
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
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DoughyAnyone here? I'm having issues with U102:39
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mandelmorning all!09:38
JamesTaitGood morning all! :D10:14
gatoxgood morning11:11
mandelgatox, morning!11:28
gatoxmandel, hi11:28
mandelgatox, oh, got a professional question for you here, what is the nice way that ralsina wrote to set up a new windows devel machine?11:29
gatoxmandel, you need to install a clean machine11:32
mandelgatox, yes, I have that already...11:32
gatoxmandel, then python, pyqt....11:33
mandelgatox, I had some issue with the vmware machine I was using..11:33
gatoxmandel, let me look for the email11:33
mandelgatox, thx11:33
gatoxmandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/799251/11:36
mandelgatox, thx!11:37
gatoxmandel, look at that..... ask me if you need something else11:37
gatoxmandel, bazaar is only needed if you commit or branch code from your vm.... i didn't install it because i do it from linux11:37
mandelgatox, is amazing how terrible are the windows updates...12:15
mandelgatox, what a waste of time!12:15
nessitahello everyone!12:16
mandelnessita, morning!12:16
gatoxnessita, hi12:16
gatoxmandel, totally agree!12:17
nessitagatox: so, I need to review for you network-detect and fix-links?12:25
gatoxnessita, i'm finishing with fix-links right now.... the other one is ready12:25
mandelgatox, agh. I need the vs2008 for the script to work, right?12:37
mandelstpuid pycrypto!12:37
gatoxmandel, mmmmmmm i think you shouldn't12:37
gatoxmandel, ahhhhhh ralsina gave me a different configuration file......12:38
gatoxi don't know if he put it anywhere else.... i'll email you that file12:38
mandelgatox, please :)12:38
nessitagatox: why are you adding # pylint: disable=W0212? not sure what W0212 is warning for12:42
* gatox looking....12:42
gatoxnessita, access to a protected member12:43
gatox_next_id from the wizard12:44
nessitaah, thanks12:44
nessitagatox: reviewed done, added a couple of nf12:48
gatoxnessita, ok12:49
gatoxnessita, i'm testing fix-links.... because if i run just the file with u1trial it works.... but if run run-tests it fails..... so i'm look what might be going on12:49
nessitagatox: ack12:50
nessitagatox: ah, and seems like ralsina's branch from yesterday had some pep8 issues, could you please fix them in your branch?12:58
nessita./scripts/conf.py:32:66: E202 whitespace before ')'12:58
nessita./scripts/setup.py:300:54: E202 whitespace before '}'12:58
gatoxnessita, project?12:59
nessitagatox: windows-installer12:59
gatoxnessita, roger that!12:59
mandelnessita, do you know the name of the dirspec project?13:16
nessitamandel: dirspec :-)13:16
mandelnessita, oh, that was easy..13:18
mandelI expected something hard to guess..13:18
mandelok, time for lunch13:46
* mandel lunch13:46
alecudamn, it's so hot here.13:53
nessitaalecu: +1013:59
alecunessita, I've started with your review late yesterday. I'm currently in the middle of it.14:01
nessitaalecu: awesome. Anything to fix?14:01
gatoxback!! now i have 30mb! :D14:01
nessitagatox: wtf? is it iplan?14:02
alecunessita, yes, a few things. Let me paste what I have so far in the mp.14:02
gatoxnessita, nop.... fibertel evolution14:02
nessitagatox: does it fly?14:02
nessitais it optic fiber?14:02
gatoxnessita, yes.....14:02
* gatox cries....14:03
alecunessita, there: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/unify-signal-broadcaster/+merge/87759/comments/18987414:03
nessitagatox: how much, if I may?14:03
alecugatox, what's the upload speed?14:04
gatoxnessita, if you have cablevision (i have it for consorcio.. but i don't use it :S) 300.... if you don't have cablevision 40014:04
gatoxalecu, 3mb14:04
nessitaalecu: we can't have a self inside a self14:04
alecunessita, if you want to access the "upper" self, then you can't. But if you don't need to access it, then you can.14:04
gatoxnessita, also.... you have corporate fibertel or something like that.... that is 8mb download, 1mb upload.... but constant and it works better that common users14:05
nessitaalecu: I need to access it, for the self.app_name14:05
nessitaalecu: that class is a terrible hack14:05
nessitaalecu: that in the branch I'm working on will fly14:05
alecunessita, no, the self.app_name is not used there.14:05
nessitaaway, away14:05
nessitaa ver....14:05
nessitaalecu: you're right, I will change that (one of the versions of that class had it :-))14:06
alecunessita, also, I think that *that* "__init__ with lambdas" should be replaced with a few methods, as I said just below it.14:06
nessitaalecu: I'm reading that... but since the class is so aweful, I would like to have it small. But I don't feel strong about that14:07
nessitaalecu, mandel, gatox, dobey: 2 parochial announcements14:10
nessita1- ralsina texted me and he says that the whole are he's in is "out of" 3g, he's looking for alternatives14:10
