Cheri703 | | 00:43 |
jrgifford | lol... | 01:56 |
jrgifford | canthus13: oh ok. | 01:56 |
Unit193 | I'd have to agree... | 02:01 |
Unit193 | He just knows more from personal | 02:01 |
canthus13 | Unit193: Just one server right now. Bob is handling everything -- shells, media, web... Titan was fried a while back. | 02:09 |
Unit193 | Eh, no fun. I still want to set ONE up and not just randomly stick it across several computers :/ | 02:10 |
* canthus13 had duties divided originally.. Media server, web/shell/mail server, and a tackling dummy for exploits. | 02:11 | |
jrgifford | way i set things up was something like this: | 02:27 |
jrgifford | VM host, VM1=media, VM2=web/shell, and then the ability to add VM3-5 if needed for other things. | 02:28 |
jrgifford | but now we're down to VM host and then VM1. | 02:28 |
canthus13 | jrgifford: I may do something like that with Xen when I get a better CPU and more RAM. | 02:29 |
Unit193 | ^^ | 02:29 |
jrgifford | canthus13: i just run everything off 128MB or 512 of RAM, its not like Ubuntu server needs a *lot*... | 02:33 |
jrgifford | ssh, screen and a http server? | 02:33 |
Unit193 | Debian.... | 02:33 |
jrgifford | well, straight debian might be easier. :) | 02:33 |
canthus13 | jrgifford: My machine right now has a 3ghz proc and 1GB ram. It'll support a 6 core AMD CPU and 8 GB... | 02:34 |
canthus13 | But yeah, SSH/screen/irssi for several people, http, NFS, mail... | 02:34 |
canthus13 | ...and maybe DVL when/if it ever rereleases, just for fun. And then maybe Win 2k8 server as a tackling dummy. | 02:35 |
jrgifford | oh, if you start doing that yeah i could see that getting rather heavy on the CPU and RAM. | 02:35 |
Cheri703 | I'm contemplating combining my stuff onto one server, I think it will have to wait until a. I get another/bigger hdd, and a nice large monitor | 02:56 |
* canthus13 has one monitor for his servers... no KVM, even. he doesn't really need one. once they're up and running, they rarely need console access. | 02:57 | |
Cheri703 | well, I have my media/storage/whatever server, and then my heavier duty/more powerful computer that I use for specific things. I want to get a nice 30ish inch monitor to use as a tv, and then I can also use it when needing the quad-core for stuff (and yes, that is heavy duty in my household) | 02:58 |
Cheri703 | want one of these with a 30" monitor: | 03:00 |
Cheri703 | holds up to 30lbs | 03:00 |
jrgifford | paultag: slow down with the github following man! | 19:37 |
jrgifford | i check for the first time in a few days, and the entire front page is YOU. :D | 19:37 |
paultag | jrgifford: hey man, that was you for a while | 19:39 |
paultag | jrgifford: also, those are all my new coworkers :) | 19:39 |
paultag | jrgifford: also, screenshot or it never happened :) | 19:39 |
jrgifford | haha, i know, one good turn deserves another. ;) | 19:40 |
* jrgifford takes screenshot | 19:41 | |
jrgifford | oh, its only 2/3rds... | 19:41 |
jrgifford | close enough. :D | 19:41 |
paultag | :) | 19:41 |
jrgifford | and :) | 19:44 |
paultag | jrgifford: hahaha! | 19:45 |
paultag | :) | 19:45 |
thafreak | | 21:23 |
Cheri703 | Unit193: still home? | 22:15 |
Unit193 | Yeah, can't really get there :/ | 22:17 |
Unit193 | There is someone else there I hope? | 22:17 |
Cheri703 | no worries, I'm here eating, then will go run errands, so no issue either way | 22:18 |
Unit193 | Eh, I guess. Still a bummer either way | 22:19 |
Cheri703 | it would be, but I got my super yummy sandwich, so happy tummy :) | 22:20 |
Unit193 | Heh, have fun eating that : D | 22:21 |
canthus13 | wow. Oneiric has serious wireless issues. :/ | 23:26 |
canthus13 | It's freezing every few seconds for 2 or 3 seconds at a time. | 23:27 |
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