
jelmerhi Noldorin_00:15
Noldorin_what's new? :-)00:16
jelmernot much, how are you?00:24
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mgzvila: did bug 905361 get merged up?10:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 905361 in Bazaar 2.4 "bzrlib.errors.IllegalUseOfScopeReplacer: ScopeReplacer object 'StringIO'" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90536110:02
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vilamgz: meh, no idea :-/10:14
mgzyou marked it Fix Released, so assumed you knew :)10:16
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pooliejames_w, vila, i propose to just cut out the problematic openldap package with https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/udd/877827-blacklist/+merge/8834811:18
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hrwbug 904963 again11:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 904963 in bzr-git (Ubuntu) "unknown command "commit"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90496311:56
hrwthis time with extras: bzrlib.errors.NoSuchFile: No such file: 'lib64gfortran3.symbo-20110107033252-hpy57fuld7pki3s5-113'11:56
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jmlis there a way to look at a diff and get the net number of lines added?13:26
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Noldorinhow do i commit only selected files in bzr?14:18
Noldorinexclude is commit -x14:18
Noldorinbut what about include?14:18
ccxCZbzr ci file1 file214:19
NoldorinccxCZ: oh, simply arguments heh. thanks14:23
smrlnGood morning, noob bzr question I couldn't find(understand) answer to in bzr help.  When I'm working in branch, and I want to push it to another server for safe keeping, I use bzr push bzr+ssh, and everything works smoothly, except in that location all I have is the .bzr dir, Is there a push command to include the files themselves?14:26
ccxCZnot easilly, you have to invoke bzr up on the remote side14:28
ccxCZthere is a plugin that does that automatically (requires second ssh login, which doesn't matter if you have keys)14:29
ccxCZwell, it's easy, but it's not as flexible as hooks14:29
smrlnSo maybe, if I'm not actually working on the branch in the other location, I shouldn't use bzr to back it up to that location?14:30
ccxCZbzr co if that branch doesn't have working tree yet14:30
ccxCZsmrln: the .bzr contains all the history, the files are there only when you want to edit them (it's called working tree)14:30
ccxCZso if you only push/pull to that location, not edit there, you don't really need the files there14:31
smrlnInteresting, but if I lost everything, and all I had was that working tree with no files, I could create them from the working tree?14:32
ccxCZyou mean create working-tree from branch (that's stored inside .bzr)? bzr checkout does that14:33
smrlngreat, thanks so much for your help, I understand now14:33
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hrw'bzr dailydeb' should have --run-in-pbuilder option16:55
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xnoxI have a branch on launchpad in 'Bazaar development format - group compression and chk inventory (needs bzr.dev from 1.14)'. How can I branch it / upgrade it? (upgrade on launchpad fails, branching to local fails with UnknownFormatError)19:05
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KombuchaKipIs anyone else finding the nautilus integration slow?23:27
jelmerKombuchaKip: which nautilus integration are you using? the nautilus3 one?23:47
KombuchaKipjelmer: Nautilus2 :(23:48
KombuchaKipjelmer: Or is performance improved with Nuatilus 3?23:48
jelmerKombuchaKip: it should be a bit better with nautilus 323:49
KombuchaKipjelmer: Glad to hear. I'm still running Maverick, unfortunately. :(23:49

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