nessita2- I have a medical appointment 15 minutes before the standup, so I will not be here for it. I'll paste it now:14:10
nessitaDONE: tons of reviews, helped brian get tickets for the sprint (we succeeded!), started with bug #83987714:10
nessitaTODO: bug #839877 to the death! follow up on reviews from yesterday14:10
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 839877 in ubuntuone-windows-installer (and 2 other projects) "When creating a new account, the credentials stored are invalid. (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83987714:10
gatoxnessita, ack!14:10
alecunessita, should we be buying tickets too?14:10
alecuby we I mean facundo and me.14:11
nessitaalecu: I guess so, but I would confirm with ralsina. You can ceratinly request options from the travel agency, but wait for ralsina before confirming14:12
nessitaalecu: specially because I'm not sure how many days you can/want/canonical-wants-you-to attend14:12
alecunessita, right.14:13
nessitaI'll be leaving in 17 minutes, let me know if you need anything from me. I may be back on hour after that approx14:14
dobeywhere is ralsina anyway that he needs to use 3g?14:15
nessitadobey: mar del plata14:15
dobeyalecu: did you get a chance to look at my twisted branch btw?14:25
alecudobey, not yet, sorry. I'm still in the middle of reviewing nessita's big branch.14:26
dobeyalecu: ok, thanks14:26
nessitaok, I'm gone for a while, I'll be back!14:27
nessitaalecu, gatox: send me a sms if you need anything14:27
nessitayou or somebody else, of course :-)14:27
gatoxnessita, ok14:28
Chipacache, anyone seen ralsina?14:45
dobeyChipaca: he reportedly has no 3g access and is looking for an alternative connection14:45
gatoxChipaca, 3g issues14:46
gatoxah....... what dobey says :P14:46
Chipacadobey: gatox: thanks14:47
mandelChipaca, he texted nessita about it14:48
Chipacanessita: could you hop on mumble at 12?14:48
mandelChipaca => <nessita> 2- I have a medical appointment 15 minutes before the standup, so I will not be here for it. I'll paste it now14:48
dobeyChipaca: nessita just left for a medical appt. :)14:48
mandelChipaca, she did not mention if it was about that... too many details14:49
dobeyChipaca: what do you need?14:49
Chipacaa managerialish overview :)14:50
Chipacanever mind14:50
dobey"There's nothing to see here, move along." :)14:50
mandel"This is not the droid you are looking for..."14:51
Chipacai hear we're updating twisted in P?14:51
dobeyit's already been updated to 11.1.0, but yes i am working on getting the new reactor in14:52
dobeygireactor that is14:52
Chipacarockzillantastic, even14:52
dobeyand there are changes to gtk2reactor in trunk, which we need to get in14:52
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dobeybut new gireactor also requires some changes to gtk2reactor, to get accepted upstream, which i was working on yesterday; and unfortunately ran into issues with, otherwise would be ready to re-propose14:54
mandeldobey, gatox, alecu do we do the stand up?14:57
mandelwe have 3 mins to decide :P14:57
alecumandel, sure, let's do it14:57
dobeyyou know my answer :)14:57
mandeldobey, which is the same as main ;)14:57
dobey2/3 majority!14:58
gatoxmy standup is really short..... all the morning fighting with the same thing14:58
dobeyoh i guess there are 4 of us14:58
gatoxstandup +114:58
dobeyah crap14:58
mandelgatox, you vote counts 1/2, you are to young to have a full vote14:58
ralsinagood morning!14:59
mandelalso, short too :P14:59
gatoxralsina, hito_jp014:59
gatoxralsina, hi14:59
gatoxjeje autocomplete14:59
mandelgatox, hahaha I read hijo_pu014:59
alecume too!14:59
gatoxthat wasn't my intention!15:00
ralsinaso, what did I miss?15:00
mandelralsina, you missed nessita standup, she had to go to the doctor15:01
mandelralsina, also, Chipaca was looking for you15:01
ralsiname (no notes)15:01
gatoxalecu, dobey ?15:01
dobeyi cast my vote already!15:02
alecugatox, I've already said "me" twice.15:02
gatoxalecu, yes..... i see it now15:02
gatoxFixed some branches, start working on network detect in u1-client, fighting with a weird bug in the tests of u1-client-fix-links15:02
gatoxFix the tests in that branch, keep working on network detect for u1-client15:02
gatoxalecu, go15:02
mandelI've been told that cordoba residents like standups..15:02
ralsinaDONE: bureaucracy, fought against buildout, merged windows packaging! TODO: reviews, organize scopes contractor, mgmt call, review resumes for mac position blOCKED: was without internet a long while15:03
alecuDONE: fixes for proxy-integration-tests on P, power outage, reviews15:03
alecuTODO: nessita's big branch review, take a look at dobey's twisted branch, use-restful-client branch15:03
alecuBLOCKED: a few of my upcoming branches are blocked on the nessita's branch landing, so more reviews appreciated: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/unify-signal-broadcaster/+merge/8775915:03
alecuREVIEWS NEEDED: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/silence-dbus-logger/+merge/8781515:03
