfg)23:13
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: Ubuntu itself work fine for me too but opengl is slow as hell23:13
blunderi just need to default it to taht23:13
icerootJBunny: why? its the correct answer to your question23:13
Frantic_. kay, i will be back.23:13
laSt_duDeI want to play nes emulator on it23:13
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: you may need to make an xorg.conf  to make the driver behave23:13
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alien2050just add "nomodeset" after ro23:13
icerootJBunny: strange optimation tools are funny23:14
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: how do i do this?23:14
toninhoola genteee23:14
alien2050that should do it, for a one time try at least... if you're satisfied, just edit your grub.cfg by typing "sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"23:14
toninhoalguem tá ai?23:14
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: websearch around, you'll find sample files. You will need: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     to get write access to the file...23:14
toninhoalguem fala português?23:14
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blunderor if i could get grub to display as text instead of video23:15
blunderthat might work too23:15
icerootJBunny: what do you expect? downloading with 2mbit/s on a 1mbit/s connection? reducing the ping-results from 80ms to 1ms?23:15
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: sorry i don't get any of this, its my first time using unix and i am only 14 :P23:15
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: you'll learn as you use the OS23:16
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: intel gpus can be a pain23:16
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: I hope i will learn by time, but for now I cannot game :/23:16
alien2050laSt_duDe: it's the perfect age to start... I started MSDOS at 11 so :) no worries, you'll pick it up!23:16
JBunnyiceroot: i just want to know if there is a way to maximize my connection. get the most out of the 1.5mb/s i am paying for. that's all.23:16
icerootJBunny: the most of 1.5mb/s is 1.5mb/s23:17
icerootJBunny: what do you want to optimzie?23:17
ubluntuiceroot: you never even get 100% :-)23:17
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: NES emulators aren't incredibly system intensive. Have you tried Unity2d session?23:17
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: so i write that commands in console?23:17
icerootubluntu: of course you can get 100% but inside the 100% there are also the header-infomations, crc and so on23:17
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: I'd try Unity2D first23:18
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: What is that?23:18
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: log off and select it in the cog menu at the login screen23:18
JBunnyiceroot: i was hoping for a tool of some kind to make sure i get as much of that as i can. like i said, something similar if possible to the windows tool TCP Optimizer. I just want to try and get the best connection i can.23:18
icerootJBunny: please dont trust strange windows-software which is telling you to speed up your internet-connection, or to optimize the system (regcleaner) and so on23:18
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: What does that to?23:18
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: just want to learn :)23:19
icerootJBunny: wget http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/11.10/release/ubuntu-11.10-dvd-i386.iso23:20
icerootJBunny: what is the result?23:20
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: it doesn't need any 3D accelleration, may be smoother for you. Try it23:21
WhiteOwl-mhm, which GUI would you choose for ubuntu server if you are so windows-tarded that you just need something to click on? xubuntu?23:21
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: you'll learn by trying23:21
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: ok thank you very much23:21
icerootWhiteOwl-m: servers dont have a gui23:21
ubluntuWhiteOwl-m: yea or fluxbox23:21
WhiteOwl-mI know.23:21
Crash_O-Dim trying to install video drivers and get jockey log http://paste.ubuntu.com/799978/23:21
icerootWhiteOwl-m: why installing server-edition if you want a gui23:21
WhiteOwl-mI tried webmin but I read it's not supported23:21
JBunnyiceroot: im not sure what you mean.23:21
alien2050WhiteOwl-m: i'd say KDE; similar look and feel as M$23:21
icerootJBunny: download the iso to see your speed23:21
WhiteOwl-mok, I note it23:22
arpheticHi, how can i burn an iso file to an usb stick?23:22
