
scott-workgood morning15:07
scott-worki have a question for the channel, probably will shoot it to the mailing list too17:50
scott-workhow do people feel about ubuntu studio being officially recognized as an LTS release for 12.0417:50
astraljavaYes, we can do that. I was thinking about the same when Xubuntu had their discussion and proposal accepted just this week.17:52
scott-workastraljava: one of my questions is...do we need to?17:56
astraljavaNo, we don't need to.17:56
scott-workcanonical will already be supporting the foundation packages already for ubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu/et al17:57
scott-worki suppose for appearances it would be nice though....and respect17:57
astraljavaDerivates can choose to, or not to.17:57
scott-worki don't think we can honestly expect LTS support for particular a/v/g packages though17:57
astraljavaThat's the thing, we should be ready and willing to provide that support.17:58
scott-worki am leaning to asking for LTS designation for ubuntu studio, unless others are oppossed to it17:58
scott-workgiven the way libraries change and the development of things like ardour (and maybe jack) there is an upper boundry condition to our LTS support for a/v/g packages within two years, much less four or five though17:59
scott-workastraljava: ^^^17:59
astraljavaWe could vote for it, if we got decent amount of contributors in one of our formal meetings. That would probably have to happen in the next January meeting, though.18:00

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