alecuRE_REVIEWS NEEDED: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/proxy-integration-tests/+merge/8753815:03
dobeymandel: it makes them feel taller if they stand, while everyone else is sitting down :)15:03
alecuNEXT: gatox15:03
gatoxalecu, i was the first one15:03
mandelDONE: Wasted a huge amount of time fighting with vmware to recover my devel win 7 machine.. Manage to do it, running tests for fix for bug 907511. Did some reviews.15:04
mandelTODO: Ensure bug 907511 is fixed. Move to proxy work.15:04
mandelBLOCKED: no15:04
mandelralsina, go15:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 907511 in ubuntuone-client "Windows: events from directories where no watch has been added should be ignored (affects: 1) (heat: 31)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90751115:04
ralsinamandel: already posted ;-)15:04
gatoxjejejeje this was a mess15:04
mandelralsina, che, you jumped the q!15:04
alecugatox, doh15:04
ralsinamandel: sorry!15:04
gatoxdobey, go15:04
dobeyλ DONE: dirspec MIR, mostly done with gireactor15:04
dobeyλ TODO: write proposal for u1 packageset, finish gireactor work, start music store/libsyncdaemon work15:04
dobeyλ BLCK: gireactor/gtk2reactor went boom.15:04
gatoxany comments anyone? :P15:05
alecugatox, in fact I said "me too" a few seconds before you said "me"!!!!15:05
ralsinadobey: went boom?15:05
dobeytwsited and python hate me.15:05
gatoxalecu, ahhhh but that wasn't for the standup! so doesn't count :P15:05
ralsinadobey: you started it!15:05
dobeyralsina: yes, was working fine. i refactored (split the code into a base that both derive from), and all of a sudden it no longer works right15:06
alecuralsina, I can confirm what dobey says...15:06
alecuralsina, I will anyway take a look at the code to see if I can spot anything obvious.15:06
ralsinadobey, alecu; I believe you. I also know it's probably your fault. Or your computers are nondeterministic now ;-)15:07
alecudobey, the twisted reviewers requested the refactoring?15:07
dobeyalecu: yes, because most of the code between the two reactors is exactly the same15:08
dobeyralsina: well i am not fond of python using 2.9G of RES for no apparent reason :)15:09
mandelralsina, I have a problem with configglue on windows, which version are we suppose to me using, I know you had already this problem15:09
ralsinamandel: we are using release, IIRC15:09
dobeyshould be 1.0 i guess15:10
dobeythere haven't been any changes to it since then15:10
alecumandel, did you see my reply to your latests comment in my branch?15:11
alecumandel, also, let's try to move forward the review of nessita's branch, since my next branch is blocked on that.15:11
* gatox lunch...... brb15:13
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mandelalecu, which is nessitas branch?15:17
mandelalecu, and, no I did not see you comment, let me take a look15:17
alecumandel, it's in my standup notes above15:17
* mandel reads15:18
mandelalecu, nessitas branch has a needs fixing from you, right?15:19
ralsinaalecu: +1 on silence-dbus-logger15:19
alecumandel, a small one, while I finish the whole review. But it's a huge branch so more eyeballs are welcome.15:20
mandelalecu, sure15:20
alecumandel, also, that branch is a big help (but a big blocker too) for upcoming proxy branches.15:20
alecumandel, so it should be our priority right now to help get it landed.15:21
dobeymandel: btw, what'd you want with dirspec?15:21
mandelalecu, I just looked at https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/silence-dbus-logger/+merge/87815 ralsina was faster, yet I agree with dobey that is a good idea to move that to the DBusTestCase in ubuntuone-dev-tools so that we clean all the projects15:21
mandelmake sense15:22
mandeldobey, I just did not have it and wanted to install it (dirspec)15:22
dobeyapt-get install python-dirspec :)15:22
mandeldobey, windows15:22
alecumandel: I don't agree with moving that to DBusTestCase: it should be done on a testcase-by-testcase basis, so we don't mask possible problems.15:24
alecumandel, it makes sense on the txsecrets tests, since they are testing two versions of the same API but that receive different parameters15:24
alecumandel, so it makes sense to silence it there. But I believe we should not be doing it globally.15:25
mandelalecu, well, it seems to be useful code that might be reused by other tests15:25
dobeyalecu: you're going to mask possible problems regardless of where you put it, and copying the code around just makes it worse :)15:27
alecudobey, well, I disagree with this case. It should be exceptional to mask this kind of errors.15:28
dobeyalecu: we could put the bulk of the code in DBusTestCase, and just require test cases that want to use it to explicitly call self.block_dbus_logging_crack() or something15:29
dobeybut whatever. i think we shouldn't do it anywhere, and instead just trap them all and log them to a file15:29
dobeyi'm sure there are worse issues with some of our tests right now, so i don't really feel like arguing about it :)15:30