WhiteOwl-mthank you very much :)23:22
icerootJBunny: and see also that any of these strange optimiziers are useless23:22
hichamthat is what i get:  Gtk-WARNING **: Kan themamodule niet vinden in modulepad: ‘pixmap23:22
icerootarphetic: an ubuntu-iso?23:22
WhiteOwl-mwell, iceroot, it's not gonna be a webserver.. more like a home23:22
arphetica windows xp iso23:22
icerootarphetic: ##windows23:22
JBunnyiceroot: fluctuates anywhere from a few kb/s to 150kb/s23:23
arphetic##windows wont tell me how to make a bootable usb disk in ubuntu23:23
alien2050arphetic: of course they wont ;) .... but try unetbootin23:23
icerootarphetic: dd the image (if windows isos are supporting it)23:23
icerootJBunny: wifi? or wired?23:24
JBunnyiceroot: wired23:24
icerootJBunny: 1.5MBit/s23:24
icerootJBunny: ?23:24
Crash_O-Dcan someone help with my issue please/23:24
JBunnyiceroot: that's what i pay for is 1.5mb/s23:25
alien2050arphetic: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/23:25
Barnabasanyone using HP servers ILO cards with ubuntu server23:25
hichamwhen i put this command: gksudo gedot /etc/apt/sources.list that is what i get : (gksudo:3513): Gtk-WARNING **: Kan themamodule niet vinden in modulepad: ‘pixmap’,23:25
arpheticalien2050, i just want to burn the installation file to the usb disk, not actually install XP on the disk. Will UnetBootin still do this?23:25
icerootJBunny: MBit?23:25
icerootJBunny: mb is normally used for MByte23:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:25
Barnabashow to enable console in a format ssh to ilo accepts23:25
alien2050arphetic: not sure I understand, but if you want a live USB with ubuntu on it, try this tool23:25
Crash_O-Dim trying to install video drivers ati/amd fglrx and get jockey log http://paste.ubuntu.com/799978/ hoe do i fix this?23:26
JBunnyiceroot: im paying for a 1.5megabyte connection. it's DSL.23:26
alien2050arphetic: cuz you're talking about XP which I don't get.... why......23:26
Barnabasand who .. WHO decided to change it from a standard console in the first place ... :-)23:27
arpheticalien2050, I have ubuntu, i want to install XP next to Ubuntu. Thus I dloaded an installation cd of XP, and im trying to burn that iso to a USB stick, so i can boot the installation from that USB stick, so i can install XP next to ubuntu23:27
alien2050hicham: it shouldn't matter23:27
icerootJBunny: so its DSL 12.000? never heard of such a strange value23:27
alien2050hicham: if it opens, then it's fine, ignore the warnings23:27
icerootJBunny: i only know 2000, 6000 and 16000 DSL and 25000/50000 VDSL23:27
hichamit doesn't open alien205023:28
alien2050arphetic: usually it's the other way around, because M$ will gladly erase your boot sector23:28
JBunnyiceroot: im not sure what you mean but i have AT&T and upgraded to what they said was 1.5megabytes from there lowest which was something like 768 kilobytes.23:28
alien2050hicham: are u doing a remote session (ssh -X) ?23:28
arphetici know23:28
arpheticits backed up23:28
alien2050hicham: maybe your display variable isn't set in this case23:28
hichamalien 2050 what do you mean23:28
acerimmerarphetic: and the M$ boot sector erase is why it's recommended to install ubuntu AFTER m$23:28
icerootJBunny: i just thing you get MegaBit and MegaByte wrong23:28
icerootJBunny: connection speed is normally always used with MBit and not MByte23:29
paolo1someone help me please23:29
alien2050hicham: well, if you got an X session opened, usually a simple gedit should work23:29
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: didn't do the trick :(23:29
JBunnyiceroot: i did not know that23:29
paolo1i want update kernel23:29
ActionParsnippaolo1: ask away23:29
israelpaolo1: and ur problem is?23:29
alien2050hicham: you can also try "vi" but it's a little bit more advanced although much more powerful23:29
hichamand what is an x session? it is my first time i work with linux23:29
ActionParsnippaolo1: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:29
paolo1but i have backtrack 5 based ubuntu 10.05 lts23:29
ActionParsnippaolo1: ask in #backtrack-linux23:29
ActionParsnippaolo1: backtrack isn't supported here23:30
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: I know the hardware works, i played even n64 in windows on this computer23:30
paolo1i not know becouse i banned23:30
icerootJBunny: and 1.5MBit are 1500KBit which is 187.5KByte23:30
arpheticalien2050, also I was trying to just write the iso to a cd, however ubuntu doesnt recognize my cd when i put it in23:30
alien2050hicham: if you have a 2d interface in front of you and your mouse is moving, then you have an Xsession opened23:30
