
nanotubequick suggestion - 'activate focus stealing prevention' in 'windows manager tweaks' should be default.04:08
nanotubeok, i take that back. because it stops even applications i start deliberately from going to the front.04:38
nanotubei guess that makes sense, since it is programmatically hard to determine if something is being opened by me right now, or spawned by something else...04:38
nanotubebut yea, i take it back. :)04:38
Unit193You're funny...04:42
nanotubehaha yea sometimes. :) i was all like omg, focus stealing prevention, that sounds awesome!04:42
nanotubethen i go ctl-alt-f and ctl-alt-t to start a browser window or terminal, or click a link in xchat irc... and it goes to the back. and i'm like omg whyyyy? :)04:43
nanotubeand thus ended by brief love affair with focus stealing prevention. :)04:44
knomemadnick, ? :)07:42
madnickknome: 07:53
knomewant to go through some theming stuff today?07:55
madnickknome: sorry, i will not be home today08:00
knomeno problem08:00
madnickbut tommorrow is a good day08:00
knomei'm not sure how well that works for me, but might08:01
olbiis there on site listed default apps in Xubuntu 12.04?11:59
knomeno. though nothing critical is changing12:00
olbiok, I have updated wiki sites with newest information :)12:20
knomemr_pouit, you there?13:02
knomewhat do you people think: how often do people need a spreadsheet editor? do you think it's worth keeping on in the default installation, or could we do well without one?13:17
olbiwe should make DVD13:18
olbiwith LibreOffice13:19
knomedisagree with that, but you are free to undertake the big xubuntu dvd project ;)13:19
olbiUbuntu has LO, Kubuntu has LO too, why Xubuntu couldnt have too :]13:29
mr_pouitone reason is cd space =]13:29
mr_pouit(e.g. more apps included by default => less language packs available by default)13:31
olbiyou want allways keep on CD? In times where DVD is same price and speed like CD? It is weird13:41
olbiI dont mean have 2.2 GB, but only 1.2 - 1.3GB13:42
olbiwhere we could add more software13:42
olbideafult installed on system13:42
olbitime need to install will be same and users dont feel difference13:43
olbiI have been installing Linux Mint and openSUSE which have 2.2GB DVD and time was even faster than Ubuntu13:44
micahgwe got a shout out on omgbuntu: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/kubuntu-xubuntu-12-04-become-long-term-support-releases/14:02
knomewhat's the thing with fuzzing with our logo?14:02
olbiOSWorld shout too: http://osworld.pl/2012/01/10/xubuntu-12-04-kubuntu-12-04-edubuntu-12-04-zostaja-wlaczone-do-lts/14:18
knomehuh? :P14:41
madnickhehe 38 new emails 15:06
scott-workgood morning everyone15:08
madnickmorning scott-work 15:08
charlie-tcaA quick stop before losing the internet today16:06
charlie-tcaMaybe-ubiquity is on the desktop cd's. Unfortunately, it goes straight to the live session, and there is no way to install Xubuntu. 16:07
charlie-tcaYou have to interupt the boot by holding right-shift (I think) to get a cd menu to install using the precise desktop images today16:07
charlie-tcaI will wait until tomorrow to file the bugs on this, since I need to check them on hardware yet.16:09
olbiI have question, how much time it takes to updates on system, current fixed translations on site16:09
olbiI have beed translated Xfce Orage16:10
charlie-tcaUntil the translations are merged to Orage and then synced to Debian and Ubuntu16:10
olbido you have some orientations of how much takes recently?16:11
charlie-tcaI don't have, no. 16:11
charlie-tcaFirst thing that happens is Xfce publishes the new version with the translations, then we can get that version.16:12
scott-workmicahg: you told me previously you use a term in the changelog for the release when it hasn't been released for a particular version17:54
scott-workmicahg: i believe you use 'UNRELEASED' for this term17:55
micahgscott-work: yes17:55
scott-workby the way, i am back into updating the ubuntu studio theme-ui rebasing on xubuntu work again17:55
scott-workalthough i have now parsing the xubuntu code into ubuntu studio's current packages17:55
scott-worki have three packages already done, probably don't need to touch the others currently17:55
scott-worki plan to start test building tonight, then file the bug report, add the LP: # to the changelogs and push to bzr17:56
scott-workalso update the seeds accordingly17:56
micahgScottL: I'm heading out now, but will be back later17:57
scott-workno problem :)17:57
scott-workknome: did you still need to talk to me?18:00
knomei think i need guidance on where to head with the US website18:00
scott-worki'm hoping to make a major push on the website this weekend given the email from rt@ubuntu18:00
scott-workoh, we were also talking business cards at one point as well18:00
knomeyeah, that was actually why i was after you!18:00
knomejust a sec18:00
knomewell thought :))18:01
scott-workoh....good :)18:01
knomewhere are you at regarding the ubiquity "installation sets"? i heard stgraber was doing some modifications to the installer and he said he'll get back to you after that18:02
scott-workknome: we haven't started, a few people mentioned they might do it but haven't yet18:02
scott-worki suppose after i get the ubuntu studio theme-ui transition pushed to bzr and the website (mostly) done i'll push into the seeds/ubiquity then18:03
scott-workmy goal is to have this done in time for A2 which means i hope to start next week on it18:03
astraljavaUmm... what is that mail from Killian Picard about?18:14
Unit193Re: Microsoft & Apple software18:14
Unit193That's my best guess18:14
knomeastraljava, probably a bit mental guy18:15
knomeastraljava, and this time i don't mean you18:15
knomescott-work, are you online later?18:22
scott-workknome: yes, i'll be in and out throught the following 4.5 hours at work18:27
knomescott-work, ok, i'll get back to you once i'm back myself :)18:27
baizonhmm a quick question... Firefox 10 will be a LTS. Will xubuntu use the normal versions, or will you stick with the LTS version?19:21
scott-workdid xubuntu ask for the full 5 year LTS term?20:14
Unit193No, 320:15
scott-workthank you Unit193 20:16
Unit193Yes sir!20:17
knomescott-work, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Precise/LTSCyclePlan20:24
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