mandeldobey, arguing is part of the human nature, embrace it!15:31
alecuDiegoSarmentero, dobey, ralsina, nessita: mandel has just volunteered to give a small "bzr pipeline" lesson this friday, so we end up the cycle of megabranches.15:33
dobeywhat mega branches?15:34
ralsinaalecu: I have already had his explanation about pipeline, but happy to get a refresh :-)15:34
DiegoSarmenteroalecu great!15:34
aleculet's wait till nessita returns from her doctor appointment so we can agree on a time15:34
alecudobey, the >5k-line ones15:34
alecudobey, like the one I mentioned on my standup notes.15:35
dobeyi don't think pipeline itself really helps with that does it? it's not like bzr understands the logic in the code, and how to split it appropriately15:35
dobeyand reviewing pipelined changes is a pain15:36
DiegoSarmenterodobey i think it doesn't hurt to listen what mandel has to tell us... maybe it can help with some cases15:37
mandeldobey, it makes the splitting easier, but of course is the developers responsability to split the code in a sensible manner :P15:38
alecudobey, well, as long as pipelining helps with making sets of smaller branches, I'm willing to give it a try.15:38
dobeyand some branches just have to be that big15:38
alecuok, it's lunchtime for me.15:39
=== alecu is now known as alecu_lunch
dobeyalright, bbiab; lunch and errands16:09
=== alecu_lunch is now known as alecu
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mandelalecu, ralsina, nessita I did a first pass to https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/unify-signal-broadcaster/+merge/8775916:17
mandelthat is as far as I got before I started confusing the signal names16:17
alecumandel, lol16:31
gatoxi'll be back in a while.... i need to take my cat to her doctor appointment16:50
* nessita is back!16:54
nessitamandel: what did you confused with what? :-)16:54
nessitamandel: I removed a lot of code to try to ease the reading :-D16:54
mandelnessita, yeahm I was confusing the names because of the amount of them16:55
mandelnessita, I did a review, I think there is some code that we can remove since is a little repetitive16:56
nessitamandel: such as? (+1 to remove code)16:58
nessitaalecu: what did you need for to agree on? :-)16:58
mandelnessita, it in the review :)16:58
nessitamandel: ack16:58
nessitaralsina: got confirmation from the agency for brian's plane ticket, I will add his details to the wiki page17:00
nessitaralsina: so, I guess alecu and facundo should be booking now17:00
ralsinanessita: awesome17:00
ralsinanessita: writing email!17:00
alecunessita, I don't understand "what did you need for to agree on?"17:00
nessitaalecu: I read the backlog, and at some point you said17:00
nessita(12:34:34 PM) alecu: let's wait till nessita returns from her doctor appointment so we can agree on a time17:00
alecu"nessita: mandel has just volunteered to give a small "bzr pipeline" lesson this friday, so we end up the cycle of megabranches."17:02
nessitathere was a power micro-cut17:09
nessitaalecu: sorry, I did not see any answer from you due my connection getting stuck17:09
alecu"nessita: mandel has just volunteered to give a small "bzr pipeline" lesson this friday, so we end up the cycle of megabranches."17:09
nessitamy last messages were:17:09
nessita(02:01:45 PM) nessita: alecu: 47.7C sensación termica is burning my brain17:10
nessitaalecu: how will bzr pipeline solve the mega branches?17:10
alecunessita, by making it easier to have smaller branches that depend on each other, and to pull changes from previous unlanded branches17:11
alecunessita, it's a tool to make smaller branches, not a magic bullet17:11
nessitaalecu: right, but the problem with this kind of big branches is that I can't build a branch smaller that will not break trunk17:11
nessitaalecu: so, if I make smaller branches, we'll have trunk broken for the period of time until the next one lands17:12
alecunessita, perhaps we can do the review on the smaller branches, and only land the changes from the last branch17:14
nessitaalecu: can be, yes...17:14
alecunessita, anyway, I heard that bzr pipeline is a nice tool for these cases, and I could certainly use it for my latests branches, so I talked mandel into doing a small session on it, this friday.17:17
nessitaalecu: +117:18
mandelnessita, do you agree with the comment in the branch?17:18
nessitaalecu: why this is not ok? "Provides an utility"17:18
alecunessita, whether you use "a" or "an" depends on the sound of the following word.17:19
alecunessita, "an umbrella", "a utility method"17:19
ralsinanessita, alecu: we can do reviews on all the pipeline and land it quickly. 7 reviews of 1000 are easier than 1 review of 700017:20
nessitamandel: a little... though you have some valid points about duplication in tests, I'm not complete convinced is worth the effort of unifying that. But I will certainly try and see if what I can do is acceptable. Regarding the "d.addCallback(lambda a: reply_handler(*a))", if you follow up the code where that is used, you will always, 100% if the times, get a tuple there17:20