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: different OS has different support.23:30
icerootJBunny: so a download speed of 150Kbyte is very good because there are also header informations for the package and so on (overhead)23:30
alien2050hicham: beit kde, gnome, etc23:30
icerootJBunny: so your connection is fine23:30
ActionParsnippaolo1: then ask in #freenode23:30
hichamno, i don't think i have an 2d session now opend23:31
paolo1i have see http://www.kernel.org/ kernel 3.1.8 stable23:31
JBunnyiceroot: sorry. guess i misunderstood then. thanks23:31
ActionParsniplaSt_duDe: try 12.04 live CD,  or 10.04 live CD, see if it helps23:31
alien2050hicham: so you got a console in front of you, not a graphical session23:31
paolo1can add this kernel in my backtrack23:31
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: but nes emulation wouldn't even need 3d acceleration, that has to work here too or not?23:31
iceroot!backtrack | paolo123:31
ubottupaolo1: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition23:31
alien2050hicham: then definitely go with "vi"23:31
alien2050it'll work23:31
laSt_duDeActionParsnip: ok i try thx23:32
Crash_O-Dim trying to install video drivers ati/amd fglrx and get jockey log http://paste.ubuntu.com/799978/ how do i fix this?23:32
hichama maybe it is an 2d if it is graphic and the mouse in front of me is moving23:32
paolo1i ' m banned in backtrack23:32
alien2050arphetic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto23:32
icerootpaolo1: and this is not backtrack support channel23:32
alien2050arphetic: try with the utility "k3b" or "brasero"23:32
paolo1i not resolve never this problem23:33
paolo1i can t entry in backtrack23:33
icerootpaolo1: #freenode23:33
icerootpaolo1: we are not the backtrack channel and we are not the freenode channel23:33
icerootpaolo1: sorry23:33
hichamalien2050 is there another way to instal flashplayer?23:33
paolo1and in backtrack-it No one answers ever23:33
paolo1he have 8 user23:34
icerootpaolo1: to be honest, we dont care23:34
arpheticalien2050, to burn to CD you mean?23:34
alien2050hicham: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer23:34
alien2050arphetic: yep23:34
TA5KHi, when is the official kernel 3.2 upgrade for Ubuntu 11.10 expected?23:34
arpheticalien2050, due to some bug, Ubuntu wont recognise my cdrom drive23:34
alien2050arphetic: try unetbootin if you want to burn to usb23:34
arpheticso thats not going to work23:34
icerootTA5K: never23:34
alien2050arphetic: then burn directly the iso to USB, forget cd23:35
tellonewhat does the /dev/log file do?23:35
israel!log | tellone23:35
ubottutellone: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/23:35
paolo1i have only 1 question.. in backtrack5 I update the kernel and put the 3.1.8 from the site http://www.kernel.org?23:36
TA5Kiceroot: so I go for the manual install, thanks23:36
paolo1only this question23:36
israeltellone: it store a lot of linux log's23:36
icerootpaolo1: are you not listening?23:36
JBunnyone more question while i'm here: can anyone recommend a book or site that can help me better learn to use Ubuntu? This is my second day in Ubuntu and I'd really like to learn.23:36
paolo1answer yes or not23:36
paolo1and i go23:36
arphetictrying unetbootin now23:36
ActionParsnippaolo1: your OS isn't supported here23:37
nerxgashow do i restore my boot partition to factory settings, the computer store wont accept my return because the laptop has ubuntu installed!23:37
icerootpaolo1: that is even not a question from you23:37
hichamalien2050 you are the best man!!23:37
paolo1ok bye23:37
icerootpaolo1: and now stop this backtrack-thing23:37
acerimmerJBunny: http://www.amazon.com/Official-Ubuntu-Book-Benjamin-Hill/dp/013274850923:37
jasonI was wondering if anyone has used GAMIN package before and if it allows notifications via email when changes occur?23:37
israelJBunny: u dont need books there's a lot of information in the net just search tutorials23:37
dayaI am trying to compile  C program in Ubuntu 11.10 including pow function with gcc -lm <file.c>, it says, undefined reference to pow, any idea?23:38
ActionParsnipdaya: have you asked in #c23:38
arpheticBtw, im going to follow the following manual: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm . This covers the MBR too i think alien205023:38
JBunnyisrael: any you would recommend? i'm essentially brand new so I was hoping to find something written very plainly.23:38
ActionParsnipnerxgas: you may need to add a boot option so that the recovery partiton boots (assuming you didn't remove it)23:39
tellonethanks ubottu have been looking for that link forever23:39