nessitaalecu: you sure about that? I thought the rule was "an" always before a word that starts with a vowel17:21
nessitaralsina: you sure? even when the changes are related? how can you keep track that you're modifying everything that needs to be modified? I mean, you see that something should fixed and is not, and you can not tell either if the fix is coming on another branch or is something that was forgotten...17:22
nessitadobey: would you teach me some English please? when shall we use "an" instead of "a"?17:22
alecunessita, yes, I looked it up: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070517154920AAABFVA17:22
nessitaalecu: thanks for the link17:22
ralsinanessita: I suppose it depends on the branches, really17:23
alecuralsina, re: the "7 reviews of 1000", also, those 7 reviews could be done by different people.17:23
nessitaralsina: yes... I agree long branches sucks. Big time. But on the other hand, we need to do some serious refactorings... so yes, I guess is a case by case17:23
dobeynessita: lol :)17:24
ralsinanessita: if it's really a branch that can not be split in any meaning ful way, pipelines are not going to help17:24
nessitadobey: lol? it wasn't a  joke :-)17:24
dobeynessita: "an" is used when the following word starts with a vowel sound, and "a" used when it starts with a consonant17:24
nessitadobey: how do you define vowel sound?17:24
nessitawhy utility does not start with a vowel sound? :-)17:25
dobeyit does17:25
dobeyor it doesn't17:25
nessitadobey: ?17:25
dobeyuhm, sorry, i am not an english teacher; vowel sound is the wrong term17:25
ralsinanessita: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/540/01/17:26
ralsinaa + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound: a user (sounds like 'yoo-zer,' i.e. begins with a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' is used); a university; a unicycle17:26
ralsinanessita: so the initial u is often preceded by "a" instead of "an" if it sounds "iu"17:27
alecu"yuniversity", "yunicycle"17:27
dobeyright. u is special because the long pronounciation of it is like y17:28
ralsinabut it's "an hour".17:28
ralsinaenglish sucks17:28
dobeyand y is special because sometimes it is a vowel :)17:28
nessitamandel: got my reply?17:28
alecuit's certainly pronounced like two spanish vowels in "yuniversity"17:28
dobeyralsina: it's all the fault of the british17:29
alecunessita, I'm the last two files of the megareview.17:30
dobeyi think i'll read some megatokyo17:30
nessitaalecu: you are an angel17:33
alecunessita, my father is "Miguel Ángel", I'm just an incubus.17:35
mandelnessita, no..17:36
nessitamandel: repeating now:17:36
nessitamandel: a little... though you have some valid points about duplication in tests, I'm not complete convinced is worth the effort of unifying that. But I will certainly try and see if what I can do is acceptable. Regarding the "d.addCallback(lambda a: reply_handler(*a))", if you follow up the code where that is used, you will always, 100% if the times, get a tuple there17:36
mandelgot it now17:36
nessitamandel: already working on the decorator for logging signals17:37
alecumandel, so, is my answer enough in this MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/proxy-integration-tests/+merge/8753817:39
alecunessita, also, can you please re-review that branch?17:40
alecunessita, I added a reply to your comment too.17:40
nessitaalecu: yes, sure!17:41
alecunessita, dobey: are we having some issue with our tarmac?17:42
nessitanot that I know of17:42
mandelalecu, yes it is, I'm looking a second time, but it looks ok in a first pass17:42
dobeyare we?17:42
dobeyi don't know of any :)17:42
alecudobey, nessita: it seems it's not picking up this branch to do the merging: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/silence-dbus-logger/+merge/8781517:42
dobeyalecu: i'll look17:42
dobeylooks like something crashed it, and left a lock held17:44
* alecu sees and then hears the thunderstorm17:45
dobeyalecu: should grab it on the next run in ~5 min17:45
alecudamn climate. I should have gotten into the pool before lunch :-(17:46
dobeyalecu: if it's not merged in ~10 min, ping me again17:46
alecudobey, great, thanks.17:46
dobeynow we can fix all the usage of the xdg hacks from sso, to use dirspec17:49
alecunessita, Needs Fixing!!!!17:52
nessitaalecu: another one? :-)17:52
alecunessita, very small fixes, really.17:53
nessitaalecu: I already fixed and push you first batch, so I will do that shortly17:53
* alecu now tries to focus on the GI branch17:53
dobeyfocusing is hard :-/17:57
mandelok, EOD for me, later!17:58
gatoxmandel, bye17:59
nessitaralsina: brian's flight details added to wiki18:00
dobeyalecu: btw, http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4558#comment:15 is the trac review commentary18:10
nessitaralsina: ping18:22
nessitaok guys, I will have a really quick lunch, brb18:25
alecudobey, have you seen this in the trial log?         exceptions.AttributeError: 'GIReactor' object has no attribute '_POLL_DISCONNECTED'18:31
dobeyhmm, no, i haven't seen that18:32
alecudobey, it keeps being written to the log while the memory is chewed up, I found out by stracing it.18:33
gatoxpeople.... i'm having power issues too......18:35
alecugatox, damn power plants. I didn't have any today...18:35
* alecu crosses fingers18:36
gatoxalecu, nessita left for something or power issues for her too?18:36
dobeyalecu: thanks!18:36
alecudobey, you are welcome!18:37
alecugatox, she said "really quick lunch"18:37
gatoxalecu, yes...... but then i saw: "nessita has quit" and i thought that maybe she was having issues too18:38
* nessita is back18:52
dobeyget one issue fixed, and boom, another19:31
alecudobey, what happens now?19:33
dobeyam adding the gtk3reactor.py wrapper, and it's hanging in manhole tests on testControlC. not eating all the RAM though19:37
dobeysomething is killing a child process somehow, that gets left as [defunct] in the process list19:40
alecudobey, I'm going out for half an hour; if you want me to take a look at it later, send me the branch.19:41
dobeyalecu: thanks19:42
alecunessita, I've already asked you to re-review this branch, right? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/proxy-integration-tests/+merge/8753819:43
* alecu can't recall an ack with all these disconnections going on.19:43
* alecu goes to the pool before it starts raining again.19:45
=== alecu is now known as alecu_pool
gatoxnessita, i've been updating some of my branches but i didn't ask you to re-review yet because i assume that you are going to do it tomorrow... not more review today, am i right?19:51
nessitagatox: I'm still doing some, but you can paste me the links and will do them either today or tom19:54
gatoxnessita, ok, this one is ready: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/fix-links19:54
gatoxand the other one is about to be19:54
nessitagatox: found out what the problem was?19:54
gatoxnessita, with what?19:55
gatoxi read: "I FOUND OUT...."19:55
gatoxnessita, yes..... was a stupid thing about encode->decode19:55
gatoxunicode is going to hunt me to the hell19:55
ralsinagatox: late, late pong20:10
ralsinagatox: had an emergency: there is no beach today!20:10
gatoxralsina, jeje omg!20:10
ralsinanessita: pong, thanks about the flight details20:10
gatoxralsina, do we have our weekly 1-1 in the calendar??20:10
gatoxralsina, i can't find it.... and we only have 1 so far20:11
ralsinagatox: grrr20:11
ralsinagatox: please add it for tomorrow20:11
ralsinagatox:  make it recurrent ;-)20:11
gatoxralsina, what time is better for you?20:13
ralsinagatox: before lunch if possible20:13
gatoxok...... around 13:30? 14?20:13
* gatox have lunch early :P20:13
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gatoxralsina, there...... tomorrow 14:3020:15
ralsinagatox: cool, will attend ;-)20:15
gatoxralsina, if you need to change the time just let me know20:15
gatoxralsina, i don't have any problem with the time20:15
ralsinagatox: nah, that's good. Tomorrow's meeting is about unicode! ;-)20:15
gatoxralsina, jejeje20:17
=== Guest40376 is now known as adorilson
gatoxnessita, has power issues again.... if it doesn't solve quickly she is going back to her apartment... so maybe she is not going to be around for a while20:30
gatoxok, EOD for me!! dobey ralsina see you tomorrow!20:33
gatoxalecu_pool, enjoy the pool :P20:33
ralsinabye gatox20:33
ralsinahope hotels in Cordoba actually do have generators20:34
gatoxralsina, mmmmm that would be something interesting to know :P20:34
gatoxralsina, today cordoba is a mess20:34
ralsinagatox: cordoba has been a mess in the summer since 155320:34
gatoxnow is raining a lot..... and some lightning cause power issues20:34
nessitapower is back20:36
=== alecu_pool is now known as alecu
nessitaalecu: how was it? :-)20:39
nessitaalecu: branch looks good, a minor docstring (potential) typo is there as a comment20:40
alecunessita, great. Now it's raining again, so we got out.20:41
alecunessita, thanks! I'll take a look and fix it.20:41
nessitaalecu: I'm waiting on the test suite to finish before my final vote20:41
nessitagatox: volví (just FYI)20:42
dobeyre alecu20:45
alecudobey, were you able to fix that issue?20:47
alecushould I take a look?20:47
dobeyi committed/pushed to the branch20:47
dobeyi don't see anything in _trial_temp/ that would be helpful, either :(20:48
gatoxnessita, let me know if you need anything..... i'm eod20:52
beunoralsina, do you have google plus?20:52
nessitagatox: I'm good, enjoy your eod20:52
nessitagatox: and you big 30mb of internes20:52
gatoxnessita, :P20:52
gatoxnessita, this branch is ready for review too..... but it can be tomorrow: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect20:52
beunowow, that was a pretty strong ping20:53
alecua byteful of ping it was20:53
beunoralsina, o/20:54