dayaActionParsnip, I raised the issue in #gcc, yet to get the response23:39
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WhiteOwl-mI have a prelimenary question to all my questions tomorrow23:40
WhiteOwl-mdoes anyone have a good guide which helps with compiling?23:40
trismdaya: you need to specify the libraries after the code in oneiric, so: gcc file.c -lm23:40
JoshieSwhat are the system requirmentd23:40
WhiteOwl-mI have a wlan usb stick which is not supported by ubuntu but I can compile that win-driver-program to do it..23:40
israelJBunny: i've never read a book, i just have the problem and i read about the problem =(23:40
dayatrism, hmm, it works, thanks, does it makes any difference on the use of -lm option before and after the file.23:41
JBunnyisrael: ok. i guess thats how i'll have to try and handle it for now.23:41
TA5KWhat does PAE mean in "linux-image-3.2.0-030200-generic-pae"23:41
JBunnybye everyone23:41
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info23:41
ActionParsnipTA5K: the link explains it23:42
TA5KActionParsnip: nice hint, thx23:42
tellonewait is /dev/log an irc-log?23:43
Crash_O-Dcan anyone help or direct me were to get help please on im trying to install video drivers ati/amd fglrx and get check jockey log http://paste.ubuntu.com/799978/ how do i fix this?23:44
escottbanshee seems to like to rename my files and then stop halfway through. if I played my entire album collection I think I could trigger it to rename things consistently, but is there another way I can do this?23:44
josh123a123can some one help me with the ubuntu install, its getting stuck after the reboot, just after the install trys to start23:44
ActionParsnipjosh123a123: what GPU do you use?23:45
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
Crash_O-Dgraphics card23:45
ActionParsnipjosh123a123: what video card do you use?23:45
israeljosh123a123: =S23:45
josh123a123geforce 54023:45
ActionParsnipjosh123a123: GPU == graphical processing unit23:45
ActionParsnipjosh123a123: then your GPU is a GeForce 540 ;)23:46
aBoundI use a GeForce 580M GTX. :P23:46
ActionParsnipjosh123a123: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=123:46
TA5KaBound: and it works in powersave mode??23:46
ActionParsnipI use a Gefore 6150LE  ....23:46
aBoundTA5K, Powersave mode where's that at?23:47
alien2050hicham: np, glad I could help23:47
TA5KaBound: or do you  struggle the same powerconsumption problem with linux on notebooks?23:47
aBoundTA5K, Haven't a clue I'm sure the power regression hasn't been fixed yet.23:48
ActionParsnipTA5K: my notebook runs power stuff just dandy23:48
aBoundAt times my battery life will say 1hr or 2hrs left.23:48
TA5KaBound: If I use Win7 with my 940M I have around 10h battery time, if I use Ubuntu I have 1.5h :(23:48
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aBoundTA5K, By default my laptop only has a battery life of 2.5hrs.23:49
aBoundFrom what the website told me about it.23:49
TA5KaBound: so your 540m is eating too much :)23:50
onelinerwell thats another nice surprise ,.. no java?23:51
onelineranyone knows if eclipse runs OK with open jdk?23:51
TA5KaBound: I'm just on it because I tried to disable my NV GPU via bumblebee or ironhead yesterday, but unfortunately it's still enabled23:51
TA5KThese are really sad days for using Linux on mobile devices ... I wish I find a solution23:52
aBoundTA5K, Well I think the battery in itself is a 3-Cell battery.23:52
rixter_anyone use the imdb-tools package?23:52
ActionParsnipTA5K: that dual gpu nonsense isnothing but a headacahe23:52
aBoundFrom what I heard the Macbook Pros have a battery life of up to 7hrs but use a 6-cell battery instead of 3.23:52
alien2050oneliner: pretty sure it should work fine, provided you link the bins properly for eclipse to find23:54
rixter_so... no one uses the imdb-tools?23:54
alien2050oneliner: did you look here : http://hype-free.blogspot.com/2008/06/using-eclipse-with-openjdk-6-on-ubuntu.html23:55
aBoundTA5K, This is the machine I run on. More or less it's probably a power regression issue in the kernel.23:56
onelineralien2050: will peek23:57
TA5KActionParsnip: I totally agree... I changed to Linux with 11.04 .. and I would like to use Linux only, but it's simply not possible because of the dual-gpu ***23:57
ActionParsnipTA5K: should've researched a little ;)23:58
WhiteOwl-myeah, not properly researching cost me 40 bucks today, but I might be able to fix it :D23:59
aBoundFor my laptop it says this: The laptop comes with a 6 cell battery by default which lasts around 2.5 hours under general use23:59
aBoundBattery life does suck on my laptop.23:59

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