alecunessita, pushed a fix for the docstring issue20:54
ralsinabeuno: \o20:54
nessitadobey: question. How our music store plans get affected if Ubuntu One is pulled off from the CD, due to space limitations?20:54
nessitaalecu: ack!20:54
beunoralsina, you don't use google+, do you?20:54
ralsinaturns out, rain and thunder is not good for 3g either. What a useless day20:54
ralsinabeuno: yes I do, but not with the canonical address20:54
dobeynessita: there are no space limitations20:54
ralsinabeuno: look for roberto.alsina@gmail.com20:54
dobeynessita: why would u1 get pulled off the CD for space?20:55
nessitadobey: beacuse seems like python-qt4 pulls in 13M20:56
nessitaalecu: ping20:56
beunoralsina, can't figure out how to send you a notice, so here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114428647843749810215/posts/cL8mMyxKkSh20:56
alecunessita, pong20:56
nessitaalecu: did you run your suite in windows?20:56
dobeynessita: removing mono freed up like 60M20:57
nessitaalecu: after installing latest devtools in windows, I'm getting: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/799832/20:57
beunoralsina, a dude asking about u1 for kde, but he's a really nice dude20:57
nessitaalecu: before updating devtools, I had an import error about the squitestcase20:57
dobeynessita: although for some reason it appears the current image is full. weird20:58
nessitadobey: I emailed pitti a few days ago, to have some "serious" talk we being able to pull in qt4. He said: "Banshee and the Mono libraries took away about 6.5 MB compressed .debs, but python-qt4 pulls in 13 MB of .debs. "20:58
alecunessita, no, I'm on the laptop on a freshly installed P, and the windows VM is not working right around here.20:58
nessitaalecu: ok, so I'd have to put a needs fixing on that... sorry20:58
dobeyoh, i thought banshee/mono/tomboy was larger20:58
nessitadobey: so... how that impacts our music store plans?20:59
nessitaralsina: you may wanna follow up this ^ (if you're not already)20:59
dobeynessita: well pulling u1 off the CD isn't going to solve that problem.20:59
nessitadobey: sorry, not exactly sure what you mean21:00
dobeyand it affects our music store plans no more than it would have last cycle, if we hadn't put it back on the CD21:00
alecubeuno, my reading is that "Guillermo Espertino" is asking about Ubuntu One for debian, not for KDE.21:00
beunothat may be easier, maybe21:00
dobeynessita: one thing needing python-qt on the CD, seems like a silly reason to pull all of u1 off the CD21:00
nessitadobey: we need python-qt for the controlpanel, and I think you know that21:01
nessitadobey: if you're implying that we go with gtk one, I think you know the answer to that one :-)21:01
nessitadobey: if not, do you have some other idea that may help us?21:02
dobeynessita: the control panel is not all of u121:02
dobeygtk3 :)21:02
nessitadobey: ... again? ;-)21:02
dobeynessita: so, the goal is to get gtk2 off the CD21:02
dobeynessita: so i wonder what all is stil keeping it there21:02
nessitadobey: didn't you mention firefox keeping it there?21:03
dobeynessita: perhaps, but it isn't keeping gtk2 webkit there. or libgtk2-perl :)21:03
dobeyor probably gtkmm21:04
nessitadobey: I like you thinking alternatives of this kind. Can we do something concrete about that? like, presenting a "plan" of how to get room for us in the CD21:05
dobeyi'd have to look on my precise install to see what still requires them. i suspect we may be the main culprit for gtk2 webkit, though that will be resolved soon21:06
nessitadobey: resolved by us or by someone else?21:07
dobeywell, libu1 still requires it. but that will change quite soon21:08
nessitadobey: can I ask you to please, when you have a moment during this week, to take a look to that (possible packages that could be removed from the CD so we get some room) and send me a summary by email? I'd need that info to present this to the bosses, and to pitti, to define what we'll do before is too late and we have to run applying dirty patches21:08
nessitadobey: I would like to avoid the last minute rush resolving this21:09
dobeyyes, we all would like to avoid that :)21:09
nessitadobey: great, can I count with that email before the week ends?21:10
alecunessita, ping21:11
dobeyi hope so :)21:11
nessitaalecu: pong21:11
nessitadobey: thanks!21:12
alecunessita, unpint21:14
alecunessita, unping21:14
nessitaalecu: so fast?21:14
alecudobey, I'm getting this in windows: ImportError: No module named dirspec.basedir21:14
dobeyalecu: you probably need to install dirspec?21:14
alecudobey, is this something newish?21:15
alecuI don't recall it being needed21:15
dobeyalecu: it's the replacement for the xdg.BaseDirecotry + sso hacks nonsense, yes21:15
dobeyso we can get those win32-specific hacks out of sso/u1client/etc, and just use dirspec everywhere21:16
dobeydevtools has required it for about a month now i guess. :)21:17
dobeyand dirspec is now approved for main, so we can start migrating stuff to it, and get rid of the ubuntu_sso.xdg_basedirectory stuff everywhere21:17
=== mike is now known as Guest58500
Guest58500Any status on notes and contacts working for Ubuntu One?21:21
dobeynotes should be working fine; contacts sync from ubuntu should generally work fine as well. can you more specifically describe the problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/ if necessary for long logs and such21:23
dobeyok then21:23
joshuahoovernessita: i have a user getting the following error (from the control panel log): 2012-01-07 16:06:32,090 - ubuntuone.controlpanel.dbus_service - ERROR - DevicesInfoError: args (<ubuntuone.controlpanel.dbus_service.ControlPanelBackend at /preferences at 0xa2d848c>, {'error_type': 'MemoryError', 'error_msg': u''}), kwargs {}.21:23
joshuahoovernessita: any ideas?21:24
dobeyjoshuahoover: MemoryError generally means something at all the RAM21:24
nessitajoshuahoover: what dobey just said, something (perhaps syncdaemon?) is eating all the user RAM21:24
dobeyjoshuahoover: tell them to look at top and see what it is :)21:24
dobeyfirefox, chrome, may be likely suspects21:25
joshuahooverdobey: heh, ok...wasn't sure if it was truly a memory error or something else hiding21:25
dobeyin general, MemoryError is a real error. :)(21:25
dobeyerr :)21:25
nessitaalecu: ping21:26
alecunessita, pong21:26
nessitaalecu: any idea why sso's service name is SSO_SERVICE_NAME = "ubuntu-sso-client" insted the executable name which is ubuntu-sso-login?21:26
dobeythis gtk3reacotr issue is killing me :(21:27
nessitaalecu: I was coding a quick fix to get_activation_cmdline where if the key is not the registry,  it will try with the service name to use it like a script that will be hopefully in the PATH21:27
nessitaalecu: but since our sso service name differs frm the script name, my quick fix will not be such21:28
nessita(the service name does match for syncdaemon)21:28
alecunessita, no idea why the name is different, probably those were the "canonical" names in my head at the time.21:29
alecunessita, probably changing them may mean changing the installer too, since that's the one that sets those strings.21:29
alecunessita, also, it's very likely that our .exe files will not be in the path.21:30
nessita1alecu: sorry, a microcorte made the router went crazy21:32
nessita1alecu: so my latest question?21:32
alecunessita1, no problem21:32
alecunessita, no idea why the name is different, probably those were the "canonical" names in my head at the time.21:32
alecu nessita, probably changing them may mean changing the installer too, since that's the one that sets those strings.21:32
alecu nessita, also, it's very likely that our .exe files will not be in the path.21:32
nessita1alecu: well, when running not from installer that will always be the case21:33
nessita1alecu: I was hoping to test the activation and would like to be able to do it without going thru the registry... and using PATH as a fallback seemed reasonable to me21:34
alecunessita1, editing PATH in windows is usally more annoying than touching the registry :-)21:34
nessita1alecu: if I would use a service always from my custom location, perhaps... but when testing scripts from multiple branches is kinda a pain21:35
alecunessita1, but go ahead, whatever makes your life simpler is good for me.21:35
nessita1alecu: :-)21:36
alecunessita1, you may take a look at reg.exe before going forward.21:40
nessita1alecu: I will not change anything, for now21:40
alecunessita1, hmmm... there's something bad with reg.exe: in order to change the global registry keys you need admin permissions.21:47
alecunessita1, so, an env var may be better.21:47
nessita1alecu: I will not change anything... no worries21:48
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* nessita1 -> eoding21:54
dobeyalecu: have you found anything in my branch? twisted is twisting my brains :(21:55
nessita1bye all!21:56
alecudobey, not found anything, no.21:58
dobeywell that is weird22:11
dobeyso i appended --help to the end of the arguments, expecting trial to parse that and just print the help info22:12
dobeyand instead, the previously hanging test passed, along with another one, and then it hung itself on another test in the same testcase :(22:13
dobeyrunning the tests on just twisted/internet passed, though i see this:22:15
dobey(trial:21665): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed22:15
dobeyand if i run under strace, it slowly passes the same freezing tests :(22:17
alecudobey, I'll take a look tomorrow, too.22:18
alecuso, EOD for me22:19
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dobey"You have requested resources from our servers too rapidly. We have determined that you might be a robot."22:52
dobeyawesome. :-/22:52
cjohnstonrye: is there any update to Bug #901251? I am still having this problem and still am unable to back up all of my files on U122:59
ubot4cjohnston: Error: Bug #901251 not found.22:59
=== gatox is now known as gatox_away

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